UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /05 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[02:40] <troy_s> kwwii: Yikes
[02:40] <troy_s> kwwii: You are using Hardy apparently -- bzr no workie on the pull down!
[02:48] <troy_s> kwwii: if you can figure out how to resolve it, let me know. I want to pull a branch.
[02:50] <_MMA_> troy_s: Open backports and grab the 1.0 bzr package.
[02:51] <troy_s> _MMA_: Ok stupid question... where the hell is backports?
[02:53] <_MMA_> troy_s: Synaptic->Settings->Repos->"Updates" tab.
[02:53] <_MMA_> 4th check box down.
[02:54] <_MMA_> Or uncomment it in your sources.list. I wouldnt leave it open though.
[02:54] <troy_s> _MMA_: Yet more reasons to love FOSS -- you learn things daily. Always knew about backports, never really pulled them I guess.
[02:54] <troy_s> _MMA_: Breaks stuffs?
[02:56] <_MMA_> Well, for me, if F'ed a new BZR branch I did. Now like you, everyone needs to use the backported BZR to upload to my branch.
[02:56] <_MMA_> s/if/it
[02:56] <_MMA_> But yeah. Best to grab what you need only.
[04:13] <troy_s> _MMA_: What do you think of the Fela Kuti wallpaper?
[04:13] <troy_s> _MMA_: It's pretty bloody well crafted.
[04:15] <_MMA_> Yeah. I grabbed it. Im using Who's on all my desktops now though. :P Just something about it.
=== _MMA1 is now known as _MMA_
[17:12] <kwwii> I just added a search icon to https://code.launchpad.net/~kwwii/human-panel-icons/trunk
[20:51] <troy_s> kwwii: Grr.
[20:51] <troy_s> kwwii: I wonder if I pull the branch using the newer bzr and revert to the older one if that would fix the issue
[20:52] <troy_s> kwwii: Or if it will be boned after you pull the original bzr version then push using the newer one.
[20:52] <_MMA_> No. It depends on what version was used to create the branch.
[20:52] <troy_s> kwwii: Also, the directionality of the wave emissions is very close to the sound icon. I was going to try and make a blob emanating from the center with a more circular full set for wifi.
[20:53] <_MMA_> You would have to pull the info, nuke the branch and re-up it with the old bzr version.
[20:53] <troy_s> _MMA_: So if I pull a branch using the new version, revert my bzr, destroy the .bzr and re-push a branch
[20:53] <troy_s> _MMA_: I think that might work.
[20:53] <troy_s> (as in a full bzr init, bzr add, bzr commit, bzr push)
[20:53] <_MMA_> It should.
[20:53] <_MMA_> (so I was told)
[20:59] <kwwii> wow, what is the issue?
[20:59] <kwwii> sounds pretty devastating
[21:00] <kwwii> troy_s: yeah, I was thinking that the waves are too much alike
[21:00] <_MMA_> kwwii: Your initial branch of the icons were done with a version of BZR incompatiable on some levels with the current release version of bzr found in Gutsy.
[21:01] <kwwii> _MMA_: hrm, I am running gutsy
[21:01] <_MMA_> Then you did like I did and grabbed a update from backports.
[21:01] <_MMA_> Look at the version of bzr you're running.
[21:02] <kwwii> Bazaar (bzr) 1.0.0
[21:02] <_MMA_> kwwii: Do: bzr version
[21:02] <_MMA_> Yep. You grabbed the backport update.
[21:03] <kwwii> freaky, I did not know that there was an issue with which version of bzr you had
[21:04] <troy_s> kwwii: You must have bumped up bzr.
[21:04] <troy_s> kwwii: If you are running gutsy
[21:04] <troy_s> kwwii: Remove backports from the list and do a full remove / purge of bzr
[21:04] <troy_s> kwwii: Then re-add it with backports disabled.
[21:05] <troy_s> kwwii: It is sort of what I was getting at -- pull the branch as it is now current -- revert my bzr, strip the .bzr dir out, re-initialize and commit the new branch.
[21:05] <troy_s> kwwii: But that would mean that you would need to continue work on the .90 implemented branch.
[21:06] <troy_s> kwwii: Nice to see the asstastic power button icon is getting into trouble (as it should have been canned ages ago -- your icon is about as good as I have seen yet)
[21:06] <kwwii> what is default in hardy?
