UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /15 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[16:58] <jussi01> shockhead: understandable, was just asking that you did that, and not --reinstall
[16:59] <jussi01> shockhead: I know
[16:59] <jussi01> !tab | shockhead:
[16:59] <ubotu> shockhead:: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.
[17:00] <shockhead> oh cool, thanks jussi01 & ubotu :-)
[17:00] <shockhead> nice
[17:00] <shockhead> i'm pretty new to irc
[17:00] <Level15> I installed kde4, and my multimedia keys do not seem to work on it. Is there anything special I need to fo to get them working?
[17:00] <jussi01> !thanks | shockhead
[17:00] <ubotu> shockhead: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[17:01] <jussi01> Level15: kde4 help in #kubuntu-kde4
[17:01] <Level15> jussi01: I'm there, nobody's answering :(
[17:01] <shockhead> jussi01: would you mind checking your flash version too? i have 9.0 r115 according to about:plugins
[17:02] <jussi01> Level15: then be patient :)
[17:02] <jussi01> shockhead: cant right now, as I am on hardy
[17:03] <shockhead> but even if it works in hardy, just wondering....
[17:03] <firecrotch> I want to try a fresh install of hardy (currently running gutsy) but I have no way to burn the ISO image to a CD, does anyone have any suggestions?
[17:03] <shockhead> jussi01: i'm pretty sure that xembed isn't in konq yet....? so r115 wouldn't work with either... that's waht i read anyway.
[17:03] <jussi01> shockhead: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree returns: Installed:
[17:03] <shockhead> jussi01: thanks... hmmm
[17:03] <jussi01> !install | firecrotch
[17:03] <ubotu> firecrotch: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[17:03] <shockhead> puzzling
[17:04] <shockhead> jussi01: what's the !thanks thing?
[17:04] <jussi01> shockhead: I thought there was a patch which included xembed
[17:04] <firecrotch> jussi01: I took a look at that tinyurl link earlier, but I can't find the required files in the ISO
[17:04] <jussi01> firecrotch: hmmm, not sure then sorry
[17:05] <firecrotch> jussi01: Thanks anyways :)
[17:05] <firecrotch> I suppose I can drive to school and burn the CD there
[17:05] <jussi01> shockhead: just a factoid from the bot.
[17:05] <jussi01> !bot > shockhead
[17:05] <jussi01> shockhead: see the private message from ubotu
[17:06] <Shrek> jussi01: thanx :(
[17:06] <shockhead> jussi01: ah cool, thanks
[17:06] <jussi01> Shrek: sad. Perhaps its a good idea to send a letter/email to konica minolta?
[17:07] <Shrek> jussi01: I may do that. is it always the manufacturer who makes the driver, or are there third parties who make drivers for linux?
[17:07] <ubuntu> hello
[17:08] <firecrotch> Shrek: Some manufacturers make drivers, but a lot are made by third parties
[17:08] <jussi01> Shrek: Sometimes it is 3rd parties, if the specs are public or someone reverse engineers it. However, best to talk to the manufacturer ang get them aware that linux is a good idea
[17:09] <Shrek> then I wonder if there is someone I could contact and ask if they would make a driver
[17:09] <senane> lu
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[17:09] <firecrotch> Shrek: I missed the earlier part of the discussion: what are you looking for a driver for?
[17:09] <Shrek> firecrotch: my printer
[17:09] <HostiL> #ubuntu-fr
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[17:09] <jussi01> firecrotch: Konica-Minolta magicolor 2500W
[17:10] <Shrek> firecrotch: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=KONICA_MINOLTA-magicolor_2500W
[17:10] <Pici> Whats the KDE equivalent to Gnome's Software Sources picker?
[17:10] <HostiL> #kubuntu-fr
[17:11] <Lynoure> Pici: adept
[17:11] <jussi01> Pici: manage repositories under adept
[17:11] <Pici> Lynoure: Thanks :)
[17:11] <ubuntu> hi all.... i m getting a grub error 15 file not found.. can anybody please help?
[17:12] <shockhead> jussi01: could the konq error be because I'm using the kde4 ppa? i think i'm getting konqueror 3.5.8 from that... which might not have the patch...
[17:12] <mefisto__> ubuntu: newly installed? or did you change something?
[17:12] <jussi01> shockhead: just thought of something, I know why mine works... I grabbed a deb off the forums..
[17:12] <firecrotch> ubuntu: do you have a live CD or another way to access the contents of the hard drive?
[17:12] <ubuntu> mefisto__: i think i updated a newly installed version of kubuntu 64
[17:12] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i am on a live CD
[17:12] <shockhead> jussi01: ooh... do you have a link?
[17:13] <jussi01> shockhead: 1 moment
[17:13] <ubuntu> i got the error after installing JRE
[17:13] <firecrotch> ubuntu: can you pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst ?
[17:13] <timmy> dlx: hur kom jag till svenska ubuntu
[17:14] <slow-motion> hi
[17:14] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok i ll try to... actually i m quite new to Linux on the whole
[17:15] <jussi01> shockhead: I assume you are on 32bit?
[17:15] <shockhead> jussi01: yeah
[17:16] <firecrotch> ubuntu: you should be able to access the hard drive via the System Menu (it's the computer icon on the bottom panel)
[17:17] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i tried to get to it thru the thru the konsole and then vi but it seems to be an emtpy file
[17:17] <mefisto__> ubuntu: are you on livecd?
[17:17] <firecrotch> ubuntu: you're probably looking at the one for the live environment, which doesn't exist
[17:18] <ubuntu> firecrotch: yes...
[17:18] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i m also panicking
[17:18] <ubuntu> mefisto__: yes i m on live cd...
[17:18] <firecrotch> ubuntu: there's no need to panic, it's most likely a simple issue
[17:18] <mefisto__> ubuntu: it'll be fine, relax
[17:19] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i m glad u say that
[17:19] <BluesKaj> Howdy All : )
[17:19] <firecrotch> ubuntu: all that error means is that it's trying to load the linux kernel, but it's not where it expects it to be
[17:19] <firecrotch> Howdy, BluesKaj
[17:19] <jussi01> shockhead: I cant find it now, it may have disappeared as the fix was released. but there are still lots of issues on the forums with some fixes attached - search with flashplugin-nonfree
[17:20] <BluesKaj> hiya firecrotch
[17:20] <pharaon> how could i install a codec for mp3 and movies ?
[17:20] <Shrek> jussi01: and firecrotchI think I am going to contact Robter Krawitz from gutenprint and see if perhaps gutenprint would be interested in developing a driver
[17:20] <shockhead> jussi01: thanks, will do
[17:20] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i tried loading the grub menu n then e to edit the line which said (hd0,0)
[17:20] <jussi01> Shrek: nice
[17:21] <mefisto__> ubuntu: you need to mount your linux partition in the livecd session so you can get to your menu.lst on the hard disk
[17:21] <ubuntu> firecrotch: mefisto__ i also looked in the system folders - root/boot/ but there is no folder called grub in it
[17:21] <BluesKaj> pharaon, install libdvdcss2,libxine1-ffmpeg, w32codecs and kubuntu-restricted-extras
[17:21] <ubuntu> mefisto__: but how do i that
[17:21] <samuel16> Hello everybody
[17:22] <pharaon> BluesKaj: thanks .. i try
[17:22] <samuel16> I have a problem with python-pygame
[17:22] <BluesKaj> !multimedia | pharaon
[17:22] <ubotu> pharaon: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications
[17:23] <pharaon> i have kubuntu 7.10
[17:23] <pharaon> and he dont install aotomatic
[17:23] <samuel16> Because I have installed it froms source
[17:23] <ubuntu> firecrotch: mefisto__ i saw on the ubuntu forum where they said shifting back to hd(0,0) from hd(1,0) fixed their proble,, but for me its only one single hard disk
[17:23] <firecrotch> ubuntu: If you open the System Menu and go to Storage Media, your hard drive should show up there
[17:23] <ubuntu> firecrotch: it does but there is no folder called grub inside the folder boot
[17:24] <samuel16> I mean from source because freevo won´t run with the deb package of python-pygame
[17:24] <ubuntu> firecrotch: unless i m looking at the folder structure of the live cd ?
[17:24] <samuel16> And now I want to install freevo but dependency python-pygame must be installed
[17:24] <firecrotch> ubuntu: I think you're looking at the live CD
[17:24] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i feel the same
[17:25] <mefisto__> firecrotch: does livecd mount linux partitions automatically?
[17:25] <samuel16> But if I install python-pygame it gives me back error 1
[17:25] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i can see my hard disk but when i double click it, its nothing inside
[17:25] <samuel16> How can I install freevo without to install python-pygame?
[17:25] <samuel16> from source?
[17:25] <firecrotch> mefisto__: Now that I think about it, I'm not sure...
[17:26] <ubuntu> firecrotch: mefisto__ the hard disk when double clicked shows sda1
[17:26] <firecrotch> Well that answers that... it's mounted.
[17:27] <ubuntu> firecrotch: but it doesnt show anything inside
[17:27] <BluesKaj> pharaon, do you know how to use the adept pkg installer ?
[17:27] <mefisto__> ubuntu: and in the sda1 directory? does it show your disk's root dir?
[17:28] <ubuntu> mefisto__: on the left vertical menu there is a icon for root but i feel that belongs to the live cd
[17:28] <mefisto__> firecrotch: I'm just echoing what you're saying, I'll let you handle it, OK?
[17:28] <WorldBFree> is there a way to install kde 4 as the standalone wm instead of alongside kde 3 on 7.10?
[17:29] <jpatrick> WorldBFree: #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 support
[17:29] <ubuntu> mefisto__: when i open the sda1, it shows nothing inside it
[17:29] <firecrotch> mefisto__: Alright
[17:29] * BluesKaj wishes the sites dealing with multimedia issues were more kubuntu/kde oriented. New users are confused by the gnome approach.
[17:29] * jussi01 pokes BluesKaj to go update the wiki
[17:30] <jussi01> BluesKaj: it is a wiki after all...
[17:30] * BluesKaj has no idea how
[17:30] <jussi01> BluesKaj: you got a launchpad account?
[17:30] <ubuntu> mefisto__: thanks for the concern... i really appreciate it.
[17:30] <BluesKaj> i thought that was up to the kubuntu members
[17:30] <firecrotch> ubuntu: in konsole, type "umount /dev/sda1"
[17:30] <firecrotch> without the quotes
[17:30] <ubuntu> firecrotch: brother, wat do u think i shud od
[17:30] <ubuntu> do*
[17:31] <ubuntu> firec
[17:31] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok
[17:31] <jussi01> BluesKaj: as long as you have a lp account you can edit the wiki, just try to make sure its correct when you do. :) and respect it if it says in the notes not to edit..
[17:31] <BluesKaj> jussi01, no , in my experience launchpad doesn't help much
[17:31] <Vermux> yeah/!
[17:31] <ubuntu> firecrotch: its says its not mounted accoriding to mstab
[17:32] <Vermux> how do I install manualltjava runtime environment?
[17:32] <pharaon> BluesKaj: i installed gstream for mp3 and divx movies and now i dont have problem to open that .... its work great
[17:32] <tlayton> !hidd
[17:32] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hidd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:32] <jussi01> !java | Vermux
[17:32] <ubotu> Vermux: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[17:32] <shockhead> jussi01: hey i found it but it didn't seem to work... thanks anyway.. gonna try again later
[17:32] <BluesKaj> pharaon, cool :)
[17:32] <jussi01> shockhead: ok
[17:32] <pharaon> BluesKaj: thaks ;)
[17:33] <pharaon> thanks*
[17:33] <firecrotch> ubuntu: we're going to create a place to mount it first. in konsole: mkdir /mnt/sda1
[17:33] <jussi01> shockhead: make sure you purge the previous install first
[17:34] <tlayton> !bluetooth
[17:34] <ubotu> For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup
[17:34] <WorldBFree> im trying to install the ubuntu restricted extras, it asks for the kbuntu cd, but i installed kubuntu from an image directly on the hd, what do i do?
