UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /29 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:52] <ubotu> In #ubuntu, LimCore said: !ops channel is being trolled
[00:55] <mneptok> !staff @a88-113-59-133.elisa-laajakaista.fi just had 5-6 clones in #ubuntu
[00:56] <mneptok> bah
[00:56] <mneptok> !staff
[00:56] <ubotu> Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :)
[00:56] <mneptok> ^^^^^^^
[01:34] <Gary> mneptok?
[01:35] <Gary> ahh
[01:37] <Pici> Don't worry. I don't think he'll be summoned unless you say his name three times.
[01:43] * mneptok farts erotically
[02:26] <ubot3> In #ubuntu-us-nm, tritium said: ubot3: brainstorm is A new feedback site for suggesting ideas for improvements to Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/.
[03:04] * mneptok meeps at Myrtti
[05:22] <nickrud> watching
[05:27] <nalioth> Jordan_U: is that you?
[05:27] <Hobbsee> no, it's Jordan_U just pretending
[05:27] <nalioth> are you sure, Hobbsee ?
[05:27] <Hobbsee> no
[05:27] <nalioth> whoever it is, is unidentified
[05:31] <Myrtti> mneptok: meep?
[05:32] <nickrud> now that's lag
[05:34] <Myrtti> huh?
[07:00] <Myrtti> I thought DrDerek was banned in -ot
[07:01] <nalioth> i think his ban was removed earlier
[07:23] <ubotu> bazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (Templario)
[07:23] <tonyyarusso> nalioth: that's a ban-evader, btw
[07:24] <nalioth> tonyyarusso: yeah :(
[07:35] <ubotu> In #ubuntu, ZXC314 said: ubotu, that is so weird though, live cd works on my dell laptop (inspiron 8500) and the dimension is just a P4 with a gig of ram nothing special or odd
[07:35] <nalioth> ubotu: tell ZXC314 about yourself
[08:14] <Hobbsee> Gary: about time to look for a canonicalite, no? :)
[08:15] <Gary> Hobbsee: I've given up
[08:15] <Gary> they no listen
[08:15] <Hobbsee> Gary: yeah, i'm waiting for gerry or kat.
[08:16] <Gary> I cannot believe they spent money on a domain
[08:16] <Hobbsee> yeah...
[08:16] <Hobbsee> even though it's only $10
[08:16] <Hobbsee> it's just *asking* for trouble
[08:17] <nixternal> you are trying to hide from me aren't you? :p
[08:17] <Hobbsee> nope
[08:18] <nixternal> suuuuure
[08:18] <nixternal> no worries, I can just pop it upon riddell anyways :)
[08:18] <nixternal> it isn't like Hardy is coming out tomorrow or anything
[08:54] <stdin> e
[08:54] <stdin> opps
[09:40] <stdin> Hobbsee: in case you didn't know: [09:37]<wols> there is a user "[debian] -!- Hobbsee_ [n=ghj@91.sub-75-198-73.myvzw.com] impersonating hobbsee and trolling
[10:25] <Hobbsee> stdin: where?
[10:26] <jpatrick> Hobbsee: irc.debian.org I think
[10:27] <Hobbsee> ah yeah
[10:27] <jpatrick> might have gone by now..
[10:27] * Hobbsee snorts
[10:30] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: it was the cat.
[10:31] <jpatrick> Hobbsee: right...
[10:31] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: the cat is the one that always hijacks the keyboard, right?
[10:31] <jpatrick> Hobbsee: yep, I've had experience with that :)
[10:32] <Hobbsee> jpatrick: and sends notices to channels
[10:33] <jussi01> heya Hobbsee and jpatrick
[10:34] <jussi01> cat... meh
[10:38] <ubotu> LongKat called the ops in #ubuntu (stdin narc)
[10:38] <jpatrick> eh?
[10:38] <tonyyarusso> what was that one about Amaranth ?
[10:38] <jpatrick> troll I think
[10:39] <Amaranth> stdin called ops on him a couple days ago
[10:39] <tonyyarusso> aah
[10:39] <Amaranth> and he did that narc thing then too
[10:39] <Amaranth> i guess he managed to evade the ban
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
[15:56] <jussi01> hehe, thats funny, Ive never noticed the slight grammatical error in !paste (can anyone else see it?)
[15:56] <jussi01> !paste
[15:56] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[15:56] <Pici> I thought I fixed that.
[15:57] <jussi01> obviously not
[15:57] <jussi01> hehe
[15:57] <Pici> !pastebin =~ s/lines texts/lined text/
[15:57] <ubotu> I'll remember that Pici
[15:58] <jussi01> hrmmm, I still dont like it
[15:59] <Pici> s/multiple-lined/long/ ?
[15:59] <jussi01> !pastebin =~ s/lined text/lined texts/
[15:59] <ubotu> I'll remember that jussi01
[15:59] <Pici> bleh
[15:59] <jussi01> like that seem ok?
