UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /13 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <Gabz> I'm working on this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID right now and would appericate some guidance if anyone has time ?
=== asdsadasd is now known as frank32
[09:00] <xara_> reboot
[11:00] <Gabz> I'm working on this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID right now and would appericate some guidance if anyone has time ?
[17:27] <alefteris> $ yelp about-ubuntu/C/about-ubuntu.xml gives me an invalid error.. what am I doing wrong? I am following the quide at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation
[17:29] <seisen> you need to include the whole path, /home/username/.....
[17:30] <seisen> I ran into the same problem and couldn't figure it ou
[17:30] <seisen> *out
[17:32] <alefteris> seisen, thanks a lot, I should put it in the wiki page then..
[17:33] <seisen> it worked then I assume
[17:33] <alefteris> yeap
[17:34] <alefteris> any guide on exporting to html?
[17:46] <alefteris> seisen, I updated the wiki page, hope its fine now :)
[17:47] <seisen> that will probably help a lot of new people
[17:49] <nijaba> Hello
[17:49] <nijaba> Is there an index of the various tutorials that can be found on h.u.c/community/ ?
[17:54] <alefteris> how can I include localised images in the documentation?
[17:58] <nixternal> alefteris: there are a couple of ways to export to HTML, check out the Makefile for an idea... xsltproc is the app we use in the makefiles to build out to HTML
[17:59] <nixternal> alefteris: also, for images you can look at using <imageobject>
[18:00] <nixternal> nijaba: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TitleIndex give it a second, it takes a bit to load up
[18:00] * nixternal goes for a nap now :)
[18:01] <seisen> naps are good
[18:01] <nijaba> nixternal: exactly what I was looking for, thanks :)
[18:03] <alefteris> nixternal, thank I am looking into the make file.. about the image: how are the localised pics supposed to be contributed to the upstream project? should i push them to a special directory in the ubuntu-docs bzr branch?
[18:04] <alefteris> if i would that is :)
[18:04] <alefteris> where am i supposed to send them?
=== frank32 is now known as frank23
=== Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir