UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /26 /#xubuntu.txt
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[00:57] <cnStarz> i need help getting xubuntu to work with my tv
[01:19] <cnstarz> i need help configuring xorg.conf
[01:21] <cnstarz> anyone here? :(
[01:22] <ere4si> cnstarz, what's up?
[01:22] <cnstarz> hooray thank you
[01:22] <cnstarz> ok
[01:22] <cnstarz> im trying to follow the...
[01:22] <cnstarz> NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition
[01:22] <cnstarz> however
[01:22] <cnstarz> when i type in "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
[01:23] <cnstarz> it asks for my password and...
[01:23] <cnstarz> it says...
[01:23] <cnstarz> one sec
[01:23] <ere4si> why would it say "one sec"?
[01:23] <ere4si> :)
[01:23] <cnstarz> no im saying one sec
[01:23] <cnstarz> im trying to copy it
[01:23] <ere4si> :)
[01:24] <ere4si> k
[01:24] <cnstarz> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57404/
[01:24] <cnstarz> and then...
[01:24] <cnstarz> when i press enter...
[01:24] <cnstarz> i get...
[01:25] <cnstarz> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57405/
[01:26] <ere4si> did you delete the file in /tmp?
[01:26] <cnstarz> no, i dont know how to :(
[01:26] <cnstarz> im new to linux
[01:26] <ere4si> sorry - /var/tmp
[01:26] <cnstarz> i dont know linux commands yet
[01:26] <cnstarz> :O
[01:27] <ere4si> sudo rm -v /var/tmp/xorg.conf.swp
[01:27] <cnstarz> okay i'll try that
[01:27] <ere4si> k
[01:28] <cnstarz> okay it worked, and this is what i get now: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57406/
[01:28] <cnstarz> this is the guide im following: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition
[01:29] <ere4si> you need to redo your xorg - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[01:30] <cnstarz> what does that do?
[01:30] <cnstarz> not that i dont trust you, im just curious as to what exactly it does :)
[01:30] <ere4si> sets up the xorg.conf file again
[01:30] <cnstarz> alrighty
[01:31] <cnstarz> is this gonna disrupt/change my current display drivers?
[01:32] <ere4si> during the dpkg you get to choose the driver for your card
[01:32] <ere4si> if you installed one it will be listed
[01:32] <cnstarz> i'll get to choose the restricted drivers for my 8800gtx?
[01:32] <ere4si> if you installed it yes
[01:33] <cnstarz> thanks, im really ignorant :P
[01:33] <ere4si> k:)
[01:35] <cnstarz> alright its asking me to choose a driver, so i guess i should pick the nvidia one since i dont see anything related to "restricted" or any other nvidia-related drviers
[01:37] <ere4si> nvidia is the one
[01:41] <eca> i just attached 2 hdds, how do i move files around on them. i see them in /dev/disk and gparted. but thunar cant open them
[01:44] <ere4si> eca: they will be listed in /dev - you will need to make a dir to mount them in
[01:45] <ere4si> eca: /dev/sdb or similar
[01:47] <cnstarz> alright i finished reconfiguring xorg.conf, but when i do "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf", it still looks like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57406/
[01:47] <cnstarz> should i have to reboot or something?
[01:47] <eca> sudo mount /dev/sdb /home/ace/sdb says mount: you must specify the filesystem type
[01:47] <eca> ext3?
[01:47] <ere4si> cnstarz, you need to log out and in
[01:48] <cnstarz> alrighty
[01:48] <ere4si> eca: does the dir /home/ace/sdb exist before you mount?
[01:48] <eca> yes
[01:49] <eca> thunar doesnt do this automatically?
[01:49] <ere4si> eca: is the sdb a windows disk?
[01:49] <eca> no
[01:49] <eca> ext2 i think or 3
[01:49] <ere4si> linux? - then sudo mount -t ext3 etc
[01:50] <cnstarz> logged out and logged back in and it still looks like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57406/ :(
[01:50] <ere4si> cnstarz, what *buntu are you using?
[01:50] <cnstarz> xubuntu
[01:51] <ere4si> try sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[01:51] <cnstarz> whats that one do?
[01:51] <ere4si> cnstarz, the x in X11 has to be a capital....
[01:52] <cnstarz> hmm
[01:52] <cnstarz> haha it worked now
[01:52] <ere4si> mousepad is the text editor in xubuntu
[01:52] <cnstarz> i didn't know linux was that picky
[01:52] <ere4si> yah
[01:53] <cnstarz> well thanks man
[01:53] <ere4si> all case sensitive - x11 is different to X11
[01:53] <cnstarz> much appreciate
[01:53] <ere4si> np
[01:53] <ere4si> did the same thing years ago when I first started
[01:56] <eca> ty ere4si it works
[01:56] <ere4si> happy for you eca
[03:03] <cnstarz> alrighty...
[03:03] <cnstarz> so
[03:03] <ere4si> ...
[03:03] <cnstarz> i followed the guide
[03:03] <cnstarz> and
[03:04] <cnstarz> the tv just goes gray after grub
[03:04] <cnstarz> it becomes unresponsive
[03:04] <cnstarz> i've exhausted all possibilities that i know of
[03:05] <ere4si> you'll need to dpkg again and start the guide again
[03:05] <cnstarz> i did
[03:05] <cnstarz> like three times
[03:05] <cnstarz> :(
[03:05] <cnstarz> im doing it exactly as it says too
[03:05] <cnstarz> it just doesnt like my tv
[03:05] <ere4si> are you in the recovery kernel?
[03:05] <ere4si> live cd?
[03:06] <cnstarz> i was on here first, in terminal. i saved it, shut down, plugged the tv in, then started it back up
[03:06] <cnstarz> and got the gray screen
[03:06] <cnstarz> then
[03:06] <cnstarz> i went thru recovoery console
[03:06] <cnstarz> and tried it again thru there
[03:06] <cnstarz> same thing
[03:06] <cnstarz> i mean
[03:06] <cnstarz> i reconfigured throuh recovoery console
[03:06] <cnstarz> i didn't follow the guide through the console
[03:07] <cnstarz> i followed the guide only on here
[03:07] <ere4si> what's the link to the guide again?
[03:07] <cnstarz> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition
[03:07] <ere4si> and your tv model
[03:07] <cnstarz> sony wega
[03:07] <cnstarz> 51"
[03:08] <cnstarz> lemee see if i can find the exact model name
[03:08] <cnstarz> http://www.epinions.com/pr-Sony_Grand_WEGA_KDP-51WS550_51_in_Rear_Projection_HDTV_Television
[03:09] <cnstarz> the tv connects through component into a video dongle that looks similiar to svid, but isn't svid
[03:09] <cnstarz> which then plugs right into my card, next to the two dvi connections
[03:10] <ere4si> in a terminal type lspci and look for the card - should have two listings
[03:10] <cnstarz> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57421/
[03:11] <cnstarz> didn't mean to quit out
[03:12] <ere4si> can you post your xorg.conf?
[03:12] <cnstarz> sure
[03:12] <cnstarz> one sec
[03:13] <cnstarz> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57422/
[03:15] <ere4si> ok - now you have a standard xorg.conf - nothing for your tv
[03:15] <cnstarz> you can see the svid-like connection that im talking about here: http://www.hummercommunity.com/files/hfpics/8800GTX_768_PCIe_WC_Side.jpg
[03:15] <cnstarz> right
[03:15] <ere4si> you have to do the guide again - but before you save it post it and I'll check :)
[03:16] <cnstarz> alrighty
[03:19] <cnstarz> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57423/
[03:22] <Knowledge> anybody in here have any experience with toshiba tecra 8100 laptop and xubuntu installs? I can't seem to get anywhere with it...just black screen of death or system reset
[03:25] <ere4si> cnstarz, 1st section device - remove usefb line and add screen (0)
[03:26] <ere4si> screen 0
[03:26] <cnstarz> so it should look like Option "screen 0" "true"?
