UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /05 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:24] <stdin> hmm, I take it #ubuntu-modding is not an approved channel?
[00:24] <nalioth> stdin: i'm on it
[00:24] <stdin> nalioth: ok, I forget sometimes that you are all seeing/all knowing :)
[00:28] <no0tic> weedgrinch on -irc seeks approval for the creation of an #ubuntu-* channel
[00:31] <nalioth> no0tic: we see him. he's already created it, though. :)
[01:40] <ubotu> emma called the ops in #ubuntu ()
[01:41] <Jack_Sparrow> It is handled.. problem is gone
[03:04] <Helvasca> :(
[03:09] <nalioth> Helvasca: can we be of service?
[03:10] <Helvasca> I got banned from #ubuntu after a bit of stupidity about 3 weeks ago, by jumping in an saying "join #trivia" and I was wondering if anything can be done.
[03:11] <Andre_Gondim> how may i have ubuntu cloak?
[03:12] <nalioth> ubotu: tell Andre_Gondim about member
[03:12] <Andre_Gondim> I am Ubuntu Member https://launchpad.net/~andregondim
[03:15] <nalioth> Andre_Gondim: one moment pleae
[03:15] <Andre_Gondim> ok
[03:16] <nalioth> Helvasca: have fun (helping folks)
[03:16] <Helvasca> thanks nalioth I wont be so stupid next time!
[03:17] <nalioth> freenode recommends setting up your nick in this fashion: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup Andre_Gondim
[03:17] <nalioth> Andre_Gondim: please make sure your nick is set up in the above fashion :)
[03:18] <Andre_Gondim> nalioth, wait a few
[03:23] <Andre_Gondim> nalioth, now I only need reconect?
[03:23] <nalioth> Andre_Gondim: no
[03:23] <nalioth> Andre_Gondim: one step at a time :)
[03:23] <Andre_Gondim> nalioth, i recive the mail confirm me in
[03:24] <nalioth> Andre_Gondim: but you still have not set up your nick according to policy :|
[03:24] <Andre_Gondim> nalioth, what else a i need?
[03:25] <nalioth> Andre_Gondim: /msg nickserv info Andre_Gondim
[03:25] <Andre_Gondim> nalioth, i need to registers nick?
[03:25] <nalioth> Andre_Gondim: you need an alt nick linked to your primary nick and an email
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim_
=== Andre_Gondim_ is now known as Gondim
=== Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim_
=== Andre_Gondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim
[03:29] <Andre_Gondim> nalioth, I think I did everything...
[03:29] <ubotu> nickrud called the ops in #ubuntu (fireman2333 (seems to be a consensus))
[03:32] <Andre_Gondim> nalioth, anything else?
[03:33] <nalioth> Andre_Gondim: uno momento, por favor
[03:33] <ubotu> erawfish called the ops in #ubuntu (fireman23333333 ban evasion)
[03:33] <Andre_Gondim> nalioth, ok
[03:54] <ubotu> ogre called the ops in #ubuntu (erawfish)
[03:58] <jdong> cL
[03:58] <jdong> wait you're not mutt
[05:01] <konqui-89> I got banned from Ubuntu earlier and I really really really need help with my sound and my questions arent being answered on the forums... I desperately need your help so I can get this pc to my friend..
[07:38] <master_obredar> hello
[07:38] <master_obredar> damn another dead room
[07:38] <jussi01> master_obredar: how can we help today?
[07:39] <master_obredar> have prob with wine
[07:39] <master_obredar> spec diont know how to use
[07:39] <Jucato> this isn't exactly a help/support channel :)
[07:40] <jussi01> master_obredar: This isnt #ubuntu - you have probably been forwarded here
[07:40] <master_obredar> i did the download as it told me to but cant find it on my sys to try and use it
[07:41] <master_obredar> no i've tried about 12 ubuntu room and no one would even say hi
[07:41] <master_obredar> i downloaded it threw the terminal and i still cant find it in my apps list
[07:41] <jussi01> master_obredar: try typing: /join #ubuntu
[07:42] <master_obredar> where
[07:42] <Jucato> !night
[07:42] <jussi01> in the bax you type to talk to me
[07:42] <ubotu> It's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds. This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question. Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake. This is particularly true in the quieter channels.
