UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /09 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
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[00:26] <afm> making progress. remote works again. and i have a red light on my blaster now....
[01:01] <afm> can anyone tell me if a glowing red light means my irblaster is configured properly? seems to me it would only come on when executing a command
[02:57] <michael__> hello. does anyone know what path lirc would be in mythbuntu?
=== foxbuntu___ is now known as foxbuntu
[03:35] <bkingx> Greetings All!!
[03:37] <bkingx> I wonder if it is possible to use a low-end machine to install mythbuntu for playback of videos only. I really have no need to record TV Feeds.
[03:44] <bkingx> Anyone?
[03:46] <superm1> sure why not?
[03:46] <superm1> michael__, what path lirc is?
[03:46] <superm1> what do you mean?
[03:48] <Tuv0k> massiv emyth update, cool
[03:48] * Tuv0k crosses fingers
[03:49] <Tuv0k> funny since the backend just crashed bringing compiz down
[03:49] <Tuv0k> I wonder if compiz will ever be stable
[03:50] <Tuv0k> Errors were encountered while processing:
[03:50] <Tuv0k> /var/cache/apt/archives/mythtv-common_0.20.99+trunk15849-0ubuntu2_all.deb
[03:52] <bkingx> Thanks superm1
[03:52] <Tuv0k> resolved
[03:52] <superm1> Tuv0k, why did that happen?
[03:53] <Tuv0k> dunno why, but apt-get -f install got around it
[03:53] <superm1> did apport make a bug report about it/
[03:53] <Tuv0k> all I was doing was excuting the dist-upgrade
[03:53] <Tuv0k> negative
[03:54] <superm1> hm not good
[03:54] <superm1> well if anyone else gets hit by it, hopefully a bug report gets filed
[03:56] <neopsyche> please help
[03:56] <neopsyche> feeling like i have been stabbed.
[03:56] <neopsyche> emotionally trashed
[03:56] <neopsyche> ubuntu is merciless
[03:56] <neopsyche> no support for simple solution for analog tv card recording@!
[03:57] <neopsyche> Tried to install KALVA = no luck
[03:57] <neopsyche> Tried to install xdtv = no luck
[03:57] <neopsyche> tried to talk to mythbuntu people = no luck
[03:57] <neopsyche> hmmm...
[03:59] <superm1> neopsyche, need more details?
[04:00] <neopsyche> superm1: trying to install this: http://hafizpariabi.blogspot.com/2007/12/install-kalva-in-kubuntu-gutsy.html
[04:00] <neopsyche> on gutsy
[04:00] <neopsyche> SO annoying
[04:01] <superm1> well i can help with myth stuff, not with that
[04:01] <superm1> dont support anything not in apt in here
[04:12] <Tuv0k> finally got mythweather working again
[04:12] <Tuv0k> the radar maps are too big for the interface
[04:12] <Tuv0k> and the 18 day display spills over as well
[04:12] <Tuv0k> mythfilm stopped working from earlier
[04:13] <Tuv0k> mythvideo and its settings, will not even allow me to enter their settings
[04:13] <Tuv0k> other than that, I think everything else appears to be working
[04:13] <Tuv0k> just a report
[04:13] <Tuv0k> I know I know, its not finished
[04:13] <Tuv0k> thats fine
[04:14] <afm> any serial ir blaster experts in here?
[04:16] <afm> i've got the lirc_serial driver loaded, everything config's...lirc starts up no errors, send commands when executed with irsend no errors, but I can't seem to change the channel, and i have a glowing red ird
[04:22] <Helvasca> hey
[04:31] <aboutBlank> hello
[04:33] <Chewie614> need a little help....anyone around?
[04:43] <acecase> I just installed and everything is great except my mouse is very slow. the system isn't lagging though, just the mouse.
