UbuntuIRC / 2008 /02 /03 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
[00:16] <killermach> how come I annot move a window up on the screen so the title bar goes off the screen?
[00:17] <killermach> I have I window that I sized about 3 screens tall, now I need to see the bottom
[00:17] <gameplayer> epimeth: i just installed xine-ui and it solved my problem...
[00:18] <gameplayer> it's a bit strange...
[00:19] <killermach> typically you can click the border and mouse drag the window up no issues.. but kubuntu seems to have broken this feature that I"ve used for over a decade
[00:19] <maybeway36> killermach? maybe it's kwin
[00:19] <maybeway36> killermach: do you have metacity or somnething?
[00:19] <maybeway36> also
[00:19] <killermach> I've only ever used KDE since 1999
[00:20] <su-hoens`rZ> anyone know how to install gcc-2.95 on kubuntu?
[00:20] <maybeway36> and it only stopped working now?
[00:20] <maybeway36> strange
[00:20] <jussi01> !info gcc
[00:20] <ubotu> gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.59ubuntu2)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-9ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB
[00:20] <killermach> only noticed it not working since I moved from Mandrake to kubuntu
[00:20] <maybeway36> killermach: not working in debian lenny either it seems
[00:21] <su-hoens`rZ> jussi01 that helps me how?
[00:21] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: I was checking version...
[00:21] <jussi01> !info gcc-2.95
[00:21] <ubotu> gcc-2.95 (source: gcc-2.95 (2.95.4.ds15-24)): The GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.95.4-24 (gutsy), package size 926 kB, installed size 2344 kB
[00:22] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: sudo aptitude install gcc-2.95
[00:22] <killermach> maybeway36: hmm.. I'll have to go ask in #kde maybe there is an option I can turn back on
[00:22] <su-hoens`rZ> jussi01 doesn't work
[00:22] <maybeway36> ok
[00:22] <killermach> maybeway36: this deficiancy is one that drove me away from MS windows
[00:24] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: what error does that give then?
[00:24] <su-hoens`rZ> No candidate version found for gcc-2.95
[00:24] <ere4si> tried pressing alt then left click and hold and slide mouse up screen killermach ?
[00:25] <killermach> ere4si: that's it alt-drag
[00:25] <ere4si> :)
[00:25] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: do you have the universe repo enabled?
[00:26] <su-hoens`rZ> jussi01 i believe so, it's not commented out in the list
[00:26] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: it works here..
[00:27] <su-hoens`rZ> jussi01 hmm
[00:27] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: tried updating?
[00:27] <su-hoens`rZ> jussi01 maybe cause i'm on 64 bit?
[00:27] <su-hoens`rZ> jussi01 yeah
[00:28] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: not sure then
[00:29] <su-hoens`rZ> jussi01 what repositories are you using?
[00:30] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: all standard repos, plus medibuntu
[00:30] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: could you pastebin your sources.list?
[00:32] <su-hoens`rZ> jussi01 http://pastebin.com/m24c62255
[00:33] <jussi01> !info gcc-2.95 feisty
[00:33] <ubotu> gcc-2.95 (source: gcc-2.95 (2.95.4.ds15-24)): The GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.95.4-24 (feisty), package size 926 kB, installed size 2344 kB
[00:34] <blizzzek> gn8
[00:36] <jussi01> su-hoens`rZ: Im not sure about this one. I would 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' one more time, but no idea why its not there for you
[00:37] <Farnesk> trying to reinstall kubuntu 7.10 i am going from 64bit to 32bit and everything works fine untill i update it for the first time it tells me that some updates did not install properly i restart my comp and i cant even get to the login screen no text comes up and ive let it sit there for 30min any ideas?
[00:46] <FrauHansen> does anyone know why kde-look.org, gnome-look.org and kde-apps.org are down?
[00:48] <jussi01> no idea, could be cause of the cable breakage in the med...
[00:49] <Tann> My keyboard is having problems. It won't work when I am in KDE, but it will work when I an in gnome
[00:50] <Tann> My keyboard is having problems. It won't work when I am in KDE, but it will work when I an in gnome. is there a way to fix that?
[00:50] <Dr_willis> Farnesk, can you get into the console with the rescue mode?
[00:50] <Dr_willis> Tann, thats very odd.
[00:51] <Dr_willis> Tann, try some other window manager? Like icewm, or xfce see if it works there? Does it work in the KDM login screen?
[00:51] <xen_> Hey there i cant seem to browse the net with konquerer, but i can with firefox, is there some setting i should be enabling to browse the www with konqurer?
[00:51] <nosrednaekim> Dr_willis: slow keys
[00:51] <xen_> btw ff has crashed and it wont start again so i dont actually have a working browser atm
[00:51] <Tann> Dr_willis: What is really odd is that It was working and a few moments later, it wasn't I restarted my computer and it still didn't work.
[00:51] <jussi01> xen_: try killing the ff processes
[00:52] <xen_> no, its not running
[00:52] <Tann> Dr_willis: I don't use KDM as my default WM
[00:52] <xen_> the process or anything
[00:52] <xen_> its just dead lol
[00:52] <xen_> but, im not worried about that, i just would like to use konquer, but it wont connect to the net :S
[00:53] <xen_> anyone? :S
[00:54] <xen_> is there something i should be enabling in Konqurer to browse?
[00:54] <Dr_willis> Not that i know of.
[00:54] <Dr_willis> so http://google.com just does what exactly?
[00:55] <xen_> An error occurred while loading http://google.com:
[00:55] <xen_> Could not connect to host http://google.com/.
[00:56] <Dr_willis> try http://localhost
[00:56] <Dr_willis> :) sounds almost like a proxy setting is set.
[00:56] <nosrednaekim> xen_: you uing knetworkmanager?
[00:57] <Tann> Dr_willis: I don't use KDM as my default WM
=== u^A_ is now known as u^A
[00:57] <intelikey> this old p3 system boots in less than 5 seconds. only 22 processes and 17 lines of startup dialog http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d79ab70a0 (i consider that a "nice clean system startup")
[00:57] <intelikey> Tann what do you need ?
[00:57] <Dr_willis> Tann, kdm isent a wm ;) its a login manager. Does the keybaord work in the console? alt-ctrl-f1 ?
[00:58] <xen_> norsednaekim sorry im using a wireless adapter, i can use the internet fine with ff, but ff is dead i dont want to use ff anyhow
[00:58] <intelikey> Dr_willis he may need to reset the keyboard alt+sysRQ+r
[00:58] <xen_> norsednaekim not using knetworkmanager btw
[00:58] <intelikey> Dr_willis sorry if that's off base. i just got here.
[00:59] <Dr_willis> intelikey, im vague on his exact issues also. keyboard dont work in kde, but it does in gnome is the Gist of it all.
[01:00] <intelikey> Dr_willis hmmm ok that sounds like a misconfigured kde i18 or something possably need to set his language again ?
[01:00] <xen_> Dr_willis i tried the localhost, but it says it cant connect to that either
[01:00] <xen_> i have konquere set to connect to net directly
[01:01] <xen_> and am not using a proxy
[01:01] <xen_> but still doesnt connect :S
[01:01] <Dr_willis> try making a new user. see if it works for them.
[01:01] <nosrednaekim> xen_: ok
[01:02] <Dr_willis> I dont use Konqueror as a web browser. So cant really say what may be wrong.
[01:02] <intelikey> i have see that issue described in here before xen_ you can irc from the box but not browse ? there should be something on the forums about that
[01:02] <xen_> yup
[01:02] <xen_> one problem, i dont have a working browser lol
=== u^A is now known as u^A_
[01:02] <xen_> my system crashed earlier on today, ever since that firefox doesnt work anymore
[01:03] <xen_> and theres no firefox process to kill either
[01:03] <intelikey> xen_ ummm well maybe one of us can find you a url and you can wget the page and read it locally
[01:03] <xen_> yup, tyvm
[01:03] <Dr_willis> sudo apt-get install opera
[01:03] <Dr_willis> :)
[01:03] <Dr_willis> then crash it!
[01:03] <xen_> lol
[01:03] <xen_> seems to be my luck today
[01:03] <xen_> i dont like opera so much though, i cant find a good adblock plugin or anything
[01:03] <xen_> though i havent really had a good look as yet
[01:04] <|Tann|> Dr_willis: Yes, the keyboard works in the terminal
[01:04] <Dr_willis> i use so many extensions for firefox :) i cant stand any other browsers
[01:04] <xen_> yeah i love firefox, but it just doesnt work anymore :S
[01:04] <xen_> even after reinstalling it and everything
[01:04] <xen_> no crash log about it either :S
[01:04] <Dr_willis> |Tann|, --> <intelikey> that sounds like a misconfigured kde i18 or something possably need to set his language again ?
[01:05] <|Tann|> Dr_willis: How would I go about doing that?
[01:05] <Dr_willis> no idea :) I just use english
[01:06] <Dr_willis> I would guess in the settings menu, some keyboard setting tool.
[01:06] <mixed> how can i update to gutsy gibbon from feisty?
[01:06] <Dr_willis> system settings -> region/language perhaps |Tann|
[01:07] <Dr_willis> !update | mixed
[01:07] <ubotu> mixed: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[01:07] <mixed> Dr. Willis, thank you
[01:08] <|Tann|> Dr_willis: k
[01:08] <Dr_willis> Upgrading to The Next release right now. :) lets see how Hardy does. heh
[01:08] <mixed> Dr. Willis, how do I update feisty using command line?
[01:09] <Dr_willis> that guide disent say so? I just ran update-manager -d here.
[01:09] <Dr_willis> Which i think is the 'proper' way. apt-get dist-update i think MAY not get all the stuff correctly
[01:09] <Dr_willis> I rarely upgrade, :) i normally do clean reinstalls.
[01:09] <mixed> Dr. Willis, before I update to gutsy gibbon feisty needs to be updated. How do I update feisty?
[01:10] <mixed> Dr. Willis, I have a spanking brand new installation of feisty, I just installed it a few days ago, didnt realized it was so old
[01:10] <xen_> i hate to sound like a critic, but ubuntu has really gota do something about smoothing out upgrades, ive never been able to succesfully upgrade without problems
[01:11] <Dr_willis> Given the total disaster ive seen with windows and their upgrades...... :)
[01:11] <Dr_willis> Of course with windows a reinstall is a 'fix' for broken systems. So its all relative.
[01:11] <Dr_willis> Often its the users installing 3rd party apps, or using tools like envy/automatix/so forth that cause the upgrade issues.
[01:12] <mixed> correct! and the things that are wrong with redmond isn't a defficiency, it's a "feature"
[01:12] <Dr_willis> I always do a clean reinstall - since that way i know what the other 'users' are starting with - from a tech support point of view
[01:12] <mixed> Dr. Willis, sorry for all the noob questions, I am still not familiar with the utilities in ubuntu, I used to use SuSE
[01:12] <xen_> yeah but i mean c'mon, how many people have 3rd party apps, just about everyone i know, in otherwords, you cant upgrade without a problem
[01:13] <Tann> Dr_willis: That didn't work
[01:13] <Dr_willis> most of the upgrade issues ive seen are from the nvidia/ati , and wireless, and other drivers also.
[01:14] <Dr_willis> every 6 mo with a new release the channel is full of upgrade-issues :) then it calms down.
[01:18] <intelikey> xen_ google hates me. i did look for that issue and an easy fix no can find. but i'm sure that someone here or in #ubuntu can point you to one. and yes if you use linux then you have all third party apps or a third party kernel one of the two.
[01:20] <intelikey> i guess i posted that just a little too late
[01:24] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. Update manager - 'there are 995 packages to be upgraded' :) Hardy here I come! - Lucky this is a test pc.
[01:25] <mixed> !mp3
[01:25] <ubotu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[01:38] <bfrog> ok
[01:38] <bfrog> I installed valgrind-callgrind, but there's no callgrind binary
[01:38] <stunatra> Anyone know of a program to edit .avi files?
[01:39] <jussi01> !info kdenlive | stunatra
[01:39] <ubotu> stunatra: kdenlive (source: kdenlive): A Non-Linear Video Editing Suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0.0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 648 kB, installed size 1992 kB
[01:39] <bfrog> nm
[01:40] <stunatra> Thanks jussi01
[01:40] <jussi01> :)
[01:40] <bfrog> valgrind --tool=callgrind, of course the kcachegrind docs are probably old
[01:56] <secleinteer> hi, does anyone know if it's possible to use video chat with aim in kopete?
[01:58] <nosrednaekim> secleinteer: I was not awareAIM HAD video chate
[01:58] <nosrednaekim> AFAIK, it is not
[01:58] <nosrednaekim> MSN video chat works though
[01:58] <secleinteer> nosrednaekim: it does
[01:58] <secleinteer> but i guess msn would work
[01:59] <nosrednaekim> secleinteer: ask in #kopete
[01:59] <secleinteer> nosrednaekim: i asked there too ;p
[01:59] <nosrednaekim> ok :)
[01:59] <adz21c> in kde3 yes u should be able to
[01:59] <adz21c> well, web cam, not audio
[02:02] <huhlig> question, I just tossed on a copy of kubuntu 8 alpha 4
[02:02] <huhlig> is there a known bug in the libpython
[02:03] <nosrednaekim> huhlig: #ubuntu+1
[02:03] <huhlig> ahh thank you
[02:10] <hexch> can somebody help, my problem is that my kde is laggy...?
[02:13] <NickPresta> hexch, what are you system specs?
[02:14] <hexch> you mean hw?
[02:14] <NickPresta> hexch, yeah. Processor, graphics card, RAM, etc
[02:15] <hexch> amd x2 6000+, 3gb ram, nvidia 8600gt
[02:15] <NickPresta> hexch, it definitely should not be laggy. It should be smooth. Has this always been an issue or just recently?
[02:16] <hexch> well i used ubuntu before worked fine, just gut kubuntu this week
[02:16] <intelikey> did i hear that kde4 with some affects is always laggy ?
[02:16] <NickPresta> hexch, which nvidia driver are you using?
[02:17] <hexch> let me check
[02:18] <hexch> nvidia
[02:18] <NickPresta> hexch, so the proprietary nvidia driver?
[02:18] <hexch> well the system automaticly loaded the driver
[02:18] <internat85> Hi, with kde, how do i setup vnc so that i can connect to the existing session?
[02:18] <hexch> what should I change it to ?
[02:19] <GerrySly> hey guys, how would I check information like if any windows managing system is installed (kde, gnome)
[02:19] <NickPresta> hexch, well, the 'nvidia' driver should be working well. However, I don't think the system automatically installed it for you (due to licensing restrictions). What does: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf output?
[02:20] <GerrySly> I am running a server and I want to VNC into it, but I dunno if it has KDE or Gnome installed
[02:20] <hexch> Driver "kbd"
[02:20] <hexch> Driver "mouse"
[02:20] <hexch> Driver "wacom"
[02:20] <hexch> Driver "wacom"
[02:20] <hexch> Driver "wacom"
[02:20] <hexch> Driver "nvidia"
[02:20] <Dragnslcr> internat85- K Menu -> Internet -> Krfb -> Configure -> Allow Uninvited Connections
[02:21] <Dragnslcr> internat85- though you way want to also look into using a VNC server that has SSL support
[02:21] <NickPresta> hexch, okay. Fair enough. That is rather strange that things are laggy.
[02:21] <internat85> does it always run on display 0?
[02:21] <yao_ziyuan> what are console ways to change screen resolution?
[02:21] <Dragnslcr> internat85- if you enable it from the Krfb settings, yeah
[02:21] <hexch> I think so to :(
[02:22] <NickPresta> hexch, you can try disabling effects like transparency, etc, if they are turned on.
[02:23] <yao_ziyuan> Hardy 4 has a bug in changing screen resolution. i have to use a console way
[02:23] <yao_ziyuan> like XFdrake?
[02:23] <NickPresta> yao_ziyuan, hardy support in #ubuntu+1
[02:23] <yao_ziyuan> i know
[02:23] <hexch> ok i try that
[02:23] <Dr_willis> thres a dpkg-reconfigure SOMTHING command
[02:23] <Dr_willis> :)
[02:23] <Dr_willis> or you an manyally edit the xorg.conf
[02:23] <yao_ziyuan> but this is a general question: how to change screen resolution in console?
[02:23] <NickPresta> You can try manually editing your xorg.conf or you can do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[02:23] <Dr_willis> !fixres
[02:23] <ubotu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[02:24] <yao_ziyuan> thx
[02:34] <mixed> what's the app that I can use to burn gutsy-gibbon image to a CD and make it bootable?
[02:34] <NickPresta> mixed, k3b can burn an ISO image
[02:35] <mixed> k3b works on gnome as well, right? im going to have to install it
[02:36] <NickPresta> mixed, if you need support for Ubuntu, ask in #ubuntu. This is for Kubuntu and KDE
[02:37] <mixed> NickPresta, sorry, I usually use kubuntu, I installed feisty in this lappie from an old CD I thought had kubuntu
[02:38] <NickPresta> mixed, ah okay. gnomebaker is for the GNOME desktop.
[02:39] <mixed> NickPresta, I'm going to reinstall gutsy then ubuntustudio and then off course kubuntu
[03:02] <sparr_> what should i use to watch a dvd?
[03:03] <Dr_willis> I tend to use vlc
[03:03] <Dr_willis> but thers other players
[03:03] <Dr_willis> !dvd
[03:03] <ubotu> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[03:04] <sparr_> !Medibunto
[03:04] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about medibunto - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[03:04] <sparr_> !Medibuntu
[03:04] <ubotu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[03:04] <intelikey> !players
[03:04] <ubotu> Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs
[03:05] <sparr_> ugh @ drm
[03:05] <intelikey> yeah.
[03:05] <sparr_> yay @ mpaa for making it harder to play a legit disc than to download a rip
[03:05] <intelikey> drm is evil
[03:05] <val0> how do you reconfigure X from console (command?)
[03:06] <sparr_> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[03:06] <NickPresta> val0, sudo dpkg-reconfig xserver-xorg
[03:06] <intelikey> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[03:06] <NickPresta> s/reconfig/reconfigure
[03:06] <intelikey> quick draw beet me to the typo....
[03:06] <NickPresta> heh
[03:06] <intelikey> :)
[03:06] <sparr_> i win either way :-p
[03:07] <intelikey> win ? was it a contest ?
[03:07] <sparr_> always
[03:07] * intelikey packs up his dolls and goes home.....
[03:07] <sparr_> if only the people with the answers to MY questions felt the same way :)
[03:08] <intelikey> sparr_ thought the doctor did answer you.... ?
[03:09] <Dr_willis> Actually i get better dvd playback with linux's 'may not be legal' methods then legit dvd player software. :)
[03:09] <Dr_willis> I can skip those Idiotic Comercials at the start of these dvds
[03:09] <sparr_> i mean in general. thank you Dr_willis
[03:09] <sparr_> sure, but i have to find and install libdvdcss2
[03:09] <sparr_> this is more work than ive done to install anything in linux in at least a year
[03:09] <Dr_willis> enable the medibuntu repo
[03:09] <Dr_willis> !medibuntu
[03:09] <ubotu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[03:10] <sparr_> which is not to say that its much work... debian just sets the bar so low :)
[03:10] <intelikey> sparr_ well i called the !players infonode for you. and i also agree with Dr_willis, i use vlc
[03:10] <Janet1> hi all
[03:10] <Janet1> take a look
[03:10] <Janet1> exotics.heavenforum.com :)
[03:10] <Janet1> bye
[03:10] <sparr_> mplayer is generally my player of choice
[03:10] <Dr_willis> Spamm Queen. :)
[03:11] <intelikey> that's not the same ip as all the other times is it ?
[03:11] <intelikey> why can't the ircops kline that ?
[03:12] <intelikey> never mind, it's a tor ip.
[03:12] <Dr_willis> I though they had tor blocked.
[03:13] <intelikey> inetnum: -
[03:13] <intelikey> netname: TurkTelekom
[03:14] <Darkrift412> anyone know if 7.10 has built in drivers for the bcm43xx wifi card?
[03:15] <val0> how do you get back to the kde desktop from command line after console login?
[03:15] <Darkrift412> try "X"
[03:15] <sparr_> val0: how did you get to a console login?
[03:15] <Darkrift412> upper case, i believe
[03:15] <val0> sparr_: i installed the Nvidia driver, and now can't get back in :D
[03:16] <Darkrift412> lol
[03:16] <sparr_> :(
[03:16] <Darkrift412> i remember that
[03:16] <intelikey> if it was me. i'd nail down the b class, kline *!*@88.232.*.* however, i do realize that that's probably not an option for the ircops here. "niceness has it's drawbacks"
[03:16] <sparr_> sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
[03:16] <val0> yep, :`(
[03:16] <AMcBain> If dolphin says "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" what does that mean? I'm trying to connect my Seagate FreeAgent drive (and it has nothing on it except files I put there, so no "autoload" softare)
[03:16] <Darkrift412> nvidia screwes up linux every time
[03:16] <sparr_> im not in a gaming mood this month, so i havent had to deal with nvidia lately... always dread it
[03:17] <Darkrift412> took me weeks to get kubuntu setup on my laptop.... ran nice for like 6 months then my wife was on it, and wifi died
=== fideas is now known as matrii
[03:17] <Darkrift412> sent it in, they replaced mobo, wifi, kb and hd to fix it...... now im stuck with vista again
[03:18] <Darkrift412> and im afraid to start back into that hellish crap to get kubuntu back on here
[03:18] <AMcBain> Or at the very least, can anyone direct me to a channel than can help with the drive problem? It would be very bad for me to redo all the partitions and start over not knowing whether Kubuntu can even read my backup ...
[03:18] <intelikey> did they replace the os as well ? or was that your doing ?
[03:18] <Daisuke_Laptop> i would really like some empirical evidence for "nvidia screws up linux every time"
[03:18] <Darkrift412> what do you mean
[03:18] <Darkrift412> it comes with vista
[03:18] <Dragnslcr> nVidia hasn't screwed up my system yet
[03:18] <Daisuke_Laptop> because, you know, it really sounds like you're talking out of your rear end with that statement
[03:19] <Daisuke_Laptop> Dragnslcr: nor mine
[03:19] <Darkrift412> oh, sorry, i was talking out of my ass
[03:19] <intelikey> Darkrift412 oh yeah you did mention "HD" sorry i overlooked that one.
[03:19] <Darkrift412> please excuse me
[03:19] <val0> X only started "X" :( kdm doesn't do anything
[03:19] <Darkrift412> it will never happen again comment nazi's
[03:19] <AMcBain> ugh.
[03:19] <Daisuke_Laptop> just remember that absolute statements generally aren't
=== matrii is now known as fideas
[03:20] <Darkrift412> ooooh, you just made one
[03:20] <Daisuke_Laptop> and just because *you* have an issue with it doesn't mean it's "teh sux0rz"
[03:20] <o_> evenin' folks, if I were looking to dl some torrents, what program do you guru's recommend? for ubuntu..
[03:20] <Daisuke_Laptop> no i didn't. i said "generally"
[03:20] <Darkrift412> you are generalizing
[03:20] <Dragnslcr> o_- KTorrent worked well for me when I used it
[03:20] <Daisuke_Laptop> but i'm not stating it as absolute truth
[03:21] <o_> ktorrent?..thanks
[03:21] * Darkrift412 writes a script to add -generally to the end of every sentance he types so as to not piss off the comment nazi's again
[03:21] <Daisuke_Laptop> ktorrent is your best bet for a qt-based client
[03:21] <Daisuke_Laptop> Darkrift412: stop trolling
[03:21] <o_> thats 2 for ktorrent :) TY
[03:22] <Dr_willis> I use ktorrent all the time.
[03:22] <Daisuke_Laptop> that's three :)
[03:22] <o_> 3..!
[03:22] <NickPresta> o_, make that 3 for KTorrent. *Is using it right now*
[03:22] <Daisuke_Laptop> four!
[03:22] <Dr_willis> wine utorrent.exe
[03:22] <Dr_willis> :)
[03:22] <intelikey> Darkrift412 careful. you'll get the language nazi's after you too...
[03:22] <Darkrift412> i use ktorrent all the time - generally
[03:22] <Daisuke_Laptop> Darkrift412: again, stop trolling.
[03:22] <o_> :)
[03:22] <o_> thanks guys..
[03:23] <o_> I'll prolly be back :P
[03:23] <o_> pretty new at this :)
[03:23] <Darkrift412> how about if you arent offering usefull help, you just dont reply?
[03:23] <Darkrift412> i never once specifically directed anything towards you
[03:23] <Daisuke_Laptop> you should really learn to heed your own advice.
[03:23] <NickPresta> !coc | Hey guys
[03:23] <ubotu> Hey guys: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
[03:23] <NickPresta> :)
[03:23] <intelikey> how about if you don't have a ubuntu help question.... never mind.
[03:24] <Darkrift412> i did have a question
[03:24] <Darkrift412> never got a reply
[03:24] <Darkrift412> someone got me stuck on another topic
[03:24] <Daisuke_Laptop> okay, what was the question?
[03:24] <Darkrift412> over a simple comment that i made without sitting for 2 minutes thinking about it first
[03:24] <Darkrift412> anyone know if 7.10 has built in drivers for the bcm43xx wifi card?
[03:25] <Dr_willis> one normally uses the fwcutter tools for the bcm cards to download the proper files/drivers
[03:25] <Darkrift412> thats what i was afraid of
[03:25] <NickPresta> Darkrift412, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29
[03:25] <Daisuke_Laptop> ouch... afaik, broadcom support is still not built in, *but* the... what the good doctor said
[03:25] <Daisuke_Laptop> is it a mini-pci wifi card?
[03:25] <Darkrift412> yup
[03:26] <Darkrift412> dell card in a compaq laptop
[03:26] <Dr_willis> Some of the cards require different drivers also. depending on the exact chipset
[03:26] <Darkrift412> with a broadcom chipset....
[03:26] <Dr_willis> broadcom makes a lot of chipsets.
[03:26] <Darkrift412> i wonder if gateway designed the carbon that the chipset is made out of :S
[03:27] <Darkrift412> i remember a 2-3 week fight to get my wifi working last time
[03:27] <Darkrift412> without wifi, my internet consists of me sitting behind my daughters dresser on the floor with my laptop trying to download drivers and other tools for hours at a time
[03:27] <intelikey> what's an opensource wifi chip ? or are there any?
[03:27] <Dr_willis> With the release of gutsy my wireless in my laptop started working fine. :) had a friend with a new hp 2000?? somthinglaptop - we had to isntall the latest wireless stuff for his to work
[03:28] <Daisuke_Laptop> ralink is probably the closest
[03:28] <Daisuke_Laptop> intel has great support as well
[03:28] <NickPresta> ralink is the best, by far
[03:28] <Daisuke_Laptop> atheros isn't as great, but isn't bad by any means
[03:28] <intelikey> ralink k.
[03:28] <Daisuke_Laptop> i *found* a mini-pci g card on newegg for $32
[03:28] <Daisuke_Laptop> however, i don't know the chipset... yet
[03:28] <Darkrift412> hrmmmmm
[03:29] <Darkrift412> im about to get a belkin usb stick wifi card and try that out
[03:29] <Daisuke_Laptop> oooh
[03:29] <Daisuke_Laptop> it's atheros
[03:29] <Darkrift412> or better yet, illl look into those dlink media center wireless hubs
[03:29] <Daisuke_Laptop> madwifi to the rescue!
[03:30] <huhlig> wow
[03:31] <Daisuke_Laptop> 'ello huhlig
[03:31] <AMcBain> Can I please get some help on my ext hdd + dolphin issue? I'm trying to start my whole PC over, but that's kinda hard when your intended main OS when you are done can't even read your back up hdd now!
[03:31] <huhlig> I just tried both hardy and gutsy and neither work
[03:31] <Daisuke_Laptop> hardy isn't for general use yet
[03:31] <NickPresta> !doesn't work | huhlig
[03:31] <ubotu> huhlig: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.
[03:32] <huhlig> ubotu, ok, when it switched graphics mode the screen goes black and never comes back
[03:32] <huhlig> switching to a console doesnt work
[03:32] <NickPresta> huhlig, did you try booting in safe graphics mode?
[03:32] <huhlig> yep
[03:32] <huhlig> same black screen
[03:32] <huhlig> safe mode worked in hardy
[03:32] <NickPresta> huhlig, which graphics card?
[03:33] <huhlig> nvidia FX 360M
[03:33] <huhlig> quadra
[03:34] <huhlig> NickPresta, any ideas?
[03:35] <AMcBain> Kubuntu: Dolphin: "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000": Seagate FreeAgent Drive (external hardrive). How much simpler can I make it!?
[03:36] <AMcBain> I just want to be able to access my data1
[03:36] <NickPresta> the 100.14.23 nvidia display driver supports the Quadro FX 360M. That was released back in October 2007. I'm not sure how to go about fixing the LiveCD issue but if you can install the system in "safe graphics mode" and then install the proprietary nvidia driver, things should be fine
[03:37] <Darkrift412> odd that console doesnt work though
[03:37] <Darkrift412> console shouldnt care about your display drivers
[03:37] <NickPresta> again, he just said "Doesn't work". I don't know what that means :)
[03:39] <huhlig> ok, I finally got myself to a console
[03:39] <Dr_willis> AMcBain, install the ntfs-config tool, run it. check the enable check boxs - worked for me.
[03:39] <huhlig> what copmmand do I need for console installation
[03:39] <huhlig> like the old debian installer
[03:41] <AMcBain> Dr_willis: but Kubuntu can read my other NTFS partition that is already on the PC ... so why not an external HDD with NTFS?
[03:41] <intelikey> you need the alternate install cd
[03:41] <intelikey> huhlig the live cd has no text based install
[03:43] <doobeh> Hmm, I just resized my monitor down to 800x600, and now I'm trying to put it back up to normal, but the Okay/Apply button is hidden behind the bottom bar
[03:44] <AMcBain> Dr_Willis: I got it by hand, creating the folder I wanted it to be on /dev and then mounting it.
[03:44] <doobeh> anyway to... hide the bottom bar temporarly so I can change the res ? :)
[03:44] <AMcBain> But it was rather silly that I even had to do that.
[03:44] <ubuntu> hello
[03:44] <intelikey> so move the window
[03:44] <intelikey> alt+click drag
[03:45] <ubuntu> i need help installing kubuntu 7.10
[03:45] <Darkrift412> doobeh see if you can drag the window up and resize it from the bottom, normally works for me
[03:45] <ubuntu> i am in the prepare partitions of the install process
[03:45] <doobeh> alt-drag worked, thanks
[03:45] <ubuntu> and i have already setup an ext3 and swap partition
[03:46] <ubuntu> i am able to select the ext3 partition but cant select the swap partition
[03:46] <Darkrift412> select it for what
[03:47] <ubuntu> so that i can set it as the swap
[03:47] <Darkrift412> oh :S
[03:47] <ubuntu> will kubuntu automatiocally do that?
[03:47] <Darkrift412> is it labeled swap?'
[03:47] <ubuntu> yes
[03:47] <Darkrift412> then yes
[03:47] <ubuntu> and i want it to be used as swap
[03:47] <ubuntu> ok
[03:48] <Darkrift412> i mean, not a drive label
[03:48] <Darkrift412> but in the partitioning util, does it say swap
[03:48] <ubuntu> yes in the "Type" coloumn
[03:48] <Darkrift412> i havent used the 7.10 installer yet, but in the other versions, thats how it worked
[03:48] <Darkrift412> then you should be good
[03:48] <Darkrift412> i dotn believe it will let you go forward without a swap partition setup properly
[03:49] <ubuntu> ok thankyou i am continuing with the install :-)
[03:49] <Darkrift412> can you install stuff on the live cd?
[03:50] <ubuntu> i dont think so the changes will be lost when you reboot
[03:50] <intelikey> <Darkrift412> i dotn believe it will let you go forward without a swap partition setup properly <<< sorry i can't say about 7.10 but earlier ubiquities will let you.
[03:51] <intelikey> Darkrift412 yes you can install on the live CD if you have the ram for it
[03:51] <Darkrift412> i can deal with that, but i just want to test run the bcm43xx driver installation from a live cd before killing my windows partition
[03:51] <Darkrift412> my problem would be getting the driver installers and stuff to the live cd :S
[03:51] <Darkrift412> unless the livecd can read ntfs nativly
[03:52] * intelikey doesn't use swap nor partitions.
[03:52] <Dr_willis> live cd has ntfs read support.
[03:53] <Darkrift412> nice
[03:53] <Darkrift412> ok, how about this.... anyone know how i would find my wifi's chipset in vista?
[03:54] <tyson_> Darkrift412: is it a laptop?
[03:54] <Darkrift412> yes
[03:54] <tyson_> u know the model number?
[03:54] <Darkrift412> its a bcm43xx, but i need the specific version
[03:54] <tyson_> ok
[03:54] <tyson_> go to the manufacturer's site
[03:54] <Dr_willis> i would google for that exact make/model laptop and linux.
[03:54] <Darkrift412> compaq v6210us
[03:54] <tyson_> they should list it
[03:54] <intelikey> Darkrift412 maybe ##windows
[03:54] <Darkrift412> i have, but i find lots of useless/wrong info
[03:55] <tyson_> then download a program called everest home (its free)
[03:55] <tyson_> it will tell you also
[03:55] <Darkrift412> nice
[03:55] <tyson_> i expect it will be broadcom or intel
[03:55] <tyson_> ...and i would think that kubuntu will support that
[03:56] <Darkrift412> i know its broadcom 43xx
[03:58] <Darkrift412> PCI/AGP 14E4-4311: Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN [NoDB]
[03:58] <Darkrift412> does that mean its the 4311?
[03:58] <tyson_> most likely
[03:59] <o_> evenin' folks.. trying to install ktorrent. synaptic returning an error
[03:59] <Romina> hi
[04:00] <Romina> something terrible happened, please help me
[04:00] <o_> E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.20-16-386_2.6.20-16.33_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
[04:00] <o_> I'm lost??
[04:01] <Romina> we had a power outage (electricity failure) WHILE I was running a DIST-UPGRADE
[04:01] <Romina> so the PC crashed down since it got no electricity
[04:01] <tyson_> o: does it give the same error when you use 'add/remove/ programs?
[04:01] <Romina> what shall I do?
[04:01] <Romina> I used "adept_manager", the GUI by the way
[04:02] <Romina> the cut came when the dist upgrade tool was already getting packages
[04:02] <o_> add remove in terminal?
[04:03] <Romina> o_, me?
[04:03] <tyson_> o: in the k menu
[04:03] <tyson_> o: above help
[04:03] <o_> no romina..sorry
[04:04] <Romina> k
[04:04] <tyson_> can anyone recommend amarok alternatives?
[04:04] <tyson_> (good ones)
[04:04] <mkquist> o_: have you tried sudo apt-get update and try it again?
[04:05] <Darkrift412> wow, there is a broadcomm wifi channel on this network
[04:05] <Darkrift412> lol
[04:05] <mkquist> tyson_: rhythmbox?
[04:05] <Darkrift412> #bcm-users incase anyone didnt knwo
[04:05] <tyson_> thanx
[04:06] <hgarcia> has anyone used kaffine to play dvd's?
[04:06] <tyson_> another thing. i like using joost and tvuplayer in windows. is there linux alternatives?
=== mi is now known as todo
[04:06] <intelikey> tyson_ sox is an alternative. but you wont want that.
[04:06] <o_> tyson ..found it..brb :p
[04:06] <todo> smplayer,vlc
[04:06] <Daisuke_Laptop> mkquist: he said good :P
[04:07] <mkquist> Daisuke_Laptop: hey, i like it... =(
[04:07] <intelikey> tyson_ vlc
[04:07] <intelikey> xmms
[04:07] <Daisuke_Laptop> -xmms +audacious
[04:07] <Daisuke_Laptop> mkquist: it really isn't a bad piece of software
[04:07] <Daisuke_Laptop> i just find it unbearably ugly :(
[04:08] <tyson_> vlc? does that play tv channels?
[04:08] <Darkrift412> i doubt there is a linux joost
[04:08] <Darkrift412> its fairly new still
[04:08] <Daisuke_Laptop> joost?
[04:08] <Darkrift412> its an internet tv program for windows
[04:08] <Darkrift412> was (might still be) invite only
[04:08] <todo> vlc 0.9.0
[04:08] <Daisuke_Laptop> ah, neat
[04:08] <Darkrift412> lets you watch certain tv channels/movies etc
[04:08] <Daisuke_Laptop> could try running it in wine :D
[04:09] <Darkrift412> was kinda cool, but liek i said, it was new, so there werent many channels when i last used it (6+ months ago)
[04:09] <tyson_> Daisuke_: good idea
[04:10] <Darkrift412> wine is getting pretty damned awesome
[04:10] <tyson_> joost is ok, but i like tvu player
[04:10] <Darkrift412> it seems to run anythign ive thrown at it fairly well
[04:10] <Darkrift412> mirc, wow and lots more
[04:10] <sayers> Does hardy haron release 4 have KDE4 yet?
[04:10] <Darkrift412> finally ditched mirc and started learning perl to replace it with xchat
[04:10] <todo> mess here with themes...xfce,gnome,kde,kde4....lol
[04:10] <tyson_> joost acts like ondemand, whereas tvuplayer simply streams whatever the cable channel is showing at the time
[04:11] <Daisuke_Laptop> Darkrift412: oooor, you can use konversation and use simple shell scripts for all of the extending :)
[04:11] <Darkrift412> oh wow
[04:11] <Darkrift412> i might have to look that up
[04:11] <Darkrift412> whats teh quality?
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[04:13] <Darkrift412> let me know if it works in wine also
[04:14] <sayers> Does hardy ship with kde4?
[04:14] <todo> alpha 3
[04:16] <adrock358> does anyone know if you can save youtube videos?
[04:17] <tyson_> use the firefox extensions to do that, i think
[04:17] <adrock358> no?
[04:17] <adrock358> yeah?
[04:18] <adrock358> tyson_ any idea which extensions?
[04:18] <tyson_> i forget exactly which ones
[04:18] <Daisuke_Laptop> videodownloader
[04:18] <intelikey> i think i'm lagging. -:- CTCP PING reply from intelikey: 111.081 seconds
[04:18] <Daisuke_Laptop> there's also a monkey one
[04:18] <tyson_> just google 'firefox extensions', then browse the multimedia ones
[04:19] <Daisuke_Laptop> it would appear so...
[04:20] <Daisuke_Laptop> 33 seconds
[04:21] <intelikey> Daisuke_Laptop full pipe.
[04:23] <intelikey> you realize that if i ping myself it is two round trips, as opposed to your ping of one round...
[04:24] <o_> Errors were encountered while processing:
[04:24] <o_> /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.20-16-386_2.6.20-16.33_i386.deb
[04:24] <o_> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[04:24] <o_> WTH does that mean??
[04:24] <Daisuke_Laptop> it means something isn't right
[04:25] <o_> hee he
[04:25] <Dr_willis> Technicaly speaking... 'it broke' :)
[04:25] <o_> too deep for me...
[04:25] <organix> what were you trying to do o_
[04:26] <Daisuke_Laptop> try sudo dpkg --configure -a (i believe)
[04:26] <intelikey> o_ you need the error message that is above that one
[04:26] <o_> apt-get -f instal
[04:26] <o_> ahh
[04:27] <organix> if you -f it, make sure to upgrade after
[04:27] <o_> You shouldn't call /sbin/update-grub. Please call /usr/sbin/update-grub instead!
[04:27] <o_> that one?
[04:28] <o_> Your /etc/kernel-img.conf needs to be updated. Read grub's NEWS.Debian[1
[04:29] <o_> er that one?
[04:29] <intelikey> yes. hehhe it's another "totally stupid" absolute path error in the postinst.sh script for that package.
[04:29] <o_> wher do i find "grubs new debian...
[04:29] <o_> ahhh
[04:30] <o_> hem NOT my error??
[04:30] <o_> I'm trying to install ktorrent..
[04:31] <crazy_bus> is there a free software font replacement for MyriadMM Because kpdf is displaying every letter next to each other with no gaps in between with dejavu (the replacement font)
[04:31] <intelikey> o_ if you wish you can edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package-name>.postinst and change the /sbin/ to /usr/sbin/ should fix it. then run sudo dpkg --configure -a to finish setting up the package.
[04:31] <intelikey> and do file a bug against that package
[04:31] <intelikey> !bug
[04:31] <ubotu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[04:32] <o_> itell..lol.."I" can't edit ..
[04:32] <o_> i'm GREEN
[04:32] <o_> I'll file the bug
[04:35] <intelikey> o_ that is one of those " oh, <by_word> ! " things that "packagers"/"script writers" do from time to time.
[04:36] <o_> thanks intelikey :)
[04:37] <ahmos> hello...
[04:37] <ahmos> I need a little help!
[04:38] <organix> speak ahmos
[04:38] <o_> intelikey.. is there a torrent program that I can dl, that will work ?
[04:38] <ahmos> I've installed x sensors but when I start it ,it opens a blank window!!
[04:39] <intelikey> o_ welcome. and i don't normally lag this badly. sorry for such long delays
[04:39] <intelikey> !ask | ahmos
[04:39] <ubotu> ahmos: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[04:39] <ahmos> so how to mae it work?
[04:39] <ahmos> make
[04:39] <organix> ahmos: blank white window perhaps?
[04:40] <ahmos> yes
[04:40] <ahmos> it don't contain any data
[04:40] <jontec> okay, guys... I just apt-get source'd a package whose source files I need to edit (ruby1.8) a.) where can I find them b.) should I make the fixed files into a new deb to install? c.) how do I know what flags are normally set in the install?
[04:40] <organix> in a terminal can you type 'sensors-detect' please
[04:41] <organix> make sure you're sudo ahmos
[04:42] <intelikey> !torrent | o_ i really don't know. i can't say that i have ever used any torrent. but the bot may know...
[04:42] <ubotu> o_ i really don't know. i can't say that i have ever used any torrent. but the bot may know...: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P
=== gp is now known as gp2you
[04:43] <gp2you> hi
[04:43] <organix> greetings
[04:43] <ubuntu> I just poped in the hardy haron cd and there is no KDE4
[04:43] <User2341_> hi everyone
[04:43] <gp2you> help kded is taking 100% cpu
[04:43] <gp2you> i cant kill it also
[04:43] <User2341_> could anyone tell me howto make full filename visible on kde desktop ?
[04:43] <o_> kool thanks..theres some readiin for me.
[04:44] <User2341_> for my long filename i have only part of the file names visible followed by ...
[04:44] <gp2you> help kded is taking 100% cpu Not able to kill it also
[04:44] <ahmos> hang on ,It keeps asking me for scanning my devices and I answer with yes..
[04:45] <gp2you> help kded is taking 100% cpu Not able to kill it also
[04:45] <gp2you> help kded is taking 100% cpu Not able to kill it also
[04:45] <gp2you> help kded is taking 100% cpu Not able to kill it also
[04:45] <jontec> gp2you: your last message is still visible in my window
[04:45] <organix> ahmos: keep answering yes, afterwards reboot
[04:45] <jontec> gp2you: wait 5 minutes before the same question
[04:45] <organix> gp2you quit spamming
[04:45] <gp2you> sorry my cpu is running 100%
[04:45] <jontec> gp2you: well, if someone knows how to help, they'll answer you
[04:45] <ahmos> ok I will reboot now ,hang on
[04:46] <organix> have you tried 'ps aux' and killing?
[04:46] <intelikey> gp2you sudo killall -9 kded or ctrl+alt+backspace
[04:46] <tzanger> good evening... I just installed 7.10 on a toshiba u300; most everything is good... the display is 1280x800 though and the taskbar is acting as if the screen is 1024x768.. the video is intel gm965/gl960, is there a particular package I need to help that out?
[04:47] <mkquist> now why is a cpu running at 100% such a fuss? =/
[04:47] <intelikey> gp2you if you really want to kill kill kill things. alt+sysRQ+E
[04:48] <gp2you> sudo killall kde -> NOT working
[04:48] <gp2you> whe restart X and logon again it takes 100% cpu
[04:48] <gp2you> Kded
[04:48] <ahmos> organix:nothing ,the same problem
[04:49] <gp2you> kded is taking 100% cpu
[04:49] <ahmos> :(
[04:49] <organix> no good ahmos, one momento
[04:49] <gp2you> kde sucks !!
[04:50] <gp2you> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/109876
[04:50] <gp2you> kde sucks!!!!
[04:50] <DuEzZzIeR> hi
[04:51] <ahmos> by the way when I first type sensors-detect i see this message
[04:51] <ahmos> his program will help you determine which kernel modules you need
[04:51] <ahmos> to load to use lm_sensors most effectively
[04:51] <ahmos> so is that lm-sensors another pro.I should intall instead
[04:52] <organix> sensors-detect is a graphical frontend to lm-sensors ;)
[04:53] <Agent_bob> intelikey is dead. long live intelikey !
[04:53] <ahmos> !! so?
[04:53] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about so? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
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[04:54] <organix> ahmos: try 'sudo sensors-detect' again and answer no to the last question. Reboot once again.
[04:55] <ahmos> ok
[04:57] <Agent_bob> if h2o is on the inside of a fire hydrant, what's on the outside ? k9p ?
[04:58] <sub[t]rnl> *chuckle*
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[04:58] <ahmos> I'm back again
[04:59] <JoeyJoeJo> I just installed kde4 and I have 2 of each program in my menu (2 konqueror, 2 kopete, etc)... how can I get rid of all my kde3 junk?
[05:00] <Agent_bob> !purekde4
[05:00] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about purekde4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[05:02] <ahmos> organix:what I can do now? :D
[05:02] <organix> ahmos: still not working?
[05:03] <ahmos> yes
[05:03] <Agent_bob> i don't have any sensors, i'm a p3... does he have sensors ?
[05:04] <Agent_bob> da' mother board
[05:04] <organix> Agent_bob: I guess that would have been a good question to begin with.
[05:04] <ahmos> yes...nvidia 7300 LE graphic card...motherboard gigabyte ga-p31-ds3l and cpu p4 3.0GHz
[05:05] <Agent_bob> and the cpu provide the sensors
[05:05] <Agent_bob> and i'm sensa'less
[05:05] <ahmos> of course for the tmp. and fan speed sensor
[05:05] <ahmos> ha ha :D
[05:06] <Agent_bob> jus' thought i'd make sho'.
[05:06] <ahmos> ;)
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[05:09] <mohammad> hi. how to run vnc?
[05:10] <Agent_bob> !vnc
[05:10] <ubotu> VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX
[05:14] <Agent_bob> if i do >>> for Q in `cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd` ;do /bin/echo -e "`passwd -dl $Q`\b for account, \"$Q\"" ;done <<< what's my password now ?
[05:15] <Agent_bob> wb vicky
[05:16] <TheWhiteRook> ?
[05:17] <Agent_bob> wb = welcome back but i should probably refrain from such shorthand
[05:17] <TheWhiteRook> yeah...
[05:17] <Agent_bob> idk
[05:18] <pierreth> hello
[05:18] <TheWhiteRook> sorry, :yeah" is to the "wb-welcome back"
[05:18] <TheWhiteRook> what does "idk" mean? (I don't usually get abreviations...)
[05:18] <Agent_bob> idk = i don't know
[05:19] <Dr_willis> idk what idk means.. :)
[05:19] <TheWhiteRook> ahhh
[05:20] <Agent_bob> modestymaster_: yw. asl? errrr crap i'm now an aol geek. some one shoot me.
[05:20] <tzanger> hmm, what was the name of the codec package for all the various audio and video codecs?
[05:20] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. need to track down a way to moitor both cpus' to see what my real load is.
[05:21] <TheWhiteRook> lol. I remember I saw "asl" EVERYWHERE for about 2 months, and then it disappeared
[05:21] <todo> http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4006/snapshot1gk1.png ....:)
[05:22] <Agent_bob> TheWhiteRook took us that long to track all the aol geeks down and shoot them. now no more "asl, asl, asl, asl?"
[05:23] <Agent_bob> joke ^ of course.
[05:23] <TheWhiteRook> yay! thank you, Agent_bob
[05:25] <Dr_willis> !loop
[05:25] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about loop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[05:25] <TheWhiteRook> that asl had been getting on my nerves.
[05:25] <Dr_willis> !iso
[05:25] <ubotu> To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.
[05:25] <Agent_bob> i really liked the doggy joke better though.
[05:25] <Agent_bob> TheWhiteRook oh you missed it. i'll repost.
[05:25] <TheWhiteRook> what did I miss?
[05:25] <Agent_bob> if h2o is on the inside of a fire hydrant, what's on the outside ? k9p ?
[05:26] <TheWhiteRook> I don't quite get it...
[05:26] <mohammad> how to define virtual host?
[05:26] <mohammad> i defined some but don't work
[05:27] <tzanger> hmm, what was the name of the codec package for all the various audio and video codecs?
[05:28] <DuEzZzIeR> =
[05:28] <Agent_bob> !codecs | tzanger
[05:28] <Dr_willis> w32codecs
[05:28] <ubotu> tzanger: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[05:29] <Dr_willis> they are at the medibuntu repo. i think
[05:29] <tzanger> aha, thank you
[05:30] <Agent_bob> w32 and w64codecs doc
[05:31] <Agent_bob> mohammad sorry, i'm network illiterate, can't help ya' there. maybe someone else
[05:32] <Agent_bob> and i can't spell my name apparently
[05:33] <alakhia> had a question about auto-mounting in kde
[05:34] <alakhia> i have two usb mass storage devices ... and they get mounted as /media/disk and /media/disk-1
[05:34] <alakhia> depending on which one I mount first
[05:34] <Agent_bob> removable or internal alakhia ?
[05:34] <alakhia> removable, Agent_bob
[05:35] <Agent_bob> ah ok. usb. sorry. i'm lagging real bad
[05:35] <alakhia> problem is that my sym-links don't work unless I get the order right
[05:35] <alakhia> no problem, Agent_bob
[05:35] <alakhia> anyway I can name the dir created in /media based on device ID or something like that?
[05:36] <Agent_bob> alakhia hmmm what do the links point at ? ls -l /media/disk /media/disk-1
[05:36] <alakhia> I have symlinks like ~/Pictures -> /media/disk/Pictures
[05:37] <alakhia> but if the drive that has pictures is mounted first, this works
[05:37] <alakhia> otherwise, the drive shows up as /media/disk-1 and my Pictures symlink points to the first drive
[05:37] <Agent_bob> yeah you can't mount on /media/disk/Pictures unless /media/disk is mounted
[05:37] <alakhia> which doesn't have the Pictures dir
[05:38] <alakhia> I'm not trying to mount another dir within a mounted dir
[05:38] <alakhia> i'm basically mounting /media/disk and /media/disk-1
[05:38] <Agent_bob> the mountpoint for disk 2 is actually on disk 1 unless you change that you'll always have that issue. OR! you could make the same dir on the other disk, and let it mount in reverse order.
[05:38] <alakhia> well, in my case, kde is
[05:39] <alakhia> no no, the two mountpoints are separate
[05:39] <alakhia> the order doesn't matter
[05:39] <Agent_bob> clue_by_four*** a symlink is not a mountpoint. it only points to one.
[05:40] <alakhia> right ... the symlinks are in my home dir
[05:40] <alakhia> i juse need a consistent way to point my symlinks ...
[05:40] <Agent_bob> ok. again ls -l /media/disk /media/disk-1
[05:41] <Agent_bob> lets see what is happening?
[05:41] <alakhia> right now, my /media/disk has Pictures dir
[05:41] <Agent_bob> and if you hadn't noticed, i'm lagging.
[05:41] <alakhia> ok
[05:43] <Agent_bob> wait. i think i see what you are trying to say. and "you can't" a symlink can not point to more than one destination"
[05:44] <alakhia> i want the symlink to always point to the same drive
[05:44] <dick-richardson> how do I compile source code that I wrote?
[05:44] <dick-richardson> cpp myfile.cpp something.exe?
[05:44] <Agent_bob> now. if you want to make them manually mounted you can setup fstab and make symlinks that will work every time that the fs is mounted.
[05:45] <alakhia> basically, i want the thumbdrive usb to be /media/thumb ... and my backup drive to be /media/backup
[05:45] <Dr_willis> you dont need to name it .exe :)
[05:45] <alakhia> is there a way for the auto mounter to do that?
[05:45] <Dr_willis> alakhia, you could set the thumbdrives label to be thumb? that may let it get automounted to /media/thumb
[05:46] <alakhia> how do I set the label?
[05:46] <dick-richardson> Dr_willis: right, but the output of the cpp command should be executable?
[05:46] <Dr_willis> Theres a bit of voodoo magic in how ithe stuff picks names.
[05:46] <Dr_willis> alakhia, depends on its filesystem :)
[05:46] <alakhia> it's fat32
[05:46] <Dr_willis> proberly safest to set its label in wndws if its vfat/ntfs
[05:47] <alakhia> hmmm, ok
[05:47] <Dr_willis> It might not even have a Label if its just being called 'disk'
[05:47] <alakhia> right ... that's why my symlinks always break
[05:47] <Agent_bob> dick-richardson executable is not determined by name but by permission
[05:47] <alakhia> both devices want to be called /media/disk
[05:47] <Dr_willis> You could always set up a specific fstab entry based on label - also.
[05:47] <Dr_willis> or uuid,
[05:48] <Dr_willis> but that overrides the automounting stuff at times.
[05:48] <dazza> hi, what's the channel for kubuntu+1?
[05:48] <Darkrift412> alakhia, try pointing to the drives id, not the drive type
[05:48] <dazza> ie the hardy channel
[05:48] <Darkrift412> yes, like he said, uuid
[05:48] <Darkrift412> the id will always be the same for that device, no matter what else is plugged in
[05:48] <dick-richardson> Agent_bob: yes i know...what I'm saying is that running cpp on my source code results in a compiled binary, correct?
[05:48] <alakhia> uuid ... what is that?
[05:48] <stdin> dazza: #ubuntu+1
[05:48] <Darkrift412> so if you point at that uuid, it will always point at the same drive no matter what
[05:48] <dazza> thanks stdin
[05:48] <Darkrift412> under your mount points, you have devices sorted by uuid
[05:49] <Darkrift412> im not at a *nix box right now, so i cant give more details
[05:49] <Dr_willis> I find the LABEL option looks nicer in fstab then using UUID :)
[05:49] <Darkrift412> but there shoudl be a path that says something about "device by uuid" or something
[05:49] <Dr_willis> !uuid
[05:49] <ubotu> To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)
[05:49] <Dr_willis> ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
[05:49] <Dr_willis> is another way to see the uuids
[05:50] <Dr_willis> ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/
[05:50] <sub[t]rnl> blkid
[05:50] <Dr_willis> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2008-02-02 16:50 VistaBoot -> ../../sda2
[05:50] <Darkrift412> check each device and see which one has the uuid you want, and then point your "shortcut" to that uuid path instead of /disk
[05:50] <Dr_willis> shows my disk is label VistaBoot :)
[05:50] <Dr_willis> LABEL=Vistaboot /media/VistaBoot ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
[05:51] <Dr_willis> is my fstab entry for that.
[05:51] <Dr_willis> OR i could use the UUID=######### /media/VistaBoot ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
[05:51] <Dr_willis> for example.
[05:51] <tzanger> what is the package I'm interested in if I'm trying to get a useful backtrace out of twinkle (a sip softphone for KDE) ? there's the kde debug info, but I forget what the name of the packages are that provide that
[05:52] <Agent_bob> fstab for usb drives tho
[05:54] <Agent_bob> Dr_willis will that fstab line mount when you plug in the device ?
[05:56] <ahmos> Hi everybody,my computer keeps hanging..and I discovered that my craphic card temprature becomes too high so it hangs...so any ideas
[05:57] <LinNewb> Hello People
[05:58] <alakhia> ahhhh, thanks Dr_willis ... I'll try /dev/disk/by-uuid
[06:00] <ahmos> hi Dr_willis,
[06:00] <LinNewb> anybody who can help me with cedega?
[06:00] <Dr_willis> Agent_bob, nope. a line in fstab overrides the automounting. BUT when you go to access the device in konquer - i think it will mount then.
[06:00] <Dr_willis> at least thats how it seems to work. :)
=== sam64 is now known as Goop2
[06:01] <Agent_bob> Dr_willis hmmmm ok. so they have a kio calling a mount command now ? nice (if you like that kind of thing)
[06:01] <Dr_willis> its been in there for ages. I think.
[06:02] <Goop2> I'm having an audio problem.. it sounds like there's way too much gain or something
[06:02] <Agent_bob> well i probably never noticed it because users can't mount here...
[06:02] <Agent_bob> Goop2 alsamixer adjust it ?
[06:03] <Goop2> I would, but I have no idea what to adjust
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[06:03] <ahmos> what is the command for closing the x server please
[06:04] <ahmos> ?
[06:04] <Agent_bob> input gain? mic ? line in ? recording level ?
[06:04] <Agent_bob> ahmos sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop
[06:04] <Goop2> output
[06:04] <ahmos> tahnks
[06:04] <ahmos> thanks
[06:04] <Dr_willis> ahmos, rstart the kdm service or hit alt-ctrl-backspace to kill it NOW. :)
[06:05] <ahmos> ok
[06:05] <Goop2> Agent_bob: I muted all 3D sound, and anything else just affects the volume itself
[06:05] <Agent_bob> alt-ctrl-backspace != command for closing the x server
[06:06] <Agent_bob> Goop2 you do see there is both "input" and "output" settings?
[06:06] <Goop2> Agent_bob: yeah
[06:06] <Agent_bob> k
[06:07] <Agent_bob> so use the app you are using to record and turn down the recording volume
[06:07] <Goop2> that isn't even on
[06:07] <Goop2> actually turning down PCM helped
[06:08] <Goop2> it had a huge effect on the volume, but it got rid of the gain sound
[06:10] <Goop2> it wasn't input I was having trouble with
[06:11] <Goop2> my output was buzzy
[06:11] <val0> I have a weird error, when I click on my kde panel I get a "Malformed URL. system:/" error any ideas?
[06:11] <tzanger> what is the package I'm interested in if I'm trying to get a useful backtrace out of twinkle (a sip softphone for KDE) ? there's the kde debug info, but I forget what the name of the packages are that provide that
[06:26] <Agent_bob> tzanger you could try searching in a package-manager apt-cache search bug or debug or what ever...
