UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /23 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <PriceChild> !puregnome is <reply> If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>
[00:00] <PriceChild> @login
[00:00] <ubotu> OK
[00:00] <PriceChild> !puregnome is <reply> If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>
[00:00] <PriceChild> !puregnome is foo
[00:00] <ubotu> I'll remember that, PriceChild
[00:01] <PriceChild> !no puregnome is <reply> If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>
[00:01] <ubotu> I'll remember that PriceChild
[00:01] <jussi01> heh
[00:01] <jussi01> !puregnome
[00:01] <PriceChild> jussi01, you can't add new factoids with a <reply> immediately.
[00:01] <ubotu> If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>
[00:01] <jussi01> thank you PriceChild
[00:01] <jussi01> PriceChild: ahh, yes I remember. However, i cant add factoids full stop....
[00:02] <PriceChild> Things could be worse.
[00:02] <jussi01> I understand you have to be extra special to do that.... and Im not extra special it seems ;)
[00:02] <PriceChild> Seveas, are you around?
[00:22] <fleebailey33> who ows the channel #fubuntu ?
[00:23] <PriceChild> fleebailey33, I think you should refer to the ubuntu trademark policy.
[00:23] <PriceChild> !trademark > fleebailey33
[00:23] <PriceChild> fleebailey33, As far as I understand it, you are not allowed to use the ubuntu name in a project that is not endorsed by the ubuntu community council.
[00:23] <fleebailey33> its not a project
[00:24] <fleebailey33> were not making anything
[00:24] <PriceChild> So what is #fubuntu for?
[00:25] <fleebailey33> haters of ubuntu...
[00:25] * fleebailey33 cowers
[00:25] <PriceChild> fleebailey33, if you hate ubuntu, either do something to make it better, or ignore it and do something else which is productive.
[00:26] <fleebailey33> im not nearly the only one
[00:27] * nickrud is always amazed at the power of hate
[00:30] * PriceChild wonders where they're moving to
[00:31] * TheSheep wonders how long would it take them to get bored if nobody noticed them
[00:31] <nickrud> any dark alley would be fine
[00:31] <jussi01> hehe
[00:50] <LjL> ?!?
[01:32] <PriceChild> LjL, hmm no complaint... the channel is +z... I don't think he's noticed.
[01:33] <LjL> PriceChild, one thing though... support was never *forbidden* in -ot. that factoid was just to make people aware that they shouldn't be *expecting* support
[01:33] <LjL> or was he banned from #u?
[01:33] <PriceChild> I know, I'm just annoyed with him over several occasions.
[01:34] <LjL> yeah i know he's been annoying, but don't set too many precedents for -ot... actually, pm
[01:34] <PriceChild> Had other complaints about him also.
[01:59] <tcm_> I was fixing some startup scripts for my client and now I'm banned from Kubuntu-kde4. Can someone unban me?
[02:00] <LjL> let me see
[02:01] <LjL> tcm_: you can join now
[02:01] <LjL> please test things in #test
[02:03] <tcm_> LjL: thx
[02:29] * PriceChild wonders how long that latest lart has been in the db
[02:33] <jdong> 21:26 -!- George_3 [n=George_3@] has joined #ubuntuforums
[02:33] <jdong> 21:26 < George_3> Exotics Forum ::: exotics.heavenforum.com !
[02:33] <jdong> ^^ in case staff are interested?
[02:33] <jdong> (he's gone from the channel now)
[02:33] <Dave2> ueah, I've L:line dalreadyuy
[02:34] <Dave2> ...
[02:34] <Dave2> what that meant to say is "yeah, I've K:lined already, thanks"
[02:35] * jdong tries to figure out the key offset which would cause that transliteration
[02:35] <jdong> but at anyrate, thanks :)
[04:29] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-bots, holyguyver said: !What is the best ubuntu
[04:30] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-bots, holyguyver said: !What is the best ubuntu?
[04:31] <ubotu> In ubotu, holyguyver said: What is the best bot?
