UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /12 /#ubuntu-marketing.txt
Initial commit
=== yama` is now known as yama
[10:39] <katkin> popey: ping
[10:40] <popey> katkin: pong
[10:41] <katkin> popey: how are things?
[10:41] <popey> katkin: up and down :)
[10:41] <popey> katkin: i seriously need to get that stand back to you! :(
[10:41] <popey> I am really sorry
[10:41] <katkin> popey: things are a bit mad here in the run up to 8.04 - but very exciting too, esp as it is my first LTS release
[10:41] <popey> excellent
[10:42] <katkin> popey: ah yes, the stand, we need it quite urgently for an event
[10:42] <katkin> popey: could you get it back to me by the end of the week at the latest?
[10:42] <popey> katkin: hmm, let me make a call - I am currently working away from home at the moment
[10:43] <katkin> popey: ok, when will you be back?
[10:43] <popey> the weekend
[10:44] <juliux> hey katkin
[10:44] <juliux> katkin, can you send out some cds for an ubuntu marketing event at the university of hamburg?
[10:44] <katkin> ok, well if you're able to send it back on Monday, that is manageable too
[10:45] <katkin> popey: just shout if you need us to help arrange for a courier to pick it up
[10:45] <katkin> popey: I have someone here who can arrange that easily
[10:46] <katkin> popey: we really need it back asap though, we've been without it since September and a couple of events have already passed that we needed it for
[10:46] <katkin> juliux: a few questions, have you put the request through Ship It? When is the event? How many CDs would you be looking for?
[10:47] <juliux> katkin, not yet in shipit, the event is at the 26.3 200 cds are fine
[10:48] <popey> katkin: it was last used by bracknell LUG, have asked them (Alan Cocks) to drop it off at my place and we can get a courier to pick up from there?
[10:48] <katkin> ok, ideally all CD requests for events should go through ship it
[10:49] <katkin> popey: OK sure, I will get my colleague Cezzaine to contact you to arrange for a courier to pick it up from you on Monday then
[10:49] <katkin> juliux: would server CDs be any use to you?
[10:49] <popey> katkin: ok, apologies for having it so long and being generally crap
[10:50] <juliux> katkin, i think for that event are normal cds better
[10:50] <katkin> popey: no worries
[10:50] <juliux> katkin, i will open a request at shipit
[10:50] <juliux> katkin, i hoped you can fast up the approvement;)
[10:51] <katkin> juliux: ok, please can you give me a contact name, phone number and address of where they need to be delivered to and I will see what I can do
[10:51] <juliux> katkin, i will send you an mail
[10:51] <katkin> juliux: ok, so you need them to arrive on or before 26th March?
[10:51] <juliux> yep
[10:52] <juliux> the university of hamburg ask us on cebit
[10:52] <katkin> ok
[11:11] <popey> katkin: have you seen http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ ?
[11:11] <popey> katkin: or does your sound card still not work? :(
[11:12] <katkin> popey: nope I haven't seen it yet, but yes my sound card works now :)
[11:13] <popey> yay, you can listen then :)
[11:13] <popey> be interested to know what you guys think
[11:14] <katkin> popey: sure, I'll do my best when I get the time. . . . ;)
[11:41] <juliux> katkin, i can´ t open a request on shipit, the fields for the address are to small
[11:41] <juliux> i can´ t add the whole name
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux