UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <beautifulsnow> Alright this is going to be fun... I only have a ntfs external drive, so I wonder if i can boot from ubuntu live cd and format my hard drive with a /home, then copy from my home to the new /home >_> then format root, then install ubuntu-server + apps
[00:01] <beautifulsnow> Format the ext3 linux drive where I have ubuntu that is :P
[00:03] <ere4si> any usb sticks you can use beautifulsnow ?
[00:03] <beautifulsnow> you mean, to transfer my /home to ?
[00:03] <ere4si> yep
[00:03] <beautifulsnow> Wont that erase file permissions?
[00:03] <ere4si> easier then the ntfs external
[00:04] <ere4si> it's your /home
[00:08] <beautifulsnow> Mmm I have a ntfs external usb, unfortunately I can't/dont want to format it to ext3, so no go there :'(
[00:10] <ere4si> beautifulsnow, you can save to that then install ntfs-3g to recover later
[00:10] <beautifulsnow> About the hardware detection thing on #ubuntu: when I install Kubuntu, my keyboard media keys and the mouse media keys don't work, wireless doens't work. On Ubuntu install it's 100% perfect though.
[00:11] <ere4si> k - I never have the h/ware issues others have so am always confident - might need to research somemore before you leap then
[00:11] <beautifulsnow> Oh okay, I was thinking that ntfs file system would strip away my home folder user permissions, but if you say its ok, i'll give it a shot :-)
[00:11] <beautifulsnow> Right, I'm one of those lucky people too :P
[00:14] <ere4si> you seem to not have the file permissions right - if you copy a file into your /home from an external source you own - doesn't matter where it came from beautifulsnow
[00:14] <ere4si> *own it
[00:15] <beautifulsnow> mmm youre probably right. I was working over ssh on my website yesterday, and created a folder & uploaded 2 files into it. On the web browser, I went to that location, and it said I didn't have permissions to see the image I had uploaded.
[00:16] <beautifulsnow> That probably messed up my sense of permissions ;p
[00:16] <ere4si> k :)
[00:16] <beautifulsnow> So I went to file properties, had to adjust them for the folder ;) Well Im giving this reinstall a try anyway ;) Thank you veerrrry much for the chat ! :P
[00:16] <ere4si> ssh to a website is diff to your local /home
[00:17] <ere4si> lots of luck :)
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[02:42] <acalbaza> hi, does anyone else experience random firefox crashing?
[02:43] <ere4si> mine goes ok - what are you doing when it crashes?
[02:43] <acalbaza> simple browsing... havent found a pattern yet. it just closes up, not error or anything.
[02:44] <beautifulsnow> ... it's been so long since I used a 'non user friendly' linux distro, that I completely forgot about ALT+CTRL+F1-F8 ...
[02:44] <ere4si> hehe
[03:53] <lol> eciadsl is anyone familiar with it??
[03:56] <Pharserror> anyone know how I would make my windows box able to see my ubuntu LAMP server?
[03:56] <Pharserror> all I've got is a command line from the server
[03:57] <ere4si> Pharserror, that sounds like you need samba installed
[03:57] <Pharserror> ere4si, ok I used apt-get to get it the other day and I changed the workgroup to the appropriate on in the smb.conf file
[03:58] <ere4si> Pharserror, samba is something I don't use - all I know is you have to set up a shared file/dir
[03:58] <zoredache> Pharserror: how are you looking for it? The windows 'network neighborhood' is stupid...
[03:59] <Pharserror> ere4si, I see. I'll have to look up a tut then s'pose
[03:59] <zoredache> once you setup samba try connecting to the server by UNC either \\ipaddress or \\servername
[03:59] <ere4si> Pharserror, zoredache ishere
[04:00] <ere4si> &is here
[04:00] <ere4si> **
[04:00] <Pharserror> ere4si, alright I'll give it a shot
[04:00] <ere4si> k
[04:00] <ere4si> ?