[16:00] * PriceChild yawns
[16:00] <jussi01> hehe
[16:00] * jussi01 hands PriceChild a cuppa
[16:00] <PriceChild> So I was walking down the highstreet... messing about with something, can't remember what.
[16:00] <PriceChild> Looked up and saw the shop I wanted, then back down to w/e. Next thing I know, I looked up and was standing in the middle of Ann Summers.
[16:01] <jussi01> hehe
[16:02] <nalioth> PriceChild: didn't she have something to say about that?
[16:02] <jussi01> Ann summers, PriceChild what exactly were you messing with.... ;)
[16:03] <Pici> Who/What is Ann Summers?
[16:03] <jussi01> erotic store
[16:03] <Pici> Ahhh..
[16:04] <Seeker`> Pici: possibly the biggest in the UK - its a big chain
[16:04] <Pici> We're boring in the US.
[16:05] <PriceChild> Big enough to be in a bigger store on the high street next door to whsmiths.
[16:10] <PriceChild> !test
[16:10] <ubotu> Failed.
[16:10] <Myrtti> you failzor
[16:18] <Pici> agh, what is it, troll hour?
[16:18] <Myrtti> errrr
[16:19] <Pici> Nevermind, don't answer that.
[16:19] <Myrtti> good call pricey
[16:49] <nalioth> can someone type http://www.ubuntu.com/download into their browser and tell me where it goes?
[16:50] <Pici> http://www-drupal.ubuntu.com:8080/getubuntu/download
[16:50] <Pici> uhh
[16:50] <Myrtti> http://www-drupal.ubuntu.com:8080/getubuntu/download
[16:50] <Pici> 'oops'
[16:50] <nalioth> wtf is that?
[16:50] <nalioth> my machine can't access that
[16:50] <PriceChild> mine isn't going anywhere.... /me hits opendns
[16:51] <Pici> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
[16:52] <nalioth> who here on IRC would know wtf is up?
[16:53] <jpatrick> nalioth: #canonical-sysadmin
[16:56] <Pici> nalioth: Did you notice it yourself? or did someone ask you?
[16:56] * Seeker` cant get to that url either
[16:57] * jpatrick neither
[16:59] <nalioth> Pici: i am getting a copy of ubuntu for a friend
[16:59] <PriceChild> wtf is 'fullcircle' doing an linux mint install guide? I thought it was an Ubuntu magazine?
[16:59] <Pici> It is...
[17:00] <Pici> grrr
[17:34] * jpatrick headdesk
[17:35] <PriceChild> welcome to our world
[17:35] <PriceChild> j
[17:36] <jpatrick> PriceChild: you're watching -motu no?
[17:37] <jpatrick> /mode #ubuntu-motu +b *!*@CPE0014d13c957e-CM0012c9a9a6dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com!##fix_your_connection <- no such channel??
[17:37] <PriceChild> join it first
[17:37] <jpatrick> I am there
[17:39] <jpatrick> for some reason that's not working..
[17:54] <PriceChild> * noodlesgc has quit ("THE NEXT GENERATION OF IRC IS HERE phalkyn.sf.net (coming soon)")
[17:54] <PriceChild> Does anyone else see something oddly amusing in that message?
[17:54] <Pici> The website hurts my eyes.
[17:54] <Pici> And yes, the announcement is amusing.
[17:56] <jpatrick> tis here and coming soon, hmm
[18:00] <LjL-Temp> ahum... i *somehow* think there is nothing around to achieve compressed IRC
[18:00] <LjL-Temp> since the first google hit for "compressing irc" is a log of myself
[18:00] <no0tic> :)
[22:33] <LjL-Temp> nicks and flames again...
=== nickrud is now known as obamamaniac
=== obamamaniac is now known as nickrud
[22:42] <ubotu> In ubotu, Squawk said: !preamble is Please just ask the question rather than explaining why you have a question. You will get help much faster and the channel is easier to follow
[22:42] <LjL-Temp> hmm isn't that just a slight variant of !ask
[22:43] <LjL-Temp> we're getting a ton variations on this theme
[22:49] <jpatrick> !ask > Squawk
[22:50] <jpatrick> !-ask
[22:50] <ubotu> ask aliases: justask, metaquestion, problem, questions, question - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 19:06:50
[22:54] <nickrud> metaquestion, hahaha
[22:58] <Seeker`> has anyone seen the discussion in -uk?
[22:58] <Seeker`> apparently earthquakes are caused by global warming
[22:59] <nickrud> a good reason not to visit uk then, all that hot air
[22:59] <Seeker`> we aren't all mad
[23:00] <nickrud> heh. I live in LA , we define mad ;)
[23:00] <Seeker`> although the things some people say wind me up a little
[23:13] <Gary> Seeker`: seriously!
[23:14] <Seeker`> Gary: yes
[23:15] <Gary> hehe