[17:34] <mefisto__> jussi01: for the record, I just downloaded the tar.gz from adobe and replaced the libflashplayer.so in the right dir, and it worked
[17:35] <Riskbreaker> how do i get to the cups webform
[17:35] <jussi01> WorldBFree: remove the cd from adept-manage repositories
[17:35] <llutz> Riskbreaker: localhost:631 in your browser
[17:35] <jussi01> Riskbreaker: http://localhost:632
[17:35] <firecrotch> WorldBFree: You'll need to remove the line at the top of your sources.list file that references the cd-rom
[17:35] <jussi01> Riskbreaker: http://localhost:631
[17:35] <jussi01> sorry
[17:35] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i got disconnected for a few seconds
[17:35] <ubuntu> firecrotch: did i miss someting... i tried to umount but it says sda1 is not mounted
[17:35] <WorldBFree> thanks club
[17:36] <Riskbreaker> thanks!
[17:36] <firecrotch> ubuntu: we're going to create a place to mount it first. in konsole: mkdir /mnt/sda1
[17:36] <tlayton> anybody know how to add hidd (it's missing) to the bluez utils for hardy?
[17:37] <BluesKaj> WorldBFree, you need to edit your xorg.config file and comment out the cdrom deb repository with a #, then the other repos will be available, as long as you take out the or uncomment the #.
[17:37] <Vermux> jussi01: this is confusing
[17:38] <firecrotch> BluesKaj: That's a good one.... repos in xorg.conf lol
[17:39] <BluesKaj> oops sorry sources.list, WorldBFree :)
[17:39] <jussi01> Vermux: whats up?
[17:39] <BluesKaj> too many balls in the air here , firecrotch
[17:39] <WorldBFree> BluesKaj: yeah i knew what you meant
[17:39] <firecrotch> BluesKaj: :-D
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[17:40] <firecrotch> I'm not even gonna make a joke...
[17:40] <WorldBFree> does that ubuntu-extras install flash as well?
[17:40] <jussi01> WorldBFree: no
[17:40] <firecrotch> welcome back, ubuntu
[17:40] <BluesKaj> cool WorldBFree , I'm trying to talk to my ISP about my so called speedier DSL options which were supposed to be turned on today , but apparently not yet .
[17:41] <Vermux> jussi01: Im confused about the Java
[17:41] <ubuntu> firecrotch: hey thanks
[17:41] <jussi01> WorldBFree: on kubuntu, you should install kubuntu-restricted-extras
[17:41] <Vermux> jussi01: what has to be done in order to install java/ java plugin
[17:41] <Vermux> >
[17:41] <jussi01> Vermux: which bit?
[17:41] <BluesKaj> !java
[17:41] <ubotu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[17:41] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i thought u must be pisd coz i got diconnected
[17:41] <jussi01> Vermux: ok, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
[17:41] <firecrotch> ubuntu: Not at all, it happens :)
[17:42] <ubuntu> firecrotch: whew
[17:42] <firecrotch> ubuntu: did you run the mkdir /mnt/sda1 command?
[17:42] <ubuntu> firecrotch: yes i had done that
[17:42] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i had done that by mkdir mnt/root
[17:43] <ubuntu> firecrotch: but i think i had messed up when i came to the part wher i had to replace th uuid
[17:44] <firecrotch> ubuntu: Um? you shouldn't have had to replace anything.... just run it as I typed it
[17:44] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok i ll do that
[17:44] <firecrotch> ubuntu: you should not get any output from it, it will just bring you back to a prompt
[17:45] <ubuntu> firecrotch: its says permission denied
[17:46] <mefisto__> firecrotch: you could just mount in /mnt. don't need a new dir
[17:46] <firecrotch> ubuntu: silly me, sorry. you need to put sudo in front of the command, so it should read "sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1"
[17:46] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok
[17:46] <firecrotch> mefisto__: not if there's something else mounted there
[17:46] <firecrotch> mefisto__: like a cd-rom drive :)
[17:47] <ubuntu> firecrotch: yes it came to th prompt as u said
[17:47] <firecrotch> ubuntu: the next command is: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
[17:47] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok
[17:48] <firecrotch> ubuntu: after that, you should be able to just open up Konqueror, put /mnt/sda1 into the address bar, and it will take you to the root of your installed system
[17:48] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok it came bac to the prompt
[17:49] <firecrotch> So inside of /mnt/sda1 is your installed system. There should be a directory called boot
[17:49] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok
[17:50] <Vermux> jussi01: ok, I installed it. but this web says that there are missing java plugins
[17:50] <jussi01> Vermux: have you restarted firefox/konq?
[17:50] <firecrotch> ubuntu: inside of there should be the grub directory, with the menu.lst file inside of it
[17:50] <Vermux> jussi01: no
[17:50] <Vermux> firefox
[17:50] <jussi01> Vermux: that would help
[17:50] <Vermux> jussi01: If I click on the x all tabs will be lost?
[17:51] <ubuntu> firecrotch: yes it is there, i ve copied its contents.. shud i paste in the pastebin?
[17:51] <jussi01> Vermux: correct.
[17:51] <firecrotch> ubuntu: yes please :)
[17:51] <Vermux> jussi01: ok,
[17:51] <jussi01> however, if you dont have too many, then they should be listed in recetly closed tabs when you repoen
[17:52] <ubuntu> firecrotch: is this th url for the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56099/
[17:52] <WorldBFree> i get errors at the end about some launchpad repositories when i do apt-get update, whats that about
[17:52] <jussi01> WorldBFree: check out what it says on the kde4 install site
[17:53] <Vermux> jussi01: the same problem
[17:54] <Vermux> jussi01: when I click o
[17:54] <jussi01> Vermux: are you sure its a java applet, not flash?
[17:54] <Vermux> jussi01: on Install Missing Plugins the only option I have is to install it manually. How do I do that?
[17:55] <Vermux> jussi01: it says that the Java runtime environment is available
[17:55] <firecrotch> ubuntu: I don't see anything glaringly obvious that is wrong with that
[17:56] <jussi01> Vermux: could you pm me the website so I can test?
[17:57] <Vermux> jussi01: http://www.bandwidth.com/tools/speedTest
[17:57] <mefisto__> ubuntu: do you have a file named vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic in your /boot directory (on the hard disk that you just mounted)?
[17:57] <ubuntu> mefisto__: i ll check
[17:58] <ubuntu> mefisto__: yes there is
[17:58] <mefisto__> ubuntu: and that's in /mnt/sda1/boot ?
[17:59] <ubuntu> mefisto__: yes it is
[17:59] <firecrotch> ubuntu: is initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic also there?
[17:59] <famval> #kubuntu-es
[18:00] <ubuntu> firecrotch: there is but its got a .bak extn
[18:00] <famval> alguien que me diga como configurar amsn 0.97 para poder usarlo
[18:00] <firecrotch> ubuntu: that's the problem :)
[18:01] <Pici> famval: /j #ubuntu-es
[18:01] <firecrotch> ubuntu: you'll have to rename it without the .bak extension
[18:01] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i dont get it... i hope it is
[18:01] <ubuntu> firec
[18:01] <ubuntu> firecrotch: and then?
[18:01] <ubuntu> firecrotch: do u think it ll be solved?
[18:01] <Dunas> Kubuntu's taking somewhere around two full minutes to get to the login screen at startup. Any ideas
[18:01] <Dunas> ?
[18:02] <firecrotch> ubuntu: after you rename it, try to boot
[18:02] <Dunas> I ask because I need to reboot to enable an ATI driver. :S
[18:02] <ubuntu> firecrotch: its says acceess denied... can i open as root in here too?
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[18:03] <ubuntu> firecrotch: it wont let me rename it
[18:03] <hostiL> #kubuntu-fr
[18:03] <firecrotch> ubuntu: you can rename it from konsole a lot easier: sudo mv /mnt/sda1/boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic.bak /mnt/sda1/boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic
[18:04] <Dunas> Is there some way to speed up the load time between GRUB and the login screen?
[18:04] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok i ll do that
[18:04] <kiskoma> hey
[18:04] <ubuntu_> Hi All. I need help bigtime. when my system boots it says the kernel isn't sync'ed or something. like VLM sync kernel.. Does anyone know what is a fix for this as I don't want to lose my drive contents! And why doesn't installer allow to over write system files in installl? Why do you have to partition and zap your drive?
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[18:04] <jussi01> Vermux: weird, it gives me the same here, but everything still works
[18:04] <kiskoma> sorry i'm beginer
[18:04] <jussi01> Vermux: anyway, I need to run
[18:04] <firecrotch> Dunas: First we have to figure out why it's so slow :) I'm looking up how to turn on boot logging right now
[18:05] <Dunas> firecrotch: Thanks. :D I'm pretty new to all this, so be careful about how complex that is. >> << Could kill this computer if I do something wrong.
[18:05] <firecrotch> Dunas: we won't let that happen :)
[18:05] <Vermux> try to do the test
[18:05] <unagi> i constantly have the kde window decorator crash on me............here is the backtrace http://pastebin.org/19754 can anyone tell me what this means?
[18:05] <Vermux> jussi01: ^
[18:05] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok it renamed,, there s one more file in there with the same name but with dpkg-bak extn
[18:05] <firecrotch> Dunas: Just for my own info, what are the specs of the machine?
[18:06] <mefisto__> Dunas: you could try this: at grub menu when you boot, press "e" to edit the kernel line, and add "profile" at the end, then enter. press "b" to boot. It will take longer than usual to boot, but after that it should boot up a little faster
[18:06] <ubuntu_> Where does linux store its boot kickstarts?
[18:06] <unagi> !decorator
[18:06] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about decorator - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[18:06] <snowdonkey> Hi. Can someone explain why defragmenting isn't necessary with an ext3 filesystem?
[18:06] <Dunas> firecrotch: AMD64 Turion processor, ATI mobile graphics card, RTL8185 wireless chipset, and if you tell me how I can find the RAM and other specs.
[18:06] <firecrotch> ubuntu: that's fine, as long as you have one copy that exactly matches what it says in the menu.lst file, it will work
[18:06] <unagi> !defrag | snowdonkey
[18:06] <ubotu> snowdonkey: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.
[18:06] <ubuntu> firecrotch: ok cool
[18:07] <snowdonkey> unagi: Nice, thanks.
[18:07] <famval> hi
[18:07] <DaSkreech> Hi unagi got your problem sorted/
[18:08] <mefisto__> looks like ubuntu had a bad/interrupted kernel upgrade
[18:09] <ubuntu_> Hi All. I need help bigtime. when my system boots it says the kernel isn't sync'ed or something. like VLM sync kernel.. Does anyone know what is a fix for this as I don't want to lose my drive contents! And why doesn't installer allow to over write system files in installl? Why do you have to partition and zap your drive?
[18:10] <unagi> what is the command for the kde window decorator?
[18:10] <llutz> kwin
[18:10] <mefisto__> kde-window-decorator
[18:11] <unagi> i constantly have the kde window deocorator crash on me http://pastebin.org/19754
[18:11] <unagi> i dont know why
[18:11] <firecrotch> Dunas: I can't seem to find out how to turn the logging on... I'll get it, just give me a moment
[18:12] <mefisto__> unagi: happens to me too (when I start compiz). I made a .desktop file and put it in kmenu to start it again
[18:12] <Dunas> Ok.
[18:12] <scorpio> Всем привед!!!
