UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /13 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <kiko-afk> soren, geser: https://launchpad.net/bugs/179816
[00:00] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 179816 in malone ""Unknown" importance should be unsettable if project uses Launchpad for bugtracking" [Medium,Confirmed]
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[00:05] <ubotu> New bug: #191401 in launchpad "text-to-html on products?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191401
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
[01:51] <ubotu> New bug: #191423 in launchpad "wish: subscribe to announcements by mail" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191423
[02:50] <reacocard> I just created a PPA, and uploaded a couple of source packages to it, which were accepted. However, they do not appear to be building nor are they listed in the build records, is this normal?
[02:56] <jamesh> reacocard: what's your Launchpad ID?
[02:57] <reacocard> same as my username here, but I made a separate team for this PPA, called reacocard-awn
[02:58] <jamesh> that is weird
[02:59] <jamesh> I'd have expected to see them at https://edge.launchpad.net/~reacocard-awn/+archive/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all
[02:59] <reacocard> exactly what I was expecting
[02:59] <reacocard> but, they're not, and no error of any sort was given
[02:59] <jamesh> a lot of the PPA stuff is handled by cron jobs
[03:00] <jamesh> so it is possible that it hasn't been picked up for building yet (even though the source packages have been published)
[03:00] <reacocard> even so i'd expect it to be listed as 'pending' or something like that on the status page
[03:00] <reacocard> sorry, 'needs building'
[03:01] <reacocard> if it goes through on the cron and it's just not showing in the UI then that is a bug that need fixing, giving feedback to users is improtant
[03:01] <jamesh> if it still hasn't shown up in 30 minutes to an hour, please file a ticket at https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz
[03:02] <reacocard> it's already been nearly 40 minutes for the first one
[03:03] <jamesh> I agree that the system needs work. At some point, it'd be good to make the system a lot more event based
[03:03] <jamesh> (similar to how the background jobs for code hosting work)
[03:03] <reacocard> sounds good
[03:04] <reacocard> I'll give it another 20 minutes, if nothing shows then I'll file a ticket at the page you linked to
[03:25] <ubotu> New bug: #191445 in launchpad "lint.sh still does s/bzr+ssh:/sftp:/, even though bug 147836 is fixed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191445
[03:28] <reacocard> jamesh: it just went through (build failed but that was my fault, missing build-dep), so it seems it's just a bug in launchpad's build display mechanism
[03:41] <reacocard> mm, more ui bugs, after deleting what I had uploaded my 0 source packages are taking up 2.2MB of space :)
[03:44] <jamesh> reacocard: asking to delete something just removes it from the archive.
[03:44] <jamesh> there is another batch job that goes through to actually remove obsolete files later on
[03:44] <jamesh> unless you are running close to the quota, I wouldn't worry about it
[03:45] <reacocard> ah ok
[03:45] <reacocard> It just looked weird, I figured it'd be something like that
[03:46] <jamesh> there are still rough edges on the PPA functionality, as you've seen
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[08:05] <carlos> morning
[08:28] <ubotu> New bug: #191485 in launchpad "repeated rows when searching for bugs with patches" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191485
[08:30] <ubotu> New bug: #191486 in launchpad "badge in bug listing for bugs with patches" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191486
[08:54] <goobsoft> I'm trying to use pbuilder to ensure I have the proper build-deps in a package I'm going to upload to lp ppa. However, I'm getting "cp: cannot stat `./misc': No such file or directory"
[08:54] <goobsoft> I searched on google and all I found was this which seems to be the same thing
[08:54] <goobsoft> http://pastebin.ca/884424
[08:54] <goobsoft> the only place I have misc is in debian/control as "Section: misc"
[09:03] <goobsoft> nevermind, I was running pbuilder with the changes instead of the dsc
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[10:51] <ubotu> New bug: #191517 in rosetta "Person's translations page points to hidden pofiles" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191517
[10:58] * kiko high fives scottk
[11:07] <thegodfather> hmmmm
[11:07] <thegodfather> kiko: ping?
[11:08] <kiko> yes thegodfather?
[11:08] <thegodfather> hey consigliere
[11:08] <kiko> how goes it
[11:08] <thegodfather> kiko: i am a bit lost on the LP interface.. i was wondering if you could help me a second
[11:08] <thegodfather> pretty ok... i guess
[11:08] <thegodfather> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/
[11:08] <thegodfather> i am trying to find the binaries generated by that source
[11:09] <thegodfather> i remember there was a way in LP to download them from the librarian even if removed from disk
[11:09] <thegodfather> but i can't find it anymore
[11:09] <kiko> right
[11:09] <kiko> thegodfather, unpack builds, follow a build, and then unpack resulting binaries, and pick the binary.
[11:09] <kiko> by unpack I mean expand the portlet
[11:10] <thegodfather> oh there it is :)
[11:10] <thegodfather> thanks
[11:10] <kiko> rock on
[12:21] <ubotu> New bug: #191534 in launchpad "Leadership Code of Conduct should be signed by Team Leaders" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191534
[12:22] <dholbach> how often are NEW packages accepted into PPA?
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[12:35] <dholbach> cprov: ^ do you know?
[12:36] <cprov> dholbach: PPA uploads are auto-accepted, there is no queue-stage
[12:37] <dholbach> cprov: ah ok, it's just that in the 5-a-day PPA there are "No matching builds." for "All states" although I got the accepted mail
[12:37] <cprov> dholbach: PPA url ?
[12:38] <dholbach> cprov: https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day/+archive/+builds
[12:38] <cprov> dholbach: it takes up to 1 hour until the accepted sources get queued for build
[12:38] <dholbach> cprov: I see - thanks a lot, I'll be patient then :)
[12:38] <cprov> dholbach: ahh, that was the team name :) sorry.
[12:39] <dholbach> don't worry
[12:41] <cprov> dholbach: published 38 minutes ago ... the build(s) will be there in a bit, queue-builder starts on :08 and finishes on :48 (hourly)
[12:41] <dholbach> rock and roll
[12:41] <dholbach> gracias cprov - you ROCK
[12:41] <dholbach> hey thekorn
[12:42] <thekorn> huhu dholbach
[12:42] <cprov> dholbach: PPA users *rock* even more :), keep it up !
[12:43] <dholbach> :-)
[12:53] <cprov> dholbach: btw, your build is there.
[13:00] <dholbach> cprov: yoohoo!
[13:02] <holtmann> I put in the bluez-gnome trunk/HEAD for translation and import directly from CVS. However it seems that needs to be approved first. Can someone please do that. Thanks.
[13:12] <kiko> holtmann, I did it today, but the import failed.
[13:12] <kiko> holtmann, I asked mwhudson to help me figure out what the problem is, because it's pretty weird.
[13:12] <holtmann> kiko: Anything I can do?
[13:13] <holtmann> Besides that Sourceforge.net CVS was down yesterday for a few hours.
[13:13] <kiko> holtmann, well, there might be -- I'll be able to tell you tomorrow.
[13:13] <kiko> he's in NZ so the timezone doesn't work out so well
[13:13] <holtmann> Okay ping me and I do it.
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=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
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[15:55] <ubotu> New bug: #191594 in soyuz "Add kubuntu-kde4 task" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191594
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=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== Mez__ is now known as Mez
=== LarstiQ_ is now known as LarstiQ
[17:05] <jonalv> Can launchpad couple to sourceforges bug tracking system in some way?
[17:06] <kiko> yes
[17:06] <kiko> we support sourceforge perfectly!
[17:06] <kiko> just add watches
[17:07] <jonalv> I like the word "perfectly" :)
[17:10] <jonalv> and now my question would be: what's the base url for a sourceforge projects bug tracking?
[17:11] <kiko> jonalv, just use a sourceforge URL
[17:11] <kiko> jonalv, SF is a unique tracker -- so it's a bit special.
[17:11] <kiko> jonalv, is there a form asking you for a base url?
[17:11] <kiko> jonalv, ah! you don't need to register the tracker
[17:11] <kiko> jonalv, just use SF urls -- it works.
[17:14] <jonalv> hm I don't think I understand. I seem to have some other projects bugs now :)
[17:15] <kiko> jonalv, what are you trying to do?
[17:16] <jonalv> Well in change details I changed bugs are tracked from "somewhere else" to In a registered bug tracker Sourceforge.net tracker
[17:18] <jonalv> Then I went over to bugs thinking that I could point it over to some sourceforge adress somehow
[17:19] <jonalv> ah well not exactly I think it was something about bug tracker....
[17:20] <jonalv> The short answer is probably: "then I got lost..."
[17:27] <kiko> aha
[17:27] <kiko> jonalv, can you show me an example bug? I'll teach you something.
[17:27] <jonalv> <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1885535&group_id=150681&atid=778609>
[17:27] <ubotu> Sourceforge bug 1885535 "Jmol broken in 1.2.0" [Pri: 5,Open] - Assigned to Nobody/Anonymous
[17:30] <ChrisM> Hello, is there the Launchpad where I can get help with Ubuntu problems? I was directed to here by a person in #ubuntu.
[17:31] <ChrisM> is this*
[17:33] <kiko> jonalv, I mean the launchpad bug.
[17:33] <kiko> ChrisM, what problems are you having?
[17:33] <jonalv> kiko, what launchpad bug? :)
[17:33] <kiko> jonalv, you said "in change details".. what project was this?
[17:33] <jonalv> kiko, we seems to have some sort of communication problem here :)
[17:33] <kiko> yeah, a big one!
[17:34] <kiko> heh
[17:34] <ChrisM> I updated the Linux Kernel Headers, and no matter what I try, I can't seem to get past this error in the menu.lst
[17:34] <jonalv> the launchpad project is bioclipse
[17:34] <kiko> ChrisM, okay. they probably were suggesting you asked the question at answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu
[17:34] <kiko> jonalv, thanks.
[17:35] <ChrisM> Oh, on a forum?
[17:35] <kiko> ChrisM, sort of.
[17:35] <ChrisM> OH OK.
[17:36] <kiko> jonalv, okay. were you looking to import your bugs into launchpad? I guess I'm not sure what you want to do.
[17:36] <jonalv> Well remember what I asked first? If laucnhpad could couple over and use the sourceforge bug tracker
[17:37] <jonalv> somehow
[17:38] <kiko> jonalv, well, can you clarify the somehow? that's the root of my confusion right now. :-)
[17:38] <jonalv> Ah well, I guess hm...
[17:39] <jonalv> Well pu it like this
[17:39] <jonalv> We want to use launchpad but we want to keep having the bugs at sourceforge for a while longer.
[17:39] <jonalv> Is there a best way for doing this?
[17:40] <jonalv> Can launchpad use the bugs over at sourceforge in some way?
[17:40] <jonalv> I was beginning to suspect this was the case since I could clearly tell it that the bugs in fact are over at sourceforge...
[17:44] <jonalv> ah ping kiko?
[17:45] <kiko> jonalv, okay.
[17:46] <kiko> jonalv, right now we can't import your bugs read-only into launchpad. we'd like to do that, but there is a bit of engineering that needs to happen.
[17:46] <tomek> good day, I need to develop a closed source project. Can I host it on launchpad?
[17:46] <kiko> tomek, talk to statik! :)
[17:47] <tomek> kiko: thanks :)
[17:47] <kiko> jonalv, I was checking to see if your software is in Ubuntu, but I see it's not
[17:47] <jonalv> kiko, okey so the answer is: "not yet"? :)
[17:47] <jonalv> ah yes the answer to that is not yet :)
[17:47] <kiko> jonalv, well, what can be done is bugs in Launchpad can be linked to bugs in SourceForge
[17:47] <kiko> jonalv, however, in your case, that isn't really what you want I don't think
[17:47] <jonalv> okey, that is at least very helpful I guess
[17:47] <kiko> jonalv, we use this functionality so that a project can keep track of bugs that are actually caused by other software
[17:48] <jonalv> ah
[17:48] <kiko> jonalv, for instance, in Ubuntu, we use these links (called bug watches) to say "this bug is in Ubuntu, but it's actually caused by a problem in firefox" or whatever upstream it is.