[04:45] <acecase> I had this problem the last time I installed ubuntu and I managed to find a solution with google but I have forgotten and now I can't find anything
[04:54] <Helvasca> acecase: change your mouse sensitivity
[05:42] <Waistless> hey hopefully you guys can provide a quick fix to my problem...
[05:43] <Waistless> the information for any specific program in the guide is being cut off, regardless of the font. For example...
[05:45] <Waistless> (provided as is, without quotes) "Host Dean Miller and his team cover the length and breadth of Queensland, and come up with all sorts of suggestions for how to spend our wee"
[05:45] <Waistless> it's just cut off, and there's still plenty of room left for the text after reduced font
[05:46] <Waistless> seems to me it's some sort of limit, like a word or line limit in the theme XML or something. does anyone know how to solve?
[05:46] <Waistless> I've been using google frantically but found no solution
[05:47] <Waistless> they all tell me to reduce font which I HAVE...
[05:48] <Waistless> anyone? I'd really appreciate it ;)
[06:04] <Waistless> whoops... my mistake. Looked at the guide data on another box and it appears to be cut off intentionally.... must be the bloody TV stations doing it on purpose. perhaps I should use some XMLTV guides instead of EIT.
[06:09] <Helvasca> whats the go on getting the box to power up using say a remote?
[07:39] <neopsyche> hello, can anyone please help me install mythbuntu?
[07:40] <neopsyche> i already installed it but i dont htink its owrking
[07:40] <neopsyche> hello?
[07:40] <neopsyche> anyone?
[07:40] <neopsyche> hello?
[07:45] <rhpot1991_laptop> how isn't it working?
[07:58] <neopsyche> hello, can someone help me with myth
[08:02] <Helvasca> Where does myth tv save its channel fconfig too?
[08:04] <rhpot1991_laptop> Helvasca: mysql database
[08:05] <neopsyche> where do i have to start?
[08:06] <rhpot1991_laptop> neopsyche: first explain your problem, then maybe someone can help, its also kinda late so many people might not be paying attention now
[08:06] <neopsyche> i basically just want a pvr, with data recorded that i can later convert to flv for the web and other uses
[08:06] <neopsyche> rhpot1991_laptop: thanks for getting intouch
[08:08] <neopsyche> rhpot1991_laptop: i need to install and configure it first.
[08:08] <neopsyche> i tried installing other tv programs.. but now tvtime isnt working
[08:08] <neopsyche> and xawtv ist the only on ehtat is working
[08:10] <rhpot1991_laptop> sorry I'm unfamiliar with those
[08:11] <rhpot1991_laptop> technically mythtv can do that for you
[08:11] <rhpot1991_laptop> though you are going to need to hack up mythweb or your own transcoding job to convert to flv
[08:12] <rhpot1991_laptop> I have also heard the flash video *should* work on truck versions if you have a ffmpeg with mp3 capabilities
[08:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> trunk builds are here: http://www.mythbuntu.com/auto-builds
[08:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> though they may be less stable
[08:21] <Helvasca> If im running a duel card setup, do the equiv channels on each card need a differnt number?
=== Dorward_ is now known as Dorward
[12:52] <NAiL> uh, does mythbuntu require a monitor (not TV) to install?
[12:57] <Dorward> I'd assume not, since the boot screen works on my TV, but I used a monitor when I set mine up.
[12:58] <NAiL> I see the boot screen and boot progress just fine, but when it starts X the TV just goes blank
[13:00] <NAiL> That'd be a nice thing to mention in hardware requirements...
[13:55] <NAiL> Are there any alternate ways to install mythbuntu?
[17:36] <NAiL> nobody?
[17:36] <adaptr> nope
[18:04] <Tuv0k> Net::UPnP::ControlPoint is not installed!
[18:04] <Tuv0k> ??
[18:04] <adaptr> well, is it ?
[18:09] <Tuv0k> if I knew what it was I would not be here
[18:09] <adaptr> is it or is it not installed
[18:10] <Tuv0k> ^^^
[18:10] <Tuv0k> what is the programs name that should be installed?
[18:10] <adaptr> how should I know ? aptitude search is YOUR friend
[18:10] <Tuv0k> lol
[18:11] <adaptr> but it's a perl module, so you should probably CPAN it
[18:11] <Tuv0k> thx, I'll wait for superm1
[18:23] <superm1> Tuv0k, when did that happen?
[18:24] <Tuv0k> after the updates it started showing up in my email
[18:24] <Tuv0k> then when I run mythtv-status
[18:24] <superm1> mythtv-status?
[18:24] <superm1> what's that?
[18:24] <Tuv0k> I've been googling and installing different apps, to no avail
[18:25] <Tuv0k> it basically shows what shows will record next are recording etc.
[18:25] <superm1> well it sounds like its missing a dependency then
[18:25] <Tuv0k> it's worked up until last night
[18:25] <Tuv0k> after the updates
[18:25] <Tuv0k> perl-Net-UPnP
[18:26] <Tuv0k> is what google is telling me
[18:26] <superm1> well is that in apt?
[18:26] <Tuv0k> nope
[18:26] <Tuv0k> http://alt.linux.kiev.ua/srpm/perl-Net-UPnP
[18:26] <Tuv0k> looked for cpan
[18:26] <Tuv0k> which is a perl module
[18:26] <Tuv0k> no luck searching synaptic for a relevant package
[18:27] <famicom> Hi there all!
[18:27] <superm1> http://search.cpan.org/~skonno/Net-UPnP-1.2.1/lib/Net/UPnP/ControlPoint.pm
[18:27] <Tuv0k> libcpan-distnameinfo-perl
[18:27] <superm1> that looks like what you are looking for
[18:27] <Tuv0k> i installed that, as the closest thing I could find
[18:27] <Tuv0k> I searched upnp
[18:27] <Tuv0k> gupnp-tools
[18:28] <superm1> well did you install Net-UPnP systemwide?
[18:28] <Tuv0k> installed that as it claims to be a "control point"
[18:28] <superm1> or in your home directory
[18:28] <Tuv0k> "NET-Upnp" I don't see that to install
[18:29] <adaptr> google for cpan, you need to install the module via cpan
[18:30] <famicom> Are there any project leaders around
[18:31] <famicom> I got some stuff i need to backport to mythbuntu regarding CAMs
[18:31] <superm1> famicom, join the dev channel
[18:36] <Tuv0k> http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/perl/libparse-cpan-packages-perl
[18:39] <Tuv0k> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=485144
[18:41] <Tuv0k> http://www.edsfamily.com/ed/archives/10
[18:41] <Tuv0k> wow, what a headache
[18:52] <Tuv0k> mythtv-status suggests mthtv-perl
[18:52] <Tuv0k> there is no mythtv-perl?
[18:53] <superm1> libmyth-perl
[18:53] <superm1> is the proper name for it
[18:54] <superm1> whomever wrote mythtv-status misnamed it
[18:54] <Tuv0k> ah
[18:54] <Tuv0k> well that is installed
[18:56] <neopsyche> hi all
[18:56] <neopsyche> hehe
[18:56] <neopsyche> was waiting for some people to show up
[18:57] <adaptr> filthy lurker
[18:57] <neopsyche> i have been trying to configure myth on my system and really dont know where i went wrong.. so now.. i uninstalled it ..and am hoping to re-install it.. can anyone here help me through it?
[18:59] <superm1> well if you're starting out fresh, make sure to blow away the mysql-server install too
[18:59] <superm1> and it's database
[18:59] <adaptr> because ?
[18:59] <adaptr> ah, perhaps somebody can answer my highly technical question, then :)
[19:00] <superm1> adaptr, to rule out password inconsistency issues
[19:00] <superm1> neopsyche, additionally, rm -rf /home/mythtv and rm -rf ~/.mythtv
[19:00] <adaptr> why do I need a database on a frontend, if the only thing that's stored in it is video *metadata* ? and why does it *require* a backend when I don't *use* the backend ?
[19:00] <superm1> to rule those out for issues too
[19:00] <superm1> adaptr, you dont need a database on the frontend
[19:01] <superm1> if apt thinks you do, stop using aptitude
[19:01] <adaptr> I only have one box, and the only remotely relevant stuff I see in the db is the frontend settings
[19:01] <superm1> and use apt-get or synaptic or adept
[19:01] <superm1> oh well that's just myth's architecture
[19:01] <adaptr> erm, no.. mythfrontend refuses to *run* without a backend and database
[19:02] <superm1> exactly.
[19:02] <adaptr> yes, and I must say that it is sucking up on me
[19:02] <superm1> realistically you "can" get away without mythbackend *AFTER* you set it up using mythbackend
[19:02] <neopsyche> mysql? blow away?
[19:02] <adaptr> reading 2200 videos takes 0.5 seconds on the cmdline, yet browsing them takes a friggin minute
[19:02] <superm1> but you'll need it installed off the get go
[19:02] <neopsyche> superm1: ? above
[19:02] <superm1> adaptr, you can have it not grab the metadata from sql when opening mythvideo
[19:02] <superm1> neopsyche, sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server*
[19:03] <superm1> and tell it to drop all databases when it asks
[19:03] <neopsyche> hehe.. what do you call a newbie who has just started understanding opensource licencing. :-)
[19:03] <neopsyche> gnubie :-D
[19:03] <adaptr> superm1: I have both metadata and browsing disabled, but that means I have to manually open the videomanager whenever i add content - which is about 25 times a day
[19:03] <neopsyche> superm1 WHOAH! but i have a website installed on my system.. wont that kill it?
[19:04] <superm1> neopsyche, well you didn't say that :)
[19:04] <superm1> neopsyche, the alternative then is to drop the mythconverg database
[19:04] <neopsyche> superm1: yeah.. its database driven
[19:04] <neopsyche> ok.. let me see
[19:04] <superm1> and any users that were created for accessing it
[19:04] <superm1> adaptr, turning on browsing shouldn't hurt
[19:04] <superm1> its the metadata that would hurt that time
[19:05] <adaptr> superm1: not that I'm griping to you about it, but doesn't it seem insufferably moronic to not add code that scans the entire library for changes every minute or so?
[19:05] <adaptr> superm1: heard yesterday, is not true - metadata slows down, browsing kills
[19:06] <adaptr> I do hope somebody with $clue can add that to 0.21 :)
[19:06] <superm1> adaptr, well i suppose i haven't had enough videos to ever notice troubles
[19:06] <superm1> but turning off metadata sped things up for me
[19:06] <adaptr> I have 2200 or so, and it is very noticable
[19:07] <superm1> for just a frontend to videos, elisa might make more sense for you then
[19:07] <adaptr> imagine what 'll happen when I have 10000 ?
[19:07] <adaptr> elisa ?
[19:07] <superm1> it's another project similar to myth
[19:07] <adaptr> yeah, I don't do TV stuff
[19:07] <superm1> it's in apt
[19:07] <adaptr> okay, thanks - will check that out
[19:07] <superm1> well at least its in hardy, i'm not sure on gutsy
[19:07] <adaptr> scanning the video locations with inotify is trivial, and doesn't even need a polled update
[19:08] <adaptr> I would personally have included that from 0.01
[19:08] <adaptr> onwards...
[19:08] <adaptr> well, off to watch some more ER :)
[19:17] <Assid> heya
[19:17] <Assid> i need some help with my mythtv config.. the audio keeps getting cut after a few seconds
[19:21] <adaptr> with which player ?
[19:22] <adaptr> and does the volume get turned down or does it stop outputting sound ?
[19:23] <Assid> it just umm stutters
[19:24] <Assid> no audio for like 1 second
[19:24] <adaptr> CPU load is normal ?
[19:24] <adaptr> video card is from this century ?
[19:25] <Assid> 8600gts.. quad core Q6600 cpu
[19:25] <Assid> let me disable compiz and try.. however i really doubt thats the reason
[19:25] <neopsyche> superm1: there does not appear to be a myth db on my tables
[19:26] <adaptr> it's called mythconverg
[19:26] <adaptr> and it's a *database*
[19:26] <adaptr> not a table
[19:26] <superm1> neopsyche, well if its not there yet, that's okay
[19:27] <Assid> okay.. problem arises even if compiz is off
[19:27] <superm1> just make sure there are no mythtv users ther eyet either
[19:27] <adaptr> Assid: onboard audio ?
[19:27] <neopsyche> superm1: so.. where do i start to get this right?
[19:27] <Assid> adaptr: yes
[19:27] <Assid> but i got a decent mobo
[19:27] <superm1> make sure those two directories arent around
[19:27] <superm1> that i said
[19:27] <superm1> ~/.mythtv and /home/mythtv
[19:27] <adaptr> Assid: irrelevant - what kind of audio ?
[19:27] <superm1> and then start out at www.mythbuntu.org/add-to-ubuntu
[19:27] <superm1> er http://www.mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu
[19:28] <adaptr> ...or just pop in the mythbuntu CD :)
[19:28] <Assid> lspci shows this : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)
[19:29] <neopsyche> superm1: ?
[19:29] <superm1> neopsyche, follow directly what it says
[19:29] <Assid> has support for 5.1 audio
[19:29] <superm1> that will get the majority of items installed, and then you can do everything from inside mcc
[19:29] <Assid> im using hauppage 150 - 05:02.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)
[19:31] <adaptr> Assid: yes, ICH8/9 audio - good luckkance :)
[19:32] <Assid> luckkance ?!
[19:32] <adaptr> I have realtek HDA (Intel HD audio spec), and it's automatic, and excellent ...
[19:32] <adaptr> slightly different from "riddance", but same root
[19:32] <Assid> i think it works realtek drivers
[19:32] <Assid> atleast it did on windows
[19:32] <adaptr> no.. it doesn't
[19:33] <adaptr> the Intel ICH chipset needs quite horrible (for Linux) drivers
[19:33] <adaptr> at least, the later (ICH8+) ones, with Intel HDA
[19:34] <Assid> but normal audio sounds good.. like i play some other files.. and its flawless
[19:35] <adaptr> okay.. so perhaps "normal" audio doesn't use the same interface - did you try selecting a specific interface for myth ?
[19:35] <adaptr> /dev/adsp instead of "default", for example
[19:35] <adaptr> dspa, whatever it was
[19:43] <Assid> hrmm will check it when i get back into this roomm
[19:43] <Assid> gotta vacate it now.. house repairs means i gotta sleep in a different room
=== NAiL is now known as AwayNAiL
[21:05] <afm> anyone in here good with troubleshooting serial irblaster?
=== AwayNAiL is now known as NAiL
[21:22] <emory> I'm trying to run update on a fresh mythbuntu install and it keep locking up after it fails to start mysql, no errors no nothing... any ideas?
[21:23] <emory> Is the channel dead?
[22:12] <galileo> I may be in the wrong place, so feel free to point me somewhere else. I'm trying to set up my HVR-1600 (I know... I know...) and I'm having no luck getting it to do anything at all.
[22:12] <galileo> I know the drivers are in progress; I know the ATSC won't work; I know it may not play nicely with my mythtv. I just want to see it tune a channel and show some video for my own personal satisfaction. :-)
[23:02] <wotten_> Hey guys
[23:03] <wotten_> I'm getting a partial lock when trying to tune a digital channel......
[23:03] <wotten_> how can I fix it?