UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /20 /#launchpad-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
[15:00] <barry> #startmeeting
[15:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 15:00. The chair is barry.
[15:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[15:00] <barry> hi everybody, and welcome to this week's ameu reviewer's meeting
[15:01] <barry> who's here today?
[15:01] <bigjools> me
[15:01] <gmb> me
[15:01] <schwuk> me
[15:01] <sinzui> me
[15:01] <BjornT> me
[15:01] <bac> me
[15:01] <danilo_> me
[15:01] <allenap> me
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
[15:02] <barry> [TOPIC] agenda
[15:02] <MootBot> New Topic: agenda
[15:02] <intellectronica> me
[15:02] <barry> == Agenda ==
[15:02] <barry> * Roll call
[15:02] <barry> * Next meeting
[15:02] <barry> * Action items
[15:02] <barry> * Queue status
[15:02] <barry> * Mentoring update
[15:02] <barry> * gmb graduates
[15:02] <barry> * Review process
[15:02] <barry> [TOPIC] next meeting
[15:02] <MootBot> New Topic: next meeting
[15:03] <barry> same time next week? anybody know they won't be able to attend?
[15:03] <allenap> I won't be here.
[15:03] <barry> allenap: k, thanks
[15:03] <allenap> On holiday all week to move house.
[15:03] <flacoste> me?
[15:04] <barry> okay, same time next week
[15:04] <barry> flacoste: hi! :)
[15:04] <danilos> flacoste: yes, you!
[15:04] <barry> [TOPIC] * Action items
[15:04] <MootBot> New Topic: * Action items
[15:04] <barry> * (continued) intellectronica to put cover letter draft on wiki
[15:04] * intellectronica stares at the floor silently
[15:04] <intellectronica> carry over - i'll get to it one day :(
[15:05] <barry> intellectronica: ;) ok
[15:05] <barry> * (continued) sinzui to look into running `make lint` and output PR stanza by default in `review-submit`
[15:05] <sinzui> mwhudson accepted by `make lint addition` I have not checked if it is in trunk
[15:05] <flacoste> output PR stanza by default is still pending?
[15:06] <sinzui> I have not added the PR stanza by default. I'll submit that one line change next
[15:07] <barry> sinzui: great. i'll leave this item on the list one more week. sounds like next week we can kill it!
[15:07] <flacoste> barry: you can edit it though
[15:07] <barry> flacoste: yes, i'll remove the 'make lint' part
[15:08] <barry> [TOPIC] queue status
[15:08] <MootBot> New Topic: queue status
[15:08] <barry> the queue looks pretty good from where i stand
[15:09] <barry> the general queue has two 1.2.3 branches
[15:09] <barry> and only sinzui's branch is over the sla
[15:09] <sinzui> My branch is really needs-reply
[15:09] <barry> cool
[15:09] * sinzui was replying before the meeting
[15:09] <intellectronica> yeah, danilo and i should be able to finish the general queue by the end of today, if no one requests on call reviews
[15:10] <barry> intellectronica: excellent!
[15:10] <barry> any other comments on the queue status?
[15:11] <barry> 5
[15:11] <barry> 4
[15:11] <sinzui> Should we have a limit to how long a branch can be
[15:11] <sinzui> in work in progress
[15:11] <flacoste> 3 days
[15:11] <flacoste> :-)
[15:11] <intellectronica> sinzui: and if you're over the limit then what, you have to delete the branch and start from scratch?
[15:11] <barry> intellectronica: from PR at least :)
[15:12] <bigjools> guidelines are better than limits
[15:12] <sinzui> intellectronica: I'm not certain some of these branches are valid
[15:12] <barry> we should probably at least remove wips from people who are no longer with the company <wink>
[15:12] <gmb> I think it depends upon how people are actually using the WIP section.
[15:13] <danilos> I don't see how's that bothering us?
[15:13] <gmb> When I use it, it's to register that a branch which has been looked at by a reviewer needs more work before it can really be reviewed (i.e. it's been rejected for some reason).
