UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /17 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <crimsun_> so where does "apt-get dist-upgrade" hitch?
[00:00] <setuid> My upgrade worked, except the oo-hyphenation package, but I don't need/use that... what would this ubuntu-desktop metapackage do for me that my current install isn't doing?
[00:01] <crimsun_> it should ensure that any necessary packages are in place for dist-upgrades.
[00:01] <setuid> language-support-writing-en: Depends: openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us but it is not installed
[00:01] <setuid> That's where it bitches
[00:01] <setuid> Let me try aptitude
[00:02] <crimsun_> right, you don't need either of those satisfied for ubuntu-desktop to remain installed
[00:02] <crimsun_> i.e., they aren't here.
[00:02] <Dr_Willis> I used synaptic just now and purged that package and it also removed a few otehrs.. then it let me upgrade
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[00:04] <setuid> If Evolution has humongous fonts, I'm going to format this fscker and install FreeBSD on it. :(
[00:04] <setuid> Things like fonts, should not change during package upgrades
[00:04] <Dr_Willis> I would think its the default X settings that are getting changed.
[00:04] <setuid> But why is that affecting GNOME itself? Some GNOME apps seem to respect theme changes, others do not.
[00:05] <Dr_Willis> but i just upgraded.. now itw wanting me to reboot.. so will see what happends in a few min.
[00:05] <Dr_Willis> Yep. some gnome apps seem to be a little smarter then others.
[00:05] <setuid> "smarter", riiiiiiight.
[00:05] <crimsun_> setuid: it's foolhardy to blame brokenness on a known-broken development branch...
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[00:05] <setuid> crimsun_ Nah, I'm just angry because fonts is one thing I need NOT to be screwed with.
[00:05] <setuid> I can deal with crashing packages, but if every font is 10/12/14/etc. size, it renders everything useless.
[00:07] <Mark_Milliman> After my crash I ran sudo dpkg --configure -a but some of the packages still didn't install
[00:07] <Mark_Milliman> hal and several python packages for instance
[00:07] <Mark_Milliman> How do I recover from here?
[00:07] <h3sp4wn_> What is broken
[00:08] <h3sp4wn_> 3
[00:09] <Mark_Milliman> I just had a blast of messages
[00:14] <Mark_Milliman> how do I remove a package
[00:14] <Mark_Milliman> hal and a bunch of other packages depend on policykit but I can't seem to install it with dpkg
[00:14] <hansin> Does anyone know how the xserver in 8.104 works? I see there really isn't an xork.conf file like I usually know. I have heard the new xserver does a lot of auto-configuration. Can I override some of this in the basic xorg.conf file? Thanks.
[00:14] <Mark_Milliman> apt-get says that it is already installed
[00:15] <RAOF> hansin: Yes. The new X still uses xorg.conf if you want it to, but it doesn't need one.
[00:17] <hansin> RAOF: Thanks. So can I override just sections, say I want to disable my laptop touchpad accepting an 'knock' on the pad as a mouse click? I think I need to create a custom input device section. The rest would still auto-cofig?
[00:17] <RAOF> hansin: Yup.
[00:17] <hansin> How do
[00:18] <hansin> Sorry, how do I know what driver it auto-cofiged to (I used to check to xorg.conf file)? Just check output of lsmod?
[00:18] <crimsun_> no, /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[00:20] <hansin> crimsun_: Thanks. Just learning new ways to do things in X. Lot to check out in that file...
[00:28] <setuid> Anyone have HAL working in Hardy?
[00:28] <crimsun_> setuid: err, what specifically? It WFM AFAICT.
[00:29] <setuid> crimsun_ When I start my X session, I get this error that HAL is not functioning
[00:29] <setuid> Let me get the exact error
[00:32] <h3sp4wn_> *happy* dpi is right again (but the edid is actually correct for this laptop so having to disable it seems a little strange
[00:42] <Mark_Milliman> HAL needs to work
[00:42] <Mark_Milliman> it isn't working for me either because I had a crash during my upgrade
[00:43] <setuid> Internal error
[00:43] <setuid> failed to initialize HAL!
[00:43] <setuid> That's what I get starting GNOME, and a blank panel. If I kill gnome-panel, it restarts properly with all gadgets.
[00:44] <crimsun_> hmm. These symptoms are pointing to one or more of 1) screwed gnome-session config, 2) half-baked full-upgrade
[00:44] <setuid> Right
[00:44] <setuid> aptitude -f install isn't happyu
[00:46] <ethana2> setuid: i kill my gnome panel often too
[00:46] <ethana2> ctrl+alt+f2 login sudo killall gnome-panel ctrl+alt+f7 and it's all good for a while
[00:47] <setuid> just killall gnome-panel from any terminal works fine
[00:48] <setuid> crimsun_ doing an aptitude install ubuntu-desktop now
[00:49] <Mark_Milliman> I had an upgrade crash in the middle after all packages were downloaded. I ran dpkg --configure -a but several packages were not installed
[00:49] <Mark_Milliman> How do I recover. I have 3 broken packages that I cannot remove or reinstall
[00:49] <setuid> dpkg -P them
[00:51] <Mark_Milliman> list them all by name?
[00:52] <h3sp4wn_> If you cannot remove them you may need the remove reinst req switch have a look at --force-help
[00:53] <h3sp4wn_> or you can just pipe dpkg -C | xargs sudo dpkg -P (or something like that - that is untested)
[00:55] <Mark_Milliman> k
[00:56] <Mark_Milliman> Wouldn't it be easier to install from a live CD or would that be possible
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[00:56] <Mark_Milliman> I would still like to keep my previous installation
[00:56] <h3sp4wn_> Look at what happens to windows even with those repair installations
[00:56] <Mark_Milliman> I can't seem to get these dozen or so packages installed properly then there is an additional 306 that need installed
[00:56] <thegothguy> I have ubuntu install problem anyone wanna help me
[00:56] <h3sp4wn_> it ends up completely trashed
[00:57] <Mark_Milliman> but this is Linux
[00:57] <h3sp4wn_> Exactly so such hacks are not implimented
[00:58] <h3sp4wn_> with a stable release they shouldn't exist but with a development release its almost a certaintly you will be in this situation >= 1 ce
[00:58] <thegothguy> i keep crashing during ubuntu install to externa hd
[00:58] <Mark_Milliman> Synaptic Package Manager runs but tells me that I have 3 broken packages hpijs gnome-applets, and hplib or something like that
[00:59] <Mark_Milliman> I can't seem to remove or install them
[00:59] <Mark_Milliman> update-manager will not run because I don't have the proper gnome-python packages installed yet
[01:00] <Mark_Milliman> now for some reason only hplip is broken
[01:03] <thegothguy> any body wanna help
[01:05] <setuid> quit
[01:05] <setuid> qck
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[01:06] <vlowther> firefox 3: absurdly large UI graphics? wtf!
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[01:08] <Mark_Milliman> is there a command like way to force a system upgrade
[01:09] <crimsun_> Mark_Milliman: sure. Use apt-get/aptitude/dselect from the cli.
[01:10] <Mark_Milliman> what would the command look like crimsun?
[01:10] <Mark_Milliman> apt-get ???
[01:11] <james_w> Mark_Milliman: aptitude full-upgrade
[01:12] <Mark_Milliman> and that will upgrade to 8.04 james_w?
[01:13] <james_w> if you have hardy in your sources.list and no strange apt.conf or pinning.
[01:13] <Mark_Milliman> should I clean out /var/cache/apt/archives?
[01:14] <Mark_Milliman> where's sources.list in /etc?
[01:15] <james_w> Mark_Milliman: no need to, and /etc/apt/sources.list
[01:15] <james_w> there may also be files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ which are included in to that file.
[01:15] <vlowther> found it -- Bug #191791
[01:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 191791 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox-3.0 zoomed images and webpages" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191791
[01:15] <Mark_Milliman> sources looks like to have been updated to hardy
[01:16] <vlowther> what a shame -- there seems to be no way to tweak things in about:config to turn off this misfeature.
[01:16] <Mark_Milliman> most of the gutsy entries have been changed to hardy
[01:16] <vlowther> (the way full page zoom is implemented, that is)
[01:16] <Mark_Milliman> except for the third party section
[01:16] <Mark_Milliman> so james_w can I attempt aptitude full-upgrade
[01:17] <james_w> Mark_Milliman: yeah.
[01:17] <Mark_Milliman> looks like it is going james_w
[01:18] <Mark_Milliman> 300 packages to install a bunch to fix and 119 newly intsalled
[01:18] <lamalex> my sudo seems to be broken
[01:18] <Mark_Milliman> I'm still trying to figure out this package manager stuff
[01:18] <lamalex> when I do something with sudo nothing happens, it just moves to the next line
[01:18] <Mark_Milliman> never had that with System V
[01:18] <Mark_Milliman> must say that I like it thought
[01:18] <Mark_Milliman> though
[01:19] <p-quinn> hav serious problem updating in hardy seem to be errors in repositories
[01:20] <p-quinn> any one help me?
[01:20] <james_w> !ask
[01:20] <ubotu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[01:21] <Dr_willis> there is some issue at this time with some Openoffice related pacakges it seems.
[01:22] <Dr_willis> or so we have been discussing lately
[01:22] <p-quinn> ok when i go to update in hardy there is a repository error and it lists all my repos as unasertainable
[01:23] <Mark_Milliman> I'd be happy just to get 8.04 up and running
[01:23] <Mark_Milliman> Open Orfice will resolve itself
[01:24] <p-quinn> may i ask what the open office problem is?
[01:24] <Dr_willis> somthing with the hyphernation-dictionary conflucting with some other file.
[01:26] <p-quinn> thats one of those problems that will prob be fixed when the rest of the system comes together
[01:27] <Mark_Milliman> So does Open Office install?
[01:27] <p-quinn> yes
[01:27] <Dr_willis> I normally want to remove openoffice. :) since i rarely use it.
[01:28] <p-quinn> so it dosnt effect you which is good :)
[01:28] <DanaG> WTF? Ctrl-scroll to zoom in Firefox is broken.
[01:29] <crimsun_> err, not here
[01:30] <DanaG> Oh, compiz-fusion must be grabbing it.
[01:31] <DanaG> Oh yeah, and the 2.6.24-8 kernel fixes essentially ALL of the scheduler issues I had had!
[01:31] <DanaG> Now I can run folding@home again without bogging down the rest of the system.
[01:32] <crimsun_> right, that was fixed in 25-rc1
[01:32] <crimsun_> (parts of which are in 8.13
[01:33] <DanaG> '25' is the version of the scheduler itself, or is it the next odd-numbered kernel?
[01:33] <crimsun_> 2.6.25-rc1
[01:33] <crimsun_> and 2.6.24-8.13, respectively.
[01:33] <DanaG> aah. I'll look in the changelogs. Oh, and have you had time to look any more at my audio thing?
[01:33] <Mark_Milliman> crimsun I ran the aptitude full-upgrade and it downloaded several packages but crashed while preparing to replace gnome-applets-data
[01:34] <crimsun_> DanaG: unfortunately, no. Travelling ATM.
[01:34] <Mark_Milliman> it doesn't look like python is instlled correctly
[01:34] <DanaG> Aah.
[01:34] <crimsun_> Mark_Milliman: rescuable with "dpkg --configure -a && apt-get -f install"?
[01:35] <Mark_Milliman> same set of errors crimsun
[01:36] <DanaG> Well, wherever you happen to be traveling, have a good trip.
[01:36] <Mark_Milliman> it says setting up policykit but can't access /var/run/PolicyKit no file or directory
[01:36] <Mark_Milliman> then it tries to set up python-brlapi
[01:37] <Mark_Milliman> can't seem to fine /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/bootconfig/__init__.py
[01:38] <Mark_Milliman> is there a python package I should try to reinstall?
[01:40] <crimsun_> I don't have /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/bootconfig/, even.
[01:40] <DanaG> heh, ACPI: battery: add sysfs serial number serial number can tell you from the imminent danger of beeing set on fire.
[01:40] <Mark_Milliman> my guess is that it is a temp file during installation
[01:41] <Mark_Milliman> my install probably crashed during that part of the install
[01:41] <crimsun_> you sure? It seems to be a non-standard location for another package.
[01:41] <Mark_Milliman> that's the message
[01:42] <Mark_Milliman> anytime I try to reinstall anything an error installing hplip comes up
[01:42] <Mark_Milliman> I can't seem to get rid of hplip
[01:42] <crimsun_> it should remain installed AFAICT
[01:42] <crimsun_> let me peer more closely
[01:43] <crimsun_> right, it's a Recommends of the ubuntu-desktop meta.
[01:44] <crimsun_> that said, you can safely remove it and reinstall it afterward
[01:44] <Mark_Milliman> I can't remove it
[01:44] <Mark_Milliman> I tried
[01:44] <Mark_Milliman> it remains broken
[01:45] <crimsun_> what's the error?
[01:45] <james_w> Mark_Milliman: it would be a lot easier to give you concrete advice if you put the errors on a pastebin.
[01:45] <Mark_Milliman> yes james
[01:47] <Mark_Milliman> subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
[01:47] <Mark_Milliman> instead of Unknown command
[01:47] <DanaG> YAY: ACPI: video: Rationalise ACPI backlight implementation The sysfs backlight class provides no mechanism for querying the acceptable brightness for a backlight. The ACPI spec states that values are only valid if they are reported as available by the firmware. Since we can't provide that information to userspace, instead collapse the range to the number of actual values that can be set. http://bu
[01:48] <Mark_Milliman> Preparing to replace hplip 2.7.12-0ubuntu2~gutsy1 (using .../hplip_2.8.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb)....
[01:48] <Mark_Milliman> Traceback (most recent call last):
[01:48] <Mark_Milliman> File "/usr/sbin/update-python-modules", line 348, in <module> post_change_stuff(py)
[01:49] <Mark_Milliman> File "/usr/sbin/update-python-modules", line 224, in post_change_stuff file(initfile, "w").close()
[01:49] <Mark_Milliman> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/bootconfig/__init__.py'
[01:50] <Mark_Milliman> dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exist status 1
[01:50] <Mark_Milliman> and it keeps going
[01:51] <Mark_Milliman> If this is hopeless, I'm ready to blow it away and reinstall on the partition from the liveCD
[01:51] <crimsun_> oh man.
[01:51] <crimsun_> that backport looks suspicious
[01:52] <Mark_Milliman> funny thing is that I am running on the new kernel with X
[01:52] <Mark_Milliman> just most things don't work
[01:52] <crimsun_> so. You /can/ fix^Wkludge around that, but I do /not/ recommend it.
[01:53] <crimsun_> first, dpkg -P --force-depends python-support hplip
[01:53] <Mark_Milliman> so the best thing is to blow away the partition and install the latest alpha
[01:53] <crimsun_> then continue.
[01:54] <Mark_Milliman> I just hate reconfiguring my mouse, banshee, firefox, samba, and everything else
[01:55] <crimsun_> ugh, this brings up the contentious point of having update-manager disable -backports if it doesn't already.
[01:56] <Mark_Milliman> I guess I'll reinstall from the latest nightly
[01:58] <Mark_Milliman> at least I can copy my home directory to an NTFS for good keeping
[01:58] <Mark_Milliman> It is probably a good idea to clean up the install anyway
[01:58] <Mark_Milliman> I probably have quite a mess
[01:59] <DanaG> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/121833
[01:59] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off when between discrete levels, both from hotkeys and from dim-on-idle." [Low,Incomplete]
[01:59] <DanaG> There's my brightness bug.
[01:59] <DanaG> Oh, and hint for not having to reconfigure stuff: copy any conf files you've modified.
[02:00] <Mark_Milliman> I'm copying my complete $HOME directory
[02:02] <Mark_Milliman> oops found some links that created a recursive copy
[02:03] <hmuller> I have a dumb question, would not a better name for initrd.gz as used in Ubuntu be initramfs.gz?
=== Dante is now known as VanDyke
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> wfarr@wfarr-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get -f install
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> Reading package lists... Done
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> Building dependency tree
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> Reading state information... Done
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> Correcting dependencies... Done
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> The following extra packages will be installed:
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> The following NEW packages will be installed:
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> 557 not fully installed or removed.
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> Need to get 0B/32.5kB of archives.
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> After this operation, 127kB of additional disk space will be used.
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
[02:23] <wfarr_clone> (Reading database ... 115765 files and directories currently installed.)
[02:24] <wfarr_clone> Unpacking openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us (from .../openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us_2.3-5_all.deb) ...
[02:24] <wfarr_clone> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us_2.3-5_all.deb (--unpack):
[02:24] <wfarr_clone> trying to overwrite `/usr/share/myspell/dicts/hyph_en_US.dic', which is also in package openoffice.org-hyphenation
[02:24] <wfarr_clone> Errors were encountered while processing:
[02:24] <wfarr_clone> /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us_2.3-5_all.deb
[02:24] <wfarr_clone> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[02:24] <wfarr_clone> er damn pidgin
[02:24] <Dr_willis> i used synaptic and removed the openoffice.org-hyphenation package
[02:25] <wfarr_clone> Yeah, I didn't even mean to paste it in here.
[02:26] <wfarr_clone> Thanks though.
[02:27] <DanaG> Mark_Milliman: Don't forget any system-level .conf files you've customized. For example, I've tweaked xorg.conf, dnsmasq.conf, 'interfaces', and many other files.
[02:36] <DanaG> Another thing I'm curious about: how does the Asus Virtuoso chip differ from the CMI8788? I had thought it'd just be a rebranded chip.
[02:38] <zqwe> DanaG: hows things going with benchmarking videocards with screensavers
[02:39] <zqwe> any progress?
[02:39] <DanaG> Actually, I haven't found any need for myself to benchmark things.
[02:40] <zqwe> lol
[02:40] <cge> Has anyone here actually had any success using vinagre?
[02:41] <DanaG> http://www.anandtech.com/linux/showdoc.aspx?i=2218
[02:41] <DanaG> title: AnandTech: Building a Better (Linux) GPU Benchmark
[02:42] <DanaG> Note that the article is from 2004, however.
[02:42] <zqwe> DanaG: mmm which screensaver anandtech was useing?
[02:44] <DanaG> google: linux opengl benchmark
[02:45] <zqwe> DanaG: you lost a point
[02:45] <DanaG> http://dee.cz/lightsmark/
[02:45] <zqwe> yeah tried that
[02:46] <zqwe> in windows
[02:46] <zqwe> where is linux version? hmmm
[02:46] <zqwe> lets see
[02:46] <DanaG> wine.
[02:47] <zqwe> are you serious? well... probebly it is better than screensavers anyway... lmfao
[02:57] <DanaG> PulseAudio's "Duplicate" feature is cool. It keeps multiple devices in sync amazingly well.
[02:57] <DanaG> ...and when it's on a weak wifi network (or weak card), it's rather ridiculously amusing.
[02:58] <DanaG> 'Duplicate' over an unreliable network produces wacky pitch, speed, and volume changes in both devices.
[03:03] <zqwe> hmmm they even was able to run 3dmark 06 in wine... amazing... still will not replace screensavers... due to heavy cost of direct3d translation calls... mmm
[03:04] <DanaG> Oh yeah, also look at www.humus.ca
[03:05] <DanaG> That person has some OpenGL how-to demos for Linux; some even have source code.
[03:05] <cge> Could someone with an up-to-date installation try running vinagre, and see if there is a problem with keyboard focus?
[03:08] <DanaG> ignorance.campus.alfred.edu ? Where's that?
[03:08] <zqwe> cge: mmm do you want to connect to me
[03:08] <zqwe> whats with keyboard foxus?
[03:08] <zqwe> focus
[03:09] <RyanPrior> How do I use Firefox 2 now that I have Firefox 3 alpha 3 installed?
[03:09] <cge> zqwe: when I'm using vinagre, keypresses aren't sent to the remote screen due to a gtk focus problem.
[03:09] <cge> zqwe: ie, bug #192051
[03:09] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192051 in vinagre "Vinagre keyboard not working, mouse not always visible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192051
[03:19] <zqwe> cge: i have a problems with testing that localy, 1st it is too slow, i cant enter fullscreen, and i encounter strange behaviour with mouse...
[03:22] <fnordistus> every time npviewer.bill(gates) crashes
[03:22] <zqwe> cge: hmm bug already confirmed with updated software, what you expect from us?..
[03:22] <fnordistus> for unknow reasons, something with the programmer is wrong
[03:22] <zqwe> do you use AMD64
[03:22] <zqwe> and ndiswrapper
[03:22] <fnordistus> yeah NvidiAMD 64
[03:23] <DanaG> !info japa
[03:23] <fnordistus> no wlan on this desktop
[03:23] <ubotu> japa (source: japa): JACK and ALSA Perceptual Analyser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.1-3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 33 kB, installed size 136 kB
[03:23] <DanaG> doesn't work with pulseaudio! It demands mmap.
[03:24] <zqwe> fnordistus: do you have a reason to use AMD64
[03:24] <fnordistus> yes, i have 16GB Ram
[03:24] <zqwe> :)
[03:25] <fnordistus> and i don't need A20Gate or such legacy crap like bank switching introduced in i386 architecture
[03:25] <Raspberry> Hey does Hardy fix the MESA / OpenGL issues that in Gutsy?
[03:25] <Raspberry> My X3100 can't run any thing OpenGL related without locking the machine
[03:26] <Raspberry> these issues :P https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa
[03:28] <zqwe> fnordistus: bug 141613, and this happens not only in ubuntu...
[03:28] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 141613 in nspluginwrapper "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141613
[03:29] <fnordistus> strange, a zero pointer
[03:31] <zqwe> try gnash or swfdec
[03:31] <zqwe> waiting for adobe to make 64-bit flash
[03:31] <fnordistus> i tried gnasm even more problems
[03:32] <zqwe> in 32-bit adobe flash not crashing
[03:33] <zqwe> btw some workaround is flashblock, cuz it makes flash not load all files on a page at once (which was ussually reason for crash for me)
[03:33] <zqwe> you may enable flash parts of page one by one
[03:34] <fnordistus> those flash sux
[03:35] <fnordistus> flash is evil
[03:35] <zqwe> agree
[03:35] <fnordistus> i could accept it if those adobe bungholes would offer the illuminati documentary papers for flash
[03:36] <RyanPrior> How do I launch FIrefox 2 if I have Firefox 3 installed?
[03:38] <zqwe> RyanPrior: it look like it was replaced, so you have to remove 3 and install 2
[03:38] <zqwe> from what i see searching for it
[03:38] <fnordistus> i cannot finish those stupid level called high gravity in supertux
[03:38] <RyanPrior> zqwe: That sucks. I read somewhere that they would be installed side by side.
[03:39] <zqwe> RyanPrior: yes, if you installed that manually, but you updated it, arent you
[03:39] <Mark_Milliman> What sucks is that I trashed my 7.10 installation trying to upgrade to 8.04
[03:39] <Mark_Milliman> I already started using ff3
[03:39] <Mark_Milliman> good thing it isn't a production system
[03:40] <fnordistus> yeah you have to know you use ALPHA softwrae marky mark
[03:40] <fnordistus> if you need good vibrations, just use gutsy
[03:40] <Mark_Milliman> I know but it fixes some pending problems that Gutsy broke
[03:40] <RyanPrior> Why would a "production system" have Firefox or Hardy installed on it?
[03:40] <zqwe> well if hardy is alpha, then gutsy is beta
[03:41] <fnordistus> and edgy is gamma?
[03:41] <zqwe> lol
[03:41] <fnordistus> and dapper delta?
[03:41] <Mark_Milliman> the install didn't break...a flaky usb device went in the crapper during dpkg
[03:41] <Mark_Milliman> I agree that Gutsy is beta
[03:41] <Mark_Milliman> or gamma
[03:41] <Dr_willis> Omega
[03:41] <Mark_Milliman> I found that hardy alpha 4 fixes some problems on my machine
[03:42] <zqwe> totally agree
[03:42] <fnordistus> yeah, some kernel issues
[03:42] <Mark_Milliman> so far it appears to be a little better than Gutsy
[03:42] <zqwe> same here
[03:42] <Mark_Milliman> the kernel issues that I have been having are goioone
[03:42] <fnordistus> 2.6.24 works a lot better
[03:42] <Mark_Milliman> I'm just pissed that I have to reconfigure the machine
[03:42] <regulate> not the generic kernel
[03:42] <Mark_Milliman> at least I have my $HOME directory
[03:42] <fnordistus> the rt kernel?
[03:42] <zqwe> but i must say hardy fixed not all gutsy bugs, many remains
[03:43] <fnordistus> RT is a bad hack for my opinions
[03:43] <Mark_Milliman> I am sure that many remain it is an alpha after all and not all bugs were identified as candidates for this release
[03:43] <regulate> i want to be able to install my own kernels in hardy
[03:43] <Mark_Milliman> Maybe a clean install will work better
[03:43] <zqwe> regulate: i done that
[03:43] <Mark_Milliman> I hacked up V4L pretty bad
[03:44] <fnordistus> yeah linux from scratch
[03:44] <regulate> zqwe: which kernel
[03:44] <zqwe> regulate: from kernel.org
[03:44] <regulate> zqwe: i haven't been able to install any i packaged via make-kpkg
[03:44] <zqwe> custom build
[03:44] <Mark_Milliman> At least this Windows machine is still running
[03:45] <fnordistus> i still wait for a FruBuntu or BSDUNTU
[03:45] <zqwe> regulate: i just fallowed some instruction on a web, it was my 1st time to build kernel
[03:45] <zqwe> followed
[03:47] <Mark_Milliman> good thing about *nix is that all of the personal settings are kept in the home directory
[03:47] <fnordistus> im afraid if torvalds goes upward
[03:47] <fnordistus> doomsday
[03:47] <Mark_Milliman> At least I will get my FF, Miro, Banshee, and other settings back. I just have to reinstall everything
[03:50] <zqwe> fnordistus: you mean if he will gone? in recent interview he said nothing will happen, he have some ppl to replace him
[03:51] <Mark_Milliman> rebooting
[03:55] <zqwe> ivan@xhost:~$ cd data && wine ../bin/win32/LightsMark2007.exe
[03:55] <zqwe> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[04:15] <Daisuke_Ido> well that was nice
[04:15] <Daisuke_Ido> i was going to recommend he go to the latest wine from the budgetdedicated repo
[04:15] <Daisuke_Ido> but nooo
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
[04:57] <Mark_Milliman> Has anyone been able to display fonts:/// in Nautalus
[04:57] <Mark_Milliman> Natilus that is
[04:57] <Mark_Milliman> Nautilus
[04:57] <Mark_Milliman> cna't spel
[05:00] <linxuz3r> yo
[05:00] <linxuz3r> yo
[05:00] <linxuz3r> whats new with hardy heron
[05:00] <DarkMageZ> fglrx 8.02 ッ
[05:01] <DarkMageZ> now with composition support for xorg server 1.4 ッ
[05:05] <jscinoz> what's the current breakage?
[05:05] <jscinoz> i hear alsa is still pretty messed up?
[05:06] <Dr_willis> jscinoz, some issue with openoffice hypa-nation file.. also.. not seen anyone ask about alsa today
[05:06] <jscinoz> is there anything specific about when in april its being released?
[05:06] <jscinoz> ie what day :P
[05:06] <Mark_Milliman> I recommend the new sound system over ALSA
[05:07] <Mark_Milliman> I forgot what it is called...I am rebooting so I can't tell you just yet
[05:07] <Mark_Milliman> it doesn't require so many shims
[05:09] <DarkMageZ> pulseaudio?
[05:12] <Mark_Milliman> pulseaudio
[05:12] <Nuke_> is gnome currently broken in hardy?
[05:14] <Nuke_> seems to be a conflict where libgnomekbd1 and libgnomekbd2 can't coexist, but different parts of gnome depend on one or the other
[05:18] <Dr_willis> it worked for me earlier
[05:23] <ethana2> "but different parts of gnome depend on one or the other"
[05:23] <ethana2> that's a problem
[05:23] <ethana2> they should say something like 1+
[05:23] <ethana2> oh wait....... was it a complete overhaul?
[05:23] <Nuke_> huh?
[05:23] <ethana2> so that's not just a dependency versioning issue..
[05:23] <ethana2> neverming
[05:24] <Nuke_> looks like *kbd1 is being replaced by *kbd2, but is only partially finished
[05:24] <ethana2> ok
[05:24] <ethana2> transition, i can deal with that
[05:24] <ethana2> so exciting ^_^
[05:27] * heret1c backs
[05:29] <heret1c> amazing, still online after a 5-hr snooze! :-)
[05:30] * DanaG uses PulseAudio too.
[05:30] <DanaG> It's wonderful when using multiple audio devices.
[05:30] * heret1c dips hat at danag
[05:33] <ethana2> i was using PA back with fiesty or gutsy
[05:34] <ethana2> broke /everything/
[05:34] <ethana2> Amarok is insanely resilient though ^_^
[05:35] <Nuke_> ethana2: mplayer now fully supports it, and the workaround for libflash is good too
[05:35] <Nuke_> so all is good here with PA
[05:36] <ethana2> Yeah, now I'm /supposed/ to be using it ;)
[05:36] <ethana2> it was sweet, sending music over wifi
[05:36] <DanaG> I had the opposite problem with Amarok:
[05:36] <DanaG> It totally BREAKS with PulseAudio.
[05:36] <ethana2> hmm
[05:37] <DanaG> And woe unto you if you use Global Hotkeys -- then when you hit 'pause', it entirely locks up your keyboard for 30 seconds or more.
[05:46] <heret1c> Synaptics' "fix broken packages" doen'nt allways live up to the advertisinf. :-/
[05:47] <zqwe> lol
[05:47] <DanaG> I usually use Aptitude.
[05:48] <heret1c> danag> it gives the same errors.
[05:49] <RAOF> Woot! _We have 3d_.
