UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /23 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:34] <eduardo> hello, one question: xubuntu is for older computer?
[00:35] <siggjen> xubuntu is for computers
[00:35] <siggjen> it works like a charm on my p3 700
[00:35] <ceil420> it's the lightest flavour of Ubuntu, targeted at aging hardware, yeah
[00:35] <siggjen> and on my Q6600
[00:35] <ceil420> not sure if you can install it on a 300MHz with 32mb RAM, though
[00:35] <siggjen> need 64 MB RAM minimum docs say
[00:36] <eduardo> well...I want say that...for example...
[00:36] <eduardo> I've a centrino 1,6Ghz with 512MB....but my ubuntu 7,10 goes very heavy...
[00:36] <siggjen> it will probably work better on old computers than kubunto or ubuntu
[00:37] <ceil420> heh that'll run Xubuntu fine :p
[00:37] <ceil420> i have a p4 1.7ghz with 512mb ram
[00:37] <eduardo> and I can use however software how in ubuntu ?
[00:37] <eduardo> with the same repository ?
[00:37] <ceil420> yeah, same repo's
[00:38] <ceil420> i think the main difference is that Xubuntu uses the Xfce desktop environment, instead of the bloatier GNOME and KDE DEs
[00:38] <eduardo> and how I can change my ubuntu for a xubuntu ?
[00:38] <eduardo> without lost anything
[00:39] <ceil420> you might wanna check with the folks in #ubuntu, but i'm pretty sure you just need to sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
[00:39] <siggjen> correct
[00:39] <eduardo> so it's not a operative sistem, not?
[00:39] <eduardo> it's a....
[00:39] <siggjen> it is
[00:39] <ceil420> it's just a lighter desktop environment
[00:40] <ceil420> compared to Ubuntu
[00:40] <ceil420> (Ubuntu is an OS)
[00:40] <siggjen> you can install gnome on xubuntu
[00:40] <eduardo> ubuntu is a OS but Xubuntu is how gnome or kde, no?
[00:40] <zoredache> ceil420: I don't think I agree... I would call gnu/linux an os
[00:40] <zoredache> and ubuntu/xubuntu a distrobution of gnu/linux
[00:41] <zoredache> but really it is all about semantics
[00:41] <ceil420> yeh, semantics ><
[00:41] <zoredache> xubuntu,ubuntu,xubuntu,* are all the same thing
[00:41] <ceil420> eduardo, Xubuntu doesn't use gnome or kde. It uses Xfce
[00:41] <zoredache> they just have install cds that choose different packages at install time
[00:41] <ceil420> Xfce is a lighter DE than those two; more suited for old hardware
[00:41] <zoredache> everything availbe on one, is available on another
[00:42] <eduardo> so I can do: apt-get install xubuntu ??
[00:42] <ceil420> xubuntu-desktop, i believe
[00:42] <zoredache> eduardo: xubuntu-desktop
[00:43] <eduardo> ahmm...ok, wait I will do it and I tell you what happen
[00:44] <eduardo> it's downloading...
[01:01] <eduardo> hello again!
[01:01] <eduardo> Im using xubuntu/desktop....
[01:01] <eduardo> but I-ve a problem
[01:02] <ceil420> ?
[01:02] <eduardo> with the keyboard...
[01:02] <eduardo> I use es and it-s us
[01:02] <eduardo> and...
[01:02] <eduardo> I cannot change it in System
[01:03] <ceil420> Xubuntu > Settings > Keyboard?
[01:03] <eduardo> in ubuntu I could do it
[01:03] <eduardo> yes, I cannot there
[01:04] <ceil420> eduardo, what if you uncheck 'Use X configuration'?
[01:05] <eduardo> I dont check it...
[01:05] <eduardo> I put the new configuration....
[01:05] <eduardo> but don-t save the change
[01:06] <eduardo> and I change it, go to the first tab...to check the new configuration...but it-s not in spanish...
[01:07] <ceil420> sorry, i've never changed the layout, i just know where the keyboard preferences are :x
[01:07] <eduardo> can you try it...
[01:07] <eduardo> _
[01:07] <eduardo> ?
[01:07] <ceil420> if no one else is active in here, maybe you can try #ubuntu (being sure to tell them you're on Xubuntu and not regular Ubuntu)
[01:08] <eduardo> but when I use gnome I can do it...
[01:09] <ceil420> it didn't save my settings either :x
[01:09] <eduardo> but when I change to xubuntu...the keyboard it-s not the same...and I cannot to change the configuration
[01:09] <ceil420> i just tried setting it from US to UK and it reverted to default :x
[01:09] <eduardo> yes!
[01:09] <eduardo> so it does not work, not_
[01:09] <eduardo> ?
[01:09] <ceil420> i don't know how to make it work :x
[01:10] <eduardo> I think it can be a bug of xubuntu, not?
[01:10] <ceil420> possibly
[01:12] <eduardo> I am reading about it...its a general problem, not only me :-S
[01:13] <ceil420> i'm surprised, really :x i'm using 7.10, and Xubuntu's been around since at least 6.10
[01:13] <ceil420> wouldn't think there'd be such a bug in it :x
[01:15] <eduardo> maybe yes!
[01:17] <eduardo> I solve it!!
[01:17] <ceil420> congratulations :)
[01:17] <ceil420> how'd you fix it?
[01:17] <eduardo> now I can use Ñ!!
[01:17] <eduardo> :-P
[01:17] <ceil420> i use a compose key to make Ñ :p
[01:18] <eduardo> you must change it in : /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[01:18] <eduardo> and to reboot
[01:18] <ceil420> ah
[01:18] <ceil420> glad you got it working :)
[01:18] <eduardo> :-D
[01:19] <eduardo> so now is es for default, and I cannot change it...:-)
[01:20] <ceil420> at least you don't have to use us :p
[01:20] <eduardo> but I want not change coz now is spanish keyboard :-P
[01:20] <ceil420> :)
[01:31] <eduardo> hey!! another problem!!
[01:31] <eduardo> where is my sound??
[01:34] <eduardo> sorry sorry....I was not a problem...
[01:34] <eduardo> it was not a problem....
[01:37] <|Prometheus|> hello. Im having a few problems with booting xubuntu. I get a substantially long boot delay caused by a dma timeout on my /dev/hda drive. i have appended the kernel line and added the option ide=noda but i still get the timeout... is there anything else i can do?... when i connect this drive, by boot time increases by 2 minutes
[01:38] <|Prometheus|> its as if grub is ignoring the ide=nodma parameter
[01:44] <vidd> has anyone figured out why fonts are so increadibly small?
[01:45] <vidd> I've had to decrease screen resolution to 800x600 in order to read anything
[01:46] <vidd> it has to have something to do with the desktop environment, because the tty's are fine
[01:46] <vidd> but the terminal window fonts are tiny too
[01:47] <vidd> Its happened on every machine running 7.10
[01:48] <vidd> all different hardware
[01:48] <vidd> is there by change some setting in GDM that got changed recently?
[03:03] <Shinjin> Anyone here?
[03:28] <KillerPacMan> I am trying to install ubuntu 7.10 and as it starts toinstall it says "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" failed to load and then it just sits there
[03:29] <KillerPacMan> also says firmware/0000"03.00.0'
[03:56] <torus> Does Xubuntu Hardy Heron 5 have KVM, libvirt and virt-manager by default also?
[05:02] <Administrator_> http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/02/10/design-your-own-desktop-with-xfce-44/
[05:03] <Administrator_> i assume most people have seen this, any luck trying it?
=== Administrator_ is now known as penguino
[05:42] <kuldeep> hi
=== penguino is now known as Administrator_
[06:23] <zoredache> is it possible to target a desktop when you start a program?
[06:27] <The-Kernel> I....don't....know....
[06:27] <The-Kernel> I failed...
[06:29] <zoredache> !devilspie
[06:29] <ubotu> devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning. Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie
[06:42] <eca> is it possible to target a desktop when you start a program? i thought thats what stick window does
[06:43] <zoredache> I dunno
[06:43] <zoredache> I want it to be possible
[06:45] <eca> multiple desktops are overrated, is minimizing or alt-tab so hard
[06:48] <zoredache> well I kinda want my music player to auto-start.... Do you know how to minimize it immediatly at startup?
[06:49] <eca> autostart when you login? write startup script, or use tarted apps
[06:50] <eca> *autostarted applications program
[06:50] <zoredache> I know how to start the applications
[06:50] <zoredache> I don't know how to get it out of my sight automatically
[06:51] <zoredache> I want to start it and have it be minimized or on a different workspace
[06:52] <eca> use mplayer?
[06:52] <zoredache> no, vlc
[06:56] <zoredache> btw devilspie does seem to work, it just takes a bit of work to get the configuration correct
[07:15] <kubuntu> buenos dias
[07:15] <kubuntu> hablaríase castellano por estos lares?
[08:28] <zoredache> [ 3885.548000] usb-storage: device found at 2
[08:28] <zoredache> [ 3885.548000] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
[08:28] <zoredache> [ 3885.548000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[09:19] <kuldeep> hi
[09:22] <kuldeep> I need some help in setting up canon IR2016 on ubuntu
[13:58] <floating> hey, anyone who knows unix here ?
[13:58] <floating> how can i pipe a files text as a message body with mail -s ?
[13:59] <floating> mail -s "otsikko" vnaatane@students.oamk.fi < maili
[13:59] <floating> that dont work
[17:11] <ron_o> had something strange happen. All of a sudden my xubuntu restarted. Never happened before.
[17:18] <sugardrunk> !flash
[17:18] <ubotu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[17:18] <sugardrunk> !gnash
[17:18] <ubotu> An open source flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/
[17:19] <Dan_SR> Hi, someone can help me? When I change the screen resolution to 800x600 (my monitor is old...), the font size of applications change to a small value... I would like to stay with the same font size. Someone know what is the problem?
[18:21] <|Prometheus|> Im having a few problems with booting xubuntu. I get a substantially long boot delay caused by a dma timeout on my /dev/hda drive. i have appended the kernel line and added the option ide=noda but i still get the timeout... is there anything else i can do?... when i connect this drive, by boot time increases by 2 minutes
[18:37] <|Prometheus|> could this be related to the kernel i am using? 2.6.22-14-generic
[18:42] <TheSheep> it's ide=nodma
[18:43] <|Prometheus|> sorry - yes, my i missed the m out :(
[18:43] <|Prometheus|> thats what i have tried - but it sees to ignore it
[18:43] <TheSheep> I don't have any idea. I suppose you have read about boot options already?
[18:43] <TheSheep> You could try searching teh forums/google for your disk model or motherboard
[18:44] <|Prometheus|> yeah, well am doing now - going through the forum finding everything i can
[18:44] <|Prometheus|> its just, with slax - the ide=nodma works fine
[18:44] <TheSheep> well, it also depends on the kernel build options
[18:45] <|Prometheus|> its just as if its being ignored, cause when booted - hdparm shows dma as 1 not 0
[18:46] <|Prometheus|> how do i build a new kernel (compile)
[18:50] <TheSheep> no idea
[18:50] <TheSheep> !kernel
[18:50] <ubotu> The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages
[18:51] <|Prometheus|> thanks
[19:45] <aladdinsaneo> im using a 250W PSU unit right now, but as im only just using 1 hdd, a lame old video card and a celeron in my computer i wonder if i could use a weaker PSU to save electricity, any tips?
[19:48] <ere4si> a 250w psu can provide up to 250w but will only provide what is needed - so the same hardware will use the same amount of power with any psu
[19:50] <aladdinsaneo> ok so a weaker one will not save me any electricity
[19:53] <aladdinsaneo> im not an electricity expert as you might see :) but why is my PSU getting so hot then, when i just use a small amount of its capability?
[19:53] <ere4si> nope
[19:54] <ere4si> is the fan working?
[19:54] <ere4si> how old is it? is it a cheap brand?
[19:55] <aladdinsaneo> yes, i have no problems with it, i was just wondering
[19:55] <aladdinsaneo> i mean if i just use a small amount of its capabilities couldn't i shut off its fan then?
[19:57] <ere4si> no - the fan is necessary to cool the psu at any working load and it helps to move air out of the pc as well
[20:01] <aladdinsaneo> ok, you are probably right, i just thought it was funny when my psu got really hot when i shut it's fan down, although i couldn't be using much of it's capabilities
[20:04] <aladdinsaneo> ere4si: i also thought that that in a way was the way the fan-less PSU's work
[20:04] <aladdinsaneo> i mean that they work far under their capabilities and in that way can work without a fan
[20:07] <aladdinsane> ere4si: dont know if u answered me, got disconnected
[20:08] <ere4si> what's your cpu aladdinsane ?
[20:08] <aladdinsane> celeron 2.1GHz
[20:08] <aladdinsane> socket 478
[20:09] <ere4si> can use up to 90 w - the fan is needed unles the psu was designed without one
[20:10] <aladdinsane> i have a temp regulated fan there, runs very slow
[20:10] <ere4si> find an online power consumption calculator and you will be suprised
[20:14] <aladdinsane> ere4si: no i believe you, but i just thought cause it is designed to be able to handle up to 5 hhd's, or at least there are 5 cables for it, it must be working a lot under it capabilities right now
[21:12] <zuzma> I'm sort of confused about manual partitioning could someone help me out?