[04:40] <nalioth> ubotu: tell holyguyver about yourself
[06:50] <speeddemon8803> nick, can i ask your reasoning behind kicking me?
[06:52] <nickrud> speeddemon8803: I was kicking everyone repeating it, everyone was saying 'don't do this, over and over. It needed to stop
[06:52] <speeddemon8803> oh, ok.
[06:53] <nickrud> speeddemon8803: nothing personal, or that you were singled out.
[06:53] <speeddemon8803> i think i shoulda just posted jdongs forum post address instead :)
[06:53] <speeddemon8803> about WHY we SHOULDNT do that
[06:53] <nickrud> heh.
[06:53] <speeddemon8803> no big deal man, was just trying to figure reasoning.
[06:54] <speeddemon8803> and i got it now :)
[06:54] <speeddemon8803> thanks for elaboration :)
[06:54] <nickrud> no problem. You're usually pretty entertaining :)
[06:55] <speeddemon8803> everyone says im "entertaining" "too much of a bot freak"
[06:55] * speeddemon8803 shrugs
[06:55] <nickrud> the bot is useful. Otherwise it wouldn't be there. See you in #ubuntu
[06:55] <speeddemon8803> yup
[07:33] <ubotu> SNuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()
[07:34] <ubotu> r0bby called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()
[07:34] <ubotu> SNuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (channel spam by bots)
[07:35] <ubotu> cwillu called the ops in #ubuntu (#ubuntu-offtopic)
[07:44] <Hobbsee> did anyone get that?
[07:44] <Hobbsee> oh, must have. i can't read, apparently
[08:05] <Tm_T> nalioth: may ubot3 join #kubuntu-fi ?
[08:06] <Tm_T> leoquant: hi how can we help you?
[08:07] <leoquant> hi i want this: ubuntu/member/nickname
[08:07] <Hobbsee> leoquant: are you an ubuntu member?
[08:07] <leoquant> yes
[08:11] <leoquant> the wiki: Just join #ubuntu-ops and ask.......
[08:11] <Tm_T> yup
[08:11] <leoquant> :)
[08:11] <Tm_T> leoquant: be ready to provide your launchpad link
[08:11] <Tm_T> leoquant: do you have your nick registered and also have secondary nick?
[08:12] <leoquant> yes: https://edge.launchpad.net/~leoquant
[08:12] <leoquant> reg. on freenode
[08:13] <Hobbsee> nalioth: can you do that please?
[08:14] <leoquant> leoquant on network irc.freenode.net
[08:18] <leoquant> Tm_T and Hobbsee is this info ok for now?
[08:18] <Hobbsee> leoquant: yes
[08:19] <leoquant> ok thx
[09:54] <andyp_> hello i was banned some weeks/months ago from ubuntu for saying something silly would you consider letting me join again
[09:56] <andyp_> i think i may have been bliss_ nick at that time
[09:59] <andyp_> thanks for your considerations
[10:31] <Gary> FYI NiggPlz (n=l@195-23-162-225.net.novis.pt) has left #ubuntu (requested by Gary) - and a ban done, for ascii art spam
[10:34] * elkbuntu tries to figure what the ascii was supposed to be
[10:34] <Gary> a dog/cat or some rubbish
[10:34] <elkbuntu> yeah... i suppose at least it wasn't a penis :-/
[10:35] * Gary is at fosdem
[10:36] <Hobbsee> mmm...figlet ftw
[10:38] <elkbuntu> heh
[10:44] <Myrtti> Say hello to Timo J and Niklas L from me if you see them
[10:44] <Myrtti> oh, he left
[10:44] <Myrtti> damn
[11:03] <elkbuntu> Amaranth, convince me you wouldnt have said it in here :Þ
[11:03] <Amaranth> heh
[11:03] <elkbuntu> we dont curtail kurt here ffs, why would we bother with you
[11:03] <Amaranth> are you using a compose key for that?
