UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <avsa242> Hey how's it goin'... for the purposes of filing a bug, is the 'Resize Window' plugin in Compiz considered part of compiz-fusion-plugins-main, or is just 'compiz' more appropriate?
[00:07] <avsa242> ...that's via the CompizConfig Settings Manager/ccsm, btw
[00:13] <markit> hi, I'm trying to install hardy alpha5 from cd, but does not recognize my laptop screen resolution, so I have just $. any way to specify monitor Horyz/vert at boot time? any workaround?
[00:16] <pwnguin> ive got a strange problem with openoffice hyphenation
[00:17] <pwnguin> it says it conflicts with another package, but it's not installed
[00:20] <CarlFK> this is most likely a problem with my apt-cache:
[00:20] <CarlFK> Feb 29 05:56:53 debconf: --> SUBST base-installer/debootstrap/fallback-error ERROR Invalid Release signature (key id 40976EAF437D05B5)
[00:20] <CarlFK> any idea what the file name is?
[00:21] <naught101> can someone using kubunt hardy go to K > system settings > user management
[00:21] <naught101> and see if it works?
[00:32] <picard_pwns_kirk> every opengl application (besides glxgears) I use renders like crap
[00:33] <hischild> any chance that i can get a pointer on how to get wifi up on ubuntu server?
[00:33] <picard_pwns_kirk> hischild: #ubuntu
[00:33] <picard_pwns_kirk> you shouldn't be running wifi on a server
[00:33] <hischild> picard_pwns_kirk, it's running hardy --> this would be the correct channel ..
[00:34] <picard_pwns_kirk> oh
[00:34] <hischild> picard_pwns_kirk, yes ... i'm aware of that ... but untill i get my wiring sorted out, i'm stuck with wifi ...
[00:34] <hischild> for now i hardwired it ... and that works ... yet having a cable through the middle of the room isn't exactly a perfect solution ...
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
[00:50] <s3phiroth> erm...i finally managed to get graphics working on my new laptop and when i start X on hardy, i can login but when i'm loading gnome i get a white screen...is this a common issue ?
[01:41] <frinkillo> hi all
[01:41] * nblracer wave
[01:42] <frinkillo> I've got some problems on my update to hardy...
[01:42] <frinkillo> my wireless card (Intel 3945ABG) stopped working
[01:42] <frinkillo> I've seen that hardy uses a new driver (iwl3945) instead the old one (ipw3945)...
[01:43] <frinkillo> I can see the info through iwconfig, etc...
[01:43] <frinkillo> but there are no scan results on a iwlist scan
[01:43] * picard_pwns_kirk hates it when that happens
[01:44] <frinkillo> some hint? ^^
[01:44] <picard_pwns_kirk> for me, it was a graphics card
[01:44] <picard_pwns_kirk> I just downloaded a new driver off of the interwebz
[01:44] <frinkillo> I've googled about that problem on the new driver... but almost nothing related
[01:45] <frinkillo> heh, I see
[01:47] <frinkillo> I was trying to install the ipw3945 on hardy to try to solve the problem... but it fails to compile due to some ieee80211 subsystem include errors...
[02:03] <wastrel> ipw3945
[02:09] <comicinker> how can I add my own town to the region list of the clock and weather applet?
[02:15] <comicinker> I mean how can I create an entry for my hometown? is it possible?
=== Mohero is now known as Mohero|sleep
[02:28] <Milos_SD> Is it just my connection, or main server is not working, I am geting error 404?
[02:29] <Dr_willis> comicinker, from what i recall - the thing looks for gov. based weather stations. I just pick one thats at the nearest airport.
[02:30] <comicinker> Dr_willis: gov. based weather stations?
[02:33] <Benalex> Hello, where can I find info about whats new in Hard?
[02:33] <Benalex> Hardy
[02:34] <Flannel> Benalex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha5
[02:35] <Benalex> Flannel: Thanks
[02:35] <AtomicSpark> DanaG: you're always in here :P
[02:35] <Solarion> is there any plan to enable usb persist in hardy kernels?
[02:36] * Solarion wants the filesystem horkage to stop
[02:36] * RAOF wonders what usb persist is.
[02:36] * DanaG wonders what horkage is.
[02:36] <Solarion> http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/usb/persist.txt
[02:36] <RAOF> I also wonder whether UUIDs aren't the solution to your problem.
[02:36] <Solarion> horkage == brekaage
[02:36] <Flannel> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence
[02:37] * DanaG wants USB devices to be released for real, like they do with Selective Suspend .... gives /sys/bus/usb/ .... power/state files.
[02:37] <Solarion> RAOF: mass storage devices suddenly and violently disappearing is not a UUID issue
[02:37] <Milos_SD> how can I enable multi-mouse in Hardy? I know that version of X server that comes with Hardy supports that, but I tried today, and nothing happend - no second cursor. :(
[02:38] <RAOF> Solarion: Quite ture.
[02:38] <RAOF> Solarion: Now that I know what you're talking about it's obvious. :)
[02:39] <Solarion> :)
[02:39] <Solarion> I need it for my eee
[02:40] <Solarion> 4GB storage isn't enough, which is why I have a 16GB drive with project files and stuff on it. BUT the card reader is (built-in) USB
[02:40] <Solarion> on uspend, reiserfs has a cow
[02:40] <RAOF> On the other hand, that page *does* have a "you can _really_ break your stuff if you're not careful" disclaimer.
[02:40] <Solarion> RAOF: having filesystem breakage is also broken
[02:41] <Solarion> besides, once you compile it in, you still have to enable it in /sys/bus/usb/device/*/power/persist
[02:41] <RAOF> Solarion: Unclean unmounting is infinitely better than the corruption you'd get if you did it wrong.
[02:41] <Solarion> so just enablign it in the build would be huge
[02:41] <Dr_willis> comicinker, http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/stationlocator.html
[02:41] <Solarion> it's reported in the forums as working well
[02:41] <AtomicSpark> should i use QoS on my router? my ubuntu machine takes over our networks internet whenever i upload or download large files.
[02:42] <RAOF> The forums are not really the userbase who'd kill all their data by changing a device while the lappy's suspended.
[02:42] <Dr_willis> Im not sure that QoS will prevent that.
[02:43] <RAOF> Solarion: I can see why you'd want it, and it does appear to be safely disabled by default. Why don't you file a bug against the kernel?
[02:43] <Dr_willis> Ive noticed that copying files to/from windows box to/from linux box with samba - really lags my network. :(
[02:43] <AtomicSpark> yeah :\ windows didnt do it. of course windows networking is limited. m$ thinks most people have dialup.
[02:43] <Solarion> RAOF: I was just asking in case
[02:43] <Dr_willis> MS may be throttling down things. Ive never noticed. :)
[02:43] <RAOF> Solarion: You'd have better luck asking in #ubuntu-kernel, of course :)
[02:44] <Solarion> RAOF: actually, it has to be manually enabled in /sys, so nobody will know that it's enabled save for those who need to enable it
[02:44] <Solarion> didn't knwo there was such a beast
[02:44] <RAOF> But if it's not enabled at the moment, I'd suggest a LP bug.
[02:44] <Assid> heya
[02:44] <Assid> Dr_willis: throttiling down things?
[02:44] <Assid> err. is it me or are the fonts super bold after the last update
[02:44] <RAOF> Solarion: Yeah, I know. It's safely disabled by default. A real solution would be that logical volume manager mentioned in the page :)
[02:44] <Dr_willis> Assid, seems i get faster samba speeds from linux to windows.. then i do from windows to windows
[02:45] <Assid> oh thats cause of the size of the tcp window
[02:45] <Assid> there are some hacks to fix it i think
[02:45] <Assid> okay seriously whats up with the fonts
[02:45] <Assid> why are they so damn bold now
[02:46] <AtomicSpark> yeah. like i cant even play a game anymore while doing background work. my ping goes to 800+ haha.
[02:46] <Dr_willis> Assid, i havent noticed. :) but im not on ubuntu at the moment.
[02:46] <Assid> hrmm you should see it
[02:46] <AtomicSpark> im seeing if QoS helps. should make smaller transfers, game and webbrowsing, higher priority then downloads.
[02:46] <Assid> as soon as you start up .. see the "Login" text
[02:47] <EnderTheThird> hmm. is auto-configuring X supposed to automagically configure back/forward buttons on mice too? because its, well, not
[02:47] <Assid> AtomicSpark: wouldnt that depend on your net
[02:47] <Solarion> RAOF: sure, but this works and it exists, like the dude also says. ;)
[02:47] <Solarion> RAOF: my main pont is that it'd harm nobody to have it enabled (since it still hhas to be turned on) and would helpa segment of the users immensely
[02:48] <comicinker> Dr_willis: pretty awesome. thanks
[02:49] <RAOF> Solarion: Yeah. I know. It's (sadly) a fairly small segment of users, though. I wouldn't expect the kernel team to object to enabling it, though. Which is why I suggest you ask them, either in #ubuntu-kernel, or (preferably) a bug :)
=== vorian is now known as vorian_
[02:54] <Dr_willis> comicinker, the gov has a lot of neat 'weather' monitoring systems, and even storm watcher volenteer networks
[02:56] <Solarion> RAOF: bug #197166
[02:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 197166 in linux "[hardy] kernel should have usb persist mode built in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197166
[02:56] <Solarion> there ya go. :)
[02:56] <Solarion> man, if that got enabled, my life oul be so much nicer
[02:59] <triorieel> How do I download and install the hardy version of totem?
[02:59] <EnderTheThird> anyone know a way around this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/178400
[02:59] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 178400 in ubuntu "[Hardy] Xorg high CPU usage with 2.6.24 kernel and nvidia-glx" [Undecided,New]
[02:59] <Flannel> !prevu | triorieel
[02:59] <ubotu> triorieel: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details
[03:00] <Assid> someone should fix the damn scanner / usb permissions issues
[03:00] <EnderTheThird> Xorg is rocking the crap out of my cpu, heh
[03:03] <EnderTheThird> No dice i guess.
[03:04] <Assid> EnderTheThird: weird.. mines working fine
[03:05] <Assid> but then i do have 74 packages pending to update
[03:06] <Assid> none of them is nvidia-glx-new or xorg - nvidia related
[03:06] <Zambezi> It's really annoying when you find a bug, but it won't make a report. And it's really hard to explain and it's not possible to force it.
[03:06] <EnderTheThird> Assid: I've had some bad luck with this thing. You'd think that with a 2+ GHz CPU this thing wouldn't be puttering so bad. It's an Optiplex GX260, so it has intel integrated video, not nvidia like in that bug
[03:07] <Zambezi> It happens from time to time.
[03:07] <Assid> Zambezi: yeah been in that boat
[03:08] <Assid> still dont get whats up with these fonts
[03:10] <EnderTheThird> Assid: at least your display is working well enough to show fonts without lagging 20 minutes, heh
[03:14] <EnderTheThird> Anyone have the back/forward buttons on their mouse working?
[03:14] <EnderTheThird> I used to edit xorg.conf, but I'm not sure if there's a better way to do that now with the autoconfiguring and whatnot.
[03:14] <DanaG> Nope, now evdev is broken.
[03:15] <DanaG> You can't configure evdev through xorg.conf anymore.
[03:15] <EnderTheThird> Hmmm, well that's no fun. Guess it's a good thing I didn't put this on my primary machine. There's some wisdom to that whole "testing environment ONLY" thing
[03:15] <DanaG> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/173833
[03:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 173833 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "evdev mouse fails on hardy: cannot open input pEvdev" [Medium,Confirmed]
[03:22] <Zambezi> Assid: I'm going to look at it later.
[03:53] <gilster32> anyone here using DVD-RAM discs
[03:53] <gilster32> i am trying to do a udf format on several blank DVD-RAM discs
[03:57] <zcat[1]> weirdness #1 -- compaq bl10e blade with hardy installed.. boots fine with generic kernel, won't boot with server kernel.. 9 other blades don't have a problem with it.
[03:58] <zcat[1]> weirdness #2 -- blades with gutsy shut down when I hit toe power button, blades with hardy never do.. powerd or something?
[03:58] <zcat[1]> s/toe/the
[03:58] <zcat[1]> anyone alive in here?
[04:18] <yeltsinator> Hi, if I keep getting audit errors in dmesg how do I fix them?
[04:18] <yeltsinator> [52886.804380] audit(1204345009.493:38): operation="inode_permission" request_mask="::rw" denied_mask="::rw" name="/dev/tty" pid=20187 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" namespace="default"
[04:18] <yeltsinator> ^example
[04:20] <AtomicSpark> gplflash, swfdec, gnash, or flash-non-free: which do you use and why?
[04:23] <yeltsinator> k, so apparmor is the culprit... How do I stop apparmor from doing it's thing?
[04:41] <AtomicSpark> explain moar!
[04:41] <AtomicSpark> yeltsinator: explain moar!
[04:41] <yeltsinator> I figured it out.
[04:41] <yeltsinator> Now I'm running into a stranger error;)
[04:42] <yeltsinator> whenever I try to print to my p1005 i get this: usblp0: removed
[04:44] <AtomicSpark> and you think its apparmor?
[04:44] <AtomicSpark> by default (in ubuntu) apparmor protects very little. i mean its stupid how little it protects.
[04:44] <AtomicSpark> did you add any profiles?
[04:46] <DanaG> Argh, OpenOffice sucks at paragraphing.
[04:47] <AtomicSpark> lawl.
[04:47] <DanaG> It keeps detaching headers from their paragraphs, and leaving whole pages blank.
[04:47] <AtomicSpark> hi DanaG!
[04:47] <DanaG> Except for the heading it detached.
[04:47] <gundam_rx78nt1> I just updated my kernel to 2.6.24-8-generic and instead of using the ipw3945 drivers for my wireless, it uses the ilw3945 drivers and it doesn't connect or associates with my router.
[04:48] <gundam_rx78nt1> any pointers?
[04:50] <DanaG> Hmm, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=985&num=1
[04:51] <DanaG> I hope to see a mobile one of those by summer.
[04:52] <AtomicSpark> and more ati support!
[04:53] <triorieel> Im having major issues with gutsy and was wondering if there was an upgrade command to hardy (hoping this will fix my issues) [I know its not a pretty way to fix problems, but Ive hit my debugging limits]
[04:53] <DanaG> How is ATI right now, anyway?
[04:54] <gundam_rx78nt1> I just updated my kernel to 2.6.24-8-generic and instead of using the ipw3945 drivers for my wireless, it uses the ilw3945 drivers and it doesn't connect or associates with my router.
[04:54] <gundam_rx78nt1> any pointers?
[04:55] <DanaG> Hmm, WPA, WPA2, or what?
[04:55] <gundam_rx78nt1> WPA
[04:56] <DanaG> Hmm, I'm using WPA2 with no issues (other than the hassle caused by hidden SSID, because my dad insists on it even though it does nothing for security).
[04:56] <DanaG> You can try doing "Connect to Other Wireless Network..." in NetworkManager and entering details manually.
[04:56] <gundam_rx78nt1> well, my current router only has wpa.
[04:56] <gundam_rx78nt1> I have done that.
[04:57] <DanaG> Both methods (TKIP and AES)?
