UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /11 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <[mfk]> thank you with that link, i've seen the image of the installation/disinstallation of Wubi (700mb) so i've thinked, I've simply moved the file to the trash!!! but i haven't disinstalled it!
[00:00] <[mfk]> really thanks :)
[00:00] <unagi> does anyone know how to take raw data from a gps and plot it out in google maps?
[00:00] <ignoramus> [mfk]: on behalf of all who helped - no problem.
[00:01] <[mfk]> so what do you suggest for the next installation? Manual or what? I believe i have to read the link you pasted me previuosly about the Breezy loaded on external USB drive
[00:02] <ignoramus> [mfk]: well, i'd suggest Kubuntu, naturally ;)
=== patrick_ is now known as oloughlin75
[00:03] <[mfk]> oh yes of course, Kubuntu :) but i was asking if make the installation manually or throught the gui
[00:03] <ignoramus> [mfk]: let me ask you a question - how do you set a message for when you leave the irc server?
[00:04] <ignoramus> [mfk]: manual, because you may run into issues installing an OS onto an HDD which you cannot boot from. Just to be safe
[00:04] <unagi> does anyone here use gps with ubuntu?
[00:04] <[mfk]> ignoramus: i don't know, i've installed this IRC opensource client called Bersirc IRC Client 2.2.14 about 5 minutes before entering here, why?
[00:05] <mixed> how do I find out information in my computer, like the CPU/MEM KDE SuSE style?
[00:05] <oloughlin75> Does 8.04 come with KDE4 or do you have to install it?
[00:05] <mixed> I meant to say how do I find out information about my computer? CPU/Mem/distro installed etc
[00:05] <ignoramus> [mfk]: cause when you left, it said this: "<-- [mfk] has left this server ("Yummy, like ircing on a cake! [ http://www.bersirc.org/ - Open Source IRC ]")."
[00:05] <[mfk]> unagi : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1808141 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219463
[00:06] <[mfk]> dunno but i believe you can simply try //quit blah blah blah
[00:07] <ignoramus> [mfk]: that works :P
[00:07] <[mfk]> eeheh yes :)
[00:07] <sub[t]rnl> mixed➜ /proc/ will have your information. i.e cat /proc/cpuinfo , also look to lshw,lspci,df -h,free -m. kinfocenter for a gui
[00:07] <[mfk]> okay i've to go to bed here 1.07
[00:07] <[mfk]> (a.m.)
[00:07] <[mfk]> thank you all for the help
[00:08] <ignoramus> sub[t]rnl: crap, i never knew about kinfocenter before! Where in the menu is it, or can it only be accessed via terminal or Run command?
[00:09] <[mfk]> ignoramus: i will follow you suggestion about the manual installation (for the USB bootup trouble). However i'm going to read the thread i've printed about loading Kubuntu on external USB drive
[00:09] <ignoramus> [mfk]: good luck to you, kind sir
[00:09] <mixed> sub[t]rnl, thanks for the info, I don't see anything similar to I think is :/sysinfo on SuSE, I'll figure it out later, thanks, im outie
[00:09] <sub[t]rnl> not sure, most apps I access via cli and suspend into background. It could be in the kmenu
[00:09] <[mfk]> goodnight!
[00:09] <unagi> i cant seem to get gpsdrive to work
[00:09] <unagi> i cant get it to zoom out
[00:11] <unagi> at least i now know u have to gpsd /dev/ to get it to work
[00:12] <oloughlin75> Does konquerer work with gmail.
[00:12] <oloughlin75> ?
[00:13] <bobleny> How do I determine the amount of RAM currentlly installed on my computer?
[00:13] <snarkster> bobleny: open a konsole and type free
[00:14] <bobleny> free?
[00:14] <snarkster> yah free
[00:14] <Doctor_Nick> ugh
[00:15] <Doctor_Nick> i closed the names window by accident in konversation
[00:15] <Doctor_Nick> how do i open it up again
[00:16] <snarkster> Doctor_Nick: ctrl+h
[00:16] <Doctor_Nick> too late, figured it out
[00:16] <Doctor_Nick> :)
[00:16] <snarkster> good for you
[00:16] <snarkster> :)
[00:17] <bobleny> snarkster, the part of the out put that says, "used", is that the amount of RAM that my system is using?
[00:17] <snarkster> yup
[00:17] <snarkster> if you want more information use man free and it will explain it all to you
[00:17] <mefisto__> error when trying to start konqueror or kaffeine: Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/i386/dl-machine.h: 550: elf_machine_rel_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xff) == 8' failed!
[00:17] <snarkster> you can open konq and type man:/free
[00:18] <snarkster> mefisto__: thats not good
[00:18] <bobleny> snarkster, I just installed a new memory chip, and according to the, "used part", I am using more ram than I had before???
[00:18] <snarkster> bobleny: rightyou just upgraded memory right?
[00:18] <mefisto__> snarkster: can you suggest something? or hint at what is causing the error?
[00:19] <bobleny> Correct...
[00:19] <oloughlin75> How do I get .wma to play? 95% of my library is wma
[00:19] <snarkster> bobleny: if you just upgraded adding more momory then you will use more memory automatically
[00:19] <bobleny> snarkster: lol... How?
[00:19] <snarkster> mefisto__: nope if it breaks like that I usually just re-install
[00:20] <sub[t]rnl> bobleny➜ gnu/linux tries to cache and buffer as much memory as possible. It does this to be more efficient. the line you'll want to pay attention too from free -m is the buffers/cache line, to get a grasp on what is "actually" available
[00:20] <snarkster> bobleny: did you install more memory?
[00:20] <bobleny> snarkster: Yes.
[00:21] <snarkster> bobleny: see sub[t]rnl statement
[00:21] <mefisto__> snarkster: is it possible that memory-intensive tasks (encoding a dvd) could cause this? (I'm hoping everything will be ok when the encode is finished)
[00:21] <snarkster> yah that could be.. your using alot of memory right now
[00:22] <mefisto__> snarkster: well that's something to hope for
[00:23] <oloughlin75> How do I get amarok to play wma's?
[00:24] <bobleny> sub[t]rnl: So, your saying that on the, "-/+ buffers/cache:", under used, that is how much ram I am actually using?
[00:24] <sub[t]rnl> yup
[00:25] <FrauHansen> hi guys. is there a command to switch between virtual desktops, so that i can use it with xbindkeys?
[00:25] <bobleny> sub[t]rnl: Does windows do that?
[00:25] <sub[t]rnl> if linux needs more memory that it has free after cache and buffering, it will let go of some of the buffer
[00:25] <sub[t]rnl> bobleny➜ not as well as linux does, no. trust me, its a feature
[00:25] <snarkster> !mp3
[00:25] <ubotu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[00:26] <snarkster> FrauHansen: are you kde3 or kde4
[00:26] <FrauHansen> kde3
[00:26] <oloughlin75> ubotu i install the restricted already
[00:26] <snarkster> FrauHansen: look in settings your find what your looking for
[00:26] <snarkster> oloughlin75: ubotu is a bot
[00:27] <FrauHansen> snarkster: kde4 installed as well, but just to check progress from time to time
[00:27] <oloughlin75> snarkster: I installed the restricted already
[00:27] <bobleny> sub[t]rnl: would you happen to know about how much RAM the average Ubuntu user uses?
[00:27] <snarkster> oloughlin75: what does amarok say when you try to play the file
[00:28] <oloughlin75> No decoder found
[00:28] <oloughlin75> no availible decoder
[00:29] <sub[t]rnl> bobleny➜ no sir
[00:29] <sub[t]rnl> bobleny➜ sudo apt-get htop, and use it to monitor memory usage, if your looking for hogs and trying to slim your system.
[00:30] <crimsun> I recommend exmap instead.
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[00:34] <bobleny> OK, thanks!
[00:35] <theunixgeek> How do I connect objects in Kivio?
[00:37] <dmitrig01> Hey everyone
[00:38] <oloughlin75> hey
[00:38] <Tw|sT> :)
[00:38] <dmitrig01> I have a Dell dimension XPS that I want to install kubuntu on. Which version of kubuntu do I stick on it (intel x64 or amd)
[00:38] <dmitrig01> ?
[00:40] <biovore> intel 64 is AMD64 there the same thing.
[00:40] <mejymejy> i am trying a gutsy install on an amd64 with an nvidia fx 5200 and getting a freeze up after initial bootup... i think it is the vcard
[00:40] <RoboCop> any debian repository that can install 'inspircd' on *buntu ?
[00:40] <mejymejy> ive read some similar problems on posts, but didnt find a solution...
[00:40] <sub[t]rnl> mejymejy➜ try an alternate cd and text mode.
[00:40] <biovore> disable the splash
[00:41] <mejymejy> yeah i used the alternate install
[00:41] <sub[t]rnl> ah, then read biovore
[00:41] <snarkster> im not sure but cant you use the -vga switch
[00:41] <mejymejy> everything went ok... then booting up gets to the end of the status bar loader and freezes
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[00:41] <Chris2048> Tips on wiping a hdd, that doesn't work - bass speaker?
[00:41] <snarkster> are you sure it freezes
[00:42] <mejymejy> yeah ive tried cntrl alt f1, cntrl alt <-
[00:42] <mejymejy> etc
[00:42] <biovore> some nvidia graphics cards are not complatiable with the framebuffer stuff on ubuntu.. need to disable the quite splash.
[00:42] <unagi> anyone know how to get gps data into google earth?
[00:42] <snarkster> hmm google earth doesnt even run on my ocmputer
[00:42] <snarkster> computer
[00:43] <sub[t]rnl> well, if you see the splash screen and a moving progress bar, then it will be ok. If it doesn't do anything after the progress bar, it sounds like kdm isn't getting loaded due to a bad xorg.conf
[00:43] <snarkster> there is no easy way to get 3d acceleration support on my laptop
[00:43] <mejymejy> actually, i am using gnome... sorry... the ubuntu channel is crammed
[00:44] <snarkster> oh cant help you then. :)
[00:44] <mejymejy> but i get a black screen with the logo and then sometimes it makes it to the orangy one, but nothing will come up
[00:44] <mejymejy> hehe
[00:44] <snarkster> gnome leaves a bad taste in my mouth
[00:44] <mejymejy> why would you suggest kde?
[00:44] <mejymejy> i havent used it in a long time...
[00:45] <snarkster> i dont suggest kde.. :)
[00:45] <snarkster> I just love kde and thats what i use..
[00:45] <mejymejy> ah
[00:45] <mejymejy> fair enough
[00:45] <oloughlin75> KDE4 is freakishly large
[00:45] <snarkster> yah
[00:45] <snarkster> but its nice
[00:45] <mejymejy> so you think disabling theh splah will help?
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[00:46] <mejymejy> thats in xorg.conf right?
[00:46] <oloughlin75> windows take up too much space on my tiny screen -.-
[00:46] <snarkster> after updating it it works alot better.
[00:46] <biovore> splash is in grub.conf
[00:46] <biovore> is a kernel option
[00:46] <mejymejy> oh right thx
[00:46] <biovore> basicly in grub.. delete the quite splash and replace with verbose.. then the kernel will boot text mode
[00:47] <RoboCop> someone asked me. i have a laptop HP pavilion DV9575eo. Had windows vista installed on it... have installed Ubuntu now... things works fine.. except the graphics isnt very good really.. movies has less details than on windows vista. is there a way to check for a driver via the interface or do i have to go look manually. is there a auto-detect plug-and-play thingy or something.
[00:47] <sub[t]rnl> s/grub.conf/menu.list
[00:47] <oloughlin75> How do I play wma on Amarok? It is telling me that there is no decoder availible, and I have installed the restricted
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[00:48] <snarkster> oloughlin75: need to add the medibuntu repo and get the win32 codecs
[00:48] <biovore> some wma have DRM on them that can't play on anything but microsoft approved devices
[00:48] <oloughlin75> My files arent DRMed
[00:49] <oloughlin75> they were playing on PCLinux
[00:49] <oloughlin75> my mp3s work - but only like 10% of my library are mp3s
[00:51] <biovore> probably missing a xine library or something..
[00:51] <biovore> amarok uses xine as its backend.. (If I am not mistaken)
[00:51] <oloughlin75> do you know what library it might be/>?
[00:54] <sub[t]rnl> oloughlin75➜ w32codecs is the package your after
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[00:55] <oloughlin75> "used by other packes... might be obsolete...
[00:55] <biovore> I think w32codecs is in on of the media ubuntu repos..
[00:56] <sub[t]rnl> !info w32codecs
[00:56] <ubotu> Package w32codecs does not exist in gutsy
[00:56] <oloughlin75> lol
[00:57] <frank23> !medibuntu
[00:57] <ubotu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[00:57] <frank23> w32codecs is in medibuntu
[00:57] <oloughlin75> thanks
[00:59] <oloughlin75> how do you install .deb?
[00:59] <sub[t]rnl> sudo dpkg -i
[00:59] <frank23> sudo dpkg -i file.deb
[01:00] <oloughlin75> nvm you just open the file
[01:00] <frank23> or right-click it and there's an option
[01:00] <oloughlin75> so simple!
[01:00] <frank23> yep
[01:01] <oloughlin75> YEAH! Thanks for the help everyone :) Iv got my wireless, mouse, and music all working now :)
[01:09] <Daisuke_Ido> and it just gets better from here
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[01:09] <oloughlin75> lol
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[01:09] <oloughlin75> this is the only distro that my function keys work -- some of them at least
[01:10] <oloughlin75> volume down and mute work, but volume up only goes to 12%
[01:10] <oloughlin75> the play pause stop next and prev work which is what i missed from windows
[01:10] <Daisuke_Ido> i have to wonder: do the people that come by here to get help represent a real cross-section of all *buntu users? if so, then *buntu has a long way to go, but it's getting there.
[01:11] <oloughlin75> I think the people who come here have to know how to get here :/
[01:11] <mefisto__> how can I get a list of what has recently been installed/removed by apt, adept, etc?
[01:11] <biovore> dpkg -l will show all installed packages..
[01:11] <biovore> I think there is a apt log somewhere as well
[01:19] <oloughlin75> I love KDE
[01:19] <sub[t]rnl> mefisto__➜ /var/log/dpkg.log
[01:19] <sub[t]rnl> oloughlin75➜ :> me 2
[01:20] <mefisto__> thanks sub[t]rnl
[01:20] <reaperdragon> is there any software for cdma phones like version or alltel. I mean it would be great to know if there islinux software that will work with cdma phones
[01:21] <sub[t]rnl> for using them as a modem? like wvdial?
[01:21] <oloughlin75> I had a windows program for motorola phones on windows
[01:21] <reaperdragon> no
[01:21] <reaperdragon> like txting and stuff
[01:21] <reaperdragon> there software for other types of phones on kubuntu but not for cdma phones
[01:21] <sub[t]rnl> not sure
[01:25] <FaiDillinGer> anyone knows how to install xen for kubuntu 7.10 ?
[01:26] <Daisuke_Ido> !find xen
[01:26] <ubotu> Found: libxen3.1, libxen3.1-dev, aide-xen, autopkgtest-xenlvm, dtc-xen (and 114 others)
[01:26] <Daisuke_Ido> !info xen
[01:26] <ubotu> Package xen does not exist in gutsy
[01:26] <oloughlin75> Is there a way to get gmail to work with konqueror? I would rather not get firefox just for mail
[01:27] <frank23> FaiDillinGer: there is a ubuntu-xen-desktop package
[01:27] <FaiDillinGer> will it work on kubuntu too ?
[01:27] <Daisuke_Ido> and xen-utils-common replaced plain old xen
[01:27] <sub[t]rnl> oloughlin75➜ konqueror -> tools -> change browser identity
[01:28] <frank23> FaiDillinGer: yeah ubuntu and kubuntu can run all the same programs
[01:28] <sub[t]rnl> i use other -> firefox, and it works well.
[01:28] <oloughlin75> thanks sub[t]rnl
[01:28] <oloughlin75> now to find a good background :)
[01:30] <george_> cheguevon
[01:31] <Daisuke_Ido> that was random
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[01:33] <mojosound> I am dualbooting xp and kubuntu. Is there a way to use virtualization to run the current xp install through kubuntu?
[01:35] <cprmpt> what is a good program for monitoring system resources usage?
[01:35] <sub[t]rnl> not a current install, that I'm aware of
[01:35] <biovore> vmware might.. its kinda ify though..
[01:35] <frank23> mojosound: i think that is possible but really not recommended. windows has to survive the shock of booting under completely new (virtual) hardware
[01:35] <frank23> mojosound: I never tried it
[01:35] <tzanger> how does one make an initrd for a custom kernel? I thought it was mkinitrd
[01:36] <tzanger> (good evening, by the way :-)
[01:36] <mojosound> just a though - don't really want to boot back to windows
[01:36] <biovore> yes mkinitrd is the command
[01:36] <FaiDillinGer> is xen the best virtualisation software for kubuntu ?
[01:37] <sub[t]rnl> !best
[01:37] <ubotu> Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.
[01:37] <flami> Hi after a while of searching I found that i pretty much have this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/41955
[01:37] <frank23> FaiDillinGer: I've only used vmware and virtualbox they both work well
[01:37] <cprmpt> Is there a package that has graphical system resources monitoring?
[01:38] <flami> anyone have an idea of solveing it ?
[01:38] <FaiDillinGer> ok frank23
[01:38] <frank23> FaiDillinGer: and you can get them with the package manager
[01:39] <cprmpt> oh right, and is KDE4 any good? I havent tried it yet
[01:39] <flami> cprmpt, well i lacks a lot of software at the moment
[01:39] <cprmpt> well, does kdevelop work under it?
[01:40] <biovore> kdevelop is kde3
[01:40] <cprmpt> so no.
[01:40] <frank23> cprmpt: I just let others struggle with KDE 4.0 and will really try it when 4.1 gets out
[01:40] <biovore> well it will run.. but I don't think it setup uet for KDE4 development
[01:40] <flami> well itll work , but youll pretty much end up filling the gaps with kde3 apps
[01:41] <tzanger> hmm
[01:41] <oloughlin75> MASSIVE icons and stuff in KDE4
[01:41] <flami> speaking of kde3 ... its driving me crazy
[01:42] <flami> (looky uppy ;) )
[01:42] <oloughlin75> why?
[01:42] <flami> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/41955 <- got hit by that
[01:42] <flami> I must be missing something ... but cant figure out what
[01:43] <flami> I can use it as root
[01:43] <flami> maybe i have some premission problem ?
[01:45] <tzanger> wow apt-file says yaird's the only kubunutu package that gives me mkinird, and it's really poor, yikes
[01:46] <poste-5> hi
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[01:46] <apollon> lolo
[01:47] <apollon> hi lerissa
[01:48] <dgrant> I can't seem to rip from dvd anymore, my dvd does not show up as a list of titles, it shows the VIDEO_TS directory instead. Anyone else have this problem?
[01:51] <frank23> dgrant: what do you use to rip a dvd?
[01:52] <oloughlin75> Library files for "libpython2.5.so" not found in paths.
[01:52] <oloughlin75> I cant modify my monitor settings, what should i do?
[01:52] <dgrant> frank23: oops I should have said that this is in k3b
[01:53] <dgrant> frank23: I can use dvd::rip no problem but dvd::rip does not allow me to transcode many titles on the dvd at once.
[01:53] <dgrant> frank23: k3b is nice because it does the whole dvd in one shot
[01:53] <Xbehave> is there a way to automatically run a script when in range of a wireless network? i.e i connect then i run VPN script automatically]
[01:53] <frank23> dgrant: I've never used k3b to rip a dvd. I always use k9copy
[01:54] <frank23> oloughlin75: how are you trying to modify monitor settings?
[01:54] <dgrant> frank23: can that encode to divx or xvid?
[01:54] <dgrant> frank23: I thought that was specialized to go from an 8Gig DVD to a 4Gig DVD
[01:54] <oloughlin75> System settings -> Monitor and Display
[01:55] <frank23> dgrant: I think i used it to transcode
[01:55] <Dr_willis> ive used that dvd::rip befor. and Mythtv.
[01:56] <Dr_willis> but those are just front ends
[01:58] <frank23> oloughlin75: you could make sure that the python2.5 package is installed but it should already be installed
[01:59] <oloughlin75> sudo apt-get install python2.5?
[01:59] <oloughlin75> already newest version :/
[02:16] <mefisto__> dgrant: yes, k9copy can copy/shrink a dvd, or rip to a file, and you can tweak the encoding to output in different formats
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[02:27] <ubuntu> Hey guys I need big help.. I installed windows XP on a seperate partition on the same drive as Linux was on, and now I cant access Linux
[02:28] <frank23> !recover
[02:28] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about recover - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[02:28] <frank23> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows
[02:28] <frank23> ubuntu: try that link
[02:29] <ubuntu> thanks
[02:29] <tarin> anyone know anything about installing the server version of gutsy
[02:29] <frank23> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?highlight=%28recover%29#head-bf3232f10ddf1b078de064622ccbb25225cdb3c0
[02:30] <Xbehave> !find libXm
[02:30] <frank23> i think that is the section you need
[02:30] <ubotu> Found: libruby1.8, libxml++2.6-dev, libxml++2.6-doc, libxml++2.6c2a, libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java (and 122 others)
[02:30] <Xbehave> !find libXm.so.3
[02:31] <ubotu> Package/file libxm.so.3 does not exist in gutsy
[02:31] <Xbehave> !find libXm.so
[02:31] <ubotu> Package/file libxm.so does not exist in gutsy
[02:32] <Dr_willis> /usr/lib/libxml2.so.2.6.30
[02:33] <Dr_willis> i see no just 'libxm'
[02:35] <frank23> libxm might be in libmotif3
[02:36] <tarin> anyone know anything about installing the server version of gutsy
[02:38] <frank23> tarin: I never tried it but what's your problem?
[02:39] <tarin> well everything is command line until i can get an internet connection to work so that i can install kde
[02:40] <frank23> yeah
[02:40] <momal> Hey I am having trouble getting audio working after few package updates the other day here is the info on my problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=692884
[02:40] <tarin> problem is i keep getting a sendamail error when i try to access the net interfaces to setup the eth0
[02:41] <fumanchu> tarin, i think the server version comes without kde or whatever and you shouldn't install it .. that's because you don't need it in a server..
[02:42] <tarin> yeah i know but im not very good in the command line yet
[02:42] <tarin> im still fairly new to linux
[02:42] <fumanchu> why don't install the regular version then..
[02:43] <frank23> tarin: you could install kubuntu first then install the ubuntu-server package if you just want to try things out
[02:43] <tarin> i am going to be running a webserver
[02:43] <fumanchu> you can have the webserver anyway..
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[02:55] <tarin> i know i can but i want to use an actual server version
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[03:15] <JKUbuntu> hello people
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[03:47] <mefisto__> hello?
[03:49] <brian_> Hey I am trying to copy files from my root hard drive to my back up hard drive but it is telling me "Access is denied"
[03:50] <MrJoey> Make sure you're doing it as superuser, for one thing
[03:50] <brian_> I believe I am
[03:50] <brian_> I am doing it as root
[03:50] <MrJoey> For instance, in the terminal, sudo su, then cp -r old_files /media/something/backup_files
[03:51] <MrJoey> Also, type mount
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[03:51] <MrJoey> and make sure that rw is one of the options on the target drive
[03:51] <MrJoey> If you're writing to NTFS, you may run into trouble because NTFS write support is quite new
[03:51] <brian_> It's just ext3
[03:52] <MrJoey> Mount should give you listings, one of which might be: /dev/sdb3 on /media/sdb3 type ext3 (rw)
[03:52] <MrJoey> I mean 'mount
[03:52] <MrJoey> '
[03:52] <MrJoey> If it says (ro), you won't be able to write to it
[03:53] <brian_> ?? Its mounted is /proc
[03:53] <brian_> What does that mean?
