UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /31 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Ubulette> bug 184740
[00:00] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 184740 in firefox-3.0 "Rendering Issue w/ http://gatech.edu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184740
[00:00] <[reed]> the only X issue that I consistently see is mozilla bug 263160
[00:01] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 263160 in Widget: Gtk "frames open in new windows leaving the firefox window unusable" [Critical,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=263160
[00:01] <asac> [reed]: you see that? never had it
[00:02] <asac> [reed]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=290366 ... the gecko area sometimes looks that way though
[00:02] <[reed]> yeah, I see it all the time
[00:02] <asac> like what you have in on of those windows
[00:02] <asac> [reed]: on ubuntu?
[00:02] <[reed]> yes
[00:02] <asac> with our package?
[00:04] <[reed]> package of what? firefox? I don't use your firefox.
[00:04] <[reed]> your firefox is old
[00:04] <[reed]> :)
[00:04] <[reed]> I use nightlies or my own builds
[00:04] <asac> [reed]: well the bug is old too
[00:04] <[reed]> yeah
[00:04] <[reed]> and I hit it yesterday
[00:04] <[reed]> it has to do with lots of frames
[00:05] <[reed]> a page with a ton of iframes that refresh a lot will cause it
[00:05] <asac> welll they say with excess memory comsumption as well
[00:05] <asac> you have any such page?
[00:06] <[reed]> http://tinderbox.mozilla.org/Firefox/ <-- open about 10+ copies of that
[00:06] <[reed]> that page is full of iframes
[00:06] <asac> ok ... goodbye ;)
[00:06] <asac> [reed]: in tabs or new windows?
[00:07] <[reed]> tabs will work
[00:07] <[reed]> usually I have lots of other tabs open
[00:07] <[reed]> too
[00:07] <[reed]> and about 5-10 tinderbox windows
[00:07] <[reed]> because I open tinderbox so many times
[00:07] <[reed]> :)
[00:08] <asac> okk ... i will open until it consumes 80% of memory :)
[00:08] <Ubulette> 55 tabs + 6 tinderbox, still ok here
[00:08] <asac> do you do anything special?
[00:08] <asac> or just open?
[00:09] <asac> [reed]: are you running gutsy?
[00:09] <Ubulette> ff3 is ~9.5% mem
[00:10] <asac> Ubulette: in the bug the guy says that it needs to be >60%
[00:11] <asac> hard to get that high
[00:11] <[reed]> yes, gutsy
[00:12] <[reed]> tinderbox refreshes every 10 min.
[00:12] <[reed]> it only happens when tinderbox does a meta refresh
[00:12] <[reed]> we need a better test case
[00:12] <[reed]> basically, a page with a ton of iframes on it
[00:12] <[reed]> that has a short meta refresh
[00:12] <[reed]> like every 15 sec. or so
[00:13] <asac> well ... that should be fairly simple ... just injecting 100K by javascript or so :)
[00:13] <asac> where do they need to point to ?
[00:14] <[reed]> dunno, make up some page? I don't think it matters
[00:15] <Ubulette> at work, i see the corrupted display with a single tab, no refresh
[00:15] <Ubulette> eg: here http://www.topachat.com/accueil/index.php
[00:15] <Ubulette> but at home it's perfect
[00:16] <Ubulette> nvidia
[00:26] <asac> Ubulette: thats the background, isn't it?
[00:26] <Ubulette> hm, yes
[00:26] <Ubulette> what do you see ?
[00:26] <asac> is that transparent ... or has alpha channel?
[00:27] <asac> welll ... while construction and scrolling it looks completely corrupted. but the non-background elements get rendered properly
[00:27] <asac> but the background stays corrupted
[00:27] <Ubulette> here it's fine, at work, it's like you
[00:29] <asac> http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/corrupted.png
[00:30] <Ubulette> oh, epiphany too ?
[00:30] <asac> hmm ... i have now 1000 iframes ... takes ages to construct
[00:30] <asac> yes ... appears gecko
[00:30] <asac> my firefox is currently utilized by frame test:)
[00:32] <asac> Ubulette: i have the standard lame packages from hardy ... you likely run the latest?
[00:33] <Ubulette> my ppa has a fresh xulrunner-1.9 1.9~b3~cvs20080130t1344+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1; it's just built, i'm upgrading
[00:34] <asac> Ubulette: wierd ... my ffox doesnt have the problem :)
[00:34] <asac> just ephy
[00:34] <asac> same xul
[00:34] <asac> you sure you saw that on ffox?