[04:57] <Assid> err
[04:57] <Assid> wtf.. my desktop icons are gone\
[04:57] <Assid> whats wrong with this thing
[04:58] <gundam_rx78nt1> TKIP
[04:59] <Dr_willis> PEBKAC
[04:59] <AtomicSpark> AES > TKIP
[04:59] <Dr_willis> :)
[04:59] * DanaG goes to dinner. Will Be Back Later.
[04:59] <DanaG> "bbl" looks like "bubble" to me.
=== steve__ is now known as vorian
[05:09] <LeeJunFan> is it just me or is everyone getting BADSIG error with apt?
[05:35] <Assid> err
[05:35] <Assid> mny desktop doesnt have any icons
[05:43] <ethana2> So
[05:43] <ethana2> I return
[05:43] <ethana2> ...anybody else use virt-manager?
[05:43] <ethana2> ..because it has a problem..
[05:43] <ethana2> that doesn't bother the leet people enough to fix it
[05:44] <ethana2> ..because they don't use a GUI
[05:44] <ethana2> it just won't let me use the CD drive
[05:55] <Belboz91> Hey all, any change with wine?
[05:55] <Belboz91> right now I can't get any wine version to run
[06:12] <Dr_willis> wine >hic<
[06:12] <Dr_willis> :)
[06:20] <Belboz91> hey Dr_willis
[06:20] <triorieel> quick question, if I install hardy...will the updates take me out of the alpha versions with time?
[06:20] <Dr_willis> Yes they should triorieel
[06:20] <triorieel> thank you
[06:20] <Dr_willis> look forward to a LOT of updates... :) iover the next few weeks
[06:20] <Belboz91> Dr_willis: do you expect Wine will function normally any time soon (next week or two)?
[06:21] <Dr_willis> No idea Belboz91 - Theres a lot of other bits not functioning at this time id consider more imporntant
[06:21] <Belboz91> I agree, I've had a heck of a time just running the OS
[06:21] <Dr_willis> could be fixed tomorrow.. or may be next week. :) hard to tell. check the forums/mailing lists/bug sites I guess
[06:21] <Dr_willis> Belboz91, Yep. I am testing it on this box.. and its still got a lot-o-work.
[06:22] <Belboz91> my problem is that I'd like to try out some of my favorite games on my brand new AMD / ATI Radeon 3650
[06:22] <Dr_willis> but it has such PURTY new artwork!
[06:22] <Belboz91> but the card doesn't work on Gutsy :(
[06:22] <Belboz91> lol, yeah!~
[06:22] <Dr_willis> apt-get install hammer
[06:22] <Dr_willis> hammer ati card to bits
[06:22] <Dr_willis> :)
[06:23] <Belboz91> on Gutsy I get glxgears and every other 3D game smattered in blocks arcoss the screen in an odd checkeboard pattern
[06:23] <Belboz91> even when using the same Xorg,conf as Hardy
[06:24] <Belboz91> Hardy works, but I don't own any native Linux games
[06:24] <Belboz91> demo of ETQW plays pretty well though :)
[06:24] <Dr_willis> I got some native linux games.. but they are major old comercial games. :0
[06:24] <Dr_willis> heh . Been playing Wesnoth lately
[06:24] <Belboz91> lol, nice
[06:25] <Belboz91> my wife loves that game
[06:25] <Dr_willis> its a nifty game once ya get used to it. - im a big fan of the Advanced Wars game on the GB/DS also.
[06:25] <Belboz91> cool
[06:25] <Dr_willis> wonder if ya could customize wesnoth into a similer thing
[06:25] <Belboz91> tonight I hooked up my HTPC to my receiver through SPDIF :)
[06:26] <Belboz91> Mythbuntu never sounded so good ;)
[06:30] <Dr_willis> I wonder if theres a way i can get videos to play on an Unmoded Xbox..
[06:30] <Dr_willis> i got 2 of them in the closet.
[06:32] <DanaG> Oh hey, did you know.... there's a dolby-digital encoding LADSPA plugin for ALSA?
[06:35] <Dr_willis> LADSPA means nothing to me. :)
[06:35] <Dr_willis> heh heh..
[06:37] <Assid> Dr_willis: what artwork?!
[06:37] <Belboz91> I just bought this:
[06:37] <Belboz91> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835186134
[06:37] <Assid> idont see no new artwork
[06:37] <Belboz91> Assid: there's that new Heron wallpaper
[06:37] <Belboz91> looks pretty nice btw
[06:38] <Assid> where?! its not in my wallpapers
[06:38] <Dr_willis> Assid, the make me puke wallpaper. :)
[06:38] <Assid> imgshack
[06:39] <Belboz91> sorry, I'm not running hardy at the moment
[06:39] <Assid> Dr_willis: can do it
[06:42] <Dr_willis> do what?
[06:44] <DanaG> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dolby_Digital_Out_(AC3,_SPDIF)
[06:44] <DanaG> there's the thing about the dolby digital encoding.
[06:46] <teamcobra> is there a way to remaster hardy?
[06:49] <Les_Caesars> I have a question. Is the new sound system Hardy is going to use going to allow multiple applications to share the sound system?
[06:49] <Les_Caesars> like firefox&totem
[06:49] <Dr_willis> Les_Caesars, I can do that allready. :)
[06:50] <Dr_willis> but i do belive the new system will improve cases where the apps dont share nicely
[06:50] <DanaG> Just have to install libasound2-plugins and libflashsupport
[06:50] <Les_Caesars> what's different about it?
[06:51] <Les_Caesars> thanks DanaG. I'll see how it turns out. Will this be something preinstalled with Hardy?
[06:51] <Les_Caesars> well, wait. This new sound system. Is it replacing, or just being used in favor of OSS and ALSA, which will still be there?
[06:51] <Assid> new wallpaper Dr_willis
[06:52] <DanaG> libflashsupport makes Flash get along better with PulseAudio.
[06:52] <Assid> pulseaudio+vlc = evil
[06:52] * Assid sticks to alsa
[06:52] <DanaG> libasound2-plugins lets you 'asounconf set-pulseaudio' to wrap everything to PulseAudio. But, some stuff clashes horribly with that.
[06:53] <Les_Caesars> odd
[06:53] <Les_Caesars> libflashsupport isn't in my repo. Is that only in the Hardy repo?
[06:53] <Assid> err.. someone wanna show me the new artwork ?
[06:53] <Assid> i cant see anything on this box
[06:54] <Assid> warty-final-ubuntu ?
[06:54] <Assid> is that the one?
[07:43] <prasanna> anyone know how to disable the keymanager that pops up at boot up?
[07:43] <prasanna> i mean i've seen a few fixs on google, but they seem to have made thigns worse
[08:05] <DanaG> wtf? tab-completion is BROKEN.
[08:05] <DanaG> Not missing, but broken.
[08:06] <DanaG> try typing 'less' and then tab-completing a path with spaces in several places, such as something on a Windows partition.
[08:06] <DanaG> dana@GLaDOS:/media/XP/Documents and Settings/Dana/My Documents$ cd My\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
[08:06] <Hobbsee> DanaG: WFM.
[08:06] <DanaG> I get all those slashes by holding TAB.
[08:07] <DanaG> wfm?
[08:07] <Hobbsee> wfm under bash, zsh.
[08:07] <Hobbsee> works for me
[08:08] <DanaG> Odd.
[08:08] <DanaG> Oh, and opening new terminals in gnome-terminal opens them in the same path as the terminal I had open before.
[08:09] <Dr_willis> Hay! you cant be GLaDOS! thats this pcs name!
[08:09] <Dr_willis> :P
[08:10] * Dr_willis steals the cake.
[08:11] <DanaG> If I type 'less some doc<tab>" for "some document with spaces", and I get "less doc"
[08:11] <Dr_willis> Yep. bash name completion with spaces.. can be a bother
[08:12] <Dr_willis> less 'doc <tab>
[08:12] <Dr_willis> often works for me
[08:12] <DanaG> But I want 'some document" but it loses the 'some'.
[08:12] <Dr_willis> quote the filename first beforhand. and it sometimes works. :)
[08:13] <Dr_willis> but ive had funky file names that just do not want to tab complete right. :(
[08:13] <Dr_willis> darn windows files..
[08:14] <DanaG> Even better is the /my documents/my videos/ path
[08:14] <DanaG> it gives my documents/my \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
[08:14] * Dr_willis wonders what IDIOT at MS decided that putting 'my' in front of everything was better.. :)
[08:15] <Dr_willis> I cant verify your bug DanaG :) not on ubuntu right now
[08:15] * DanaG goes back in time and changes it to "Your"
[08:15] <DanaG> What's even better is the "my documents" folder of OTHER users.
[08:15] <dencrypt> To at all implement spaces in filenames should be forbidden by law.
[08:16] <DanaG> They'll show up sometimes as "my documents" and other times as "user's documents". Which is the real name? I don't have a clue -- it CHANGES!
[08:18] <Dr_willis> ' in filenames is WORSE then spaces... :)
[08:18] <Dr_willis> cd " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
[08:18] <Dr_willis> :)
[08:19] <DanaG> touch ' '
[08:19] * Dr_willis makes a hidden directory called ' '
[08:19] <DanaG> touch `echo -e \\a'
[08:19] <DanaG> touch `echo -e \\a`
[08:19] <DanaG> Filename will be BEEP.
[08:19] <Dr_willis> touch '--trytodeleteme'
[08:19] <Dr_willis> :)
[08:20] <DanaG> Naah, beep is better because you have to do the same backtick thing to remove it..... or use a GUI.
[08:21] <DanaG> Another idea: touch '*' -- that one is evil.
[08:29] <DanaG> !find libasound_module_pcm_a52
[08:29] <ubotu> Package/file libasound_module_pcm_a52 does not exist in hardy
[08:30] <DanaG> Okay... where do I get that ALSA plugin, then?
[08:34] <DanaG> Okay, it's in the alsa-plugins source package; now, how do I make it build that one?
[08:42] <cwillu> bah, they broke sitecustomize
[08:42] <cwillu> (.py)
[08:42] <cwillu> and all for a stupid little apport hook
[08:42] <cwillu> gah
[08:52] <Daviey> Belboz91: Are you testing mythbuntu 8.04 for us? :)
=== tritium is now known as HDStrikeOut
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[10:01] <nanomad> anyone here experiencing slow boot-up problems? it just sits there with the bouncing loading bar doing nothing...
=== Mohero|sleep is now known as Mohero
[10:02] <nanomad> after removing the bootsplash via grup it boots up pretty fast
[10:02] <nanomad> *gub
[10:02] <nanomad> **grub
[10:03] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?
[10:03] <nanomad> let me check
[10:04] <nanomad> nope
[10:04] <bazhang> nanomad how much ram in that machine?
[10:04] <nanomad> 1gig
[10:04] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - well, i think not - I have ubuntu studio and i have almost all soft i need there
[10:04] <bazhang> 64bit nanomad?
[10:05] <nanomad> no
[10:05] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - but i have installed some codecs, that are restricted
[10:05] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: do you have java installed?
[10:05] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - i have tuxguitar in my Gutsy, and it works
[10:05] <bazhang> nanomad when did you start seeing this problem
[10:05] <nanomad> the problem is here from 2.6.24-5
[10:06] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - how can i check to be sure? I have java for my firefok though...
[10:06] <bazhang> well nanomad this is still only alpha 5, so..
[10:06] <nanomad> maybe it was a known bug
[10:06] <bazhang> nanomad you could check launchpad and file a bug if not there
[10:07] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: go into synaptic package manager and search for java
[10:07] <nanomad> yea, for sure
[10:07] <bazhang> nanomad no startup slowness here on a thinkpad with 2gig of ram
[10:07] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - ok! 1 moment...
[10:08] <bazhang> though I do have a broken package from open office ;[
[10:08] <nanomad> gnome loads slow too, There must be sth wrong with my setup
[10:08] <bazhang> nanomad seriously doubt it is on your end
[10:09] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - well, i have java common, some libs concerning java too. But there are a long list with aps
[10:09] <nanomad> bazhang: no probs with oo.org
[10:09] <Anthony_Schneide> *there is
[10:09] <bazhang> nanomad gutsy ran fine right? hardy should be as fast or faster
[10:09] <nanomad> gutsy was ok
[10:09] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: what about jave jre 6
[10:09] <nanomad> it didnt suffered the upgrade from feisty. hardy is a fresh install from alpha4 instead
[10:10] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> is the java xcb lock up bug fixed?
[10:10] <Anthony_Schneide> no, not installed. Should i install it then?
[10:10] <bazhang> nanomad well plenty of folks are having breakage--this is still early days ;]
[10:10] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: it was missing the jre in that error you had right?
[10:11] <nanomad> bazhang: i know, and leaving bootsplash disabled is not a problem for me
[10:11] <Anthony_Schneide> yeah, thanks :) you help me the 2nd time now :) thanks
[10:11] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - btw, i have asked another question, but there was noone to answer. Maybe you know a solution?I have ubuntu_studio and a little problem with it. I have chosen 1600x1200 resolution, but everytime I reload, it sets to 1280x1024 and I have to change it back manualy every time. Can you suggest a solution, maybe a sctipt that will change it automatically?
[10:11] <bazhang> nanomad okay cool
[10:12] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: what does xorg.conf say?
[10:12] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: what card and what driver and how did you install it--some nvidia and ati users are having bad luck so far
[10:13] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - i haven't run it. ubuntu studio configured everything itself
[10:14] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - ati radeon 9800 xt 256 mb
[10:14] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - and i didn't install drivers too
[10:14] <nanomad> use the pastebin and give us the /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[10:14] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Bug #86103
[10:14] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 86103 in sun-java5 "azureus-> java: xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86103
[10:14] <nanomad> maybe the automatic xorg configurator is going mad
[10:15] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> hum...
[10:15] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - in gutsy everythin works
[10:15] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: well it is final so no surprises there ;]
[10:15] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - pastebin? can you suggest what is it?
[10:16] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, www.pastebin.com?
[10:16] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - yeah :) but i love testing alpha and aolve problems :) i really want to learn linux this way
[10:16] <binaries-APP> >google human computation
[10:17] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: I hear you ;] you might want to try installing some drivers for that card via the restricted drivers manager
[10:17] <nanomad> !pastebin
[10:17] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[10:17] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: see what ubotu said
[10:17] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - i tried :) and my system crashed :) well in gutsy too. not crashed but screen gone mad
[10:18] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> !botsnack
[10:18] <ubotu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[10:18] <Anthony_Schneide> bazhang - i tried standart driver and oficial from ATI web site
[10:19] <Anthony_Schneide> ubotu - thanks, ill be back with a link...
[10:19] <bazhang> Anthony_Schneide: dont tell me envy please
[10:19] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> envy still breaks stuff?
[10:19] <jpatrick> !envy | [Hardy]TuTUXG
[10:19] <ubotu> [Hardy]TuTUXG: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »
[10:19] <bazhang> yes [Hardy]TuTUXG
[10:20] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> um..
[10:20] <Dr_willis> envy has always broken stuff. :)
[10:20] <bazhang> haha
[10:20] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> i knew that
[10:20] <Anthony_Schneide> envy? is it a driver for ATI?
[10:20] <bazhang> and now there is envyNG made to break Hardy specifically ;]
[10:20] <Dr_willis> !envy
[10:20] <ubotu> envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »
[10:20] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> i thought they have better collaboration with ubuntu now, guess not
[10:20] <Dr_willis> heh they cleaned up the factoid.
[10:21] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> !automix
[10:21] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about automix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[10:21] <nanomad> yeah, i dont see the point of using envy in hardy. we got the latest driver here
[10:21] <bazhang> well the maker of envy says on his blog that ubuntu developers helped him design EnvyNG so we shall see
[10:21] <Dr_willis> Its so nice when people like the presdent of Dell come out saying Ubuntu should include automatix (i think it was him) when theres very strong LEGAL reasons it cant be included.
[10:22] <Dr_willis> bazhang, that would be nice. If it gets support from the ubuntu higherups.
[10:22] <Dr_willis> at least envy tries to do one thing. not everything.
[10:22] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> i thought envy is just bunch of scripts
[10:22] <bazhang> Dr_willis: it sure would--could give the bot a rest ;]
[10:22] <Anthony_Schneide> well - here is my xorg.conf - http://pastebin.com/d46b648b
[10:22] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> ya, i am anti-envy
[10:22] <Dr_willis> Automatix - tries to do a lot of things. envy is just for the video drivers
[10:22] <Dr_willis> Unless its changed lately
[10:22] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> !automatix
[10:22] <ubotu> automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »
[10:23] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> ...
[10:23] <bazhang> automatix is much worse imo
[10:23] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - check my config please http://pastebin.com/d46b648b
[10:23] <Dr_willis> automatix is much MUCH MUCH MUCH worse
[10:23] <Dr_willis> :)
[10:24] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: change line 16 from true to false and see what happens
[10:24] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: maybe fbdev limits your resolution
[10:25] <Anthony_Schneide> but what is "FBDev"
[10:25] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. Stage6 is gone.. but the web pages i saved from stage6 still work.. :) lol.
[10:25] <Dr_willis> i should of saved more to download the videos at this time.
[10:25] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: open as root /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a text editor (kate/gedit)
[10:25] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Dr_willis, ya, stage6 is gone, sucks..
[10:26] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: FBDev is the framebuffer from the kernel. It sucks compared to opensource or closed ati drivers
[10:26] <Dr_willis> [Hardy]TuTUXG, yep - wife is mad. She was watching shows.. now they be gone. VEOH is nice.. but not the same.
[10:27] <bazhang> tudou ;]
[10:27] <nanomad> bazhang: bug report commited, lets see ;)
[10:27] <bazhang> nanomad aha thanks!
[10:27] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - i would gladly install normal drivers, but I had problems with them! After that installation I had to apt-get remove them , cause the only thing that loaded, was BASH
[10:28] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: just remove that line. You could always re-edit the file
[10:28] <nanomad> *could -> can
[10:29] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - well, can you say explain how to edit txt files in BASH? cause there is a chance, that xserver won't load
[10:30] <Dr_willis> use the nano, or other text based editor
[10:30] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - and this info can be useful in future too :) thanks :)
[10:30] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: use nani
[10:30] <nanomad> *nano
[10:30] <Dr_willis> rember in nano ^x means CONTROL-X
[10:30] <Dr_willis> well control-x :)
[10:30] <nanomad> *nanomad hates nano,
[10:30] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - i have used it, but how to save file when i finished?
[10:31] <bazhang> nanomad you can prefix that with /me for more fun
[10:31] * bazhang likes gedit
[10:31] <Dr_willis> The nano help says to 'write file'' use... somthing.. :)
[10:31] <Dr_willis> i always use fte
[10:31] <Dr_willis> or mcedit in the console. Or vi. :)
[10:31] <nanomad> bazhang: yeah, i know. i dunno why i didnt use it
[10:31] <bazhang> hehe
[10:31] <Anthony_Schneide> im confused :)
[10:32] <Anthony_Schneide> ok, iw ill try to edit xorg.cong with nano :)
[10:32] <bazhang> you can also sudo gedit right?
[10:32] <bazhang> oh wait no x never mind
[10:32] <nanomad> lol
[10:32] <Anthony_Schneide> yeah, i know :) but i have to know how to do this in BASH
[10:33] <bazhang> sudo nano then
[10:33] <Dr_willis> nano, mcedit, pico, vi, vim, fte,
[10:33] <Dr_willis> :)
[10:33] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> sed, grep ...
[10:33] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> >>> <<<
[10:33] <Anthony_Schneide> well - totally confused :)
[10:33] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: while your are still here. gives us lsmod output
[10:33] <nanomad> use the pastebin as usual
[10:33] <bazhang> or cat it to pastebinit ;]
[10:35] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, easy editor for me without x is nano, if u need to edit xorg.conf, run nano with sudo, and when u quit, use ctrl-x and just press enter enter enter, and it will be saved
[10:35] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - a moment please.
[10:36] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - thanks! I just wanted to ask how to save :)
[10:36] <nanomad> (wow, my router vendor refuses to give me the source code of the firmware which is Linux-based)
[10:36] <Dr_willis> nanomad, notify the busybox guys.. they are sueing other router makers. :)
[10:36] <Dr_willis> if its using busybox.
[10:37] <nanomad> Dr_willis: i know...they are dumb. I've said the same thing to the and linked the gpl-violation site.
[10:37] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> what's busybox?
[10:37] <Dr_willis> a all-in-one-multi-tool :)
[10:38] <Dr_willis> for making uber-tiny linux installs
[10:38] <Dr_willis> it replaces everything from ls, vi, and so on, up to sshd.
[10:38] <Dr_willis> sort of amazing really how it works.
[10:38] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> i c
[10:39] <Dr_willis> its one 'binary' that when called with diffretn names - does the work of other commands. so the busybox install 'bin' dir will have links from ln, vi, ls, and so on all pointing to /bin/busybox
[10:40] <Anthony_Schneide> ok, im done with xorg.conf :)
[10:40] <fire360> who big is ubuntu's repository? i want to download a big portion of it for an non-internet machine
[10:41] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - should i print lsmod in terminal and post it on that site?
[10:41] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, pretty big
[10:41] <fire360> i ve downloaded 12gig of debian, the otherday
[10:41] <nanomad> yes
[10:41] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, about the same?
[10:42] <fire360> debian is 20 cdr or 4 dvd iso
[10:42] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, ubuntu install cd is smaller becuz it depends on internet more
[10:42] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - please, check this out - http://pastebin.com/d544bee0
[10:43] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, debian also have minimal install cd
[10:44] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> u install the base system without x then download everything else
[10:44] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: it's for an non-internet machine
[10:44] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: it does not load the ati driver
[10:44] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, so i was telling u the ubuntu repo is pretty big
[10:44] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad what does it mean?
[10:44] <nanomad> nanomad: what does sudo modprobe -v ati says?
[10:45] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, if u also want to mirror the universal
[10:45] <nanomad> woow..wait replace ati with radeon
[10:45] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - FATAL: Module ati not found.
[10:46] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - the same with ati>radeon
[10:46] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: i am running debian on a non-internet enabled machine. it has the 12 gig of iso. but i want to switch over to ubuntu on that box. so that it's will be consistent with rest of my boxes.
[10:47] <nanomad> woow
[10:47] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: i thing there is sth wrong going on
[10:48] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: did you use envy? 'cause i think it deleted the ati/radeon original driver
[10:48] <Anthony_Schneide> I have used nothing on this distro
[10:48] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: when i use synaptic and check the box for 'download only', how can i install the apps later, when i am not connected to the web?
[10:48] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: it is just as installed
[10:48] <bazhang> aptoncd might help
[10:48] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - i didnt install any drivers dor video
[10:48] <bazhang> !info aptoncd
[10:48] <ubotu> aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 206 kB, installed size 1516 kB
[10:48] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: give the output of dpkg -l | grep linux
[10:48] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/07/24/howto-download-packages-and-dependencies-for-offline-installation/
[10:49] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, that's what i found from google, there should be some official howtos too
[10:49] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: i want to connect that box online for a day, and download everything, then use it as off line box.
[10:50] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - here it is http://pastebin.com/d51ea2583
[10:50] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, if u can get it connected, y just install everything u need when connected?
[10:51] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, im sure it will take less than a day
[10:51] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: i had to setup file://place ..... on /etc/apt/source.list to call it. but i have no idea, where synaptic will store the off line fiels
[10:52] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: what does dpkg -L linux-image-2.6.24-8-rt | grep radeon say
[10:52] <nanomad> ?
[10:52] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, set up local repo is more than that, and synaptic/apt saves pkgs under /var/cache/apt/
[10:52] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: no dont want to install everything. just want many packages, and when needed, i install it. will take like 3 days i think to get 12 gig
[10:52] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - /lib/modules/2.6.24-8-rt/kernel/drivers/char/drm/radeon.ko
[10:52] <Anthony_Schneide> /lib/modules/2.6.24-8-rt/kernel/drivers/video/aty/radeonfb.ko
[10:53] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, check out the link i gave u
[10:53] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: and ls /lib/modules/2.6.24-8-rt/kernel/drivers/char/drm/ | grep radeon ?
[10:54] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, or try this http://popey.com/Creating_an_Ubuntu_repository_mirror_with_apt-mirror
[10:54] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - it says radeon.ko
[10:55] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: one more thing
[10:55] <popey> \o/
[10:55] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: cd /etc/modprobe.d and run grep radeon *
[10:55] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> popey, yo
[10:55] <bazhang> hehe
[10:56] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: substitute grep with grep -r
[10:56] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> popey, i googled it, seems like u havent update that blog with gusty/hard
[10:56] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - it says blacklist-framebuffer:blacklist radeonfb
[10:56] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> popey, or it's not ur blog?
[10:57] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: just retry doing sudo modprobe -v radeon
[10:57] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: it says 30 gig ;) wow
[10:57] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, say i told u
[10:57] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> see*
[10:58] <Anthony_Schneide> nothing happens
[10:58] <Anthony_Schneide> like this - anthony@anthony-desktop:/etc/modprobe.d$ sudo modprobe -v radeon
[10:58] <Anthony_Schneide> anthony@anthony-desktop:/etc/modprobe.d$
[10:58] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: i have 160gig on that machine, all for ext3
[10:59] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, well u can try to download them
[10:59] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> fire360, apt-mirror seems like a good tool
[10:59] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: the debian 12 gig i got, was only for the maintained apps. so 30gig sounds about right
[10:59] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> !apt-mirror
[10:59] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about apt-mirror - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[11:00] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> um..
[11:00] <bazhang> !info apt-mirror
[11:00] <ubotu> apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-1 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 120 kB
[11:00] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> uh
[11:00] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> bazhang, tnx
[11:00] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> !botsnack
[11:00] <ubotu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[11:00] <fire360> [Hardy]TuTUXG: thx
[11:00] <bazhang> hehe
[11:01] <loa> hello
[11:01] <loa> s2disk is broken in last hardy update?
[11:01] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> loa, it never worked for me :(
[11:02] <loa> On my laptop it freezes
[11:02] <loa> but when i install clean hardy it works(
[11:02] <fire360> speaking of never-work-for-me, grub-reboot
[11:02] <hmuller> yahoo finally released their fix for the webmail issue with firefox 3.0
[11:02] <fire360> that command no work
[11:02] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - nothing happens
=== nanomad_ is now known as help
=== help is now known as nanomad_
[11:04] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> lol
=== nanomad_ is now known as nanomad
[11:05] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: sry, the modem disconnected. what was the output?
[11:05] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - nothing happens like this - anthony@anthony-desktop:/etc/modprobe.d$ sudo modprobe -v radeon
[11:05] <Anthony_Schneide> anthony@anthony-desktop:/etc/modprobe.d$
[11:07] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: lsmod | grep radeon ?
[11:08] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - radeon 124192 1
[11:08] <Anthony_Schneide> drm 82068 2 radeon
[11:08] <nanomad> ok...things seems to be working now
[11:08] <Anthony_Schneide> what does it mean?
[11:09] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: that the autoconfigure script selected the wrong driver
[11:09] <Anthony_Schneide> the only one thing frustrating me, is that i completely dont understand everything!!! :(
[11:09] <Anthony_Schneide> can you please suggest me some goo reading on this theme?
[11:09] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: change /etc/X11/xorg,conf as I suggested and try to reboot
[11:09] <Anthony_Schneide> i have changed it
[11:10] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: http://www.linux.org/docs/
[11:10] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - and what is "grep" command, that you used everytime?
[11:10] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: grep is like find
[11:10] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: cat is like print to screen
[11:10] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> i love grep
[11:11] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> i love cat
[11:11] <hmuller> global/regular expression/print
[11:11] <nanomad> well, i prefer dogs ;)
[11:11] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> ...
[11:11] <Anthony_Schneide> ok thanks! :) i still have a lot of things to learn!
[11:11] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: maybe you shuld not use hardy
[11:11] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: it is still in development
[11:11] <Anthony_Schneide> no, i want to use it :) i have 2 gutsy as well on my pc
[11:12] <Anthony_Schneide> and im learning a lot of things with it!
[11:12] <nanomad> yeah, fixing error makes you learn a lot of things
[11:12] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, to have a good understand of linux/unix commands, google linux command
[11:12] <Anthony_Schneide> it crashed 3 times for 1 week, and everytime i solved the problem, with help of you and others, and everytime im learnin!
[11:12] <Anthony_Schneide> thanks :)
[11:13] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> !commandline
[11:13] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about commandline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[11:13] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> !command line
[11:13] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about command line - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[11:13] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - thanks! Im reading 2 books now - bash scripting, and simple linux book
[11:13] <loa> hey, if i update my system it will be stable in april?
[11:14] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> loa, no guarantee
[11:14] <Hobbsee> loa: that's the idea
[11:14] <nanomad> loa: it should, it is a LTS release
[11:14] <loa> by version i mean.
[11:14] <Hobbsee> but there's cruft that accumulates, of course
[11:14] <Hobbsee> loa: ah, yes.
[11:14] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - i know python a little, java and some other languages, so it isn't hard for me to learn linux, but im using it gor only 1 and a half week :)
[11:14] <nanomad> loa: well...i wouldnt be so sure. maybe may
[11:15] <Hobbsee> nanomad: ?
[11:15] <Hobbsee> nanomad: there aren't plans to delay currently
[11:15] <nanomad> Hobbsee: i know
[11:15] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - and i have deleted XP for good on the 2nd day of using it :)
[11:15] <loa> How i can see my current ubuntu version( i forget comman
[11:15] <Hobbsee> you know, ubuntu disapoints me.
[11:15] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, good, i have been use linux for 3 years, still learning stuff everyday
[11:15] <nanomad> Hobbsee: but when it becomes "official" there wil be a lot of bug-fixing going on
[11:15] <Hobbsee> loa: /etc/issue
[11:15] <loa> oh
[11:15] <loa> i remeber command
[11:16] <loa> lsb_release
[11:16] <Hobbsee> nanomad: no, there's lots of bugfixing going on *before* it goes official.
[11:16] <nanomad> Hobbsee: ok...thats true
[11:16] <Hobbsee> SRU's are a pain - better to get stuff done first
[11:17] * Hobbsee sighs at ubuntu.
[11:17] <Hobbsee> it really is disappointing.
[11:17] <nanomad> Hobbsee: but you cant hope to fix all the bugs that Ubuntu has in time. There will always be new ones. And one month extra for crucial installations is ok.
