UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /16 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:23] <MythbuntuGuest16> i noticed there was a ir transmitter setup in the 8.04 installation, does this mean that i shouldnt have to set up a channel change script?
[00:44] <MythbuntuGuest16> anyone around?
[02:55] <michael__> anyone here have VFD display wiht antec fusion?
[03:26] <slestak> is the repo packages.medibuntu.org the weekly svn build? im troubleshooting a mythvideo "symbol not found" error after upgrading to 21 through gutsy backports.
[03:28] <BobSlob> so sirs... any idea why i'm getting the "display server has shutdown 6 times in the last 90 seconds" error?
[03:31] <tgm4883_laptop> slestak, no
[03:31] <tgm4883_laptop> that would be the medibuntu repo
[03:32] <slestak> i see a forum thread that looks like the guy did a dist-upgrade to "fix" the issue. dont really want to go up to hardy yet.
[03:37] <BobSlob> weird thing is, i've booted off the disc earlier today
[03:58] <BobSlob> okay... i tried the new hardy based install... it works but now i cant do any updates.. getting 404 errors
[04:21] <tuvook> anyone with a link for stream mythtv via the web
[04:21] <tuvook> I can't seem to remember the port myth runs on
[04:30] <tuvook> nvrmind :)
[04:31] <tuvook> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MythWeb_ssh_tunnel_howto
=== Ozymandias2 is now known as Ozymandias
[10:22] <Nikas> where do i find the digestfile that stores the password for mythweb in mythbuntu?
[10:24] <Nikas> .../etc/apache2/httpd-passwords does not exist.. so, where is it?
[10:24] <Nikas> found /etc/mythtv/mythweb-digest
[10:30] <Nikas> did not work to add user to that file :/
[10:36] <Nikas> or.. i can find the user in the file but i cant use the username and password with mythweb :/
[10:53] <jms1989_xp> What would be a good video capture card for linux. Ideally, it should support video4linux.
[11:28] <Iggle-Piggle> mythstream is broke since i upgraded to 0.21 is this easily fixed?
[11:38] <sokkaNET> I'm thinking about installing mythbuntu on a computer in my home network! Is it possible for a muthbunto installtion to join a domain ?
[12:44] * directhex awaits superm1
[14:24] <sokkka> I'm thinking about installing mythbuntu on a computer in my home network! Is it possible for a muthbunto installtion to join a domain ?
[14:24] <sokkka> :)
[15:19] <tuvook> why not?
[15:41] <pdragon> where are the settings to control when the screen turns off? after i updated recently, I've been having to move my mouse or hit a key for the screen to come up
[15:41] <pdragon> it's not the screen saver. i have that turned off
[15:48] <Sartschent> hi
[15:49] <Sartschent> does anyone know how i can get TV-Out working on my ATI Rage 123 AGP? it work while booting, but as soon as the MythTv frontend starts my TV turns dark
[15:49] <Sartschent> ATI Rage 128 AGP that is...
[15:50] <tuvook> have you tried the setup?
[15:50] <Sartschent> oh and I am running Mythbuntu 7.10...
[15:51] <tuvook> do you have a webcam connected?
[15:52] <Sartschent> under propirietary drivers->launch xorg.conf? it defaults to Mach8, Mach16...... changing to Rage 128 doesn't help
[15:52] <Sartschent> no webcam
[15:53] <tuvook> how about mythtv-setup since thats what we are discussing?
[15:55] <Sartschent> where in myth-tv setup? all I found was under utilities/setup->setup->mythbuntu
[16:01] <tuvook> I suggest a little more reading
[16:07] <Sartschent> trust, me, I wouldn't be here if I hadn't done lot's of reading...
[16:19] <directhex> proprietary drivers for a pre-radeon card? not happening
[16:22] <retarded> What Tv Shows Are On Sunday Be Avalavle To Download Online later tonight? for example desperate housewives
[16:22] <Sartschent> hmm, so there is pretty much no chance to get tv-out working with a rage 128? a gforce2mx should work better though, right?
[16:48] <directhex> Sartschent, yes, but video quality on pre-geforce5 cards on tv-out is crap
[16:53] <Sartschent> ok, thx directhex. I just wanted to see if MythTv is what I am looking for, so crappy TV-Out will be enough for now :)
[16:59] <protonchris> directhex: you don't happen to have a recommendation of video card with good quality tv-out?
