UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /31 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[01:00] <cdm10> Updates just removed Evolution... mistake?
[01:01] <nomasteryoda> I would bank that it will be back... might have some issues
[01:01] <cdm10> ok.
[01:01] <nomasteryoda> but i'm just a user
[01:01] <nomasteryoda> been using the dev version of ubuntu after they reach alpha 2 or so... then continue to upgrade as patches ocme out
[01:01] <nomasteryoda> come
[01:47] <AnAnt> Hello, shouldn't Hardy Alpha4 be ready now ?
[01:47] <theunixgeek> nyone have Stroustrup's book handy?
[01:47] <theunixgeek> *Anyone
[01:48] <theunixgeek> What's with, like, [tour.proc] or [tour.loop] or [tour.ptr]?
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[02:31] <EmmerP> hi
[02:31] <EmmerP> anybody get suspend to ram working in Hardy? It does suspend, but does not resume :S
[02:34] <rsk> bummer
[02:36] <EmmerP> yes :)
[02:42] <zoke> EmmerP I think there is a blueprint for improving suspend/resume
[02:42] <EmmerP> for the alpha 4 of tomorrow? :)
[02:44] <phin> pidgin breakage in the lastest update?
[02:45] <phin> just updated about 10 mins ago and rebooted
[02:45] <phin> can anyone else confirm this?
[02:45] <crimsun> what sort of borkage? It works fine here.
[02:45] <phin> phin@skeletor:~$ pidgin
[02:45] <phin> Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
[02:52] <crimsun> can't reproduce it
[02:53] <phin> odd
[02:53] <phin> wonder whats causing that.
[02:57] <phin> Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
[02:57] <phin> [Switching to Thread 0xb702e6c0 (LWP 6108)]
[02:57] <phin> 0xb77f2fcc in g_logv () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
[02:57] <phin> hmmmm
[02:57] <FrankQ> I don't want to test since upgrading at this point would remove evolution :p
[02:58] <phin> ya, i dont use evo
[02:58] <FrankQ> ah well, to heck with it. testing should be fun and full of breakage
[02:58] <phin> ya
[02:58] <phin> lol
[03:01] <FrankQ> pidgin works here
[03:01] <FrankQ> but evolution is totally gone.
[03:02] <bluedrake> anyone else have conflicts between gnome-settings-daemon & gnome-control-center ?
[03:06] <bluedrake> (sorry in advance if this has already been asked a billion times) seems gnomes-settings-daemon package is trying to overwrite /usr/bin/gnome-settings-daemon, which is also in the gnome-control-center pkg.... not sure how to proceed. ( I did try to 'dpkg --force-depends --purge gnome-control-center' & 'apt-get -f install' but had no luck...any suggestions ?
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[03:07] <zoke> bluedrake have you searched in launchpad ?
[03:07] <zoke> it could be a bug
[03:07] * DanaG finally fixed suspend when on battery.
[03:08] <DanaG> It took mucking around in /etc/default/acpi-support.
[03:09] <DanaG> SAVE_VBE_STATE=false # was true
[03:09] <DanaG> POST_VIDEO=false # was true
[03:09] <DanaG> SAVE_VIDEO_PCI_STATE=true # was false
[03:09] <zoke> DanaG, I beg of you to please document that and post that somewhere
[03:10] <DanaG> When you change things like that, it's good to comment the defaults so you can go back to them.
[03:10] <zoke> I have been trying to get suspend on my old laptop for a long time now
[03:12] <bluedrake> zoke,no luck on launchpad. gonna file a bug report now
[03:12] <phin> bluedrake: i just had the same error
[03:12] <zoke> it could be a packaging error
[03:13] <DanaG> No changelog for gcc or g++ or cpp.
[03:13] <phin> this pidgin error does erk me though
[03:13] <phin> i do use pidgin quite a bit
[03:13] <bluedrake> yeah, seems to be
[03:15] * DanaG still has pidgin working.
[03:17] <phin> ya im not sure
[03:17] <phin> seems to be a glib issue
[03:17] <phin> but nothing else is broke
[03:32] <crimsun> phin: can you get a bt?
[03:32] <phin> running gdb?
[03:32] <bluedrake> well looks like i worked past the packaging problem. small victory for me, but if anyone else cares to know what i did, just ask :-)
[03:33] <crimsun> yes. You'll likely need the dbg symbols.
[03:34] <phin> ya i pointed to what it fails at.
[03:34] <phin> it points to a glib error
[03:35] <crimsun> well, is that with the dbg symbols, though?
[03:36] <crimsun> it doesn't seem to be, at least.
[03:36] <phin> how would i get that?
[03:36] <DanaG> crimsun: any idea what'd make my system fail to boot past the "usplash starts" stage (even with splash disabled!) when I disable my TPM chip?
[03:36] <crimsun> phin: add the in Synaptic
[03:36] <crimsun> add the repo*
[03:36] <crimsun> DanaG: err, no. At least not without a lot more detail.
[03:37] <DanaG> aah.
[03:37] <DanaG> It goes to approximately that point, then hangs on a black screen, oddly.
[03:37] <DanaG> I don't have time right now to test it in more detail, though.
[03:38] <phin> crimsun: so after i install this, run gdb pidgin-dbg?
[03:40] <crimsun> s/-dbg//
[03:41] <DanaG> i.e. just run it normally. The backtrace will be more useful.
[03:42] <phin> crimsun: ok got it, i'll pastebin the output
[03:42] <phin> http://arslinux.pastebin.ca/885807
[03:45] <phin> ok i just ran continue
[03:45] <phin> excuse my lack of knowledge with gdb
[03:45] <crimsun> heh
[03:45] <phin> hmmm
[03:45] <phin> interesting
[03:45] <phin> running continue, has made it work
[03:45] <phin> but i still cannot get it to run manuall
[03:46] <phin> im going to try this again without gdb
[03:47] <phin> just typing pidgin at the cli gives me the same issue
[03:47] <phin> perhaps any thoughts?
