UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /03 /#xubuntu.txt
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[00:23] <Ven]n> hmm.. i followed this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131
[00:23] <Ven]n> to get fusesmb in thunar
[00:24] <Ven]n> and it worked fine
[00:24] <Ven]n> but now when i try to open a shared folder it says connection timed out right away
[00:37] <yannick_lm> hi all
[00:38] <yannick_lm> I've got a little trouble with Xubuntu. When I maximize my windows,
[00:38] <yannick_lm> I loose the decoration in the bottom
[00:41] <mkquist> hey all, anyone any thoughts, install ubuntu alternate, comp powers down fine, use xubuntu install cd and wont power all the way down, like actually turn off...
[00:58] <Ven]n> so weird
[00:58] <Ven]n> i keep getting connection timed out using fusesmb
=== maxamillion is now known as notMax
[02:12] <leche> mkquist, check the boot options, those things need acpi support
[02:12] <leche> maybe xD
[02:14] <mkquist> leche any idea where to steer me? like file location? =)
[02:14] <leche> mkquist, when booting from cd, press f6 to edit boot options...
[02:14] <mkquist> so grub?
[02:15] <leche> all the other options are written down in the grub ini file, /boot/grub/menu.list
[02:15] <leche> check for options like, noacpi or such
[02:18] <mkquist> leche: thanx
[02:18] <leche> could you give me a report if it helped?
[02:35] <arrrghhh> hey all, is there any way to have some visual feedback that a program is working on starting?
[02:35] <arrrghhh> like the kinda cheesy bouncing icon in kde
[03:03] <arrrghhh> no body?
[03:03] <arrrghhh> damn this room is dead
=== w4ett is now known as w4ett-Away
[05:00] <RaskahRat> Is there a simple way to edit XFCE menu for a newbie? I have googled and all the answers i find seem complicated and involve editing files manually. I followed instructions at http://wiki.xfce.org/faq so that the graphical memu editor would work but this has just made it more confusing.
[05:02] <mkquist> its real quiet in here tonight
[05:14] <RaskahRat> I dont understand why it would be so complicated to do something as simple as editing the menu.
[05:30] <Crayzie> anyone around?
[05:30] <maxamillion> Crayzie: i am ... kinda
[05:30] <maxamillion> what's up?
[05:31] <Crayzie> ah not much, got 2 questions..
[05:31] <maxamillion> fire away
[05:31] <Crayzie> 1- speed wise, which is faster on old hardware.. xubuntu or opengeu?
[05:32] <Crayzie> 2- i upgraded a xubuntu box earlier and once i would log in an xfce would start, it would log me right back out
[05:32] <Crayzie> not sure why
[05:36] <maxamillion> Crayzie: what would you say your level of gnu/linux knowledge is?
[05:37] <Crayzie> basic-moderate
[05:37] <maxamillion> hmmm
[05:37] <Crayzie> i didnt have much time to investigate what was causing the problem
[05:37] <maxamillion> Crayzie: have you ever used debian?
[05:37] <Crayzie> but didnt know if it was a common problem or not
[05:38] <Crayzie> ive contemplated trying it
[05:38] <Crayzie> but i havent yet
[05:39] <maxamillion> not that i know of, but as far as speed goes you will get a little performance gain by using debian since the ubuntu-base has become bloated in its quest to support all the worlds hardware "out of the box"
[05:40] <Crayzie> would it be worth it speedwise to get the xfce version of debian, or just the standard base?
[05:40] <NinnuaM> I wouldn't know, I'm here looking for help as well..
[05:41] <maxamillion> Crayzie: xfce version
[05:42] <maxamillion> Crayzie: lemme get you a link
[05:42] <maxamillion> NinnuaM: what's up?
[05:42] <NinnuaM> well, I'm trying to get xubuntu onto this computer which is an older hp with the intel i810 chipset
[05:43] <NinnuaM> I'm using puppy linux right now, and the gui works fine
[05:43] <maxamillion> Crayzie: http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/4.0_r2/i386/iso-cd/ <--- at the bottom, the xfce-CD-1 is all you should need for a standard desktop installation
[05:44] <NinnuaM> but when I tried xubuntu, and ubuntu.. it's either "cannot display this video mode" or a bunch of lines whenever I go through and do everything manually
[05:44] <Crayzie> maxamillion, thanks
[05:44] <maxamillion> Crayzie: anytime
[05:44] <maxamillion> NinnuaM: it sounds a bit like ubuntu isn't detecting the video settings correctly
[05:45] <NinnuaM> that's what I was thinking
[05:45] <quazimoz> hello
[05:46] <maxamillion> quazimoz: hello
[05:46] <NinnuaM> but I don't really know how to go about fixing it..
[05:46] <quazimoz> ni the main gutsy repositories i couldnt find xmms-flac. then about 2 hours later it was there :/
[05:47] <quazimoz> in any case, there is no libflac-7 in there so it wont install, any solution other than using fiesty or edgy repositories?
[05:47] <maxamillion> quazimoz: you could build it from source ... its kinda strange that its not in the repos
[05:48] <maxamillion> uhmmm... brb
=== maxamillion is now known as notMax
[05:48] <quazimoz> i got banned from #ubuntu in efnet because they kept telling me to get xmms2... like it is a solution ot the problem
[05:48] <quazimoz> so i yelled at them
[05:48] <quazimoz> anyway
[05:49] <notMax> quazimoz: well the reason they probably said that is because xmms has been abandoned as a project and is therefore depricated
[05:49] <notMax> anyhoo ... brb
[05:56] <RaskahRat> OK, anyone. I install Xubuntu 7.10 and all i want to do is edit the xfce menu......... the menu editor dont show what actually in the menu. So i follow instructions at http://wiki.xfce.org/faq and this shows the applications in the menu editor but they point to empty duplicates in the menu and i still cant change what i want.
[05:57] <RaskahRat> i have googled my little heart out but i'm not very linux savvy and dont really want to edit obscure config files manbually for each menu entry
[05:59] <NinnuaM> will the i810 chipset only work with certain versions of xubuntu?
[07:20] <friedtofu> anyways - i installed wine and i hit starcraft
[07:20] <friedtofu> how do i let starcraft take over the xfce panels?
[07:21] <quazimoz> OMG FRIEDTOFU
[07:21] <quazimoz> GOOD IDEA
[07:21] <quazimoz> FUCK
[07:21] * quazimoz rushes off to find starcraft cd and stolen keys!
[07:21] <friedtofu> ok. how do i let starcraft go over the xfce panels in fullscreen mode?
=== notMax is now known as maxamillion
[07:56] <Epicenter> Is there a way to make GRUB boot an ISO image on a partition?
[08:33] <RaskahRat> Can anyone please tell me how to make the xfce menu editor actually show my menu items?
[08:37] <RaskahRat> it's ridiculous... may7be i'm just a complete idiot but i should have not had to spend so much time trying to do something so simple.
[08:43] <predaeus> RaskahRat, did you hit the save button?
[08:45] <RaskahRat> predaeus, I am new to linux. I read in xubuntu docs to edit the menu items to use the menu editor.... but most of the menu items are not there to edit.
[08:45] <RaskahRat> I'm not sure where the xml file its actually using is stored.
[08:47] <predaeus> RaskahRat, I don't know either, but you can read this http://wiki.xfce.org/faq#menu might help
[08:49] <RaskahRat> predaeus, yes i have followed those instructions..... but what i end up with is everything else now being in the menu editor (applications, games etc) but they point to empty duplicate fiolders in the menu and i still cant do anything with the menu folders that are actually relevant.
[08:49] <predaeus> RaskahRat, I don't remember exactly but I think the system menu, the one you can't change is generated from a series of files somewhere. Each entry has a file. It's probably practical to have it like that so that the menu can be automatically updated when a program is installed. This is likely the most portable solution to change menu entries when installing programs between kde, gnome, xfce.
[08:49] <predaeus> hm
[08:50] <predaeus> RaskahRat, sorry I don't know, for this reason I only added my own starters but left the core menu alone. Keep asking though, maybe somebody else here knows.
[08:51] <RaskahRat> predaeus, yes i knwo where the .desktop files are stored.... and i know how to add a line so they do not show up in the menu.... but i cant write to the files to edit them anyway... and this seems like it would remove them from the kde menu as well for instance
[08:51] <predaeus> RaskahRat, btw, did you save the changes in the editor like I asked earlier?
[08:52] <RaskahRat> predaeus, i cant make any relevant changes as the items are simply not there to edit.
[08:52] <RaskahRat> predaeus, but yes i know to save changes.