[11:17] * Hobbsee can be set up in ~20 mins after the install
[11:17] <Hobbsee> nanomad: oh, true. a lot of them will get put into intrepid, anyway
[11:17] <nanomad> of course
[11:18] <Hobbsee> so, how many bugs have you done today?
[11:18] <Anthony_Schneide> what is soundbank? Tuxguitar says, that it can't load soundbank
[11:18] <nanomad> i dont fix bugs ;)
[11:18] <Hobbsee> nanomad: triage.
[11:18] <nanomad> not many
[11:18] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, java's soundbank
[11:18] <Hobbsee> nanomad: get to it, then
[11:18] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, a collection of mid samples
[11:18] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> midi*
[11:19] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - hhmmm, that's strange... I have installed it - i think i should point program to it manually
[11:19] <nanomad> of course. i'm just trying to discover why flyback crashes so bad
[11:20] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, maybe... r u using sun's java?
[11:20] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - yes, just installed it
[11:20] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> nanomad, wat's flyback?
[11:20] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: soundbank are where the midi synth gets instructions on how to play .midi files
[11:21] <nanomad> [Hardy]TuTUXG: sort of time machine for Linux
[11:21] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, maybe u need to configure to use sun's java as the default jvm
[11:21] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - but i have a lot of midi aps, and that's the only one, where i have problems
[11:21] <nanomad> what is the app having problems? tuxguitar?
[11:22] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, tuxguitar is base on java, that's y
[11:23] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - how can i find where this soundbank located?
[11:23] <Hobbsee> nanomad: you could update the documentation for me instead :D
[11:23] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: does it display the message "soundbank error" ?
[11:23] <nanomad> Hobbsee: what docs?
[11:23] <Hobbsee> nanomad: freeze docs for universe
[11:23] <Anthony_Schneide> yes, nanomad
[11:23] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: try to close alle the running apps
[11:24] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad, [Hardy]TuTUXG, stw, the same error appears in Gutsy, but program works!
[11:24] <Anthony_Schneide> stw=btw
[11:24] <nanomad> Hobbsee: just finish the docs so that i can translate them ;) I'm in the i18n-it ubuntu group
[11:24] <Hobbsee> hehe
[11:25] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/sound/soundbanks.html
[11:25] <Hobbsee> nanomad: should i finish the exceptions first? :)
[11:25] <nanomad> Anthony_Schneide: http://www.tuxguitar.com.ar/forum_posts.html?fid=5&tid=56&view=NEW
[11:25] <Anthony_Schneide> nanomad - thanks! I think i know what i should try...
[11:26] <nanomad> Hobbsee: as you wish. We are plenty of work to do
[11:26] <nanomad> Hobbsee: and i'm here doing the helpdesk instead of translating ;)
[11:27] <Hobbsee> hehe
[11:27] <Hobbsee> meh, helpdesk
[11:27] * Hobbsee replaces you with google
[11:27] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, somewhere like /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
[11:28] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - i have found it, but now another problem - no error, but no sound either
[11:29] <nanomad> Hobbsee: italian translation: untraslated->88622 needreview->8209 changed->5818
[11:30] <Hobbsee> nanomad: nice work!
[11:30] <Hobbsee> keep going :)
[11:30] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> Anthony_Schneide, sudo modprobe snd_seq
[11:30] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> and aoss ./tuxguitar
[11:30] <nanomad> Hobbsee: but japaneese are close to us with 1/4 of contributors. Wow
[11:30] <Hobbsee> heh
[11:30] * Hobbsee is lucky with an english country
[11:31] <Anthony_Schneide> [Hardy]TuTUXG - thanks ! i will try!
[11:43] <Hobbsee> 21 down to 18. plus the other lot
[11:45] <Assid> the onts lok kinda crazy to me
[11:45] <Assid> after the last few updates
[11:48] <Hobbsee> 16...
=== ktogias__ is now known as ktogias
[11:54] <afflux> hm, I'm using gnome with sans-serif as the default font, and the same set using qtconfig-qt4. My psi now uses sans-serif for menus and buttons, but for example not for the contacts in the contact list or in the message window
[11:54] <afflux> It uses some serifed font there
[11:55] <Hobbsee> and down to 14. nice.
[11:59] <Assid> i dont get it.. fonts are messed up
[11:59] <Assid> i mean the bold is nice.. but i dotn want it soo damn big
[12:00] <Assid> and the normal sans-serif became thinner (atleast in thunderbird)
[12:06] <afflux> what the..? I disabled any indexing in my tracker-preferences, but the tracker-applet says "hi, I'm currently indexing your files"? Why is that?
[12:08] <hischild> afflux, remove the indexer to stop it doin that
[12:08] <crocod> <afflux> it took me 2 weeks to find out that tracker disabling is located in sessions applet
[12:09] <afflux> hm
[12:09] <afflux> It seems like there's a second tracker running as root
[12:09] <afflux> "sudo tracker-preferences" let's me change those settings
[12:09] * afflux doesn't like tracker being enabled per default
[12:10] <crocod> i even dont know what is for
[12:10] <afflux> "fast access to anything you like", I guess
[12:11] <crocod> i already have access
[12:11] <afflux> yep
[12:11] <afflux> morning hellboy195
[12:12] <hellboy195> afflux: morning? ^^ hello :)
[12:12] <crocod> and i dont need to search for my files cuz i never loose them
[12:13] <afflux> I guess there are some people who really like it. E.g, the c-header file searching looks nice to me. But I really don't like anyone searching my disk and centralizing any data in an index.
[12:15] <crocod> this what i hated most in vista - constant useing of hdd, and one of these "features" useing hdd is indexer
[12:30] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> !rt
[12:30] <ubotu> The RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/Gutsy
[12:32] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> wondering if rt-kernel is worth to try
[12:34] <Assid> the fonts are making me go blind :(
[12:56] <s0u][ight> hello did someone have difficulties with usb?
[12:56] <s0u][ight> lsusb gives nothing now but in gusty it worked smoothly
[12:57] <nanomad> s0u][ight: works fine here
[12:58] <nanomad> are ehci_hcd / usbcore and so on loaded?
[12:58] <s0u][ight> not sure
[12:59] <crocod> use the force... sorry, lsmod
[12:59] <s0u][ight> sec. i'll boot into the new kernel
[12:59] <s0u][ight> brb
[13:11] <mooboo1> i type "ufw enable" and it gets enabled, but after i start computer, its disabled again
[13:11] <mooboo1> :(
[13:12] <stdin> add it to /etc/rc.local maybe
[13:12] <mooboo1> stdin, maybe.. but should i have to?
[13:13] <stdin> why not?
[13:13] <Assid> waddup stdin
[13:13] <mooboo1> i thought it would remember i said it was enable
[13:14] <mooboo1> but im not gonna use UFW cuz its liek window firewall but worse, it dont even block ICMP
[13:14] <stdin> Assid: nothing much, just trying to fix Qt :p
[13:14] <mooboo1> im gonna make an own firewall rule that blocks all the packets
[13:14] <Assid> oh boy
[13:16] <crocod> does ufw have GUI?
[13:16] <mooboo1> $ sudo ufw enable -- Firewall started and enabled on system startup
[13:16] <mooboo1> look it said its enabled on startup, but its NOT!
[13:16] <mooboo1> no UFW do not have GUI
[13:17] <crocod> will GUI for ufw be implemented?
[13:19] <Hobbsee> if someone does it
[13:19] <crocod> <Hobbsee> plz do it for me
[13:19] <stdin> there are other GUI frontends to iptables you can use
[13:19] <crocod> i like ufw!
[13:19] <DrHalan> hey what means "just before FF" -release?
[13:19] <rsk> firefox?
[13:20] <DrHalan> wine
[13:20] <Hobbsee> crocod: dream on.
[13:20] <crocod> <Hobbsee> i will pay you $10
[13:20] <Hobbsee> *snort*
[13:20] <Hobbsee> you'd need *way* more than that
[13:20] <stdin> DrHalan: probably because it was release just before a firefox release, you'd have to ask the wine devs
[13:21] <mooboo1> Hobbsee, you dont need gui for UFW, just type "sudo ufw enable" and you're set :)
[13:25] <nanomad> crocod: a GUI for ufw would be strightforward....i will work on it for free ;)
[13:25] <nanomad> but...isnt a GUI already planned?
[13:25] <mooboo1> ufw is a script for iptables
[13:25] <nanomad> mooboo1: i see ;)
[13:25] <mooboo1> so if you make a gui for ufw, then you make a gui for a script for an app
[13:25] <mooboo1> .p
[13:26] <nanomad> lol...i just discovered that using the man page
[13:26] <mooboo1> :D
[13:26] <nanomad> welll..you should better use sth like guarddog
[13:26] <mooboo1> guarddog?
[13:26] <nanomad> iptables gui written in qt/kde
[13:26] <DrHalan> uuhh awesoe flash fulscreen is in :D
[13:26] <mooboo1> oh, i dont need any gui
[13:27] <mooboo1> i wrote my own iptables rule
[13:27] <nanomad> that was for crocod
[13:27] <mooboo1> :)
[13:27] <nanomad> i got a linux-based router as a firewall ;)
[13:30] <nanomad> crocod: if u need a gui for the firewall try gnome-lokkit. it is old but it does the trick
[13:31] <crocod> <nanomad> i used firestarter but it work bad with 2 internet connections
[13:31] <nanomad> crocod: well...you got 2 internet connections on the same machine? at the same time?
[13:31] <crocod> yes
[13:31] <crocod> not long ago
[13:31] <crocod> now not
[13:31] <nanomad> O.o
[13:35] <DrHalan> strange thing is ive 3 kernels to choose from but 0only one works the other ones have a different behavior on usplash (the scroll bar is movign from side to side not increasing its size) but never finish booting up
[13:37] <nanomad> DrHalan: in grub try removing the splash option and see if it boots
[13:38] <nanomad> DrHalan: i got the same problem. it just takes toooo long
[13:40] <DrHalan> ojkay ill try thtat later thanks :)
[13:46] <mooboo1> i hate when the mouse cursor spins and i have to wait for applicaions to load
[13:46] <mooboo1> I WANT FAST COMPUTER!
[13:46] <mooboo1> i have dualcore, gb ram, it must be fast!
[13:46] <mooboo1> this ubuntu is sucks like windows vista
[13:48] <nanomad> mooboo1: it is a alpha release. i doubt xp was faster while in alpha
[13:49] <mooboo1> oh
[13:49] <crocod> <mooboo1> dualcore is problem, try quadcore
[13:49] <mooboo1> maybe ubuntu should have a "Downloads" folder, since many people like to download stuff
[13:49] <nanomad> mooboo1: you should switch to gutsy
[13:49] <mooboo1> crocod, but but dualcore is good, most computers cant even use quadcore
[13:49] <nanomad> crocod: lol
[13:56] <mooboo1> how do you from shell check if user has superuser privilegies?
[13:56] <mooboo1> in slackware you checked for UID = 0
[13:57] <mooboo1> but you can sudo in ubuntu
[13:58] <nanomad> mooboo1: check if you are in the admin group
[13:58] <nanomad> or if you are root ;)
[13:58] <mooboo1> oh
[14:32] <MFen> recently, some changes were made to the workspace switcher
[14:32] <MFen> these changes are an abomination. are they configurable? can i turn them off?
[14:32] <MFen> notably, hovering over it causes a huge, obnoxious tooltip to cover it up; and, scrolling apparently scrolls the switcher, even when it doesn't have the focus (can it even get the focus?)
[14:33] <MFen> when my hand accidentally rests near my touchpad, i switch to another workspace. this is jacked up.
[14:33] <kingrayray> anybody using inkscape on hardy?
[14:34] <mooboo1> nope
[14:34] <MFen> this workspace thing is so bad that i'm probably going to switch to kde just to get away from it
[14:35] <MFen> the position i have to hold my hands is going to give me carpal tunnel if i don't figure out how to fix it
[14:40] <mooboo1> in gnome?
[14:41] <mooboo1> whats bad?
[14:49] <lunks> Sorry if this seems to noob. :>
[14:50] <lunks> I'm using hardy, which have 'b43' module available for my broadcom wireless card. But I'm not sure which driver is being used. How do I find out?
[14:50] <lunks> nervermind :>
[14:52] <kingrayray> hey, MFen .. i think those things you are pointing out are compiz specific but i'm not sure
[14:52] <kingrayray> i'm no expert though
[15:18] <marco> anyone with KDE4?
[15:20] <bazhang> 4.0.1? marco? the latest kubuntu alpha5?
[15:31] <arthurarchnix> I've just upgraded... before I reboot is there a way I can save the update output log?
[15:31] <arthurarchnix> Lots of error messages that may be useful for the devvs.
[15:33] <marco> bazhang: yes, but with an upgrade of the kernel, 2.6.24-10
[15:34] <bazhang> marco aha--how is it? I was thinking of erasing gnome and coming home to kde ;]
[15:34] <Assid> is it me
[15:35] <Assid> or are the fonts looking horrible in openoffice
[15:35] <bazhang> its the fonts
[15:35] <marco> bazhang: it worked fine with kernel 2.6.24-5
[15:35] <marco> in any case, kde4 is a beauty, I love it :)
[15:35] <marco> just I've problems with konsole
[15:35] <bazhang> marco ah, that seems to broken lots of things
[15:36] <Assid> http://picpaste.com/screenshot1_2.png
[15:36] <marco> 2.6.24-10 you mean? I started having problems with 2.6.24-8
[15:36] <Assid> here
[15:36] <Assid> the text below is generic english using tahoma font
[15:36] <Assid> and it looks err. messed
[15:36] <Assid> so damn thin
[15:37] <bazhang> yah I saw that
[15:37] <Benji2> isn't tahoma a microsoft-only font ? if so, it may have been substitued
[15:38] <bazhang> marco well I've been using gnome so no idea--but the recent kernel updates have caused problems all around ;[
[15:38] <Assid> Benji2: alot of the fonts are just messed
[15:38] <Assid> even dejavu sans is bad in openoffice
[15:39] <Benji2> did you try to tweak things in gnome-font-properties ?
[15:39] <Assid> and since 2-3 days.. my fonts look like they are on drugs
[15:39] <Assid> nope Benji2
[15:39] <Assid> some of the fonts look super huge (bold type)
[15:39] <Assid> err brb.. changing networks
[15:42] <lunks> I've got a broadcom and this new b43 driver and from what I've searched, looks like it supports monitor mode. But I can't seem to set it on Hardy.
[15:42] <lunks> Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
[15:42] <lunks> SET failed on device wlan0 ; Device or resource busy.
[15:47] <Assid> hrmm
[15:47] <Assid> okay back
[15:47] <Assid> so what about these fonts
[15:48] <Assid> ever since the fonts are "thicker" elsewhere.. its been a bit messed
[15:49] <MFen> kingrayray: i don't have compiz installed
[15:50] <kingrayray> MFen, oh, lol then i'm wrong :)
[15:50] <Benji2> and what makes the font suddenly rendering bad ?
[15:50] <arthurarchnix> Ok... upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy hasn't gone well so far. Upgrade manager has failed to install. sudo apt-get -f install failed because of a corrupt deb. So I ran sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
[15:51] <arthurarchnix> And it still fails.
[15:52] <arthurarchnix> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57955/
[15:53] <arthurarchnix> Also, the window list is invisible, and my sound is horribly distorted.
