UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#ubuntu-installer.txt
Initial commit
[04:16] <efren30> i need help please i just installed ubunut everything working perfect except one thing i installed a visual effect and was working fine the windows would wobble wen i grabbed them etc.. i kept meesing around with it to get the 3-d cube and now the visual effect says none and when i try putting extra it says desktop effects could not be endab le please help and thanks.
[18:58] <superm1> evand, hmm with the latest changes to ubiquity, xfwm4 isn't starting in only-ubiquity for us
[19:04] <superm1> oh nvm its probably an issue on our end - somehow metacity is installed and its using that ;)
[19:24] <CIA-24> ubiquity: superm1 * r2528 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog control): don't hardcode dependency to metacity, instead go for virtual package x-window-manager. metacity should be chosen by Ubuntu due to the desktop seed. xfwm4 will be chosen by Mythbuntu & Xubuntu due to the desktop seeds
[19:56] <evand> ah
[19:59] <superm1> evand, do you have permissions to merge stuff into debian-cd on cdimages.ubuntu.com?
[20:10] <evand> yes
[20:10] <superm1> could you merge http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/debian-cd/mythbuntu-debiancd then?
[20:10] <superm1> its a few things for our alternate disk
[20:11] <evand> ok, now to remember how to do this properly
[20:12] <superm1> i'm assuming because of the mirroring system to expose the branch to the outside world it gets ugly?
[20:28] <evand> public and private branch madness.
[20:43] <evand> hrm
[20:45] <evand> superm1, I cannot find the instructions on how to do this properly (they're probably in my saved IRC conversations, which are on a machine that I have yet to unpack), you're probably better off asking cjwatson for the time being
[20:45] <evand> sorry about that
[20:47] <superm1> evand, okay will do.
[20:47] <superm1> er anyone else that is around on the weekend that might be able to/know how to? i'd like to test these changes at the next daily build (around 12 hours from now) since time is plentiful when not work week for me
[20:48] <evand> possibly slangasek
[20:48] <superm1> k
[20:48] <superm1> ill keep eyes out for him
[20:48] <evand> err probably