UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /20 /#ubuntu-motu.txt
Initial commit
[00:38] <sami> How come vim-full has been unsupported, or rather vim-common-gui, vim-runtime?
[00:39] <Laibsch> who can I bug about a nifty little program with nice packaging straight from the upstream source?
[00:39] <Laibsch> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/145007
[00:39] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 145007 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] anki" [Wishlist,Triaged]
[00:41] <jdong> Laibsch: usually "nice packaging" from upstream is a trap ;-)
[00:41] <Laibsch> jdong: What do you mean?
[00:41] <Laibsch> I think the package is indeed nicely packaged
[00:41] <Laibsch> And I am not upstream
[00:42] <Laibsch> if that is what you might be hinting at
[00:42] <jdong> Laibsch: no no, I was making a half-serious half-joking remark based on my experience with natively debianized packages
[00:42] <superm1> they're usually a stepping stone, but dont cover everythign that needs to be covered
[00:43] <Laibsch> I don't get it
[00:43] <Laibsch> What is the best way to get this accepted?
[00:44] <RAOF> By uploading a candidate package to revu, and waiting until after Hardy has been released. We're in feature freeze now, so you'll need a good reason why this software should have an exception.
[00:45] <jdong> what RAOF said, a good first step is to get it onto REVU
[00:45] <jdong> but a major deadline (Feature Freeze) has been missed so the next chance to upload into Ubuntu would be the Hardy+1 release
[00:46] <tsmithe> ScottK, i've uploaded to mentors. and sent RFS's to debian-mentors@ and debian-multimedia@
[00:46] <tsmithe> and now, i'm going to bed :)
[00:47] <Laibsch> Can somebody please add http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xB9D7E198&op=index to the REVU keys?
[00:48] <Fujitsu> Laibsch: Add yourself to the ubuntu-universe-contributors group.
[00:48] <Laibsch> Fujitsu: Done three minutes ago
[00:49] <Fujitsu> Laibsch: I'm syncing the keyring now.
[00:49] <Laibsch> Fujitsu: Cool, thanks
[00:51] <emgent> heya people
[00:58] <Laibsch> anki uploaded to revu
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[01:03] <ScottK> Laibsch: We are paste feature freeze and so not taking new packages for Hardy.
[01:04] <Laibsch> ScottK: I am not shooting for hardy
[01:04] <Laibsch> or any particular release
[01:04] <ScottK> Laibsch: OK then.
[01:04] <Laibsch> Just trying to get things moving
[01:04] <ScottK> Fair enough, just didn't want you to end up disappointed.
[01:04] <ScottK> Great.
[01:05] <Laibsch> no worries
[01:05] <jdong> Present rate : 13693 mW
[01:05] <jdong> oh Hardy how much leaner you be :)
[01:05] <jdong> seems like it's down a watt from Gutsy without much change to my config...
[01:06] <jdong> now to consider throttling my CPUs
[01:06] <Laibsch> how long before I can recover my PWW and log in?
[01:06] <Laibsch> PW
[01:13] <Fujitsu> Laibsch: The sync just finished.
[01:16] <Laibsch> No REVU account for oe-devel@rolf.leggewie.biz exists yet.
[01:18] <jdong> Laibsch: probably uploaded too early
[01:18] <Laibsch> what do you mean too early?
[01:18] <Laibsch> I'd understate too late, but too early?
[01:19] <Laibsch> I'll run dput again, I guess
[01:20] <jdong> Laibsch: too early means that the keyring hadn't finished syncing when your upload arrived
[01:20] <jdong> hence it doesn't know who you are.
[01:21] <Fujitsu> Laibsch: I see a rejected anki upload.
[01:21] <Laibsch> which is fixed by "dput -f revu *changes", right?
[01:21] <Laibsch> ^^^ done
[01:21] <Fujitsu> Should be.
[01:21] <Fujitsu> So I see.
[01:22] <jdong> rm *.upload
[01:23] <Laibsch> what is the name of the hardy+1 release?
[01:23] <Laibsch> I made the package for gutsy now, which is what I run
[01:23] <Fujitsu> hardy+1 hasn't been named.
[01:23] <Laibsch> OK
[01:23] <Fujitsu> Hence it being referred to as hardy+1
[01:24] <Laibsch> Will I be able to get my login in a few minutes or does it usually take a bit longer
[01:24] <Laibsch> I am about to go to sleep
[01:24] <Fujitsu> Should be happening in about 6 minutes.
[01:26] <Laibsch> I just learned from my ppa that the latest code does not build
[01:27] <Laibsch> The package now depends on sqlalchemy
[01:27] <jdong> well you've got plenty of time to figure all that out :)
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[01:37] <Laibsch> OK, so here it is http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=anki
[01:41] <Laibsch> Can somebody tell me why http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12093167/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.anki_0.9.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz does not fail due to unsatisfied build dependencies?
[01:41] <Laibsch> It really should since the version of python-sqlalchemy in gutsy is too old
[01:42] <Laibsch> the build fails later during compilations and it looks to me like python-sqlalchemy was never installed
[01:42] <RAOF> That seems correct to me. Do you actually have a build-depend on python-sqlalchemy?
[01:44] <Laibsch> RAOF: Indeed, the build is correct
[01:44] <Laibsch> It looks like the package fails to declare the build dependency
[01:44] <Laibsch> I was fooled by the runtime dependency declaration
[01:44] <RAOF> Heh.
[01:49] <superm1> Laibsch, see that's part of the reason why upstream's packaging isn't always reliable directly
[01:49] <superm1> little gotcha's like that :)
[01:49] <LaserJock> hi all!
[01:49] <Laibsch> superm1: Well, it could be worse
[01:49] <StevenK> Dear Firefox, please render pages.
[01:49] <Laibsch> And the version has just been released
[01:49] <superm1> StevenK, nope
[01:49] <RAOF> ...and because they ship a debian/ directory you need to repack the tarball, which is always annoying.
[01:49] <superm1> StevenK, especially not on ati hardware
[01:49] <Laibsch> 0.4.2 built fine straight out of the box
[01:50] <jdong> Laibsch: building fine and meeting Ubuntu/Debian archive inclusion guidelines are often two very different things
[01:50] <jdong> that combined with RAOF's comment about repacking comprise why I said earlier native debianized packages can be a trap
[01:51] <StevenK> superm1: This is Gutsy, not Hardy
[01:51] <Laibsch> jdong: yes, I know about the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions
[01:52] <Laibsch> I still prefer having the debian dir than having to recreate it all on my own
[01:52] <Laibsch> I was/am unaware of the need to remove that debian dir from the source
[01:57] <LaserJock> hi Barry
[01:57] <bddebian> Heya gang
[01:58] <bddebian> Hi Jordan
[02:01] <bddebian> Ah, the cheerful welcoming atmosphere on Debian irc channels just warms my heart :-)
[02:02] <LaserJock> as always
[02:02] <jdong> bddebian: well now that I am not sniping down potential sponsors as they walk in, you can be more relaxed in here ;-)
[02:02] <bddebian> Heh
[02:23] <bddebian> Ack, the new muine is building freakin' windows binaries
[02:28] <LaserJock> how so?
[02:28] <bddebian> Dunno, I'm ending up with .dll and .exe files :)
[02:29] <LaserJock> well, you should get .dll's at least
[02:29] <jelmer> bddebian: muine is mono
[02:29] <LaserJock> not sure about the .exe's
[02:29] <bddebian> jelmer: I know but wtf
[02:29] <jelmer> bddebian: so you should indeed get dll's and .exe's
[02:29] <jelmer> bddebian: it's like that for all mono apps
[02:29] <bddebian> Should I ship them?
[02:29] <jelmer> yes
[02:29] <LaserJock> bddebian: it most likely won't work if you don't ;-)
[02:29] <jelmer> you can invoke them by running "mono Muine.exe"
[02:30] <bddebian> Ugh, fugly
[02:30] <jelmer> though I believe muine comes with some wrapper script that does that for you
[02:30] <bddebian> Yeah it has a /usr/bin/muine
[02:30] <RAOF> jelmer: Actually, you can run them with "Muine.exe", as long as you've got binformat support.
[02:30] <jelmer> bddebian: it's a lot like class files for java
[02:30] <jelmer> RAOF: ah, right
[02:31] <RAOF> Debian CLI policy states that you shouldn't install *.exe to bin, though.
[02:31] <bddebian> The .exe isn't in bin
[02:31] <RAOF> Then you're laughing. And should probably read the CLI policy anyway ;)
[02:32] <StevenK> But bddebian doesn't laugh, he complains.
[02:32] * StevenK hides
[02:32] <bddebian> heh
[02:33] <bddebian> Actually the damn thing is orphaned anyway and I seem to have run out of sponsors recently :-(
[02:35] * RAOF throws bddebian at StevenK
[02:35] * Fujitsu throws bddebian at NM.