[17:09] <pdragon> the geforce 5000 series cards work fine
[17:09] <pdragon> any of the low end current geforce cards with an svideo out will work too
[17:10] <pdragon> can even spend a little more and get component out
[17:12] <protonchris> pdragon: thanks. Maybe some day, I'll have a hd tv and I can just use dvi->hdmi :)
[17:46] <lime4x4> odd problem with the hardy version and network.I have 1 hardwired ethernet card and 1 wireless card but yet network manager is saying i have 2 hardwired ethernet connection eth0 and eth1 and it's showing my wireless card as wired and it keeps renaming it
[19:10] <asmythe> hello I am a new user to mythtv
[19:15] <JThundley> welcome to the club
[20:06] <tgm4883_laptop> asmythe, was there a question that you had?
[20:07] <JThundley> I've got a question that should be easy to answer if you're itching for one
[20:07] <JThundley> how can I make my fast forward, rewind, play/pause buttons on my remote NOT navigate the menu?
[20:08] <JThundley> I have the same system set up on mythbuntu that I did on my old mythtv installation, where hitting certain keys spawns mplayer processes for me
[20:08] <JThundley> the problem is when I fast forward and rewind the new mplayer video, it takes me back and fourth through the menus and sometimes even starts playing tv shows in the background or messing with settings
[20:11] <a1fa> i am tempted to hose my mythtv box and install ubuntu-mythtv ;P
[20:11] <a1fa> talk me out of it
[20:12] <tgm4883_laptop> a1fa, what is your current mythtv box running?
[20:12] <a1fa> debian
[20:12] <a1fa> unstable
[20:13] <a1fa> i am sitck and tired of updating it
[20:13] <a1fa> everytime i have to update something, something brakes
[20:13] <a1fa> breaks
[20:13] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[20:13] <tgm4883_laptop> JThundley, that is odd
[20:13] <a1fa> i got a 512 mb flash drive.. anyway to install myth-fronted with a 512 mb flash drive?
[20:13] <tgm4883_laptop> a1fa, i'd say upgrade, or wait until the end of april and upgrade
[20:14] <a1fa> i may have to wait for 8.04
[20:14] <a1fa> its almost out
[20:14] <tgm4883_laptop> a1fa, yes, although i'm not entirely sure how, i do know someone was working on it
[20:14] <a1fa> anyway to get mythbuntu fronted to install with flash drive?
[20:16] <tgm4883_laptop> a1fa, i'm checking to find out who was doing it
[20:16] <tgm4883_laptop> although i'm guessing that 512mb might be pushing it
[20:17] <tgm4883_laptop> a1fa, there is also the netboot option
[20:19] <HeMan> Hi! Was there any update to weekly build to day?
[20:20] <tgm4883_laptop> HeMan, trunk or stable?
[20:20] <HeMan> stable
[20:21] <HeMan> ah! just read the 0.21 releas info
[20:21] <HeMan> I have the backports to gutsy
[20:21] <tgm4883_laptop> ah, well the backports are only going to get .21 release
[20:21] <tgm4883_laptop> and there will be no more weekly builds for gutsy
[20:22] <JThundley> a1fa: mythbuntu is great dude
[20:22] <JThundley> I've never had anything break after an update
[20:22] <HeMan> do backports get updated?
[20:22] <JThundley> and it had ivtv and my remote working out of the box
[20:23] <tgm4883_laptop> HeMan, they only get what are deemed important. ie, they got .21, but they won't get .21-fixes
[20:24] <HeMan> tgm4883_laptop: ok
[20:24] <HeMan> is there any .21-fixes repository?
[20:24] <tgm4883_laptop> HeMan, not for gutsy
[20:25] <tgm4883_laptop> is there something important that you need from it?
[20:25] <HeMan> i'm having some stability problems when watching DVB-content in HD
[20:26] <HeMan> and my first step is usually update
[20:26] <tgm4883_laptop> is there a specific fix that you can reference for this?
