UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#ubuntu-laptop.txt
Initial commit
[00:53] <LuvSublime> Hello, I need some support,
[00:54] <LuvSublime> I am trying to install ubuntu 7.10 amd64 on a HP Pavillion dv6000
[00:54] <LuvSublime> I will be right back, moving to a different location.
[01:04] <LuvSublime808> hello, sorry about that
=== tritium is now known as HDStrikeOut
=== luka74 is now known as Lure
[21:29] <AmyTek> hi
[21:30] <AmyTek> so is this channel for testing?
[21:30] <excid3> im not sure lol
[21:30] <excid3> not many people talk on this chan
[21:30] <excid3> lol
[21:31] <excid3> were u looknig for something in particular?
[21:34] <AmyTek> infos to optimize my hp510 ubuntu feisty system
[21:35] <excid3> just looking to speed up boot/shutdown times?
[21:35] <AmyTek> so also help who have same laptop
[21:35] <AmyTek> nope, have a non freezing/crapped system
[21:36] <excid3> ive got a dv900t
[21:36] <excid3> *9000t
[21:36] <excid3> what are you wanting to optimize?
[21:36] <AmyTek> speed is ok if it works properly (but it doesn't as it should have to)
[21:37] <excid3> i sped up feisty with K Mandla's guide here
[21:37] <excid3> http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/04/22/howto-set-up-feisty-for-speed/
[21:37] <AmyTek> see no apps freeze and grayed
[21:37] <AmyTek> tnx
[21:37] <excid3> that tutorial got boot time to about 25seconds
[21:37] <excid3> :)
[21:40] <AmyTek> ops sorry but I still not have the habit to remember I'm no more using feisty but gutsy :P
[21:40] <excid3> ah
[21:40] <excid3> lol
[21:41] <excid3> http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/10/20/howto-set-up-gutsy-for-speed/
[21:41] <excid3> this is for gutsy :)
[21:43] <AmyTek> ta