[03:26] <cnstarz> oh you mean remove the whole line
[03:27] <ere4si> nope - look at the guide
[03:27] <cnstarz> hmmm
[03:27] <cnstarz> oh i c
[03:28] <cnstarz> i remember doing that last time, but i added it under the usefb
[03:28] <cnstarz> i'll try replacing it this time
[03:31] <ere4si> that line in screen - Screen 1 "Screen[1]" RightOf "Screen[0]" - means you have to have both screens going at the same time
[03:31] <cnstarz> right
[03:31] <ere4si> k
[03:32] <ere4si> ok - save the file - then connect the tv - then ctrl+alt+backspace and login
[03:32] <cnstarz> alrighty, here goes
[03:35] <cnstarz> what the crap, it worked
[03:35] <cnstarz> murphy's law!
[03:35] <ere4si> yah :)
[03:35] <ere4si> have got to be accurate :)
[03:35] <cnstarz> what would i have to edit to get it to show up only on the tv now?
[03:35] <ere4si> let me look
[03:36] <cnstarz> thanks, i really appreciate it
[03:38] <ere4si> put a # in front of "Right like - Screen 1 "Screen[1]" #RightOf "Screen[0]" - save an ctrl+alt+bspc
[03:38] <ere4si> *and
[03:39] <cnstarz> alrighty
[03:40] <cnstarz> so it should look like this:
[03:40] <cnstarz> Screen 1 "Screen[1]" #RightOf "Screen[0]"
[03:41] <cnstarz> with "Screen 0 "Screen[0]"" right above it?
[03:42] <ere4si> all the same except for the # in front of "Right"
[03:43] <ere4si> yep
[03:43] <cnstarz> so it should look like this, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57424/
[03:43] <cnstarz> im just making sure im understanding you correctly
[03:44] <ere4si> yep and yep
[03:44] <cnstarz> alrighty
[03:45] <cnstarz> here we go...
[03:45] <cnstarz> negative
[03:45] <cnstarz> the desktop is still there on my tv, but now i just cant move the mouse into it
[03:45] <ere4si> on both one or none?
[03:46] <ere4si> k
[03:46] <ere4si> ok - undo what we just did and save and ctrl+alt+bksp while have a search
[03:47] <cnstarz> alrighty
[03:47] <cnstarz> what if i did this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57427/
[03:51] <ere4si> ok - found a howto
[03:51] <cnstarz> ok
[03:51] <cnstarz> brb
[03:52] <cnstarz> back
[03:54] <ere4si> in the first device section put a # in front of screen 0 - like # screen 0
[03:54] <cnstarz> got it
[03:55] <cnstarz> should i restart x?
[03:56] <cnstarz> or are you still looking?
[03:56] <ere4si> and in the server section
[03:56] <ere4si> put a # like - #Screen 0 "Screen[0]"
[03:56] <cnstarz> got it
[03:57] <ere4si> restart x then
[03:57] <cnstarz> alrighty
[04:04] <ere4si> oops
[04:06] <cnstarz> negative
[04:07] <cnstarz> it seems like it tried to make my monitor display in hdtv
[04:07] <cnstarz> monitor display was all garbled, and TV didn't work at all
[04:08] <David_> What is the system requirements for this distro?
[04:08] <David_> i have a 500 mhz with 192 mbs of ram
[04:09] <David_> can i run?
[04:09] <ere4si> David_, yep - but 192mbs ram is the min for the live cd
[04:10] <ere4si> will run ok when installed
[04:10] <cnstarz> brb
[04:10] <ere4si> k
[04:10] <David_> Awesome :D do i need to download the alternative install cd or the regular version
[04:10] <David_> i couldn't get ubuntu to wok
[04:10] <ere4si> David_, with that mem I would use the alternate cd
[04:11] <David_> okay
[04:11] <ere4si> cnstarz, you set it up for hdtv - try ntsc or pal - the guide says what is right for your area
[04:12] <David_> will the gusty gibbon work?
[04:12] <ere4si> David_, yep
[04:12] <David_> awesome, Thanks sooo much lol, windows xp runs a tad slow on that old machine
[04:12] <David_> lol
[04:13] <ere4si> cnstarz, we forgot a # in front of "Right " to block the last screen 0
[04:16] <ere4si> brb
[04:30] <cnstarz> alrighty im back
[04:30] <cnstarz> sorry
[04:30] <ere4si> .
[04:30] <cnstarz> what did you say?
[04:30] <ere4si> k
[04:31] <ere4si> and is it ok?
[04:31] <cnstarz> im back to the piont where both screens are up
[04:31] <ere4si> great - lets make a backup of that xorg.conf
[04:32] <cnstarz> alrighty
[04:32] <cnstarz> is there a way to restore the backup from recovery console?
[04:32] <ere4si> sudo cp -v /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak
[04:33] <ere4si> for the backup
[04:33] <cnstarz> that backs it up or restores it?
[04:33] <ere4si> backups
[04:33] <cnstarz> gotcha
[04:34] <ere4si> then to restore - cp -v /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[04:34] <ere4si> from recovery you don't njeed sudo
[04:34] <ere4si> *need
[04:34] <cnstarz> alrighy
[04:34] <cnstarz> this'll save a lot of time
[04:35] <ere4si> :))
[04:35] <ere4si> I missed one # in our last effort - in front of "Right" in the server section
[04:36] <ere4si> and have you changed it from hdtv to pal or ntsc?
[04:36] <cnstarz> nope
[04:36] <cnstarz> its still on hdtv
[04:36] <cnstarz> the edge kinda clips
[04:36] <ere4si> look in the guide for what you need in your area
[04:36] <cnstarz> alrighty
[04:38] <ere4si> just change the hdtv part and test - if it's ok we'll back that up first cnstarz
[04:38] <cnstarz> so it should look like this?
[04:38] <cnstarz> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57429/
[04:39] <ere4si> and with the # screen 0 in the first device section
[04:41] <cnstarz> ah ok
[04:41] <ere4si> so that's 3 #'s added cnstarz
[04:41] <cnstarz> right
[04:42] <cnstarz> and i changed HD1080i to NTSC-M
[04:42] <cnstarz> saved, here goes
[04:42] <ere4si> if you've changed the hdtv part then restartx
[04:42] <ere4si> k
[04:48] <cnstarz> nope didn't work
[04:49] <cnstarz> monitor became garbled, and tv stayed blank...
[04:49] <cnstarz> then...
[04:49] <cnstarz> i unplugged the monitor and rebooted
[04:49] <ere4si> .
[04:49] <cnstarz> and the tv turned gray
[04:49] <cnstarz> and got stuck
[04:49] <cnstarz> like before
[04:49] <cnstarz> so i plugged the monitor back in and restored that backup
[04:49] <ere4si> have you used the backup file to get back?
[04:49] <ere4si> k
[04:49] <cnstarz> yes
[04:50] <ere4si> the howtos that I can find all have just one device section and are a little old
[04:50] <cnstarz> hmm
[04:51] <ere4si> I wonder if we comment out the first device section and the screen 0 lines whether that will do the job
[04:51] <cnstarz> wouldn't hurt to try
[04:51] <ere4si> # = comment out
[04:52] <ere4si> then the first device section - every line should start with #
[04:52] <cnstarz> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57432/
[04:53] <ere4si> and the section screen with screen 0 - the first one
[04:54] <cnstarz> hmm?
