UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /13 /#launchpad-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
=== barry-away is now known as barry
[15:01] <barry> #startmeeting
[15:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 15:01. The chair is barry.
[15:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[15:01] <barry> hello everyone and welcome to this week's ameu reviewer's meeting
[15:01] <barry> who's here today?
[15:01] <schwuk> me
[15:01] <bac> me
[15:01] <allenap> me
[15:01] <gmb_> me
[15:01] <statik> me
[15:01] <salgado> me
[15:01] <intellectronica> me
[15:01] <flacoste> me
=== gmb_ is now known as gmb
[15:02] <barry> [TOPIC] agenda
[15:02] <MootBot> New Topic: agenda
[15:02] <sinzui> me
[15:02] <barry> * Roll call
[15:02] <barry> * Next meeting
[15:02] <barry> * Action items
[15:02] <barry> * Queue status
[15:02] <barry> * Mentoring update
[15:02] <barry> * Review process
[15:02] <BjornT> me
[15:03] <barry> i think we have a fairly light agenda today so maybe we can end early
[15:03] <barry> [TOPIC] next meeting
[15:03] <MootBot> New Topic: next meeting
[15:03] <barry> anybody know they cannot make it same bat time next week?
[15:04] <barry> 5
[15:04] <barry> 4
[15:04] <barry> 3
[15:04] <barry> 2
[15:04] <barry> 1
[15:04] <barry> [AGREED] meeting same time next week
[15:04] <MootBot> AGREED received: meeting same time next week
[15:04] <barry> [TOPIC] action items
[15:04] <MootBot> New Topic: action items
[15:04] <barry> * intellectronica to put cover letter draft on wiki
[15:05] <barry> intellectronica: shall we just continue that 'til next week?
[15:05] <intellectronica> damn, another week passed and i haven't done that
[15:05] <intellectronica> yes, please
[15:05] <barry> k
[15:05] <barry> * (continued) gmb to work on the review web site
[15:05] <gmb> No time to do much really.
[15:05] <gmb> But wasn't reviewboard mooted last week?
[15:06] <barry> gmb: yeah. i should just take that off
[15:06] <gmb> Right.
[15:06] <barry> thumper has an action item to write up his thoughts of doing it all in lp
[15:06] <barry> [ACTION] review web site mooted in favor of an in-LP solution
[15:06] <MootBot> ACTION received: review web site mooted in favor of an in-LP solution
[15:07] <barry> * (continued) sinzui to look into running `make lint` and output PR stanza by default in `review-submit`
[15:07] <sinzui> I did not work on lint integration. I do however have a rudimentary doctest style checker and reformatter.
[15:07] <sinzui> The PR stanza is have not done as well
[15:07] <barry> sinzui: will the doctest checker look for things like duplicate or unused imports?
[15:08] <sinzui> barry: Not yet...that is one of my promptings to write it
[15:08] <barry> sinzui: yeah, it's something that's fairly difficult to review
[15:09] <barry> sinzui: we'll just continue this item to next week then, ok?
[15:09] <sinzui> barry: I'
[15:09] <sinzui> m torn between simple pyflakes style checking verses extracting the script to run it.
[15:09] <sinzui> ok
[15:09] <barry> sinzui: maybe discuss on the m.l.?
[15:09] <sinzui> barry: sure
[15:10] <barry> sinzui: great. thanks for all the awesome work on make lint
[15:10] <barry> [TOPIC] * Queue status
[15:10] <MootBot> New Topic: * Queue status
[15:10] <intellectronica> no branches pending review. yay
[15:10] <barry> pending-reviews looks pretty good to me actually. any feedback from on-call reviewers?
[15:11] <intellectronica> (except for yours, barry, which you said flacoste is taking care of)
[15:11] <barry> intellectronica: yep, and that's now in flacoste's queue
[15:11] <sinzui> intellectronica: you have number of branches that have not landed yet
[15:12] <barry> of course, this /is/ week 3 :)
[15:12] <sinzui> intellectronica: Do you have dependencies (database?) blocking their landing?
[15:12] <intellectronica> sinzui: i know. i am landing all of them in one big branch (i am just now looking at why my attempt to land this yesterday failed)
[15:14] <barry> anything else on the queue topic?
[15:14] <barry> 5
[15:14] <barry> 4
[15:14] <barry> 3
[15:14] <barry> 2
[15:14] <barry> 1
[15:14] <barry> [TOPIC] mentoring update
[15:14] <MootBot> New Topic: mentoring update
[15:15] <barry> any feedback from mentors or recruits?
[15:15] <barry> things going okay?
[15:15] <barry> no news is good news then :)
[15:15] <barry> 5
[15:15] <barry> 4
[15:16] <barry> 3
[15:16] <barry> 2
[15:16] <intellectronica> things going very well as far as i'm concerned
[15:16] <barry> intellectronica: great!
[15:16] <barry> 1
[15:16] <barry> [TOPIC] review process
[15:16] <MootBot> New Topic: review process
[15:16] <barry> i really have nothing for this topic. seems to me things are going as smoothly as possible with PR still alive :)
[15:17] <barry> any concerns, glitches, problems?
[15:17] <intellectronica> a slight problem
[15:18] <intellectronica> we sometimes forget to allocate branches that are left on the general queue at the end of a shift
[15:18] <bac> intellectronica: i realize i forgot to allocate one yesterday. sorry.
[15:18] <intellectronica> then, we often take fresh on-call reviews before dealing with the ones on the queue
[15:18] <sinzui> intellectronica: I am guilty of that. I decided not to allocate a branch that 1400 lines.
[15:19] <intellectronica> i really think it would be good if we systematically allocate left-over branches, for that reason
[15:19] <sinzui> that was 1400 lines
[15:19] <barry> sinzui: i think that's fine. it's unfair to dump a 1400 line branch on someone (but of course they can always reject it)
[15:20] <flacoste> we have a policy with 1400 branches
[15:20] <flacoste> the developer was supposed to discuss this with a reviewer first
[15:21] <flacoste> so i think it's fair game that the branch linger in PR
[15:21] <flacoste> we should contact the developer though
[15:21] <intellectronica> bac, sinzui: i wasn't referring to any particular instance, just that if we don't do this regularly we penalize people who didn't manage to 'fight' for their branch on #launchpad-reviews
[15:22] <sinzui> intellectronica: understood
[15:23] <danilos> me (late)
[15:23] <sinzui> I think when allocating branches, we need to review jamesh's page to see how many lines are allocated to each review.
[15:23] <barry> intellectronica: agreed
[15:23] <barry> sinzui: yes, i definitely try to do that
[15:23] <sinzui> s/review/reviewer/
[15:24] <sinzui> I think I was mean to some review the first time I allocated by not checking how many lines they had in their queue.
[15:24] <barry> sinzui: remember! reviewers can reject branches by putting them in the reject queue
[15:24] <barry> i know you feel guilty when you do it, but feeling guilty is better than feeling mad :)
[15:25] <barry> anything else?
[15:26] <barry> any topics not on the agenda?
[15:26] <barry> 5
[15:26] <barry> 4
[15:26] <barry> 3
[15:26] <barry> 2
[15:26] <barry> 1
[15:26] <barry> #endmeeting
[15:26] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 15:26.
[15:27] <barry> thanks everyone! short and sweet
[15:27] <schwuk> thanks barry
[15:27] <intellectronica> thanks, barry
[15:27] <gmb> Cheers barry
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado