UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /31 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <barfender> my monitor gives me 'no signal' after using ubuntu for like 10min (the time frame is usually within 30min). I am using fglrx (ati x1900xtx) and an LCD TV with dvi connection. What might be causing this?
[00:00] <oPeN-SouRCe> the connector?
[00:00] <oPeN-SouRCe> the plug?
[00:01] <soldats> ^yuh, check connections first
[00:01] <oPeN-SouRCe> or mabye your video card gets dc from the motherboard
[00:03] <oPeN-SouRCe> can i recompile the kernel to see if the problem gets solbed?
[00:03] <zoredache> oPeN-SouRCe: I don't think recmpiling the kernel will do anything to fix the package management system
[00:04] <barfender> it has worked fine for a some time but now its not. In windows it works fine. the video card has gets its own power from the powersupply. Can't be anything wrong witht he connector/plug if it works fine in windowS?
[00:04] <oPeN-SouRCe> but that package "linux-restricted-modules-generic" its a kernel extension
[00:05] <zoredache> well more acuratly it is a meta-package that depends on the latest restricted modules package
[00:06] <zoredache> the packaged named 'linux-restricted-modules' does nothing
[00:07] <oPeN-SouRCe> it doesnt loades things like the video driver?
[00:08] <zoredache> the package that it depends on does
[00:09] <oPeN-SouRCe> but i have problems with THIS package
[00:09] <oPeN-SouRCe> any ideas how to reinstall it
[00:10] <oPeN-SouRCe> like, compiling it
[00:10] <zoredache> yes... download the package manually (via http in a web browser) then use dpkg -i to install
[00:11] <oPeN-SouRCe> ok, ill try to
[00:12] <oPeN-SouRCe> downloading it
[00:15] <oPeN-SouRCe> the same result
[00:15] <oPeN-SouRCe> but not says unpack
[00:16] <oPeN-SouRCe> says install
[01:17] <bad_cables> anyone here seen the issue with the RaLink rt61 chipset?
[01:17] <bad_cables> i downloaded the correct driver, and i installed it according to the ubuntu how-to
[01:17] <bad_cables> i even blacklisted the old driver
[01:18] <bad_cables> now, when i reboot i get a 0% signal
[01:54] <kbrooks> bbl
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
[02:52] <soulroot> hi all
[02:52] <soulroot> intalled compiz on my laptop, anyone know how i can get things to work on i believe a 945gm/gms
[02:53] <soulroot> graphics card
[02:53] <soulroot> windows won't move, close or minimize
[02:54] <soulroot> i cant even widen this chat window, can barely read it. does anyone even see this?
[02:54] <maxamillion> soulroot: i see it
[02:54] <maxamillion> soulroot: you nuked your window manager
[02:54] <soulroot> thank you
[02:54] <soulroot> ok, any way to fix?
[02:54] <maxamillion> soulroot: i don't know much about the intel graphics chipset
[02:55] <soulroot> thanks tho max
[02:55] <maxamillion> soulroot: can you hit alt+f2 and have it open a run dialog? ... if so type in 'xfwm4' (without the quotes) and hit enter
[02:55] <maxamillion> soulroot: you won't get compiz, but you can move stuff around again
[02:56] <soulroot> it opens, but won't let me type in the box, it's highlighted grey
[02:56] <maxamillion> ouch
[02:57] <soulroot> yea
[02:57] <maxamillion> soulroot: can you open a command line terminal?
[02:57] <soulroot> yes
[02:58] <soulroot> 2nd day user, sorry i was too hasty, lesson learned
[02:58] <soulroot> won't rush installs again
[02:59] <soulroot> any method for terminal to do the same?
[02:59] <maxamillion> soulroot: ok, in that command line terminal type 'xfwm4 &' without the quotes and hit enter
[02:59] <maxamillion> that should atleast get things working
[02:59] <maxamillion> no worries, everyone wants to get the 3d stuff
[03:00] <soulroot> xfwm4 &
[03:02] <soulroot> it worked max, thank you
[03:05] <maxamillion> soulroot: any time :)
[03:06] <soulroot> so cool, cause my name is also Max.. didn;t mention it before because I was focusing.
[03:06] <soulroot> sry, off topic
[04:09] <sathehand> It worked?
[04:09] <sathehand> I suppose it did. I'm suprised that I remembered enough to get back into this.
[04:09] <sathehand> So, I have a question about hard drive partitions.
[04:11] <sathehand> Is there a way to resize the hard drive partition containing Xubuntu, while in Xubuntu?
[04:13] <sathehand> Anyone?
[04:22] <soldats> !gparted
[04:22] <ubotu> GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/
[04:23] <soldats> i think you can do it by running the cd but afaik i think you can do it to a partition your not using at the moment as long as you unmount it
[04:27] <sathehand> Sorry, I didn't notice the change in this window.
[04:28] <sathehand> I am new to Xubuntu (and Linux in general), what is a console and how do I access it?
[04:30] <soldats> click the menu and go to system >> terminal
[04:31] <blkorpheus> sathehand, you want to start with reading material first
[04:31] <blkorpheus> its going to be a long road if you start with questions like that
[04:31] <sathehand> What reading material, blkorpheus?
[04:31] <blkorpheus> knowing where the terminal is, and what to do with it, are two different things
[04:31] <blkorpheus> sathehand, GOOGLE
[04:32] <blkorpheus> not being funny
[04:32] <blkorpheus> that is the best documentation out there
[04:32] <sathehand> I knew where the terminal was, I just didn't recognize it as console.
[04:32] <blkorpheus> your question typed as it is in google, will get results much faster
[04:32] <blkorpheus> whatever
[04:33] <blkorpheus> you don't really want to ask questions like that to start
[04:33] <blkorpheus> .02
[04:33] <blkorpheus> good luck
[04:33] <blkorpheus> get your READ on
[04:33] <blkorpheus> first
[04:33] <sathehand> I thought I had done enough reading on the Ubuntu and Xubuntu sites... That was when I decided to come here.
[04:37] <soldats> well if thats all you read theres a thousand times more to read. not saying it to frey you away but linux is a cintinual learnign process
[04:37] <sathehand> I'm beginning to notice, hahahaha.
[04:38] <sathehand> Of course, that is the reason I installed it.
[04:39] <soldats> good :P i hope you enjoy your learning curve
[04:40] <sathehand> I'm assuming that the learning curve is not friendly towards newcomers?
[04:41] <soldats> no it is, just be open minded and always learn with caution. dont do commands without reading the man pages
[04:41] <sathehand> I feel kind of stupid now...
[04:43] <sathehand> I just did that command posted by ubotu, which is essentially doing exactly what you said to not do, right?
[04:44] <soldats> dont be. just google. linux for begginers. even go to linux.com and go to the beginner section you'll learn a lot
[04:44] <sathehand> I knew I should have went through that tutorial thing or whatever on the Linux site....
[04:45] <sathehand> I'll keep that in mind...
[04:45] <soldats> no anyhing ubotu tells you to do do it. most likey it is to help but always read the links it gives you first until you know what the commands do
[04:45] <soldats> plus ubotu is a bot and he is all knowing
[04:45] <sathehand> Ah, thanks.
[04:46] <sathehand> I disregarded the link because it was about a live CD, and 9 times out of 10 my CD drive doesn't work.
[04:46] <sathehand> How do I get into the GParted now that it is installed?
[04:46] <soldats> just remember always google first. if someting doesnt make sense search harder. if thats no hope come here. the ubuntu community is the best there is
[04:47] <sathehand> Found it.
[04:47] <soldats> it should be in the menu. or you can type gparted at a terminal
[04:48] <soldats> before messing with gparted if yournot experienced with partitioning id suggest doing all the steps at linux.com
[04:49] <sathehand> Good thing you said that, hahahaha.
[04:49] <soldats> a lot f things can go wrong
[04:49] <sathehand> I was getting ready to use it and it said something about the mouse (I believe it was because I tried clicking into here to reply) and so it failed.
[04:50] <sathehand> Is it linux.com or linux.org?
[04:51] <soldats> .org sorry
[04:51] <sathehand> No problem, I just couldn't remember from my own memory.
[04:51] <soldats> the first course has a lot of good info there
[04:55] <sathehand> Should I be going through the courses/lessons?
[04:56] <soldats> sure. start at the beginning, even if you know some of the stuff read it anyways it will help to have a better memory of it
[04:57] <sathehand> Ah, okay.
[04:57] <sathehand> Is there a disk defragmenter in Xubuntu?
[04:58] <soldats> no
[04:59] <sathehand> Is that because there is no need, or because there just isn't one designed yet?
[04:59] <soldats> well yes but its unneeded and dangerous as far as i know
[04:59] <soldats> linux partitions dont get fragmented
[05:00] <sathehand> What if they are in NTFS?
[05:00] <soldats> ntfs is windows format
[05:01] <soldats> linux can read it
[05:01] <sathehand> So it is fine still?
[05:01] <sathehand> Sorry for all of my questions... And thank you for helping me as much as you have already.
[05:01] <soldats> more than likely yes it is fine
[05:05] <sathehand> Ummmm.... Should I go ahead and ask how to back up data in here, or should I check the internet first?
[05:07] <soldats> hmm are you good with irc
[05:08] <sathehand> Not anymore.
[05:08] <soldats> are you using xchat
[05:08] <sathehand> Pidgin.
[05:10] <soldats> if possible will you connect to a different server. there is another channel i am on where you can ask more bsaic questions. if possible i would like to try to keep the clutter to a minimal here (keep it for more ubuntu oriented questions)
[05:11] <sathehand> What is the channel?
[05:11] <soldats> join the "irc.dal.net" server and then join the channel "#linuxtalk"
[05:12] <sathehand> Give me some time and I'll figure out how to get there, hahahaha. (I stumbled into this one...)
[05:13] <soldats> ok
[05:14] <sathehand> I should be there.
[05:47] <blkorpheus> wow
[05:48] <blkorpheus> people hate to read
[05:49] <soldats> meh
[05:49] <soldats> sometimes its nice to get some encouragement
[05:50] <blkorpheus> true
[05:50] <blkorpheus> I salute your patience
[05:51] <blkorpheus> Alpha 4 is here!
[05:51] <blkorpheus> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha4
[05:52] <soldats> meh upgrading will ruin my uptime
[05:52] <blkorpheus> which is?
[05:52] <soldats> run uptime in terminal
[05:53] <blkorpheus> lol
[05:53] <blkorpheus> what is your uptime dude
[05:53] <blkorpheus> I'm not your friend lol
[05:53] <soldats> 14 days
[05:53] <soldats> lol iget it
[05:53] <blkorpheus> I could see how you'd be stuck in uberboonb mode
[05:54] <blkorpheus> 14 days is not alot to worry about losing
[05:54] <blkorpheus> I just hit day two
[05:54] <soldats> meh its growing though
[05:54] <blkorpheus> whats the package called
[05:54] <soldats> last time was like 50 days
[05:54] <blkorpheus> xubuntu-restricted?
[05:54] <soldats> package for what
[05:55] <blkorpheus> uh, restricted modules and such
[05:56] <blkorpheus> xubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used restricted packages
[05:56] <soldats> in the menu under system >> restriced drivers?
[05:56] <blkorpheus> nah
[05:56] <blkorpheus> ^^^^
[05:56] <soldats> oh wait. yea i think thats the one
[05:56] <soldats> the one you typed
[05:56] <blkorpheus> ;)
[05:57] <soldats> i dont do packages when i need something i get it one by one for restriced stuff
[05:57] <blkorpheus> I like the bulk sometimes
[05:57] <blkorpheus> convience
[05:57] <soldats> true
[05:58] <blkorpheus> I've put ubuntu on about 5 boxes this month
[05:58] <soldats> good for you :)
[05:58] <blkorpheus> ubuntu on three, and xubuntu on two
[05:58] <blkorpheus> just trying to do my part:) thx
[05:59] <soldats> lol, im glad your promoting ubuntu
[06:00] <sathehand> I've been promoting Ubuntu a little as well...
[06:01] <soldats> :P
[06:01] <sathehand> Because I had the CD/DVD's to install five operating systems at this LAN Party I went to, several people got a chance to look through them and two others decided to install Ubuntu...
[06:02] <soldats> awesome continue promoting
[06:03] <blkorpheus> I almost got ubuntu on my boys new laptop
[06:03] <blkorpheus> but the Vista eyecandy has him hooked me thinks
[06:04] <blkorpheus> PC came with 2 gs and a dual core
[06:04] <blkorpheus> 1G and 1 proc for Vista, the rest for him:/
[06:04] <blkorpheus> silly
[06:04] <soldats> well install compiz and wow him
[06:04] <blkorpheus> oh he knows
[06:04] <sathehand> Since I take both of my laptops to school (one for me to use and one for others), other students get a chance to see something other than Windows XP or Mac OS X (on all of the school district's computers).
[06:04] <blkorpheus> his last machine I ubuntud
[06:04] <soldats> vista is no match though
[06:04] <blkorpheus> he likes it
[06:05] <blkorpheus> but he like "new" stuff, bragging rights
[06:05] <blkorpheus> "I got Vista, you don't"
[06:05] <blkorpheus> whatever
[06:05] <soldats> well tell him to say "i got linux im more elite than you"
[06:06] <sathehand> The only reason I really keep Windows is because of familiarity and gaming...
[06:06] <sathehand> And it is the only reason Vista will be on the desktop that I plan on building...
[06:06] <blkorpheus> I think my friend made the right choice for him
[06:06] <blkorpheus> some people are too lazy to learn new stuff
[06:07] <blkorpheus> after his drive fragments, and its crippled by virii and spyware, he'll come back a crawling
[06:07] <soldats> lol they always do
[06:07] <sathehand> I'm not too lazy.
[06:11] <blkorpheus> sad though, ubuntu would SCREAM on his machine
[06:11] <blkorpheus> I want dual core:( waaa
[06:11] <sathehand> Why not set it up to dual-boot?
[06:12] <blkorpheus> because its Vista and not XP
[06:12] <blkorpheus> Vista does not share
[06:13] <sathehand> Ah, I wasn't aware of that.
[06:13] <sathehand> How about running it inside of Vista?
[06:13] <blkorpheus> because you did not google it first;)
[06:13] <sathehand> I've seen that happen at the LAN Party.
[06:13] <blkorpheus> Geezus
[06:14] <soldats> vista CAN dual boot
[06:14] <soldats> with ubuntu
[06:14] <blkorpheus> I don't want to "run" linux in vmware
[06:14] <blkorpheus> soldats, it can, but more trouble than its worth
[06:15] <blkorpheus> The problem arises with two small features of Windows Vista that do not play well with Linux. The first of which, and the main issue, is the new bootloader that Windows Vista uses. The second, which only causes minor issues, is the new NTFS format that is used by Vista.
[06:15] <blkorpheus> I'll pass
[06:16] <soldats> meh oh well. i dont use windows and never will so i dont care.
[06:16] <sathehand> Would using a Live CD work?
[06:17] <blkorpheus> sathehand, you have no idea do you?
[06:17] <sathehand> Sorry, but not really.
[06:17] <soldats> be nice hes learning
[06:17] <soldats> please :)
[06:17] <blkorpheus> :)
[06:18] * soldats goes off to do some other things
[06:18] <blkorpheus> I remember being there, and getting FLAMED, so I will not flame or be rude
[06:18] <sathehand> This is only my third time booting into another operating system (other than Windows XP and Mac OS X).
[06:18] <blkorpheus> may I ask your age?
[06:18] <sathehand> 16.
[06:19] <blkorpheus> ah, ok
[06:19] <blkorpheus> stick with linux
[06:19] <blkorpheus> you'll be a beast in 5yrs
[06:19] <blkorpheus> ;)
[06:19] <blkorpheus> if that
[06:19] <blkorpheus> but read everything you can find
[06:19] <blkorpheus> get a test box, and install linux, over and over
[06:20] <blkorpheus> break it use
[06:20] <blkorpheus> try gentoo
[06:20] <blkorpheus> linux from scratch
[06:20] <sathehand> Exactly the reason that I want to put Fedora 8 and Solaris 10 on here as well.
[06:20] <blkorpheus> be aware, that in other channels, you will get FLAMED for your noobness
[06:20] <sathehand> I'm assuming a test box is just a junk computer to use as a test platform?
[06:20] <blkorpheus> thats why you do your homework first;)
[06:21] <blkorpheus> eom
[06:21] <blkorpheus> yes
[06:21] <sathehand> This is my test box then, I have another laptop that is twice as good (not that it is that great either).
[06:21] <sathehand> I try to do some "homework" but I don't understand everything that I read...
[06:22] <Wyrmul> I am trying to get grub to boot from my second hard drive. I have added http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54180/ to my menu.lst. If I unplug my linux drive my windows drives boots just fine. any Ideas?
[06:22] <sathehand> I'm already aware that I will get flamed for noobness... It has already happened before in other things. I just suck it up and deal with it.
[06:23] <Wyrmul> tl least you didn't try to paste the output to fdisk -l into the im window. that got me booted for noobness.
[06:24] <soldats> lol thatll do it for sure
[06:24] <sathehand> I'm lost there...
[06:24] <Wyrmul> I pasted about thirty lines ending with CR's. it spammed the channel
[06:24] <blkorpheus> lol
[06:25] <Wyrmul> I have learned to love the paste.ubuntu-nl.org
[06:26] <sathehand> When I'm in a channel already, is it best to do research right then or just ask the question?
[06:27] <soldats> research first
[06:28] <Wyrmul> you should search around a bit on the message boards and through google, if no clear answer exists the ask. Take me, I have tried 5+ grub configurations before I hit the channels.
[06:29] <Wyrmul> which no one has weighed in on yes I may add.. :(
[06:29] <sathehand> Okay. Well, I'm going to do some research on that gentoo that was mentioned earlier.
[06:36] <Wyrmul> aand I'm back.
[06:36] <Wyrmul> I am trying to get grub to boot from my second hard drive. I have added http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54180/ to my menu.lst. If I unplug my linux drive my windows drives boots just fine. any Ideas?
[06:36] <soldats> Wyrmul, id suggest asking in #ubuntu since its way more populated there
[06:37] <sathehand> Sorry Wyrmul, but I have no idea... I'd also suggest soldats' idea.
[06:37] <Wyrmul> well I'll try there, thanks
[06:39] <sathehand> I'm not sure where to look (I've never came across something mentioning this before), but when I go to turn off my laptop, what exactly does the "Save sessions for future logins" do? (I didn't do much research, because I haven't even came across a mentioning of this.)
[06:40] <soldats> sometimes if have windows open they will pop back up on restart and all configurations you make to xfce or anhting eles will be saved as well. so always save sessions
[06:41] <sathehand> Ah, I just figured it was similar to Firefox and just saved the windows open.
[06:42] <Leo5731> good evening
[06:42] <sathehand> Hello, Leo5731.
[06:43] <Leo5731> i was hoping for some help unravelling the mysteries of xubuntu 7.10
[06:44] <sathehand> Ummm... I might be able to help you.
[06:44] <sathehand> I am a "noob", however.
[06:44] <Leo5731> ah. well, I'm pretty noob myself
[06:45] <Leo5731> i got cut off the other night, when i was on here trying to figure out why i have no tty text terminals anymore
[06:45] <Leo5731> since i replaced ubuntu dapper with xubuntu gutsy
[06:46] <sathehand> Sorry, you've lost me there, hahahaha.
[06:46] <soldats> look in /etc/event.d/ and make sure none of the ttys are set to the extension .bak
[06:46] <soldats> Leo5731, ^^
[06:47] <Leo5731> nope they're not
[06:47] <Leo5731> i discovered a fun trick though
[06:49] <Leo5731> yes, well, there you see the "neat trick"
[06:49] <Leo5731> crashed x
[06:50] <Leo5731> by hitting ctrl alt f2, and then ctrl alt f7
[06:50] <Leo5731> it wasn't crashing yesterday,, but today, it's having fun
[06:51] <Leo5731> but, no, the tty1 thru tty6 are all listed, and not set to .bak
[06:51] <soldats> hmm check your cables, make sure the monitor frequencies are correct, and the correct bit depth for the resolution
[06:51] <Leo5731> i am on a laptop.
[06:51] <Leo5731> it may well be a video card issue
[06:51] <soldats> probly
[06:51] <soldats> its more likely that
[06:51] <sathehand> Well, I'm going to head out.
[06:51] <Leo5731> it's odd, though, because it wored fine with dapper
[06:51] <sathehand> I have to be up in 6.5 hours for school.
[06:51] <Leo5731> sleep!
[06:52] <soldats> bye feel to stop in here or the other server anytime sathehand
[06:52] <sathehand> Will do, Leo. And thanks soldats.
[06:52] <soldats> :)
[06:52] <sathehand> Ummm should I just close everything or do I need to sign out?
[06:52] <soldats> not sure Leo5731 im not experienced with laptops
[06:53] <soldats> sathehand, just close is fine
[06:53] <sathehand> Okay, hahahahaha, thanks.
[06:54] <Leo5731> i wonder if I'd have better luck with 7.04... because i didn't have any problems like this with 6.06, but i needed updated clib stuff, so i wanted to upgrade
[06:56] <soldats> well try it and see if the problem resolves itself. if it doesnt you may have a bigger problem. if the problem goes away reinstall 7.10 and if the problem is back maybe its a bug. but make sure your video card isnt the problem
[06:56] <Leo5731> i wish i had checked to see what driver it was using before i upgraded
[06:58] <zoredache> how did you upgrade?
[06:59] <zoredache> did you got straight from 6.06 -> 7.10?
[06:59] <Leo5731> i used a cd, and wiped everything clean, actally
[06:59] <Leo5731> it's an old machine
[06:59] <Leo5731> so, not a lot of hd space
[07:00] <Leo5731> xorg.conf tells me my device is "Silicon Motion, Inc. SM710 LynxEM"
[07:00] <Leo5731> which could well be right....
[07:00] <Leo5731> the laptop is an old panasonic toughbook cf-27
[07:01] <Leo5731> so, i guess the question is, can i install backwards to an older kernel and leave this one on here too?
[07:05] <Leo5731> phooey, i gotta go. wife calling me to go to sleep. i'll see y'all on the morrow perhaps
[15:10] <Terrapin25> Hel all
[15:10] <Terrapin25> Hey*
[15:10] <Terrapin25> Nedd a bit of help if anyone is availble
[15:11] <maxamillion> Terrapin25: fire away, i will do my best :)
[15:12] <Terrapin25> hey dude, thanks, I have just installed xubuntu for the first time
[15:12] <Terrapin25> i am a complete n00b on the whole linux side of things
[15:12] <Terrapin25> but I am having soem screen resolution problems
[15:13] <Terrapin25> that is, it wont let me be over 800x600
[15:13] <Terrapin25> and like, 70Hz...
[15:13] <Terrapin25> Yet the monitor and graphics card, although old, can and have done much better when i had windows on it
[15:27] <UltraNav> ping
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[15:29] <UltraNav> What Do you use to mount webdav devices ? - I used nautilus on Ubuntu ... is there something similar ?
[16:00] <kwhk> hi, any one here uses WINE for running MS Office?
[16:12] <qwerkus> helo
[16:12] <qwerkus> l
[16:13] <qwerkus> i'm looking for a nice dvd burning soft for xfce
[16:13] <qwerkus> any idea ?
[16:17] <blubb> i use brasero, a friend of mine graveman
[16:17] <blubb> qwerkus ^^
[16:19] <qwerkus> brasero also burns dvds ?
[16:20] <blubb> oh, you were after dvds
[16:22] <zials> yes brasero burns DvDs
[16:22] <zials> beh, a minute too late =(
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[17:18] <chris710> hi
[17:19] <TheSheep> hi chris710
[17:22] <chris710> how can i install a new desktop cos i only have 3 and i want 4 for the cube on compiz ?
[17:22] <chris710> do you speak spanish,french or portuguese?
[17:24] <chris710> is there anyone here?
[17:24] <blubb> yes.
[17:24] <chris710> can you help me?
[17:24] <bytor4232> I would recommend asking in the #ubuntu channel.
[17:25] <bytor4232> Setting up Compiz under XFCE is not an easy task.
[17:25] <chris710> and i'd like to change my resolution into 1024x768 cos i'm in 1280x1024 and its a little big
[17:26] <chris710> and when i go to the settings,there is only 640x480 and default
[17:27] <TheSheep> chris710: the number of desktops cam be changed in the compiz settings
[17:27] <TheSheep> chris710: you can ask for help on that on the compiz channel, they know best
[17:28] <TheSheep> !compiz | chris710
[17:28] <ubotu> chris710: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion
[17:28] <chris710> yes but i have only 3 desktops
[17:28] <chris710> and i want 4
[17:28] <chris710> i know how to change in compiz....desktop>size...
[17:29] <TheSheep> chris710: in xfce you change it in settings->workspaces and margins, but that won't work under compiz
[17:30] <chris710> ok thanks
[17:31] <chris710> dowhat languages do you speak?
[17:32] <chris710> what*
[17:33] <chris710> are you here?
[17:34] <TheSheep> chris710: English and Polish
[17:35] <chris710> ok
[17:36] <chris710> do you know where can i download radeon driver for my radeon 7000 rc100?
[17:36] <The-Kernel> Polish?
[17:36] <chris710> me french,spanish,portuguese and english
[17:36] <chris710> i live in paris,my mother is portuguese and my father is italian^^
[17:39] <TheSheep> chris710: you can click on 'system->restricted drivers'
[17:39] <TheSheep> chris710: and it will allow you to install that driver if it's available
[17:39] <chris710> ok thanks
[17:40] <chris710> it says my material doesn't need any driver....
[17:41] <chris710> does compiz-fusion work with Xfce?
[17:41] <TheSheep> chris710: linux has most of the needed herware drivers built in
[17:41] <TheSheep> chris710: you can use it instead of xfce's default window manager, yes
[17:42] <chris710> and how can i replace it intsead of xfces manager?
[17:45] <TheSheep> chris710: if it's just for this once, you can just run it from a terminal
[17:45] <TheSheep> chris710: if you want to use it instead always, I think there are some howtos on the forums
[17:45] <chris710> and what have i to write?
[17:46] <chris710> which forum?
[17:47] <TheSheep> !forum
[17:47] <ubotu> The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.
[17:48] <TheSheep> chris710: to start compiz from terminal, simply write 'compiz' or 'compiz --replace'
[17:48] <chris710> and for compiz-fusion,i have to write compiz-fusion?
[17:49] <TheSheep> not sure
[17:50] <chris710> woooooooooooo it works!!!!!!
[17:51] <chris710> linux f**** windows and its vista
[17:51] <chris710> i only have a little probleme....
[17:51] <chris710> problem*
[17:52] <chris710> i don't know how to install my theme,in it,there is a folder called gtk-2.0 and in it there are a lot of folders and files....
[17:53] <chris710> do you know how to install it?
[17:54] <chris710> pleeeeease i need your help!
[17:59] <TheSheep> chris710: just unpack it to the .themes directory in your home
[18:00] <chris710> i want it for emerald isn't it .emerald?
[18:05] <TheSheep> not usre
[18:05] <TheSheep> sure
[18:05] <TheSheep> you should ask about compiz-related things on #compiz-fusion, these guys have more experience
[18:06] <chris710> ok thanks
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[18:42] <Ven]n^> hey guys
[18:42] <Ven]n^> is Xubuntu - Thunar Native Windows Network Browsing something that being worked on to include in the installation?
[19:01] <TheSheep> Ven]n^: no
[19:10] <Ven]n^> why not? :p
[19:11] <TheSheep> Ven]n^: thunar is supposed to be simple and lightweight, and there are external tools already providing this functionality
[19:12] <Ven]n^> ah, ok
[19:12] <Ven]n^> thanks
[19:13] <TheSheep> check out the smbfs
[19:25] <zoredache> or fusesmb. Either combined with autofs or afuse and some scripts will give you the ability to browse things
[19:25] <Ven]n^> i used fusesmb
[19:26] <Ven]n^> this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131
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[20:02] <Brian_L> can anyone point me towards a straight forward method to install xubuntu from a usb drive? I am going to attempt to install xubuntu on a mini-itx system which has no cdrom drive
[20:02] <Brian_L> I have found some ubuntu howtows but these seem to be for version 6
[20:02] <TheSheep> !install
[20:02] <ubotu> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[20:03] <Brian_L> thanks
[20:13] <hepek> anybody out there?
[20:15] <zoredache> perhaps
[20:18] <Dev1> Hello all
[20:18] <hepek> howdy!
[20:18] <hepek> i have the strangest problem ... In Firefox and some other GTK+ apps (like XChat etc...), Ctrl+A does nothing and Alt+A selects all in textboxes all of the sudden... Any ideas?
[20:19] <Dev1> it works fine in non-gtk apps?
[20:19] <hepek> I did reset all the accelerators for GTK+, but still nothing...
[20:19] <hepek> yes
[20:19] <hepek> Qt works
[20:19] <hepek> in firefox it works on webpages
[20:19] <hepek> but not in addressbar or search
[20:20] <Dev1> i have no idea
[20:20] <hepek> I didn
[20:20] <hepek> 't mess with the keys...
[20:20] <hepek> it just happened all of the sudden...
[20:20] <hepek> bollocks!
[20:21] <hepek> another Q:
[20:21] <hepek> my suspend is useless because xfce-mcs-manager is blocking my sound module from unloading when suspending...
[20:21] <hepek> how can I make it release the sound card without having to kill the mofo?
[20:22] <hepek> it locks the /dev/snd/controlC0
[20:25] <antares79> hi everyone
[20:27] <hepek> hello!
[20:27] <antares79> hi! i just have quick question regarding the behaviour of gnome-screensaver used in gutsy
[20:27] <hepek> shoot
[20:28] <antares79> with xscreensaver (up to feisty), the dialog box prompting for a password used to be painted on top of the screensaver itself. with gnome-screensaver, I noticed the screensaver clears the screen and shows the dialog box on top of the normal desktop.
[20:28] <antares79> does this happen for everyone?
[20:28] <antares79> or is there a config option or something that I'm missing?
[20:29] <hepek> I thought that you had a problem... :)
[20:30] <hepek> i think that xflock4 is drawing the window...
[20:30] <antares79> well, it kind of is... what good is a locked session if anyone who just moves the mouse can still see the desktop and all windows on it? suppose you have a confidential e-mail open or something
[20:31] <hepek> wow
[20:31] <hepek> never happened to me
[20:31] <hepek> on my computer
[20:31] <hepek> the background of that window is black...
[20:31] <hepek> nothing, not even the screensaver win...
[20:32] <hepek> try to run xflock4 from terminal
[20:32] <hepek> if it still shows all the windows than it has nothing to do with screensaver
[20:38] <antares79> sorry, the phone rang ;-) i'll try that now, thanks
[20:39] <antares79> nope, no black background. if I move the mouse, the screen clears, shows the desktop and the password dialog box on top of that
[20:43] <hepek> apparently it looks like xflock4 is a script that runs gnome-screensaver-command --lock
[21:45] <barfender> I am getting 'no signal' from my monitor. This happens after 30min of activity in console mode and in xfce with fglrx loaded. What could be the problem and could HardyHeron/Aplha fix this?
[21:52] <hepe1> hi everybody!
[22:07] <quittt> hello
[22:08] <quittt> hello
[22:08] <quittt> how do I change terminal fonts?
[22:10] <barfender> under settings
[22:15] <quittt> barfender, because the original fonts are damn ugly
[22:17] <barfender> quittt never asked why you want to change fonts! :)
[22:18] <quittt> barfender, because it is portuguese
[22:18] <quittt> and since it is in portuguese, it should be functional
[22:18] <quittt> accents are like bizarre characters