UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[01:28] <foxbuntu_laptop> zabadapp, I found the problem with the package that controls those settings. I just commited the changes it will be resolved in future releases
[01:28] <foxbuntu_laptop> thanks for the bug report
[01:40] <KillerKiwi2005> Hello, i have a pvr150 the composite in seems to only have video how do I capture the audio as well?
[01:47] <uid000> hi, having a problem with spdif on my audigy 2. anybody have experience with this?
[02:17] <uid000> on my audigy 2, all of a sudden the spdif has stopped working. still getting analog sound out. also ac3 passthrough works. just regular sound out of spdif has stopped.
[02:17] <uid000> any advice?
[02:25] <macly> just wanted to thank everyone, I just got my mythtv box running perfectly, except for one thing, the initial volume settings, I'm trying to match the mythtv volume to the TV volume, but I've set the master volume down to 60 and I can't really hear a difference from 80.
[02:25] <macly> any suggestions?
[02:25] <macly> basically, I don't want to change from tv to mythtv, and blow the speakers off the TV (currently, it's close, but I'm a fscking perfectionist)
[02:26] <macly> sound card is a...
[02:26] <macly> it's an intel 8x0 card
[02:50] <nettow0822_> hey guys
[02:50] <nettow0822_> how are things with 8.04?
=== MythbuntuGuest81 is now known as TTThomas
[02:56] <zabadapp> foxbuntu_laptop: I just discovered that /root has a .gtkrc-2.0 also ... so i.e. synaptic (started with su rights) looks wrong too unless it is removed ...
[02:56] <foxbuntu_laptop> zabadapp, our package doesn't put those there
[02:57] <foxbuntu_laptop> gdm does because of a setting in our package
[02:57] <foxbuntu_laptop> I changed it like 2 hours ago
[02:57] <foxbuntu_laptop> Thanks for the hit though made it easy to find for me
[02:57] <foxbuntu_laptop> hint*
[02:58] <foxbuntu_laptop> and for posting the bug
[03:40] <superm1> foxbuntu, you completely removed the .gtkrc-2.0?
[03:40] <zabadapp> foxbuntu_laptop: here's another bug :-) in /var/www/mythweb/data the softlink "video" points to /var/lib/mythtv/video, should be ../videoS ... same for video_covers
[03:40] <superm1> in the home directory of users?
[03:40] <superm1> or what'd you change?
[04:28] <pretender> my MythTV Digital stations now have a choppy picture since installing my 22" LCD Help
[07:34] <Cackette> Is there anything I have to do after a commercial-flag job?
[07:34] <Cackette> It says "Finished, 9 breaks found."
[08:58] <tritium> Is QAM tuning on an HDHomeRun still not working properly on 7.10?
[08:59] <tritium> I can get tuner 0 (connected to an antenna) to tune ATSC just fine, but I can't get tuner 1 (attached to cable) to tune QAM.
[09:01] <tritium> I hope I didn't make a mistake in buying one...
[09:15] <tritium> superm1: you have one, don't you?
[09:16] <superm1> i have a hdhome run
[09:16] <superm1> yeah
[09:16] <superm1> and qam tuning works fine on 7.10
[09:16] <superm1> make sure you update your firmware
[09:16] <tritium> Yeah, did that.
[09:17] <tritium> I'm about to try VLC.
[09:17] <tritium> I get an error in mythtv about being unable to display something or other.
[09:17] <superm1> try to tune a different station then
[09:18] <superm1> its very common that 90% of your stations dont come in over QAM
[09:18] <tritium> it fades out and takes me back out to the menu
[09:18] <superm1> even though they were part of the scan
[09:18] <superm1> like tune into your local PBS
[09:18] <superm1> or FOX
[09:18] <superm1> those are pretty reliable typically
[09:18] <tritium> Interesting.
[09:18] <tritium> Yeah, I tried changing stations too, but it had already taken me back out to the menu.
[09:19] <superm1> if that's your only tuner -
[09:19] <superm1> you need to set the default station
[09:19] <superm1> in mythtv-setup
[09:19] <superm1> to a different station
[09:19] <superm1> unfortunately
[09:19] <tritium> It's not. I have a DViCO in the box as well.
[09:22] <tritium> Maybe tuner1 is bad.