[15:54] <arthurarchnix> Does someone have a link for the laptop testing page? I would like to fill out an upgrade report for the devs.
[15:54] <arthurarchnix> I've got my gutsy install on a separate partition. I just wanted to do some hardy testing.
[15:55] <afflux> arthurarchnix: I think there are bug reports about the issue you pasted
[15:55] <afflux> let me check
[15:56] <afflux> arthurarchnix: bug 196829
[15:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 196829 in python-central "pycentral crashed with AttributeError in prepare()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196829
[15:56] <arthurarchnix> thansk afflux
[15:57] <afflux> arthurarchnix: uh, and there are some more with the same problem
[16:02] <iositd> what was the update command to update via interwebz?
[16:12] <getoo> hi , can u guys tell me whats safer to uncomment on my /etc/apt/source.list http://geocities.com/l1l_bastard/list.txt
[16:13] <getoo> please
[16:13] <getoo> i got repo and canonical commented but i feel i have to many commented
[16:17] <kingrayray> iositd, i think it's update-manager -d
[16:17] <kingrayray> might want to verify that though.
[16:17] <iositd> kingrayray, yeah ... found the command line variation on that :-)
[16:33] <spiekey> hi
[16:35] <bazhang> spiekey: that link should re-direct you to the nearest mirror to you--did so for me ;]
[16:36] <bazhang> spiekey: you could also get official torrent or the one from linuxtracker.org
[16:37] <bazhang> getoo: just a moment let me check
[16:37] <spiekey> i am downloading with 5kb/sec :-/
[16:37] <spiekey> can i manually choose a mirror?
[16:38] <bazhang> arg spiekey the torrent is likely faster just a moment let me check
[16:38] <bazhang> getoo: way to many commented out ;]
[16:38] <bazhang> getoo: the backports should be, but multiverse etc?
[16:45] <getoo> bazhang: thank u
[16:45] <getoo> thats what i thought
[16:46] <bazhang> getoo no worries ;]
[16:46] <spiekey> :)
[16:46] <getoo> so i uncommented the last 6
[16:46] <getoo> with multiverse and security
[16:47] <bazhang> sounds like a plan
[16:48] <getoo> cool , thanx bazhang i am using b43 for wifi , anyway i can cahnge that cause it shows wplan0_rename ... not that it bothers me that much .. i did look up google and nothing in there helped me
[16:48] <getoo> wplan0_rename
[16:48] <getoo> grrrr
[16:48] <getoo> wlan0_rename
[16:49] <getoo> i mean to change it to wlan0 or even eth1 or 2
[16:49] <bazhang> getoo yeah that could take a while to get sorted--I had to do a workaround for my intel 3945 wifi--and that is the most supported in all of linux ;]
[16:51] <iositd> seems like update manager fails to update itself when updating from gutsy to hardy ...
[16:51] <getoo> cool , also sound dont work ;-) HDA-Intel ... apparently its a bug .. works in gutsy just fine :)
[16:51] <iositd> correct?
[16:58] <bazhang> getoo if we compiled a list of what worked in (final) gutsy and (alpha) hardy it would be long indeed ;]
[16:59] <bazhang> iositd: not sure; my trackerd is broken though ;]
[16:59] <h3sp4wn> Did trackerd ever work
[16:59] <h3sp4wn> I think its pretty useless
[16:59] <iositd> bazhang, trackerd? ... is ...
[17:00] <bazhang> iositd: the blinking magnifying glass in the top panel--wont stop blinking at me ;]
[17:00] <iositd> bazhang, aahw ... finally something's blinking at you yet you don't like it? :P
[17:00] <bazhang> iositd: hahaha
[17:01] <iositd> bazhang, well updating from 7,10 is def broken ... as i did it on a clean install of 7.10
[17:02] <bazhang> iositd: welcome to the bug gold rush! ;]
[17:02] <iositd> bazhang, thanks :D <3 it
[17:02] <bazhang> hehe
[17:03] <mohbana> whats the command for changing the owner of the file?
[17:03] <mohbana> or directory? thanks
[17:04] <lemonade> mohbana: chown
[17:05] <iositd> <3 it
[17:05] <iositd> router kicked me off
[17:05] <strabes> anyone know why, on suspend and resume, my laptop makes a little beep sound? It's not the system beep; it goes through my speakers
[17:05] <strabes> and is anyone else experiencing this on hardy
[17:05] <lemonade> strabes: and it's not caused by closing the lid?
[17:06] <lemonade> because on default it makes the beep-sound
[17:06] <strabes> lemonade: not sure, it beeps on resume too; let me turn off suspending when lid is close and test it
[17:06] <lemonade> ok, dunno - suspend doesn't work for me
[17:06] <strabes> oh, you're right; it is just the lid opening and closing
[17:07] <lemonade> yeah, you can disable it from gnome sound settings
[17:07] <strabes> is there a way to disable that? it's extremely annoying heh
[17:08] <strabes> oh, i found it. I had to uncheck the "use sound to notify in event of an error" in the power management preferences window
[17:08] <strabes> on the general tab
[17:10] <iositd> what causes the error then?
[17:10] <strabes> iositd: not sure; apparently it's beeping on other people's computers too
[17:10] <strabes> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4429691
[17:11] <iositd> strabes, right ...
[17:11] <iositd> well once my download is done i'll check on mine :-)
[17:11] <strabes> alrighty
[17:11] <iositd> yet my download is so annoyingly slow
[17:12] * h3sp4wn wonders about my finger print scanner in hardy
[17:13] <h3sp4wn> It should technically be able to work as it does for SLES 10
[17:22] <DrHalan> hey guys, anyone having probs with the nv drivers?
[17:25] <_emet_> good video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC3-DRb2vYs
[17:25] <_emet_> !info celestia
[17:25] <_emet_> !info celestia hardy
[17:25] <ubotu> celestia (source: celestia): A real-time visual space simulation. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.0-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 33 kB, installed size 64 kB
[17:34] <picard_pwns_kirk> anyone else having troubles with opengl?
[17:36] <bazhang> not here picard_pwns_kirk
[17:39] <h3sp4wn> Not opengl - xv if I use exa with radeon
[17:39] <h3sp4wn> Otherwise everything is fine - (nvidia-glx-new / radeon)
[17:40] <picard_pwns_kirk> all of my opengl apps seem to render flat surfaces funny-like
[17:41] <picard_pwns_kirk> gltron, urban terror, celestia, flightgear
[17:42] <h3sp4wn> using which gl library
[17:42] <picard_pwns_kirk> mesa
[17:42] <[chr0n0s]> what version of kernel hardy has?
[17:44] <picard_pwns_kirk> no clue
[17:44] <h3sp4wn> 2.6.24
[17:44] <Artimus> [chr0n0s]: h3sp4wn is correct, 2.6.24
[17:44] <[chr0n0s]> thanks
[17:47] <h3sp4wn> (Any of the point stuff probably eventually it will have it but without checking specifically its speculation) and its a distro kernel so its patched heavily
[17:47] <h3sp4wn> But not like the RHEL ones
[17:48] <Artimus> I just love seeing things like this in apt-get: kformula-kde4 1:
[17:48] <DrHalan> hey peeps, if i set the driver to nv it doesnt detect my screen anymore :8
[17:49] <picard_pwns_kirk> don't set it to nv :P
[17:51] <DrHalan> so how do i get 3d acceleration, btw yesterday it worked :S
[17:51] <s3phiroth> hi there. sometimes when i click things on my gnome panel the panel becomes...invisible. it's still there (because i can still click on stuff) but i can't see it, unless i kill it and wait for it to start again. i'm not using desktop effects. anyone else has this issue ?
[17:51] <picard_pwns_kirk> DrHalan: use the proprietary nvidia driver
[17:51] <s3phiroth> i'll provide a screenshot in a minute
[17:52] <DrHalan> oh theres a difference? i activate them and on reboot i get the same thing
[17:52] <DrHalan> that it doesnt detect em
[17:52] <picard_pwns_kirk> nv doesn't have 3-d
[17:52] <picard_pwns_kirk> "nvidia" does
[17:52] <s3phiroth> whoa...it appeared out of nothing
[17:52] <s3phiroth> lol
[17:53] <DrHalan> yeah but nvidia doesnt work etier
[17:53] <s3phiroth> i got the screenshot anyway
[17:53] <picard_pwns_kirk> it should work
[17:55] <slafko> hello everyone...
[17:55] <bazhang> hi slafko
[17:55] <s3phiroth> http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=invisiblebarmy2.png
[17:55] <s3phiroth> here
[17:55] <s3phiroth> maybe i could turn this into a lolcat...INVISIBLE PANEL !
[17:56] <slafko> which package I have to install to server to have Generic GDI Foomatic/gdi?
[18:03] <s3phiroth> what's the name of the olg gnome art manager ? i'm assuming it changed because i can't find it in the packages
[18:03] <DrHalan> okay gonna reboot now with nvidia letttss see :9
[18:03] <s3phiroth> s/olg/old/
[18:03] <DanaG> YAY:
[18:04] <DanaG> * ACPI: video: Rationalise ACPI backlight implementation
[18:04] <DanaG> * ACPI: video: Ignore ACPI video devices that aren't present in hardware
[18:09] <DrHalan> damn
[18:09] <DrHalan> nvidia drivers just dont work over here :8
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[18:16] <yeltsinator> Hi, I've got an HP P1505 and when I use the fooxqx driver to manually create and xqx file and then cp it to /dev/usb/lp0 the printer works, but in cups it doesn't. I have the uri set to usb://dev/usb/lp0 and I can't think of anything else that could be wrong..
[18:19] <Assid> update manager not updatable?
[18:32] <prasanna> hey guys, i'm trying to link a new icon i have to the 'quit' feature. i like this new icon and wish to have it on my desktop
[18:32] <prasanna> where if i click on it, it'll bring up the 'log off, restart, shut down, etc' menu
[18:32] <prasanna> how do i link the icon?
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[18:36] <DrHalan> noboy else has problems with glx-new?
[18:36] <DrHalan> nviida-glx*
[18:36] <bazhang> some have complained of late yes
[18:37] <DrHalan> but its really stange yesterday they worked :(
[18:37] <DrHalan> today i boot up and its say that it can not determine the screen size etc :(
[18:39] <DrHalan> thinj ill try the old glx
[18:39] <bazhang> probably a wise choice
[18:40] <DrHalan> hehe :P
[18:41] <bazhang> ;]
[18:41] <mooboo1> so how do i add a shortcut on my desktop to a game? whenever i do, the game complains that it cant find the other files it need, it only works to make shortcuts to single-file-programs such as gcalc and gedit
[18:43] <DrHalan> bazhang, but if i activate the driver it remvos glx and installs glx-new :P
[18:44] <bazhang> arg that stinks DrHalan
[18:44] <prasanna> when i boot up, up pops a keyring, is there away i can disable this? i assume its related to my wifi connection?
[18:47] <mooboo1> when i make a launcher on the desktop to /home/user/game/executable, it tries to find 'textures' on the desktop instead of in /home/user/game/executable, why?
[18:47] <Gigamo> Hi, for some reason, after doing the upgrades after installing alpha 5, my language is changed to German, and I cant change it back to english. I am using Xubuntu alpha 5
[18:47] <Gigamo> or, maybe I can change it back, but I dont find where since everything is jibberish
[18:47] <mooboo1> Gigamo, then learn German.
[18:47] <Gigamo> ;)
[18:47] <mooboo1> lol
[18:48] <mooboo1> Sooner or later you will have to learn it anyways, one day everyone will be speaking German, trust me... you will see!
[18:48] <Gigamo> this is not an answer to my question :D
[18:48] <mooboo1> yeh i know, im an asshat lol
[18:49] <scizzo-> mooboo1: the game is installed in /home/something/game/ ?
[18:49] <mooboo1> perhaps System->Adminstration->Language
[18:49] <Gigamo> so, how do I change it back?
[18:49] <mooboo1> mooboo1, yeah
[18:49] <mooboo1> scizzo-, ya
[18:49] <Gigamo> and how is this called in german?
[18:49] <mooboo1> Gigamo, dunno.. google translation
[18:49] <scizzo-> Gigamo: what does: locale tell you in the terminal?
[18:50] <scizzo-> Gigamo: paste the output in pastebin
[18:50] <mooboo1> System -> Administration -> Sprache
[18:50] <scizzo-> !pastebin
[18:50] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[18:50] <Gigamo> scizzo-: lang=de_de.utf-8
[18:50] <Gigamo> everything is set to de
[18:50] <Gigamo> :P
[18:50] <scizzo-> Gigamo: right
[18:51] <scizzo-> Gigamo: cat /etc/environment
[18:51] <mooboo1> wow, ubuntu is so dumb, i open firefox, copy a string, then when i close firefox, i cant paste it anymore
[18:51] <mooboo1> you could do this in windows 3.11, in like 20 years ago
[18:51] <mooboo1> ubuntu still havent catch up
[18:51] <scizzo-> mooboo1: actually that means its not using a history of the paste
[18:51] <Gigamo> PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usrlocal/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"
[18:51] <Gigamo> @ scizzo-
[18:52] <scizzo-> mooboo1: its actually a normal behaviour in a what
[18:52] <scizzo-> s/what/way/g
[18:52] <mooboo1> scizzo-, it means its so dumb it forgets what i copied, and makes me cannot paste, its not normal behaviour
[18:52] <scizzo-> mooboo1: and you are really negativ
[18:52] <mooboo1> yes
[18:52] <scizzo-> so why go in here and complain?
[18:53] <scizzo-> Gigamo: well sounds like the locales are changed then
[18:53] <mooboo1> because i i try to migrate away from windows cuz its proprietary, but ubuntu is sucks
[18:53] <Gigamo> sure does
[18:53] <Gigamo> :P
[18:53] <Gigamo> the question is how to I set them back without using gdm since I dont use gdm :)
[18:53] <scizzo-> mooboo1: then go back to windows if that is so cool for you....
[18:53] <bazhang> indeed
[18:53] <mooboo1> scizzo-, but its proprietary... but maybe... atleast it works...
[18:53] <bazhang> heh
[18:54] <scizzo-> Gigamo: one sec
[18:55] <scizzo-> Gigamo: type: gnome-language-selector in a terminal
[18:55] <scizzo-> Gigamo: that will give you the selector for the language
[18:55] <Gigamo> im using xfce, dont know if that matters
[18:55] <scizzo-> Gigamo: well me also
[18:55] <Gigamo> k
[18:56] <scizzo-> mooboo1: what exactly do you mean with patterns when using the executable from a icon on the desktop?
[18:56] <mooboo1> scizzo-, patterns? what you say?
[18:56] <scizzo-> mooboo1: and for the record the hardy release is still development and migrating from windows to a development version of a system is not really the best way to go......
[18:57] <mooboo1> scizzo-, well i got bored of Gutsy
[18:57] <scizzo-> mooboo1: you where talking about textures or something being wrong after trying to start a game
[18:57] <Gigamo> scizzo- the problem is worse than that
[18:57] <Gigamo> it says the en_us language pack is broken
[18:58] <Gigamo> and I cant reinstall it
[18:58] <scizzo-> Gigamo: well lets start at one place
[18:58] <mooboo1> scizzo-, /home/user/game/executable needs to load /home/user/game/textures, so when I make a shortcut to /home/user/game/executable on the desktop, it tries to find the textures file on the desktop instead of in /home/user/game/
[18:58] <scizzo-> Gigamo: hmmm in apt-get?