[06:27] <Agent_bob> !info kbugbuster
[06:27] <ubotu> kbugbuster (source: kdesdk): a front end for the KDE bug tracking system. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 436 kB, installed size 1220 kB
[06:28] <Agent_bob> that's all i see in dapper that even comes close
[06:29] <hydrogen> err
[06:29] <hydrogen> no
[06:29] <hydrogen> thats not at all what he's asking
[06:29] <hydrogen> he's asking about the -dbg packages
[06:29] <hydrogen> not how to interface with kde's bugzilla
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[06:30] <Agent_bob> that's still all that looks remotely close in dapper. and i knew that wasn't what he wanted, would pointed at it long ago if it was.
[06:31] <hydrogen> that isn't remotely close..
[06:31] <tzanger> Agent_bob: yes, but someone had told me about a "secret" repository that had debug packages for WAY more packages than what normally showed up... I can't remember what the heck that was though
[06:31] <hydrogen> tzanger: It doesn't appear that there is a package with the debug symbols for twinkle
[06:48] <jessie> you ppl in here?
[06:50] <kiefer_> we are
[06:50] <kiefer_> Well, I am :)
=== kiefer_ is now known as kiefer
=== kiefer is now known as kiefer_
[06:51] <jessie> hey kiefer_
[06:51] <kiefer_> Hello :)
[06:51] <jessie> good to see you on again
[06:51] <kiefer_> Haha, always on
[06:53] <jessie> haha.... nice!
[06:53] <kiefer_> Lol, Ty
[06:54] <jessie> kiefer_: so did you get whatever problem it was sorted out?
[06:54] <kiefer_> I had lots of problems/questions, most got sorted
[06:54] <jessie> kiefer_: did you get the one you asked me about sorted out? i cant remember for the life of me what it was
[06:55] <AMcBain> Any idea why Amarok has a problem with multiple albums with the same name? I gave two Gold [Disc 1] and Gold [Disk 2] for Aerosmith and Joe Cocker. It insists when I choose an album cover that I am doing it for the Aerosmith album (as it comes first alphabetically) even when I distinctly click on the Joe Cocker image
[06:56] <AMcBain> Okay, I admit that since Albums are composed of songs, it might be a bit hard to keep them apart (as albums have no affinity towards a certain artist)
[06:57] <FunnyLookinHat> nixternal, So what are the chances you could point me towards a good list of packages to install for getting KDE4 on Hardy? I saw the gutsy stuff with the special PPA repo but nothing for Hardy
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[06:59] <TheWhiteRook> how do I set Dolphin to be the default file manager in KDE4?
[07:00] <travkin> how to resize a panel in KDE4? :D
[07:01] <ani> travkin: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Projects/Plasma/FAQ#How_can_I_change_the_height_of_the_panel.3F
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[07:01] <AMcBain> How do you do anything in something. That's the ultimate question. Solve it and you have the answer to anything. (though I think 42 already takes that cake)
[07:03] <FunnyLookinHat> travkin, How did you get KDE4 installed? With Gutsy PPA or on hardy?
[07:07] <hydrogen> travkin: you can't until 4.0.2 at the earliest
[07:07] <hydrogen> without some fairly adventuresome config file changes
[07:10] <jmut> hi. where I can see list of packages of kubuntu. So I see what are latest versions of some I am interested.
[07:10] <AMcBain> ugh, found a new album with the same name as another. This is getting fairly annoying.
[07:10] <kiefer__> jmut: packages.ubuntu.com
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=== kiefer is now known as kiefer__
[07:14] <jmut> kiefer__: mmm.thats lovely. Now only need to find what each name stands for :D . thanks
[07:15] <kiefer__> Lol, No problem :)
[07:21] <AMcBain> Can Amarok rip CDs?
[07:21] <AMcBain> (well, I'm pretty sure it can, I just wondered how)
[07:22] <kiefer__> (exactly what i thought when you asked)
[07:22] <AMcBain> I'm around enough people that pretend to be literalists that I watch out for it too
[07:24] <ahmos> Hi,I need a little help for choosing wich nvidia driver I should Install(X.org legacy driver,x.org driver,x.org new driver) I have geforce 7300 LE
[07:25] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: It definetly can.. By means of the kio slaves...
[07:25] <AMcBain> huh?
[07:25] <MilhousePunkRock> Can't remember how you do it exactly...
[07:25] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: Just as you would simply open an audio cd in Konqueror and copy the wav/mp3/ogg files it offers you...
[07:26] <ol_dude67> i dont know i always use k3b
[07:26] <AMcBain> That works? It never worked under Windows ... (though that could be the OS)
[07:26] <AMcBain> It always ended up giving me links ..
[07:26] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: KDE >> Windows
[07:26] <AMcBain> Only one > unless you meant to bit shift ...
[07:26] <Daisuke_Ido> webilder's turned out to be a neat little program
[07:27] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: It works, I have done it, it will start copying and you will notice it's slower than it should be, that's when the encoding takes place
[07:27] <ol_dude67> well i like k3b, cause if i down load say like the new ubuntu, it almost always burns it as an iso.
[07:27] <gundam_rx78nt1> where do I go to change the default login image/background?
[07:28] <ahmos> anybody help me please!!
[07:28] <gundam_rx78nt1> what is wrong ahmos?
[07:28] <ol_dude67> gundam_rx78nt1, did you look in systems?
[07:28] <MilhousePunkRock> ahmos: nvidia-glx-new
[07:28] <kiefer__> AMcBain: http://docs.kde.org/userguide/audio-cd.html --Not sure if that will be helpfull, IM on wireless so its taking time to load, so I havnt read it
[07:28] <ahmos> I need a little help for choosing wich nvidia driver I should Install(X.org legacy driver,x.org driver,x.org new driver) I have geforce 7300 LE
[07:28] <MilhousePunkRock> ahmos: If you have problems with that, just go for nvidia-glx
[07:29] <MilhousePunkRock> ahmos: nvidia-glx-new, like i said a minute ago
[07:29] <kiefer__> Anyway Im off to watch some good old fashioned TV, Bye all, BBL.
[07:29] <Daisuke_Ido> 7300? install new.
[07:29] <AMcBain> kiefer: Yeah, I found an article one it, but it wasn't really telling me much, and if I go MilhousePunkRock's approach I can't get mp3s ...
[07:29] <gundam_rx78nt1> ol_dude67, I did change it in the kcontrol but it doesn't work. I get the "defaul" login screen and then the image I selected for a split second.
[07:29] <ahmos> aha because my graphic card is overheated after a while so that the system hangs
[07:29] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: Lame installed?
[07:29] <Daisuke_Ido> and the audiocd: kioslave is awesome
[07:29] <MilhousePunkRock> ahmos: That's not a driver issue, that's an hardware issue
[07:29] <gundam_rx78nt1> I would like to have the image I want as the default background.
[07:30] <Daisuke_Ido> ahmos: that's not a driver issue, that's a "get some forking ventilation" issue
[07:30] <ahmos> ok so is there any solution
[07:30] <ol_dude67> oh left click on desktop and go to configure
[07:30] <Daisuke_Ido> yeah
[07:30] <AMcBain> Ah yes lame. the item nobody can bundle with anything because they don't want to get in any trouble yet it ends up being the most useful ...
[07:30] <Daisuke_Ido> ventilation
[07:30] <Daisuke_Ido> if the card's overheating, it's not an os problem
[07:30] <Daisuke_Ido> AMcBain: you got it :)
[07:31] <Daisuke_Ido> while i like the idea of using free formats like ogg vorbis, i have 177gb of mp3s that say otherwise
[07:31] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: I rip my CDs with the good ol' KaudioCreator though...
[07:31] <ahmos> ok thank's pople for help..;)
[07:32] <Daisuke_Ido> kaudiocreator offers the most flexibility
[07:32] <travkin> FunnyLookinHat: on 7.10 - gutsy ppa
[07:32] <Daisuke_Ido> *but* it's still no EAC
[07:32] <MilhousePunkRock> Daisuke_Ido: If my mobile player and my car stereo would play ogg, I would re-rip my ~300 CDs
[07:32] <travkin> FunnyLookinHat: on hardy - hardy ;)
[07:32] <travkin> it's working stable
[07:32] <MilhousePunkRock> Daisuke_Ido: Funny, that's one thing I miss from Windows too
[07:32] <travkin> without any problemz
[07:32] <travkin> just 2 things missing
[07:33] <Daisuke_Ido> cdparanoia just isn't up to par
[07:33] <shinda> hey guys anyone know of any file recover apps ?
[07:33] <travkin> program hotkeys + panel resize
[07:33] <Daisuke_Ido> it's good, don't get me wrong
[07:33] <Daisuke_Ido> but it's not EAC
[07:33] <AMcBain> Apparently Kaffeine rips CDs but it doesn't recognize that I just installed lame.
[07:33] <Daisuke_Ido> fortunately, EAC works under wine
[07:35] * AMcBain wonders where lame really installed, as Kaffeine looks in /usr/lib/codecs
[07:35] <Daisuke_Ido> did you restart kaffeine?
[07:35] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: You did restart Kaffeine after installing lame, did you?
[07:36] <MilhousePunkRock> Daisuke_Ido: Seems like I am a bit faster this morning ;P
[07:36] <AMcBain> I opened if *after* I isntalled lame
[07:36] <Daisuke_Ido> MilhousePunkRock: that's twice. i'm watching you.
[07:36] <Daisuke_Ido> :P
[07:36] <Daisuke_Ido> AMcBain: now that lame is installed, you can use the audiocd:/ kioslave
[07:37] <AMcBain> uh ... okay
[07:37] <MilhousePunkRock> Unfortunately system settings do not allow you to specify a bitrate, only a "quality", IIRC
[07:37] <Daisuke_Ido> true
[07:37] <Daisuke_Ido> but if you've noticed, lame has gone to a "quality" based set of presets
[07:37] <Daisuke_Ido> V0 - V8
[07:38] <Daisuke_Ido> V0 being the former alt-preset-extreme
[07:38] <MilhousePunkRock> Daisuke_Ido: I encode - CBR 192
[07:38] <Daisuke_Ido> V8 being barely adequate for spoken-work
[07:38] <Daisuke_Ido> APX for me
[07:38] <MilhousePunkRock> Or however that was done, can't remember, been a while since I set it up...
[07:39] <shinda> anyone know of any utilities avaiable that can recover data deleted on fat32 disk?
[07:40] <JoeyJoeJo> how do I change the settings of the taskbar (or whatever it's called in KDE)?
[07:40] <gundam_rx78nt1> how do I chang the kdm theme?
[07:41] <gundam_rx78nt1> change, sorry it's been a long day.
[07:42] <AMcBain> Aha!
[07:42] <AMcBain> mp3's now show up in dolphin
[07:42] <sub[t]rnl> JoeyJoeJo➜ right click on the tasbar -> configure panel
[07:42] <sub[t]rnl> !kdmtheme | gundam_rx78nt1
[07:42] <ubotu> gundam_rx78nt1: To customize your !KDM theme, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu - However, see http://subtrnl.homelinux.com/kdmtheme.html for working around bug #132723 (http://tinyurl.com/2prhgc)
[07:43] <gundam_rx78nt1> thanks sub[t]rnl
[07:44] <AMcBain> Dang. I hit the "Dolphin-Tooltip Segfault" error again.
[07:44] <AMcBain> Seems weird to have a segfault related to a Tooltip. That would be the last thing I would expect to crash an app.
[07:45] <AMcBain> (yes I can reproduce it, that's why I gave it a name)
[07:45] <TheWhiteRook> GRRRR I've got that weird bug in KDE 4 that I've seen in Com piz, in which the system tray icons are all opened in their own mini windows...
[07:48] <TheWhiteRook> does anyone know how to fix the system tray icon bug?
[07:49] <AMcBain> 1) Get steps to reproduce it 2) Check them again 2a) get someone here to verify 3) Post to "bug repository"
[07:49] <AMcBain> 2a is optional, I suppose
[07:53] <Jckl> Anyone know why i only get 2 desktops when i have it set for 4?
[07:54] <AMcBain> How can anyone really manage more than 1? Multitasking really doesn't exist. You are only doing one thing at a time.
[07:54] <AMcBain> at any given time*
[07:55] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: I just hooked up a second screen two days ago... :D
[07:55] <AMcBain> MilhousePunkRock: URandR
[07:56] <Jckl> ever code a website that has multiple files... it clusters up your desktop.. having more than 1 is an easy way to keep the clutter down and easy to switch between the desktops
[07:56] <AMcBain> Though when it asks you the first time to restart the X-Server ... click no, and restart the PC manually yourself.
[07:56] <Jckl> i use to have 2 monitors on my pc but not anymore
[07:56] <AMcBain> As when it does it, it doesn't quite shut down right,.
[07:56] <AMcBain> You get a blank screen with a blinky cursor and anything you type does nothing. Kubuntu never restarts.
[07:57] <AMcBain> So, just do it yourself. Other than that, URandR is a very nice program.
[07:57] <AMcBain> (oh, and before you try it ... it doesn't show up via apt-get/adept. Use Google, first hit.)
[08:01] <nick__> horray
[08:02] <nick__> ls
[08:02] <AMcBain> nick__: wrong window :P
[08:03] <TheWhiteRook> I asked this in #kubuntu-kde4, but no one's there: does anyone know how to get the system tray icons to stop appearing in their own little windows when the desktop effects are enabled?
[08:04] <AMcBain> People don't usually answer things here or in #kde (etc) unless it's interesting, they are interested or the answer is quick ... so you could be here/there a while and get no reply or just plain ignored :-/
[08:05] <TheWhiteRook> heh. thought so. Worth a shot though...
=== solid_liquid is now known as solid_liq
[08:06] <AMcBain> I kinda thought people would answer anything on IRC, but then again, I hang out on ##java and almost anything gets a response there, if only a bot spam to rtfm
[08:07] * AMcBain wonders why FF's settings are under the "edit" menu ...
[08:07] <sub[t]rnl> most anyone here will answer your question if they know it, your just around at the wrong time. Most are idle.
[08:07] <jessie> hey guys and gals
[08:07] <AMcBain> Hey, while I'm thinking about it ... how do I make FF the default browser?
[08:07] <johey> The linuxdcpp package for Gutsy Gibbon is 0.698, while there has been 1.01 out there quite some time. Is this package no longer maintained? Is there any third party repository with a newer version?
[08:08] <jessie> oh.. i read about this somewhere. its something like debian-default....
[08:08] <MilhousePunkRock> AMcBain: The always used to b there... The just changed it to extras for the windows version
[08:08] <sub[t]rnl> AMcBain➜ kcontrol -> kde components -> default applications
[08:09] <AMcBain> ?? There is no kcontrol
[08:09] <sub[t]rnl> alt + f2 and type kcontrol
[08:09] <AMcBain> nevermind. found it under system settings.
[08:10] <ol_dude67> AMcBain, open firefox and set it in preference under edit.
[08:10] <AMcBain> That doesn't do it.
[08:10] <AMcBain> I tried that last time. Seems to be broke,.
[08:10] <ol_dude67> ah ok,
[08:10] * AMcBain remembers he has to install Thunderbird ...
[08:11] <jessie> sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
[08:11] <jessie> there it is!
[08:13] <AMcBain> Oh no!
[08:13] <jessie> AMcBain: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
[08:13] <AMcBain> I can't find my files for Thunderbird ... I know I grabbed them ...
[08:13] <jessie> that'll do it for you...
[08:13] <jessie> AMcBain: thats no good!
[08:14] <AMcBain> That means I've lost ZILLIONS of e-mails forever.,
[08:14] <AMcBain> How do you explain that to others? Please resend? :P
[08:14] <jessie> hahaha.... ummm... you cant? haha
[08:14] <val0> running vmware server on kubuntu, trying to add a serial number but get the "need to be an administrator to enter serial number error". what's the solution? thanks
[08:15] <jessie> val0: run vmware as root?
[08:15] <ol_dude67> sudo then the number
[08:15] <jessie> aka using sudo
[08:15] <val0> ol_dude67: sudo vmware ####-####?
[08:16] <ol_dude67> no just sudo and the number
[08:16] <AMcBain> I know I went into the folder at least ... so why didn't I copy it? Since the install had to reformat the partitions to ext3 ... that means I lost them forever, unless they are on the disk somewhere that I don't see.
[08:16] <val0> ol_dude67: in the console?
[08:16] <jessie> ol_dude67: that dont make no sense. it should be something like... sudo vmware-register
[08:16] <jessie> AMcBain: .thunderbird?
[08:17] <val0> jessie: that's what i am confused about
[08:17] <ol_dude67> well when i installed it i just had to put sudo the number in consol,when it was installing
[08:17] <AMcBain> jessie: My previous OS was Windows.
[08:17] <jessie> val0: no joke, shouldnt be just the number.
[08:17] <AMcBain> So it doesn't start with .thunderbird ...
[08:17] <AMcBain> (iirc)
[08:17] <travkin_> :))
[08:17] <val0> jessie: i know that i can run config vmware again and enter it there, but i don't remember how to enter in manually
[08:17] <jessie> AMcBain: ohhhh....... hmm... thats not good at all. yeah, i dont know what you could do. try using a file thingy ma jigger..
[08:18] <TheWhiteRook> AMcBain, I rebooted and the problem fixed itself
[08:18] <AMcBain> Ok
[08:18] <TheWhiteRook> :)
[08:18] <AMcBain> Oh weird. ls sees some folders I don't.
[08:18] <AMcBain> I did copy it.
[08:18] <AMcBain> ls++
[08:18] <TheWhiteRook> when google fails... reboot...
[08:19] <AMcBain> Oh. they show up as red on ls. that's bad.
[08:20] <AMcBain> Is there anyway to get Linux to see folders with *spaces* in their names!?
[08:20] <AMcBain> Or at least let me rename them?
[08:21] <AMcBain> It won't even let me cd there even if I use ''
[08:21] <jessie> AMcBain: i have spaces in em
[08:21] <jessie> ahh..... use the tab
[08:21] <AMcBain> tab?
[08:22] <jessie> ie, if you have a folder named "Jessie Morris", type in "cd Jessie" click tab... waula!
[08:22] <sub[t]rnl> AMcBain➜ what makes you think linux doesn't recognize spaces?
[08:22] <sub[t]rnl> heh..
[08:22] <AMcBain> ls shows them in red and won't let me ls or cd there.
[08:22] <Dr_willis> sub[t]rnl, :) lack of experience :)
[08:22] <AMcBain> And Dolphin won't show them either.
[08:22] <AMcBain> So by process of elimintation ...
[08:23] <Dr_willis> try a ls -l
[08:23] <AMcBain> elimination*
[08:23] <Dr_willis> red often means broken links
[08:23] <Dr_willis> in ls at least. :)
[08:23] <Dr_willis> or was that flashing red? i forget.
[08:23] <AMcBain> ls -l shows them as ??? Which they shouldn't be, as they copied themselves nicely ...
[08:23] <Dr_willis> I gotta find a 'what all the colors in ls mean' web site someday
[08:24] <Dr_willis> shows what as ??>? the owner?
[08:24] <AMcBain> I think this is a side affect of having to manually mount this ..
[08:24] <jessie> Dr_willis: what does one have to do to get colors on ls?
[08:24] <AMcBain> ?? for everything. owner , mod etc.
[08:24] <Dr_willis> jessie, its the default.. ls --color can force it.
[08:24] <Dr_willis> ls -l Firefox_wallpaper.png
[08:24] <Dr_willis> -rw-r--r-- 1 willis willis 1047890 2008-01-29 07:50 Firefox_wallpaper.png
[08:24] <AMcBain> Everything but the name is a ?
[08:24] <Dr_willis> ??? for the mode ? instead of -rw------ ?
[08:24] <AMcBain> yep
[08:24] <Dr_willis> Thats dont soubnd good.
[08:25] <jessie> hmmm.... not the default on mine. but thats good to know!
[08:25] <Dr_willis> what filesystem are these files on?
[08:25] <AMcBain> NTFS
[08:25] <Dr_willis> alias ls='ls --color=auto'
[08:25] <Dr_willis> is the default on ubuntu i thought
[08:25] <AMcBain> I could visit a lab PC and see if they are really there or what-not.
[08:25] <AMcBain> (all labs are PC, except one or two mac ones somewhere ...)
[08:26] <AMcBain> Let me go and come back and see where I get.
[08:26] <jessie> thank you!
[08:26] <AMcBain> If they are truly gone I will be very angry.
[08:27] <jessie> hey, Dr_willis how do i make that alias change perminate?
[08:27] * AMcBain runs off to go try his 'experiment'.
[08:27] <Dr_willis> edit your .bashrc or .bash_profile
[08:28] <jessie> i dont seem to have one.... :S
[08:28] <AMcBain> You can always create one.
[08:28] <AMcBain> Using a text editor.
[08:28] <Dr_willis> thats weird.
[08:28] <AMcBain> (nano is installed by default, I think)
[08:28] <Dr_willis> I got a rather complex one by default
[08:28] <jessie> Dr_willis: you're telling me. and yeah, would you pastebin it for my convinence?
[08:28] <Dr_willis> does all sorts of nice things. :)
[08:29] <jessie> haha.... like what?
[08:29] <kiefer> How do I change my screen res. ? lol
[08:29] <Dr_willis> reads a .alias_settings file so you just add your alias's there.. sets a nice prompt.. sets other things
[08:29] <mixed> Dr_willis, you know how to install KDE3 from ubuntu?
[08:29] <jessie> hmmmm... sounds quite nice. and im just gonna copy mine over from another user
[08:30] * solid_liq waves to Dr_willis
[08:30] <jessie> wow.... much better!
[08:30] <Dr_willis> http://pastebin.com/m234320f5 - .bashrc file
[08:31] <Dr_willis> mixed, install ubuntu-desktop package
[08:31] <jessie> thanks a million!
[08:31] <Dr_willis> http://pastebin.com/m203cbf82 .bash_profile
[08:31] <Dr_willis> You Might want to look in /etc/skel and see whats in there.
[08:32] <Dr_willis> You may of just deleted your default ones from your users home dir
[08:32] <mixed> Dr_willis, you mean maybe "kubuntu-desktop" package?
[08:32] <Dr_willis> mixed, proberly :) thats on the Kubuntu faq by the way. :P
[08:33] <Dr_willis> heck install xubuntu-desktop for more fun! :)
[08:33] <Dr_willis> I dont think thers a fluxbuntu-desktop yet.
[08:33] <Dr_willis> !find -desktop
[08:33] <ubotu> Found: E:
[08:33] <Dr_willis> Lol!
[08:34] <Dr_willis> !find desktop
[08:34] <ubotu> Found: desktop-base, desktop-file-utils, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-kde, gobuntu-desktop (and 45 others)
[08:34] <Dr_willis> !info gobuntu-desktop
[08:34] <ubotu> gobuntu-desktop (source: gobuntu-meta): The Gobuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB
[08:34] <Dr_willis> what the heck is that one. :P
[08:34] <jessie> Dr_willis: i get this error using your .bashrc
[08:34] <jessie> lsbash: lsbytesum: command not found
[08:34] <Dr_willis> jessie, you WILL need to edit my bash prompt
[08:34] <Dr_willis> :)
[08:34] <mixed> !kubuntu
[08:34] <ubotu> Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE
[08:35] <Dr_willis> Unless you want my lsbytesum utility. ;P
[08:35] <jessie> Dr_willis: very good point. haha..... its a bit late where im at, so thats my excuse!
[08:35] <jessie> Dr_willis: what does that do? haha
[08:36] <Dr_willis> http://pastebin.com/m7e69b458
[08:36] <Dr_willis> shows the bytes used in the current dir.
[08:36] <Dr_willis> willis@mint:~(93.644 Mb)$ gedit .bashrc .bash_profile
[08:36] <jessie> thanks! but where do i stick it? /usr/bin?
[08:36] <Dr_willis> for Examplke
[08:37] <Dr_willis> I got a bin in my home dir. You could put it in /bin or /usr/bin if you want
[08:37] <Dr_willis> i got lots of little scripts/tools like that. :)
[08:37] <Dr_willis> start a collection!
[08:38] <jessie> haha... thats awesome!
[08:39] <Dr_willis> Check out the advanced bash scripting guide. and the bash prompt howto for more.
[08:39] <jessie> will do! hey, how would i change it so its recursive? -R?
[08:40] <Dr_willis> you want all subdirs? that may take a lot of cpu time
[08:40] <jessie> whoops... now its butt slow... haha
[08:41] <AMcBain> Okay, the folders do exist, but now I'm going through the whole "mount causes error" shit agian.
[08:41] <AMcBain> again*
[08:41] <jessie> AMcBain: what is the exact error?
[08:42] <AMcBain> Well, it says the directory doesn't exist, while Dolphin says it does, but says "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000"
[08:43] <jessie> AMcBain: try force mounting it by hand
[08:43] <AMcBain> I did. I had to do that to override my idiocy at unplugging it from the Windows PC and not removing it nicelty.
[08:44] <AMcBain> nicely*
[08:44] <jessie> ie, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 ...
[08:44] <jessie> you did it like that?
[08:44] <AMcBain> Yep,
[08:45] <AMcBain> Says /media/sdc1 doesn't exist ...
[08:45] <AMcBain> which it does ...
[08:45] <jessie> you sure it does?
[08:45] <jessie> AMcBain: ls -l /dev/sd*
[08:45] <jessie> pastebin it
[08:45] <jessie> please
[08:46] <AMcBain> I know. You wouldn't want that pasted to the channel.
[08:46] <jessie> AMcBain: meh... you never know. people do it all the time!
[08:46] <AMcBain> http://pastebin.stonekeep.com/1547
[08:48] <jessie> AMcBain: ok, do "sudo umount /dev/sdc1"
[08:48] <jessie> then, sudo mkdir /media/sdc1
[08:48] <AMcBain> mounting straight "sdc" doesn't work ... one sec.
[08:48] <jessie> AMcBain: well, yeah, you have to mount partitions, not disks
[08:49] <AMcBain> It says it wasn't mounted in the first place ...
[08:49] <jessie> AMcBain: ok, thats fine then. so do the sudo mkdir /media/sdc1
[08:49] <AMcBain> done
[08:50] <AMcBain> Now what?
[08:50] <jessie> AMcBain: alright, now "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1"
[08:50] * AMcBain rejoices.
[08:50] <jessie> AMcBain: better? haha
[08:50] <AMcBain> And my "bad" folder is there now too.
[08:51] <jessie> AMcBain: you may need to use sudo to copy things over. file permissions may be all funky
[08:51] <AMcBain> Seems to work
[08:52] <AMcBain> Shows up green under ls
[08:52] <jessie> AMcBain: awesome. glad i could help. btw, that mount command is pretty general
[08:52] <jessie> like, it goes "sudo mount -t "file_sys" "/device/to/mount" "/place/to/mount/to"
[08:53] <AMcBain> Now I just have to figure out why Thunderbird only gives me the option on first start to not import anything. It's a radio button with only one option. So dumb.
[08:53] <jessie> AMcBain: it does? hmmm...
[08:53] <Dr_willis> hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" - can be fixed by installing/running the ntfs-config utility and checking the box;s :) but that just adds a proper fstab entry for the devices mainly
[08:54] <AMcBain> I tried that.
[08:54] <AMcBain> But the program installs, and when I run it, I get no window.
[08:54] <jessie> AMcBain: that is quite retarded!
[08:54] <AMcBain> I can try again.
[08:55] <Dr_willis> sudo ntfs-config
[08:55] <AMcBain> jessie: yes, well, I'll just have to follow their steps to running the profile manager.
[08:55] <Dr_willis> oh you are talking about Thunderbird
[08:57] <AMcBain> Oh lovely. The Thunderbird FAQ doesn't have a category about migrating from itself to itself (different platforms or a reinstall)
[08:57] <mixed> Dr_willis, thank you for the 411, I think, I just updated ubuntustudio with kde, don't know how I did it but it worked, kinda drunk right now but it's all good, cheers!
[08:58] <jessie> AMcBain: ok, just take the folder
[08:58] <jessie> and move it to your home dircectory
[08:58] <jessie> rename it to .thunderbird
[08:58] <AMcBain> Wait ... I do see a thingy for it.
[08:59] <jessie> AMcBain: thats good!
[08:59] <AMcBain> On their webpage.
[09:00] <jessie> AMcBain: i would guess its something like what i suggested, right?
[09:01] <AMcBain> Well, sorta. I gotta fix some pathing stuff, as it came from XP ...
[09:01] <AMcBain> Except the profile.ini checks out ...
[09:01] <Cavallito> why package should I install to play quicktime movies in FF ?
[09:02] <jessie> !quicktime
[09:02] <ubotu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[09:02] <Cavallito> why/what*
[09:02] <Cavallito> thanks
[09:02] <jessie> haha.. thanks ubotu, not me
[09:02] <jessie> *thank
[09:03] <Cavallito> to you jessie and mr. ubotu :)
[09:03] <jessie> haha..... nice! hope you find what you're looking for
[09:09] <Stilo> hi!
[09:09] <JoshOvki> hi stilo
[09:10] <Stilo> i have a problem with katapult and xgl. when i press ALT+Space it wont appear. Anyone knows a solution?
[09:10] <Stilo> when i start a session without xgl, then it works fine
[09:11] <JoshOvki> try reinstalling katapult
[09:19] <mixed> go giants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:21] <AMcBain> It appears that no on in #thunderbird on the mozilla server cares right now. Maybe if I try again tomorrow after I've had some sleep. It's 3:21 am here
[09:21] <mixed> !mp3
[09:21] <ubotu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[09:24] <Tomasu> I'm having trouble getting kde4 svn to start up: http://pastebin.ca/889904 (.xsession-errors), and running dolphin standalone leads to a QMutex deadlock error.
[09:27] <surgy> ! kde4 | Tomasu
[09:27] <ubotu> Tomasu: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[09:27] <Tomasu> does that include kde svn? or just 4.0.x ?
[09:28] <stdin> Tomasu: we can't support kde svn, ask in #kde-devel
[09:28] <Tomasu> did, they said check here
[09:28] <surgy> hi stdin
[09:28] <stdin> Tomasu: you aren't running the kubuntu builds, so we don't know what you're running
[09:28] <Tomasu> base kubuntu and the latest svn
[09:29] <stdin> Tomasu: if we didn't package it, then we can not support it
[09:31] <Tomasu> nobody can even say they've seen the issue?
[09:32] <Tomasu> I'm attempting to get started with a little kde 4 development
[09:33] <stdin> read the getting started guide and ask people in #kde-devel, that's all I can tell you
[09:33] <Tomasu> friendly
[09:33] <stdin> this is a Kubuntu support channel, no a *.* support channel
[09:34] <stdin> *not
[09:34] <Tomasu> I am running kubuntu.
[09:34] <nuxil> read topic :p
[09:34] <stdin> but you're using unstable software from SVN which we can not control or predict in any way
[09:35] <Tomasu> starting to understand where aaron got his oppionion from...
[09:35] <kiefer> We can predict software?
[09:35] <kiefer> O.O
[09:35] <kiefer> In my experience, No software can be predicted :)
[09:35] <stdin> this is getting offtopic, and I won't continue
[09:35] <Tomasu> way to stuffy...
[09:36] <ahmed> anyone could help me here?? i have proplem in my pc i have kubuntu 7.10
[09:36] <JoshOvki> kiefer, hell yeh. like i predict allsoftware has bugs
[09:36] <kiefer> Rofffffl!
[09:36] <nuxil> !ask | ahmed
[09:36] <ubotu> ahmed: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[09:36] <JoshOvki> ahmed whats the problem?
[09:36] <kiefer> Ahmed: Whats the problem?
[09:37] <JoshOvki> hey i just said that
[09:37] <nuxil> hehe
[09:37] <ahmed> yesterday i was playing any movies regular but today when i play any one all pc hang i ahve to restard it to resolve this by the way thanks for helping
[09:38] <JoshOvki> ahamed: what program are you using to play them?
[09:38] <kiefer> Awesome, 150 BYTES Per second, I sure love wireless :) *Sarcasm*
[09:38] <ahmed> im new to linux
[09:38] <ahmed> splayer
[09:38] <ahmed> smplayer
[09:39] <kiefer> Have you tried any other players?
[09:39] <JoshOvki> thats me out, i have never used it. I would reccomend VLC
[09:39] <ahmed> no i didnt try any other programs
[09:39] <enry> hello
[09:39] <ahmed> but i alwayts use this
[09:39] <kiefer> Im pretty new to Linux, But common sense plays a role in tech help ^_^
[09:40] <kiefer> ahmed: try another player
[09:40] <ahmed> ok i'll try it now if it hang i'll restart and baxcjk ok
[09:40] <kiefer> ahmed: as you need to find out whether its the files or the player (or the codecs)
[09:40] <nuxil> try one of thise ones .. mplayer | xine | kaffine
[09:40] <Freku> vlc player
[09:40] <kiefer> ahmed: Sure thing, let us know :)
[09:40] <nuxil> or that one
[09:40] <nuxil> :)
[09:41] <JoshOvki> i agree with freku
[09:41] <ahmed> i'll try vlc these programs support arabic subtitles for me
[09:41] <Thecks> Oh, somebody might know.. it's a rather vague problem but...
[09:41] <Thecks> I was fiddling around with KNetworkManager and now all of a sudden, it doesn't see any wireless networks.
[09:42] <kiefer> Did you 'fiddle' a manual configuration?
[09:42] <Thecks> I've tried with another app KWifiManager which sees them fine.
[09:42] <gianpiero> hello
[09:42] <Freku> rty unfiddling :-)
[09:42] <kiefer> rofl
[09:42] <Thecks> kiefer: I think so :p
[09:42] <JoshOvki> lol
[09:42] <Thecks> Freku: I've tried, it doesn't make sense.. put it back to how it was
[09:42] <Thecks> No go. Changed the network file, no go.
[09:43] <kiefer> Thecks: Hehe, I had a similar problem, I set a manual configuration by accident, then the wireless networks wouldnt show, cant remember how I fixed it...
[09:43] <JoshOvki> Thecks, copy your /etc/network/interfaces clear out the oroginol and restart
[09:43] <Thecks> JoshOvki: I did that.
[09:43] <JoshOvki> ok, your buggered then
[09:43] <kiefer> Lmao
[09:43] <nuxil> use iwconfig :p
[09:43] <Thecks> eth1 (wireless) shows up without a problem, just doesn't detect anything.
[09:44] <kiefer> Thecks: does any interface starting with 'wlan' show when you do 'ifconfig' ?
[09:44] <ahmed> thanks everybody vlc worked fine
[09:44] <Thecks> -
[09:44] <Thecks> eth1 unassociated ESSID:off/any
[09:44] <Thecks> Mode:Managed Channel=0 Access Point: Not-Associated
[09:44] <kiefer> Np ahmed :)
[09:44] <Thecks> kiefer: Nope.
[09:44] <ahmed> i think i have to reinstall smplayer
[09:44] <ahmed> thanks
[09:44] <Thecks> lo, eth0 and eth1
[09:45] <kiefer> Thecks: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid YOUR_ESSID_NAME
[09:45] <kiefer> Try that, and then do 'iwconfig' whhat does it say?
[09:45] <JoshOvki> in terminal run sudo iwconfig what does mode come back as?
[09:45] <Thecks> mode: Managed
[09:45] <kiefer> Im trying to remember what I did to solve it when that happened to me lmao
[09:46] <Thecks> Kiefer, same as before, now just with an ESSID
[09:46] <kiefer> Thecks: Alrighty, What wireless model/brand is it?
[09:46] <kiefer> Thecks: and has your wireless worked before?
[09:46] <Thecks> kiefer: Yup, before I messed with the Manual config :p
[09:46] <nuxil> try iwconfig ethX essid "ROUTER-MAC" key "yourkey" or iwconfig ethX ap bssid "wifiname" key "yourkey"
[09:46] <Thecks> Intel PRO2000 or something?
[09:47] <Thecks> nuxil: But that will tie it to that router no?
=== ahmed is now known as aharoon
[09:47] <nuxil> yes
[09:47] <Thecks> I want it to detect them so I can tell it which one to connect to :p
[09:47] <JoshOvki> thecks: have you double checked that file?
[09:47] <kiefer> nuxil : isnt it sudo iwconfig ethx ap MAC_ADDRESS ?
[09:47] <Thecks> auto eth1
[09:47] <Thecks> iface eth1 inet dhcp
[09:47] <Thecks> iface eth0 inet dhcp
[09:47] <nuxil> yes sudo first
[09:47] <Thecks> uhmm...
[09:48] <kiefer> Brb, I need a smoke :)
[09:48] <Thecks> I'll try delete it all and see what happens I guess
[09:48] <kiefer> backup first
[09:48] <Thecks> Is it OK to just restart x? or do I need to restart the system?
[09:48] <JoshOvki> system
[09:48] <JoshOvki> so it reloads all the modules
[09:49] <nuxil> iwlist eth2 scanning to find wifi nets
[09:49] <nuxil> *eth1
[09:49] <Thecks> nuxil: That works fine
[09:49] <Thecks> Just why doesn't KNetworkManager see them?
[09:50] <nuxil> i dont know.. i have same problem..
[09:50] <Thecks> Lol
[09:50] <nuxil> i have to use cli
[09:51] <Thecks> Maybe it wasn't messing with config - perhaps an update? :o
[09:51] <kiefer> Thecks: Im sure there would be a way to reset to defaults in KNetworkManager, Tried google? :)
[09:51] <kiefer> I would try for you, but im on slow wireless
[09:51] <JoshOvki> nuxil: whats in your /etc/network/interfaces file? thecks did you try clearing out and restarting?
[09:52] <Thecks> kiefer: I am Googleing at the moment, now that we've narrowed it down to only KNetworkManager
[09:53] <Thecks> JoshOvki: Googleing :)
[09:53] <nuxil> Josh0viki right now its empty. cos i set it up manualy. been trying all sort of stuff to get the gui configuration to work,, but i gave up.. i dont realy need it. i manage fine in cli :)
[09:53] <kiefer> Thecks: Let me know if you find anything. as i wouldnt mind using KNetworkManager again :)
[09:53] <nuxil> i just use a script to set up the wifi
[09:53] <kiefer> Okay, Now I have a problem lol, Whenever I try to play a .ogg/.mp3/Audio CD, All i get is some sharp feedback, an ear peircing sound, any suggestions?
[09:54] <JoshOvki> dont listen to music
[09:54] <kiefer> So,,, Dont live? lol
[09:54] <JoshOvki> lol
[09:54] <gundam_rx78nt1> Ok, I have been trying to change my kdm theme for the past 2 hours and looking on the web for help. Can someone help me with this?
[09:55] <JoshOvki> kiefer: wat program?
[09:55] <gundam_rx78nt1> changing it with kdm theme manager doesn't work.
[09:55] <kiefer> gundam: www.kde-look.org
[09:55] <kiefer> Josh: Kaffene and Amarok
[09:55] <gundam_rx78nt1> kiefer, they only tell you to use kdm theme manager. It doesn't work with Gutsy.
[09:55] <Thecks> Anybody tried Hardy yet?
[09:56] <nuxil> 0.o
[09:56] <JoshOvki> kiefer, probly audio driver
[09:56] <kiefer> gundam: by 'doesnt-work' what do you mean? what exactly happens?
[09:56] <Thecks> Lol
[09:56] <Thecks> It's not just us..
[09:56] <Thecks> Yeah, basically KNetworkManager is crap - as soon as you try "Manual Configuration", wireless will never work for you again. Handy, eh?
[09:56] <Thecks> Anyway, you can get it back to auto-config by doing:
[09:56] <gundam_rx78nt1> kiefer, if you read what I posted, I have tried to change the theme with kdm theme manager and nothing changes, it stay with the default loging page.
[09:57] <gundam_rx78nt1> I believe that it is a bug.
[09:57] <gundam_rx78nt1> Now, does anybody here have managed to change the kdm theme?
[09:57] <gundam_rx78nt1> On gutsy?
[09:57] <kiefer> Thecks: lmao, awsome *sarcasm*
[09:57] <kiefer> gundam: yep, me
[09:58] <AMcBain> I made my Windows look green. That count?
[09:58] <gundam_rx78nt1> only if you are a leprachaun. LOL.
[09:58] <kiefer> Lolll
[09:58] <AMcBain> I LIKE green.
[09:58] <gundam_rx78nt1> I noticed.
[09:58] <sandhya> I have onboard audio which I had trouble configuring for mic usage. So I've added in a PCI sound card and disabled the onboard audio in the BIOS.
[09:59] <sandhya> My PCI card is being detected fine as a YAMAHA. But I don't get any audio, leave alone test the mic.
[09:59] <Thecks> BRB!
[09:59] <sandhya> Any idea how I can reset things?
[09:59] <kiefer> josh: do you know where i can track down any linux audio drivers?
[10:00] <gigui> GOED MORGEN
[10:01] <kiefer> O.O
[10:01] <nuxil> god morgen
[10:01] <gundam_rx78nt1> gutten morgen gigui
[10:01] <AMcBain> I think it was supposed to be "good morning" but it's too early for that ...
[10:01] <JoshOvki> kiefer, no sorry. worked out of the box did it?
[10:01] <AMcBain> (I really want to go to bed, but this thing won't work right)
[10:02] <gigui> wet iemand hoe kan ik een fout van adept maneger repareren?
[10:02] <kiefer> Josh: worked with ubuntu 7.10, when i switched to kubuntu it stopped working
[10:02] <gigui> signaal: 6 (sigabrt)
[10:02] <gundam_rx78nt1> kiefer, I found that there is a bug in the kdm theme manager, now if I can find a way to change it... what did you do?
[10:02] <AMcBain> segfalt? uhoh
[10:03] <sandhya> The sound card is a Yamaha YMF740 chipset
[10:03] <JoshOvki> hmmm, did you reinstall to kubuntu or just apt-get install kubunti-desktop?
[10:03] <JoshOvki> without the spelling mistake
[10:03] <kiefer> gundam: it worked without change for me
[10:03] <gundam_rx78nt1> !kdm
[10:03] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[10:03] <gundam_rx78nt1> !kdm theme manager
[10:03] <kiefer> josh: used live cd to install kubuntu 7.10, over entire Hdd
[10:03] <travkin> JoshOvki: not kubunti but kubuntu ;)
[10:04] <sandhya> !sound
[10:04] <ubotu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[10:04] <JoshOvki> travkin, i did say without the spelling miskae :P
[10:05] <gundam_rx78nt1> !kdm theme
[10:05] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kdm theme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[10:05] <travkin> !travkin
[10:05] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about travkin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[10:06] <kiefer> wb thecks.
[10:06] <Thecks> Awesome!
[10:06] <Thecks> Cleared out my interfaces file, works!
[10:06] <Thecks> Have to restart your system though, restarting x doesn't do it.
[10:06] <JoshOvki> :) i said that ages ago
[10:06] <Thecks> Yeah, thought I might try it just to be certain though :)
[10:06] <kiefer> Thecks: Awesome, I might try that when i get sick of configuring my wifi through konsole lol
[10:06] <Thecks> Lol
[10:07] <JoshOvki> if all else fails listen to me
[10:07] <kiefer> Lmao
[10:07] <kiefer> listening to you is what causes all else to fail
[10:07] <kiefer> lol jk :)
[10:07] <Thecks> Yakuake rules kiefer, so you have to do it through that =p
[10:07] <gundam_rx78nt1> Thecks, wouldn't sudo /etc/init.d/network restart work?
[10:07] <Thecks> gundam_rx78nt1: Don't know :)
[10:07] <JoshOvki> ha ha ha ¬¬
[10:07] <gundam_rx78nt1> Yakuake rules
[10:08] <gundam_rx78nt1> Thecks, I do believe so.
[10:08] <Thecks> gundam_rx78nt1: I know you'd need to restart KNetworkManager as well
[10:08] <Thecks> Alright, BRB. Adding this laptop to wireless network :)
[10:08] <mark__> is there a way to clone my install onto a pen drive?
[10:09] <kiefer> ugh, when i play an audio file, it plays fine for 10-15 seconds then makes that sharp feedback sound that hurts my ears
[10:09] <JoshOvki> kiefer: what are you listening to?
[10:10] <JoshOvki> or not as the case maby be
[10:10] <kiefer> Josh: just tried a cd - happens with all audio files though, works for 10-15 seconds then just the hurting sound (lolll)
[10:11] <JoshOvki> odd to play at start then thats it. what music is it?
[10:11] <kiefer> Trance? lol
[10:12] <JoshOvki> that explains it :P
[10:12] <mark__> lol
[10:12] <nuxil> Thecks install kommander and make your own simple gui configuration.. kommander "kmdr" is super simple for this kind of stuff
[10:12] <JoshOvki> its screaming in pain
[10:12] <kiefer> Haha
[10:12] <kiefer> Happens with Rap also
[10:13] <JoshOvki> i agree with ur system still :P
[10:13] <kiefer> haha wiseguy
[10:13] <JoshOvki> does it happen with films?
[10:13] <kiefer> Havnt tried
[10:13] <mark__> how do i list my attached drives in terminal?
[10:13] <kiefer> Havnt had a chance to download any por... uhhh.. movies :)
[10:14] <JoshOvki> lol
[10:14] <JoshOvki> does youtube videos sound work ok?
[10:14] <kiefer> Havnt had a chance to install por.. uhh.. flash player :)
[10:15] <JoshOvki> try playing the cd in vlc
[10:15] <kiefer> Kk, 1 sec
[10:15] <JoshOvki> (my answer to nearly everything)
[10:15] <kiefer> lmfao
[10:15] <kiefer> Where do i find vlc?
[10:16] <JoshOvki> two options: a. empty out your /etc/network/interfaces b. try vlc
[10:16] <JoshOvki> sudo apt-get install vlc
[10:16] <kiefer> LMAO
[10:16] <kiefer> cheers
[10:16] <JoshOvki> and it should show up in multimedia when its finished
[10:16] <Thecks_> Wireless!
[10:17] <kiefer> E: Couldn't find package vlc, Any other names the package may be under?
[10:17] <JoshOvki> thecks_ would have bee sorted ages ago if u had listened
[10:17] <kiefer> Thecks: sucess?
[10:17] <Thecks_> JoshOvki: I did listen :)
[10:17] <Thecks_> kiefer: Yup.
[10:17] <JoshOvki> eventualy
[10:17] <JoshOvki> :P
[10:17] <kiefer> Thecks: nice :D
[10:17] <JoshOvki> kiefer what repositorys you got enabled?
[10:18] <kiefer> josh, im a linux noob, i have no idea :)
[10:18] <nuxil> Thecks_ do you know bash scripting ?
[10:18] <JoshOvki> kiefer: read http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html
[10:18] <AMcBain> Kubuntu should enable multiverse and universe (gee ... I wonder) by default.
[10:18] <kiefer> Josh: will do, cheers :)
[10:20] <Thecks_> nuxil: Not really - I know a guy who's great at it though. Why do you ask?
[10:21] <nuxil> Theck if you know a bit bash and have kommander installed you can get your own knetwork manager up and running in 30 min..
[10:21] <nuxil> by using iw***** tools
[10:22] <Thecks_> nuxil: I roam quite a bit, so having a GUI based approach is what I prefer :)
[10:24] <nuxil> Thecks if your online later and have not gotten it to work,,. i'll see if i have time to make a kdmr script so you and me can get gui config for wifi.
[10:27] <kumba> hi
[10:27] <kumba> anyone
[10:27] <JoshOvki> hi
[10:27] <kumba> this is interesting
[10:27] <kumba> i just installed this os
[10:28] <JoshOvki> cant you just type on one line?
[10:28] <JoshOvki> its harder to read line by line sorry
[10:28] <kumba> so what kind of chatting room is this?
[10:28] <kumba> i see...
[10:28] <JoshOvki> its a support room
[10:28] <jussi01> !guidelines | kumba
[10:28] <ubotu> kumba: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[10:29] <JoshOvki> #kubuntu-offtopic is the offtopic room
[10:29] <andrea_> ciao
[10:29] <kumba> Thanks Josh
[10:29] <jussi01> !it | andrea_
[10:29] <ubotu> andrea_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[10:30] <andrea_> oh, sorry.thanks
[10:30] <jussi01> :)
[10:33] <JoshOvki> god its cold here
[10:34] <kiefer> agree'd
[10:34] <kiefer> :)
[10:34] <JoshOvki> how does vlc work?
=== Thecks_ is now known as Thecks
[10:34] <JoshOvki> (no sarcastic answers from anyone)
[10:34] <kiefer> Lmao
[10:35] <kiefer> Just updating my repositorys now
[10:35] <jpatrick> !vlc | JoshOvki
[10:35] <ubotu> JoshOvki: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs
[10:35] * JoshOvki slaps jpatrick
[10:35] <jpatrick> ...
[10:35] <kiefer> rofl
[10:35] <Thecks> Ahh got a question for you guys...
[10:36] <kiefer> Shoot
[10:36] <Thecks> Sometimes when trying to play music, I'll get a error saying that the audio is already in use..
[10:36] <JoshOvki> jpatrick: i said no sarcastic answers ;) i know how it works, i was asking kiefer is it working :)
[10:36] <kiefer> and is it?
[10:36] <Thecks> Well, nothing else will be playing, but doesn't mean it's not in use.
[10:37] <Thecks> But then why should it matter if an application is making a sound, they should both be able to use the audio right?
[10:37] <JoshOvki> Thcks which media player?
[10:37] <Thecks> Amarok
[10:37] <JoshOvki> hmmm
[10:37] <JoshOvki> VLC? ;) (jk)
[10:37] <AMcBain> hmmm
[10:37] <Thecks> Naw, I love Amarok
[10:37] <AMcBain> !sudo
[10:37] <ubotu> sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.
[10:38] <JoshOvki> Thecks same here, im using it now. Ummmm, do the files work some times but not others, or do the same files always fail?
[10:39] <Thecks> I don't think it's a case of the files failing
[10:39] <Thecks> As if I kill Amarok restart (sometimes have to do it twice) it will work again
[10:39] <Thecks> So maybe it's just Amarok
[10:39] <Thecks> But then it never used to either
[10:40] <Thecks> Now I can't get it to make the error come up hah
[10:40] <JoshOvki> lol
[10:40] <JoshOvki> sods law
[10:40] <Thecks> Yup
[10:41] <JoshOvki> you check the error on amarok's site?
[10:42] <Thecks> No, it didn't seem to be an Amarok error though
[10:42] <JoshOvki> oh ok
[10:43] <JoshOvki> what version of amarok you using?
[10:43] <steff> System sound (warnings etc) has disappeared. I had disabilited all of them in control panel and know there's no way back. On the other account they work fine. Anybody knowes where kde store this config? Thanks for help.
[10:43] <ubuntu> hello guys
[10:44] <Thecks> Hello
[10:44] <ubuntu> testing kubuntu , i love it at the first try
[10:44] <JoshOvki> steff its in /home/USER/.kde
[10:44] <ubuntu> who can help me making a dual boot?
[10:45] <JoshOvki> right my girlfriend is pulling my leg to make me go to hers, so i will be back soonish
[10:45] <steff> I know but I searched the entire folder without results
[10:45] <kiefer> bye bye josh
[10:45] <kiefer> have fun ;)
[10:45] <ubuntu> can smoeone help me?
[10:46] <kiefer> ubuntu: what are you looking to duel boot with?
[10:46] <kiefer> like, what other OS?
[10:46] <Thecks> ubuntu: It was simple for me, just installed it on a separate partition and let grub do the rest.
[10:46] <JoshOvki> !grub
[10:46] <ubotu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[10:46] <ubuntu> I have windows xp on C partition , and 2 more partitions
[10:46] <ubuntu> and i want to installkubuntu too
[10:46] <ubuntu> but without harming other partitions
[10:46] <jpatrick> !dualboot | ubuntu
[10:46] <ubotu> ubuntu: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot
[10:46] <JoshOvki> install kubuntu onto one of the empty partitions, grub will do the rest
[10:47] <kiefer> kubuntu installer offers the option of installing on a paticular partition
[10:47] <ubuntu> I dont have other partition
[10:47] <ubuntu> empty partition , that is
[10:47] <kiefer> josh, goto your gf's you loaner >_>
[10:47] <JoshOvki> kiefer im not a loaner she is here with me. who are you with?:P
[10:47] <kiefer> haha, wise guy aye
[10:47] <ubuntu> so?
[10:48] <ubuntu> what can i do
[10:48] <JoshOvki> bye all. bye kiefer (you loaner ;) )
[10:48] <kiefer> josh: lmao, peace loaner boy
[10:48] <kiefer> ubuntu, have you ran the kubuntu installer?
[10:49] <kiefer> it should ask you which partition you wish to install kubuntu on :)
[10:50] <kiefer> Bbs all, Im going to watch a movie :)
=== ggg is now known as gukk_devel
[11:18] <bitmonster> hi, can anyone help me setting up my display drivers, the ubuntu channel was not helpful unfortunately
[11:19] <bitmonster> they are always reset to low res
[11:19] <jussi01> bitmonster: are you on ubuntu or kubuntu?
[11:19] <bitmonster> I'm on ubuntu
[11:19] <jussi01> bitmonster: which graphics card do you have?
[11:19] <bitmonster> ati mobility 7500
[11:19] <bitmonster> radeon
[11:19] <jussi01> !ati | bitmonster you have read this?
[11:19] <ubotu> bitmonster you have read this?: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[11:20] <ubuntu_> Hey again
[11:20] <ubuntu_> can someone help me?
[11:20] <ubuntu_> on PM please
[11:20] <ubuntu_> :)
[11:21] <jpatrick> ubuntu_: why not here? :)
[11:21] <Dr_willis> Why do we need a PM>
[11:21] <ubuntu_> i already clicked ok lol
[11:21] <ubuntu_> so i want dual boot
[11:21] <ubuntu_> kunbutu - linux
[11:21] <ubuntu_> and now i selected my 100gb paritition
[11:21] <ubuntu_> and im resizing it to
[11:21] <ubuntu_> 92639
[11:21] <ubuntu_> thats 92gb
[11:21] <ubuntu_> then iwill have ~10gb left
[11:21] <ubuntu_> no?
[11:22] <bitmonster> ah cool thanks
[11:22] <jussi01> !enter
[11:22] <ubotu> Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[11:22] <bitmonster> the primary problem however is to get a higher resolution
[11:22] <bitmonster> will this driver solve this issue already?
[11:22] <ubuntu_> so no one can help me?
[11:23] <Dr_willis> ive totally mised what the problem really was...
[11:23] <ubuntu_> So.. I have a 250 GB HDD , with 3 partitions
[11:23] <Dr_willis> Install the proper video card driver for your video card.
[11:23] <ubuntu_> C : Windows , D : Games , E : Apps.
[11:23] <ubuntu_> And now i want to install Kubuntu too , but i don't have unpartitioned.
[11:23] <ubuntu_> And i want to make Dual boot.
[11:24] <jussi01> bitmonster: it should, yes
[11:24] <ubuntu_> What can i do?
[11:24] <Dr_willis> You will need to do some moveing around of your partitions ,
[11:24] <jpatrick> !dualboot | ubuntu_
[11:24] <ubotu> ubuntu_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot
[11:24] <Dr_willis> and resize them some
[11:24] <jussi01> !fixres > bitmonster
[11:24] <ubuntu_> Jpatrick , i already read that
[11:24] <jussi01> bitmonster: that page may alo be helpful
[11:24] <ubuntu_> but i still can't do nothing
[11:25] <ubuntu_> I am at my first kubuntu install
[11:25] <ubuntu_> so..
[11:25] <ubuntu_> wanted to dual boot...
[11:25] <ubuntu_> but i cant ..
[11:25] <_Angelus_> guys i have a problem about power saving
[11:26] <ubuntu_> brb
[11:26] <Dr_willis> having 3 partitions allready. make installing a litlte harder also.
[11:26] <sjck> Hey, can I somehow set the viewmode detailed list view add as standard view in konq?
[11:26] <ubuntu_> yea
[11:26] <Dr_willis> You might want to move your apps over to the other drives. to free up a partition.
[11:27] <_Angelus_> fwhats the differece beetween suspend and standby and hibernation. and why i only have the option to switch of the monitor in the power saving tab...
[11:27] <ubuntu_> my partitions are ntfs
[11:27] <ubuntu_> brb
[11:27] <Dr_willis> ubuntu_, of course they are. :) linux goes on its own partitions. which are ext3.
[11:27] <ubuntu_> yea
[11:27] <ubuntu_> now i tryed to edit a partition
[11:27] <ubuntu_> the apps one
[11:28] <ubuntu_> it locked at scanning disks...
[11:28] <ubuntu_> :\
[11:28] <Dr_willis> what locked up?
[11:28] <jussi01> ubuntu_: it takes a minute or 2 to scan the disks
[11:28] <ubuntu_> a minute or 2?
[11:28] <JoshOvki> yo
[11:28] <ubuntu_> i think 5 minutes +
[11:28] <Dr_willis> vista can resize ntfs paritions. also.
[11:28] <ubuntu_> i don't have vista
[11:28] <ubuntu_> Xp sp 2
[11:29] <_Angelus_> somebody answers me
[11:29] <ubuntu_> im going to reboot
[11:29] <ubuntu_> brb
[11:29] <jussi01> ubuntu_: also, be sure you have defragmented a few times be for partitioning - other wise you may have data loss
[11:29] <ubuntu_> ok
[11:29] <ubuntu_> im gonna reboot brb
[11:29] <JoshOvki> _Angelus_ : Demanding someone to answer you wont make people answer you
[11:29] <Dr_willis> _Angelus_, powersaving can be a very big hassle. thats about all i know about it. :)
[11:29] <ubuntu_> brb
[11:29] <JoshOvki> _Angelus_: whats the problem (as i wasnt here for the question)?
[11:32] <_Angelus_> JoshOvki: when i go to System Settings, and monitor and display, and power saving, the only option i have is to set the time when monitor turns off, but i dont havethe option to set the timer when computer goes in standby mode .
[11:33] <_Angelus_> when i go to K menu , logout, i have the option to suspend , and to hibernate, which i dont know what suspend is if its the same as sleep or standby
[11:34] <Xcell> America needs help: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3MzShg7yXik no pun intended, play it loud.
[11:35] <JoshOvki> _Angelus_ : Unforinutaly kubuntu doesnt support power saving aswell as windblows
[11:36] <_Angelus_> JoshOvki: on Archlinux i had the options to set when my computer goes to standby , when to hibernate, and when to turn off the monitor, i dont think that kubuntu doesnt have this, RIGHT? :?
[11:37] <Dr_willis> it may be due to some kernel differeances that the same power saving features are not enabled
[11:38] <kiefer> Josh: Installing vlc now :)
[11:38] <JoshOvki> It is a feature that has never been built into kubuntu. its available in ubuntu
[11:38] <Dr_willis> often powersaving features can be limited depending on the bios features.
[11:38] <JoshOvki> kiefer: cool, took a looktime
[11:38] <kiefer> josh: lol, i was wathcing bruce almighty
[11:38] <kiefer> watching*
[11:38] * Dr_willis is watching Astro Boy...
[11:39] <kiefer> oooh nice
[11:39] <Dr_willis> Its... weird in ways. :P
[11:39] <_Angelus_> kubuntu has the option to put to computer to standby/suspend/sleep JoshOvki , its from Kmenu > logout > suspend. but what i need is the option to set a timer for it.
[11:39] <kiefer> Girls Ahoy - Best anime ever :)
[11:39] <Dr_willis> Not seen that one.. I proberly would get in trouble with the wife for watching that one.
[11:40] <kiefer> Lmaoooo, Its a tad racey, though most japanese anime is (trying to stay on topic lol)
[11:40] <jussi01> !ot
[11:40] <ubotu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[11:40] <kiefer> how subtle.. :)
[11:41] <Dr_willis> Astro boy runs Ubuntu! I just know it! :P
[11:41] <kiefer> Rofl
[11:41] <kiefer> Okay, back on topic now, dont wanna get in trouble ^_^
[11:41] <kiefer> but yeah willis, i recomend it :)
[11:42] <JoshOvki> _Angelus_ it cant find anyway of getting it to run when your system is idle sorry
[11:43] <_Angelus_> i didnt understand JoshOvki
[11:46] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: it's in power manager: "When the system is idle for more than X min"
[11:48] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: Do you need more detailed help in finding it?
[11:48] <JoshOvki> i could google this but i would rather get your recommendations. Whats the best program for burning DVD's?
[11:49] <JoshOvki> as in film DVD's
[11:49] <_Angelus_> yes Lynoure where the power manager?
[11:49] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: click on the battery icon
[11:49] <_Angelus_> i dont have a battry icon in system settings :/
[11:50] <jussi01> JoshOvki: my preference is vlc
[11:50] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: it has separate options for Mains powered and battery powered.
[11:50] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: tray, not system settings
[11:50] <JoshOvki> jussi01, you can burn with VLC?
[11:50] <_Angelus_> Lynoure: im not using a laptop
[11:50] <jussi01> JoshOvki: oops, sorry, read worng
[11:51] <JoshOvki> jussi01: dont worrie about it. human error an all :P
[11:51] <jussi01> !info devede
[11:51] <ubotu> devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.13-0.0 (gutsy), package size 741 kB, installed size 1700 kB
[11:51] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: hmm, then I'm not sure but you could install kde-guidance-powermanager and see what happens
[11:51] <jussi01> JoshOvki: ^^
[11:52] <Dr_willis> i was using devede earlier today. :) works decently well. the menus it makes are not al that fancy but it works
[11:54] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: I have never tried it on desktop, myself
[11:54] <_Angelus_> Lynoure: does suspend stand for standby in kubuntu? causei have to options when im logging out, suspend and hibernation
[11:56] <solid_liq> _Angelus_, you can set it this way: sudo echo "runlevel 0" | at now + 4 min
[11:56] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: suspend stands for suspend to ram
[11:56] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: hibernate is suspend to disk
[11:57] <Lynoure> solid_liq: that does not take idle vs active into account
[11:58] <_Angelus_> hmm
[11:58] <solid_liq> it will
[11:58] <_Angelus_> Lynoure: but is suspend to ram and standby mode the same thing?
[11:59] <Lynoure> solid_liq: hmm, I don't see how it would.
[11:59] <solid_liq> no, standby is suspend to disk
[11:59] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: I'm not sure what standby mode you mean...
[11:59] <solid_liq> er
[12:00] <_Angelus_> Lynoure: well on some distros and windows, there is an option to go to standby mode
[12:00] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: Tell me what it does, and I can tell you if it is the same. :)
[12:00] <_Angelus_> thats the problem Lynoure, i dont know if its the same
[12:01] <_Angelus_> uhmm , did you ever put your television in standby mode?
[12:01] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: ok, tell me what you'd want it to do, then :)
[12:01] <_Angelus_> i think its similar
[12:01] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: no image and still responds to remote... no idea how that would translate to computers
[12:02] <Lynoure> Never used one with a remote
[12:03] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: hibernate writes the situation on the system onto the disk, it takes about as long as boot to recover. suspend to ram writes it to ram, takes couple of seconds to recover.
[12:04] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: Staying in hibernation takes no electricity, staying in suspend to ram take a little, as the memory takes some electricity to keep. You can decide which one you want, or even experiment.
[12:06] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: on many systems neither work out of the box, so you want to be careful about having files saved when experimenting
[12:06] <_Angelus_> Lynoure: both worked here, i just tried them 2mins ago
[12:06] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: good :)
[12:07] <_Angelus_> Lynoure: windows has standby mode if im not wrong, and even archlinux
[12:07] <_Angelus_> not sure dough
[12:07] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: I don't use Windows much, nor Archlinux, sorry
[12:07] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: but the descriptions of what these do should be enough to let you choose.
[12:07] <_Angelus_> i'll just use suspend to ram then
[12:08] <_Angelus_> its faster, and saves energy , and components life.
[12:09] <Lynoure> _Angelus_: all good reasons
[12:09] <_Angelus_> yeah :)
[12:13] <JoshOvki> is it really that difficult to find a program to burn a film to DVD :S
[12:13] <neville_> K3B?
[12:14] <jussi01> JoshOvki: what was wrong with devede?
[12:14] <JoshOvki> tryed it, but something missing, i could go hunting for the missing file but im lazy
[12:14] <Dr_willis> i used that devded program just earlier today. :)
[12:14] <Dr_willis> it dosent 'burn' it makes the dvd iso image ready for you to burn. technically. :P
[12:14] <jussi01> Dr_willis: I dont remember, do you need dvd2css for burning dvds?
[12:15] <Dr_willis> jussi01, not tthat i know of. I instgalled a bunch of packages.. so its hard to tell heh.
[12:15] <JoshOvki> jussi01: ive not got 7gb of disk space free for it to make the iso to :P
[12:15] <Dr_willis> JoshOvki, sucks to be you then. :)
[12:15] <JoshOvki> Dr_willis sucks to be me when im trying to burn to DVD anyway
[12:15] <Dr_willis> Free up some space.
[12:16] <Dr_willis> I only got 4gb dvd disks - dual layer is to expensive.
[12:16] <benji_> y as des francais
[12:16] <benji_> ????
[12:16] <benji_> houhou
[12:16] <Dr_willis> !fr
[12:16] <ubotu> Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[12:17] <JoshOvki> i could boot into windblow nd use nero
[12:17] <benji_> ok
[12:20] <benji_> snif y a pesonne sur kubuntu fr
[12:21] <benji_> y a quelqun ici
[12:23] <andrei> he guys
[12:23] <andrei> i am back:)
[12:23] <andrei> installed kubuntu
[12:23] <andrei> i still have some questions..
[12:23] <andrei> who can help?
[12:24] <mau> is there a way to import my ratings from an ipod to amarok?
[12:26] <benji_> plzzzzzz y as qqq1
[12:27] <jussi01> andrei: ask!
[12:27] <jussi01> benji_: type: /join #kubuntu-fr
[12:27] <andrei> i installed it
[12:27] <andrei> and restarted from the button
[12:27] <andrei> now i can't see the ntfs partitions
[12:27] <andrei> and i got admin rights..got into the control panel
[12:27] <andrei> tryed to enable partitions
[12:27] <andrei> and it says there wasnt clean shutdown
[12:28] <andrei> so this is why..
[12:28] <jussi01> !enter
[12:28] <ubotu> Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[12:28] <andrei> ok sorry :)
[12:28] <jussi01> andrei: so go back into windows, and shut down correctly :)
[12:28] <JoshOvki> you will have to boot into windows
[12:28] <JoshOvki> shutdown proply (via Start > Shutdown
[12:28] <JoshOvki> then boot back into linux and all should be well
[12:29] <andrei> ok, thanks:) brb then
[12:29] <JoshOvki> is my IRC sending messagesprobly?:P
[12:29] <JoshOvki> *proply
[12:31] <hola> some one knows how to share ppp0 connection between host and client created with virtual box
=== ubuntu is now known as leszek
[12:39] <jussi01> JoshOvki: they look fine to me
[12:41] <JoshOvki> jussi01: thanks :)
[12:42] <hola> jussi01: ciaoo
[12:48] <avvie> hello everyone
[12:48] <avvie> can someone tell me how to install the xlibs-dev package?
[12:49] <jussi01> !find xlibs
[12:49] <ubotu> Found: xlibs-static-dev, xlibs-data
[12:50] <avvie> static-dev doesn't work for i what i need it
[12:50] <avvie> :S
[12:50] <avvie> i am trying to install baghira
[12:51] <jussi01> avvie: baghira is in the repos
[12:51] <jussi01> !info baghira
[12:51] <ubotu> Package baghira does not exist in gutsy
[12:52] <jussi01> !info kwin-baghira
[12:52] <ubotu> kwin-baghira (source: baghira): KDE theme for Apple junkies :). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-1 (gutsy), package size 750 kB, installed size 2132 kB
[12:52] <avvie> thank u very much
[12:52] <avvie> i have tried install baghira
[12:53] <avvie> but I didn't think of kwin
[13:08] <benji> voila
[13:08] <avvie> !info baghira-sidebar
[13:08] <ubotu> Package baghira-sidebar does not exist in gutsy
[13:08] <avvie> damn
[13:09] <benji> kubuntu fr
[13:09] <benji> #kubuntu fr
[13:09] <benji> #kubuntufr
[13:18] <jan__> ?
[13:19] <jan__> test
[13:19] <bjwebb> hi there
[13:19] <bjwebb> ive added various repos to install things
[13:19] <bjwebb> but then rmoved some again
[13:19] <bjwebb> if there a way to list software installed through apt-get but is not in one of the currently added repos?
[13:20] <nosrednaekim> bjwebb: no.. but you can installl it using Gdebi
[13:21] <nosrednaekim> bjwebb: oh wait...NM, wrong answer
[13:21] <bjwebb> no, i mean software i have already installed
[13:21] <bjwebb> but removed the repo from my sources.list
[13:21] <nosrednaekim> bjwebb: yeah... I think you can do itin synaptic (the GTK frontend)
[13:22] <bjwebb> hmm, i was wondering about a cli way, but ill try synaptic
[13:22] <Problems_Install> hello! i need some help installing kubuntu
=== rendy is now known as d123am
[13:22] <d123am> test
[13:22] <nosrednaekim> Problems_Install:whats wrong
[13:22] <Absurdo> call 911
[13:23] <Problems_Install> the problem is that wubi says i need a cd
[13:23] <bjwebb> nosrednaekim: thanks for that, thats just the list i want
[13:23] <nosrednaekim> Problems_Install: i'm not familiar with Wubi
[13:24] <Problems_Install> the windows based intaller
[13:25] <nosrednaekim> I know what it is, but I don't remember how it works
[13:25] <nosrednaekim> and never knew in the first time.
[13:25] <Problems_Install> o ok so how do you install it anyway?
[13:26] <nosrednaekim> install what?
[13:26] <Problems_Install> I want to get rid of windows to intall kubuntu
[13:26] <avvie> i instaled kwin-baghira but how do i activate the sidebar?
[13:26] <bitmonster> can anyone help me to install an ati radeon mobility 7500 for dual monitor use?
[13:26] <bitmonster> i just can't get it working ...
[13:26] <nosrednaekim> Problems_Install: then download the live installer CD
[13:27] <Problems_Install> i think i did but im not sure
[13:27] <Problems_Install> the one's i downloaded said kubuntu 7.10 alternate cd and desktop cd
[13:28] <andrei> hello again.
[13:28] <andrei> I have another question , how to install Compiz?
[13:29] <nosrednaekim> Problems_Install: you downloaded both of them?
[13:29] <nosrednaekim> !compiz | andrei
[13:29] <ubotu> andrei: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[13:29] <Problems_Install> yes
[13:30] <andrei> thanks.
[13:30] <avvie> how do i activate the sidebar in baghira?
[13:30] <nosrednaekim> Problems_Install: use the desktopCD
[13:31] <Problems_Install> ok what do i do in there? what program do i run?
[13:34] <andrei> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. - what this means?
[13:34] <nosrednaekim> Problems_Install: once you rebbot into that liveCD, you need just need to run the installer program
[13:35] <Problems_Install> i reboot and open that live cd?
[13:35] <Problems_Install> alright thanks a mil!!
[13:35] <andrei> i get that message when i try to run sudo apt-get update
[13:36] <andrei> does anybody know?
[13:37] <sveri> andrei: this means that somethin went wrong on installation process
[13:37] <nosrednaekim> andrei: did you try running dpkg --configure -a?
[13:37] <sveri> andrei: thats what i wanted to say :D
[13:38] <sveri> andrei: and dont forget sudo
[13:38] <andrei> yep and nothing happens.
[13:39] <sveri> andrei: what often helps me is a sudo apt-get -f install on broken installations
[13:39] <andrei> lol im new linux user..take me slow:)
[13:40] <sveri> simply try to enter it in console: "sudo apt-get -f install" without the "
[13:40] <andrei> managed to do something..now it says
[13:40] <andrei> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[13:40] <andrei> compiz-kde: Depends: compiz-plugins (= 1:0.5.2+git20070918-0ubuntu5~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed
[13:40] <andrei> E: Broken packages
[13:40] <andrei> /bin/sh: compizconfig-settings-manager: not found
[13:40] <sveri> andrei: oh, the compiz things, there i am out of knowledge
[13:41] <sveri> andrei: do you have kde4 installed?
[13:43] <ForgeAus> hmmm... looks like I probably won't need Kubuntu if I get OSX
[13:44] <ForgeAus> but if I do say goodbye it will be with fond memories :)
[13:44] <nosrednaekim> andrei: don't install compiz-kde, just install compiz, all the compiz plugins, and emerald
[13:44] <nosrednaekim> ForgeAus: :)
[13:44] <ForgeAus> the only problems I had with it were ones I created myself :)
[13:44] <ForgeAus> whats compiz-kde?
[13:45] <ForgeAus> hmm it'd be nice to see compiz put in fluxbox support too :)
[13:45] <sveri> hm, a friend of mine bought himself a macbook, i
[13:45] <sveri> 'd say its nice, but not linux :D
[13:45] <nosrednaekim> ForgeAus: its the compiz-fusion version of aquamarine
[13:46] <ForgeAus> well I guess I chould just get Yellowbox for NT but I don't think theres much software for it
[13:46] <lokpest> hi, I made kmplayer go into minimal mode, how do I reset?
=== gregor_ is now known as gflash2
[13:46] <lokpest> found it
[13:47] <kiefer> Lol
[13:47] <kiefer> That was easy :)
[13:50] <lokpest> another thing about kmplayer though; when I say thats it should dock in the kde tray and close the window, the program quits, I want it to do like other programs and go to dock
[13:50] <ForgeAus> hehe I thought Aquamarine was just a theme for the windowdecorator
[13:50] <yion> exit
[13:51] <benji> #kubuntu-fr
[14:05] <andrei> back..<nosrednaekim> are you here?
[14:08] <slnoff> привет всем
[14:10] <jussi01> !ru | slnoff
[14:10] <ubotu> slnoff: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[14:10] <andrei> who can help me again with compiz?
[14:11] <slnoff> s kodirovkoj chto-to?
[14:13] <slnoff> Ooops! com <> ru :)
[14:14] <slnoff> jussi01: are you russian?
[14:18] <squid0> hi. ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't open a tty terminal, but rather goes to workspace 1, and ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't kill X. I suspect this is kde keyboard settings. Can someone help me, please?
[14:20] <sascha_> hallo
[14:20] <sascha_> jemand der mir helfen kann
[14:20] <shampoo> moin
[14:21] <shampoo> *versteck*
[14:21] <jpatrick> !de | sascha_
[14:21] <ubotu> sascha_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[14:21] <laslavic> I can't seem to be able to make it so that Firefox starts maximized. Does anybody else have this issue, or know how to get Firefox to start maximized?
[14:21] <sascha_> niemand da?
=== moggy is now known as mogggee
[14:28] <bitmonster> can anyone help me to get an ati radeon mobility 7500 card running on my ubuntu system ... nobody in the ubuntu channel seems to know how to solve this issue
[14:29] <shampoo> whats the mater?
[14:30] <shampoo> "only"3dacceleration?
[14:30] <shampoo> 3d-
[14:30] <bitmonster> not only ... that's a minor issue - i want something above low resolution
[14:30] <bitmonster> and dual monitor usage
[14:31] <bitmonster> it's no fun to google for solutions with 800x600 resolutions
[14:31] <shampoo> lol did you use ati oder flglx
[14:32] <bitmonster> it always goes back to vesa
[14:32] <bitmonster> what should i use?
[14:33] <shampoo> oh i mixed up
[14:33] <shampoo> you should use radeon free drivers
[14:34] <bitmonster> where can i download them?
[14:34] <tzanger> I've downloaded the source to the flash9 package, and edited it so it does nto check the md5sums... how do I now create a new deb from this "source" dir and install it?
[14:39] <shampoo> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver?highlight=%28radeon%29 try this bitmonster
[14:39] <steff> No deb needed I guess: open a terminal window in the folder and type ./flashplayer-installer
[14:41] <bitmonster> cool thanks shampoo
[14:42] <shampoo> gl ;)
[14:43] <bitmonster> would you recommend ati or fglrx then?
[14:43] <ForgeAus> fglrx mostly
[14:44] <ForgeAus> I think
[14:44] <shampoo> mmh
[14:44] <shampoo> doenst upport the mobility thing animore afaik
[14:44] <shampoo> öhm
[14:44] <shampoo> does not support the mobility video card anymore afaik
[14:44] <bitmonster> lspci -nn | grep VGA displays:
[14:44] <bitmonster> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] [1002:4c57]
[14:45] <shampoo> Well what i did to solve that problem
[14:45] <shampoo> ib ouht myselv a nvidia card ,)
[14:46] <bitmonster> that's not too easy with a laptop
[14:46] <shampoo> on my other pc with ati card i use the raedon drivers
[14:46] <shampoo> (Ati)
[14:47] <shampoo> the drivers from the url i gave u
[14:48] <bitmonster> yes, but they talk about "ati", "radeon" as well as "fglrx"
[14:51] <bitmonster> here i have the choice between "radeon", "radeon(fbdev)", "radeon(fglrx)" and radeon(vesa)"
[14:51] <shampoo> do you?
[14:51] <shampoo> no
[14:51] <shampoo> the url is about the free radeon driver
[14:52] <bitmonster> i can select it in the "screen and graphics" menu in gnome
[15:04] <sputnick> hi there. where can I find Kubuntu files ( images ) for PXE net booting ?
[15:05] <dangb> what's the difference between the "desktop" and "alternate" iso files?
[15:06] <hola> how is possibile to share ppp0 connection between host and client
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[15:07] <jussi01> dangb: desktop actually boots kubuntu (live cd), where alternate is a textbased install
[15:08] <dangb> is there a graphical installer, too ?
[15:11] <meiokilo> opa
[15:11] <dangb> jussi01: does the live cd have installation capabilities?
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> [15:58] *** now talking in #kubuntu
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> [15:58] *** topic is Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4.0 is OUT! Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | Tutorials Day logs at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KTD | The Flash plugin installation is currently broken | Website mockups wanted: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Ku
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> buntu/WebsiteMockups
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> [15:58] *** set by davies on Fri Jan 25 22:18:18 2008
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> [15:58] *** channel #kubuntu mode is +tncLzf #ubuntu-unregged
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> [15:58] *** channel created at Sun Nov 26 07:42:42 2006
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> [15:59] *** steff (n=stef@host212-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it) left ("Konversation terminated!")
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> [16:00] *** shampoo (n=shampoo@sign-4db65a9c.pool.einsundeins.de) joined
[15:12] <zizzfizzix> [16:00] *** shampoo quit (Client Quit)
[15:12] <kristjan_> woah
[15:12] <tzanger> is there a way to test the binaries from all installed packages installed in my system? twinkle was corrupted (reinstall fixed it), now I'm seeing openoffice is doing the same
[15:14] <Lynoure> tzanger: yes, but I cannot remember if offhand...
[15:14] <Jasmin_> hi any one knows about airtel edge modem i hav to connect in kubuntu
[15:14] <Jasmin_> how do i do
[15:14] <Lynoure> tzanger: with debsums, I think
[15:15] <BluesKaj> dangb, yes ,the live cd is usually the easiest way to install kubuntu
[15:15] <dangb> BluesKaj: thanks
[15:16] <dangb> jussi01: thanks
[15:17] <Lynoure> tzanger: but all packages do not necessarily have checksums, those you might want to reinstall just in case.
[15:18] <BluesKaj> dangb, if you intend to dual boot windows/linux , then partition your HDD first with windows first then linux, and linux swap and the end. I recommend using GParted Live CD partition editor. It'simple and effective
[15:19] <dangb> BluesKaj: ok, thanks
[15:21] <tzanger> Lynoure: ok, thanks
[15:28] <dangb> is it "safe" to install debian packages on a ubuntu system?
[15:29] <Arwen> depends on the package
[15:29] <Arwen> they'll install correctly if that's what you mean
[15:29] <Arwen> whether or not they work though...
[15:30] <Lynoure> at worst they might pull dependencies from debian repos, if you went and added those repos, and that sometimes might mess things up for you.
[15:32] <Arwen> *cough*, I didn't like Dolphin so I switched back to using Konqueror... Only, I can't even copy things by dragging them across tabs?
[15:33] <Signil> is there an app which i culd use to convert mp3 to 3gp format?
[15:33] <Arwen> 3gps are MP4 files...
[15:34] <ForgeAus> Arwen use 2 windows or copy-paste instead
[15:34] <Arwen> you want to use MP4Box and neroAacEnc (the second one is proprietary)
[15:34] <Arwen> ForgeAus, yeah, I know
[15:34] <ForgeAus> I don't know if konqi is meant to copy that way
[15:34] <Lynoure> Arwen: hmm, when I use konqueror, I still can do that. Takes a bit of aim and patience, though
[15:35] <ahmed> hi anyone here to help me with klamAv
[15:35] <Signil> i see
[15:35] <tekteen> ahmed: sure. what is the problem
[15:36] <ahmed> i want to enable autoscan it says u have to enable dazuko
[15:37] <tekteen> Let me look at the program
[15:37] <ahmed> when ii say ok upload it i get meesage it was not successfully uploaded
[15:37] <Jasmin_> tekteen: hi
[15:38] <tekteen> ahmed: just click load module
[15:38] <tekteen> then enter your password
[15:38] <reivilo78> hey
[15:38] <tekteen> Jasmin_: hi
[15:38] <reivilo78> i have a problem
[15:38] <ahmed> i do this then i got message dazuko was not loaded successfully
[15:38] <tekteen> ok
[15:38] <reivilo78> in building the proprietary ati drivers
[15:39] <reivilo78> i follow the method here : http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide
[15:39] <tekteen> open a konsole <ahmed>
[15:39] <reivilo78> and when i try to install the deb packages
[15:39] <hola> how can i share my ppp0 connection between host and client
[15:39] <ahmed> ok i opened it
[15:40] <reivilo78> i get this error : Error! Build of fglrx.ko failed for: 2.6.22-14-generic (i686)
[15:40] <tekteen> ahmed: nm I fount the problem. You do not have the module
[15:40] <Jasmin_> tekteen: can u help me i hav airtel edge modem how do i connect in kubuntu
[15:40] <Arwen> reivilo78, which version of fglrx are you trying to install?
[15:40] <reivilo78> the last one
[15:40] <ahmed> i tried to install it by apt-get it failed
[15:40] <reivilo78> envy method didnt work
[15:40] <tekteen> Jasmin_: sure. As soon as I finish with ahmed
[15:40] <Arwen> aside from recent ones having terrible performance and absolutely no vsync....
[15:41] <Arwen> did you remember to install the linux-headers-whatever?
[15:41] <tekteen> ahmed: give me a sec. I will try to figure it out
[15:41] <reivilo78> no i didnt but i think theyre already there let me check
[15:42] <Jasmin_> tekteen: ok i waiting for ur msg
[15:42] <ahmed> ok
[15:42] <slow-motion> hi
[15:42] <reivilo78> i used the ones in the repository are the recent ones worse?
[15:42] <Arwen> recent ones are built from the Windows drives. Thus, they have the same OpenGL-related issues.
[15:42] <tekteen> ahmed: we need to compile the module
[15:42] <hola> how can i share my ppp0 connection between host and client
[15:42] <Arwen> and for some reason, they can't run at 1680x1050
[15:43] <reivilo78> ok
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[15:43] <ahmed> ok how is that?
[15:43] <reivilo78> so i just checked
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=== ToNiOo is now known as tonio_o
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[15:43] <reivilo78> linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic
[15:43] <reivilo78> is installed
[15:43] <jpatrick> !nickspam > tonio_o
[15:43] <Arwen> hmm, and when you tried to install fglrx-kernel-source, what did it return?
[15:43] <jpatrick> !es > tonio_o
[15:44] <tonio_o> bu?
[15:44] <tonio_o> :|
[15:44] <reivilo78> nothing
[15:44] <ahmed> how we compile this module?
[15:44] <tekteen> ahmed: I am looking it up
[15:45] <reivilo78> problems occured when parametring xorg-driver-fglrx
[15:45] <ahmed> ok take your time
[15:46] <Arwen> reivilo78, what problems?
[15:46] <Arwen> a log would be nice
[15:46] <tekteen> ahmed: I found this. http://allyourtech.com/content/articles/15_01_2006_installing_antivir_with_on_access_scanning_in_ubuntu_linux.php
[15:47] <reivilo78> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54607/
[15:47] <ahmed> ok im with you
[15:47] <tekteen> first do sudo apt-get install module-assistant debhelper j2re1.4
[15:47] <tekteen> in the konsole
[15:47] <sebastian^> hey all
[15:48] <tekteen> ahmed: then sudo apt-get install dazuko-source
[15:48] <Arwen> reivilo78, what does the make.log the error references say?
[15:48] <tekteen> ahmed: then sudo module-assistant prepare
[15:48] <tekteen> then sudo apt-get install build-essential
[15:49] <tekteen> ahmed: sudo m-a a-i dazuko
[15:49] <reivilo78> make.log
[15:49] <reivilo78> says nothing interesting
[15:49] <Arwen> huh
[15:50] <reivilo78> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54608/
[15:50] <reivilo78> then in the same directory
[15:50] <reivilo78> i found make.sh.log
[15:50] <tekteen> ahmed: the next step is weird
[15:50] <tekteen> I am going to pastebin it
[15:50] <ahmed> what is the next step?
[15:51] <reivilo78> which says that : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54610/
[15:52] <tekteen> ahmed: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54611/
[15:53] <tekteen> ahmed: tell me when you have done it
[15:53] <ahmed> ok this link i have to open it?? or put in the console when ask?
[15:54] <tekteen> open the link
[15:54] <Jasmin_> http://www.airtel.co.in/level2_t3data.aspx?path=1/106/179 i hav this modem n how do i connect in kubuntu
[15:54] <tekteen> and put the stuff in the link in the konsole
[15:54] <ahmed> ok thanks it still download jre when i finish i tell ok
[15:55] <hola> someone know how to share ppp0 connection between host and cleint using a bridge
[15:55] <Red_Tear> !de
[15:55] <tekteen> ahmed: ok. Why are you downloading jre?
[15:55] <ubotu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[15:56] <mondschatten_> i've some probs with my sounddriver, may its an known prob ... can't install the alsadriver for realtek alc880
[15:56] <reivilo78> salut
=== MasterShrek` is now known as MasterShrek
[15:56] <reivilo78> j'ai un problème lors de l'installation des driver proprétaire ATI
[15:56] <reivilo78> J'ai essayé la méthode envy qui n'a pas marché
[15:57] <reivilo78> maintenant j'essaye par la méthode de génération des paquet et j'ai un problème lors du dépaquetage des paquets
[15:57] <Jasmin_> tekteen: r u free now
[15:58] <tekteen> Jasmin_: I think so
[15:58] <BluesKaj> reivilo78, essayer les default restricted drivers en system settings/advanced
[15:58] <Jasmin_> http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/104 and Bus 007 Device 003: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. this is my modem
[15:59] <ahmed> you said this to me <tekteen> first do sudo apt-get install module-assistant debhelper j2re1.4
[15:59] <BluesKaj> !fr | reivilo78
[15:59] <ubotu> reivilo78: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.
[15:59] <tekteen> ahmed: ok nm then
[15:59] <tekteen> forgot
[15:59] <reivilo78> yeah sorry i spoke in the wrong channel :)
[15:59] <ahmed> ok sould i have too canel it??
[15:59] <ahmed> i opened yuor link
[16:00] <BluesKaj> reivilo78, you got my drift eh?
[16:00] <reivilo78> what do you mean
[16:00] <reivilo78> try the restricted drivers
[16:00] <tekteen> copy the install dazuko modprobe -r capability;\ modprobe -i dazuko; \ modprobe -i capability
[16:00] <tekteen> to the konsole
[16:01] <tekteen> Jasmin_: what is your problem?
[16:01] <tekteen> Jasmin_: It should work
[16:01] <BluesKaj> the ati proprietary drivers don't work well with games and 3D/ DRI requirements so the restricted driver on low end ATI on board.
[16:02] <reivilo78> ok
[16:02] <BluesKaj> reivilo78, what graphics card do you have ?