[02:36] <LaserJock> and bddebian never returns
[02:36] <LaserJock> such are black holes :/
[02:36] <jelmer> bddebian: is it actually still alive upstream? I thought they stopped doing releases
[02:42] <bddebian> Heh
[02:42] <bddebian> jelmer: Dunno, there is a 0.8.8 release
[02:42] <bddebian> Fujitsu: I'm sitting idly in NM :-)
[02:43] <Fujitsu> My AM hasn't responded in about 3 months...
[02:43] <bddebian> I don't have one :)
[02:43] <bddebian> I think StevenK warned them about me :)
[02:43] <jelmer> bddebian: if you're uploading muine to Debian, you may want to consider #debian-mono and the pkg-cli-apps team
[02:43] <jelmer> *joining
[02:45] <TheMuso> bddebian:, Fujitsu, its things like this that make the desire for becoming a Debian maintainer for meat least, rather minimal. I have more luck working with package maintainer directly, and having them upload any changes etc.
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[02:52] <bddebian> TheMuso: I hear ya
[02:55] <ScottK> TheMuso: virtkey FFe confirmed
[02:57] <TheMuso> ScottK: Shit did isubscrbe the wrong team? Let me check.
[02:57] <TheMuso> ugh tyis keybord has to go
[02:57] <bddebian> hehe
[02:59] <ScottK2> Is that one in Main? I didn't even look.
[03:00] <TheMuso> ScottK: Yes it is.
[03:00] <TheMuso> No I subscribed the right team.
[03:02] <LaserJock> heh, ScottK2's been promoted?
[03:03] <ScottK2> Then why the heck did I get bugmail...
[03:03] * ScottK2 looks
[03:03] <TheMuso> pythoneers probably.
[03:04] <ScottK2> Yep.
[03:04] <ScottK2> Urgh. Sorry.
[03:05] <TheMuso> ScottK: heh thats ok. Thats why its good to sort bugmail for different teams into folders. :p
[03:05] <ScottK2> Or at least to actually read the bugmail all the way to the end.
[03:05] <ScottK2> Unconfirmed now.
[03:06] <LaserJock> sometimes I wish they'd put a one line <package> <component> <reason> at the *top* of the bugmail
[03:07] <TheMuso> LaserJock: That wouldn't hurt actually.
[03:07] <TheMuso> They already have binary package hint
[03:07] <ScottK2> I love the ones that just say I got it because ubuntu-server or some team is a direct subscriber of the bug, but say nothing about which package it involves.
[03:07] <ScottK2> TheMuso: Not always.
[03:07] <TheMuso> One could easily put the component in brackets or something similar after it.
[03:08] <TheMuso> ScottK2: heh fun
[03:08] <LaserJock> yeah, I get a lot that don't have much of anything, just flipping Importance or Status or maybe a new comment
[03:09] <ScottK2> My favorite LP mail I got recently was one letting me know that some team couldn't join LP mailing list beta testers because bugsquad is signed up for that team and I'm stuck as an indirect member of that due to MOTU/core-dev.
[03:10] <TheMuso> Nice.
[03:15] <jake80> hello
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[03:57] <ethana2> is there a masters of the multiverse/parters repos anywhere
[03:57] <ethana2> or should i just submit my request/idea here?
[03:58] <Fujitsu> ethana2: MOTU covers multiverse as well, but Canonical controls partner.
[03:58] <ethana2> Canonical needs to parter with google to deliver Google earth, picasa, and sketchup..
[03:58] <ethana2> via apt
[03:58] <ethana2> i would expect them to be considering that already
[03:59] <ethana2> but in case they weren't, there's the idea
[03:59] <Fujitsu> I don't believe any of the Canonical partner people are in here.
[03:59] <ethana2> oh
[03:59] <ethana2> could you direct me to the right place to submit this idea?
[03:59] <Fujitsu> I have no idea.
[04:00] <ethana2> ah
[04:00] <nxvl> is there any problem with ubuntuwire?
[04:00] <nxvl> i can't access it
[04:00] <ScottK2> Most of the developers you'll find here are interested in Free Software.
[04:00] <ethana2> of course
[04:00] <ScottK2> nxvl: Yes. It's down. Dunno why or when it will come back.
[04:00] <Fujitsu> nxvl: The primary server is currently down, and has been since the local root exploit.
[04:01] <ethana2> root exploit?
[04:01] <Fujitsu> Why it's not up yet I don't know, but imbrandon hasn't been around.
[04:01] <nxvl> mmm
[04:01] <ethana2> ohh
[04:01] <ethana2> that thing with elevated local priviledges
[04:01] <ScottK2> That one.
[04:01] <nxvl> is ubuntuwire a canonical server or a community one/
[04:01] <nxvl> ?
[04:01] <ethana2> i remember everyone making a big deal about that
[04:01] <Fujitsu> We do have another new server, but we don't have control over DNS or anything at this point.
[04:01] <ScottK2> nxvl: Communicty. Canonical has nothing to do with Ubuntuwire.
[04:01] <nxvl> he isn't on the jabber also
[04:02] <nxvl> mm so i can't ping Ng for that :S
[04:02] <nxvl> ok, i will try to find imbrandon
[04:02] <nxvl> thanks!
[04:02] <Fujitsu> nxvl: UbuntuWire people are in #ubuntuwire.
[04:02] <ScottK2> Fujitsu: I wonder if we should just move forward until he turns up. I can server DNS from reliable commercial hosting for ubuntuwire.kitterman.com and whatever subdomains are needed.
[04:03] <Fujitsu> ScottK2: We can't redelegate.
[04:03] <Fujitsu> He holds the keys to the kingdom.
[04:03] <Fujitsu> Oh.
[04:03] <Fujitsu> I see.
[04:03] <ScottK2> Yeah as a place holder.
[04:03] <ScottK2> So at least we can move forward.
[04:03] <Fujitsu> We're planning on making stratos master DNS eventually, rather than having a mess like we do now.
[04:04] <superm1> we ran into very similar issues with mythbuntu.org when he was MIA. only we were down for multiple weeks
[04:05] <Fujitsu> I should have console access to orko, but the host is rejecting SSH for some unknown reason...
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[04:50] <TheMuso> Is it possible to do simple maths in a shell script to be run by dash? If so, whats the syntax? (I've forgotten.)
[04:51] <StevenK> echo $((1 + 2))
[04:51] <StevenK> TheMuso: ^
[04:51] <TheMuso> StevenK: I knew it was something like that, thanks.
[05:16] <joejaxx> lol
[05:16] <joejaxx> firefox3 blocks you from going to sites that have self signed certs?
[05:17] <RAOF> You get to scramble through the preferences to hunt down the button to make an exception, yes.
[05:18] <pochu> you can do that now from the warning
[05:18] <joejaxx> that stinks
[05:18] <pochu> with beta3
[05:18] <joejaxx> i rather have the dialog
[05:19] <RAOF> pochu: Yeah. Do we have b3 in Universe yet?
[05:19] <pochu> RAOF: in main rather :)
[05:19] <RAOF> Oh, of course.
[05:21] <jetsaredim> how do I find the packages that all depend on a given package?
[05:22] <bddebian> apt-cache rdepends <pkg>
[05:23] <jetsaredim> k thx
[05:33] <LaserJock> grrr, I don't understand why ldconfig finds a lib by ldd <binary> doesn't
[05:34] <LaserJock> s/by/but/
[05:35] <StevenK> It isn't in a standard location?
[05:36] <LaserJock> it's in /usr/lib/
[05:36] <RAOF> It's the wrong arch?
[05:36] <LaserJock> well, that could be
[05:36] <LaserJock> I'm running amd64
[05:37] <LaserJock> I don't know how exactly that works though
[05:37] <RAOF> Everyone loves dpkg multiarch!
[05:37] <RAOF> Basically, 32bit stuff requires an entirely separate library stack.
[05:38] <RAOF> (As does 64bit stuff, but that's kinda the native stack).
[05:38] <StevenK> Even down to the C library. Fun, huh?
[05:38] <RAOF> Totally.
[05:38] <LaserJock> ok, soo
[05:38] <LaserJock> I have a 32-bit app
[05:38] <LaserJock> so what do I need to do?
[05:39] * LaserJock is starting to curse his bad eyesight in downloading the amd64 .iso
[05:39] <RAOF> ia32-libs has a huge stack of 32bit libraries. If you've already got that installed, and your app wants something more...
[05:39] <RAOF> You can file a bug against ia32-libs requesting that it gets added, and in the meantime you can download the i386 deb containing $LIB_OF_CHOICE, extract it, and put the .so into /usr/lib32.
[05:39] <LaserJock> it want's libmotif3 which is in Multiverse
[05:40] <LaserJock> ab
[05:40] <LaserJock> *ah
[05:40] <RAOF> There's a script somewhere on the forums which automates this process.
[05:41] <LaserJock> *cough* 64-bit sucks *cough*
[05:41] <RAOF> A proper multiarch dpkg would be fun.
