UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:45] <mneptok> @btlogin
[00:45] <mneptok> ok, so is the bantracker just dead now?
[00:46] <ompaul> mneptok, he is banned for OT and abuse
[00:47] <ompaul> then he arrived in here and is a pain
[00:47] <ompaul> what can I say
[00:47] <mneptok> ompaul: ok, but how owuld i find that out for myself?
[00:47] <mneptok> *would
[00:47] <ompaul> mneptok, ban tracker would show you the trolling
[00:47] <ompaul> it is alive it is back no
[00:47] <ompaul> now
[00:48] <ompaul> you will not see him banned from here unfortunately
[00:48] <nickrud> how do I read that ban tracker?
[00:48] <mneptok> ompaul: i can't login
[00:48] <ompaul> it came back just after you tried there
[00:49] <mneptok> @btlogin
[00:50] <ompaul> tell me you are logged in ;-)
[00:52] <mneptok> just got through
[02:45] <PriceChild> kah in -offtopic btw incase people missed
=== vorian is now known as vorian_
[04:01] <ubotu> In #ubuntu, PriceChild said: !develop is <alias> participate
[04:18] <mneptok> please do not unban "htns" from any channels
[04:19] <nalioth> oh no.
[04:19] <nalioth> not again.
[04:20] <mneptok> yes, again.
[04:20] <mneptok> 23:15 [htns(i=htns@] Fuck you nigger shithead
[04:20] <mneptok> 23:15 [htns(i=htns@] How's that for family friendly?
[04:20] <mneptok> 23:15 [htns(i=htns@] You fucking aids infested motherfucking cracker
[04:20] <mneptok> 23:15 [htns(i=htns@] Fucking faggot
[04:20] <mneptok> 23:15 [htns(i=htns@] Burn in hell
[04:20] <mneptok> 23:15 [htns(i=htns@] You shithead
[04:20] <mneptok> charming.
[04:23] <Pici> How pleasant.
[04:36] <DrDerek> mneptok - I was replying to pppoe_dude
[04:37] <mneptok> DrDerek: i don't care
[04:37] <nalioth> DrDerek: it's considered courteous to preface your texts with your conversational partners nick
[04:37] <DrDerek> was I banned?
[04:37] <mneptok> DrDerek: hown many times do you need to hear "KEEP THIS CHANNEL FAMILY FRIENDLY" before it sinks in?
[04:37] <mneptok> DrDerek: i had already warned you tonight. you had your chance. live with your decisions like a man.
[04:38] <DrDerek> I was replying to what he said though.. <pppoe_dude> namely, my mom, and one girl i used to like in highschool -- and I said that's weird, and he said what was, and I said his mom.
[04:38] <mneptok> DrDerek: then say as much. "your mom" is not an acceptable answer.
[04:39] <mneptok> DrDerek: factoids like "!twss" are not acceptable
[04:39] <mneptok> DrDerek: come back tomorrow and we'll have a look at your Self-Control-O-Meter
[04:39] <DrDerek> all right, have a good night.
[04:40] <mneptok> jebus
[04:41] <mneptok> is it a full moon?
[04:41] <nickrud> no, it's friday
[04:42] <mneptok> TGIF
[04:42] <mneptok> thank god i farted
[04:42] * mneptok rides off into the snowy Quebec night
[04:59] <ubotu> stdin called the ops in #ubuntu (similar_name spamming)
[05:34] <stdin> status
[05:34] <nickrud> living
[05:34] <stdin> oops, I should really minimise this when typing...
[05:45] <Alan_M> how is "relax and enjoy the ride" offtopic? i was assuring the users that everything would be fixed soon...ubotu makes comments like that exactly in its own statements.
[05:46] <Alan_M> just because i state i am a network admin in another network im instantly an offtopic discussion setter in every comment? i dont see the fairnest and justness in griping every time i open my chat window...i moved on didnt i?
[05:47] <mneptok> Alan_M: you don't need to do that. imagine if all 1099 users reassured the one remaining guy
[05:47] <Alan_M> i simply stated relax and enjoy the ride...nothing else
[05:47] <Alan_M> nothing more
[05:47] <Alan_M> and instantly...you jump me
[05:47] <mneptok> no, not instantly
[05:48] <Alan_M> ok 3 second delay
[05:48] <mneptok> i had warned you about offtopic chatter earlier
[05:48] <Alan_M> mneptok, and i moved on from that.