[04:54] <ere4si> and the line in the server section with screen 0 and before "Right"
[04:55] <cnstarz> i got the server one commented out
[04:55] <ere4si> there are two section "screen" - the first should be commented out as that is the monitor
[04:55] <cnstarz> ohh
[04:56] <cnstarz> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57433/
[04:57] <ere4si> paste the whole xorg pls
[04:57] <cnstarz> that should be the whole thing
[04:58] <ere4si> yep - be brave and have another go :)
[04:58] <cnstarz> ;P
[04:58] <cnstarz> brb
[04:58] <ere4si> k
[05:03] <cnstarz> nope
[05:03] <cnstarz> lol
[05:03] <cnstarz> i think it hates my tv
[05:03] <ere4si> I should have looked closer - in the server section you put the # in the wrong place -
[05:03] <cnstarz> same exact thing as before
[05:03] <cnstarz> BAH
[05:03] <ere4si> should be next to the "Right"
[05:04] <cnstarz> ohhhh
[05:04] <cnstarz> ya i see
[05:04] <ere4si> do it again and repaste the xorg pls - if you want :)
[05:04] <cnstarz> yeppir
[05:11] <cnStarz> nope
[05:11] <cnStarz> same thing
[05:11] <cnStarz> i think i'm done for tonight, wife is home and wants to watch a movie
[05:11] <cnStarz> i really appreciate all your help
[05:12] <ere4si> for now you may need to boot with the monitor then move the mouse over to tv and turn monitor of...
[05:12] <cnStarz> g2g, thanks again man, take care.
[05:12] <ere4si> k
[07:08] <David_> Can anyone help me with an install problem?
[07:09] <David_> My install keeps getting froze at 77% "Gathering information for install report"
[07:09] <David_> MD5 sum check is okay... checked for defects... its okay
[07:09] <David_> Anyone have this problem?
[07:10] <David_> oh and its 7.10
[07:10] <David_> of Xubuntu
[07:11] <David_> anyone?
[08:25] <burner> hi! i'm trying to install xubuntu in my carputer, using a 7" LCD monitor
[08:25] <burner> when X (i guess) starts, the screen is filled with noise - which slowly fades away..
[08:27] <burner> hard to explain.. its like a big blue cloud - becoming smaller, and eventually the screen is all white
[08:34] <zoredache> a 7" monitor?
[08:36] <burner> zoredache, yeah..
[08:37] <burner> hm
[08:37] <burner> 8" actually
[08:37] <zoredache> You might want to try the alternate install cd
[08:37] <burner> :P
[08:37] <burner> hm, okay
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=== burner is now known as burner\-
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[14:39] <nazdalf> hello??
[14:40] <nazdalf> hello can sm1 help me with dis??
[14:40] <nazdalf> how can i see my comp hardware specs in xubuntu??
[14:40] <maxamillion> nazdalf: what parts to you need to see?
[14:41] <nazdalf> ohh ty fr replying....i need to check my graphic driver n graphic card
[14:41] <nazdalf> i m trying to install aiglx (for compiz)
[14:42] <maxamillion> ah
[14:42] <maxamillion> nazdalf: open a terminal and type 'lspci | grep ATI' and see if that returns anything
[14:44] <nazdalf> maxamillion: it dsnt return nething.....
[14:44] <maxamillion> nazdalf: ok, try 'lspci | grep ati' (the capitalization matters and i've never had an ati card do i don't know how it reads)
[14:45] <nazdalf> maxamillion: my xorg.conf has this in it......Section "Device"
[14:45] <nazdalf> Identifier "Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller"
[14:45] <nazdalf> Driver "intel"
[14:45] <nazdalf> BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
[14:45] <nazdalf> EndSection
[14:46] <maxamillion> nazdalf: uhmmm... you sure you have an ATI graphics card?
[14:46] <nazdalf> no clue...i hav an HP a1210in desktop PC
[14:47] <nazdalf> maxamillion: ur 2nd command here returned lots of things on terminal....among other things it gives... Intel Corporation 82915G/P/GV/GL/PL/910GL Memory Controller Hub (rev 04)
[14:47] <nazdalf> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)
[14:49] <maxamillion> nazdalf: ah, ok ... sorry, i thought you said fglrx, but you said aiglx
[14:49] <maxamillion> you have intel integrated ... appears to be a 915 chipset, i think that one can do compisiting, lemme get you some documentation
[14:50] <nazdalf> maxamillion: yes..do u happen to kno things about tht....Wiki says,supported on embedded Intel i810 through i965 graphics cards....does mine qualify?
[14:51] <maxamillion> nazdalf: yes
[14:52] <nazdalf> maxamillion: thts gr8....ty....btw, as i understand it, to get aiglx configuerd fr my PC all i need to do is add sm code to xorg.conf??
[14:53] <maxamillion> nazdalf: yes, that should be all you need since you have the correct intel driver in the config file already
[14:55] <nazdalf> maxamillion: ty for ur help......err, do u hav compiz on ur PC?? i mean since i m new to linux i shud do sm basic things instead of trying to get compiz to run...lol...
[14:56] <maxamillion> nazdalf: i used compiz for a short time, but it ultimately didn't add any functionality and certain effects annoyed me, i don't use it anymore
[14:56] <nazdalf> ohh.....
[14:57] <maxamillion> nazdalf: its cool for showing to your windows using friends and saying "look what else windows can't do" but other than that i didn't find it very useful, i'm a full time college student with a full time job, i don't have time to not be productive
[15:02] <nazdalf> maxamillion: ohh ....ya...i m installing it jst fr tinkeeing around with linux...;-)...i m a full tym coll student wid no job :))
[15:04] <maristo> hi
[15:05] <nazdalf> hello......
[15:05] <maristo> where .trash-bin directory is situated?
[15:05] <maristo> i mean, desktop's bin
[15:06] <maxamillion> maristo: i don't remember, just a moment
[15:06] <maristo> I need delete files there, manually, with root privilegies, but don't know it's location in fs
[15:09] <maxamillion> maristo: oh, well you can just launch thunar with root privilages ... open a terminal and type "gksu thunar" it will prompt for the password and then you have a file manager with root privilages :)
[15:10] <maristo> good
[15:11] <maristo> haha
[15:11] <maxamillion> ?
[15:11] <maristo> there is root's bin only
[15:11] <nazdalf> maxamillion: wow...so can we open n edit files thru ther?? no need fr sudo mousepad filename
[15:11] <maristo> i must to know location of user's bin
[15:12] <maxamillion> maristo: ok, this time instead of doing 'gksu thunar' try 'gksudo thunar'
[15:14] <maristo> same thing, only root's bin
[15:16] <maxamillion> hmmm
[15:16] <maxamillion> ok, just a sec
[15:22] <nazdalf> umm...i m confused with smthing i apparently hav 910GL and GMA 900 graphics.....whts d driver??
[15:24] <maxamillion> nazdalf: should just be 'intel' driver
[15:29] <nazdalf> maxamillion: thnks a lot again....
[15:30] <maxamillion> nazdalf: anytime
[15:36] <xubuN> WLAN driver help needed with xubuntu , is ndiswrapper preinstalled?
[15:41] <maxamillion> xubuN: no, i don't believe it is installed by default
[15:43] <xubuN> thanx, for an old (2003-4) pcmcia WLAN card, should be the 1st try the ndiswrapper?
[15:46] <maxamillion> xubuN: it depends on that card chipset
[15:47] <maxamillion> xubuN: it might have support
[15:53] <xubuN> chipset not able to find on the net, any tips for SIEMENS SANTIS PCMCIA wifi card?
[16:51] <eca> im increasing a partition from 230 to 233 gb and its been 8 hrs with 3 hrs to go, somebody kill me plz. gparted says if i stop the process severe damage may result, and its important data.
[16:53] <maxamillion> eca: yeah .... with a partition that big, if there is a lot of data ... it will take quite a while
[16:56] <Buff> i'd like to make the xubuntu-desktop optional by having my system boot to the terminal by default so I can use the desktop only when I need it (this is a server). It seems like the init.d/gdm script is what I need to mess with. I did gdm stop and that does take down the desktop but leaves me with no termnial at all. Any tips?