[07:42] <master_obredar> /join#ubuntu
[07:42] <Jucato> jussi01: <master_obredar> no i've tried about 12 ubuntu room and no one would even say hi <--- I presume he's been to #ubuntu
[07:44] <master_obredar> i new with linux --ubuntu
[07:44] <master_obredar> 7.04
[07:45] <master_obredar> join#ubuntu
[07:45] <master_obredar> /join#ubuntu
[07:45] <master_obredar> i'm still here
[07:48] <jussi01> master_obredar: with the space...
[07:48] <master_obredar> / join # ubuntu
[07:49] <master_obredar> / join #ubuntu
[07:50] <master_obredar> join #ubuntu
[07:50] <Jucato> master_obredar: /join <space> #ubuntu
[07:50] <master_obredar> ty
[07:52] <jussi01> did I say something wrong? :/
[07:53] <Jucato> :P
[07:53] <Jucato> I guess it wasn't obvious to him where to put the space
[10:39] <dgjones> can somebody have a look at <P5YCH00> can u tell me what you guys think of it http://store.picbg.net/pubpic/FE/47/3da73df9d7b1fe47.jpg in #ubuntu, doesn't seem appropriate, the link is going to a male model
[10:41] <jussi01> Afternoon all..
[10:44] <jpatrick> afternoon jussi01
[10:45] <jussi01> gday jpatrick
[10:52] <ikonia> howdy
[13:31] <Hobbsee> !exploit
[13:32] <ubotu> There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit
[13:36] <Hobbsee> xchat-gnome replies as such, and not as xchat, doesn't it?
[15:02] <ubotu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[15:02] <ubotu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[15:05] <LjL> !staff | have a look at the above mass join please... they haven't parted yet, and they don't even look very much like bots
[15:05] <ubotu> have a look at the above mass join please... they haven't parted yet, and they don't even look very much like bots: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :)
[15:07] <LjL> was there a split? it was a long time ago if there was one
[15:09] <Jack_Sparrow> LjL: gary and dave2 etc see, to be the same person..
[15:09] <Jack_Sparrow> seem
[15:10] <LjL> Jack_Sparrow: ?
[15:10] <Jack_Sparrow> One sec
[15:10] <Mez> Jack_Sparrow, they have the same hostmask yes, that's cause they're staff ;)
[15:11] <LjL> it must have been a rejoin from netsplit, some of the joiners are known to me
[15:11] <Jack_Sparrow> Got it
[15:11] <LjL> but i have no idea when the netsplit was
[15:11] <LjL> jrib?
[15:11] <jrib> LjL: I was with 20 people in #ubuntu since 8am at least
[15:11] <LjL> jrib: ... wow.
[15:12] <LjL> jrib: wait, that is 14 utc?
[15:12] <jrib> two hours ago
[15:12] <LjL> ok, 14
[15:12] <Mez> LjL, and ogra was in the mass join too ...
[15:12] <LjL> nice split
[15:12] <LjL> Mez: yeah and so were other nicknames that i don't precisely know, but recognize
[15:13] <Mez> LjL, I recognised one or two
[15:13] <LjL> also i repeat myself, but i'm TIRED of seeing "yacc" in -unregged
[15:28] <LjL> [16:28:32] <Poka> Ljl uses fibre pele2. :-]
[15:28] <LjL> i don't like this. how does he know?
[15:29] <LjL> interesting hostname, and was trolling about root earlier.
[15:30] <LjL> nickname registered 24 minutes ago
[15:35] <jdong> LjL: aww you've got a stalker buddy?
