UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[08:11] <DanaG> or i type 'less some doc<tab>" for "some document with spaces", and I get "less doc"
[08:11] <DanaG> oops, wrong channel.
[11:03] <troy_s> kwwii: Did I just read that?
[11:05] <troy_s> kwwii: _IF_ Fela is a go as per sabdfl, then the default GDM needs to be reconciled against it or vice versa. I will say that trying to get the background in line with the GDM was a disaster in terms of tonal ranges, so perhaps going the other way (wallpaper tone to GDM) is prudent.
[11:07] <troy_s> kwwii: Anyways, a smidge of heads up and we can probably get a polished version out the door. Hit me when you are in.
[17:46] <thorwil> nand: hi. what you mean, i forgot the image link?
[17:47] <thorwil> nand: it's a straight copy from the code box and indeed the image links to the idea
[17:47] <nand> thorwil: Oh. I am sure the image was not visible this morning!
[17:47] <nand> hmm....
[17:48] * nand will have to investigate this possible bug
[19:28] <thorwil> nand: are people using the small image links? if not, or only few, maybe they should be dropped
[19:32] <nand> thorwil: It's probably too early to tell... but from the blogs I saw, it seems the bigger one is prefered
[19:32] <nand> We should wait at least one week to have a good overview, I think
[19:32] <thorwil> sure
[21:49] <troy_s> http://abduzeedo.com/10-trends-will-define-logo-design-2008
[21:49] <troy_s> kwwii: You back?