[03:53] <MrJoey> Well, there's other stuff, too
[03:53] <MrJoey> /dev/sda2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
[03:53] <MrJoey> proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev
[03:53] <MrJoey> ..
[03:53] <MrJoey> That's what my 'mount' starts with
[03:53] <brian_> hmm
[03:53] <MrJoey> Look for the destination device in there
[03:59] <needhelp> hi, what is needed for my apps to auto send an email? eg: bacula..
[04:02] <Tinason> is it possible to resize the superkaramba themes? (without editing the .theme files manually)
[04:04] <needhelp> !bsmtp
[04:04] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about bsmtp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[04:16] <rkroetch> I just reinstalled Kubuntu 7.1 and fully upgraded. Now whenever I do anything but update with apt (or adept naturally) I get a segfault
[04:16] <rkroetch> sudo apt-get check; Reading package lists... Done; Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[04:16] <rkroetch> Any suggestions?
[04:19] <Lari^^> a
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[04:20] <Lari^^> Absurdo oi coco! :D
[04:20] <Absurdo> hahaha oi cocozão!
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[04:20] <nekomimi> colse
[04:22] <Lari^^> alguem jah viu o vido do cocozinho maravilha?
[04:22] <Lari^^> hiahahiuhaohua
[04:22] <Lari^^> video*
[04:22] <Lari^^> nda a ver!! desculpa gente! :)
[04:22] <Absurdo> Lari^^ acho que ninguém fala português aqui..
[04:22] <Lari^^> eu sei
[04:22] <Lari^^> ahiouhoaau
[04:22] <Absurdo> dã, agente fala
[04:22] <Lari^^> eh
[04:22] <Lari^^> haiaoiu
[04:23] <Lari^^> foi só pra zuaaaaa
[04:23] <Lari^^> ah tri
[04:23] <Lari^^> :P
[04:23] <hydrogen> err
[04:23] <Lari^^> nao gosto q falem zua
[04:23] <hydrogen> no
[04:23] <Lari^^> :D
[04:23] <hydrogen> !br | Lari^^
[04:23] <ubotu> Lari^^: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[04:23] <hydrogen> !br | Absurdo
[04:23] <ubotu> Absurdo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[04:23] <Absurdo> ubotu eu não quero ajuda
[04:23] <Lari^^> Absurdo ahn?
[04:23] <Lari^^> ahiuahouah
[04:24] <Lari^^> hydrogen hi! :)
[04:24] <Lari^^> iuaoha
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[04:44] <kaan> hey everyone
[04:44] <kaan> I'm new to Kubuntu
[04:44] <Absurdo> congratulations!
[04:44] <kaan> and need to develop a simple ray-tracing program
[04:45] <kaan> which compiler do you guys recommend?
[04:45] <kaan> thnx absurdo
[04:45] <kaan> oh c++
[04:45] <biovore> gcc/g++
[04:45] <kaan> and I love kubuntu so far
[04:45] <Absurdo> i learning python :D
[04:45] <kaan> how do I install gcc/g++????
[04:45] <MrJoey> sudo apt-get install build-essential
[04:45] <biovore> apt-get install build-essentials
[04:46] <biovore> essential
[04:46] <kaan> sweet
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[04:46] <MrJoey> Then to install libraries, you do sudo apt-get install foo-dev, where foo is the name of the library
[04:46] <kaan> which libraries?
[04:46] <MrJoey> apt-cache search foo will let you search for stuff (though you may want to pipe it into less if the list gets long) e.g.: apt-cache search foo | less
[04:47] <kaan> hm ok
[04:47] <MrJoey> What will you raytrace to? The screen? A picture file?
[04:47] <kaan> yep a picture file
[04:47] <MrJoey> Okay, if anything, you might need a library for the target picture format (unless you build the structure manually)
[04:47] <kaan> but i guess it would be cool if i could render it in OpenGL
[04:47] <kaan> ah gotcha
[04:48] <kaan> thnx mrjoey
[04:48] <kaan> :)
[04:48] <MrJoey> Then you would install libgl1-mesa-dev (if you want to use OpenGL)
[04:48] <MrJoey> I found that out by typing `apt-cache search opengl | less` followed by using some background knowledge of the Linux software stack
[04:49] <MrJoey> (to pick the right one)
[04:49] <kaan> okay so I installed g++ how do I run it???
[04:49] <kaan> just use Kate and compile?
[04:50] <kaan> is there an IDE for it?
[04:50] <mefisto__> apt-cache show package will give you more info, if you need a longer description
[04:55] <stdin> kaan: Kate is a decent IDE for C/C++ with highlighting and indentation, kdevelop is a more in-depth IDE with features like code completion. But for a simple app you can just write it an any editor and do "g++ main.cpp -o myapp" then run it with "./myapp"
[04:56] <kaan> sweet i was just checking out Kate but I'm gonna need something more than simple... so thank you
[04:58] <WeedGrinch> When i try to copy files onto my flash drive it tells me "I/O error" any help?
[05:00] <mefisto__> WeedGrinch: is it mounted? can you see files on it?
[05:00] <kaan> what filesystem does your flash drive use? Format?
[05:01] <WeedGrinch> i dk the format
[05:01] <WeedGrinch> and yea, i can see what is o it
[05:01] <WeedGrinch> i tried as root, and no luck
[05:02] <WeedGrinch> ill try on KDE :(
[05:02] <mefisto__> WeedGrinch: can you create a new file on the disk? try creating just an empty text file
[05:02] <stevan__> how do i install a .tar
[05:04] <stratman4300> stevan | tar -xvf /filenamehere will expand the file in it's current location
[05:05] <uppity> a .tar is just another compression form
[05:07] <pramod> :D
[05:08] <pramod> i use kubuntu 7.10 along with windows XP... how i set the default boot os to Windows XP?
[05:09] <stratman4300> pramod... what are you using for a boot loader??
[05:09] <MrJoey> edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change default to the OS number (as in, the OS list, the top item being zero)
[05:09] <MrJoey> (If you're using GRUB)
[05:09] <pramod> okies thanxxx
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[05:29] <mmance> can someone please correct this command for me
[05:29] <mmance> apt-get install linux-headers-'uname -r'
[05:30] <c1|freaky> hi all. umm, how can I add support for different video codecs etc.? generally, all multimedia stuff?
[05:30] <mmance> i tried it with double quotes also
[05:30] <c1|freaky> !multimedia
[05:30] <ubotu> Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications
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[05:34] <vrdice> oh good, this one isn't taken
[05:35] <vrdice> can anyone recommend a decent ftp client for kubuntu?
[05:37] <biovore> konqueror works fairly well
[05:37] <ethan961> I was still writing that...
[05:37] <vrdice> something a little more specific to login with, upload/edit/change files etc
[05:37] <biovore> konqueror does all that
[05:38] <vrdice> along the lines of cuteftp would be cool, similar gui
[05:38] <ethan961> split view is excellent for that in konq
[05:38] <biovore> fireftp in mozila works ok as well
[05:38] <biovore> konqueror also supports SFTP
[05:39] <vrdice> ah really, ok one sec, i'll give it a look
[05:39] <nick_> i need help in python
[05:39] <biovore> sftp://username@ipaddress:/path/to/something
[05:39] <biovore> try #python
[05:39] <nick_> i need help in python, how can i make a list with 99 spots?
[05:39] <biovore> make a 1 dementional array with 99 spots in it..
[05:39] <nick_> how
[05:40] <biovore> ask in #python
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[05:42] <GioFXf> :-)
[05:45] <GSF1200S> hello
[05:46] <GSF1200S> im trying to get a bootloader installed and im finding it impossible
[05:57] <JavaBeans> Does anybody know how to retrieve the Window Decorations for OpenOffice after installing compiz?
[05:59] <voidmage> in ccsm, set the window decoration rules to !(class="OpenOffice.org 2.3")
[05:59] <voidmage> JavaBeans: you'll of course have to change that whenever a new version comes out
[05:59] <voidmage> oh wait
[05:59] <voidmage> retrieve, not remove
[05:59] <voidmage> ignore me.
[05:59] <voidmage> :P
[06:01] <neez> english or spanish support?
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[06:01] <voidmage> !es
[06:01] <ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[06:02] <josefig> hehe no problem i speak spanish and english ;)
[06:11] <Luria> so, wierd thing, kmail pops up with a composer windows when i plug in the ac adapter.
[06:22] <GSF1200S> anyone here know how to fix grub problems/?
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[06:28] <philip__> to o might sound like stupid question but how do u update kubuntu 7.04 to 7.10
[06:28] <philip__> ?
[06:28] <philip__> ne1?
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[06:57] <SJrX> On the live CD is there any programs that use the webcam?
[07:19] <jussi01> SJrX: kopete does iirc
[07:20] <SJrX> Hmmmm
[07:20] <SJrX> thanks
[07:20] <SJrX> unfortunatetly Kubuntu doesn't boot properly
[07:20] <SJrX> so oh well
[07:21] <neville> What do you mean by doesn't boot properly?
[07:21] <SJrX> well one it fails to selecet the right xserver video driver
[07:22] <SJrX> then even with that fixed
[07:22] <SJrX> startx just tanks after "Initializing Desktop"
[07:22] <SJrX> the whole kdeinit thingie disappears and I'm left only with the blue screen
[07:30] <yasahiro> hi
[07:31] <yasahiro> i tried going to stage6 divx.com.. it says try using mplayer... but... how? :(
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[07:32] <maduser> through adept
[07:33] <yasahiro> well.. i know adept... isnt that a program to select programs to install?
[07:33] <maduser> yeah get mplayer through it
[07:36] <jussi01> yasahiro: you need the mozilla-mplayer package
[07:36] <jussi01> !info mozilla-mplayer
[07:36] <ubotu> mozilla-mplayer (source: mplayerplug-in): MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.40-5ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1760 kB
[07:42] <cicero> hello room
[07:43] <cicero> i have a question about anti-virus software and such.
[07:43] <cicero> does kubuntu need them, and if so is there url you could point me to?
[07:45] <jussi01> !virus | cicero
[07:45] <ubotu> cicero: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21
[07:46] <yasahiro> oh... thank you ^^
[07:46] <jussi01> :)
[07:46] <yasahiro> its working now, even though its telling me to update.. *sigh*
[07:47] <jussi01> yasahiro: :)
[07:49] <X9nLinuxX> Anybody here ever try to install feisty on an old Mac G3 tower? Did it work decent? (am downloading it right now to give it a try if possible)
[07:49] <jussi01> X9nLinuxX: I havent, but I do run gutsy on a g4 ibook, and it runs no probs
[07:50] <X9nLinuxX> I tried messing with dapper on that tower some months ago ... didn't know what I was doing a bit... so thinking of giving this another shot with at least a little newer software
[07:51] <jussi01> X9nLinuxX: I really would recomend going with gutsy
[07:52] <cicero> jussi01: thanx for the info. :) the more i know about linux the more i like. :) 4th day running linux/kubuntu. can my system read a ntfs harddisk?
[07:52] <jussi01> cicero: yes
[07:52] <jussi01> !ntfs | cicero
[07:52] <ubotu> cicero: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE
[07:52] <X9nLinuxX> jussi01: what advantage is there in gutsy?
[07:53] <jussi01> X9nLinuxX: gutsy gives the latest versions of programs, with out being extra heavy. Personally I would start with a very light DE on that machine - you may have more luck. (see the output form the bot)
[07:53] <jussi01> !fluxbuntu
[07:53] <ubotu> fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/
[07:55] <X9nLinuxX> jussi01: What about KDE with it??
[07:55] <X9nLinuxX> any problems using it there?
[07:56] <X9nLinuxX> um... never heard of 'fluxbuntu'
[07:56] <jussi01> X9nLinuxX: kde may work, but it may be slow- how much ram does the machine have?
[07:56] <X9nLinuxX> 512 megs right now
[07:57] <jussi01> X9nLinuxX: ok, kde should be fine ten, but if it is slow, I would give fluxbuntu a go :)
[07:57] <jussi01> X9nLinuxX: and Im betting there are many good things you havent heard of. ;)
[07:58] <cicero> jussi01: k. i hope this isnt a stupid question. once i mount the other disk, people on the network using ms wil still be able to acess that disk as part of their system?
[07:58] * X9nLinuxX is a 'WOOKIE' on this stuff the last few months
[07:59] <jussi01> cicero: of course :D
[08:00] <cpk1> is there a cli way to upgrade from fiesty to gutsy? i dont like how adept likes to crash all the time
[08:00] <cicero> jussi01: keen. i really should have switched to linux a lont time ago...
[08:00] <jussi01> :)
[08:01] <cicero> jussi01: thanx. bbl. have a good day, juss.
[08:04] <lpetras> Anyone tell me what the default passwd is for the kdewallet ?
[08:06] <jussi01> lpetras: there isnt one - you make it on the first time
[08:07] <lpetras> hmm... so what do I use as a passwd the first time ?
[08:09] <X9nLinuxX> supercalafrajalisticexpiaidociasconstantinoplejonesmcgee
[08:09] <X9nLinuxX> (whatever you want) :)
[08:10] <lpetras> nope that don't work, since it asks for a passwd to change the passwd :-(
[08:10] <Crashed> I'm so pissed :(
[08:11] <Crashed> Kubuntu isn't able to blank out one of my CD-RWs.
[08:12] <Crashed> cdrecord: Cannot blank disk, aborting.
[08:12] <Crashed> Why can't it erase my disc?
[08:15] <yasahiro> that my friend, would make a fantastic password
[08:15] <yasahiro> if only one could remember it
[08:15] <yasahiro> lol
[08:15] <Crashed> What's up with CDRECORD not erasing my disc?
[08:16] <sunrock> hello - anyone here using *ubuntu on an macbook who can help me with sound-problems?
[08:18] <cicero> reHello. i am getting: hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000 when i try to mount one of the drives.
[08:20] <sunrock> hello - anyone here using *ubuntu on an macbook who can help me with sound-problems?
[08:20] <cal_> HI, does anyone know anything about ISAPnPTools?
[08:21] <jussi01> !repeat | sunrock
[08:21] <ubotu> sunrock: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience
[08:23] <jussi01> sunrock: what sound card is it?
[08:23] <sunrock> jussi01: that i honestly don't quite know
[08:23] <sunrock> jussi01: that i honestly don't quite know
[08:24] <cal_> I need help getting Kubuntu to recognize my old soundblaster AWE64. (am I new? well, I have, just today dumped XP and loaded Kubuntu so don't expect a bit of savvy.
[08:24] <jussi01> sunrock: lspci in a terminal should tell you
[08:24] <sunrock> jussi01: i have this strange problem with crackeling on the left channel - all the fixes in wikis and co do not help
[08:24] <jussi01> !sound | cal_
[08:24] <ubotu> cal_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[08:25] <cal_> ubotu thanks I will try now
[08:25] <jussi01> !bot | cal_
[08:25] <ubotu> cal_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[08:25] <jussi01> :)
[08:25] <ethan961> !anything
[08:25] <ubotu> So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.
[08:25] <sunrock> Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Aud
[08:25] <sunrock> io Controller (rev 02)
[08:26] <jussi01> sunrock: ok, I assume you have followed the !intelhda tutorial?
[08:26] <jussi01> !intelhda
[08:26] <ubotu> For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[08:28] <sunrock> there are several methods described in the net - i tried the ones editing modprobe.d options and with the position_fix for 1 and 2 - it then worked for about 3 restarts and then it started crackeling again
[08:29] <sunrock> atm i have a look at the hdaintelsoundhowto - will try and report ;)
[08:37] <cicero> !patience
[08:37] <ubotu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[08:38] <cicero> :)
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[09:10] <LOL_WUT> FUCK Y'ALL
[09:11] <jpatrick> stdin: oi
[09:11] <stdin> :)
[09:21] <yasahiro> im having a bit of trouble here...
[09:22] <yasahiro> whenever im playing sauerbraten... or last time i tried to convert a movie... my kubuntu pc shut down... all by itself...
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[09:25] <yasahiro> hello zakame
[09:25] <zakame> herro yasahiro
[09:25] <yasahiro> i seem to have run into a bit of a problem... think you could help?
[09:26] <zakame> what's the prob? :)
[09:26] <yasahiro> well... last time i tried converting a video, my computer shut down... all by itself...
[09:27] <yasahiro> at the time... i figured it was just something wrong with the program, and forgot about it. now, i cant play a game without it shutting down..
[09:29] <yasahiro> any ideas?
[09:31] <yasahiro> now, my worst fear is that my processor is overheating..
[09:32] <yasahiro> ...
[09:33] <yasahiro> hello zakame
[09:33] <jpatrick> yasahiro: sorry, I've had no experience converting videos
[09:34] <zakame_> are there any messages that come up before your computer shuts down?
[09:34] <yasahiro> nothing at all
[09:34] <zakame_> hmm so I just shutdown, powers off?
[09:34] <zakame_> *it
[09:34] <yasahiro> pretty much
[09:34] <yasahiro> no confirmations...
[09:35] <yasahiro> just... shuts down
[09:35] <zakame_> that's weird
[09:35] <yasahiro> granted, it does go through the process, which is all fine and good, but i dont want it to shut down... lol
[09:35] <zakame_> ah so you still see the shutdown screen
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[09:38] <yasahiro> well, i see the kubuntu logo, and the meter as it shuts down...
[09:40] <zakame_> i see
[09:40] <zakame_> hmm so there's something triggering a shutdown
[09:41] <yasahiro> i fear its my processor overheating :(
[09:42] <jpatrick> yeah, it's probably doing the right thing
[09:43] <jpatrick> yasahiro: what does "acpi -t" give?
[09:45] <fumanchu> http://www.montanalinux.org/please-fix-rsn.html
[09:45] <fumanchu> did you know that?
[09:46] <stdin> fumanchu: what exactly is the point of posting that here, just curious?
[09:46] <jpatrick> fumanchu: yes, we knew that
[09:46] <stdin> it's not as if everyone in here is a kernel developer and can hop on to the issue
[09:46] <yasahiro> Thermal 1: ok, 44.0 degrees C
[09:47] <stdin> it just seems to me that people want to spread some fear about, as if it was the first bug to ever be in the kernel
[09:47] <fumanchu> stdin, you can always use information to your advantage .. and change your kernel version to one that's not affected...
[09:48] <cpk1> I was in the middle of upgrading to gutsy and it looks like adept zombified, can I kill it and then restart without causing problems?
[09:48] <stdin> fumanchu: why? I'd think it'd be easier not to run the C code that exploits the bug and to just wait for the bug to be fixed
[09:49] <fumanchu> why? .... cause it may be exploited ?? maybe.. whatever.. bye..
[09:49] <jpatrick> fumanchu: people are working on it tho :-)
[09:49] <stdin> fumanchu: may be, _if_ you run that code. I choose not to :)
[09:50] <yasahiro> is thermal 1 the processor?
[09:50] <fumanchu> jpatrick, well.. everyone knows that..
[09:51] <fumanchu> i don't understand stdin position about this... "spread fear"... whatever...
[09:51] <cpk1> !lock
[09:51] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[09:52] <stdin> !apt-fix
[09:52] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[09:52] <stdin> fumanchu: because you know people are working on it, so why publicise it?
[09:53] <fumanchu> why not?
[09:53] <stdin> because it scares people who don't know any better, makes them think that there's some easy way for an outsider to gain root access. when that clearly is not the case
[09:55] <fumanchu> so.. there shouldn't be news in television cause it scares people .. you should not be informed about things that concern you.. ok. gbye
[09:57] <stdin> no, but people look at news to gain information. you're shoving it in their face with no context, that's the difference
[09:57] <fumanchu> you're funny..
[09:57] <stdin> nice to know
[10:09] <twosouls82> how do I add another directory like "/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/" but then with our foundation's settings?
[10:09] <twosouls82> than*
[10:33] <cpk1> upgrading to gutsy via adept is horrific
[10:34] <yolnizzle> please what code do i use to kill a process
[10:34] <yolnizzle> !kill
[10:34] <ubotu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
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[10:35] <twosouls82> yolnizzle: look at man:kill and man:killall
[10:36] <rudd-o> yolnizzle, open up ksysguard (system monitor) and kill the process from the process table there
[10:37] <yolnizzle> i want to kill xteddy what code do i use [ i need to run it please ]
[10:37] <JohnFlux> yolnizzle: killall xteddy
[10:37] <yolnizzle> thanks john
[10:37] <JohnFlux> yolnizzle: also pressing ctrl+alt+esc then click on the window
[10:38] <yolnizzle> 10ks john the kill all did it. i was using only killxteddy before
[10:38] <rudd-o> what's the server for efnet?
[10:39] <yolnizzle> is there a way i can play atlantik off line ?
[10:46] <yolnizzle> is there a way i can play atlantik off line ?
[10:51] <kaminix> Is there anyway to unload the flashplugins until patches have arrived? Don't want it uninstalled since I'd like it to be updated through aptitude full-upgrade
[10:55] <computer_> hii
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[11:06] <Equalizer> Bonjour Tlm
[11:07] <se7en> 1kde4
[11:07] <se7en> !kde4
[11:07] <ubotu> KDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
=== dekster is now known as _Dekster_
[11:20] <_Dekster_> Нарок как аську на убунту найти.)))
[11:21] <_Dekster_> How find GAIM on Ubuntu?
[11:22] <Tm_T> !pidgin | _Dekster_
[11:22] <ubotu> _Dekster_: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0
[11:23] <_Dekster_> ok, thanks)))
[11:40] <apparle> hello
[11:43] <apparle> Can anyone help me with the script http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=310020
[11:45] <ubuntu> hi
[11:46] <SlimeyPete> hi
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_
[11:50] <apparle> apparle: Some body please help me
[11:52] <SlimeyPete> it'd be best to ask the author of the script, apparle
[11:52] <SlimeyPete> though we can try to help if you tell us what the problem is
[12:04] <apparle> please help me with the script
[12:05] <Tm_T> !helpme | apparle
[12:05] <ubotu> apparle: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience
[12:06] <apparle> Tm_T: Trying for last 3 days and I am a bit frustrated. Sorry
[12:06] <Tm_T> apparle: I know the feeling, sorry I can't help you more
[12:08] <SlimeyPete> apparle: what is the problem with the script?
[12:09] <apparle> SlimeyPete: I t is running fine but I am unable to use it. I also read the help??
[12:09] <hardredman> hi all
[12:11] <apparle> SlimeyPete: Can you tell me how to use it
[12:12] <SlimeyPete> apparle: give me a moment, I will try to figure it out
[12:15] <SlimeyPete> apparle: the script doesn't work at all for me!
[12:16] <apparle> SlimeyPete: what does it do?
[12:16] <SlimeyPete> it gives me a syntax error
[12:16] <SlimeyPete> it's *supposed* to download apt packages to the local machine I think
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[12:51] <xxBasYxx> how can i find version of installed KDE?