[15:36] <LjL> jdong: more than one, i'm sure. but i can't connect this one to anyone. host isn't a proxy (at least from what i can tell)... nickname etc are unknown to me
[15:36] <LjL> and i think i only ever mentioned having fiber in -offtopic
[15:36] <LjL> of course, he could just /whois ljl-temp
[15:37] <LjL> but somehow i suspect that's not what he did - what with the nickname being registered 20 minutes ago
[15:37] <LjL> ah wait, ljl-temp is cloaked as well
[15:38] <jdong> that's weird
[15:39] <LjL> the other guy who was arguing "root is good" (stwange) is also on an interesting host, but the nickname's been registered for a long time
[15:42] <LjL> ikonia: i'm not *sure* he's not a troll, but anyway...
[15:42] <ikonia> LjL: I'm not certain either, but he wasn't trolling asking someone to stop saying lol every minute
[15:43] <LjL> yeah i know
[15:43] <LjL> bah, sentences he said are all too short and typo-less
[15:47] <ikonia> ?
[15:47] <LjL> ikonia: there are many different keyboard layouts, and even given one keyboard layout, people tend to repeat similar typos.
[15:52] <ikonia> ahhh
[16:25] <dbmoodb> ubuntu is starting to get really crowed do you think you should put a limit and use the overflow channel a bit more ? - say 1000 max on ubuntu
[16:27] <LjL> ?
[16:27] <LjL> the overflow channel is there for attacks
[16:27] <LjL> it's certainly not there to stop legitimate users from joining
[16:27] <dbmoodb> oh sure just thought it might get a bit crowded in ubuntu from time to time
[16:28] <LjL> well that's a problem with being popular, but making joining harder is not the solution
[16:29] <dbmoodb> .... making the joining spread is one no ?
[16:29] <dbmoodb> tis not harder just spread out
[16:30] <LjL> dbmoodb: elaborate, i don't understand the idea
[16:31] <dbmoodb> well lets say you put a limit on the number of users to lets say 800 and then you would have 400 in the overflow, allow the users from the second channel to join the first channel after they have joined the second one if they really want too that way the second one can deal with more basic problems perhaps
[16:32] <PriceChild> That's just reeeeeeeeeeally annoying?!
[16:32] <PriceChild> People join #ubuntu, they want to ask a question, they want an answer.
[16:32] <LjL> well for starters, i see no way in the irc protocol to implement that... secondly, ew.
[16:33] <dbmoodb> ah
[16:33] <PriceChild> They don't want to get told to /join #ubuntu when someone else is ready
[16:33] <LjL> after all as i always say, conversations aren't really that hard to follow, unless the user doesn't use highlights
[16:33] <LjL> (in which case you tell them to)
[16:34] <dbmoodb> how do i use highlights /
[16:34] <LjL> what stays crowded is the questions
[16:34] <LjL> dbmoodb: by having your nickname mentioned
[16:34] <dbmoodb> to follow 3 or 4 conversations at once
[16:34] <dbmoodb> which do not involve my name but i might be able to help with
[16:35] <LjL> dbmoodb: well highlight the nick of the person involved.
[16:35] <dbmoodb> .ogv
[16:35] <dbmoodb> ops wrong channel
[16:36] <dbmoodb> oh i see. i still think it would be nice to have an ubuntu juniors too - for answering basic simple questions quickly
[16:36] <LjL> that would have to be the main channel
[16:37] <LjL> or you'd just waste more time redirecting people to the "juniors" channel
[16:37] <dbmoodb> mmm perhaps if it is possible to buffer posts into a database then filter them and perform some magic and move people about virtually
[16:38] <LjL> err... it's not like we can control how the IRC network works
[16:39] <dbmoodb> well in ubuntu's version of pidgin you are using the ubuntu alias fro the freenode servers no ?
[16:39] <dbmoodb> so theoretically you can
[16:39] <Pici> Er..