[18:58] <Gigamo> yes
[18:58] <bazhang> Gigamo: yeah I am getting that error as well
[18:58] <mooboo1> and since it cant find it on the desktop (because it look in wrong place), it dont start
[18:58] <scizzo-> Gigamo: apt-get update ; apt-get -f install
[18:58] <scizzo-> Gigamo: try that
[18:58] <scizzo-> Gigamo: see what happens
[18:59] <scizzo-> mooboo1: what game is this?
[18:59] <s0u][ight> how do i enable usb ports?
[18:59] <scizzo-> mooboo1: since the actual game usually sets the paths within the executable
[18:59] <Gigamo> scizzo- I cant even remove the package
[18:59] <Gigamo> something with openoffice
[18:59] <scizzo-> s0u][ight: they should be enabled from the start
[18:59] <Gigamo> but since I dont understand any german
[18:59] <Gigamo> this is pretty retarded :D
[18:59] <bazhang> iirc you have to set the broken filter in synaptic and do it there (though cli will certainly work too)
[18:59] <mooboo1> scizzo-, Tibia
[19:00] <s0u][ight> lsusb gives nothing scizzo-
[19:00] <mooboo1> scizzo-, the game tries to look for the textures in the same directory it resides in
[19:00] <scizzo-> mooboo1: what happens if you cd /home/somehting/game/ and run it from there?
[19:00] <mooboo1> scizzo-, works perfectly
[19:00] <scizzo-> s0u][ight: what hardware are you trying to use for the USB?
[19:00] <mooboo1> scizzo-, just shortcut on the desktop dont work
[19:00] <s0u][ight> webcam and usb stick
[19:00] <s0u][ight> the modules worked in gusty
[19:00] <scizzo-> mooboo1: try using sh /home/something/game/executable
[19:00] <s0u][ight> for the webcam
[19:01] <scizzo-> s0u][ight: does dmesg say anything?
[19:01] <s0u][ight> sec.
[19:01] <mooboo1> doesnt work
[19:02] <scizzo-> Gigamo: language-support-en this package?
[19:03] <s0u][ight> http://pastebin.com/m5b537e3 scizzo- take a look at this
[19:04] <scizzo-> s0u][ight: seems like it does not recognize it
[19:04] <scizzo-> Gigamo: you should be able to purge the package....
[19:04] <s0u][ight> nothing is plugged in atm
[19:04] <Gigamo> i'm not apparently, errors about openoffice
[19:05] <Gigamo> but nvm, Ive always wanted to give Arch a try :D
[19:05] <scizzo-> Gigamo: can you place the errors in a pastebin please?
[19:05] <Gigamo> I have already rebooted
[19:05] <scizzo-> ok
[19:05] <Gigamo> thanks though
[19:05] <s0u][ight> brb
[19:06] <Gigamo> I will wait for alpha 6/beta 1 before reinstalling ubuntu :P
[19:06] <scizzo-> mooboo1: sh /home/something/game/executable
[19:07] <scizzo-> mooboo1: try placing that line in the icon thingy command instead
[19:07] <mooboo1> i did
[19:07] <mooboo1> 'sh' is for run shell scripts, not binary executables
[19:08] <scizzo-> and how do you start the game?
[19:09] <loa> can someone explain why hibernate is broken in
[19:09] <loa> but in all is ok :(
[19:09] <mooboo1> scizzo-, i click on "Home directory", then enter subdirectory, then double-click on the executable
[19:10] <mooboo1> and it works, but i want a shortcut on my desktop, so i dont have to open home directory, open subdir, and double click on executable
[19:10] <scizzo-> hold on
[19:10] <scizzo-> this is a wine install
[19:11] <iositd> instead of running off i figure it's easier to ask here first ...
[19:11] <Shyde> mooboo1: write a small bash script file "#!/bin/bash cd /to/the/gamedir /to/the/game/executable", the 3 commands in a new line each
[19:11] <Shyde> mooboo1: and put that somewhere, and let the desktop shortcut run that
[19:11] <iositd> what are all those messages about unknown media type in type
[19:12] <mooboo1> ok
[19:12] <scizzo-> mooboo1: did you even consider reading the install help?
[19:12] <scizzo-> mooboo1: there is actually a guide for a bash script in the install guide
[19:12] <scizzo-> #!/bin/bash
[19:13] <scizzo-> cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\Tibia
[19:13] <scizzo-> WINEDEBUG=-all wine Tibia.exe engine 0
[19:13] <scizzo-> that is the script
[19:13] <scizzo-> according to the doc
[19:13] <mooboo1> Shyde, thanks
[19:13] <loa> can someone explain why hibernate is broken, is there bug report already?
[19:13] <DrHalan> theres a linux version for tibia btw ;)
[19:13] <mooboo1> scizzo-, im using the Linux binary, not wine
[19:14] <mooboo1> DrHalan, yes i use the Linux version, do you use it too?
[19:14] <DrHalan> i used to but thign is the right-click menus didnt work
[19:14] <mooboo1> DrHalan, disable compiz ;)
[19:14] <DrHalan> for tibia no way
[19:15] <DrHalan> dont really like tibia
[19:15] <mooboo1> DrHalan, then goto CompizConfig Settings Manager (CCSM) and change settings for "Window Decorator" to give an exception to Tibia
[19:15] <DrHalan> but atm i dont even run compiz cause nvidia-glx-new is broken for me
[19:15] <mooboo1> its the "window decorator" plugin for compiz that cuases the trouble
[19:15] <mooboo1> ho
[19:15] <mooboo1> oh*
[19:16] <DrHalan> but anyways tibia is a bit crappy ;)
[19:16] <mooboo1> Shyde, it works, but this "hack" is not acceptable for normal users, this is far too complex/difficult
[19:16] <mooboo1> DrHalan, yeah
[19:16] <DrHalan> though it used to be fun playing uit but now ith all that new "features" like the auto aming its crap
[19:17] <CarlFK> shouldn't this use sudo?
[19:17] <CarlFK> run "do-release-upgrade -d" in a terminal window"
[19:17] <mooboo1> DrHalan, without auto-aim, people used bots anyways
[19:17] <CarlFK> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-e7f287c730b93116f89de7ea7e05efbe95fa6dd1
[19:18] <Flannel> CarlFK: The desktop version doesn't mention it either. It may prompt you for a password internally.
[19:19] <CarlFK> Flannel: I'll run it as described and see what happens
[19:20] <Flannel> CarlFK: thanks. Make sure you change the wiki if it does need sudo.
[19:23] <DrHalan> okay nvidia the second attempt :S
[19:26] <Assid> i cant update :(
[19:26] <Assid> some packages arent being found
[19:26] <Flannel> Assid: pastebin the errors
[19:26] <Shyde> mooboo1: true but that should be the application's fault
[19:27] <mooboo1> Shyde, its applications fault that you cant specify a launch path?
[19:27] <Assid> hold on.. trying to update with apt-get lets see what happens
[19:27] <mooboo1> Windows have launch path, just right-click on shortcut, and it even defaults to have a path to where the other file is
[19:27] <Shyde> no but it should check if the relative paths are correct
[19:29] <mooboo1> it does the right thing by checking for the file in same directory as the executable file instead of try some stuff with harcoded paths and stuff
[19:29] <mooboo1> its the OS which is dumb
[19:30] <Shyde> not the OS, just gnome in that case
[19:31] <prasanna> hmmm anyone else have problems with GNOME Setting Daemon after the recent update?
[19:32] <iositd> tab completion doesn't work in bash?
[19:32] <DrHalan> damnit nvidia-glx-new doesnt work :(
[19:32] <iositd> DrHalan, wasn't it nvidia-glx-new-dev the one you need? (if i remember right)
[19:33] <DrHalan> iositd isnt that the source?
[19:33] <iositd> DrHalan, yeah ... that's what i was thinking ... yet i was recommended to install those ...
[19:33] <iositd> but
[19:33] <iositd> define not working?
[19:34] <DrHalan> and now it works? :P
[19:34] <iositd> DrHalan, yeah it does for me
[19:35] <iositd> DrHalan, i'll skip the 10 hour part where my box wouldn't even properly boot to gdm
[19:35] <DrHalan> well it did for me yesterday (was even palying a 3d game)
[19:36] <DrHalan> This is the 'new' driver for newer chipsets. Unless your chipset is
[19:36] <DrHalan> explicitly listed in the nvidia-glx-new description, please use the
[19:36] <DrHalan> nvidia-glx driver, which is more compatibl
[19:36] <DrHalan> hm guess a geforce 7 fits int here
[19:37] <DrHalan> but dunno i dont think i updated the drivers or anything and now i always get stuck in front of gdm as you said
[19:37] <iositd> DrHalan, i've got a 7000m which runs using the nvidia-glx-new package ...
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[19:39] <DrHalan> ive a 7900Gt but dunno what happened yesterday
[19:40] <iositd> odd
[19:40] <iositd> DrHalan, nothing special?
[19:40] <iositd> tried the m$ method?
[19:40] <DrHalan> which?
[19:40] <iositd> reboot :p
[19:40] <DrHalan> trow the tower againste the wall?
[19:40] <DrHalan> ahh that one
[19:40] <DrHalan> yeah sure i activate restricted drivers
[19:41] <DrHalan> and then it asks me to reboot
[19:41] <DrHalan> on reboot i get that problem right befroe gdm
[19:41] <iositd> hmm
[19:41] <iositd> define problem?
[19:41] <DrHalan> i found the same thing on a german forum. you arent german right? so im gonna paste the message somewhere for oyu
[19:42] <DrHalan> or whateve rpaste
[19:42] <DrHalan> its just
[19:43] <DrHalan> i end up in the "low graphics mode"
[19:43] <DrHalan> where i can select drivers and screen
[19:43] <iositd> DrHalan, i'm dutch, yet i speak french, dutch, english and ....... german
[19:43] <DrHalan> but i cant set the nvidia driver only nv or vesa
[19:43] <iositd> :P
[19:44] <DrHalan> wow dutch. you people are so cool :)
[19:44] <DrHalan> whatever ^^
[19:44] <iositd> lol
[19:44] <DrHalan> i doubt that its the same message though
[19:44] <DrHalan> i just end up in low graphics mode
[19:44] <iositd> yeah ... i've seen it before
[19:45] <iositd> you tried to run (despite it's epic uselessness) dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?
[19:45] <DrHalan> dunno if been googleing a lot but cant find anything abot that problem
[19:46] <DrHalan> i did the nvida thing
[19:46] <iositd> DrHalan, i've had it myself ... yet attempting to reinstall it fixed it ...
[19:46] <DrHalan> welll i reinstalled it
[19:49] <DrHalan> gonan try envy
[19:49] <DrHalan> ahg dont really like betraying the repositories
[19:52] <iositd> seems like i'm stuck using ndiswrapper
[19:53] <napsy_> Hello. What's the name of the panel that is suimular to avant window navigator?
[19:53] <iositd> i dont know avant window navigator. You mean nautilus? gnome?
[19:54] <napsy_> no it's a composite panel that looks like that in macos x
[19:54] <iositd> i think that's a plugin for compiz
[19:55] <napsy_> hm
[19:55] <iositd> you mean the shortcut bar thingy on the bottom right?
[19:55] <napsy_> no
[19:55] <WorkingOnWise> how much ram can 32 bit Hardy use max?
[19:56] <napsy_> WorkingOnWise: guessing 4 gb
[19:57] <iositd> yup
[20:02] <WorkingOnWise> I know thats the theory, but I have read places where it is actually 3.3, 3.7, or 3.6 iirc, partly based on hardware and kernal issues, but none of it was specificlly AMD64 info, or 2.6.24 kernel. I think I have to drop down to 3 bit for browser compatability issues with flash and java stuff, but want to know first the issues I'll hit on a 4gb machine
[20:05] <napsy_> WorkingOnWise: i think ubuntu kernel has highmem enabled by default so it enables you to have large ram (over 1 terra)
[20:05] <napsy_> how much ram will the system use depends on the programs you will run
[20:06] <WorkingOnWise> is that the current issue, just whether highmem is on in the kernel?
[20:06] <mohbana> where can i request packages?
[20:07] <napsy_> WorkingOnWise: yes if highmem is not in kernel, the system will recognise only 2 gb system ram
[20:07] <WorkingOnWise> i have to run xp in a vm for my radio show, so I usually hover around 2.3gb used :(
[20:07] <WorkingOnWise> ok. thats good to know. if I can only see 2gb, I'll just roll my own kernel
[20:07] <WorkingOnWise> thanks
[20:07] <napsy_> if you have 4 gb ram then that's not the problem since ubuntu uses around 300 mb for usual desktop
[20:08] <WorkingOnWise> yeah, untill I turn on all the stuff I run..then it inflates to around 750
[20:08] <WorkingOnWise> which is still good
[20:08] <napsy_> still no problem if you have 4 gb of it :-)
[20:09] <WorkingOnWise> thanks. gotta go back stuff and switch from and64 to 32 bit Hardy ;)
[20:10] <CarlFK> * The update-modules command is deprecated and should not be used!
[20:10] <CarlFK> came from do-release-upgrade -d
[20:11] <CarlFK> should I enter that in lp?
[20:17] <mooboo1> in firefox3, if i select "google" in quicksearch, and type, it auto-completes with words that google suggest, but not on wikipedia
[20:17] <mooboo1> does anyone have it so wikipedia suggest words too?
[20:18] <mohbana> where can i request packages?
[20:18] <mooboo1> i dont knows
[20:18] <mooboo1> in synaptic, there are like 25000 packages
[20:18] <mooboo1> you need more?
[20:18] <mooboo1> ;)
[20:19] <mooboo1> try bugs.launchpad.net maybe
[20:19] <mohbana> lastest eclipse builds
[20:19] <mohbana> we are still on 3.2
[20:19] <mooboo1> then new will come sometime
[20:19] <mooboo1> when lazy maintainer update
[20:23] <DanaG> Hmm, any ETA for -11 linux-ubuntu-modules package?
[20:23] <DanaG> I can't build mac80211 or iwl3945 out-of-tree.
[20:25] <oliver_g_> hello
[20:25] <oliver_g_> so, will this new theme really be the default in Hardy?
[20:32] <RyanPrior> I'm having trouble with VirtualBox on the latest Gutsy - it says that the proper kernel modules aren't installed. How do I get VirtualBox modules for the latest kernel?
[20:32] <RyanPrior> Not latest Gutsy -- latest Hardy. Sorry.
[20:33] <DanaG> Solution for not-available LUM: build it myself.
[20:33] <DanaG> (That's my own solution to my own problem I posed earlier.)
[20:34] <mooboo1> make new release of Wine
[20:34] <mooboo1> i get angry, its old!
[20:34] <mooboo1> and worse, its BROKEN!
[20:34] <mooboo1> at least microsoft dont make broken things
[20:34] <mooboo1> wine dont run
[20:34] <mooboo1> it segfault
[20:36] <teamcobra> mooboo: then don't run alphas of hardy, use gutsy which is stable
[20:36] <teamcobra> there's a reason one is stable and LTS, and the other is currently alpha
[20:36] <mooboo1> gutsy sucks, its old, its dont have weather applet!