[05:42] <RAOF> LaserJock: Only really for 3rd party binaries. But that's a fairly large 'only'.
[05:42] * RAOF goes to do the washing up.
[05:42] <LaserJock> exactly
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[06:44] <Hobbsee> darn. i'll actually have to put in my own uvfe now.
[06:46] <LaserJock> heh
[06:47] <LaserJock> kinda sucks when you gotta play by the rules ;-)
[06:48] <Hobbsee> yeah, i know.
[06:49] * Hobbsee wonders what jockey-common is
[06:49] <StevenK> Jockey is the new name for restricted-manager
[06:49] <Hobbsee> oh
[06:50] <Hobbsee> well, it doesn't upgrade well, that's for sure
[06:50] <StevenK> Due to python-central?
[06:50] <Hobbsee> yes
[06:50] <StevenK> I think it's more python-central's fault
[06:58] <warp10> Good morning
[06:58] <tsmithe> hi; is there a way to have dput upload my .dsc and .diff.gz, but not the orig tarball?
[06:59] <warp10> tsmithe: try debuild -S -sd
[06:59] <LaserJock> tsmithe: if you don't do -sa it shouldn't
[06:59] <tsmithe> right, thanks. what do "-sa" and "-sd" do? "all" and "diff" or something?
[07:01] <warp10> tsmithe: -sa includes the original source, -sd doesn't.
[07:01] <Hobbsee> tsmithe: man dpkg-buildpackage
[07:01] <warp10> tsmithe: man dpkg-buildpackage
[07:02] <tsmithe> ah, thanks :)
[07:16] <tsmithe> well, if anyone has time to upload http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=fluid-soundfont in accordance with bug 193496, i'd more more than grateful. presumably, as it's been through the two-advocation stage of revu previously, that shouldn't be necessary, and it's thus good to go.
[07:16] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 193496 in ubuntu "Feature Freeze Exception for fluid-soundfont" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193496
[07:17] <tsmithe> persia, ^ (since you did the previous upload)
[07:39] <tonyyarusso> If anybody's bored and looking for something to check out, I have a FFe request sitting at 193605 that needs someone to test the build.
[07:47] <db-keen> How do folks write manpages? The only editor I can see is ManEdit, which depends on an outdated version of GTK.
[07:49] <dholbach> good morning
[07:49] <slangasek> db-keen: usually, by writing them in a different language (docbook, docbook xml, perldoc) and generating the manpages
[07:51] <warp10> morning dholbach
[07:52] <dholbach> hey warp10
[07:54] <geser> good morning
[08:05] <slytherin> When will qa.ubuntuwire.com be available again?
[08:08] <Fujitsu> slytherin: No ETA at this stage. Our single point of failure has failed.
[08:09] <slytherin> :-(
[08:11] <geser> slytherin: what service from qa.uw.com are you missing?
[08:11] <slytherin> geser: Usually I check FTBFS page
[08:12] <geser> slytherin: let my rerun it locally and scp the output somewhere else
[08:12] <slytherin> :-)
[08:17] <Fujitsu> keescook: Are you likely to be around for the SRU/Security UDW session?
[08:20] <geser> slytherin: http://members.ping.de/~mb/hardy_build_status.html
[08:22] <slytherin> geser: thanks
[08:46] <slytherin> Can anyone please test VCD plugin in gstreamer and report status. I just want to make sure that I am not the only one facing problem before filing bug upstream.
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[08:55] <slomo_> slytherin: what happens? i don't have a vcd but maybe i can still help
[08:57] <slytherin> slomo_: It simply doesn't play. Totem doesn't play because the support is disabled in totem I believe. I also tried gst-launch, didn't work either.
[08:57] <slomo_> slytherin: this is in hardy? output of gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=vcd://whatever_needs_to_be_there?
[08:58] <slytherin> slomo_: Yes in hardy. I can not provide output right now. But I think I discussed this few days ago in #gstreamer. May be I have outout lurking around somewhere in pastebin. Let me find it
[08:59] <slomo_> slytherin: i have a feeling that the vcd plugin is broken, let me take a closer look at the source ;)
[09:01] <slytherin> slomo_: This is only partial output of - gst-launch-0.10 -v vcdsrc device=/dev/cdrom1 ! typefind ! fakesink - as suggested by __tim on #gstreamer. Do you want me to post the conversation somewhere?
[09:01] <slomo_> slytherin: yes, that would be nice
[09:04] <asabil> hi all
[09:04] <asabil> anyone got packages for mspgcc ?
[09:04] <slytherin> slomo_: http://pastebin.com/m5c536c1c As __tim suggested looks like cdxastrip is not yet ported.
[09:06] <slomo_> slytherin: ok, file a upstream bug so it doesn't get lost, i'll ask tim for the status later when he's online
[09:09] <slytherin> slomo_: But he is not a gstreamer developer right? AFAIK, he is thoggen developer who seems to have lot of insight in gstreamer code
[09:10] <slomo_> slangasek: he's one of the core gstreamer developers
[09:10] <slomo_> slangasek: sorry
[09:10] <slomo_> slytherin: ^--- this was for you :)
[09:11] <slytherin> slomo_: I didn't know that. :-)
[09:12] <slomo_> slytherin: np :)
[09:12] <slytherin> slomo_: By the way, cdxastrip is not even installed on hardy setup. Di I need to first make sure that it is not a installation problem?
[09:13] <slomo_> slytherin: it's simply not ported to 0.10 yet, thus non-existing
[09:13] <slytherin> slomo_: ah,ok then I will fiel a bug
[09:13] <slomo_> slytherin: hm, it might be the same as cdxaparse though... not sure
[09:13] <slytherin> I wonder how much effort is involved in porting
[09:13] <slomo_> not much i guess
[09:15] <dholbach> LucidFox: thanks for closing that bug
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[09:24] <slytherin> persia: I see that netbeans is in main, is that intended?
[09:28] <slytherin> !mir
[09:28] <ubotu> mir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for more information.
[09:28] <Fujitsu> slytherin: That is what we call a Launchpad lack of feature.
[09:29] <slytherin> :-)
[09:30] <Fujitsu> slytherin: pitti just fixed that.
[09:33] <slytherin> Ia m planning to file MIR for obex-data-server. How do I find if any binary has suid or sgid bit set?
[10:02] <slomo_> superm1: ping?
[10:09] <TheMuso> slomo_: I'd say he's in bed now.
[10:26] <persia> slytherin: Fujitsu: Thanks :)
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[11:43] <slomo_> superm1: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=516672 <--- so maybe we should support gmyth-upnp and package it? :)
[11:43] <ubotu> Gnome bug 516672 in Plugins "gmyth upnp" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]
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[12:28] <Hobbsee> ScottK: do i need to resend my mail as "Sarah Hobbs" for you to see it?
[12:28] <Hobbsee> apparently i agreed - but my mail says that i didn't on some of the points.
[12:28] <StevenK> Hobbsee: Try "Long Pointy Stick of DOOM"
[12:29] <Hobbsee> oh. is that the idea.
[12:39] <emgent> heya people
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[12:59] <Iulian> Hey
[13:04] <mtaylor> so, ${source:Version} and ${binary:Version} don't exist in Dapper... and I've already forgotten what those used to be.. was is source-Version?
[13:04] <ScottK> Hobbsee: I took your mail as, it's not ideal, but I'm on vacation so whatever. Sorry if that was wrong. I think it should be discussed/decided for real at the next MOTU meeting.
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[13:05] * ScottK will be AFK most of the day, so I'm not ignoring anyone.
[13:05] <Hobbsee> ScottK: ...right. i agree with the idea - but i think that filing a bug for a bugfix only release isn't overly helpful
[13:06] <Hobbsee> if it was an "i'm on vacation, so i really don't care", i wouldn't have replied at all
[13:07] <broonie> mtaylor: that's about right IIRC. There's a lintian warning for the old form.
[13:08] <mtaylor> broonie: yeah... I changed it to the new form because of that warning... but now I can't remember the old and google search for source:Version is not helpful :)
[13:09] <mtaylor> broonie: I guess it's time to go slog through old commit messages...
[13:11] <hellboy195> Hobbsee: around?
[13:11] <Hobbsee> hellboy195: yes
[13:11] <hellboy195> Hobbsee: you are archive-admin right?
[13:12] <Hobbsee> for some of it, yes
[13:13] <hellboy195> Hobbsee: would you mind queue 'ebug-http' again? It FTBFS for several times because of a broken libcatalyst-perl package (which is fixed now)
[13:14] <Hobbsee> hellboy195: done
[13:14] <hellboy195> Hobbsee: thank you :)
[13:14] <geser> hellboy195: give-backs are handled by build admins, but Hobbsee is also one
[13:14] <Hobbsee> hellboy195: btw, you needed a buildd admin for that
[13:14] <Hobbsee> you're welcome
[13:14] <hellboy195> ah true, sry ^^
[13:15] <hellboy195> geser: and if you have time you could help me with another problem ;)
[13:16] <geser> which one?
[13:16] <hellboy195> geser: I'm working on LP:#193649 but the problem is LP:#163603. I thought latest debian revision fixed it but no :(
[13:17] <hellboy195> ubotu: ?? show the links !
[13:17] <soren> bug 193649 bug 163603
[13:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 193649 in axiom "Merge axiom 20050901-10 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193649
[13:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 163603 in axiom "FTBFS: axiom_20050901-9ubuntu1 on hardy/i386" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163603
[13:17] <hellboy195> soren: ah, thx :)
[13:18] <soren> hellboy195: axiom can build now?
[13:18] <hellboy195> soren: no :( that's the problem
[13:18] <soren> hellboy195: I've asked the Debian maintainer for help, but he hasn't responded.
[13:18] <soren> (months ago)
[13:18] <geser> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/axiom/+builds show successfull builds
[13:18] <hellboy195> argh
[13:19] <hellboy195> geser: strange, but my pbuilder fails ...
[13:19] <soren> geser: Yes, but that was back in feisty.
[13:19] <geser> it's possible that it would fail now too if somebody tries to rebuild it
[13:19] <soren> geser: it ftbfs now.
[13:19] <geser> ah
[13:20] <hellboy195> I thought * Bug fix: "i386 build of axiom is missing all shlibs dependencies", from latest debian fixes it but no ... :(
[13:23] <geser> hellboy195: boy can you reproduce the FTBFS with the last version from Debian? (in a pbuilder or similar)
[13:24] <hellboy195> geser: yep, I already reproduced it ;)
[13:25] <geser> then try to find out why it the file is missing
[13:26] <hellboy195> ähm ok, I doub it that I'll find it but I'll try
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[13:27] <geser> hellboy195: I usually login into the pbuilder and build it there to the point where it fails
[13:28] <hellboy195> geser: docs around for that?
[13:28] <geser> and try then digging in Makefile to find the place where it should get build
[13:29] <broonie> mtaylor: If you look through the lintian warnign text...
[13:30] <geser> hellboy195: I don't know of any, but it isn't difficult: pbuilder login, copy the source package from outside (or apt-get source it), unpack it, start building with dpkg-buildpackage -b (it will complain about missing build-depends so install them)
[13:30] <hellboy195> geser: k, thx. Will try it
[13:31] <geser> if you add -nc to dpkg-buildpackage -b it will skip clean so it doesn't start from fresh every time you try to get further (saves time, especially here)
[13:33] <geser> if you exit pbuilder all your changes are gone, so don't forget to save your changes outside
[13:33] <hellboy195> geser: well, it's the first time I'm doing that so I *will* make mistakes but nvm. I'm here to learn
[13:40] <jdong> tjaalton: does reverting intel to XAA affect video playback with compiz (IIRC xv didn't work when I tried that as an xorg.conf option some time ago in Hardy)
[13:41] <tjaalton> jdong: 965 uses EXA, so it shouldn't be a problem
[13:41] <tjaalton> jdong: could be that we'll end up using EXA for !965 too
[13:42] <jdong> tjaalton: well I have a 950 and I distintly remember setting XAA cause Xv+compiz to bork
[13:42] <jdong> currently I'm using EXA + greedy migration
[13:42] <jdong> which has worked well for me
[13:42] <jdong> anyway, I'll be able to tell you for sure once I apply the updates :)
[13:43] <tjaalton> jdong: heh, ok.. it's just a matter of dropping one patch to use EXA again
[13:45] <persia> hellboy195: Thanks for taking on wxwidgets2.6. Good luck!
[13:45] <hellboy195> persia: I'll need it ^^ but if I have problem I can ping you?
[13:45] <hellboy195> *problems
[13:46] <geser> hellboy195: hmm, axiom failed for me on amd64 because of an other reason as in the bug :(
[13:46] <persia> hellboy195: There are a few of us who have looked into that package in the past: given our relative timezones, you'll likely do better to ask generally, but I'll answer if I'm around.
[13:47] <hellboy195> persia: k, thx
[13:47] <jdong> tjaalton: confirmed, XAA + Xv + Compiz is no good
[13:47] <jdong> tjaalton: just a huge stream of BadAlloc messages in media player, blue screen
[13:48] <hellboy195> geser: bad, *stupid* question. how can I copy the source from outside? apt-get source is complaining that I need 'source' in my sources.list
[13:49] <geser> hellboy195: cp files /var/cache/pbuilder/build/<pid>/tmp/
[13:49] <Fujitsu> Doesn't XAA not implement Xv at all?
[13:49] <geser> hellboy195: pbuilder tells you which pid it uses when you login
[13:49] <jdong> Fujitsu: on the 965, correct
[13:49] <jdong> Fujitsu: on the 950 and lower, seems like they broke Xv+Composite....
[13:49] <Fujitsu> Nor on the i915, as far as I can tell.
[13:50] <jdong> XAA+Xv used to work on Gutsy
[13:50] <Fujitsu> Hmm, not for me.
[13:50] <jdong> Fujitsu: or maybe my memory is on crack and I'm in some fantasty Linux world :D
[13:50] <Fujitsu> I'm using greedy EXA here, and even turned on textured video just for kicks.
[13:50] <hellboy195> geser: ähm. after pbuilder login I haven't got a /var/cache/pbuilder :\
[13:50] <jdong> Fujitsu: greedy EXA works great here too
[13:51] <geser> hellboy195: in one terminal: pbuilder login and in a second copy the files into the dir pbuilder used for chroot-ing
[13:51] <geser> a second terminal
[13:51] <hellboy195> geser: ah ok
[13:52] * jdong says --bindmount ;-)
[13:53] <hellboy195> geser: finally got it xD thx again
[13:55] <geser> hellboy195: for me it's the easiest way to get an interactive build environment for debugging where I don't need to clean it up afterwards
[13:55] <persia> hellboy195: If you are an sbuild user, schroot -c <target> also works.
[13:55] <tjaalton> jdong: ok, I'll let bryce know about it then.. thanks for testing!
[13:56] <hellboy195> persia: ähm. I'm a first time user at all ^^
[13:56] <jdong> tjaalton: yep, sure thing :)
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[13:59] <tsmithe> hi, can someone upload http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=fluid-soundfont in line with bug 193496?
[13:59] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 193496 in ubuntu "Feature Freeze Exception for fluid-soundfont" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193496
[14:06] <hellboy195> geser: http://pastebin.com/m67ef1db5
[14:06] <geser> hellboy195: install the listed packages
[14:07] <hellboy195> geser: ah k, this so totally new for me -.-
[14:07] <RainCT> tsmithe: I've to go but will be back in 3 hours, ping me later if nobody uploads it
[14:08] <geser> hellboy195: usually pbuilder does it for you but here you're building by hand so it's your task :)
[14:08] <tsmithe> RainCT, thank you
[14:09] <hellboy195> geser: ah :) now it's compiling. let's see
[14:12] <tsmithe> hmm, looks like revu isn't happy with uploads built with dpkg-buildpackage -sd...
[14:15] <DktrKranz> hellboy195: ebug-http has been built! \o/
[14:16] <sistpoty|work> hi folks
[14:17] <tsmithe> hiya sistpoty|work
[14:17] <sistpoty|work> hi tsmithe
[14:18] * tsmithe is annoyed that revu doesnt seem to support dpkg-buildpackage -sd sources, and so he'll have to reupload fluid's huge 130MiB tarball before pestering for uploads
[14:19] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: if the orig.tar.gz is unchanged, we can tweak things a little bit...
[14:19] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: you can build a full source upload, but only upload the diff.gz, dsc and (as last file) the .changes via ftp
[14:20] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: I'll put the orig.tar.gz in place then, to complete the upload ;)
[14:20] <tsmithe> oh that's very good of you :)
[14:21] <tsmithe> i had just started a fresh, full, upload, so you may have to clear incoming
[14:22] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: cleared
[14:24] <tsmithe> sistpoty|work, so it's ok for me to just put the files in /incoming?
[14:24] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: sure, I'll fiddle the rest together
[14:24] <tsmithe> thanks :D
[14:24] <sistpoty|work> np
[14:24] <tsmithe> k, done
[14:32] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: should be all up now
[14:32] <tsmithe> fantastic
[14:38] <hellboy195> geser: ehm. I get exactly the same build error as with the normal pbuilder build
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[14:39] <hellboy195> DktrKranz: yeah I know ^^
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[14:41] <geser> hellboy195: the same error as in the log in the bug?
[14:41] <hellboy195> geser: yep
[14:47] <geser> the next step would be figure out why
[14:48] <hellboy195> geser: haven't you said that building inside pbuilder should show me the missing depencies? ^^
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[14:49] <geser> hellboy195: the missing build-depends, you got there already (see you pastebin)
[14:49] <hellboy195> geser: well I refer to the missing ones which cause the FTBFS
[14:50] <geser> hellboy195: no, pbuilder will you show nothing in this regard
[14:50] <geser> hellboy195: you can now cd into src/algebra and running make should get you to the same error
[14:51] <hellboy195> geser: so I don' need to do it?
[14:51] <geser> so you can then look into the Makefile and try to understand how the missing file should get build and why it failed
[14:51] <geser> hellboy195: do what?
[14:51] <hellboy195> geser: nvm. I'll try that
[15:01] <slytherin> has anyone tested the likewise-open tools? I was wondering if it is worth promoting to main provided it satisfies all criteria. This would make Ubuntu integration in Active Directory Domain easy if the tool does what it says.
[15:03] <\sh> hmm...did anyone managed to tell gnome-terminal to open a tab from the command line in the last opened window? just as --tab explained in g-t --help-all?
=== LucidFox_away is now known as LucidFox
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[15:11] <emgent> heya
[15:16] <geser> slytherin: we're in FeatureFreeze already, so it won't happen for hardy
[15:16] <slytherin> geser: what?
[15:17] <geser> slytherin: about promoting likewise-open to main
[15:17] <slytherin> geser: Ok.
[15:19] <LucidFox> "Intrepid Ibex" sucks. :(
[15:19] <LucidFox> I so hoped it would be Itchy.
[15:19] <nxvl_work> dholbach: good posts about the UDW, and nice quotes :P
[15:31] <hellboy195> geser: I know a MOTU should have detective skills but I have *really* no idea whats wrong. or in other words: if I look at the build log I don' even come to the mistake because I can't find serveral files in the folder xD
[15:33] <dholbach> nxvl_work: thanks :)
[15:41] <geser> hellboy195: I could reproduce it in my i386 pbuilder, so I will try to look at it after lunch and try to help you to find the problems
[15:42] <geser> hellboy195: it's no shame if you can't fix it, I also failed already at other FTBFS to fix them
[15:43] <hellboy195> geser: k, thx for you support :)
[15:45] <dholbach> UBUNTU DEVELOPER WEEK Session starting in #ubuntu-classroom in 15 minutes!
[15:47] <sistpoty|work> doko: did you have time to look at bug #192887 yet and tell if we should allow or reject the FFe?
[15:47] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192887 in ubuntu "FeatureFreeze exception request for sun-javadb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192887
[15:53] <mruiz> hi all
[15:54] <\sh> hellboy195: what source? :=)
[15:54] <doko> sistpoty|work: I don't mind, but the license for sun-javaN forbids replacement of some bits with external replacement bits, so we cannot depend on it. besides that, the package as found on revu has missing b-d's, ignores naming standards for java libraires, and maybe more ...
[15:54] <mok0> heh. Intrepid Ibex...
[15:55] <hellboy195> \sh: don't want to give you another piece of work since wine isn't fixed yet ;)
[15:55] <\sh> hellboy195: oh for wine...neverending story..I need (or doko when he has time) to fix ncurses first ;)
[15:55] <sistpoty|work> doko: ok... I guess then I'd rather reject the FFe, as the package doesn't seem to be in good shape enough... thanks!
[15:56] <doko> sistpoty|work: I'd rather set it to incomplete
[15:56] <doko> \sh: yes, on my list ...
[15:56] <hellboy195> \sh: ^^ k, bug 193649 bug 16360
[15:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 193649 in axiom "Merge axiom 20050901-10 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193649
[15:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 16360 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Ubuntu live Linux does not run on Siemens Scenic Mobile 5" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16360
[15:57] <hellboy195> \sh: no, second one is false
[15:58] <hellboy195> \sh: I forgot a number ^^ bug 163603
[15:58] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 163603 in axiom "FTBFS: axiom_20050901-9ubuntu1 on hardy/i386" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163603
[15:58] <bddebian> Heya gang
[16:00] <jdstrand> emgent: how did you build your tikiwiki feisty update? it's FTBFS here
[16:00] <jdstrand> (both it and the previous update)
[16:00] <sistpoty|work> hi bddebian
[16:01] <bddebian> Hi sistpoty|work
[16:03] <emgent> jdstrand, with dpatch
[16:03] <emgent> at home i have .deb (builted) in the virtual machines
[16:03] <jdstrand> emgent: did you use pbuilder, sbuild, something else?
[16:04] <emgent> pbuilder
[16:04] <emgent> worked fine i remember, this night i can send to you this .deb
[16:05] <jdstrand> I don't need the deb, I just can't get it to build
[16:05] <emgent> frist to make debdiff i always pbuilt and test package
[16:05] <jdstrand> the debdiff applies cleanly
[16:06] <jdstrand> it just won't build (and all versions in feisty won't build here)
[16:06] <emgent> uhm? strange
[16:07] <jdstrand> it is, I'm looking into it-- it might be my build env
[16:10] <LaserJock> man, my system did *not* like whatever I did to it last night :(
[16:10] <LaserJock> about every file I worked with last night is corrupted
[16:12] <\sh> hellboy195: it looks like something is wrong in the makefile of axxiomm...especially in src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet
[16:13] <\sh> hellboy195: there is no mentioning of any source with the name "OUT" but "OUT" is a env var in the Makefile and something goes wrong there...
[16:14] <hellboy195> \sh: but why can Debian folks build it then?
[16:15] <\sh> hellboy195: binary uploads ;)
[16:16] <hellboy195> \sh: we should do the same ^^
[16:16] <LaserJock> hah
[16:16] <\sh> hellboy195: nope
[16:17] <tsmithe> persia, looking at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/queue/hardy/new/fluid-soundfont_3-0ubuntu1.diff.gz it seems that it's still the old version. is there a different location (for the new queue files) that i should be looking in?
[16:21] <jdstrand> emgent: tikiwiki blew up for me because my build invironment uses dash and the rules file has bashisms
[16:22] <\sh> hellboy195: http://people.debian.org/~pkern/axiom_20050901-10_20080112-1808 it works there...so something is different with our source
[16:22] <emgent> jdstrand, ok :)
[16:22] <jdstrand> emgent: I'm wondering if if didn't fail for you because perhaps you didn't specify --variant=buildd
[16:22] <jdstrand> to pbuilder create?
[16:22] <jdstrand> *shrug*
[16:23] <emgent> possible :|
[16:23] <jdstrand> (from PbuilderHowto)
[16:23] <LaserJock> I think pbuilder should do that automatically
[16:23] <hellboy195> \sh: wth? but I also tried debian -10. and also geser can reproduce the FTBFS
[16:23] * jdong blinks
[16:23] <\sh> hellboy195: try it with a sid chroot please .)
[16:23] <jdong> is the mono compiler supposed to spit out NullReferenceExceptions? :D
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[16:24] <geser> Hi bddebian
[16:24] <\sh> hellboy195: or "mkdir hardy_chroot ; sudo debootstrap hardy hardy_chroot ; sudo chroot hardy_chroot ; <edit apt-sources-list> ; apt-get update ; apt-get build-dep axiom ; apt-get source axiom ; cd axiom-Ü ; dpkg-buildpackage ;)
[16:25] <geser> \sh: see src/algebra/Makefile in axiom
[16:26] <geser> but I didn't understand what it tried to do
[16:30] <jdong> oops silly jdong, you can't compile a null file reference
[16:33] <\sh> geser: you mean src/algebra/Makefile.pamphlet...
[16:37] <\sh> geser: ${MID}/%.o: ${MID}/%.lsp
[16:37] <\sh> geser: that's the target which compiles the spad file...and this failes nicely for out.spad
[16:38] <\sh> and I wonder why they use elisp for this somehow ;)
[16:39] <LaserJock> hmm, sthat sounds oddly familiar
[16:39] <LaserJock> *that
[16:39] <LaserJock> I wonder if we had this problem before with axiom
[16:40] <\sh> LaserJock: god knows what is the diff between sid and hardy...just because on sid it builds perfectly as it looks
[16:41] <\sh> woosa...Intrepid Ibex
[16:41] <\sh> welcome o.10 ,-)
[16:41] <\sh> hmm.. 8.10 much more likely
[16:41] <LaserJock> \sh: I believe we had a similar problem last time
[16:41] <RainCT> Hey
[16:42] <LaserJock> at least I think it may have been axiom
[16:43] <LaserJock> is it just me or is Mark progressively making these release names harder to type? ;-)
[16:44] <LucidFox> Indeed.
[16:51] <geser> LaserJock: be happy we don't use egyptian gods: Nephthys, Sekhmet or Ptah :)
[16:52] <LaserJock> heh
[16:54] <bddebian> Oops, heya geser
[16:54] <bddebian> So, who's the resident mono packaging expert? :)
[16:54] <LucidFox> What a stupid package. debian/rules includes commands for copying config.guess/config.sub despite the fact that the upstream build system doesn't even use autotools.
[16:55] <tsmithe> hey, you people are quite knowledgeable; do you people know of a tool i can use for inspecting the open file handles of a process?