[12:51] <xxBasYxx> if is it KDE3.5 or KDE4
[12:54] <Unksi> xxBasYxx: on any kde program, press help -> about kde
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=== Mihara is now known as soboten
[13:17] <Jado`> hi, i have problems on my laptop with wifi since i installed kubuntu
[13:17] <Jado`> is there somebody to help ?
[13:18] <Dr_Willis> It all depends on the chipset...
[13:18] <Dr_Willis> !wireless
[13:18] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[13:18] <Dr_Willis> and i dont use wireless much. sorry
[13:19] <Jado`> actually it's not detected, and when i boot with windows, hardware is detected and i can connect to the point access, but i cannot obtain an IP Adress
[13:20] <Dr_Willis> If the card is not detected. You will need to figure out its chipset, and what extra drivers you may need to install for it.
[13:20] <Dr_Willis> some very new chipsets/cards may just not be supported yet.
[13:21] <Jado`> ok, but why it doesn't work on windows since i installed linux ?
[13:21] <Jado`> even when i plug a network cable, nothing happens
[13:22] <Dr_Willis> Linux and windows should not be affecting each others hardware.. you may want to try powering down and booting to windows. Not doing any 'resume/hibernate' stuff. that may be goofingup things.
[13:24] <ForgeAus> actually DrWillis it might be a stateful behaviour thing? if one puts the hardware into a state?
[13:25] <ForgeAus> my computer doesn't seem to support hibernation...
[13:25] <Jado`> i powered down and booted on windows, i still have my network problems (cable and wifi)
[13:25] <Dr_Willis> ForgeAus, posible - but ive seen that happen ONCE on all these machines iv4e had over the years.. and it was a soundcard that wouldent work right if i booted to windows first, then soft/rebooted to linux. a 'cold' boot to either os., would work fine
[13:26] <Dr_Willis> I would find it more likely that a cable/router/somthing else has goofed up.
[13:27] <Dr_Willis> wired networking is not working under linux either?
[13:27] <Jado`> under windows it doesn't work anymore
[13:28] <Jado`> under linux i didn't try
[13:28] <Jado`> but i think it should work
[13:32] <Dr_Willis> if it fails to work under linux and windows - i would think its either a hardware issue.. or some odd config issue. Like trying to get the same ip as another machine on the lan
[13:36] <john_> is kde4 ready for production?
[13:50] <kaminix> What are all these new KDE packages in the repos? Why are they being updated?
[13:51] <jpatrick> kaminix: new kde release?
[13:51] <kaminix> Is it? 3.5.9?
[13:51] <kaminix> No, still 3.5.8
[13:51] <Crashed> man
[13:51] <Crashed> Kubuntu is reporting that I have nothing in cdrom0
[13:52] <Crashed> oh, there we go.
[13:52] <kaminix> Why won't katapult start KMail? The Run...-like thing in the KMenu does it.
[13:53] <eMaX_> hi
[13:53] <jpatrick> kaminix: no .desktop file for it
[13:53] <jpatrick> kaminix: run Kontact instead (which hsa one)
[13:54] <kaminix> But if I run Kontact I won't have the KMail icon in sysbar. :)
[13:54] <fiyawerx> anyone have issues with Nicotine from repos? I installed it, but when it runs it just hangs, if you try from the command line you see ' gst.ElementNotFoundError: playbin'
[13:54] <jpatrick> kaminix: it's in the options
[13:54] <eMaX_> ne1 here knows a little about charts w/ openoffice calc?
[13:55] <kaminix> Really? I can make Akregator and KMail get separate icons when starting Kontact?
[13:55] <fiyawerx> seems like the package doesn't install all of it's dependencies
[13:55] <kaminix> Setting up konqueror-nsplugins (4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2.2) ... <--- Hoping this'll fix the flash probs :)
[13:55] <Crashed> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied
[13:56] <Crashed> What's up with that? I'm trying to run apt-get update.
[13:56] <kaminix> Crashed: sudo apt-get update
[13:56] <Crashed> I get resource temporarily unavailable when using sudo.
[13:56] <kaminix> Running apt or some apt program atm?
[13:57] <kaminix> Apt can only run as one instance at a time or something. Dunno how it's put in fancy/nerdy words. :)
[13:57] <Crashed> kaminix: no clue. I'm not very linux savvy.
[13:57] <Crashed> I just edited sources.list
[13:58] <Crashed> Then tried to run the update again, and it's throwing me those errors.
[13:58] <Crashed> Oh, there we go. There was an apt-get process in the background.
[13:59] <Crashed> Now I get this problem, which I was trying to fix: 99% [Connecting to ca.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to buildb
[14:00] <Crashed> apt-get is all broken on me :(
[14:06] <Crashed> Adept Manager is stuck on 'Waiting for headers (0%)' what the hell did I do? :(
[14:08] <SlimeyPete> Crashed: that's a network problem of some kind.
[14:10] <Crashed> Really? I've had no other trouble with the internet.
[14:11] <SlimeyPete> Crashed: could be that the server's down.
[14:11] <SlimeyPete> try pinging it.
[14:13] <Crashed> No response from
[14:14] <frank23> Crashed: you can try another mirror
[14:15] <Crashed> How would I do that?
[14:15] <frank23> Crashed: in Adept, Adept->Manage repositories
[14:16] <frank23> Download from Other... then choose a mirror
[14:19] <Crashed> Sorry, where is download from other? I'm using 6.10 edgy.
[14:19] <frank23> Crashed: oh... maybe that option is not in edgy I don't know
[14:21] <frank23> Crashed: deb http://gulus.USherbrooke.ca/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted this is the server i use and it's working right now
[14:22] <frank23> for you it would be edgy not gutsy
[14:23] <Crashed> deb?
[14:24] <frank23> if you edit the sources.list file directly that is what the line looks like
[14:24] <frank23> with deb at the start
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[14:25] <frank23> I don't know how adept in edgy does it exactly
[14:29] <guimaraes> oi
[14:31] <tzanger> good morning
[14:31] <tzanger> I'm trying to create an initrd using yaird
[14:32] <tzanger> it seems a little stupid though... first it didn't like that it couldn't find /dev/mmc, but now it's complaining that it can't deal with the uuid option in my fstab. is there a simpler way to make an initrd on kubuntu?
[14:36] <oloughlin75> How do I turn off the xserverver and go right into command line:?
[14:36] <frank23> oloughlin75: sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop
[14:36] <oloughlin75> thank you!
[14:36] <frank23> and sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start to get X again
[14:37] <oloughlin75> whats the difference between that and startx?
[14:37] <BluesKaj> Howdy Folks :)
[14:38] <frank23> oloughlin75: this stops and starts the kde login manager kdm and that brings along with it X. I don't know the details more than that
[14:40] <tzanger> hmm, is there a way to mkinitrd.yaird when using uuids in fstab for xfs? it doesn't seem to work, and I've not been successful in figuring out how to overcome this.
[14:41] <Alex135> whats new in the updates for most of the KDE apps that was recently released
[14:43] <frank23> Alex135: you can check the changelogs in adept
[14:44] <Alex135> frank23: thx
[14:44] <frank23> Alex135: mostly * Stable release update, support new Flash in Konqueror I guess. It's crazy but when core component of kde changes everything else in kde has to be recompiled
[14:45] <Alex135> frank23: hopefully they will hurry up and get kde4.1 up and about... cuz its useless the way it is now
[14:46] <Alex135> btw, is hardy worth downloading and installing?
[14:46] <frank23> Alex135: are you talking about kde 3.5 or kde 4.0?
[14:47] <Alex135> frank23: kde4.0
[14:47] <frank23> What I pasted was for kde 3.5
[14:47] <oloughlin75> How do I install libc? The nvidia drivers are telling me I do not have it
[14:48] <Alex135> fank23: oh for my question yes i was talking about kde3.5
[14:48] <frank23> I'll wait for kde 4.1 before switching
[14:48] <Alex135> same
[14:49] <frank23> I get 700kB/s from my mirror so downloading big updates is not painful
[14:50] <Alex135> soon the unaversity i get my internet from might become a mirror for different distros of linux, if so i will have much faster download rates (like instant on everything)
[14:50] <Alex135> i mean for updates...
[14:50] <frank23> Alex135: that's be nice
[14:55] <oloughlin75> How do I install libc? The nvidia drivers are telling me I do not have it
[14:55] <frank23> oloughlin75: you definitely have it
[14:56] <oloughlin75> the nvidia drivers are telling me i do not
[14:58] <frank23> oloughlin75: maybe you need libc6-dev but why don't you use the nvidia drivers in the ubuntu repository
[15:01] <oloughlin75> libc header files not found, please install your distrobutions libc development package?
[15:02] * BluesKaj wonders if kubuntu has a default "resticted driver" pkg in system settings/advanced , like the pkg for ATI equipped desktops and laptops.
[15:02] <frank23> oloughlin75: maybe you need libc6-dev but why don't you use the nvidia drivers in the ubuntu repository
[15:02] <BluesKaj> for nvidia
[15:03] <oloughlin75> I installed the nvidia binary x.org driver, but when I watch youtube or something with a lot of motion the screen like twitches
[15:03] <frank23> oloughlin75: what card do you have?
[15:03] <Alex135> This is going to sound like a n00bish question at first, but Kubuntu has screensavers that take an image of the desktop and morph it / mess around with it right?
[15:03] <BluesKaj> oloughlin75, check in system settings/advanced for a restricted driver pkg ...that may be the wat to go , if you have that option.
[15:03] <oloughlin75> GeForce Go 6200
[15:04] <oloughlin75> I do not have the restricted devices thing
[15:04] <frank23> oloughlin75: the nvidia driver from ubuntu should work fin
[15:04] <frank23> fine*
[15:04] <siof> hi. i have privoxy running. i've changed the config file, so i want to end the privoxy running and restart it. what command do i use to end it?
[15:05] <BluesKaj> not restricted devices oloughlin75 , "restricted drivers"
[15:05] <stratman4300> siof /etc/init.d/(nameofservicehere) restart
[15:05] <frank23> oloughlin75: in system-settings->Advanced->restricted drivers?
[15:05] <siof> nice one stratman4300 :)
[15:05] <stratman4300> siof oopps.... sudo /etc/init.d/(nameofservicehere) restart
[15:06] <siof> ok, even better. ;)
[15:06] <oloughlin75> No
[15:07] <oloughlin75> All the stuff in system settings tell me that the library files for libpython2.5.so not found in paths
[15:07] <oloughlin75> and the restricted drivers isnt there
[15:08] <frank23> oloughlin75: did you try reinstalling python2.5 ?
[15:08] <oloughlin75> how?
[15:09] <oloughlin75> It tells me it is the latest version
[15:09] <frank23> oloughlin75: in adept search for python2.5 right where it says installed and choose reinstall
[15:10] <frank23> oloughlin75: i meant right-click
[15:11] <oloughlin75> i cant right click it? no menu pops up
[15:12] <frank23> oloughlin75: just right-click the package name. it doesn't work?
[15:12] <oloughlin75> nothing happens when i right click it
[15:12] <frank23> oloughlin75: do you run 7.10?
[15:12] <oloughlin75> 8.04
[15:12] <frank23> oh.........
[15:13] <oloughlin75> ya
[15:13] <oloughlin75> i think i might install 7.10 \
[15:13] <frank23> oloughlin75: then you should go to #ubuntu+1 for help
[15:24] <ForgeAus> Feisty rocks :)
[15:25] <Crashed> Time to try to get this cd burner to work again.
[15:27] <BluesKaj> Crashed, not listed in sytem settings/advanced/disk&filesystems
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[15:28] <Crashed> Er, is that a question?
[15:28] <arcticpenguin380> whats better pgp or truecrypt
[15:29] <Crashed> Optical Disc BENQ DVD DUAL DW 1610
[15:29] <BluesKaj> Crashed, you said the burner wasn't working ?
[15:29] <Crashed> /media/cdrom0
[15:29] <Crashed> Well, it's not burning. :P
[15:29] <BluesKaj> good
[15:29] <Crashed> Good?
[15:29] <BluesKaj> not good
[15:29] <Crashed> I've literally spent the last 10 hours trying to install windows. :(
[15:30] <BluesKaj> good that it's listed , not good that it's not burning
[15:30] <BluesKaj> 10 hrs , why ?
[15:31] <Crashed> I've tried multiple things.
[15:31] <Crashed> Most of the time was taken by the 4x CD-RW writer.
[15:31] <Crashed> Oh cool, it actually looks like it's erasing the file now.
[15:31] <BluesKaj> oooh , an oldie ?
[15:31] <Crashed> The CD-RW is on another PC :P
[15:31] <Crashed> The writer*
[15:31] <Crashed> I have two, actually.
[15:32] <Crashed> DVD-+RW/CD-+RW on this one
[15:32] <Crashed> and an old CD-RW on another one.
[15:32] <Crashed> K3b wasn't working on this PC, so I went into the other one to burn XP
[15:32] <Crashed> I burned it, popped it in here and it didn't even read the damn cd.
[15:32] <Crashed> Popped it back into the other pc and it messed up my computer real bad. It would lock up while trying to read the cd.
[15:33] <Crashed> And I just popped it back into this one, and told it to erase the cd. Which it *looks* like it's doing.
[15:33] <BluesKaj> like wifey's , she's got an old 366mhz HP/celeron/mitsui burner
[15:33] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/m465dccb3
[15:33] <Crashed> Errors :(
[15:34] <BluesKaj> Crashed, have you got your boot sequence in BIOS set up to look at the cdrom drive first
[15:34] <Crashed> yes
[15:34] <Crashed> That shouldn't affect me not being able to erase this CD, though.
[15:35] <BluesKaj> yeah
[15:35] <Crashed> I can't delete or write anything to this CD-RW disc.
[15:35] <BluesKaj> Crashed, have you tried K3B ?
[15:35] <Crashed> That's what I'm using :|
[15:35] <BluesKaj> ok
[15:36] <Crashed> It takes 30 minutes to write the iso to the cd on my other computer/burner.
[15:36] <Crashed> I've done that twice, and both times it's been failing.
[15:38] <Crashed> I wish I had a dvd-rw to test on
[15:38] <BluesKaj> maybe the ISO is buggy ...does K3B do a md5 sum check ?
[15:38] <Crashed> It does
[15:38] <Crashed> I highly doubt the iso is buggy, though
[15:39] <BluesKaj> yeah, I always keep a few dvd+rws around for testing purposes
[15:39] <BluesKaj> cd+rws as well
[15:39] <Crashed> Man this is so annoying :(
[15:39] <Crashed> New computer and I can't play some of the games I've been wanting to try.
[15:39] <BluesKaj> but they do wear out after about 20-30 passes
[15:42] <BluesKaj> are you trying gutsy or hardy ?
[15:43] <Crashed> Edgy
[15:45] <BluesKaj> Crashed, how new is your computer ?
[15:46] <Crashed> old
[15:46] <Crashed> I got it yesterday, but it's an aged system.
[15:46] <BluesKaj> ok, what specs?
[15:47] <Crashed> 3000+ s939, x800XL PCI-e, 40GB IDE HDD
[15:47] <BluesKaj> RAM ?
[15:47] <Crashed> http://www.byond.com/members/Crashed/files/crashedpc.html
[15:47] <Crashed> 768 DDR
[15:48] <Crashed> As you can see, I've had my PC for 21 hours now :P
[15:48] <hernan> hola!!!
[15:48] <BluesKaj> hmm, feisty should run fine on it
[15:48] <Crashed> Greetings.
[15:48] <Crashed> BluesKaj: I'm trying to install windows :(
[15:49] <BluesKaj> !hi | hernan
[15:49] <ubotu> hernan: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[15:49] <Crashed> Kubuntu was the only OS I have that works.
[15:49] <hernan> gracias!!
[15:49] <BluesKaj> well, even windows shouldn't take 10hrs
[15:49] <Crashed> Yeah, well it does when you have all these damn problems.
[15:50] <Crashed> I'll try burning the ISO again.
[15:50] <BluesKaj> Crashed, windows ISO ?
[15:50] <Crashed> I can't get anything to work in WINE :(
[15:50] <Crashed> Yes Blues.
[15:51] <hernan> /join #ubuntu-es
[15:51] <Crashed> I've got a product key, but no oem disc.
[15:52] <tech9iner> twosouls82: ahhhh... booting k these days aye me lad ;]]
[15:55] <hernan> alguien habla español?
[15:55] <frank23> !es
[15:55] <ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[15:56] <sayucyof> hello (@_@)/
[15:56] <Crashed> arrg
[15:56] <Crashed> my windows computer freezes when trying to read the disc
[15:56] <Crashed> I guess I'm gonna have to borrow a usb flash drive from someone and then boot the os installer off that.
[16:00] <BluesKaj> Crashed, do you see my PM ?
[16:06] <tribaldata> Hi anyone could help me with a firefox issue
[16:07] <tribaldata> When i try to start firefox it doesn't start if i go from console and type in firefox i get this :
[16:07] <tribaldata> You should really not run firefox through sudo WITHOUT the -H option.
[16:07] <tribaldata> Anyway, I'll do as if you did use the -H option.
[16:07] <tribaldata> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
[16:07] <tribaldata> Xlib: No protocol specified
[16:07] <tribaldata> Anyone could lend me a hand ?
[16:09] <tribaldata> Anyone ?
[16:10] <llutz> tribaldata: start firefox as user, not as root, not with sudo
[16:10] <BluesKaj> tribaldata, can you launch FF from with in the FF file ..prolly on your /home/user file ..it will look like a text file with just firefox as the title
[16:12] <tribaldata> i try that but i just get another konsole line
[16:13] <alinex> \n pfcneves
=== alinex is now known as pfcneves
[16:14] <pfcneves> hello
[16:14] <tribaldata> llutz: it seem like is not able to get the display 0:0
[16:15] <llutz> tribaldata: you start ff as user which owns the x-session?
[16:16] <tribaldata> llutz: i try that but i doesn't start
[16:17] <BluesKaj> tribaldata, I still think you should try launching from within the FF folder , as described above
[16:18] <DexterF> hi
[16:18] <tribaldata> try that already. no pid is created
[16:19] <DexterF> I just tried to suspend this machine, running feisty. remember it worked once, now didn't, it just booted as usual. how come?
[16:19] <BluesKaj> hmm, sounds like it's not completely installed
[16:19] <BluesKaj> tribaldata
[16:20] <tribaldata> BluesKaj: yep ?
[16:20] <BluesKaj> try reinstalling FF in adept
[16:21] <tribaldata> BluesKaj: already done that with apt-get remove firefox then apt-get clean then apt-get install firefox
[16:21] <tribaldata> same result
[16:21] <BluesKaj> uhoh
[16:22] <BluesKaj> does konq surf ok , tribaldata
[16:22] <tribaldata> yup
[16:22] <BluesKaj> good
[16:23] <tribaldata> BluesKaj: it is the weirdest thing, i switch my display from my svideo to my normal laptop then stuff began to go on the bad side for FF
[16:23] <tribaldata> i rebbooted re-installed and i'm still getting the same error
[16:23] <tribaldata> the only info i get it's when i try to run it a root
[16:25] <tribaldata> BluesKaj: Does this mean that something is already trying to connect to my 0:0 ?? : Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
[16:26] <ahmos> !siteadvisor
[16:26] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about siteadvisor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:27] <ahmos> !site advisor
[16:27] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about site advisor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:27] <ahmos> !mcafee
[16:27] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about mcafee - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[16:29] <Crashed> guys, I can just replace an ide dvd-rw with a cd-rw right?
[16:29] <Crashed> same cords and all
[16:31] <SlimeyPete> crackhead_25: yes
[16:31] <SlimeyPete> erm
[16:31] <SlimeyPete> bah, he's gone.
[16:31] <crackhead_25> SlimeyPete: what?
[16:32] <SlimeyPete> crackhead_25: I meant to address Crashed
[16:33] <SlimeyPete> sorry.
[16:45] <BluesKaj> SlimeyPete, Crashed has a dvd burner that won't work in K3B , so he's swapping it out for a cd burner he has on hand so he can install an OS. I'm not sure weather it's windows or feisty, but he wants to get back to his games.
[16:45] <BluesKaj> err whether
[16:45] <SlimeyPete> ah right
[16:46] <BluesKaj> gamerz :P
[16:46] <SlimeyPete> heh
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[16:50] <RoboCop> when will the next version of *buntu going to release ?
[16:50] <BluesKaj> april
[16:50] <SlimeyPete> RoboCop: the version number is 8.04, which means "4th month of 2008"
[16:51] <SlimeyPete> so yeah, april
[16:51] <ForgeAus> then 8.10 I presume
[16:51] <BluesKaj> !Hardy
[16:51] <SlimeyPete> releases are every six months
[16:51] <ubotu> Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[16:51] <SlimeyPete> ForgeAus: yeah
[16:51] <RoboCop> k
[16:51] <ForgeAus> 8.10 should be good for KDE4 by then it will be better, I hope...
[16:51] <ForgeAus> I don't expect much from KDE4 yet...
[16:53] <BluesKaj> ran hardy , not really much diff except for the oreganic looking almost chaos-theory looking desktop
[16:54] <BluesKaj> think I'll stck with Gutsy til Oct when 8.10 is released
[16:55] <genii> BluesKaj: Thats about my plan as well. I'll run 8.04 for testing on a partition I don't care about
[16:56] <BluesKaj> hmm genii, that's a thought ... a seperate partition for hardy might be a good idea
[16:57] <SlimeyPete> VM's best, surely
[16:57] <BluesKaj> 20G should be enuff
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[16:58] <BluesKaj> VM's are buggy in my experience ...i find them more frustrating than just rebooting into another OS
[16:58] <Daisuke_Ido> kde4's desktop irritates me. i keep a lot on the desktop, and having each thing on my desktop be considered a 'widget' bugs me
[16:59] <BluesKaj> widgets ...never understood what they were supposed to do :)
[17:00] <BluesKaj> !widgets
[17:00] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about widgets - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:01] <BluesKaj> !info widgets
[17:01] <ubotu> Package widgets does not exist in gutsy
[17:02] <Daisuke_Ido> each icon gets a frame, same as things like the clock and such
[17:02] <ubuntu> hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 999 anyone know what that means?
[17:04] <ubuntu> !ntfs
[17:04] <ubotu> To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE
[17:07] <genii> Daisuke_Ido: I totally agree with you on the desktop thing
[17:08] <ahmos> Hi ,I need a little help plz?
[17:08] <BluesKaj> !ask | ahmos
[17:08] <ubotu> ahmos: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[17:10] <ahmos> I have installed an IEEE card to capture a video from my camcorder by kino but i get this message (warning: raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to read/write /dev/raw1394! )
=== dhq is now known as spankthemonkey
[17:13] <ahmos> !!!
[17:14] <genii> ahmos: sudo modprobe raw1394
[17:14] <ahmos> ok
[17:15] <ahmos> then
[17:16] <genii> ahmos: Try again to capture into kino
[17:16] <Crashed> ;
[17:16] <Crashed> Hey guys, I'm having an issue with WINE and IE.
[17:17] <ForgeAus> argh my VMware Linux vmdk died
[17:17] <Crashed> How do I install geck/ie for wine?
[17:17] <ForgeAus> well its still there it just doesn't mount it for some strange reason
[17:17] <ForgeAus> what kinda issue Crashed?