[15:13] <gmb> Does anyone use it for any other reason? For example, does anyone track every branch through WIP?
[15:13] <barry> i use it just to get pending-reviews to start tracking it
[15:13] <intellectronica> gmb: same. i never put a branch there until it's already entered the review process
[15:13] <danilos> gmb: it used to be a recommended practice to do that
[15:14] <sinzui> gmb: I have used it when I had to rethink a branch when the first review required a reimplementation
[15:14] <gmb> sinzui: Yes, I've encountered that situation too.
[15:14] <danilos> for the reason barry mentioned (put it on pending-reviews, get more visibility to a branch, etc.)
[15:14] <gmb> danilos: Well, that's okay, but does anyone here actually look at WIP regularly? It's not on my radar.
[15:15] <barry> gmb: i don't, and i don't think it /needs/ to be, except for the occasionally culling by the dev, or maybe in general to remove ex-employee branches
[15:15] <barry> [ACTION] barry will cull ex-employee branches from wip
[15:15] <MootBot> ACTION received: barry will cull ex-employee branches from wip
[15:16] <BjornT> i do look at wip branches
[15:16] <barry> BjornT: you mean you look at the diffs?
[15:17] <BjornT> barry: yeah. to see that the implementation approach is sane.
[15:18] <BjornT> i don't do it that frequently, but it happens.
[15:18] <barry> BjornT: do you usually have contact with the dev first, to get some context for the branch?
[15:19] <barry> does anybody think we need to do more about wip?
[15:20] <BjornT> barry: it depends. i usually contact the developer, since the branch might not be on pending-reviews, or it might not be up-to-date
[15:20] <salgado> me!
[15:20] <barry> salgado: hi!
[15:20] <barry> anything more about wip branches?
[15:20] <barry> or the queue in general?
[15:21] <BjornT> well, speaking of wip branches
[15:21] <BjornT> i wouldn't mind if there was an easy way of looking at current diffs. i don't think PendingReviews is the way to go, though; i rarely add my branches there, since i'm too lazy
[15:22] <danilos> BjornT: do it for all branches in /code/*/launchpad/*?
[15:22] <gmb> That's a looooot of branches.
[15:22] <danilos> i.e. show diffs for them, having developers move them out once they land
[15:22] <barry> danilos: but devs would have to be more diligent about clearing out devpad (which i don't do very often)
[15:23] <danilos> barry: I don't either, but I know some who do (like jtv :))
[15:23] <danilos> it shouldn't be too hard to do a 'mv branch archive/' once you land something, imo
[15:23] * barry only does it when there's a naming conflict with one of his old branches ;)
[15:23] <BjornT> danilos: no. i'd rather have some meta-data to track which branches are wip
[15:23] <gmb> barry: push --overwrite ;)
[15:24] <barry> gmb: yay!
[15:24] <danilos> BjornT: people will still be lazy to update meta-data
[15:24] <BjornT> danilos: not if it's done pretty much automatically :)
[15:25] <danilos> BjornT: I guess you have some idea about how that would work then
[15:25] <BjornT> for example. when a branch is created, it's wip. when it's submitted for review, it's needs-review.
[15:25] <salgado> all branches could be considered wip until you review-submit them
[15:25] <bigjools> flipping a state from wip to needs-review would be nice
[15:26] <danilos> that's meta-data saying that a branch is _not_ wip :0
[15:26] <danilos> s/0/)/
[15:27] <barry> well, unless there's a specific proposal, maybe we should move on?
[15:28] <barry> 5
[15:28] <barry> 4
[15:28] <barry> 3
[15:28] <barry> 2
[15:28] <barry> 1
[15:28] <barry> [TOPIC] mentoring update
[15:28] <MootBot> New Topic: mentoring update
[15:28] <barry> * gmb graduates
[15:28] <barry> yay, gmb!