[05:49] <zqwe> next stop is 4d
[05:50] <RAOF> Well, next stop is making nouveau's 3d more complete, so that more things actually run :)
[05:50] <zqwe> more than glxgears?
[05:50] <RAOF> And Quake3 arena.
[05:50] <heret1c> danag> synaptic is without minesweeper, 'tho. 8-)
[05:50] <zqwe> omg
[05:51] <zqwe> you mean quake 3 running now with this driver?
[05:51] <RAOF> On selected hardware, yes. I don't have Q3A, so I can't verify, but it was demonstrated at LCA.
[05:52] <zqwe> thinking about how complex video drivers are, almost unbelievable
[05:53] <RAOF> You can probably see the demo, actually. I believe the talk was titled "Bringing kittens back to life".
[05:53] <ethana2> gallium is great for ridding them of complexity
[05:53] <RAOF> So it seems, yes.
[05:54] <ethana2> i just think its hilarious
[05:55] <zqwe> well i never trusted in this project, and i still think they will not able to go far
[05:55] <ethana2> because gallium will eventually unite ati, intel and nvidia drivers
[05:55] <DanaG> What's Gallium?
[05:55] <ethana2> they'll take up so little space in total relative to windows
[05:55] <RAOF> DanaG: The new hotness.
[05:55] <ethana2> ^_^
[05:55] <ethana2> gallium is a framework for 3d graphics drivers
[05:55] <ethana2> so instead of implementing opengl on a card
[05:56] <RAOF> DanaG: The new 3d-driver framework. Designed to be fairly close to the metal.
[05:56] <ethana2> you implement gallium on the card
[05:56] <ethana2> and then opengl on top of gallium
[05:56] <ethana2> or you know, direct3d, if anyone wants it
[05:56] <ethana2> whatever
[05:56] <ethana2> it's going to make things much easier for those of us with PS3's
[05:57] <ethana2> because we'll be able to get 3d before Sony opens the RSX by using the cell's SPE's
[05:57] <RAOF> Indeed. There's already a cell renderer.
[05:57] <ethana2> SPU's*
[05:57] <ethana2> oh there is?
[05:57] <ethana2> can it do compiz yet?
[05:57] <RAOF> I wouldn't imagine so.
[05:57] <ethana2> oh
[05:57] <ethana2> actually i like the cell better than a gpu
[05:57] <ethana2> maybe ogl will work right when used by more than one app at a time ;)
[05:58] <ethana2> compiz + amarok + firefox = FAIL
[05:58] <ethana2> of course, this here is a radeon9200SE, but still
[05:59] <RAOF> For the record, nouveau doesn't run compiz yet :)
[05:59] <ethana2> aiglx...
[05:59] <ethana2> by the way, will noveau use the kernel for graphical task scheduling?
[05:59] <ethana2> we desperately need this, so WINE will work with compiz, and so on
[06:00] <RAOF> ethana2: Wine already works with compiz.
[06:00] <ethana2> it may involve massive kernel modification, though..
[06:00] <ethana2> oh it does?
[06:00] <RAOF> Yes.
[06:00] <RAOF> It has done *forever*.
[06:00] <ethana2> even with apps that use 3d?
[06:00] <RAOF> Yes.
[06:00] <ethana2> oh wow
[06:00] <RAOF> Again, it has done forever.
[06:00] <ethana2> people always say not to use them at the same time
[06:00] <RAOF> That's because people are wrong.
[06:00] <ethana2> ok
[06:00] <heret1c> On my lowly latitude laptop, even oolite struggles, and is out of the question/unplayable with dma off.
[06:01] <ethana2> oh is dma what the problem is with compiz and amarok and firefox?
[06:01] <RAOF> ethana2: On the other hand, there *are* some wine bugs only exposed when run under compiz, so turning off compiz can make wine more usable.
[06:02] <heret1c> ethana2> if you have a ide/ata drive.
[06:02] <ethana2> oh wow i think i'm getting confused...
[06:02] <ethana2> i'm thinking direct rendering, sorry
[06:02] <ethana2> drm
[06:03] <zqwe> hows that, wine work with compiz but native opengl linux games not?
[06:03] <ethana2> wait, that's dri
[06:04] <RAOF> zqwe: Native linux opengl games do, too.
[06:04] <ethana2> ok, so its not just me and my pathetic card?
[06:04] <heret1c> see what sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hda (if taht's toyr hd) says.
[06:05] <zqwe> RAOF: i always have X freezes with compiz enabled when playing game for some time. whats why i was told here to disable compiz when playing games. do you have another resolution?
[06:06] <heret1c> erk. apt(itude) still gives a raft of errors.
[06:06] <RAOF> zqwe: So, driver bugs exist. You may be hitting one of them. But I've used compiz while playing all sorts of games.
[06:06] <zqwe> what videocard you have?
[06:06] <RAOF> A Geforce 7600go.
[06:07] <zqwe> mine is 7900 gtx
[06:07] <RAOF> That's odd. The binary blob handles compiz much better than most open drivers.
[06:08] <Amaranth> RAOF: Except of course for random lockups and flickering
[06:08] <RAOF> Well, yeah. Except for that.
[06:08] <Amaranth> But I actually haven't seen either one of those for awhile
[06:08] <RAOF> So, when it's *working* the nvidia blob handles compiz better :)
[06:09] <zqwe> i doubt how is 7600 go is programmed better than 7900 gtx so it have no bug, driver is unified
[06:09] * DanaG hates this:
[06:09] <DanaG> *blink*
[06:09] <DanaG> *blink*
[06:09] <DanaG> *blink* *blink*
[06:09] <Amaranth> heh
[06:09] <DanaG> (i.e. the flashing screen bug.)
[06:09] <Amaranth> when it starts it doesn't stop until you VT switch
[06:10] <Amaranth> but i've only seen it once in the last week and that was when i was compiling and updating packages at the same time
[06:10] <DanaG> I wish there were a spectrum analyzer app for PulseAudio.
[06:10] <Amaranth> also, I am the most horrible maintainer in history
[06:10] <ethana2> i wish there was that
[06:11] <ethana2> and a voice recognition PIM module
[06:11] <Amaranth> I just did an alacarte release, one year and 2 days after the last one
[06:11] <ethana2> with a frontend for gdm
[06:11] <ethana2> to go along side the webcam face recog PIM and thumbprint PIM things
[06:11] <ethana2> ..that don't seem to exist yet but should
[06:11] <Amaranth> RAOF: btw, can you test a compiz patch for me? http://dev.realistanew.com/0001-only-allow-rotate-to-faces-that-exist.patch
[06:12] <RAOF> Amaranth: Oh, what wasn't finished in alacart?
[06:12] <Amaranth> RAOF: just bug fixes and translation updates
[06:12] <RAOF> Amaranth: At some point, yes. Obviously not while I'm fiddling with nouveau's 3d :)
[06:12] <Amaranth> and i closed all but 5 bugs in the gnome bugzilla
[06:12] <RAOF> Yay!
[06:13] <Amaranth> 4 of them are crashes on stuff like poll and waitpid and a gtk bug (wtf?), the other one is requesting alacarte be ported to gio instead of gnomevfs
[06:13] <Amaranth> but there are no python bindings for gio
[06:13] <RAOF> Which will make that port awkward :)
[06:13] <Amaranth> the wtf goes with waitpid
[06:15] <AtomicSpark> I've been patiently waiting for Alpha 4 to install into KVM, now it's failing to install GRUB or LILO, is this a known problem with the alt cd?
[06:15] <Amaranth> ooh, and a crash on strcmp called from inside GtkAdjustment
[06:15] <shirish> I'm not getting any updates, I'm on 2.6.24-9
[06:15] <Amaranth> but seriously: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=474562 wtf
[06:15] <ubotu> Gnome bug 474562 in general "crash in Main Menu: opening editor main menu" [Critical,Unconfirmed]
[06:15] <Amaranth> oh, the crash is in select_path
[06:15] <Amaranth> so pygtk bug
[06:16] <zqwe> shirish: where you got it? latest is -8
[06:16] <heret1c> h'm. I lack pygtk.
[06:16] <shirish> zqwe: sorry, yes its 2.6.24-8 not -9
[06:17] <shirish> zqwe: my thing is any idea why no updates?
[06:17] <zqwe> cuz they not made yet?
[06:17] <zqwe> -8 sounds like update itself
[06:18] <DanaG> Well, I'm glad the -8 kernel fixed all my scheduler issues.
[06:18] <shirish> can anybody see Bug 192530 and tell if its a bug or not?
[06:18] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192530 in sugar "[Hardy] sugar-activities is broken while installing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192530
[06:20] <zqwe> shirish: well i dowloading it now
[06:21] <zqwe> guess no problems
[06:23] <Amaranth> RAOF: even better now: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=alacarte&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED
[06:23] * Amaranth wins
[06:23] <DanaG> WTF? Firefox 3.0's "restore tabs" feature fails.
[06:23] <DanaG> It doesn't restore tabs if you leave the downloads or addons window open.
[06:23] <Amaranth> I can now ignore that project for another 4 months, at least
[06:24] <shirish> zqwe: u're not getting the virtual packages issue?
[06:24] <zqwe> shirish: correct
[06:24] <DanaG> ...and now Pidgin crashed.
[06:24] <DanaG> Oh, and Flash on THIS: http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=900&libid=50 page doesn
[06:24] <DanaG> doens't work.
[06:24] <DanaG> argh.
[06:25] <shirish> zqwe: here it still shows sugar-activities still has umet dependencies
[06:25] <DanaG> In fact, Firefox tries to DOWNLOAD the swf file.
[06:26] <shirish> zqwe: I ran sudo aptitude update, just before it.
[06:26] <zqwe> shirish: i use apt-get
[06:27] <DanaG> Okay.... mplayer will play it, but Firefox insists on opening it with Totem -- but I have "MPlayer" set to play that type, through Gnome.
[06:27] <DanaG> WTF?
[06:28] <zqwe> Preferences->Applications in firefox
[06:28] <h3sp4wn_> Why does it not just open with flash ?
[06:28] <shirish> zqwe: aha, ok try installing sugar-activities
[06:29] <DanaG> Well, for some reason, it won't display embedded.
[06:29] <DanaG> If I go to 'page info', it shows the address, and I can copy and paste it into the address bar -- but then it opens in Totem.
[06:30] <DanaG> I'd be fine with it opening in mplayer in that case, but Totem fails. And Firefox fails for using the wrong application.
[06:30] <zqwe> shirish: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[06:30] <zqwe> sugar-activities: Depends: sugar-analyze-activity but it is not installable ETC
[06:30] <shirish> zqwe: right, that is the thing. Sugar gets installed but not the other packages per se.
[06:31] <DanaG> Even Gnome is using the wrong program.
[06:31] <DanaG> What the heck?
[06:32] <h3sp4wn_> Not done anything silly like left the alternative set to totem or anything
[06:32] <DanaG> Duuuuuude, if I tell it to use MPlayer, it should NOT try to open it with Totem!
[06:32] <DanaG> What alternative?
[06:32] <DanaG> Even gnome-open uses the wrong thing.
[06:32] <Amaranth> DanaG: Right click on said file, go to properties, open with tab
[06:33] <Amaranth> to set the default applcation
[06:33] <DanaG> I did that.
[06:33] <DanaG> And now double-clicking the file works correctly, but gnome-open does not.
[06:33] <Amaranth> Also, you have to uninstall the totem-mozilla package to make firefox use the mplayer plugin
[06:34] <DanaG> Well, check out those pages and notice that the "Video" tab with the SWF animation does not work.
[06:34] <DanaG> Oh, and here's another random link: my brightness bug. bug 121833
[06:34] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off when between discrete levels, both from hotkeys and from dim-on-idle." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121833
[06:35] <DanaG> I guess I should probably add the base "Linux" task/
[06:35] * Amaranth wonders why you think he could fix that
[06:46] <heret1c> Anyone in the mood to analyze output from sudo apt-get -f install | sudo dpkg --configure -a ? Film at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56315/
[06:48] <h3sp4wn_> I have never seen apt-get -f install ever make the situation better
[06:50] <hyper___ch> no updates today?
[06:51] <heret1c> h3sp4wn> it's a desperate measure. I'm at my wits' end.
[06:51] <h3sp4wn_> I think gb.archive may be out of sync
[06:51] <h3sp4wn_> I just got the new kernel from de.archive.ubuntu.com
[06:51] <hyper___ch> there was a new kernel yesterday
[06:51] <hyper___ch> Sysinfo for 'xubi': Linux 2.6.24-8-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: AMDSempron2400+ at 1683 MHz (3371 bogomips), , RAM: 997/1010MB, 158 proc's, 13.53h up
[06:51] <heret1c> 'lo hyper_ch
[06:51] <hyper___ch> hiho heret1c
[06:52] <h3sp4wn_> Are they in the process of cutting a new alpha ?
[06:52] <hyper___ch> dunno :)
[06:53] <ArtVandalae> Hi, can anyone confirm that his was the wallpaper pulled down in the latest hardy update: http://andregondim.eti.br/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/hardy-tela.png
[06:53] <hyper___ch> but getting daily updates just makes me feel like the do work really hard on it :)
[06:53] <heret1c> hyper_ch>still have the apt* hassle. newest at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56315/
[06:53] <h3sp4wn_> Try one day looking at the actual number of changed lines
[06:54] <hyper___ch> heret1c: what do you need clamav for?
[06:55] * DanaG uses aptitude for dependency handling.
[06:55] <DanaG> Run it with no parameters.
[06:55] <heret1c> hyper_ch> made sense at a time.
[06:56] <hyper___ch> heret1c: when? if you're not operationg a mailserver I don't see any sense in using AV ^^
[06:56] <heret1c> hyper_ch> guess you're right.
[06:57] <hyper___ch> heret1c: well, but that's not the problem ^^
[06:57] <h3sp4wn_> Even then an experienced postmaster can deal with things more efficiently than a program
[06:57] <hyper___ch> apt-get autoremove does work?
[06:57] <h3sp4wn_> (I experienced this first hand around the time of the first I Love you worm)
[06:57] <heret1c> DanaG> sudo aptitude?
[06:58] <hyper___ch> the biggest security risk on a computer is the user
[06:58] <h3sp4wn_> Always ?
[06:58] <heret1c> hyper_ch> nope. I'll run it again, and pastebin it.
[06:59] <hyper___ch> generally it is.... social engineering
[07:00] <h3sp4wn_> People have trouble understanding me at the best of times (when I wish to communicate with them)
[07:00] <hyper___ch> h3sp4wn_: I don't understand... can you say that again? ^^
[07:01] <hyper___ch> that was mean ;)
[07:02] <h3sp4wn_> hyper___ch: Its the truth
[07:02] <DanaG> You can even run aptitude as non-root and then only elevate when you need to.
[07:03] <heret1c> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/bootconfig/__init__.py'
[07:03] <hyper___ch> heret1c: what did you run?
[07:03] <h3sp4wn_> you could try dpkg -iGREB (or whatever it is on all the python deb's but its a long shot)
[07:04] <heret1c> appears to be the/a bottleneck.
[07:05] <heret1c> hyper_ch> sudo apt-get -f autoremove
[07:05] <hyper___ch> heret1c: and which package causes that trouble?