[03:47] <phin> the last debug msg gave me the same glib error i had before, btw
[03:49] <crimsun> dpkg -l libglib2\*-0 libgtk2\*-0 pidgin|awk '/^ii/ {print $3}'
[03:49] <phin> http://arslinux.pastebin.ca/885813
[03:49] <phin> thats the complete gdb, btw, with working pidgin, while running that way
[03:49] <phin> k
[03:50] <phin> 2.15.4-0ubuntu1
[03:50] <phin> 2.12.6-1~hardy1
[03:50] <phin> 1:2.3.1-2ubuntu1
[03:50] <phin> sorry for the scroll
[03:50] <crimsun> matches mine.
[03:51] <phin> interesting that it runs by executing it in gdb, but not when i just "click the icon"
[03:52] <crimsun> does it persist across a logout/login or reboot?
[03:52] <phin> yes
[03:52] <crimsun> very interesting.
[03:54] <Andre_Gondim> how long to alpha 4?
[03:55] <phin> crimsun: agreed
[03:55] <emgent> hello there
[04:22] <DanaG> There is 8.5 GB available, but 8.5 GB is required.
[04:22] <DanaG> wtf?
[04:22] <DanaG> It should give a few more significant digits, methinks.
[05:18] <DanaG> Wow, Pidgin crashed, but only after sending a message via MSN.
[05:51] <blkorpheus> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha4
[05:51] <blkorpheus> yea!
[07:01] <DanaG> Now I see what you mean about broken Pidgin.
[07:02] <DanaG> Now I have it broken, too.
[07:02] <DanaG> I'm in 'finch' at the moment.
[07:10] <DanaG> Back to older gnome-session... fixes all.
[07:12] <Assid> heya
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[08:16] <slytherin> anybody using powerpc here?
[08:26] <gribelu> gnome-settings-daemon was recently updated. It segfaults if gnome-screensaver isn't installed
[08:28] <gribelu> gnome-screensaver is a 'suggested' btw
[08:29] <ThomasNovin> where did evolution go? :/ why are some 2.21.90 packages uploaded but not all?
[08:48] <BUGabundo> hi there
[08:48] <BUGabundo> can some one take a look at bug #187568 ?
[08:48] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187568 in update-manager "[hardy] update-manager ALWAYS sets CPU Scaling to OnDemand" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187568
[08:48] <BUGabundo> thanks
[09:08] <ThomasNovin> BUGabundo: so by setting that applet to set-uid root you can also change stuff with it?
[09:10] <ThomasNovin> BUGabundo: the left click currently does nothing at my install
[09:18] <BUGabundo> yes I can, ThomasNovin
[09:18] <BUGabundo> you too have to set ui it
[09:18] <BUGabundo> sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applet
[09:19] <BUGabundo> that should have been sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets
[09:19] <BUGabundo> but still I don't get why gksu or update manager change it.....
[09:21] <elmargol> alpha4 will be released today right?
[09:22] <BUGabundo> my guess, yes, elmargol
[09:24] <ThomasNovin> BUGabundo: ah, got it. very nice.
[09:24] <BUGabundo> yep
[09:24] <BUGabundo> are you running hardy??
[09:25] <BUGabundo> can you confirm that gksu or UM sets it to OnDemand? ThomasNovin ?
[09:28] <ThomasNovin> BUGabundo: Yes... also added comment on LP.
[09:37] <BUGabundo> let me check it...
[09:39] <BUGabundo> thanks ThomasNovin.... lets hope this one is easy to fix.... its quite annoying ....
[09:46] <ThomasNovin> is it possible/probable that any of my pidgin user settings could be contained in a core dump?
[09:48] <_ruben> i'd vote for probable .. you'd thing settings get loaded into memory and thus end up in core dumps
[09:49] <_ruben> s/thing/think/
[09:50] <SlimG> Will Alpha 4 be released today?
[09:50] <ThomasNovin> someone with the knowledge on how to could please look at the launchpad bug #187563 and remove anything confidential and make it public
[09:50] <ubotu> Bug 187563 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/187563 is private
[09:52] <slytherin> !hardy
[09:52] <ubotu> Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[09:52] <slytherin> oops, I was looking for schedule
[09:53] <slytherin> SlimG: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule
[09:55] <SlimG> slytherin: I've seen it, but was unsure of how "accurate" it was, most projects seems to tend to break the deadline :)
[09:57] <ethana3> I'm up at 1 AM waiting for it so I can torrent it, burn it, and try it out
[09:58] <ethana3> I love WINE.. their apt.. I always have the latest version
[09:58] <ethana3> if pidgin would do that...
[09:58] <ethana3> I'd be /much/ happier
[09:59] <ethana3> I should be able to use the latest released version of userland software without being referred to debian sid
[09:59] <ethana3> or compiling source
[10:00] <ethana3> proprietary software moves slow enough that 6 months is a great release cycle..
[10:00] <ethana3> and this isn't proprietary software..
[10:00] <ethana3> do we expect the .isos to be out within the next two hours?
[10:17] <BUGabundo> ethana3: from my experience it should be by the end of the afternoon
[10:17] <BUGabundo> 17h-19h GMT
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[10:18] <ethana3> so on the exact opposite side of the planet
[10:19] <ethana3> I'm looking at4 to 5 hours from now
[10:19] <blkorpheus> pidgin broken by updates :(
[10:19] <ethana3> pidgin updates?
[10:19] <ethana3> ohh.. updates of the dependencies
[10:19] <ethana3> gnome can do that to you
[10:20] <ethana3> I murdered an install with the mac global menu bar hack recently
[10:20] <ethana3> they should have made it one big metapackage
[10:20] <ethana3> ...and I should have listened to my instinct and left it alone
[10:21] <ethana3> The last alpha said it came with firefox 3 beta2
[10:21] <ethana3> but it came with firefox2
[10:21] <ethana3> I hope that doesn't happen this time
[10:21] <ethana3> it's going to be sweet when I can use firefox with scim
[10:21] <ethana3> gotta have my japanese-anthy
[10:24] <blkorpheus> it came with both I had it
[10:24] <blkorpheus> FF2 and 3
[10:24] <blkorpheus> gnome did nothing to me
[10:24] <blkorpheus> what are you ranting about?