[15:28] * flacoste cheers
[15:28] <gmb> \0/
[15:28] <intellectronica> excellent
[15:28] <bigjools> well done
[15:28] <intellectronica> gmb: do you keep the same review shift?
[15:29] <allenap> hurrah!
[15:29] <salgado> intellectronica, good question
[15:29] <salgado> gmb, I think one of us should change the shift
[15:29] <gmb> salgado: I agree.
[15:30] <salgado> since always when we were doing the same shift I was mostly mentoring your reviews and there as nothing else for me to review
[15:30] <gmb> Actually, we've got pretty good coverage on most days. Hmm.
[15:30] <gmb> salgado: I'll change shift. I think it's better that you stay on on Thursdays.
[15:30] <bigjools> we need more on-call euro reviewers monday, tuesday and Friday for Europe AM
[15:30] <salgado> if that's the case I guess we could both stay on Thusday...
[15:31] * flacoste votes for friday
[15:31] <danilos> yeah, before sinzui arrives on Friday :)
[15:31] <bigjools> monday only has barry PM
[15:31] <flacoste> yeah, but nothign is left on monday :-)
[15:31] <bigjools> lol
[15:31] <gmb> I'll happily take Friday if that's okay with sinzui.
[15:31] <flacoste> and nobody is ever rushed to get something reviewed on monday
[15:31] <barry> gmb: i'd love to get another monday asiapac or eu slot at least to cover for us holidays, which tend to be on monday
[15:31] <sinzui> flacoste: I leave branches that are over 800 lines for barry
[15:31] <gmb> barry: Monday's good for me too.
[15:31] <barry> sinzui: :)
[15:32] <sinzui> gmb: \o/
[15:32] <gmb> barry: I'll leave the choice to you; you're best placed to know where I'd be more useful.
[15:32] <barry> sinzui: you gotta stop working weekends, man!
[15:32] <sinzui> barry: ...and do what, crosswords?
[15:32] * sinzui hacked on his editor on the weekend
[15:32] <barry> gmb: let's try mondays and see how it goes. it's easy to switch
[15:32] <intellectronica> sinzui: i hear gedit development is stalled since you started doing review shifts ;)
[15:33] <gmb> barry: Okay. I'll update the OCR page.
[15:33] <barry> gmb: thanks! though i think it's gonna be a while before the next us holiday (easter maybe?)
[15:34] <barry> [ACTION] gmb to take eu monday OCR slot
[15:34] <MootBot> ACTION received: gmb to take eu monday OCR slot
[15:34] <barry> [TOPIC] review process
[15:34] <MootBot> New Topic: review process
[15:34] <barry> well, i really have nothing here. anybody have any further comments or observations?
[15:35] <flacoste> our review team tocks!
[15:35] <gmb> And ticks
[15:35] <flacoste> rocks even!
[15:35] <barry> indeed!
[15:35] <flacoste> big round of applause for the team!
[15:36] * barry claps
[15:36] <bac> hurrah
[15:36] <flacoste> not golf applause barry: footban hooligans style please!
[15:37] * barry slams his hands raw and screams his voice hoarse
[15:37] * flacoste rocks the casbah
[15:37] * barry ignores the concerned look from his cat
[15:37] * sinzui just bangs the rocks together.
[15:37] * bigjools sings songs about the referee being a wanker
[15:37] <barry> :)
[15:38] * barry thinks this meeting might be over
[15:38] <barry> anything else?
[15:38] <barry> 5
[15:38] <barry> 4
[15:38] <barry> 3
[15:38] <danilos> 3
[15:38] <danilos> 2
[15:38] <danilos> 1
[15:39] <danilos> :)
[15:39] <barry> #endmeeting
[15:39] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 15:39.
[15:39] <bigjools> thanks barry
[15:39] <intellectronica> thanks barry
[15:39] <barry> yay, thanks everyone... especially danilos :)
[15:39] <danilos> thanks guys, especially barry :)
[15:39] <kiko> ciao
[15:39] <barry> see ya
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk