UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /11 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== rouzic is now known as rouzic_ausente
[00:06] <mhb> I don't think anyone really reads it, but I'm in a mood to talk, so...
[00:06] <mhb> I really think Kubuntu is doing the right thing with embracing Python
[00:06] <rouzic_ausente> good night for all
[00:06] <mhb> night
[00:07] <mhb> with C++, you have to write a lot of code more just to get the same thing done
[01:32] <jjesse> afternoon ;)(
[01:33] <Jucato> hm.. 2 mouths :)
[01:33] <Jucato> hi jjesse!
[01:33] <jjesse> hiya Jucato
[01:33] <Jucato> oooh he got it right this time :P
[01:33] <jjesse> when i left the airport this morning it was -25 degrees F w/ the wind, when i arrived at my destination it was 72 degrees F
[01:34] <Jucato> uh oh.... careful now... that could get you sick...
[01:34] <jjesse> totatlly
[01:38] <jjesse> Jucato: do your kde4 apps take longer to launch the kde3 ones? when i click on the kde4 version of konsole it takes forver to load in comparison to kde3 konsole
[01:38] <jjesse> on gutsy
[01:38] <stdin> from a kde3 session or a kde4 session?
[01:39] <Jucato> I'm on hardy so I can't really say.
[01:39] <jjesse> stdin: kde4 session
[01:39] <Jucato> from a kde3 session I imagine it would be a bit longer the first time around
[01:39] <Jucato> ah from a kde4 session? no, it's quite fast :)
[01:39] <jjesse> yeah from my kde4 session
[01:39] <jjesse> in fact since a recent update i no longer have icons on the appilcation launcher for kde4
[01:40] <jjesse> so konsole shows up as kde4-konsole
[01:41] <nixternal> jjesse: where are you at?
[01:41] <nixternal> my old man just called from Florida and said "I already put on shorts and a t-shirt"
[01:41] <jjesse> nixternal: los angeles
[01:41] <Jucato> nixternal!!!
[01:41] <nixternal> you by the staples center?
[01:41] <jjesse> left grand rapids and it was 20 below
[01:41] <jjesse> i'm in el segundo
[01:41] <jjesse> by LAX
[01:41] <nixternal> I am watching the Grammys right now...I just heard the most beautiful rendition of Let it Be by the Beatles
[01:41] <nixternal> I left my wallet in El Segundo
[01:42] <nixternal> see, the gangs in El Segundo cut his connection
[01:42] <nixternal> wasabi Jucato
[01:42] <nixternal> 19:42:09 [ nixternal] see, the gangs in El Segundo cut his connection
[01:42] <nixternal> hehe
[01:42] <Jucato> susHI nixternal! :)
[01:42] <jjesse> hrm
[01:42] <nixternal> mmm sushi
[01:42] <jjesse> hehe
[01:42] <jjesse> forgot the grammy's were tonight
[01:42] <Jucato> (damn that was lame...)
[01:43] <nixternal> I had Italian meetball and sausage sammiches tonight...not as good as sushi, but damn they were good
[01:43] <Jucato> yum :)
[01:43] <nixternal> jjesse: ya, they have had 4 great performances thus far
[01:43] * Jucato had sardines swimming in tomato sauce for breakfast :D
[01:43] <nixternal> Alicia Key's started out with a digital duette with Frank Sinatra
[01:43] <jjesse> nixternal: ah
[01:44] <Jucato> digital duet? wow
[01:44] <nixternal> then Carry Underwood did her "Before he cheats" which rocked
[01:44] <nixternal> then the Time!!!
[01:44] <jjesse> mmmm cary underwood
[01:44] <nixternal> ya, came back and did "oh e oh e oh"
[01:44] <nixternal> and just now they had the Beatles tribute
[01:44] <nixternal> going back to watch...Amy Winehouse and Fergi are coming up :)
[01:44] <nixternal> see ya in a bit :)
[02:13] <jjesse> ok the kde4 version of dolphin is it dolph!n or dolphin or?
[02:15] <Jucato> plain Dolphin
[02:15] <jjesse> thanks
[02:17] <jjesse> dolphin was added in the gutsy release correct?
[02:17] <Jucato> hm?
[02:18] <Jucato> you mean d3lphin?
[02:18] <jjesse> yeah thats what i menat
[02:18] <Jucato> then yes :)
[02:24] <jjesse> its wierd how a 3 hour time difference makes things so different
[02:24] <Jucato> :D
[02:24] <jjesse> i can't believe its only 6:30pm right now.... feels like 9:30
[02:25] <jjesse> afk for a bit
[04:55] <jjesse> hrmm whats it called how we have added a Documents Videos, etc folder?
[04:58] <Jucato> xdg-menus spec I think
[04:59] <jjesse> xdg-menus?
[04:59] <Jucato> yeah, XDG Home Dirs according to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
[04:59] <jjesse> ah cool thanks
[04:59] * jjesse is still struggling with chapter
[05:04] <nixternal> you? man the Edubuntu chapter is insane
[05:04] <jjesse> i'm getting sick of looking at it
[05:04] <nixternal> I sent in my first quick draft today, but man there is a lot more to do
[05:04] <nixternal> I am with you on that..I can't wait for this edit to be done already
[05:05] <nixternal> I hate the fact they gave me a fairly large job with a 1 to 2 week deadline
[05:05] <nixternal> honestly, a lot of the Edubuntu chapter needs to be removed, rewritten, and added new
[05:06] <nixternal> nice...someone posted a root kit for us to play around with on the university mailing list, and it drops you right to a root shell
[05:06] <jjesse> cool :)
[05:06] <nixternal> gotta send this one in to kees
[05:06] <nixternal> I was able to root all but 1 of my systems with it
[05:10] <nixternal> ooh, it doesn't drop to root shell on *buntu..but it does on Debian...just tested it on my webserver :/
[05:11] <jjesse> !firefox
[05:11] <ubotu> firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins
[05:11] <jjesse> what version of firefox in hardy?
[05:11] <jjesse> ! help
[05:11] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[05:12] <nixternal> I like that Amy Winehouse...she can sing
[05:12] <nixternal> a little weird, but damn she has one hell of a voice
[05:12] <nixternal> jjesse: did you watch the grammys at all?
[05:12] <jjesse> watching the taped version
[05:12] <jjesse> which is now airing in pacifc time
[05:12] <nixternal> oh..then I won't tell you
[05:13] <jjesse> what version of firefox in hardy? 2.0 still?
[05:13] <nixternal> the Vince Gill/Kanye moment is good..all I will tell you...actually the whole thing was good
[05:13] <nixternal> 2. something
[05:13] <nixternal> !info firefox hardy
[05:13] <ubotu> firefox (source: firefox): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 8968 kB, installed size 26024 kB
[05:16] <jjesse> !info krita
[05:16] <ubotu> krita (source: koffice): a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-0ubuntu5.1 (gutsy), package size 3060 kB, installed size 9476 kB
[05:16] <jjesse> !info krita hardy
[05:16] <ubotu> krita (source: koffice): a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-4ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 2982 kB, installed size 9264 kB
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[05:35] <freeflying> anyone here can test scim-bridge under kde4 for me, especially with non-us keyoard variant
[05:59] <freeflying> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2008-February/002183.html
[07:09] <jussi01> Riddell: ping
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[08:50] <Tonio_> Riddell: will you upload Lure changes to kdebase/kdelibs or may I do it ?
[08:54] <Lure> Tonio_: Riddellwas not clear if your change in guidance was correct
[08:54] * Lure searches log for quote
[08:55] <Lure> Tonio_: [Sun Feb 10 2008] [22:41:37] <Riddell> he shouldn't have changed the KaboutData name, he should have used KLocale.addCatalogue
[08:55] <Lure> Tonio_: tour i18n change caused DCO
[08:56] <Lure> P name to be replaced
[08:57] <Tonio_> Lure: nope the change was good
[08:57] <Tonio_> Lure: Riddell may have forgotten, but he gave me the idea for the fix
[08:58] <Lure> Tonio_: than you can upload my changes if this will stay
[08:58] <Tonio_> Lure: with pykdeextension, the catalogue is used directly from the app name in kaboutdata, and that's the reason it didn't work with addCatalogue
[08:58] <Lure> I will then commit your fix also in upstream SVN
[08:58] <Tonio_> Lure: I spent 2 days testing everything, and I can unsure anyone there is no way to make it to work with addcatalogue
[08:58] <Lure> I have some other changes for upstream SVN
[08:59] <Tonio_> the catalogue is ignored as long as there is kaboutdata set....
[08:59] <Lure> and we may ask for proper .1 release for Hardy
[08:59] <Tonio_> Lure: strace -e trace=open doesn't even show the file has been opened, even with the addCatalogue code in it
[08:59] <Lure> ok, so it is pykdeextensions limitation
[08:59] <Tonio_> Lure: that looks specific to pykdeextensions, with c++ it is different
[09:00] <Lure> Tonio_: it really is not that importan what top level name for DCOP we use
[09:00] <Tonio_> sure
[09:02] <Tonio_> Lure: and just to finish on that point, addCatalogue was used in the code previously, that didn't make it to work any better, and that's the reason why fixing was so hard, as this is an undocumented process in pykdeextensions :)
[09:02] <Tonio_> pykdeextensions doc is really limited.... :/
[09:03] <Lure> Tonio_: I know - and you rock for fixing this bug finally!
[09:03] <Tonio_> Lure: 2 days of coffee :)
[09:04] <Lure> Tonio_: how is life and work for you? French parliament loves Kubuntu?
[09:04] <Tonio_> Lure: the problem is that we need the translation to reach the angpacks, which is not the case afaik
[09:04] <Tonio_> Lure: the change was pretty hard, as there are some limitations on a linux desktop compared to windows (deal with connected/disconnected mode and file replications etc.......)
[09:04] <Tonio_> but they globally appreciate it now
[09:05] <Tonio_> Lure: we did the same for Sagem too, they also use kubuntu now (all their developpers at least)
[09:05] <Lure> Tonio_: nice
[09:05] <Tonio_> and we plan to do the same for some belgium government thing I can't talk about atm :)
[09:05] <Tonio_> Lure: your packages will be uploaded in one hour (I have some things oto do in the meantime
[09:06] <Tonio_> Lure: what about you ?
[09:06] <Lure> Tonio_: no hurry
[09:06] <Tonio_> any chance to see you at fosdem or uds ?
[09:06] <Tonio_> Lure: I'll be at fosdem in 2 weeks
[09:06] <Lure> I am very busy at work (mess), so no real energy for hacking :-(
[09:06] <Lure> but it is getting better
[09:06] <Lure> ;-)
[09:06] <Tonio_> nice ;)
[09:08] <Tonio_> Lure: so no chance to see you at fosdem ?
[09:08] <Tonio_> :'(
[09:08] <Lure> Tonio_: no, really limited in terms of travelling
[09:09] <Lure> may get better in couple of months
[09:09] <Tonio_> Lure: we'll have to wait to see each other then :)
[09:09] <Tonio_> Lure: It was the same for me 4 month ago
[09:09] <Tonio_> Lure: after rain, sunchine ;)
[09:09] <Lure> since UDS is planned to be in europe, I might come (depending on exact dates, as I have busy May)
[09:10] <Lure> ;-)
[09:22] <Riddell> Tonio_: go ahead and upload
[09:23] <Tonio_> Riddell: oki :)
[09:23] <Tonio_> Riddell: and about the patch, you might have forgotten we tested the addCatalog thing ;)
[09:24] <Tonio_> Riddell: fyi, kdesudo-kde4 is still wip, but I'm getting good results atm
[09:25] <Tonio_> Riddell: we'll release hardy with a working kdesudo
[09:25] <Tonio_> Lure: your packages uploaded
[09:25] <Lure> Tonio_: thanks
[09:25] <Tonio_> Lure: thanks to you
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[09:38] <doc__> hi there
[09:38] <jpatrick> what's up doc__ ?
[09:47] <doc__> jpatrick: nah... trying to add support of google apps auth to plone
[10:08] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: I've patched kdmtheme, but still some errors to figure out
[10:10] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: also I think we need to check if the kdmrc has been manually modified, since that often removes @@ToBeRplacedByDesktopBase@@ variable.
[10:23] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: hum true.....
[10:24] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: or we can put some comments in the file explaining they don't have to modify it and create another file elsewhere, with a few details
[10:24] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: that would be much easier ihmo
[10:24] <Tonio_> imho
[10:24] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: true..
[10:24] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: that, I can do
[10:25] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: Maybe we should just a warning in the kdmtheme gui if thats the case, so we wont be blamed for it not working
[10:25] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: what case ?
[10:26] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: that the user has modified the kdmrc file, but forgot all about it
[10:26] <Tonio_> the case the gui manually creates a file overriding the kdmtheme manually set with kdmtheme ?
[10:26] <Tonio_> I consider that people manually toching config files have to be aware of what they do
[10:26] <_StefanS_> err...
[10:27] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: you have the same thing with kubuntu-default-settings
[10:27] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: yes indeed, lets just do the comment thingy, and leave it at that
[10:27] <Tonio_> oki
[10:27] <Tonio_> _StefanS_: I'll change the kdmrc provided file to had some comments in it
[10:30] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: cool
[10:31] <Tonio_> crimsun: who should I ping concerning the alsa/macbook patch you told me we should consider adding back ?
[10:31] <Tonio_> crimsun: I suspect benC isn't the good guy for alsa related patches
[11:01] <Tm_T> mmmmmgh
[11:01] <Tm_T> anyone like o throw me an idea of "summercode" project?
[11:01] <jpatrick> hi Tm_T !
[11:01] <Tm_T> hi jpatrick
[11:03] <Riddell> port the ubiquity Windows settings module to KDE (requires C and python)
[11:03] <Tm_T> Riddell: hmmm, I'll check it, danke
[11:03] <iRon> Tm_T: the same python api for qt and gtk gui, so we may share apps between ubuntu and kubuntu :)
[11:04] <Tm_T> iRon: nownow =)
[11:05] <Tm_T> Riddell: windows settings module does what?
[11:06] <Riddell> Tm_T: copies windows settings to ubuntu converting the settings to gnome equivalents
[11:06] <Tm_T> aaa yes, the "user importer" :)
[11:07] <Tm_T> that sounds fun to do, I consider it
[11:07] <Riddell> it's mostly C I think
[11:21] <Lure> Tonio_: just drop in #ubuntu-kernel or write to their ML
[11:21] <Tonio_> Lure: okay
[11:24] <Riddell> iRon: should we be integrating your patches for Bulletproof?
[11:25] <iRon> Riddell: yes.. i've contacted with Bryce
[11:25] <Riddell> iRon: feature freeze on thursday, is there something we can get in for then?
[11:25] <iRon> Riddell: we agreed that i'll send him a patch for x11-commons.. and he'll make a patch for gdm
[11:26] <iRon> Riddell: i'll prepare today patch for kdm
[11:26] <Riddell> iRon: ooh, thanks
[11:26] <iRon> Riddell: i'll send it to you soon
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[11:58] <_StefanS_> kwwii: ping?
[12:25] <ryanakca> neversfelde: no decision the day before last, I was away skiing, unless one was made without me :)
[12:26] <ryanakca> (was made the day before last, in reply to "18:40:02 #kubuntu-devel: < neversfelde|mobi> ryanakca: was there a decision about the design contest yesterday?")
[13:02] <neversfelde> ryanakca: hope skiing was fun :)? Thanks for your answer, when do you expect a decision?
[13:07] <Riddell> vorian: any progress on marble?
[13:46] <sahin_w> I can't reach the meeting minutes on the following url:
[13:46] <sahin_w> http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/minutes/
[13:46] <sahin_w> Is there any other way to read it?
[13:47] <jpatrick> sahin_w: you'll just have to wait till ubuntuwire's back up :(
[13:47] <sahin_w> jpatrick: Ok. I will try later...
[14:05] <viviersf> is anyone having problems with attachments in kmail ?
[14:06] <viviersf> when i send em they are corrupt ?
[14:08] <viviersf> Riddell, you seen this before ?
[14:09] <Riddell> viviersf: try Lure, he uses kmail more than most
[14:09] <viviersf> Lure, ping
[14:09] <Riddell> also what version of kmail?
[14:09] <viviersf> Riddell, custom version from intevation
[14:10] <viviersf> Riddell, it worked fine friday and today something is going nuts
[14:12] <Riddell> viviersf: sound like you'd be better telling the kmail developers on #kontact
[14:13] <viviersf> Riddell, what kde changes went through today ?
[14:13] <viviersf> do you know ?
[14:17] <Riddell> viviersf: I've uploaded bits for kmilo
[14:17] <Riddell> kdepim hasn't changed
[14:17] <Riddell> (that I know of, hardy-changes would know more)
[14:18] <viviersf> Riddell, sorry im talking bout gutsy btw
[14:19] <viviersf> not hardy, was there any kdelibs updates
[14:19] <viviersf> i think the problem lies in something there
[14:22] <Riddell> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/gutsy-changes/2008-February/thread.html
[14:22] <Riddell> changes for flash
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[14:25] <Lure> viviersf: no problems here (hardy)
[14:26] <viviersf> Lure, yeah, im on gutsy
[14:26] <viviersf> Riddell, that kdebase update might be the culprit
[14:27] <Riddell> viviersf: test it with the old .debs
[14:27] <viviersf> Riddell, gimme 10 mins
[14:27] <viviersf> Riddell, i just know the issue is there lol. Im just installing old iso then ill tell you
[14:29] <Riddell> viviersf: you don't need to install an old iso, just the old kdebase .debs
[14:31] <viviersf> yeah i know
[14:32] <viviersf> Riddell, i just dont have the old version of kdebase and libs that has been replaced
[14:32] <Riddell> viviersf: get it from launchpad
[14:32] <Tm_T> Riddell: what email address I should use if I make you as my contact person in summer code project?