[10:37] <ethana3> ohhh
[10:37] <ethana3> interesting
[10:37] <ethana3> I guess I mistakenly assumed it would be the default
[10:37] <ethana3> and I was actually 'ranting' about various things.. mostly my excitement for the future of firefox 3's gnome integration
[10:38] <ethana3> and the global menu bar panel applet..
[10:43] <Jeeves_> Ghe, firefox3 and gnome...
[10:43] <Jeeves_> For now, they can't even keep the FF-window on the right workspace :)
[10:44] <ethana3> hmm
[10:44] <ethana3> do you think it'd be a good idea to just, like, fork the gui?
[10:45] <slytherin> what is the best way to import mails form Outlook to Evolution?
[10:45] <ethana3> turn it into four front ends, with a set of features and placement specs?
[10:47] <ethana3> ah, gotta go to bed
[10:47] <ethana3> It should be out when I wake up
[10:55] <AnAnt> Heelo, isn't Alpha4 ready yet ?
[10:56] <slytherin> AnAnt: It will be ready sometime today.
[10:56] <AnAnt> slytherin: thanks
[11:35] <Konstigt> i just installed evo 2.21.90 and got similar problem there as I have with pidgin
[11:36] <Konstigt> evolution crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()
[11:38] <elmargol> Is there a virtual package like kubuntu-desktop-kde4?
[11:38] <elmargol> or do i have to install kde3 too?
[11:39] <BenderUnit22> elmargol: I think kdebase-workspace should do.
[11:39] <BenderUnit22> Try #kubuntu, though (or #kubuntu+1 if it exists :)).
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[13:24] <blkorpheus> The Conky developers have attempted (on a number of occasions) to get the ubuntu developers to fix the Conky package, however they have been unresponsive.
[13:24] <blkorpheus> really?
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[14:01] <Oli``> Anybody else here using the Medibuntu amarok? If so, any idea how to get running through pulse?
[14:19] <Oli``> also is there anyway to reset the keyboard without restarting/ when exiting some programs the last key pressed remains 'down' so it really bodges up everything... like now, it thinks i'm holding shift-up =\
[14:22] <blkorpheus> you might try soap and water;)
[14:23] <blkorpheus> or take the KB apart
[14:23] <Oli``> no the keyboard is physically fine.. it's just when quitting some fullscreen apps where it thinks i'm still pressing the keys
[14:23] <Oli``> a restart does fix it - but that's a pain in the arse
[14:25] <LjL> Oli``: well you can restart just X of course. but dunno, have you tried switching to a virtual terminal and then back to X?
[14:26] <Oli``> i can't... none of the modifier keys are responding - hence my lacklustre grammar and wonky smilies =]
[14:27] <Oli``> i'll try logging out though
[14:28] <Oli``> yeah that worked
[14:30] <Oli``> Pretty weird stuff...
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[15:06] <bwlang_> hi... i just updated and i think there may be a problem with a gnome library... but i'm not sure and wanted to check with somebody else before filing bugs...
[15:07] <bwlang_> when i run evo, after a whle i get a crash see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/187673, I thought it was just an evolutoin problem but vlc is also crashing with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()... could this be a gnome lib problem?
[15:07] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187673 in evolution "evolution crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,New]
[15:09] <bwlang_> here's the first line from the relevant thread (i think) in the a thread apply all bt from vlc: #0 0xb4acdfcc in g_logv () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
[15:09] <bwlang_> does this indicate a problem with glib?
[15:10] <bwlang_> this silence is deafing (both from the channel and from vlc ;)
[15:12] <bwlang_> interesting... i see this bug too has a crash with signal 5 in g_return ...https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/187666
[15:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187666 in firefox "firefox-bin crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Undecided,New]
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[16:03] <enzo> hi
[16:03] <enzo> someone is telling on another chan that hardy is going to be released today or very soon, is that true ?
[16:04] <rsk> enzo: incorrect
[16:04] <enzo> in fact i've been using debian for years, and i switch to ubuntu, so i'd love the last version
[16:04] <rsk> enzo: chek the release scheduele
[16:04] <rsk> monts left
[16:04] <enzo> ok
[16:10] <Solarion> liferea and whatever is responsible for the bug that causes misclicks and lacks of clicks need fixified.
[16:11] <Solarion> grabing keyboard and mouse input such that nothing but the power button works is teh sux0r
[16:11] <jeansch> Hi, i have problems (on hardy) with gnome-settings-daemon (it don't works) since an upgrade today, does somebody have the same pb, or found an issue ?
[16:12] <Solarion> jeansch: tell you when I finish the reboot
[16:12] <Solarion> :(
[16:12] * Solarion just upgraded today too
[16:12] <Solarion> jeansch: are you talking about its failure to install properly?
[16:12] <jeansch> Solarion: nop
[16:12] <Solarion> guess I'll find out in a minute
[16:12] <jeansch> Solarion: about it start, and crash just after
[16:12] <Solarion> I did have to apt-get upgrade -f to make it install
[16:13] <EmmerP> hi
[16:13] <jeansch> Solarion: i've force the install with dpkg, then install the good gnome-control-center, and finished to install and conf everything
[16:13] <jeansch> EmmerP: Hi
[16:14] <Pici> If you forced the install, perhaps thats reason enough why its not working.
[16:14] <jeansch> Pici: no, i've reinstall it after to be sure
[16:14] <bardyr> any ETA for alpha4?
[16:15] <jeansch> Pici: i'm not sure that pb is from gnome-settings-daemon, but maybe from dbus or something like this. Pidgin wont start too with a strange message
[16:15] <jeansch> and some panel applets don't crash the first time they are launched
[16:18] <FrankQ> Jeansch, lots of people are having that problem
[16:18] <FrankQ> lots of people complaining about pidgin, too
[16:18] <Solarion> seems to work alright
[16:18] <FrankQ> launchpad says a fix for the gnome-settings-daemon thing has been released :-/
[16:18] <Solarion> pidging locks the screen for me. :(
[16:18] <jeansch> FrankQ: pidgin runs if you launch it in a strace
[16:18] <FrankQ> that's silly :D
[16:19] <jeansch> FrankQ: i know :D
[16:19] <FrankQ> Maybe Evo will too... it does the same thing as pidgin here
[16:19] <jeansch> FrankQ: but i need it
[16:19] <FrankQ> why?
[16:19] <FrankQ> right now sound, pidgin, evo and gnome-settings-daemon are broken for me \o/
[16:19] <jeansch> FrankQ: bad luck :) welcome :D
[16:20] <Solarion> seems to have forgotten to swap ctrl & caps lock, tho.
[16:20] <Solarion> but at least piding dumps core now
[16:21] <jeansch> Solarion: ulimit set when or not you want core dumps
[16:23] <Solarion> ja
[16:23] <Solarion> nm; when I redirect strace output to /dev/null it locked up
[16:24] <bardyr> is linux 2.6.24-6 based on the release source of 2.6.24?
[16:24] <rsk> more or less bardyr
[16:25] <bardyr> release source + patches?
[16:25] <bardyr> or late rc?
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[16:26] <bardyr> arrg found it in the git log http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git;a=commit;h=49914084e797530d9baaf51df9eda77babc98fa8
[16:26] <bardyr> based on released 2.6.24 :)
[16:26] <jeansch> bardyr: see /usr/share/doc/linux-image-2.6.24...../changelog.Debian.gz
[16:26] <bardyr> jeansch, the kernel has not reached the repos yet
[16:27] <bardyr> and probably not until alpha4 is released
[16:30] <EmmerP> got disconnected...so missed the answer to 'Any ETA for alpha4?'
[16:31] <bardyr> EmmerP, today ;)
[16:32] <bardyr> its probably not getting closer then that :/
[16:32] <EmmerP> so you're running update-manger -d every minute? :S
[16:32] <tokok> 2.5 hours before "today" is over
[16:32] <bardyr> EmmerP, that wont help any thing :)
[16:33] <bardyr> EmmerP, but i should get a announce email soon and some nice iso's
[16:33] <bardyr> hopefully
[16:33] <Pici> !refresh
[16:33] <ubotu> Remember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks. Please do so sparingly.
[16:33] <EmmerP> I actually don't know how it works from alph3 to alph4, upgraded to alph3 already
[16:33] <tokok> i hope they will not hang on load
[16:33] <hydrogen> if your in an alpha
[16:33] <Pici> !final | EmmerP
[16:33] <ubotu> EmmerP: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.
[16:33] <hydrogen> what ubotu said
[16:33] * Pici hugs ubotu
[16:34] <EmmerP> thx Pici, ubotu ;)
[16:34] <EmmerP> Firefox 3 was a bit unstable btw
[16:35] <EmmerP> sometimes just crashed
[16:35] <EmmerP> didn't freeze, just went away ;)
[16:36] <tokok> its nice they implemented zoom, but to handle zoom for every site... confusing
[16:36] <tokok> i like it in opera, you can set default zoom level
[16:36] <hydrogen> mm
[16:36] <hydrogen> yes
[16:36] <hydrogen> opera++
[16:36] <hydrogen> people really need to discover it
[16:36] <hydrogen> I have never touched firefox after switching to opera
[16:36] <EmmerP> never heard of it...
[16:37] <EmmerP> Opera I did, but zoom i mean
[16:37] <EmmerP> I used opera some time, but somehow switched back, can't remember why :)
[16:37] <tokok> its many years in opera, but not in firefox
[16:37] <tokok> zoom i mean
[16:38] <Lunar_Lamp> Whilst obviously Hardy is far from being released, is there a changelog at the moment for changes from gutsy?
[16:38] <rsk> yeah there are changelogs for the alphas Lunar_Lamp
[16:39] <Lunar_Lamp> rsk, are they simple enough to find? ;-)
[16:40] <rsk> sure all in the wiki afaik
[16:40] <rsk> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha1 2 3 etc
[16:40] <Lunar_Lamp> thanks :-)
[16:42] <rsk> looks sweet!
[16:42] <rsk> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha4?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=g-s-m-alpha4.png
[16:44] <EmmerP> that pages says it's downloadable too
[16:45] <rsk> yea alpha 4 is out
[16:45] <rsk> or what do you mean?
[16:45] <rsk> :>
[16:45] <EmmerP> yeah, didn't know that :)
[16:45] <EmmerP> knew it was today, but not when today
[16:45] <rsk> er. isos not up
[16:45] <rsk> but i can upgrade to it seems
[16:46] <EmmerP> ah
[16:47] <FrankQ> you might want to wait until it's released
[16:48] <FrankQ> Dunno how general some of the problems are, but there are quite some
[16:48] <EmmerP> are these somewhere listed?
[16:48] <EmmerP> open bugs/problems etc?
[16:48] <FrankQ> on launchpad I presume
[16:49] <FrankQ> but alpha 4 isn't ready yet
[16:49] <FrankQ> so upgrading won't get you to it entirely :)
[16:49] <bardyr> FrankQ, why not?
[16:50] <bardyr> FrankQ, alpha4 is just a snapshot of the current repos
[16:51] <FrankQ> it's a snapshot of a general state of the current repos, with a proper amount of blocker bugs resolved
[16:51] <FrankQ> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=682072
[16:52] <FrankQ> also, I'd say, don't upgrade if you're dependent upon ftp:// or sftp://
[16:53] <FrankQ> IANAD tho ;-)
[16:56] <Solarion> heh
[16:56] <Solarion> I should put a huge chunk of random data in /password.txt on my webserver
[17:00] <Assid> or just use a damn ftp app :P
[17:08] <Oli``> Is the latest Pidgin crashing out for anybody else here?
[17:08] <Assid> report
[17:11] <FrankQ> crashing for me, too.
[17:12] <FrankQ> And a list of other people :-)
[17:20] <Assid> bah this sucks
[17:20] <Assid> ubuntu site not reachable for me
[17:20] <fred_2> working fine here
[17:20] <Assid> cause of the FLAG fibre cut
[17:20] <fred_2> ah
[17:21] <Assid> european sites have issues.. then work after some time
[17:21] <fred_2> use a proxy
[17:22] <Assid> yeah will start searching if this doesnt start working properly
[17:22] <jeansch> Hi, any news about the gonme-setting-daemon, evo, pidgin,... break ?
[17:22] <Andre_Gondim> where is alpha 4?
[17:23] <rsk> not released yet Andre_Gondim
[17:24] <Zambezi> I can't start Pidgin (latest update). It says Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
[17:24] <FrankQ> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/187755
[17:24] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187755 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes with "Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)" unless started using "strace pidgin"" [Undecided,New]
[17:24] <Pici> I believe its a know issue.
[17:24] <rsk> Zambezi: known problem
[17:24] <FrankQ> I didn't see it on launchpad so i just reported it here
[17:25] <jeansch> FrankQ: ah ah ah, you post about running it with strace ?
[17:25] <FrankQ> yeah
[17:25] <FrankQ> I'm kind of surprised no-one reported it. It's hard to know what the process is with the alpha.
[17:26] <Zambezi> rsk, FrankQ: Good to know. I'm going to use Irssi for now. But if my scanner won't work, then I'm going to downgrade to Gutsy again.
[17:26] <FrankQ> lots of things breaking but these are just ignored on launchpad and no devs here it seems.
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[17:31] <Oli``> FrankQ: When I first had the apport I saw a dozen or so almost identical bug reports. I know at least one of those has been triaged.
[17:31] <jeansch> FrankQ: something strange is that if you start a session with a fresh created user, gnome-settings-daemon works
[17:31] <Assid> report report!
[17:33] <FrankQ> For the pidgin bug, Oli?
[17:33] <Oli``> Yes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin?field.searchtext=&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=
[17:34] <Oli``> Most of the top ones there are all the same bug
[17:34] <FrankQ> I gathered that the sigsegv and the signal 5 ones were a different one.
[17:35] <ScislaC> has anyone else experienced the "Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)" after recent updates?
[17:35] <Konstigt> Is the signal 5 bug in need of more bug reports or is a fix near perhaps...?
[17:37] <Solarion> whoever broke caps lock - ctrl swapping is cheesing me off. :)
[17:38] <Solarion> of course, the *real* problem is whoever decided to put that caps lock in its "standard" location in the first place.
[17:45] <FrankQ> hmm, there's a gnome-settings-daemon update in the repo
[17:46] <Konstigt> hehe not very funny now, I think 30% of the programs I try to run crashes
[17:46] <ScislaC> Konstigt: same here...
[17:46] <ScislaC> are you getting that same error I mentioned above?
[17:47] <FrankQ> I don't really mind the errors, I mind the possibility that they might actually get into alpha 4 because they aren't being looked at :-/
[17:47] <ScislaC> (that would be if you ran them from the command line)
[17:47] <Konstigt> ScislaC: yep..
[17:47] <Konstigt> /var/crash$ ls | wc -l
[17:47] <Konstigt> 20
[17:48] <ScislaC> Konstigt: I got pidgin to launch by doing "strace pidgin", but it wouldn't work otherwise... it doesn't seem to work for all programs though
[17:49] <Konstigt> yeah I found that out aswell this morning on ubuntuforums..
[17:49] <FrankQ> Well, I guess the bug might have been caught but just in a private bug report. There aren't any proper/confirmed bugs on launchpad otherwise :/
[17:49] <bwlang_> I just saw a comment on evolution's bug re: signal 5. saying that it's due to gnome-session setting G_DEBUG in order to get crashes from warning type bugs.
[17:50] <bwlang_> so should we file bugs on all the apps that crash?
[17:50] <bwlang_> with signal 5?
[17:51] <Konstigt> Pedro Villavicencio wrote 1 minute ago: (permalink)
[17:51] <Konstigt> I've sent this upstream at: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513495 ; as a workaround for now you can unset the G_DEBUG environment variable, thanks.
[17:51] <ubotu> Gnome bug 513495 in BugBuddyBugs "evolution crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Critical,Unconfirmed]
[17:52] <Konstigt> it actually works. if you set that variable in ~/.gnomerc you should be good.
[17:52] <jeansch> Konstigt: g_log is broken ?
[17:53] <Konstigt> jeansch: Ah that wasn't me, I just pasted from a bug I created this morning which is marked private.
[18:03] <conn> hey, has anyone noticed that DNS resolution has become much slower for Hardy in the past few days?
[18:06] <ccooke> Not really, no
[18:12] <Oli``> conn: might it have something to do with the cut internet pipe? where in the world are you?
[18:12] <conn> Oli``, I'm in Brazil, and it's not related. DNS resolution is fine in Windows on the same (dual-boot) laptop
[18:13] <Oli``> I see. Well I can't say I've noticed any problems here.
[18:13] <rx4> is aplha4 somewhere already?
[18:15] <Oli``> Don't think so, rx4. Just check update-manger once every couple of hours
[18:15] <FrankQ> is that bug a blocker for alpha? kind of strange to release otherwise
[18:15] <FrankQ> (re: the g_debug thing)
[18:15] <ScislaC> I sure hope they don't release Alpha 4 with the crash issues
[18:16] <Oli``> ScislaC: the pidgin crash issues?
[18:17] <FrankQ> the g_debug issue that causes pidgin/evolution/different stuff to crash
[18:17] <FrankQ> and the gnome-settings-daemon issue I guess
[18:18] <rx4> Oli``: i will ;-)
[18:19] <EmmerP> conn, I had the same problem once in gutsy, disabling ipv6 and changing some settings in sysctl.conf solved it
[18:19] <Oli``> But why would it have to be a blocker? It's not effecting wider system stability is it? The fix for it would still be able to be applied via updates on a clean alpha4 install
[18:20] <FrankQ> Konstigt mind if I funnel through your thing to the forums to help other people solve the bug
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[18:47] <Gigamo> hi guys, I'm in need of a little help here; I installed nvidia-glx-new (169.09 hardy package), but I can't start X when using the "nvidia" driver in xorg.conf, only works when I set it to "nv"
[18:47] <Gigamo> should I try installing with the nvidia installer from their site?
[18:49] <tokok> 169.09 killed my EDID
[18:50] <Gigamo> 169.09 worked here under gutsy
[18:50] <tokok> and monitor stopped working thru DVI
[18:50] <Gigamo> in gutsy i used nvidia's installer, I just thought I'd try nvidia-glx-new through the upgrade since it's the same driver
[18:50] <Gigamo> im just unsure whether i should run that installer again or if i can fix this one
[18:50] <tokok> i don't know
[18:51] <Gigamo> :(
[18:52] <Gnine> no issues on nv18 geforce4 mx 4000. i say your issue is fixable if you have a better card
[18:54] <Gigamo> I have a 8600M GT
[18:55] <Gigamo> how should I fix it though? :) "startx" jsut brings me back to where I was after about 3 seconds, when I have "nvidia" driver in my xorg.conf
[18:55] <Gigamo> some error about nvidia.ko not found
[18:57] <Gnine> cant help you. just saying my card is old compared to that 8600.
[18:57] <Gigamo> kk
[18:57] <Gigamo> :)
[18:58] <tokok> uninstall and try nvidia installer... not a big deal
[18:58] <Gigamo> kk
[18:59] <tokok> it works then you set to nv cuz this is disabled failed nvidia driver
[19:00] <Gnine> there is a known bug about it. check: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-23428.html
[19:00] <tokok> this disables i mean
[19:01] <Gnine> that is not a hardy issue anyway.. that bug dates back to 2005
[19:09] <tokok> ок its already 1th feb here, i guess a4 release date is failed
[19:17] <FrankQ> why would the release date have to go according to your timezone's standards
[19:17] <tokok> well, why they not mention release timezone?
[19:18] <Pici> Alpha 4 will be released when its done.
[19:18] <tokok> and... if they are in europe.... like site said about ubuntu HQ... then its close to my timezone
[19:40] <EmmerP> Maybe change the topic title...
[19:40] <Pici> hm?
[19:41] <EmmerP> since all questions here are about when a4 is released
[19:48] <l3on> hi all :)
[19:49] <l3on> How can I have this -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/BasicIdeals ?
[19:54] <Assid> i wish someone prioritizes and fixes the damn lcd auto brightness bug
[20:00] <EmmerP> l3on: you can't I guess
[20:00] <Assid> err is a new update out already?
[20:00] <EmmerP> I've just found out that several sites are promoting the rumor that this is the 8.04 theme, or are at least alluding to the idea that this is said theme in progress. I apologize for any confusion, and I'm sorry to say that this is not planned to be the next Ubuntu theme. It has been passed it up to the art team, and there's a lot of work ahead for this theme.
[20:00] <Assid> !release
[20:00] <ubotu> Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases
[20:00] <Assid> !schedule
[20:00] <Assid> !hardyschedule
[20:00] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hardyschedule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:01] <EmmerP> l3on: so I think it are just ideas for new themes, not actual implementations
[20:01] <l3on> Ah ok... I understand... tnx :)
[20:02] <Assid> alpha4 out?
[20:03] <Assid> is alpha4 rolled out already?
[20:04] <Pici> I beleive they are still testing candidate disks.
[20:04] <EmmerP> Assid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=682072
[20:22] <Gnine> i'd like to have that theme minus the color palette
[20:23] <Solarion> boy this lack of key swapping is driving me crazy
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[20:29] <blkorpheus> yeah gnome weather applet is fixed
[20:31] <strabes> isn't hardy alpha 4 supposed to come out today?
[20:32] <blkorpheus> yeah
[20:32] <blkorpheus> but if you have hardy installed already, its a moot point
[20:33] <strabes> yeah, i don't
[20:33] <blkorpheus> all I know is I have a lot of fixes today
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[20:33] <strabes> i usually wait until at least the fourth alpha to install
[20:36] <jeansch> re-hi
[20:36] <jeansch> is there still pb with gnome-settings-daemons pidgin, evo and ... ?
[20:39] <FrankQ> Jeansch: yea. but you can "unset G_DEBUG" to at least fix the pidgin crash
[20:39] <FrankQ> and possibly others but not sure
[20:39] <jeansch> FrankQ: i know
[20:40] <jeansch> FrankQ: i've found the "pb"
[20:40] <heartsblood> I just read that Transmission has been selected as the default .torrent client for hardy is this true?
[20:40] <jeansch> FrankQ: it's in gnome-session and it's volonteer
[20:40] <Konstig1> i sent a mail to ubuntu-devel-discuss just now to get some info..
[20:40] <jeansch> g_setenv ("G_DEBUG", "fatal_criticals", FALSE);
[20:40] <Oli```> heartsblood: quite possibly. it *should* be, as it's plenty good enough
[20:41] <awalton__> heartsblood, it was a couple of weeks ago
[20:41] <awalton__> IIRC.
[20:41] <heartsblood> Oli```, I thought that deluge was going to become the default in hardy. Was there something conspiring against it?
[20:41] <awalton__> I sat in on the meeting but I didn't pay as much attention to the transmission talk
[20:41] <Gnine> some elements of compiz stopped working
[20:42] <heartsblood> granted anything was better than the gnome client, but transmission?
[20:42] <Gnine> i still got the cube though
[20:43] <Gnine> looking for ccsm gave me simple-ccsm which does not work at all
[20:50] <EmmerP> Gnine: you mean you haven't ccsm installed?