[16:02] <reivilo78> so the open source drivers work better
[16:02] <reivilo78> i have Mobility Radeon 9700
[16:02] <Jasmin_> i dont know n i hav airtel edge modem n i hav to connect in kubuntu now i m using internet with my Motorola PCS E398 GSM Phone
[16:02] <reivilo78> I have successfully tried the open source drivers with compiz fusion
[16:03] <reivilo78> but i wanted to give a try to the proprietary drivers
[16:03] <ahmed> here is what i got
[16:03] <tekteen> !u|Jasmin_
[16:03] <ubotu> Jasmin_: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..
[16:03] <ahmed> install: invalid option -- r
[16:03] <ahmed> Try `install --help' for more information.
[16:03] <ahmed> Command 'modprobe' is available in '/sbin/modprobe'
[16:03] <ahmed> bash: modprobe: command not found
[16:03] <ahmed> Command 'modprobe' is available in '/sbin/modprobe'
[16:03] <ahmed> bash: modprobe: command not found
[16:03] <Jasmin_> tekteen: http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/104
[16:04] <ahmed> i try this
[16:04] <ahmed> install dazuko modprobe -r capability;\
[16:04] <ahmed> > modprobe -i dazuko; \
[16:04] <ahmed> > modprobe -i capability
[16:04] <tekteen> ahmed: sudo apt-get install module-assistant
[16:05] <tekteen> then try it again
[16:05] <Jasmin_> tekteen: Bus 007 Device 003: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. this is my modem
[16:05] <tekteen> Jasmin_: what is the problem? is it not working?
[16:05] <BluesKaj> reivilo78, the Radeon proprietary drivers on gutsy don't work very well . You'll have to uninstall them first in order for the restricted driver to work properly : https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat81-inst.html
[16:05] <reivilo78> but what do you mean restricted
[16:05] <reivilo78> i know
[16:05] <Jasmin_> tekteen: yes i can not connect in kubuntu
[16:06] <reivilo78> the proprietary drivers on the repository
[16:06] <reivilo78> the proprietary on the ati site
[16:06] <reivilo78> and the open source ones
[16:06] <tekteen> Jasmin_: you have tried to use kppp?
[16:06] <reivilo78> what are the restricted drivers
[16:06] <BluesKaj> reivilo78, the restricted driver default can be found in system settings/advanced
[16:06] <ahmed> and i got
[16:06] <ahmed> E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
[16:06] <ahmed> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
[16:07] <tekteen> !adeptfix | ahmed
[16:07] <Jasmin_> tekteen: yes but i cant
[16:07] <ubotu> ahmed: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[16:07] <Jasmin_> tekteen: tel me how do i config my modem in kubuntu
[16:07] <tekteen> ahmed: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a
[16:07] <bjarty> what dows the different colrs mean when i type ls
[16:07] <tekteen> Jasmin_: open kppp
[16:08] <reivilo78> BluesKaj: ok well they are"not used"
[16:08] <tekteen> Jasmin_: go to configure
[16:08] <tekteen> modems
[16:08] <Jasmin_> teok
[16:08] <tekteen> new
[16:08] <tekteen> modem name=I do not care
[16:09] <tekteen> device=/dev/ttyS0
[16:09] <Jasmin_> tekteen: then
[16:09] <BluesKaj> ok reivilo78 , follow the uninstall instructions in the URL I posted above, if you're using the proprietary radeon driver
[16:09] <tekteen> Is it a hardware or soft modem?
[16:10] <BluesKaj> reivilo78, then install the restricted driver in 'advanced' ...you'll need to be in admin mode to do so
[16:10] <Jasmin_> tekteen: it is hardware
[16:11] <tekteen> Jasmin_: nm
[16:12] <tekteen> Jasmin_: pastebin the output of /dev/usb
[16:12] <Daisuke_Ido> do you know the difference? i hate to be patronizing, but....
[16:12] <Jasmin_> tekteen: Bus 007 Device 003: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc.
[16:12] <tekteen> ls /dev/usb
[16:12] <reivilo78> ok
[16:12] <reivilo78> but that way
[16:12] <tekteen> Jasmin_: pastebin... ls /dev/usb
[16:12] <reivilo78> it will not install the most recent ones
[16:12] <reivilo78> i already did that
[16:13] <Daisuke_Ido> uhbuh
[16:13] <Daisuke_Ido> that omnivision technologies piece is your modem?
[16:13] <Daisuke_Ido> because... it isn't.
[16:13] <Jasmin_> tekteen: ls: /dev/usb: No such file or directory
[16:13] <tekteen> ok
[16:14] <tekteen> Jasmin_: how about ls /dev/ttyACM*
[16:14] <BluesKaj> reivilo78, uninstall the "most recent ones". They don't work very well.The default restricted one does work well.
[16:15] <reivilo78> ok
[16:15] <Daisuke_Ido> am i not getting through?
[16:15] <reivilo78> well i already tried them
[16:15] <reivilo78> the open source ones work better
[16:15] <Jasmin_> tekteen: /dev/ttyACM0
[16:15] <reivilo78> at least with compiz
[16:15] <BluesKaj> yes, the restricted one is open source
[16:15] <Daisuke_Ido> there's your motorola
[16:15] <tekteen> Jasmin_: setup the modem to use /dev/ttyACM0
[16:16] <Jasmin_> but now i am using my internet with my Motorola PCS E398 GSM Phone
[16:16] <Daisuke_Ido> okay, so that makes sense
[16:16] <Jasmin_> tekteen: i connect both modem
[16:16] <Daisuke_Ido> that's your modem interface. 05a9:2640 is not a modem
[16:16] <tekteen> Jasmin_: ?
[16:16] <Daisuke_Ido> it is a webcam
[16:17] <Jasmin_> tekteen: http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/104
[16:17] <Daisuke_Ido> bit of a large difference there
[16:17] <BluesKaj> reivilo78, if the default restricted one doesn't work , then reinstall the proprietary drivers ...it's up to you
[16:17] <Jasmin_> tekteen: Bus 007 Device 003: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc.
[16:17] <tekteen> Jasmin_: I get it
[16:17] <Daisuke_Ido> Jasmin_: THAT is a webcam that is NOT a modem.
[16:17] <Jasmin_> tekteen: this modem i hav to connect
[16:18] <tekteen> Jasmin_: http://www.ovt.com/products/
[16:18] <reivilo78> no they do work
[16:18] <reivilo78> i already tried them
[16:18] <reivilo78> i wanted to try the most recent ATI ones
[16:19] <Jasmin_> tekteen: sorry this one Bus 004 Device 007: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc.
[16:20] <hola> ow can i share my ppp interface with a client
[16:20] <tekteen> Jasmin_: setup kppp
[16:21] <tekteen> to use the modem /dev/ttyACM0
[16:21] <Jasmin_> tekteen: http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/105
[16:21] <tekteen> Jasmin_: do not show me that again
[16:21] <adrock358> Anyone know how to get FREE textbooks online?
[16:21] <tekteen> nm it is new
[16:22] <lupul> hi. is there something like cleartype on linux?
[16:22] <Jasmin_> tekteen: http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/105 see this one
[16:22] <tekteen> Jasmin_: setup kppp to use the modem /dev/ttyACM0
[16:22] <Jasmin_> tekteen: Bus 004 Device 007: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc.
[16:22] <hola> ow can i share my ppp interface with a client
[16:22] <Jasmin_> tekteen: this modem i hav to connect
[16:22] <tekteen> Jasmin_: please just do it
[16:23] <adrock358> what is cleartype Lupul?
[16:24] <Jasmin_> tekteen: can i use both the modem together
[16:24] <adrock358> So no one knows about free textbooks for school?
[16:24] <lupul> in windows xp was an option to make the fonts clearer. i mean in high res the fonts are so thin and barely visible
[16:24] <tekteen> Jasmin_: no
[16:24] <adrock358> lupul. i bet you there are. have you checked gimp and other programs?
[16:24] <tekteen> Jasmin_: setup /dev/ttyACM0 as the ONLY modem
[16:25] <adrock358> lupul you don't know about free online textbooks so you?
[16:26] <tekteen> Jasmin_: here is what I think. It is setup and ready we just need to figure out which device it is (not the same as is said in lsusb)
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[16:28] <Jasmin_> tekteen: you didnt understad me see now i m using kubuntu n i connect my internet with my Motorola PCS E398 GSM Phone and one more modem i hav that one i hav to connect
[16:29] <tekteen> Jasmin_: is the modem plugged in now?
[16:30] <Jasmin_> tekteen: yes
[16:30] <tekteen> Jasmin_: we need to figure out what the "device file is"
[16:31] <Jasmin_> tekteen: how do we do
[16:32] <tekteen> Jasmin_: It could be called /dev/USB0 what is the output of ls /dev/USB* ?
[16:32] <ScorpKing> try sudo wvdialconf. it will detect en setup most of the modem settings
[16:32] <ScorpKing> and*
[16:32] <tekteen> ScorpKing: thanks
[16:33] <ScorpKing> yw :)
[16:33] <Jasmin_> tekteen: i did that one also but its not working
[16:33] <ScorpKing> you have to edit /etc/wvdial.conf and fill in the missing parts. after that run sudo wvdial
[16:33] <tekteen> Jasmin_: did you plug the phone line into the wall
[16:34] <xenobius> hey, is the device /dev/fb0 hardware specfic ? like if I have a driver for my video card, and am not using VESA., is there a way to enable the device ? freeorion keeps spitting out an error saying it doesn't exist (which it doesn't), how do I enable framebuffer support ?
[16:35] <ScorpKing> !audio > me
[16:36] <Jasmin_> http://pastebin.dylanhq.com/106
[16:37] <ScorpKing> !modem
[16:37] <ubotu> You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto
[16:37] <tekteen> I need to go
[16:37] <ScorpKing> Jasmin_: is it a usb modem?
[16:37] <Jasmin_> ScorpKing: yes
[16:38] <ScorpKing> Jasmin_: it could be /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0. most phones are ttyACM0
[16:41] <ScorpKing> Jasmin_: here's my wvdial.conf - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54624/
[16:41] <Jasmin_> ScorpKing: yes i know now i m using my internet with my Motorola PCS E398 GSM Phone its setting ttyACM0 but i dont know that modem i could not connect atall
[16:42] <ScorpKing> Jasmin_: look on google. you should be able to find all the setting online
[16:44] <ScorpKing> Jasmin_: when you plug in the modem run dmesg | tail .it should give some usefull info
[16:50] <ForgeAus> !grub
[16:50] <ubotu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[16:50] <jpatrick> !msgthebot | ForgeAus
[16:50] <ubotu> ForgeAus: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.
[16:51] <ForgeAus> um I did that to get a link to paste to someone
[16:51] <ForgeAus> wasn't a joke
[16:51] <ForgeAus> just that they weren't in here thats all
[16:51] <jpatrick> ah, right
[16:52] <ForgeAus> (from ##windows someone lost their grub boot manager and wanted it back
[16:52] <ForgeAus> and since mostly the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows link can be used with other Linuxes I sent them there)
[16:53] <ForgeAus> well the important bits should work with most Linuxes using Grub anyway...
=== vega is now known as roham
[17:05] <_Shade_> which development iso image should i get to be able to use kde4 by default?
[17:06] <dean__> hello all
[17:16] <BluesKaj> !kde4 | _Shade_
[17:16] <ubotu> _Shade_: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[17:17] <_Shade_> BluesKaj: but is it a default desktop environment in hardy?
[17:17] <BluesKaj> no
=== Darkemo is now known as Scrounch
[17:19] <BluesKaj> _Shade_, hardy will still be using KDE 3.5.8 when the official distro is released , kde4 isn't quite up to std yet , altho it does work with a few glitches even on gutsy
[17:24] <Ralesk> hi all -- I can't seem to get the "gtk styles and fonts" to work :( it always shows that ugly default engine in gtk apps.
[17:27] <slnoff> #ubuntu.ru
[17:30] <Artimus> I'm having trouble with Network Manager (Gutsy). When I (re)start the networking init script, I get this: "Configuring network interfaces...Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0". My /etc/network/interfaces has "auto eth0" in it, and eth0 is really my ethernet card. Any ideas?
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
[17:34] <ScorpKing> I've made some changes to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy and added "Boot a floppy image without a floppy drive" to the bottom of the page. Please check if everything I've added is correct and feel free to fix any mistakes. Hope it's helpfull to someone. :D
[17:34] <Hideki> I cant get a crontab job to run, anyone can help me?
[17:35] <Hideki> I used sudo crontab -e -u root and it does show when I do a -l but It just wont run
[17:35] <Hideki> 25 18 * * * root /home/server/Backupscript
[17:35] <ScorpKing> Artimus: did you change your network card or motherboard?
[17:36] <Artimus> ScorpKing: A while ago... What file has the MAC address -> interface mapping?
[17:36] <Artimus> I'm pretty sure I deleted the old entry and set my new ethernet card to eth0
[17:37] <Artimus> here we go. /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
[17:37] <ScorpKing> Artimus: check in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if the mac address for eth0 is correct
[17:37] <ScorpKing> haha
[17:37] <Artimus> yeah
[17:38] <Artimus> eth0 is my onboard, eth1 is my other ethernet card
[17:38] <ScorpKing> hmm.. i had the same problem on a few boxes last week
[17:38] <Artimus> I'm not 100% sure how I'm on the internet right now anyway... Hibernate has issues with my box
[17:39] <Artimus> Well, the KDE Network Manager does... My interfaces disappear from it upon resume...
[17:39] <ScorpKing> Artimus: run ifconfig and see what's configured
[17:39] <Artimus> It's right.
[17:40] <Artimus> I rather like the KDE network manager. This box is a desktop, so I let the little KDE tool manage my interfaces. "auto eth0" is all I should need in /etc/network/interfaces for that, right?
[17:40] <AMcBain> How do I install Java jdk 6.0 via apt-get?
[17:41] <Silouck> anyone using kubuntu x86_64
[17:42] <ScorpKing> Artimus: i've had a lot of problems with knetworkmanager in the past so i just do it manually now.
[17:42] <sveri> AMcBain: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk
[17:42] <ScorpKing> Artimus: you need auto eth0 and then iface eth0 inet dhcp below that
[17:43] <sveri> AMcBain: replace the 5 with 6 and youre done, my fault :-)
[17:43] <Artimus> ScorpKing: As far as I know, that's if I want the system to manage it. If I add that, the knetworkmanager won't even show the interface
[17:44] <Ralesk> I can't seem to get the "gtk styles and fonts" to work :( it always shows that ugly default engine in gtk apps. <-- anyone?
=== ubuntu is now known as mrdlouisd
[17:44] <AMcBain> Okay, I got it, time to see if Eclipse likes it ...
[17:45] <mrdlouisd> is there a good guide i can follow to install kubuntu on my 4 gig pen drive?
[17:45] <mrdlouisd> i am running off a livedvd atm
[17:45] <ScorpKing> Artimus: ah. i see now.
[17:45] <Silouck> anyone using kubuntu x86_64
[17:46] <ahmed> hi i still need help with
[17:46] <ahmed> klamAV
[17:46] * AMcBain watches his hdd space tick away as Eclipse installs a zillion and one packages.
[17:46] <Artimus> ScorpKing: It worked great for quite a while, now it's just suddenly started doing this... I'm not 100% convinced this isn't an update's fault.
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi
[17:47] <ahmed> anyone help me here with klamAv
[17:47] <sveri> AMcBain: theres also an eclipse version with integrated jdk available
[17:48] <ScorpKing> Artimus: yeah. you'll have a lot less trouble if you do it manually and it's not that dificult. ;)
[17:48] <AMcBain> Maybe, but the last time I installed Eclipse via Adept, it required a JDK. ..
[17:48] <Artimus> ScorpKing: It's more for the fact that this box often goes places where DHCP isn't available
[17:48] <sveri> oh, ok, i always downloaded it from eclipse.something
[17:48] <AMcBain> Anyways, it seems to work. I can now get my Workspace files off my ext hdd.
[17:49] <AMcBain> after I remount it :-/
[17:49] <ScorpKing> Artimus: so the ip address has to be something else all the time?
[17:49] <Artimus> ScorpKing: It's often DHCP. Sometimes it's static. I rather like the network applet. Also the "Now Unplugged" notifications
[17:50] <ahmed> anyone help me with kalmAV
=== ahmed is now known as aharoon111
[17:51] <aharoon111> please could nyone help me with kalmAV?
[17:51] <ScorpKing> Artimus: oh ok. it should be possible to make eth0 static and add eth0:1 as a virtual device and make it dhcp btw. other than that check the knetworkmanager bug reports
[17:51] <ScorpKing> !ask | aharoon111
[17:51] <ubotu> aharoon111: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[17:52] <aharoon111> sorry i want to enaple autoscan it say u need to load ,odel dazuko when i said ok load i get the message u can not load dazuko successfull
[17:52] <Artimus> ScorpKing: Those aliases are ugly. I'll keep messing with it... Thanks.
[17:53] <ScorpKing> yw
[17:54] <Artimus> Well, I'm off... My cable modem needs to be rebooted, it's dropping packets.
[17:54] <ScorpKing> cheers
[17:59] <aharoon111> i installed kalmAV and i want to enaple autoscan it say u need to load model dazuko when i said ok load it i get the message u can not load dazuko successfull
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[18:06] <unagi> can someone help me troubleshoot why kopete hangs on startup
[18:07] <pag> unagi, are you using a fresh gutsy install?
[18:07] <Ralesk> unagi: it locks up for a few seconds, right?
[18:07] <unagi> fairly fresh kubuntu-desktop install pag no it locks up for good Ralesk
[18:08] <Ralesk> ah, for me it's just temporary -- recovers after 10 secs or so
[18:08] <pag> unagi, does 'fairly fresh' mean you've already ran all the updates?
[18:08] <unagi> fairly fresh meaning 4 or 5 days ago i ran sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[18:09] <unagi> and from day 1 kopete hangs
[18:09] <aharoon111> i installed kalmAV and i want to enaple autoscan it say u need to load model dazuko when i said ok load it i get the message u can not load dazuko successfull
[18:09] <pag> unagi, hmm.. try running ' sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade '
[18:09] <BluesKaj> unagi, try it from the konsole ..then post the ouput in pastebin
[18:09] <Silouck> anyone using kubuntu x86_64
[18:10] <unagi> ther is no error
[18:10] <BluesKaj> ok
[18:11] <pag> unagi, removing ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc might also help
[18:11] <unagi> dist upgrade isntalls nothing new
[18:11] <rdw> hello, anybody has resolved Failed to initialize nvidia kernel module error in X?
[18:11] <unagi> hrm
[18:11] <unagi> running so far
[18:12] <unagi> oh
[18:12] <unagi> its hanging
[18:12] <unagi> im gonna let it sit for a minute
[18:12] <Silouck> where can i download the lastest kubuntu build?
[18:13] <unagi> though when i run kopete in konsole.......the konsole goes back to $ even though kopete is running
[18:13] <Ralesk> many kde programs seem to detach themselves
[18:13] <unagi> whats the command to see the vendor and product ID of my webcam
[18:13] <Ralesk> lsusb
[18:13] <BluesKaj> !Hardy
[18:13] <ubotu> Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[18:14] <unagi> xxxx:xxxx is vendor:product?
[18:14] <Ralesk> yup
[18:14] <unagi> kopete now hangs when i try to add my msn account
[18:15] <Ralesk> for me, kopete locks up on loading the jabber accounts. then it becomes fine... seems to be a bit laggy with 1000+ contacts though :)))
[18:15] <Ralesk> especially doesn't like when someone changes his/her name.
[18:19] <unagi> is there a way to add it via command line?
[18:20] <rdw> hello, anybody has resolved Failed to initialize nvidia kernel module error in X?
[18:22] <BluesKaj> unagi, is it a USB cam ?
[18:24] <aharoon111> i installed kalmAV and i want to enaple autoscan it say u need to load model dazuko when i said ok load it i get the message u can not load dazuko successfull
[18:25] <BluesKaj> well, time to do some errands , BBL
[18:35] <ScorpKing> does kdevelop support qt4.x?
[18:41] <agruman> Heya i get horizontal tearing when playing video, i have tried: different players, different driver versions, analog / dvi / hdmi "-vo gl, gl2 aso" but nothing seems to help :( please some help here, im using a ati hd2600xt
[18:42] <xenobius> hey if your 3d card is working well, what kind of framrate should glxgears be hittings ?
[18:42] <JoeyJoeJo> The clock isn't showing up at the bottom right hand side of my screen.. how can I get it back?
[18:43] <ScorpKing> JoeyJoeJo: add applet to panel --> clock
[18:44] <agruman> xenobius depends on card, mine give aprox 8k
[18:44] <xenobius> a second ?
[18:44] <xenobius> what graphics card are you using and does it have any bugs or incompatabilities ?
[18:45] <agruman> xenobius ~8k FPS yes
[18:45] <JoeyJoeJo> ScorpKing: where do I find panel --> clock?
[18:45] <agruman> ati hd2600 xt
[18:46] <ScorpKing> JoeyJoeJo: right click on the panel
[18:46] <xenobius> hrmmm
[18:46] <xenobius> everyone hass been telling me that ati and ubuntu aren't a good mix...
[18:47] <ScorpKing> heh. my nvidia drivers don't work - again! :(
[18:47] <ahmed> hi i installed kalmAV i want to enaple autoscan it say u need to load ,odel dazuko when i said ok load i get the message u can not load dazuko successfull
[18:47] <JoeyJoeJo> ScorpKing: if I right click on the panel, all I see is task manager settings
[18:47] <ahmed> what i do?
[18:47] <Sbucat> xenobius: and...so
[18:47] <ScorpKing> JoeyJoeJo: click where there's nothing
[18:48] <agruman> xenobius well perhaps not, i dont have that much experience, still struggling with my own install
[18:48] <JoeyJoeJo> ScorpKing: thats what I did
[18:48] <xenobius> just surprised your's works well for you thats all
[18:48] <JoeyJoeJo> ScorpKing: something tells me I didn't install something when I upgraded to KDE4
[18:48] <ScorpKing> JoeyJoeJo: ah. no kde4 here
[18:48] <agruman> xenobius well apart from tearing when playing video its ok, but that realy sucks .. realy gotta get it fixed
[18:49] <JoeyJoeJo> ScorpKing: ok, that must be it then.. thanks for your help anyway
[18:49] <ScorpKing> yw
[18:49] <xenobius> GIGABYTE GV-N52128DS-RH GeForce FX 5200 128MB 64-bit DDR AGP 4X/8X Video Card - Re
[18:49] <xenobius> see that ?
[18:49] <xenobius> the fact that it has geforce in it means its an nvidia driven card right ?
[18:49] <ahmed> hi i installed kalmAV i want to enaple autoscan it say u need to load ,odel dazuko when i said ok load i get the message u can not load dazuko successfull
[18:49] <agruman> xenobius yes
[18:50] <jussi01> !repeat | ahmed
[18:50] <ubotu> ahmed: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience
[18:50] <xenobius> excellent, so nvidia just sells it chipset to random manufacturers who integrate it into their cards ?
[18:51] <agruman> xenobius well thats how the market works
[18:53] <xenobius> cool, so whats the benefit of using these nvidia designed motherboards ? faster frame switching ?
[18:53] <AMcBain> What is the hotkey to get Dolphin to show hidden folders/files?
[18:53] <thoreauputic> AMcBain: no idea, but have you tried ctrl+h ?
[18:54] <AMcBain> ctrl+h doesn't cut it. to Google I guess ...
[18:56] <sigma_1234> where do i get additional cup printer drivers from?
[18:56] <maduser> there are some in adept
[18:56] <AMcBain> Got it. It was a view property
[18:57] <thoreauputic> AMcBain: so what is the key combo?
[18:57] <sigma_1234> maduser: where about?
[18:57] <AMcBain> You just go to the view menu, then down at the bottom adjust view properties ...
[18:57] <AMcBain> (there is a key, but this is easier)
[18:58] <AMcBain> I didn't bother looking specifically for the key
[18:58] <thoreauputic> AMcBain: ummm.... OK.
[19:01] <sigma_1234> !cups
[19:01] <ubotu> Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows
[19:03] <unagi> hehe
[19:03] <unagi> virtual machines are great
[19:03] <unagi> i just wish i didnt have to use it for somethign as simple as making a .jpg image sequence into .mov
[19:04] * travkin is online.
[19:04] * unagi is impressed
[19:04] <jpatrick> !away > travkin
[19:07] <sigma_1234> !away
[19:07] <ubotu> You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»
[19:09] <abcd> Does anyone know how to refresh a collection in Amarok 3.5.8 ?
[19:09] <sensae> Hello
[19:09] <jpatrick> abcd: it's in the menus :)
[19:10] <draik> Hello all
[19:11] <ahmed> ok does anyony how to display arabic id3 an xmms
[19:11] <draik> When I try to run some apps, I get "Segmentation Fault (core dumped)". What is this and how do I fix it?
[19:12] <Midtronic> draik: that's a program crashing, and without more info, we probably can't do anything
[19:12] <thoreauputic> draik: it's a segfault - a bug is making it crash
[19:12] <sensae> I just moved from OpenSuSE to Kubuntu because I need better support for restricted drivers / the like. It's working well, but OpenSuSE autodetected my NTFS drives and automounted them, whereas taking a peek at my fstab, Kubuntu didn't. Anyone know the flag for mounting NTFS partitions read-only?
[19:12] <draik> Midtronic: What do you need?
[19:12] <Midtronic> seg faults are generally in the program though, if you can replicate it you should send a bug report to the authors
[19:12] <Midtronic> draik: app name, core dump, any errors that the program may spit out before it dies
[19:12] <draik> thoreauputic: Is there a way of knowing which bug?
[19:12] <ahmed> sensae try to use ntfs-config
[19:13] <sensae> ahmed: Thanks, I will
[19:13] <ahmed> nm
[19:13] <draik> Midtronic: When I run Uplink in CLI, it only says Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[19:13] <thoreauputic> draik: not really - unless it's been reported - or you can try various things like "strace', "gdb" etc.
[19:14] <sensae> lol, I still can't get used to the fact that the root pass is scrambled in Ubuntu.
[19:14] <ahmed> hi i installed kalmAV i want to enaple autoscan it say u need to load ,odel dazuko when i said ok load i get the message u can not load dazuko successfull
[19:14] <thoreauputic> draik: to get a decent trace though, you would need an unstripped binary :)
[19:14] <Midtronic> draik: I don't know the program, but maybe see if it has a verbose output mode
[19:15] <draik> Midtronic: Uplink is a game. I don't think I have many options with it.
[19:15] <thoreauputic> draik: if it's proprietary, you probably have no recourse but to complain to the supplier ;)
[19:15] <sensae> Argh, the NTFS partitions are marked as in use. I guess I didn't get a clean shut down in Windows. BRB
[19:16] <draik> thoreauputic: Midtronic: Would a re-install fix this issue?
=== adam_ is now known as kadam
[19:16] <SlimeyPete> !ntfsfix
[19:16] <thoreauputic> draik: almost certainly not
[19:16] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfsfix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:16] <SlimeyPete> hrm.
[19:16] <SlimeyPete> *shrug*
[19:16] <tzanger> quick question. I am trying to uninstall toshutils and toshset packages (my laptop can't use them) -- so sudo apt-get remove toshset toshutils. apt tells me it's going to also remove kubuntu-desktop, powermanagement-interface and acpi-support. I'm 99% certain I want those other packages... what's going on?
[19:16] <kadam> I just did an adept update, and it says there's a new distro version available. I'm using gutsy 7.10; what would this upgrade be?
[19:17] <thoreauputic> draik: reinstalling stuff in linux really doesn't change anything
[19:17] <SlimeyPete> tzanger: you do want them. Kubuntu-desktop is marked as depending on the things you are trying to remove.
[19:17] <tzanger> it's the toshset package that's doing it
[19:17] <tzanger> SlimeyPete: weird, why would kubuntu-desktop depend on toshset?
[19:17] <SlimeyPete> tzanger: dunno... kubuntu-desktop dependson tonnes of stuff without any apparent reason
[19:18] <thoreauputic> draik: unless it's a config problem, but then you would need to purge the config, and in any case it would be fixable with an editor
[19:18] <tzanger> SlimeyPete: ok, I will leave it the hell alone then :-) thank you :-)
[19:18] <SlimeyPete> seems like a silly way to do things, to me, but I guess thekubuntu devs have their reasons.
[19:18] <gizkaguy> hello everyone
[19:18] <SlimeyPete> hi.
[19:18] <draik> thoreauputic: Ok. Good to know.
[19:19] <Mediapirate> hi gizkaguy
[19:19] <kadam> if I have 7.10, why would adept ask me to upgrade to 7.10?
[19:19] <draik> I think there may be a deeper issue, though, because Kaffeine doesn't respond too well as a user; kdesu makes it respond a bit better. As a user, it lags and crashes. Would there be an underlying issue here?
[19:20] <gizkaguy> kadam: did you install kubuntu as 7.10 or upgrade?
[19:20] <Mediapirate> Anyone know a good program to extract rars in linux?
[19:20] <draik> Mediapirate: unrar
[19:21] <Midtronic> draik: my immediate guess is that there's some permissions issues... normal user can't get stuff that root can
[19:21] <kadam> gizkaguy: as 7.10. It actually went through a unch of stuff and said I was already up to date 8) Scared me for a sec,tho...
[19:21] <Midtronic> but what they might be... you should look at the logs and see if you can glean anything useful
[19:23] <Mediapirate> bye
[19:23] <draik> Midtronic: How/where do I begin?
[19:24] <sensae> .. o.o
[19:24] <sensae> How safe / mature are the write drivers for NTFS now?
[19:24] <SlimeyPete> reasonably safe.
[19:25] <SlimeyPete> ok for personal use, but don't rely on them for important work
[19:25] <sensae> Heh alright, that makes me feel safe using them. I don't think I'd ever put anything terribly important on an NTFS partition.
[19:25] <kiefer> !vlc
[19:25] <ubotu> Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs
[19:27] <sensae> I guess that brings me to my next question. I have a second system running as a file server. It's sharing the home directories via samba password-protected. What would be the easiest way for me to mount my home directory on my computer, so both computers "share" a home and it resides on the file server?
[19:27] <ahmed> do u know anymediaplayer support arabid id3? i cannt display them in xmms and in amarok it shows 50% of files
[19:27] <Midtronic> nfs, probably
[19:28] <sensae> Midtronic: Was that directed towards me?
[19:29] <killbox> I recently installed KuBuntu on my Hewlett. I am having program update problems, does anyone have advice?
[19:30] <BluesKaj> killbox, pls be more specific
[19:30] <killbox> Like I tried to update Amsn
[19:31] <BluesKaj> update with adept or apt or ... ?
[19:31] <killbox> I will try that. thx
[19:32] <guardian> hi
[19:32] <guardian> i'm testing the kde 4.0 live cd i downloaded on kubuntu.com
[19:32] <guardian> is the desktop install icon supposed to work ?
[19:32] <killbox> Would my systems hadware specs be an issuse?
[19:32] <Shadowfx22> Hello.
[19:33] <killbox> hi
[19:33] <Shadowfx22> I've got a problem... :(
[19:33] <killbox> me too! :(
[19:33] <Shadowfx22> Anyone on that understands, wireless issues/
[19:33] <Shadowfx22> ?*
[19:33] <killbox> what kind of issuse?
[19:34] <Shadowfx22> My wireless isn't working, only when I use the LiveCD does KNetwork Manager see my network.
[19:34] <killbox> issue*
[19:34] <Shadowfx22> I went into the Terminal and it definately sees the network, I gave it the needed information to connect.... But it's not connecting.
[19:34] <Shadowfx22> Right now I'm hooked up wired with my laptop, but I'd like wireless back.
[19:35] <killbox> is your laptop all you have?
[19:35] <Shadowfx22> No, I have my desktop.
[19:35] <Shadowfx22> Running Windows currently for gaming purposes.
[19:36] <killbox> ok. Are you using a router or hub?
[19:36] <Shadowfx22> Router
[19:36] <Shadowfx22> My desktop is able to hook up wirelessly.
[19:36] <killbox> is your router wireless?
[19:36] <Shadowfx22> Yes...
[19:37] <Shadowfx22> I'm not completely stupid, just new to Kubuntu and linux in general.
[19:37] <killbox> Windows connection wizerd?
[19:37] <killbox> me too
[19:37] <killbox> srry
[19:38] <Shadowfx22> The problem isn't on Windows.
[19:38] <Shadowfx22> It's on Kubuntu.
[19:38] <BluesKaj> Shadowfx22, you can't be stupid , you chose kubuntu :)
[19:38] <killbox> lol
[19:38] <Shadowfx22> :P
[19:38] <killbox> I can't help srry.
[19:40] <BluesKaj> Shadowfx22, I'm not a wireless type guy but I've seen ppl successfully enable wireless by manual congiguring the knetwork manager.
[19:40] <BluesKaj> !wireless | Shadowfx22
[19:40] <ubotu> Shadowfx22: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[19:40] <BluesKaj> err configure
[19:42] <jmichaelx> could someone possibly tell me how a person can (or if one can) import an entire dir of photos into OO.o Presentation?
[19:42] <Shadowfx22> BluesKaj, I've done that, but not success.
[19:43] <Shadowfx22> no*
=== anon32 is now known as Arwen
[19:44] <BluesKaj> Shadowfx22, not really knowledgeable about wireless :(
=== Arwen is now known as atomicpotato
[19:45] <guardian> is the install icon on the desktop supposed to work when using the kde4 live cd found on kubuntu.com ?
[19:47] <jmichaelx> does anyone here use OO.o Presentation/Impress?
[19:47] <emilsedgh> i never tried it but im sure thats not for fun!
[19:49] <jmichaelx> lol
=== stephen_ is now known as techbw
[19:57] <jmichaelx> could someone possibly tell me how a person can (or if one can) import an entire dir of photos into OO.o Presentation?
[19:58] <techbw> hi all
[19:58] <jan__> Hi, i try to install kde languagesfile (dutch) but get by configure the message ..checking for dcopidl ....not found
[19:58] <jan__> configure: error: The important program dcopidl was not found!
[19:58] <jan__> Please check whether you installed KDE correctly.
[19:59] <jan__> i can not find a solution in google
[19:59] <techbw> could anyone help with installation of wifi card ... senao 2511 cd plus...found that you need to install hostap, which I did but seems kernel needs to be rebuilt or at least everywhere I look that is what they say (what is kernel rebuild, and how do I do it)
[20:04] <BluesKaj> techbw, no suggestions about installing linux drivers for the card ?
[20:06] <Agent_bob> i have a strange error from a script. the script opens a new tty or switches to an open one, but the new tty only displays >>> /bin/bash: Illegal option -l <<< if user runs the script, and works correctly for root. script is at http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d523d0a12 if anyone has insight
[20:06] <Agent_bob> the fact that i don't have bash installed might be an issue. but that hardly explains why it works for root and not for bob
[20:07] <bfrog> is there a script thats called when the fn keys are run
[20:07] <bfrog> its not working right so I was going to see if I could fix it
[20:08] <techbw> BluesKaj-->Hi, can I even check if the pcmcia card has been detected, very new to linux, so don't know how to do this
[20:08] <Agent_bob> techbw dmesg | grep -i pcm
[20:09] <techbw> ok will quickly try
[20:09] <techbw> forgot have to disconnect from internet...will be back shortly to let you know if it detects the card
[20:10] <boggystudios> when I try to copy to an nfs share on my media server it seems to stall out every once in a while, does any one here know why this might be?
=== TimS is now known as Timster
=== Timster is now known as TimS
[20:12] <techbw> Agent_bob -- > This is what it says
[20:12] <techbw> [4294701.347000] pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia1.0
[20:12] <techbw> [4294844.781000] cs: pcmcia_socket1: time out after reset.
[20:12] <techbw> [4295274.187000] cs: pcmcia_socket1: time out after reset.
[20:12] <techbw> [4295915.865000] pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 1
[20:12] <techbw> [4295915.865000] pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia1.0
[20:12] <techbw> [4297488.953000] cs: pcmcia_socket1: time out after reset.
[20:12] <techbw> [4297492.654000] cs: pcmcia_socket1: time out after reset.
[20:12] <techbw> [4297949.986000] pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 1
[20:12] <techbw> [4297949.986000] pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia1.0
[20:12] <techbw> [4298798.317000] cs: pcmcia_socket1: time out after reset
[20:12] <techbw> does this mean it does not detect
[20:12] <Agent_bob> means it does.
[20:13] <techbw> what's the timeout after rester??
[20:13] <jontec> I need to make a patch... a copy/paste of the output from diff (-wur) into a .patch file will work, right?
[20:13] <Agent_bob> looks like you need to insert a module for the card maybe
[20:13] <techbw> when u say module...what's that??? lol drivers??
[20:14] <BluesKaj> !pastebin | techbw , before you post more data
[20:14] <ubotu> techbw , before you post more data: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[20:14] <Agent_bob> yes in M$ terms it's a driver. kernel module = peace of code that can be inserted into the running kernel to add support for additional hardware.
[20:16] <techbw> I have been looking for info on how to do this, but have not been able to find it...apperently hostap needs to be added to kernel, but don't know where a howto is
[20:17] <techbw> been searching...evrywhere has download link for source, but no howto
[20:19] <techbw> got to to wget -nc source-image-2.6.22-14-generic
[20:19] <vellakd> okay, this is weird. I get AIM. I get email. I even get IRC (hence why I'm here), but I get no webpages that will load on firefox. I can even ping them too, and get responses. Should I blame the ISP at this point?
[20:19] <techbw> does this sound correct
[20:19] <techbw> how do I check which kernel i am using??
[20:19] <dthacker> vellakd: do you get an error?
[20:20] <vellakd> dthacker: nope. Just a timeout. But thats only on a browser. ping responds alright.
[20:20] <max-p> Hi, how can I do a DHCP renew (command line) ?
[20:20] <sensae> vellakd: And you can ping sites, like ping www.google.com ?
[20:21] <vellakd> sensae: first thing I pinged. Had responses
[20:21] <sensae> vellakd: Hrm, sounds like it isn't a DNS problem then.
[20:21] <vlt> Hello. I have an IBM Laptop running Ubuntu 7.10 with a cdrom drive in a docking station. Sometimes when connecting the laptop to the station the cdrom is recognized and I can access it, sometimes it's not -- and rebooting is the only way I know to enable it. Any idea how to access the drive w/o rebooting?
[20:21] <dthacker> vellakd: what was the last thing you changed?
[20:21] <sensae> vellakd: Go into firefox, go to Preferences, Advanced, Network, and check if it's set to "Connect directly to the internet"
[20:21] <vellakd> Nothing, until this started coming up. I did the usual 'unplug and reset everything'
[20:22] <vellakd> sensae: it isn't set to that.
[20:22] <sensae> vellakd: What's it set to?
[20:23] <vellakd> sensae: manual proxy port configuration
[20:24] <sensae> vellakd: Switch it over to direct connection and see if you can get it to load
[20:24] <nuno> Hey how can i install JRE on Kubuntu so that it works with Firefox?
[20:24] <vellakd> sensae: doesn't appear to be working
[20:25] <draik> I am trying to change the owner of the USB drive to "draik". It is currently root:root. I want it to be draik:root. "sudo chown draik /media/disk" does not work. "chown: changing ownership of `disk/': Operation not permitted".
[20:25] <Pentarex> hello kubuntu users :P
[20:25] <nuno> Hey how can i install JRE on Kubuntu so that it works with Firefox? help please? :o
[20:26] <sensae> vellakd: Ah drat, well it was worth a try. It was probably part of your problem anyway, unless you usually tunnel your network connection
[20:26] <atomicpotato> !java | nuno
[20:26] <ubotu> nuno: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[20:26] <Pentarex> can anyone tell me why skype is bugged
[20:26] <atomicpotato> you might want sun-java6-plugin package
[20:26] <Pentarex> its only black and white colors when i start it
[20:26] <Pentarex> ?
[20:26] <nuno> That bot rules xD
[20:26] <vellakd> sensae: Nah. Just a typical residential setup. I think I'm gonna call this one against the ISP. Seems like it, considering everything else works.
[20:26] <BluesKaj> techbw, in the terminal : uname -a
[20:26] <draik> !botsnack
[20:26] <ubotu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[20:27] <Pentarex> can anyone tell me ?
[20:27] <techbw> BluesKaj --> Thnx
[20:28] <sensae> vellakd: Mh, it could still be some odd setup on your system, but I'm at a loss to what it might be, so I'd give em a ring.
[20:28] <MiraiWarren0_0> Is downloading an ubuntu cd image with bittorent on a 28Kbs modem foolish?
[20:29] <sensae> MiraiWarren0_0: Depends on how much patience you have
[20:29] <tekteen> MiraiWarren0_0: I would say yes
[20:29] <vellakd> sensae: eh... I can deal with no internet for a while. Good bit of patience never killled anyone.
[20:29] <MiraiWarren0_0> I've very much.
=== vellakd is now known as redshadowhero
[20:30] <Mediapirate> Whats the equivelant to /hop for Konversation?
[20:30] <sensae> vellakd: Hah, then that's where we differ. I'd go insane, lol.
[20:30] <sensae> MiraiWarren0_0: Nothing wrong with it if you're willing to wait a month or more for that CD, but at that point, personally, I'd just order one
[20:31] <redshadowhero> sensae: maybe... but, I hate talking on the phone. Discomfort from loss of internet is lessened when you have aim, irc, and email....
[20:31] <Mediapirate> anyone
[20:31] <MiraiWarren0_0> sensae: How long does that take?
[20:32] <redshadowhero> sensae: wait.. I wonder if I could VPN to work and see if webpages load that way...... :\
[20:32] <sensae> redshadowhero: Very true, but I'd be on the phone in 10 minutes if the internet went completely dead.
[20:32] <redshadowhero> sensae: I had to rule out me as the error though. All the 'good IT mumbo jumbo': always blame the user.
[20:33] <bootsmorris> i need some help with wep cracking
[20:33] <Mediapirate> get backtrack
[20:33] <Mediapirate> i think
[20:33] <sensae> MiraiWarren0_0: They're about $7 from the canonical store and I couldn't imagine them taking more than a week or two tops to arrive
[20:33] <tekteen> Mediapirate: you are correct
[20:34] <Mediapirate> w00t
[20:34] <Mediapirate> finally
[20:34] <Mediapirate> lol
[20:34] <tekteen> Mediapirate: backtrack is a life saver
[20:34] <bootsmorris> i just want to d/l the apps but i cant install it it says it needs a dapendency but i already have it installed
[20:34] <tekteen> bootsmorris: Get backtrack. It is a live cd with more tools then you will ever use
[20:35] <sensae> redshadowhero: Yeah. That drives me crazy. I double check I'm not having a problem here, then call in, and then do everything I already did, again, before they'll check on their end.
[20:35] <bootsmorris> ok
[20:35] <Mediapirate> Really? tekteen how come?
[20:36] <redshadowhero> sensae: well, VPN-ing to work seems to work, because I can remote desktop there and use internet. "Muahahahah" and all that good stuff. Besides, I'
[20:36] <redshadowhero> sensae: I'll let the person who pays for the internet call them.
[20:36] <tekteen> Mediapirate: I use backtrack as part of my job
[20:36] <Mediapirate> oh
[20:36] <Mediapirate> what for?
[20:37] <tekteen> Mediapirate: Reseting passwords and other fun stuff
[20:37] <Mediapirate> hehe cool
[20:37] <sensae> redshadowhero: Yup, in a pinch, a VPN or SSH tunnel will work wonders.
[20:37] <tekteen> Mediapirate: Sometimes I play with kubuntu and lock myself out so I use it then too
[20:37] <Mediapirate> tekteen: what is your job may I ask?
[20:38] <tekteen> Mediapirate: 15 year old computer help.
[20:38] <Mediapirate> cool
[20:38] <tekteen> I want to be a security professional
[20:39] <sensae> Is there any relatively easy way to get HDA Intel audio working? If not, I'll just throw in my Audigy.
[20:39] <redshadowhero> no you don't
[20:39] <Pentarex> can anyone tell me why skype is black and white ?
[20:39] <tekteen> redshadowhero: is that directed at me
[20:39] <tekteen> ?
[20:40] <Pentarex> can anyone tell me why skype is black and white ?
[20:40] <redshadowhero> tekteen: yes, but it was a joke ;)
[20:40] <sensae> Does anyone know of an easy way to get HDA Intel audio working? I really don't want to recompile alsa / my kernel
[20:40] <g2g591> sensae: hmm, my hda intel worked out of the box .....
[20:41] <Pentarex> c'mon is there anyone that can help me with skype ?????????
[20:41] <sensae> g2g591: I'm out of the box right now, and it's completely silent. I've checked the mixer.
[20:41] <Mediapirate> tekteen: do you know a command like /hop for konversation?
[20:41] <tekteen> nope
[20:41] <Mediapirate> anyone?
[20:41] <Mediapirate> or do you just have to /leave then /join #*?
[20:41] <tekteen> Mediapirate: try /help
[20:41] <BluesKaj> /join works
[20:42] <Pentarex> tekteen: do u have skype
[20:42] <tekteen> Pentarex: no. I could install it though
[20:42] <tekteen> how did you install it?
[20:42] <Pentarex> i download it then isntall it
[20:42] <Pentarex> install*
[20:42] <Pentarex> :)
[20:42] <Pentarex> its simple
[20:42] <Pentarex> but the problem is
[20:43] <Pentarex> that the screen goes black and white
[20:43] <Pentarex> when
[20:43] <Pentarex> i start it
[20:43] <tekteen> !enter | Pentarex
[20:43] <ubotu> Pentarex: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[20:43] <Pentarex> ubotu: ok
[20:43] <Pentarex> tekteen: what ?
[20:43] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:43] <tekteen> ubotu is a bot
[20:43] <ubotu> Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.
[20:44] <nuno> ubotu is not a bot
[20:44] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about is not a bot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:44] <nuno> xD
[20:44] <nuno> ubotu JRE
[20:44] <ubotu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[20:44] <tekteen> Pentarex: !something commands the bot
[20:44] <tekteen> and the | name tells it to talk to you
[20:44] <nuno> ubotu shutdown :D
[20:44] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about shutdown :d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:44] <g2g591> nuno: please play with ubutu in private chat
[20:45] <tekteen> !msgthebot |nuno
[20:45] <ubotu> nuno: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.
[20:45] <nuno> oops
[20:45] <nuno> sorry
[20:45] <nuno> btw i need help xD
[20:45] <nuno> i cant install JRE
[20:45] <sensae> Pentarex: I just installed Skype. I don't have audio to test the calls, but I'm logged in, I see my contacts and there are no drawing errors
[20:45] <Pentarex> its debian version right ?
[20:46] <g2g591> nuno: any errors youd like to tell us about?
[20:46] <Pentarex> sensae: its debian version on skype right
[20:46] <sensae> Pentarex: I got the Ubuntu Feisty version.
[20:46] <tekteen> nuno: why not? what have you tried? The more info we have the more chance we can help you
[20:46] <draik> g2g591: my money's on build-essential
[20:46] <Pentarex> sensae: aaa
[20:46] <Pentarex> sensae: see i have it work on feisty fawn
[20:47] <sensae> Pentarex: There are two Debian versions, one for Debian Etch and one for Feisty Fawn. http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/
[20:47] <Pentarex> sensae: but on kubuntu there is eror
[20:47] <Pentarex> aa
[20:47] <nuno> tekteen: I've downloaded it from the java's site
[20:47] <sensae> Pentarex: Really? I'm on Kubuntu 7.10
[20:47] <tekteen> nuno: what the easy way?
[20:47] <Pentarex> sensae: me 2
[20:48] <Pentarex> sensae: i choose feisty fawn version
[20:48] <Pentarex> sensae: but there is the problem
[20:48] <nuno> tekteen: i ran it on sh and i installed it sucessfully BUT firefox is still not detecting it...
[20:48] <tekteen> ok
[20:48] <sensae> Pentarex: That's the one I chose. I downloaded it to my desktop, simply clicked it and hit install. I've logged in and it all works
[20:48] <tekteen> nuno: why didn't you install it in adept
[20:48] <tekteen> ?
[20:48] <Pentarex> sensae: and there is no graphic problems ?
[20:49] <nuno> tekteen: I tried it too
[20:49] <sensae> Pentarex: Nope
[20:49] <tekteen> sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-plugin
[20:49] <Pentarex> sensae: ok how to delete previus skype ? i am new on linux :)
[20:49] <sensae> Pentarex: Did you upgrade or something?
[20:50] <Pentarex> sensae: no
[20:50] <Pentarex> sensae: i want to reinstall it
[20:50] <g2g591> nuno: downloading from sun = not easy
[20:50] <sensae> Pentarex: Go to the K menu, system, adept package manager
[20:50] <nuno> tekteen: ill try it from apt-get too
[20:50] <Pentarex> sensae: 10nx o will check it out
[20:50] <tekteen> !info sun-java6-bin
[20:50] <ubotu> sun-java6-bin (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture dependent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-03-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 25795 kB, installed size 77224 kB
[20:51] <g2g591> nuno: if you want the browser plugin install sun-java6-plugin too, like tekteen is saying
[20:51] <Mediapirate> !info backtrack
[20:51] <ubotu> Package backtrack does not exist in gutsy
[20:51] <atomicpotato> !info kmplayer
[20:51] <ubotu> kmplayer (source: kmplayer): media player for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4a-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 185 kB, installed size 600 kB
[20:51] <nuno> aah!
[20:51] <nuno> I did not installed the plugin xd
[20:51] <draik> nuno: sudo update-alternatives --config java choose /usr/lib/jvm/java-[version]-sun/jre/bin/java It should be about version 6
[20:52] <tekteen> Mediapirate: why would ubotu know about backtrack?
[20:52] <Mediapirate> dunno
[20:52] <Mediapirate> lol
[20:52] * Mediapirate is gonna crawl into a hole
[20:52] <sigma_1234> whats a good pdf printer? like pdfcreator for windows
[20:52] <tekteen> I can tell you more then ubotu anyway
[20:52] <atomicpotato> sigma_1234, Kubuntu ships with one
[20:53] <tekteen> can you pm?
[20:53] <Mediapirate> hehe
[20:53] <sensae> How can I get mouse4 and mouse5 to work?
[20:53] <Mediapirate> err hang on let me register
[20:53] <sensae> They do weird things in Firefox and nothing in Konqueror / Dolphin. I want them to go back / forward
[20:53] <atomicpotato> cups-pdf iirc
[20:54] <Mediapirate> brb need to re-join the server
[20:54] <sigma_1234> openoffice cannot print to it
[20:54] <Mediapirate> no i can pm i think
[20:55] <nuno> It worked!
[20:55] <nuno> Thanks!
[20:55] <sigma_1234> actually no program can print to it
[20:56] <sigma_1234> !pdf
[20:56] <ubotu> pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)
[20:56] <SpeS> Hi, I've been trying KDE4, but my icons are completely messed after some time... is that a known issue?
[20:56] <Pentarex> sensae: ok same problem but i will try to change my graphic card properties ot something
[20:56] <SpeS> how can I fixed without restoring my .kde4 configuration?
[20:56] <adam_> How can I find out how much swap I have? KSysGuard says 0! =O
[20:56] <sensae> Pentarex: Alright
[20:56] <Odd-rationale> !kde4
[20:56] <ubotu> KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[20:57] <Dragnslcr> adam_- System Settings -> Advanced -> Disks
[20:57] <Pentarex> sensae: what is your target gama on monitor and display settings
[20:57] <Odd-rationale> adam_: Try opining a terminal and type top
[20:58] <sensae> Pentarex: 1 for all
[20:58] <sensae> Pentarex: 2 for Gamma
[20:58] <sensae> Pentarex: Sorry, 1 for Gamma Correction for all of them, 2 for the Gamma itself
[20:59] <adam_> Ok, I have swap 8) Phew!
[20:59] <Pentarex> a ok main is 0.90 for the first and 0 for the others and 2 for gama
[21:00] <Pentarex> sensae: ahhh same problem
[21:00] <Pentarex> sensae: c'mon what i do wrong ? :(
[21:00] <Pentarex> i think i will go again on ubuntu
[21:00] <bfrog> is 4.0.1 coming soon?
[21:00] <bfrog> to kubuntu that is
[21:01] <Pentarex> hehe they just release 4 i think
[21:01] <Pentarex> alpha 4 or something
[21:01] <sensae> Pentarex: Sorry, I'm not sure what else to suggest, I'm not sure what's causing it.
[21:01] <Pentarex> ok np 10nx
[21:04] <bfrog> they tagged 4.0.1 a few days ago actually
[21:04] <bfrog> so I dunno what your talking about Pentarex :-P
[21:04] <bfrog> oh your talking about hardy
[21:04] <bfrog> nm
[21:04] <bfrog> sorry :-D
[21:06] <slow-motion> n8
[21:07] <Pentarex> ok anyone else can help me with skype ?
[21:08] <Pentarex> so nobody
[21:09] <draik> I am trying to change the owner of the USB drive to "draik". It is currently root:root. I want it to be draik:root. "sudo chown draik /media/disk" does not work. "chown: changing ownership of `disk/': Operation not permitted".
[21:14] <jhutchins> Um, we could have helped with that.
[21:15] <sub[t]rnl> helped with what
[21:15] <jhutchins> draik's problem
[21:16] <sub[t]rnl> no one saw it in time
[21:16] <sub[t]rnl> he'll be back, he's in here pretty regular
[21:17] <kiefer_> Hey all, Any wireless experts around?
[21:17] <kiefer_> well, wireless/interface experts
[21:17] <sub[t]rnl> !wireless > kiefer_
[21:18] <kiefer_> already read, to no avail :(
[21:18] <kiefer_> Ive already set it up, its not that
[21:18] <sub[t]rnl> k, whats the problem?
[21:18] <kiefer_> its that about an hour ago-
[21:18] <kiefer_> my wireless signal got weak for some reason and attemped to re-connect
[21:18] <kiefer_> and my pc froze. no biggie
[21:19] <kiefer_> then when i re-booted, a new wireless interface had appeared, i usually just have wlan0, now i have that and wlan0:ava
[21:19] <kiefer_> and now it keeps dropping out and freezing my pc
[21:19] <kiefer_> any idea's? :)
[21:19] <sub[t]rnl> whats in your /etc/network/interfaces
[21:19] <kiefer_> lemme have a peek
[21:20] <kiefer_> 6 relevant lines of info, worth paste-boxing ?
[21:20] <sub[t]rnl> pastebin it
[21:20] <kiefer_> or just paste here?
[21:21] <kiefer_> kk, 1 sec :)
[21:21] <kiefer_> (might take a min, slow connection lol)
[21:22] <akhenaton> hi; can anybody, please help me? i just installed hardy and couldn't find the restricted drivers manager. thanks
[21:22] <akhenaton> (i want to install nvidia driver)
[21:22] <sub[t]rnl> akhenaton➜ try #ubuntu+1
[21:23] <akhenaton> thanks sub[t]rnl; i'll do that
=== Flare is now known as Flare183
[21:23] <kiefer_> sub: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54638/
[21:25] <sub[t]rnl> that interfaces file is odd, why are you trying to purge network manager in the file
[21:25] <kiefer_> i dont use knetworkmanager, i use konsole to connect to wifi, plus a guide told me to, lmao
[21:25] <kiefer_> want me to pastebin my 'ifconfig' results also? so you can see what i mean by my 'new' interface?
[21:25] <sub[t]rnl> hehe, no need to add it to the file, running it once will remove it and any configuration files
[21:25] <kiefer_> ohk, cheers
[21:25] * ScorpKing waves to everyone..
[21:25] <Mediapirate> w00t its sub[t]rnl again
[21:26] <kiefer_> Hiyo Scorp :)
[21:26] <sub[t]rnl> kiefer_➜ just a sec, is the ip assigned to the interface wlan0, or the wlan0:ava
[21:26] * BluesKaj waves to ScorpKing
[21:26] <ScorpKing> hiya guys :)
[21:26] <kiefer_> nothing is assigned to wlan0:ava
[21:26] <Mediapirate> Hiya ScorpKing
[21:26] <kiefer_> well, not that ive done anyway
[21:26] <sub[t]rnl> bring it down, if you think thats the cause of your troubles
[21:26] <sub[t]rnl> sudo ifconfig wlan0:ava down
[21:26] <kiefer_> aight, will do
[21:27] <kiefer_> Now we wait, and see if anything odd happens again.. Thanks for your advice :)
[21:27] <sub[t]rnl> k, give a shout if something comes up
[21:27] <kiefer_> Will do, Thanks :D
[21:28] <kiefer_> I need a smoke, brb :)
[21:29] <mani213> when i make a youtube video screen full it doesnt seem to be working smooth what should i do?
[21:29] <mani213> but it works proper when im playing it on windows xp media center
[21:32] <Mediapirate> Hi Warrior
[21:32] <Mediapirate> hows you mate?
[21:32] <Mediapirate> lol
[21:32] <Warrior> Hello I am good
[21:32] <Mediapirate> cool
[21:32] <Mediapirate> well this is the place to ask your questions if you have any
[21:32] <Mediapirate> 360ppl to ask
[21:34] <Warrior> cool
[21:34] <Warrior> I forgot how to register nick
[21:35] <sub[t]rnl> !register > Warrior
[21:35] <Mediapirate> /msg nickserv register (password)
[21:35] <Mediapirate> without brackets
[21:35] <Mediapirate> A pie walks into a bar and asks the bar owner if he can have a pint of beer and a packet of crisps. The bar owner replies and says, sorry we dont serve food.
[21:36] <sub[t]rnl> lol
[21:36] <Mediapirate> hehe
[21:37] <foibles> hi there
[21:37] <sourcemaker> this question is off-topic... but does somebody know... how I can export openoffice document to pdf via command line?
[21:38] <sourcemaker> => open document => update ALL => export to PDF
[21:38] <sourcemaker> I did't find a working macro for this stuff
[21:39] <mani213> whats the compiz chat room?
[21:40] <sensae> Bah, my xorg.conf got horribly messed up, so I renamed it. Now the display control panel won't let me change my settings
[21:40] <BluesKaj> !compiz
[21:40] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[21:40] <foibles> whats the command to extract something from command line?
[21:40] <foibles> for bz2
[21:40] <foibles> tar -blah?
[21:40] <foibles> i forget
[21:40] <tyson_> how do i have a program run each time i login / startup?
[21:40] <sub[t]rnl> tar -jxvf whatever.tar.bz2
[21:40] <Artimus> foibles: tar -jxvf
[21:40] <NickPresta> foibles, tar should automatically detect it. tar -xf should be fine.
[21:41] <foibles> NickPresta, thanks
[21:41] <Mediapirate> I'm off
[21:41] <Mediapirate> bye ppl
[21:41] <NickPresta> bye
[21:41] <sub[t]rnl> cyas
[21:41] <sensae> How do I make my system write another xorg.conf, and how do I get my display control panel working again? It complains it can't be loaded
[21:41] <sub[t]rnl> tyson_➜ when you start kde? or when the system boots?
[21:41] <sub[t]rnl> sensae➜ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[21:42] <tyson_> kde starts
[21:42] <sub[t]rnl> !autostart > tyson_
[21:45] <tyson_> so i have to create a link in there. is that like a symlink?
[21:45] <kiefer_> Sub: Do you know how I can disable vertical mouse scrolling? its rather annoying lol
[21:45] <Jack111> hi
[21:45] <NickPresta> hi, Jack111
[21:46] <Jack111> does somebody know how i add a stream in streamtuner?
[21:46] <sub[t]rnl> kiefer_➜ duct tape
[21:47] <sub[t]rnl> kiefer_➜ might be able to change the protocol of the mouse in your xorg.conf
[21:48] <sub[t]rnl> never heard anyone that wanted to disable scrolling though. :p
[21:48] <[ka]killer> is there any comand line command to view network traffic (in/out)
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[21:49] <mrdlouisd> anyone have any experience with installing kubuntu 704 on a pen drive?
[21:50] <NickPresta> [ka]killer, netstat?
[21:50] <[ka]killer> ty
[21:51] <NickPresta> I wanted to suggest Wireshark but okay...
[21:51] <sub[t]rnl> hehe, wireshark > *
[21:51] <sub[t]rnl> traffic, packets, meh, he wasn't very specific
[21:52] <sub[t]rnl> !usb | mrdlouisd
[21:52] <ubotu> mrdlouisd: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick
[21:58] <the-erm> Is there a command out there that's faster than rm -fR ./directory for removing a directory quicly?
[21:59] <the-erm> I'm backing up my entire drive using rscyn & hard links every day, and it takes a while to remove old backups.
[22:00] <NickPresta> the-erm, why not package up your stuff after?
[22:00] <kiefer_> Thanks for the reply sub, sorry I was watching TV lol, "kiefer_➜ might be able to change the protocol of the mouse in your xorg.conf" where can i find said .conf? :)
[22:00] <the-erm> You mean tar them afterwards?
[22:00] <NickPresta> the-erm, yeah.
[22:00] <the-erm> That kinda removes the whole reasoning behind using hardlinks.
=== ubuntu_ is now known as scott_
[22:01] <sub[t]rnl> use rsync to remove them after it transfers?
=== scott_ is now known as scott25
[22:01] <the-erm> No, not quite sub[t]rnl that would remove the originals.
[22:01] <NickPresta> the-erm, check out: http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/
[22:01] <sub[t]rnl> as far as actual speed of "removing" thats up to the filesystem.
[22:01] <the-erm> I want to keep the originals.
[22:02] <scott25> can someone help me with installing it keeps saying "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) failed" when it starts to install
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[22:05] <ScorpKing> kiefer_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[22:06] <sub[t]rnl> woop missed his post. thanks sk
[22:06] <kiefer_> Scorp: Thanks :)
[22:06] <ScorpKing> :)
[22:08] <kiefer_> okay, so im looking to disable vertical mouse scrolling, it has " Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "0"" can i add "VerticEdgeScroll and set it to 0 to disable it?
[22:08] <ScorpKing> if i run /etc/init.d/networking restart all my nfs drives gets mounted. how can i stop that?
[22:09] <sub[t]rnl> does it mount them if you havn't mounted them before the network restart?
[22:09] <ScorpKing> yes
[22:09] <pepe_> Hola
[22:10] <kiefer_> can someone link me to a tutorial on what bash-scripting is? sounds interesting lol
[22:10] <sub[t]rnl> ScorpKing➜ hrm, try stopping nfs-common then restarting network
[22:11] <sub[t]rnl> kiefer_➜ http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html
[22:11] <ScorpKing> sub[t]rnl: ok. will do.
[22:11] <kiefer_> sub: thanks :)
[22:11] <NickPresta> kiefer_, http://linuxcommand.org/ too
[22:13] <ScorpKing> NickPresta: thanks for that link. very usefull :)
[22:15] <scott25> i keep getting i/o errors when i boot the livecd and i can't create partitions when i install...
[22:15] <NickPresta> ScorpKing, :)
[22:15] <ScorpKing> NickPresta: do you know if there's a pdf for that link?
[22:16] <kiefer_> Nick: Thanks :)
[22:17] <ScorpKing> scott25: create the partitions before you start the install. i think qtparted is on the livecd
[22:17] <NickPresta> ScorpKing, I don't know for sure. You could email the author and ask if he has one (or ask if you can mirror his whole site)
[22:17] <ScorpKing> NickPresta: i'll ask him. thanks
[22:18] <matisse> hi
[22:20] <NickPresta> greetings, matisse
[22:21] <Bizzeh> hey, why does the kubuntu livecd just lock up when i try and boot it up?
[22:21] <tyson_> is there a way to have the kmenu list items alphabetically instead of (seemingly) randomly ?
[22:21] <scott25> ScorpKing: i keep trying qtparted but when i open it and click on the drive it opens a blank window titled progress and just freezes
[22:22] <ScorpKing> scott25: try sudo cdfisk /dev/<yourdisk> in konsole
[22:22] <ScorpKing> scott25: hope you made backups
[22:22] <scott25> ScroptKing: did you mean cfdisk?
[22:23] <ScorpKing> yes
[22:23] <ScorpKing> :) sorry
[22:26] <kiefer_> How do I execute a BASH script ive written through konsole? and what file extension should a bash script have?
[22:26] <kiefer_> dw
[22:26] <kiefer_> figured it out :)
[22:26] <Dr_willis> You dont need an extrension at all.
[22:26] <Dr_willis> chmod +x whatever
[22:26] <Dr_willis> ./whatever
[22:27] <sub[t]rnl> chmod u+x whatever (good form to end it in .sh)
[22:27] <kiefer_> i typed 'bash <filename>' lol, not cool?
[22:27] <Dr_willis> thats another way to do it.
[22:27] <kiefer_> lol ^_^
[22:27] <scott25> ScroptKing: how do i make a swap partition
[22:27] <Dr_willis> in theory the first line of your bash script should be #!/bin/bash
[22:27] <kiefer_> Dr Willi's, Girls Ahoy! i was watching it earlier :)
[22:28] <Dr_willis> kiefer_, shame shame! :P
[22:28] <kiefer_> why did iput a ' in ur name? lol
[22:28] <kiefer_> lolz, dont tell ur wife :D
[22:28] <tyson_> is there a way to have the kmenu list items alphabetically instead of (seemingly) randomly ?
[22:28] <kiefer_> speaking of which, i need to call the gf, brb.
[22:28] <scott25> ScorpKing: how do i make a swap partition
[22:29] <Dr_willis> use fdisk or gparted, and make a new partition, set its type to swap
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[22:29] <ScorpKing> scott25: it's type 82 in cfdisk
[22:31] <scott25> ScorpKing: what about the type for ext3
[22:32] <ScorpKing> scott25: 83
[22:34] <scott25> ScorpKing: it says no primary partitions do i make bootable, was i supposed to make the swap partition bootable?
[22:34] <Dr_willis> you dont boot swap.
[22:34] <Dr_willis> You need to make a partition for / and one for swap.
[22:34] <ScorpKing> scott25: you have to make the primary partition bootable, nothing else
[22:35] <matisse> is it possible to use to different audio programs and select their volume independently ? (f.e. watching a quiet video in kaffeine and hearing music in xmms)
[22:35] <ScorpKing> scott25: make hda1 (for /), hda2 (for /home), and hda3 (for swap)
[22:36] <crimsun> matisse: yes, e.g., using PulseAudio
[22:36] <scott25> ScorpKing: how big should /home be
[22:36] <ScorpKing> scott25: how big is your disk?
[22:36] <scott25> ScorpKing:41g
[22:36] <scott25> 41gb
[22:37] <ScorpKing> scott25: make / 10GB, /home 30.5GB and swap 500mb
[22:38] <scott25> ScorpKing: both hda1 and hda2 will be ext3?
[22:38] <ScorpKing> yes
[22:40] <scott25> ScorpKing: how do i set hda1 as / and hda2 as /home
[22:40] <ScorpKing> scott25: when you install it
[22:40] <Dr_willis> you tell it to mount hda1 as / and hda2 as /home
[22:41] <tyson_> whats better to use, synaptic or adept manager?
[22:41] <scott25> so i dont need to do anything in cfdisk to set its path
[22:41] <matisse> crimsun: seems to be difficult to use... any hints ?
[22:41] <ScorpKing> scott25: correct
[22:41] <PorcoRex> Yeah babe
[22:41] <PorcoRex> yeayea
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[22:42] <crimsun> matisse: it's not very difficult to use. Make sure you have pavucontrol installed.
[22:42] <Dr_willis> cfdisk dosent set the mount point does it? it just fdisks the partitions, then you tell the installer which one ot use for / and for /home, the installer then formats / and /home
[22:43] <scott25> ok i wrote it... do i have to reboot or can i just go ahead with the installation
[22:43] * ScorpKing agrees..
[22:43] <matisse> crimsun: I first installed pulseaudio. Do I need that too ?
[22:43] <ScorpKing> scott25: just install it now
[22:44] <matisse> cause, it seems to be a port opening service
[22:45] <crimsun> matisse: yes, you need pulseaudio
[22:46] <jhutchins> ScoYoucan also edit /etc/fstab to change after install
[22:47] <jhutchins> :info pulseaudio
[22:48] <jhutchins> !info pulseaudio
[22:48] <ubotu> pulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.6-1ubuntu2.1 (gutsy), package size 293 kB, installed size 1028 kB
[22:49] <sensae> Anyone know how I can get my mouse working right? ie Mouse4 and Mouse5 go forward/back and I can middle click and move to scroll?
[22:49] <smeril> how can i get a driver update for Hda-Intel (hv:0)?
[22:49] <matisse> crimsun: do I have to close all progs using output devices, before it can work ? got an error: Connection failed: Connection refused
[22:50] <atomicpotato> smeril, I assume you'
[22:50] <atomicpotato> you'd get an updated kernel source and build it
[22:50] <atomicpotato> why?
[22:50] <crimsun> matisse: you need to configure it, at least. e.g., if you plan to use it as a system-wide daemon, you need to enable it, and you need to add your user to the pulse-access group and log out and back in
[22:50] <ScorpKing> !hdaintel | smeril
[22:50] <ubotu> smeril: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[22:50] <crimsun> matisse: see /usr/share/doc/pulseaudio/
[22:50] <matisse> ok, thanks
[22:50] <smeril> thanks
[22:51] <crimsun> matisse: of course, you also need to switch all audio apps to use pulseaudio if available/applicable
[22:51] <smeril> i got it working temporarily but it stopped
[22:51] <matisse> For more information see http://pulseaudio.org/
[22:51] <matisse> README (END) :-)
[22:52] <crimsun> matisse: are you on gutsy?
[22:52] <matisse> yes
[22:52] <ScorpKing> NickPresta: i found this - http://linuxcommand.org/script_library.php :D
[22:52] <crimsun> matisse: heh, it has been changed for hardy.
[22:52] <tyson_> is there a way to have the kmenu list items alphabetically instead of (seemingly) randomly ? (im not using the new v4)
=== torje is now known as cybrhuman
[22:53] <sensae> Does anyone know how to get all my mouse buttons working?
[22:53] <Dr_willis> depends on the mouse. Theres dozens of guides/howtos on differnt mice
[22:53] <Dr_willis> !mouse
[22:53] <ubotu> Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto
[22:54] <scott25> ScorpKing: does it usually take a long time to scan and detect the disks during installation
[22:55] <ScorpKing> scott25: it depends on the size of your box
[22:55] <scott25> ok it finally did it, so im guessing i go to manual... then do i check off the format boxes for each of them?
[22:56] <sensae> Alright, thanks Dr_willis
[22:56] <cybrhuman> is there a way to set konqueror or dolphin to sort numbers differently? To make it put 2 before 10 and not opposite.
[22:56] <sensae> Next up. I have a 7.1 sound card, but I'm only getting sound out of one of the jacks.
[22:57] <scott25> ScorpKing: is there a mountpoint for swap or do i just set the type as swap then leave the mount point blank
[22:57] <ScorpKing> scott25: there's no mountpoint for swap
[22:57] <scott25> ScorpKing: do i need to check off format for swap
[22:58] <ScorpKing> scott25: no need
[23:01] <m4v> quit
[23:02] <paule118> New/media:/hda5//paule118-desktop/home/ Folder
[23:02] <paule118> eeeeeeeeeeee
[23:02] <paule118> rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[23:02] <paule118> tttttttttttttttttttt
[23:03] <ubuntu> Media you there
[23:03] <ScorpKing> paule118: don't do that
[23:03] <paule118> oh sorry
[23:04] <scott25> ScorpKing: "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1master (hda) failed" it gave me the same error but it went further then last time
[23:05] <ScorpKing> scott25: does dmesg | tail say anything?
[23:06] <Dr_willis> if you are using the whole HD for your Ubuntu install. You can just fdisk the drive and delete ALL the partitions. leaving it all unallocated. and the installer can then partition/format it as needed automaticially
[23:06] <scott25> ScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54646/
[23:06] <ScorpKing> Dr_willis: it fails everytime
[23:06] <Dr_willis> I would fdisk, delete all parittions, reboot, let the installer try again. If that still fails.. well theres something serious going on.
[23:07] <ScorpKing> Dr_willis: see that paste
[23:07] <sensae> I don't even care if I get surround on the jacks. Is there any way to get my system to output audio multiple times on the different jacks?
[23:07] <Dr_willis> looks to me like hda is going bad.
[23:07] <scott25> is my hard drive failing?
[23:08] <ScorpKing> yeah, or the BIOS settings
[23:08] <Manad> hi
[23:08] <ScorpKing> scott25: usually if the disk fails you'll get I/O errors
[23:08] <Manad> I need help playing encrypted DVDs. I tried running the install-css.sh script as people said I should (googled it before coming here), but it says "command not found"
[23:09] <Manad> can anyone tell me what I can do?
[23:09] <scott25> ScorpKing: so i need to buy a new hard drive... but it is possible that something else could be messed
[23:10] <ScorpKing> scott25: you can reset the bios settings to the defaults and try again. if that doesn't work try 'badblocks /dev/hda' or get a new disk
[23:10] <scott25> i have never changed bios settings
[23:11] <ScorpKing> !dvd | Manad
[23:11] <ubotu> Manad: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[23:11] <scott25> would it be possible for something to change it?
[23:11] <kiefer> DrWillis: Could you take a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54647/ and tell me why it took all that before my wireless would connect?
[23:11] <kiefer> (excuse my noob-ish attatude in konsole :] )
[23:12] <ScorpKing> scott25: sometimes yes. try another disk and see if it works
[23:12] <Dr_willis> I dont do much at all with wireless..
[23:12] <kiefer> Ohk lol
[23:12] <Manad> thanks scorp, but those are the instructions I followed. The first line they tell you to do, sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh , returns "command not found"
[23:12] <kiefer> Can someone tell me why it took all this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54647/ before my wireless connected? :)
[23:12] <fyrmedic> I just installed 64bit Kubuntu. How do I know that both processors are working?
[23:12] <Dr_willis> I think the path to that script has changed recently
=== garic is now known as de4dsnake
[23:12] <Dr_willis> locate install-css.sh
[23:12] <Dr_willis> /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh
[23:13] <Manad> I did
[23:13] <Dr_willis> is where mine is at.
[23:13] <Manad> I went there manually
[23:13] <Manad> I found the script
[23:13] <Dr_willis> do a sudo bash /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh
[23:13] <Manad> and typing "install-css.sh" at the console doesn't work, it gives me the same error.
[23:13] <Dr_willis> perhaps
[23:13] <Dr_willis> You need to do ./installwhatever
[23:13] <Dr_willis> if in the same dir
[23:13] <scott25> ScorpKing: im using this badblocks thing and it is just printing random numbers... what do they mean?
[23:13] <Manad> that worked...
[23:13] <Manad> what does "bash" do?
[23:13] <Dr_willis> tells it to run the script. :)
[23:14] <Dr_willis> you really SHOULD be uysing the medibunti repo to install the stuff. Not that script
[23:14] <Manad> the google results don't mention it. I was copying and pasting
[23:14] <sensae> scott25: If badblocks is printing random numbers, IIRC it's printing the sectors that are bad
[23:14] <ScorpKing> scott25: can you pastebin some of it?
[23:14] <Manad> thank you
[23:14] <ScorpKing> scott25: nevermind
[23:14] <Dr_willis> if the script was not executable , then you need the bash command.
[23:14] <Manad> !medibuntu | Manad
[23:15] <ScorpKing> scott25: if you didn't run it with the -s switch then it's badblocks like sensae said
[23:15] <scott25> ScorpKing: can i do something to fix these sectors that are bad
[23:16] <scott25> so far it printer 0 and now its listing the numbers 28 and on (in order), right now it is at 84
[23:16] <Manad> it works now :P
[23:16] <sensae> scott25: Not really. If there are only one or two then you can get tools that hide those sectors
[23:16] <sensae> scott25: So it's printed 28-29-30-.. all the way to 84?
[23:17] <scott25> yes and its still going
[23:17] <scott25> now it is at 100
[23:17] <Paddy_EIRE> hey I installed kde4 from this repo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main I installed it using 'sudo aptitude install kde4-core' Is it just me or is this extremely barebones?
[23:17] <ScorpKing> scott25: not that i know of. strip the disk (it makes very nice things to put your coffee cup on) an get a new one
[23:17] <JoshOvki> !kde4
[23:17] <ubotu> KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[23:17] <sensae> scott25: Then all those sectors are bad. That pretty much means that whole section of your drive is bad, which means the entire drive is screwed.
[23:18] * ScorpKing nods..
[23:18] <Paddy_EIRE> JoshOvki, that does not explain or answer the question
[23:18] <JoshOvki> but it points you were to get the answer
[23:18] <sensae> rofl, I got my mouse situation half fixed
[23:18] <sensae> Now the scroll wheel goes back / forward
[23:18] <ScorpKing> hehe
[23:19] <sensae> brb, messing with xorg.conf some more
[23:19] <scott25> ScorpKing: is there a certain type of hard drive that i need to buy
[23:19] <Dr_willis> either ide or sata - depending on your machine. :)
[23:19] <Dr_willis> and of fourse laptops use the smaller laptop sized ones.
[23:19] <ScorpKing> scott25: i've found that seagate last very long for some reason. they also have a three year gurantee i think
[23:20] <scott25> well i have never bought a hard drive since i haven't had to... so how do i know if i need ide or sata?
[23:20] <Dr_willis> Brand wise. Ive never noticed much of a differance. Ive had different brands die - Of course in 3 years time i will be on my 3rd pc and have updated the hd's 2x :)
[23:21] <Dr_willis> look at the hd you got and the cables its connected to.
[23:21] <sensae> scott25: Technically, Maxtor are just rebranded Seagate drives, so they're a good bet too. Personally I've had good luck with Western Digital (I have 3 in my system now that have been going for years) but I've heard mixed things about em
[23:21] <FaiDillinGer> hi there
[23:21] <sensae> scott25: You need to look inside your computer. If the drive is connected with this kind of cable: http://www.gshop.com.au/images/ide_133_cable.jpg You need IDE
[23:22] * kiefer is on his way to becoming a BASH expert - hoorah :)
[23:22] <ScorpKing> scott25: western digital is good as well ;)
[23:22] <sensae> scott: Also known as PATA. If it's connected with this kind of connector http://www.macgurus.com/ccp51/media/images/category/sata/eSATA_TypA_lrg.jpg you need SATA
[23:22] <sensae> brb, restarting X
[23:22] <Dr_willis> amazing how cheap HDs are these days :)
[23:23] <Dr_willis> more amazing how fast i fill them up
[23:23] <sensae> -sigh-
[23:23] <kiefer> Lmao, I remember buying a PC back in the day with a 500mb Hdd.. DOS used to pwn..
[23:23] <FaiDillinGer> has anyone got a clue on how activating numlock when Xorg starts ??? please ?
[23:23] <sensae> Does anyone know what command in xorg.conf binds the back / forward buttons?
[23:23] <Dr_willis> !numlock
[23:23] <ubotu> To enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock
[23:24] <FaiDillinGer> thx Dr_willis
[23:24] <ScorpKing> sensae: i wouldn't go for maxtor. it makes up for 85% of the failed disks i get
[23:24] * kiefer will brb
[23:24] <Dr_willis> i must be the only person that uses the extra mouse buttons for stuff OTHER then forward/back in the browser. :)
[23:24] <sensae> ScorpKing: Really? Maxtor are literally Seagate drives. They both come from the same shops.
[23:25] <sensae> Dr_willis: What do you use em for?
[23:25] <Dr_willis> sensae, grenades and medpacks in games. :)
[23:25] <Dr_willis> ive never used them for forward/back in any os. heh
[23:25] <Dr_willis> actually on windows i got one set for teamspeak chat also.
[23:25] <ScorpKing> sensae: i didn't know that. most maxtor drives i see are a lot thinner that seagate so i don't think it's that much the same. ;)
[23:25] <ScorpKing> than*
[23:26] <sensae> Dr_willis: lol, well of course. I'm just used to it in Firefox
[23:26] <Dr_willis> one wonders wher the parts for the hds come from..
[23:26] <Dr_willis> and how these different companies can do that much differently.
[23:27] <kiefer> DrWillis i couldnt care less, my mate works in a dell warehouse, hehe :) free stuff ftw!
[23:27] <sensae> ScorpKing: Well, I may be off about being in the same shops, but that's what I had heard working in a computer shop, and they generally looked exactly the same. I know for a fact Seagate owns Maxtor.
[23:27] <scott25> would it be bad to open my computer case while it is on
[23:27] <Dr_willis> scott25, not if you are carefull.
[23:27] <kiefer> scott25: yes it would be bad :)
[23:27] <sensae> scott25: You just have to be very careful
[23:27] <Dr_willis> But if its never been open befor.. i would power down. and UNPLUG it from the wall
[23:27] <kiefer> scott25: always remember to wear a static electricity bracelet when opening a PC :)
[23:28] <Dr_willis> if its never ever been opened befor.. you proberly are due for a good dusting out also.
[23:28] <SlimeyPete> I know people who run PCs with the case permanently open
[23:28] <sensae> scott25: If in doubt of yourself, turn it off
[23:28] <SlimeyPete> they tend to wind up full of biscuit crumbs and tobacco
[23:28] <scott25> well if i randomly disconnect you will know i wasn't careful enough
[23:28] <Dr_willis> I find dead flys and moths in mine. :)
[23:28] <kiefer> SlimeyPete: my desktop hasnt had its case on it since the day i got it lol
[23:28] <sensae> kiefer: I've never found an absolute need for an anti-static wristband. You just have to ground yourself on the case first
[23:28] <ScorpKing> sensae: well, that's just my opinion. i still work in a computer shop ;)
[23:29] <kiefer> sensae: true, i got one for free, so i wear ir anyway lol
[23:29] <SlimeyPete> yeah, no need for a bracelet, just touch the case.
[23:29] <kiefer> it*
[23:29] <Dr_willis> stick your tounge to the power supply for 20 sec! :)
[23:29] <kiefer> ...at a M$ convention believe it or not..
[23:29] <kiefer> LMFAO
[23:29] <sensae> kiefer: If I had one I got for free I'd wear it
[23:29] <mefisto__> this is driving me nuts. what determines the kdm login screen resolution? I've edited xorg.conf to only have 1280x1024, but kdm still displays at 1024x768
[23:30] <kiefer> Sensae: Hehe, Yup :)
[23:30] <Dr_willis> mefisto__, you did restart the X server after changing that file?
[23:30] <Dr_willis> alt-ctrl-backspace
[23:30] <mefisto__> of course. I even did a full reboot
[23:30] <Dr_willis> stand on your head while rebooting? ;)
[23:30] <sensae> So, does anyone know how I can change what mouse buttons do back / forward?
[23:30] <ScorpKing> mefisto__: in /boot/grub/menu.lst there's a kernel option vga=xxx that you can change that i think
[23:31] <ScorpKing> sensae: i've seen mounse button config options on google when i searched for the settings of a ten button mouse once
[23:31] <ScorpKing> mouse*
[23:32] <kiefer> DrWillis: ive found standing on my head solves nothing.. except for what my pc looks like upside down :)
[23:32] <mefisto__> ScorpKing: and it would be vga=1280 1024 ?
=== Warrior is now known as Warrior86|Away
[23:33] <ScorpKing> mefisto__: one sec. i might have bookmarked the link
[23:33] <scott25> the hard drive is maxtor... does that tell me which type i need to buy
[23:33] <ScorpKing> scott25: now you know why it doesn't work anymore ;)
[23:34] <scott25> but it doesnt tell me if it is ide or sata
[23:35] * kiefer will bbs, (Need to goto uni office to pay some fee's tee-hee)
[23:35] <ScorpKing> scott25: ide will be a 40pin connection and sata a thin red or black connection
[23:35] <scott25> can i unplug it while in livecd
[23:35] <matisse> crimsun: "Audacity doesn't support PulseAudio, nor Esound for the moment. You'll have to kill pulseaudio before you use this application." this cant be the solution ...
[23:36] <Psycoshot> Hey, Kubuntu has problems detecting my Logitech USB headset. Does anyone know why?
[23:36] <matisse> :-)
[23:36] <ScorpKing> mefisto__: http://wiki.antlinux.com/pmwiki.php?n=HowTos.VgaModes
[23:36] <mefisto__> thanks ScorpKing
[23:36] <ScorpKing> yw
[23:37] <ScorpKing> scott25: no
[23:37] <FaiDillinGer> yo. i got an external usb harddrive that is constantely pluged in to my computer. but it is not mounted automatically when i boot kubuntu. (the auto option is set in fstab). anyone got a clue on how to solve this problem ? thx
[23:37] <sensae> Yes! I got my mouse working
[23:37] <ScorpKing> :) hehe
[23:37] <sensae> the only thing wrong is that when I middle lcick it will load random URLs instead of giving me a scrolling orb
[23:38] <scott25> i guess i will turn off my computer and take it out and ill come back here on a laptop if i can't figure out the type
[23:38] <ScorpKing> i have to go. the weather is getting bad and i don't feel like having my box struck by lightning. nite guys. have fun
[23:38] <FaiDillinGer> good nite
[23:41] <matisse> crimsun: thanks for the help, but at the moment I won't try pulseaudio. it really has nice feature, but "never change a running system" :-) Would be to much patchwork I think
[23:41] <sensae> Does anyone know how I can change what my middle mouse button -does- in Firefox?
[23:44] <matisse> sensae: it was possible to choose, but now in Vers. 2.x it isn't possible
[23:44] <sensae> Argh
[23:44] <matisse> sensae: but you can change the behavior in about:config
[23:44] <matisse> search for "middlemouse"
[23:44] <sensae> Ah, that should work. Thanks
[23:44] <sensae> For some reason it redirects to a different page, it's rather random and I'm not sure wtf it thinks it's doing, lol
[23:45] <matisse> about:config redirects you ?
[23:45] <sensae> No, middle mouse
[23:45] <matisse> ahh
[23:45] <matisse> i know
[23:45] <sensae> I'm not sure what it does. Right now middle mouse goes to bash.org, lol
[23:46] <matisse> it does a google lucky search with your clipboard content
[23:46] <sensae> Ahh
[23:46] <sensae> middlemouse.contentLoadURL is what controls it
[23:46] <matisse> change middlemouse.contentLoadURL
[23:46] <matisse> right
[23:46] <sensae> Is there any way to set it so I get a scroll ball?
[23:47] <matisse> like in Iexplore ?
[23:47] <matisse> :-)
[23:47] <sensae> Yes, and in Firefox on Windows
[23:47] <Mach3> I finally got the official nvidia driver installed on my system (thanks to envy), now i want to try out some of these "desktop effects" that i should be able to use now. How do I actually get the effects to work? I see a config utility for them, and under the "Actions" tab there are lots of keyboard shortcuts, but none of these work. What needs to be done?
[23:47] <matisse> i dont think that its possible
[23:47] <sensae> Bah, I was afraid of that. Oh well, I can live without it I guess
[23:47] <mefisto__> sensae: in preferences, advanced, general tab > "use autoscrolling
[23:48] <matisse> cool
[23:48] <sensae> Thanks much, that works.
[23:54] <rkvirani> yay
[23:55] <rkvirani> I got my BT mouse working on my powerbook in kubuntu :D
[23:55] <rkvirani> right click!!!
[23:56] <atomicpotato> a bittorrent mouse? awesome
[23:56] <rkvirani> atomicpotato: no lol
[23:57] <rkvirani> Bluetooth
[23:57] <atomicpotato> (that was the sound of a joke going over your head :-P)
[23:58] <rkvirani> nohey mhey man, I've heard worse alright, there are some users that are clue less
[23:59] <rkvirani> konqueror i s soo slow
[23:59] <rkvirani> actyually my entire computer is slow running linux
[23:59] <rkvirani> isays the CPU is running at half all the time
[23:59] <rkvirani> 700mhz