[16:55] <LaserJock> LucidFox: that's what happens when you just take the dh-make template
[16:55] <sistpoty|work> bddebian: /me only knows of slomo_
[16:55] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: not too sure if lsof can do that
[16:55] <bddebian> sistpoty|work: Aye, is he around much anymore? I rarely see him :-)
[16:56] <sistpoty|work> bddebian: *shrug*, I guess only sometimes
[16:56] <\sh> geser: actually the new release names includes my zodiac sign ;)
[16:56] <tsmithe> sistpoty|work, well, i deleted a file, but it's still open in an application, and the application is still able to access it. i presume that the application didn't cache it in memory, so it must still exist on disc somewhere.
[16:57] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: I assume, that lsof can help you then
[16:57] <sistpoty|work> tsmithe: at least to find out if the file handle is still open
[16:58] <LucidFox> LaserJock> At least the maintainer moved them from clean to configure
[16:58] <LucidFox> I hate it when these files end up in the diff.gz
[16:59] <LaserJock> yeah
[16:59] <LaserJock> that's my biggest gripe with the dh-make debian/rules
[17:00] <sistpoty|work> bddebian: there's also the motu mono team, as I've just found out... https://launchpad.net/~mono
[17:00] <\sh> tsmithe: fuser?
[17:04] <geser> \sh: re axiom: when you try to build it you get a Makefile in that dir
[17:06] <\sh> geser: ah...during dpkg-buildpackage...hmmm
[17:06] <bddebian> sistpoty|work: Yeah, I thought about that, thanks
[17:07] <sistpoty|work> np
[17:08] <geser> \sh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/4800/ is the trace file where it redirects the output
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[17:30] <tsmithe> huzzah for /proc/fd
[17:30] * tsmithe hugs linux
[17:33] <Laney> What can/should I use for a .desktop file icon if a program doesn't ship with one?
[17:36] <hellboy195> Laney: make one?
[17:36] <Laney> Haha, I really don't think that would work
[17:40] <Laney> Is there any system iconset that is guaranteed to be installed? Or should I just leave it without one?
[17:47] <geser> Laney: gnome or kde?
[17:48] <Laney> geser: I thought .desktop files applied to both, or am I mistaken?
[17:48] <geser> Laney: they apply to both, but I don't know if there is a common icon theme
[17:49] <Laney> geser: Right. I was considering stealing an icon from tango, would that be OK?
[17:50] <Laney> Or would they look wrong on !gnome?
[17:51] <LucidFox> Laney> What is the icon name?
[17:51] <awen_> where in the rules file should dh_icons be called?
[17:52] <LucidFox> awen_> you mean qtoctave, right?
[17:52] <awen_> LucidFox: exactly :)
[17:52] <LucidFox> call it between dh_installman and dh_link
[17:53] <awen_> LucidFox: thanks... i'll do that
[17:53] <LucidFox> and it's better to bump the debhelper build-dependency accordingly, to >= 5.0.51
[17:53] <geser> Laney: I guess it should be ok
[17:53] <awen_> LucidFox: yep... google provided me with that information, hehe ... but not where to put it
[17:54] <hellboy195> persia: around?
[17:54] <Laney> LucidFox: I'm not sure yet, perhaps apps/package_edutainment.svg.
[17:55] <LucidFox> that's not a name from the Tango specification... it doesn't have underscores
[17:56] <Laney> LucidFox: I know, I'm talking about the actual file. I guess I'd have to copy it into the package as I can't be sure that Tango will be installed, right?
[17:56] <LucidFox> Can you do that, though? The Tango theme is CC-BY-SA 2.5
[17:57] <Laney> I have no idea, hence why I'm asking
[17:57] <Laney> I don't know if it'd be better to leave it without an icon
[17:59] <LucidFox> Can't you find an icon with a compatible license? Look at the GNOME theme, it's LGPL
[17:59] <Laney> Aha, I didn't know about that :)
[18:02] <hellboy195> LucidFox: hey, you can help me. maybe ^^
[18:03] <LucidFox> hellboy195> yes?
[18:03] <hellboy195> LucidFox: you are in the Motu-Mono team :) please look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11778257/beagle_0.3.3-1ubuntu1.interdiff
[18:03] <hellboy195> LucidFox: why did he replaced - find debian/iceweasel-beagle/usr/lib/iceweasel/extensions -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;
[18:03] <hellboy195> with find debian/thunderbird-beagle/usr/lib/thunderbird/extensions -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;
[18:03] <hellboy195> ?
[18:04] <LucidFox> he replaced iceweasel with mozilla, and icedove with thunderbird
[18:04] * sistpoty|work heads home
[18:04] <sistpoty|work> cya
[18:04] <LucidFox> actually...
[18:04] <LucidFox> your comment makes sense
[18:05] <LucidFox> it should have been mozilla, not thunderbird
[18:05] <hellboy195> LucidFox: firefox ;)
[18:05] <hellboy195> yeah mozilla-beagle and the rest firefox
[18:05] <hellboy195> but am I right?
[18:06] <LucidFox> yes, /usr/lib/firefox, not /usr/lib/thunderbird
[18:07] <hellboy195> LucidFox: :) another question. How can I brake unzip thunderbird-extension/beagle.xpi -d $(CURDIR)/debian/thunderbird-beagle/usr/lib/thunderbird/extensions/{b656ef18-fd76-45e6-95cc-8043f26361e7} ? It's too long for 1 line
[18:07] <LucidFox> brake?
[18:07] <hellboy195> äh
[18:08] <hellboy195> sry
[18:08] <hellboy195> divide ^^
[18:08] <james_w> hellboy195: you realise there's a new upload of beagle in Debian?
[18:08] <geser> hellboy195: try line continuation with \ at the end of the line
[18:08] <LucidFox> per geser
[18:08] <james_w> http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/beagle/news/20080219T000203Z.html
[18:08] <hellboy195> james_w: yeah I'm doing that merge ;)
[18:08] <hellboy195> geser: thx
[18:09] <james_w> hellboy195: no, there's a newer one.
[18:09] <geser> james_w: I guess hellboy195 want to understand the changes in 3.3-1ubuntu1 for the merge of -2
[18:09] <james_w> hellboy195: my apologies.
[18:09] <hellboy195> geser: +1
[18:09] <hellboy195> james_w: np
[18:11] <LucidFox> hellboy195 is quite a fan of merges, ne? :)
[18:11] <hellboy195> LucidFox: hmm. my mentor said: Merges are the best start on the long jorney to become a motu ;)
[18:12] <LucidFox> well, you do seem to handle merges well :)
[18:12] <hellboy195> And I haven't heart something for a while from him so I'm continuing doing merges ^^
[18:12] <LucidFox> who is it?
[18:13] <hellboy195> LucidFox: Andrea Veri (bluekuja)
[18:13] <LucidFox> ah
[18:13] <LucidFox> it would be even better if you advocated non-Ubuntu-specific changes back to Debian ;)
[18:14] <hellboy195> LucidFox: which ones?
[18:14] <LucidFox> just speaking in general
[18:14] <james_w> There are none left in beagle, but I agree.
[18:15] <hellboy195> ah k
[18:15] <LucidFox> for example, for conky, the compat and debhelper version
[18:16] <hellboy195> LucidFox: ah finally I found one who approved it. thanks ;)
[18:16] <LucidFox> approved what?
[18:18] <hellboy195> LucidFox: my merge
[18:18] <hellboy195> *conky*
[18:18] <LucidFox> ah
[18:18] <LucidFox> yes, I did
[18:20] <hellboy195> LucidFox: I'll report the changes back to Debian :)
[18:21] <awen_> LucidFox: reuploaded qtoctave and resubscribed u-u-s
[18:22] <LucidFox> awen_> thanks, will look
[18:32] <Laney> Hrm, is there a way to build a .deb without cleaning? I'm using `debuild -B -us -uc' but this package takes ages to build.
[18:32] <bddebian> -nc
[18:32] <Laney> Thanks
[18:38] <ScottK> Hobbsee: I'm back, so we can discuss further if you want.
[18:38] <hellboy195> geser: would you mind? http://pastebin.com/m65aa01f8
[18:38] <ScottK> Hobbsee: Sorry again for misunderstanding.
[18:45] <hellboy195> LucidFox: still around?
[18:46] <jdong> Laney: should go without saying, but do a clean build once you're done hacking.... Partial builds and full builds don't always work the same result :)
[18:46] <LucidFox> hellboy195> yep
[18:46] <hellboy195> LucidFox: would you mind helping me? http://pastebin.com/m65aa01f8
[18:46] <Laney> jdong: Of course :)
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[18:47] <LucidFox> hellboy195> well, duh :)
[18:47] <LucidFox> the \ will only work in place of a space
[18:47] <ScottK> RainCT: You know when you assign a spec to MOTU, every single MOTU get's mailed every single change? Please don't assign me work unless you are paying my consulting rate.
[18:48] <LucidFox> hellboy195> http://paste.ubuntu.com/4805/ <-- this will wor
[18:48] <hellboy195> LucidFox: so what should I do now?