[05:48] <Alan_M> so...therefore every time i start a conversation you instantly assume im gonna go offtopic....thats reassuring.
[05:48] <mneptok> and i didn;t warn you until you went offtopic again
[05:48] <nickrud> Alan_M: it wasn't so much you, as trying to squash all the off topic at the time
[05:49] <nickrud> Alan_M: mneptok just was faster than I this time
[05:49] <mneptok> Alan_M: there are Freenode opers in #ubuntu. they don;t reassure users. so there's really no reason for you to do it.
[05:49] <Alan_M> it wasnt even reassuring...it was a comment
[05:50] <mneptok> but you just said ...
[05:50] <Alan_M> i know what i said
[05:50] <nalioth> Alan_M: #ubuntu is just as stodgy as #freenode when it comes to idle chatter
[05:50] <nalioth> best just to stick to typing helpful things in there
[05:51] * Alan_M hands you some coffee, see ya :)
[05:51] <mneptok> Alan_M: #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus if you need to just decompress. you'll find geeky folk.
[05:51] <nickrud> I knew there was a reason I don't spend much time in offtopic ;)
[05:56] <nickrud> why _are_ the floodbots so busy tonight?
[05:57] <mneptok> splittiness
[05:57] <nickrud> huh.
[05:58] <mneptok> or something. i already determined the moon is waning crescent.
[05:58] <mneptok> :)
[05:59] <nickrud> hah. floodbots are werewolf wanna be's
[05:59] <mneptok> uff. Derek's quiclk on the "tomorrow" trigger.
[05:59] <regeya> request: the three floodbots in #ubuntu keep setting and unsetting...oh, heh, looks like you're talking about it already, so nm
[06:00] <nickrud> probably past midnight for him
[06:09] <mneptok> hehehe
[06:10] <nickrud> it is getting rediculous
[06:10] <nickrud> *ridiculous
[06:14] <nickrud> nalioth: should the floodbots be cycling as much as they are?
[06:29] <stdin> I think floodbot1 and 2 are stuck somehow, they still think we're in a split
[06:30] <Myrtti> OHNOES
[06:30] <Myrtti> UBOTUUUUUUUUUU
[06:31] <nickrud> Feb 24 17:29:39 <LjL> ok so, if floodbots "fight" among each other for anything longer than a couple of minutes, issue "hook" in -monitor , anyone up for this?
[06:31] <stdin> done it already 10 mins ago
[06:31] <nickrud> oh :)
[06:34] <stdin> you can try just deoping 1 and 2
[06:35] <nickrud> hm. I don't know enough to mess with them, really.
[06:36] <mneptok> me too. and i should change that.
[06:36] <stdin> they'd probably just +o them selfs after anyway
[06:37] <mneptok> LjL: how does one unhook?
[06:38] <nickrud> wrong time for him I think
[06:39] <nickrud> it's alive!
[06:39] <mneptok> nickrud: scrool will get us both
[06:40] <mneptok> well, unless my ISP starts *tohlly sucking again*
[06:40] <mneptok> *pout*
[07:01] <nickrud> !staff
[07:01] <ubotu> Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :)
[07:04] <nickrud> Amaranth AndrewB Hobbsee jdong jenda LjL Myrtti elkbuntu jussi01 LjL nixternal any of you about and know what's up with the floodbots?
[07:04] <AndrewB> yes?
[07:04] <Hobbsee> no?
[07:04] <nickrud> argh, they are flooding #ubuntu badly
[07:04] <elkbuntu> deop them all?
[07:05] <mneptok> elkbuntu: won't they use channy to reop themselves?
[07:05] <nickrud> don't know how they work myself
[07:05] <elkbuntu> dunno
[07:05] <Amaranth> time for the hammer
[07:05] <mneptok> HAMMER TIME!
[07:05] * Hobbsee tries
[07:05] <Hobbsee> i can't even seem to figure out which channel they all talk in
[07:06] <elkbuntu> will mute work?
