UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /07 /#ubuntu-marketing.txt
Initial commit
=== bmk789_pingme is now known as bmk789_away_ping
=== johnc4511-laptop is now known as johnc4510-laptop
[05:07] <Mr__> anyone here?
[05:08] <johnc4510-laptop> Mr__: yes
[05:08] <Mr__> anyone here officially with ubuntu?
[05:08] <johnc4510-laptop> not sure
[05:08] <Mr__> i c
[05:11] <Mr__> i wonder if they will flip over my domain name
[05:13] <boredandblogging> Mr__: whats your domain name?
[05:14] <Mr__> they asked me to change the other one
[05:14] <Mr__> which i am in the middle of
[05:14] <Mr__> the new name i picked is
[05:14] <Mr__> buntfu.com
[05:15] <boredandblogging> Mr__: was the old one ourbuntu or something?
[05:15] <Mr__> yea
[05:15] <Mr__> still have a lot to do to totally switch it
[05:15] <boredandblogging> yeah
[05:21] <Mr__> soo...
[10:14] <katkin> elkbuntu: hey
[10:15] <elkbuntu> katkin, hi, in teleconf atm, can i get back to you?
[10:15] <katkin> elkbuntu: absolutely, no probs at all - just wanted to catch up about LCA and see how it went?
[11:06] <elkbuntu> katkin, i started writing a report up today, but have to find out the name of the sole volunteer that showed up to help run the booth.
[11:09] <elkbuntu> i'll email it through when i get it done :)
[11:11] <katkin> thanks
[11:11] <katkin> did you see anyone from Canonical there?
[11:21] <yama> there were several Canonical folk at LCA