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[05:43] <Gokee2> Hello all I am having https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aumix/+bug/145805 on a new install xubuntu laptop. I ran apt-get update and apt-get install aumix to get the latest version but am still getting SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK. Any idea why this would be and how to fix it? Thanks
[05:43] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 145805 in aumix "aumix throws error aumix: SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK" [Medium,Fix committed]
[07:16] <dquestions> so anyone here use screen + centericq?
[07:44] <slider2800> Hi all
[07:46] <slider2800> umm... i've got a little problem with my GUI... it won't start... can someone help?
[07:46] <TheSheep> slider2800: any details?
[07:47] <slider2800> well.. the only thing i know is that i switched the GTK theme and then the panel dissappeared.. after i logged in again i've got no panel, no background, nothing...
[07:48] <slider2800> i can log in, the "brown" background color comes in, but thats all.. i can start apps with ALT+F2 ( so i'm in from xterm+irssi )
[07:51] <ere4si> was it the curve theme?
[07:51] <slider2800> curve theme? um... ???
[07:51] <slider2800> sorry i still count as a n00b...
[07:52] <slider2800> i set the UI theme to Xfce, then logged out, logged in.. still nothing
[07:53] <ere4si> type this and see if the panel restarts - pkill -USR1 xfce4-panel
[07:54] <slider2800> no response
[07:54] <slider2800> nope.. does nothing
[07:55] <ere4si> does typing - startxfce4 - do anything?
[07:56] <slider2800> hmm
[07:56] <slider2800> X server already running on display :0.0
[07:56] <slider2800> screensaver already running
[07:57] <slider2800> another window manager is already running...
[07:57] <ere4si> k
[07:58] <ere4si> did you install another wm ?
[07:58] <slider2800> pretty damn strange. never had anything like this before... though its the first time i installed Gutsy on my (pretty old) Compaq Deskpro
[07:58] <slider2800> nope.
[07:58] <ere4si> what was the theme name?
[07:58] <slider2800> just installed the whole system yesterday from an alternate-install cd
[07:58] <slider2800> one sec
[07:58] <ere4si> k
[07:59] <H> hi guys, could anyone help with a wireless issue?
[07:59] <H> an*
[07:59] <slider2800> theme : Innocent
[07:59] <ere4si> k brb
[07:59] <slider2800> k.
[07:59] <slider2800> whoops. wait. thats the one for xfwm
[07:59] <slider2800> GTK is Clearloox
[08:00] <slider2800> ks*
[08:00] <H> i think my xubuntu keeps on crashing when i try to connect to a wireless network...the caps lock keeps on flashing and i cant move the mouse....
[08:01] <H> emhh..could anyone help me with that issue?
[08:02] <slider2800> um... i'm not a pro on that either but do you have drivers installed for your wi-fi card?
[08:02] <H> yea
[08:03] <slider2800> well. i dunno. is the card supported properly?
[08:03] <H> yeah..i found my router and when i try to connect it, it just freezes..the caps lock keeps on flashing...kinda weird
[08:03] <LeAstrale> H: could you post the output of lsusb on pastebin ?
[08:03] <slider2800> that IS strange...
[08:04] <H> emhh..sure..if you could tell me how to do that..i'm unfamiliar with linux..to be honest..
[08:04] <slider2800> fire up a terminal... type lsusb
[08:04] <H> ight
[08:05] <H> Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
[08:05] <H> that's what it says
[08:06] <LeAstrale> hmm
[08:06] <slider2800> so no usb device is connected, right? .. btw i don't get it how that is related to the wlan stuff
[08:06] <LeAstrale> then try lspci
[08:06] <H> yeah i use a wireless card
[08:06] <H> on my laptop
[08:06] <slider2800> is it built in or a PCIMCIA card?
[08:06] <LeAstrale> slider2800: just my head kicking in (i just stood out of bed) i have USB wifi... thats why i thought lsus first
[08:07] <LeAstrale> H: go to terminal and write lspci
[08:07] <slider2800> oh okay then good morning for you :D
[08:07] <LeAstrale> and post the whole output on http://ubuntu.pastebin.com
[08:07] <H> haha okay thank you
[08:08] <LeAstrale> slider2800: thank you :)
[08:08] <slider2800> yw :D
[08:08] <slider2800> meanwhile i'm still trying to figure out how to fire up my GUI :P
[08:08] <LeAstrale> slider2800: new default install ?