[07:07] <heret1c> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56318/
[07:09] <hyper___ch> hmmmm, don't really know
[07:10] <heret1c> ran sudo aptitude update ; sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo aptitude upgrade with much the same result.
[07:11] <h3sp4wn_> I always think of apt-get -f install to mean f**k everything up
[07:11] <hyper___ch> one does not use -f install ;)
[07:11] <hyper___ch> heret1c: I'd try to download those python packages again and install them again.... and then try to remove them again
[07:12] <h3sp4wn_> get them all in a directory
[07:12] <heret1c> what is it for, then?
[07:12] <h3sp4wn_> and keep running dpkg -iGREB *.deb (until the errors reduces)
[07:14] <heret1c> dpkg -iGREB *.deb / dpkg -i GREB *.deb ?
[07:15] <heret1c> w8...
[07:16] <DanaG> wtf is iGREB?
[07:17] <sweetsinse> anyone getting bad overall lag in hardy with firefox/
[07:17] <sweetsinse> especially with the scale plugin
[07:17] <hyper___ch> nope
[07:18] <lorenzo> I think I got the right channel now. :) Anyone getting wine 0.9.55 to run on Hardy?
[07:18] <hyper___ch> nope
[07:18] <hyper___ch> !anyone
[07:18] <ubotu> A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[07:18] <h3sp4wn_> DanaG: The meanings are all in the man page
[07:18] <h3sp4wn_> (I just think its easier to remember in that order)
[07:18] <sweetsinse> !hi
[07:18] <ubotu> Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1!
[07:18] <zqwe> sweetsinse: scale? some kind of zoom? hardy now how firefox 3 which support zoom native
[07:19] <sweetsinse> no the scale plugin for compiz
[07:19] <lorenzo> Well, the real question is why do I get a segfault when I try to runapps under wine 0.9.55?
[07:19] <sweetsinse> i have firefox 3 as well
[07:19] <zqwe> lorenzo: exactly
[07:19] <sweetsinse> but it is just so laggy comared to gutsy
[07:19] <h3sp4wn_> Is there a way to disable the strict certificate checking stuff with firefox 3
[07:19] <hyper___ch> lorenzo: becaue hardy is still alpha
[07:20] <sweetsinse> the scale plugin that puts all your windows on one page and scales them all so they fit
[07:20] <hyper___ch> h3sp4wn_: can't you do it in the ff options?
[07:20] <zqwe> lorenzo: guess it cuz they pack hardy with release candidate kernel, ingnoring the fact of kernel release
[07:20] <h3sp4wn_> hyper___ch: didn't see it if its somewhere in about:config I cannot be bothered
[07:21] <sweetsinse> will that be updated by alpha 5 or release
[07:21] <h3sp4wn_> I like the kde4 version of konqueror its great and quick
[07:21] <lorenzo> zqwe: That could be. 0.9.54 still works, since I pulled it from my archive. So it could be the kernel.
[07:22] <zqwe> lorenzo: mmm if 54 works, then it could be wine bug
[07:22] <zqwe> of 55
[07:23] <lorenzo> zqwe: In that case I should report the bug, but I'm not sure where to look to find out why it segfaults. A general segfault makes for a very nasty bug report.
[07:23] <h3sp4wn_> check its not already on the winehq bugtracker 1st
[07:30] <heret1c> phew.
[07:33] <zqwe> there was a debug program....
[07:33] <heret1c> Is rdesktop an option? my system is fubar from my perspective, although many things work glawlessly.
[07:33] <ffer> hum... lost compiz after the last update, kernel update and compiz-fusion update
[07:34] <ffer> compiz
[07:34] <ffer> Checking for Xgl: not present.
[07:34] <ffer> probably kernel? ...
[07:34] <zqwe> catchsegv!
[07:35] <zqwe> lorenzo: run catchsegv wine program
[07:39] <ffer> brb, going back to 2.6.24-7
[07:39] * lorenzo checked the winehq bugtracker. I couldn't find any general segfaults, only references to segfaults while running certain programs, mostly games. catchsegv spewed a bunch of letters and numbers and something about pthread and the like. I can paste that into the bug report if it will help.
[07:42] <zqwe> lorenzo: if something help, this is will be debug info
[07:42] <Assid> hey
[07:42] <lorenzo> zqwe: Thanks. I'll report it and paste this info in the report.
[07:44] <lorenzo> Oh how nice! :) I was actually able to pipe the entire output of catchsegv into a file. So now I can just select the entire text from a text editor to copy it instead of having to scroll back through my terminal history. :)
[07:45] <heret1c> yo reinstall or reisnstall, that's the qyestuin. wether it's nobler to suffer the slings and cirquits or outrageous commands, or take up arms against a sea of errors...
[07:46] <Assid> err
[07:47] <Assid> shouldnt the cups printer allow you to see the color cartridge levels?
[07:47] <Assid> like whether the black/color cartridge needs refilling
[07:55] <lorenzo> The wine bug is reported and listed as #192562. I hope I did that right. :)
[08:16] * h3sp4wn_ thinks of a quick reinstall but this time onto lvm2 so I can make auto snapshots (don't need much space really on this box)
[08:17] * hyper___ch makes snapshots every 6h with rsync and hardlinks ,
[08:18] <heret1c> Would it be sensuble to offer someone wise on the apt* issue to rdesktop to my box, have a peek at the problem "in situ"?
[08:18] <h3sp4wn_> I don't actually have any important data on my laptop at all
[08:18] <hyper___ch> h3sp4wn_: ^^
[08:19] <h3sp4wn_> hyper___ch: How long do they take ?
[08:19] <shirish> does anybody how one can find out which wm is one using?
[08:19] <shirish> on the CLI
[08:19] <hyper___ch> h3sp4wn_: not long
[08:19] <DanaG> Here's one thing you can do: gnome VNC server, set to disallow controlling.
[08:19] <DanaG> That'd be safer than giving control.
[08:20] <hyper___ch> shirish: starx ^^
[08:20] <hyper___ch> startx I mean
[08:20] <shirish> hyper___ch: I don't want to start x server, I'm in xserver environment, I just want to know which window manager I'm in.
[08:20] <h3sp4wn_> You could them a one time opiekey password with telnet possibly
[08:21] <shirish> hyper___ch: or which wm I'm using
[08:21] <hyper___ch> shirish: logout and login again see the session
[08:21] <shirish> hyper___ch: nothing that can be found out through the CLI?
[08:21] <hyper___ch> how comes you don't know which one you use?
[08:21] <hyper___ch> shirish: sure it can - somehow
[08:21] <hyper___ch> shirish: look at the processes that are running
[08:22] <h3sp4wn_> There is the x-window-manager alternative
[08:22] <h3sp4wn_> but gnome seems to fsck around with that so it loads anyway unless you hardcode into .xsession
[08:23] <DanaG> Look at /usr/bin/gnome-wm
[08:23] <Amaranth> shirish: The better question is why you need to know
[08:24] <shirish> Amaranth: I basically put it to sugar, thinking it will have some different interface, but can't find out any differences which stand out.
[08:24] <Amaranth> shirish: uh
[08:24] <Amaranth> Trust me, you'll know if you're using sugar
[08:24] <Amaranth> Because you'll say "where did all control of my computer go?"
[08:24] <Amaranth> and "how do I open a terminal?"
[08:26] * DanaG is still using an old version of nvidia-glx-new, because the new version STILL isn't showing a changelog.
[08:26] <DanaG> ... and neither is hplip.
[08:26] <shirish> Amaranth: that's exactly the reason, I'm asking for I don't see anything different
[08:26] <h3sp4wn_> Its annoying there is no open terminal on the right mouse click menu
[08:27] <shirish> h3sp4wn_: IIRC there is/was a nautilus extension or something which made the right-click terminal appear.
[08:27] <DanaG> Is there any way to keep track of how much data apt has downloaded in a given time period?
[08:27] <Amaranth> shirish: If it doesn't look like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:XO-sugar.png you're not in sugar
[08:27] <h3sp4wn_> shirish: Sun has it as a patch
[08:28] <Amaranth> !info nautilus-open-terminal
[08:28] <ubotu> nautilus-open-terminal (source: nautilus-open-terminal): nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 22 kB, installed size 636 kB
[08:28] <Amaranth> Sun does a lot of stupid things
[08:28] <heret1c> h3sp4wn_> alt-F2, <name if terminal>
[08:29] <shirish> Amaranth: I don't see it, lemme log out again & see if I can get it.
[08:29] <Amaranth> heret1c: No no, with this extension right click and "Open in Terminal" will automatically open a terminal in the current directory
[08:30] <Amaranth> so if you're in nautilus looking at /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/mimetypes the terminal will open in that directory too so you don't have to cd to it
[08:30] <DanaG> How do you change your color choice after the first run?
[08:30] <sweetsinse> ugh this compiz lag in hardy with web browsers is driving me nuts
[08:30] <h3sp4wn_> Amaranth: I dunno waste of time adding more levels of abstraction when the reason why its unimplimented is one of those we know best ...
[08:30] <Amaranth> sweetsinse: Hell Intel 965 user
[08:31] <Amaranth> err, hello
[08:31] <Amaranth> At least you can use compiz, unlike in gutsy
[08:31] <Amaranth> And we have a possible fix for the problem, too
[08:31] <DanaG> I don't see how to change your color after the initial run.
[08:32] <Amaranth> color of what?
[08:32] <DanaG> Your little person icon.
[08:33] <DanaG> In Sugar, I mean.
[08:33] <DanaG> Oh, and how do you force-quit an activity that won't start?
[08:33] <h3sp4wn_> tried gconf editor (most of the crap is in there)
[08:33] <Amaranth> oh, i've never used sugar
[08:33] <Amaranth> not my kind of thing
[08:35] <DanaG> I don't see sugar in gconf.
[08:36] <Daisuke_Ido> ooh, is the 965 finally going to be getting better?
[08:36] <Daisuke_Ido> and i have no problem using compiz in gutsy on a 965
[08:37] <ffer> still can't get compiz to start... Xgl not present, nvidia drivers are loaded
[08:37] <DanaG> It's actually in .sugar
[08:38] <Daisuke_Ido> xgl with nvidia?
[08:38] <ffer> yes
[08:38] <Daisuke_Ido> ...why?
[08:38] <ffer> that's what it's doing...
[08:39] <Daisuke_Ido> ah, i thought you were *trying* to use xgl with nvidia
[08:39] <Daisuke_Ido> nevermind, carry on -_-
[08:41] <ffer> ~glxinfo
[08:41] <ffer> name of display: :0.0
[08:41] <ffer> Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
[08:44] <RAOF> ffer: You'd be on amd64, yes?
[08:45] <ffer> yes
[08:45] <RAOF> You're hitting the libglx symlink issue. There's a fix on the way (a new linux-restricted-modules)
[08:45] <ffer> ok, great! thanks =)
[08:46] <RAOF> They've broken gallium on amd64, too.
[08:46] <RAOF> No one loves x86-64 :)
[08:46] <ffer> who broke it, upstream somewhere?
[08:47] <RAOF> Yes.
[08:47] <DanaG> Woah, alt-R rotates the Sugar interface.
[08:47] <RAOF> It's only available upstream :)
[08:47] <DanaG> .... and it rotates the mouse, too!
[08:47] <ffer> ok =)
[08:47] <DanaG> Wow, that's confusing.
[08:48] <ffer> learning... keep digging deeper, know a lot and yet I don't in other areas... ~
[08:53] <Dupasax> hello, anyone have running hardy??
[08:54] <ffer> still trying to work out searching in launch pad ... if I search for "libglx symlink" I get "No results for search libglx symlink"
[08:54] <heret1c> Dupasax> sort of.
[08:54] <ffer> I search in google and I get this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/192524
[08:54] <ffer> =)
[08:54] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192524 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Hardy: Dangling libglx.so symlink in nvidia-glx-new breaks 3D acceleration (dup-of: 192253)" [High,Triaged]
[08:54] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192253 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "xorg glx module is missing" [High,Confirmed]
[08:55] * ffer is running hardy
[08:58] <heret1c> "unmet dependencies" on "sudo apt-get upgrade" usually means the package isn't in the repository (yet) - yes?
[09:00] <DanaG> I still haven't installed the updated nvidia-glx-new, because there's no changelog. I try to avoid installing stuff without changelogs.
[09:01] <_Assid_> bah
[09:01] <_Assid_> everythings messed up now
[09:01] <_Assid_> DanaG: whatever fixed ytour issue.. messed mine up
[09:01] <heret1c> assid> du courage. :)
[09:02] <DanaG> What issue?
[09:03] <_Assid_> err. keyboard/x/compiz?
[09:03] <_Assid_> i want my glx :|
[09:04] <DanaG> oh, I figured out what was causing my key stickage: using evdev for keyboard.
[09:04] <_Assid_> okay
[09:04] <_Assid_> found another issue
[09:04] <DanaG> Apparently, the new evdev sucks -- you can't configure it through xorg.conf anymore!
[09:04] <Daisuke_Ido> DanaG: nvidis-glx-new is still a binary driver, it's still the same version that's been available, nvidia hasn't released a new one
[09:04] <_Assid_> 2d is apparently slower in linux as compared to windows
[09:04] <_Assid_> i tried to watch a huge flash file (standard def)
[09:05] <heret1c> sudo apt-please-fix-my-system-now-or-I-go-bananas
[09:05] <_Assid_> and i could see a few places where the frames/refresh was noticable
[09:05] <Daisuke_Ido> the only thing that would have been changed is the kernel module which... well that has to be recompiled
[09:05] <_Assid_> heret1c: pay apt $1400 it might do it
[09:05] <_Assid_> so anyways..
[09:05] <_Assid_> i saw some places where the refresh lines are more noticable than it was on windows
[09:06] <ffer> yeah I miss glx also, makes you appreciate it more =)
[09:06] <_Assid_> yeah
[09:06] <heret1c> assid> right - I'll wait a dew days, and I can have the 1400 for a single NOK. 8-)
[09:06] <_Assid_> if you really wanna do testing.. you dont break things that works
[09:06] <_Assid_> nok?
[09:06] <heret1c> local currency.
[09:07] <heret1c> NorwegianKrone
[09:07] <heret1c> O
[09:07] <Daisuke_Ido> heret1c: was that a gentle stab at the swiftly tanking dollar?
[09:07] <_Assid_> refresh rates of moving windows around is sucky
[09:08] <DanaG> Well, I'm thinking perhaps the new nvidia-glx-new is something I shouldn't install until I know it doesn't break anything. It's only an ABI bump, though.
[09:08] <heret1c> stange thing is, most things works.
[09:08] <Daisuke_Ido> DanaG: it isn't new, it's the same driver
[09:08] <Daisuke_Ido> if it didn't break anything before...
[09:09] <DanaG> Anyway, I really must be going to bed now.
[09:09] <ffer> just try it and get it over with =)
[09:09] <_Assid_> does glx affect 2d ?
[09:09] <DanaG> But it still bugs me that some things, such as hplip, NEVER EVER show changelogs in update-manager. Never.