[14:33] <Riddell> Tm_T: jriddell@ubuntu.com, is this google Soc?
[14:33] <Tm_T> Riddell: finnish equiv
[14:34] <Tm_T> Riddell: one moment
[14:37] <Tm_T> Riddell: http://lwn.net/Articles/252756/
[14:38] <Tm_T> Riddell: sladen wrote article about this :)
[14:38] <Tm_T> Riddell: I'm not sure if I should also have finnish contact person, or is you or some else enough
[14:47] <Tm_T> Riddell: btw I took that ubiquity windows user importer qt port as my project, should be perfect :)
[14:47] <Riddell> Tm_T: ever done C programming before?
[14:47] <Tm_T> yes
[14:47] <Tm_T> and C++
[14:47] <Tm_T> and some scripting
[14:48] <Tm_T> will need some learning but sure doable
[14:48] <Riddell> Tm_T: talk to evand about what other skills & knowledge would be needed and make sure you have them
[14:48] <Riddell> (or can learn)
[14:48] <Tm_T> aye sir
[15:01] <viviersf> Riddell, its not kdepim
[15:01] <viviersf> Riddell, i mean, its not kdebase/libs its kdepim
[15:01] <Riddell> ok, so poke the kmail people :)
[15:03] <ScottK> viviersf: I'm using the Gutsy Kmail every day with no problems.
[15:04] <ScottK> viviersf: If I read the scrollback correctly, you said you were using a customized version?
[15:05] <viviersf> ScottK, yeah its from intevation. They made a stuffup :(
[15:05] <Tm_T> Riddell: it's mine, you're ok as contact person?
[15:06] <ScottK> viviersf: OK. Then I guess you know who te be complaining to then. ;-)
[15:06] <Riddell> Tm_T: "it's mine" what is?
[15:07] <viviersf> ScottK, yes i know, it was just, there where kdebase and libs updates today so i thought i might be them
[15:08] <Tm_T> Riddell: that bit of programming, whatever would answer be for my application, I want to do it
[15:09] <Riddell> Tm_T: did you talk to evand?
[15:09] <Tm_T> yes
[15:10] <Lure> Riddell: were kdeutils/kdebase rejected as my diff was on -S -sd generated source package?
[15:11] <Riddell> "MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive" meh
[15:11] <Lure> Riddell: but there is no orig.tar.gz in upload so do not know what is wrong
[15:12] <Lure> ok, there are also two accepted mails, so probably Tonio_ fixed it already
[15:13] * Lure is just confused as accepted mails are before rejected, so I am still not sure what was going on
[15:14] <Riddell> Lure: I guess tonio just uploaded it before I did
[15:14] <Riddell> then I uploaded and we get those rejected e-mails
[15:14] * Lure checks build logs
[15:15] <Tonio__> Lure: I uploaded including the tarball
[15:15] <Lure> Riddell: ok, it built properly
[15:15] <Tonio__> Lure: but I don't understand why the md5sum changed
[15:15] <Tonio__> or maybe it is just for the dsc and changes file.....
[15:15] <Riddell> it is
[15:15] <Lure> Tonio__: yep, Riddell's mistake ;-)
[15:15] <Riddell> it's a confusing reject message
[15:16] <Tonio__> Riddell: but I usually include the tarball is all my upload, I'm used to do so, although that's not a requirement...
[15:17] <Riddell> Tm_T: seems like evand is happy to help in that so go ahead
[15:17] <Riddell> put me down as contact
[15:17] <Tm_T> roger, and thanks sir :))
[15:18] <Riddell> Tonio__: think of the bandwidth!
[15:21] <Tonio__> hum true
[15:22] <Tonio__> Riddell: on the other hand, that uses a bit of download on the server side, when most of the traffic is upload :)
[15:22] <Tonio__> but yeah I should think about it :)
[15:58] <ScottK> Tonio__: The old Debian klamav maintainer agreed to let me take it over.
[15:58] <ScottK> I've updated your package for Debian and am waiting to hear back from my Debian sponsor.
[15:59] <ScottK> Functionally, they had a patch (which I like) to default to using the system virus database for a new install which I like. Other than that, it should work like your package does now. I also fixed the GCC 4.3 build failures.
[16:02] <Tonio__> any idea how to get the list of packages recommending another one ?
[16:02] <Tonio__> like rdepends but for recommends
[16:03] <ScottK> Tonio__: I think grep-dctrl
[16:04] <Tonio__> ScottK: with which command ?
[16:04] <Tonio__> dpkg-query ?