[18:48] <hellboy195> LucidFox: ah. thanks :D
[18:51] <RainCT> ScottK: oh, sorry
[18:52] <ScottK> RainCT: Not a big problem. I figured you didn't know.
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[18:56] <hellboy195> LucidFox: If you feel like it, beagle debdiff uploaded ;) mind the strange changelog
[18:58] <LucidFox> hellboy195> too tired for this right now, but I'll look at it tomorrow if nobody else takes it
[18:58] <hellboy195> LucidFox: don't worry. There is also a merge from yesterday and nobody want it ^^
[18:59] <LucidFox> you mean proftpd?
[18:59] <hellboy195> true :)
[19:02] <LucidFox> awen_> qtoctave uploaded, please also push the changes upstream
[19:10] <DRebellion> How can I set up my pbuilder so it builds packages under hardy?
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[20:04] <mok0> ubuntuwire appears to be down. Any admins here?
[20:04] <geser> mok0: still waiting on imbrandon
[20:05] <mok0> geser: ok
[20:11] <ScottK> mok0: In general #ubuntuwire is a good place to check on such things.
[20:11] <mok0> ScottK: ah, ok
[20:37] <RainCT> what's the section for console emulators? otherosfs?
[20:53] <RainCT> well, new question, get archive admins angry if you change a package's section? (ie, does this need some manual intervention from them or something producing extra workload?)
[20:55] <geser> RainCT: I guess the Section isn't important in Ubuntu
[20:55] <geser> RainCT: afaik you can change it like you want
[20:58] <hellboy195> geser: any progress about axiom?
[20:58] <geser> hellboy195: no, I've no idea how to fix it
[20:58] <hellboy195> geser: :\
[20:59] <hellboy195> geser: who could know it? so I'll ping this person tomorrow :)
[21:02] <geser> no idea
[21:03] <geser> perhaps upstream has some ideas where the problem is
[21:03] <hellboy195> geser: k, We'll see. thx for your support :)
[21:05] <RainCT> geser: no? could you elaborate on this pls?
[21:07] <geser> RainCT: ???
[21:07] <RainCT> geser: "I guess the Section isn't important in Ubuntu" ;)
[21:09] <geser> RainCT: I don't any place in LP/soyuz/archive where the Section is used
[21:09] <geser> only in synaptic/aptitude/etc.
[21:09] <Fujitsu> geser: Is it used anywhere else in Debian either?
[21:09] <geser> I've never seen any requests about changing the Section
[21:09] <Fujitsu> RainCT: It does require manual intervention by the archive admins. THey need to update the overrides.
[21:09] <Fujitsu> geser: I've done in a couple of times.
[21:10] <geser> RainCT: then trust Fujitsu
[21:10] <Fujitsu> You can change it in the source package, but it won't have any effect.
[21:11] <RainCT> Fujitsu, geser: thanks :)
[21:11] <geser> Fujitsu: I don't know, all I know that the Debian FTP Master has the option to override it
[21:11] <Fujitsu> geser: It's not an option to override it.
[21:11] <Fujitsu> It must be overriden.
[21:11] <Fujitsu> *overridden
[21:12] <geser> Fujitsu: ok, they specify it in the first place
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[21:16] <Laney> Can someone take a look at my patch on bug #191574 please :)
[21:16] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 191574 in fet "Doesn't have a .desktop file" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191574
[21:19] <InsClusoe> Hi all.. I have picked up this bitesized string-fix bug.. Bug# 181860. It has to do with console-setup. How do I test my changes?
[21:20] <InsClusoe> https://launchpad.net/bugs/181860
[21:20] <Laney> InsClusoe: I usually build packages with debuild -B -us -uc in a VM and then install the .deb to see if I've fixed it.
[21:20] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 181860 in console-setup "spelling or grammar issue" [Low,New]
[21:21] <InsClusoe> Laney: oh.. I don't have a VM installed.
[21:22] <Laney> InsClusoe: Erm, well I don't know then. I guess you could just install it on your box if you're daring (and have all the dependencies) ;)
[21:22] <Laney> Maybe others do it differently
[21:23] <Laney> But VMware (and others, but that's what I use) are available in the repos if you want to go the VM route
[21:24] <RainCT> Laney, InsClusoe: have a look at pbuilder ;)
[21:24] <InsClusoe> RainCT: ok..
[21:24] <RainCT> InsClusoe: and for now, if it hasn't many build dependencies you can just install them and run 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot' to get the .deb
[21:24] <InsClusoe> Laney: I don't have enough space to install a VM. So, that's out of the question, anyway.
[21:25] <Laney> RainCT: I've seen that, but isn't it just for building the packages?
[21:25] <Laney> Or can you run stuff inside the chroot?
[21:26] <RainCT> Laney: Ah, right, you also use it to test them.. Then your option is better in your case :).
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[21:27] <InsClusoe> There are only 5 dependencies.. Not much I guess..
[21:27] <RainCT> Laney: you can log into the chroot and run stuff there, but only on the terminal (no X server); pbuilder is for building, not testing
[21:28] <Laney> RainCT: Yes, that's what I thought. Do most people do their testing in VMs then?
[21:29] * RainCT has really no idea about this :P
[21:29] <InsClusoe> I will take the PBuilder route.
[21:29] <Laney> Haha, OK.
[21:29] <Laney> Never mind
[21:29] <Laney> hrm, I'm not too sure about Intrepid Ibex...
[21:30] <RainCT> Laney: me neither.. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBEX_35
[21:31] <RainCT> InsClusoe: please respect a max. 80 chars per line limit in debian/copyright, debian/control, etc.
[21:31] <slangasek> well, it's better than 'Intrepid IDEXX'
[21:32] <Laney> I was holding out for Iguana :(
[21:32] * ScottK was hoping for an Iguana.
[21:32] <ScottK> ;-)
[21:32] <Laney> :D
[21:32] <InsClusoe> RainCT: ok.. Sure.
[21:34] <RainCT> InsClusoe: btw, if you install ubuntu-dev-tools from hardy (if it even installs on Gutsy, I'm not sure :P) you'll get a get-build-deps command and pbuilder-dist (to have different pbuilder chroot's at once), beside other useful stuff (like update-maintainer to do the Maintainer field change)
[21:34] <mok0> the abbreviations for the latest releases have been the first of the two words: feisty, gutsy, hardy... all short words. Now we have "intrepid" :(
[21:34] <RainCT> InsClusoe: ah, and say (in debian/changelog) that you changed the maintainer field ;)
[21:36] <InsClusoe> RainCT: ok.. Does that mean I can build fixes for hardy even though I'm on Feisty or Gutsy?
[21:36] <mok0> InsClusoe: yes
[21:36] <RainCT> InsClusoe: yes, for any Ubuntu or Debian version you want
[21:36] <InsClusoe> RainCT: Today, I have set the DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL fields correctly.
[21:38] <InsClusoe> RainCT: wow.. thats great. Then, the pbuilder create command will take different params to indicate which chroot I want?
[21:40] <InsClusoe> RainCT: I think I got it. I need to pass the correct argument for --distribution option to pbuilder create.
[21:41] <mok0> InsClusoe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto
[21:41] <RainCT> InsClusoe: pbuilder by default only supports one distribution (if you want more you have to pass it many arguments each time)
[21:41] <InsClusoe> mok0: Yeah.. I am following the howto. :-)
[21:42] <RainCT> InsClusoe: but there is pbuilder-dist in ubuntu-dev-tools which is a wrapper arround this (just create symlink to it names pbuilder-hardy, pbuilder-gutsy, etc., as many as you want and you will then be able to do pbuilder-hardy create, pbuilder-hardy build *.dsc, etc.)
[21:44] <InsClusoe> RainCT: oh... I already installed pbuilder and it's creating my chroot for feisty now..
[21:49] <mok0> ScottK: pgadmin3 in debian is hopelessly out of date
[21:51] <ScottK> mok0: This would be because they don't have wxwidgets 2.8. Fortunately we do.
[21:52] <ScottK> mok0: If you'd prepare an upgrade package I can virtually guarantee an FFe. It'd be bad form not to support our default pg release with pgadmin.
[21:52] <mok0> ScottK: I could update it from 1.4.3 to 1.8.2
[21:53] <mok0> ScottK: I agree. For the LTS it is needed
[21:53] <ScottK> mok0: Please do.
[21:53] <mok0> ScottK: should I prepare it as a debdiff?
[21:53] <ScottK> mok0: No, diff.gz for the new package.
[21:54] <mok0> ScottK: ... and attatch to a bug report I gues
[21:54] <mok0> s
[21:54] <ScottK> Yes
[21:54] <mok0> ScottK: I'll get on it right away
[21:55] <ScottK> mok0: Once you're a MOTU you'll be able to just upload these, so please give us a .diff.gz you'd be happy to upload if you could ...
[21:55] <mok0> ScottK: ok. Any tags on the bugreport?