[09:09] <DanaG> Ever.
[09:10] <_Assid_> moving windows is slightly sluggish compared to what it "SHOULD": be
[09:10] <_Assid_> i dotn remember how it was
[09:10] <DanaG> Bed. Bye.
[09:10] * _Assid_ goes back to fix his pg db
=== _Assid_ is now known as Assid
[09:12] <sveri> does somebody use kmail with the bogofilter?
[09:13] <hyper___ch> !anyone
[09:13] <ubotu> A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[09:13] <sveri> *fg
[09:13] <sveri> :P
[09:14] <sveri> does somebdoy use kmail with bogofilter and experience bogofilter not filtering?
[09:16] <heret1c> "You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these." - evil, evil.
[09:16] <RAOF> Assid: GLX won't affect 2d, except that you won't have compiz being a compositing manager and so the 2d engine will need to work harder.
[09:16] <sveri> heret1c: do you mean me?
[09:17] <ffer> just uses more cpu and uses your computer memory, right?
[09:18] <RAOF> ffer: Are you responding to "no composite => slower window movement"?
[09:18] <ffer> yes
[09:20] <RAOF> Well, basically it means that your system needs to draw a lot more. Just moving windows around with a composite manager doesn't involve any applications redrawing at all.
[09:20] <Assid> well.. it definitely seems slower
[09:20] <heret1c> sveri> nope. it's an apt suggestion.
[09:20] <Assid> they really shouldnt break stuff that works
[09:20] <Assid> either enhance it or fix stuff thats broken
[09:20] <RAOF> It was accidental. That's why there's the big "don't use Hardy if you can't handle breakage" sign is up.
[09:20] <Assid> that way ATLEAST we can get to higher quality builds faster
[09:21] <Assid> RAOF: yeah true
[09:21] <ffer> yes, they don't mean to break it =)
[09:21] <Assid> who knows
[09:21] <Assid> some people get sadistic pleasure and kicks watching people go WTF?!
[09:21] <ffer> lol...
[09:21] <Assid> or probably the guy went.. hrmm so lets see how people will respond to this....
[09:22] <Assid> and then go ... just kidding ....
[09:22] <ffer> just seeing if you were awake
[09:22] <Assid> trust me i notice if shit breaks
[09:22] <ffer> ... hate that when teachers do that when you correct their major mistakes =)
[09:22] * heret1c looks up
[09:22] <Assid> the sharing folders is broken
[09:22] <Assid> the gui atleast
[09:22] <Assid> it doesnt save back tot he smb.conf
[09:22] <Assid> try and make a new change.. and save it
[09:23] <heret1c> Old saying goes, "When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears".
[09:24] <Assid> might hrmm
[09:24] <hyper___ch> any astrophysicician online?
[09:24] <Assid> randomly stops working.. and works
[09:25] <heret1c> In hindsight (yeah, very useful...) I should have deinstalled all but the most crucial bits. Having 4 GUIs installed is asking for it.
[09:25] <Assid> ??
[09:26] <heret1c> hyper___ch> only as an interest/hobby. did u know, space is electric?
[09:26] <hyper___ch> no didn't :)
[09:26] <hyper___ch> I just wonder why earth core isn't cooling down... is it because the earth revolves around the sound and the gravitational forces keep it in motion with of course produces heat?
[09:27] <heret1c> youtube: thunderbolts of the gods
[09:27] <ffer> well I got minor problems like my numlock doesn't turn on anymore, numlock on is enabled in the bios
[09:28] <hyper___ch> ffer: sudo apt-get install numlockx
[09:28] <ffer> it worked before, hyper___ch: thank you !
[09:29] <hyper___ch> anyone knows french here?
[09:29] <hyper___ch> if so: http://www.parissaveparis.fr/
[09:29] <ffer> NumLockX turns on NumLock after starting X, handy =)
[09:31] <Assid> can someone config this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/192579
[09:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192579 in gnome-system-tools "shares-admin sometimes doesnt synch with smb.conf" [Undecided,New]
[09:31] <hyper___ch> Assid: no
[09:32] <Assid> no?
[09:32] <hyper___ch> Assid: no, not using gnome
[09:33] <Assid> err.. try it in kde's sharing tool ?
[09:33] <hyper___ch> I don't use sharing tools
[09:34] <hyper___ch> configuring samba manually
[09:34] <Assid> okay well other poeople besides you then
[09:35] <Assid> err.. anyone synch'd their nokia phones
[09:35] <Assid> via usb cable
[09:36] <heret1c> assud> not after upgrading to hardy.
[09:36] * heret1c tries
[09:36] <heret1c> (have a 6070)
[09:36] <Assid> i got an E61
[09:38] <Assid> how do you sync it?
[09:39] <heret1c> ...assuming I locate the cable.
[09:39] <heret1c> gnokii.
[09:41] <Assid> hrmm never tried gnokii
[09:41] <Assid> hows it compare to nokia's pc suite?
[09:43] <heret1c> can't dl pix.
[09:44] <Assid> err why not ?
[09:44] <Assid> doesnt it mount the phone?
[09:44] <heret1c> it works.
[09:45] <heret1c> slow, 'tho.
[09:45] <Assid> xgnokii hangs :(
[09:45] * Assid tries bluetooth
[09:46] <heret1c> /dev/ttyUSB0
[09:47] <Assid> yeah but how do you get xgnokii to work
[09:47] <Assid> it just tries to connect and sits there
[09:48] <ffer> I never got my nokia to work, well was able to copy my photos, used nokia's suit to copy my contacts in windows, got a motorola phone now, didn't mess with it yet =)
[09:48] <heret1c> assid> xgnokii works here.
[09:48] <Assid> needs to run through sudo ?
[09:49] <Assid> Couldn't read /home/assid/.gnokiirc config file.
[09:49] <Assid> i dont have that file
[09:49] <heret1c> sudo not necessary.
[09:52] <heret1c> Very sad, none of the linux mobile-connect sw seems to be able to fetch pix from the phones' cam.
[09:53] <ethana3> bitpim
[09:53] <ethana3> not in real time
[09:53] <heret1c> better linux/mobile connectivity ought to be a VERY high priority for the platform as a whole.
[09:53] <ethana3> other software can? feature request
[09:53] <ethana3> yes.
[09:53] <ethana3> andriod, qtopia, and openmoko will do that
[09:54] <ethana3> transparency breeds innovation
[09:54] <ethana3> ...reverse engineering takes too long
[09:55] <Assid> heret1c: pastebin your .gnokiirc file
[09:55] <heret1c> w8...
[09:57] <Assid> err
[09:57] <Assid> issue
[09:57] <heret1c> assid> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56334/
[09:58] <heret1c> It's rather sparse.
[10:02] <heret1c> "They fight by shuffling papers..."
[10:09] <ph8> hey all, how's heron doing? Are we past beta 3 yet?
[10:09] <heret1c> alpha 4.
[10:09] <hyper___ch> runs fine
[10:10] <ph8> my evolution's messed up, and i'd like some of the other packages
[10:10] <ph8> fancied a change
[10:10] <ph8> might do it on my laptop first :)
[10:11] <heret1c> get thunderbird?
[10:11] <ph8> i would use it if i could, i need something that works with exchange (http)
[10:11] <ph8> tis what the university gives us without optionj
[10:12] <heret1c> 11:11
[10:12] <Assid> err
[10:13] <Assid> every time i try to change any settings in manual configuration for networking.. it goes off saying i dont have permissions
[10:13] <Assid> wtf?!
[10:13] <Assid> atleast ask me if i want to authenticate tyen
[10:15] <Assid> i cant get my gprs modem to work :(
[10:15] <heret1c> sudo?
[10:17] <Assid> i clicked unlock
[10:17] <Assid> so why do i need to sudo
[10:18] <heret1c> tried?
[10:18] <Assid> The configuration could not be saved You are not allowed to modify the system configuration
[10:19] <heret1c> sounds as there is an ownership/write-permission issue on the file.
[10:19] <Assid> sudo network-admin i cant modify anything
[10:19] <Assid> i need to start "recordmydesktop" for 1/2 of the crap i do
[10:22] <loa> hey=) i make sound after hibernate XD
[10:23] <loa> Now i didn't disapear after hibernate!
[10:24] <Raspberry> I just installed Hardy Alpha 4
[10:25] <Raspberry> and I was going to add a few lines to my xorg.conf -- and I notice it's basically empty
[10:25] <loa> =)
[10:25] <loa> Be carefull
[10:25] <Raspberry> I went to the Screen / Monitors thing in Gnome and that's blank too :P
[10:25] <Raspberry> so where should I be putting things
[10:25] <loa> That's right
[10:25] <loa> All goes automaticly
[10:26] <Raspberry> I was reading about 7.2
[10:26] <Raspberry> it'd be nice if they'd backport the MESA libraries to 7.10
[10:26] <Raspberry> then I wouldn't have had to upgrade
[10:26] <Raspberry> 3d / opengl is all screwed up in 7.10
[10:27] <Raspberry> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa
[10:27] <Raspberry> heh
[10:27] <ant30> why firefox2 has been removed from hardy ?
[10:27] <Raspberry> because FireFox 3 is going to be released by the time Hardy comes out
[10:28] <ant30> yes, but ¿it can't coexist?
[10:28] <ant30> two version at the same time '
[10:29] <Raspberry> actually they can coexist
[10:29] <Raspberry> but if you're asking how to do it ... then you shouldn't do it :)
[10:29] <Raspberry> 3 is much better than 2 anyway
[10:30] <Raspberry> the number is bigger
[10:30] <ant30> yes, I have to compile
[10:30] <Raspberry> why do you have to compile things?
[10:30] <ant30> well, there are a only problem with firefox3
[10:30] <ant30> plugins
[10:30] <ant30> extensions
[10:31] <ant30> I haven't got firefox2 on my repositories listing
[10:31] <Raspberry> most plugins have be updated
[10:31] <Raspberry> you can edit the plugin to work with firefox 3 if you want
[10:31] <Raspberry> most of them work fine with 3
[10:31] <ant30> umm, great idea
[10:32] <Raspberry> just open the xpi file ... edit the js file and change the maximum version to 4
[10:32] <ant30> yes yes
[10:32] <Raspberry> that's what I do :p
[10:32] <ant30> I did it on 1.5 to 2
[10:33] <Raspberry> ok now back to important things :P my question
[10:33] <Raspberry> so it's ok to modify my xorg.conf
[10:33] <Raspberry> or is there somewhere I should be tweaking the X config for my video card
[10:33] <Raspberry> I have one of the new X3100 off Intel's Mobile 965GM Chipset
[10:33] <loa> yes ues xorg config
[10:34] <loa> heh
[10:34] <loa> i have this card too)
[10:35] <loa> I see that it is clear xorg config... add section about touchpad and X goes down XD
[10:37] <soc> ji
[10:37] <soc> hi
[10:37] <soc> will OO.o 2.4 get into 8.04?
[10:37] <soc> or will the 2.3.1 version stay?
[10:41] <loa> Help me please, i haven't any update about 24 hours or more(
[10:41] <Raspberry> 24 isn't out is it
[10:41] <loa> What can hapen(
[10:41] <ethana3> hmm
[10:41] <DarkMageZ> loa, i haven't had any updates in the last 24 hours either.
[10:41] <ethana3> i don't think i have either
[10:41] <loa> O_o
[10:42] <lemonade> it's not unusual
[10:42] <loa> I think there are upgrades
[10:42] <loa> But apt didn't see them
[10:42] <ethana3> maybe they're fixing oo-hyphenation, Screens and Graphics and network:///
[10:42] <loa> )))))
[10:42] <Raspberry> I fixed oo-hyphenation
[10:42] <Raspberry> :P
[10:42] <loa> Yeh
[10:42] <ethana3> yes, but manually
[10:42] <loa> dpkg helps us)
[10:43] <ethana3> kinda funny really
[10:43] <ethana3> 'I have to install it myself, how laborious'
[10:43] <ethana3> remember windows? ha
[10:43] <ethana3> i've grown lazy
[10:43] <ethana3> even mac users have to go online or get disks for software installation :)
[10:43] <Raspberry> so what's the status of KDE4 in 8.04
[10:44] <Raspberry> don't bother?
[10:44] <DarkMageZ> Raspberry, depends on how much crack you can handle
[10:44] <loa> )))))
[10:44] <DarkMageZ> you need to be really out of it to call kde4 a release
[10:44] <ethana3> i just submitted a tub full of feature requests for kmines ^_^
[10:45] <DarkMageZ> even vista beta 2 was better than kde4
[10:45] <ethana3> if they listen to half of them, it will become the best mines game on earth
[10:45] <ethana3> whoa, ok, that's heresy
[10:45] <ffer> what was it... kde4 needs to get out so people see the bugs and fix them =)
[10:45] <Raspberry> I've used KDE4
[10:45] <ethana3> Vista uses 7 times as much RAM
[10:45] <Raspberry> and it needs lots of work
[10:45] <Raspberry> I have vista on this box
[10:46] <Raspberry> 1.5gb of ram just to boot the darn thing
[10:46] <ffer> and... 4.1 will be about on par with 3.x
[10:46] <ethana3> plasma
[10:46] <ffer> and almost all the major problems fixed
[10:46] <ffer> =)
[10:46] <ethana3> when plasmoids start showing up in web pages..
[10:46] <DarkMageZ> hopefully 4.1 will be something worth looking at...
[10:46] <ethana3> it will rock
[10:46] <Raspberry> yeah
[10:46] <Raspberry> I like it so far
[10:46] <Raspberry> it's just like a woman
[10:46] <Raspberry> totally unpredictible
[10:46] <ffer> it's good though
[10:46] <ethana3> lol
[10:47] <ffer> lol...
[10:47] <Raspberry> looks nice though
[10:47] <DarkMageZ> Raspberry, we will have none of that kind of talk in here
[10:47] <ethana3> yeah, if you're not a dev
[10:47] <ethana3> hands of
[10:47] <ethana3> ..nvm..
[10:47] <Raspberry> I am a woman
[10:47] <ethana3> wait, what?
[10:47] <ffer> it was good for them to do that though, get a new base, a lot of work but it pays off hopefully
[10:47] <ethana3> yes.
[10:47] <ffer> =)
[10:48] * ethana3 remembers an xkcd strip with an EMP cannon
[10:48] <Raspberry> yeah I'm excited for KDE4
[10:48] <Assid> okay i cant get my stupid gprs to connect as a modem
[10:48] * Assid *sighs*
[10:48] <hyper___ch> One Xfce to rule all Desktops ;)
[10:48] <Raspberry> Assid: bluetooth or usb?
[10:48] <Assid> atm.. usb
[10:48] <Assid> bluetooth doesnt do serial yet in hardy
[10:49] <Assid> recordmydestkop is hung
[10:49] <hyper___ch> btw, anyone got vmware or vbox running?