[07:06] <elkbuntu> Hobbsee, -monitor afaik
[07:06] <mneptok> no, these are mode changes
[07:06] <Hobbsee> not for modes
[07:06] <Amaranth> i just took ops from 1 and 2
[07:06] <mneptok> -ops-monitor
[07:06] <nickrud> they're back
[07:06] <Hobbsee> hm, no
[07:06] <Amaranth> they gave it back, damnit
[07:06] <mneptok> i hate being right
[07:07] <mneptok> i f-ing jinxed it.
[07:07] <nickrud> liar ;)
[07:07] <Hobbsee> heh
[07:07] <Hobbsee> thanks, mneptok
[07:10] <nickrud> wonder if it safe to restart them :)
[07:10] <Amaranth> restart them how?
[07:10] <Amaranth> reop them?
[07:11] <Amaranth> only 3 realizes there is no split
[07:11] <Amaranth> 1 and 2 are still freaking out
[07:11] <nickrud> ok. Where do I read up on them?
[07:12] <Amaranth> nickrud: -monitor
[07:14] <Amaranth> we really need a command to make the bots clear their status
[07:18] <stdin> they need to cycle really
[07:21] <Hobbsee> Amaranth: kline? :)
[08:27] <nickrud> ompaul: what did I miss there with that ru guy?
[08:28] <ompaul> nickrud, he was the fuck you Nick video guy from 3 or 4 mins earlier
[08:28] <nickrud> ah, I just came back on
[08:32] <ompaul> nickrud, ;-) he quit after absing so I thought he might be gone
[08:32] <ompaul> abusing that is
[08:32] <nickrud> ompaul: I read back, caught the discussion. that nick you mentioned wasn't much better
[08:33] <nickrud> but didn't swear
[08:33] <ompaul> one more toe over the line and bye
[08:39] <nickrud> I think Myrtti dissed her, she went silent right after ;)
[08:39] <nickrud> or him.
[08:41] <ompaul> yeap
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=== tritium is now known as HDStrikeOut
[13:31] <jpatrick> guys: #ubuntu
[13:31] <ubotu> stdin called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[13:32] <PriceChild> jpatrick: ops gets attention better
[13:34] <jpatrick> PriceChild: :p
[13:38] <ompaul> jpatrick, seriously if no called then no action
[13:42] <jpatrick> stdin: nah, I wanted to forward him to #ubuntu-irc, but nevermind
[13:43] <stdin> nah, too many underscores :p
[13:43] <stdin> there's still a root_______ though
[13:43] <jpatrick> he was even trolling in #kubuntu-es
[13:44] <jpatrick> root_______ [n=root@] -long liv r00t!
[13:51] <elkbuntu> jpatrick, we are not all guys here, either :Þ
[13:52] <ompaul> elkbuntu, a valid point, and well made ;-)
[13:52] <jpatrick> heh
[13:52] <elkbuntu> ompaul, oddly enough, everyone would have noticed if he said 'girls: #ubuntu'
[13:53] <ompaul> elkbuntu, you don't say, ohh you do ;-)
[13:53] * elkbuntu might test this theory one day
[13:53] <elkbuntu> just for kicks and giggles
[13:54] <ompaul> say girls is the one with the root in the nick trolling?
[13:55] <elkbuntu> hehehe, the reason i stated 'one day' is that it's not going to work with prior notice, or a lack of awake people
[13:55] <ompaul> hehe
[14:06] <ompaul> jrib, the good cop
[14:23] * jpatrick wonders what happened to the FloodBots
[14:23] <ompaul> how do you spell recode
[14:27] <elkbuntu> jpatrick, we had to deop them because they were being true to their names
[14:29] <jpatrick> elkbuntu: I see
[14:29] <elkbuntu> ompaul, what the HECK is rooty doing?
[14:30] <ompaul> elkbuntu, either being (A) a brilliant troll (B) someone who did the _wrong_ but all too possible research and I'll go with B, they have been consistent since they joined the channel
[14:30] <jpatrick> "wols_: I was trying to get my new ipod classic to work and farked eveything up" ?
[14:32] <elkbuntu> jpatrick, but HOW?!
[14:33] <jpatrick> no idea
[14:34] <ompaul> elkbuntu, reading something none ubuntuish
[14:34] <ompaul> methinks
[14:46] <ompaul> A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[14:46] <ompaul> hmmmm I think I have an improvement
[14:47] <ompaul> A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody...", as one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then sit back and see if anyone actually does!