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[16:05] <ScottK2> Tonio__: Something like grep-dctrl -FRecommend -s Package $PACKAGENAME -n /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Sources
[16:06] <ScottK2> I use that to find reverse build-depends. I think it would work for recommends too.
[16:14] <Riddell> Sime: does pyqt have automatic signal/slot setup?
[16:15] <Riddell> I'm finding that a button called foo magically connects to a slot on_foo_clicked(self)
[16:29] <nixternal> mornin'
[16:29] <ScottK> Yes it is (here anyway).
[16:30] <nixternal> Riddell: yes that is correct
[16:30] <nixternal> @pyqtSignature("")
[16:30] <nixternal> def on_foo_clicked(self):
[16:32] <nixternal> menu items are on_foo_triggered(self)
[16:32] <Riddell> nixternal: that's amazingly confusing
[16:32] <Riddell> it's being called twice too
[16:32] <nixternal> hrmm
[16:32] <nixternal> now that would be confusing
[16:33] <nixternal> it is definitely different then what we have been used to, but I have to admit, it is a lot less typing :)
[16:47] <Riddell> nixternal: what does your '@pyqtSignature("")' do?
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[16:52] <Riddell> it seems to make it only get called once
[16:53] <nixternal> it is a decorator that specifies the signals arguments...so you could have 2 of the same named signals with different arguments
[16:54] <nixternal> since on_foo_clicked(self) is a bool, it is used to specify and empty paramater list
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[17:52] <apachelogger_> Riddell: please backport dragonplayer 2.0 - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dragonplayer
[17:53] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: isn't it to be included in kdemultimedia?
[17:53] <apachelogger_> yes
[17:53] <apachelogger_> but only in 4.1
[17:53] <apachelogger_> so eean is doing independent releases for now
[17:54] <Riddell> apachelogger_: report a bug and subscribe ubuntu-archive, I'll do it tomorrow
[17:54] <apachelogger_> ok
[17:54] <stdin> apachelogger_: I think kdm-kde4 may still be broke, can you try reconfiguring kdm or kdm-kde4 and see if 1) it always think kdm is the default, even when it's not. and 2) no matter what you choose /etc/X11/default-display-manager always has /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kdm ?
[17:56] <apachelogger_> stdin: hum, that looks like one awful bug
[17:57] <stdin> apachelogger_: I think I know why it is, and may have a hack/fix
[18:01] <apachelogger_> stdin: why? where? :P
[18:02] <stdin> I'm building a diff now, it should be pretty cleat from that
[18:03] <stdin> apachelogger_: http://stdin.me.uk/diffs/kdebase-workspace_4.0.1-0ubuntu3.debdiff
[18:04] * Nightrose can confirm that something is horribly proken with kdm/kdm-kde4
[18:05] <stdin> basically the .config script looked at the $(basename) if the value in /etc/X11/default-display-manager, which always is "kdm". so after you have /usr/bin/kde4/kdm in there there's no way it can tell if it's kdm-kde4 or kdm (kde3)
[18:05] <Nightrose> when I logout I get thrown back to a command line login right now
[18:05] <Nightrose> *broken
[18:06] <stdin> it's always been broken, but you can't even go back to the un-broken one right now :p
[18:06] <Nightrose> ;-)
[18:12] <apache|mobile> stdin: in line 27 of the diff please use "$THIS_PACKAGE"
[18:12] <apache|mobile> I think a var for the if query CURRENT_DEFAULT would be nice
[18:13] <apache|mobile> in case anyone needs to change any value or something
[18:15] <stdin> I should also probably add an "else CURRENT_DEFAULT=$(basename $CURRENT_DEFAULT)" too
[18:15] <apache|mobile> stdin: true
[18:21] <jussi01> Riddell: ping
[18:32] <Riddell> hi jussi01
[18:32] <Tm_T> hi kids
[18:34] <jussi01> Riddell: hey, I saw someone mentioning work on the screen brightness issue, is that solved or still needs doing?
[18:37] <Riddell> jussi01: seems to be solved but needs testing
[18:37] <jussi01> Riddell: ok, great :)
[18:42] <stdin> apache|mobile: this is what I have right now http://stdin.me.uk/diffs/kdebase-workspace_4.0.1-0ubuntu3.debdiff
[18:46] <apache|mobile> stdin: tested it?
[18:46] <stdin> apache|mobile: "Works For Me(tm)"
[18:46] <apache|mobile> nice :D
[18:52] <apache|mobile> stdin: looks good to me, please also prepare a debdiff for kdebase3 and ask Riddell to sponsor the upload
[19:09] <stdin> diff for kdebase kdebase_3.5.8-2ubuntu20.debdiff
[19:09] <stdin> http://stdin.me.uk/diffs/kdebase_3.5.8-2ubuntu20.debdiff
[19:09] <stdin> would help with the URL ;)
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[19:45] <Riddell> doods
[19:45] <Riddell> who wants to test the new printer config thing?