[20:26] <superm1_> HeMan, especially has that fix been added to -fixes branch
[20:27] <HeMan> tgm4883_laptop: no, I haven't looked at it that seriously yet
[20:28] <HeMan> I found one problem with a theme that made mythmusic crash, but I just changed theme
[20:28] <HeMan> hmm, just realised that I haven't tried HD since changing the theme
[20:28] <superm1_> the themes packages (all of juski's and such) should all be backported sometime this week
[20:28] <superm1_> so if it was one of those, that should improve
[20:29] <HeMan> it works after changing the theme
[20:32] <superm1_> what theme was broke?
[20:38] <HeMan> neon-wide
[20:41] <HeMan> i guess i should disable the mythbunth repo since I have gutsy-backports?
[20:41] <superm1_> yeah that's been updated in hardy and is coming in the backport this week
[20:41] <superm1_> HeMan, yeah
[20:42] <HeMan> I'll remove the mythtv-additional-themes package to
[20:50] <tyce> I'm trying to install using the 7.10 disk and when it boots up gdm/gnome the instructions in the middle show up telling you to double click install mythtv, but the rest of it doesn't, so there isn't any icons for me to double click and get the install going. anyone know how to fix that?
[20:54] <tgm4883_laptop> tyce, are you getting the menu bar and such?
[21:05] <tyce> no
[21:05] <tyce> just a mouse cursor, the xfce/myth logo and the instructions
[21:06] <tyce> and if I try the safe graphics options, my monitor goes into power off stanby mode
[21:06] <tyce> is there a way to install via the command prompt?
[21:07] <tgm4883_laptop> gutsy or hardy?
[21:08] <tyce> gutsy (7.10)
[21:08] <tyce> is the install disk for hardy far enough along I should just use that instead?
[21:09] <tgm4883_laptop> many of us are using hardy, and did install using the alpha disks, but only you can make that decision
[21:09] <tyce> willing to give anything a shot at this pont
[21:09] <tyce> *point
[21:09] <tyce> do you have a link for where I can grab the ISO?
[21:10] <tgm4883_laptop> www.mythbuntu.org/hardyalpha4
[21:10] <tyce> not seeing it in the main download section
[21:10] <tyce> thanks
[21:12] <tyce> oh nice, you can get it without the live crap.. sweet.
[21:13] <tyce> guess I'll go kill an hour while that downloads.... thanks for the heads up!
[21:13] <tgm4883_laptop> yes
[21:13] <tgm4883_laptop> also
[21:13] <tyce> ?
[21:13] <tgm4883_laptop> you can also have only the installer load up in the live env
[21:13] <tgm4883_laptop> which, IMO, is better than the alt cd and live disk
[21:15] <tyce> yeah, wish I could do that now with the gutsy disk
[21:19] <superm1_> hopefully those alternate disks work properly. i was just testing the amd64 one, and things weren't going as expected -
[21:55] <MythbuntuGuest42> Hello, everyone! Was hoping someone can help a newbie out. Needing to configure a Firefly mini remote - having hangups on wiki instruction... Can someone help me out.
[21:59] <sslashes> i'm jumping into the 8.04 alpha, but i'm getting hung up on the install (using the alt. install cd) - the partitioner sees all my disks, but shows their address (for all of them) as (0,0,0) except for the one non-sata drive
[21:59] <sslashes> any ideas?
[22:00] <sslashes> also, the partitioner can partition the drives fine, but when it comes to mouting them it always fails
[22:01] <superm1_> sslashes, that may be a bug with the alternate install cd (unfortunately)
[22:01] <superm1_> did you grab the amd64 or the i386 one?
[22:01] <sslashes> heh, i tried both =)
[22:02] <superm1_> sslashes, okay well one more thing to try before some deeper investigation is necessary..
[22:02] <superm1_> can you grab the latest from cdimages.ubuntu.com?
[22:02] <superm1_> those are generated every day, so if it was a transient bug - should be fine there
[22:02] <sslashes> yeah, i'll give it a try
[22:04] <sslashes> btw - why os xfs the only fs option?
[22:04] <sslashes> *is
[22:08] <superm1_> that probably is where the bug is :)
[22:08] <superm1_> we should pull out those alternate builds from the announcement i fear.