[08:09] <slider2800> huh?
[08:09] <LeAstrale> slider2800: how long is it since you have installed it ?
[08:10] <slider2800> 12 hours
[08:10] <slider2800> ...coz i ran a dist-upgrade yesterday and it kinda killed the system.. died off in the middle
[08:10] <slider2800> from Feisty to Gutsy..
[08:10] <slider2800> so i burned myself a Gutsy alternate-install cd...
[08:10] <LeAstrale> slider2800: always do new installs, i have bad experience with dist upgrade
[08:11] <slider2800> got the whole stuff installed in around one and a half hours
[08:11] <LeAstrale> haven't you had GUI on the gutsy yet ?
[08:11] <slider2800> it was working well when i finished the install...
[08:11] <slider2800> just this morning i started to customize the look of it as suddenly the panel died off...
[08:11] <LeAstrale> hmm
[08:12] <LeAstrale> then i dont think i can solve this for you
[08:12] <slider2800> then i thought i log out, log in, and maybe thatll fix it.. but then i had no background either :P
[08:12] <LeAstrale> im mostly into Nvidia trouble and im pretty new to linux too
[08:12] <slider2800> its okay. i try to figure it out somehow
[08:13] <ere4si> slider2800, does typing xfce-panel do anything?
[08:13] <slider2800> heh. me too. however i've been using ubuntu since 2005, but very actively only for 5-6 months
[08:13] <slider2800> w00t. i"ve got my panel back.. tho it was the xfce4-panel command...
[08:14] <slider2800> hm. maybe i can fix it from here.
[08:15] <slider2800> lol. that was ass weird... but had similar troubles before on Feisty...
[08:15] <slider2800> in the Desktop Properties window, the 'Allow Xfce to manage the desktop' was unchecked
[08:15] <ere4si> it's back - great
[08:15] <slider2800> yea.
[08:15] <slider2800> thanks
[08:15] <ere4si> k
[08:16] <LeAstrale> thank god we have ere4si in here
[08:16] <slider2800> god? thank Linux :D
[08:16] <slider2800> um..
[08:16] <slider2800> Linus
[08:16] <LeAstrale> ere4si: im actually having a gentoo dev looking into my wifi trouble now :P
[08:16] <ere4si> hehe - hope he can help LeAstrale
[08:16] <slider2800> okay. i think its still too early here.
[08:16] <slider2800> yea. me too.
[08:17] <slider2800> i never had much luck with wireless under linux
[08:17] <ere4si> I've never bothered with it - cables are faster
[08:17] <slider2800> yea... and you can fall over them so nicely ( personal experience )
[08:17] <LeAstrale> ere4si: we have had that discussion :)
[08:17] <ere4si> :)
[08:18] <LeAstrale> however in 2-3 years im moving to a place with a 1gigabit fibre line
[08:18] <LeAstrale> :D
[08:18] <slider2800> sweet
[08:18] <ere4si> 1G will be nice
[08:18] <LeAstrale> i need some bigger raid however :P
[08:20] <H> okay...
[08:20] <H> done..took me some time to write all of it down
[08:20] <H> ^
[08:21] <slider2800> so is it fixed?
[08:21] <H> haha no..i just posted the whole output on ubuntu.pastebin.com
[08:21] <slider2800> oh okay.
[08:21] <ere4si> a link to the paste?
[08:21] <LeAstrale> :)
[08:22] <H> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4833caf
[08:22] <LeAstrale> normally i would fire up mousepad and make a txt document ;)
[08:22] <slider2800> okay. now that my interface is working. i think i go back to sleep XD its 9:22 in the morning...