[09:23] <tritium> Now I'm just getting "You should have gotten a channel lock by now..." At least that's better than it dropping back to the menu.
[09:31] <tritium> Well, perhaps I'll send it back. Good night.
[09:32] <superm1> nigth
[09:36] <tritium> Yeah, this must be a bad tuner. I can't tune to FOX, PBS, anything at all.
=== tritium is now known as HDStrikeOut
[14:18] <nettow_> i just re-installed 7.10 but
[14:18] <nettow_> I have no sound....
[14:20] <nettow_> It worked before
[14:38] <runoff> PVR-150 help was working as /dev/video0...mythtv on ubuntu...now on backend setup "failed to open" when trying to add card...ideas?
[14:39] <lime4x4> is it possible to reconfigure vnc on a mythbox remotly thru ssh?
[15:16] <runoff> new hardware has shown up in restricted drivers Lucent/Agere linmodem control driver...new not enable..a conflict...no modem on machine...I have been reloading nvidia driver but that shouldn't kill pvr-150?
[16:26] <MythbuntuGuest93> hi
[16:26] <MythbuntuGuest93> i have just built a pc from scratch with the intention of installing mythbuntu. i downloaded
[16:26] <MythbuntuGuest93> the amd64 iso and burned it
[16:27] <MythbuntuGuest93> when i try to load the live cd
[16:27] <MythbuntuGuest93> the install freezes at "running local boot scripts"
[16:27] <MythbuntuGuest93> can anyone help?
[16:31] <directhex> oh, fuck's sake, why do they never wait for a reply?
[16:31] <Daviey> !patience
[16:31] <ubotu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[16:31] <Daviey> 3 mins
[16:31] <MythbuntuGuest48> hi i am getting the the install freezing at the "running local boot scripts stage
[16:31] <MythbuntuGuest48> can anyone help?
[16:32] <directhex> MythbuntuGuest48, how long are you waiting before assuming it's frozen?
[16:38] <zabadapp> MythbuntuGuest48: try running with failsafe graphics mode (a choice in the very beginnig), helped when my install turned black and froze
[16:41] <MythbuntuGuest48> i have waited about 10minutes
[16:42] <MythbuntuGuest48> i am connecting both hdd and dvd via one ide cable
[16:42] <MythbuntuGuest48> so i am aware that is supposed to decrease performence but should it be taking that long?
[16:43] <MythbuntuGuest48> (i tried the failsafe mode but it did the same thing. am i not waiting long enough? how long should it take approx?
[16:52] <nettow> i re-loaded 7.04 gusty and I have no sound
[16:53] <nettow> I think it has something to do with a conflict with my tuner cards
[16:59] <nettow> I have pcHDTV HD-5500 & Dvico FusionHDTV5 Gold
[17:00] <nettow> everything worked before
[17:03] <directhex> load alsamixer, flip the iec956 switch
[17:04] <nettow> doesn't alsamixer come loaded?
[17:05] <nettow> I didn't have to do anything before
[17:07] <directhex> then it obviously works now, and you shouldn't try any suggestions on fixing it
[17:09] <nettow> it hasn't work since the install...where did I say it worked?
[17:10] <nettow> i'm not an idiot
[17:11] <directhex> so have you tried the solution as suggested 8 minutes ago?
[17:15] <nettow> yes...it didn't work
[17:15] <nettow> I have since fixed it ty
[17:15] <nettow> it didn't take me 8 minutes either
[17:16] <nettow> i hope someone treats you the same way
[17:17] <nettow> also you need to get off this channel...since you bed side manner isn't what linux is all about
[17:21] <MythbuntuGuest48> hi i am getting the the install freezing at the "running local boot scripts stage
[17:21] <MythbuntuGuest48> i posted this before, does anybody have any ideas?
[17:22] <tgm4883_laptop> nettow, did you flip the iec956 switch as directhex has suggested?
[17:22] <tgm4883_laptop> MythbuntuGuest48, gutsy or hardy?
[17:23] <nettow> tgm4883_laptop I changed the device under the volume setting to get it to work
[17:23] <nettow> I got some help from the ubuntu room
[17:23] <tgm4883_laptop> nettow, so it works now?
[17:23] <nettow> yes it works now
[17:23] <tgm4883_laptop> what device did you change it to
[17:24] <nettow> It was set to the tuner card audio not my motherboard audio
[17:25] <tgm4883_laptop> did one of those happen to be the iec956?
[17:25] <nettow> no
[17:25] <tgm4883_laptop> k
[17:27] <nettow> thanks for your help
[17:36] <MythbuntuGuest48> i am new to this. i downloaded the .10 iso of mythbuntu from this site
[17:37] <MythbuntuGuest48> *7.10
[17:43] <directhex> graphics card?
[18:03] <MythbuntuGuest48> i am using th on board vga, on my asus motherboard
[18:04] <adaptr> yes, sure, whatever - *what* video ?
[18:12] <directhex> adaptr, it's connected with some kind of plug!
[18:13] <adaptr> directhex: never! I don't believe you
=== MythbuntuGuest39 is now known as S|eepy
[18:38] <S|eepy> Evening folks
[18:39] <S|eepy> Just thought I wopuld drop by and see if anyone could tell me if MythBuntu works with FloppyDTV SVB-S2 cards?
[18:39] <S|eepy> Windows MCE is no good to me as it doesnt support HD in the UK - plus would rather go the linux route of possible anyway!
[18:41] <directhex> there's no stable dvb-s2 api
[18:41] <directhex> and no FTA dvb-s2 service in the uk
[18:42] <S|eepy> not good :(
[18:42] <directhex> the only fta hd channel in the uk is bbc-hd, which is on regular dvb-s
[18:43] <S|eepy> True. Although I can clear C4 HD with my Sky card
[18:43] <S|eepy> Which is a start I guess
[18:43] <S|eepy> With regards to mythbuntu, does it support usals? So could it drive my motor?
[18:44] <directhex> diseqc is supported by mythtv
[18:44] <directhex> don't think usals is
[18:45] <S|eepy> maybe a silly question, but could I use diseqc instead? I have only ever used usals, entering my long/lat and away I go. Is disecq totally different?
[18:45] <directhex> that said, google suggests it IS supported, though buggy in 0.20
[18:45] <S|eepy> ahh - nice one
[18:46] <S|eepy> hmm. so i guess this could be viable.
[18:46] <S|eepy> guess i could just load it all in vmware to start with, prove it can do what I need. if so move across fully
[18:47] <directhex> i don't think vmware allows you to pass through devices like tuner cards to a sufficient degree that they work
[18:47] <superm1> only if they are usb
[18:47] <superm1> or ethernet
[18:47] <S|eepy> doh!
[18:48] <S|eepy> ah well, gonna have to wait till the missus aint in and start messing about I guess :-)
[18:48] <directhex> it's superm1!
[18:48] <superm1> hi kids
[18:48] <directhex> presumably there were problems too great for the regular m1
[18:49] <superm1> well of course
[20:28] <Cackette> What are the difference between the Record Profiles: "Default, Live TV, High Quality, Low Quality"?
[20:34] <adaptr> the... quality >?
[21:12] <Rigolo> good evening
[21:12] <Rigolo> superm1: any idea when alpha 3 will be released?
[21:12] <superm1> i'm just doing tests on the disk right now
[21:12] <Rigolo> okee
[21:13] <superm1> so provided i dont find anything wrong tomorrow or the day after
[21:13] <Rigolo> I will wait for it ...
[21:13] <Rigolo> maybe an other question in the mean time ... and it is not mythbunut specific
[21:13] <Rigolo> I've installed a number of packages since I installed my mythbuntu system
[21:13] <Rigolo> most of them I do not need anymore ...
[21:14] <superm1> right
[21:14] <Rigolo> they were just to see things, or even to compile stuff
[21:14] <Rigolo> how can I ge a list of "additional" packages
[21:14] <Rigolo> so those that are not part of the default install
[21:14] <Rigolo> so that I can get through them and remove the once that are no longer intresting
[21:16] <superm1> well easiest way is to look at your dpkg.log
[21:16] <superm1> to see what you've installed
[21:16] <superm1> in /var/log
[21:16] <Rigolo> I've looked at the dpkg logs .. but it also lists the upgrades of "base" packages
[21:16] <superm1> yeah
[21:17] <superm1> well any that you remember, remove those
[21:17] <superm1> and the dependencies then show up in autoremovable
[21:17] <Rigolo> I'm working on that .. but isn't there a base list of packages that is used during an intall or something?