[21:55] <ScottK> upgrade
[21:56] <mok0> ok
[21:56] <ScottK> Also fill in all the stuff for an FFe
[21:56] <ScottK> Subscribe motu-release for the FFe before you subscribe uus
[21:56] <mok0> ScottK: got it
[21:56] <ScottK> Great.
[22:17] <kirkland> regarding bug #44836, I reproduced the problem, and applied the fix suggested in post 14, which solved the problem. i grabbed the source packages for initscripts, applied the change, updated the changelog, and incremented the version. now I have updated packages. next, do I put them in my PPA and show them to someone for acceptance?
[22:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 44836 in sysvinit "NFS mounts on clients don't appear in `mount` or `df` output" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44836
[22:41] <mathiaz> kirkland: you should attach a debdiff to the bug.
[22:41] <mathiaz> kirkland: and subscribe the ubuntu-main-sponsor (or ubuntu-universe-sponsor)
[22:41] <mathiaz> kirkland: team
[22:42] <kirkland> mathiaz: okay, thanks.
[22:42] <mathiaz> kirkland: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess
[22:58] <InsClusoe> I am working on Bug#181860 -- a bitesized, spelling and grammar change.
[22:58] <InsClusoe> Even for such a minor change, do I need to increase the ubuntu revision number?
[22:59] <DktrKranz> InsClusoe, yes
[22:59] <InsClusoe> ok.. Thanks.
[23:01] <geser> InsClusoe: every upload to the archive needs a new version else it will get rejected
[23:01] <InsClusoe> I have set up chroot using pbuilder. I have made the changes as mentioned in bug report. Now I can use dch -i to mark my changes in changelog and then do a pbuilder build. Am I on the right path?
[23:02] <geser> more or less
[23:02] <geser> InsClusoe: does the package have already a ubuntu version and changed Maintainer?
[23:02] <InsClusoe> geser: Yes
[23:03] <geser> ok, so no need to change the Maintainer this time as it was already done
[23:04] <geser> don't forget to build the new source package (debuild -S) before pbuilding :)
[23:04] <InsClusoe> geser: Alright.. :-)
[23:15] <InsClusoe> Geser: Another silly question... In the changelog, do I need to use my real name or can I use my IRC handle?
[23:16] <Nafallo> InsClusoe: RN
[23:17] <blueyed> InsClusoe: a good shortcut for this is "pdebuild", which does this for you already.
[23:18] <InsClusoe> Nafallo: thanks..
[23:18] <InsClusoe> blueyed: I was going to use dch -i
[23:19] <blueyed> InsClusoe: I've meant for "debuild -S + pbuilder build"
[23:20] <InsClusoe> blueyed: sorry. I misunderstood. Great.. That means one less step I have to run.
[23:20] <blueyed> InsClusoe: bug 139710 is also for console-setup and has a patch. You may want to include it :)
[23:20] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 139710 in console-setup "ckbcomp cannot handle multiple consequents in xkb rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139710
[23:21] <blueyed> The same for bug 139712
[23:21] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 139712 in console-setup "no way to specify alternate xkb rules in setupcon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139712
[23:22] <InsClusoe> oops... I didn't know. Will check it out.
[23:23] <blueyed> ..you don't have to. But it's a good idea to search for bugs with patches in a package you are going to upload (or get sponsored). You can do so by going to the packages bugs' advanced search and tick "has patch" at the bottom.
[23:24] <InsClusoe> blueyed: ok..
[23:25] <LaserJock> does the Sun Java plugin work for amd64?
[23:27] <RAOF> LaserJock: I think that icedtea does. I've not noticed the lack of java.
[23:27] <LaserJock> hmm yeah, it tells me to get icedtea, but I see no Sun plugin
[23:27] <LaserJock> interesting
[23:28] <LaserJock> I'm starting to wish I could "convert" my install to i386
[23:28] * StevenK is quite happy with his 64 bit install
[23:29] <LaserJock> being able to have an amd64 pbuilder is nice
[23:29] <LaserJock> but that's about all the good I've found so far
[23:30] <LaserJock> vmware and virtualbox don't seem to be able to handle 64 bit
[23:30] <LaserJock> so if I test on my laptop I have to make amd64 .debs and if I want to test in vmware I have to rebuild for i386
[23:31] <slangasek> a plain i386 chroot will work fine on amd64, FWIW
[23:32] <StevenK> And if vmware and virtualbox have worked fine on my machine, albeit without 64 bit guests.
[23:32] <StevenK> You can't run long mode code from protected mode, so if you boot 32 bit, all you get is 32.
[23:33] <LaserJock> slangasek: true, but that's another chroot I need to have just for that
[23:33] <slangasek> LaserJock: as opposed to having a dedicated image for it?
[23:34] <LaserJock> slangasek: as opposed to just running it on my laptop
[23:34] <LaserJock> directly
[23:34] <slangasek> well, ok; but you were talking about vmware and virtualbox, I was pointing out there are alternatives to those that work just fine for package building/testing
[23:34] <StevenK> LaserJock: So it seems your main problem with amd64 is "It isn't 32 bit"
[23:34] <LaserJock> StevenK: well, basically :/
[23:35] <LaserJock> this is just my first amd64 experience and I didn't realize how much I'd need to workaround
[23:35] <StevenK> Then install the 32 bit one? If you partitioned your disk sensibly, you won't lose /home or anything
[23:36] <mok0> LaserJock: why don't you use kvm?
[23:36] <LaserJock> slangasek: ah right, I could have a i386 chroot so that I can just build once
[23:36] <LaserJock> mok0: doesn't work on my processor I don't think
[23:36] <LaserJock> could be wrong, but I thought only certain processors ran kvm
[23:37] <StevenK> Yup, you need processor extensions.
[23:37] <StevenK> My machine doesn't have them either
[23:37] <slangasek> I thought you just needed a bios that didn't hobble them
[23:37] <mok0> LaserJock: what does egrep ‘(vmx|svm)’ /proc/cpuinfo say?
[23:37] <LaserJock> mok0: nada
[23:38] <RAOF> And if you're going to try kvm, check out virt-manager. It rocks.
[23:38] <mok0> LaserJock: :-(
[23:38] <RAOF> Well, that scuppers that briliant plan :/
[23:38] <mok0> kvm runs without it be s.l.o.w.l.y
[23:38] <LaserJock> I've got one of the Core 2 Duo's that doesn't have vmx
[23:39] <StevenK> Hrm, I thought all Core processors had the extensions ...
[23:39] <LaserJock> no
[23:39] <StevenK> Ah well
[23:39] <LaserJock> there are about 5-10 that don't
[23:39] <mok0> StevenK: the older ones don't
[23:39] <RAOF> And the low-end newer ones, too, I think.
[23:40] <mok0> I just got a Q6600 and it rocks! Not very expensive
[23:40] <LaserJock> I've got a T5250
[23:41] <LaserJock> in any case, it's not a big deal, I just wonder if 32bit is a better way to go
[23:41] <LaserJock> I got the amd64 .iso by accident and figured I should at least try it out
[23:42] <LaserJock> and most things work, but when you gotta deal with the binary/3rd party stuff it gets interesting
[23:42] <StevenK> Only because most binary/3rd party assume the world == ia32
[23:43] <InsClusoe> I get this error after running dch -i and saving my changes: parsechangelog/debian: error: badly formatted trailer line, at file debian/changelog line 8
[23:43] <LaserJock> StevenK: heh, of course
[23:44] <mok0> We got a significant speed gain on several programs under amd64
[23:44] <InsClusoe> geser: any clues? It's not over the eighty character per line limit...
[23:44] <LaserJock> mok0: what kind of programs?
[23:45] <mok0> LaserJock: cpu intensive, calculations
[23:45] <LaserJock> InsClusoe: can you pastebin the changelog?
[23:45] <geser> InsClusoe: did you change something in line 8?
[23:45] <InsClusoe> Yeah..
[23:46] <InsClusoe> I edited the DEBFULLNAME field after starting dch.. could that be the reason?
[23:47] <geser> can you show me that line only?
[23:47] <InsClusoe> Here's tht line... -- Gnanaskandan R<jalsa_gujals@yahoo.com> Thu, 21 Feb 2008 04:43:04 +0530
[23:48] <geser> my guess it a missing space before the email address (between R and <)
[23:49] <InsClusoe> yes... An additional space fixed it.
[23:49] * InsClusoe thanks geser
[23:52] <InsClusoe> The version number in changelog is 1.13ubuntu13. If there are no changes in debian, shouldn't the version number be 1.13-0ubuntu13?
[23:53] <LaserJock> it depends on if it's a native package
[23:53] <LaserJock> if it is (there's no .orig.tar.gz) then 1.13ubuntu13 is alright
[23:54] <LaserJock> as 1.13 would be the Debian version
[23:55] <InsClusoe> LaserJock: You are correct. There's no .orig.tar.gz.
[23:59] <KasimirGabert> would it be possible to have the REVU keyring resynced?