UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /05 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
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[00:34] <lime4x4> ok what do u do to find the right screen resolution for a tv? Everything i've seen so far suggest that i should be using 1920x1080 but it's too big for my screen
[00:37] <directhex> lime4x4, what's your tv?
[00:37] <lime4x4> a 51 inch widescreen i'm using the dvi connection
[00:38] <directhex> brand & model?
[00:39] <lime4x4> hitachi 51f500
[00:42] <directhex> bloody rear projection
[00:42] <lime4x4> yeah but it still has a great picture yet. Don't feel like buying another tv
[00:44] <lime4x4> with hdmi inputs
[00:45] <directhex> i'm seeing suggestions that it has a native res of 720p
[00:46] <lime4x4> 1080i (HDTV) ? 720p (HDTV) ? 480p (EDTV) ? 480i (SDTV) ? 540p
[00:46] <directhex> 1280x720
[00:48] <lime4x4> i will try that and c what happens
[00:52] <lime4x4> well that didn't work. my desktop gets bigger and i can actually read it when i open a window but it's still way to big yet
[00:54] <directhex> define "way too big". it's normal behaviour to lose 5% of your border
[00:55] <lime4x4> well when i'm on the desktop i don't have the top or bottom panel
[00:56] <lime4x4> and when i'm watching tv the tops of people's head's are cut off
[00:58] <lime4x4> just my luck to finally get a system together setup that it works and now i have a finicky tv...lol
[00:58] <directhex> overscan is normal, but can be adjusted in myth. don't ask me how though, my tv doesn't overscan
[01:00] <lime4x4> must be nice....lol
[01:01] <lime4x4> well i guess i'll go over to the mythtv-users room and c if they have any good advice
=== jgerhardt is now known as Lossif
[03:01] <hansoffate> Hi, Anyone here know about setting up an STB?
[03:50] <sshirley> after installing mythbuntu, do i have to create the user mythtv myself?
[03:58] <sshirley> i'm not sure if this is a linux, mythbuntu, or strictly myth question, but can anyone guess as to why my box is not saving my video driver or network configuration?
[04:01] <hansoffate> sshirley: no, it should work out of the box
[04:02] <sshirley> if i go under 'users and groups', 'mythtv' is not there
[04:03] <sshirley> also, everytime that i boot up, it asks me to identify my card
[04:03] <sshirley> video card
[04:03] <sshirley> 'could not be detected'
[04:04] <sshirley> i am using an ATI Radeon 2600 HD PRO. I want to use the fglx (??) driver, but it defaults to vesa.
[04:07] <sshirley> when myth (mythbuntu) boots up, i get a 'cannot to backend' error. i set both the backend and frontend to (both same machine)
[04:18] <sshirley> I just noticed that in the mythbuntu control center, there is a standalone mythtv session started upon boot. it is set to my user (sshirley). should it be set to mythtv (or is it mythuser)?
[04:30] <sshirley> ok....mythbackewnd isn't running because /home/mythrecordings is not writeable by the current user. /home/mythrecordings has the same permissions as /var/lib/myth/records (the default during installation). the current user i believe is sshirley. i would think that mythbuntu would have created the user mythtv
[05:59] <quirk__> Anyone there that can help? I cannot seem to connect to my mysql database with the mythtv backend
[07:33] <hansoffate> hello
[07:50] <Tuv0k> mythtv-status
[07:50] <Tuv0k> Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /usr/bin/mythtv-status line 423.
[07:50] <Tuv0k> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/bin/mythtv-status line 424.
[07:56] <Tuv0k> nvm
[11:47] <aglet> Hi - I've a question about the weekly -fixes build for mythbuntu...
[11:50] <aglet> I've been using the weekly builds (the fixes branch) repo for months without any problems. However, today, it wanted to upgrade to 0.20.99+trunk15758 which looks wrong to me.
[11:50] <aglet> Does anyone know whether that's intentional ?
[15:15] <Blain> Has anyone got the Gyration MCE remote to work completly with mythbuntu?
[15:20] <MythbuntuGuest10> Could some one tell me what the command is to initialize vcn
[15:22] <rhpot1991_laptop> MythbuntuGuest10: you can do it via MCC, or are you talking for a client?
[15:24] <MythbuntuGuest10> Actually I am not real sure. I have set it up before with the help of Dr_willis on here. He had me run a simple progrom in terminal that configured everything.
[15:26] <rhpot1991_laptop> so is the vnc server running or no?
[15:27] <MythbuntuGuest10> I have vnc4server installed.
[15:28] <rhpot1991_laptop> ok, then you are looking for how to connect to it then?
[15:30] <MythbuntuGuest10> I think I just need to run something like vncviewer media-center:0 from another machine. last time I set it up I had to do some configuration in the terminal on the media center before it would work.
[15:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> vncviewer
[15:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> replace your ip
[15:32] <MythbuntuGuest10> ok thanks I will give that a try when I get home. thanks for your help.
[15:32] <rhpot1991_laptop> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC
[15:32] <rhpot1991_laptop> bookmark that or something
[15:33] <MythbuntuGuest10> will do thanks.
[15:33] <rhpot1991_laptop> tgm4883: you ever see dvd's that are copied via mythtv or other methods that have css errors when you try to play back the iso?
[15:34] <tgm4883> no
[15:35] <Blain> Has anyone got the Gyration MCE remote to work completly with mythbuntu?
[15:35] <tgm4883> where are you seeing the error?
[15:35] <rhpot1991_laptop> mythfrontend log
[15:35] <rhpot1991_laptop> let me find an example
[15:35] <tgm4883> does the dvd stop playing?
[15:37] <rhpot1991_laptop> takes forever to launch the menu, and on one it hangs when I go to play a song from it (its a concert), and the other get all corrupted video when I go to play it
[15:38] <tgm4883> hmm
[15:38] <tgm4883> error message?
[15:38] <rhpot1991_laptop> working on it
[15:38] <rhpot1991_laptop> !pastebin
[15:38] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)
[15:38] <tgm4883> k
[15:39] <tgm4883> is the concert a big time pressed disk?
[15:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> not sure, how do I tell?
[15:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54859/
[15:40] <tgm4883> well i'm just asking if it's like a local concert burned disk or a pressed disk
[15:40] <rhpot1991_laptop> thats from the concert, launches hangs on the one VOB forever, then I choose a submenu (works fine), choose a song, and then it just hangs till I killed it
[15:40] <rhpot1991_laptop> pressed disc
[15:40] <rhpot1991_laptop> something you would buy or rent
[15:40] <tgm4883> strange
[15:41] <tgm4883> i've never seen this happen before
[15:41] <tgm4883> try ripping with a different drive
[15:41] <rhpot1991_laptop> the other one that gets corrupted video is an old excersize video I was trying to get on there for my wife, so I'm not surprised that had problems (though others in the series don't)
[15:41] <tgm4883> maybe it is a bad drive
[15:41] <rhpot1991_laptop> I'll try that and see
[16:14] <aglet> Does anyone know why the 0.20.2-fixes weekly build appears to be tracking trunk ?
[16:36] <aglet> I'll take the overwhelming silence as a no then
[16:48] <superm1> aglet, looks like a mistake
[16:48] <superm1> aglet, i'll clean that up
[16:49] <superm1> thanks for reporting it
[16:49] <aglet> Cheers :)
[16:49] <aglet> I'm all for staying on the bleeding edge but I'd rather know about it before I do ;)
[16:49] <superm1> can you comment on the forums
[16:49] <superm1> it looks like you opened a a post there
[16:49] <aglet> Will do
[16:49] <superm1> just mention that its a mistake
[16:49] <superm1> i'll push the fixes again manually this time
[16:52] <aglet> Have updated the post. Thanks again !
[17:13] <Lossif> is there a good tut for mythstream out there?
[17:14] <Lossif> I am having the hardest time trying to get "podcasts" to play on it...
[17:14] <Lossif> or actually videocasts
[17:19] <Lossif> Or I guess the better question would be to ask , is there a good way to grab podcasts with myth?
[17:41] <hansoffate> Hi, can anyone here help me setup a STB?
[17:54] <Tuv0k> Bug 183683
[17:54] <Tuv0k> superm1, "won't fix"?
[17:54] <superm1> upstream decided
[17:54] <superm1> click on the upstream bug
[17:55] <unagi> how do i completely remove mythbuntu?
[17:55] <[nrx]> unagi: format your hard drive?
[17:56] <unagi> yea, no thanks
[17:56] <Tuv0k> just like any other app
[17:56] <superm1> its all in apt
[17:56] <superm1> mythbuntu-*
[17:56] <superm1> and mythtv-&
[17:56] <superm1> and mythtv-*
[17:56] <[nrx]> oh
[17:56] <[nrx]> sorry :)
[17:56] <unagi> ooooooh i didnt think about mythbuntu-*
[17:56] <unagi> ty =)
[17:57] <unagi> ill probably try again tonight, ive finally gotten ubuntu to see the tv tuner, so thats progress
[18:03] <[nrx]> where does mythtv keep it's list of frequencies?
=== Daviey is now known as Daviey-having_a_
=== Daviey-having_a_ is now known as Daviey
[20:38] <rhp> Hi all. I am experiencing crashes of mythfrontend when I try to export recordings to DVD. Also selecting the different steps is quite slow, but after "Create DVD" the mythfrontend window disappears. I do not see any logging that could indicate problems. Ideas?
[21:28] <bkr> hello all
[21:28] <bkr> having issues getting my machine to act as a backend properly
[21:28] <bkr> where do I edit the config for the machine to id the backend server?
[21:35] <bkr> anyone out there?
[23:27] <nettow0822> I just did a kernel upgrade through updates and the backend won't start
[23:44] <bobbob1016> I just got MythTV working, after some mysql issues, and now when I go to "Watch TV" it says the TV tuner is already being used to record something, I can go to recordings and watch it from there, or delete it, and it isn't recording anything, since I just got Myth setup. I think it might be because I installed ivtv-utils when I was trying to watch TV, but I uninstalled it, and I still get this message. Any ideas?