UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /15 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[02:05] <Centaur5> faulkes-: Are you here?
[02:33] <faulkes-> Centaur5: you're welcome
[02:48] <stmartin> Hello, I'm currently writing a tutorial on system installation and deployment strategies. I'm not all that familiar with the development efforts of Ubuntu currently. Is there a mechanism to manage what packages should be installed via LDAP or some such in Ubuntu? If not currently, is this something that is being worked on? Thanks.
[02:57] <kgoetz> packages installed via ldap?
[02:58] <stmartin> Yes. I would like to be able to specify in LDAP which packages should be installed, and have the client system maintain that. Probably something to do with cfengine.
[02:58] <kgoetz> thats an abuse of ldap i havent seen before
[02:59] <stmartin> Why would it be an abuse? It is a directory server. That doesn't mean it just does account information.
[03:00] <kgoetz> no it doesnt, but i still think its abuse :)
[03:00] <stmartin> You would hate Novell's eDirectory then I think. ;^)
[03:01] <kgoetz> good guess ;)
[03:01] <stmartin> Do you know of anything in the Ubuntu-scape that addresses the problem of remote package management?
[03:02] <kgoetz> no i dont. launchpad may have a spec on it though. (if there isnt one, ther probably should be)
[03:02] <stmartin> Thanks, will have a look.
[03:04] * kgoetz muses. wonder how hard it would be to get puppet to read its configs out of ldap
[03:04] <kgoetz> wonder what the schema would look like *heh*
[03:31] <davidof> Hi all
[03:32] <davidof> anybody has /boot mounted in a separated partition from /?
[03:32] <stmartin> I see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ConfigurationInfrastructure looks like its trying to solve the problem I envisage.
[03:32] <davidof> I mean, /boot in /dev/sda1 and / in /dev/sda5. For example
[03:35] <kgoetz> davidof: yes, lots of people
[03:35] <faulkes-> yes, I typically setup /boot as it's own partition
[03:35] <davidof> kgoetz, I need that menu.lst. I've lost it :'(
[03:35] <davidof> faulkes-, can you give me your boot.lst?
[03:36] <kgoetz> davidof: do you have access to the system in question, and a live cd?
[03:36] <davidof> yes
[03:36] <kgoetz> you can recreate it with grub-intall
[03:37] <davidof> kgoetz, I've launched grub-install but don't do that :(
[03:37] <kgoetz> stmartin: i stopped readin g at 'clients use avahi'
[03:38] <kgoetz> davidof: but what?
[03:38] <stmartin> kgoetz: this one looks better https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkWideUpdates
[03:39] <stmartin> but fundamentally, I think its a partly a problem with Linux's Unix heritage (wrt configuration file management).
[03:40] * kgoetz shrug
[03:40] <kgoetz> i havent looked into it recently enough
[03:40] <davidof> kgoetz, when I launch grub-install manually from the live-cd... grub-install don't recreate the menu.lst :(. Sorry about my english
[03:40] <stmartin> Although this one looks closest to what I was pondering. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkWideUpdates
[03:40] <stmartin> Whoops, that should be /UpdateServer
[03:45] <stmartin> Puppet looks very interesting.
[03:46] <kgoetz> davidof: you need to mount your partitions, chroot them, and then run it
[03:46] <kgoetz> puppets meant to be cvengine without 500 years of legacy :)
[03:46] <davidof> ok, I'm going to try it :)
[03:46] <kgoetz> not tried it yet though
[03:48] <kgoetz> btw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[03:53] <davidof> kgoetz, I tell you what I have done. (sda5 = /, sda1 = /boot). # mount /dev/sda5 /mnt # mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot # chroot /mnt
[03:53] <kgoetz> davidof: you need to bind in /proc and /dev
[03:53] <kgoetz> before chrooting
[03:53] <davidof> but when I launch grub-install /dev/sda it says "/dev/sda: Not found or not a block device
[03:54] <davidof> ¿?
[03:54] <davidof> bind? how can I bind?
[03:54] <davidof> ln?
[03:54] <kgoetz> mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/dev/
[03:54] <kgoetz> same for /proc, and (optional) /sys
[03:54] <davidof> oh, thanks
[03:54] <kgoetz> and no, ln wont work, because you cant link to outside a chroot
[03:57] <davidof> uhm, no. There is no menu.lst. Maybe using dpkg-reconfigure grub?
[03:58] <kgoetz> you are looking in /boot/grub/menu.lst ? (just making sure)
[03:58] <davidof> kgoetz, yes. I'm in
[03:59] <davidof> there are device.map, stage1, stage2, .... but no menu.lst :S
[04:00] <kgoetz> brb. work
[04:02] <davidof> brb?
[04:02] <stmartin> be right back
[04:03] <davidof> :"(
[04:05] <davidof> I can create it, can't I?
[04:05] <davidof> title Ubuntu
[04:05] <davidof> root (hd0,0) ? (grub partition)
[04:06] <davidof> kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=/dev/sda5 ?
[04:07] <stmartin> I'd help, but I'm not very familiar with grub myself.
[04:09] <kgoetz> ubuntu mangleats grub, so i doubt my debian boot bears any semblence to an ubuntu boot at all
[04:09] <kgoetz> s/boot/menu
[04:10] <stmartin> update-grub creates menu.lst
[04:11] <stmartin> man update-grub
[04:14] <davidof> stmartin, !!!!! now it worked! :). I'm going to reboot "Crossing fingers"
[04:15] <stmartin> Here's a little hint for the future then.
[04:15] <stmartin> dpkg -L grub | less
[04:15] <davidof> O yes!!! I works!!
[04:15] <stmartin> You'll find no mention of menu.lst in there, ergo it must be auto-generated.
[04:16] <davidof> Thanks everybody!! :)
[04:16] <stmartin> If you wanted, you could also look in /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub.postinstall
[04:16] <kgoetz> now dont delete it again :p
[04:17] <stmartin> You will see that it runs update-grub.
[04:17] <stmartin> A quick check of update-grub(8) and you can figure out the rest.
[04:19] <davidof> Now... What do you think of vmware-server (it's free) vs another options like Qemu or the other.... (don't remember the name). I need it to run windows to give support in my work
[04:20] <davidof> I have always used vmware, but I remember since a time to now, lot of people is using another alternative...
[04:20] <stmartin> I'm currently running Ubuntu quite nicely inside VirtualBox running on FedoraCore. Runs quite nicely, but VirtualBox is a workstation product, not such much a server product.
[04:21] <stmartin> Sound doesn't work though, and XVideo isn't enabled on the host (no privs), so I can't try out the desktop effects in Ubuntu.
[04:21] <stmartin> I'm also using it to try out Solaris
[04:21] <davidof> ahm... oki
[04:22] <stmartin> Underlying hardware is a 20" iMac (but running Fedora)
[04:22] <davidof> Do you prefer Fedora than OsX? I never used OsX
[04:22] <stmartin> I should mention we're an academic institution, so the license allows us to use the vendor-compiled version freely.
[04:23] <stmartin> No! I much prefer OS X. But alas, this is a departmental machine that I am testing software on currently.
[04:23] <davidof> ahm, ok ok :)
[04:23] <stmartin> My upgrade (coming shortly I hope) will be a 24" iMac running Leopard 8-)
[04:24] <stmartin> What are your requirements?
[04:24] <davidof> hehehe. I'd like to test Leopard on my x86 Laptop. Only to see OsX
[04:24] <davidof> requirements? for Virtual Machines? Very poor. Only contability programs (Visual Basic + Access programs) and not much more
[04:25] <stmartin> compatibility?
[04:26] <davidof> no... uhm, bad translation... I'll look for the word
[04:26] <stmartin> accounting?
[04:26] <davidof> yes!
[04:26] <davidof> :D
[04:27] <davidof> Management and accounting.. right?
[04:28] <stmartin> Well, then ideally you would want something that has the ability to make your windows applications share the same desktop space as your native apps. I'm not terribly familiar with the Linux virtualisation space, so I don't know if VMWare Workstation offers that capability. Parallels might, its another cross-platform program. Ubuntu has it available via its partners repository.
[04:30] <davidof> stmartin, wine?
[04:31] <stmartin> that is a possibility. As an IT professional, I would perhaps feel uncomfortable with that as a solution from a stability and support perspective.
[04:31] <stmartin> Qemu would be another obvious choice. Free too.
[04:32] <kgoetz> i saw parrallels get slammed in a review (trying to remember where)
[04:33] <stmartin> performance wise? It depends on the host platform. I've not used it myself (using VirtualBox).
[04:33] <stmartin> although VirtualBox is currently unreleased for Jaguar.
[04:37] <stmartin> I do like the look of VMWare Workstations specs with regard to virtual networking. Up to 10 virtual switches. Seems a bit arbitrary, but at least you can have more than one (via the GUI anyway).
[04:40] <davidof> what I like of VMware is that you can create your own Virtual Network, with several VM machines (caution with the RAM) in the same network, being totaly isolated from the Host
[04:41] <stmartin> Strange though, I don't see any desktop convergence features in any non-Mac hosted products. eg. Parallels Desktop for Mac has its Convergence, and VMWare Fusion has its Unity, but no such feature for Linux or Windows hosts (that I can see)
[04:41] <stmartin> I'm very tempted to write a manageable software ethernet switch, since I teach networking at uni.
[04:42] <stmartin> Lots of interesting applications for VM stuff there.
[04:42] <davidof> desktop convergence? You mean to put a window from Xp (for example) outside Vmware and being integrated in Linux? No.. I think this is not possible
[04:43] <stmartin> You can certainly do it from a Windows guest onto a Mac host.
[04:43] <stmartin> Rather effectively too, from my (short) playing with Parallels and Fusion in my local Mac store.
[04:44] <davidof> oh thats amazing. but you have to run the whole machine, haven't you?
[04:44] <stmartin> Yes.
[04:44] <davidof> I mean, can you run only an aplication? (less resources usage)
[04:45] <stmartin> No, all the OS is still running, but any running applications are merged into the desktop.
[04:45] <antdedyet> a colleague of mine installed MS Vista & XP instances on gutsy using VirtualBox-ose last week and now runs them simultaneously
[04:45] <antdedyet> 3G RAM total, 1G for Vista, 512MB for XP, remaining goes to host
[04:45] <stmartin> davidof: is this for one or many users?
[04:46] <davidof> stmartin, only for me. But I use vmware server because is free :)
[04:46] <davidof> or was...
[04:46] <stmartin> was?
[04:47] <antdedyet> davidof: on ubuntu gutsy and newer: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose
[04:47] <davidof> was in the past. I'm not sure if now it is free
[04:47] <antdedyet> qemu/kvm is also free, but the GUI is more complete for VirtualBox
[04:47] <stmartin> I see the virtualisation market becoming a bit like the browser market. The basic apps will be free, in order to compete.
[04:47] <davidof> antdedyet, and what about the speed? Becouse for example, I tested Qemu some years ago, and it was toooo sloooowww
[04:48] <antdedyet> GUI = mgmt GUI
[04:48] <stmartin> Where the virtualisation market will differ is in the enterprise integration.
[04:48] <antdedyet> davidof: kvm is the hardware accelerated version of qemu.
[04:48] <kgoetz> qemu virtualises a full system
[04:48] <stmartin> The virtual data-center is where the money is to made in the virtualisation space.
[04:49] <stmartin> vmware server still appears to be free.
[04:49] <kgoetz> no cost at least
[04:49] <stmartin> indeed
[04:50] <antdedyet> VirtualBox was really about the same with and without the cpu instructions enabled
[04:50] <stmartin> but it would have a better upgrade path should you decide your enterprise needs more of this virtual stuff.
[04:51] <stmartin> I found the VT-x instructions did make it go noticably faster. I was installing Solaris at the time, I think.
[04:51] <antdedyet> non-distro packaged software has a better upgrade path?
[04:51] <stmartin> Granted, it wasn't a _whole_ lot faster, but noticeable.
[04:52] <stmartin> no, what I meant that VMWare has a better upgrade path if you want to scale up your virtual infrastructure.
[04:53] <davidof> Oh men! Here in Spain it's 5:53 AM... I think I should sleep a bit :D:D
[04:53] <kgoetz> hehe
[04:53] <faulkes-> welcome to late night and early morning #ubuntu-server
[04:53] <davidof> Thank you all very much, and see you!
[04:53] <faulkes-> the best cable access show around ;)
[04:53] <stmartin> davidof: you think you've got it tough... I have to get to the gym.
[04:53] <davidof> :)
[04:54] <kgoetz> i raise you being at work still :p
[04:54] <stmartin> work != #ubuntu-server ??? wtf?
[04:55] <kgoetz> work == using a vi release from 1996
[04:55] <kgoetz> Version 1.79 (10/23/96) The CSRG, University of California, Berkeley.
[04:55] <kgoetz> silly yanky dates
[04:55] <stmartin> ew. What OS?
[04:55] <kgoetz> Freebsd 4.1
[04:56] <faulkes-> heh
[04:56] <stmartin> Forced obsolescence does have its attractions.
[04:56] <faulkes-> I still have 4.1 cd's kicking around
[04:57] <faulkes-> in fact, I probably have older versions as well
[04:57] <faulkes-> and slackware cd's from err, hmm, '96
[04:57] <kgoetz> slack was on cd in 96?
[05:00] <faulkes-> yes, ordered from cdrom.com back when jfk was still doing freebsd
[05:00] <faulkes-> err, jkh even
[05:00] <faulkes-> afair
[05:00] <faulkes-> 4 cd jewel case, red label iirc
[05:01] * faulkes- is an old old man
[05:01] <kgoetz> hehehe
[05:02] <faulkes-> when I started using linux, you had to walk up hill, both ways through stacks of floppies 8ft deep, fighting off rabid packs of wolves
[05:03] <kgoetz> when i started you put in a cd and waited a while :p
[05:03] <faulkes-> none of this fancy "cdrom" technology
[05:04] * faulkes- fondly remembers dd'ing install floppy images
[05:04] <faulkes-> 0.99p1 was the first kernel I ever compiled
[05:05] <faulkes-> like I said, an old old man
[05:05] <faulkes-> now get off my lawn or I'll start talking about bang path addressing and how we wore onions on our belts, that being the fashion of the day
[05:06] <stmartin> Bah, _real_ hackers didn't bother with any of that, that just let a butterfly flap its wings, then digitised the wind on the other side of world and wrote that onto disk. :-[ Actually, that might explain the stability of the early Unix systems.
[05:07] <stmartin> xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe <http://xkcd.org/378/>
[05:08] <stmartin> (shamelessly adapted by /me)
[05:08] <stmartin> poorly
[05:16] <faulkes-> quite.
[05:18] <faulkes-> however, +0 for the attempt ;)
[05:18] <kgoetz> lol
[05:39] <faulkes-> anyways, 00:39 EST and time to try to get some sleep before my phone goes off tomorrow morning
[05:39] <faulkes-> night
[05:40] <kgoetz> later mate
[05:42] <sommer> anyone else experience hardy not tab completing sudo commands?
[07:07] <_ruben> hrm .. trying to get qemu working on hardy alpha4 .. (no kvm due to lack of vt flag) .. getting "Could not initialize SDL - exiting"
[07:41] <_ruben> doh .. its an "access denied" issue
[08:03] <_ruben> and now my keyboard aint working properly .. not on the console (within qemu) nor over vnc .. guess i'll stop experimenting with this for now
[08:05] <AnRkey> i have two samba servers on my network and they seem to mess each other around a bit. how can i see if they are fighting?
[08:06] <AnRkey> soz for the "special" explanation :D
[08:31] <spiekey> morning!
[08:46] <kraut> moin
[09:44] <spiekey_> soren: are you there? :)
[10:38] <TrioTorus_> what is the recommended web-interface to an ubuntu server? Will anything be put forward for Hardy server?
[10:39] <Kamping_Kaiser> hm. ebox perhaps. not sure
[10:39] <TrioTorus_> I was looking at ebox, but it seems it is a complete distro of its own. Is integration with Ubuntu possible?
[10:40] <Kamping_Kaiser> yeah, people are working on it
[10:40] <TrioTorus_> Looks very good for what I need though. On the forums I saw some talk about including it with ubuntu?
[10:40] <TrioTorus_> okay, where should I look to follow it up?
[10:40] <dexem> It's intended to have some ebox packages for hardy
[10:40] <dexem> most of them, if it's possible
[10:41] <TrioTorus_> that would be truely fantastic
[10:43] <dexem> TrioTorus_: last meeting log is not ready yet, but when it is ready you can see what it was decided
[10:43] <TrioTorus_> great, thanks
[10:46] <foo> /w 20
[10:46] <Nafallo> no, /win :-)
[11:13] <sergevn> Is there an good solution to give remote login users only an handful of commands in the login shell?
[11:53] <_ruben> sergevn: you'd probably need to set up a restricted chroot environment with only those commands available
[15:25] <moos3> anyone have issues with setting up slapd?
[15:47] <moos3> anyone wake this morning
[15:48] <faulkes-> did you fix the spelling mistake in your configuration file?
[15:49] <moos3> include is the only way i know how to spell include
[15:49] <moos3> I have tried with a capital I and no difference
[15:50] <faulkes-> not the I
[15:50] <moos3> the du needed to switched to ud
[15:50] <faulkes-> incldue/etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema
[15:50] <moos3> yeah I fixed that but no go
[15:51] <faulkes-> ok, is it spitting out new errors now?
[15:51] <moos3> nothing
[15:51] <faulkes-> even with debug on?
[15:51] <moos3> yeah
[15:52] <moos3> I'm thinking something else is stopping it from running
[15:52] <faulkes-> ps -ef | grep slap
[15:52] <faulkes-> and have a look at the log files again
[15:52] <moos3> ok thansk faulkes
[15:52] <faulkes-> if it is exiting abnormally due to an error, it should report it
[15:52] <faulkes-> morning mathiaz
[15:53] <mathiaz> hi faulkes-
[15:53] <faulkes-> anyways, I'm off to the doctors
[16:00] <sommer> hey all, I'm migrating some Tomcat java apps from CentOS to Ubuntu, everytime the apps connect to the db and do a prepareStatement or a createStatement it returns a NullPointer Exception
[16:00] <sommer> I'm not a Tomcat expert by any means, so I was wondering if there was some config I'm missing?
[16:01] <sommer> also I've extraced the connection and query code into a test cli app and it works fine
[16:01] <sommer> so I think the jdbc and everything is setup correctly
[16:03] <sommer> here's the error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56084/
[16:20] <CarlF1> lvm vgscan says "No volume groups found" - it was there yesterday. what tool will search for it?
[16:21] <sommer> CarlF1: did you use sudo vgscan?
[16:22] <sommer> also do you have dm_mod loaded?
[16:23] <CarlF1> yes, du no.
[16:23] <CarlF1> looking...
[16:23] <CarlF1> (dhu)
[16:24] <CarlF1> yes. used by 4
[16:25] <sommer> mmm... I take it vgdisplay doesn't return anything either?
[16:27] <CarlF1> vgdisplay = "No volume groups found"
[16:28] <sommer> are you using lvm+raid?
[16:28] <CarlF1> fdisk shows sda1 start1 end 17847 (whole disk) - I can mount it and get the 100m boot fs. iv never really looked at how it is setup
[16:28] <faulkes-> sommer: offhand, it looks like a permissions issue, from the stacktrace
[16:28] <faulkes-> sommer: I'm now actually off to the dr.'s I'll check in when I get back
[16:29] <CarlF1> lvm yes. it is on raided drives, but hardware - so linux just sees sda
[16:29] <zul> sommer: you arent missing a jar file are you?
[16:30] <CarlF1> yeah, dmesg just shows sda: sda1
[16:32] <sommer> zul: I don't think so... I've symlinked the jdbc driver to /usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/
[16:33] <sommer> it's connecting to an Informix db
[16:34] <zul> the user that you have created is allowed to connect from your new machine?
[16:34] <sommer> the tomcat user?
[16:34] <zul> the database user assuming
[16:34] <sommer> yep, that user can connect
[16:35] <zul> try google? :)
[16:35] <sommer> zul: heh... yep, but haven't found much
[16:36] <sommer> It'd be easier if it would give me a jdbc error or connection error or something
[16:36] <sommer> but freakin null error seems to be a million possibilities
[16:36] <sommer> the code, queries, and everything work on the current box
[16:38] <sommer> I'm currently comparing conf/*.xml files between the two, and hoping :-)
[16:47] <CarlF1> sommer: i have used jdbc in jython - might help
[16:48] <sommer> CarlF1: do you mean to run the app from jython?
[16:48] <sommer> or test the connection from jython?
[16:48] <CarlF1> test the connection
[16:49] <sommer> CarlF1: gotcha, the connections good. I created a test script in java using the same credentials and it worked fine
[16:49] <CarlF1> ah
[16:50] <sommer> after adding the cp /path/to/ifxjdbc.jar anyway
[16:50] <sommer> all jar files in /usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/ are added to the class path correct?
[16:51] <sommer> I would think that if tomcat didn't see the jdbc driver that it would have a different error than null exception
[16:51] <sommer> but I could be totally wrong about that one!
[16:58] <CarlF1> guessing no source?
[17:01] <sommer> CarlF1: no, I have the source... very home grown app by an admin no longer here, which was also used to learn java, so not the most professional of applications
[17:02] <CarlF1> oh hell... error handeling seems to be the last thing people bother to impement
[17:03] <sommer> heh... or learn about in java class
[17:03] <sommer> I'm thinking that's my next step to troubleshoot this issue is to whip up a test struts app
[17:05] <CarlF1> fdisk shows sda1 start1 end 17847 (whole disk) - I mount it and get a 100m fs that looks like /boot (kernel, grub/...)
[17:05] <CarlF1> doh
[17:26] <nealmcb> sommer: i haven't caught up with the whole email thread, but http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/server/C/ and http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ still have no version information, and no indication that they aren't 2-year-old dapper documentation (based on the copyright dates). what are the plans for versioning of the guides and how they will show up?
[17:28] <CarlF1> is there a list of apps on the u-server cd "fix broken system"
[17:29] <sommer> nealmcb: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/server/C/ is the up to date dev version
[17:29] <sommer> nealmcb: I think the copyright part just hasn't been updated in a Makefile somewhere
[17:30] <nealmcb> sommer: will it ever say "hardy" or "gutsy"? Will it ever have links to versions for other releases?
[17:30] <sommer> nealmcb: there will be a water mark saying "draft" or something similar
[17:31] <sommer> the other releases are at: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/, 7.06, etc
[17:31] <faulkes-> sommer: re: credentials, aside from login/pass, does the user have appropriate privileges within the schema?
[17:31] <sommer> we could also put the version number there somewhere I guess
[17:31] <sommer> faulkes-: yeppers
[17:32] <nealmcb> how does it relate to https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html
[17:32] <sommer> the serverguide/C/ is the source for the ubuntu-serverguide package while the server/C/ is the help system
[17:33] <nealmcb> pointers to those other versions would help a lot, I think
[17:33] <sommer> what Matt proposed was to develop in serverguide/C/ then sync to server/C/, we've been doing the reverse until now :-)
[17:33] <faulkes-> sommer: LIES! err, I mean, ok, hrrmm, let me think for a bit on it
[17:34] <sommer> faulkes-: cool, thanks for your ideas so far
[17:34] <sommer> nealmcb: I'm not sure I see how pointers would help?
[17:34] <sommer> aside from being convienent
[17:34] <faulkes-> sommer: it's been awhile since I've done java/jboss/tomcat type stuff
[17:34] <nealmcb> sommer: Besides a "draft" marker, will the front page (or all pages?) indicate which version the guide is for?
[17:35] <faulkes-> sommer: I take it the test script you ran, runs the exact same query as the live app?
[17:35] <nealmcb> when someone stumbles across one of the server documentation pages, they should be able to see what version it is for, and how to find the version they need
[17:35] <sommer> nealmcb: sure, I guess... at this point I'm just happy to have the docs built somewhere on the web
[17:36] <sommer> can you reply to the thread with your ideas for the frontpage?
[17:36] <faulkes-> nealmcb: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/C/
[17:36] <faulkes-> nealmcb: iirc previous versions are listed at the top right
[17:37] <nealmcb> faulkes-: not found....
[17:37] <faulkes-> err, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C
[17:38] <sommer> faulkes-: what we're thinking is to have the same type of thing here: http://doc.ubuntu.com/
[17:38] <sommer> which is the development version of the docs
[17:38] <nealmcb> faulkes-: right - I'm just asking that the url that I posted to start with (the latest, at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/server/C/ and/or http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ ) indicate what version it is, and link to those other versions.
[17:39] <sommer> nealmcb: I'm sure we can do that, but I think Matt East is the only one outside conanical with access
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[17:40] * faulkes- nods nealmcb
[17:48] * nealmcb writes to the list....
[17:48] <sommer> cool thanks nealmcb
[17:48] <nealmcb> thanks for the updates, folks
[17:50] <nealmcb> sommer: speaking of versions.... is there a bzr section planned in the Version Control chapter?
[17:52] <sommer> nealmcb: I've actually been meaning to enquire about that myself
[17:52] <sommer> in the logs there was at one point, and in the ml archive there's requests for one, but now there isn't
[17:53] <sommer> I think it may have been because bzr was pretty new at the time, but that would need to be confirmed
[17:53] <nealmcb> or git - that has some very cool features
[17:53] <sommer> the other thing may be that there mostly desktop "style" apps
[17:54] <sommer> but covering setting up bzr, git, etc servers should be covered
[17:54] <nealmcb> desktop style?
[17:55] <sommer> heh... my term for used mostly on development desktops
[17:55] <sommer> at least that's mostly how I use them
[17:55] <nealmcb> I keep wanting a nice version control profile for versioning stuff in /etc et al.
[17:56] <nealmcb> bzr seems to do it fine, but I haven't had to use it in a crisis
[17:56] <sommer> that would be cool, I copy configs to a folder in my home then commit from there :)
[17:57] <nealmcb> git might be better there because of its security features (sha1 on everything)
[17:57] <sommer> that's cool... haven't used git much myself
[17:58] <nealmcb> git - the filesystem - the platform: http://www.advogato.org/person/apenwarr/diary/371.html
[17:59] <nealmcb> randall schwartz talk on git at google - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3999952944619245780
[17:59] <nealmcb> (better than the talk there by linux....)
[17:59] <sommer> heh, I'll have to check those out... I did watch the one by Linus
[18:00] <nealmcb> "hear linus rant about cvs" :-(
[18:00] <sommer> ya, I thought he was unnecessarily rude in that talk
[18:00] <nealmcb> "rant, Linux, rant!"
[18:00] <nealmcb> s/linux/linus/ !!
[18:16] <moos3> when i run smbldap-populate -u 3000 -g 3000 i'm getting the following errors and I'm not sure why http://pastebin.org/19756
[18:19] <sommer> moos3: looks like you need to execute the command with user creds
[18:20] <moos3> like sudo command
[18:20] <moos3> because I'm all ready su in as root
[18:20] <sommer> I think more for the ldap user with rights to modify the directory
[18:21] * faulkes- would agree
[18:23] <faulkes-> sommer: on the last three lines of that stack trace, how difficult would it be for you to add some error reporting?
[18:24] <moos3> I can't figure out how to specify a user tho
[18:25] <sommer> faulkes-: shouldn't be to hard, is there something specific I should add?
[18:29] <sommer> faulkes-: there is a try and catch around the getConnection() statement
[18:32] * faulkes- nods
[18:32] <faulkes-> I'm not a java guy perse, however, you should be able to pull out additional details on what happend
[18:33] <faulkes-> normally, for me with php (try / catch) I usually increase the verbosity of the messages
[18:33] <sommer> okay, I'll do some digging and add some
[18:33] <moos3> faulkes you have any idea on this topic
[18:33] <faulkes-> on how to specifcy a user?
[18:33] <moos3> yeah
[18:34] <moos3> all the tutorials just say run it
[18:34] <faulkes-> give me a moment
[18:34] <moos3> ok thanks
[18:38] <faulkes-> http://pastebin.org/19760
[18:38] <faulkes-> I would check those settings in /etc/slapd.conf
[18:39] <faulkes-> or wherever slapd.conf is located
[18:40] <moos3> yeah
[18:40] <faulkes-> you'll excuse if I may get a little confused, 10mg's of diazepam is kicking in right about now
[18:40] <moos3> lol
[18:41] <moos3> what did you have done, surgery?
[18:41] <faulkes-> I have 5 bulding discs in my back as well as some other issues with my muscles
[18:41] <faulkes-> s/bulding/bulging
[18:42] <moos3> dam dude, I have a good idea what your going though my dad has 18 inches of discs fused,
[18:48] <faulkes-> yes well, I'm not one to let it stop me, "suck it up, walk it off" and al that ;)
[18:49] <faulkes-> but yeah, overall, not fun
[19:04] <moos3> yeah, I know the idea behind just suck it up and walk it off, consider I'm in the army I know the feeling I delt with cyst on my tailbone for the past 7 years and ignored the pain
[19:04] <moos3> I got it to work
[19:05] <moos3> but now auth-client-config wont accept my custom profile
[19:05] <faulkes-> heh, most army folks are familiar witht he suck it up / walk it off concept
[19:06] <faulkes-> "but I've just lost both legs!", "that's an order trooper, now move!"
[19:06] <moos3> yeah
[19:07] <moos3> I dont think I could ever work in the private sector again
[19:07] <faulkes-> heh
[19:07] * faulkes- <heart> private sector
[19:07] <moos3> i doing now and i hate it
[19:08] <faulkes-> public sector here is teh suck, unless of course you are a private sector consultant to the public sector ;)
[19:09] <moos3> lol yeah I'm a IT advisor to a few non-profits and a couple for-profits
[19:10] <moos3> while i'm home for a couple more weeks
[19:11] <moos3> auth-client-config: error: option -p: invalid choice: '/etc/auth-client-config/profile.d/open_ldap' (choose from 'ldap_example', 'lac_ldap', 'kerberos_example')
[19:11] <moos3> is the error i"m getting running auth-client-config -a -p open_ldap
[19:12] <faulkes-> check that open_ldap exists, is readble and has the appropriate setup would be my first suggestion
[19:12] <faulkes-> noting that I'm not an ldap expert
[19:22] <moos3> its there because I made the file and the perimissions are right I'm assuming its something in the file that is breaking it
[19:25] <moos3> heres the open_ldap file http://pastebin.org/19769
[19:31] <Goosemoose> hey dendrobates, how's your AD integration coming along?
[19:31] <vipaca> Im having trouble getting apt-get to work with my http proxy
[19:32] <vipaca> Is there something that I missing
[19:32] <dendrobates> Goosemoose: It is in universe in Hardy.
[19:32] <Yacine> hello!
[19:32] <Goosemoose> dendrobates, will your download on https://launchpad.net/~dendrobates/+archive work on gusty?
[19:32] <Yacine> I am having problems with updating my ubuntu server!
[19:32] <Yacine> Any help?
[19:33] <dendrobates> Goosemoose: perhaps
[19:33] <Yacine> I get error messages like Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages
[19:33] <Yacine> Could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'
[19:33] <dendrobates> Goosemoose: I haven't tried.
[19:34] <Yacine> Everything see,s to be ok but no way to update or upgrade!
[19:34] <Goosemoose> dendrobates, i dont see the file to download and try
[19:35] <Goosemoose> dendrobates, or is it just in packages.gz?
[19:36] <dendrobates> Goosemoose: add the line 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/dendrobates/ubuntu hardy main' to /etc/apt/sources.list
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[19:38] <dendrobates> Goosemoose: or go here http://ppa.launchpad.net/dendrobates/ubuntu/pool/main/l/likewise-open/
[19:40] <Goosemoose> ok, looking
[19:44] <zul> Yacine: do you have a network connection?
[19:45] <vipaca> does the server come with a text based web browsing app?
[19:46] <vipaca> or can someone give me a good way to test my http proxy
[19:46] <vipaca> right now Im having problems using apt-get
[20:02] <sommer> vipaca: it does w3m http://whatever_site
[20:04] <vipaca> thanks I got it workingi
[20:05] <sommer> np
[20:31] <vipaca> Are there any windows managers included in the distro?
[20:59] <Goosemoose> dendrobates, i added that line to the sources.list on my server. now what would i need to do to get it installed via preseed? I dont see any documentation yet
[21:15] <vipaca> n e one have experience with NIS on ubuntu
[21:20] <antdedyet> vipaca: I don't ... sorry
[21:21] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: add pkg 'likewise-open' to the preseed pkg install list
[21:21] <Goosemoose> antdedyet, ok, thanks, ill do that, what do i need to do to configure it
[21:21] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: I don't know the technical details of your preseed, but I will help you find them if you need.
[21:22] <Goosemoose> yeah, that would be great
[21:22] <Goosemoose> ive been having a hard time
[21:22] <antdedyet> baby steps. :)
[21:25] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: what documentation are you using to setup your preseed?
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[21:38] <Goosemoose> antdedyet, just an example file that one of the guys here gave me
[21:38] <Goosemoose> i have it working except for likewise
[21:40] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: can you pastebin the config? I don't have a record of it without digging thru a pile of logs.
[21:40] <Goosemoose> sure, just a sec
[21:42] <Goosemoose> http://pastebin.com/d721521b1
[21:59] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: ah, ok, sorry for the delay ... got busy with client work
[21:59] <Goosemoose> no problem
[22:01] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: on the line: "d-i pkgsel/include string ..." (... denotes the rest of the pkg list, append "likewise-open" (no double quotes)
[22:03] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: http://pastebin.com/d7f3b0c98
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[22:06] <adm2> can someone help with boot command append to get past bug in debian-install
[22:06] <adm2> ?
[22:08] <adm2> install freezes on libc6-udeb
[22:11] <Goosemoose> antdedyet, ok
[22:14] <antdedyet> adm2: What ubuntu source are you using for the install?
[22:15] <adm2> ubuntu-server 7.10, ive found some posts in the forums, but no solution so far.
[22:16] <adm2> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=557103
[22:16] <adm2> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=529549
[22:16] <adm2> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82017
[22:16] <adm2> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68662
[22:17] <antdedyet> adm2: have you tried the alternative installation iso?
[22:17] <adm2> not yet...
[22:18] <antdedyet> seems like the alt cd may only be applicable to the "Desktop" version
[22:18] <Goosemoose> antdedyet, my problem is more how do i configure this package to work
[22:23] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: by using a "d-i" line for "domainjoin-cli" after installing likewise-open, I would imagine.
[22:23] <Goosemoose> where can i find info on that line
[22:23] <Goosemoose> i need it to join a domain called dhs.local
[22:25] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: i installed the pkg and ran 'domainjoin-cli -h', there doesn't seem to be a man page supplied though
[22:26] <antdedyet> "domainjoin-cli join dhs.local adminuser adminpass"
[22:26] <antdedyet> insert your correct values for adminuser and adminpass
[22:26] <Goosemoose> darn, dendrobates left too
[22:26] <antdedyet> yep.
[22:26] <Goosemoose> ok, where did you find that?
[22:26] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: I installed the pkg ... :)
[22:27] <Goosemoose> ok, let me test on a machine
[22:27] <antdedyet> I like to know things work before adding them to an automated installer. :)
[22:27] <Goosemoose> so the d-i line would need to call a script?
[22:27] <Goosemoose> i couldn't just write it directly, correct?
[22:28] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: probably safer to write an executable script
[22:28] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: s/safer/cleaner
[22:28] <Goosemoose> ok
[22:29] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: you should install the likewise-open in your preseed and then use the late_command to join a domain.
[22:29] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: but I don't see why you couldn't put the values directly in there, assuming no problem with shell escapes and such (remember, I've never did a pre-seed install -- just learning as we go. :) )
[22:29] <Goosemoose> i dont think you can put commands directly in, not sure
[22:29] <Goosemoose> mathiaz, you saying to run a script with the late_command or call the command
[22:30] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: either way will work with the late_command
[22:30] <Goosemoose> also can i encrypt that password using md5?
[22:30] <Goosemoose> ahh ok
[22:30] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: Add the following line to your preseed: "d-i pkgsel/include string likewise-open"
[22:30] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: that installs the likewise-open
[22:30] <antdedyet> Yep.
[22:31] <Goosemoose> yeah we got that part
[22:32] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: and then to run a command: "d-i preseed/late_command string domain-join join ...."
[22:32] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: add "d-i preseed/late_command string domainjoin-cli join dhs.local adminuser adminpass" to your preseed after the .. yep, mathiaz
[22:32] <Goosemoose> gotcha
[22:33] <Goosemoose> i just tried to do an apt-get install of the package just on one machine to play with, but it says it cant find it
[22:33] <antdedyet> except, the command is domainjoin-cli for me in hardy ... :)
[22:33] <Goosemoose> i added dendrodytes server though
[22:33] <Goosemoose> im using gusty tsill
[22:33] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: yes - you need to have your repository configured correctly.
[22:33] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install likewise-open"
[22:33] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: likewise-open is not the archive yet.
[22:33] <Goosemoose> i did this: add the line 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/dendrobates/ubuntu hardy main' to /etc/apt/sources.list
[22:33] <antdedyet> mathiaz: he added dendrobate's PPA to his sources.list
[22:34] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: you can configured another repository in the preseed too.
[22:34] <Goosemoose> unless i need to restart something
[22:34] <mathiaz> antdedyet: ah ok. I was thinking about the preseed file.
[22:34] <Goosemoose> right now my server acts as apt-cacher
[22:34] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: you'll have to configure dendrobates PPA in your preseed file.
[22:34] <Goosemoose> shouldn't it pull it from the server?
[22:35] <Goosemoose> wait, right now im just trying to install it on the server itself
[22:35] <Goosemoose> i added the PPA but it doesn't work, do i need to restart a service?
[22:35] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: You will need to "sudo apt-get update"
[22:35] <Goosemoose> ahh just saw that
[22:35] <Goosemoose> running now
[22:35] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: that will refresh all sources that you are pulling pkgs from
[22:35] <antdedyet> k
[22:36] <Goosemoose> hmm, broken packages
[22:36] <Goosemoose> unmet dependencies
[22:37] <Goosemoose> gotta instll a few other things first i guess
[22:37] <Goosemoose> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[22:37] <Goosemoose> likewise-open: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1) but 2.6.1-1ubuntu10 is to be installed
[22:37] <Goosemoose> Depends: libkrb53 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2) but 1.6.dfsg.1-7build1 is to be installed
[22:37] <Goosemoose> Depends: libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7) but it is not installable
[22:37] <Goosemoose> i just tried installing libc6 it says i have the latest
[22:38] <antdedyet> ok, so now we find out that dendrobate's pkg is not compatible with gutsy!
[22:38] <Goosemoose> lol
[22:38] <Goosemoose> yeah he wasn't sure
[22:38] <antdedyet> you never know, until you've journeyed
[22:38] <Goosemoose> i wonder if the normal likewise-open package is
[22:38] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: probably, as it has been built for gutsy.
[22:38] <antdedyet> Goosemoose: the one off likewise's site is for gutsy.
[22:38] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: but you may not get the same version.
[22:39] <antdedyet> I saw it successfully install on a desktop Wednesday, but we were unable to make it join the domain
[22:39] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: I think that dendrobates has a more recent version than the one from likewies.
[22:39] <antdedyet> (at least via the gui)
[22:39] <Goosemoose> ok
[22:39] <antdedyet> mathiaz: you're correct.
[22:39] <mathiaz> antdedyet: what was the error ?
[22:40] <antdedyet> mathiaz: hmm, I don't recall, but it hard locked the machine
[22:40] <Goosemoose> ok so off the likewise site is: http://www.likewisesoftware.com/bits/likewise-open_4.0.0-1likewise1_i386.deb
[22:40] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: yeah - that's an old version.
[22:40] <Goosemoose> damn
[22:41] <Goosemoose> where would a newer version be?
[22:42] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: It hasn't been put on the website I think.
[22:42] <Goosemoose> will the old version work?
[22:42] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: you could try to take the package from hardy and rebuild it for gutsy.
[22:42] <mathiaz> Goosemoose: I don't know. You should try.
[22:43] <Goosemoose> im not an advanced linux user, i can run my lamp servers, been doing that for years, and admin 500 computer windows network with 7 servers
[22:43] <Goosemoose> just learning preseed and this sort of stuff
[22:43] <Goosemoose> ok ill try the old one
[22:44] <antdedyet> Unfortunately, the machine that the 4.0.0 is on here is shutdown and I don't have login credentials for it ... the guy is out of office helping Kiwani's setup for Pancake Day tomorrow
[22:45] <antdedyet> ah, I get 'domain can't be resolved' on my laptop w/ the hardy pkg
[22:46] <antdedyet> resolv.conf is using the win2003 ad server for dns (it serves dns as well)
[22:47] * antdedyet logs
[22:48] <Goosemoose> strange
[22:48] <Goosemoose> i tried installing the deb package, told dependicies were missing
[22:48] <Goosemoose> tries install those and told i couldnt but to run
[22:48] <Goosemoose> apt-get -f install
[22:49] <Goosemoose> i did that and the likewise started and asked me for the domain name
[22:49] <Goosemoose> entered it, clicked ok
[22:49] <Goosemoose> got ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
[22:49] <Goosemoose> so im guessing it work, or is trying to
[22:51] <Goosemoose> damn
[22:51] <Goosemoose> leia@Leia:/var/www$ kinit
[22:51] <Goosemoose> kinit(v5): Cannot resolve network address for KDC in realm DHS.LOCAL while getting initial credentials
[22:51] <Goosemoose> tried getting a ticket
[22:52] * antdedyet sips fresh coffee
[22:54] * antdedyet hopes there will be a README.Debian for the final hardy pkg
[22:54] <antdedyet> ah, new release availabe
[23:04] <adm2> ah well, thanks for your help
[23:11] <moos3> anyone see anything wrong with this http://pastebin.org/19769
[23:31] <antdedyet> does this denote a bug can be filed against likewise-open now? :
[23:31] <antdedyet> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/likewise-open/+filebug
[23:31] <antdedyet> or does the bug report fail later in the process?
[23:38] <moos3> anyone made a auth-ldap-client profile before ?
[23:38] <moos3> http://pastebin.org/19769
[23:46] <antdedyet> moos3: I don't see anything wrong with that profile. Have you verified proper settings in /etc/nsswitch.conf ?
[23:46] <antdedyet> welp, time for me to shutdown and play nomad.
[23:47] <antdedyet> bbiab, hopefully.
[23:49] <moos3> yeah