[22:09] <superm1_> it looks like they were broken across the board. i only tested the daily the day before :(
[22:26] <sslashes> superm1_: the latest alt. cd exhibits the same issue for me
[22:26] <superm1_> sslashes, ooh that's really not good then
[22:26] <superm1_> i wonder what could have changed with it
[22:27] <superm1_> sslashes, i'll investigate then
[22:27] <sslashes> also, the mythbuntu desktop release doesn't let me change the menu options on the boot menu
[22:27] <superm1_> sslashes, in the interim, you may be interested in a "ubiquity only" install
[22:27] <superm1_> that doesnt open up the gui
[22:27] <superm1_> it just boots right into ubiquity
[22:27] <superm1_> if you hit f6 you get that option to change things
[22:27] <superm1_> you should still be able to
[22:28] <directhex> superm1_, any chance of including a changeset?
[22:28] <superm1_> directhex, sure
[22:28] <superm1_> what changeset
[22:28] <rhpot1991> anyone happen to have an antec fusion in here?
[22:28] <superm1_> and more importantly why :)
[22:28] <directhex> 16577 - fixes assorted upnp behaviour, especially accessing mythvideo videos from a ps3
[22:29] <rhpot1991> directhex: hack us a patch to include the recordings dir in upnp while you are at it :)
[22:30] <directhex> rhpot1991, it's not my patch. and recordings access on the ps3 is busted due to some kind of MIME issue, iirc
[22:30] <rhpot1991> superm1_: if irw is saying connection refused, and nothing looks bad in dmesg, then it has to be the wrong module, right?
[22:30] <javatexan> can you look at the cable schedules without the firewire actually hooked up? I am able to do a filldb, but I still cant see the schedule in the guide, I guess because I don't have a working input just yet..... is there an alternate way to look at the schedules for a channel?
[22:31] <superm1_> directhex, yeah tgm4883 was wanting me to put that in too
[22:32] <superm1_> directhex, so i guess why not
[22:32] <superm1_> as soon as laga's patch is ready i'm going to do another big upload
[22:32] <superm1_> so i'll add it then
[22:32] <superm1_> rhpot1991, so here's what's probably appening
[22:32] <superm1_> check what lirc_* modules are loaded
[22:32] <superm1_> they are probably getting loaded in a funky order
[22:32] <superm1_> or you have modules you aren't expecting loaded
[22:33] * rhpot1991 is spoiled by his hauppauge cards working too easily
[22:33] <superm1_> well see this is why people who have newer swankier hardware need to help make it easier to use
[22:34] <rhpot1991> superm1_: lirc_imon, lirc_dev, usbcore
[22:34] <rhpot1991> in that order
[22:34] <rhpot1991> when I greped lirc
[22:34] <superm1_> rhpot1991, okay so that's not the issue then
[22:34] <superm1_> so is lircd running?
[22:34] <rhpot1991> dunno whats up with this 2nd line, appears to have other modules
[22:34] <directhex> superm1_, excellent :)
[22:35] <superm1_> directhex, any other magic you'd like to see? This will probably be the last upload for hardy unless anything pressing shows up
[22:36] <directhex> superm1_, not that i can think of. all the cool stuff like opengl is already included. though it's unfortunate that the gl renderer is broken with 169.x drivers
[22:37] <rhpot1991> ps aux |grep lirc, should show it, right?
[22:37] <superm1_> rhpot1991, yeah it should
[22:37] <rhpot1991> its not
[22:37] <superm1_> okay then do this
[22:37] <rhpot1991> even after I started it
[22:37] <superm1_> sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart
[22:37] <superm1_> is that how you started it?
[22:37] <rhpot1991> s/restart/start
[22:38] <superm1_> do it with restart
[22:38] <superm1_> in case there is a stale pid
[22:38] <rhpot1991> restart spawned something
[22:38] <rhpot1991> my irw is just quitting now
[22:39] <superm1_> okay so once it starts and you see it on the process list, copy the entire command its using to start it
[22:39] <superm1_> and look what user its being started as
[22:40] <superm1_> what you will want to do is use that exact command line with the switch to not daemonize
[22:40] <rhpot1991> looks like irw is killing it
[22:41] <rhpot1991> that command doesn't return anything, just throws me to the next command prompt
[22:41] <rhpot1991> I wonder if the device is wrong
[22:42] <superm1_> well so lets see /etc/lirc/hardware.conf then
[22:42] <superm1_> and /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
[22:42] <superm1_> in a pastebin or two
[22:42] <rhpot1991> ok give me a min
[22:44] <MythbuntuGuest80> When installing via Manual format does Mythbuntu delete contents of existing partitions?