[16:40] <Pici> Its still IRC, theres nothing special about it being called irc.ubuntu.com/org/whatever
[16:40] <PriceChild> dbmoodb, ok... so all we need to do is code a new kind of irc server, then hire a hundred employees to constantly be filtering these questions... then tell all our helpers to move to this new system... and done!
[16:40] <PriceChild> Pici, he's saying we could point irc.ubuntu.com to our own server rather than irc.freenode.net
[16:41] <dbmoodb> well it sounded simpler before
[16:41] <dbmoodb> no i'm saying you point it to freenode but not for the ubuntu freenod ones directly
[16:42] <dbmoodb> just have a proxy kind of thing operating - i don't know adapt some squid code for irc
[16:42] <Pici> !answers
[16:42] <ubotu> Answers to various questions can be found at http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu
[16:42] <dbmoodb> --that is a good site
[16:42] <PriceChild> dbmoodb, so we'd be filtering both questions and answers?
[16:42] <dbmoodb> no
[16:42] <PriceChild> how do you differentiate/
[16:42] <dbmoodb> the filter ?
[16:43] <stdin> how can it tell what's an answer and what's a question? and what about if you need to ask the person a question to give them an answer, would that get filtered?
[16:44] <PriceChild> stdin, i assume this is a person doing the filtering...
[16:44] <LjL> stdin: err... metabot :)
[16:44] <dbmoodb> hopefully not price
[16:45] <dbmoodb> perhaps jabber could provide a different way to do it in the future mmm?
[16:46] <LjL> we're not moving from IRC i think
[16:46] <dbmoodb> yes hence a xmpp room in addition to this could relieve some stress maybe
[16:47] * PriceChild notices bip is 11 hours out
[16:47] <LjL> ew
[16:47] <LjL> !support
[16:47] <ubotu> The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu (whether you get a response there or not). Please be aware that this channel is mainly for other discussion.
[16:47] <LjL> when was this factoid changed
[16:47] <LjL> this ought to be !support-#ubuntu-offtopic, no?
[16:48] <LjL> this used to list support options
[16:48] <PriceChild> dbmoodb, so new users have to register accounts and go through all of that to get into the room?
[16:48] <dbmoodb> no
[16:48] <PriceChild> that sounds like a step backwards
[16:48] <dbmoodb> i said xmpp not oh i know lets force users to make accounts
[16:48] <dbmoodb> ubuntu could have their own xmpp server etc.
[16:48] <PriceChild> but xmpp requires users to have their own accounts no?
[16:49] <PriceChild> whether they have gmail, jabber, or some ubuntu one
[16:49] <dbmoodb> not in all set ups if i understand it correctly and even if that is true they could just be given one for a short period based on ip
[16:50] <dbmoodb> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabber#Connecting_to_other_protocols
[16:51] <dbmoodb> night
[16:51] <PriceChild> You know... he might have something there...!
[16:51] <PriceChild> wait no... still lost
[16:53] <mneptok> we could borrow old man johnson's barn and put on a show!
[17:19] <Pici> Suggestion: fooser to be kicked/banned from #kubuntu, is bot.
=== no0tic__ is now known as no0tic
[17:20] <Pici> s/is bot/is a bot/
[17:20] <stdin> does it speak?
[17:20] <Pici> Oh, it did in #ubuntu.
[17:20] <Pici> see #K
[17:21] <Pici> or nalioth could take care of it ;)
[17:21] <stdin> I see it's also in -modding...
[17:21] <Pici> hrm.
[17:23] <nalioth> -modding . . .
[18:08] <ubotu> In ubotu, jussi01 said: !usb is For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick For a persistent live USB install, please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[18:08] <Pici> usb
[18:08] <Pici> !usb
[18:08] <ubotu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick
[18:10] <Pici> !no usb is <reply> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[18:10] <ubotu> I'll remember that Pici
[18:10] * jussi01 hugs Pici
[18:14] * jpatrick hugs ubotu
[18:14] <jussi01> do we really recomend ies4linux ?????
[18:14] <jussi01> !ies4linux
[18:14] <ubotu> ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!
[18:16] <stdin> jussi01: for web developers that need to make sure their site works with IE, yes
[18:16] <jussi01> stdin: I just dont like that script - I understand the reasoning...
[18:17] <stdin> I've never used it, so I don't know that much about how it works
[18:17] <Pici> Its just a set of scripts to install IE in wine.
[18:19] <jpatrick> looks evil
[18:19] <jussi01> it is evil
[18:19] <jpatrick> 2) Open /etc/apt/sources.list sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:19] <jpatrick> NOO
[18:20] * jussi01 feels vindicated
[18:20] <jpatrick> http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu
[18:20] <jpatrick> "Also replace gedit with kedit if running Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu.[4~"
[18:20] <jussi01> what is kedit??
[18:20] <jussi01> heh
[18:21] <nalioth> IE is an insult
[18:21] <stdin> "sudo gedit", why oh why oh why
[18:22] <TheSheep> sudo ed
[18:22] <Pici> sudo cat "text" >>
[18:22] <jussi01> ok, so can we change the factoid now?
[18:22] <jussi01> please...
[18:23] <ubotu> In ubotu, jpatrick said: !ie4linux is <reply>evil -.-
[18:23] * jussi01 whack an 's' in that
[18:23] <nalioth> evil and you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking about it
[18:25] * jdong wonders if the wording "In ubotu" should be tweaked...
[18:34] <Seveas> :)
[18:34] <jussi01> gah, I hate launchpad
[18:35] * no0tic quotes jussi01
[18:35] <jussi01> I can never make it do what I want...
[18:39] <jdong> jussi01: we should start a "I hate launchpad" team on LP
[18:39] <jdong> jussi01: I'm sure scott K would join us too :D
[18:39] <jussi01> jdong: lol, probably...
[18:40] * jussi01 is looking for a needs packaging bug to fix... something simple... :D
[18:42] <PriceChild> I have decided, I shall now be acronymanonising (yes with a "j" jdong) "fails to work" for kicks.
[18:42] <PriceChild> *with a "s"
[18:43] * jdong sees jussi01 is looking for work and pulls out his tomboy notes
[18:43] <jdong> jussi01: needs-packaging: Eclipse 3.3
[18:43] <jdong> *runs away*
[18:44] <jdong> there's only like 150 patches in the 3.2 we currently have ;-)
[18:44] <LjL> jdong: diff, merge, compile, delete line where compiler gives error, repeat the process until compile succeeds
[18:45] <LjL> it doesn't have to actually work
[18:45] <LjL> few packages do that
[18:45] <jdong> LjL: you stole that out of the Gentoo Reiser4 Patching guide without a GFDL header!
[18:45] <jdong> ;-)
[18:45] <LjL> whops :)
[18:45] <jdong> there was, oddly, a forum thread on gentoo about that
[18:46] <jussi01> PriceChild: please op me so I can kick jdong !! please!!
[18:46] <jdong> how someone just "randomly edited" a line in the reiser4 patch giving an error and dropped 5 hunks
[18:46] <PriceChild> I didn't do it.
[18:46] <jdong> ow
[18:46] <jdong> /load autorejoin.pl
[18:46] <jdong> :P
[18:46] <PriceChild> bad bad jdong!
[18:46] <jdong> PriceChild: I don't even think the irssi script works
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=== Daviey-having_a_ is now known as Daviey
[18:54] <jpatrick> +1 the anti-LP talk
[19:41] <ubotu> DRebellion called the ops in #ubuntu (stumped)
[20:03] <PriceChild> ikonia, pm please?
[20:04] <ikonia> PriceChild: always
[20:04] <ikonia> ooh
[20:04] <ikonia> sorry lag
[20:05] <PriceChild> no probs :)
[20:50] <ubotu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[20:50] <ubotu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[20:59] <ikonia> there seems to be an unusually high ammount of persistant troublesome users in #ubuntu for some reason
[21:06] <jussi01> ikonia: yeah, weird, I have had nothing but red from there
[21:07] <ikonia> jussi01: I may pop out for a while, it's crazy silly at the moment
[21:07] <jussi01> ikonia: I dont blame you
[21:08] <ikonia> much higher than average nusances
[21:08] <dhgwill> mmm, i think i can go back to #ubuntu now
[21:08] <dhgwill> i've been tested and i didn't get kicked off the network
[21:08] <dhgwill> nm
[21:08] <dhgwill> fixed by the bot
[21:09] <LjL> ... why would the bot be there in the first place
[21:09] <ikonia> in where ?
[21:14] <LjL> ikonia: -read-topic
[21:14] <ikonia> LjL: I can't see anything on the bot in there
[21:14] <ikonia> am I missing something obvious ?
[21:15] <ikonia> oooh
[21:15] <ikonia> in -read-topic
[21:15] <ikonia> sorry, I'm being stupid
[21:16] <jussi01> run!!!! its ompaul :P
[21:16] <LjL> ikonia: the guy requested an exploit test, which succeeded (after a couple of failed attempts...), but the bot tells them to "wait a minute or two" (made it easier to code).
[21:16] <LjL> i thought it was clear that meant that you should, well, wait a minute or two
[21:16] <ikonia> LjL: I-miss-read what you said, sorry forget it, it was obvious, I miss-read
[21:16] <ompaul> jussi01, run faster, my on join lag is disappearing
[21:17] <jussi01> ompaul: lol
[21:53] <ompaul> LjL, you are a bad influence
[21:53] <ompaul> LjL, very very bad influence ohh yeah
[21:53] <LjL> ompaul: i what?
[21:54] <ompaul> LjL, I just helped someone in #gentoo
[21:54] <LjL> hardly my fault is it :P
[21:54] <LjL> well i did that too once
[21:54] <ompaul> LjL, hehe
[21:55] <ompaul> LjL, I just saw someone having a bad day with NTP
[21:55] <LjL> perhaps he thought it was another day
[21:55] <LjL> (given NTP wasn't working)
[21:56] <ompaul> hahah
[21:56] <ompaul> damn geek jokes
[21:57] <LjL> yeah sorry mine aren't particularly sharp even in the context of the geek jokes category
[22:24] <PriceChild> Hello there blaker.
[22:24] <blaker> yes?
[22:24] <PriceChild> blaker, do you understand why I muted you two hours ago in #ubuntu?
[22:24] <blaker> no
[22:24] <blaker> i do not
[22:25] <blaker> it didn't really bother me, if it did i would have come right back with a new moniker and hostname...
[22:25] <jussi01> oops
[22:25] <PriceChild> So do you think that threatening to evade bans "unless you want to ban 2 million people in the *.ri.cox.net hostname pool, i will be back when i see fit"
[22:25] <PriceChild> is clever.... or do you think it would have been wise to try and discuss the situation?
[22:26] <blaker> i would actually be rather pleased if i got an entire state banned from the network
[22:26] <PriceChild> Why though?
[22:26] <PriceChild> What on earth is the point?
[22:26] <blaker> lulz
[22:27] <mc44> PriceChild: psychology of trolls is an interesting way to go mad, PriceChild ;)
[22:27] <blaker> standing up to authority and spitting in its face
[22:27] <PriceChild> blaker, I placed a mute on you rather than a kickban, because i didn't want to get rid of you. I wanted to talk about the situation.
[22:27] <PriceChild> I don't think its in anyone's interest to think of the #ubuntu ops as the "authority".
[22:28] <blaker> what's to discuss? i'm trolling in #ubuntu, occasionally looking for legitimate support, but for the most part i'm just a racist prick looking to annoy people.
[22:28] <PriceChild> When has anyone ever accused you of that?
[22:28] <blaker> i don't know
[22:29] <PriceChild> Ah, I wasn't up to date with what happenned in -offtopic.
[22:30] <blaker> what happened?
[22:30] <PriceChild> You know full well what happenned. Do you really want logs./
[22:30] <PriceChild> ?
[22:30] <blaker> i used the "n-word"
[22:30] <blaker> is that what you are referring to?
[22:32] <PriceChild> No, rather what else you said in that sentence.
[22:32] <PriceChild> blaker, I have no idea why you are doing what you are doing.
[22:32] <PriceChild> I am sure that you must have better things to be doing.
[22:32] <LjL> heck
[22:32] <LjL> didn't y'all know it's the "make a troll happy" day today?
[22:33] <LjL> keep up to date
[22:33] <mc44> hah
[22:33] <mc44> no one likes rhode Island anyway ;)
[22:33] * PriceChild watches #ubuntu
[22:33] <LjL> mc44: no one likes the UK for that matter
[22:33] <mc44> :(
[22:33] <PriceChild> meh there's only a couple ri,ri,cox.net in there and one of them has crack in their name
[22:34] <PriceChild> <blaker> i may be back in #ubuntu later with a few bots =]
[22:34] <LjL> PriceChild: a couple?
[22:35] <PriceChild> ok didn't check properly
[22:43] <LjL> PriceChild: anyway his host might be less dynamic than he wants us to believe
[22:44] <PriceChild> haven't seen any ri's
[22:45] <PriceChild> he's still online anyway
[22:49] <PriceChild> LjL, fireman?
[22:50] <LjL> uh... that's not ri
[22:50] <PriceChild> i know but its wierd
[22:50] <PriceChild> and blaker's still on
[23:41] <konqui-89> Hi, I understand the mishap we had earlier probably sounds incredibly disrespectful and juvinile but I beg you to please forgive me, as I promise I will not bring up off-topic conversations anymore. I have no problem with obeying channel policies, I just felt a bit "trolled" upon at the time. But I honestly understand that distrobution-specific channels cannot have random people coming asking questions about other distros... that
[23:41] <konqui-89> would be extremely chaotic.
[23:42] <konqui-89> Could you please grant me access into the ubuntu channel again? As I am persuing business OJT with linux(specifically ubuntu) and I need to learn how to fix problems that arise.
[23:43] <PriceChild> Which channel konqui-89?
[23:43] <konqui-89> ^thats a huge reason I was so upset about my ban from a great source of support
[23:43] <konqui-89> #ubuntu
[23:44] <PriceChild> aha now I remember you
[23:45] <konqui-89> Thats probably a bad thing.
[23:47] <konqui-89> What are the chances of my re-entry to ubuntu?
[23:47] <PriceChild> konqui-89, Do you use any other nicknames on irc?
[23:48] <konqui-89> I was probably using Pandab34R or PandabeaR
[23:48] <PriceChild> Ok.
[23:52] <PriceChild> one minute more sorry
[23:53] <konqui-89> Its ok
[23:53] <Seveas> PriceChild, he's not coming back yet
[23:53] <Seveas> PriceChild, and likely not for a while
[23:54] <PriceChild> !guidelines | konqui-89 (I suggest you read these some time)
[23:54] <ubotu> konqui-89 (I suggest you read these some time): The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[23:54] <konqui-89> Thanks man, really appreciate it. Finally get this sound under control :)
[23:54] <PriceChild> konqui-89, I haven't removed the ban.
[23:55] <konqui-89> My mistake. I thought you had.
[23:56] <konqui-89> Seveas, may I ask why I wont be back for a while - likely?
[23:57] <Seveas> we don't appreciate if people insult others after being generally unhelpful, disrespectful and offtopic
[23:58] <Seveas> and since you've done all 4, we don't appreciate you :)