UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
[03:43] <mib_5kujsc3k> It usual to wait a week for vcs-import?
[05:05] <boredandblogging> is the planet run off LP?
[06:01] <mithro> any chance I could get this https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/25816 dealt with?
[06:05] <jetsaredim> where can I get help on the ubuntu wiki?
[06:10] <boredandblogging> jetsaredim: on how to edit the wiki?
[06:11] <jetsaredim> i was wondering if its possible to add template filters
[08:17] <ahuillet> hello
[08:17] <ahuillet> I have those po files I uploaded for my project "freedroid" in the three templates freedroidrpg, freedroidrpg_data, and freedroidrpg_dialogs
[08:18] <ahuillet> they don't seem to get imported automatically and I wonder why
[08:18] <ahuillet> help would be appreciated :)
[08:33] <ahuillet> nevermind it seems OK now
[08:34] <ahuillet> have a nice day :)
=== doko_ is now known as doko
[09:36] <ubotu> New bug: #197223 in rosetta ""Restricted" translation mode shouldn't accept suggestions for untended languages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197223
=== kuechengarten is now known as thekorn_
[12:06] <ubotu> New bug: #197250 in malone "Savannah bug watches should match longer URL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197250
[12:43] <oGanso> hai, do volunteers that want to translate need to register?
[12:58] <frenchy> oGanso: Hi! Translate what?
[12:59] <oGanso> frenchy: mojosetup in launchpad
[13:01] <frenchy> oGanso: Has a translation for the language that you want to translate been initiated yet?
[13:01] <oGanso> not yet
[13:01] <oGanso> i mean, meanwhile i've registered and started it
[13:03] <frenchy> oGanso: Ok ... that's all you have to do. But it is possible to talk to upstream and they may accept you submitting a po file created offline based on the pot file available in the upstream source.
[13:03] <oGanso> frenchy: i see, thanks!
[13:05] <frenchy> oGanso: Have you contacted upstream? I ask because I have a lot of people that have started translations for my project but have not contacted me. I have no idea if their translations are full off swear words or penis enlargement ads.
[13:05] <oGanso> i was been lazy and wanted to start translating immediately
[13:05] <frenchy> oGanso: By default, I don't include them.
[13:06] <oGanso> oh..
[13:06] <oGanso> frenchy: i guess i need to do that :D
[13:07] <frenchy> oGanso: I don't know, every project is different. I think it's always a good idea to contact upstream because you don't want to waste effort.
[13:08] <oGanso> frenchy: sounds reasonable: )
[13:09] <frenchy> oGanso: It's just my opinion ... I'm not affiliated with Launchpad.
[13:09] <oGanso> :) thanks anyway
[13:09] <frenchy> oGanso: No worries, glad to help. I like your enthusiasm.
[13:10] <oGanso> :P i like your helpfulness
[13:14] <frenchy> oGanso: I just checked the website and it seems that they've put out a call for translations in LP. I guess that's why you are here ;). Just be sure to let them know when you are done because it's not necessarily automatic that translations get included.
[13:15] <oGanso> frenchy: you guessed it right! oh i see. so 2 mails and counting :)
[13:18] <frenchy> oGanso: Sorry, I don't understand.
[13:18] <oGanso> frenchy: nvm :) i need to contact them twice..
=== Syntux__ is now known as Syntux
[15:00] <afflux> how can I mark the translation of my project in rosetta as "synced"?
[15:01] <mib_dwzs74ct> How do you volunteer to help with vcs-import? i would really like to use launchpad to work on a project but have been waiting almost a week for the import...
[15:08] <fredreichbier> hello
[15:09] <afflux> hi fredreichbier :)
[15:09] <fredreichbier> hello afflux
[16:21] <ubotu> New bug: #197324 in launchpad "Double login to approve new member" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197324
[16:33] <Daviey> PPA error: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12341721/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.bongoproject_0.3.1-1~dapper_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz
[16:33] <Daviey> any ideas?
[16:48] <Daviey> fixed - just re-queued it twice!
[17:34] <oGanso> how do i add a newline to a translated text?
[17:48] <oGanso> in launchpad there is a symbol for strings that require a newline
[17:48] <oGanso> but changing line doesn't make that symbol appear
[17:49] <afflux> oGanso: the symbol in the translated text appears only when it's been saved
[17:49] <oGanso> what should i do to make it appear? i already saved it
[17:49] <afflux> can you give me a link to the translation?
[17:50] <oGanso> afflux: https://translations.launchpad.net/mojosetup/trunk/+pots/mojosetup/pt/+translate?show=all&start=0
[17:50] <oGanso> #7
[17:51] <afflux> hm, looks like rosetta strips the last newline
[17:52] <afflux> oGanso: oh, the original string looks like the "[hit enter]" should be translated too
[17:52] <oGanso> oh, i though it belong to launchpad :)
[17:53] <oGanso> afflux: thx for the heads up :)
[17:53] <afflux> I thought so too, and probably that's how it is intended and the upstream dev didn't add this on purpose
[17:53] <oGanso> afflux: ye, addind the [..] makes the symbol appear
[17:54] <afflux> you might ask him, he's https://launchpad.net/~icculus
[17:55] <oGanso> afflux: thx, i will :)
[17:55] <afflux> thank you
[17:56] <oGanso> afflux: btw, is it possible to send a message within launchpad?
[17:56] <afflux> no
[18:08] <oGanso> err, the table with "untranslated" and "need review" are created by the admin of the project?
[18:09] <oGanso> because they are showing the wrong numbers
[22:41] <Q-FUNK> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12345159/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.xserver-xorg-video-amd_2.7.7.6-1bartman2_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz
[22:42] <Q-FUNK> this seems to indicate that the builder tries to fetch a non-existent repo and fails the build as a result. how do we fix it?
[23:08] <geser> Q-FUNK: wait some time and retry the build
[23:10] <Q-FUNK> geser: as in, bump a new changelog number just for the heck of it and upload again?
[23:10] <geser> Q-FUNK: no, as in click on the retry button for that build
[23:13] <geser> Q-FUNK: I hope I got it correct: https://edge.launchpad.net/~bart-jukie/+archive/+build/528234/+retry