[00:36] <asac> for me it looks like the background window is stale ... e.g.just doesn't redraw anymore
[00:36] <asac> looks somewhat similiar what you get for the whole window if the app blocks the ui thread
[00:36] <asac> and resize
[00:36] <asac> but here its just the background :)
[00:37] <Ubulette_> i remember it worked fine a while ago on the same box
[00:39] <[reed]> asac: are they meta refreshing?
[00:40] <asac> i don't think so ... at least it happens when opening for the first time
[00:40] <[reed]> no, your frame test
[00:40] <asac> right ... that wasa my next try ... not that many frames, but meta-refreshing :)
[00:49] <asac> http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/test.html
[00:49] <asac> 10 iframes with tinderboxes refreshing
[00:52] <asac> lets try to utilize system more, by building :)
[00:53] <asac> -j10
[01:00] <asac> no idea ... whatever i do, it doesn't happen (of course :)) :)
[01:00] <asac> [reed]: maybe you should try hardy
[01:01] <asac> and see if its fixed in latest X
[01:15] <Ubulette_> waaoo, the UI changed a lot in the last few days
[01:15] <cheguevara> screeny?
[01:17] <Ubulette_> in fact, it seems it has wiped out my toolbar preferences
[01:17] <cheguevara> ...
[01:17] <Ubulette_> i've just reorganized everything
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
[01:18] <cheguevara> Ubulette, anything interesting in your new ppa updates today (cairo and nspr i think)
[01:18] <cheguevara> or just upsteream bumps?
[01:19] <Ubulette> and xul, i'm pushing ff3 right now so it will be all there in ~1h
[01:21] <Ubulette> I wanted to make ff3 appear in Preferred Applications but I can't remember how to do that
[01:22] <cheguevara> Ubulette, in kde or gnome?
[01:22] <Ubulette> gnome
[01:23] <cheguevara> no idea :P
[01:29] <Ubulette> ok, pushed. too bad ppa are so slow
[01:30] <cheguevara> heh
[01:33] <Ubulette> once pushed and accepted, nothing is moving for about 1h, then it enters the queue (often empty), builds and it needs ~15 more minutes to reach the archive.
[01:34] <asac> Ubulette: preferred apps are hard coded
[01:34] <Ubulette> really ? how come I have seamonkey in there ?
[01:34] <cheguevara> Ubulette, have patience :P
[01:37] <Ubulette> cheguevara, when I want to do a full rebuilt, that's a lot of patience. nspr -> nss -> xul -> ff3 that's about 6h
[01:38] <cheguevara> yeah true
[01:38] <Ubulette> locally, 1h is enough
[01:38] <asac> Ubulette: adjust depends probably, upload all at once and go play tennis :)
[01:38] <cheguevara> yeah locally you are the only one building :P
[01:38] <asac> s/probably/properly/
[01:38] <Ubulette> ppa are idle most of the time
[01:39] <asac> rational is that often people recognize an error right after the upload and reupload
[01:39] <asac> so better wait a bit, before starting to build
[01:39] <asac> (enqueue)
[01:40] <Ubulette> i've pushed nspr, waited 1h30, pushed xul. result, xul has been built before nspr :(
[01:41] <asac> Ubulette: adjust Build-Depends (if not in bzr, then just for the upload)
[01:41] <asac> the buildd will set packages to auto-depends and will start builds in right sequence
[01:42] <asac> so you can just do dput *source.changes ... and go away for a few hours
[01:42] <Ubulette> yep, should do that but it's already a pain to keep changelog in sync
[01:42] <asac> no need to do that in bzr
[01:43] <asac> though its right thing to do in fact
[01:44] <asac> at least if you really require the version you are waiting for
[01:45] <Ubulette> i should write a script
[01:45] <Ubulette> i will
[01:47] <asac> ok, so not in bzr?
[01:48] <Ubulette> maybe in bzr, why not, it's a dedicated branch
[01:51] <Ubulette> ok, maybe i'll patch gnome-control-center tomorrow
[01:52] <Ubulette> it's in capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications.xml.in
[01:53] <Ubulette> asac, if you want to play: http://kazehakase.sourceforge.jp/?date=20080129: it says "supported xulrunner 1.9 detection"
[01:54] <Ubulette> kaze needs love, it's no longer installable
[01:54] <Ubulette> kazehakase: Depends: ruby (< 1.9.0) but 4.1 is to be installed
[02:04] <Ubulette> asac, didn't you push totem ? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-firefox/+bug/187113
[02:04] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187113 in firefox-3.0 "[Hardy] Firefox-3.0 crashes when playing Apple Trailers" [Undecided,New]
[02:05] <asac> Ubulette: have a wiki account?