[14:47] <ompaul> now to make that shorter
[14:48] <TheSheep> 'ask dammit' ;)
[14:50] <ompaul> hahahaha
[14:50] <ompaul> no
[14:50] <ompaul> s/no/NO#
[14:51] <ompaul> In place of "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see who actually does!
[14:51] <ompaul> !no anyone is <reply> n place of "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see who does!
[14:51] <ubotu> I'll remember that ompaul
[14:52] <jpatrick> "In.."
[14:52] <ompaul> ack
[14:52] <ompaul> !no anyone is <reply> In place of "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see who does!
[14:52] <ubotu> I'll remember that ompaul
[14:55] <ompaul> !no anyone is <reply> In place of "Does anyone/anybody...", please be aware, one persons expert is another persons beginner, please ask your question in full, then see what helps!
[14:55] <ubotu> I'll remember that ompaul
[15:10] <ompaul> !staff | Techno`away> irc.FreshBG.org irc.FreshBG.org irc.FreshBG.org irc.FreshBG.org i
[15:14] <ompaul> !ubotu
[15:14] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[15:14] <ompaul> !staff
[15:14] <ubotu> Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :)
[15:15] <ompaul> scroll back a little .. 4 mins
[15:15] <Dave2> already K:lined
[15:19] <nalioth> ompaul: /msg seenserv "show me the klinees"
[15:19] <ompaul> nalioth, thanks
[15:24] <picard_pwns_kirk> I sent a ctcp version to #ubuntu-offtopic, and now I'm banned
[15:24] <picard_pwns_kirk> why?
[15:26] <nalioth> picard_pwns_kirk: because channel ctcps are obnoxious
[15:26] <picard_pwns_kirk> oh
[15:27] <picard_pwns_kirk> how so?
[15:27] <ompaul> cos sending a message to 1300 people most of whom don't know you is plain rude
[15:27] <nalioth> would you like one of your family members to come home at 3am and wake up the whole house with his/her yelling?
[15:27] <picard_pwns_kirk> well, besides return a version, what does a ctcp version do?
[15:28] <ompaul> annoy ops and users alike
[15:28] <ompaul> is considered agressive
[15:28] <ompaul> !guidlines | picard_pwns_kirk (read this and tell us what the issue was after you do - remember it is not about exact rules bring your common sense)
[15:29] <ompaul> !guid3lines | picard_pwns_kirk (read this and tell us what the issue was after you do - remember it is not about exact rules bring your common sense)
[15:29] <ompaul> !guidelines | picard_pwns_kirk (read this and tell us what the issue was after you do - remember it is not about exact rules bring your common sense)
[15:29] * ompaul slaps the hand of typo
[15:29] <picard_pwns_kirk> umm...
[15:29] <picard_pwns_kirk> ubotu?
[15:29] <ompaul> !guidelines
[15:29] <ubotu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[15:30] <ompaul> come on it is the bot - don't play dumb you have been in #ubuntu-offtopic for far too long to not know it is a bot
[15:30] <picard_pwns_kirk> I know it's a bot
[15:30] * ompaul sighs
[15:31] <picard_pwns_kirk> perhaps I should leave...
[15:31] <ompaul> read the guidelines please
[15:33] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-uk, popey said: ubotu: brainstorm is http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/
[15:34] <PriceChild> Where do penguins keep their money?
[15:35] <PriceChild> !brainstorm is <reply> Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!
[15:35] <ubotu> I'll remember that, PriceChild
[15:36] <PriceChild> popey: ^
[15:36] <popey> nice
[15:42] <ubotu> bazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (triedge32_)
[15:43] <nalioth> when did we start banning first?
[15:44] <jrib> nalioth: in reference to?
[15:45] <nalioth> #ubuntu
[15:46] <jrib> I banned triedge after warning him more than once if that's what you mean
[15:46] <nalioth> ah
[16:47] <ubotu> In ubotu, ffm said: rioutils is a Rio media player manager. "sudo apt-get install rioutils" and it using "sudo".
[16:58] <LjL-Temp> stop... me... from... killing... emma...