[17:17] <ForgeAus> geck/ie? um not sure you can
[17:17] <Crashed> My windows application crashes because it tries to load an html page.
[17:17] <ahmos> nothing genii I think that it is a permission problem,no?
[17:17] <Crashed> Gecko*
[17:17] <ForgeAus> how are you trying to install it?
[17:17] <ForgeAus> you can use ies4linux
[17:17] <ForgeAus> that should work
[17:18] <Crashed> Well, when I run my app, it asks if I want to install gecko. I click yes, but my application crashes sometime before or after I click yes. So it never installs.
[17:18] <ForgeAus> ahh I know why HDA not SDA!
[17:18] <genii> ahmos: No, if no msg then thats good. When things execute properly no extra messages. Only when errors.
[17:18] <Crashed> iesf4linux?
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[17:19] <xaka> how to disable loading "dri" module in Xorg? i have no seen it in xorg.conf, but it loading (i see it in Xorg.log)
[17:19] <ahmos> genii: I had fixed it before but I forgot the command it was something like sudo chmod 666.....
[17:20] <genii> ahmos: If you can get your video into kino now, you know what the module you need is. To make it load every time, put the name raw1394 into the file /etc/modules (you need to edit with admin privelege for that)
[17:20] <Crashed> Arrg, it asks me if I want to install gecko *after* the html page starts loading. :(
[17:21] <ahmos> no i can't get a video now!
[17:21] <genii> ahmos: If the dev exists but it just won't let you use it every time. Instead of always changing the permissions of the device file, add your username into the group of plugdev instead.
[17:21] <Crashed> How do I install Gecko to use in place of IE in WINE?
[17:23] <Crashed> Ahha. "wine iexplore http://www.winehq.org"
[17:23] <ahmos> sorry genii but how to add my username into plugdev..!
[17:23] <ahmos> i'm some how new to linux
[17:23] <Crashed> Damnit. Stupid program still crashes >:("
[17:23] <genii> ahmos: sudo usermod -G -a plugdev <yourusername>
[17:23] <ForgeAus> think I messed up grub
[17:24] <ForgeAus> just putting win2k disk in
[17:24] <ForgeAus> wierd
[17:24] <ForgeAus> it did boot off it but didn't install anything
[17:24] <ahmos> I got this usermod: unknown group -a
[17:25] <ForgeAus> ahh that fixled it
[17:25] <genii> ahmos: sudo usermod -G plugdev -a <yourusername>
[17:25] <ForgeAus> still edgy tho
[17:25] <ForgeAus> hmm gotta fix that too
[17:26] <ahmos> should i restart my system now?!
[17:27] <Daisuke_Ido> ahmos: this isn't windows.
[17:27] <ForgeAus> hehe thats fun using a PC-BSD VMDK (Virtual Machine) from an EXT3 partition in WindowsXP :)
[17:27] <Crashed> Can't get this stupid app to work in WINE :(
[17:27] <Crashed> Other people do it no problem.
[17:27] <Daisuke_Ido> what one?
[17:27] <Crashed> BYOND
[17:27] <Daisuke_Ido> never heard of it
[17:27] <Crashed> It's not that big.
[17:28] <ahmos> genii:sorry it didn't work :)
[17:28] <ForgeAus> Crashed use ies4linux to install it into wine
[17:28] <Crashed> Forge: what is ies4linux?
[17:28] <ForgeAus> thats got a script that helps set everything you need up in order to run it
[17:28] <ForgeAus> google it Crashed
[17:29] <phoenixz> Hi there, I just installed kubuntu on an acer aspire 5720 laptop. It has an atheros AR5006EG wifi card built in.. The atheros restricted module is loaded, but the wifi light on the laptop doesnt burn and I cant see the wireless device in kubuntu either.. Could anybody help me to get this to work?
[17:29] <ForgeAus> I don't think you'll have the gecko issue doing it that way
[17:29] <Crashed> I have Gecko working as IE, Forge.
[17:29] <Crashed> Seems to be working properly.
[17:29] <ForgeAus> oh you fixed it? good
[17:29] <phoenixz> !wireless
[17:29] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[17:29] <Crashed> Well, the app is still borked.
[17:30] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/m42694083
[17:30] <Crashed> There's the dump/
[17:31] <Crashed> The first few lines are warnings when the app runs, but everything functions properly. As soon as I login, then it spits out some errors and drops.
[17:31] <genii> ahmos: does /dev/raw1394 exist?
[17:31] <Daisuke_Ido> check the winehq appdb page on it?
[17:32] <ForgeAus> the app?
[17:32] <ForgeAus> which "the app" is that?
[17:32] <ForgeAus> ie itself?
[17:32] <ahmos> yes i searched and found it
[17:32] <Crashed> That's the output from BYOND, Forge.
[17:32] <ForgeAus> BYOND? never heard of it
[17:32] <joe_> hello?
[17:33] <Crashed> That ies4linux isn't working :(
[17:33] <Crashed> Says I need cabextract first, and the cabextract site isn't working.
[17:33] <ForgeAus> mac's ies4OSX has ie7 support
[17:34] <ForgeAus> of course VMware Fusion does the same
[17:34] <Daisuke_Ido> !cabextract
[17:34] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about cabextract - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:34] <Daisuke_Ido> !info cabextract
[17:34] <ubotu> cabextract (source: cabextract): a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (gutsy), package size 52 kB, installed size 184 kB
[17:34] <Daisuke_Ido> just apt-get install it
[17:34] <genii> ahmos: Please paste here result of: ls -l /dev/raw1394
[17:35] <Daisuke_Ido> again, this isn't windows, where you have to go to all sorts of seedy corners of the net to get software and support files
[17:36] <rdw> hello, how to play wmv's from within firefox?
[17:36] <ahmos> genii:I've fixed it (ALT + F2 then kdesu Dolphin,anf i made the gave a permission for others to read & write ,and made it executable) :)
[17:36] <Daisuke_Ido> there's a vlc plugin in the repos (iirc)
[17:36] <rdw> do you know it's name?
[17:36] <genii> ahmos: Every time you reboot it will revert back and you will need to change it again. I'm trying to offer you a permanent fix.
[17:37] <Daisuke_Ido> vlc (you'll need that for starters)
[17:37] <ahmos> aha ,ok
[17:37] <ahmos> crwxrwxrwx 1 root disk 171, 0 2008-02-11 19:06 /dev/raw1394
[17:37] <Daisuke_Ido> mozilla-plugin-vlc
[17:38] <Crashed> Holy crap
[17:38] <Crashed> I just noticed I'm running wine 0.9.22
[17:39] <Crashed> <:)
[17:40] <genii> ahmos: sudo usermod -G disk -a <yourusername>
[17:40] <genii> Although it's interesting a group by that name exists on your system
[17:40] <toothpick> I had backed up family photo albums onto a cd, but when I copy them into kubuntu they keep th read only file permission.
[17:41] <toothpick> I want to be able to rename, delete duplicates and such....how can I make the entire path of pics editable?
[17:41] <genii> toothpick: sudo chmod -r <names>
[17:41] <ahmos> ok finished
=== kubuntu_ is now known as vhozard
[17:42] <Crashed> What do I do with the WINE deb file?
[17:42] <SlimeyPete> "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb" to install it
[17:42] <Crashed> Ah
[17:42] <toothpick> genii: I typed sudo chmod -r DCIM and then I couldn't even list the files in the folder DCIM
[17:42] <Crashed> Thanks.
[17:43] <genii> toothpick: sudo chmod +rw <name> then
[17:43] <SlimeyPete> -r will remove read access
[17:43] <vhozard> anyone who can help me with xawtv?
[17:43] <genii> SlimeyPete: Yes I forgot it wasn't toggle
[17:43] <SlimeyPete> :)
[17:44] <ahmos> genii:can i restart now to see if it worked?!
[17:44] <genii> ahmos: Sure. I'll be around
[17:44] <nosrednaekim> hey Crashed
[17:44] <ahmos> ok hang on
[17:45] <Crashed> nos! :0
[17:45] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: you still on 6.10?
[17:45] <Crashed> I am.
[17:45] <Crashed> You have no clue what kind of troubles I've been through today/yesterday.
[17:45] <Crashed> Spent some 15 hours trying to install Windows.
[17:45] <vhozard> anyone who can help me with xawtv?
[17:45] <Crashed> I've got one super slow CD-RW drive, one broken CD-RW drive, and apparently a bugged CD-RW disc now.
[17:46] <Crashed> hey guys, how do I completely uninstall wine?
[17:46] <vhozard> sudo apt-get remove --purge wine
[17:46] <vhozard> i think Crashed
[17:47] <genii> yes, thats right
[17:47] <Crashed> Purge!
[17:47] <Crashed> hm
[17:47] <Crashed> WINE is still in my application menu.
[17:47] <Crashed> And the program files are still there.
[17:48] <BluesKaj> vhozard, can't help with xawtv but tvtime is more up to date I believe
[17:48] <ahmos> genii: yes it is working ,you are my HERO :)
[17:48] <Crashed> How do I completely remove WINE?
[17:48] <toothpick> thanks for the help, got it now.
[17:48] <Crashed> App files, directories, I want it gone.
[17:48] <vhozard> BluesKaj, yes I know but you can't record with tvtime
[17:48] <ForgeAus> apt-get remove wine
[17:49] <genii> ahmos: Glad you got it. No more chmodding it etc etc. Have fun with Kino :)
[17:49] <ForgeAus> but after that there'll be leftovers
[17:49] <ForgeAus> so delete your .wine directory thats still there
[17:49] <ForgeAus> and anything under it
[17:49] <ForgeAus> (should be in a user or root home directory)
[17:49] <ahmos> thank you hero ;)
[17:49] <ForgeAus> oh wait you need a sudo first
[17:49] <ForgeAus> sudo apt-get remove wine
[17:51] <Crashed> Man, this thing is still in my applications folder.
[17:51] <Crashed> BEGONE.
[17:51] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: so you are stuck with linux :)
[17:52] <Crashed> nosred: pretty much ;P
[17:52] <Crashed> I need someone to rescue me by downloading WinXP and burning it (properly) to a disc.
[17:52] <Crashed> Linux is a scary place.
[17:53] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: oh... I think they sell discs like that down at computer stores ;)
[17:53] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: ^_^
[17:53] <Crashed> Key word: se;;
[17:53] <Crashed> sell
[17:53] <vhozard> anyone who can help me with xawtv?
[17:53] <Crashed> nosrednaekim: I think I got banned from the ubuntu repositories.
[17:54] <vhozard> haha, thats not possible
[17:54] <Crashed> I kept trying to apt-get stuff, and it kept timing out for whatever reason.
[17:54] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: sometimes you pay for quality CD's lol
[17:54] <Daisuke_Ido> you can't get banned from the repos, that's ridiculous
[17:54] <Crashed> and recently I tried it, and it said permission denied or something.
[17:54] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: well, did you try adding new repositories?
[17:54] <vhozard> put sudo in fronst of the code
[17:54] <Crashed> Oh right, I keep forgetting that. :P
[17:55] <Crashed> nosred: I'm not sure what I tried.
[17:55] <Crashed> I removed comments, added them, nothign solved anything.
[17:55] <Crashed> 99% [Connecting to buildbot.no-ip.org (]
[17:55] <Crashed> I get stuck at that.
[17:56] <nosrednaekim> well, thats certainly not a standard repository
[17:56] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?
[17:56] <nosrednaekim> !pastebin
[17:56] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[17:57] <rdw> i have the line deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe in my sources.list but i can't fetch mozilla-plugin-vlc
[17:57] <Crashed> I know what pastebin is ;)
[17:57] <Crashed> I've written a pastebin or two in my day (the actual service).
[17:57] <Crashed> How do I run Kate again?
[17:58] <vhozard> sudo kate
[17:58] <Crashed> yeah tried that.
[17:58] <Crashed> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
[17:58] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: kdesu kate
[17:58] <Crashed> Same error.
[17:58] <nosrednaekim> vhozard: do not use sudo with kde apps
[17:58] <vhozard> why not?
[17:58] <vhozard> i always do
[17:58] <vhozard> never had one problem
[17:58] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: yeah.. it should give you an error, but it should open anyway
[17:59] <nosrednaekim> !kdesu
[17:59] <ubotu> In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[17:59] <Crashed> It doesn't open. :/
[17:59] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: well, just cat it from the terminal
[18:00] <Crashed> Yeah, but I like CTRL+A. My mouse sucks. :)
[18:00] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/m678b24f1
[18:00] <siof> nosrednaekim, thanks for that sudo tip.
[18:01] <vhozard> sudo kate is fine, I think. about using kdesu its bullshit
[18:01] <nosrednaekim> vhozard: well, do what you like, but don't tell others to do it.
[18:02] <vhozard> ok, but I didn't know
[18:02] <jussi01> !kdesu
[18:02] <ubotu> In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[18:02] <jussi01> oops
[18:02] <vhozard> and besides that its not really THAT bad to use sudo kate
[18:02] <jussi01> vhozard: yes it is
[18:02] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: run "sudo apt-get update"
[18:02] <nosrednaekim> vhozard: did you read the link?
[18:02] <Crashed> 99% [Connecting to buildbot.no-ip.org (]
[18:03] <Crashed> It'll display that for a while, then timeout.
[18:03] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: when running apt-get update?
[18:03] <Crashed> Yes
[18:03] <vhozard> Yes, i read the link
[18:04] <rdw> i have the line deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe in my sources.list but i can't fetch mozilla-plugin-vlc
[18:04] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: are you running through a proxy or something?
[18:04] <Crashed> http://pastebin.ca/900108
[18:04] <Crashed> No I am not.
[18:04] <Crashed> Nothing changed today. apt-get was working yesterday, but not it's borked.
[18:05] <vhozard> jussi01: its not very bad, I use kubuntu and linux and sudo ALOT and I never had a problem with that
[18:05] <jussi01> !wfm | vhozard
[18:05] <ubotu> vhozard: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/
[18:06] <vhozard> jussi01: damn you don't listen. I say it itsn't bad, BUT I recommend kdesu kate to anyone from now on!
=== tommi_ is now known as Sarge_TJ
[18:07] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: hum ok,it looks like it got all the neccesary ones, don't worry about it...
[18:07] <Crashed> Don't worry about it? I wanna use apt-get :(
[18:08] <stdin> vhozard: if you tell someone to use "sudo GUI", then please make sure you are here to support them _when_ it breaks their system. if you don't wan't that responsibility then don't give people "sudo GUI" commands
[18:08] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: so running "apt-get somepackage" also give you that error?
[18:08] <Crashed> Yes.
[18:08] <Crashed> It's not an error.
[18:08] <navetz> how do i force remove somethign with apt-get
[18:08] <Crashed> It's just not finding that host.
[18:09] <navetz> ?
[18:09] <Crashed> sudo apt-get remove something
[18:09] <navetz> i need to force remove it
[18:09] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: does it stall before or after downloading all the neccesary packages?
[18:09] <vhozard> I DON'T, damn I didn't know. I DO know now and if I give advise I say kdesu GUI or sudo COMMANDLINE
[18:09] <Crashed> Hm
[18:09] <Crashed> apt-get install seems to work fine.
[18:09] <Crashed> update does not work at all.
[18:10] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: well, it does work, cause before it stalls, it updates all the other package lists
[18:10] <Crashed> hm
[18:10] <vhozard> anyone who can help me with xawtv?
[18:11] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: anyway... what are trying to do now?
[18:11] <Crashed> Setting up WINE
[18:11] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: oh ^_^
[18:12] <navetz> i cant uninstall or install anything because i keep getting this error :
[18:12] <navetz> E: The package dtc-postfix-courier needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.
[18:12] <navetz> can someone help me
[18:12] <jussi01> navetz: sudo apt-get install -f
[18:12] <navetz> jussi01: whats that do?
[18:13] <jussi01> navetz: the -f is for fix broken IIRC
[18:13] <jussi01> navetz: man apt-get for clarification
[18:14] <navetz> jussi01: i tried it but i get the same error
[18:16] <Crashed> http://pastebin.ca/900130
[18:16] <Crashed> It says those dlls don't exist, when they do.
[18:16] <ForgeAus> is wine case-sensitive?
[18:17] <ForgeAus> ie from the commandline for example can you run wine genuinecheck.exe or do you have to run wine GenuineCheck.exe ?
[18:17] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: please ask in #winehq, we are not wine experts here
[18:17] <Crashed> oops.
[18:18] <sparr_> is it possible to get ksysguard to use sensible K/M/G labels for the charts instead of scientific notation? it takes me an appreciable amount of time to figure out how much 1.22093e+07 is
[18:19] <karthikp> Speaking of wine, the wine config applet in kubuntu gutsy system settings seems to be broken.
[18:19] <karthikp> Is there anyway to fix it?
[18:19] <jussi01> karthikp: it works here
[18:19] <JohnFlux> sparr: upgrade to kde4 :-)
[18:19] <jussi01> karthikp: what is the issue?
[18:19] <karthikp> I couldn't find anything useful online, so I forgot about it.
[18:20] <karthikp> Okay.
[18:20] <karthikp> I get an error message.
[18:20] <karthikp> Lemme look it up.
[18:20] <Toothpick> Greets
[18:20] <karthikp> First, I get this window saying it appears you don't have all the drives set up.
[18:20] <karthikp> Which is okay.
[18:21] <karthikp> Then, I get this message saying the module Windows Applications could not be loaded.
[18:21] <karthikp> The diagnostics is:
[18:21] <karthikp> Possible reasons:
[18:21] <karthikp> * An error occured during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module.
[18:22] <karthikp> * You have old third party modules lying around.
[18:22] * jussi01 reminds karthikp of pastebin...
[18:22] <karthikp> What's pastebin?
[18:22] <nosrednaekim> !pastebin
[18:22] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[18:22] <karthikp> Oh nice. /me is still a noob.
[18:22] <jussi01> :)
[18:23] <karthikp> Okay, it doesn't allow me to select the text!
[18:23] <karthikp> Never mind. THe thing is, this error popped up when I clean installed gutsy back last year.
[18:24] <karthikp> So, there was no last kde session and there were no modules "lying around"
[18:24] <karthikp> The system was fresh and I figured it was broken.
[18:24] <karthikp> Anyone else have their wine config applet broken in system settings?
[18:29] <Crashed> http://pastebin.ca/900147
[18:29] <Crashed> :[
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[18:31] <stdin> Crashed: "root@crashed-pc:" <- there's your problem, don't run it as root
[18:32] <Crashed> how did that happen...
[18:32] <Crashed> Error from the DLL now.
[18:33] <Crashed> http://pastebin.ca/900155
[18:33] <stdin> that's a Wine issue, best place to ask about it is in #winehq
[18:35] <arcticpenguin380> what filesystem is best for a lot of files
[18:36] <jussi01> !best | arcticpenguin380
[18:36] <ubotu> arcticpenguin380: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.
[18:36] <Crashed> Oh man, I keep switching from #kubuntu and #winehq
[18:36] <ForgeAus> Arcticpenguin you can only run Kubuntu on an EXT3 partition
[18:36] <ForgeAus> but you can get it to read (most even write) other types of partitions
[18:36] <arcticpenguin380> forgeAus: not true im on kubuntu with jfs
[18:37] <Crashed> I just ran apt-get install flightgear - and It appared to install fine. How do I run it now?
[18:37] <ForgeAus> ohhh kay... obviously I'm wrong then
[18:38] <jussi01> Crashed: fgfs iirc
[18:38] <Crashed> Ah, thanks.
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[18:45] <MrJoey> I know this isn't 100% Linux specific, but is it possible to limit the amount of RAM Windows uses (like one would do in Linux by appending the kernel argument mem=320M)
[18:45] <MrJoey> And a similar question, is it possible to tell Linux to use gaps of memory
[18:45] <MrJoey> e.g. to use 0..320M, 400M...800M, 900...1015M ?
[18:46] <jussi01> MrJoey: ##windows ;)
[18:46] <BluesKaj> MrJoey, Linux only uses as much as it needs and caches the rest AFAIK
[18:47] <sui> hi
[18:49] <BluesKaj> !hi | sui
[18:49] <ubotu> sui: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[18:49] <sui> :)
[18:50] <MrJoey> MrJoey, Linux only uses as much as it needs and caches the rest AFAIK ==> That's true, but I want to restrict the kernel from using the 320..390MB range and the 800...900MB range
[18:50] <MrJoey> As those ranges are bad RAM
[18:50] <MrJoey> I know I can say mem=320, but that doesn't let me use the other good RAM after the 320=380 bad gap
[18:53] <arcticpenguin380> is 14GB a lot of kubuntu
[18:53] <arcticpenguin380> for
[18:54] <MrJoey> Yes, unless you plan on installing an enormous amount of packages or holding many files (e.g. disk images)
[18:54] <arcticpenguin380> i have a lot of games installed and my usuall stuff and still have 8GB left
[18:59] <MrJoey> I guess I'll just try the badram patch
[18:59] <ibou> my /media/cdrom0 can't be ejected because it can't be umounted. busy by dbus-launch and dbus-daemon
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[19:00] <patrick_> My adept database is locked, but I have nothing running to use it? PLease help
[19:00] <jussi01> !adeptfix | patrick_
[19:00] <ubotu> patrick_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[19:01] <patrick_> thanks jussi01
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=== amazon__ is now known as amazon_
[19:11] <patrick_> alsa takes a while to make....
[19:11] <BluesKaj> I have some leftover text that keeps coming up in greyed out text from previous konversation sessions when i was logging the chat. How do I get rid of that old text ?
[19:12] <karthikp> I like that feature...:)
[19:13] <BluesKaj> well, it's a month old now and getting boring
[19:14] <patrick_> checking for initscr in -lncurses... no
[19:14] <patrick_> checking for initscr in -lcurses... no
[19:14] <patrick_> configure: error: this packages requires a curses library
[19:14] <patrick_> What do I need to install? Adept comes up nothing when I search for curses
[19:17] <navetz> someone please help me
[19:17] <BluesKaj> aha , found it ...don't 'x' backlog in chatwindow
[19:17] <navetz> i cant install anything
[19:17] <navetz> i need to remove a package
[19:17] <navetz> but it says i need to reinstall the package before i can remove
[19:17] <navetz> when i try to reinstall it fails
[19:18] <navetz> i cant force remove eitehr
[19:18] <stratman4300> navetz: does it give you any error message???
[19:18] <unagi> i changed something in my xorg.conf and ubuntu starts in low graphics mode, i switched it back and i still cant get out of low graphics mode, here is my xorg http://pastebin.org/19089, can anyone help me figure out what i need to do to get my graphics running again?
[19:18] <navetz> stratman4300: yea it says that the certain package needs to be removed
[19:19] <stratman4300> navetz: which package??
[19:19] <navetz> dtc-postfix-courier i think
[19:22] <BluesKaj> navetz, maybe broken pkgs or dependencies ..sometimes using the "fix broken pkgs" feature in synaptic /edit will help, if you have synaptic installed
[19:22] <patrick_> why aren't the latest alsa drivers there for download?
[19:22] <navetz> BluesKaj: i dont have it and i cant install it because of this bug
[19:22] <liz_> Hi all, I was wondering how does one get to view a learning cd on kubuntu? when I put the cd in I can view it's content but it doesn't play...