[02:06] <Ubulette> who?
[02:06] <cheguevara> you :P
[02:06] <asac> Ubulette: totem wasn't updated (by me)
[02:08] <Ubulette> i never used my wiki page on w.u.c
[02:08] <asac> do you have an account?
[02:08] <asac> try to edit a page ... press preview
[02:08] <asac> i see the corruption that way in firefox + ephy
[02:10] <Ubulette> i've tried with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives no problem
[02:46] <asac_> Ubulette: you have EXA or XAA as accelmethod? maybe that makes a diff?
[02:47] <cheguevara> i don't see any corruption also (in case it matters), using XAA
[02:48] <asac_> cheguevara: when doing a previe in wiki?
[02:48] <cheguevara> actually i didn't try preview
[02:48] <cheguevara> sec
[02:49] <cheguevara> asac_, looks fine
[02:49] <cheguevara> where exactly is the corruption
[02:50] <asac_> in the frame where the preview of the document should be
[02:50] <asac_> e.g. scroll down a bit
[02:50] <asac_> damn ... still had london time ... got to go to bed
[02:51] <cheguevara> sec asac_ upping screeny
[02:52] <cheguevara> asac_, http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot5lg0.png
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[03:30] <shirish> Ubulette: u still there m8?
[09:20] <asac> cheguevara: yes you don't see corruption
[10:28] <armin76> asac: www.everex.com
[10:33] <asac> looks ok
[10:33] <asac> ooo will probably eat allmem though
[11:02] <armin76> rofl
[11:02] * armin76 kicks asac
[11:02] <armin76> i'm not talking to you about the laptop!
[11:02] <armin76> that page has the problem with the images
[11:02] <armin76> when using XAA
[11:07] <asac> armin76: is it gone with EXA?
[11:08] <armin76> yep
[11:08] <armin76> at least with intel + ati
[11:08] <armin76> =>intel-2.2.0 uses EXA by default
[11:08] <asac> you tested both ... ok
[11:08] <armin76> i'm talking about open source drivers
[11:08] <armin76> with vesa it doesn't happen
[11:09] <asac> i have that with fglrx ... and that shiity driver doesnt support EXA :)
[11:09] <armin76> http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/mozilla/wiki/StuffBroken
[11:09] * armin76 updates
[11:09] <asac> ok ... then i don't bother the XAA issue is known afaict
[11:09] <asac> thanks for checking
[11:10] <asac> and it looks lke the corrupted image i uploaded yesterday?
[11:12] <armin76> what image?
[11:12] <armin76> http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/test.html
[11:12] <armin76> this?
[11:13] <asac> nbo
[11:13] <asac> http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/corrupted.png
[11:13] <asac> look at background
[11:14] <armin76> err, no
[11:15] <armin76> the issue i'm talking about is the black rectangles on images :P
[11:15] <asac> screen?
[11:15] <armin76> http://dev.gentoo.org/~maekke/ff3-image.png
[11:16] <asac> armin76: thats ubuntu?
[11:16] <asac> or gentoo
[11:16] <asac> ... which xserver version are you running?
[11:17] <armin76> gentoo
[11:17] <armin76> dude, you have a bug about it :P
[11:17] <armin76> the nv thing?
[11:17] <armin76> bug 182038
[11:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182038 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "Black rectangle instead of image in FF3 [Hardy]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182038
[11:17] <asac> dont read bugs atm ;)
[11:17] <asac> yes
[11:17] <asac> i know
[11:18] <asac> (now)
[11:18] <armin76> oh, right, it doesn't happen with xorg-server 1.3 :)
[11:18] <armin76> freedesktop bug 14210
[11:18] <ubotu> Freedesktop bug 14210 in Driver/nVidia (open) "Zooming in Firefox3 breaks images" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14210
[11:19] <asac> armin76: can you try if you get something similar as in my corrupted.png when you go to wiki page in ubuntu
[11:19] <asac> edit ... and then do preview?
[11:20] <asac> i could reproduce it that way in ffox + ephy
[11:20] <asac> while the screenshot i took was only ephy
[11:21] <asac> armin76: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/corrupted1.png
[11:21] <armin76> i don't have an account :P
[11:22] <asac> moo
[11:23] <asac> create one ... its free ;)
[11:23] <asac> just need to know if its the same or something different that only exists on ati
[11:24] <armin76> what xorg do you want me to test it?