[17:00] * Gary pushes LjL-Temp
[17:00] * LjL-Temp falls, was balancing on a chair
[18:24] <ubotu> In ubotu, BluesKaj said: !hal is for an informative description of the Hardware Abstarction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer
[18:25] <Tm_T> pressenter: hi, sorry if I'm bit too pushy but who you are?
[18:25] <PriceChild> !hal
[18:25] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[18:25] <ubotu> In ubotu, BluesKaj said: !hal is for an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer
[18:26] <Tm_T> PriceChild: I add it
[18:28] <jussi01> Tm_T: hmmm
[18:28] <Tm_T> jussi01: yes son?
[18:29] <jussi01> Tm_T: that doesnt look right, can I fix??
[18:29] <Tm_T> jussi01: sure you can :))
[18:29] <Tm_T> I often mess up things
[18:29] <credible_> just got on-join spammed from pushpop-
[18:30] <Tm_T> in where?
[18:30] <jussi01> !no, hal is <reply>For an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_la~yer
[18:30] <ubotu> I'll remember that jussi01
[18:30] <jussi01> !hal
[18:30] <ubotu> For an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_la~yer
[18:30] <jpatrick> Tm_T: /whois pushpop-
[18:31] <Tm_T> hmm, I got none
[18:31] <jpatrick> says #ubuntu here
[18:31] <Tm_T> yes but I got none spam
[18:31] <Tm_T> :((
=== credible_ is now known as credible
[18:33] <Tm_T> credible: hi
[18:33] <credible> perhaps they're smart enough not to spam people on the access list
[18:34] <Tm_T> who knows
[18:34] <Tm_T> credible: what kind of spam?
[18:34] <Seeker`> -18:33:57- ~s~ Irssi: Starting query in freenode with pushpop-
[18:34] <Seeker`> -18:33:57- pushpop-: Hey Seeker` , spawN busted at ESL by #Sacralis - http://ESL2009.uk.to/
[18:34] <Seeker`> I got it
[18:35] <Tm_T> Seeker`: I'll give some shoe
[18:47] <Tm_T> Myrtti: hi
[18:48] <Myrtti> Tm_T: *bwurp*
[18:48] <Myrtti> hi
[18:48] <Myrtti> watching House :-)
[18:48] <Tm_T> Myrtti: :)
[18:49] <Tm_T> Myrtti: I have issues with my remove aliases, mind to help?
[18:49] <Myrtti> sure
[18:49] <Tm_T> csremove msg chanserv op $C $N;/wait 50;/quote remove $C $0 $1-;/msg chanserv op $C -$N
[18:50] <Tm_T> but remove can't have more than one word explanation
[18:50] <Tm_T> so it isn't ok
[18:50] <nalioth> Tm_T: use : to preface your reason
[18:50] <Myrtti> CSREMOVE msg chanserv op $C $N;/wait 50;/quote remove $C $0 :$1-;/msg chanserv op $C -$N
[18:50] <Tm_T> aa thanks :))
[18:50] <nalioth> /quote remove #ubuntu-ops Tm_T :you should read the directions
[18:51] <jpatrick> Tm_T: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57976/ ?
[18:51] <Tm_T> nalioth: yup, I blame this headache
[18:52] * nalioth tosses Tm_T a brain leech for him to stick in his ear
[18:53] <Myrtti> damn that hamburger meal was worth every penny
[18:53] <Myrtti> got four episodes of House with an extra euro
[18:53] <Myrtti> now back to audio books
[18:54] <Tm_T> Myrtti: :)
[18:55] <jussi01> Myrtti: where?
[18:55] <Myrtti> aaaand, me eating a corrupt multinational labour misusing crappy trash food companys product allowed me to avoid doing the dishes for yet one another new day \o/
[18:55] <Myrtti> woooooo
[18:56] <Myrtti> jussi01: where else but "I'm loving it"
[18:57] <jussi01> hehe
[18:57] <Myrtti> actually I took my phone to be serviced and missed the bus and was hungry so I dropped in at the oldest McDonald's in Finland
[18:58] <Myrtti> they actually even have a sign commemorating the fact
[18:58] <jussi01> heh
[18:59] <Myrtti> http://www.tampere.fi/ekstrat/vapriikki/muistomerkit/mcdonalds.html
[19:00] <Myrtti> of course, there is something more funny in Tampere... http://www.tampere.fi/ekstrat/vapriikki/muistomerkit/ikuisenteekkarin.html
[19:01] <Myrtti> a grave stone of an eternal M. Tech student
[19:31] <Flannel> the !permissions factoid (also file permissions) is linked to files, which only mentions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview, it should probably also mention https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions, since that's what they usually want
[19:31] <Flannel> Whether you just add that to files, or create new factoids for permissions
[19:31] <Flannel> Thanks
[19:56] <cook63> Un Saluto a Tutte Le Anime!