[08:22] <H> :D
[08:23] <slider2800> thanks for the help
[08:23] <H> oh okay
[08:23] <H> so i suppose you are from germany
[08:23] <slider2800> nope. Hungary :D
[08:23] <LeAstrale> 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8180L 802.11b MA C (rev20)
[08:23] <slider2800> but i want to move to Germany this year
[08:23] <H> oh okay..around europe :=
[08:23] <LeAstrale> is your WIFI i suppose ?
[08:23] <H> yea
[08:23] <H> correct
[08:23] <LeAstrale> have you tried Ndiswrapper with the windows drivers ?
[08:23] <H> oh okay..germanys okay...but spain is warmer :)
[08:23] <LeAstrale> !ndiwswrapper
[08:23] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ndiwswrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[08:24] <H> yeah..that is what i am running it with
[08:24] <LeAstrale> !wireless
[08:24] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[08:24] <LeAstrale> H: you might want to try a different set of drivers the
[08:24] <LeAstrale> ndiswrapper has a wiki where you can check up which drivers are available
[08:24] <H> oh..yeah..but i cant remove the old ones on ndiswrapper
[08:24] <slider2800> k. i'm off... by all! and good luck with your wlan H...
[08:24] <H> it says access denied...
[08:24] <H> thanks :) have a good night!
[08:24] <H> or day :)
[08:25] <LeAstrale> sudo in front of it ?
[08:25] <slider2800> thx
[08:25] <slider2800> byeű
[08:25] <H> ciao!
[08:25] <LeAstrale> bye bye
[08:25] <H> mhh..i'll try it
[08:26] <H> oh it worked..hahah^...the deletion
[08:26] <H> i'll check out the wiki for any new drivers..thanks in advance
[08:27] <H> could you just help me with one more thing...because i have a second partition..but I cant gain access to it
[08:27] <H> it says i should change something in the fstab file..but I cant save my changes
[08:27] <H> do you know how i can save the changes..i mean..i have administre rights..but still
[08:28] <ere4si> H: you need to open the file with admin rights - open a terminal and type gksu mousepad /etc/fstab
[08:29] <H> oh okay :) thank you also for that
[08:29] <ere4si> be back in 30 min
[08:29] <LeAstrale> H: you have to access the fstab file from terminal with theses two in front: "sudo mousepad
[08:29] <LeAstrale> btw
[08:29] <H> oki doki :) thanks for your help
[08:29] <H> yes
[08:30] <LeAstrale> link is /etc/fstab
[08:30] <H> ight :)
[08:50] <LeAstrale> H: i have just read that your chio should be supported default in Kubuntu at least
[08:50] <H> oh okay...thank you..i am still at the wiki page..trying to find any additional information
[08:50] <H> i just dont know why i can find my router
[08:51] <H> but as soon as i try to connect i suppose it just freezes
[08:51] <H> since i cant move the mouse and the caps lock keeps on flashing
[08:51] <H> though i can open my cd drive
[08:52] <LeAstrale> cd drive might be strictly mechanical at that point
[08:53] <H> oh okay
[08:53] <H> i mean..i have removed the driver from ndiswrapper..and still seems to be recognized by the system..but it still freezes
[08:57] <LeAstrale> that might be because you haven't blacklisted the native driver?
[08:58] <H> mhh...that could also be a reason..but now that i have removed the driver from ndiswrapper the native should work at least? or not?
[08:59] <LeAstrale> H: the native driver could be malfunctioning for many reasons
[08:59] <LeAstrale> i suggest you find the name for it and banlist it
[08:59] <H> oh..okay..yea
[08:59] <LeAstrale> then try with ndis again
[08:59] <H> ight
[08:59] <H> thanks a lot for your help :=
[08:59] <H> :)
[10:01] <H> umhh..can anyone tell me how to install ".ko" files? It is a driver
[10:05] <H> umhh..can anyone tell me how to install ".ko" files? It is a driver
[10:05] <TheSheep> !repeat | H
[10:05] <ubotu> H: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience
[10:05] <TheSheep> !modules | H
[10:05] <ubotu> H: To compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel, for more info /msg ubotu kernel , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubotu blacklist
=== LeAstrale1 is now known as LeAstrale
[12:24] <lwithers_> hi, is there a way to change the default LANG setting? I tried LANG="C" in /etc/environment, but every time I reboot, something appends the line LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
[12:26] <TheSheep> lwithers_: select language on the login screen
[12:28] <lwithers_> it's a headless box :)
[12:43] <ere4si> Applications - system - language support - then set the default to what you want
[12:44] <ere4si> lwithers_,
=== ere4sli is now known as ere4si
[14:02] <thoht> hi
[14:02] <ere4si> !hi
[14:02] <ubotu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[14:03] <thoht> i m running xubuntu livecd currently and d'like to install it on hard disk but failed a 45% of the install
[14:03] <thoht> is there a way to run the install without the gui ?