[17:48] <kiko> jonalv, let me find a bug to exemplify this to you
[17:48] <tomek> statik: hello? :)
[17:48] <jonalv> yup I understand :)
[17:49] <jonalv> kiko, I understand :)
[17:49] <kiko> tomek, hmm, let me see if he's on the phone
[17:49] <kiko> ah, he dropped off
[17:49] <kiko> tomek, can you write to elliot@canonical.com?
[17:50] <tomek> oh, okey. but I mean only an academic project for a competition
[17:50] <tomek> it is not something big or... you know :)
[17:51] <kiko> tomek, yeah, I understand -- Launchpad's free for free software, and for non-free you need to check with him
[17:51] <tomek> something that may get opened next year
[17:51] <tomek> ok thanks :)
[17:58] <statik> tomek: hey there
[17:58] <statik> was getting some food
[18:03] <tomek> hey!
[18:04] <tomek> I was thinking about using Launchpad for our academic project
[18:04] <tomek> it has to be in the beginning closed source, because we would lose the competition if others took all our work
[18:05] <tomek> the topic is very hot, so our innovations must be kept secret
[18:05] <tomek> is it possible to get such an account?
[18:11] <Rinchen> tomek, interesting!
[18:11] <Rinchen> tomek, the best thing you can do is to send an email with your details to feedback@launchpad.net
[18:11] <tomek> statik is probably eating the food now
[18:12] <tomek> Rinchen: send a request or share the idea of hosting a closed source projects?
[18:12] <statik> tomek: go ahead and mail me as kiko previously suggested and we'll see what we can do.
[18:12] <Rinchen> tomek, what statik just said :-)
[18:13] <statik> it sounds like a very exciting project
[18:13] <tomek> yes
[18:13] <kiko> ah, I was going to show jonalk https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/16465
[18:13] <kiko> oh well
[18:13] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 16465 in firefox "Firefox eats up all the CPU with certain pages" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Mozilla Bugs (mozilla-bugs)
[18:13] <tomek> competition by MS
[18:13] <tomek> so does launchpad help in translating Visual Studio projects?
[18:14] <statik> tomek: I don't think it has anything to do with visual studio
[18:14] <statik> but with the resource file format
[18:14] <statik> windows uses integers as string identifiers
[18:14] <tomek> oh..
[18:14] <statik> while po files use the english string as an identifier
[18:15] <tomek> so there is no bigger problem
[18:15] <statik> no
[18:15] <statik> it's a question of teaching launchpad to understand the file format
[18:15] <statik> I've been thinking we needed to support this
[18:15] <statik> but you are the first person I've seen request it
[18:15] <statik> do you have your resource files built already, or are you just getting started?
[18:16] <tomek> we are just getting started
[18:16] <tomek> and I've found your blueprint manager
[18:16] <tomek> that's thing I dreamed of
[18:16] <statik> it can be a bit tricky to allow changing languages on the fly using the windows translation formats
[18:16] <statik> but you don't have to use the built in windows resource file format on your code
[18:16] <statik> in fact, if you intend the software to be portable to other systems, I recommend against using the windows format
[18:17] <statik> and instead using something like ICU (IBM Components for Unicode or something like that) for managing your strings
[18:17] <statik> this works just fine on windows and all the other platforms as well, so porting is a whole lot easier
[18:17] <tomek> it is a MS competition, so we have to use VS...
[18:17] <statik> sure, you can use visual studio
[18:17] <statik> that is just a compiler and an IDE
[18:18] <statik> anyway, I'm sure you will make a good choice there
[18:18] <tomek> thanks :)
[18:18] <statik> just wanted to point out a hard-earned lesson about portability in translation formats :)
[18:21] <tomek> we are now choosing technologies to achieve our goals, and the time to decide on file formats is coming :)
[18:22] <tomek> thanks a lot, I will consult the rest of the team and talk to you if they get excited with launchpad too@
[18:22] <tomek> bye!
=== vednis is now known as mars
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
[18:54] <ubotu> New bug: #191623 in malone "Launchpad should import statuses from Savannah bugs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191623
[18:54] <ubotu> New bug: #191624 in malone "Launchpad should import importances from Savannah bugs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191624
[18:56] <ubotu> New bug: #191639 in malone "Bug status transitions should be recorded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191639
[19:05] <pochu> Can I subscribe to 3 bugs in a row?
[19:06] <pochu> ubotu: subscribe 1234 !
[19:06] <pochu> ^ that would be cool
[19:21] <ubotu> New bug: #191648 in malone "Launchpad bugs should have an aging report" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191648
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
[20:16] <ubotu> New bug: #191666 in soyuz "PPA: Delay before packages appear in build queue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191666
=== Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir
[21:19] <Sam__> Hi Launchpad team, I was interested in trying out the Launchpad translation facility for my project, but my translation file has been in the import queue for 7 days now. Can you help?
=== AndyP_ is now known as AndyP
[21:50] <seb128_> hi
[21:51] <seb128_> is there a way to know what ubuntu task has a watch on a determined upstream url?
[21:55] <Fujitsu> seb128_: A URL like https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/mozilla-bugs/375591 will take you to the Launchpad bug that references #375591 in Mozilla Bugzilla.
[21:55] <seb128_> Fujitsu: thanks
[22:05] <tomek> have a good valentines :)
[22:23] <Seq> Hello. If a team creates a PPA, can any team member upload to that PPA, or is there a way to limit it to a certain few?
[22:24] <lifeless> Seq: the team defines write access, anyone can read
[22:24] <lifeless> Seq: so no, you can't have team A's ppa only written to by team B.
[22:26] <Seq> lifeless: well it's just one team. I just created one and have had two users request membership. I want them to be involved, but don't want them to be able to upload to the PPA until there is a certain level of trust.
[22:26] <lifeless> Seq: sounds like you equate 'involved' with 'team membership'
[22:27] <lifeless> Seq: what ubuntu does is have various teams for graduated trust
[22:32] <Seq> lifeless: ahh, I see. so you'd have Blah-members and Blah-community
[22:33] <lifeless> yes, *if* you need to grant some permissions (like bug triage) to some people, and others (like ppa's) to other people
[22:33] <Seq> lifeless: i'm not neccessarily equating involved with membership, but I don't want them to mistake "rejected membership" for "rejected participation"
[22:34] <lifeless> fair enough
[22:34] <Seq> lifeless: i'll keep that in mind in the future. I'll probably just talk to them beforehand and explain the issue. I'm sure they'll understand
[22:34] <Seq> Thanks!
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[23:00] <jml> Hey guys.
[23:00] <jml> Looks like my linode server is down :(
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[23:07] <soren> People still use linode servers?
[23:07] <soren> Are those still uml based?
[23:10] <jml> soren: no idea
[23:11] <soren> *shrug*
[23:11] <jml> soren: what do the cool kids use?
[23:11] <jml> instead of linode, that is.
[23:11] <soren> I've got an actual server hosted somewhere. It's not the pricey anymore at all.
[23:12] <soren> Of course linodes are probably way cheaper now than when I look at them last (3-4 years ago).
[23:12] <jml> :)
[23:13] <soren> For €59 I get a Dual core 2.8GHz box, unlimited traffic, 100 Mbit/s, 4 GB RAM, 800 GB disk. I could fit a lot of linodes on one of those :)
[23:21] <ubotu> New bug: #191701 in launchpad "build stuck in pending state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191701
[23:26] <spiv> soren: you can get a linode for 20 USD. For that price it's only 360 MB RAM and 10 GB storage, but that's plenty for what I need.
[23:29] <spiv> soren: (and they are still UML based I think, although they are beta testing Xen)
[23:29] <soren> spiv: Yes, I just found that out, too.
[23:30] <ubotu> New bug: #191703 in launchpad "ppa overview page doesn't make failed archive visible" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191703
[23:46] <steveire> Hi I'm still confused about version numbering in my ppa. I've named the package 1.1.10-1ubuntu1~ppa1. That should be upgraded if a new version of libxine appears in -backports. Is that what will happen with the current version name