UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /15 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[18:05] <rhpot1991> Tuv0k: that package should be done, dunno if it takes a while for it to hit apt or not though
[18:06] <Tuv0k> updates are dry atm
[18:06] <rhpot1991> what happens if you apt-cache search for it
[18:06] <Tuv0k> I did get the backend from launchpad though
[18:09] <rhpot1991> I know superm1 got the perl upnp done a few days ago, had to get it in before the feature freeze
[18:10] <Tuv0k> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/191459/
[18:10] <Tuv0k> says "in progress"
[18:10] <Tuv0k> and thats for filing it as a bug!
[18:10] <Tuv0k> thanks
[18:11] <rhpot1991> so do both of mine
[18:11] <rhpot1991> dunno when they get switched
[20:28] <rogue780_> superm1, hi
[21:09] <Tuv0k> unable to update libmyth-perl
[22:07] <MythbuntuGuest65> im using mythbuntu but how do i get in my xfce ?
[22:08] <adaptr> install xubuntu-desktop
[22:09] <adaptr> if your actual question was anything like it looked like to me....
[22:13] <MythbuntuGuest65> better downloaded xubuntu and installed mythbuntu with apt
[22:14] <adaptr> next time, download mythbuntu and install that :)
[22:17] <MythbuntuGuest65> damm i love debian - commercial crap
[22:18] <Tuv0k> lirc-modules-source is still missing the /lib/firmware/haup-ir-blaster.bin in order for the remote to work at all
[22:18] <Tuv0k> the package however does not fail to compile, just does not have this important file
[22:20] <Sadarax> My hauppauge pvr-150 is not showing up when I try to run the mythtv setup. I have the ivtv-utils installed, but still nothing. Suggestions?
[22:21] <Tuv0k> yeah
[22:22] <Tuv0k> I just posted remote info for that remote
[22:22] <Tuv0k> I have the same one
[22:22] <Tuv0k> lirc-modules-source is still missing the /lib/firmware/haup-ir-blaster.bin in order for the remote to work at all
[22:22] <Tuv0k> you must have that file
[22:22] <Tuv0k> whether you use the blaster or not
[22:22] <Sadarax> I'm not worried about the remote (I don't have one).
[22:22] <Sadarax> Oh, so I need that just to get the card to detect?
[22:23] <Tuv0k> not the card, the remote
[22:23] <Sadarax> I don't think I was clear that, when doing the setup and picking my video source, the card does not detect
[22:23] <Tuv0k> if you have one
[22:23] <Sadarax> I don't have a remote, just the card
[22:23] <Tuv0k> the video source is not the card
[22:23] <Sadarax> Obviously
[22:23] <Tuv0k> that would be the channels
[22:24] <Tuv0k> you can add the card straight from the frontend
[22:24] <Sadarax> Yeah, that is where the problem is happening
[22:24] <Sadarax> In the past (with KnoppMyth), I just pick PVR-150 in the from end and my card is detected
[22:24] <Sadarax> This time in MythBuntu, it is not happening (detection failed)
[22:25] <Tuv0k> you have to go to "capture cards"
[22:26] <Tuv0k> "new capture card"
[22:26] <Sadarax> Thanks, but that is the problem. I do that, exactly, and when I try to add the card there, it fails to detect
[22:26] <Tuv0k> card type
[22:27] <Tuv0k> video device
[22:27] <Tuv0k> = /dev/video0
[22:27] <Tuv0k> or =/dev/video1
[22:28] <Tuv0k> just had to do it again myself
[22:28] <Tuv0k> I have a webcam hooked up, and sometimes it steals the /dev/video0 slot
[22:29] <Tuv0k> then I have to reselect my pvr-150 as /dev/video1
[22:29] <Tuv0k> its a pain sometimes
[22:29] <Tuv0k> hope that helps
[22:29] <Sadarax> Hmm, I don't think I picked /dev/video1 last time. I will try again
[22:29] <Sadarax> Thanks.
[22:29] <Tuv0k> np
[22:29] <Sadarax> (I can't try now, I'm not home yet)
[22:29] <Tuv0k> we have the easiest card to use with mythtv
[22:29] <Tuv0k> well I'll be here
[22:43] <toorima> Tuv0k: i have the same problem but its the analog part of my pchdtv5500 that steals video0 and I fixed it by blacklisting the module and then load it later in the boot process
[22:43] <toorima> that way the pvr150 allways gets video0
[22:44] <Sadarax> pchdtv? What is that? a remote of some type?
[22:46] <toorima> Sadarax: its a capture card for hdtv
[22:47] <Sadarax> Ah, okay
[22:47] <toorima> i have a pvr150 for sd channels and a pchdtv5500 for hd channels
[22:49] <Sadarax> toorima, nice setup. Probably easier that finding a dual HD/Analog card.
[22:49] <Sadarax> Though I was considering getting a Fusion 5 HD card, since they seem to be very well supported
[22:51] <toorima> well the pchdtv5500 is dual hd/sd but i had the pvr150 from my first mythtv box so i dont use the analog part of the pchdtv5500
[22:53] <toorima> and the sd part of the pchdtv5500 is only software based so the quality isnt as good as a pvr150 because of its hardware decoder