[19:23] <stratman4300> navetz: just for kicks try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a
[19:23] <stratman4300> it'll reconfigure any packages that still need configuring
[19:23] * MasterShrek already told him to do that
[19:23] <stratman4300> i had things get "stuck" because of that before
[19:23] <stratman4300> ehh....
[19:23] <unagi> i changed something in my xorg.conf and ubuntu starts in low graphics mode, i switched it back and i still cant get out of low graphics mode, here is my xorg http://pastebin.org/19089, can anyone help me figure out what i need to do to get my graphics running again?
[19:23] <MasterShrek> unagi, what gfx card?
[19:24] <unagi> geforce go 7400
[19:24] <navetz> i am trying it right now
[19:24] <MasterShrek> unagi, try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx-new
[19:24] <BluesKaj> navetz, try : sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock ,as well
[19:24] <MasterShrek> unagi, (assuming you installed your nvidia driver from the repos and not manually from nvidia's site)
[19:25] <unagi> repos yes, it was working before i added rubbish to the xorg.conf to show my mom that ubuntu can easily be fixed
[19:25] <navetz> i dont even know the answer to half the questions the prompt is asking me lol
[19:25] <MasterShrek> unagi, ironic eh?
[19:25] <patrick_> I tried manual earlier today and it broke xconfig and i couldnt figure out how to get to the command lin, all i had was a black screen
[19:25] <MasterShrek> =P
[19:25] <unagi> yes
[19:25] <unagi> i removed the rubbish with nano, and i cant get it to go back into normal graphics
[19:25] <unagi> ive taken a backup xorg.conf and replaced it and it still wont go back
[19:25] <MasterShrek> unagi, try reconfiguring that package, it may help
[19:26] <unagi> Package `nvidia-glx-new' is not installed and no info is available.
[19:26] <MasterShrek> unagi, is the current xorg.conf using the nvidia driver or nv or vesa?
[19:26] <MasterShrek> hmm, well sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new then
[19:26] <patrick_> Did you try System Settings -> Monitor?
[19:26] <BluesKaj> navetz, just run with it ...the system isn't working so you need to some kind of action and these commands won't hurt anything
[19:26] <navetz> BluesKaj: yea thanks
[19:28] <patrick_> is alsa-utils needed for sound?
[19:28] <BluesKaj> patrick ,yes
[19:29] <patrick_> What should I do when it wont "make"?
[19:29] <patrick_> mv: cannot stat `t-ja.gmo': No such file or directory
[19:29] <BluesKaj> is there a config file ?
[19:29] <MasterShrek> patrick_, why are you compiling it from source?
[19:29] <patrick_> i ran the configure before the make
[19:29] <MasterShrek> its in the repositories
[19:30] <MasterShrek> at least i think it is...
[19:30] <patrick_> i need 1.0.15 or higher for sound
[19:30] <MasterShrek> ah
[19:30] <BluesKaj> whynot usw adept
[19:30] <Daisuke_Ido> patrick_: asus laptop?
[19:30] <Daisuke_Ido> acer* rather
[19:30] <patrick_> same sound card
[19:30] <patrick_> gateway though
[19:30] <Daisuke_Ido> ah
[19:30] <Daisuke_Ido> yeah
[19:30] <Daisuke_Ido> good luck with that
[19:30] <Daisuke_Ido> i wonder if it's been backported
[19:30] <patrick_> it works fine with alsa 1.0.15
[19:31] <patrick_> and 1.0.16 is the newest, but its not making the utils
[19:31] <patrick_> sound works out of the box on 8.04
[19:31] <patrick_> ill try 1.015 and see if it works
[19:31] <Daisuke_Ido> there are debs for 1.0.15
[19:32] <patrick_> where do i get them?
[19:33] <Daisuke_Ido> looking now
[19:34] <patrick_> i can just make the 1.0.15, they worked a few weeks ago
[19:35] <Daisuke_Ido> it would appear i was wrong
[19:35] <unagi> that didnt work im still in low graphics
[19:36] <MasterShrek> unagi, and the xorg.conf is using nvidia as the driver, correct?
[19:36] <MasterShrek> patrick_, have you done: sudo apt-get install build-essential ?
[19:36] <patrick_> yes
[19:36] <BluesKaj> patrick_, the kernel package header must be installed
[19:36] <kornieff> Can anyone help me with init.d scripts here, or is there another room for that kind of talk? Thank you.
[19:36] <unagi> Driver "nvidia"
[19:36] <MasterShrek> hmm
[19:37] <patrick_> BluesKaj: How do I do that?
[19:37] <yassine_> hello
[19:37] <yassine_> my brother
[19:37] <Daisuke_Ido> there is a space between r and " right?
[19:37] <Daisuke_Ido> or a tab, or something...
[19:38] <unagi> i dont know what to do anymore
[19:39] <MasterShrek> unagi, try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
[19:39] <MasterShrek> unagi, and make sure you choose the nvidia driver
[19:39] <BluesKaj> patrick_, it's in adept
[19:40] <unagi> it didnt give me an option to check
[19:41] <unagi> option to select nvidia
[19:41] <unagi> kubuntu still says 'vesa'
[19:43] <patrick_> BluesKaj: It lists them as installed
[19:45] <navetz> dpkg-reconfigure -a didn't fix my problem :(
[19:45] <sub[t]rnl> Greetings bug, Welcome to #Kubuntu
[19:45] <stratman4300> navetz: have you done a apt-get update lately??
[19:45] <patrick_> !adeptfix
[19:45] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[19:45] <BluesKaj> navetz, sudo dpkg --configure -a
[19:46] <sub[t]rnl> woop
[19:46] <patrick_> Blue - how do I tell which version of the kernal I am running?
[19:47] <sub[t]rnl> uname -r
[19:47] <unagi> what happens if i delete xorg.conf?
[19:47] <BluesKaj> patrick_, try this : ./alsa-info.sh
[19:48] <sub[t]rnl> unagi➜ your x windows won't load due to a no screen found error.
[19:48] <unagi> sigh
[19:48] <unagi> i guess i have to reformat my hard drive
[19:48] <patrick_> BluesKaj: In what directory? It is not in the utils, which is the only thing not installing
[19:48] <navetz> !sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock
[19:48] <navetz> whoops
[19:48] <BluesKaj> patrick_, for kernel version : uname -a
[19:49] <navetz> !package dtc-postfix-courier
[19:49] <patrick_> Yeah, I have the correct kernal headers, and I am still getting: mv: cannot stat `t-ja.gmo': No such file or directory
[19:49] <navetz> how do i find info on a package?
[19:49] <unagi> !info package
[19:49] <ubotu> Package package does not exist in gutsy
[19:49] <unagi> can someone help me figure out my graphics problem?
[19:49] <navetz> thanks
[19:49] <navetz> !info dtc-postfix-courier
[19:50] <ubotu> dtc-postfix-courier (source: dtc): web control panel for admin and accounting hosting services (more depends). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.25.3-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 37 kB, installed size 128 kB
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[19:51] <BluesKaj> patrick_, di you try: ./alsa-info.sh , in the konsole
[19:51] <patrick_> BluesKaj: bash: ./alsa-info.sh: No such file or directory
[19:53] <BluesKaj> patrick_, lspci | grep audio
[19:53] <patrick_> nothing is displayed
[19:54] <unagi> i dont understand why this is so difficult......
[19:54] <unagi> why am i in low graphics mode
[19:55] <mojosound> Is there a way to setup the tightvnc server such that kde is running when I connect remotely - right now all I get is a generic x window with konsole running
[19:55] <patrick_> unagi: did you change the resolution in system setting -> monitor and display?
[19:55] <unagi> no
[19:55] <unagi> i changed my xorg.conf
[19:55] <BluesKaj> patrick_, have you setup the sound system in system settings ?
[19:56] <patrick_> BluesKaj: My card is not supported in alsa 1.0.14
[19:56] <BluesKaj> ok
[19:56] <unagi> !graphics
[19:56] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:56] <unagi> !resolution
[19:56] <ubotu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[19:57] <patrick_> got the alsa-utils installed -- i needed two packages that I found on the internet
[19:57] <stratman4300> unagi: what type of graphics card do you have???
[19:57] <unagi> nvidia geforce go 7400
[19:58] <stratman4300> unagi: did you use the restricted drivers manager??
[19:58] <unagi> i dont remember
[19:58] <stratman4300> unagi: or did you make changes manually?
[19:58] <unagi> i made changes manually
[19:58] <unagi> and put them back
[19:59] <unagi> stratman4300: i made changes manually and put them back
[19:59] <stratman4300> unagi: open the KDE system settings menu, and go to advanced
[19:59] <stratman4300> unagi: then start the restricted drivers manager
[20:00] <unagi> it says in use for the video
[20:00] <patrick_> SOUND!!! :D
[20:00] <stratman4300> what is your current resolution??
[20:00] <unagi> 800 x 600
[20:00] <stratman4300> can't go any higher??
[20:00] <unagi> no
[20:00] <stratman4300> what driver is in use when you look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf??
[20:00] <stratman4300> in the devices section
[20:00] <unagi> supposedly nvidia
[20:01] <unagi> but kubuntu says vesa
[20:01] <stratman4300> where is kubuntu saying vesa??
[20:01] <unagi> settings > monitor > hardware
[20:01] <patrick_> wow openoffice support word 07
[20:02] <stratman4300> have you restarted X since setting up your nvidia hardware??
[20:02] <unagi> stratman4300: i dont know what yo umean by setting up my hardware
[20:02] <stratman4300> after you made your changes
[20:02] <unagi> many times
[20:02] <unagi> stratman4300: my video card was running fine, i added gibberish to my xorg to show my mom that in linux when something goes wrong you can fix it
[20:02] <unagi> stratman4300: unfortunately i cant seem to get it back up
[20:03] <wilbur_> anyone running kubuntu on acer 3000 series laptops ?
[20:03] <stratman4300> you took out what you added??
[20:03] <unagi> yes
[20:03] <stratman4300> okay do this.... open the resricted drivers manager.... uncheck nvidia.... hit apply...or.. okay
[20:04] <stratman4300> restart your x session....
[20:04] <stratman4300> the go back into the restricted drivers manager, and check the check box and restart your X-session... this should re-install the drivers
[20:04] <stratman4300> or at least update your config files
[20:05] <filo1234> hi guys i have a problem with amarok
[20:05] <filo1234> when i switch off amarok, my hd external usb get down
[20:05] <unagi> brb
[20:09] <unagi> didnt work
[20:10] <unagi> i dont understand
[20:11] <unagi> does anyone know anything about xorg?
[20:11] <stratman4300> you need to be patient
[20:12] <filo1234> so amarok work but i have my mp3 on external hd and when i close amarok, external usb hd, get umount
[20:12] <stratman4300> one sec let me look up a bit on nvidia drivers real quick
[20:12] <unagi> i am patient........this has been going on for 2 hours
[20:14] <stratman4300> unagi: run a sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx nvidia-settings
[20:14] <stratman4300> unagi: then a sudo modprobe -r nvidia
[20:14] <stratman4300> then open the restricted drivers manager and see if the check box is checked or not
[20:15] <Arwen> whoo, transparent window decorations are shiny
[20:16] <unagi> FATAL: Module nvidia not found.
[20:16] <stratman4300> after the modprobe??
[20:17] <unagi> thats the output of modprobe
[20:17] <unagi> and there is no entry in restricted drivers
[20:17] <stratman4300> no entry at all??
[20:18] <unagi> not for nvidia
[20:18] <stratman4300> okay.... try rebooting your PC now.... then check the restricted drivers manager.... it should pick up your nvidia card and ask if you want to install software
[20:18] <unagi> and it says i need to isntall a package for it to work
[20:18] <unagi> ok brb
[20:22] <liz_> ok this has happened to me twice already. While installing from adept manager the installation freezes. Right now it's frozen at 20% while installing java.
[20:23] <liz_> should I close and reinstall?
[20:23] <stratman4300> liz: does it show anything when you hit show details??
[20:24] <liz_> stratman: yes it shows a half loaded blue screen
[20:24] <karthikp> Doesn't java pop up a EULA or something like it?
[20:24] <stratman4300> yeah it does..... sounds like your not getting the whole screen though
[20:24] <stratman4300> is adept maximized??
[20:25] <stratman4300> liz: is your window maximized??
[20:25] <liz_> stratman: the screen is not maximized, but even when I do it's just stuck
[20:25] <karthikp> How about trying to apt-get from a terminal instead? That would launch that 8-bit looking screen and let you get past the eula.
[20:26] <stratman4300> yeah you could install just java via terminal then install the rest with adept
[20:27] <sergiu21> hello
[20:27] <sergiu21> how can i access the partition, i got this message hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000
[20:27] <liz_> haven't done terminal yet... what would I write after apt-get.... java? or sun-java5-plugin?
[20:28] <wilbur__> I need some help setting up my sis video card and sis soundcard, anyone willing to help me out ?
=== sergiu21 is now known as serqiu
[20:29] <stratman4300> sun-java5-plugin
[20:29] <patrick_> apt-get install sun-java5-plugin
[20:29] <liz_> ok I'll try that then, Thx stratman4300 and karthikp
[20:30] <stratman4300> np
[20:30] <liz_> thx patrick, hope it works
[20:30] <stratman4300> then you can do the rest like usual with adept
[20:30] <stratman4300> oh make sure you use sudo.... like this... sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin
[20:30] <patrick_> Konversation is the best IRC client ive ever used :)
[20:31] <stratman4300> yeah it's nice :)
[20:31] <patrick_> mirc looks cluttered and xchat i just dont like
[20:31] <patrick_> pidgins implementation is annoying
[20:31] <karthikp> It's the only one I've used :)
[20:32] <karthikp> And I like it, anyway. :)
[20:32] <Arwen> Konversation won't let you auto-rejoin on kicks...
[20:32] <Arwen> lame
[20:33] <wilbur__> help!
[20:33] <trappist> Arwen: awesome
[20:34] <trappist> I hate irc clients that automate obnoxious behavior
[20:34] <liz_> wow ok, now I got: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarilly unavailable) is another process using it?
[20:34] <trappist> like spewing away messages to every channel you're on
[20:34] <stratman4300> liz: do you have adept open still??
[20:34] <patrick_> !adeptfix
[20:34] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[20:34] <Arwen> there's never an excuse for not having an option
[20:35] <Arwen> especially one people might use
[20:35] <liz_> stratman4300: adept is not open
[20:35] <patrick_> liz - do the above comman the ubot said
[20:35] <trappist> Arwen: if the option automates bad netiquette, that's a pretty good excuse. if I wrote an irc client it wouldn't have that option.
[20:35] <patrick_> command*
[20:35] <stratman4300> okay make sure you use sudo... type like this. sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin
[20:35] <stratman4300> try that
[20:36] <Arwen> trappist, then people would just use a different one. That's not an excuse.
[20:37] <trappist> Arwen: so, all applications should implement every feature that's technically possible that people might want to use, no matter if it's obnoxious, destructive, etc.?
[20:37] <trappist> gotta disagree.
[20:38] <Arwen> trappist, you can implement whatever feature you want, but not implementing X feature won't stop people from using it.
[20:38] <Arwen> so doing so as a matter of making a point is kind of silly
[20:38] <Arwen> specially if there's a reason to use it
[20:38] <liz_> I did what ubotu typed and it's asking if I should kill process 6585.... I'm guessing I say yes
[20:38] <patrick_> Yes liz
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[20:39] <patrick_> then you can do whatever you were trying to do when it wold you the database was lcoked
[20:39] <patrick_> told*
[20:39] <patrick_> locked*
[20:39] <trappist> if I wrote an ftp client, it wouldn't have a button that said 'upload random data until the server's disk fills up', even if it was specifically requested, and it wouldn't be to make a point
[20:40] <liz_> thx patrick :)
[20:41] <sourcemaker> are there release notes for the new kdebase update for gusty?
[20:42] <Arwen> trappist, but there's no legitimate reason one would want that.
[20:42] <Arwen> so that's not a valid argument
[20:45] <liz_> cool, all went well, i think it's done, thx all! Be seeing u in the near future
[20:50] <fivetwentysix> When I play Warcraft III on Wine sometimes it'll lag one a specific person hosts. And i will be the only 1 lagging, however my connection itself is not lagging.
[20:51] <fivetwentysix> Anyone know what can cause this problem?
[20:51] <fivetwentysix> Its like every 2 minutes it'll just suddenly lag.
[20:51] <unagi> i dont understand why this is so friggen difficult
[20:52] <fivetwentysix> What?
[20:52] <bobito> hey, I've been unable to setup wireless internet on my kubuntu gusty laptop. The furthest I've gotten is to get to the network connections, where it sees a disable wireless network device, but will not enable it
[20:52] <stratman4300> unagi: did you try doing what i said??
[20:52] <Arwen> fivetwentysix, stop using WINE :-P
[20:52] <unagi> yes
[20:52] <bobito> could someone at least point me in the direction of a good howto?
[20:52] <unagi> and its still in low graphics
[20:52] <fivetwentysix> Arwen: what do you suggest?
[20:52] <fivetwentysix> Arwen: Wine runs Warcraft III perfectly
[20:52] <stratman4300> when you rebooted did you reinstall the drivers using the resricted drivers manager??
[20:52] <Arwen> fivetwentysix, oh, it does? then go on..
[20:52] <sub[t]rnl> !wireless | bobito
[20:52] <ubotu> bobito: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[20:53] <Arwen> I was going to suggest *running Windows apps on Windows*
[20:53] <unagi> when i rebooted it was checked and it says in use
[20:53] <adiii> hali
[20:53] <fivetwentysix> Arwen: But it runs better on Wine than it does on Windows.
[20:53] <unagi> my lord.........do i really have to reinstall?
[20:53] <stratman4300> just out of curiostiy..... try doing sudo modprobe nvidia
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[20:53] <sourcemaker> how can I connect a windows vpn server via pptp?
[20:53] <Arwen> ok..
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[20:53] <unagi> i get no output with modprobe
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[20:54] <stratman4300> which means it was succesful
[20:54] <fivetwentysix> Arwen: It's just this connection problem to certain people I don't know what can cause it.
[20:54] <unagi> what was successful
[20:54] <unagi> im still in low graphics mode
[20:54] <stratman4300> now go into /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make sure it's set to use nvidia
[20:54] <unagi> kubuntu still says its using the vesa driver
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[20:54] <wilbur__> Anyone had any sucsess with this card : VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter
[20:54] <unagi> it always said nvidia in the xorg
[20:54] <stratman4300> from the command line do this... sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[20:55] <Arwen> hehe, a SiS chip? poor guy.
[20:55] <stratman4300> go through the prompts... make sure you select nvidia in the modules section
[20:55] <unagi> i dont know all of the answers in this prompt
[20:55] <stratman4300> you'll just accept most of the defaults
[20:55] <unagi> nvidia isnt in the list
[20:56] <stratman4300> it's not in the list??? hmmm interesting
[20:56] <unagi> and i dont have any nv* modules installed
[20:56] <stratman4300> okay.... hold ctrl, then press c
[20:56] <fivetwentysix> If you have an SiS card: Buy a new one.
[20:56] <stratman4300> then run sudo apt-get install module-assistant
[20:56] <shr00mz_> Anyone want to offer me some help with adept?
[20:56] <stratman4300> we'll do this the debian way... am i allowed to say that on this irc??? =P
[20:57] <shr00mz_> it keeps crashing when I launch it.
[20:57] <arcticpenguin380> is it possilbe to use tracker in kubuntu
[20:57] <unagi> installed
[20:57] <shr00mz_> gives a msg about another instance running
[20:57] <stratman4300> unagi: when that is done run module-assistant prepare
[20:57] <stratman4300> unagi: when that is done run sudo module-assistant prepare
[20:57] <unagi> done
[20:58] <shr00mz_> then give the crash report
[20:58] <stratman4300> you did the preapre already??
[20:58] <unagi> yea
[20:58] <unagi> uild-essential is already the newest version.
[20:58] <stratman4300> then do sudo module-assistant auto-install nvidia
[20:59] <unagi> said it failed
[20:59] <unagi> contrib and non-free archives suggested
[20:59] <stratman4300> okay one sec
[21:01] <stratman4300> make sure you have the universe and multiverse repositories enabled
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[21:02] <unagi> theyre enabled
[21:02] <stratman4300> try sudo m-a prepare
[21:02] <stratman4300> one more time
[21:03] <stratman4300> then check /usr/src make sure your kernel source is there
[21:04] <unagi> errors
[21:04] <stratman4300> errors in m-a prepare??
[21:04] <unagi> yes
[21:04] <stratman4300> what does it say??
[21:05] <unagi> /msg stratman4300
[21:05] <unagi> unagi@unagi-laptop:/usr/src$ sudo m-a prepare
[21:05] <unagi> Getting source for kernel version: 2.6.22-14-generic
[21:05] <unagi> Kernel headers available in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic
[21:05] <unagi> Creating symlink...
[21:05] <unagi> apt-get install build-essential
[21:05] <unagi> Reading package lists... Done
[21:05] <unagi> Building dependency tree
[21:05] <Daisuke_Ido> !paste | unagi
[21:05] <ubotu> unagi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[21:05] <unagi> Reading state information... Done
[21:05] <jpatrick> phew
[21:06] <Daisuke_Ido> that would have been extensive -_-
[21:06] <stratman4300> lol
[21:06] <jpatrick> Daisuke_Ido: good thing I muted no? ;-)
[21:06] <Daisuke_Ido> very :)
[21:06] <jpatrick> Daisuke_Ido: paste still in proces
[21:07] <jpatrick> unagi: please use the pastebin next time
[21:07] <blizzzek> gn8 zammen
[21:07] <buz> i'm trying to play 720p video
[21:07] <buz> my cpu can easily decode it (cpu usage shows less than 70%) but in fast movement i get lines as if the graphics subsystem is not able to keep up
[21:09] <jpatrick> !aptfix | unagi
[21:09] <ubotu> unagi: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[21:09] <unagi> stratman4300: http://pastebin.org/19109
[21:11] <unagi> !nvidia
[21:11] <ubotu> To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[21:12] <jpatrick> !msgthebot > unagi
[21:12] <stratman4300> unagi: try sudo apt-get autoremove
[21:13] <stratman4300> then do sudo apt-get install -f
[21:13] <unagi> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[21:13] <Crashed> Test.
[21:13] <stratman4300> try the sudo apt-get install -f
[21:13] <karthikp> Anyone else see 'tearing' of the image while watching video, especially if the camera pans too quickly?
[21:14] <Arwen> karthikp, me. But that's because I'm using OpenGL on an ATI card.
[21:14] <unagi> same error
[21:14] <karthikp> nvidia, but I still see it.
[21:14] <unagi> same error stratman4300
[21:15] <Arwen> karthikp, try setting your video output method to "XVideo"
[21:15] <Arwen> or more commonly "xv"
[21:15] <stratman4300> do sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server
[21:15] <karthikp> How do I do that?
[21:15] <unagi> btw restricted says the driver isnt in use
[21:16] <nosrednaekim> hey everyone...
[21:16] <stratman4300> really???.... okay go check the check box
[21:16] <stratman4300> see if it pulls the files
[21:16] <unagi> it is checked
[21:16] <stratman4300> hit apply
[21:16] <unagi> it was already checked
[21:16] <ep103> Hey guys, I removed network-manager and network-manager-kde while trying to configure wireless internet, and thereby lost all connection to the internet on my linux machine. Is it possible to reinstall these programs from the kubuntu 7.10 install CD?
[21:16] <ep103> (gusty
[21:16] <nosrednaekim> ep103: I don't think so... but do you have a wired connection?
[21:17] <stratman4300> okay try that sudo dkpg-reconfigure mysql-server
[21:17] <ep103> Yes, but it hasn't been working since I uninstalled network manager
[21:17] <unagi> debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable
[21:18] <stratman4300> do you have any other open terminals??
[21:18] <nosrednaekim> ep103: then run, from the command line "sudo dhclient eth0"
[21:19] <buz> i have xvideo and still see tearing on a intel gma x3100
[21:19] <unagi> no
[21:19] <ep103> nosrednaekin: that was awesome, ty
[21:19] <stratman4300> okay i'm a bit weak on the inner working of the debian packaging system... anyone else in the room want to step in for unagi??
[21:19] <unagi> =(
[21:20] <unagi> im going to have to reformat my hard drive i can tell
[21:20] <stratman4300> no we can fix it
[21:20] <stratman4300> just have to be patient
[21:20] <nosrednaekim> ep103: grab knetworkmanager again ;)
[21:20] <unagi> i dont understand why its so hard..........i added asdf to xorg.conf, restarted x, then took out asdf from xorg.conf and restarted x.........why doenst that work
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[21:21] <nosrednaekim> unagi: whats the problem?
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[21:21] <stratman4300> well whatever you did.... your system didn't like it
[21:21] <stratman4300> lol
[21:21] <ep103> clear
[21:21] <unagi> but i undid it stratman4300 why isnt that enough
[21:21] <stdin> unagi: "sudo fuser -vik /var/cache/debconf/config.dat ; sudo dpkg --configure -a" should clear the lock
[21:21] <unagi> nosrednaekim: i added bad info into xorg then removed it and now my graphics wont run
[21:21] <Crashed> What would the difficulty scale of installing MythTV be? (1 to 10, 10 hardest).
[21:22] <unagi> crashed 11
[21:22] <nosrednaekim> unagi: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to generate a new conf file
[21:22] <karthikp> Crashed: 'Suspect it'll depend on your level of enthusiasm for it.
[21:22] <Crashed> Okay, so multiply that by 10 since I'm a newbie and you get 110/10 difficulty.
[21:22] <unagi> should i delete the one i have now?
[21:23] <Crashed> I wish I had windows :(
[21:23] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: installing? simple.... getting it working the way you want? 6
[21:23] <nosrednaekim> unagi: no, it'll do that for you
[21:23] <arcticpenguin380> whats a good metadata indexer
[21:23] <unagi> sigh
[21:23] <unagi> nosrednaekim: nvidia isnt in that list
[21:23] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: are you sure your video captre card is suported?
[21:23] <nosrednaekim> unagi: choose nv then...
[21:23] <Crashed> nosrednaekim: I've been looking for a hardware support list.
[21:24] <bobito> !wireless
[21:24] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[21:24] <Crashed> Haven't checked the wiki yet.
[21:24] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: just give me the output of lspci....
[21:24] <unagi> but nv is a non accelerated driver right nosr?
[21:24] <unagi> but nv is a non accelerated driver right nosrednaekim?
[21:24] <nosrednaekim> unagi: yeah, but at least it will get it working for a bit
[21:25] <Crashed> That command is neat :
[21:25] <Crashed> :)
[21:25] <Crashed> interestingly enough, I don't see any info on a tv tuner here.
[21:26] <nosrednaekim> pastebin it and I'll see...
[21:26] <buz> let's see if this is an ubuntu issue
[21:26] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/m1ccaaa13
[21:26] <buz> (i'm on opensuse now)
[21:26] <buz> since x crashed the machine...
=== patrick_ is now known as oloughlin75
[21:27] <unagi> ok
[21:27] <unagi> ran it
[21:27] <unagi> still running on vesa drivers
[21:27] <oloughlin75> Crashed: Stil having problems?
[21:27] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: last line is the tuner...
[21:27] <Crashed> Oops :)
[21:28] <oloughlin75> I didnt even know philips made pc tv tuners
[21:28] <Crashed> oloughlin75: with what specifically?
[21:28] <unagi> anyone have any ideas?
[21:28] <oloughlin75> Just in general :)
[21:28] <Crashed> I've still got many problems, some were fixed. Most weren't. :p
[21:28] <shazow> hiya, after a fresh install and enabling restricted nvidia drivers, my xorg wont start, with the following output: http://pastebin.com/m2a350b2e (no visible errors), using the default xorg.conf generated by nvidia-xconfig... lsmod shows nvidia module is loaded fine (using nvidia-glx-new). Any idea what I'm missing?
[21:28] <stratman4300> unagi: did you do ANYTHING else other than add jibberish to xorg.conf.... it shouldn't be behaving that way period
[21:28] <unagi> i did nothing
[21:28] <unagi> i even replaced it with a secondary that i have
[21:28] <Crashed> nosrednaekim: compatible?
[21:28] <stratman4300> have you had any issues with apt recently??
[21:29] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: checkin
[21:29] <unagi> http://pastebin.org/19089
[21:29] <unagi> no
[21:29] <buz> shazow: can you paste your entire xorg log
[21:29] <unagi> stratman4300: http://pastebin.org/19089
[21:29] <nosrednaekim> shazow: could i have th contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
[21:29] <shazow> buz: that is my entire log, but i think i have an idea what's happening.. it's using the wrong vga port
[21:30] <buz> never seen anything like that
[21:30] <shazow> i know how to fix that, thanks!
[21:30] <stratman4300> if we can get apt working... we can get the nvidia module recompiled and installed from scratch
[21:30] <shazow> (I have a VGA and DVI port in my videocard, it's showing the screen on my VGA which the monitor isn't on)
[21:30] <olimpico> Does anyone here knows how to configure knetworkmanager in PCLOS???
[21:30] <buz> still shouldnt really crash
[21:30] <shazow> it doesn't crash, it just hangs
[21:30] <mefisto__> looking for a gui program to create a dvd menu (dvd mpegs already encoded). I've given up on Qdvdauthor. Any others?
[21:30] <buz> olimpico: this is the kubuntu channel so i doubt it
[21:31] <shazow> ie. it's running, i just dont see it
[21:31] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: seems its supported quite well
[21:31] <Crashed> Ooh
[21:31] <stratman4300> unagi: what happens when you do sudo apt-get install -f again??
[21:31] <Crashed> nosrednaekim: out of curiosity, does this card support hardware mpeg1/2/3/4/whatever encoding?
[21:31] <Crashed> It was given to me for free, I really know nothing about it.
[21:32] <olimpico> buz: I use Kubuntu, actually I'm running it now, but a freind of mine uses PCLOS, but I installed knetworkmanager and it's not able to establish a connection. In the PCLOS channel, nobody has any idea.
[21:32] <buz> what does pclos use by default
[21:32] <unagi> it goes through successfully
[21:32] <olimpico> buz: I know the people here are better
[21:32] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: I don't know... but here is a decnt thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=437325
[21:32] <jussi01> olimpico: tell him to install kubuntu :P
[21:33] <unagi> now what stratman4300
[21:33] <stratman4300> unagi: ahhh okay do a sudo m-a prepare now
[21:33] <olimpico> buz: Netapplet
[21:33] <oloughlin75> I thought PCLOS used KNetworkManager
[21:33] <unagi> done
[21:33] <Crashed> Is mythtv the simplest tv tuner software for linux?
[21:33] <stratman4300> unagi: now run m-a auto-install nvidia
[21:33] <Crashed> I really just want to stream TV on my PC, and *maybe* record it :P
[21:34] <Crashed> record/rewind/pause
[21:34] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: nah...kdetv is probably easier
[21:34] <oloughlin75> Crashed: Windows will do that :)
[21:34] <olimpico> jussi01: He tried, but his weird Wireless card was not recognized by Kubuntu, and PCLOS did recognised it. And it works with the normal config from PCLOS, but it's not very confortable.
[21:34] <Crashed> I need windows :(
[21:34] <stratman4300> unagi: when that's done run sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx
[21:34] <nosrednaekim> olimpico: you may want to erase all of the intrfaces out of /etc/network/interfaces
[21:34] <Crashed> Is kdetv any decent, though?
[21:35] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: never used it.
[21:35] <jpatrick> !windows | Crashed
[21:35] <ubotu> Crashed: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents
[21:35] <jpatrick> ;-)
[21:35] * MartinCleaver reads FSQ
[21:35] <MartinCleaver> /s/S/A/
[21:35] <Crashed> E: Couldn't find package mythtv
[21:35] <olimpico> nosrednaekim: There is no /etc/network/interfaces on PCLOS
[21:36] <Crashed> Why did I hope it was gonna be that easy?
[21:36] <stratman4300> what kind of backwards distro is that???? LOL
[21:36] <unagi> ok now what stratman4300
[21:37] <oloughlin75> PCLOS works by default for most things... but its terrible ugly and without a lot of support
[21:37] <stratman4300> unagi: run sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx
[21:37] <unagi> i did
[21:37] <nosrednaekim> olimpico: heh
[21:37] <nosrednaekim> !mythtv
[21:37] <ubotu> MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV
[21:37] <stratman4300> unagi: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[21:37] <stratman4300> unagi: nvidia will be in the list now
[21:37] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: you can search for packages with "apt-cache search myth"
[21:37] <stratman4300> it should anyway
[21:38] <Crashed> Interesting
[21:38] <stratman4300> unagi: then reboot X and your home free
[21:38] <buz> PCLOS is a mandriva derivative, what do you expect :P
[21:38] <mefisto__> Crashed: kdetv is very easy to install and try. It might be all you need
[21:38] <Crashed> The only results are some thesaurus program :P
[21:38] <stratman4300> lol.... true
[21:38] <Crashed> Installing kdetv.
[21:38] <unagi> how do i know my cards bus identifier
[21:38] <oloughlin75> Where is the setting to make it so the current window doesnt move to the next desktop?
[21:39] <stratman4300> unagi: just leave it blank
[21:39] <Crashed> Hm
[21:39] <Arwen> oloughlin75, doesn't move? isn't that default?
[21:39] <Crashed> The only way I can test if this works is if I pop the cable off of my modem and stick it into the tuner card.
[21:39] <Crashed> So, I'll probably be back in 5 minutes when this doesn't work. ;-)
[21:39] <nosrednaekim> !search myth
[21:39] <stratman4300> unagi: is nvidia in the list??
[21:39] <ubotu> Found: tv, mythtv-mysql, mythbuntu, mythtv
[21:39] <unagi> ok now what
[21:39] <unagi> yes and its done
[21:40] <stratman4300> restart x
[21:40] <oloughlin75> Arwen: When I use my shortcut for the next desktop, the window moves also
[21:40] <stratman4300> you should be golden
[21:40] <nosrednaekim> !info mythtv
[21:40] <ubotu> mythtv (source: mythtv): A personal video recorder application (client and server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.20.2-0ubuntu10.1 (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 96 kB
[21:40] <oloughlin75> kB?
[21:41] <nosrednaekim> oloughlin75: meta package I assume
[21:41] <unagi> still in low graphics mode
[21:41] <unagi> still says vesa
[21:41] <oloughlin75> O i see, i changed th ewrong shortcut
[21:41] <nosrednaekim> unagi: what driver does your xorg.conf say to use?
[21:41] <stratman4300> ....... man that's whack.... we recompiled the module from scratch
[21:41] <unagi> nvidia
[21:43] <unagi> ?
[21:43] <unagi> what other places specify what driver to use
[21:44] <Crashed1> Unsuprisingly it didn't work.
[21:44] <Crashed1> 'Video display not possible with the current plugin configuration. Try playing with the configuration options of the V4L2 plugin.'
[21:45] <nosrednaekim> Crashed1: oh.. now what should be fun... ^_^
[21:45] <unagi> stratman4300: nosrednaekim what else can i do
[21:45] <unagi> does it require restart?
=== Crashed1 is now known as Crashed
[21:45] <Crashed> I don't consider that fun nosred :P
[21:45] <nosrednaekim> unagi: sould you ming pastebining your /var/log/xorg.0.log?
[21:45] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: sarcasm my freind
[21:46] <Crashed> I need windows to wipe my ass for me. Linux is tough.
[21:46] <oloughlin75> Lol crashed
[21:46] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: http://gentoo-wiki.com/Saa7134_quick_guide
[21:47] <oloughlin75> It hard to jump into linux, but it isnt that complicated :/
[21:47] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: there is a bit of a "unsimplified" guide
[21:47] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: I think you are trying to do too much at once, take it easy and see what it can do..
[21:47] <Crashed> Trying to do too much? I plugin cable and I want it to show TV. Is that really too much? :P
[21:48] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: it can be
[21:49] <Crashed> I don't have a clue what to do now.
[21:49] <tzd> my flash player (adobe) refuse to start when i want to watch youtube etc. in firefox 2.x. Anyone recognize this and hopefully have a solution to this issue please?
[21:49] <unagi> http://pastebin.org/19113
[21:49] <unagi> nosrednaekim:
[21:50] <nosrednaekim> unagi: tanks
[21:50] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: do nothing for a bit, grab a nice open source game and play around :)
[21:50] <Crashed> Heh, how will that sort my lack of TV?
[21:51] <oloughlin75> lol
[21:51] <oloughlin75> I like my desktop icon-less but it looks too... empty :/
[21:51] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: it'll make you forget your lack of TV....
[21:51] <sergiu21> hello, i have in tray kubuntu icon, i can't open it , none of any icons in tray responds
[21:51] <unagi> Crashed: tv in linux is not easy to do
[21:51] <nacho__> please irc spanhis?
[21:52] <Crashed> Guess not.
[21:52] <unagi> Crashed: i gave up..........i just use vista
[21:52] <unagi> nosrednaekim: did you look at it?
[21:52] <oloughlin75> nacho ¿Cual es la problema?
[21:52] <nosrednaekim> unagi: could I have your /etc/X11/xorg.conf too?
[21:52] <nosrednaekim> !es
[21:52] <ubotu> Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[21:52] <nacho__> no hay una charla en español?
[21:52] <unagi> http://pastebin.org/19089
[21:52] <sergiu21> of, kubuntu crashed
[21:53] <sergiu21> i mean ktorrent
[21:53] <Crashed> Er, what? :/
[21:53] <oloughlin75> Does compiz work on kde?
[21:53] <sergiu21> i think that kubntu 7.04 was more stable
[21:53] <sergiu21> is more stable..
[21:53] <unagi> oloughlin75: yes
[21:53] <nosrednaekim> oloughlin75: certainly
[21:54] <oloughlin75> good :)
[21:54] <jussi01> !compiz | oloughlin75
[21:54] <ubotu> oloughlin75: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[21:55] <ForgeAus> compiz and kde4?.. hmm theres no need for it right?
[21:55] <mefisto__> sergiu21: is ktorrent really running? (ctrl-esc and search the list)
[21:55] <SlimeyPete> ForgeAus: different plugins I guess, maybe people have favourites
[21:55] <oloughlin75> I install 7.11 ForgeAus. KDE4 broke too much of the KDE3 stuff
[21:55] <nosrednaekim> ForgeAus: half the improvents in the past month to compiz were things to help it work with kde4
[21:56] <newGuy> in kde, how do I add a program to run at startup?
[21:56] <nosrednaekim> !autostart
[21:56] <ubotu> To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.
[21:56] <unagi> nosrednaekim: any ideas?
[21:56] <nosrednaekim> unagi: unfortunately....no.... thats very odd..
[21:56] <unagi> omg............
[21:56] <sub[t]rnl> whats unagi trying to do?
[21:56] <unagi> im trying to get out of low graphics mode
[21:56] <nosrednaekim> unagi: fix X
[21:57] <unagi> all i did was add a bad string to xorg, restarted x, took it out, restarted x
[21:57] <ForgeAus> why's it in low graphicx mode?
[21:57] <unagi> why doesnt x run right
[21:57] <ForgeAus> what card is it?
[21:57] <unagi> geforce go 7400
[21:57] <sub[t]rnl> so, your trying to get it to run the nvidia driver?
[21:57] <ForgeAus> nvidia has drivers
[21:57] <ForgeAus> !nvidia
[21:57] <ubotu> To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[21:57] <unagi> yes
[21:57] <sub[t]rnl> using 7.10?
[21:57] <unagi> yes
[21:58] <sub[t]rnl> enable it in restricted devices manager, and run sudo nvidia-xconfig
[21:58] <ForgeAus> thats one reason I like AndLinux the X server already works with my ATI drivers because windows has them :)
[21:58] <mefisto__> Crashed: did you get kdetv to work?
[21:58] <unagi> its checked but says 'not in use'
[21:58] <sub[t]rnl> yeah, check it then run the command I told you
[21:58] <Crashed> mefisto: it's only been 5 minutes. Do you really think a newbie like me could get it to work in 5 minutes? :P
[21:58] <sub[t]rnl> so it is put to use
[21:58] <unagi> now what
[21:58] <Crashed> I've installed KDETV, MythTV, and soon enough TV Time.
[21:59] <Crashed> I've got half-assed instructions on each of them.
[21:59] <unagi> tv time runs my webcam
[21:59] <unagi> lol
[21:59] <Crashed> This isn't a channel that'll ban me 10 hours later for swearing, like #linux, right?
[21:59] <nosrednaekim> unagi: question.... are you using gdm? the gnome login manager?
[21:59] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: it is...
[21:59] <Crashed> Oh shoot.
[21:59] <ForgeAus> Crashed don't use bad language
[21:59] <unagi> i guess
[21:59] <ForgeAus> and you won't get banned
[21:59] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: but we give you some fair warnings first
[21:59] <unagi> i started with ubuntu then installed kubuntu over it
[21:59] <unagi> the login didnt change
[22:00] <sub[t]rnl> unagi➜ enable it in restricted devices manager, and run sudo nvidia-xconfig.
[22:00] <ForgeAus> well unless your behavioru is otherwise offensive I guess
[22:00] <unagi> i did sub[t]rnl now what
[22:00] <nosrednaekim> unagi: yeah... I hate gdm and all that crap, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" and select kdm.
[22:00] <Crashed> http://www.djlosch.com/article_How-to:_Ubuntu_Edgy_and_MythTV_and_Hauppauge_PVR-150
[22:00] <ForgeAus> subtrnal did I tell you I got into that ext3 drive? (was it you I was talking to about it?)
[22:00] <Crashed> I'm running that tutorial, but it's for a different card.
[22:00] <unagi> now what sub[t]rnl
[22:01] <ForgeAus> still didn't fix my AndLinux tho, its still hanging before the login prompt
[22:01] <sub[t]rnl> unagi➜ logout, then ctrl + e
[22:01] <jussi01> Crashed: its all about attitude ;)
[22:01] <sub[t]rnl> unagi➜ alt + e
[22:01] <newGuy> so if I put a file named synergystart into ~/.kde/Autostart and make it executable, it will run every time I start kde?
[22:01] <sub[t]rnl> ForgeAus➜ hrm, can't remeber
[22:01] <Crashed> jussi01: I'll try to PG13 my language. :]
[22:01] <newGuy> the file is just:
[22:01] <newGuy> #! /usr/bin/bash
[22:01] <newGuy> synergys --config /synergy.conf
[22:01] <nosrednaekim> newGuy: correct
[22:01] <sub[t]rnl> newGuy➜ yup
[22:01] <jussi01> Crashed: :)
[22:01] <newGuy> thanks!
[22:01] <nareshov> Hi, is there a poster/flyer on KDE available online?
[22:02] <unagi> ctrl + e or alt + e
[22:02] <nekostar> hey
[22:02] <sub[t]rnl> alt + e
[22:02] <newGuy> thanks
[22:02] <nekostar> is there a kde4 mastered alpha4 of hardy?
[22:02] <unagi> what does alt + e do
[22:02] <sub[t]rnl> sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart
[22:02] <jussi01> nekostar: kde 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 and hardy support in #ubuntu+1
[22:02] <ForgeAus> I think theres a KDE4 of suse but dunno about Hardy
[22:03] <nosrednaekim> nekostar: I don't think so
[22:03] <nekostar> jussi01 i'm in ubuntu+1 :P
[22:03] <nekostar> no one answered there i'll try the other one
[22:03] <Crashed> Hm. How do I check stats on my harddrive, like space?
[22:03] <sub[t]rnl> df -h
[22:03] <Crashed> df, that was it.
[22:03] <nekostar> nosrednaekim darn - there's one for 7.10...
[22:03] <Crashed> thanks sub.
[22:03] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: df
[22:03] <Crashed> Hey, so I've only used 4.1GB out of 40? Woot :]
=== patrick_ is now known as patrick__
[22:04] <mefisto__> Crashed: konqueror has some graphical disk size view mode too
=== patrick__ is now known as oloughlin75
[22:04] <ForgeAus> serendipity Crashed :)
[22:04] <Crashed> My last system (which I was using for 8 years straight, up until yesterday!) only had 12.5. That was a hassle.
[22:04] <Crashed> mefisto: I prefer command line for quick data like that.
[22:05] <sub[t]rnl> hehe, file size view in konq is nice too, for hunting down the hogs
[22:05] <Ryu010> hello?
[22:05] * ForgeAus looks around for ken
[22:05] <sub[t]rnl> but, the cli du works just as good
[22:05] <oloughlin75> Uhhmm, I just installed compiz, and now my mouse is like invisible!!!
[22:05] <mefisto__> Crashed: yes, but file size view can quickly show you what is filling up your disks
[22:05] <ForgeAus> oh wait there is a Ken!
[22:05] <Crashed> Oh, neat.
[22:05] <jussi01> !hi | Ryu010
[22:05] <ubotu> Ryu010: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[22:05] <Crashed> I've used a program called Space Monger in Windows that does that.
[22:05] <Crashed> And I downloaded that xcruise linux 'game'. It's pretty cool.
[22:05] <Ryu010> anyone know where i can get a driver for a Broadcom 4328, i have spent about 3 days looking and decided to ask for help
[22:05] <Crashed> 3D file system :]
[22:06] <jussi01> !bcm43xx | Ryu010
[22:06] <ubotu> Ryu010: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx
[22:06] <Ryu010> i have tried that one
[22:06] <Crashed> apt-get upgrade should update all my drivers, right?
[22:06] <unagi> i logged out presssed alt + e and logged back in
[22:06] <ForgeAus> wb unagi
[22:06] <unagi> still in low graphics
[22:06] <unagi> still says vesa drivers
[22:07] <unagi> still says restricted not in use
[22:07] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: it will update your kernel, yes, but you since you are running such an old kernel,......
[22:07] <ForgeAus> unagi, do you have a backup of your xorg.conf
[22:07] <unagi> yes, and that doesnt work
[22:07] <Crashed> Well, I ran that command about 8 minutes ago. It's still going.
[22:08] <ForgeAus> hmm then its not xorg.conf that is the problem aparently, I'm not sure how to get a list of what xorg is doing
[22:08] <unagi> ok alt tab isnt working now
[22:08] <unagi> all i did was add a string and remove a string ForgeAus
[22:08] <jussi01> Ryu010: so whats the issue, why didnt it work?
[22:08] <ForgeAus> unagi, strings can be very fickle sometimes :)
[22:08] <unagi> it was a bunch of symbols......