[11:26] <asac> if you can reproduce it doesn't matter
[11:26] <asac> otherwise the current ubuntu if possible
[11:26] <asac> i think we are ahead of .90
[11:27] <armin76> with ati?
[11:28] <armin76> need to emerge it first, won't take much...
[11:40] <asac> so 1h ? :-P
[11:43] <armin76> less than that
[11:43] <armin76> ia64 ftw
[11:44] <cheguevara> lol
[11:45] <cheguevara> its hard to use both ubuntu and gentoo
[11:45] <cheguevara> i caught myself running emerge -Davu world on ubuntu once
[11:45] <cheguevara> :P
[11:48] <asac> does gentoo unstable (whatever that is) ... receive as many updates daily as hardy currently does?
[11:48] <asac> i couldn't deal with that i guess ... my cpu cycles are scarce enough already ;)
[11:49] <cheguevara> no
[11:49] <cheguevara> i run gentoo unstable on my server
[11:49] <cheguevara> get about 1-2 updates a day
[11:49] <asac> armin76: do you just upgrade once during cycle?
[11:50] <asac> and develop somewhere outside of the main repo?
[11:50] <cheguevara> aka overlays :P
[11:51] <asac> its really bad ... i cannot find my gutsy security directory ... hmm
[11:51] <asac> did i do that in /tmp last time?
[11:51] <armin76> hrm?
[11:51] <armin76> i don't run unstable
[11:51] <cheguevara> asac, most bumps in gentoo are upstream bumps and in gentoo they are debian and ubuntu ones, thats why there's much less updates
[11:54] <cheguevara> armin76, do you know, if there are still active people from the web-apps herd?
[11:54] <armin76> there are, slow, but there are
[11:55] <cheguevara> phpmyadmin bumb would be very nice
[11:55] <cheguevara> gentoo bug 206297
[11:55] <cheguevara> may be you could ping wrobel or someone :P
[11:57] <cheguevara> or may be even the mysql team, though i bet robbat2 won't do it :P
[11:58] <armin76> that bug is recently new :)
[11:58] <armin76> asac: with EXA it works fine
[11:58] <asac> XAA?
[11:59] <cheguevara> asac, yeah but the thing itself came out on 2008-01-14
[11:59] <cheguevara> plus according to changelog
[11:59] <cheguevara> bug #1847409 [security] Path disclosure on
[11:59] <cheguevara> darkblue_orange/layout.inc.php,
[12:00] <armin76> same
[12:00] <armin76> asac: ^
[12:00] <armin76> cheguevara: well, is there a security bug?
[12:01] <cheguevara> not a gentooone
[12:01] <cheguevara> there's even a CVE reference
[12:04] <cheguevara> last time i opened a phpmyadmin security bug was on 2007-11-11
[12:04] <cheguevara> new version got added on 2007-12-02
[12:04] <cheguevara> <no comments>
[12:05] <cheguevara> and that was sql injection + xss
[12:42] <Ubulette> hi
[12:43] <asac> hi
[12:43] <Ubulette> asac, at home (nvidia, no corruption at all): no XAA|EXA, at work (fglrx, background corruption), i have XAA
[12:44] <asac> yes
[12:44] <asac> did you try open source driver with EXA?
[12:44] <Ubulette> it can't do more than 800x600 so it's not usable for me
[12:54] <asac> damn
[13:01] <asac> ok my connection will be flaxky for 1.5 h nowe ... uploading a bunch
[13:10] <Ubulette> excellent: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~cjwatson/blosxom/2008/01/31#2008-01-31-vim-lpbug-omnicomplete
[13:12] <asac> "you a list of all the bugs open in Launchpad"
[13:12] <asac> wow
[13:14] <asac> it should try to guess some ggodmatches from changelog entry :)
[13:26] <Ubulette> good, mozilla bug 414747 is fixed. that was quick :)
[13:26] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 414747 in Extension/Theme Manager "Firefox crashes during Addons -> Find Update [@nsQueryInterface::operator()]" [Critical,Verified: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=414747
[13:30] <Ubulette> lol http://blog.mozilla.com/dolske/2008/01/30/packing-efficiency/
[13:31] <Ubulette> btw, the font for that page is awful here.
[13:32] <asac> yeah
[13:32] <Ubulette> you too ?
[13:33] <asac> nope ... was about the blog
[13:38] <Ubulette> http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/ff3-bad-font.png
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
[14:24] <asac> looks like you don't have aa
[14:25] <asac> what a storm
[14:39] <Ubulette> i do for anything else.
[14:50] <Ubulette> asac, i've modified mozclient to support TAGs for nss and nspr, so DEBIAN_TAG=NSS_3_12_BETA1=3.12~beta1 produces nss_3.12~beta1.orig.tar.gz
[14:53] <asac> great
[15:30] <Ubulette> http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/Preferred-Applications.png
[15:47] <asac> fine
[15:48] <Ubulette> i've given my debdiff to seb128. I hope i'll use it
[15:50] <Ubulette> the storm is over paris now :0
[15:52] <asac> yeah ... most likely ;)
[17:37] <cwong1> asac: ping
[17:47] <asac> cwong1: yes?
[17:47] <cwong1> cwong1: question on startup time. What do I need to do to make Midbrowser and Home Basic Flash pluin to share the same xulrunner?
[17:47] <cwong1> s/cwong1/asac/
[17:47] <asac> 1st. make home basic plash build against xulrunner-1.9
[17:48] <cwong1> ok
[17:48] <asac> a) use pkg-config --cflags --libs libxul-embedding
[17:48] <asac> include gtkmozembed_glue.cpp in main file
[17:49] <asac> then use xpcom glue code before calling any gtk_moz_embed function
[17:49] <armin76> yay
[17:49] <armin76> asac loves transmission
[17:49] <cwong1> lol
[17:50] <asac> 2nd. build midbrowser like configure: --with-libxul-sdk=$(DEBIAN_XUL_DEV)
[17:50] <asac> with DEBIAN_XUL_DEV := $(shell echo /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9*)
[17:51] <Ubulette> asac, write that on a wiki page, that could help others ;)
[17:51] <asac> but then your changes outside of browser/ hierarchy are not used.
[17:52] <asac> (i will prepatch the gconf backend to our xulrunner ... whats left are the singleton hacks
[17:52] <asac> )
[17:52] <asac> i would suggest to live with that regression for now
[17:52] <cwong1> That sinleton hack is not needed anymore. We just just the hildon desktop to handle that.
[17:53] <asac> Ubulette: its on a wiki page XulrunnerGecko
[17:53] <cwong1> s/just just /just fix/
[17:53] <asac> cwong1: great
[17:53] <asac> then do the transition and live with the regression that gconf backend won't work till beta3 is out (we should then upgrade midbrowser as well)
[17:54] <asac> Ubulette: the page might deserve some love though
[17:54] <asac> cwong1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XulrunnerGecko
[17:54] <cwong1> thanks
[17:55] <cwong1> Btw, beta3 should be out in next couple of weeks, right?
[17:55] <asac> yes
[17:55] <asac> cwong1: the gecko startup code when using libxul-embedding-unstable looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/4045/
[17:58] <cwong1> asac: ok, Thanks for the info. I will start looking at this. If I have question, I will contact you.
[18:07] <asac> cwong1: sure
[18:13] <Ubulette> asac, when does the freeze end ?
[18:13] <asac> which freeze ?
[18:13] <asac> ah alpha4?
[18:13] <Ubulette> yep
[18:13] <asac> once CDs are out
[18:14] <asac> maybe tonight ... or tomorrow
[18:14] <asac> (i would assume)
[18:14] <asac> just listen to chatter in -devel ... or join #ubuntu-release
[18:14] <asac> i think they moved release discussion there nowadays
[18:14] <asac> or #ubuntu-qa ... where they complain about CD breakage :)
[18:47] <asac> Ubulette:
[18:47] <asac> 19:40 < slangasek> stgraber: all ISOs should be posted now for testing, with the exception of xubuntu live which is waiting for livecd-rootfs propagation
[18:47] <asac> 19:41 < stgraber> slangasek: cool, thanks
[18:47] <Ubulette> ok
[18:47] <asac> so with some luck the announcement will go out today
[18:48] <Ubulette> that means it will be shipped with an almost broken nautilus
[18:48] <Ubulette> i wonder who uses those alpha CDs anyway
[18:48] <asac> well ... alpha releases are ok to be broken :) ... things just need to install and work somehow
[18:49] <asac> lots of people
[18:49] <asac> i regularly ask bug submitter to verify if their bug is gone
[18:49] <asac> (especially those that cannot efford to upgrade to hardy like them)
[18:51] <armin76> i thought slangasek was a debian dev :D
[19:07] <asac> armin76: thats vorlon
[19:07] <armin76> i thought he was a gentoo dev!
[19:07] <armin76> j/k
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
[23:11] <Ubulette> damn, seamonkey-trunk is broken. 180 files are missed by make install