[19:56] <cook63> !list
[19:56] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[19:57] <jpatrick> we need to set +c
[19:59] <Tm_T> jpatrick: no
[20:59] <jpatrick> boukmandutty_ [n=boukmand@pool-68-162-101-91.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu , boukmandutty [n=boukmand@pool-68-162-101-91.phil.east.verizon.net]
[20:59] * jpatrick wonders why the got pasted
[21:00] <ompaul> cos your buffer is strange?
[21:00] <jussi01> because jpatrick isnt 1337 :P
[21:00] <jpatrick> !leet > jussi01
[21:00] <jussi01> haha
[21:14] <no0tic> !leet > no0tic
[21:20] <Seeker`> no0tic: you can do /msg ubotu !factoid
[21:21] <no0tic> Seeker`, I've done /msg ubotu leet but it gave me the "leet" command of ubotu :)
[21:21] <jpatrick> no0tic: you left out the !
[21:21] <no0tic> Seeker`, so I thought that it wouldn't work :) sorry
[21:21] <Seeker`> no0tic: Notice "!factoid"
[21:22] <jpatrick> @leet whatever
[21:22] <ubotu> wh8v3r
[21:22] <Seeker`> @rot13 whatever
[21:22] <ubotu> jungrire
[21:24] <no0tic> nice
[21:25] <jussi01> heh
[21:28] <jpatrick> jussi01: you reading the guy in #k-devel?
[21:29] <jussi01> hmmm, been busy in #k whats he on about?
[21:30] <jpatrick> jussi01: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/478/
[21:30] * jpatrick *sighs*
[21:31] * jussi01 sighs
[21:32] <jpatrick> I just don't know what to say to such people..
[21:34] <Seeker`> "go away"?
[21:35] <jussi01> hehe
[22:17] <DrDerek> mneptok - is the thingy lifted?
[22:17] <DrDerek> or am I still no go.
[22:20] <ubotu> prince_jammys called the ops in #ubuntu (viv145)
[22:22] <Seveas> DrDerek, where?
[22:23] <DrDerek> Seveas - I was talking with pppoe_dude last night, and I responded to him with a legitimate answer of "your mom"
[22:23] <Seveas> DrDerek, which channel?
[22:23] <DrDerek> offtopic
[22:23] <DrDerek> and it was misinterpreted
[22:23] <Seveas> when the bantracker starts working again I'll poke at it
[22:24] <DrDerek> all right, thanks.
[22:24] <DrDerek> I know now when replying to anyone, I should stick their handle in front.
[22:24] <Seveas> bantracker once again is bodged
[22:25] <DrDerek> are servers under attack?
[22:26] <Seveas> neh, the ting is just shitty :)
[22:26] <DrDerek> word
[22:26] <jussi01> Seveas: its working here
[22:27] <Seveas> yeah it finally started working here as well :)
[22:27] <jussi01> :)
[22:27] * jussi01 has a magic touch :D
[22:27] <Seveas> DrDerek, hmm, from my logs it looks like mneptok has misinterpreted it
[22:28] <DrDerek> aye, but I didn't feel like arguing too much.
[22:28] <DrDerek> and I got banished from using !twss :(
[22:28] <DrDerek> I love that factoid
[22:28] <Seveas> !twss
[22:28] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about twss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:28] <Seveas> it's been removed
[22:28] <DrDerek> ah, okay.
[22:29] <Seveas> as has the ban
[22:29] <DrDerek> at least I won't be tempted now.
[22:29] <DrDerek> all right, thank you Seveas
[22:29] <Seveas> mneptok, if you disagree please ban again and tell me why :)
[22:29] <DrDerek> heh
[22:29] <LjL-Temp> Seveas, it's never been there as a non-channel-specific factoid though
[22:30] <Seveas> !twss-#ubuntu-offtopic
[22:30] <LjL-Temp> Seveas: *but* that's been removed
[22:30] <Seveas> :)
[22:30] <Seveas> gonna do a complete audit when migrating factoids to ubotu2
[22:30] <jussi01> still there in #ubuntuforums
[22:30] <jussi01> !search twss
[22:30] <ubotu> Found: twss-#ubuntu-offtopic*, twss-#ubuntuforums
[22:30] <Seveas> STOP!
[22:30] <Seveas> hammertime!
[22:31] <Seveas> (that's actually on the radio now here)
[22:31] <LjL-Temp> Seveas: if you could kindly tell me when that's gonna be, i'll arrange to make myself unavailable :)
[22:31] <Seveas> LjL-Temp, could be sooner than you think
[22:31] <Seveas> lart and mess already work
[22:31] <Seeker`> Seveas: Is ubotu being rewritten or something?
[22:31] <Seveas> working on the calendar thing now
[22:31] <Seveas> Seeker`, yes, supybot is being dumped
[22:31] <Seeker`> what is it being replaced with?
[22:32] <Seveas> µbot
[22:32] <LjL-Temp> Seveas: well, any dubious factoids due to me are all due to coercion
[22:32] <Seveas> LjL-Temp, heh :)
[22:32] <Seeker`> LjL-Temp: How is the skiing going?
[22:32] <jussi01> LjL-Temp: broken anything yet?
[22:32] <Seveas> more importantly, how's the après skiing?
[22:32] <no0tic> what about women?
[22:33] <LjL-Temp> Seeker`: it's gone, i'm going back home tomorrow. could have been much better... yesterday i was in a pretty awful shape for some reason (mental shape mostly, i.e. i was scared), but today it got very windy and they closed basically all the slopes
[22:33] <PriceChild> no0tic: :O
[22:33] <LjL-Temp> ended up skiing on the children's slopes
[22:33] <no0tic> PriceChild, that was for LjL-Temp :)
[22:33] <PriceChild> I know, still :O :)
[22:34] <Seeker`> :(
[22:34] <LjL-Temp> Seveas: i don't think i'm the right person to ask that :P
[22:34] <no0tic> PriceChild, well, they're aprés skiing, aren't they? :)
[22:35] <PriceChild> apr?s ?
[22:35] <jpatrick> PriceChild: after
[22:35] <LjL-Temp> PriceChild: it's like despues, but in french
[22:37] <PriceChild> grrrr not all characters are showing up
[22:37] <PriceChild> i guess that should have been an acute e
[22:37] <Seveas> yeah
[22:37] <Seveas> but it should be a grave
[22:37] <Seveas> è
[22:37] <jussi01> hrrmmm, looks like Im going to need to find a new screen+irssi server :(
[22:38] <Seeker`> jussi01: why?
[22:38] <Seveas> jussi01, you're getting kicked off one? :)
[22:39] <jussi01> Seveas: currently I use the work server, but thats getting busier with the expansion, so I need to up and go
[22:39] <PriceChild> my french is rubbish then
[22:41] <Seeker`> jussi01: cna you not use your work computer, and leave it on 24/ 7
[22:41] <jussi01> Seveas: the company I work for has just launched a new service from the server Im on, and the expected growth means we will likely get a new server that I cant use.
[22:42] <jussi01> Seeker`: no, I cant ssh into it as they have some router thingset up with ports not forwarded
[22:42] <jpatrick> jussi01: I can't believe your company allows you to suck up bandwidth like that
[22:43] <jussi01> btw, if anyone wants an invite to the new service from the company I work for just ask( www.lifematta.com)
[22:43] <jussi01> jpatrick: I am the server admin, so I make policy...
[22:43] <jpatrick> jussi01: yet you can't forward ports?
[22:44] <jussi01> jpatrick: the server is offsite, I dont manage anything onsite
[22:44] <Seveas> jpatrick, server admin, not network admin :)
[22:44] <jpatrick> right
[22:45] <Seveas> jussi01, why not use a home box?