[22:45] <rhpot1991> MythbuntuGuest80: only if you tell it to
[22:47] <MythbuntuGuest80> so if i have mythbuntu 7.1 installed and try to install 8.04 over the top and tell it to install my existing / parition and check the format box but leave the format button unchecked on my other paritions it should be ok?
[22:48] <superm1_> MythbuntuGuest80, that's a different case
[22:48] <superm1_> when you assign it to /
[22:48] <superm1_> if has to format the existing contents
[22:49] <superm1_> coming from 7.10, you are better off just upgrading
[22:49] <superm1_> sudo update-manager -d will do it
[22:52] <MythbuntuGuest80> i do not mind it formating / it it my media partition i want to keep? this will mean i can setup with 8.04 and only apply the fixes i need to get it back working on my hardware - hopefully most of the problems will be solved with the new version of Ubuntu?
[22:55] <superm1_> well you get the same fixes by upgrading
[22:55] <superm1_> that's why i'm saying formating isn't necessarily the best solution
[22:59] <MythbuntuGuest80> i think i will just upgrade and hope all the things i have changed to get 7.1 working are still needed in 8.04. should i be doing a "-c -d" or just a "-d"?
[23:01] <rhpot1991> superm1_: I'm wondering if I didn't hook something up right, lsusb doesn't show me anything
[23:09] <lime4x4> i have an avi file that plays find on my computer but yet when i play it thru mythtv the audio is off
[23:10] <superm1_> rhpot1991, is it a usb device?
[23:10] <superm1_> or what?
[23:11] <rhpot1991> ya
[23:11] <rhpot1991> has some fancy adapter to plug it into your board
[23:11] <rhpot1991> gonna try to plug it right into a port and see what happens
[23:11] <superm1_> okay
[23:14] <rhpot1991> nothign :(
[23:14] <rhpot1991> hope its not busted
[23:27] <sokkka> I'm thinking about installing mythbuntu on a computer in my home network! Is it possible for a muthbunto installtion to join a domain ?
[23:28] <superm1_> sokkka, yeah it is
[23:28] <superm1_> as for a 'howto', any of the ubuntu howto's for it are applicable
[23:29] <sokkka> okay
[23:29] <sokkka> cool
[23:29] <sokkka> then I'll set it to download, and look at it tomorrow
[23:30] <superm1_> there probably isn't much usage in actually having it as part of the domain though i'd suspect
[23:30] <superm1_> just setting the workgroup to the same name as the domain would probably suffice
[23:49] <rhpot1991> superm1_: I think I am getting somewhere, got it to show up as /dev/lirc0, cat /dev/lirc0 shows junk on screen when I button press, but irw doesn't do anything yet
[23:49] <superm1_> then you need a nicer lircd.conf probably
[23:49] <superm1_> you said there are like 6 avail
[23:50] <rhpot1991> well part of the problem is that its an imon receiver that is supposed to work with mce remotes
[23:50] <rhpot1991> so I'm not entirely sure which to choose
[23:50] <rhpot1991> and antec doesn't tell you squat about it
[23:50] <superm1_> do you have a mce remote?
[23:50] <rhpot1991> ya
[23:50] <rhpot1991> m$ 1039
[23:51] <rhpot1991> I have a usb dongle here for it as well, but I'd rather not use that
[23:51] <superm1_> okay well so then you need the mceusb lircd.conf
[23:51] <superm1_> just modify /etc/lirc/lircd.conf to include that one instead
[23:52] <rhpot1991> thats what I was thinking
[23:52] <rhpot1991> wanted to try out the mce ones to see if they worked nice first though
[23:53] <superm1_> well it's a simple one line change :)
[23:59] <rhpot1991> no go
[23:59] <rhpot1991> mceusb is the only choice there right?