[20:36] <teamcobra> mooboo: yes it does, google "screenlets"
[20:37] <mooboo1> google? oh plz, if i have to lift a finger, its too much
[20:37] <teamcobra> yeah, I guess it is
[20:37] <mooboo1> microsoft dont tell you to rtfm or google
[20:37] <teamcobra> and ubuntu doesn't charge $400 for an os
[20:37] <teamcobra> so it's a toss-up
[20:37] <teamcobra> learn to read, or shell out $400
[20:37] <mooboo1> its cheaper than 400$ and its worth it
[20:37] <mooboo1> if it works
[20:37] <teamcobra> I personally think reading is a useful skill
[20:38] <mooboo1> i personally think time is a valuable resource that is limited
[20:38] <teamcobra> mooboo: vista has wasted a lot of my time too
[20:38] <teamcobra> but you can't really debug/fix things broken in it
[20:38] <mooboo1> Windows TCO is cheaper than Linux. Linux is only free if you don't value your time.
[20:39] <teamcobra> I'm just putting it in perspective... you came into a channel bashing an alpha release of an os because it isn't stable
[20:39] <h3sp4wn> Nah I cannot use Windows efficiently
[20:39] <teamcobra> no shit it isn't stable, it's ALPHA
[20:39] <teamcobra> and now you're trolling
[20:40] <joanie> hey all. Anyone know where/what controls Tab completion for apt-get?
[20:40] <h3sp4wn> (Honestly - Windows is only easier for people who think other than logically)
[20:40] <h3sp4wn> joanie: zsh
[20:40] <mooboo1> they say its alpha, but if you check on release schedule, there is no beta or release candidate, why?
[20:40] <teamcobra> probably because it'll hit those milestones when it's ready
[20:41] <mooboo1> yeah think logically is use terminal, read man page, modify config files, and compile stuff from source
[20:41] <teamcobra> as the final is due for April (8.04 = april 2008)
[20:41] <h3sp4wn> /usr/share/zsh/4.3.4/functions/Completion/Debian/_apt
[20:42] <mooboo1> yeah and i checked launchpad, and there been things reported 4 years ago, that still not fixed, like uhm,... copy&paste
[20:42] <teamcobra> mooboo: and efficiently means throw money at anything that doesn't work, and if it still doesn't work, pray the developers fix it
[20:42] <h3sp4wn> mooboo1: Thats not broken
[20:42] <joanie> thanks h3sp4wn
[20:42] <teamcobra> and in gutsy I've never had a prob w/ copy and paste
[20:42] <h3sp4wn> there has always been 2 buffers deliberately
[20:42] <awalton__> mooboo1, please continue your rant in ##windows, or help fix the "problems" as you see. complaining, especially in here, isn't helpful.
[20:42] <mooboo1> h3sp4wn, yeah linux people always say "oh thats not a bug, thats a feature", if copy a string, then close the app, you cant paste anymore
[20:43] <teamcobra> I mean, why not run the stable release, do an apt-get upgrade to get newer packages, and enjoy it
[20:43] <h3sp4wn> mooboo1: depends which buffer its in
[20:43] <mooboo1> h3sp4wn, i dont care what buffer it is in, if i copy something, i want to be able to paste it, even if i close the app
[20:43] <teamcobra> instead of running an unstable release, and complaining that it isn;t stable (which it won't be, and you should _not_ run ALPHAS on boxes that you need to be STABLE)
[20:43] <h3sp4wn> mooboo1: Well just put it in the right one
[20:44] <teamcobra> I'm going back to work ;p
[20:44] <h3sp4wn> or use a Mac or Windows - I really don't care
[20:44] <mooboo1> teamcobra, copy&paste dont work in gutsy either, try copy a string, close the app, and paste, see? it dont work
[20:44] <joanie> isn't that a bug (or feature) of the app? I thought I read something in some docs (pygtk is my guess atm) about that
[20:44] <mooboo1> h3sp4wn, put what in the right one?
[20:44] <h3sp4wn> mooboo1: read about X and buffers
[20:45] <mooboo1> in windows or mac, i never have to read about buffers or be a geek, i just use it, and it works
[20:45] <teamcobra> hrm, that's funny
[20:45] <teamcobra> I just opened a file in gedit, copied, closed gedit, and pasted into a term
[20:45] <teamcobra> no problems whatsoever
[20:45] <mooboo1> wow
[20:45] <awalton__> teamcobra, please don't bother feeding the troll.
[20:46] <mooboo1> teamcobra, wow it worked for me too, but now try firefox
[20:46] <teamcobra> yeah, I really shouldn't ;p I've got a remaster to pump out
[20:46] <mooboo1> teamcobra, try open firefox, copy something, close firefox, and paste
[20:46] <awalton__> mooboo1, if it doesn't work, file a bug, find out why it doesn't work, and fix it.
[20:46] <joanie> at the risk of making awalton__ unhappy.... ;-) mooboo1 that's a FF bug; not a ubuntu bug; not a linux bug. bugzilla.mozilla.org
[20:47] <awalton__> joanie, that doesn't make me unhappy, that makes me very happy.
[20:47] <mooboo1> joanie, well it pisses me off nonetheless lol
[20:47] <awalton__> it's just the irrelevant "this doesn't work" stuff that I can't stand. if you're not going to be helpful, why bother complaining at all?
[20:47] <h3sp4wn> joanie: bash uses /etc/bash_completion (which sources everything in /etc/bash_completion.d) but I dunno I much prefer to use zsh anyway
[20:47] * joanie wonders if h3sp4wn knows what docs she should be reading if she wants bash to automatcomplete
[20:47] <joanie> hehehe h3sp4wn you read my mind
[20:48] <joanie> thanks again h3sp4wn
[20:48] <mooboo1> joanie, i dont have mozilla.bugzilla account, if you have, can you plz report
[20:48] <awalton__> mooboo1, they don't cost anything ;).
[20:49] <mooboo1> awalton__, yeah but i find many bugs, and ppl always say "goto their bugzilla and report it", and i have to register launchpad, bugzilla.gnome, bugzilla.mozilla, and 1000 other sites
[20:49] <h3sp4wn> joanie: Look at - tail -3 /etc/skel/.bashrc (check you have them in ~/.bashrc - should be default for a user but not for root
[20:50] <awalton__> mooboo1, Launchpad is a universal bug forwarding platform.
[20:50] <awalton__> if you file it there and make it known, it will get forwarded upstream.
[20:50] <h3sp4wn> If you are using sudo anyway doesn't matter (and if for some reason you need completion for root you can just . /etc/bash_completion
[20:50] <mooboo1> mooboo1, yeah but on launchpad, ppl tell me "oh this it not but in ubuntu, report it on the bugzilla.gnome.org"
[20:52] <awalton__> that sounds bogus to me, especially as I've been working on gnome and we get bug forwards from launchpad daily.
[20:53] <mooboo1> and when someoen report it, the assholes mark it "WONT FIX!" look https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/21202
[20:53] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 21202 in xulrunner-1.9 "firefox doesn't work with gtk clipboard management" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[20:53] <awalton__> looks like it says "undecided, confirmed" to me.
[20:54] <h3sp4wn> Dunno why people are so in love with firefox anyway
[20:54] <mooboo1> firefox (Ubuntu) [edit] Won't Fix [edit] Low [edit] Mozilla Bugs
[20:54] <awalton__> that's because it's not a firefox bug
[20:54] <awalton__> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=311340
[20:54] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 311340 in XP Toolkit/Widgets "Should implement the freedesktop.org specification for clipboard management (clipboard data (buffer) is lost when window closed)" [Normal,New]
[20:54] <awalton__> it's a mozilla/xulrunner bug.
[20:55] <mooboo1> welll, i get pissed, cuz i dont care whos fault it, IT DONT WORK, and they can point finger
[20:55] <mooboo1> i just want them to fix it, i dont care whos fault it is
[20:55] <h3sp4wn> mooboo1: They don't owe you anything
[20:55] <h3sp4wn> mooboo1: Pay them to fix it if you want
[20:55] <awalton__> mooboo1, then offer to pay to get it fixed.
[20:55] <mooboo1> pay?? then i can buy windows
[20:55] <joanie> h3sp4wn: Because they are working like crazy to make it accessible for folks with disabilities among other reasons :-)
[20:55] <mooboo1> in windows its already fixed
[20:55] <awalton__> sure, if that's what you want.
[20:55] <mooboo1> 20 years ago
[20:56] <mooboo1> i use firefox cuz you cant surf to porno without spyware
[20:56] <awalton__> if you care, you'll do something about it.
[20:56] <mooboo1> also cuz you can have adblock
[20:56] <h3sp4wn> joanie: More so than konqueror 4 ?
[20:56] <awalton__> offer to give the developers a backrub, buy them a beer in the pub, annoy them about how irritating it is.
[20:56] <mooboo1> konqurerorr is sucks, its bloatware
[20:56] <mooboo1> its got more buttons than microsoft office lol
[20:56] <joanie> h3sp4wn: oh gosh yeah. Maybe when all this qt4 accessibility stuff gets worked out (totally above my head) that will change
[20:56] <awalton__> more productive than sitting in here moaning about it.
[20:57] <joanie> h3sp4wn: but right now, the FF a11y team is bending over backwards to get atk/at-spi support working for us
[20:57] <h3sp4wn> joanie: I found it very snappy etc
[20:57] <mooboo1> also linux people spread so much fud, they say windows crash and unstable and bluescreen, i used XP for 5 years without a bluescreen, but linux crash all the time for me
[20:57] <mooboo1> and linux peopel say windows has to restart for every update, then i use ubuntu, and it ask me to restart computer when i install updates too
[20:57] <oliver_g_> are you practicising for some kind of "microsofties vs ubuntulovers" fight?
[20:57] <awalton__> good, fix it.
[20:57] <awalton__> or stop whining.
[20:57] <h3sp4wn> joanie: seemed quite nice (I cannot justify kde4 and kde3 and gtk apps all at once though)
[20:58] <oliver_g_> with mooboo1 as sparring partner?
[20:58] <joanie> h3sp4wn: understood. As an Orca developer, I use gnome :-)
[20:58] <mooboo1> kde3 sucks. kde4 looked promising, but they screwed it up by making a crappy theme with zero usability
[20:58] <teamcobra> yeh, kde3 sucks
[20:58] <teamcobra> or not. ;p
[20:58] * oliver_g_ is confused
[20:58] <Aondo> i recently installed update, and i had to do 7 reboots, for all my stuff to work as i want it to :D with a (ubuntu) linux install you only have to boot once becaus of kernel updates :D
[20:58] <awalton__> I wish I could buy stock in trolls.
[20:58] <teamcobra> I remember kde 1.8, and it wasn't bad then
[20:59] <teamcobra> awalton: then we'd all be rich ;)
[20:59] * joanie laughs at awalton__
[20:59] <mooboo1> Aondo, no not only kernel update, nvidia drivers update, xorg updates, and lots of other updates too
[20:59] <awalton__> teamcobra, we'd have ubuntu funded for eternity.
[20:59] <oliver_g_> awalton__: well _is_ he a troll, or is he just mimicing a typical troll for comedy?
[20:59] * joanie thinks that would have been a better buy than the tech sector way back when (d'oh!)
[20:59] <Aondo> mooboo1 if you know how, it is not required to reboot for nvidia nor xorg. ONLY for a kernel change is required
[20:59] <oliver_g_> awalton__: I really can't tell, from the earlier lines at least
[21:00] <awalton__> oliver_g_, misspelled words, flaming about specific bugs rather than attempting to fix them, generalizing specific defects.. yeah I'd say he's a real troll.
[21:00] <Aondo> but usually those updates happen at the same time, and you have to do one time reboot
[21:00] <mooboo1> Aondo, well i dont know how, it tells me i have to reboot, and i dont want to read man page, rtfm, google, to read how to not restart, i just want it to "just work"
[21:00] <oliver_g_> awalton__: well ok then
[21:00] <mooboo1> ubuntu is less stable than Windows ME
[21:00] <mooboo1> and windows ME sucked
[21:00] <oliver_g_> mooboo1: well why don't you use XP if it works for you?
[21:00] <joanie> h3sp4wn: I could hug you. tab-completion is back (bash_completion package wasn't even installed)
[21:01] <Aondo> mooboo1, it does just work :) only reason why you have to install the nvidia driver is becaus nvidia is a "restricted" driver meaning not open source
[21:01] <mooboo1> even beta version of windows is more stable
[21:01] <mooboo1> oliver_g_, i do, i have it on the other disk
[21:01] <awalton__> oliver_g_, and you had to doubt it, if anything that last line proved it... >_>.
[21:01] <joanie> beautiful, beautiful tab completion
[21:01] <joanie> :-)
[21:01] <joanie> funny how the little things make such a difference
[21:01] <mooboo1> Aondo, even if it was not restricted, i would still need to update it, so your argument fail
[21:01] <oliver_g_> awalton__: I encounter satirical troll comedy every day at heise.de :-D
[21:02] <Aondo> mooboo1, you dont need to update it, but install it! becaus it is never there in the begining
[21:02] <oliver_g_> awalton__: it's difficult to tell with a troll that makes such ridicouls comments, whether it's real or fun
[21:02] <mooboo1> Aondo, yeah but i installed it, now i just need to update it, and everytime i do, it requires reboot
[21:02] <awalton__> oliver_g_, german equivalent to slashdot/digg?
[21:02] <oliver_g_> awalton__: yes
[21:03] <joanie> anyhoo, I've gotta get back to work. Thanks everyone for the help!!!
[21:03] <awalton__> those can be so much fun.. or so irritating..
[21:03] <Aondo> mooboo1, it says it requires a reboot becaus that is often the easiest way for a person who dont know how you can avoid that, but on a desktop that is not really a issue anyway :P
[21:03] <oliver_g_> shouldn't apt-get bash completion be installed by default?
[21:03] <mooboo1> Aondo, well linux people always say windows sucks and it reboots on updates, but linux does too
[21:03] <awalton__> I think it is actually.
[21:04] <h3sp4wn> mooboo1: Thats a ubuntu issue not a Linux issue
[21:04] <awalton__> worksforme anyways.
[21:04] <h3sp4wn> And not necessary anyway
[21:04] <mooboo1> h3sp4wn, oh
[21:04] <oliver_g_> awalton__: just tried it on my Alpha 5 installation , and apt-get has no completion in default shell
[21:04] <h3sp4wn> mooboo1: Other than a new kernel you don't need to reboot
[21:04] <oliver_g_> (neither does aptitude have)
[21:04] <awalton__> I wish they'd go ahead and integrate case pseudo-insensitivity in the bash .profiles too :/
[21:05] <mooboo1> h3sp4wn, then ubuntu should fix it, so i dont have to reboot
[21:05] <h3sp4wn> I wish they would just drop bash
[21:05] <awalton__> oliver_g_, might just be one of those hiccups in the matrix.
[21:05] <h3sp4wn> I cannot see why they don't use zsh or even fish
[21:05] <h3sp4wn> ksh93 for root
[21:05] <oliver_g_> bash is nice
[21:05] <Aondo> mooboo1 changes to the nvidia driver most likely only needs a relog for it to work
[21:05] <oliver_g_> has nice completion, for example ;D
[21:05] <awalton__> well it's not even real bash
[21:05] <awalton__> it's "dash", bash-lite.