[21:17] <superm1> well yeah mythbuntu-desktop
[21:17] <superm1> and mythbuntu-live's dependencies
[21:17] <Rigolo> and then just compair that to the currently installed packages?
[21:18] <superm1> well i wouldnt do it that route
[21:18] <superm1> there are a few not listed in there that may have gotten installed
[21:18] <superm1> and additionally, that won't show all the dependencies that route
[21:18] <Rigolo> I saw deborphan ... and you can do some "marking" or something like that ... but that only works when you start with a fresh install
[21:19] <Rigolo> so, take a clean system .. do an clean install .. do an apt-get update / apt-get upgrade
[21:19] <Rigolo> and then dump the installed package list
[21:19] <Rigolo> and compare that?
[21:20] <superm1> yeah well i'd not worry so much though
[21:20] <superm1> i mean how much more space are you really adding?
[21:20] <Rigolo> I just like a clean system ... I'm moving all my builds and compiles to a vmware image at the moment .. so that I have a nice "clean" desktop
[21:21] <superm1> ah
[21:21] <superm1> well the other thing too is start removing packages -dev packages
[21:21] <superm1> and such
[21:21] <superm1> and look what else it is taking out
[21:21] <superm1> if anything touches mythtv xfce or mythbuntu stuff dont remove it
[21:21] <superm1> otherwise do so
[21:22] <Rigolo> that is a start .. but still more like a hit and run tactic than a real thourogh approach ...
[21:22] <superm1> i regularly use that tactic on my box :)
[21:22] <superm1> i notice that i try something and then something else and the list goes up
[21:22] <superm1> but i've got a good idea of what is supposed to be around
[21:23] <Rigolo> somebody else must have had this question before me .... but googleing for ubuntu clean packages etc gives you a lot of hits .. and most of them not really usefull
[21:23] <Rigolo> btw ... are there already weekly 0.21 builds around?
[21:23] <Rigolo> hidden somewhere :-)
[21:26] <superm1> yes they are on the trunk repo
[21:26] <superm1> and on hardy
[21:26] <Rigolo> trunk == 0.21 still?
[21:26] <superm1> yes
[21:26] <Rigolo> okee
[21:30] <superm1> okay only see one bug to fix with mcc
[21:30] <superm1> and then should be good
[21:31] <Rigolo> and this alpha 3 .. is based on the ubuntu alpha 3 also? or already on alpha 4 of ubuntu?
[21:32] <superm1> its on the latest ubuntu archive
[21:32] <superm1> which is later than the latest ubuntu alpha
[21:32] <superm1> its just the third disk we've spun so that's where it gets its title
[21:32] <directhex> superm1, will the mythbuntu auto-builds be explicitly switched to the 0.21-fixes branch anytime soon? i.e. safely before 0.21 releases?
[21:32] <Rigolo> okee, so the mythbuntu alpha numbers do not match ubuntu's ... good to know
[21:32] <superm1> directhex, the autobuilds for trunk already do that
[21:32] <superm1> will just switch the ppa they push to
[21:33] <superm1> to go to mythbuntu instead of mythbuntu-trunk
[21:33] <directhex> so the "trunk" builds actually build 0.21-fixes? that makes me feel much safer
[21:33] <superm1> yeah they do
[21:33] <directhex> worth modifying the wobsite to reflect that?
[21:33] <Rigolo> I was just going to say .. trunk is not trunk :-) .. but 0.21 fixes in reality
[21:34] <superm1> directhex, i think the website was already updated for that
[21:34] <directhex> Rigolo, that's the case today
[21:34] <superm1> someone eas confused
[21:34] <directhex> Rigolo, can you assure me it will be the case in 2 weeks? a month? 2 months?
[21:34] <Rigolo> not me :-)
[21:35] <directhex> Rigolo, as someone who's been burnt by the difference between "testing" and "sarge", i think it's good to take measures in advance ;)
[21:35] <directhex> (back when sarge was testing, and stable)
[21:38] <Rigolo> but I agree with directhex , it would be good to put on the website that for the moment there are no "real" trunk builds .. but 0.21-fixes builds pretending to be trunk :-)
[21:38] <superm1> well its not like trunk is really changing right now
[21:38] <superm1> 0.21 fixes is
[21:38] <superm1> but okay
[21:40] <directhex> it'd eliminate confusion, which is the important thing really
[21:41] <Rigolo> brb ... doing a reboot and see if my installation still works after I have remove some packages :-)
[21:42] <directhex> IMHO one of the best features in 0.21 is the new renderer selection. with the gl renderer and osd, it looks infinitely better
[21:45] <Egghead3> directhex, i have to agree, it was weel worth changing from 7.10
[21:46] <superm1> directhex, i'm turning off xvmc opengl on the next build though
[21:46] <superm1> you just mean the opengl renderer right
[21:47] <Rigolo> well .. that worked :-)
[21:48] <directhex> superm1, well, duh, i've got more than 8mhz lying about, i don't need xvmc
[21:48] <superm1> i do unfortunately
[21:48] <superm1> on my 2.8ghz pentium d
[21:48] <superm1> i cant even do fscking bob with out it
[21:48] <directhex> really? my FE/BE is a 3ghz pentium-d
[21:48] <directhex> hang on, you said you didn't have an amd64 box!
[21:48] <superm1> this is a FE only too
[21:48] <superm1> no i dont
[21:48] <superm1> its i386
[21:49] <directhex> yes you do!
[21:49] <superm1> well its not running amd64 code though
[21:49] <directhex> well, yeah, but it *coukd* ;)
[21:49] <superm1> haha well yeah it "could" i guess, but try setting up a chroot for netbooting an amd64 from an i386 box...
[21:50] <directhex> sounds like fun!
[21:50] * Rigolo still needs to play with netbooting ... that is what the nslu2 I have standing next to me is going to do ...
[21:52] <superm1> directhex, but maybe i'll put a hard drive in there
[21:52] <superm1> and do an amd64 install of a3
[21:52] <superm1> once davemorris or tgm generates one
[21:52] <superm1> then i can build them in the future too i guess
[21:54] <directhex> disks are cheap
[21:56] <superm1> yeah but so am i ;)
[21:56] <superm1> and netboots are cool
[22:11] <akant2> mythbuntu rox
[22:11] <akant2> :)
[22:17] <directhex> so does beer
[22:17] <directhex> mythbuntu is cheaper though
[22:54] <akant2> mythbuntu + beer :)
[22:56] <directhex> mythbeertoo
[22:57] <adaptr> mybeerone
[22:59] <directhex> i have a cold. too ill for beer
[22:59] <directhex> maybe a lemsip though
[23:24] <Viaken> I'm just curious... how far behind do releases lag? How long might I expect to wait after Ubuntu's Hardy release for it to be a good time to upgrade my frontend?
[23:24] <Viaken> I know it can be hard to say, and any number is to be taken with a grain of salt..
[23:24] <superm1> the target is the same time release
[23:25] <superm1> the only fixes that go in after are installer fixes
[23:25] <superm1> and live mode fixes
[23:25] <superm1> the archives are frozen
[23:25] <superm1> Viaken, but the sooner you can upgrade the more beneficial it is to us. Catching upgrade bugs early is very important
[23:27] <directhex> superm1, i'd love to upgrade, but my experiences with ubuntu pre-releases are that they can be *very* hairy until about a fortnight before release. i tend to upgrade 1 month before release, and usually end up hitting really sticky bugs
[23:28] <Viaken> I would if I was the only one using the system. :\ I'm on Hardy on my laptop already. Some fairly nice systems...
[23:28] <directhex> the "udev in /etc/rc.* multiple times" one really screwed me over
[23:28] <Viaken> nice upgrades* lack of sleep getting to me. lol
[23:28] <Viaken> However, this is my family's DVR, and none of them have touched Linux. Most are ...very..not computer savvy.
[23:28] <superm1> directhex, yeah as long as you do with some time left to fix upgrade bugs, that's fine :)
[23:34] <Seeker`> what is the minimum bitrate for analog recordings to look as good as the actual broadcast?
[23:35] <superm1> directhex, and fyi, 1 month is like 1-2 weeks from now :)
[23:35] <Seeker`> I am using it on a TFT monitor