UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /04 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <mhb> nixternal: why does your football have so many pauses?
[00:01] <mhb> :o)
[00:02] <dasKreech> So they can take a regulation time game and insert as many ads as they like into it over 6 hours
[00:03] <mhb> six hours?
[00:03] <mhb> wow.
[00:04] <dasKreech> What with timeouts and overtimes and stoppages
[00:04] <dasKreech> It sure feels like it:)
[00:06] <dasKreech> Like the longest hour in the world is the last 6 minutes of a NBA final
[00:12] <mhb> you know, this superbowl is really crazy
[00:12] <mhb> when it comes to ads
[00:13] * ryanakca nods and isn't watching it :)
[00:13] <mhb> what I fail to understand is, that there are people in the Czech Republic ( nobody here plays this game,really ) and call into the studio about why there aren't any ads in our version
[00:13] <mhb> it's 01:13 am by the way.
[00:14] <mhb> the people in a country that never liked this sport actually want to see the ads!
[00:15] <ryanakca> mhb: why would you want to see the adds?
[00:15] <dasKreech> I thought the point of the super bowl was ads
[00:15] <ryanakca> s/adds/ads/
[00:15] <dasKreech> I don't even know who is playing in it but I know who is running ads
[00:16] * ryanakca finds football a rather pointless sport to watch... while (timeleft != 0) {start; position += 1; stop;}
[00:16] <mhb> ryanakca: I really don't know
[00:16] <mhb> ryanakca: I guess it's the sign of the completely loony society
[00:17] <mhb> ryanakca: when you get something (the sport) without ads (because we're in Europe I guess) and people actually demand the ads
[00:18] * ryanakca scratches his head and goes to get a glass of water
[00:19] <mhb> ryanakca: and I guess the sport is pretty straightforward
[00:19] <mhb> ryanakca: it's not like hockey, when everything can change in a second... or so it seemed to me.
[00:30] <dasKreech> seele: !torrent
[00:30] <dasKreech> bah
[00:30] <dasKreech> !torrent
[00:30] <ubotu> Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P
[00:30] * seele blinks
[00:30] <dasKreech> seele: sorry about that
[00:30] <seele> no worries :)
[00:30] <dasKreech> stupid client
[00:31] <ryanakca> mhb: yeah :)
[00:32] <ryanakca> mhb: gotta love hockey though :D
[00:32] <mhb> ryanakca: well, my favourite sport is floorball.
[00:32] <dasKreech> seele: watching the game
[00:32] <ryanakca> floorball?
[00:32] <mhb> ryanakca: yes.
[00:33] <mhb> ryanakca: look it up on wiki?
[00:33] <seele> dasKreech: sortof.. more like watching the commercials
[00:33] <seele> if the patriots start kicking too much ass i'll lose interest
[00:33] <mhb> ryanakca: it's similar to hockey, except you play it indoors, without skates, and no personal contact
[00:33] <seele> i'm rooting for NY
[00:33] <ryanakca> mhb: oh, ball hockey :)
[00:33] <mhb> ryanakca: ca depends
[00:34] <mhb> or how you spell it
[00:35] <mhb> ryanakca: you play it with a characteristic ball, pretty light.
[00:35] <mhb> ryanakca: we also play "ball hockey" with harder balls.
[00:35] <ryanakca> except us poor canadians use a tennis ball instnead of "a precision type ball, characterized by 1516 tiny dimples that reduce air resistance, as well as friction on the floor."
[00:35] <ryanakca> oh, okies
[00:35] <mhb> yeah, that we play too
[00:35] <seele> oh, looks like something exciting happened.. should go watch the replay
[00:35] <mhb> seele: heh, another member of the loony society
[00:36] <mhb> seele: who actually watches something "because of the ads"
[00:36] <seele> mhb: the commercials on super bowl sunday are a big sport
[00:36] <seele> companies pay millions for a 30 second ad
[00:36] <mhb> seele: yes, well... I know.
[00:37] <mhb> seele: but I fail to understand the people that watch it because of the ads.
[00:37] <seele> well.. i dont think we really pay attention during the game
[00:37] <mhb> seele: imagine, there are people who watch it here in the czech rep. at 01:37 AM and ask the station why it has no ads
[00:37] <seele> hehe
[00:38] <mhb> they don't air those ads much outside the U.S., I presume.
[00:38] <mhb> but still... crazy.
[00:38] <mhb> makes me want to return to the cave
[00:39] <seele> i dont think a lot of the commercials would make sense out of the US
[00:39] <seele> but i bet they are still entertaining for everyone
[00:39] <dasKreech> mhb: Well seele watches it for the ads Probe her mind
[00:39] <seele> some of them dont really sell the product.. it's like 30 seconds of entertainment with a logo at the end
[00:40] <mhb> ads, the new entertainment.
[00:40] <seele> some of the ads are better than our TV shows
[00:40] <seele> and with the writer's strike, i think a lot of people are sick of reality tv
[00:40] <mhb> :o)
[00:41] <mhb> perhaps you could watch other nation's productions
[00:41] <seele> actually, ive been watching lots of jdramas and korean tv
[00:42] <seele> sometimes ill catch the simpsons or family guy on tv.. but that's all i watch. everything else are netflix and torrents
[00:42] <mhb> well, if there was Blackadder, Monty Python's Flying Circus in the TV, perhaps I'd even watch it :o)
[00:43] * dasKreech doesn't watch TV in any case
[00:43] <mhb> seele: torrents, eh?
[00:43] <mhb> :o)
[00:43] <dasKreech> I plugged mine in the other day to see an episode of Monk
[00:43] <seele> mhb: sssh
[00:44] <dasKreech> it'd been plugged out for 7 months before that
[00:44] <mhb> seele: on your Windows box, I presume
[00:44] <mhb> :o)
[00:44] <mhb> nah ... I know directors who download torrents
[00:45] <seele> mhb: well the on demand netflix only works on windows.. but i usually get 3 at a time
[00:55] <mndo> hi there!
[00:55] <mhb> hi
[00:56] <mndo> just made a clean install of alpha 4 and the meta package for kde4 isn't on the repos.. is it broken?
[01:17] <dasKreech> are we not allowed to put any icons on the desktop?
[01:20] <mndo> daskreech: did u tried: settings->desktop->behavior-> allow programs in desktop window?
[01:20] <dasKreech> no not that :)
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[02:09] <mhb> seele: I like the part when you describe that you like Ubuntu being "Human"
[02:10] <mhb> seele: I somehow feel, from the icons to the update manager appearance, that Ubuntu handles this task much better than we (Kubuntu) do
[02:11] <mhb> perhaps because it is the lack of vision that hinders us.
[02:11] <mhb> we usually hack on stuff because we like to, not looking at the greater picture
[02:48] <mhb> Riddell: yes, just what I expected
[02:49] <mhb> Riddell: a load of kofler's screaming "my distro is also good for KDE!" "mine too, and better than yours!"
[02:51] <mhb> sorry for the accurate, yet bitter, description
[03:06] <seele> yay the patriots lost!
[03:08] <mhb> yay!
[03:08] <mhb> another US-centric day behind us
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
[03:43] <nixternal> I didn't see that ending to the super bowl coming
[03:43] <nixternal> the ads were horrible this year
[03:45] <dasKreech> The yankees won?
[03:45] <vorian> nixternal: eli had some moves at the end eh?
[03:46] <vorian> that was pure magic
[03:47] <dasKreech> we need two ppas
[03:48] <nixternal> ya he did
[03:48] <nixternal> although I don't think he deserved the MVP
[03:48] <nixternal> either Plaxico if you wanted to keep it offensive, or that other defensive dude that totally wiped out brady on every play
[03:49] <vorian> I liked that sack at the end
[03:49] <vorian> Watch out!
[03:49] <vorian> here comes a 600lb rookie
[03:49] <nixternal> w00t, football season is over, hockey season has been a blur, golf season is year round thankfully, but guess what's in 2 weeks? you got it
[03:49] <nixternal> Daytona 500! boogity boogity boogity!
[03:49] <vorian> naw
[03:49] <vorian> March Madness!
[03:50] <nixternal> in 2 weeks, not next month silly :)
[03:50] <vorian> I can guarantee OSU will not be in this championship
[03:50] <vorian> :)
[03:50] <nixternal> I can guarantee that UMD nor U of M will be in it
[03:51] <nixternal> GO BLUE! or GO TERPS!
[03:51] <vorian> Michigan?
[03:51] <vorian> bah
[03:51] <nixternal> yup
[03:51] <vorian> aren't they still on suspension?
[03:51] * vorian giggles
[03:51] <nixternal> I am the only person in my family, of all that went to college, that didn't graduate from U of M
[03:51] <nixternal> I did U of MD instead
[03:51] <nixternal> COLLEGE PARK!
[03:51] <nixternal> seele, ScottK, and crimsun know what I am talking about :)
[03:52] <nixternal> go out to the Inner Harbor for some partays
[04:00] <ScottK> Riddell: The FTBFS bug affected Debian too. Their maintainer has our patch now.
[04:01] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks for the Scribus upload.
[04:01] <ScottK> nixternal: Thanks again for all the testing.
[04:02] <nixternal> no problem
[04:15] <ScottK> nixternal: When you were bemoaning the state of 64bit in Ubuntu, I thought of this message, but didn't find it until now: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=47A4A5DA.6050106%40hetnet.nl
[04:17] <nixternal> or we have to switch to Debian (aaaaaaargh .....)
[04:17] <nixternal> hahahhaha
[04:35] <dasKreech> nixternal: We shall need two ppas won't we ?
[05:02] <nixternal> for what?
[05:09] <dasKreech> Well one ppa for kubuntu-kde4 and kde4 and one for kde4 weekly builds
[05:31] <dasKreech> Riddell: pinf
[05:31] <dasKreech> contentless pinf :)
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[06:16] * dasKreech votes Systemsettings for SOU
[06:48] * nixternal votes his whicked pyqt4 skills get blown up officially
[06:51] <Jucato> +1
[06:51] * Jucato has no pyqt* skiills :)
[06:52] <nixternal> either do I obviously
[06:53] <nixternal> I want to code something damnit! I have written a line of my very own code in well over a month now..I am starting to jones for some code
[06:53] <Jucato> :D
[06:54] <nixternal> s/have/haven't
[07:06] <ScottK2> nixternal: Speaking of pyqt, if you could figure out how to convince kde-guidance not to need pyqtconfig, then python-qt4 could be a sync from Debian. That'll take some code I predict.
[07:07] <nixternal> ya, something for me to destroy..nice try again :p
[07:08] <nixternal> seriously, I hate Berkley now because of you
[07:08] <nixternal> :p
[07:10] <dasKreech> nixternal: make systemsettings suck less
[07:11] <nixternal> from what I have used with system settings, it is better and easier to work with than kcontrol
[07:11] <nixternal> I haven't been a kcontrol fan since the old days though
[07:14] <dasKreech> Yeah but I still can't browse it with my keyboard
[07:16] <nixternal> wow, Troy and I were talking about some KDE vs. Gnome games at the next conference..that sounds like fun
[07:17] <nixternal> UDS 2008 - Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu in a winner takes all!
[07:17] <nixternal> if it has anything to do with rugby, hockey, or eating, we will win!
[07:17] <nixternal> I have us covered there :)
[07:17] <nixternal> although, the last time I played rugby, I got my arse handed to me
[07:24] * nixternal beds
[07:24] <nixternal> g'nite
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[08:34] <Lure> Riddell: good blog post (just a bit too much comparing with other distros for my taste)
[08:35] <Lure> and good reponse by seele too
[08:53] <_StefanS_> hey Tonio_
[08:54] <Tonio_> hey _StefanS_ :)
[08:54] <Tonio_> had a good we ?
[08:54] <_StefanS_> yessir
[08:54] <_StefanS_> and you?
[10:18] <blizzzek> hi
[10:49] <sahin_w> Hi kubuntu devs! Shall I ask a rebuild? For more details see the following LP report:
[10:49] <sahin_w> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/134622
[10:49] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134622 in opensync "kitchensync - opensync synchronization crash" [Undecided,New]
[10:50] <Riddell> sahin_w: in hardy?
[10:50] <sahin_w> Riddell: No, in gutsy.
[10:51] <sahin_w> Riddell: Maybe hardy also involved, however I did not tested yet.
[10:53] <Riddell> trouble is you can't just rebuild in a stable release, you have to go through stable release update procedure
[10:53] <Riddell> which should be do-able, but it needs an explanation, and I'm not quite sure where the problem is caused
[10:54] <sahin_w> Riddell: Ok. I rebuilt myself, so for me it works.
[10:54] <sahin_w> Riddell: The problem is the same just in case fo basket.
[10:54] <Riddell> mm, interesting
[10:54] <sahin_w> Riddell: Basket sometimes didn't compiled against the actual kdepim package.
[10:55] <Riddell> so it's a binary incompatibility in libkdepim probably
[10:55] <sahin_w> Riddell: Yes, it is. I think...
[10:56] <Riddell> or libkcal2b
[10:56] <sahin_w> Riddell: This package is in universe (like basket).
[10:56] <Riddell> I wonder if we should update that version letter on the end for KDE 3.5.9 then
[10:57] <sahin_w> Riddell: So some package which is in the universe container not built against the proper kdepim package.
[10:57] <Riddell> or rather than kdepim should have been changed when the binary compatibility did
[10:58] <sahin_w> Riddell: Yep.
[10:58] <Riddell> sahin_w: ok, if I upload to universe, would you be willing to poke slangsek to let it though to -proposed (it's his archive day when he wakes up) then to have it tested
[10:59] <sahin_w> Riddell: On which channel? Where can I ping slanqsek?
[10:59] <sahin_w> Riddell: ubuntu-motu?
[11:00] <Riddell> sahin_w: #ubuntu-devel
[11:00] <Riddell> but hang on a minute, I havn't uploaded yet
[11:00] <sahin_w> Riddell: Ok. I'm waiting...
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[11:08] <Riddell> sahin_w: ok, 0.19-1build1 in gutsy-proposed unapproved queue, slangasek can approve when he wakes up
[11:09] <sahin_w> Riddell: Shall I ping slanqasek? Or he's just going to realize there is an unapproved package in the queue...
[11:10] <sahin_w> Riddell: ...When he wakes up...
[11:11] <Riddell> sahin_w: yes ping, he just won't respond until he's awake
[11:11] <sahin_w> Riddell: Ok, I will.
[11:12] <Riddell> and that's a g not a q :)
[11:21] <sahin_w> Riddell: I have to increase my font size! ;-)
[11:25] <Riddell> hunger_t: a question for you on Dot http://dot.kde.org/1201953591/1201974332/1201974825/1201979129/1201984832/
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[11:53] <_StefanS_> Riddell: I'm not really sure how to make that apply/unapply ruleset for the package, could you help?
[11:55] <Riddell> _StefanS_: before the place where it runs configure add a line "patch -p1 < debian/patches/foo.diff"
[11:55] <Riddell> and after the clean rule add "-patch -p1 -R < debian/patches/foo.diff"
[11:55] <Riddell> the "-" at the start there means it gets ignored if it fails (if the patch isn't already applied)
[11:56] * Hobbsee waves
[11:56] <_StefanS_> ok thnx
[11:59] <hunger_t> Riddell: Thanks!
[12:00] <mhb> hey _StefanS_
[12:07] <_StefanS_> mhb: hey
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[12:16] <mhb> _StefanS_: how's your window-decoration adventures?
[12:18] <mhb> _StefanS_: still interested in it?
[12:35] * jussi01 waves at Hobbsee
[12:36] <Hobbsee> :)
[12:42] <Riddell> meh, konqueror is broken, it wants to open links in a separate app
[12:42] <Riddell> but flash works :)
[12:43] <gribelu> i want this :| http://vizzzion.org/?blogentry=806
[12:46] <_StefanS_> mhb: yes I am
[13:01] <iRon> _StefanS_: do you plan to use the same style for KDE4? Or KDE4 will be shipped with default Oxygen theme?
[13:04] <_StefanS_> iRon: I havent really taken kde4 into consideration (yet)
[13:20] <mhb> _StefanS_: hmm, I must have missed the part when you answer me :o)
=== mhb_ is now known as mhb
[13:34] <Riddell> stdin: about?
[13:34] <Riddell> I relalise the 4.0.1 release is on wednesday
[13:35] <Riddell> are you able to do ppa backports tomorrow?
[13:42] <jpatrick> apachelogger__: bist du da?
[13:45] <apachelogger__> jpatrick: aye
[13:46] * apachelogger__ is audaciting right now :D
[13:46] <jpatrick> apachelogger__: just checking is dragonplayer (1.99~rc1) the 2.0~rc1 on the website?
[13:46] <apachelogger__> jpatrick: yes
[13:47] <jpatrick> ok, great
[13:47] <apachelogger__> talking about that, did anyone backport that yet?
[13:47] * apachelogger__ looks over to Riddell ;-)
[13:47] <jpatrick> nop
[13:47] <apachelogger__> omg
[13:47] <apachelogger__> that flatline was too high
[13:47] * apachelogger__ ain't hearing anything -.-
[13:48] <jpatrick> apachelogger__: just checking, because I'm trying to get it into Debian
[13:48] <Riddell> apachelogger__: don't see it in the ppa
[13:49] <apachelogger__> Riddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4/+archive/+index?field.name_filter=dragonplayer&field.status_filter=published
[13:49] <Riddell> apachelogger__: cool
[13:49] <apachelogger__> auto-backport from hardy should work, in case the script isn't still broken ;-)
[13:50] <Riddell> apachelogger__: seems to be fixed
[13:51] * Riddell backports
[14:05] <_StefanS_> mhb: I did answer you :) I'm still into the win deco stuff
[14:08] <mhb> _StefanS_: my opinion is that the current KDE4 windeco is not top of the class
[14:08] <_StefanS_> mhb: I agree..
[14:08] <_StefanS_> mhb: the thing is; I
[14:08] <_StefanS_> mhb: I'm still using crystal for the windeco, and I'm not sure it has been ported to kde4
[14:08] <mhb> somehow, I have dream of creating a "Human" windeco that goes well with the idea of making KDE more human-friendly
[14:09] <_StefanS_> mhb: yes thats a good idea indeed.
[14:09] <_StefanS_> mhb: I will experiment a bit w
[14:09] <_StefanS_> mhb: with what can be done
[14:09] <stdin> Riddell: things are quieting down for me this week, I should be about more now. so I should be available tomorrow
[14:09] * _StefanS_ 's enter is buggin out
[14:10] <mhb> because before now, we've always somehow hacked together what was available, without any "bigger vision"
[14:10] <Riddell> stdin: great
[15:39] <Tonio_> Riddell: hey
[15:40] <Tonio_> Riddell: I think I just found a bug in kdesudo maybe relative to the --nonewdcop you implemented....
[15:40] <Tonio_> Riddell: here is how to reproduce :
[15:40] <Tonio_> Riddell: start systemsettings -> monitors and display -> go admin mode
[15:40] <Tonio_> then you can't apply any change you made...
[15:43] <Tonio_> Riddell: can you eventually confirm the issue also appears on your machine ?
[15:49] <Riddell> does displayconfig even work?
[15:49] <Riddell> no, not here
[15:52] <Tonio_> Riddell: works for me
[15:52] <Tonio_> well no issue if I go admin mode using the original kdesu
[15:52] <Riddell> File "/usr/share/python-support/kde-guidance/displayconfigwidgets.py", line 46, in setScreen
[15:52] <Riddell> self.screensizeslider.setMaxValue(len(screen.getAvailableResolutions())-1)
[15:52] <Riddell> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getAvailableResolutions'
[15:52] <Riddell> quite broken here
[15:53] <Tonio_> Riddell: you can try with knetworkconf
[15:53] <Tonio_> same issue
[15:53] <Tonio_> no way to apply settings using kdesudo
[15:53] <ultracap> start systemsettings -> advanced -> disk & filesystems
[15:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: the difference between systemsettings and kcontrol is that the "apply" button is part of the window that is refreshed and goes admin
[15:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: I suspect systemsettings to do a lot more dcop things on that point....
[15:55] <Tonio_> this might be related to an environnement variable missing when using kdesudo or something like this....
[15:55] <Tonio_> hard to say
[15:55] <Riddell> mm, I see the issue
[16:01] <ultracap> apachelogger: are you free to talk?
[16:03] <apachelogger> ultracap: depends about what ;-)
[16:03] <Tonio_> Riddell: where to look at according to you ? env variables or nonewdcop feature code ?
[16:03] <Tonio_> Riddell: that's not easy to debug.....
[16:04] <Riddell> no, it's horrible to debug
[16:04] <ultracap> apachelogger: screensaver issue?
[16:04] <Riddell> I don't really know where to look I'm afraid
[16:04] <apachelogger> ultracap: uh, lovely, what's the issue?
[16:05] <ultracap> apachelogger: lp 173109
[16:05] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 173109 in kubuntu-default-settings "2 Screen Savers not working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173109
[16:05] <ultracap> apachelogger: I think
[16:06] <ultracap> apachelogger: I get this on both my machines
[16:06] <apachelogger> ultracap: different graphic card vendors?
[16:07] <sebas> This getAvailableResolutions is a bitch.
[16:08] <ultracap> apachelogger: Only similarity is same brand of screen
[16:08] <sebas> It should probably return something that 'always work' instead of None if things fail
[16:08] <sebas> Like "famous last words"
[16:08] <apachelogger> ultracap: fresh gutsy installations?
[16:08] <sebas> Didn't keithp say that 1024x768 always works?
[16:09] <apachelogger> sebas: always is a dangerous word to use ;-)
[16:09] <sebas> Right, but I thought I'd say something funny
[16:10] <sebas> funny and X11 is also ... dubious.
[16:10] <apachelogger> indeed
[16:11] * apachelogger continues hunting missing amarok icons
[16:11] <ultracap> apachelogger: Gutsy is now an up to date Hardy on one machine
[16:11] * apachelogger stops again :P
[16:11] <apachelogger> ultracap: well, did you upgrade to gutsy?
[16:13] <ultracap> apachelogger: no that was a fresh install
[16:13] <apachelogger> hm
[16:14] <apachelogger> ultracap: so what graphics drivers are you using?
[16:15] <ultracap> apachelogger: Other machine needs a reinstall (with kde4) but screensavers didn't work from alpha3+ livecd
[16:16] <ultracap> apachelogger: intel and radeon
[16:18] <apachelogger> ultracap: totally strange, I honestly can't think of a component which would cause this issue... maybe you can get someone else to reproduce it?
[16:18] <apachelogger> maybe in #kubuntu-testers or #kubuntu
[16:21] <ultracap> apachelogger: do you recognise all the subscribers to the lp bug?
[16:22] <ultracap> apachelogger: should I post on the forums as well?
[16:23] <apachelogger> ultracap: there are only you and me subscribed
[16:23] <apachelogger> forums is a good idea though
[16:24] <ultracap> apachelogger: sorry I meant 'also notified'
[16:25] <apachelogger> ultracap: well, they are general bug contacts for the k-d-s package
[16:27] <ultracap> apachelogger: Okay thanks - I have a sort of related issue, i can't exit a screensaver test by moving the mouse (buttons work)
[16:28] <ultracap> apachelogger: Normal screensavers can be cleared by moving the mouse (gesture?)
[16:29] <apachelogger> yep
[16:29] <apachelogger> only the test runs need a click
[16:30] <ultracap> apachelogger: Works as intended?
[16:30] <apachelogger> yes
[16:30] <ultracap> apachelogger: want more?
[16:31] <apachelogger> just keep em coming :D
[16:33] <ultracap> apachelogger: The desktop icon in the panel doesn't seem to update when using the back/forward buttons or loading a bookmark
[16:33] <ultracap> apachelogger: Click on it and it updates
[16:34] <apachelogger> ultracap: desktop icon?
[16:34] <apachelogger> back/forward?
[16:34] <apachelogger> sorry, I have no KDE 3 to test
[16:35] <ultracap> The forward and backward (history) buttons in konqueror
[16:36] <ultracap> The icon in the desktop1 box
[16:36] <apachelogger> oh
[16:36] <apachelogger> ultracap: you mean the pager?
[16:36] <apachelogger> the applet which shows your virtual desktops
[16:38] <ultracap> I think so, 2 have been configured and I can switch between them.
[16:39] <apachelogger> yeah, well, this is clearly a bug in KDE (http://bugs.kde.org) if you want to report it
[16:39] <apachelogger> but it is a pretty minor issue
[16:39] <apachelogger> so the possability it gets fixed isn't that high in my opinion
[16:40] <Tonio_> Riddell: it looks lke the all newdcop code is ignored....
[16:40] <Tonio_> Riddell: NEWDCOP env variable should be set when using the option afaik
[16:43] <ultracap> apachelogger: I will report if you recomend but KDE 4 is where focus should be?
[16:44] <ultracap> apachelogger: Anyway thanks for your assistance, much appreciated.
[16:44] <apachelogger> ultracap: well, technically KDE 3 still gets updated, but everyone focuses on KDE 4, so unimportant bugs like this one have almost no chance to be fixed
[16:46] <ScottK2> apachelogger: That'd be almost everyone...
[16:47] * ScottK2 still can't bring myself to care about KDE4.
[16:47] <Tonio_> Riddell: sudo overrides the env variables, then dcopserver is unset......
[16:47] <apachelogger> ScottK2: well, talking about upstream :)
[16:48] <Tonio_> Riddell: I'm testing with sudo preserving the environment
[16:49] <ScottK2> Even there we should have a 3.5.9 soon.
[16:50] <apachelogger> ScottK2: yeah, but they focus on KDE 4 development, so small bugs, like missing gui updates, might not get fixed anymore
[16:50] <apachelogger> especially since the code gets completely replaced in KDE 4 anyway ... as for pager
[16:50] <ScottK2> Agreed. It's just that it's not yet quite completely ignored.
[16:50] <ScottK2> Right
[16:55] <Tonio_> Riddell: found it :)
[16:55] <Tonio_> Riddell: DCOPSERVER env needs to be preserved ;)
[16:55] <Tonio_> Riddell: I'll release a fixed kdesudo today
[16:59] <Hobbsee> allee: feel free to hound them. maybe next time they'll pay attention to people who say "this is really important, you need to fix this" *before* it's been sitting there for a month and a half.
[17:30] <Riddell> Tonio_: well done
[17:32] <tlayton> Riddell: read your article yesterday. c++ is probably not for me, but i could get in pyqt and pykde. where is the best place to get started? techbase only has a small article mainly concerning slots
[17:32] <tlayton> btw, i'm at borders right now, and there only seems to be generic python books here
[17:33] <ScottK> tlayton: I'd suggest looking at kde-guidance bugs. All the guidance bits are in Python.
[17:34] <Riddell> tlayton: you could write some pykde introductions for techbase
[17:34] <Riddell> there's currently zero information on pykde 4
[17:41] <smarter> Some guy has written a gtk-qt-engine for qt4: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/gtk-kde4?content=74689
[17:41] <Riddell> noo
[17:41] <Riddell> that's a gtk configuration tool
[17:42] <smarter> oh stupid me, I really need sleep :)
[17:43] <tlayton> Riddell: will there eventually be a kde-guidance-kde4 package?
[17:43] <Riddell> tlayton: hope so
[17:43] <Riddell> tlayton: it's blocked on a kde 4 libpythonize (which lets you use pykde in kcontrol modules)
[17:44] <Riddell> tlayton: although there's no reason the apps couldn't be ported to kde 4 in the mean time, they run as standalone apps too
[17:44] <tlayton> Riddell: gotcha. well, let me play with them for a few days then i'll get back with you, if that's okay
[17:45] <Riddell> tlayton: certainly ok!
[17:54] <d-miller> smarter: is this what you was looking for? http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=users/ruphy/gtk-qt4-engine.git;a=summary
[17:55] <smarter> d-miller: thank you :)
[17:55] <smarter> I'll try to package it later
[17:55] <smarter> if someone is not already working on it
[18:13] <Ze-M> Tonio_: ping
[18:14] <Tonio_> Ze-M: yep ?
[18:14] <Ze-M> Tonio_: did you the private?
[18:14] <Ze-M> Tonio_: did you saw the private?
[18:14] <Tonio_> Ze-M: necessary to talk privately ?
[18:14] <Ze-M> Tonio_: no but i would prefer
[18:14] <Tonio_> k
[18:21] <nixternal> mornin'
[18:22] <Ze-M> can anyone tell me if in kubuntu x86_64 konqueror displays webpages that use flash plugins?
[18:25] <Riddell> that depends on many things
[18:25] <Riddell> nixternal: good morning, how's the extragear packaging going?
[18:26] <Ze-M> Riddell: depends if you have nspluginwrapper installed to wrap flash that its only 32bits
[18:26] <Riddell> Ze-M: yes, also the version of konqueror and of flash
[18:27] <Ze-M> Riddell: yes, i cant have konqueror wotking with latest flash-9.0.115 but konqueror works fine with flash- and nspluginwrapper latest version
[18:28] <Ze-M> i was just trying to know if in kubuntu konqueror would work ok with latest flash-9.0.115
[18:31] <nixternal> Riddell: could be finished within the hour...are we pushing it up a day?
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[18:32] <nixternal> I was planning on finishing them up today thinking we still had 2 days
[18:32] <Riddell> nixternal: dunno, the release is likely tomorrow evening so I guess tonight would be good to start uploading
[18:32] <nixternal> no problem
[18:32] <nixternal> much shorter extragear for 4.0.1
[18:48] <tlayton> Riddell: where do i find the bzr link for kde-guidance?
[18:49] <toma> nixternal: yeah, various reasons
[18:50] <Riddell> tlayton: it's in svn, http://websvn.kde.org/branches/extragear/kde3/utils/guidance/
[18:51] <tlayton> Riddell: then i need to apply the .diff file? these first couple of steps are new to me, so please be patient. i'll pick it up quick
[18:53] <Riddell> tlayton: I don't think we have any patches that arn't in svn, just checkout from KDE's anonsvn and that's that sources
[18:54] <Riddell> /ank/nam
[18:54] <tlayton> Riddell: ok, i was just looking at the lpad +source page, and there was a diff file. appears to already have the debian/* files in it
[18:55] <Riddell> tlayton: in .deb packaging the .diff file is usually just the debian/ packaging files
[18:58] <Riddell> soo, who all wants to go to UDS or FOSSCamp?
[18:58] * Riddell eyes up nixternal
[18:58] * Riddell looks at apachelogger
[18:59] * Riddell keeks at stdin
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
[19:00] <stdin> I would like to, but I don't know if I'll have the time/money atm
[19:00] <nixternal> where are they at this time around?
[19:01] <nixternal> dunno if I will have a passport in time
[19:01] <Riddell> nixternal: eastern europe, middle of may
[19:01] <nixternal> but seeing as the school stuff isn't attached to me the way it was last year, I would be able to go of course
[19:01] <nixternal> hrmm
[19:01] <Riddell> stdin: expenses are paid
[19:02] <nixternal> let me see if I can get my passport stuff situated...I have a ton of unpaid parking tickets to pay off here first, but my x-wife told me that I could get one from Maryland and not have to worry about the Illinois parking tickets
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
[19:03] <Riddell> parking tickets stop you getting a passport?
[19:03] <nixternal> they do now here in Illinois
[19:03] <nixternal> if you owe the state any money, they will not provide you a passport
[19:03] <Riddell> harsh
[19:03] <nixternal> just a bit
[19:03] <nixternal> but I should be able to get one in Maryland hopefully
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChld
[19:04] <nixternal> luckily for me, I will be able to get mine at the military base there quicker if it all goes through
[19:04] <nixternal> man, I remember being able to fly almost anywhere w/o a passport while in the military
=== PriceChld is now known as PriceChild
[19:05] <nixternal> which honestly, made it easy for identity theft..had to have a copy or your social security card and birth certificate
[19:06] <tlayton> Riddell: do i need to use the ubuntu diff with the svn code so i package it the same?
[19:07] <Riddell> tlayton: what are you looking to do?
[19:08] <tlayton> check out the bugs that ScottK mentioned, learn a bit, and then package local here on hardy
[19:08] <tlayton> note: my background is java, perl, and sql, with an emphasis in speech recognition, so debian packaging is new to me
[19:09] <nixternal> Riddell: with the new kde.mk, do we have to do anything else, say with the rules file at all?
[19:09] <tlayton> so, i thought i'd take some time now to help out and learn a bit as well.
[19:10] <Riddell> tlayton: if you want to build local packages just apt-get source kde-guidance; cd kde-guidance-<tab>; debuild
[19:10] <nixternal> looks as if we can remove the wrapper stuff from rules maybe?
[19:10] <Riddell> tlayton: but generally if you're working on the code you don't want to worry about packages at the same time so you'd check out of svn and work with that (and it's python so no compiling necessary, they should just run directly)
[19:11] <Riddell> nixternal: if it's the version with kde4-wrapper-creation: at the bottom you shouldn't need anything in rules
[19:11] <Riddell> nixternal: but do check the .desktop files have the absolute path in them
[19:11] <nixternal> that's what I thought...just wanted to make sure
[19:11] <nixternal> roger
[19:11] <Tonio_> Riddell: kdesudo uploaded
[19:12] <Tonio_> Riddell: it'll hopefully also fixed the bug seen on the livecd session using nonewdcop option..... hopefully :)
[19:12] <Riddell> Tonio_: yay
[19:12] <Riddell> Tonio_: interested in UDS?
[19:12] <nixternal> Exec=kcoloredit %U
[19:12] <Riddell> nixternal: hrm
[19:12] <nixternal> that is what you are looking for in the desktop files?
[19:12] <nixternal> that doesn't look absolute to me :)
[19:13] <Tonio_> Riddell: of course !
[19:13] <Riddell> nixternal: fooey, possibly it doesn't work for single binary packages
[19:13] <Tonio_> Riddell: I'll have more free time in the next 6 month as I just left the it services for the support services...
[19:13] <Tonio_> Riddell: so I don't want to miss the full kde4 implementation !
[19:13] <nixternal> I thought with the old way it did work with the single binary packages
[19:18] <Riddell> any thougts on specs we should think about at UDS?
[19:19] <nixternal> hrmm, good question
[19:19] <ScottK2> Riddell: For Hardy +1 I think KDE4 by default would be the #1 thing.
[19:20] <Riddell> you mean like we're doing for hardy? :)
[19:20] <nixternal> hehe
[19:21] <Riddell> but retiring kde 3 is on my list
[19:21] <ScottK2> OK.
[19:21] <nixternal> what about moving KDE 3 -> universe and moving KDE 4 -> main..is that going to occur for Hardy+1
[19:21] <nixternal> Riddell: retiring or just moving it to universe?
[19:21] <nixternal> would be nice to still maintain it for as long as we can..think of all of the kde3 rollouts
[19:22] <ScottK2> How about smooth KDE3 --> KDE4 upgrade transition?
[19:22] <nixternal> that should definitely be one
[19:23] <Riddell> nixternal: well this is what we'll discuss at UDS
[19:23] <nixternal> Riddell: groovy
[19:24] <tlayton> Riddell: ok, another question on kde-guidance. displayconfig crashes if there is no ServerLayout section. however, i'm using intel video and nothings wrong with xorg.conf. where/how would i find out if 1) this section is needed, and 2) if it is, should create a default based on other values in the conf file
[19:26] <tlayton> Riddell: note, i did a reconfigure at one time when testing out different compiz settings
[19:26] <Riddell> tlayton: that's a problem I have too. I'm pretty sure its caused by more modern X.org versions not needing specific configuration any more, you'd need to ask the X packagers about that (bryce)
[19:28] <ScottK2> tlayton: If you are interested in trying to learn by rooting through the code, I'm curious why kde-guidance mountconfig needs pyqtconfig (I don't think it should).
[19:29] <tlayton> ScottK2: yeah, i just picked out one or two when i noticed that. per your suggestion with kde-guidance, i was planning on checking it all out via the code. pretty good at that, and a great way to learn
[19:30] <Lure> Riddell: do we need to get new packages in before FeatureFreeze?
[19:31] <ScottK2> If we could get that particular bit solved, then our python-qt3 package could be sync'ed from Debian without change.
[19:31] <ScottK2> tlayton: Are you on Hardy i386 by chance?
[19:31] <tlayton> ScottK2: yes
[19:32] <tlayton> ScottK2: well, actually -generic if you're talking about the kernel
[19:32] <Riddell> Lure: it gets harder after feature freeze
[19:32] <ScottK2> tlayton: If you replace the hard python-qt3 with http://www.kitterman.com/test/python-qt3_3.17.4-1_i386.deb then mountconfig should crash reliably for you.
[19:32] <Riddell> Lure: what are you thinking of?
[19:32] <ScottK2> tlayton: No, the processor arch.
[19:33] <Lure> Riddell: qlandkarte - it is actually already in NEW source queue, but I do not know if I need to push on archive-admin's yet
[19:33] <ScottK2> tlayton: That's also got a lower version number than our current Hardy one, so you downgrade to that and then you can just apt-get upgrade back to a working config.
[19:33] <Lure> ^^ hint, hint ;-)
[19:34] <Riddell> Lure: I'll get to it tomorrow (my archive day)
[19:34] <Lure> Riddell: thanks
[19:35] <nixternal> Riddell: would it be feasible to patch the .desktop files to give them an absolute path for single binary packages?
[19:35] <nixternal> I am doing a test build w/o just to see what the outcome is
[19:35] <Riddell> nixternal: why patch? just use the rules as before
[19:35] <nixternal> derr
[19:36] <nixternal> OK, so revert back to the old kde.mk for single binary packages then?
[19:36] <Riddell> if it doesn't work with the ones in kde.mk then use whatever was being used in the last upload
[19:36] <tlayton> ScottK2: why that version of py-qt3, vs what is on hardy? you talking about a backport?
[19:36] <nixternal> gotcha
[19:36] <Riddell> no keep the same one, does no harm and there's other changes
[19:37] <ScottK2> tlayton: That's the debian version built on the hardy tool chain. It doesn't have pyqtconfig in it, so mountconfig will crash. My goal (that I haven't had a lot of time to work on yet) is to teach mountconfig not to need it so we can synch python-qt3 from Debian.
[19:38] <ScottK2> If we can make mountconfig work with that version of the package, then we no longer need to maintain a Kubuntu diff for python-qt3.
[19:38] <tlayton> anything major you know if may crash if i install it?
[19:38] <ScottK2> tlayton: AFAIK only mountconfig.
[19:39] <tlayton> ScottK2: ok, i'll play with it for a while
[19:39] <ScottK2> With the exception of not having pyqtconfig it's identical to the current Hardy package
[19:40] <apachelogger> Riddell: depends a lot on the when and where :)
[19:40] <ScottK2> The fun part about this excercise is that according to grep, the phrase pyqtconfig is no where in the mountconfig code, so it'll be a bit of a chase. Should be a good learning experience.
[19:41] <tlayton> ScottK2: thx!