[21:12] <zuzma> well that and I'm completely new to linux
[21:12] <zoredache> what are you confused about?
[21:12] <zuzma> I'd like to setup an install on three drives
[21:12] <zuzma> I want full read write access to a 500 GB one and a 200 GB one, but it stuck them in root for some reason
[21:13] <zuzma> then I want the os on my 80GB one
[21:13] <zuzma> what would be the best way to configure that?
[21:13] <zuzma> oh that and I'd like to use JFS for the file system
[21:14] <zoredache> why jfs?
[21:14] <zuzma> well I wanted something fast and it said it was when I looked at all the other file systems through wikipedia
[21:14] <zuzma> I download a lot of movies and stuff
[21:14] <zuzma> should I use something else?
[21:16] <zuzma> it's for desktop use mainly
[21:16] <zuzma> I guess
[21:16] <zoredache> ext3 is far more well tested and reliable... generally, I think, you should stick with that unless you have a really good reason
[21:16] <zuzma> okay.. hmm
[21:17] <zoredache> I doubt there will be a noticeable difference in performance for just watching movies
[21:17] <zuzma> what about opengl games?
[21:17] <zuzma> oh also what should I make the mount points for the two larger drives
[21:18] <zuzma> I accidently made one /media
[21:18] <zuzma> on my first try
[21:18] <zuzma> but I'm going to reinstall everything
[21:18] <zoredache> zuzma: make them whatever you want.... perhaps /home, or perhaps something in /srv
[21:18] <zuzma> would that give me full read write access?
[21:18] <zuzma> if i made those two drives /home?
[21:18] <zuzma> sorry
[21:19] <zuzma> I kinda want to treat them as a dump for my videos and games
[21:19] <zoredache> you can't have two volumes mounted in a single folder without using something like lvm or something else
[21:19] <zuzma> oh I see
[21:20] <zoredache> anyway, whereever you mount them you can change the permissions so that you can write there
[21:20] <zuzma> what about making the mount point /home/desktop/video ?
[21:20] <zuzma> OHH!
[21:21] <zuzma> damnit I should of known it was that easy : (
[21:21] <zoredache> I suspect I set some manual mountpoints like /shared/500g, and /shared/200g
[21:22] <TheSheep> you can also change the mountpoints without reinstalling (or even restarting)
[21:22] <zoredache> once mounted simply do something like a chown -R username:username /shared
[21:23] <zoredache> where username is your username
[21:23] <zuzma> wow confusing, but I think I'll just do it a simple and not use a mount point the system needs :P
[21:23] <zuzma> I tried fixing it through fstab, but that didn't work
[21:23] <sprauekraut> xubuntu 7.10 - can't use brasero to burn audio cd from mp3 files, any takers?
[21:24] <zuzma> ah well thanks so much for the help guys. I'll give it a go again :D
[21:24] <taggartbg2> i have a 2.5 gig "unallocated" section of my hdd that i'd like to install xubuntu on, the xubuntu installed calls this space "unusable" - how do i go about making this usable?
[21:24] <taggartbg2> installer*
[21:25] <zoredache> taggartbg2: I would guess it is unusable because of the layout of your other partitions... You would need to figure out what is making it unusable and then change things
[21:26] <zoredache> do an 'sudo sfdisk -l' and post that on pastebin
[21:27] <taggartbg2> how do I get the output of a command to output to a file again?
[21:28] <aladinsano> can i get my xp to be the standard boot? right now it boot directly into xubuntu
[21:30] <sprauekraut> aladinsano: do you use the standard grub bootloader?
[21:31] <sprauekraut> would anyone like to help me with a brasero audo cd burning issue?
[21:31] <slow-motion> hi
[21:31] <sprauekraut> audio*
[21:35] <taggartbg2> zoredache: can you read an abiword document?
[21:36] <zoredache> !pastebin | taggartbg2
[21:36] <ubotu> taggartbg2: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[21:37] <zoredache> no need to create a document, just use pastebin
[21:38] <taggartbg2> !pastebin
[21:38] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[21:38] <taggartbg2> ah, i see, ok
[21:39] <taggartbg2> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57119/
[21:39] <taggartbg2> 1 partition is vista, 1 is a dell recovery partition, 1 is dell bios settings, 1 is for Dell Media Direct, 1 is unallocated where I want to install xubuntu
[21:41] <zoredache> taggartbg2: I don't see any unallocated partitions...