[21:06] <kwwii> hehe, thanks
[21:06] <kwwii> feel free to make any improvements you feel necessary, btrw
[21:06] <kwwii> btw
[21:07] <_MMA_> 1.0 is in hardy.
[21:07] <_MMA_> Messed up thing for me is they didnt backport everything.
[21:07] <_MMA_> Like bzr-buildpackage.
[21:08] <troy_s> kwwii: I'd like to get going on some... first... I think we need to resolve the bzr issue.
[21:08] <troy_s> kwwii: Any chance you can revert your bzr so as to not cause issues on your end?
[21:09] <troy_s> kwwii: If yes... I'll get an updated branch and fix it all.
[21:09] <troy_s> kwwii: But first a shower. Gotta love force majure.
[21:12] <troy_s> Nice stuff here for those of a certain mindset... http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/37963/43588
[21:21] <kwwii> ok, so now I am at Bazaar (bzr) 0.90.0
[21:21] <kwwii> how do I get rid of the old stuff on launchpad?
[21:22] <_MMA_> kwwii: As long as your data on you machine you can kill the .bzr folder in that folder.
[21:22] <_MMA_> Im unsure how to kill the branch. Troy knows.
[21:22] <kwwii> _MMA_: I did a re-init of the dir after removing the .bzr dir
[21:22] <_MMA_> ok
[21:22] <kwwii> all I need to do is to push the new trunk in place of the old one
[21:23] <_MMA_> Sayz you. Ok. :)
[21:23] * _MMA_ has no experience actually doing it.
[21:25] <troy_s> kwwii: The best thing I can think of is just that
[21:25] <troy_s> kwwii: Just rm the .bzr, re-init, add, commit, push.
[21:25] <troy_s> kwwii: And change the 'trunk' focus to your new branch
[21:25] <troy_s> relatively easy or at least should be.
[21:26] <troy_s> (the last step being inside of launchpad)
[21:31] <kwwii> bzr: ERROR: Unknown branch format: 'Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)\n'
[21:31] <maccam-desktop> kwwii: grr, i'm reading through the logs/the launchpad page, and i can't tell: is the new theme design definitely pushed back to Hardy+1?
[21:32] <kwwii> maccam-desktop: the raically new theme will come later, yes
[21:32] <kwwii> we are changing things
[21:33] <maccam-desktop> kwwii: ok. you should change the hardy-theme blueprint overview to make this clear, or make it deferred or something... i couldn't tell if the decision was official/final or not because of that
[21:34] <kwwii> troy_s: https://code.launchpad.net/~kwwii/human-panel-icons/main
[21:34] <kwwii> I did change the blueprint irrc
[21:34] <kwwii> at least I think I did
[21:34] <kwwii> :-)
[21:35] <maccam-desktop> kwwii: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardy-theme
[21:37] <kwwii> yeah, I missed the overview part
[21:38] <kwwii> but I did change the text itself :p
[21:38] <kwwii> now it is changed
[21:38] <kwwii> troy_s: let me know if that branch works
[21:43] <_MMA_> kwwii: Who replied to you.
[21:43] <_MMA_> "Who" as in the artist. :P
[21:44] <kwwii> _MMA_: I know Who (you are talking about) :p
[21:44] <kwwii> I also replied back right at him
[21:44] <_MMA_> Ok. I just wanted to avoid a whole Abbott and Costello thing. :P
[21:46] <maccam-desktop> kwwii: by adding "This is the first step in that direction"? This is the theme spec for 8.04, not a general artwork spec :-\ I think it should say something like "The theme of Ubuntu 8.04 will be an improved version of the existing Human theme. The visual refresh has been deferred to Hardy+1".
[21:46] <maccam-desktop> just my $0.02
[21:47] <maccam-desktop> i'll stop bugging you now, i'm certain you're busy with much more important tasks
[22:39] <troy_s> kwwii: Woop. +1. Repo works.
[22:39] <troy_s> kwwii: The colour icons are far surpassed by the monochromatic ones by a long shot.
[22:41] <kwwii> cool
[22:42] <kwwii> I think that the simplicity of them should make it easier for others to contribute
[22:44] <kwwii> I am off to bed, night all
[22:45] <_MMA_> night
[22:59] <troy_s> kwwii: Damn you
[22:59] <troy_s> kwwii: one second
[23:00] <troy_s> kwwii: 1) nuke the other branch now :)
[23:00] <troy_s> 2) give me a second... i added three.
[23:32] <somerville32> :)