[10:49] <ethana3> i think the competition with our wm's are awesome; compiz for the initial windows/mac butt kicking
[10:49] <ethana3> and revamped everything else to follow it up with stability
[10:50] <hyper___ch> compiz is overrated
[10:50] <hyper___ch> as is eyecandy in general
[10:50] <ethana3> it sells
[10:50] <ethana3> and if a little glamour can prevent a few dollars from going to microsoft, so be it, good deal
[10:51] <h3sp4wn_> So would naked or half naked women on the wallpapaer
[10:51] <ethana3> not with me
[10:51] <ffer> it does sell, it's worth it, just need to add more things that make it useful =)
[10:51] <xnitex> yeeeeeaaaa
[10:51] <hyper___ch> if people select an OS because of glamour than they don't deserve better than windows
[10:51] <ethana3> you mean mac?
[10:51] <ethana3> lol
[10:52] <xnitex> i'm still going with teh b00bs myself.
[10:52] <xnitex> =]
[10:52] <Assid> recordmydesktop crashes
[10:52] <ethana3> i must admit i chose ubuntu studio over ubuntu because of the black them
[10:52] <ethana3> ^_^
[10:52] <ffer> =)
[10:52] * heret1c afk's
[10:52] <xnitex> wow
[10:52] <xnitex> 430 updates from 6.10
[10:53] <xnitex> haaaaaaaaaaaahaha
[10:53] <hyper___ch> I use whatever theme comes with it
[10:53] <loa> XD
[10:53] <ethana3> exactly
[10:53] <xnitex> modification = sex
[10:53] <xnitex> :P
[10:54] <ethana3> ..aaand that's why i jumped away from windows
[10:54] <h3sp4wn_> Its best for my eyes to have light text on black background
[10:54] <ethana3> absolutely, h3sp4wn
[10:54] <h3sp4wn_> Most of the default themes are crap in that respect
[10:54] <ethana3> everyone is different; ubuntu should come with 3 or 4 solid themes
[10:55] <ethana3> I've sent gnome-look a suggestion:
[10:55] <h3sp4wn_> ls -la
[10:55] <ethana3> create a set of guidelines and standards for themes to be approved as part of a Featured Theme pack
[10:55] <h3sp4wn_> (grr)
[10:55] <ethana3> there's no shortage of themes; there's a shortage of good, complete, polished themes
[10:57] <h3sp4wn_> That will always be the case though as the final touches takes so much longer than all the rest to do
[10:58] <ethana3> i love how updates encompass everything
[11:00] <ethana3> the best solution is a theme that can work with various colors
[11:00] <ethana3> if i could swap out orange in human with purple, I'd do it; or green or blue.. or black..
[11:01] <ethana3> and I'd probably be happy
[11:01] <ethana3> but 'the current controls theme does not support....
[11:02] <ffer> they need the standard default one, then the 2 cool crazy ones that are hard to pick from
[11:03] <loa> I think that will be cool fuction in apt if there be warning, if updating of packet can be dangerous
[11:04] <Raspberry> hmmm
[11:04] <Raspberry> looks like Wine is broken
[11:04] <Raspberry> apt used to do that
[11:04] <Raspberry> it used to say there are X number of bugs outstanding with this package
[11:04] <Raspberry> at least it does in debian
[11:04] <Amaranth> apt-listbugs?
[11:04] <Raspberry> and it shows you the bugs w/bug numbers
[11:04] <h3sp4wn_> loa: Debian has apt-list-changes and apt-list-bigs
[11:05] <Raspberry> when you're installing
[11:05] <Assid> recordmydesktop: ../../src/xcb_io.c:285: _XAllocID: Assertion `!(dpy->flags & (1L << 3))' failed.
[11:05] <Assid> Aborted (core dumped)
[11:05] <Assid> recordmydesktop seems bummered
[11:06] <Amaranth> Raspberry: Except that's worthless
[11:06] <Amaranth> Raspberry: compiz has about 400 bugs filed against it right now and it works just fine here
[11:07] <Assid> ati drivers?
[11:07] <Amaranth> I think update-manager has over 600
[11:08] <Assid> i dont think we cna havea bug free release
[11:08] <Assid> too many bugs
[11:10] <Assid> + our update schedule is more like all or nothing scenario
[11:10] <Assid> for a single update.. we gotta wait for more than justa few packages in the repositories
[11:10] <Assid> bbiab
[11:10] <Raspberry> they need a better way to integrate launchpad into the desktop
[11:10] <Raspberry> so people can see that the problems are known issues
[11:12] <ethana3> I'd not mind a debug release
[11:13] <ethana3> this is alpha; spy on me all you want
[11:13] <Raspberry> yeah
[11:13] <ethana3> if i need privacy, i can use something stable
[11:13] <Raspberry> or alpha is opt out
[11:13] <ethana3> yeah
[11:13] <ffer> your always going to have bugs
[11:13] <ethana3> that'd work grand
[11:13] <ethana3> yes, but to not report one?
[11:14] <ethana3> for shame
[11:14] <ffer> you can't let bugs stop progress =)
[11:14] <ethana3> this is why we have standard interfaces
[11:14] <ethana3> posix, .odt, X11, dbus...
[11:14] <ethana3> better kernel? ok.
[11:15] <ethana3> better window manager? fine
[11:15] <ffer> it'll be like, ubuntu has all these bugs, then you go, wow I don't want to install that
[11:15] <ffer> =)
[11:15] <ethana3> oh, that idea
[11:15] <ethana3> i was a tad confused ^_^
[11:18] <evacchi> hi guys
[11:19] <evacchi> i'm currently trying 2.6.24-8 to see if i can make wireless work
[11:19] <evacchi> i'm experiencing a fatal hang
[11:19] <evacchi> what does the blinking caps lock means?
[11:19] <evacchi> i can't find any clue on my syslogs
[11:19] <evacchi> so i don't know how to report :(
[11:20] <evacchi> last working kernel for me is 2.6.24-4
[11:21] <evacchi> i forgot to tell i'm on gutsy but using hardy kernel, the driver is rt61pci
[11:28] <nikolam> Hi
[11:28] <nikolam> I wanted to compile newer wine.
[11:28] <nikolam> But sudo apt-get build-dep wine wanted to remove bunch of packages, I want to remain: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56340/
[11:28] <nikolam> i dont want to uninstall k9copy, monodevelop, ffmpeg, qdvdauthor, mplayer , etc.. in order to compile wine...
[11:29] <ethana3> nikolam: compile wine?
[11:29] <loa> <nikolam> hmmm
[11:29] <ethana3> compiling is usually for non x86 arch
[11:29] <ethana3> and with WINE... lol
[11:29] <loa> you need get new wine from official site
[11:29] <ethana3> are the packages not good enough for some reason?
[11:30] <nikolam> i get it from hardy repo and want to make package for current 7.10
[11:30] <ethana3> i use the winehq apt sometimes
[11:30] <loa> compile it and use checkinstall
[11:30] <ethana3> wait, yeah use the winehq apt
[11:30] <ethana3> that's what it's there for
[11:30] <nikolam> aaah ok
[11:30] <ethana3> very handy ^_^
[11:30] <evacchi> my bug seems to be known upstream
[11:31] <loa> why apt tries The following packages will be REMOVED:
[11:32] <loa> there are no broken dependencies on them?
[11:32] <nikolam> I wanted to avoid adding additional repos to sources.list, by compiling only packages versions and deps that are already in hardy and mantain 7.10 install.
[11:32] <nikolam> Ok, I will add winehq repo
[11:33] <nikolam> is it http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt ?
[11:33] <nikolam> and gutsy as distribution
[11:34] <ethana3> i think so
[11:34] <Raspberry> you having the segfault with wine in hardy too?
[11:34] <nikolam> nope, i run gutsy. i have 0.9.54 and i see 0.9.55 is newest
[11:35] <nikolam> maybe i should stick to 0.9.54
[11:35] <ethana3> no
[11:35] <ethana3> wine releases biweekly
[11:35] <ethana3> no stable/unstable stuff
[11:35] <nikolam> Oh, I see, I already have winehq repo..
[11:35] <Assid> nikolam: if you need it then yes
[11:35] <Assid> downgrade
[11:35] <Assid> thats what i did
[11:36] <nikolam> I dont neet to downgrade, i have gutsy and winehq repo. It gives .54
[11:36] <ethana3> if you have the repo, be content
[11:36] <nikolam> ok, it seems that i don`t need upgrade :)
[11:36] <ethana3> it will have you up to date to within 48 hours
[11:37] <nikolam> At least, not manual one. Ok, thanks :)
[11:37] <ethana3> yup
[11:37] <nikolam> Thanks ethana3 :)
[11:37] <ethana3> nikolam: no problem
[11:52] <Assid> err.. who ever manages the mirrors
[11:52] <Assid> sign me up for the pre-release mirrors
[11:52] <Assid> for those impatient asses who want their iso's NOW
[11:53] <Assid> i gotta clear this . but should be able to give 200-300gb of transfer :P
[12:48] <seeitcoming> Hi everyone, I have a question about epiphany --- is it "meant" to be broken with firefox 3? Or is it just me?
[12:55] <loa> <seeitcoming> firefox 3 has another api
[12:55] <loa> downgrade to firefox 2
[12:55] * theholyduck is likingk hardy
[12:55] <seeitcoming> loa: I tried, but I can't seem to purge it properly. Is it xulrunner-1.9 I need to downgrade?
[12:57] <loa> hm) i don't now nothing about xulranner
[12:57] <loa> purge him and install firefox 2
[13:02] <jussi01> Anything in hardy updates that I should be avoiding today?
[13:03] <LimCore> hello
[13:03] <LimCore> I noticed that there is an embarrassing bug from 2005 year
[13:03] <LimCore> not fixed till today, in 2008..
[13:04] <LimCore> http://zerlinna.blogweb.de/archives/61-Get-GPG-Decryption-working-within-Kmail.html
[13:04] <LimCore> can we at least auto-apply that work around?
[13:04] <LimCore> bugs is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnupg/+bug/15485
[13:04] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 15485 in gnupg "kmail don't ask the phrase for gpg-encrypted mails" [Medium,Fix released]
[13:05] <seeitcoming> LimCore: It's fixed
[13:05] <LimCore> seeitcoming: in hardy only?
[13:05] <seeitcoming> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnupg/+bug/15485/comments/23
[13:05] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 15485 in gnupg "kmail don't ask the phrase for gpg-encrypted mails" [Medium,Fix released]
[13:06] <LimCore> so, how to have it fixed on my box? amd64 7.10
[13:06] <seeitcoming> 2 versions ago. Are you sure you're fully-updated? And that you see the same bug?
[13:06] <LimCore> seeitcoming: watch the video there
[13:06] <seeitcoming> have you followed the advice in comment #24?
[13:06] <LimCore> no
[13:06] <LimCore> I recorded the bug on: http://limcore.com/learn/openpgp/v2_q3.ogg
[13:06] <seeitcoming> "The config change to use-agent by default will not get installed if you already have a ~/.gnupg directory. You will have to make the change by hand for an existing user that has used gnupg before. With the recent changes in kmail dependencies in Gutsy and this (and bug #76983) fixed, gpg should just work for new installs and new users."
[13:06] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 76983 in gnupg "Doesn't create settings correctly on first start" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76983
[13:08] <seeitcoming> LimCore: Happy?
[13:08] <setuid> How can I tell which xserver-xorg-video-XX I'm using? I'd like to uninstall/purge the ones I'm not.
[13:09] <LimCore> seeitcoming: would be nicer to have it just-working
[13:10] <seeitcoming> setuid: What's the "driver" in your xorg.conf?
[13:10] <setuid> Driver "fglrx"
[13:10] <setuid> or radeon, I switch depending on my needs
[13:10] <seeitcoming> LimCore: Apparently it is for new users. Modifying pure-userspace config files is not something they can really do in a upgrade
[13:10] <seeitcoming> setuid: Then all except -ati, I think
[13:11] <setuid> seeitcoming, So I can dump even the -vesa, -fbdev and so on?
[13:11] <setuid> I guess I'll leave those... might need to fall back on them at some point
[13:11] <seeitcoming> setuid: I wouldn't dump -vesa, because that's a backup for when ati breaks
[13:11] <seeitcoming> well, clear who's a better typist here :P
[13:11] <LimCore> see
[13:11] <setuid> Same with synaptics, mouse and vmmouse too, I suppose
[13:12] <LimCore> seeitcoming: the user that have tis problem was created today
[13:12] <seeitcoming> LimCore: And the config fix wasn't applied?
[13:12] <seeitcoming> setuid: Probably, but out of interest why would you remove them?
[13:12] <LimCore> seeitcoming: no. as I said I would like it to just work for new users
[13:13] <LimCore> when it would just work for new users?
[13:14] <seeitcoming> LimCore: My understanding is that it should
[13:16] <LimCore> seeitcoming: but it doesnt... did you watched the recording of the bug eprhaps
[13:16] <seeitcoming> LimCore: perhaps you need to reinstall the updated package after adding a new user. Or something. I'm not sure how the conditional fix works
[13:17] <seeitcoming> loa: I've downgraded firefox and firefox-gnome-support to their gutsy versions, but epiphany still uses firefox 3 from somewhere
[13:32] <setuid> seeitcoming_, Just purging all of the stuff I don't run/don't need on the system
[13:32] <setuid> sort of like carrying 200 pounds of cement bricks in your car... for no reason.
[13:33] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Fair enough. I usually only bother with large packages (kernels) though
[13:33] <setuid> I never run distro kernels
[13:33] <seeitcoming_> and the late docs. Dear jesus they're huge
[13:33] <seeitcoming_> *latex
[13:34] <setuid> latex docs and kde4 docs, yep.
[13:35] <seeitcoming_> what're the kde4 docs like?
[13:36] <setuid> Last I recall, they were like 700M in size
[13:38] <seeitcoming_> Wow. That's... err... handy
[13:46] <loa> damn( I haven't any update about 2 days
[13:46] <loa> what is it?
[13:46] <loa> apt bug?
[13:46] <setuid> loa, It's called "development"
[13:46] <loa> (
[13:47] <loa> Before last update i have about 100mb updates
[13:49] <desowin> can someone tell me where can I find sqlite qt4 driver? libqt4-sql 4.3.3-0ubuntu2 doesn't provide it, while libqt4-sql 4.3.3-0ubuntu1 had it included, how is it supposed to work now?
[13:51] <setuid> seeitcoming_, What's the best way to move from SysV init to upstart?
[13:52] <seeitcoming_> setuid: I think there's a guide on the ubuntu wiki. There's a compatability package iirc
[13:52] <setuid> I have that installed as well... I'd like to be sure upstart is the default, make sure it works, then drop the compat package
[13:54] <james_w> setuid: you can't currently drop the compat package, as there aren't enough native upstart init scripts written yet.
[13:54] <setuid> gotcha
[13:54] <MikeDK> hi everyone, i'm having trouble with this package openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us, and cant get it installed, running hardy
[13:54] <setuid> I haven't noticed a difference in startup speed at all, so they're likely not running in parallel
[13:54] <setuid> MikeDK, Right, it's broken.