[08:52] <predaeus> hm
[08:53] <RaskahRat> the only mentions i can find through google say to manually edit the .desktop files but this seems ridiculous anyway i cant figure out how to make it let me write to tehse files to miodify them
[08:54] <RaskahRat> and it seems obvious that if i were to modify the .desktop files to get them out of my xfce menu than they would also dissapear from the menu in kde4 which i am playing around with. I can live with kde 4 proggie links in my xfce menu i just want to change it in some ways
[09:02] <RaskahRat> Woot..... i fixed it....... i dont see why the damn menu editor would not automatically load the menu xml that was being used but meh.
[10:51] <Epicenter> Is there a way to make GRUB boot an ISO image?
[10:52] <TheSheep> Epicenter: you can do it, not necessarily with grub
[10:52] <TheSheep> Epicenter: see installing from linux on
[10:52] <TheSheep> !install
[10:52] <ubotu> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[10:54] <Epicenter> well I have Ubuntu installed, but I need to do a BIOS flash. The app is DOS or windows. So I need to install one or the other to do it.
[10:54] <Epicenter> The system has no CDROM, FDD and can't boot USB
[10:55] <Epicenter> I'd like to load a disk image via GRUB which I am pretty sure is possible
[10:55] <Epicenter> can I write the image to a partition somehow and boot that from grub?
[10:55] <TheSheep> Epicenter: yes, that howto tells you how
[10:56] <Epicenter> but I'm not trying to install Ubuntu, it's already installed.
[10:56] <TheSheep> Epicenter: then use sme other iso image than the ubuntu one
[10:57] <TheSheep> Epicenter: use a part of that howto
[10:57] <TheSheep> be creative ;)
[10:58] <TheSheep> Epicenter: there is also a program that lets you boot from usb even when bios deosn't allow that
[10:59] <Epicenter> TheSheep: Yeah?
[11:00] <TheSheep> also mentioned on the installation page
[11:00] <Epicenter> Which section?
[11:00] <Epicenter> FromCforUSBstick?
[11:01] <TheSheep> fine, I'll read it for you
[11:02] <TheSheep> this is the program for booting from usb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto
[11:02] <TheSheep> but apparently it requires a floppy
[11:02] <TheSheep> so no go
[11:03] <Epicenter> This machine has no floppy drive, yeah
[11:03] <Epicenter> bingo
[11:03] <Epicenter> So my best bet is this howto on making an ext3 partition, extracting a bootable ISO like a DOS or Windows install CDROM into it, and then setting grub to boot it ?
[11:04] <TheSheep> yes
[11:04] <TheSheep> that was the one I was refering to initially
[11:05] <TheSheep> one wonders how they put the system on that computer in the first place, though
[11:06] <Epicenter> I took the HDD out, rigged it up to my PC with a USB adapter and then installed
[11:06] <Epicenter> swapped the HD to the real machine, and reconfigured the X server
[11:07] <TheSheep> nice
[11:07] <Epicenter> nightmare
[11:07] <TheSheep> could have been worse
[11:08] <TheSheep> we have some sparks here that have a limit on the size of the kernel they can boot
[11:09] <Epicenter> sheesh
[11:09] <TheSheep> and since they are CISCs, the kernel gets pretty large
[11:09] <Epicenter> this is an extremely minimalistic subnotebook
[11:09] <TheSheep> eee?
[11:09] <Epicenter> Hitachi Flora 210W
[11:09] <Epicenter> the 'eee' is garbage
[11:09] <Epicenter> I don't know why it gets so much attention
[11:10] <TheSheep> marketing :)
[11:10] <TheSheep> plus, they are calling it a laptop
[11:10] <Epicenter> hah, barely.
[11:10] <TheSheep> and all the $100 laptop hype
[11:11] <Epicenter> it's $300-$500 though
[11:11] <TheSheep> honestly, all others call theirs "organizers"
[11:11] <TheSheep> i meant the olpc
[11:11] <Epicenter> ah
[11:12] <Epicenter> I pray this BIOS update fixes my problem
[11:12] <Epicenter> the x server uses 100% of the CPU all the time
[11:12] <Epicenter> I can barely do anything
[11:12] <Epicenter> even the mouse is updating just once every 3 seconds
[11:12] <TheSheep> what were they thinking wehn distributing the update in such a way?
[11:13] <Epicenter> a BIOS image and a DOS/Windows installer? Well, since windows is the planet's most prevalent OS ..
[11:13] <Epicenter> I think it was pretty rational thinking.
[11:25] <Epicenter> Is there some way to force the x server to quit? It just keeps restarting
[11:25] <Epicenter> It's using 100% of the CPU all the time, everything is too slow to even draw on the screen. Typing and moving the cursor is an ordeal.
[11:40] <polonio> i think you can restart X server hold ctrl+alt+del
[11:41] <polonio> or ctrl+alt+backspace
[11:41] <polonio> yes maybe backspace :-)
[11:42] <polonio> epicenter? are you there?
[11:44] <siggjen> i'd «/etc/init.d/gdm stop» to stop X
[15:42] <slow-motion> hi
[15:44] <siggjen> Hi
[16:01] <innertruth> will xfce share same mono based d-bus as next versions of gnome?
[16:03] <TheSheep> innertruth: mono-based d-bus?
[16:03] <TheSheep> innertruth: you mean the d-bus daemon?
[16:03] <innertruth> http://beranger.org/index.php?page=diary&2008/01/31/15/21/05-ndesk-dbus-and-the-end-of-freedo
[16:06] <TheSheep> hehe, nice FUD
[16:28] <qwerkus> hi all
[16:29] <qwerkus> how do you set cube top image under compiz-fusion, xubuntu 7.10 ?
[16:31] <totalwormface> check ccsm, compizconfig-settingsmanager
[16:31] <totalwormface> i guess there's an option there to set the top image :]
[16:35] <qwerkus> totalwormface: that's my prob
[16:35] <qwerkus> i cannot find the option
[16:35] <qwerkus> question is: am i missing some plugin ?
[16:36] <TheSheep> qwerkus: there is a separate plugin, cube caps
[16:36] <totalwormface> qwerkus: what TheSheep says :]
[16:41] <qwerkus> aaaaah
[16:41] <qwerkus> thanks guys
[17:43] <TangentBuntu> hey, I'm not getting any help in the main channel, I need to ask here
[17:43] <TangentBuntu> how do I fix: WARNING: NNET_OpenSocket: bind: Cannot assign requested address
[17:43] <TheSheep> TangentBuntu: maybe your question is too vague?
[17:43] <TangentBuntu> well, I don't know what else to ask
[17:43] <TheSheep> TangentBuntu: can you provide some context?
[17:44] <TangentBuntu> trying to start a srcds server
[17:44] <TangentBuntu> and it won't start because it can't bind the port/address or something
[17:45] <TheSheep> TangentBuntu: what is srcds?
[17:45] <TangentBuntu> source dedicated server
[17:45] <TangentBuntu> it's a valve tool for dedicating a server to source engine games
[17:47] <TheSheep> wait, I don't follow, I understand each word separately, but they don't make any sense together to me
[17:47] <TangentBuntu> what do you mean?
[17:47] <TangentBuntu> http://steampowered.com
[17:48] <TheSheep> what's source engine?
[17:48] <TangentBuntu> game engine
[17:48] <TangentBuntu> counter-strike: source and Team Fortress 2
[17:49] <TheSheep> TangentBuntu: where do I read about it on the page you gave?
[17:49] <TheSheep> it looks like Las Vegas
[17:49] <TangentBuntu> that's just the company site
[17:49] <TangentBuntu> don't worry about it
[17:49] <TangentBuntu> I just need to know how to allow port binding
[17:50] <TheSheep> TangentBuntu: which port are you trying to bind to?
[17:50] <TangentBuntu> 27015
[17:50] <TheSheep> ok, so the first possibility -- being under 1024 -- is out :)
[17:51] <TheSheep> do you know what library this application is using to bind to that port?
[17:51] <TheSheep> what is it written in, for example?
[19:15] <PsynoKhi0> Hi, anyone here using both xubuntu and puppy?
[19:18] <TheSheep> !anynone | PsynoKhi0
[19:18] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about anynone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:18] <TheSheep> !anyone | PsynoKhi0
[19:18] <ubotu> PsynoKhi0: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[19:18] <PsynoKhi0> :(
[19:19] <TheSheep> PsynoKhi0: you wanted o comparison?
[19:19] <PsynoKhi0> I'm curious as to puppy's standard grub options compared to xubuntu, still having issues with my USB on my xubuntu machine, but everything works fine in puppy
[19:20] <TheSheep> it's more about kernel build options, I guess
[19:20] <PsynoKhi0> at least puppy livecd boot
[19:20] <PsynoKhi0> ah
[19:23] <PsynoKhi0> ermm should I expect some performance gains using icewm instead of xfce?
[19:25] <TheSheep> yes, icewm should be quicker and use less memory -- because it's simplier
[19:28] <PsynoKhi0> ok ty
[21:06] <slow-motion> n8
[21:39] <Kommer> is this the channel for help on installing xubuntu?
[22:20] <chrsghoyt> I'm tying to setup my pcHDTV 5500 tv capture card on 64 bit Gutsy
[22:21] <chrsghoyt> I installed mythtv and finally got it to scan and add all of the channels
[22:21] <chrsghoyt> but when I open the front end I just get a black screen
[22:21] <chrsghoyt> Can anyone help me
[22:22] <chrsghoyt> I've been googling for hours
[22:32] <newermind> hello, what program do I need in xubuntu to make my "shortcut-keys" on my laptop-keyboard work? (they work in gnome)
[23:12] <PsynoKhi0> Hi, I'm trying to get a xubuntu lappy connected to the net, but I can't seem to get any IP address... here are the results from dhclient and ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54645/
[23:13] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 give me a sec to take a look
[23:13] <PsynoKhi0> ok thanks
[23:14] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 did you try to configure the card using yast?
[23:14] <PsynoKhi0> ermm "yast"? nope never heard about that
[23:15] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 oops...wrong os...got to quit running on two machines
[23:15] <PsynoKhi0> hehe
[23:16] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 here's the deal as I understand it. If you have a card defined in /etc/network/interfaces then it runs at bootup, if it isn't in that file then gnome's network manager comes into play. I personally have had no luck with that network manager...even when running gnome. Give me a sec to pastebin my interfaces for you
[23:17] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 is this wireless or ethernet?
[23:18] <PsynoKhi0> ethernet
[23:18] <th0r> ok...my best guess then as my server is on a wireless network. hang on
[23:19] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 actually...I think it is going to be one line.....iface eth0 inet dhcp
[23:20] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 this is my interfaces file....http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54648/
[23:21] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 my eth0 is the wifi dongle...I use static addressing so you don't need the address, netmask or gateway lines...and definitely don't need the last two.
[23:22] <PsynoKhi0> I'm on dynamic IP addressing
[23:22] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 have you tried to bring the network down and back up from the command line to see what kind of error you get?
[23:24] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 try this...open two terminals...in one type 'watch ifconfig eth0' then in the other type 'sudo ifdown eth0' then 'sudo ifup eth0'. In the first terminal you should see TX and RX increment as the interface talks to the dhcp server, and in the second terminal you might get some indicaton of the problem
[23:25] <PsynoKhi0> I need my network cable to be plugged in the laptop to do that, right?
[23:25] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 the problem might be in the cable...I see TX bytes but no RX bytes...you seem to be sending packets out, but nothing is coming back. Even if you didn't get answered...you should see something going by on the network
[23:25] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 right...plug in the cable
[23:26] <PsynoKhi0> because I'm sharing it among 3 comps... including the one I'm typing on right now
[23:26] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 then again...even the TX packets are all errors
[23:26] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 you don't have a hub?
[23:27] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 oops...misread...the TX packets are ok...there is no RX
[23:29] <PsynoKhi0> nope, no hub
[23:29] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 going to make it hard to troubleshoot
[23:29] <PsynoKhi0> I've been told to try blacklisting the 8139cp module
[23:29] <PsynoKhi0> I know heh
[23:31] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 did you try blacklisting that module?
[23:32] <PsynoKhi0> doing so
[23:32] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 for that matter, are you sure the correct module is being loaded for the card?
[23:32] <PsynoKhi0> 8139cp 25088 0 [...] 8139too 27776 0 [...] mii 6528 2 8139cp,8139too
[23:33] <PsynoKhi0> that's the result from the lsmod | grep 8139
[23:33] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 it looks like the dhcpclient is working...that is the 169.254 address you see in eth0:avah. But it doesn't seem like the card can HEAR anything...just transmit
[23:33] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 do you know what kind of card you have? or the correct module for the card?
[23:33] <PsynoKhi0> the card is a realtek rtl 8139
[23:35] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 plenty of references in google to that card <smile>
[23:36] <PsynoKhi0> argh
[23:36] <PsynoKhi0> a thread here saying I should blacklist the other module
[23:37] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 I made a realtek work once quite a while back...still have the bumps on my head
[23:38] <PsynoKhi0> I have realteks in all 3 comps I think, the 2 others work w/o a hitch
[23:39] <PsynoKhi0> anyway brb
[23:46] <th0r> PsynoKhi0 try running 'gksu network-admin'. I installed some gnome stuff after installing xubuntu, so don't know if this is a gnome app or not.