[18:12] <unagi> i cant seem to close the alt + f2 run dialogue anyone know what the process is
[18:13] <BluesKaj> !ru | scorpio
[18:13] <ubotu> scorpio: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[18:13] <unagi> wow my whole system is acting up
[18:13] <tj__> can i use gaim with kubuntu i need to connect to xfire but kopete doesn't have a plug-in at least not one in can find
[18:13] <BluesKaj> !gaim | tj__
[18:13] <ubotu> tj__: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !gaim
=== ubuntu is now known as Xeros
[18:14] <mefisto__> tj__: gaim is now pidgin, I believe
[18:14] <tj__> hmm i don't get it
[18:14] <tj__> changed name to pidgin
[18:15] <BluesKaj> yeah tj__ , mefisto has it correct , pidgin is the gaim substitute in kubuntu now
[18:15] <mefisto__> pidgin is gaim everywhere, not just kubuntu
[18:15] <tj__> thanks do u think the xfire plugin for gaim would work for it
[18:15] <vlt> Hello. When I have open an OpenOffice window and then---from another pc but logged in as the same user---open an office document it opens on the first pc. Any idea how to prevent this?
[18:16] <BluesKaj> ok mefisto__ thz for the heads up ...not a gaimer :)
[18:16] <GNU\colossus> hi all - I'd like to associate all video/* media with mplayer running in a terminal (that is closed after mplayer exits) from CLI - any hints on how to do so?
[18:17] <ubuntu> firecrotch: hello again
[18:17] <ubuntu> mefisto__: hi
[18:17] <DaSkreech> tj__: #pidgin
[18:17] <firecrotch> ubuntu: hi
[18:17] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i think ur help solved the problem
[18:17] <mefisto__> ubuntu: how did it go?
[18:17] <ubuntu> firecrotch: otbut i cant bo
[18:17] <ubuntu> boot
[18:17] <ubuntu> firecrotch: i m getting some microcode error
[18:17] <firecrotch> ubuntu: Do you have a different error now?
[18:18] <ubuntu> firecrotch: it wont letme login to the x server/
[18:18] <ubuntu> firecrotch: u know it used to throw the microcode error but it ended up booting anyways
[18:18] <firecrotch> Dunas: in /etc/default/bootlogd, change BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=No to BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=Yes
[18:18] <BluesKaj> hey ubuntu , there several new users who don't bother giviung themselves anick using the ubuntu handle , perhaps you could nick yourself to identify yourself from the ubuntus who frequent this room on a daily basis . Then we know who we're talking to :)
[18:19] <firecrotch> Dunas: you'll need to use sudo to edit that file
[18:19] <ubuntu> BluesKaj: hi there... i ll do that
[18:19] <roman> hallo
[18:22] <Dunas> Alright. It's set.
[18:22] <Dunas> I'll be right back after rebooting.
[18:22] <firecrotch> Dunas: Alright :)
[18:22] <DaSkreech> ubuntu: Try /nick
[18:22] <DaSkreech> bah
[18:23] <walmik> hello firecrotch mefisto__ BluesKaj, this is ubuntu
[18:23] <walmik> BluesKaj: i created a nick as u said
[18:23] <firecrotch> walmik: Thanks, makes things much easier :)
[18:23] <Vermux> how do I know if Im getting multiserve updates?
[18:23] <walmik> firecrotch: cool
[18:24] <firecrotch> walmik: We'll need to know the exact error that you're getting when you try to boot
[18:24] <DaSkreech> !nick
[18:24] <ubotu> By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration
[18:24] <DaSkreech> hmm
[18:25] <walmik> firecrotch: ok i have copied on my other machine, i ll type ithere
[18:25] <DaSkreech> walmik: You can type /nick newnick as well
[18:25] <DaSkreech> It's a lot faster
[18:25] <walmik> DaSkreech: oh... i went the longer way i guess,,, but i ll remember this tip, thanks
[18:25] <Vermux> hi
[18:26] <ubuntu_> My "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic" was zero bytes. copied over backup so hope this works. to get system working agian.
[18:27] <firecrotch> Welcome back, Dunas
[18:27] <walmik> firecrotch: microcode error "bcm43xx_microcode.fw" not available or load failed
[18:27] <walmik> firecrotch: it keeps looping over this line at some interval and asks me for walmik-laptop login and password
[18:27] <Dunas> Thank you.
[18:28] <mefisto__> walmik: that .bak extension, and the other file that was in /boot, suggests that a kernel upgrade was interrupted. "sudo dpkg --configure -a" should fix that.
[18:28] <walmik> firecrotch: i m on a compaq pressario amd64 turion
[18:28] <walmik> mefisto__: shud i type it now in the konsole
[18:28] <mefisto__> walmik: are you on livecd or ...?
[18:29] <firecrotch> walmik: boot from the hard drive, and enter your username and password at the prompt, then do that
[18:29] <walmik> mefisto__: live cd :(
[18:29] <khelll> how to change file encoding from console ?
[18:29] <walmik> firecrotch: ok i ll do that
[18:29] <mefisto__> walmik: by the way --configure has 2 dashes
[18:29] <firecrotch> You can ignore those microcode errors for the time being
[18:30] <walmik> mefisto__: ok thanks again... i ll remember that
=== ubuntu is now known as xeros
[18:31] <firecrotch> Dunas: Can you pastebin the content of /var/log/boot please?
[18:32] <sub[t]rnl> greets
[18:34] <Dunas> It says nothing has been logged yet.
[18:35] <sub[t]rnl> Dunas➜ what are you trying to log?
[18:35] <Dunas> Bootlog.
[18:35] <sub[t]rnl> ah
[18:35] <sub[t]rnl> yeah when ubuntu switched to upstream instead of init they disabled bootlogd
[18:36] <Pici> s/upstream/upstart/
[18:36] <sub[t]rnl> upstart :>
[18:36] <firecrotch> sub[t]rnl: do you know where upstart keeps the boot log then?
[18:36] <mefisto__> sub[t]rnl: so there is no boot log now?
[18:36] <sub[t]rnl> well, I'm guessing it gets written to /dev/console, so, nowhere
[18:37] <sub[t]rnl> :/
[18:37] <sub[t]rnl> you can install a prior version of bootlogd to get it working again, sec
[18:37] <sub[t]rnl> https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/98955
[18:37] <sub[t]rnl> down at the bottom is a .tar.gz that is working
[18:37] <Dunas> I might try a different distribution at this rate. Can't get Steam running, takes forever to boot up... @@
[18:38] <Dunas> Actually, ok, I can't get Wine iexplorer OR steam running but they're kind of connected.
[18:40] <sdstewar> hey
[18:40] <sdstewar> any hotties on here
[18:40] <sdstewar> call me baby
[18:40] * sub[t]rnl sighs
[18:40] <sdstewar> so what is this chat thing anyway
[18:41] <sdstewar> NgigA
[18:41] <Dunas> Does this happen often?
[18:41] <Pici> sdstewar: See the topic.
[18:41] <Pici> sdstewar: Official Kubuntu support channel
[18:41] <firecrotch> sdstewar: This is a support channel for Kubuntu
[18:42] <mefisto__> sub[t]rnl: would dmesg | less effectively give you a boot log?
[18:42] <sdstewar> ok so i was trying to get to this porn website right
[18:42] <sdstewar> and the damn thing crached on me
[18:42] <sdstewar> said i didnt have the proper flash
[18:42] <firecrotch> !offtopic > sdstewar
[18:42] <sdstewar> needed flash 9
[18:42] <sdstewar> so what would i do to fix that
[18:42] <Pici> !flash
[18:42] <ubotu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[18:43] <DaSkreech> sdstewar: Switch to EMCAscript :)
[18:43] <Pici> sdstewar: install the flashplugin-nonfree package.
[18:43] <sub[t]rnl> mefisto__➜ negative, not the actual [ok] [fail] log that people are after
[18:44] <ForgeAus> how do I d/l a .deb from a repository outside of apt?
[18:44] <ForgeAus> ie browse to a .deb list?
[18:44] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: You mean you just want to fetch the deb instead of installing it?
[18:45] <ForgeAus> firecrotch I want to get the .deb from a browser and copy it over to my kubuntu so that I can install it there
[18:45] <ForgeAus> (my kubuntu's networking is non-functional right now)
[18:45] <firecrotch> You'll need to find it on packages.ubuntu.com then
[18:45] <ForgeAus> I need to fix fglxr and the networking and possibly X before I can get apt up
[18:45] <walmik> mefisto__: hi there
[18:45] <ForgeAus> ok thanx :)
[18:45] <walmik> firecrotch: hello
[18:45] <mefisto__> ForgeAus: http://www.getdeb.net/ might have the deb you're looking for
[18:46] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: All you should need to do to get apt working is get the networking working :)
[18:46] <firecrotch> no need for X at all
[18:46] <walmik> mefisto__: firecrotch: unfortunately i m still not able login
[18:46] <firecrotch> walmik, welcome back again
[18:46] <walmik> firecrotch: i m still in live cd
[18:47] <firecrotch> walmik, when you boot, you get a login: terminal right?
[18:47] <walmik> firecrotch: yes i do
[18:47] <walmik> firecrotch: but its got that microcode error looping every now n then
[18:48] <firecrotch> walmik: you can ignore that while you're working
[18:48] <walmik> firecrotch: oh ok
[18:48] <firecrotch> walmik: you'll still be able to log in and everything
[18:48] <walmik> firecrotch: ok
[18:49] <walmik> firecrotch: u know i think i messed up some time before i came to this channel.. i d replaced th uuid with sda1 and ths
[18:49] <walmik> firecrotch: and it was displayed as something that was not resolved
[18:49] <walmik> firecrotch: but maybe the configure thing took care of it
[18:50] <tj__> i'm using compiz and my header bar has disappeared for all the windows anybody know how fix this
[18:50] <firecrotch> walmik: so you did "dpkg --reconfigure -a" ?
[18:50] <GNU\colossus> I'd like to associate all video/* media with mplayer running in a terminal (that is closed after mplayer exits) from CLI - any hints on how to do so?
[18:50] <walmik> firecrotch: no not reconfigure... only configure.
[18:50] <walmik> firecrotch: was i to do reconfigure?
[18:51] <firecrotch> walmik: no no, sorry, my mistake
[18:51] <walmik> firecrotch: np
[18:51] <firecrotch> so you're still getting that error, and still not getting a graphical login?
[18:52] <walmik> firecrotch: th way u had pointed out in the initial error that its not knowing wher the kernel is... wat do think cud thisproblem be?
[18:52] <walmik> firecrotch: i had run into some troubles getting the nvidia drivers installed as well
[18:52] <mefisto__> ahh
[18:52] <walmik> firecrotch: cud it be related?
[18:53] <walmik> mefisto__: was that aah for me
[18:53] <firecrotch> walmik: Ok, now we're getting somewhere
[18:53] <mefisto__> walmik: yes
[18:53] <walmik> firecrotch: man this is like awesome...
[18:53] <firecrotch> the trouble you had with the nvidia drivers is causing you to not be able to get X to run
[18:53] <walmik> mefisto__: do u think life ll getback to normal for me?
[18:54] <firecrotch> walmik: How did you install the nvidia drivers?
[18:54] <walmik> firecrotch: using a lil program called envy
[18:55] <walmik> firecrotch: for days i struggled to get the reso from 800 x 600 to 1280 x 800
[18:55] <walmik> firecrotch: i m back to 800 now...
[18:55] <firecrotch> oh my
[18:55] <firecrotch> You used Envy to install the driver, then you did an upgrade, didn't you?
[18:56] <walmik> firecrotch: i gues i did that
[18:56] <firecrotch> walmik: That's what has caused your problem
[18:56] <walmik> firecrotch: i wanted to install eclipse, for which i had to install jre which had its own trouble
[18:56] <walmik> firecrotch: what shud i do now?
[18:57] <mefisto__> firecrotch: can we change nv or nvidia to vesa, so he can log in normally and continue from there, instead of livecd
[18:57] <walmik> firecrotch: even jre is not installed properly giving me headaches to use phpeclipse
[18:57] <firecrotch> mefisto__: That should work, yes
[18:57] <ForgeAus> thanx :)
[18:58] <walmik> mefisto__: by default it used vesa but it only allowed me 800 x 600... ths is obviously befor nvidia
[18:58] <ForgeAus> ok firecrotch how do I go about fixing networking?
[18:58] <firecrotch> walmik: We need to get you back to a state where you can use your system, regardless of the resolution, then we can fix the resolution
[18:58] <ForgeAus> was ok from the live cd, its meant to be DHCP
[18:59] <walmik> firecrotch: ya i think that makes perfect sense
[18:59] <ForgeAus> (but I lost my /etc/ and trying to fix things)
[18:59] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: you lost your entire /etc/ ?!
[18:59] <ForgeAus> yes
[18:59] * Level15 can't stop laughing
[18:59] <ForgeAus> it decided it wanted to be called a file instead of a directory
[19:00] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: You didn't delete that file, did you?
[19:00] <firecrotch> You can probably turn it back into a directory
[19:00] <ForgeAus> not exactly
[19:00] <ForgeAus> fsck did that for me
[19:00] <tj__> is there a way to restart compiz the windows headers have disappered
[19:00] <ForgeAus> and placed a heap of files with numerical names in lost+found
[19:00] <firecrotch> tj__: killall -9 compiz.real && compiz --replace
[19:00] <rothchild> tj__ try compiz --replace
[19:01] <walmik> mefisto__: firecrotch: do i turn it to vesa by going into the system settings
[19:01] <sub[t]rnl> tj__➜ if its just the decorations, do emerald --replace
[19:01] <firecrotch> walmik: If you're on the live cd, no
[19:01] <ForgeAus> its mostly symlinks to anything in /etc/ that got broken, but fglxr is one thing I really needed to fix
[19:01] <walmik> firecrotch: ok
[19:01] <ForgeAus> I don't think I lost any libs
[19:01] <tj__> i did that and got a kwd crash
[19:02] <firecrotch> walmik: you'll have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (on the hard drive)
[19:02] <firecrotch> walmik: and change nvidia (or nv) to vesa
[19:02] <walmik> ok... just that or also the resolution
[19:02] <jouellette> Hi, Can anyone help me create a .deb package? It uses cmake and I"m having issues building the package correctly
[19:02] <firecrotch> walmik: Just that. Leave the resolution for now
[19:03] <walmik> firecrotch: ok
[19:03] <DaSkreech> !packaging
[19:03] <ubotu> The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports
[19:03] <mefisto__> walmik: boot from hard drive and login, then "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to edit the config file, and change "nv" or "nvidia" to "vesa"
[19:03] <DaSkreech> jouellette: ^^^
[19:03] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: I don't recommend this often (especially in linux) but...
[19:03] <walmik> mefisto__: u have telepathy... i was just gonna ask how to do that
[19:03] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: it's gonna be easier to reinstall
[19:04] <ForgeAus> hehe firecrotch but I"m learning a heck of a lot more the hard way :)
[19:04] <DaSkreech> walmik: That's not out till KDE 4.1
[19:04] <twosouls82> :D
[19:04] <mefisto__> firecrotch: it's case-sensitive, so watch the X11 when you type
[19:04] <jouellette> DaSkreech: yeah, but it doesn't say anything about cmake, and that's what's causing issues...
[19:05] <DaSkreech> jouellette: #kubuntu-devel might be able to point you to help docs for that
[19:05] <firecrotch> mefisto__: I had it right :-P
[19:05] <jouellette> DaSkreech: thanks
[19:05] <walmik> mefisto__: ok thats an eleven after x isnt it... not a double L
[19:05] <mefisto__> oops
[19:05] <ForgeAus> besides reinstalling will remove all the downloads, etc on the drive...
[19:05] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: The only lesson here is that fsck can sometime fsck up your system
[19:05] <mefisto__> walmik: yes, uppercase X and one one
[19:06] <walmik> mefisto__: ok cool.. i ll do that
[19:06] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: If you're referring to packages that you've downloaded, yes, but unless you're on dialup, that shouldnt be too bad
[19:06] <ForgeAus> nah it was fscked up before I had to fsck it
[19:06] <Dunas> Here's where I am. I really want to get Steam running in Wine, but it's being a complete arse. I think I need to update my graphics card or something, but it's hard to say what's wrong- even the people in #winehq can't really figure it out. Kubuntu is nice, but I spent $50 for games I can't play, and I'm not liking that prospect. I'm strongly tempted to change distributions/reinstall XP. Can someone talk me out of it? ; ;
[19:06] <ForgeAus> firecrotch, vmware server is installed in there, lotsa wine apps
=== kristjan is now known as kristjan_
[19:07] <ForgeAus> and downloads in general (from theming to text files to iso's)
[19:07] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: well, since /etc/ doesn't really change a lot, a good way to start your endeavor would be to copy /etc/ from a live CD session
[19:07] <kristjan_> ok then is hardy heron CD with kde4 going to be released? how long do we hate to wait?
[19:07] <ForgeAus> already done that :)
[19:08] <ForgeAus> (cept that it has caspar, so I think Ir eally should have copied one from a fresh vmware install maybe)
[19:08] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: Shouldn't matter too much, but that might work out better
[19:09] <ForgeAus> well now I have fglxr it should help but still no networking
[19:09] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: well, what is networking doing? are you not getting an IP from DHCP?
[19:10] <sled> hello
[19:10] <ForgeAus> I don't even seem to have an /eth0/
[19:10] <sled> how can I turn on my second screen? I have a DELL Inspiron 6400 notebook
[19:10] <sled> I set up a dual screen, but my second screen is always black
[19:10] <sled> but the LED is green
[19:11] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: /etc/init.d/networking restart any help?
[19:11] <vlt> Hello. When I have open an OpenOffice window on one screen and then---from another pc but logged in as the same user---open an office document it opens on the first pc. Any idea how to prevent this?
[19:12] <ForgeAus> dunno I'll have to reboot into kubuntu and try it
[19:12] <ForgeAus> hmm maybe I can use vmware to boot into it
[19:12] <tj__> so when i open up the command line and type emerald --replace it work sthen i close the command line and the window headers disappear
[19:12] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: That might not be a bad idea, but doesn't vmware use a generic hardware profile inside the guest OS?
[19:13] <ForgeAus> thats ok
[19:13] <ubuntu> ciao
[19:14] <ForgeAus> it deosn't have grub so I'm goina need my feisty LiveCD .iso
[19:14] <ForgeAus> (well it has bits of grub but not in that partitions boot sector)
[19:14] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: Have you tried dpkg-reconfigure -a ?
[19:14] <twosouls82> you can use VMWare to boot a existing Windows installation... but to boot an existing Linux.. I have never found a solution
[19:15] <Dunas> How do I get the latest AMD64 ATI drivers up and going for my computer?
[19:15] <firecrotch> !ati
[19:15] <ubotu> To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[19:16] <ForgeAus> firecrotch yes
[19:16] <Dunas> Ok, so it's obviously not the driver that's causing wine to not run Steam properly.
[19:16] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: What abotu with --force?
[19:16] <ForgeAus> what do you mean twosouls
[19:16] <ForgeAus> it works fine
[19:17] <ForgeAus> firecrotch, wait till I have it booted :) its in the process now
[19:17] <ForgeAus> wow it did have grub in its boot sector, interesting!
[19:18] <twosouls82> ForgeAus: I must have misinterpreted something
[19:19] <ForgeAus> its not booting
[19:20] <ForgeAus> twosouls maybe because I'm using windows XP as my host OS?
[19:20] <ForgeAus> gets to the kubuntu splash screen (the one with the blu progress bar)
[19:20] <twosouls82> ForgeAus: so the not bootting install is a virtual install using VMWare hosted on XP?
[19:20] <Wallgod> mefisto__: firecrotch: hello there! i m NOT in a live CD anymore
[19:20] <twosouls82> booting*
[19:20] <Wallgod> firecrotch: mefisto__this is walmik
[19:21] <theunixgeek> Anyone use GNUstep? I need help opening Project Builder.
[19:21] <theunixgeek> [2:19pm] theunixgeek: I don't know where it's located.
[19:21] <firecrotch> Wallgod: That's good!
[19:21] <Wallgod> mefisto__: firecrotch now the display isnt 800 either... i m seeing some light at the end of the tunnel
[19:21] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Follow the instructions here on how to set up the proper nvidia drivers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[19:21] <mefisto__> Wallgod: good work
[19:22] <ForgeAus> hehe twosouls the not booting one right now is the one thats already installed natively on my HDD (I tried booting it from inside vmware)
[19:22] <Wallgod> mefisto__: firecrotch: no no,, the credit is entirely to u guys
[19:23] <ForgeAus> I tried recovery mode seemed to start working but hangs on Begin: waiting for root file system
[19:23] <mefisto__> Wallgod: you came here and found the help you needed, and did the right things, so you fixed it really
[19:23] <ForgeAus> wait maybe because I have it mounted in ext2ifs
[19:23] <twosouls82> ForgeAus: so I understood that part right :) I said I never found a way to do that (the other way around booting an non virtual XP installation in VMWare is no problem)
[19:23] <Wallgod> mefisto__: u r so modest!
[19:24] <twosouls82> ForgeAus: that's a good reason for it not to work I guess
[19:25] <ForgeAus> erm I have to reboot for it to unmount :(
[19:25] <ForgeAus> maybe later someday
[19:26] <ForgeAus> right now 2 tired I gotta sleep but thanx for the help anyway firecrotch :)
[19:26] <twosouls82> ForgeAus: isn't there a control panel applet being supplied with that fs driver?
[19:26] <Wallgod> firecrotch: shud i use envy?
[19:26] <ForgeAus> yes twosouls
[19:26] <twosouls82> can't you unmount it there?
[19:26] <firecrotch> Wallgod: NO
[19:26] <ForgeAus> yes
[19:26] <firecrotch> Wallgod: never!
[19:26] <ForgeAus> but it tells me I have to reboot for it to work
[19:26] <twosouls82> :s tsss
[19:26] <firecrotch> ForgeAus: No problem :)
[19:26] <twosouls82> :)
[19:26] <twosouls82> ForgeAus: good night
[19:26] <Wallgod> firecrotch: oh ok... but ther is ths nvidia settings menu in the start menu
[19:27] <Wallgod> firecrotch: so does that mean there are some drivers in her already?
[19:27] <ForgeAus> if that doesn't work later what I'll do is chroot to it from my feisty.iso
[19:27] <ForgeAus> and see what I can do from there
[19:27] <firecrotch> Wallgod: whatever you did with envy is just going to mess things up even more, most likely
[19:27] <twosouls82> ForgeAus: what was the problem, did it give you an error?
[19:28] <twosouls82> :)
[19:28] <Wallgod> firecrotch: oh.. i ll follow the nstructions of this page u gave me the link to
[19:28] <firecrotch> Wallgod: That ought to fix your problem
[19:29] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Before you do that... your wireless is working on your computer, correct?
=== TimS is now known as gladstone_____
[19:31] <firecrotch> Oh geez
[19:32] <Wallgod> firecrotch: no its not yet
[19:32] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i mean i havent got till there
[19:32] <firecrotch> Wallgod: okay
[19:32] <firecrotch> mefisto__: are you still around?
[19:32] <Wallgod> firecrotch: shud i go ahead with nvidia?
[19:32] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Yeah, go ahead and fix the nvidia drivers
[19:41] <vigge_sWe> hello. How do I mount my shared folder?
[19:43] <vigge_sWe> ?
[19:44] <usuari> #vilafranka
[19:44] <mefisto__> firecrotch: i"m here now
[19:45] <vigge_sWe> how do I mount my shared folders?
[19:46] <firecrotch> mefisto__: Heh, well I was going to ask if you were going to be around to maybe help Wallgod, since I have to go to sleep (2pm here already) but he's disappeared
[19:47] <mefisto__> firecrotch: I'm going to bed to :) I was waiting for sunrise to take photos, now I'm finished
[19:47] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, right click on the folder you want to share/sharetab/configure file sharing
[19:48] <vigge_sWe> how do I do mount a folder from windows xp then?
[19:48] <firecrotch> mefisto__: Ah, alright, well, have a good sleep-time-thing...
[19:48] <mefisto__> firecrotch: you too
[19:49] <firecrotch> mefisto__: I somehow doubt that will happen :(
[19:49] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, do you have ntfs-3g installed ?
[19:49] <vigge_sWe> no I don't think so, but I use VirtualBox
[19:51] <Wallgod> mefisto__: firecrotch
[19:51] <Wallgod> mefisto__: firecrotch: hio there ... got dicsconnected
[19:52] <firecrotch> Wallgod: I'm still here, mefisto__ is gone though
[19:52] <Wallgod> firecrotch: oh ok... i m gonna do that setup now
[19:52] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Okay, once you've got the nvidia driver setup properly, then you can work on getting your wireless card to work
[19:52] <vigge_sWe> BluesKaj : how do I instal ntfs-3g? Can I use it when both windows xp and kubuntu are running?
[19:53] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ok... u know these settings for 7.10 is something that i had done earlier as well...
[19:54] <Wallgod> firecrotch: shud i try the ones mentioned for 7.4
[19:54] <sled> hello
[19:54] <firecrotch> Wallgod: not if you're not using 7.04
[19:55] <firecrotch> sled: hello!
[19:55] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i m not..
[19:55] <BluesKaj> !ntfs-3g | vigge_sWe
[19:55] <ubotu> vigge_sWe: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions
[19:55] <firecrotch> Wallgod: then don't use those instructions :)
[19:55] <vigge_sWe> I have no partitions
[19:55] <vigge_sWe> virtual harddrive
[19:55] <Wallgod> firecrotch: also when i do lcpci command, i get Nvidia Corporation unknown device ... maybe because we made it to vesa
[19:56] <sled> I managed to use the dual screen feature, but my mouse cursor looks strange on my second screen
[19:56] <sled> it's like a big rectangle
[19:56] <firecrotch> Wallgod: That wouldnt cause that. As long as you know it's nvidia, its fine
[19:56] <BluesKaj> !virtual box | vigge_sWe
[19:56] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about virtual box - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:57] <BluesKaj> !virtualbox | vigge_sWe
[19:57] <ubotu> vigge_sWe: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox
[19:57] <Wallgod> firecrotch: u know while editing the xorg.conf file... i changed the driver from nvidia to vesa but left the manufacturer details to Nvidia Corp
[19:57] <firecrotch> Wallgod: that's okay too
[19:57] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ok
[19:58] <Arwen> firecrotch? must be painful...
[19:58] <vigge_sWe> 1. virtualbox is free. 2. #vbox sent me here to #kubuntu...
[19:58] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, in other words help is available in #vbox)
[19:58] <vigge_sWe> they still sent me here...
[19:58] <firecrotch> Arwen: You get used to it after a while... :)
[19:58] <Wallgod> the only instructions for 7.10 say that i shud enable the restricted drivers which will instal th right drivers... i have done this in the past so its already enabled
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[19:59] <Wallgod> firecrotch: wat do u suggest i shud do now
[19:59] <ddamron> hey,
[19:59] <firecrotch> Wallgod: hang on one moment
[19:59] <ddamron> I'm trying to X into my dcerouter from my laptop
[20:00] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ya np
[20:00] <ddamron> oops,
[20:00] <ddamron> wrong thread,
[20:00] <ddamron> sorry guys!
[20:01] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, well, in xp you should be able to setup file sharing as you would normally with another pc.
[20:01] <vigge_sWe> but anyway, I seem to get erorr when typing sudo mount -t vboxsf [-o OPTIONS] Skrivbord /mnt/share in terminal
[20:01] <vigge_sWe> virtualbox has folder sharing but you need to mount it with sudo mount -t vboxsf [-o OPTIONS] Skrivbord /mnt/share but it gave me errors
[20:01] <firecrotch> Wallgod: You should be able to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf back to nvidia then, and it *should* work
[20:02] <Toyd> Where can i download the latest live cd?
[20:02] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, so perhaps your question should be directed to the the ppl in the #windows chat
[20:02] <firecrotch> Toyd: http://kubuntu.org
[20:02] <vigge_sWe> of***
[20:02] <vigge_sWe> #windows
[20:02] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i had done that in our previous step... thats how i came without the live CD in this session
[20:02] <vigge_sWe> oops
[20:03] <Wallgod> firecrotch: oh i get it
[20:03] <Wallgod> firecrotch: change it back to nvidia
[20:03] <firecrotch> Wallgod: actually, I have a better solution
[20:03] <Wallgod> firecrotch: also, there are these few things in adept that show uninstalled, like nvidia driver settings and nvidia xconfig
[20:04] <firecrotch> Wallgod: in konsole: dpkg-reconfigure xorg-nvidia
[20:04] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ok
[20:04] <firecrotch> at least I think that's the proper command
[20:05] <Wallgod> firecrotch: is there a keyboard shortcut to firing up konsole?
[20:05] <tekteen> Wallgod: why not create one?
[20:06] <tekteen> or use katapult
[20:06] <Wallgod> firecrotch: shud there be a gap after dpkg?
[20:06] <tekteen> !katapult
[20:06] <ubotu> katapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.
[20:06] <firecrotch> wallgod: dpkg-reconfigure xorg-nvidia
[20:06] <Wallgod> tekteen: ok i ll try that.. thanks for the tip
[20:06] <tekteen> np
[20:07] <BluesKaj> hehe ''firing up a konsole"
[20:08] <vigge_sWe> how do I use samba/filesharing??????
[20:08] <Wallgod> firecrotch: it says xorg-nvidia is not installed
[20:08] <firecrotch> Wallgod: I figured as much... I have to find the right command
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[20:08] <Wallgod> BluesKaj: firing up... is that a windows term that makes it sound corny?
[20:09] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ok cool
[20:09] <firecrotch> Wallgod: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[20:09] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ok
[20:09] <LukeLM> !samba vigge_sWe
[20:09] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about samba vigge_swe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:10] <BluesKaj> Wallgod, reminds of the geeky audio guys i used to chat with , firing up their tube amps :)
[20:10] <LukeLM> !samba
[20:10] <ubotu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[20:11] <Toyd> where can i find the kubuntu live-cd?
[20:11] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ok it gave some installer kinda screenshots and finally said only one head can be configure now, remaining will have to be done later manually
[20:12] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, you don't need samba for a virtual box sharing AFAIK
[20:12] <Toyd> i cant find it on kubuntu.org
[20:12] <Wallgod> firecrotch: and then it comes to an <ok> where it has stopped
[20:12] <Toyd> !sambal
[20:12] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about sambal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:12] <firecrotch> wallgod: the <ok> is a button :)
[20:12] <Toyd> !spicy
[20:12] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about spicy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:12] <vigge_sWe> yes I do. when you sent me to the windows support they told me to use samba...
[20:12] <Toyd> !live cd
[20:12] <ubotu> The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.
[20:12] <firecrotch> use the arrow keys to highlight it, and hit enter
[20:12] <Toyd> !download live cd
[20:13] <Wallgod> firecrotch: but i cant click on it,. nor does hitting the enter key do anyting
[20:13] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, they obviously misunderstood your question
[20:13] <vigge_sWe> and the ones at virtualbox support don't want to tell me how to use the vbox "folder sharing"
[20:13] <vigge_sWe> so I guess I better do the samba thing
[20:13] <BluesKaj> try samba then, vigge_sWe ...see what happens
[20:13] <firecrotch> Wallgod: I just want to make sure you're looking at what I think you are... it's a grey box on a blue background?
[20:14] <Wallgod> firecrotch: yes it is... i selected and hit enter, now its asking for video cards bus identifier
[20:14] <firecrotch> Is there a default setting?
[20:15] <senane> #kubuntu-fr
[20:15] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i think there was one in the previous screen(with the ok button
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[20:16] <Wallgod> firecrotch: and in this screen there is something like PCI:0:18s
[20:16] <Wallgod> PCI:0:18:s
[20:16] <vigge_sWe> what should I have as servername and sharename?
[20:16] <firecrotch> Wallgod: The defaults for everything should be fine
[20:16] <Wallgod> ok
[20:16] <BluesKaj> Wallgod, lspci | grep VGA
[20:17] <Wallgod> firecrotch: it says incorrect format for bus
[20:17] <Wallgod> BluesKaj: i ll try that
[20:18] <Wallgod> BluesKaj: whtever that came after that command shud be used as the correct format?
[20:18] <vigge_sWe> "viggeswe@Kubuntu:~$ sudo mount -amount error: could not find target server. TCP name servername/sharename not foundNo ip address specified and hostname not found"
[20:18] <vigge_sWe> what should I do now?
[20:19] <Wallgod> BluesKaj: it says 00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0531 (rev a 2)
[20:19] <Wallgod> BluesKaj: oops! shud i have used the pastebin?
[20:19] <firecrotch> Wallgod: 00:12.0 is what you should use then
[20:19] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ok cool
[20:20] <vigge_sWe> what should I have as servername and sharename?
[20:21] <Wallgod> firecrotch: its still says incorrect format
[20:21] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, open konqueror type smb:/ in the addressbar, a file showing your samba shared folders should open
[20:22] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Try "PCI:12:0:0"
[20:22] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i tried that
[20:23] <Wallgod> firecrotch: not exactly that... i ll try it
[20:23] <firecrotch> Wallgod: I have to admit, I know *nothing* about setting up nvidia graphics cards, just from what I've read
[20:23] <Wallgod> firecrotch: woah! looks like it tookk it...
[20:24] <Wallgod> firecrotch: u have some seruous good intuition
[20:24] <firecrotch> That format *might* be wrong, if it is, you can just run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-zorg again
[20:24] <firecrotch> When you're done with the reconfigure, you'll have to restart X
[20:25] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i hope this thing works! it now asks for how much memory to be used by the casrd
[20:25] <Wallgod> card
[20:25] <firecrotch> I don't know what to set for that
[20:25] <tr_tr_tr> Hi, someboy knows what files attach to bug in launchpad ? (dmesg, lspci
[20:25] <tr_tr_tr> ...
[20:25] <Wallgod> firecrotch: it also says that it shud be left blank and shud be specified only if card lacks RAM
[20:26] <Wallgod> firecrotch: or if xserver has problems identifying it
[20:26] <firecrotch> Leave it blank then, nvidia cards certainly have their own ram
[20:26] <rufus_> when asked about partitions, i selected manual because I want to isntall kubuntu to /dev/hda1 - how can i select this?
[20:26] <rufus_> when i hit enter over it, it takes me to a menu to edit it
[20:26] <BluesKaj> rufus_, do you want to keep windows ?
[20:27] <alien_doggy> has some one experians howto config the sound to a laptop: lenovo 3000 N300 0769-bhg?
[20:27] <rufus_> BluesKaj, i have two partitiosn on this hard drive
[20:27] <rufus_> both are empty
[20:27] <firecrotch> alien_doggy: paste the output of lspci | grep Audio
[20:28] <rufus_> how can I select /dev/hda1 to put kubuntu on?
[20:28] <Wallgod> firecrotch: it aasked a series of quesstion related to keyboard and now it asks keyboard variuant
[20:28] <alien_doggy> <firecrotch> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)
[20:28] <rufus_> i have the [!!] Partiton disks - window up
[20:29] <rufus_> there are four guided - and one manual option
[20:29] <Arwen> Anyone: How can I make Amarok reload its list of shoutcast servers?
[20:29] <BluesKaj> rufus_, if you intend to dual boot with windows , put it on the first partiton , then the 2nd partition should be ext3 for kubuntu and a small 1-2 G linux swap partition should be the last one
[20:29] <firecrotch> alien_doggy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/130559
[20:30] <firecrotch> alien_doggy: Good luck, the driver is semi-broken. Most people can't get it to work
[20:30] <rufus_> BluesKaj, how can I select to put it on the second one?
[20:30] <BluesKaj> Arwen, click on playlists
[20:30] <Arwen> BluesKaj, and then?
[20:30] <rufus_> and wont kubuntu automatically make my swap partition?
[20:30] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Defaults for everything :)
[20:31] <BluesKaj> Arwen, then the shoutcast list shoul be in the playlist tree
[20:31] <Wallgod> firecrotch: ya i went along with that.. now i ve come to the resoltions... looks like its gona work
[20:31] <Arwen> BluesKaj, yes, I want it to reload it
[20:31] <Arwen> how do I accomplish that?
[20:31] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Yep, you should be fine now
[20:31] <BluesKaj> rufus , no you need to make one with the partition editor
[20:31] <rufus_> ok, im doing it
[20:32] <firecrotch> Wallgod: I've got to get going, if you /msg me, I'll give you my email address
[20:32] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i msg u as in pm?
[20:32] <firecrotch> Yeah
[20:32] <ehhh> hi again!
[20:32] <ehhh> what?
[20:32] <ehhh> my nickname isn't ehhh!
[20:33] <ehhh> wtf!
[20:33] <firecrotch> Well it is now!
[20:33] <Wallgod> firecrotch: it wont let me pm u
[20:33] <ehhh> "the name vigge_sWe is already in use"
[20:33] <ehhh> damn
[20:33] <rufus_> BluesKaj, it made a swap partition, but it made /dev/hda3 - it wouldnt accept the ones that I made with my gparted livecd
[20:33] <Toyd> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlrmj9IeK6Y <-- ehhh for you
[20:33] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Oh, right, you're not auth'd
[20:33] <Tm_T> !ohmy | ehhh
[20:33] <ubotu> ehhh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[20:33] <ehhh> wtf should I do?
[20:34] <Tm_T> ehhh: please don't use that abbreviation
[20:34] <ehhh> ok
[20:34] <Tm_T> thank you :)
[20:34] <firecrotch> Wallgod: my email is firecrotch420@gmail.com (I know this is gonna get even more spam now)
[20:34] <ehhh> ahh It was Kubuntu that caused windows to crash!
[20:34] <ehhh> That explains why I needed to restart
[20:34] <Tm_T> it can't
[20:35] <rufus_> oh, and will I still be able to install another version of ubuntu on here after I finish installing kubuntu?
[20:35] <Wallgod> firecrotch: how cann i ever thank u enough!
[20:35] <BluesKaj> rufus , is the swap made with gparted listed in the partition table ?
[20:35] <ehhh> Can you kick vigge_sWe so I can change my username?
[20:35] <rufus_> BluesKaj, it just made its own swap
[20:35] <Wallgod> firecrotch: u ve been so helpful... i ve no words to express my gratitude
[20:35] <rufus_> so, that problem is solved
[20:35] <firecrotch> Wallgod: The satisfaction of knowing that I helped someone is thanks enough
[20:36] <ehhh> plz some1, kick vigge_sWe
[20:36] <BluesKaj> ok rufus , then try to install kubuntu on the ext3 partition
[20:36] <ehhh> I want my name back :(
[20:36] <Wallgod> firecrotch: my goodness.... ur words are inspirationa
[20:36] <Wallgod> l
[20:36] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i think this thing has worked now...
[20:36] <Wallgod> firecrotch: it has gonbe back to the commanf prompt
[20:36] <firecrotch> Wallgod: you'll find out when you restart X
[20:36] <ehhh> btw, BluesKaj, I couldn't connect to the smb:// thing
[20:36] <firecrotch> thats when the changes take effect
[20:37] <firecrotch> if you don't get a GUI when you restart X, just login and do the reconfigure again.
[20:37] <firecrotch> Wallgod: Or go back to "vesa" and start from scratch
[20:37] <rufus_> BluesKaj, it is currently doing that ;) - just one question: i have /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda2 available still... will I be able to install the orignal Ubuntu on there?
[20:37] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i just hope so.... thanks once again... u ve been realy kind... if u get a mail from han address with walmik or wallgod, then pls do accept it
[20:38] <Wallgod> firecrotch: i m going to restart now
[20:38] <firecrotch> Wallgod: You're very welcome. I've gotta go now :(
[20:38] <Wallgod> firecrotch: goodbye... and tc
[20:38] <firecrotch> My girlfriend is getting mad lol
[20:39] <BluesKaj> ehhh, you have to open system settings/sharing and configure samba
[20:39] <tzanger> good afternoon
[20:39] <tzanger> which package do I need to be able to pull and push files off my cell phone via bluetooth? konq oepns up obex://[macid] but "audio" "pictures" and "video" it has no idea what to do with
[20:39] <ehhh> noooo! Samba got uninstalled due to the crash!
[20:39] <BluesKaj> rufus_, hda1 should be for windows , hda2 for linux
[20:40] <ehhh> How do I install it again?
[20:40] <whabo> hello i have the linksys WUSB54G wireless adapter on this computer .... how do i set it up to work wireless???? ANy help would be appreciated .. thank you.
[20:40] <ehhh> !samba
[20:40] <ubotu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[20:40] <ehhh> tyu
[20:40] <szakulec> When could I expect the wine 0.9.55 package to come out?
[20:41] <ehhh> it was already installed, weird
[20:41] <ehhh> ok what do I do in the "share" setting?
[20:44] <phoenixz> szakulec> I'd check the wine channel or website, or google..
[20:44] <ehhh> BluesKaj ?
[20:44] <ehhh> yes!
=== ehhh is now known as vigge_sWe
[20:44] <vigge_sWe> ty!
[20:45] <BluesKaj> ehhh, admin mode , simple file sharing
[20:45] <tr_tr_tr> what files do i have to attach normally to report a bug in launchpad? I remember lspci, dmesg... ??
[20:45] <vigge_sWe> it says "SMB and NFS is not installed"
[20:46] <vigge_sWe> Where do I get NFS?
[20:47] <vigge_sWe> !nfs
[20:47] <ubotu> nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.
[20:47] <vigge_sWe> ty
[20:49] <vigge_sWe> eh it doesen't tell me how to install NFS, just how to configure it...
[20:49] <vigge_sWe> found it
[20:50] <armadill0> Is there a pseudo package I can apt-get that has a big set of development tools? Like kdevelop, and some other IDE's?
[20:51] <Arwen> kde-devel maybe
[20:51] <Aloha> konversation kills
[20:52] <vigge_sWe> BluesKaj, I have done that now, simple sharing...
[20:52] <Aloha> sshfs is another good networking filesystem
[20:53] <vigge_sWe> BluesKaj , smb:/ says it couldn't find any "work group"
[20:54] <tertius> !vnc
[20:54] <ubotu> VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX
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[20:57] <vigge_sWe> BluesKaj what should I do now?
[20:58] <rufus_> while installing kubuntu, will I get the option to install grub? right now its at "Select and install software" - 44%
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[20:58] <tzanger> hmm, how would I send a contact that is in korganizer to my phone via bluetooth? THere's a "store contact in" button that is a picture of a phone but it doesn't do anything that I can tell
[20:59] <rufus_> does your computer have bluetooth?
[20:59] <tzanger> rufus_: of course it does
[20:59] <tzanger> rufus_: I can view the phone via konqueror
[20:59] <tzanger> obextool finds it and I can poke around
[20:59] <unagi> konq can browse phones?
[20:59] <tzanger> but I haven't been able to figure out how to send a contact to it
[20:59] <tzanger> unagi: yes
[20:59] <rufus_> im not sure that korganizer even supports bluetooth
[21:00] <unagi> how
[21:00] <jussi01> unagi: yep, just go to system-kbluetooth and it will put an icon in your tray
[21:01] <rufus_> while installing kubuntu, will I get the option to install grub? right now its at "Select and install software" - 58%
[21:01] <jussi01> rufus_: after that
[21:01] <rufus_> ok
[21:01] <rufus_> ive installed ubuntu before, i just didnt watch the screen
[21:01] <jussi01> it happens right at the end, asks which hdd you wantit on
[21:03] <jussi01> Hmmm, can you get the little website icons to appear on konqs bookmarks - ie in the taskbar bookmarks?
[21:03] <vigge_sWe> BluesKaj , please help me
[21:03] <jussi01> vigge_sWe: whats the problem?
[21:03] <vigge_sWe> I can't connect to windows with smb:/
[21:04] <vigge_sWe> It say it couldn't find any "work groups"
[21:04] <jussi01> vigge_sWe: what error does it give you?
[21:04] <default_op> does anyone know the name of the program that lets you pick the display resolution? It's missing in my systemsettings
[21:04] <vigge_sWe> "couldn't find workgroup"
[21:04] <jussi01> default_op: kde3 or 4?
[21:04] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, I'm not very well versed on virtual box folder sharing with linux ... I've gone as far I can to help you. Time for the "heavy hitters' to take over :P
[21:05] <default_op> jussi01: kde3 jus
[21:05] <jussi01> default_op: monitor and display
[21:06] <default_op> jussi01: do you know what is the cli string to run it?
[21:06] <BluesKaj> jussi01, vigge_sWe is running a virtual box with windows xp and he wants to access his shared folders...the #windows chat told him to use samba
[21:08] <jussi01> BluesKaj: ahh, yeah, thats a tricky one. there are answers on google, just I dont know off the top of my head
[21:08] <unagi> how do you install tar.bz in kde
[21:08] <jussi01> !compile | unagi
[21:08] <ubotu> unagi: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[21:08] <jussi01> unagi: what is it?
[21:08] <jussi01> default_op: nope, sorry, no idea
[21:09] <unagi> open arena
[21:09] <SayaSe> The first update after a fresh Kubuntu gutsy install gives me "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." at linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic and a fatal "file cannot be found" error at the next startup. It's somewhat frustrating (3rd time now)
[21:09] <mefisto__> default_op: displayconfig
[21:09] <default_op> jussi01: ok thanks. will look
[21:09] <jussi01> unagi: its in the repos
[21:09] <default_op> mefisto__: WOW thanks.
[21:09] <jussi01> !info openarena
[21:09] <ubotu> openarena (source: openarena): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-4 (gutsy), package size 747 kB, installed size 1648 kB
[21:09] <rufus_> does compiz work in kubuntu?
[21:10] <jpatrick> !compiz | rufus_
[21:10] <ubotu> rufus_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[21:11] <default_op> mefisto__: can't be found. I must have lost in somehow
[21:12] <SayaSe> And now it offers me a distribution upgrade from 7.10 to 7.10... I'm really trying to give KDE a chance here, but it's not being helpful.
[21:12] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, that's why I dual boot ...I tried virtual box and vmware and had a lot od network probs so I just decided to use different partitions for my OS's . The by using ntfs-3g and ntfs-config I have no access problems to my windows partition from linux.I also use samba to access my wife's pc if required.
[21:12] <unagi> jussi01: the one in the repos is version 0.7 and most of the servers are 0.6
[21:13] <vigge_sWe> BluesKaj : I don't want to format my computer to do a partition...
[21:13] <jussi01> unagi: nope its not
[21:13] <unagi> what do you mean no its not
[21:13] <jussi01> unagi: the gutsy repos have: 0.6.0-4
[21:13] <jussi01> !info openarena
[21:13] <ubotu> openarena (source: openarena): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-4 (gutsy), package size 747 kB, installed size 1648 kB
[21:13] <BluesKaj> vigge_sWe, ok, then good luck in your search
[21:15] <unagi> watever the version is im geting a 'invalid folder' error
[21:18] <armadill0> What does the "15" signify in: 2.6.20-15 (from uname -a)
[21:19] <Daisuke_Ido> armadill0: revision by the ubuntu devs
[21:19] <Daisuke_Ido> afaik
[21:20] <armadill0> Daisuke_Ido: that would make sense. thanks :)
[21:20] <jussi01> yeah, ubuntu revisions
[21:20] <rufus_> for some reason, I can not add things to my desktop, or even right click on it
[21:20] <armadill0> So if I apt-get install linux-source-2.6.20 will that grab the patched sources?
[21:21] <armadill0> I'm trying to make my first kernel module
[21:21] <armadill0> just a hello world thing
[21:21] <rufus_> and when I add an application to the desktop, it says its there, but I can't see it
[21:22] <rufus_> whats wrong with it?
[21:22] <walmik> mefisto__: hi there
[21:22] <armadill0> ah I figured it out
[21:22] <MrJigsaw> which client do you guys prefer for remoting between 2 linux PC's ?
[21:23] <MrJigsaw> Remote desktop *
[21:24] <walmik> BluesKaj: hello
[21:24] <walmik> BluesKaj: I reinstalled Kubuntu
[21:24] <rufus_> can someone help me
[21:25] <MrJigsaw> just ask
[21:25] <tekteen> !ask | rufus_
[21:25] <ubotu> rufus_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[21:25] <rufus_> i alread asked it
[21:25] <tekteen> then prop not
[21:25] <tekteen> ask again though
[21:25] <rufus_> for some reason, I can not add things to my desktop, or even right click on it
[21:25] <tekteen> I did not hear the question
[21:25] <rufus_> and when I add an application to the desktop, it says its there, but I can't see it
[21:26] <walmik> does anybody have an idea bout a microcode error on a laptop
[21:26] <tekteen> do you have kiosk installed?
[21:26] <rufus_> i dont think so, i just installed kubuntu
[21:26] <tekteen> ok
[21:26] <rufus_> sudo apt-get install kiosk ?
[21:26] <tekteen> no
[21:27] <tekteen> that could CAUSE the prob
[21:27] <walmik> i want to install eclipse, wats the best way to install the jre so that eclipse works fine
[21:27] <tekteen> There is a tool to do this to a machine so that admins can assert complete control (it lockdown)
[21:27] <tekteen> it=IT
[21:28] <Zombocom> oh
[21:28] <tekteen> I am not sure why you would have that problem
[21:29] <Zombocom> I have 64 bit linux how do I install a java runtime environment so I can run frostwire and eclipse?
[21:29] <tekteen> does it happen after a reboot?
[21:29] <jussi01> !java64 | Zombocom
[21:29] <ubotu> Zombocom: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava
[21:30] <Zombocom> any easyer walkthroughs?
[21:31] <BluesKaj> rufus_, what says the application is there
[21:31] <MrJigsaw> Is there any Free dictonaries for linux? Im looking for Danish - English / English - Danish :-)
[21:32] <BluesKaj> Zombocom, install ia32libs for starters
[21:33] <Aloha> MrJigsaw: apt-cache show kdict
[21:33] <Zombocom> blueskaj I have them already
[21:33] <unagi> what exactly is compiling........what is it actually doing, compiling it based on what my hardware is?
[21:34] <tekteen> !compile|unagi
[21:34] <Aloha> unagi: and what options were included in configuring it
[21:34] <ubotu> unagi: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[21:34] <MrJigsaw> Aloha: is that a program ?
[21:34] <Aloha> MrJigsaw: kdict is a program, yes
[21:34] <LukeLM> join #windows
[21:34] <unagi> there goes my kde decorator again
[21:34] <unagi> it crashes all the friggen time
[21:34] <LukeLM> oops
[21:35] <unagi> why would i want to join windows
[21:35] <unagi> windows is lame
[21:35] * Aloha my KDE windows are pretty cool ;)
[21:35] <LukeLM> I wanted to :(
[21:35] * Aloha doesn't know why he typed /me
[21:35] <unagi> and so is compiling that doesnt work
[21:35] <BluesKaj> LukeLM, type it in the server dialog box
[21:36] <unagi> now i dont know what to do
[21:36] <Aloha> unagi: are you trying to compile kde software?
[21:36] <unagi> im trying to compile open arena
[21:36] * Aloha never heard of it
[21:36] <Daisuke_Ido> oi
[21:36] <Daisuke_Ido> what's wrong with the one in the repos?
[21:36] <Daisuke_Ido> !openarena
[21:36] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about openarena - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[21:36] <MrJigsaw> Aloha: i dont think that dict has got any danish dictonary sites in its rep..
[21:37] <Daisuke_Ido> !find arena
[21:37] <ubotu> Found: openarena, openarena-data, openarena-server, alien-arena, alien-arena-data (and 3 others)
[21:37] <Daisuke_Ido> !info openarena
[21:37] <ubotu> openarena (source: openarena): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-4 (gutsy), package size 747 kB, installed size 1648 kB
[21:37] <Aloha> MrJigsaw: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/text/idanish
[21:37] <tekteen> !msgthebot > Daisuke_Ido:
[21:38] <tekteen> : !msgthebot > Daisuke_Ido
[21:38] <Daisuke_Ido> tekteen: apologies
[21:38] <tekteen> np
[21:38] <Daisuke_Ido> but yeah, unagi, what do you have against installing software from the repos?
[21:38] <tekteen> Daisuke_Ido: I can not type. lol
[21:39] <unagi> .......i have nothing against isntalling software from the repos
[21:39] <Daisuke_Ido> yeah, but i got what you were trying to do
[21:39] <unagi> if the software from the repos is the right version
[21:39] <phoenixz> Where can I see the changelog of the last kernel and video driver update?
[21:40] <Daisuke_Ido> unagi: http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=openarena
[21:41] <Daisuke_Ido> google is your friend :)
[21:41] <armadill0> where can I find a good guide to kernel module development on ubuntu?
[21:41] <armadill0> ie: modules for ubuntu, made on ubuntu
[21:42] <BluesKaj> unagi, that's the whole idea of repos , they contain the right software ..it's the open source stuff that one should be wary of
[21:43] <unagi> BluesKaj: the repos contain .6
[21:43] <unagi> the current version is .7
[21:43] <unagi> Daisuke_Ido: what am i looking at here
[21:43] <jussi01> !info openarena hardy
[21:44] <ubotu> openarena (source: openarena): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0-2 (hardy), package size 690 kB, installed size 1572 kB
[21:44] <rufus_> where is an example of how the Kubuntu grub config should look like?
[21:44] <Daisuke_Ido> unagi: you're looking at a page where you can download .7.1
[21:44] <Daisuke_Ido> for gutsy
[21:44] <unagi> i have 7.1
[21:44] <Daisuke_Ido> ...
[21:44] <Daisuke_Ido> prepackaged
[21:44] <jussi01> I _really_ dont recomend getdeb
[21:44] <Daisuke_Ido> hence the name of the site: get*deb*
[21:44] <Daisuke_Ido> i normally don't, but that does work
[21:44] <szakulec> !info wine hardy
[21:44] <ubotu> wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.55-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 34871 kB, installed size 108000 kB
[21:44] <default_op> Should I have KDE installed or KDE-core is fine?
[21:45] <szakulec> any reason why gutsy doesn't have wine 0.9.55?
[21:46] <BluesKaj> err, can someone tell me what unagi is talking about ?
[21:46] <jussi01> szakulec: because it wasnt out when gutsy came out=?
[21:46] <default_op> wine on mine is 9.44
[21:46] <Daisuke_Ido> szakulec: it isn't packaged yet?
[21:46] <szakulec> okay
[21:46] <jussi01> BluesKaj: openarena
[21:47] <Daisuke_Ido> .9.46, gutsy 32 bit
[21:47] <default_op> Should I have KDE installed as well as KDE-core, or is the core just fine?
[21:47] <BluesKaj> ok jussi01 thx ...I thought he was rejecting repositories in general :)
[21:47] <jussi01> hehe
[21:47] <default_op> I heard the kde4 offical is corrorpt, is that the same with kde 3?
[21:48] <rufus_> where is an example of how the Kubuntu grub config should look like?
[21:48] <Daisuke_Ido> aaaand, szakulec, if you want the latest (i know i do), go here: http://winehq.org/site/download-deb
[21:48] <Daisuke_Ido> that has the wine repos
[21:49] <BluesKaj> rufus_, alt+F2, kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
[21:49] <Daisuke_Ido> szakulec: looks like .9.54 is the latest there
[21:50] <rufus_> but I need to see it so that I can add it manually, grub isnt set up for it yet
[21:50] <BluesKaj> add what and see what , rufus_ ?
[21:51] <jussi01> !grub | rufus_
[21:51] <ubotu> rufus_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[21:51] <default_op> linux is funny. I've gone from a working system to the menu dying after editing it to losing init.d boot file to resucing the system to now fixing KDE3. It's my fault as I tried to push KDE4 and return. It's a great way to learn how the whole thing works. hehehe.
[21:51] <BluesKaj> BBL
[21:51] <unagi> BluesKaj: how more simple can i put it
[21:52] <Daisuke_Ido> unagi: did you look at the site?
[21:52] <Daisuke_Ido> or...
[21:53] <unagi> BluesKaj: the repos are version 0.6..........the servers are 0.7.1...........s
[21:53] <Daisuke_Ido> he just left
[21:53] <unagi> blah
[21:53] <Daisuke_Ido> now, can you answer the question?
[21:53] <Daisuke_Ido> you have a couple options
[21:53] <Daisuke_Ido> getdeb
[21:54] <Daisuke_Ido> or enable the backports repo, because 0.7.0 is in there
[21:54] <unagi> backports?
[21:54] <Daisuke_Ido> yes, backports
[21:54] <jussi01> !backports
[21:54] <ubotu> If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging
[21:55] <rufus_> where is the Kubuntu kernel located?
[21:57] <yasahiro> :( im looking for a good video editor... but i cant find any...
[21:57] <Arwen> !cinelerra | yasahiro
[21:57] <ubotu> yasahiro: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu
[21:57] <siofwolves> I have a 320gb external usb drive (fat32), any ideas how to get it mounted? I only wish to read from it, not write.
[21:58] <Arwen> mount -o ro /dev/whatever /media/whatever ?
[21:58] <jussi01> yasahiro: kdenlive is ok
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[21:58] <neville> 320Gb fat32?
[21:59] <Arwen> bah, nothing beats Cinelerra
[21:59] <neville> I thought it only supported partitions as big as 40Gb :/
[21:59] <Arwen> neville, Windows' partitioning tool has that limit.
[21:59] <Arwen> The real limit is somewhere around 250GB
[21:59] <neville> Ahh
[21:59] <neville> Makes sense :P
[22:00] <Aloha> MrJigsaw: did that idanish dictionary help at all?
[22:00] <MrJigsaw> No
[22:00] <Arwen> and actually, you can have volumes over 250GB but that makes error recovery near impossible
[22:01] <kaminix> How do I install from source into apt so that I can easily remove the app later? There was some smart app to do that
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[22:02] <Arwen> kaminix, dpkg-buildpackage
[22:03] <Arwen> !packaging | kaminix
[22:03] <ubotu> kaminix: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports
[22:03] <kaminix> Arwen: Not the tool I used last time. Is it as easy as that one? The one I used replaced the make install, asked me a bunch of stuff and did everything for me.
[22:04] <Arwen> You're thinking of !checkinstall which kind of sucks
[22:04] <Arwen> A lot.
[22:05] <kaminix> Why does it suck?
[22:05] <Arwen> breaks apt's dependency handling
[22:06] <Daisuke_Ido> sweet. upgrading to wine .9.54 makes PS work perfectly
[22:06] <unagi> wow all that trouble to install open arena and the mouse acts weird
[22:06] <kaminix> Awww... this looks like pain. I think I'll just use checkinstall... thanks :p
[22:08] <Daisuke_Ido> ...
[22:08] <Daisuke_Ido> so, you explain WHY checkinstall is bad
[22:08] <Daisuke_Ido> and he chooses to use it anyway
[22:08] <Daisuke_Ido> i truly do not understand people sometimes
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[22:09] <kaminix> What?
[22:09] <kaminix> I've used it before, didn't mess up... so much :p
[22:09] <hydrogen> well
[22:09] <hydrogen> breaking dependancy handling
[22:10] <hydrogen> is a lot less of an evil
[22:10] <hydrogen> than just installing onto the live filesystem
[22:10] <Daisuke_Ido> i will grant you that
[22:10] <rufus_> !plasmoids
[22:10] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about plasmoids - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:10] <rufus_> are plasmoids like screenlets for KDE?
[22:11] <hydrogen> right now they are pretty much a superkaramba replacement
[22:11] <hydrogen> in the future the concept at this point is for them to replace at least some windows
[22:12] <Z0d14k1> plasmoids look _REALLY_ cool. There just aren't enough of them to push me to KDE4 full time..... Need more functionality.
[22:12] <rufus_> hmm... what is a antiX Fluxbox theme?
[22:13] <neville> Has KDE4 still got all of the great things that made 3.5.8 great? Or is some/most of the things missing?
[22:13] <siofwolves> Arwen, it worked thanks. had to do a bit of work to find the device name (/dev/sdf), but working anyhow.
[22:13] <hydrogen> depends on what you considder the things are that made kde3.5.8 great
[22:13] <selckin> neville: lots missing wait for 4.1
[22:13] <rufus_> does kubuntu come with kde4?
[22:14] <neville> Okay, thanks for that
[22:14] <rufus_> hmm... what is a antiX Fluxbox theme? does it work with KDE or is it only for fluxbox
[22:15] <kaminix> Meh, something strange with checkinstall. I'll just package it right :( Mje
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[22:22] <kaminix> In the packaging tutorial, what does this command do? apt-get source hello-debhelper
[22:23] <Arwen> gets the source packages for "hello-debhelper"
[22:24] <Aloha> kaminix: it downloads the source package
[22:24] <Aloha> Arwen: doh slow on the draw ;)
[22:24] <Arwen> its in the tutorial to give you an idea what a proper debian/ dir should look like
[22:24] <kaminix> Or if I want to package libtorrent I ought to replace hello-debhelper with libtorrent10?
[22:32] <kaminix> Could not find libtorrent-svn_080215.orig.tar.gz
[22:32] <kaminix> How do I do if I don't have an original targz?
[22:33] <kaminix> Oh... or add --createorig to create one
[22:33] <wromich> hi everybody!;)
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[22:39] <MrJigsaw> Do you guys use ARK to unrar rar files ?
[22:40] <SlimeyPete> no, I use unrar.
[22:41] <MrJigsaw> SlimeyPete: does unrar have a gui ?
[22:41] <NickPresta> MrJigsaw, I believe you can use Ark if you install unrar. I usually use `unrar` and the terminal.
[22:41] <SlimeyPete> MrJigsaw: nah
[22:42] <unagi> anyone here play open arena?
[22:42] <tekteen> yes
[22:42] <tekteen> I hated it
[22:42] <unagi> why
[22:42] <tekteen> No fun
[22:42] <unagi> why
[22:42] <tekteen> I just did not have fun with it
[22:42] <MrJigsaw> Okay.. ill just use ARK then.. im not that good at terminal stuff.. YET!
[22:42] <unagi> is it cuz u suck at it? :D
[22:42] <tekteen> I like Americas Army Better
[22:42] <tekteen> and no
[22:42] <unagi> for linux?
[22:43] <tekteen> no
[22:43] <tekteen> windows
[22:43] <unagi> screw windows
[22:43] <tekteen> I agree
[22:43] <SlimeyPete> Enemy Territory is good.
[22:43] <tekteen> it used to be for linux
[22:43] <Aloha> how do you make konversation not fullscreen anymore if you accidently make it?
[22:43] <tekteen> SlimeyPete: I agree
[22:44] <SlimeyPete> bit buggy though. I played it for a year or so, really liked it but got a bit fed up because it crashed quite frequently.
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[22:50] <unagi> i hate how you cant sort things in the adept installer
[22:53] <TuB^^> Can anyone point me to any resources on setting up Amarok to work on DAAP? I heard it's now possible to interact with iTunes 7.
[22:54] <unagi> daap?
[22:54] <unagi> did you try google?
[22:54] <v> Why don't you use gtkpod ?
[22:55] <scott25> can someone help me with my ipod, i can't connect to it in amarok... it keeps saying it cannot create a lockfile on the ipod
[22:56] <TuB^^> unagi: Digital Audio Access Protocol. And yeah... I've had a quick google, but nothing's jumped out really.
[22:56] <v> use rythmbox or gtkpod. I use personally these 2 programms
[22:56] <unagi> where can i find top rated 3d games for kubuntu
[22:56] <unagi> !games
[22:56] <ubotu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[22:56] <arcticpenguin380> will a new gpu improve performance?
[22:56] <TuB^^> v: I'm very keen on Amarok, I'd rather stick with it if at all possible - working DAAP would just be a bonus
[22:57] <MrJigsaw> Ive been downloading a driver for my printer (Canon iP4500) and i used wget <link> and then dpkg -i <package> so i guess its installed.. but how do i set it up now?
[22:57] <MrJigsaw> Open office dosent show my printer as available..
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[22:57] <arcticpenguin380> !drm
[22:57] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about drm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:58] <WhereAmI> when I use adept manager to install/reinstall/remove something
[22:58] <WhereAmI> how do I get rid of the files it uses?
[22:58] <oloughlin75> sudo apt-get clean i think
[22:59] <WhereAmI> ok that worked
[22:59] <hambobo> how do i mount a volume
[22:59] <scott25> can someone help me with my ipod, in amarok it says it could not create a lockfile on the ipod
[23:00] <WhereAmI> I installed eclipse but have an error with one of the file import wizards so I was trying to reinstall but kept using the same installer, so sudo apt-get clean was perfect
[23:00] <oloughlin75> hambobo- mount
[23:00] <oloughlin75> hambobo- man mount
[23:00] <WhereAmI> scott25: is something else using it?
[23:00] <hambobo> i did its in my computer
[23:01] <scott25> WhereAmI: i dont think so i have tried numerous times and have tried mounting it in different places
[23:01] <MrJigsaw> http://software.canon-europe.com/files/soft28476/software/cnijfilter-ip4500series_2.80-1_i386.deb - Ive been installin' this driver for my Canon iP4500, so how do i set it up ?
[23:02] <WhereAmI> I love amarok and don't want to steer you away from it but a program called Songbird with the iPod extension might work better, at least until you find your problem
[23:02] <MrJigsaw> scott25: meaby try #Amarok - they might know it better :-)
[23:02] <WhereAmI> MrJigsaw: just run the .deb like it was a .msi on a certain bloated OS
[23:02] <MrJigsaw> WhereAmI: i did..
[23:03] <WhereAmI> ok
[23:03] <MrJigsaw> Setting up cnijfilter-ip4500series (2.80-1) ... - Processing triggers for libc6 ... - ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | THen i get this, and it should be installed, right?
[23:04] <WhereAmI> yeah
[23:04] <MrJigsaw> Wierd
[23:04] <MrJigsaw> Open office word cant find the printer :(
[23:06] <Daisuke_Ido> ahoy, MrJigsaw. mysql work out alright for you?
[23:07] <MrJigsaw> Uhm not really.. i think it deletes all songs when i restart my PC
[23:07] <Daisuke_Ido> oh, i think you'll still have to add the printer (in the printer settings in kcontrol or system settings)
[23:07] <MrJigsaw> dont know if its just because i just terminate all just pressing shutdown/restard without closing appz manualle ?
[23:07] <MrJigsaw> manually*
[23:14] <WhereAmI> anyone else watching the woot-off?
[23:14] <MrJigsaw> wierd..
[23:15] <MrJigsaw> the printer settings finds my printer JUST FINE.. but it want print anything ;(
[23:16] <hola> my clock is 1 hour plus respect to system clock
[23:16] <add\\JKIceman|N> stupid newbi question: how do i mount a ntfs network resource?
[23:18] <MrJigsaw> How do i set a standard program for .txt files ?
[23:18] <MrJigsaw> or .avi files?
[23:20] <Aloha> MrJigsaw: sytem settings
[23:25] <Liono> while adding users. there a primary group and theres an secondary group options. what do secondary group option do?
[23:26] <Liono> while adding users. there a primary group and theres an secondary group options. what do secondary group option do? those are : audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, lpadmin, plugdev, scanner, video
[23:26] <Authority> Liono: it allows you to be a member of more than one group
[23:27] <Liono> Authority ok. so he will be the member of those groups too which are in secondary?
[23:27] <Authority> Liono: correct
[23:28] <Liono> Authority and that will increase its privaliges? where can i know the privilages of each group? and what groups are sudoers? need details
[23:29] <add\\JKIceman|N> anybody? need help with mounting ntfs network drive
[23:30] <Authority> Liono: It sounds to me like you need a better understanding of UNIX permissions in general. I can't really explain all that right here and now
[23:30] <Liono> Authority no. not talking about that. where can i see details of each group. i mean the defaults . that kubuntu auto makes some groups. and which groups are sudoers by defalut
[23:32] <Authority> Liono: I think by default the admin group has sudo access
[23:33] <Liono> what groups are sudoer groups by default?.
[23:34] <Authority> Liono: I think by default the admin group has sudo access
[23:35] <Liono> Authority any others?
[23:35] <Authority> nope
[23:36] <Authority> but you're welcome to look at /etc/sudoers to double check me
[23:40] <Liono> why i cant see etc/sudoers i have enabled to show hidden files
[23:42] <wpk> Liono: maybe you don't have sudo installed?
[23:42] <SlimeyPete> if you remove sudo, most of kubuntu goes with it
[23:43] <Liono> wpk i have
[23:43] <Liono> etc/sudoers dont tell me who are the sudoers and what are the sudoers goups names. where can i see them?
[23:43] <MrJigsaw> A program for linux to print out labels on DVD's ?
[23:44] <Arwen> Liono, /etc/group
[23:44] <Liono> ok
[23:44] <Arwen> the users under the "admin" entry are sudoers
[23:46] <unagi> !games
[23:46] <ubotu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[23:49] <hola> how i canc change UTC? my clock has UTC 1 hours plus
[23:55] <nick_> how do i disable hibernation?
[23:56] <WhereAmI> hola: right click on the clock and click adjust date/time
[23:56] <crimsun_> nick_: as in "how do I prevent it from being an option"?
[23:57] <crimsun_> nick_: if so, comment out the "ACPI_HIBERNATE=true" line in /etc/default/acpi-support
[23:57] <unagi> does quake 3 run natively
[23:58] <argnel> how do i tell an avahi iface with a self assigned ip address to go away?
[23:58] <Liono> here are groups by default that are sudoer groups. what are they
[23:58] <Liono> how can i know e.g admin is. and if iaim not wrong. plugdev is ,but where can i know that? may be i installed mythtv. and thats an suder too the group mythtv. so where can i know
[23:58] <crimsun_> unagi: with the Linux client, it runs natively on Linux, yes.
[23:58] <unagi> hrm
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