[21:05] <mooboo1> Aondo, yeah but ubuntu dont tell me to relog, it tell me to reboot
[21:06] <Aondo> i know hehe
[21:06] <mooboo1> and i dont liek to reboot
[21:06] <oliver_g_> in terminal it's bash...
[21:06] <h3sp4wn> oliver_g_: the zsh completion is nicer
[21:06] <h3sp4wn> (and you can configure it exactly how you want)
[21:06] <oliver_g_> h3sp4wn: hm ok, but who actually knows how to program zsh script? ;)
[21:06] <awalton__> probably at least h3sp4wn, since he advocates it.
[21:07] <h3sp4wn> oliver_g_: They are not that different
[21:07] <h3sp4wn> both supersets of ksh
[21:07] <h3sp4wn> with the odd incompatibility
[21:07] <oliver_g_> h3sp4wn: I had to learn csh for work, and now always get bash and csh syntax mingled :-/
[21:08] <oliver_g_> I suppose with zsh added, I won't get any schell script written at all
[21:08] <awalton__> it'd probably be crazy ridiculous to try to switch now
[21:08] <awalton__> all of the packages that run scrips would have to be touched.
[21:08] <h3sp4wn> I think instead of switching to dash
[21:08] <awalton__> (as they already have to be for those containing "bashisms")
[21:08] <h3sp4wn> they should have used posh
[21:08] <h3sp4wn> !info posh
[21:09] <ubotu> posh (source: posh): Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6 (hardy), package size 76 kB, installed size 200 kB
[21:09] <oliver_g_> is posh bash-compatible?
[21:09] <oliver_g_> I mean sh-compatible?
[21:09] <h3sp4wn> Yes - but it's more strict than dash
[21:09] <oliver_g_> ?
[21:10] <oliver_g_> h3sp4wn: I thought dash was already as strict as possible...
[21:10] <h3sp4wn> oliver_g_: nah - its a compromise
[21:10] <oliver_g_> !info dash
[21:10] <ubotu> dash (source: dash): POSIX-compliant shell. In component main, is required. Version 0.5.4-6ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 87 kB, installed size 208 kB
[21:11] <Flannel> dash isn't strict, it's designed for a small footprint, which means many of the bash-specific extensions don't exist.
[21:11] <oliver_g_> Flannel: "many"... does that mean some bash-extensions are still in dash?
[21:11] <awalton__> a-ha, but posh is 8kb smaller, so of course it's superior!
[21:12] <awalton__> :)
[21:12] <oliver_g_> awalton__: duh, how could I miss that!
[21:12] <Flannel> oliver_g_: I have no idea. There may be, there may not be.
[21:12] <h3sp4wn> awalton__: I think it is dash just with some stuff ripped out
[21:13] <h3sp4wn> no its pdksh
[21:13] * awalton__ is going to have to start taking notes. too many sh's flying around.
[21:14] <oliver_g_> shhhh
[21:14] <nanonyme> itym ssh
[21:15] <h3sp4wn> What was the reasoning of switching to dash (decrease boottime or make the scripts better / more portable)
[21:16] <awalton__> I think it's both.
[21:16] <awalton__> but I know I've seen boottime quoted as a specific reason.
[21:16] <Flannel> h3sp4wn: 78kb vs 700kb
[21:16] <Flannel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh
[21:19] <mooboo1> the window manager is so dumb
[21:19] <mooboo1> its buggy
[21:19] <Amaranth> mooboo1: how so?
[21:20] <h3sp4wn> Flannel: If they want to follow the Debian policy then dash still doesn't make sense
[21:20] <mooboo1> difficult to describe, but like you have windows open, then you double click them, to get them smaller, but they're still full-size even when not maximized
[21:20] <Amaranth> dash is strict
[21:20] <Amaranth> it's a strict POSIX shell
[21:20] <mooboo1> and much apps open in top-left corner, instead of more centered
[21:20] <h3sp4wn> Amaranth: So why does using posh break stuff ?
[21:21] <Amaranth> posh?
[21:21] <h3sp4wn> !info posh
[21:21] <ubotu> posh (source: posh): Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6 (hardy), package size 76 kB, installed size 200 kB
[21:21] <awalton__> it might not, have you tried it?
[21:21] <Amaranth> posh must not be up to spec
[21:21] <Amaranth> I know dash is, those guys are anal :P
[21:21] <h3sp4wn> awalton__: yes
[21:22] <awalton__> sounds like you'll probably have to bug the posh devs then :)
[21:22] <Flannel> h3sp4wn: If the shebang says /bin/sh, you can use whatever shell you want. Or should be able to anyway.
[21:22] <Amaranth> Flannel: Any POSIX compliant shell
[21:23] <h3sp4wn> Flannel: If I use the real bourne shell that breaks down
[21:23] <CarlFK> should do-release-upgrade -d work on a gutsy box?
[21:23] <Flannel> Amaranth: Right
[21:25] <h3sp4wn> awalton__: That wouldn't solve anything - perhaps sometime Debian will fix their scripts
[21:25] <awalton__> well there's that too.
[21:25] <h3sp4wn> I think its purpose in Debian is to show that so many of the scripts fail the policy
[21:26] <CarlFK> "dependency problems prevent configuration of language-support-en..." and tat caused a bunch of other things to fail
[21:26] <mooboo1> i love that ubuntu does underclock my cpu when its idle
[21:26] <h3sp4wn> Amaranth: Any idea where there is a test lrm with nvidia-glx-new 169.12
[21:26] <mooboo1> it goes from 2,1 ghz to 1,6 ghz
[21:26] <Amaranth> h3sp4wn: I guess there isn't
[21:26] <mooboo1> can it go to 100 mhz too?
[21:26] <awalton__> mooboo1, if your CPU supported it, which it doesn't.
[21:27] <h3sp4wn> Amaranth: Have you tried the new driver ?
[21:27] <Amaranth> nope
[21:27] <Flannel> awalton__: little do you know he's running Ubuntu on an FPGA!
[21:27] <Amaranth> h3sp4wn: i have no problems with the current driver than the new one claims to fix
[21:27] <awalton__> Flannel, egads! I've been had!
[21:28] <awalton__> that, and I'd really want to get my hands on that FPGA, 2.1GHz....
[21:28] <h3sp4wn> As would I
[21:28] <h3sp4wn> The ultra sparc T2 source on one of those really would be great
[21:29] <Milos_SD> Mar 1 01:14:48 c2d-desktop kernel: [101995.533431] operapluginwrap[3172]: segfault at 000004d1 eip b7d772d6 esp bfabdf80 error 4
[21:29] <h3sp4wn> be worth the hassle to compile it
[21:29] <Milos_SD> can this be the reason for my PC to freez ?
[21:29] <awalton__> of course the gotcha is that the thing only has like half a million gates
[21:29] <awalton__> so you'd never get it to fit.
[21:29] <lime4x4> 2 major issues i have bluetooth disconnects when screen saver is activated 2nd very slow transfer speeds between a hardy and gutsy computer
[21:29] <DanaG> Hmm, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/2.6.24-11.15/+build/528025
[21:29] * awalton__ curses xilinx.
[21:29] <DanaG> the "Resulting Binaries" links are broken.
[21:30] <h3sp4wn> awalton__: maybe a leon3 then
[21:30] <DanaG> Very slow as in bluetooth?
[21:30] <DanaG> WHere can I download the built LUM package for -11-generic?
[21:31] <lime4x4> no between computers on a local lan
[21:32] <lime4x4> i have then connected thru a 10/100 router i get 1.7 megs per sec during file transfer which times out in under a minute
[21:32] <h3sp4wn> lime4x4: between vlan's or networks or into a hardware switch ?
[21:33] <DanaG> Argh, I need my L-U-M package!
[21:33] <h3sp4wn> lime4x4: Do you get full speed if you just use a crossover between the 2 boxes
[21:33] <DanaG> !info linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-11-generic
[21:33] <h3sp4wn> DanaG: build one (169.12 put that in as well)
[21:33] <ubotu> Package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-11-generic does not exist in hardy
[21:33] <lime4x4> ethernet card on both computers connected to a hardware router
[21:34] <h3sp4wn> lime4x4: test it without the route
[21:34] <h3sp4wn> r
[21:34] <lime4x4> i can transfer files on a xp box to gutsy at 76 megs per sec
[21:34] <DanaG> It was built 4 hours ago, that page says.
[21:35] <DanaG> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/2.6.24-11.15/+build/528025
[21:35] <lime4x4> so that leads me to believe it's a hardy problem
[21:35] <h3sp4wn> lime4x4: Ok (I didn't think it likely it was not a hardy problem)
[21:36] <lime4x4> so i don't know if it a configuration issue or the new gvfs stuff
[21:37] <h3sp4wn> Test it from the recovery option
[21:38] <lime4x4> ok and if it's up to speed there where would i start looking for the problem?
[21:41] <h3sp4wn> somewhere in gnome
[21:42] <awalton__> are you using SMB?
[21:42] <awalton__> there have been some reports that gvfs's SMB implementation can be somewhat slow
[21:42] <awalton__> well, I should say "backend implementation", it uses smbclient like everyone else.
[21:44] <AtomicSpark> hmm
[21:46] <lime4x4> yes it's share mounted thru samba
[21:46] <lime4x4> the share is mounted on a mythbuntu box
[21:47] <awalton__> something like http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=512472 maybe?
[21:47] <ubotu> Gnome bug 512472 in smb backend "gvfs painfully slow over smb (samba)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[21:47] <CarlFK> Flannel: looks like it tries to use sudo, but something isn't working : http://dpaste.com/37519/
[21:49] <Flannel> CarlFK: interesting. Does it work if you just sudo the d-r-u?
[21:50] <CarlFK> "yes"
[21:50] <CarlFK> get some depandancy errors way down the process
[21:50] <CarlFK> pretty sure that isn't realated tot sudo
[21:50] <Flannel> No, probably not.
[21:50] <Flannel> But, if it asks for sudo, its not a wiki page issue. If it doesn't do the sudo-ing properly, thats a bug with it. Check LP
[21:51] <CarlFK> this looks like what happens when you do sudo echo foo>sudo tee -append /etc/fstab
[21:51] <lime4x4> well using scp i get 1.5 megs per sec
[21:51] <CarlFK> agreeed
[21:51] <AtomicSpark> speaking of sudo. want to know something funny? i was trying to "update" the live cd to see if i could get a better driver for video (i could only run hardy term only) and it tried installing a sudo package. lols.
[21:51] <Flannel> CarlFK: you don't actually have to sudo echo with that.
[21:52] <CarlFK> good point
[21:59] <h3sp4wn> I really wonder why people hang on to echo
[22:01] <h3sp4wn> Amaranth: Could be echo -n that is not POSIX that ubuntu dash accepts
[22:09] <h3sp4wn> If echo was removed then printf can emulate either bsd or sysv echo anyway
[22:22] <unenough> is it normal for Xgl to take up 13% CPU?
=== Tigge_ is now known as Tigge
[22:23] <napsy_> unenough: why use Xgl?
[22:23] <awalton__> unenough, normal yes. desirable no.
[22:24] <awalton__> probably because of [nastyunsupportedvideocard]
[22:24] <unenough> ati readeon 1200?
[22:24] <unenough> notebook
[22:25] <napsy_> it should work with aiglx
[22:25] <awalton__> "should" being the weasel-word of the sentence.
[22:25] <unenough> not fglrx?
[22:25] <awalton__> ati's aiglx isn't great :-/
[22:26] <napsy_> unenough: aiglx is a Xorg module not a driver
[22:26] <h3sp4wn> Its more reliable with exa
[22:26] <h3sp4wn> but then you get a broken xv
[22:26] <unenough> xv?
[22:26] <h3sp4wn> (At least with my radoen mobility)
[22:27] <unenough> i have radoen mobility too
[22:27] <h3sp4wn> Mine is an old one though
[22:28] <unenough> how do you install it?
[22:29] <h3sp4wn> probably already installed
[22:29] <awalton__> xv is the xvideo extension.
[22:29] <unenough> so how to use it
[22:29] <awalton__> it's what most players use to make video playback smooth.
[22:30] <h3sp4wn> With gl2 i cannot tell the difference with mplayer
[22:30] <h3sp4wn> But gstreamer doesn't have many options
[22:31] <h3sp4wn> (and I can tell the difference between xv and the other option)
[22:33] <unenough> ok
[22:34] <unenough> how do i know Xgl is using aiglx now?
[22:34] <unenough> or not
[22:34] <unenough> Xgl is still using 19% cpu
[22:34] <h3sp4wn> xgl uses opengl directly
[22:34] <unenough> so why did you say i should use aiglx?
[22:35] <h3sp4wn> why not ?@
[22:35] <h3sp4wn> xgl is not really maintained very well anymore
[22:36] <h3sp4wn> I think SLES 10 uses it though
[22:36] <h3sp4wn> perhaps in suse its better
[22:36] <h3sp4wn> But redhat/debian/ubuntu don't really like it
[22:36] <unenough> so i should stop using compiz?
[22:37] <unenough> if I want my CPU back
[22:37] <h3sp4wn> Only you can decide what you want to do
[22:37] <unenough> heh...
[22:37] <unenough> yeah
[22:38] <unenough> how do i turn it off, tho?
[22:38] <unenough> xgl
[22:40] <napsy_> unenough: well, xgl is a xorg fork so you have to logout and end the ddm process
[22:40] <napsy_> *gdm process
[22:40] <unenough> ok, but how do i tell the system to stop using it
[22:41] <napsy_> unenough: uninstall xserver-xgl and install xserver-xorg
[22:41] <unenough> ok, thanks
[22:43] <napsy_> hmm nautilus refuses to create thumbs of videos
[22:47] <unenough> much better now
[22:48] <unenough> xv is broken ;(
[22:52] <h3sp4wn> So it looks like you are using exs
[22:52] <h3sp4wn> *exa
[22:52] <h3sp4wn> check /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[22:53] <h3sp4wn> perhaps your card is too new to use xaa at all
[22:53] <h3sp4wn> But with xaa you will possibly get more X crashes
[23:00] <unenough> what should i look for in the log?
[23:13] <h3sp4wn> whether you are using exa or xaa
[23:15] <tretle> hey, has the default ubuntu theme changed to murrine?
[23:17] <tretle> anyone?
[23:24] <Milos_SD> Is it safe to do the update to kernel version? I am still on the :)
[23:27] <h3sp4wn> well wait until the metapackage is updated
[23:28] <h3sp4wn> if you want to be safe
[23:28] <ethana2> ...pidgin 2.4 is out
[23:28] <Milos_SD> and that is "linux" package?
[23:29] <Milos_SD> it is updated ... but some restricted modules packages are not ...
[23:29] <h3sp4wn> aptitude didn't even ask me to update it
[23:29] <h3sp4wn> (I wonder why the other package managers are so stupid)_
[23:32] <h3sp4wn> Milos_SD: linux-generic is the one you want
[23:32] <Xk2c____> restricted-manager-kde seems to be gone in hardy
[23:32] <Xk2c____> is there an replacement?
=== Xk2c____ is now known as Xk2c_
[23:33] <DanaG> WTF? Update-manager is showing updates for things I've done "Lock Version" to in Synaptic.
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[23:46] <h3sp4wn> Dunno what happens in the case a meta package requires that update
[23:47] <h3sp4wn> I know aptitude would give me the options