[11:04] <elkbuntu> autoreplace
[11:04] <Amaranth> ah
[11:04] <Amaranth> need to set that up
[11:04] <Amaranth> i want my smilies to abuse katakana
[11:04] <elkbuntu> hehe
[11:19] <ompaul> I want some time with someone else who has access to the tracker
[11:19] <ompaul> about 20 minutes should do it
[11:20] * ompaul curses netsplits for all they are worth
[11:27] <ompaul> which is nothing really, so to really curse
[11:27] * ompaul curses netsplits for the pain they cause my brain
[11:27] <ompaul> quite a lot
[11:27] <ompaul> leoquant, ?
[11:28] <ompaul> is there something we can help with?
[11:33] <elkbuntu> ompaul, he was waiting for a cloak
[11:34] <ompaul> ahhhhhhhhhhh
[11:39] <ompaul> ohh nooes it is Gary
[11:40] <Gary> from brussels too
[11:40] <ompaul> Gary, ack
[11:40] <ompaul> so now some proxy server has your password?
[11:40] <Gary> mwhahahaeeek
[11:44] <ompaul> elkbuntu, as per your info ^^
[11:44] <ompaul> nalioth, ^^
[11:44] <ompaul> I see RMS has stepped down from being emacs maintainer
[11:45] <ompaul> ohh wrong house :)
[11:45] <ompaul> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2008-02/msg02140.html
[11:51] <elkbuntu> <yama> does that mean he's no longer St iGNUcius of the Church of Emacs?
[11:57] <ompaul> elkbuntu, answer is: no
[11:58] <elkbuntu> what about chief gnuisance?
[12:01] <ompaul> he is still that
[12:02] <ompaul> why does his stand as maintainer stop him from being as political as he is?
[12:03] <elkbuntu> why does him stepping down as maintainer make him any less of a saint/god of emacs?
[12:03] <elkbuntu> he did _start_ it and all
[12:04] <ompaul> exactly
[12:04] <elkbuntu> ooh, i misread your answer
[12:06] <ompaul> ;-)
[12:07] <ompaul> /dev/sda4 370G 9.8G 360G 3% /data << interesting population of that directory
[12:09] * ompaul wonders when it is done how much of that room will be used
[12:09] <ompaul> only time shall tell
[12:28] <ompaul> damn second time I pointed someone in #gentoo at useful docs
[12:29] <elkbuntu> ompaul, i wouldnt worry. we're all on the same team in the end
[12:29] <ompaul> elkbuntu, I don't - I was about to hit someone with !repeat when I copped I was in #gentoo
[12:30] <ompaul> it was too late I already helped them get it together
[12:30] <ompaul> :)
[12:39] <elkbuntu> heh
[12:59] <Tm_T> any staff up?
[13:00] <Tm_T> or if anyone can check what Zl0at5a n=Veska62@d-c232-75.ext.adsl.uqconnect.net is
[13:01] <elkbuntu> Tm_T, ask in #freenode?
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
[14:30] <jpatrick> Seveas: that guy did the same thing in #kubuntu
[14:30] <LjL> travkin?
[14:30] <LjL> he CTCP'd #gentoo as well
[14:30] <Seveas> hm?
[14:30] <LjL> Seveas: you banned a guy
[14:30] <jpatrick> ~travkin [n=travkin@] requested CTCP VERSION from #kubuntu
[14:30] <LjL> jpatrick: that's automatic
[14:30] <ubot3> jpatrick: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[14:31] <Seveas> LjL, ah, the CTCP autokick
[14:31] <LjL> yeah
[14:31] <jpatrick> LjL: ah, clever
[14:31] * jpatrick just uses the /ar :)
[14:31] <Seveas> /yarr
[14:31] <Seveas> ☠☢☣
[14:33] <jpatrick> but that name sounds familiar..