[19:45] <Riddell> http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/system-config-printer-kde_0.03_all.deb
[19:45] <cheguevara> no printer here, sorry
[19:46] <smarter> Riddell: does it work for smb printer?
[19:47] <Riddell> smarter: not yet
[19:47] <Riddell> cheguevara: doesn't matter
[19:47] <Riddell> smarter: well it should do something if it's configured
[19:47] <cheguevara> Riddell, as in you want me to test it without a printer?
[19:47] <yuriy> Riddell: how about for ipp/cups shared printer?
[19:47] <smarter> so I'll test with my usb printer
[19:48] <smarter> anyway, my SMB network seems b0rken
[19:48] <Riddell> cheguevara: just now I'm mostly interested if the packaging works
[19:48] <Riddell> yuriy: try it and see
[19:48] <cheguevara> cool then
[19:48] <cheguevara> sec
[19:48] <smarter> ImportError: No module named qt
[19:48] <yuriy> ok, will try
[19:49] <smarter> Riddell: ^ ?
[19:49] <smarter> python-qt3 is installed
[19:50] <cheguevara> you hardencoded something Riddell
[19:50] <cheguevara> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/jr/src/system-config-printer/kde-port/system-config-printer.ui'
[19:50] <yuriy> Riddell: No such file or directory: '/home/jr/src/system-config-printer/kde-port/system-config-printer.ui'
[19:51] <cheguevara> APPDIR="/home/jr/src/system-config-printer/kde-port"
[19:51] <cheguevara> if you comment that out
[19:52] <cheguevara> and uncoment the line above it it'll work
[19:54] <yuriy> that is, get to the next error
[19:55] <cheguevara> launches for me fine after that
[19:56] <yuriy> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55638/
[19:58] * smarter still doesn't understand why he gets "ImportError: No module named qt"
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[20:00] <smarter> and if I type "import qt" in a python shell it works...
[20:02] <yuriy> smarter: python-qt4 installed?
[20:02] <smarter> yes
[20:02] <smarter> python-dbus-qt4 too
[20:02] <smarter> and python-dbus
[20:03] <smarter> I replaced import dbus.mainloop.qt with #import dbus.mainloop and it seems to work
[20:03] <smarter> s/#import/import/
[20:11] <yuriy> ok i commented out the downloadable driver support thing and it launched
[20:11] <yuriy> add new printer button is missing
[20:14] <yuriy> clicking on the "local printers" item in the tree view doesn't do anything, which seems a bit confusing, though i have no idea why now that i think about it
[20:15] <yuriy> changing the fields for the PDF printer doesn't activate the apply button
[20:15] <yuriy> i don't understand what the change button next to device-uri is for (and it doesn't seem to do anything)
[20:18] <yuriy> back and cancel buttons in the new printer class dialog don't work
[20:20] <Riddell> yuriy: "downloadable driver support thing"?
[20:21] <yuriy> Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55638/
[20:21] <Riddell> yuriy: what version of system-config-printer-common do you have?
[20:22] <Riddell> cat /usr/share/system-config-printer/config.py
[20:22] <yuriy> VERSION="0.7.78"
[20:22] <Riddell> smarter: do you have python-qt4-dbus installed?
[20:23] <smarter> Riddell: yes
[20:23] <yuriy> (updating now)
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[20:45] <yuriy> where is the test page for PDF supposed to go?
[20:46] <seaLne> ~/print.pdf ?
[20:47] <yuriy> yeah that's where i was looking, i don't think it works
[20:48] <yuriy> but also it's confusing because it doesn't tell you where it's going to go
[20:48] <yuriy> should be a save file dialog
[20:55] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: dragonplayer FTBFS?
[20:56] <apachelogger_> Oo
[20:56] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: on all archs
[20:56] <apachelogger_> wtf
[20:57] <jpatrick> dpkg-gencontrol: failure: cannot read -: No such file or directory
[20:57] <Nightrose> apachelogger_: wait before doing a new upload then
[20:57] <jpatrick> Error: parsed ddeb section or priority is empty
[20:57] <jpatrick> make: *** [binary-strip-IMPL/dragonplayer] Error 1
[20:57] <Nightrose> apachelogger_: eean is going to do a new version it seems
[20:57] <jpatrick> what the?
[20:57] <apachelogger_> that looks like an error with the buildd
[20:57] <apachelogger_> Nightrose: why?
[20:58] <Nightrose> some bogus patch by a new contributor messed up the mute button
[20:58] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: it gives users r00t access with exploit with certain music
[20:58] <jpatrick> ;-)
[20:59] <apachelogger_> yummy
[20:59] <jpatrick> Nightrose: looks like we'll have a unmutable dragon player in hardy
[20:59] <smarter> the buildds seem to be broken
[20:59] <smarter> I get the same error with a different package
[21:00] <apachelogger_> bah
[21:00] <jpatrick> looks like buildds are indeed broken
[21:01] <smarter> and ubuntwire.com is down
[21:01] <Nightrose> jpatrick: not sure it is unmutable - but some problem when you unmute it - not sure what exactly though
[21:01] <smarter> jpatrick: do you have the .tex of your kubuntu meetings minute somewhere? ;)
[21:01] <Nightrose> anyway
[21:01] <Nightrose> eean will fix it soon i think
[21:01] <apachelogger_> well, it's not going to build these days anyway :P
[21:01] <Nightrose> :P
[21:02] <jpatrick> smarter: yes, but ubuntuwire is down
[21:03] <smarter> jpatrick: could you pastebin it somewhere please?
[21:03] <jpatrick> smarter: which one?
[21:04] <smarter> jpatrick: the latest one
[21:04] <apachelogger_> smarter: do we have cursors yet?
[21:05] <jpatrick> smarter: it's not the minutes for the last meeting: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55642/
[21:05] <smarter> apachelogger_: I'd a lot of exam this week so I didn"t have time to do the sync thing :S
[21:05] <smarter> I'm on holiday next week, I should have some time
[21:06] <smarter> jpatrick: thanks
[21:06] <jpatrick> smarter: use it well
[21:07] <apachelogger_> jpatrick: would we get a new package in after feature freeze?
[21:07] <blizzzek> gn8 zammen
[21:07] <apachelogger_> gute nacht blizzzek
[21:07] <smarter> apachelogger_: if it must be there for the feature freeze I could find some time wednesday
[21:08] <ScottK> apachelogger_: Got time to help out with a package upgrade?
[21:08] <apachelogger_> ScottK: wanted to go for a cigarette ;-)
[21:08] <apachelogger_> but when I am back...
[21:08] <ScottK> K.
[21:08] <jpatrick> apachelogger_: don't think so
[21:09] <ScottK> apachelogger_: When you get back, please see sboden on #ubuntu-motu about kmess
[21:59] <ryanakca> neversfelde|mobi: yeah, skiing was awesome. As for the decision, everybody seemed to like the last one on the mockup page. The official decision wont come until we "officially" publish the website :)
[22:00] <nosrednaekim> ryanakca: where is the mockup page?
[22:01] <ryanakca> umm... wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/WebsiteMockups or something of the sort... I can get you the actual link in a sec, restarting FF
[22:01] <nareshov> Hi, is there a poster/flyer on KDE available online?
[22:02] <ryanakca> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/WebsiteMockups
[22:02] <nosrednaekim> gracias
[22:02] <ryanakca> nareshov: you'll probably want to ask in #kde
[22:02] <nareshov> I did :|
[22:03] <ryanakca> nareshov: or ask here https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-promo
[22:03] <nareshov> Okay
[22:05] <neversfelde|mobi> ryanakca: I like mockup4 most. We are planning th change kubuntu-de.org Design similar to kubuntu.or, so it would be good to know how it will look :)
[22:05] <neversfelde|mobi> nareshov: http://www.kde-files.org/content/show.php/KDE+Flyer+(Deutsch)?content=26143
[22:05] <ryanakca> neversfelde|mobi: nice :)
[22:05] <neversfelde|mobi> here is a german translation of a flyer, there should be an english one too
[22:06] <ryanakca> neversfelde|mobi: we're going to be using Drupal, so if nobody else minds, I could probably send you a copy of the theme to modify...
[22:06] <nareshov> neversfelde|mobi: thanks!
[22:07] <neversfelde|mobi> ryanakca: send it to Czessi, he made a drupal theme of the old kubuntu.org design, which is useless now
[22:07] <neversfelde|mobi> i think he would be glad to get the new one :)
[22:08] * nosrednaekim like's nixternal's idea, but it looks too much like the sabayon one
[22:09] <neversfelde|mobi> of course I can forward, too
[22:29] <ryanakca> neversfelde|mobi: okies :)
[22:30] <neversfelde|mobi> ryanakca: thx, would be great :)
[22:35] <mhb> go site builders!
[22:36] <crimsun> gah, no tonio.
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