[19:42] <Riddell> apachelogger: eastern europe, May sometime
[19:44] <apachelogger> Riddell: hm, I have final exams in May, so it's very unlikely that I am able to come :(
[19:45] <Tonio_> apachelogger: :'(
[19:48] <nixternal> toma: I am seeing some strange things here with the extragear tagging...with the 4.0.0 tagging, all extragear components had 4.0.0 versions, now I am seeing 3.3.6 and 0.2 and stuff like that for the 4.0.1 tagging of extragear components
[19:48] <tlayton> ScottK2: by just commenting out 'import kdedesigner' seemed to solve that problem on pyqtconfig? is that what you were looking for to start with?
[19:49] <toma> nixternal: did you receive my mail on kde-packagers, or do you only get the tarballs ?
[19:49] * nixternal checks kde-packagers
[19:49] * Riddell doubts nixternal is on kde-packages
[19:50] * Riddell forwards e-mail
[19:51] * jpatrick point nixternal to http://kde.me.uk/index.php?page=top-secret-kde-groups
[19:51] <nixternal> toma: OK, read it
[19:51] <nixternal> Riddell: I am on kde-packagers :)
[19:51] <nixternal> I am everywhere man, just like KDE :)
[19:52] <Riddell> well well
[19:52] <apachelogger> +well
[19:53] <nixternal> also about kgrab...vorian was working on this yesterday because he grabbed it from kde-apps.org and I noticed some iconsistencies with the copyright headers
[19:53] <apachelogger> you're not on mine
[19:53] <apachelogger> muhahahahaha
[19:53] <apachelogger> tha top secret amarok lists
[19:53] <mhb> mmm, secrets
[19:53] <ScottK2> tlayton: I guess I'd like to understand what the impact of that would be then. Do we lose functionality as a result?
[19:53] <toma> nixternal: what's the use of being on a mailinglist if you don't read it? ;-)
[19:53] <nixternal> ya, didn't Riddell just comment about these "elitist lists" :p
[19:53] <nixternal> toma: shhh :)
[19:54] <apachelogger> toma is having a good point though :P
[19:54] <toma> you can not silence me, just like KDE !
[19:54] <nixternal> ooh, good one :)
[19:54] * apachelogger just got reminded to have a look at the mailing lists
[19:54] <apachelogger> boring it is, but it has to be done
[19:54] <apachelogger> jpatrick: right?
[19:55] <jpatrick> apachelogger: was eber du sagst
[19:55] <Riddell> apachelogger: why not just use kde-packagers for amarok?
[19:55] <nixternal> OK you packagers, what would be the best way to build these new 4.0.1 packages where the version number is no longer 4.0.0, but something < 4.0.0?
[19:55] <Riddell> nixternal: epoch
[19:55] <toma> epoch
[19:55] <nixternal> w00t, so I was on the right track
[19:55] <toma> sorry for that
[19:56] <nixternal> that's alright toma, you still get a cookie from me :)
[19:56] <apachelogger> Riddell: prolly because I didn't know about that list until now... I also doubt anyone else in the team did ;-)
[19:56] <toma> o great, cookies. make me fatter
[19:56] <nixternal> hehe
[19:56] <Riddell> apachelogger: that's the trouble with secret lists..
[19:56] <apachelogger> also, by keeping it invitation only we can produce better PR bubbles
[19:58] * apachelogger notes that following mailing lists isn't exactly easy with gmail
[20:00] <jpatrick> apachelogger: alpine ftw :p
[20:00] <apachelogger> pfft
[20:00] <apachelogger> kontact I say
[20:01] <apachelogger> just that the KDE 3 version ate everything when I started it from within KDE 4
[20:01] <apachelogger> very strange
[20:01] <ScottK2> Excellent reason for me not to be running KDE4. Thanks for the warning.
[20:02] <apachelogger> hehe :)
[20:02] <jpatrick> apachelogger: what you get for playing with .kde|.kde4 :)
[20:02] <tlayton> KScottK2: doesn't appear any lost functionality, but there does appear to be a couple of bugs. would this utility end of replacing startup-manager, or only effect /etc/fstab?
[20:02] <apachelogger> I think ScottK2 is having a highligh on KDE 4 to find reasons for not having a look at the allmighty 4 :D
[20:02] <apachelogger> jpatrick: actually, I didn't
[20:02] <apachelogger> I do all the nasty stuff on the laptop
[20:02] <nixternal> just to make sure I got this one right, for kfax, the new version is 3.3.6, so the new ubuntu package version would be 4:3.3.6-0ubuntu1
[20:03] <apachelogger> in fact I don't even have own KDE 4 packages on my workstation
[20:03] <ScottK2> tlayton: I believe it just affects /etc/fstab.
[20:03] <apachelogger> only PPA packages
[20:03] <apachelogger> nixternal: was it epoch 3 before?
[20:03] <apachelogger> or 0?
[20:04] <nixternal> no epoch previously
[20:04] <ScottK2> tlayton: I guess the thing to do now would be to try and understand why the import was there to begin with and see if the reason still has any validity
[20:04] <apachelogger> yeah, I'd go with 4 then, keep it consitent with the rest of KDE 4
[20:04] <nixternal> I am thinking of the epoch...exactly that was used with the main kde 4 packages
[20:05] <tlayton> ScottK2: np, like i mentioned to Riddell, i'll probably take a couple days to play around with it, and the other parts of guidance. but i should be online during that time
[20:06] <apachelogger> omg
[20:06] <apachelogger> council election already over
[20:06] * apachelogger kneels in front of nixternal and praises the new council member
[20:06] <apachelogger> maybe the wisdom of the universe be with you
[20:07] * apachelogger shakes hand and congratulates
[20:07] <ScottK2> tlayton: Cool. No rush. It's better to get this right than fast.
[20:08] <nixternal> apachelogger: thanks :)
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[20:14] <tlayton> on this python stuff, is eric ide good to use, or just still with ole venerable vi?
[20:14] <tlayton> s/still/stick/
[20:15] <nixternal> I have been giving eric a shot, there are still some things I haven't figured out just yet
[20:15] <ScottK2> I use vim/kate myself, but I've heard good things about eric. We've a major new release in Hardy, so it could use some testing.
[20:15] <nixternal> ScottK2: I have been testing it :)
[20:15] <ScottK2> Excellent
[20:15] <nixternal> I just can't figure out how to run the code I have created with eric just yet
[20:16] <nixternal> nor could I find any user documentation for eric 4
[20:16] <ScottK2> There's always idle
[20:16] <nixternal> what is idle?
[20:16] <tlayton> eric idle? monty python? ...
[20:17] <nixternal> ya, why not name your Python IDE, the Full Monty!
[20:17] <Sime> eric is a bit clunky, but generally works. except for the ctrl+space completion.
[20:17] <mhb> I always liked chapman
[20:17] <nixternal> I couldn't get completion to work the way I wanted it to
[20:17] <nixternal> it did work on basic completion, but didn't work well with the PyQt4 completion
[20:18] <nixternal> actually, didn't work at all..I am sure there is a setting I am missing..so I will go through their wiki to see how to properly setup for qt4 again
[20:21] <ScottK2> idle is the IDE that's shipped with Python.
[20:21] <ScottK2> (assuming that wasn't sarcasm)
[20:22] <jpatrick> hi stdin
[20:22] <stdin> hey \o
[20:23] <nixternal> ScottK2: ahh ya...and the funny thing, I just read about it last night while thumbing through the first couple of chapters of my python book :)
[20:23] <ScottK2> I used it (idle) back when I was on Windows.
[20:27] <_StefanS_> kwwii: did you get my messages?
[20:29] <kwwii> _StefanS_: nope
[20:29] <_StefanS_> kwwii: we've got permission to use the wallpaper from djmattricks
[20:30] <kwwii> _StefanS_: killer, now we need to know who in community is interested in changing the wallpaper :-)
[20:31] <_StefanS_> kwwii: I asked him today how he would feel about maybe darken it a bit (someone suggested that it might be a reason not to use it)
[20:31] <_StefanS_> kwwii: its kinda light, but i dont want it to be all dark either.
[20:32] <kwwii> yeah, I kinda like it as-is but then again, I like the other one too
[20:32] <kwwii> this one is much more subtle
[20:32] <aantipop> ping apachelogger
[20:32] <_StefanS_> kwwii: yep, and has a fresh appearance anyways
[20:33] <_StefanS_> kwwii: btw, when could you have time to fix those buttons for the deco?
[20:33] <kwwii> we can bring it up in an email to the art list but we would get lots of useless answers
[20:33] <apachelogger> aantipop: tach
[20:33] <kwwii> _StefanS_: I might get some time next weekend
[20:33] <_StefanS_> kwwii: I say we take a vote with the ones that want to attent
[20:33] <_StefanS_> attend even
[20:33] <_StefanS_> kwwii: when is the FF ?
[20:34] <kwwii> yeah but that is like letting a few developers decide on what is the best pic
[20:34] <kwwii> no idea when feature freeze is
[20:34] <Lure> kwwii: Feb 14, afair
[20:34] <_StefanS_> kwwii: I guess next week is fine then
[20:34] <aantipop> apachelogger: du hast doch damals projectM gepackt..das aktuelle paket von hardy funzt bei mir nicht ?!
[20:35] <apachelogger> aantipop: 1. ist das aktuelle paket ein 100%iger debian sync 2. was zeichnet ein nicht funzen aus? ;-)
[20:35] <_StefanS_> kwwii: well, if we make a small meeting inviting those who are interested, dont you think thats enough? I mean the current wallpaper is not that amazing imho
[20:36] <aantipop> apachelogger: wenn ich projectm als libvisual plugin starten will, öffnet sich ganz kurz das fenster, sclhießt sich aber sofort..keine ahnung wie ich da eine fehlermeldung herauslesen könnte
[20:37] <nixternal> Riddell: for kgrab, I will upload as soon as I build it...it is new
[20:38] <nixternal> actually, I guess it is best for it to go through revu first
[20:38] <nixternal> jpatrick and apachelogger: within the next hour I should have a kgrab package for you
[20:39] <nixternal> I need to find vorian's package, as he started it yesterday, but the copyright headers were goofy in kgrab
[20:39] <jpatrick> nixternal: I'll get it past the debian guys :)
[20:39] <apachelogger> aantipop: welcher grafiktreiber?
[20:39] <nixternal> for some reason, Debian hasn't been doing any of the extragear stuff I have noted
[20:39] <nixternal> s/noted/noticed
[20:39] <aantipop> apachelogger: nvidia-glx
[20:39] <apachelogger> mhhh
[20:39] <nixternal> if they have, they aren't uploading them to the kde4 svn repo
[20:40] <apachelogger> nixternal: they probably just wait until we create the better packages ;-)
[20:40] <jpatrick> nixternal: they're in experimental no? ah well, I've got several Kubuntu packages though to them in the last few days
[20:40] <aantipop> apachelogger: es geht aber gar nicht diesmal, letzesmal konnte ich durch resizen projectm starten..
[20:40] <apachelogger> aantipop: jo, den bug kenn ich... hast dich schonmal im projectm forum umgehört?
[20:41] <apachelogger> aantipop: vl gibts probleme mit dem x oder der 3d in hardy
[20:41] <aantipop> apachelogger: hab versucht einen svn snapshot zu kompilieren, aber da komme ich nicht weiter
[20:43] <apachelogger> aantipop: ich würde da einfach mal nachfragen ob etwas bekannt ist, in letzterzeit gabs immer wiedermal probleme mit dem X zeug in hardy
[20:44] <aantipop> apachelogger: @ ubuntuforums oder wo ?
[20:46] <nixternal> screw that noise, go in to offer a hand to debian and they bite it...
[20:46] <jpatrick> nixternal: that's why I went in real slow...
[20:47] <apachelogger> aantipop: zB, oder direkt bei projectm :P
[20:47] <ScottK> nixternal: Think of Debian as a collective of individual maintainers. It doesn't really have a group personality.
[20:47] <aantipop> apachelogger: ich glaube nicht, dass die dich mit hardy herons problemen beschäftigen
[20:47] <ScottK> nixternal: What'd you do?
[20:47] <nixternal> ScottK: typically the Qt/KDE people do
[20:48] <ScottK> K
[20:48] <nixternal> at least ana and pusling
[20:49] <apachelogger> aantipop: nein, aber vielleicht hat schonma wer im forum von denen rumgenervt
[20:49] <apachelogger> ausserdem wissen die am besten woran es hacken könnte
[20:49] <nixternal> ScottK: you are in there too...you see the unnecessary noise
[20:49] <aantipop> apachelogger: ok, danke
[20:50] <ScottK> Yeah. Just play nice and don't get riled up.
[20:50] <nixternal> I am playing nice....I am going back to finishing OUR Kubuntu work now :)
[20:50] <apachelogger> mhhhhhhh
[20:50] <apachelogger> kubuntu
[20:50] <apachelogger> ahhhhhh
[20:50] * apachelogger really gotta stop watching simpsons all day long
[20:51] <smarter> apachelogger: the oxygen cursor set is still not released and feature freeze is near :/
[20:51] <apachelogger> smarter: indeed
[20:51] <smarter> can't we just upload it and backport it only when it will be released?
[20:51] <apachelogger> jpatrick: what do you think
[20:52] <apachelogger> should we just push it to new?
[20:52] <apachelogger> smarter: sure
[20:52] <apachelogger> wouldn't change the fact that we have a pre-release package ;-)
[20:52] <smarter> hardy is beta, so beta softwares are not a problem ;)
[20:52] <jpatrick> smarter, apachelogger: just got through Debian NEW queue
[20:52] <apachelogger> haha
[20:52] <apachelogger> so much about debian + upstream interaction
[20:53] <apachelogger> smarter: well it is not beta :P
[20:53] <apachelogger> technically it's pre-alpha
[20:53] <smarter> yes
[20:53] <jpatrick> apachelogger: request sync :P (Riddell: poe)
[20:53] <jpatrick> poke*
[20:53] <smarter> but I never heard of a cursor theme crashing your computer :)
[20:53] <apachelogger> smarter: request sync :P
[20:54] <smarter> sync what what?
[20:54] <apachelogger> smarter: yeah, I only waited because ruphy saied he is planing on a release anyway
[20:54] <apachelogger> well
[20:54] <apachelogger> that was pre-release event
[20:54] <apachelogger> and now
[20:54] <apachelogger> he is like... lost
[20:54] <apachelogger> well, at least he is online again :D
[20:55] <kwwii> _StefanS_: we should talk to Riddell and find out what he thinks first
[20:55] <_StefanS_> kwwii: well he sounded somewhat positive :)
[20:55] <smarter> I was wondering if I should use arch: all
[20:55] <jpatrick> smarter: debian sync
[20:56] * smarter doesn't know what a debian sync is :(
[20:56] <jpatrick> smarter, apachelogger: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-changes/2008/02/msg00419.html
[20:57] <Trigger7> ah, they want to package^Wcopy the oxygen cursors
[20:57] <Trigger7> haha
[20:58] <Trigger7> wrong window. we are talking in #debian-qt-kde on oftc about debian and ubuntu working together right now
[20:58] <Trigger7> the question was something like "why don't we (ubuntu and debian) work closer together"
[20:58] <jpatrick> Trigger7: he *did* package it, long ago
[20:59] <Trigger7> jpatrick: didn't want to offend anyone :)
[21:00] <jpatrick> smarter: un moment s'il vous plait
[21:00] <jpatrick> smarter: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SyncRequestProcess
[21:00] <smarter> jpatrick: j'ai tout mon temps :)
[21:01] <jpatrick> smarter: do that and apachelogger and I will review and approve et tout
[21:01] <smarter> ok
[21:01] <apachelogger> Oo
[21:01] <apachelogger> wtf
[21:01] <apachelogger> jpatrick: that name is so freakish against anything
[21:01] <smarter> I don't have a lot of free time today
[21:01] <apachelogger> that ain't what upstream names it and that ain't what the other packages are named like
[21:01] <apachelogger> wtf
[21:02] <jpatrick> smarter: then we ask R!dde|| to bring it across
[21:02] <smarter> I'll see what i can do tomorrow
[21:02] <jpatrick> apachelogger: nicht mein Schuld!
[21:02] <apachelogger> yeah
[21:02] <apachelogger> still
[21:02] <apachelogger> why would one approve that
[21:02] <smarter> +1 with apachelogger
[21:03] <smarter> the diff is full of crap: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/o/oxygencursors/oxygencursors_0.0.2008-01-27-a7b68163e7c8ccc1376-2.diff.gz
[21:05] <ScottK> !language > smarter
[21:05] <nixternal> smarter: what are you calling crap in that diff?
[21:05] <ScottK> smarter: We'd like to try and work with Debian and not be confrontational.
[21:05] <smarter> automatically generated .svgs files
[21:05] <smarter> didn't want to be rude, sorry
[21:06] <dinosaur-rus> hi
[21:06] <mukidohime> In fact, the pkg-kde team is handing out alioth accounts so we can get our changes in sync.
[21:06] <apachelogger> ScottK: what is so bad about the word crap? :)
[21:07] <Trigger7> at leasto if someone of you is willing to directly incomrporate fixes into debian to make syncing easier
[21:07] <nixternal> woo, gotta love svg's being xml
[21:07] <apachelogger> smarter: I'm not sure that is c***
[21:07] <ScottK> apachelogger: It's more a matter of denigrating people's work, especially when they've just arrived in channel to discuss working closer together. It's not helpful.
[21:07] <apachelogger> oh, agreed
[21:07] <smarter> the postinst script is actually far more intelligent than mine :)
[21:07] <mukidohime> We want to get as much of our work in sync as we can.
[21:08] <ScottK> Absolutely
[21:08] <apachelogger> smarter: yeah, just wanted to say that :P
[21:08] <nixternal> oh no it's pusling! watch out, he tends to follow me everywhere :p
[21:08] <mukidohime> It's alright, he's fairly harmless. :>
[21:08] * pusling walks away from nixternal. just like other ubuntu people he smells like fish.
[21:08] <nixternal> I took a shower pusling, so that isn't me smelling like fish :)
[21:09] <smarter> I'm not a native english speaker, I didn't know that was a so "rude" word, sorry again
[21:09] * apachelogger notes that seperated packages would have been nice though
[21:09] <nixternal> if you would have said that 2 hours ago, I would have agreed :p
[21:09] <Trigger7> pusling: didn't you want to try it this way? http://bash.org/?5300
[21:09] <mukidohime> Anyway, we'd like people to have accounts so we can consolidate our changes.
[21:10] <Trigger7> smarter: crap is one of the words often very used (in bug reports e.g.) which makes people not really happy
[21:10] <mukidohime> Calling something "crap" tends to be taken as... confrontational.
[21:11] <ScottK> Yeah.
[21:11] <nixternal> mukidohime: I think most of us who already go back and forth between Debian and Kubuntu, who are already in the qt-kde chan have access thus far
[21:11] <mukidohime> Yes, but there are others who probably aren't aware of that.
[21:12] <smarter> s/is full of crap/has built files left/ then
[21:12] <Trigger7> nixternal: but is this access really used? i don't remember a single commit to core packages from people not from the core debian kde team
[21:12] <pusling> it is full of crap
[21:12] <pusling> sorry for that.
[21:13] <mukidohime> pusling: Why is it not in /krap then?
[21:13] <pusling> hihih.
[21:13] <nixternal> Trigger7: umm, I don't know who has core commit access, I am guessing at least Riddell and Hobbsee...I have just kde4 and kde-extras which has worked for the time being for me at least
[21:13] <Trigger7> nixternal: with core i meant e.g. kdelibs, kdebase, kdegraphics... from kde 4
[21:14] <mukidohime> We don't separate access quite so strictly.
[21:14] <pusling> smarter: but where is your patch to build it with out the crap in the diff ?