=== vorian_ is now known as vorian
[14:49] <jpatrick> NOT AGAIN: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57061/
[14:50] <ubotu> jpatrick called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (carate)
[14:50] <jpatrick> kciked from #k-kde4, #k #k-ot
[14:51] <jpatrick> and now #u-es
[14:51] <ompaul> !staff (as per above
[14:51] <ompaul> !staff | (as per above
[14:51] <ubotu> (as per above: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :)
[14:52] <jpatrick> is that guy going to keep coming and going?
[14:52] <LjL> [15:52:47] <carate> what are you doing?
[14:53] <LjL> after i followed him in the channels he's in
[14:53] <LjL> (although he might be simply referring to the ban perhaps)
[14:53] <LjL> [15:53:16] <LjL> nothing?
[14:53] <LjL> [15:53:36] <carate> whya re you stalking me and banning me
[14:54] <jpatrick> cos you're winning a record for trolling
[14:56] <LjL> jpatrick: which channels do you know for sure he did it? the 4 you mentioned?
[14:56] <jpatrick> LjL: yeah
[14:56] <jpatrick> LjL: all of them
[14:56] <jpatrick> and #u-ot
[14:56] <ompaul> kibble, how can we help?
[14:57] <kibble> ompaul, just making sure I gave a user who complained about getting banned the right channel name :-)
[14:57] <kibble> later
[14:59] <jpatrick> I've warned the #k-de guys about above
[15:01] <LjL> ping me if you catch him doing it in other channels please
[15:02] <jpatrick> kicked from #k-de
[15:03] <LjL> saw
[15:03] <jpatrick> just a pre-caution
[15:06] <ompaul> [carate] #freenode #defocus #debian-de ##crawl #ubuntu-de-offtopic #blendercoders #ubuntu-fi #ubuntu-de #politics
[15:06] <LjL> yeah we have the whois... :P but i want to catch him in a non-ubuntu channel if at all possible
[15:06] <LjL> that is, spamming in one
[15:07] * jpatrick just saw #freenode backlog
[15:07] <LjL> funny huh
[15:07] <jpatrick> WHY does he have to type that all out and say it in different channels?
[15:08] <LjL> because he's a troll?
[15:08] <LjL> he knows about #freenode, knows he might be banned from the whole network, knows everything there is to know
[15:08] <ompaul> LjL, na trolling #ubuntu space
[15:09] * jpatrick thinks he may even be kline evading
[15:09] <ompaul> well we called staff
[15:09] <ompaul> we can do no more
[15:09] <LjL> [16:02:51] <carate> stylus he or someone else might ban me from whole network
[15:09] <jpatrick> :)
[15:10] <jpatrick> "not my fault"
[15:15] <jpatrick> LjL: I have access in -motu
[15:16] <LjL> jpatrick: no need to do anything unless he insists, i think
[15:16] <jpatrick> he left :)
[15:16] <jpatrick> no, he's in #k
[15:22] <ompaul> do we need more ops in -offtopic standards seem to be slipping
[15:23] <LjL> ompaul, pm
[15:25] <Myrtti> hmmm
[15:25] <Myrtti> there's again too much new people there
[15:25] <Myrtti> they need to be trained
[15:25] <Myrtti> let me take out my emp cannon
[15:30] <Myrtti> an op roulette?
[15:33] <PriceChild> leoquant, Could you please ensure that you have set up 2 nicknames with nickserv, linked them together, and set an email. Once that is done please ping me.
[15:38] <ompaul> right I am out of here - some coffee and car wash
[15:38] <ompaul> biab
[15:41] <PriceChild> The ultimate combination.
[15:47] <nalioth> leoquant: as requested, you need to identify to services and set your nick up
[15:47] <nalioth> freenode recommends setting up your nick in this fashion: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup leoquant
[15:49] <leoquant> a moment plz
[15:53] <nickrud> ompaul: sounds like you're in seattle
[15:57] <leoquant> /msg nickserv link leoquant wr90HSRR
[15:57] <leoquant> ?
[15:57] <LjL> leoquant: possibly
[15:58] <jpatrick> leoquant: change passwd fast
[15:58] <LjL> but right now, i suggest you change the password
[15:58] <LjL> /ms nickserv set password <newpw>
[15:58] <LjL> /msg nickserv set password <newpw>
[15:58] <LjL> without any leading space, in the status window
[16:00] <leoquant> done newpass
[16:01] <LjL> leoquant: ok, be careful in the future about not posting your password into channels
[16:02] <leoquant> sorry
[16:05] <LjL> leoquant: no need to be sorry, the risks are all yours
[16:05] <leoquant> :)
[16:05] <LjL> leoquant: now anyway, what you need to do to link nicknames is to login to your *secondary* nickname, and then link to the primary using the command you gave above
[16:05] * jpatrick uses 'mkpasswd' for passwords
[16:06] <LjL> i should have told him about /nick
[16:07] <LjL> leoquant, you can change your nickname by just typing /nick <newnickname>
[16:07] <jpatrick> you*
[16:11] <LjL> this is going to be complicated
[16:12] <nalioth> nope
[16:27] <jpatrick> hmm
[18:00] <PriceChild> <MLP> like swimming in shark-infested waters
[18:00] <PriceChild> gah
[18:01] <ompaul> irc is an alien concept which is why ubuntuers find it so hard to register :-) {rpm rpm csh} (bad pun 7001)
[18:01] <ompaul> (with 7001(a) included for a different measure)
[18:29] <Seveas> LjL, your friend joined -offtopic :)
[18:32] <LjL> noticed... myself i forgot to join something else
[18:33] <Seveas> dinner?
[18:34] <jpatrick> LjL: -youth
[18:34] <LjL> jpatrick: yes, that too. actually, i know i'm not there. my stupid proxy parts channels when i disconnect, and every day i have to rejoin a ton of them... tis annoying
[18:35] <jpatrick> LjL: :)
[18:38] <jpatrick> LjL: so, how many are you on?
[18:39] <LjL> uhm, 41
[18:39] <jpatrick> hmm, me 44
[18:39] <jpatrick> kinda annoying
[18:43] * jpatrick wishs there was a way to send /bans to server window
[18:47] <no0tic> jpatrick, /mode +b #channel mask I think
[18:47] <jpatrick> no0tic: hmm? that's banning someone
[18:47] <no0tic> jpatrick, ah, /bans, ok :)
[18:48] <no0tic> jpatrick, uhm.. I think that could be done
[18:48] <jpatrick> better than flooding one's view of the channel
[18:52] <no0tic> I'll investigate
[19:08] * LjL has a nice tidy window for that
[20:23] <ompaul> don't ask me just cos I am there
[21:16] <ompaul> heads up for "theatom" who was in -offtopic
[21:17] <jpatrick> he's no longer conected
[21:18] <ompaul> jpatrick, I expected as much
[21:19] <nickrud> that definitely qualifies as off-topic
[21:19] <ompaul> it appears
[21:19] <ompaul> the site was owned by PETA
[21:19] <ompaul> troll from start to finish
[21:20] <ompaul> bloody fool of one too
[21:20] <PriceChild> peta?
[21:20] <ompaul> ask mr n
[21:24] <nalioth> People (for) Eating Tasty Animals ?
[21:26] <ompaul> you got the idea
[22:43] <PriceChild> ubuntuircstats is going
[22:44] <jdong> like, to the bathroom?
[22:46] * ompaul looks
[22:47] <PriceChild> !forget ubuntustats
[22:47] <ompaul> jdong, did you have to?
[22:47] <ubotu> I know nothing about ubuntustats yet, PriceChild
[22:47] <ompaul> !stats
[22:47] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about stats - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:56] <ubotu> Slart called the ops in #ubuntu (SpunkWang)
[22:56] <ubotu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[22:56] <ubotu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[22:56] <ubotu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[22:58] <ubotu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[23:51] <popey> hmm, what happened to ubuntustats?
[23:54] <PriceChild> the machine hasn't enough ram to process the logs and he can't afford to upgrade