[20:54] <Gnine> i was running compiz without ccsm. after last update some features stopped working
[20:55] <Gnine> i tried simple-ccsm out of curiosity to find out it did not run/load at all
[20:56] <EmmerP> so you need compizconfig-settings-manager
[20:56] <EmmerP> that's the package name
[20:56] <Gnine> ccsm used to install that from the repos
[20:57] <EmmerP> I just did a search, and it shows as that full name
[20:57] <Gnine> and even worst bug i just encountered: my partitions are not mounting
[20:57] <EmmerP> in synaptic, I mean
[21:00] <phin> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4244450#post4244450
[21:00] <bardyr> !info linux-image-generic
[21:00] <phin> well, in case anyone cares to help me in here. im open to all ideas
[21:01] <ubotu> linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB
[21:01] <bardyr> phin, its known issue, check launchpad and wait for updates
[21:02] <bardyr> and welcome to alpha software :)
[21:02] <bardyr> phin, btw does it work now?
[21:02] <bardyr> phin, MSN was down earlier and i think it just got up a couple of hours ago, atleast in denmark
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[21:03] <phin> bardyr: it works when im running it from gdb
[21:03] <phin> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=639641
[21:03] <phin> this thread seems to offer a work around
[21:05] <DanaG> I just went back to an old gnome-session version.
[21:05] <phin> oh thats what it seems to be?
[21:06] <DanaG> The latest gnome-session + gnome-control-center broke stuff.
[21:06] <phin> ya
[21:06] <DanaG> I had to downgrade both together.
[21:06] <phin> i had to force install some packages to get it to work
[21:10] <phin> danag: may i ask how you went about that?
[21:17] <james_w> Hi all, have many people encountered Bug #182425?
[21:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182425 in compiz "Strange blue theme after upgrade to Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182425
[21:25] <Konstig1> hehe I wonder how many MB of text has been written today about the signal 5 crashes..
[21:31] <Gnine> partitions are not mounting.
[21:35] <tokok> Gnine: wow they are implemented that already, i was hoped for this in alpha 5
[21:37] <tokok> mount-resistant partitions metasystem 2.0
[21:37] <bardyr> w00t
[21:37] <bardyr> tokok, its included in alpha4?
[21:37] <tokok> ask Ghine
[21:38] <tokok> sorry Gnine
[21:38] <bardyr> im just happy about gvfs and policykit
[21:39] <bardyr> if they get it to work properly soon :D
[21:39] <Gnine> system is not mounting partitions, how is that a feature?
[21:40] <bardyr> Gnine, security
[21:40] <bardyr> ;)
[21:41] <tokok> exactly!
[21:42] <Gnine> security against against who
[21:42] <tokok> against everyone! spies everythere!
[21:43] <FrankQ> aliens
[21:43] <tokok> yes them too
[21:43] <bardyr> and google
[21:43] <Gnine> i hope this bug catches you by tomorrow
[21:43] <bardyr> but i still think there tracker will index you!!
[21:44] <phin> is there a new way to map network shares with nautilus now? my old bookmarks do not seem to work properly, and when i attempt to goto network:/// it gives me an error
[21:44] <phin> err, when i click the Network Servers icon, under places, that is
[21:44] <Gnine> err, security feature
[21:44] <bardyr> phin, i think its broken atm with gvfs and alot of other code just being included
[21:44] <phin> bardyr: thanks
[21:46] <bardyr> gnome 2.22.1 will be included in 8.04/8.04.1 ?
[22:14] <ethana3> ETA of Hardy4?
[22:14] <ethana3> blehh, Alpha4
[22:14] <ethana3> lol
[22:14] <tokok> yesterday
[22:15] <ethana3> Is the .iso out there yet?
[22:15] <FrankQ> no
[22:15] <ethana3> ok
[22:15] <tokok> well... due to time collapse no
[22:15] <FrankQ> just look at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-January/thread.html
[22:15] <ethana3> k
[22:15] <FrankQ> if there's no announcement, no release
[22:15] <ethana3> you mean..
[22:15] <ethana3> it doesn't just get scrapped, does it?
[22:15] <ethana3> just delayed, right?
[22:16] <ethana3> oh, ok
[22:16] <FrankQ> yes
[22:17] <bardyr_> I love network-manager 0.7!
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[22:19] <tokok> i had meet network-manager at disco and bring her home, we danced in moonshine, i love her
[22:20] <bardyr> i had this annoying bug where i needed to manual turn wifi off and on and wait 2mins to get wifi working, nm-0.7 fixed that
[22:20] <tokok> good
[22:21] <tokok> now world is save
[22:21] <bardyr> no, its saved
[22:21] <tokok> thanks for correction
[22:21] <bardyr> np
[22:23] <Gnine> gnome-app-install crash
[22:27] <alex_mayorga> how can I "force" Firefox 3 to crash for good? It has become irresponsive here, but it won't crash per se
[22:35] <alex_mayorga> anyone?
[22:36] <EmmerP> just updated, but don't see nm 0.7
[22:36] <bardyr> EmmerP, its not in the repos
[22:36] <EmmerP> ok
[22:36] <EmmerP> but have no problems anyway, so let's stick to the 'if it ain't broken...' adagium :)
[22:37] <bardyr> EmmerP, arent you running and alpha? :D
[22:37] <alex_mayorga> looks like we like broken things :D
[22:38] <bardyr> yea, i love them
[22:38] <bardyr> i get sick if there isnt 10 potential breaking updates
[22:38] <bardyr> a day
[22:38] <alex_mayorga> where can I expose/get feedback on something that seems broken to me, but it might be just user error, MOTU?
[22:39] <smallfoot-> where is roadmap?
[22:39] <smallfoot-> when is alpha4?
[22:39] <EmmerP> bardyr: I am, so guess I'm a lucky guy
[22:39] <alex_mayorga> !roadmap
[22:39] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about roadmap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:39] <bardyr> smallfoot-, wiki.ubuntu.com, and today
[22:39] <EmmerP> oh, only pidgin is indeed broken here
[22:39] <alex_mayorga> EmmerP, what part?