[21:42] <taggartbg2> zoredache: in vista i shrunk the recovery partition and according to vista disk manager there is a 2.5ish gb unallocated partition
[21:42] <zoredache> there is a hole between 967 and 1315, but you won't be able to use it
[21:42] <taggartbg2> in xubuntu when i tried to install, sda4 says "unusable"
[21:42] <taggartbg2> how do i go about making it usable?
[21:43] <zoredache> you can only have 4 primary partitions, or three partitions and an extended partition
[21:43] <zoredache> you already have 3 primary + extended... you can't have another
[21:43] <taggartbg2> lame
[21:43] <taggartbg2> hmmm
[21:43] <taggartbg2> what's the difference between an extended and a primary?
[21:43] <zoredache> an extended partition can contain logical drives
[21:44] <zoredache> it is kind of a sub-partition
[21:44] <taggartbg2> ah, i see
[21:44] <zoredache> you can have many of those
[21:44] <taggartbg2> so can you tell which (sda1-5) is what vista calls the "unallocated" partition?
[21:44] <taggartbg2> its either 4 or 5
[21:45] <zoredache> sda5 is your recovery partition
[21:45] <taggartbg2> sda2 is the recovery, because thats the 8 gig one
[21:45] <zoredache> if you have a backup on cds you could delete that
[21:47] <taggartbg2> hmm, ok, thanks for all the help, i'm going to consult with dell and see what recovery options they provide for me other than that partition, i don't know exactly how all of their disks and such work
[21:47] <taggartbg2> i'm new to dell
[21:47] <zoredache> hrm... well I am not entirely sure then... But I am sure that you aren't going to create any more partitions right now
[21:48] <zoredache> it might be easier to simply install a second drive
[21:48] <zoredache> if you have or can afford a spare
[21:49] <taggartbg2> its a notebook :-\
[21:50] <sprauekraut> I'm having a problem burning mp3s as an audio cd using brasero. Its weird, because i have no problem playing them. Would anyone like to help me with this issue?
[21:50] <zoredache> ah
[21:54] <taggartbg2> i'm seeing another problem here
[21:54] <taggartbg2> the window manager is not recognizing all of the space on the partitions
[21:54] <taggartbg2> it says RECOVERY is less than a gig, but its 8 gigs
[21:54] <taggartbg2> it says OS is only 111 gigs, but its over 130
[21:54] <taggartbg2> DellUtility is about right
[21:55] <taggartbg2> and MEDIADIRECT is missing a gig as well
[21:56] <taggartbg2> GParted recognizes all of the space though, so I'm not sure
[21:56] <zoredache> I wouldn't worry about it too much
[21:57] <taggartbg2> ah, ok
[21:57] <taggartbg2> so just to verify, there's no way to have 4 primary partitions and an extended?
[21:58] <zoredache> no
[21:59] <taggartbg2> what about installing xubuntu on an extended partition?
[22:00] <zoredache> taggartbg2: you mean logical-drive... you could do that, but you dont' have space in your extentded paritition
[22:00] <taggartbg2> i have 2.44 gigs of unallocated space
[22:01] <zoredache> yes, but it isn't in your extended partition... it is between two other partitions
[22:01] <taggartbg2> is it possible to partition that to be a second extended partition where i could install xubuntu on a logical drive?
[22:01] <zoredache> taggartbg2: no, only one extdended per drive is allowed
[22:01] <taggartbg2> hmm
[22:02] <taggartbg2> what about using Acronis or something to move OS and the extended partition leftwards, and extended the extended partition, and partition another logical drive onto the extended partition?
[22:03] <zoredache> taggartbg2: yes, that is possible... I am not familar with those tools...
[22:04] <taggartbg2> nice, there is hope!
[22:04] <taggartbg2> i'll play around with Acronis and see what i can get out of it
[22:04] <zoredache> well, I strongly suggest you get some kind of external backup system before you start using those... I have heard of those tools trashing things
[22:04] <taggartbg2> good call
[22:22] <slow-motion> n8
[23:28] <penguino> i already have my drive partitioned going into xubuntu installer from cd, but it won't detect the drive from the partitioner
[23:28] <penguino> 7.10, is this a recurring problem?
[23:31] <zoredache> penguino: generally that means that your disk controller isn't supported
[23:33] <penguino> i've been able to install 6.06 before, this is the first time with this problem
[23:35] <Obscurati> hey, having an issue with audacity freezing when i hit record. everything else works, mic works. audacity record and play (and playback works) through oss layer of alsa (default config.)
[23:50] * eldalion
[23:51] * eldalion prout
[23:58] <Obscurati> ?