[13:55] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Upstart doesn't change start-up speed
[13:55] <MikeDK> ooh okay, thanks
[13:55] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Its purpose is to provide a mechanism for more intelligent start-up, and as MikeDK said, not all programs yet provide this improved method
[13:55] <james_w> desowin: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/q/qt4-x11/qt4-x11_4.3.3-0ubuntu3/changelog <-- anything there seem like it may have broken it?
[13:55] <setuid> seeitcoming_, It's supposed to improve speed-to-X... by launching/delaying init scripts in parallel
[13:56] <seeitcoming_> setuid: There's a grub option for that, but afaik upstart has a grander (and as-yet-largely-unfulfilled) purpose
[13:56] <seeitcoming_> MikeDK: What problem are you having?
[13:57] <MikeDK> seeitcoming_, only tris package, thats annoying me openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us
[13:57] <MikeDK> uup this
[13:58] <seeitcoming_> MikeDK: Do you get an error on installing it?
[13:58] <setuid> What's the vga= line for 1600x1200 @64k or 16M? I can't find a table anywhere, they all stop short at 1280x1024
[13:59] <seeitcoming_> setuid: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/blog/archtoad6/2007-12-29/VGA_Resolution_Codes_for_GRUB_Lilo
[13:59] <MikeDK> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[13:59] <seeitcoming_> MikeDK: it looks like openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us is obsoleted by openoffice.org-hyphenation
[14:00] <MikeDK> yar i see that
[14:00] <seeitcoming_> are you missing hypenation in OOO with openoffice.org-hyphenation installed?
[14:00] <seeitcoming_> if not, why do you need openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us? :)
[14:00] <setuid> seeitcoming_, ah, there you go
[14:01] <MikeDK> dont know, im running on a update-manager -d hardy
[14:02] <seeitcoming_> MikeDK: why not just remove openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us then?
[14:02] <MikeDK> yes thought of that too
[14:04] <LimCore> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnupg/+bug/15485
[14:04] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 15485 in gnupg "kmail don't ask the phrase for gpg-encrypted mails" [Medium,Fix released]
[14:04] <LimCore> this bug still occures for me. should this bug be now fiexed in Ubuntu 7.10 amd64 ? (or only hardy) ?
[14:04] <desowin> james_w: oh, it's already reported as #178084
[14:05] <seeitcoming_> MikeDK: So what's wrong with that? Just removing the package?
[14:05] <setuid> Well, "splashy" doesn't work
[14:05] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Oh dear.
[14:05] <MikeDK> yes maybe it'll work
[14:06] <james_w> LimCore: it should be fixed in gutsy, did you make the necessary changes to your config?
[14:07] <shirish> !motu
[14:07] <ubotu> motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU
[14:08] <shirish> does anybody know which channel the motu are there, I want to talk with them.
[14:08] <LimCore> james_w: no
[14:08] <LimCore> james_w: but I created a new user, and I hoped it would work for the new user without by hand applying config changes
[14:09] <MikeDK> cant remove it, seeitcoming_ it depends on language-support-writing-en
[14:09] <james_w> shirish: #ubuntu-motu
[14:09] <seeitcoming_> MikeDK: that package doesn't seem to exist in my repos
[14:09] <MikeDK> but as i see it its language-support-writing-en thats broken
[14:10] <james_w> LimCore: then I don't know what the problem is, sorry.
[14:10] <LimCore> james_w: should I reopne this bug or report a new one?
[14:11] <james_w> LimCore: either, if you are sure it is the same issue then reopen it.
[14:13] <LimCore> james_w: I'm attaching a small video presenting the bug perhaps someone could take a look
[14:24] <setuid> update-grub is also broken in Hardy
[14:24] <setuid> sigh
[14:25] <setuid> It completely ignores defoptions
[14:25] <setuid> And adds kernels that don't exist in /boot/ to the config
[14:27] <h3sp4wn_> Its not that hard to even write a menu.lst manually if necessary anyway
[14:27] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Update-grub is working fine for me
[14:27] <seeitcoming_> Though I use grub2...
[14:29] <MikeDK> im off, have a good day guys
[14:29] <setuid> I've verified it several times. If I add an option to defoptions and run update-grub, it doesn't append those options to the kernel lines below, and it also adds stanzas for kernels which don't exist on the system at all
[14:29] <MikeDK> and thanks for info
[14:29] <setuid> I'm going to test this, I had to hand-hack the kernel lines in
[14:29] <seeitcoming_> MikeDK: bye
[14:30] <LimCore> today I found 4 bugs in ubuntu
[14:30] <LimCore> Im way over my quota of "I can daily find importnat bug in ubuntu"
[14:31] <ph8> hey all! I've just installed the latest image from scratch and grub failed to install - is this a known problem? I'm in a shell on the HDD using the rescue option at the moment and grub-install doesn't exist, i'm about to try and find hte package that provides it and USB stick it across - unless anyone has a better idea?
[14:31] <LimCore> how about creating some QA teams or something?
[14:32] <seeitcoming_> LimCore: If you're using a development release, you are the QA team
[14:32] <seeitcoming_> LimCore: And you have experienced these bugs, at least one of which has already been reported
[14:33] <seeitcoming_> adding 'me too' comments to bugs doesn't help. Why not try and provide some useful info the the devs, or, better yet, chase the app up-stream. Ubuntu devs aren't really expected to modify software directly
[14:33] <seeitcoming_> Finally, if it bothers you *that* much, patch it. That's the point of OSS, after all
[14:33] <setuid> Yep, and it seems the latest grub/initramfs/etc. doesn't like vga=798, claims it is an invalid mode 31e
[14:33] <LimCore> seeitcoming_: I provided recording of the bug :)
[14:34] <setuid> I'll give grub2 a try. I just removed the kernel lines from menu.lst, re-ran update-grub, and nothing at all was added or changed in that file.
[14:35] <seeitcoming_> LimCore: Ok, sure, so they know it happens. But what about looking at the conf file that the fix is meant to change and seeing if the fix was applied?
[14:35] <LimCore> gpg-agent something was uncommented
[14:35] <seeitcoming_> setuid: That is freaky-weird. Maye you already have grub-pc installed?
[14:35] <LimCore> now trying the blog work around
[14:36] <h3sp4wn_> setuid: Just use lilo
[14:36] <setuid> seeitcoming_, No, never have... and grub/update-grub were working great before moving to Hardy
[14:36] <setuid> h3sp4wn_, Nope. Can't use lilo.
[14:36] <h3sp4wn_> Nothing to go wrong with that
[14:36] <h3sp4wn_> why not ?
[14:36] <setuid> Because I can't.
[14:37] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Then definitely freaky. Maybe the devs are all focussed on -2 so they're ignoring 2
[14:37] <seeitcoming_> *1
[14:37] <setuid> seeitcoming_, Possibly. Looks like the chainloading worked, going to reboot and try grub2 now.
[14:37] <h3sp4wn_> Well it loads the kernel thats all that needs to happen
[14:37] <setuid> h3sp4wn_, Nope, that's not all a bootloader does.
[14:38] <h3sp4wn_> Its all a bootloader has to be able to do
[14:39] * seeitcoming_ is off. See you later!
[14:40] <setuid> seeitcoming_, Are you chainloading grub2? Or just booting into it directly?
[14:41] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Directly
[14:41] <seeitcoming_> Chainloading worked fine so I decided to cut out the middleman
[14:41] <setuid> seeitcoming_, What is the upgrade method to do that? It seems the grub2 package doesn't give that as an option.
[14:41] <seeitcoming_> the instructions are in the output of dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
[14:41] <seeitcoming_> sudo grub-install "(hd0)" && sudo update-grub
[14:42] <setuid> hrm
[14:42] <setuid> In my case, that still left it chainloaded
[14:42] <seeitcoming_> anyway, I'm off for a run. Good luck, and I'll be on later
[14:43] <setuid> Sure, and thanks.
[14:43] <setuid> I wish I could get some sort of boot splash working for this demo
[14:44] <setuid> None of the splash apps are working or ready for prime time though
[14:44] <h3sp4wn_> people have been using bootsplash for ages (suse etc)
[14:45] <setuid> Doesn't work on a 1600x1200 resolution
[14:45] <setuid> grub2's update-grub also doesn't append defoptions params to the kernel lines
[14:46] <LimCore> can I request to add one small patch to kernel? (incraese entropy pool, its nice to have it bigger)
[14:46] <setuid> LimCore, Submit it to the kernel package maintainer
[14:49] <setuid> kopt= and defoptions= is ignored in menu.lst with grub2
[14:49] <setuid> ugh
[14:52] <seeitcoming_> setuid: gru2 doesn't use menu.lst
[14:52] <seeitcoming_> ist uses grub.cfg
[14:52] <h3sp4wn_> LimCore: presumably it adds overhead
[14:52] <seeitcoming_> ;)
[14:52] <setuid> seeitcoming_, I noticed that, and there's no option in there to pass kernel options to the config for update-grub to append to kernels
[14:52] <setuid> Zero backward compatibility
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Yup
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> try /etc/defaults/grub
[14:53] <setuid> My kernels need:
[14:53] <setuid> panic=90 vga=798 pci=routeirq,noacpi noapic noinotify nmi_watchdog=1 acpi_sleep=s3_bios maxcpus=1 usbcore.autosuspend=1 quiet splashy splash
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> cat /etc/default/grub
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> # This file is sourced by update-grub, and its variables are propagated
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> # to its childs in /etc/grub.d/
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> GRUB_DEFAULT=0
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> GRUB_TIMEOUT=1
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=Debian
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=792 splash"
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> (sorry for the spam)
[14:53] <setuid> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" ... " is not there, so I don't know how I'd know to append that.
[14:53] <seeitcoming_> they changed the whole mechanism of everything
[14:53] <setuid> There should be a readme
[14:53] <h3sp4wn_> That looks like a seriously screwed bios
[14:54] <setuid> h3sp4wn_, Nope
[14:54] <seeitcoming_> sudo nano /etc/default/grub
[14:54] <seeitcoming_> just... add it
[14:54] <h3sp4wn_> pci=routeirq,noacpi noapic all of that reduces performance
[14:55] <setuid> h3sp4wn_, Not on Thinkpads and my AMD64 machines, it dramatically increases performance...
[14:55] <setuid> _dramatically_ increases performance
[14:55] <seeitcoming_> setuid: Seriously, just edit the file
[14:55] <setuid> seeitcoming_, I did, added it already
[14:55] <seeitcoming_> setuid: cool :D
[14:55] <seeitcoming_> though you're right, it's not exactly discoverable
[14:56] <h3sp4wn_> Is it not in the README.Debian
[14:57] <seeitcoming_> h3sp4wn_: there is none
[15:00] <setuid> Well, it boots...
[15:00] <setuid> Still doesn't like anything higher than 80x60 resolution at boot time, and splash/splashy both fail
[15:09] <setuid> blech, the edit mode of grub2 is horrible compared to the previous grub
[15:10] <seeitcoming_> setuid: not really imo. The file you edit isn't full of bizarre double-comments and so on
[15:10] <setuid> seeitcoming_, No no, I mean when you hit 'e' at grub's boot menu to modify the kernel lines before booting them
[15:10] <setuid> it's all emacs-like now
[15:11] <setuid> and free-form, very sloppy
[15:11] <seeitcoming_> setuid: oh yeah. not cool, but it's my humble opinion that people that design the boot process are on crack anyway
[15:11] <setuid> Some are
[15:12] <protonchris> Is anyone in here seeing issues with openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us today?
[15:12] <setuid> protonchris, Yes, it's broken
[15:12] <setuid> protonchris, dpkg -P it
[15:12] <protonchris> setuid: thanks.
[15:12] <protonchris> ok
=== Kalpik is now known as kalpik
[15:22] <setuid> The hell with it... usplash, bootsplash and splashy all fail
[15:23] <seeitcoming_> setuid: usplash works fine for me...
[15:23] <seeitcoming_> why do you need it at such an obscene resolution?
[15:23] <setuid> Nope, it refuses any mode I throw at it, from 798 to 500... and when I choose "mode 6", the screen goes black for about 30 seconds, while it continues to boot... then I see a quick init output in 1600x1200 resolution (as expected), then gdm loads.
[15:42] <Iulian> Hey
[15:42] <nemo> Is there by any chance an nvidia package for hardy a4 yet?
[15:42] <nemo> I'd like to avoid manual install, and without that BLOB I can't play Spring on my machine
[15:43] <nemo> .. I mean, not that a manual install is that painful, just that I don't like cluttering up system with such things
[15:53] <nemo> hm
[15:53] <nemo> the new nvidia installer is annoying
[15:53] <nemo> shut down X indeed
[15:53] <nemo> that could explain the lack of a package
[15:53] <nemo> oh well
[16:05] <seeitcoming_> setuid: what if you don't throw any mode at it?
[16:06] <theholyduck_> in ubuntu, root logins are disabled right?
[16:07] <theholyduck_> is there a reason why your themes and gnome setups arent softlinked into your /root/ directory?
[16:07] <theholyduck_> so that you are using the same theme in both synaptic
[16:07] <theholyduck_> and on the desktop?
[16:13] <WelshDragon> Hey, has anyone had a problem with firefox3 b3 not displaying?
[16:14] <setuid> seeitcoming_, Setting no mode just goes into the default 80x25 mode, blacks out, then loads gdm
[16:21] <WelshDragon> Everything i try to launch it, it appears in the panel "Starting firefox" but then just dissappears, any idea why?
[16:21] <WelshDragon> I've tried a complete removal and reinstall
[16:27] <WelshDragon> no one?
[16:28] <JanC> WelshDragon: tried Firefox's safe mode?
[16:28] <JanC> or (temporarily) removing/renaming the firefox profile
[16:29] <WelshDragon> I've tried safemode
[16:29] <WelshDragon> How would i remove the profile?
[16:34] <|Assid|> heya
=== |Assid| is now known as Assid
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[16:41] <lufis> Anyone used kde4 on hardy
[16:41] <lufis> ?
[16:41] <hydrogen> nope!
[16:41] <hydrogen> not a soul
[16:41] <lufis> :(
[16:42] <jpatrick> lufis: no much demand for it
[16:43] <Assid> i did
[16:43] <Assid> nice.. very fast
[16:43] <lufis> Was wanting to ask someone who had tried it how it was. i.e., slow, buggy
[16:43] <lufis> cool
[16:43] <Assid> but then i do have a quad core
[16:44] <Assid> has quite a bit of bugs tho.. and i do mean quite a bit
[16:44] <lufis> sigh.
[16:44] <Assid> shows promise if they can iron everything out
[16:44] <lufis> Usable, though?
[16:45] <Assid> well.. i only have the base installation as such
[16:45] <Assid> i tried kopete - kde4 .. and that crashed on me
[16:45] <Assid> the fonts.. and window manager in general.. brilliant
[16:45] <lufis> hm
[16:45] <Assid> pdf files load super fast from within konqueror
[16:45] <jpatrick> :)
[16:45] <Assid> faster than nautilis did
[16:45] <lufis> yeah, i don't like nautilus much
[16:46] <Assid> shows good promise.. i might port there
[16:46] <Assid> but last time i ran kubuntu.. support for gnome apps made it slower
[16:46] <Assid> and when you have a few gigs of email. You really cant afford things going slow
[16:47] <lufis> yeah
[16:47] <lufis> did 4.1 improve anything?
