UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /05 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[06:43] <dholbach> good morning
=== Mithrand1r is now known as Mithrandir
[11:31] <dholbach> Mithrandir, StevenK: you're aware of bug 188130, bug 186817, bug 185669, bug 188828, bug 186843?
[11:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188130 in moblin-image-creator "Update moblin-image-creator to 0.39" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188130
[11:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 186817 in osso-af-settings "incorrect value defined for desktopentrydir in osso-af-settings.pc.in" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186817
[11:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185669 in cheese "Update hildon UI patch for cheese 2.21.5" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185669
[11:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 186843 in moblin-ui-framework "drag events not being propagated to home applets correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186843
[11:34] <Mithrandir> dholbach: I wasn't, but thanks.
=== jonnnylamb is now known as jonnylamb
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[15:35] <smagoun> Has anyone looked at the latest version of liferea in hardy (1.4.11-1ubuntu2)? Does it completely obsolete frothing?
[15:35] <smagoun> tremolux: ^^^^
[15:40] <tremolux_> smagoun: We should check with StevenK . My understanding is that he packaged Ian's Frothing and that is what is in Hardy.
[15:41] <tremolux_> smagoun: I tested the earlier version that StevenK sent to me, not the one in Hardy
[15:42] <smagoun> tremolux_: the latest version of liferea conflicts with frothing (overlapping files) so I'd like to shoot frothing
[15:42] <smagoun> ...but only if it makes sense
[15:43] <tremolux_> smagoun: Hmm, Frothing is the hildonized Liferea.
[15:43] <smagoun> yes, I know...
[15:44] <tremolux_> We need to move the hildon code into Liferea
[15:45] <smagoun> yes, I'm asking if anyone knows whether that's happened.
[15:47] <tremolux_> smagoun: I don't know for sure. I'll check it
[15:47] <smagoun> thanks
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
[18:12] <smagoun_> Mithrandir: I have a new Moblin Image Creator (0.40) to push to Hardy. Will that cause trouble for the UME nightly build?
[18:19] <Mithrandir> smagoun_: assuming it works, it shouldn't be a problem.
[18:20] <smagoun_> Mithrandir: ok, thanks. I ask because the fsets changed at some point - we need mccaslin-lpia-hardy-ppa instead of mccaslin-lpia, for example.
[18:21] <Mithrandir> uh-hu. That needs updating, then.
[18:22] <smagoun_> Is that something I can do?
[18:31] <GrueMaster> Question: Why are we removing fsets that are still being updated (gutsy-PPA)?
[18:40] <smagoun_> GrueMaster: the gutsy PPA is no longer being updated. The most recent update was 2008-01-24, and to my knowledge everyone's concentrating on Hardy now.
[18:50] <GrueMaster> Funny, openoffice was updated on there today.
[18:51] <GrueMaster> Still, there are users/customers that are stuck on gutsy, and gutsy itsself is frozen for the most part.
[18:51] <smagoun_> GrueMaster: That PPA is used for both Gutsy and Hardy builds; OpenOffice was pushed to the Hardy part of the PPA
[18:52] <GrueMaster> Ok, what about the linux-modules for 2.6.22?
[18:53] <smagoun_> I see a linux-ubuntu-modules pushed on 2008-01-21: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive
[18:57] <GrueMaster> Do I need to do a complete file search and list the latest updates? The point is, we have customers still using this, so why is support being dropped from image creator?
[18:57] <GrueMaster> All it does is keep image creator from running if you have projects open that use these platforms.
[18:59] <agoliveira> GrueMaster: I was the guilty for pushing OO there :)
[19:01] <smagoun_> GrueMaster: check the moblin-dev list - HappyCamp just responded to your mail.
[19:01] <GrueMaster> agoliveira: Missing the point. I'm trying to find out why support for gutsy-ppa was summarily dropped from image-creator.
[19:02] <HappyCamp> GrueMaster, I explained in the email
[19:02] <HappyCamp> The only reason I added it was for flash support. And we only had PPA support for less than two weeks.
[19:02] <agoliveira> GrueMaster: Oh, sorry. My conection dropped a few minutes ago and I guess I missed a part of the discussion.
[19:03] <GrueMaster> So, ubuntu-gutsy main is getting the psb driver updates?
[19:03] <HappyCamp> GrueMaster, no idea, though doubtful
[19:03] <GrueMaster> Well, they're in ppa.
[19:04] <HappyCamp> Well we (moblin.org) aren't using the gutsy PPA. We do have Hardy PPA platforms.
[19:04] <smagoun_> GrueMaster: no, main won't get driver updates. If you want gusty+PSB you can get the drivers from moblin
[19:04] <HappyCamp> If you really want it then you need to convince rustyl
[19:05] <GrueMaster> So, how are you building the latest gutsy images with psb support?
[19:05] <HappyCamp> I am assuming we use menlow-lpia or mccaslin-lpia
[19:10] <GrueMaster> I think my main frustration is that I have to maintain daily snapshots for various developers, and when several snapshot projects that are in use are based on a platform that is summarily dropped, image creator should not fail to continue working. I understand if no more gutsy updates are going into ppa, but does that mean that image creator should break as a result of that?
[19:11] <GrueMaster> As part of my daily snapshot maintenance, I also have to update image-creator via git. Otherwise I would have left it static.
[19:11] <HappyCamp> GrueMaster, at the moment I don't have any plans to put it back in. But you can look back in the version and restore what was taken out.
[19:12] <GrueMaster> So you're saying I should fork image-creator?
[19:12] <HappyCamp> I am surprised that you started using it so quickly and in such a short time became dependent on that platform to be there. For Gutsy we want people to use moblin.org
[19:12] <HappyCamp> The hardy targets are Ubuntu only and do NOT pull from moblin.org
[19:13] <HappyCamp> GrueMaster, You can fork it if you desire, but at the moment I don't plan to put it back in. From what I know we don't need PPA, since we have the stuff on Moblin.org
[19:14] <HappyCamp> So gutsy ppa seems to be redundant/unneccesary, at least that is the impression I have gotten from robr and rustyl
[19:15] <robr> HappyCamp / GrueMaster : it was decided at the sprint last week that we would use moblin and hardy ppa only . Moblin is still gutsty based for the immediate future.
[19:28] <GrueMaster> I just checked, and the daily ubuntu-gutsy images from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/moblin/gutsy/menlow_full use the ppa repository. Since they do not provide project files with these images, I need to recreate build environments here using menlow-lpia-ubuntu-gutsy-ppa. This is where my problem lies. If the menlow-lpia platform were to include um-ppa-gutsy.list then my problem would be solved. Until then, I am stuck with either maintaining a f
[19:29] <GrueMaster> This is based on today's image at the above location.
[19:44] <tremolux> smagoun: the latest version of liferea in hardy (1.4.11-1ubuntu2) does indeed have all of the Frothing hildon patches, done by StevenK. This obsoletes Frothing.
[19:44] <smagoun> tremolux: great, thanks
[19:44] <amitk> GrueMaster: I am guessing you aren't looking for driver updates on gutsy, only for a fset to be restored. In which case HappyCamp is in control.
[19:45] <amitk> GrueMaster: For my part, I _don't_ intend to push any driver updates for 2.6.22 from moblin into the Gutsy PPA