[22:08] <ForgeAus> jussi its functioning, but not in the mode he wants
[22:08] <Ryu010> in the wifi manager my device would not show up
[22:08] <nosrednaekim> unagi: I think bullet-proof X is all messed up
[22:08] <ForgeAus> (its defaulting to a vesa driver instead of an nvidia one)
[22:09] <ForgeAus> bulletproof X?
[22:09] <unagi> why the heck is it using vesa when nvidia is listed
[22:09] <nosrednaekim> ForgeAus: yeah... its a ubuntu thing
[22:09] <nosrednaekim> unagi: is your login screen brown?
[22:10] <ForgeAus> vesa mesa peice'o' .... hmmm did I say that out loud?
[22:10] <unagi> no my login screen is my custom login scream
[22:10] <oloughlin75> Uhhmm, I just installed compiz, and now my mouse is like invisible!!!
[22:10] <ForgeAus> wow kewl trick oloughlin
[22:10] <ForgeAus> doesn't sound too handy tho
[22:10] <MartinCleaver> I currently run Centos 5.1 on my quad core desktop. I just downloaded the kubuntu 7.1 amd64.iso DVD and want to try it. Will installing from this DVD make the machine dual boot?
[22:10] <oloughlin75> How do i get it back?!
[22:10] <nosrednaekim> MartinCleaver: you have the option
[22:10] <Crashed> What's the command to check your RAM stats?
[22:11] <unagi> ok fine
[22:11] <nosrednaekim> unagi: so, its gdm?
[22:11] <jussi01> Crashed: free
[22:11] <unagi> i dont know
[22:11] <unagi> i guess
[22:11] <oloughlin75> It is a bit hard to find a button by trying to make it look selected..
[22:11] <unagi> i changed it to kdm i guess it defaulted back
[22:11] <unagi> ooooooh
[22:11] <unagi> do i have to fix it in gnome?
[22:11] * ForgeAus shrugs
[22:11] <nosrednaekim> unagi: thats very possible...
[22:11] <unagi> fascinating
[22:11] <nosrednaekim> unagi: change to kdm and then reboot...
[22:12] <unagi> i did change to kdm
[22:12] <Crashed> I read briefly, but why does Kubuntu try to use up 90% RAM?
[22:12] <ForgeAus> GDM KDM WDM XDM they're all just different types of the same thing
[22:12] <unagi> apparently it didnt work
[22:12] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: look at the line that says +/- buffers/cache
[22:12] <SlimeyPete> Crashed: it caches programs and data which you have used so that it doesn't have to load from disk next time you use them
[22:13] <Crashed> So the cache is basically memory it's using, but just for convenience?
[22:13] <mefisto__> Crashed: it doesn't use up ram, it puts it to use
[22:13] <ForgeAus> yeah
[22:13] <oloughlin75> and performance
[22:13] <trappist> Crashed: it un-caches when it needs the ram
[22:13] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: right, and it can be quickly allocated to "real memory"
[22:13] <Crashed> Sorry, I've been using windows for so long that that's been the primary use of ram. Using it up.
[22:13] <Crashed> Alright, that's cool.
[22:13] <oloughlin75> Does anyone know to make the mouse visible?
[22:13] <ForgeAus> Windows is the same, using ram, caching ram
[22:14] <Crashed> 747 - 270 = "real" used ram
[22:14] <trappist> oloughlin75: you have an invisible mouse?!
[22:14] <oloughlin75> trappist: yes!
[22:14] <trappist> that's awesome.
[22:14] <oloughlin75> It is there because buttons become selected
[22:14] <nosrednaekim> Crashed: maybe...
[22:14] <ForgeAus> hehe I thought so to trappist, as to how to fix it, however
[22:14] <oloughlin75> but its awfully hard to use
[22:14] <nosrednaekim> oloughlin75: are you actually running compiz?
[22:14] <trappist> spraypaint!
[22:14] <oloughlin75> i have no idea
[22:14] <mefisto__> oloughlin75: my guess is you need some option in xorg.conf specific to your videocard/driver
[22:15] <oloughlin75> Does video card affect the display of the mouse? The bouncing icons and scrolling and stuff are still working
[22:15] <trappist> oloughlin75: yes, it does
[22:15] <ForgeAus> why are your icons bouncing?
[22:15] <oloughlin75> when i launch a program
[22:15] <trappist> oloughlin75: or, it can. your video card can be put in charge of rendering the mouse cursor.
[22:15] <ForgeAus> hehe I was kidding
[22:16] <oloughlin75> you know how it does the bouncing when it loads
[22:16] <mefisto__> oloughlin75: setting options in xorg.conf can work around problems that drivers can have
[22:16] <oloughlin75> ... what should I set?
[22:16] <nosrednaekim> oloughlin75: and only now just happened when you installed compiz?
[22:16] <oloughlin75> yes nosrednaekim
[22:16] <oloughlin75> i logged out and it disappeared
[22:16] <nosrednaekim> oloughlin75: try running "compiz --replace" and seeif it comes back
[22:17] <oloughlin75> no
[22:17] <ForgeAus> it can also remove those gawd-awful messages you get in a console/terminal window when you run programs because the touchpad drivers are enabled
[22:17] <ForgeAus> assuming your using a desktop PC that is
[22:17] <wilbur__> where do i get alsaconf ?
[22:17] <oloughlin75> how do i disable compiz?
[22:17] <nosrednaekim> ForgeAus: you only need those if you have a touchscreen, I turn them off on my laptop as well
[22:18] <nosrednaekim> oloughlin75: "kwin --replace
[22:18] <nosrednaekim> oloughlin75: and uninstall it..
[22:18] <Bauldrick> !pastebin
[22:18] <ForgeAus> TouchScreen? wow thats unlikely
[22:18] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[22:18] <Bauldrick> just need the add
[22:18] <ForgeAus> although that being said I'd love a 17" convertible notebook... when technology catches up :)
[22:19] <ForgeAus> then again I guess I'd settle for A4 size thats enough for me...
[22:19] <Crashed> Back to pretending I know how to install mythtv / kdetv / tv time.
[22:19] <ForgeAus> not sure that displays come in a4 size tho
[22:19] <ForgeAus> lol Crashed
[22:20] <ForgeAus> you have video in/out on your display hardware?
[22:20] <Crashed> Aw man. This tutorial sucks.
[22:20] <Crashed> It wants me to install php/mysql/phpmyadmin.
[22:20] <nosrednaekim> don't do mythtv!
[22:20] <nosrednaekim> <_<
[22:20] <Crashed> video in/out? I have a tv tuner :P
[22:20] <nosrednaekim> its complicated..
[22:20] <Crashed> I have s-out, I think.
[22:21] <Crashed> ...okay. TV Time time.
[22:21] <ForgeAus> Video4Linux uh?
[22:21] <ForgeAus> KdeTV sounds good
[22:21] <Crashed> kdetv.org isn't even up anymore.
[22:22] <Crashed> Would you go out and buy a new ford if ford didn't even exist!? :|
[22:22] <ForgeAus> how about a used ford?
[22:22] <Crashed> xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images.
[22:22] <ForgeAus> can't say I'm used to Ford not existing
[22:23] <Crashed> Would I be getting that error because I don't have the cable hooked up at this very moment>
[22:23] <Arwen> Crashed, what video card?
[22:23] <DareDevill> sub[t]rnl hi
[22:23] <Arwen> and try software YUV -> RGB conversion then
[22:23] <ForgeAus> Arwen its a tv tuner
[22:23] <Arwen> ForgeAus, you can't output video through a TV tuner...
[22:24] <ForgeAus> ahh ok...
[22:24] <ForgeAus> interesting, I think mine does but Crashed, maybe you odn't have one?
[22:24] <Arwen> most cards support YUY2...
[22:24] <sub[t]rnl> DareDevill➜ greetings
[22:25] <Agent_bob> i'm having trouble with a shell script. can't seem to get [ 1 -gt UID ] to work correctly and it turns out that UID is not set, any insight ?
[22:25] <Crashed> Arwen: X800XL, but does a video card even have to do anything with a tv tuner card?
[22:25] <mefisto__> Crashed: did kdetv start up with a wizard on the first run?
[22:25] <Crashed> I just yanked the cable off my tv, and rewired the entire FLOOR to hook it up to my PC :P
[22:25] <Dr_Willis> Agent_bob, isent is $UID ?
[22:25] <Crashed> mefisto: I think it did, but it crashed instantly.
[22:25] <Arwen> Crashed, I'm assuming you're trying to watch videos from the XVIDEO error
[22:26] <Arwen> if not, please ignore me...
[22:26] <nosrednaekim> sub[t]rnl➜ I like that little icon :)
[22:26] <Dr_Willis> Agent_bob, i would have to say - check the advanced bash scripting guides for examples. :) thats what i always do.
[22:26] <sub[t]rnl> :>
[22:26] <Crashed> I'm trying to watch TV :]
[22:26] <Agent_bob> Dr_Willis in english please ?
[22:26] <kaminix> Don't remember how I turned it off, but how do I turn on the adept auto updating utility?
[22:26] <ForgeAus> Arwen I just don't find you ingorable
[22:26] <Arwen> Crashed, on your display?
[22:26] <Arwen> or on your TV?
[22:26] <Dr_Willis> Agent_bob, try echo UID, and echo $UID
[22:26] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ echo $UID
[22:26] <ForgeAus> kaminix adept_updater ?
[22:26] <Dr_Willis> Agent_bob, bash basics.. variables start with a $
[22:26] <Agent_bob> Dr_Willis yes, it's not set.
[22:26] <ForgeAus> something like that
[22:27] <Crashed> Arwen: on my TV tuner.
[22:27] <Crashed> On my PC.
[22:27] <ForgeAus> check out your /usr/bin dir, thers lotsa adept_this and adept_that
[22:27] <mefisto__> kaminix: it's adept_notifier
[22:27] <ForgeAus> one of them is the reminder
[22:27] <Crashed> On my monitor.
[22:27] <kaminix> ForgeAus: But how do I set it to autostart without some ugly .kde/Autostart script?
[22:27] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ with your eyes...
[22:27] <Arwen> Crashed, then at some point the video must go through your video card and onto your display
[22:27] <ForgeAus> ahh see Mefisto knows :)
[22:27] <Crashed> I hope that clears it up, but I just confused myself :P
[22:27] <Dr_Willis> echo $UID --------> 1000
[22:27] <ForgeAus> it will ask you when you close it kaminix
[22:27] <Arwen> so your drivers must support hardware overlays or something
[22:27] <wilbur__> How do I reinstall ALSA
[22:27] <wilbur__> please help
[22:27] <Crashed> Ah.
[22:27] <Arwen> or you must use software color conversion
[22:27] <Arwen> you using fglrx?
[22:27] <Crashed> I'll do anything, I just don't know how to do anything.
[22:27] <Agent_bob> echo "uid is $UID" -----> uid is
[22:27] <Crashed> Yes
[22:28] <Crashed> Thanks to nosrednaekim.
[22:28] <Arwen> do you have Option "VideoOverlays" "On"?
[22:28] <nosrednaekim> Arwen➜ probably not
[22:28] <Dr_Willis> echo "uid is $UID"
[22:28] <Dr_Willis> uid is 1000
[22:28] <kaminix> ForgeAus, mefisto__: Thanks
[22:28] <Arwen> you need it, fglrx runs with no XVideo otherwise
[22:28] <Crashed> What file was it, again?
[22:28] <Agent_bob> like i said, it's not set. so i'm wondering why
[22:28] <nosrednaekim> Arwen➜ yep... forgot about that....
[22:28] <Arwen> /etc/X11/xorg.conf under "Device"
[22:28] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ just a sec, there'sa fast command you can run to set it
[22:28] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ thats strange, UID is an internal var set by bash
[22:28] <Dr_Willis> try in a different terminal? - never heard of that getting unset.
[22:29] <MartinCleaver> thanks nosrednaekim
[22:29] <unagi> fixed!
[22:29] <Agent_bob> console
[22:29] <Dr_Willis> May want to check in #BASH - there may be some thing going on - we are missing
[22:29] <wilbur__> How do I remove and reinstall ALSA
[22:29] <Agent_bob> well it isn't bash. it's dash do they have a channel ?
[22:29] <ForgeAus> wait in Bash?
[22:29] <sub[t]rnl> if he's using bash, and isn't doing unset UID in his ~/.bashrc, it should be there
[22:29] <sub[t]rnl> ah ha, its dash, not bash
[22:30] <ForgeAus> dash in ubuntu yeah
[22:30] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/m6dd87a8f
[22:30] <Crashed> Look good?
[22:30] <ForgeAus> but it is bashish :)
[22:30] <Agent_bob> ForgeAus yes shell script. not a bash script.
[22:30] <Agent_bob> no bashism involved.
[22:30] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ "sudo aticonfig --ovt"
[22:30] <Crashed> would it be okay if I renamed the identifier from generic to x800XL?
[22:30] <ForgeAus> well a particular type of shell script
[22:31] <ForgeAus> of course theres several types of shells too
[22:31] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ don't modify things you don't have to in that file
[22:31] <Crashed> Ran that, nosred.
[22:31] <Dr_Willis> dash is the default system shell, its 'sh' not bash. so there may be differances.. never noticed that one befor.
[22:31] <Crashed> Checked the file, that option isn't there.
[22:31] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ ooops,don't run that command... well ok, no big deal
[22:31] <mefisto__> Crashed: you can if you also change the reference to it in the server layout section
[22:31] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ the command is "sudo aticonfig --ovon"
[22:32] <Dr_Willis> dash does not seem to set the UID
[22:32] <ForgeAus> actually it stands for debian some-name-starting-with-a shell :)
[22:32] <Crashed> Ran that too, nothing there :P
[22:32] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ set one of your own then!
[22:32] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ meh....
[22:32] <Arwen> having VideoOverlay on requires OpenGLOverlay off, but that's actually misleading since it switches XV off on demand :-P
[22:32] <ForgeAus> of course its based on the ash shell which itself is based on sh :)
[22:32] <sub[t]rnl> try something like... id |awk '{print $1}' |sed 's/uid=//'
[22:32] <Crashed> Should I do it manually?
[22:32] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ sure
[22:32] <Agent_bob> test# echo -e '#!/bin/dash \n\necho "uid is $UID"' > testing.sh ;sh testing.sh
[22:33] <Dr_Willis> i just ran dash and looked at 'set'
[22:33] <Dr_Willis> uid was not set. :)
[22:33] <Agent_bob> see if your UID is set in dash or not. i may have something else broken.
[22:33] <Agent_bob> k
[22:33] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/me53b299
[22:33] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ be careful where you put it...
[22:33] <Crashed> :[
[22:34] <Agent_bob> so i can't use UID in shell scripts... hmmm
[22:34] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/me53b299 - put it right there.
[22:34] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ set one yourself..
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ looking
[22:34] <Agent_bob> and USER is not readonly so anyone can do an# USER=root ;myscript.sh
[22:35] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ wrong paste.......
[22:35] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl heh yeah but this needs to identify the user not have the user identify themselves
[22:35] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/m6dd87a8f
[22:35] <Crashed> The copy + paste functionality doesn't seem up to par with windows.
[22:36] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ there are hotkeys...
[22:36] <Crashed> Yeah, that's what I'm using.
[22:36] <SlimeyPete> Crashed: there's also the mousebuffer, which can be handy
[22:36] <Agent_bob> Crashed true. it has so many more functions that it's impossable to use as a point/click thing
[22:37] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ I suppose thats right....
[22:37] <Crashed> What is?
[22:37] <Agent_bob> Crashed left click higlight point where you want it pasted and middle click
[22:37] <nosrednaekim> the location, and what it says.
[22:37] <Crashed> The error seems right?
[22:38] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ no...the new file
[22:39] <Crashed> Hm.
[22:39] <Crashed> I'm trying to do a little hack that this site is explaining, but when running the command 'sudo rmmod saa7134_alsa && sudo rmmod saa7134 && sudo modprobe saa7134' - I get the error that saa7134 is in use.
[22:39] <Crashed> I made sure mythtv, tv time, and kdetime aren't running.
[22:39] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ you probably have tvtime or another video program running.
[22:40] <Crashed> ps doesn't show them
[22:40] <nosrednaekim> hum, odd.
[22:40] <Crashed> ps aux | grep tv comes up nothing.
[22:40] <Agent_bob> well my script wants to do one thing for users and another for root. but if it can't tell who is root and who isn't, then i'm Yobe'd
[22:41] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ well, I don't know what could be using it, and I don't know any commands to tell you.
[22:41] <Crashed> :[
[22:41] <Agent_bob> fuser
[22:42] <nosrednaekim> Crashed➜ well, now that you fixed X, maybe try restart X...
[22:42] <unagi> lol
[22:42] <Crashed> restart isn't a command.
[22:43] <unagi> sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
[22:43] <sub[t]rnl> ps aux |grep anything <- kinda silly to just check if a process is running. Better to just use pgrep -l something
[22:43] <Agent_bob> sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart <generic
[22:43] <sub[t]rnl> /tipoftheday
[22:43] <unagi> interesting
[22:43] * sub[t]rnl goes back to corner
[22:43] <unagi> i could use ?dm in my script
[22:44] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl or pidof
[22:44] <nosrednaekim> unagi➜ I don't think so...
[22:44] <unagi> why not
[22:44] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ pidof doesn't function like pgrep. pgrep you can enter partial commands, and it will turn up all relevant
[22:45] <Agent_bob> unagi ? will match any single char.
[22:45] <sub[t]rnl> like, pgrep -l kon (will show konqueror, konsole, et cetra) pidof has to be exact
[22:45] <giuseppe> ciao
[22:45] <sub[t]rnl> hence the "grep" in pgrep
[22:45] <sub[t]rnl> :D
[22:45] <unagi> ?? for 2 chars?
[22:45] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl didn't say it was the same.
[22:45] <Agent_bob> unagi yes
[22:45] <giuseppe> qualcuno sa come cambiare lingua a kubuntu?
[22:45] <sub[t]rnl> yeah, thast why its -not- better to use pidof
[22:45] <nosrednaekim> ooo, you can actually do that with any command? cool!
[22:45] <jussi01> !it | giuseppe
[22:45] <ubotu> giuseppe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
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[22:46] <Agent_bob> unagi like rm $HOME/.??* is safer than rm $HOME/.* because .. matches .* but not .??*
[22:47] <oloughlin75> Alright--- help with the mouse... im back
[22:47] <oloughlin75> please
[22:47] <DexterF> trying to play back an mkv file, folds a full hd video. tried smplayer, mplayer, kaffeine, vlc so far, none of them are doing too well.
[22:48] <DexterF> vlc screws up generally, kaffeine stutters, mplayer de-syncs audio/video
[22:48] <SlimeyPete> DexterF: what output modules are they using?
[22:48] <SlimeyPete> xv? vesa?
[22:48] <unagi> im so happy to have my video back =)\
[22:48] <DexterF> machine is an athlon 3200+
[22:49] <DexterF> SlimeyPete: Xv on an Radeon X800 using r300
[22:49] <Agent_bob> i.e. mixed regex and shell word expansion .* only matches inodes that start with . in the shell but the app that is acting on them may use regex where .* matches everything
[22:49] <SlimeyPete> ok. I was wondering if they were in VESA or X11 mode or something.
[22:49] <DexterF> SlimeyPete: cpu alone wouldn't even play that without losing frames
[22:50] <Arwen> DexterF, does your CPU suck? that's the obvious question to media playback issues.
[22:50] <Arwen> and what does MKV have to do with it?
[22:50] <SlimeyPete> Athlon 3200 is not amazing but should manage HD, I've thought.
[22:50] <unagi> my trash wont let me empty it
[22:50] <Arwen> you'd have to convert that to Intel terms for me to understand
[22:50] <SlimeyPete> certainly 720p (even my Athlon 1.2 can manage 720p divx)
[22:51] <Arwen> does disabling deblockign help?
[22:51] <DexterF> so then it's H264, and I've pretty much given detailed info on the cpu, Arwen
[22:51] <SlimeyPete> H.264 is enormously cpu-hungry though
[22:51] <SlimeyPete> hrm, 3200 might not be good enough for H.264. Do you know if it works in Windows?
[22:51] <Arwen> DexterF, how am I supposed to infer that it's H.264 simply from "MKV"?
[22:51] <Arwen> that's like inferring FLAC from an OGG extension
[22:52] <patrick_> I need help with my invisible mouse! I uninstalled compiz and it is still invisible
[22:52] <DexterF> Arwen: because today hardly anything else is packed into mkv but h264
[22:52] <patrick_> im guessing if i change the theme it will work
[22:52] <patrick_> but how do i open that?
[22:52] * Agent_bob can't imagine blaming the cpu for such things. still using a p1
[22:52] <Arwen> DexterF, I've seen MPEG-2, XviD, and WMV. Lots of things are.
[22:52] <Arwen> you could just say "H.264"
[22:53] <Crashed> Thanks for giving me a heart attack guys.
[22:53] <Crashed> VideoOverlays isn't a valid option.
[22:53] <Crashed> I had to find that out the hard way.
[22:53] <Arwen> VideoOverlay
[22:53] <Arwen> not Overlays
[22:53] <patrick_> brb
[22:53] <Crashed> You clearly said "VideoOverlays" :P
[22:53] <Arwen> hehe, sorry
[22:54] <Crashed> I rebooted my system 3 times until I finally went into the command line and tried starting X myself.
[22:55] <DexterF> Arwen: made your point already and go write in your pointy-ears-poetry-book "told off guy on IRC who had a vocabulary lapse" and then feed your ego on it for the next week or so, but next time you don't have anything helpful to say, just.. don't say anything, ok?
[22:55] <Arwen> !attitude
[22:55] <ubotu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[22:55] <DexterF> !lamenicknames
[22:55] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lamenicknames - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:55] <DexterF> oh, none on this?
[22:56] <jussi01> DexterF: Please dont abuse the bot
[22:56] <Crashed> How do you restart X again?
[22:56] <Crashed> something init.d restart
[22:56] <SlimeyPete> DexterF: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=85618 <--- suggests your proc may just not be quite up to it
[22:56] <DexterF> Crashed: ctrl-alt-backspace the none-kind way :)
[22:56] <genii> perhaps sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
[22:56] <SlimeyPete> if it's 1080p
[22:56] <jussi01> !restartx
[22:56] <ubotu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[22:56] <Agent_bob> sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart
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[22:57] <genii> Agent_bob: Ys, all depends on your display manager
[22:57] <Agent_bob> sudo /etc/init.d/?dm [start|stop|restart]
[22:57] <Agent_bob> genii ?
[22:58] <Arwen> [17:56] <SlimeyPete> if it's 1080p <-- 1080i would be even worse :-)
[22:58] <mefisto__> anyone had any success authoring dvds with menus in k/ubuntu?
[22:58] <patrick_> Alright, I am back. I installed compiz, and my mouse went invisible. How do I get it visible again? I cleaned the xorg.config of all the extra crap, and uninstalled compiz*
[22:58] <DexterF> SlimeyPete: I wonder if going fglrx (closed src ati driver, just in case...) might help, possible they hacked some vid acceleration into it that r300 doesnt have... totally not what I want tho, I was glad I got rid of fglrx...
[22:58] <Agent_bob> genii i'm fameliar with xdm gdm and kdm are there others floating around that i should know about ?
[22:58] <SlimeyPete> DexterF: I'd put money on it, tbh
[22:59] <SlimeyPete> not much money, though ;)
[22:59] <Arwen> ATI writing decoding acceleration? yeah right..
[23:00] <mefisto__> patrick_: maybe you could pastebin your xorg.conf? someone might spot something that's causing it
[23:00] <Manad> hi
[23:01] <DexterF> SlimeyPete: Socket A/AGP. Means cpu, board, ram, video have to be upped... I really consider recoding the video rather... :)
[23:01] <Manad> does anyone here mostly connect to the Internet through wireless?
[23:01] <DexterF> Manad: just ask the question
[23:01] <patrick_> mefiest - I dont think i can manage copy and paste and navigating to pastbin and getting it without seeing the mouse
[23:01] <SlimeyPete> Manad: yes, I do
[23:01] <Crashed> VideoOverlay is also not a valid option.
[23:01] <Crashed> By the way, are there any other handy short-cuts I should know about?
[23:02] <Crashed> CTRL + ALT + INSERT appears to restart the system.
[23:02] <Crashed> CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE restarts X.
[23:02] <patrick_> my xorg is fine -- its the same as it was when i was using the mouse normally
[23:02] <Crashed> Is there anything that shuts down X and brings me to the command line?
[23:02] <Manad> If I boot the computer, Network Manager won't connect to the wireless network until I go Root. I remember Windows had the same problem, you couldn't be a Limited user and use the wireless network (unless an admin was logged in and enabled it).
[23:02] <Manad> I want to know if this is a normal problem
[23:02] <Manad> or if the community has an established work-around
[23:03] <DareDevill> world>galaxy>universe>multiverse>___ whats next?
[23:03] <DexterF> Manad: totally not. what wifi hardware?
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[23:03] <Manad> atheros card. Not sure which exactly. I'm using the default drivers.
[23:03] <kaminix> Is the flash plugin "supposed" to still be broken after todays update or have I messed something up?
[23:03] <DexterF> DareDevill: SumHawkingThingy? ;)
[23:03] <Daisuke_Ido> Manad: if it won't connect except as root, there's a serious problem
[23:04] <Daisuke_Ido> and i assume by using it as root you mean launching it with sudo
[23:04] <Manad> Daisuke: it won't connect unless I go in and enter the password (which I can't do without being root). I know the password is right cause I had to enter it like 25 times.
[23:04] <DareDevill> DexterF ...
[23:04] <DexterF> Manad: possilby replacing kdenetworkmanager with WiCD helps... at least sorted out some connection issues on a laptop I recently ran into.
[23:04] <Manad> I installed WICD (another network manager), and this one keeps me online when I boot up without having to go root. It runs a daemon constantly, which I guess is like a Linux "service" that launches at boot-time. The problem is that WICD sucks and is buggy, so if there's a way I can do it in Network Manager, I'm all ears
[23:05] <Manad> ha :P
[23:05] <DexterF> Manad: what version of wicd, and did you deinstall knetworkman. ?
[23:05] <Fitzou> Hi
[23:05] <DexterF> you can only have one of those two installed or the bite each other
[23:05] <mefisto__> patrick_: you could try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to start over. maybe rename your current xorg.conf first as a backup
[23:05] <DexterF> they*
[23:05] <Daisuke_Ido> unfortunately, i hear so many bad things about knetworkmanager that i'm extremely glad i don't use kde anymore :\
[23:05] <Manad> no, I didn't deinstall knetworkman, but I think WICD did
[23:06] <Fitzou> I have some problem to install Usb Stick for wireless :s
[23:06] <intelikey> mefisto__ dpkg will backup the current config when reconfiguring
[23:06] <DexterF> Manad: don't know if this leaves some junk around... I had a pretty good read-up on this, lemme see if I can find it
[23:06] <Fitzou> some french speaker ? ^^
[23:07] <patrick_> ok mef
[23:07] <Daisuke_Ido> !fr | Fitzou
[23:07] <ubotu> Fitzou: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[23:07] <Manad> by the way, I couldn't do "apt-get remove wicd", I got a segmentation fault. Is it because it's not an official Kubuntu package?
[23:07] <mefisto__> intelikey: yeah I know, but backing it up yourself makes it easier to find (for me)
[23:07] <Fitzou> thanks ^^
[23:07] <Daisuke_Ido> apt-get caused a segfault?
[23:07] <Manad> yes
[23:07] <DexterF> Manad: hard to tell. you dont happen to speak german..?
[23:07] <Manad> sorry, no
[23:08] <Manad> french and english
[23:08] <Fitzou> bye
[23:08] <intelikey> try a dpkg --purge wicd
[23:09] <Manad> Actually, I forgot my USB key at work, so I'm going to try to get ahold of the package files for Network Manager before I do that...so I have some way of getting back online :P
[23:09] <DexterF> Manad: installed wicd by adding the wicd deb source to your list?
[23:09] <Manad> yeah dex
[23:10] <DexterF> ah, ok. well. should really have deinst'ed knetworkm. well... som you removed wicd and reinst'ed knwm?
[23:10] <Manad> no, I have not. I'm planning on doing that, which is why I asked if it was possible to ever make it remember the WPA key if I'm not root
[23:11] <DexterF> Manad: guess youll have to manually dive into the conf files and hack them up good. or reconf the corresponding packages.
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[23:12] <Manad> I don't know I know how to do that. Are there specific insturctions somewhere?
[23:12] <DexterF> Manad: looks like a permissions problem to me tho. did your wifi work out of the box?
[23:12] <Manad> yeah it did
[23:12] <DexterF> as root only then, too?
[23:14] <Manad> well, basically, to enter the WPA key, I had to be root. Then the internet works, until I reboot. After a reboot, I can't logon to the wireless network until I go in the network manager and re-enter my WPA key (it wasn't empty: the previous one was there (albeit hidden)). But re-entering it makes me connect immediately.
[23:14] <unagi> where are default kde icons located
[23:14] <Arwen> /usr/share/icons/stuff I think
[23:14] <Crashed> Arwen: was it you who suggested I add VideoOverlay to xorg.conf?
[23:14] <Arwen> yeah
[23:15] <Crashed> didn't work :(
[23:15] <Crashed> Same error as VideoOverlays. Unsupported option.
[23:15] <Arwen> pastebin your xorg.conf
[23:16] <Arwen> remember, it's:
[23:16] <Arwen> Option "VideoOverlay" "On"
[23:16] <DexterF> Manad: well, I'd say go with intelikeys suggestion and purge wicd, reinst knwm and reconf from sys settings. you might need to have a look at the files, dont know right now where the wifi setting ssit, somewhere in /etc
[23:16] <Arwen> under the device section
[23:16] <Crashed> uh
[23:16] <Crashed> Hm
[23:16] <Crashed> Identity "Blah"
[23:16] <Manad> how can I download a package without installing it?
[23:16] <Crashed> Option "VideoOverlay" "On"
[23:16] <Crashed> Like that?
[23:16] <Arwen> yes
[23:16] <Crashed> Ah! I misunderstood before.
[23:16] <Arwen> I assume you mean "Identifier"
[23:17] <Crashed> Yeah.
[23:17] <DexterF> Manad: apt-get download or so. its in the manpage
[23:17] <Crashed> Arwen: Is there a hotkey to stop X?
[23:17] <mefisto__> Manad: apt-get -d package-name
[23:17] <cpk1> Manad: aptitude download
[23:17] <Crashed> So I don't have to reboot again if this doesn't work.
[23:17] <Manad> and what do you mean by "reconf from sys settings". Is there a "Restore" function of sorts? My panel just crashed, so I can't take a look right now.
[23:17] <DexterF> SlimeyPete: its only 720p even. guess the file might me fscked up
[23:18] <frank23> Crashed: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restarts X
[23:18] <Crashed> Yeah, frank, but if Xorg.conf is broke then restarting it won't help :P
[23:18] <DexterF> Manad: well, like go to the kmenu, sys settings, set things
[23:18] <Crashed> I'd like to drop it, go to command line and edit xorg.conf.
[23:18] <sub[t]rnl> Crashed➜ if xorg.conf is broke, it will take you to the command line. :P also note sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop
[23:18] <belorix> no sound in Kubuntu when sending IM's and Receiving Ims in pidgin
[23:19] <Crashed> oh, it does?
[23:19] <Crashed> I waited like 5 minutes last time.
[23:19] <Crashed> It was stuck on the loading screen - a broken one at that.
[23:19] <intelikey> now i feel so stupid. just because an internal UID or USER can't be used/trusted doesn't mean i can't use an external command to identify the user....
[23:19] <Manad> sorry about that
[23:19] <Manad> newbie mistake
[23:20] <Manad> but now I won't forget what CTRL ALT BACKSPACE does :P
[23:20] <Crashed> Hey, worked. :]
[23:20] <mefisto__> congrats, Crashed
[23:20] <Crashed> Oh man! I love you Arwen, and nosred, and everyone else here.
[23:21] <Crashed> The TV tuner is working.
[23:21] <unagi> whoa whoa whoa
[23:21] <Crashed> :'(
[23:21] <Crashed> :') rather.
[23:21] <unagi> i want my tuner working
[23:21] <Manad> Panel just crashed again...I think there's a lot of weird problems going on
[23:21] <Crashed> unagi: maybe you should bug everyone here like I do. :]
[23:21] <Manad> might flatten and reinstall
[23:21] <unagi> my tuner doesnt have drivers
[23:21] <sub[t]rnl> intelikey➜ no worries, I was awk and sedding "id" earlier trying to get the uid... lol
[23:21] <Crashed> Manad: if you have a SAA7130 chipset tuner then getting it to work is a matter of like 4 lines.
[23:22] <mefisto__> unagi: it might be simpler to buy a new one that is supported
[23:22] <unagi> ok.....tell me where to find an express card tuner that is supported
[23:22] <unagi> =)
[23:22] <Manad> what would that do? hardcore the WPA key in the card?
[23:22] <Manad> code
[23:23] <Manad> guys, sorry to ask this many newbie questions, but is there a keyboard shortcut for running programs? I want to open Konqueror but since the panel crashed again, there's no shortcut menu.
[23:24] <Manad> I mean a shortcut for that "Run command" box
[23:24] <SlimeyPete> alt-f2
[23:24] <Dragnslcr> Alt-F2 I think
[23:24] <Manad> not working. I guess it's dependent on the panel.
[23:24] <Dragnslcr> Katapult is also nice
[23:24] <Dragnslcr> You can try Alt-Space to see if it's running
[23:24] <Crashed> If you told someone to use Alt + F2 in Windows they'd probably say 'you cant trick me that easy...'
[23:24] <Manad> nope
[23:24] <SpeS> hi
[23:25] <sub[t]rnl> Manad➜ alt+f2 is not dependent on kicker
[23:25] <SpeS> how can I export-import my mail and config from kmail??
[23:25] <SpeS> I've copied all files in dirs apps/kde and config... but my old mails aren't still here... ¿?
[23:27] <stratman4300> Any Kmail users out there??
[23:28] <stratman4300> i've been having some wierd problems with my filters... if i tell it to filter all messages.. i goes through the list like it's filtering. then it just spits everything back into my inbox
[23:28] <stratman4300> anyone else run into this??
[23:28] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl heh. yeah. have been for a long time. i'm also _2 some times.
[23:29] <Crashed> I need a remote for this tv tuner now.
[23:29] <sub[t]rnl> roger that
[23:29] <Crashed> Are there specific remotes for specific tv tuners, or can you go out and buy a universal remote?
[23:30] <Crashed> shit.
[23:30] <Crashed> Err, excuse my language. I just noticed that I'm not getting any sound :(
[23:31] <Arwen> Crashed, are you using MPlayer?
[23:31] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl this was what i was doing. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d140b8433
[23:31] <Crashed> Nope.
[23:31] <sub[t]rnl> sh == dash right
[23:31] <Arwen> well, bah, are you getting any errors?
[23:31] <Crashed> I *had* Amarok open.
[23:31] <sebastian> where can i find the update program?
[23:32] <Crashed> Yeah, hold on
[23:32] <Crashed> http://pastebin.com/m4db23951
[23:32] <Crashed> I'm growing fond of Kubuntu now. :]
[23:32] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl actually sh == posix compliant shell dash is posix compliant. bash qualifies but adds bash extentions so a sh or dash script will work in bash but a bash script may fail in sh or dash
[23:32] <sebastian> anyone know where i can find the update program?
[23:32] <Crashed> 1: it's shiny 2: it's linux (enough said, am I right?) 3: you guys are the most helpful community i've ever encountered.
[23:33] <Arwen> the update program? and err, I don't see an error.
[23:33] <Crashed> Those are the only errors it gives.
[23:33] <Crashed> Errors/output.
[23:33] <Arwen> Crashed, well, I need more details to give you a meaningful answer.
[23:33] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl which update program ? /usr/sbin/update* ?
[23:34] <sebastian> thx
[23:34] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ what now?
[23:34] <sebastian> no, the update program for kubuntu
[23:34] <Arwen> Try using MPlayer to watch TV
[23:34] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl sorry nick completion. that last was for sebastian not you.
[23:34] <mefisto__> sebastian: adept?
[23:34] <Crashed> Arwen: what details are you looking for?
[23:34] <Crashed> Er, MPlayer? I don't think I have that.
[23:34] <Arwen> audio codec, stream format, audio output method, stuff like that
[23:35] <Crashed> Should I install it?
[23:35] <Arwen> dunno, one second
[23:35] <Agent_bob> sebastian "update manager" in kde ?
[23:35] <sebastian> yes
[23:35] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ kk. nice script btw. &&\ <- why the ending slash?
[23:36] <Crashed> Oops.
[23:36] <sebastian> where can i find the update manager?
[23:36] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl that continuse the line, or more specifically comments out the newline.
[23:36] <oloughlin75> Is there a way to copy the xorg.conf that is working on the livecd to the one on the hard drive?
[23:36] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ all the /dev/null's :D ever looked at 2>&- to disable stderr?
[23:36] <Crashed> Arwen: How would I give you the information you need?
[23:37] <sebastian> where can i find the update manager, please help
[23:37] <mefisto__> sebastian: in the system menu, or type adept_updater
[23:37] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl again posix compliant not bashism
[23:37] <sub[t]rnl> i c
[23:37] <Arwen> Crashed, I don't know. If you played the stream with MPlayer, it'd print this stuff but...
[23:37] <Arwen> maybe your capture card specs will do
[23:37] <sebastian> thx
[23:37] <sebastian> i found it
[23:38] * Arwen doesn't know how to watch TV with MPlayer
[23:38] * Crashed installs mplayer
[23:39] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl probably one of my most used scripts. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5c1c23e0
[23:39] <Crashed> hm
[23:39] <Crashed> I tried mplayer tv://
[23:39] <mefisto__> Crashed: kmplayer can use your tv card
[23:39] <Crashed> I get a green screen.
[23:39] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ now thats handy too
[23:39] <Crashed> mefisto: will it be able to give arwen the info he needs?
[23:40] <mefisto__> what info?
[23:40] <Agent_bob> http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4c8d4ce3
[23:40] <oloughlin75> My xorg.conf is not working, I am on a livecd that does. Is there a way to copy it over?
[23:40] <Crashed> Audio codecs and stuff.
[23:40] <gary_> Evening..
[23:40] <Crashed> TV Time isn't playing any sound.
[23:41] <gary_> I've got 102 messages on a pop3 account that kmail simply refuses to download. I can telnet to the pop3 server, so there are no connection problems.
[23:41] <oloughlin75> damn, i gues ill just reinstall
[23:41] <frank23> Crashed: what kind of tuner is it? some have a sound cable that has to loop back to the sound card input
[23:41] <gary_> Can i debug kmail?
[23:42] <Crashed> It's some phillips tuner
[23:42] <mefisto__> Crashed: "sudo lshw |grep -i bttv" might tell you something
[23:42] <Arwen> Crashed, also take care that your sound is being routed right. I read that it goes to your sound card's line-in?
[23:42] <Crashed> Well, there's a bunch of jacks in the back of my tuner card.
[23:43] <Crashed> Looks like they're for sound.
[23:43] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl here's a toy for you. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=da30e9bc
[23:43] <oloughlin75> This is my 5th time install kubuntu in the past day and a half
[23:43] <Agent_bob> or this one http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d7fb3c5c2
[23:43] <mefisto__> Crashed: normally sound out of tv card -> in sound card (with a cable)
[23:43] * linhack hallo
[23:43] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ these all yours?
[23:43] <sebastian> update
[23:44] <sebastian> where can i find the update manager?
[23:44] <Crashed> there's no cables here mefisto
[23:44] <Agent_bob> yeah
[23:44] <gary_> kmail says Transmission complete, No new messages.
[23:44] <sub[t]rnl> nice man
[23:44] <frank23> Crashed: there might be IR input, IR output and maybe sound
[23:44] <mefisto__> sebastian: did you lose it again?
[23:44] <gary_> I know there's a bunch.
[23:44] <Crashed> AUDIO IN, AUDIO OUT, REMOTE in the back.
[23:44] <sebastian> it werent the right one
[23:45] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl like "do-nothin'" scripts ? i wrote "runners" to replace "spinners" http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d7710e543
[23:45] <Crashed> VHS, CABLE, VIDEO IN
[23:45] <sebastian> before it started itself when i logged into the computer, but now it wont
[23:45] <mefisto__> Crashed: audio out should connect to your sound card's line in
[23:45] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ I like the percentage display on your mem script.
[23:45] <Agent_bob> :)
[23:45] <Crashed> That it does not do, mefisto.
[23:46] <gary_> lil help please?
[23:46] <Crashed> I don't know what kind of cord connects to those.
[23:46] <mefisto__> Crashed: you probably won't get sound from the tv card without the cable
[23:46] <Crashed> Darn
[23:46] <sebastian> where can i find the update manager??
[23:46] <mefisto__> sebastian: in the system menu, or type adept_updater
[23:46] <gary_> I like kontact. I really don't want to use evo.
[23:47] <sebastian> type in the terminal?
[23:47] <Crashed> mefisto: do you know what kind of cable would hook up to these ports? They're different sizes.
[23:47] <oloughlin75> yes
[23:48] <Crashed> oh nevermind!
[23:48] <Crashed> They're not different sizes.
[23:48] <frank23> sebastian: in the K menu->System->Adept Package manager
[23:48] <Crashed> They're jsut very deceving :P
[23:48] <Crashed> I rerouted the audio out on the sound card to the audio out on the tv tuner,.
[23:49] <Agent_bob> in case any one missed the "mem" script. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d28bc7439 <<< displays the actual memory usage.
[23:49] <Crashed> What the hell, TV Time isn't running, but I can hear 'Canada's Worst Handyman' playing.
[23:49] <mefisto__> Crashed: should be line in of the sound card
[23:50] <Crashed> mefisto: why is it playing sound if tv time isn't running? :(
[23:51] <mefisto__> Crashed: maybe check ksysguard to see if it's still there, or some other player
[23:51] <frank23> Crashed: the card probably sends sound output all the time
[23:51] <Crashed> :|
[23:51] <Crashed> so it's constantly using cpu and disk space?
[23:51] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl here's one you might like. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d71405ced temp.
[23:51] <Crashed> Hm.
[23:51] <frank23> Crashed: not necessarily. card does probably all the work
[23:52] <sub[t]rnl> get outta myy /proc!!!!
[23:52] <sub[t]rnl> :>
[23:52] <Crashed> It's a cheap $20 card.
[23:52] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ remind me, the test condition -z returns "true" if file is.. empty?
[23:52] <Crashed> I got the 64 3000+ s939 for $10 :)
[23:52] <sub[t]rnl> can't remember
[23:52] <Crashed> I guess I just got it cheap.
[23:53] <frank23> Crashed: that doesn't surprise me ;-) I had a card like that and gave up on it
[23:53] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl -z if it doesnt exist
[23:53] <mefisto__> Crashed: the audio side of it is very simple. the tv card is receiving tv signal, you've plugged the sound into your sound card. the pc is just processing sound with your soundcard
[23:53] <Crashed> Ah, I see.
[23:53] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl [ -z "" ] is true. [ -z "anything" ] is false
[23:53] <Crashed> I have to press 'Q' to quit tvtime.
[23:54] <Crashed> Killing the process isn't enough.
[23:54] <frank23> Crashed: and the sound on cable is just some fm channel I think
[23:54] <Arwen> Crashed, you watching digital TV or analog?
[23:54] <Crashed> Analog.
[23:54] <Arwen> for analog, you just plug into your sound card
[23:54] <wilbur_> when starting ndisgtk, it states "loading application", then just disappears... anyone know how to fix this ?
[23:54] <Arwen> easy :-)
[23:54] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ nice work. I use conky to keep real time light weight displays of my system, but its fun looking at code. thanks
[23:54] <Crashed> Arwen: do you have experience with TV Time?
[23:54] <Arwen> nope
[23:54] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ trying to learn myself
[23:54] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl so [ -z "$1" ] is true if they entered a command line argument, false if they didn't.
[23:54] <frank23> wilbur_: try sudo ndisgtk in a terminal
[23:54] <Crashed> Hm, so you wouldn't know if it's current saving a bunch of TV on my system?
[23:54] <Arwen> nope
[23:54] <Crashed> Alright.
[23:54] <gary_> This is weird.. Thunderbird works just fine.
[23:55] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ I just used, if [ $1 ]; then
[23:55] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ but again, I'm bash
[23:55] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl that's a different test. that tests if the command "$1" expands to is true or not.
[23:56] <frank23> Crashed: the people at #ubuntu-mythtv have lots of experience with tv tuners
[23:56] <belorix> No sound when IMing in Pidgin but works for everything else please help
=== ubuntu is now known as fitoria
[23:57] <mefisto__> Crashed: here's a tip. if you have an old vcr lying around, you can use the vcr's tv tuner to get the tv signal, and plug it into the tv card's video input. you'll get a much better signal than a cheap (or even expensive) tv card
[23:57] <Crashed> Oh really mefisto?
[23:57] <Crashed> I've got a bunch of VCRs laying around that my mom was gonna throw out the other day.
[23:57] <Crashed> That's an awesome tip. :]
[23:57] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl i.e. [ ! -z "$1" ] == [ "$1" ]
[23:58] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ right, just saying thats how I check for a positional param
[23:58] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ mind if I pm?
[23:58] <Arwen> Crashed, go watch digital TV. It's much more fun.
[23:58] <Crashed> I've got digital upstairs.
[23:58] <Crashed> This TV seems a bit lagged.
[23:58] <Agent_bob> sub[t]rnl i'm not registered. so i can't reply
[23:58] <frank23> mefisto__: is that true? what would be the difference between that and the tuner on the card itself. I figured the video capture is where you lose quality
[23:58] <Crashed> And terrible quality :P
[23:58] <mefisto__> Crashed: you'll have to change the video input to "composite" or "s-video" instead of "tuner" in whatever program you're watching in
[23:59] <sub[t]rnl> bah, lazy
[23:59] <sub[t]rnl> :>
[23:59] <Arwen> Crashed, heh
[23:59] <Crashed> When I changed it to composite, it gave me a blank screen.
[23:59] <sub[t]rnl> Agent_bob➜ say I wanted to store $5 through $9 in a var. whats the cleanest way to do it?
[23:59] <mefisto__> frank23: they just skimp on the tuner in most tv cards. vcrs have pretty good quality tuners