[21:14] <nixternal> Trigger7: ahh, I am sure I have access but I don't know about others
[21:14] <smarter> pusling: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=oxygen-cursor-theme
[21:14] <ScottK> pusling: For myself, I've been looking on the Kubuntu side to do away with stuff that requires us to have a diff first. I'm currently one kde-guidance change away from being able to just use the Debian python-qt3 packages here.
[21:14] <nixternal> I still like the fact of a patch or package review since there are some differences between Debian and Kubuntu packages
[21:14] <mukidohime> ScottK2: That's just the idea.
[21:15] <nixternal> the big differences are really with KDE 4 due to the install locations of course
[21:15] <mukidohime> That shouldn't be a big deal for most of the packaging, though.
[21:15] <Trigger7> yeah - but apart from the prefix (and completely different install files for this reason) we shouldn't have much differences
[21:15] <dinosaur-rus> sorry for annoyance, but qt4-dev-tools package is still unusable due to version conflict with libqt4-core (which is newer than needed by the first one)
[21:15] <nixternal> mukidohime: no it isn't...actually quite a bit of our packages I know we work on so we just sync them...makes the packaging side of things over here easier
[21:16] <nixternal> mukidohime: the reason it would be really nice to work more together, is because we are both comprised of somewhat small teams
[21:16] <ScottK> dinosaur-rus: In Hardy?
[21:16] <dinosaur-rus> ScottK: Gutsy
[21:16] <mukidohime> Exactly, we don't have the people to do our work twice.
[21:17] <Trigger7> nixternal: right. i't s more or less all about manpower
[21:17] <nixternal> ya, and we don't want to do the work twice either
[21:17] <ScottK> dinosaur-rus: OK. Is there a bug on this?
[21:18] <pusling> smarter: oh nice. ignores errors on rm.
[21:18] <apachelogger> jpatrick: smarter: I think we should merge, not sync
[21:18] <apachelogger> change the binary name and split the package like smarter did
[21:18] <apachelogger> I want to use oxygen as default theme for kde 4
[21:18] <mukidohime> We'd like to invite any devs interested in syncing their work to #debian-qt-kde on OFTC.
[21:18] <apachelogger> so we need the white curosrs seperated
[21:19] <ScottK> apachelogger: Why not work to get that done in Debian?
[21:19] <mukidohime> Why would we separate them?
[21:19] <pusling> because it would save several kb of space.
[21:19] <apachelogger> do it that way then :)
[21:19] <mukidohime> Well, it doesn't really matter much either way.
[21:19] <dinosaur-rus> ScottK: yes. it seems that new qt4-dev-tools in in gutsy-updates, why not move it to "regular" repository
[21:19] <apachelogger> I just want my white cursors in oxygen-cursors :P
[21:20] <ScottK> dinosaur-rus: We don't do that after release. You should have gutsy-updates enabled.
[21:20] <mukidohime> Ok, well let's get that committed to the alioth.
[21:20] <mukidohime> apachelogger: Got an account?
[21:20] <apachelogger> nope
[21:20] <Trigger7> did pusling agree? i don't know what he did
[21:20] <mukidohime> Well, would you like one?
[21:21] <apachelogger> mukidohime: I'm not sure it would make much sense, I'm quite busy with kubuntu work
[21:21] <apachelogger> so, if you think it would :)
[21:21] <mukidohime> That's the point, we're also busy with Debian work.
[21:21] <apachelogger> ^_^
[21:21] <mukidohime> So instead of working separately, we share the work.
[21:21] <Trigger7> apachelogger: and where is the difference between the ubuntu and debian work wrt kde? apart from the different prefix i doN#t see much
[21:22] <apachelogger> well, how would uploading work?
[21:22] <mukidohime> apachelogger: It's svn.
[21:22] <apachelogger> I mean to the archives
[21:22] <apachelogger> so we can sync/merge
[21:22] <dinosaur-rus> ScottK: the package in "regular" repository is broken and that won't be fixed?
[21:23] <mukidohime> We have some who upload the finished results.
[21:23] <ScottK> No, you enable updates. That's how you get updates.
[21:23] <mukidohime> To get an account, just go to "https://alioth.debian.org/account/register.php"
[21:24] <apachelogger> eitherway taking longer than when I upload straight to the ubuntu archives
[21:24] <mukidohime> True, but it means we're also working on it, so you can do something else.
[21:24] <Trigger7> apachelogger: we are not talking about binary uploads here, but changes to packages in svn. ubuntu regularly syncs to debian anyway, right?
[21:25] <ScottK> apachelogger: Yes and then you have to maintain the diff. In the long run getting into Debian is better.
[21:25] <ScottK> Less time spent on merges and more on useful work.
[21:26] <nixternal> plus it is one of the recommendations of being a MOTU...go to Debian first
[21:26] <mukidohime> Once you have the account, you can join the team and get SVN access at:
[21:26] <mukidohime> https://alioth.debian.org/project/request.php?group_id=30221
[21:26] <mukidohime> Info page is here: http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/join.html
[21:28] <dinosaur-rus> ScottK: oh, thanks. need to fix my sources.list :)
[21:29] <ScottK> You're welcome.
[21:33] <_StefanS_> Riddell: I'm having trouble getting that patch thingy working... I keep getting errors that distclean stuff is missing
[21:34] <dinosaur-rus> and I have a suggestion: IMHO, update-grub script shouldn't modify any commented parts of menu.lst (e.g. change kernel parameters like root partition from /dev/*** to UUID)
[21:39] <mukidohime> mateus? anjum?
[21:40] <mukidohime> Looking for the new account requests.
[21:48] <smarter> good night everyone, and sorry to have felt rude ;)
[21:48] <ryanakca> dinosaur-rus: report it as a wishlist on launchpad :)
[21:50] <Trigger7> smarter: sleep well
[21:57] <nixternal> Riddell or toma: with kde 4 copyright headers, are the lgpl v2 only or gpl v2 only licenses still acceptable? there have been a few copyright emails/blogs that has confused me here for a second
[21:58] * nixternal makes it public: I HATE COPYRIGHT EDITING!
[21:58] <mukidohime> Now it should be dual-licensed v2 and v3.
[22:00] <Riddell> nixternal: i don't follow
[22:01] <toma> nixternal: new files must fit the new license policy, we are trying to relicense all the old ones
[22:01] <nixternal> ok, new files
[22:02] <Riddell> nixternal: what's isn't GPL?
[22:02] <nixternal> Riddell: I don't either honestly...this kpovmodeler package has all kinds of copyright holders, some GPL v2, some LGPL v2, some LGPL v2 or newer and the list continues
[22:03] <Riddell> so just say it's GPL 2 with parts LGPL 2
[22:03] <nixternal> ya, I got that down
[22:04] <nixternal> tell me if this is OK, I borrwed it from kdegraphics package -> Upstream Authors: John Doe <jdoe@kde.org> and many others.
[22:05] <nixternal> or is it better to just list every copyright holder and their perspective holding dates?
[22:06] <Riddell> ug, don't list every copyright holder
[22:06] <Riddell> that's impossible to maintain
[22:06] <Riddell> you can look for the copyright info in KAboutData (or just copy it fro kdegraphics indeed)
[22:07] <nixternal> groovy
[22:07] <nixternal> thanks
=== uga|away is now known as uga
[22:24] <blueyed> Riddell: re copyright: I've thought every copyright holder for each file must be listed? (grouped with "*" where possible, but in general..)?!
[22:26] <ScottK> blueyed: Every license MUST be listed, but minor copyright holders can be omitted.
[22:27] <blueyed> ScottK: that's good to know. Thought it was more strict.
[22:30] <nixternal> /usr/include/ft2build.h:56:38: error: freetype/config/ftheader.h: No such file or directory
[22:30] <nixternal> what is the trick to get around this?
[22:30] <Riddell> install ftheader.h
[22:31] <nixternal> it seems our libfreetype6-dev installs to freetype2/freetype/config/ftheader.h
[22:31] <Riddell> so it needs /usr/include/freetype2 added to the include path
[22:31] <Riddell> which will be some cmake thing
[22:31] <nixternal> ya
[22:33] <Trigger7> FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR contains the path to the headers, if FindFreetype.cmake has been used
[22:35] <toma> nixternal: Riddell: that is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freetype/+bug/181913
[22:35] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 181913 in freetype "freetype, incorrect include dir" [Undecided,Invalid]
[22:36] <toma> i think
[22:37] <nixternal> ya, but it was invalid for some reason..it is all coming back to me now
[22:37] <toma> no idea why that is invalid, i dont understand launchpad
[22:37] <mukidohime> toma: Heard you had an issue with MMX/SSE ?
[22:38] <toma> me? no. debian has
[22:38] <toma> i use code optimized for -mmx and debian removed that compile instruction
[22:39] <mukidohime> In what?
[22:39] <toma> rsibreak
[22:39] <Trigger7> toma: you have ;). you should check at runtime if you have a processor with mmx around
[22:39] <mukidohime> Well, then you'll like how I fixed it.
[22:39] <toma> Trigger7: dont run rsibreak if you dont have -mmx
[22:39] <mukidohime> Remember, Debian's not doing the changes, we are. :>
[22:40] <Trigger7> toma: so a powerpc/sparc/whatever user shouldn't use rsibreak?
[22:40] <toma> no
[22:40] <mukidohime> Anyway, using some code from qimageblitz, I have a patch to make it build and run on any arch, but detect MMX at run time on archs that can use it.
[22:41] <toma> that does not make it work smoothly for them
[22:41] <mukidohime> It may be a good idea to incorporate it upstream.
[22:42] <Trigger7> toma: but isn't "not smoothly" better than not possible to run it at all?
[22:42] <mukidohime> Hey, at least they can use it at all.
[22:42] <Trigger7> this is what we use in debian right now btw: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/branches/kde4/packages/rsibreak/debian/patches/blitzcpuinfo.diff?op=file&rev=9242&sc=1
[22:42] <toma> not sure about that
[22:42] <Trigger7> do you consider it that stupid?
[22:42] <toma> they will think it is bad app
[22:42] <dinosaur-rus> nixternal: hmm... /usr/include/ft2build.h has a comment "`<prefix>/include/freetype2' must be in your current inclusion path" right before #include directive :)
[22:43] <mukidohime> toma: There really isn't all THAT much in it that requires critical performance.
[22:43] <toma> i rather not ship it untill i find a real fix
[22:43] <toma> there is
[22:43] <mukidohime> That is a real fix.
[22:43] <mukidohime> It builds MMX code on i386 & amd64, and not on the others.
[22:44] <toma> no, it's about performance, not about make it compile
[22:44] <mukidohime> Is there something you can use in qimageblitz directly then?
[22:44] <Trigger7> toma: isn't there a generic way to make these grayout effects? and how does it work in the kde 3 rsibreak?
[22:45] <Trigger7> \\
[22:45] <toma> other code
[22:45] <Trigger7> gna, wrong window
[22:45] <mukidohime> Actually, I was thinking you'd want to use kwin to do the effect.
[22:45] <mukidohime> Use the nice compositing, but fall back to some other code if that doesn't work.
[22:45] <dinosaur-rus> nixternal: and FreeType Project doesn't seem to be going to fix that (Open/Closed: Closed; Planned Release: None)
[22:46] <Trigger7> isn't there also a grayout effect when logging out of kde?
[22:46] <toma> that fits my 'real fix' remark
[22:46] <toma> +could
[22:46] <Trigger7> k
[22:46] <mukidohime> Yeah, that would be a good way to go.
[22:46] <toma> untill then simply exclude the !-mmx archs
[22:47] <mukidohime> Is quasar at all ready? That might be able to do the effect if you can't use composite.
[22:47] <toma> not sure why you all are so desperate not to do that and ship a shitty app to them
[22:47] <Trigger7> toma: even i386 is a non-mmx arch from a debian POV
[22:47] <mukidohime> Well, Debian does support CPUs down to the i386.
[22:47] <toma> !language >toma
[22:48] <Riddell> mukidohime: I'm pretty sure debian doesn't actually work on a 386
[22:48] <mukidohime> Not that you should be running KDE 4 on a 386...
[22:48] <mukidohime> Riddell: I don't doubt that.
[22:48] <Trigger7> Riddell: not 386, but 486
[22:48] <toma> it's not my problem
[22:49] <Trigger7> then it's not our problem if people consider your app shitty ;)
[22:49] <Trigger7> and i don't think they would
[22:49] <toma> build in a check with exit 0 ;-)
[22:49] <mukidohime> toma: There is a non-mmx grayout command, it's just commented out.
[22:50] <mukidohime> Does it work?
[22:50] <toma> Trigger7: so? did you here me complain? i gave my opinion wwhen asked.
[22:50] <Riddell> anyone want to package marble Qt edition?
[22:50] <mukidohime> Riddell: How does that work with the kdeedu version?
[22:51] <Trigger7> Riddell: do you have a seperate marble package, or do you build it out of kdeedu? i remember the author asked us to build both, the kde and the qt version
[22:51] <toma> i think its up to the distro to provide the best user experience
[22:51] <mukidohime> toma: we're trying.
[22:51] <Trigger7> but the marble build system doesn't allow to build both at once right now
[22:51] <Riddell> mukidohime: I expect it conflicts
[22:51] <toma> and their judgement
[22:52] <Riddell> Trigger7: yes we will have the old Qt only marble in the archive (I was going to have it removed but now tackat thinks it has worth)
[22:52] <mukidohime> I don't suppose Torsten could separate it a bit more cleanly from kdeedu...
[22:53] <Trigger7> Riddell: ah, ok. why not build a qt and a kde version of the "new" marble?
[22:54] <Riddell> Trigger7: well that's what I just asked if anyone wanted to help package
[22:54] <emu> does anybody know how much Gigabyte the whole ubuntu-Repositories (main universe multiverse) holds?
[22:55] <mukidohime> I'll take care of it.
[22:55] <mukidohime> Not sure how to reconcile the differences with the kdeedu version.
[22:55] <mukidohime> But I guess I'll figure that oout.
[22:55] <emu> I mean all 23163 packages.
[22:55] <Trigger7> Riddell: ah,ok. IMO we should patch the build system to allow to build both versions somehow. maybe with a slightly different name
[22:55] <Riddell> mukidohime: Conflicts?
[22:55] <dinosaur-rus> emu: why do you need that? want to mirror it?
[22:55] <Trigger7> mukidohime: we should build both versions from kdeedu
[22:56] <mukidohime> I think the idea is that marble can be updated independently of kdeedu.
[22:56] <Riddell> emu: try #canonical-sysadmin
[22:56] <emu> dinosaur-rus: Had the crazy Idea to provide a dvd-Repository for the poor people with 56k modems
[22:57] <Trigger7> mukidohime: there will be no marble release which is not included in kdeedu AFAIK.
[22:57] <dinosaur-rus> emu: that's really crazy :) I'm sure repositories are *much* bigger than DVD :))
[22:58] <emu> yeah but maybe three double layer will be enough
[22:58] <mukidohime> Oh, I thought we were talking about a separate source package.
[22:58] <emu> on the other hand its just interesting to know.
[22:59] <Trigger7> mukidohime: there's still the old marble around, which isn't part kdeedu
[22:59] <toma> mukidohime, Trigger7: did that make any sense, or do you declare me insane now?
[22:59] <mukidohime> toma: wrt?
[22:59] <toma> my position in this problem
[22:59] <dinosaur-rus> emu: may be 3 double-layer double-side? :P
[23:00] <mukidohime> Riddell: This seems like something that really should be done in the build system.
[23:00] <emu> *lol*
[23:00] <mukidohime> toma: I'm not really sure. :>
[23:00] <Trigger7> toma: more or less insane ;). the problem is, that we normally build everything everywhere on debian. kde is built on arm and crap like this
[23:01] <toma> okay
[23:01] <Trigger7> and the grayout effect works, even if it is a bit slow (didn't test it to be honest). so it is noce for the people with mmx and at least usable for people without mmx
[23:01] <mukidohime> toma: Can you leave us with a definitive statement of intent? :>
[23:01] <dinosaur-rus> emu: try to sum "installed size" of all packages, that should be more or less accurate :)
[23:02] <Trigger7> mukidohime: when you look at kdeedu you can see, that you can either build the qt, or the kde version, but not both.
[23:02] <mukidohime> Trigger7: That's what I mean, there should be an option for both.
[23:02] <toma> k, bye
[23:03] <Trigger7> mukidohime: yep. i wonder if libmarble is afected by this in any way. i hope is isn't
[23:04] <Riddell> Trigger7: libmarblewidget links to libkdecore.so.5
[23:04] <mukidohime> Well, it would seem like there should be a clean split between the Qt part and the KDE part.
[23:04] <Trigger7> Riddell: gna. to bad
[23:05] <Trigger7> does the qt version build a library? maybe it doesn't don't know. have no time to check right now. not even time to chat in theory, but... ;)
[23:06] <mukidohime> Riddell: Can you pass that along to the kdeedu people?
[23:07] <emu> donsaur-rus: I don`t knwo how to do this. Can´t find an fitting option on, apt-get, aptitude or dpkg
[23:07] <Riddell> mukidohime: which?
[23:07] <mukidohime> The build system changes to build both versions of marble.
[23:07] <dinosaur-rus> emu: use python through its bindings?
[23:08] <emu> I will try... thank you.
[23:09] <Riddell> mukidohime: I can suggest it to tackat when he's next online
[23:09] <mukidohime> Danke.
[23:09] <mukidohime> That would make things much simpler.
[23:11] <Trigger7> Riddell: cool :) as they wanted to build us both versions (i don't remember who told me, i think it was the current marble maintainer), it whould really be made possible upstream
[23:15] <Riddell> nixternal: so I think I'll start uploading 4.0.1 now
[23:15] <nixternal> so it is fine to upload my 4.0.1 updates then?
[23:15] <nixternal> I have 2 "new" - kgrab and kpovmodeler that I will have jpatrick or apachelogger ack first
[23:16] <nixternal> I will dput kpov to revu as soon as my test build finishes
[23:16] <nixternal> DEB_CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS += -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/freetype2
[23:16] <nixternal> that fixed the freetype2 for kpov
[23:16] <dinosaur-rus> emu: or you can try to use information from "apt-cache dumpavail" or files in /var/liv/apt/lists
[23:18] <Riddell> nixternal: just make sure they build-dep on kdelibs5 >= 4.0.1
[23:18] <nixternal> yup, already done that
[23:20] <blizzzek> bye
[23:21] <Trigger7> Riddell: btw, what do you think about fixing the stuff you discover directly in our svn?
[23:23] <emu> dinosaur-rus: do you no if the output from dumpavail is in kilobyte or byte?
[23:23] <dinosaur-rus> emu: dunno
[23:24] <dinosaur-rus> emu: I guess kilobytes (or there're so many packages smaller than 1KB :) )
[23:27] <Riddell> Trigger7: for the most part its better for it to be filtered through people who are a proper part of Debian packaging
[23:29] <dinosaur-rus> emu: I got 59'372'748
[23:30] <dinosaur-rus> emu: so you'll need more than 3 double-layer double-side disks ;)
[23:30] <emu> dinosaur-rus: me to... this are nearly 600GB
[23:30] <emu> only a little :)
[23:30] <dinosaur-rus> emu: may be 60GB, not 600?
[23:32] <emu> uups forgot an 0
[23:32] <Trigger7> Riddell: k
[23:33] <dinosaur-rus> emu: you didn't forget 0, you typed redundant 0 :)
[23:33] <emu> I should go to bed...
[23:33] <dinosaur-rus> emu: and that's just for one architecture :P
[23:34] <Riddell> Trigger7: but lets see how I get on with this qyoto integration into kdebindings
[23:34] <emu> dinosaur-rus: this will be funny
[23:34] <emu> gn8@all
[23:34] <dinosaur-rus> emu: yeah :)