[22:40] <EmmerP> But just had a fully working skype call with both webcam sides open, while running compiz, so guess that's a proof of a pretty working system :)
[22:40] <EmmerP> alex_mayorga: Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
[22:40] <smallfoot-> bardyr, when today?
[22:41] <EmmerP> alex_mayorga: at starting pidgin
[22:41] <bardyr> smallfoot-, when a guy thinks its ready and pushes a button
[22:41] <alex_mayorga> smallfoot, the whole Hardy thing is more an "in-flux" kind of thing, if you're brave, there's no point on waiting
[22:42] <alex_mayorga> it has been pretty rock solid since alpha1 over here, but this is an all Intel box without fancy video cards or wireless
[22:43] <alex_mayorga> it has fared pretty well on an amd64x2/broadcom laptop too
[22:43] <bardyr> same here
[22:43] <crimsun> the gnome breakage (signal 5 trap) is "fixed" in the latest gnome-session.
[22:44] <bardyr> with fancy gfx card and weird wifi-ndiswrapper card
[22:44] <crimsun> make sure you log out and back in after upgrading.
[22:45] <Gnine> i have a different report on that , crimsun
[22:45] <cyrus82> hello, is the hardy alpha 4 out yet?
[22:45] <crimsun> we're currently discussing it in #ubuntu-devel
[22:45] <bardyr> Gnine, sudo apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade and reboot
[22:45] <PriceChild> cyrus82, #ubuntu+1
[22:45] <bardyr> cyrus82, nope
[22:45] <alex_mayorga> I've just installed the update to gnome-session, do you guys have a bug I should try?
[22:46] <Gnine> my 8.04 is up-to-date
[22:46] <crimsun> ii gnome-session 2.21.90-0ubuntu2 The GNOME 2 Session Manager
[22:46] <cyrus82> bardyr, do you known when it will be out?
[22:46] <bardyr> nope, no one knows
[22:48] <smallfoot-> alpha3 sucked
[22:48] <bardyr> yep
[22:48] <smallfoot-> ill update to alpha4 asap
[22:48] <cyrus82> alpha4 was scheduled for today, was it?
[22:48] <bardyr> yes
[22:51] <smallfoot-> but its not out
[22:51] <smallfoot-> im getting impatient :D
[22:51] <crimsun> it won't be out til Friday at least.
[22:52] <cyrus82> ok, i'll get alpha3 then
[22:53] <bardyr> just grab a live build
[22:53] <bardyr> it should be more or less up2date
[22:53] <cyrus82> there are live builds? where?
[22:54] <crimsun> cdimage.ubuntu.com
[22:54] <cyrus82> ah, theres only the desktop image
[22:54] <cyrus82> need alternate
[22:55] <bardyr> cyrus82, grab live
[22:55] <bardyr> sorry daily
[22:55] <cyrus82> there is not daily alternate install cd
[22:55] <cyrus82> no
[22:56] <bardyr> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/hardy-alternate-i386.iso
[22:56] <cyrus82> ah sorry
[22:56] <cyrus82> just found it
[22:56] <cyrus82> great
[22:58] <`Matir> are alpha 4 isos available yet?
[22:58] <cyrus82> no
[22:58] <cyrus82> :)
[22:59] <bardyr> this is going to be a long day :D
[22:59] <crimsun> `Matir: there won't be for at least a half-day
[23:01] <FrankQ> alpha 4 isos have been pushed back to friday
[23:01] <`Matir> ok, thanks
[23:02] <smallfoot-> it is friday now
[23:02] <smallfoot-> since 2 mins ago
[23:04] <FrankQ> gmt+1 eh
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[23:09] <nemilar> No release today :(
[23:09] <smallfoot-> :(
[23:10] <napsy_> so, is that gtk bug fixed that crashed all major apps?
[23:18] <RAOF> napsy_: Seems to be (it was gnome-session setting G_DEBUG apparently)
[23:22] <bytor4232> I'm downloading the Xubuntu Hardy Heron release. Is this the appropriate channie for questions/comments?
[23:22] <RAOF> I think so, yes.
[23:23] <Gnine> !topic
[23:23] <ubotwo> Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic
[23:25] * bytor4232 wants to contribute to the cause ;)
[23:26] <bytor4232> I figured putting one of my four desktops to use as a testing machine is a good cause ;)
[23:26] <bytor4232> So alpha 5 is coming out?
[23:26] <RAOF> Yes, but not until after alpha 4 :)
[23:26] <bytor4232> doie
[23:26] <Gnine> current release is alpha3
[23:26] <bytor4232> thats what I meant
[23:36] <Zambezi> Any problem with cryptsetup(-luks) in Hardy? I get errormessages when mounting. I didn't get it in Breezy, Dapper, Edgy or Feisty. Didn't try in Gutsy. I went straight from FF to HH.
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[23:40] <napsy_> hm there's no gnome-session update yet
[23:41] <RAOF> Strange; my gnome is no longer totally crazy.
[23:41] <RAOF> !info gnome-session hardy
[23:41] <napsy_> what does it say?
[23:42] <RAOF> Nothing, it seems ubotu is down.
[23:42] <RAOF> Anyway, You'd be after 2.21.90-0ubuntu2, which hasn't propogated to either of my .au mirrors, but is in archive.ubuntu.com
[23:42] <napsy_> so i'll have to wait for mirrors to sync
[23:43] <RAOF> Or grab it from u.a.c
[23:43] <napsy_> ok
[23:45] <napsy_> (2.21.90-0ubuntu1)
[23:45] <napsy_> http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/gnome/gnome-session
[23:45] <napsy_> well not here
[23:46] <RAOF> That'll also take some time to be updated.
[23:46] <napsy_> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gnome-session/gnome-session_2.21.90-0ubuntu2_i386.deb
[23:46] <RAOF> Ding!
[23:46] <napsy_> :)
[23:48] <FrankQ> alternatively, you could just do "unset G_DEBUG" for a couple minutes ;-)
[23:48] <napsy_> then I'd have to run everything from terminal