UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /29 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:12] <tgm4883_laptop> levander, a popular ir remote and receiver is the mceusb2 remote
[00:12] <tgm4883_laptop> get one with the usb receiver and you are good to go
[00:13] <tgm4883_laptop> as for ir blasting? I hate it
[00:13] <tgm4883_laptop> a wired solution is much better
[00:13] <tgm4883_laptop> but with the right equipment, the IR blasting does work pretty good
[01:07] <staind9383> soo... would it be a particularly stupid to call up cablevision and bitch to them that my firewire port on my cable box stopped working?
[01:16] <pwnguin> I've been using mythbuntu for a week now
[01:17] <pwnguin> is it correct to say that if new videos need to be added via the video manager before they'll be viewable in mythVideo?
[01:22] <soulfury> Can anyone tell me the name of the package I need to search for in aptitude to get the amd64 kernel source code I need to compile my nvidia driver? 7.10 of course.
[01:24] <directhex> soulfury, linux-headers-$(uname -r)
[01:24] <soulfury> thanks
[01:24] <directhex> you don't need source code to compile kernel modules. just headers
[01:24] <soulfury> right right
[01:25] <soulfury> Not sure why that isn't installed by default on 7.10
[01:25] <soulfury> It is with ubuntu 7.10
[01:25] <directhex> no, it isn't
[01:25] <directhex> linux-headers is never on by default
[01:26] <staind9383> is it more of a pain in the ass to get myth up and running on amd-64 vs x86?
[01:26] <directhex> no
[01:26] <soulfury> I've installed Mythbuntu 7.10 and Ubuntu 7.10 about 4 times in the last two days on this trying to get it to work. When i run the nvidia installer on ubuntu 7.1 the only thing i'm mising are the libc6 dev libraries. On the mythbuntu install it complains about kernel source.
[01:26] <directhex> hm, you're right, someone added linux-headers-generic to the depends: on ubuntu-desktop
[01:27] <directhex> not much use for those of us running better kernels. nevermind
[01:27] <soulfury> hah
[01:27] <soulfury> yeah I'm just now getting back into linux
[01:27] <soulfury> been in solaris land for the last few years
[01:28] <directhex> poor you :(
[01:28] <soulfury> heh
[01:28] <soulfury> it's pretty easy =)
[01:28] <directhex> there there, the nightmare is over
[01:29] <staind9383> is there any advantage to 64 bit over 32 if you dont have lots of mem to throw at the system?
[01:29] <directhex> "ed" and "sh" won't hurt you anymore
[01:29] <soulfury> of course staind9383
[01:29] <directhex> staind9383, media-related tasks (e.g. transcoding) are faster
[01:29] <staind9383> yea>
[01:29] <staind9383> hmm
[01:29] <staind9383> might have to give that a whirl
[01:29] <soulfury> plus you can just throw some more ram in later
[01:29] <soulfury> when you've teh cash
[01:29] <staind9383> well its not the cash... dr2 is dirt cheap right now
[01:29] <staind9383> ddr2 rather
[01:29] <soulfury> mmhmm
[01:30] <soulfury> Mythbuntu, when you get it working, is totally fucking slick
[01:30] <staind9383> i've been shying away from 64 bit anything for poor driver support... then again taht was mostly on the win side of things
[01:31] <staind9383> anyone else using a kworld atsc110 tuner?
[01:33] <superm1> directhex, those builds better for you now?
[01:33] <superm1> happy at least :)?
[01:33] <directhex> superm1, well i nicked the packages out of edge.lp.net as soon as you alerted me to them, and they seem fine
[01:34] <directhex> superm1, presumably packages.gz is up to date now
[01:34] <superm1> directhex, yeah it is
[01:34] <soulfury> Is an A64 x2 4000 with a geforce 7050PV strong enough to play like 6GB 1080 ts stuff?
[01:34] <superm1> just didnt get a chance to check with you again
[01:34] <directhex> soulfury, americanese hd? probably
[01:34] <staind9383> i think one of my main probs with myth so far has been lack of linux experience
[01:37] <staind9383> is there a faster download for the mythbuntu iso anywhere? the torrent link on the site is dead
[01:37] <directhex> i have a sore throat, i'm tired, i feel it's bedtime
[01:38] <superm1> staind9383, we should take that down i guess if its dead -
[01:38] <superm1> just try clicking the direct download, there are a few fast mirrors in the rotation
[01:39] <staind9383> ok i got a much faster one... was going 40 Kb/sec, now 500
[01:40] <staind9383> so would you guys recommend a dedicated vid card, or are onboard geforce 6150 graphics enough
[01:40] <staind9383> for HD that is
[01:45] <andy> P4 - 1800, 512 Ram, 60GB HDD, Hauppauge PVR-150-MCE, NVidia 6200 - I can get the Mythbuntu install to see the card (it thinks it's a V4l (ivtv) PVR-150). I can find a dozen channels on a channel scan, but I can see nothing
[01:46] <andy> To be honest, I've got no idea what I'm doing here, I'm using the force. It was pure fluke that I got the PVRs remote to go...of a limited nature...
[01:47] <andy> ...any thoughts or suggestions?
[01:53] <WcktKlwn> andy, did you switch to to us-cable in the setup?
[01:53] <WcktKlwn> I believe the default is something like us-bcast
[01:54] <andy> NewZealand
[01:54] <andy> ...being from NZ and all... THought that might be a flash idea...
[01:55] <andy> Thats good enough, though... I'm gunna try that... AFK for a few...
[01:56] <WcktKlwn> there might be another one in there for NZ
[01:56] <andy> Yeah, there's a few options... US Broadcast/cable/japan/NZ/etc
[01:58] <andy> I always assumed that was more a NTSC vs PAL vs Secam selection
[01:58] <WcktKlwn> I first set mine up for bcast, and couldn't go above channel 13.. and I got stumped
[02:04] <andy> I'm a little nervous that it kinda works (in as far as it gets detected, and goes through all the motions, making all the right noises, but all I get is 12 channels of pitch black... THEN...I read that Hauppauge ran out of 150s so started shipping HVR-1600s in their place. Some HVR-1600 cards look the same as a PVR-150 but I read that there's little to no support for linux for the HVR at all
[02:05] <andy> I may have a HVR-1600 cleverly disguised as a PVR-150-MCE
[02:11] <Cackette> is there any reason that menu transitions lag like crazy (takes ~5 secs to go from Manage Recordings to next menu, etc)
[02:23] <superm1> Cackette, your video card doesnt support opengl
[02:23] <superm1> switch back to the Qt theme painter
[02:23] <superm1> or install the right driver
[02:23] <staind9383> i hate firewire.... its official
[02:46] <staind9383> default install for mythbuntu is /var/lib for media correct?
[02:46] <Cackette> my video card sure as hell supports opengl
[02:46] <Cackette> its a nvidia 6600
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[02:59] <SteveoSup> Hey all
[02:59] <SteveoSup> Couple questions.
[03:02] <SteveoSup> if I get Mythbuntu set up on my system can I play media off of my FreeNAS file server? if I have multiple shares?
[03:04] <SteveoSup> so I'm guessing that no one here knows anything about this huh?
[03:05] <staind9383> i would assume that you could... nut i realy dont know too much so i'm not gonna be much help
[03:08] <SteveoSup> HEHE its ok
[03:31] <staind9383> sooo if i am using the amd64 version, so i need a different firmware for my tuner card?
[03:31] <staind9383> so = do
[03:46] <staind9383> is a firewire connection possible using an amd64 build?
[04:03] <staind9384> what might be the problem if the audio sounds like alvin and the chipmunks
[04:04] <staind9384> and the entire playback is choppy... almost like the card is buffering then playing extra fast, over and over again
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[17:19] <HEP85> I just wanted to ask if it is already safe to use the 8.04 alpha 2 version or is it still unstable?
[17:51] <tgm4883> HEP85, yes, alpha 2 is perfectly stable. In fact, thats why we call it alpha, as in alpha male, the leader, the strongest in the pack. There really is no reason for for us to even continue development, alpha 2 is perfect.
[17:51] <tgm4883> or
[17:51] <tgm4883> by definition, alpha 2 is still unstable
[17:55] <frank232> heh
[18:13] <adaptr> does it do my laundry ?
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=== gardengnome is now known as tgm4883
[20:29] <zabadapp> foxxbuntu: I found the problem, a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 (from the install) would override my own changes. By removing it the GUI-themes changes correctly.
[21:03] <hugolp> How can I record a recording into a DVD or CD?
[21:04] <rhpot1991_laptop> mytharchive?
[21:06] <hugolp> rhpot1991_laptop: I allredy installed it but I dont see the option
[21:07] <rhpot1991_laptop> its in mythtv itself, you use it to archive recordings and such
[21:07] <rhpot1991_laptop> might be under optical discs, I'm not entirely sure of the menu location
[21:08] <hugolp> oh ok I think I see it
[21:08] <hugolp> thanks
[21:14] <foxbuntu> zabadapp, thanks...I will look into that