UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /26 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <sslashes> directhex: what do you think the best xine vo driver is for accelerated nvidia hardware
[00:01] <directhex> sslashes, i haven't used xine for years. but generally speaking, xv gives lowest cpu consumption and smoothest video. just disable compiz if you expect a smooth video when messing with high resolutions
[00:02] <sslashes> directhex: ok, thanks
[00:05] <huhlig> sslashes, any other ideas?
[00:05] <huhlig> any reason it would work but be so quiet
[00:55] <sslashes> huhlig: i got no ideas - sorry
[00:56] <sslashes> anyone know of any command-line ways (for instance, in a bash script) to check if a cdrom is in a drive?
[00:57] <pwnguin> hal does that
[00:57] <pwnguin> you should be able to send it a dbus query or something
[01:02] <staind9383> so... can the cabel co see if you are using the firewire port on the cabel box to record?
[01:02] <staind9383> i'm tryin to figure out why my firewire capture is no longer working
[02:44] <superm1> directhex, tomorrow the binaries will be gone according to #launchpad
[02:44] <superm1> directhex, so can build tomorrow
[02:50] <pwnguin> is it possible to get frozen bubble to run as a game under mythTV?
[03:08] <superm1> sure
[03:22] <pwnguin> how?
[03:24] <pwnguin> ah, found a wiki on it
[03:24] <pwnguin> kinda ugly
[03:24] <pwnguin> you'd think that the Type would carry some sort of meaning
[04:47] <DiggThis> has anyone worked out how to use mythexport??
[04:53] <DiggThis> does anyone help here?
[05:03] <rhpot1991_laptop> superm1: ping
[05:03] <superm1> that's me
[05:03] <rhpot1991_laptop> you get your HD over firewire correct?
[05:03] <superm1> nope
[05:03] <superm1> used to
[05:03] <rhpot1991_laptop> ah ok
[05:03] <superm1> i dont think i want to go down that path again
[05:03] <rhpot1991_laptop> when you did, did you just have 2 boxes, one for the tv and one for mythy?
[05:04] <superm1> nope
[05:04] <superm1> only had one digital cable xob
[05:04] <rhpot1991_laptop> just watched live tv over your mythbox or what?
[05:04] <superm1> never watched live
[05:04] <rhpot1991_laptop> ah ok
[05:04] <rhpot1991_laptop> comcast is coming tomorrow, trying to figure out what I need to ask the guy for
[05:04] <rhpot1991_laptop> not a fan of the firewire path any longer?
[05:06] <superm1> ask them for a 6200
[05:06] <superm1> if you can
[05:06] <superm1> just a single box
[05:06] <superm1> well i've just gotten so fed up with dealing with it with every cable company
[05:07] <superm1> and i had the worst experience with Time Warner
[05:07] <superm1> who is now my cable provider again
[05:07] <rhpot1991_laptop> if you do it single box like that, can you display on the tv for live tv and then nab recordings over firewire (just not at the same time)?
[05:09] <superm1> you mean with both tuners in the box?
[05:09] <superm1> or what do you mean?
[05:10] <rhpot1991_laptop> hmmm, is the 6200 a dual tuner?
[05:11] <rhpot1991_laptop> I'm hoping to be able to display live HD on my TV without going through mythtv, and to be able to record HD via firewire also
[05:12] <superm1> yeah you can, but not at the same time
[05:12] <superm1> can only use a single tuner in the box
[05:13] <rhpot1991_laptop> that works
[05:13] <rhpot1991_laptop> hmmm, seems the 6200 is component out, they told me over the phone it was gonna have HDMI output
[05:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> I'll have to bug the guy who shows up and see what he can hook me up with
[05:15] <superm1> yeah good luck there...
[05:15] <superm1> especially if you are demanding a firewire port
[05:15] <superm1> its really hit and miss what you're gonna get if you are just "winging it"
[05:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> well I demanded working firewire over the phone, dude told me he didn't know what firewire was but if it was required by FCC regulations he was sure they did it
[05:17] <rhpot1991_laptop> so who knows what I will get, not to mention I've been calling every single day the last week and a half about them not having anything hooked up here yet, been getting managers who say they will call me the next day and don't, such a headache
[05:20] <superm1> haha
[05:20] <superm1> yeah see
[05:20] <superm1> this is why i hate cable companies...
[05:21] <rhpot1991_laptop> finally had this girl return my call, after I told her if I hung up without anything resolved that I was calling up Verizon
[05:22] <superm1> sounds like you have had a more rough time than i have in the past
[05:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> it gets annoying when you can only call after hours and get random garbage about no managers on duty and promises that the managers will call you back and never do, funny how when you get transfered to someone else there is magically a manager around sometimes too
[05:26] <rhpot1991_laptop> they came to my new house on Tuesday to survey it, and couldn't find the place and decided not to let me know that until I called to check on it
[05:26] <rhpot1991_laptop> not entirely sure why they send one person to survey and another to install either, seems like a waste of manpower
[05:27] <superm1> because they are all contracted
[05:28] <superm1> and the contractors don't give a damn.
[05:30] <rhpot1991_laptop> sounds about right
[05:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> with any luck I will have some internet tomorrow and wont need to be stealing the neighbor's wifi
[05:32] <superm1> haha
[05:32] <superm1> i did that for a little bit too when the cable company didn't show for a week
[05:32] <superm1> good ol' WEP ;)
[05:32] <rhpot1991_laptop> this one is wide open
[05:32] <rhpot1991_laptop> but I only get a signal if I sit next to the wall here
[05:33] <rhpot1991_laptop> alright, I'm off to bed, hopefully I'm back up tomorrow and I can get you that windows launcher then
[05:33] <rhpot1991_laptop> have a good night
[05:34] <rhpot1991_laptop> and thanks for the firewire advice
[05:36] <superm1> okay cya
[05:36] <superm1> best of luck
[05:48] <rxd> mythbuntu 8.04 vnc crashes
[05:51] <superm1> rxd, known issue
[05:51] <superm1> we're going to switch to x11vnc instead
[05:52] <rxd> even 7.10 vnc also is not working weel
[05:52] <rxd> s/weel/well
[05:53] <rxd> vnc runs ok on xinetd
[05:54] <superm1> that vnc4server package won't work properly on hardy
[05:54] <superm1> so that wont be a solution
[05:56] <rxd> don't you think xfce is making problems...that's why vnc is not running well or somehow xfce is not related
[06:01] <superm1> not at all
[06:01] <superm1> if you are having bad performance, try turning off any opengl theme painting
[06:01] <rxd> after installation of mythbuntu you can't run can't run frontend right away password for mythtv from mysql should be set first..can this be done automatically
[06:02] <superm1> huh?
[06:02] <superm1> everything is handled
[06:02] <superm1> you just need to run mythtv-setup once
[06:02] <superm1> before reboot
[06:03] <rxd> maybe it didn't work for me...from 7.10 and 8.04
[06:03] <rxd> mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'mythtv'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('RjD3jan');
[06:03] <superm1> did you look through all of the "general" section
[06:03] <superm1> in mythtv-setup
[06:03] <superm1> when you ran it
[06:03] <rxd> so i have to manually set the password
[06:03] <rxd> taking the pass from /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[06:03] <superm1> that's really odd
[06:04] <superm1> can you try to document the exact circumstances you follow
[06:04] <superm1> with this having to happen
[06:04] <superm1> in a bug
[06:04] <superm1> and i'll try to reproduce it
[06:05] <rxd> ok will do that got to reinstall again
[06:05] <superm1> be as detailed as possible
[06:05] <superm1> anything you change in the installer
[06:05] <superm1> check
[06:05] <superm1> uncheck etc
[06:05] <superm1> and if you can provide /var/log/syslog before you reboot
[06:05] <superm1> to see any possible errors that cropped up
[06:05] <rxd> ok
[06:06] <superm1> thanks!, hopefully we can nail it :)
[06:06] <rxd> mythbuntu overall i like it...its quite fast...generating images..
[06:07] <rxd> unlike the linuxmce...quite slow maybe it kubuntu making it slow..
[06:07] <superm1> haven't worked with linuxmce at all, so can't comment there
[06:07] <rxd> ok just comparing them.
[06:16] <rxd> the idea of running frontend just from the CD gets mythbuntu ahead from the rest
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[12:36] <baal> hi
[12:36] <gcleric> howdy
[12:37] <baal> i put a shell script in cron.daily but it does not seem to run ?
[12:38] <baal> have checked that the permitions are ok and the script works fine , something different about cron on ubuntu ?
[12:38] <gcleric> what are the permissions set to.
[12:38] <baal> same as other files in cron.daily
[12:39] <baal> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 526 2007-04-05 21:41 mythtv.cron
[12:39] <gcleric> try adding it to crontab
[12:40] <baal> cron.daily is in the crontab
[12:40] <baal> should it not process all the files in that directory ?
[12:44] <baal> hi
[12:45] <gcleric> sorry getting coffee. it's 0544 here
[12:45] <baal> 25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
[12:46] <baal> is in the cron tab and i assume that runs all the scripts in /etc/cron.daily ?
[12:46] <gcleric> is there a path statement in your crontab?
[12:46] <gcleric> i.e. PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
[12:46] <baal> yep
[12:46] <gcleric> is the path to any executables listed in the path?
[12:47] <gcleric> that is executables that you are calling in your script.
[12:47] <baal> its the standard mythbuntu 7.10 install have not played with the cron part just noticed that my migrated cron script for getting program guide data isnt running
[12:48] <baal> oh i understand what your saying
[12:48] <baal> i have full path/filename in the script to avoid that issue
[12:51] <gcleric> are you sure that the script is not running? could it be getting an error?
[12:51] <baal> im wondering if cron is running at all
[12:51] <gcleric> ps -ef | grep cron
[12:52] <baal> im positive its not running i have an /bin/echo "mythcron - running " >> /tmp/mythcron.log at the begining of the script
[12:53] <baal> for debuging purposes
[12:54] <gcleric> I think I know what the issue is.
[12:55] <gcleric> your /etc/crontab looks like...
[12:55] <gcleric> 25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
[12:55] <gcleric> right?
[12:55] <baal> well that would be great
[12:55] <baal> yep
[12:56] <gcleric> make it look like root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
[12:56] <gcleric> removing the test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || (
[12:57] <baal> so why is that in there ?
[13:00] <baal> cron not running in myhtbuntu ?
[13:00] <gcleric> not sure.
[13:03] <baal> well hope that works , thanks for the tip :)
[13:04] <gcleric> np =)
[13:34] <baal> anyone installed the source of lirc for a custom build ?
[13:51] <IrishDave> hey, im in the process of installing mythbuntu hardy alpha 2
[13:52] <IrishDave> I'm at the remote stage and I don't know what to chose to enable my microsoft media center remote?
[13:52] <IrishDave> its version 1.0A (1040 receiver and 1039 handheld from what i can tell)
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[21:10] <directhex> superm1, libfaad0 has now evaporated, so rebuilding for amd64 is now possible