UbuntuIRC / 2008 /03 /01 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:40] <nblracer> hey
[01:42] <HedgeMage> hi nblracer
[01:44] <nblracer> i been on and odd off of this channel, for the past month
[01:44] <nblracer> im looking for a way to do roming profiles
[01:45] <nblracer> or better yet have a user auth with other computers on the network then sync files, that meet some requirements date range and size
[01:46] <HedgeMage> not sure off the top of my head: the only lab I have running is all thin clients
[01:46] <nblracer> this is small network, 5 computers some wired some wireless on a G network
[01:47] <nblracer> thin will not work, :(
[01:48] * HedgeMage nods
[01:48] <nblracer> i was thinking i could maybe write a bash script or even a small program to sync user data
[01:49] <nblracer> but im some what new to linux, so...
[01:49] <HedgeMage> I'm sure you could script something with rsync, just not sure of the particulars without a central file server for home dirs
[01:50] <HedgeMage> (standalone machines sharing a file server are easy)
[01:51] <nblracer> well it would look for the client with the newest user data to sync with, but
[01:51] <nblracer> my problem/consern would be how to remotly auth?
[01:51] <HedgeMage> not sure
[01:52] <nblracer> like where are the keys stored, and what kind of hash is used
[01:52] <nblracer> and would it be secure?
[01:54] <nblracer> do you know where i can get more info or/and help?
[02:06] <HedgeMage> the general #ubuntu chan maybe, it's not an edu-specific question
[02:11] <nblracer> yea that channel is over populated imo
[02:31] <HedgeMage> it happens to good channels that support popular projects
[02:32] <HedgeMage> you get used to it
[02:32] <HedgeMage> nblracer: In a busy channel, it is customary to preface a comment with the name of the primary person/people you are speaking to, like this, so their clients will make those statements stand out.
[05:50] <lobaman> hi there. i just need some advice. whats the best torrent client for edubuntu?
[05:53] <LaserJock> what version of Edubuntu?
[05:55] <lobaman> 7.10
[05:55] <kgoetz> anyone here familiar with edubuntus bzr doco structure?
[05:55] <lobaman> i have tried ktorrent. but is there any other which is better?
[05:58] <LaserJock> kgoetz: I am
[05:58] <LaserJock> kgoetz: what's up?
[05:58] <LaserJock> lobaman: transmission and deluge are the popular ones
[05:59] <LaserJock> lobaman: I don't know if either are in the the 7.10 repos
[05:59] <LaserJock> but I'm sure you can find a .deb somewhere
[06:02] <kgoetz> LaserJock: i have the checkout of edubuntu-hardy, and i'm wondering what dirs i need to take note of for proof reading. just edubuntu?
[06:03] * kgoetz notices [x,k]ubuntu stuff in there too
[06:04] <LaserJock> kgoetz: umm, there shouldn't be
[06:04] <LaserJock> kgoetz: where are you getting the branch?
[06:05] <kgoetz> LaserJock: some months ago, but from parent branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/edubuntu-hardy/
[06:06] <kgoetz> when i run 'bzr status' theres lots of 'unknown' dirs (including the [k,x]ubuntu's.
[06:06] <kgoetz> i'm using shared repository for my edu/k/ubuntu doc checkouts (incase thats relevent)
[06:07] <lobaman> thanks LaserJock
[06:08] <LaserJock> kgoetz: yeah, the k,x,ubuntu dirs are not actually in the branch
[06:09] * kgoetz checks if bzr has a 'kill all unknown files' option
[06:10] <kgoetz> not that i can find.
[06:26] <kgoetz> i just finished rm'ing all the dirs bzr didnt know about, and its much less scary :)
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
[06:38] <LaserJock> kgoetz: yeah :-)
[06:39] <LaserJock> kgoetz: are you planning on doing some doc work?
[06:40] <kgoetz> LaserJock: i was thinking of helping with proofreading over the next few weeks (until string freeze)
[06:43] <LaserJock> well, nobody has done anything for hardy so it'd be appreciated
[06:43] <pygi> ah,always the handbook problem ...
[06:43] <LaserJock> since we have a totally different installation method we for sure need to do fix that
[06:44] <LaserJock> and of course s/gutsy/hardy/ stuff
[06:44] <kgoetz> i'm time limited, but i'll try and help out... rather then just chat on irc *grin*
[06:45] <kgoetz> should i open a bug about issues with the docs or try and write a patch? i'm looking at the "what is Linux" section atm.
[06:47] <LaserJock> I think opening a bug and attaching a diff would be the easiest
[06:49] <kgoetz> ok
[06:49] <LaserJock> you can send them to me too if you want
[06:50] <LaserJock> or edubuntu-devel or ubuntu-docs or ...
[06:50] <LaserJock> :-)
[06:50] <kgoetz> :)
[06:50] <kgoetz> i'm at at a mates place atm, but when i have time i'll try and work my way through the docs
[06:50] <LaserJock> nixternal and I are the guys taking care of the bzr repo so as long as it gets to one of us it should work
[06:54] * kgoetz nod
[06:57] <nixternal> oi
[06:58] <kgoetz> hide!
[06:58] <nixternal> hehe
[06:58] <kgoetz> hey mate
[06:58] <nixternal> howdy
[07:37] <kgoetz> the edubuntu handbook looks quite long
[08:37] <kgoetz> blokes, i notice the requirement is 'US english'. is "administrate" a word in US english?
[08:39] * kgoetz will go crazy if stuff like that is part of en_US
[08:40] <kgoetz> i notice theres 'administer' and 'administrate' in the same paragraph, so i'll asume ..ate is wrong
[09:33] <kgoetz> perhaps i should stop looking for errors. i just realise di have to fix them when i find them :p
[10:00] <jvanrooyen> Hi all, how do I get my changed login theme to show on my terminals?
[10:00] <jvanrooyen> I'm using Gutsy
[10:19] <kgoetz> jvanrooyen: not sure i get your question
[10:26] <jvanrooyen> kgoetz: the edubuntu login window theme? I changed that and its only showing on the server side
[10:27] <jvanrooyen> kgoetz: when I boot up a client it shows the edubuntu login theme instead of the one I installed?
[10:49] <jvanrooyen> kgoetz: did you get my last msg?
[10:55] <kgoetz> jvanrooyen: yeah, sorry, i'm watching a film
[10:55] <kgoetz> i'm not sure how the clients theming works
[10:57] <jvanrooyen> oh k, because it works fone on the serve side, just struggling with the clients
[13:23] <sakhi> kbye
=== paulj1 is now known as pauljw
[21:36] <edistar> will the new edubuntu be released in 8.04 too?
[21:41] <johnny> there may not be an edubuntu 8.04
[21:42] <johnny> it will be ubuntu + educational addons or something
[21:42] <johnny> i'm not sure of the mechanics of it tho
[21:43] <nblracer> why?
[21:43] <johnny> because it doesnt need its' own name
[21:43] <johnny> because all it is is ubuntu + some apps and icons/backgrounds and such
[21:44] <johnny> that way it is easier to have the base desktop be whatever you like
[21:44] <johnny> and just install the extra packages
[21:44] <johnny> like xfce,kde, or gnome
[21:55] <edistar> johnny: it would make the project seem smaller
[21:55] <edistar> and all the LTSP bit?
[21:56] <johnny> will be able to be done via ubuntu install i think
[21:56] <edistar> ok
[21:56] <johnny> for every desktop cd i think
[21:56] <johnny> i'm using ltsp on regular ubuntu right now
[21:56] <edistar> johnny: ah.. easy to set up?
[21:56] <johnny> yes
[21:56] <johnny> just apt-get install
[21:56] <johnny> and a tiny bit of tweaking for network setup
[21:57] <johnny> most people are already using dhcp servers, so tweaking is definitey necessary in 99% of cases
[21:58] <edistar> johnny: ok
[21:58] <edistar> johnny: ssh tunneling default?
[21:58] <johnny> yes
[21:58] <edistar> cool
[21:58] <johnny> hardy is coming out soon, it will have many many fixes for ltsp
[21:58] <johnny> and stability :)
[21:58] <edistar> brilliant :)
[21:59] <edistar> we are using edubuntu at school
[21:59] <edistar> I set it up
[21:59] <edistar> but it's slow
[22:00] <johnny> turn off ssh compression :)
[22:00] <johnny> err ssh tunneling..
[22:00] <edistar> johnny: I don't know why it's slow..
[22:00] <johnny> could be hardware related
[22:00] <johnny> or app related
[22:00] <johnny> hardy will also include firefox 3 which should help
[22:00] <edistar> johnny: yeah, I haven't profiled yet
[22:01] <johnny> i deployed that recently
[22:01] <johnny> much nicer
[22:01] <edistar> nice
[22:01] <johnny> hopefully the OOo folks will continue their work too