[16:57] <zoredache> Buff: after you do an gdm stop press ctrl-f1
[16:57] <zoredache> when you stop it, it will be on a tty tha doesn't have anything attached to it
[16:58] <Buff> is there a way to just not have it boot at all by default?
[16:59] <zoredache> sure... uninstall gdm, or delete the file /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm, or edit the file /etc/init.d/gdm and make the second line of the file be 'exit 0'
[16:59] <zoredache> either one of the three choices would disable things
[17:00] <Buff> zoredache: thanks. would I still be able to fire up the desktop from the terminal if I did that?
[17:01] <zoredache> yes, use the command 'startxfce4'
[17:01] <zoredache> or simply startx
[17:06] <Buff> zoradache: works perfectly, thx
[17:06] <zoredache> np
[17:17] <boogieman> Hello all, i'm running xubuntu 7.10 on a Compaq 6710a notebook
[17:18] <boogieman> The problem is that my notebook's 'presentation key' does not work
[17:18] <boogieman> normally, when we press FN + presentation key; it should direct the current screen to the projector
[17:18] <boogieman> any idea on how to get this working?
[17:24] <zoredache> boogieman: I have found that on my dell, things work after i do a reboot. I have never taken the time to figure out why though...
[17:26] <boogieman> zoredache: thanks for responding. what is the procedure. 1. plug the projector cable. 2. switch on the projector 3. reboot my notebook 4. press the FN key?
[17:26] <boogieman> zoredache: unfortunately i don't have the projector with me to test it
[17:27] <zoredache> boogieman: yea, that is pretty much what I do... You could test with an external monitor if you have one
[17:28] <boogieman> zoredache: thanks. I don't have one either. anyway i'll give it a try tomorrow and see
[17:29] <zoredache> you might also want to try hitting the presentation button before the login screen
[17:30] <zoredache> so right after the computer boots... that way the external display should be detected and X will detect it
[17:35] <eca> can you switch with screen and graphics program?
[17:35] <eca> or is that 8.04
[17:53] <nazdalf> err.....i got an HP a1210in desktop PC...it has EM64T processor...is tht a 64bit processor on which 64-bit ubuntu 7.10 run properly??
[17:55] <zoredache> yes, the 64bit version should be able to run on that...
[17:55] <zoredache> I don't guarentee things will work 'properly' though
[17:56] <zoredache> my brief experience with 64bit was that it is still a mess... Particularly if you want/need non-free codecs, binary drivers, ndiswrapper, flash....
[17:57] <nazdalf> zoredache: ohh k......thnk u
[18:07] <maristo> hello
[18:07] <maristo> do you remember me?
[18:07] <maristo> I solved problem with trash-bin of user
[18:08] <maristo> it locates /home/user/.local/share/Trash
[18:08] <maristo> if it can help to someone
[18:08] <totemwormage> :]
[18:10] <maristo> my english is terrible :p
[18:10] <maristo> learn Esperanto guys!
[18:59] <|H3LL|> Hi evryone !!!
[19:01] <zoredache> hello
[19:01] <|H3LL|> zoredache: is this channel Haunted ???
[19:02] <zoredache> why would you say that...
[19:07] <|H3LL|> |H3LL|: coz it is haunted...
[19:08] <khumba_yo> hy
[19:11] <khumba_yo> bye
[21:19] <Dusti[n]> will xubuntu run my wine games better?
[21:22] <TheSheep> Dusti[n]: better than what?
[21:22] <ere4si> should be a small improvement - maybe
[21:23] <TheSheep> not really, maybe a little faster startup, on machines slow enough to notice
[21:26] <mvoltz> The Sheep: I got Fluxbox up and running. Thanks for the help yesterday
[21:27] <TheSheep> mvoltz: great