UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /05 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[00:35] <frank23> in which branch is the most recent kubuntu documentation? ubuntu-hardy/kubuntu or kubuntu-hardy/kubuntu ? what's the difference betweeen the 2?
[00:49] <nixternal> kubuntu-hardy/kubuntu
[00:49] <nixternal> but nothing has been updated just yet
[00:50] <nixternal> we are waiting for GUI freeze so we can start the editing
[00:53] <frank23> That's what I figured. I was just trying to figure out bzr and building the documentation
[00:54] <frank23> I can build the kubuntu docs in the ubuntu-hardy branch but not in the kubuntu-hardy branch
[00:54] <nixternal> if you cd into the kubuntu directory, you should be able to easily run make in that directory
[00:54] <nixternal> I haven't tried building them in kubuntu-hardy, I may have to pull in some extra libs yet
[00:55] <nixternal> though, I thought I pulled in all of the necessary libs..I will have to check
[00:55] <nixternal> haven't had much doc time here recently
[00:55] <frank23> yeah I think there are things missing
[00:59] <nixternal> OK, thanks for bringing that up..I will go through and look in a little bit at what might be missing
[01:00] <frank23> ok
[01:01] <frank23> will there be separate documentation for kde3 and kde4 in hardy?
[01:02] <nixternal> ok, I am test building it now to see where it break
[01:02] <nixternal> for hardy we will have a little bit of KDE 4 docs
[01:02] <nixternal> our main push will obviously be for hard+1
[01:02] <nixternal> frank23: trying running: make all
[01:03] <nixternal> it is building fine for me, the kubuntu-hardy branch
[01:03] <frank23> xsl:import : unable to load ubuntu/libs/ubuntu-banner.xsl
[01:04] <nixternal> what branch do you have checked out?
[01:04] <frank23> there is no ubuntu directory in the kubuntu-hardy branch
[01:04] <nixternal> we wouldn't use ubuntu-banner.xsl anyways
[01:05] <frank23> It's http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/kubuntu-hardy
[01:05] <nixternal> we use kubuntu-banner.xsl which is located in kubuntu/libs
[01:07] <frank23> I started with the http://calcium.ubuntu.com/~mdke/ubuntu-doc-initial.tar.bz2 then checked out kubuntu-hardy from the local shared repository then
[01:07] <frank23> then branched a working copy kubuntu-hardy.frank1
[01:08] <frank23> then frank@monster:~/ubuntu-bzr/ubuntu-doc/kubuntu-hardy.frank1$ bzr merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/kubuntu-hardy
[01:08] <frank23> then commited that
[01:08] <nixternal> that is interesting
[01:08] <nixternal> something weird happened with your merge
[01:08] <frank23> I don't know bzr well at all
[01:09] <nixternal> obviously I don't either...I say at I am r3630 when there are obviously 3632 revisions
[01:09] <nixternal> guess bzr up doesn't work like I am used to
[01:09] <frank23> heh
[01:10] <nixternal> now we are at r3632
[01:10] <nixternal> let me try this again
[01:11] <nixternal> stupid bzr has to many ways to do the same thing
[01:11] <frank23> oh its working now
[01:12] <frank23> i ran make within the kubuntu subdirectory
[01:12] <nixternal> I was still able to build it fine with the latest checkout
[01:12] <nixternal> make all
[01:12] <nixternal> that is what you want to run with the Makefile
[01:13] <frank23> maybe the problem is with my makefile in the root directory of the kubuntu-hardy branch
[01:14] <nixternal> kubuntu-hardy/kubuntu
[01:14] <nixternal> ya, the makefile in the root directory is probably pretty banged up, and I don't think should be there actually
[01:14] <nixternal> it was used to build all of the docs at once for the website
[01:14] <frank23> I was trying to run make from kubuntu-hardy
[01:15] <frank23> that's probably all it was
[01:15] <nixternal> it is, because that make also tries to build Ubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubuntu documentation
[01:15] <frank23> yep
[01:15] <nixternal> I will hack that really quick
[01:17] <frank23> Anyways I'd be interested in at least proofreading the kubuntu docs for hardy once they get going. I had worked a bit on the kubuntu dapper docs
[01:17] <nixternal> try and update your checkout, it should be fixed up now
[01:17] <nixternal> if it doesn't update right away, give it a few minutes and try again
[01:17] <nixternal> bzr is silly slow like that for some reason, or at least used to be
[01:18] <nixternal> 3634. By Richard A. Johnson <nixternal@kubuntu.org> 1 minute ago
[01:18] <nixternal> don't need this makefile anymore
[01:18] <nixternal> showing it on LP, so I am guessing it works quick now
[01:18] <frank23> ok i got the changes
[01:19] <nixternal> now the Makefiles should be in kubuntu/
[01:19] <nixternal> s/Makefiles/Makefile
[01:19] <frank23> ok
[01:23] <frank23> is kubuntu-kde4 just a copy of kubuntu right now?
[01:26] <nixternal> right now it is
[01:26] <nixternal> you planning on helping us out with some Kubuntu docs?
[01:27] <frank23> I could help some I think. not sure how much time I'll have
[01:27] <nixternal> I was going to say, I need to go through and create a TODO list pretty soon
[01:27] <nixternal> it could be small, or it could be large
[01:27] * nixternal hopes for small
[01:27] <nixternal> my doc time is limited big time now by development time
[01:28] <nixternal> jenda: you still alive man? I haven't talked to you in ages
[01:28] * nixternal throughs jono a Michael Jackson CD! That is real rock-n-roll man...
[01:28] * nixternal pukes
[06:29] <Liz> rebooting brb
[08:28] <cwo_plin_plan_pG> nnj
=== xara_ is now known as Liz
[19:46] <ubotu> New bug: #57831 in kdeadmin (main) "KDE Network Settings docs broken" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57831