[16:47] <Assid> no clue
[16:47] <lufis> i tried a pre-release and it was godawful :p
[16:47] <lufis> i'm sure it's gotten better since
[16:48] <Assid> 4.1 ?
[16:48] <Assid> i didnt even know 4.0 was "complete"
[16:48] <lufis> 4.0 was released in january i think
[16:49] <lufis> and then 4.1 was either released or is about to be released
[16:49] <Assid> dunno
[16:49] <Assid> as far as the version released to hardy is concerned.. theres a long way to go
[16:49] <Assid> as i said.. very promising if they can pull it together
[16:49] <lufis> ah well, guess i'll give it a go
[16:50] <Assid> i loved the speed the apps opened up
[16:50] <Assid> atleast if that pdf was any hint
[16:50] <Assid> anyone here a bug tester as such ?
[16:50] <Assid> someone from launchpad preferably
[17:00] <Gnine> openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us package broken - system updated 02.17.2008 kernel 2.6.24-8 - compiz.real continues to crash
[17:03] <Gnine> compiz.real does not load on 'compiz --replace'
[17:03] <Gnine> via alt-f2
[17:07] <Gnine> http://pastebin.com/d19d764b8 <-- terminal output of compiz error
[17:09] <james_w> Gnine: are you on nvidia?
[17:09] <james_w> Gnine: your /var/log/xorg.0.log probably has some useful information?
[17:10] <Gnine> nvidia mx4000
[17:11] <Gnine> i doubt i'll be the only one with this error
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[17:51] <Gnine> reinstallation of nvidia-glx (as recommended on debug file) had zero effect. disabling restricted driver causes xserver to run on low resolution mode. results: compiz is null on new kernel.
[17:53] <Kalpik> Gnine, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=698805
[17:53] <Gnine> nvidia glx / restricted driver enabled has no errors. this is a compiz issue directly related to xgl not loading for some reason. i think
[17:53] <Kalpik> Gnine, just try that link
[17:53] <Gnine> k
[17:55] <sveri> ich lebe noch
[17:56] <sveri> sry, wrong channel
[17:56] <jpatrick> sveri: I hope you do to
[17:57] <sveri> jpatrick: *fg thx
[17:58] <Gnine> hopefully this is included in some batch fix for next update, Kalpik . i can work without xgl. i'll go ahead execute that thing anyway
[17:58] <Kalpik> Gnine, that should get compiz working again :)
=== Kalpik is now known as kalpik
[18:00] <Assid> xgl is missing atm
[18:00] <Assid> br0ken
[18:04] <RyanPrior> Is there a way to connect to SMB shares without using Nautilus, since gvfs is broken?
[18:04] <h3sp4wn_> just use fusesmb raw
[18:04] <Assid> smb should work ?!
[18:04] <h3sp4wn_> or cifs in the kernel
[18:05] <RyanPrior> Hardy doesn't even have Places -> Connect to remote server anymore. It totally sucks.
[18:05] <RyanPrior> I used to have a bunch of remote servers in my Places and use them all the time, now I've had to hack everything to get that connectivity back, and no Nautilus integration - but still haven't figured out SMB.
[18:06] <h3sp4wn_> Why not just use nfs over a vpn
[18:11] <Gnine> i have a different file than the libglx.so.169.09 posted in that forum link
[18:13] <Gnine> no matter. i just wanted to bring the issue in here since j.braden was bitching about not posting any more compiz errors at launchpad
[18:18] <RyanPrior> Can somebody help me mount a samba share without using Nautilus?
[18:24] <seeitcoming__> RyanPrior: smbmount ?
[18:25] <Heretic43> Hello :-)
[18:25] <h3sp4wn_> Is there not a gui for fusesmb anyway
=== Heretic43 is now known as heret1c
[18:38] <heret1c> ubotu repositories
[18:38] <ubotu> The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[18:39] <heret1c> atta good bot.
[18:40] <RyanPrior> I am trying to mount a samba drive. When I used to do it with Nautilus, I would just say to mount "smb://sgs2/ryanprior" - but now that gvfs is in and that doesn't work, I need to find a new way. fusesmb and smbmount do not seem to work. Does anybody have other suggestions?
[18:41] <heret1c> zeroconf?
[18:41] <RyanPrior> It's interesting that now, with gvfs, we can still do the things that every single filesystem browser ever can do, but not actually interesting or useful things like connecting to remote drives.
[18:42] <RyanPrior> Is zeroconf a program? I thought it was a collection of principals and connectivity services, a sort of easy-networking blueprint.
[18:43] <heret1c> It's in the KDE system settings. Not much use in Gnome, afak.
[18:44] <RyanPrior> Ah - I'm not using KDE, so that's probably not an option for me.
[18:50] * heret1c whistles the famous "While we's waiting for the smegging repositories to be updated" tune
[19:10] <slanning> hello, hard-hearted harbiners of hardy herons :)
[19:17] <Assid> sup heret1c
[19:18] <heret1c> assid> waiting for the repositories to be updated.
[19:20] <heret1c> listening to rense radio - they talk about this spy say they wish to shoot down.
[19:21] * heret1c 's fav infoid #17: The Hubble Space Telescope is a modified KH11 spysat.
[19:22] <heret1c> waste not, want not. :-)
[19:23] <doofy`> do the hardy repositories have the version of FGLRX which supports compositing window managers?
[19:24] <heret1c> doofy> hoogle is your friend.
[19:24] <heret1c> g
[19:27] <Assid> oh man
[19:27] <heret1c> wot
[19:28] <heret1c> http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/
[19:53] <Assid> heret1c: are there updates to be expected?
[19:59] <heret1c> Assid> my guess is as good as yours.
[20:00] <heret1c> libclamav2 isn't in yet.
[20:04] <Assid> oh boy
[20:04] <heret1c> patience
[20:05] * heret1c opens a new XL tube of patience cream
[20:06] <Assid> yeah but the faster we get newer updates.. the better our testing
[20:07] <heret1c> yes.
[20:07] <heret1c> XXL factor 17
[20:07] <DanaG> Hmm, I like the new wallpaper, but it needs a new theme to go with it.
[20:10] <heret1c> dana> u mean desktop background?
[20:16] <_dan_> is todays daily build working?
[20:17] <Assid> we have a daily build?
[20:17] <Assid> you could check proposed updates
[20:17] <_dan_> its on cdimages.ubuntu.com yeah
[20:17] <_dan_> well ill see soon
[20:25] <heret1c> oi.
[20:25] <Assid> imageshacks messed up
[20:25] <abescully> what does Err http://buildbot.no-ip.org gutsy/main Sources, 404 Not Found mean?
[20:26] <Assid> err whats an alternate of photobucket to upload screenshots
[20:27] <credible> picpaste.com
[20:28] <timing> hey nice background, who made it?
[20:30] <Assid> sweet thanks
[20:30] <Assid> http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_1.png
[20:30] <Assid> so there you go.. running powertop
[20:30] <Assid> and my battery drains faster than it used to
[20:31] <DanaG> Powertop is more useful when you're actually on battery.
[20:31] <DanaG> That way you get a wattage estimate, if your BIOS implements it.
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[20:32] <DanaG> Oh yeah, what video card, and do you use Compiz when on battery?
[20:34] <heret1c> http://tinyurl.com/26sjbp is a rater nice music video.
[20:37] <Assid> http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-2.png
[20:37] <Assid> yeah i do
[20:37] <Assid> but i used to use it before too
[20:38] <DanaG> [ 4489.935882] printk: 21 messages suppressed.
[20:38] <DanaG> [ 4489.935892] rtc: lost 1 interrupts
[20:41] <Assid> 1.5-2 weeks now
[20:41] <Assid> i cant shutdown without X hanging
[20:41] <Assid> shuftdown/logout.. nothing (on my desktop)
[20:45] <dax_roc> Evening all
[20:45] <dax_roc> Are there teething problems with the new nvidia - drivers , No longer have a composite enabled desktop...
[20:50] <DanaG> pulseaudio: pulsecore/resampler.c:1334: trivial_resample: Assertion `o_index * fz < pa_memblock_get_length(output->memblock)' failed.
[20:52] <EmmerP> vimperator/j #
[20:52] <EmmerP> ho
[20:54] <jbf2> Hi all. Is this a good place to ask for input/suggestions on what to do with a bug I got assigned to me in Hardy? :)
[20:59] <ryanakca> is it possible to use firefox 2.x or (or whatever the version was before version 3) on Hardy?
[20:59] <seeitcoming__> ryanakca: yes
[20:59] <seeitcoming__> ryanakca: enable the gutsy repos and use something like:
[21:00] <ryanakca> seeitcoming__: ok, thanks, install the gutsy .deb?
[21:00] <seeitcoming__> sudo aptitude install firefox=0.11.2-0ubuntu4
[21:00] <seeitcoming__> well you could do that too
[21:00] <seeitcoming__> but from repos is easier imo
[21:01] <jbf2> while you are at it, what happens with a package that gets orphaned in debian? do you just drop it too?
[21:03] <ryanakca> seeitcoming__: thanks :)
[21:03] <jpatrick> jbf2: it gets assigned to the Debian QA team till someone adopts it
[21:03] <seeitcoming__> ryanakca: No problems
[21:04] <ryanakca> hmm... is it just me or have there been quite a few broken dependencies this week?
[21:06] <heret1c> ryanakca> spot on.
[21:19] <heret1c> /usr/sbin/update-python-modules causes loads of errors here.
[21:20] <heret1c> on aptitude update
[21:33] <heret1c> Anyone seen this: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/bootconfig/__init__.py' (aptitude update)
[21:40] <heret1c> http://tinyurl.com/2kw9ry - I'm not alone.
[21:47] <heret1c> someone please send me their /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/bootconfig/__init__.py ?
[21:48] <PodMan99a> ah thats better
[21:48] <PodMan99a> running update-manager -d i get an error about upgrading to prerelease... thats kinda the idea ..... lol
[21:55] <bjwebb> hi
[21:56] <heret1c> 'lo
[21:56] <heret1c> repeat: someone please send me their /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/bootconfig/__init__.py ?
[21:58] <bjwebb> compiz is broke :(
[21:59] <heret1c> h'm. there is a __init__.pyc
[21:59] <bjwebb> it worked without twecking on kubuntu feisty
[21:59] <bjwebb> could my card be blacklisted?
[21:59] <bjwebb> where is the list?
[22:02] <bjwebb> :S it is blacklisted
[22:02] <credible> which one is it?
[22:03] <credible> the i965?
[22:03] <bjwebb> X600
[22:03] <bjwebb> ati
[22:07] <bjwebb> hhmmm, i have next to no xorg.conf
[22:08] <bjwebb> 42 lines
[22:09] <heret1c> sypposed to ne smaller in new xorg
[22:11] <bjwebb> hmmm
[22:11] <bjwebb> where is my graphics card stuff?
[22:15] <ryanpg> hola team, any of you running jackd on recent hardy -rt kernels? I'm getting blasted with xruns
[22:20] <prg3> I'm having a problem with firefox3b3 in hardy (updated today).. it always defaults into offline mode..
[22:23] <Amaranth> prg3: do you use networkmanager?
[22:23] <prg3> Amaranth: I don't think so.. I'm using Windowmaker, and I manually ifconfig/dhclient everything
[22:24] <Amaranth> right, it's probably trying to ask networkmanager if you're online
[22:24] <prg3> Anyway to disable that, or just to make networkmanager always say it's online?
[22:25] <Amaranth> *shrug*
[22:25] <Amaranth> I use networkmanager
[22:26] <prg3> Think this is worth a bugreport?
[22:27] <Amaranth> couldn't hurt
[22:27] <prg3> K, I'll fire one in.. I'll also fire up networkmanager (knetworkmanager?) and see if that clears up the problem
[22:28] <prg3> Thanks!
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[22:48] <DanaG> Argh, I so hate Flash.
[22:48] <DanaG> It makes Firefox segfault every 3 or so pages with flash.
[23:11] <ethana3> gnash come quickly...
[23:25] <WorkingOnWise> what would cause glx to not be available? Nvidia geforce 6100, 169.09 drivers
[23:27] <ffer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/192253
[23:27] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192253 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "xorg glx module is missing" [High,Confirmed]
[23:28] <credible> it wouldn't be ubuntu+1 without an nvidia bug :D
[23:43] <billytwowilly> hey, is hardy stable enough for someone to play around with yet?
[23:45] <zqwe> it depend on what is "enough" for you
[23:45] <darthanubis> totally
[23:46] <billytwowilly> as in close to how dapper was 2 months before release
[23:46] <darthanubis> ha
[23:46] <billytwowilly> That's the last alpha version of kubuntu I tried and it was very smooth.
[23:46] <darthanubis> what does that even mean?
[23:46] <billytwowilly> ie. the stability of dapper alpha 4.
[23:47] <darthanubis> relative to who?
[23:47] <darthanubis> only you can answer that obviously
[23:47] <billytwowilly> you could comment from your point of reference.
[23:48] <billytwowilly> I suppose I'll find out when I install it anyway;)
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
[23:55] <eklof> Hi guys,
[23:55] <eklof> is there some tool for configuring multiple monitors in xorg? The one included in Hardy doesn't work for me at all. I have three monitors.
[23:55] <DanaG> ah-HAH: so it WAS the nvidia-glx-new update that broke glx!
[23:55] <DanaG> I installed the update, and voilá: it broke.
[23:55] <Dr_willis> the nvidia drivers include a tool like that eklof - nvidia only of course. :)
[23:56] <eklof> Well, this is ATI-crap
[23:56] <Dr_willis> not sure if any others exist
[23:56] <eklof> darn
[23:56] <Dr_willis> I dont use ati. :) so never looked into it.
[23:56] <eklof> It's a quad-card, and if we don't get this to work, it's back to XP!
[23:56] <eklof> I hate for that to happen
[23:57] <Dr_willis> blame ati and their drivers/support i guess.
[23:57] <Dr_willis> its possible their newer drivers will be better.
[23:57] <eklof> Well surely.
[23:57] <Dr_willis> check the ati forums/wiki pages also.
[23:57] <choudesh> Dr_willis, eklof, what seems to be the issue?
[23:57] <Dr_willis> I gave up on ati - about 4 yrs ago. :)
[23:57] <eklof> choudesh: only 2 monitors working, seems like I can't get the other GPU up and running
[23:58] <Dr_willis> is that a crossfire card?
[23:58] <choudesh> with crossfire or a different video card?
[23:58] * Dr_willis wonders how big a desk one has for 4 monitors..
[23:59] <eklof> choudesh: it's a ATI firemv 2400, quad-card.
[23:59] <choudesh> ahh, ok
[23:59] <eklof> It's 2xGPU but hooks up to four monitors.
[23:59] <DanaG> Workaround for brokenness: download the installer fron 169.09 from nvidia's site, and run it.
[23:59] <DanaG> Since it's the same version as the packaged one, you shouldn't have to disable lrm-manager.