[14:08] <ere4si> you need to d/load the alternate install cd for that thoht
[14:13] <thoht> ere4si: where ?
[14:13] <thoht> i m on a eeepc
[14:14] <ere4si> thoht: www.ubuntu.com - has the alternate listed with the normal desktop one
[14:20] <thoht> ere4si: but on the livecd there is an option to do a real install from it
[14:20] <thoht> with ubiquity installer
[14:22] <ere4si> thoht: I haven't used the live cd any other way except live and then installed
[14:24] <ere4si> thoht: was there an error message? - or was it seemingly hung at 45%?
[14:24] <thoht> ere4si: it said that there is an I/O error and suggest me to verify CDROM
[14:24] <thoht> (but there is no cdrom, the livecd is installed on a SD card)
[14:25] <ere4si> thoht: did the md5 on the sd go ok?
[14:27] <thoht> hum it seems no
[14:28] <thoht> root@ubuntu:/media/disk/eeexubuntu-7.10.3# cat md5.txt
[14:28] <thoht> 26a82f7a2e6b1d9cdf675e896ef7135a eeexubuntu-7.10.3-desktop-i386.iso
[14:28] <thoht> root@ubuntu:/media/disk/eeexubuntu-7.10.3# md5sum eeexubuntu-7.10.3-desktop-i386.iso
[14:28] <thoht> 11fecd7efa91911695a2b70c5f976ddd eeexubuntu-7.10.3-desktop-i386.iso
[14:28] <thoht> is it the correct way ?
[14:30] <ere4si> thoht: I have only checked the cd from boot - but we'll find out
[14:30] <ere4si> !md5
[14:30] <ubotu> To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[14:31] <thoht> so md5 is different
[14:31] <thoht> :/
[16:03] <beautifulsnow> Why is it that everytime I install Ubuntu on the same machine, some hardware might or might not be detected and installed? :P
[16:40] <qsrv> hi
[16:41] <qsrv> for some reason the .Xmodmap file in my home dir is not being loaded at startup
[16:41] <qsrv> what could be the cause of this?
[16:41] <qsrv> is there a different way to alter the keyboard configuration?
[16:50] <Yellow_J> mY FLUX CAPACITOR IS giving me a 401 error. How do I set the ddate for BTF3
[17:15] <gkahla> question: latest xubuntu, I'm trying to teach firefox how to use liferea for reading RSS feeds... it creates errors in FF's error console. I can't grok 'em.
[17:19] <gabkdlly> gkahla: I used to use liferea, I think there was a thread about this on the forums. did you check there?
[17:20] <gkahla> gabkdlly - very interested. . . doing a search on the forums now. Thanks for the pointer
[17:20] <gabkdlly> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281467
[17:20] <gabkdlly> this is the thread I meant
[17:21] <gkahla> thanks - I appreciate your help
[17:22] <gabkdlly> no problem
[17:42] <Jeremified> Hey, I need some help. How can I read/write NTFS from a Xubuntu Live CD?
[17:43] <Jeremified> I've seen a topic about it, it says it needs some command-line stuff, but it doesn't go into details.
[17:44] <gkahla> thanks for the help, gabkdlly - I'll jabber more later
[17:51] <Jeremified> Hm, it seems like I can actually read/write files just fine without any modification. Nevermind then.