[22:46] <jussi01> Seveas: I have a wife with sensitive ears to noise. she doesnt like things being on 24/7 as she has trouble sleeping. (we only have a small appartment) Until I can afford a silent box, that isnt going to happen :(
[22:46] * jussi01 just had his 4th aniversary
[22:49] <Seeker`> jussi01: congrats
[22:50] <Seeker`> jussi01: cant you just put in silent (18dB) fans and underclock
[22:50] <Seeker`> my gf complains about things being on 24/7 because of the environmental impact
[22:50] <no0tic> jussi01, http://www.acmesystems.it/?id=4 buy that :)
[22:50] <jussi01> Seeker`: 1. no cash atm. 2 no cash atm. 3. my wife agrees with your g/f
[22:51] <Seveas> my fiance doesn't complain
[22:51] <jussi01> no0tic: lol, one day Ill get one of the navicron fusion boards...
[22:51] <Seveas> I win
[22:52] <jussi01> Seveas: ...
[22:52] <no0tic> Seveas, I haven't a gf, I win
[22:52] <Seveas> no0tic, nope, you lose
[22:52] <jussi01> no0tic: no, thats losing
[22:52] <no0tic> :( I know
[22:52] <no0tic> I'm terribly nervous for that reason
[22:52] * jussi01 tempts no0tic with hot scandinavian girls :P
[22:53] <jpatrick> jussi01: I know someone who has their irssi on a router
[22:53] <jussi01> jpatrick: what????
[22:53] <Seveas> jussi01, they don't need you to tempt
[22:53] <Seeker`> jussi01: its one of the only things we disagree about - I think running a computer with no monitor 24/7 isn't an issue
[22:53] <Seveas> they're damn good at that themselves
[22:53] <jussi01> Seveas: yeah, In know from firsthand experience...
[22:53] <Seveas> jussi01, :)
[22:53] <jpatrick> jussi01: or something like that, I'll ask him toward
[22:53] <Seveas> same here
[22:53] <no0tic> jussi01, yes, rumors say that italian men are appreciated in scandinavia...
[22:53] <jussi01> although finnish isnt true scandinavian
[22:54] <jussi01> no0tic: all true
[22:54] <Seveas> finnish is more baltic, right?
[22:54] <jussi01> Seveas: hrmmm I suppose...
[22:54] <Seveas> nothing good comes from finland
[22:54] <jussi01> finnish is between scandinavia and russia :D
[22:54] <Seveas> (blasphemy in a *linux* *irc* channel ;))
[22:54] * jussi01 wishes for access in here right now
[22:55] <no0tic> jussi01, I think I'm going to travel to stockholm soon
[22:55] <jussi01> no0tic: take a trip a little more to oulu and come have a beer with me
[22:55] <Seveas> you had your chance :)
[22:55] <jussi01> gah
[22:55] <jussi01> :(
[22:55] <jussi01> where is Myrtti or Tm_T when you need them
[22:56] <no0tic> jussi01, ok
[22:56] <jussi01> Seveas: what nationality is your fiance?
[22:56] <no0tic> jussi01, it's very far..
[22:56] <jussi01> no0tic: blue 1 have direct flights cheap...
[22:57] <jussi01> like 70? or something
[22:57] <no0tic> jussi01, from italy?
[22:57] <jussi01> no, from stockholm...
[22:57] <no0tic> nice, found from milan
[22:59] <Seveas> jussi01, same as me, dutch
[22:59] <no0tic> gah, 233€...
[23:00] <no0tic> milan - stockholm - helsinky - oulu and return... 466€ :(
[23:06] <jussi01> no0tic: do you _need_ to go to stockholm? there is always ryanair into tampere....
[23:06] <no0tic> jussi01, I will study every option and let you know :)
[23:06] <jussi01> :D
[23:06] <jussi01> no0tic: the trains here are very good. www.vr.fi :D
[23:08] <no0tic> does menopaluu mean return ticket?
[23:08] <jussi01> hrmm, there is an english version
[23:08] <jussi01> anyway, I need to run for a bit
[23:09] <no0tic> jussi01, see you
[23:22] <Antkin> Hello
[23:41] <jussi01> no0tic: hei
[23:41] <jussi01> that site you sent me is great!!
[23:41] <jussi01> I so want one of these: http://www.acmesystems.it/?id=21
[23:43] <no0tic> :)
[23:44] <jussi01> go tux :D