[18:43] <chirvan> hi there
[18:56] <Havvy> Hello.
[18:56] <Havvy> Can I get some help with installing Xubuntu to a flash drive?
[18:56] <chirvan> ?
[18:57] <Havvy> So it boots from it.
[18:59] <gabkdlly> !usb
[18:59] <ubotu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[18:59] <Havvy> Thanks gabkdlly
[19:00] <gabkdlly> sure, and good luck
[19:02] <Havvy> ...it confuses me.
[19:02] <Havvy> Can you help me step by step?
[19:18] <Jatz> hi. I'm not actually running xubuntu, but I have a problem after installing xubuntu-desktop on kubuntu
[19:18] <Jatz> all windows have the title "o"
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[19:21] <Jatz> any help would be awesome
[20:07] <CaptainPlanet> hey, anyone here?
[20:07] <CaptainPlanet> I'm looking for a lil help getting DRI working on my Rage Mobility M3
[20:18] <mjw-> i'm here
[20:18] <mjw-> heh
[20:22] <mjw-> CaptainPlanet The correct x.org driver for the m3 is "r128" and I think, and problems with getting DRI working is a lack of video memory at the resolution/bit depth you're trying to use
[20:27] <CaptainPlanet> hmmm, interesting. I'm trying to use 16bpp @ 1024x7768
[20:29] <CaptainPlanet> here is my xorg.conf
[20:29] <CaptainPlanet> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57991/
[20:31] <CaptainPlanet> i'll replace "ati" with "r128" and see how that goes
[20:31] <CaptainPlanet> i think I have tried that but i'll give it another shot
[20:33] <mjw-> you don't happen to know how much video memory it has do you
[20:34] <mjw-> nevermind, I see you manually specified it as 8 megs...
[20:37] <CaptainPlanet> yeah, changing to r128 didn't seem to change much
[20:37] <mjw-> in theory 1024x768@16bpp should work to get DRI
[20:37] <mjw-> with 8 megs
[20:39] <mjw-> does your busid in the xorg.conf have a type? I believe the syntax is "PCI:01:00.0" not "PCI:01:00:0" ?
[20:40] <CaptainPlanet> say that it not right
[20:40] <CaptainPlanet> lemme fix that
[20:40] <mjw-> and are you sure you have 8192k of video ram?
[20:45] <CaptainPlanet> not sure about the vram, here is lspci:
[20:46] <CaptainPlanet> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57994/
[20:47] <mjw-> yeah lspci really doesn't list the amount on it, which is frustrating
[20:47] <mjw-> I think the 64M is like the AGP aperture or something
[20:48] <CaptainPlanet> x is in compatibility mode now, i'm thinking about starting over from the backup
[20:48] <CaptainPlanet> i'm guessing it wasn't applying any of those settings since the bus id was wrong
[20:48] <mjw-> if it only has 4MB, it probably won't be enough for DRI at 1024x768
[20:50] <CaptainPlanet> it is an inspiron 4000... i may need to look it up with dell
[20:50] <CaptainPlanet> looks like it could be 4 or 8
[20:51] <mjw-> I have an ATI radeon mobility M7 w/16MB on a circa 2002 laptop, and it just barely can do DRI at 1024x768@24bpp
[20:55] <CaptainPlanet> oh, great. the only reason I need it is for xbmc
[20:58] <mjw-> how old is this laptop?
[20:59] <CaptainPlanet> shipped on 7/01
[20:59] <CaptainPlanet> so... ancient:)
[20:59] <CaptainPlanet> it's a freebie, my mom's old laptop
[21:00] <mjw-> well I would hope you didn't pay much for it ;)
[21:01] <CaptainPlanet> nope. my hope is to use it to play videos on my tv. I got the TV out working but XBMC is dog-slow without DRI
[21:02] <mjw-> not surprising
[21:42] <CaptainPlanet> well i guess i am going to try using Entertainer
[21:42] <CaptainPlanet> thanks for your help though
[22:28] <slow-motion> hi