UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /31 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:13] <dasKreech> Anyone have synaptic installed?
[00:21] <dasKreech> nixternal: ok Think I'm done with the page
[00:22] <nixternal> I have been done with it for hours
[00:33] <blueyed> dasKreech: sure.
[00:33] <blueyed> what's up?
[00:34] <dasKreech> You can sort packages by repo?
[00:34] <dasKreech> or filter?
[00:36] <blueyed> dasKreech: well, you can create filters, but not easily for whole universe, only by sections
[00:37] * dasKreech blinks.
[00:38] <dasKreech> So can I filter out packages installed from non canonical repos?
[00:38] <blueyed> yes, with quite some clicking.
[00:39] <blueyed> There's also a "Origin" view, but limited to one selection at a time.
[00:39] <blueyed> Settings => Filters is what would fit best probably.
[00:49] * dasKreech ponders a repo filter for adept
[00:50] <dasKreech> it could auto read the sources.list and populate a dropdown/checkbox
[00:50] <dasKreech> mornfall, yuriy: ping
[00:51] <nixternal> why would anyone want to do that?
[00:51] <yuriy> i can kind of see the use case.. but please explain
[00:51] <nixternal> apt-cache show package |grep universe
[00:52] <dasKreech> I've been dumb and added a we provide everything!! repo
[00:52] <yuriy> so remove it?
[00:53] <dasKreech> three months down the line after happily installing everything that updates I find all sorts of packages are mismatched and some packages they provide have been kept more up to date than the main packages but then stopped updating some are fully up to daet but most of all I don't recall which ones I installed
[00:54] <dasKreech> so I filter by the repo
[00:54] <Tm_T> woohoohoo
[00:54] <dasKreech> remove all and then remove the repo
[00:54] * Tm_T just exploded itself
[00:55] * dasKreech mentally shifts Tm_T designation under "its"
[00:55] <Tm_T> dasKreech: that's what it is
[00:55] <Tm_T> dasKreech: I always mess up with him/her so it/its is better for me
[00:56] <dasKreech> I'm glad him works for it
[00:58] <dasKreech> yuriy: Removing it doesn't remove the worrisome packages as far as I know
[00:58] <dasKreech> Though thinking about it now It probably can't read from teh sources.list as that can be modified pretty easily
[01:03] <Tm_T> dasKreech: you're bit pushy ;)
[01:03] <blueyed> dasKreech: remove the sources.list entry and then filter in synaptic by orphan/local.
[01:04] <dasKreech> blueyed: I know I'm trying to get easy filtering in adept too :)
[01:04] <dasKreech> Tm_T: Well stop me then
[01:04] <dasKreech> :-D
[01:05] <Tm_T> hahaha
[01:05] <Tm_T> !amarok | dasKreech
[01:05] <ubotu> dasKreech: Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok
[01:05] <dasKreech> Sweet :)
[01:05] <dasKreech> most people don't know they can update the factoids
[01:06] <dasKreech> So anytime someone mentions it I mention out loud that you can upadte it
[01:06] <dasKreech> helps the whole chan
[01:06] <Tm_T> most people don't have the final powers to it ;)
[01:06] <Tm_T> as in, only some people have editor rights
[01:06] <dasKreech> Doesn't matter though anyone can set a factoid for update
[01:07] <Tm_T> true
[01:07] <Tm_T> then me or some other have chance to mess it ;)
[01:07] <dasKreech> If we have power of community we might as well leverage it
[01:07] <Tm_T> community <3
[01:07] <dasKreech> Might even get some devs out if it :)
[01:07] <Tm_T> true
[01:07] <Tm_T> thats how it usually works
[01:08] <Tm_T> I did send few patches to Kopete and see where I am now
[01:08] <Tm_T> ...wait, that's all I have done
[01:08] * Tm_T hides
[01:09] <dasKreech> hooray
[01:09] <dasKreech> make kopete suck less
[01:10] <Tm_T> I did that, and trying
[01:10] <Tm_T> though doesn't suck here ;)
[01:10] <cheguevara> for msn it does
[01:10] <Tm_T> how come?
[01:11] <cheguevara> no videocam support is the biggest one
[01:11] <Tm_T> there is
[01:11] <dasKreech> Well it supports MSn
[01:11] <Tm_T> I use it often
[01:11] <cheguevara> since when
[01:11] <Tm_T> cheguevara: since 2006 or so
[01:11] <dasKreech> thats sucky
[01:11] <Tm_T> or earlier
[01:11] * cheguevara scratches his head
[01:11] <cheguevara> thats weird
[01:11] <Tm_T> ;)
[01:11] <cheguevara> i tend to dislike programs that do too much in one anyway
[01:12] * dasKreech laughs at cheguevara
[01:12] <Tm_T> cheguevara: http://www.tm-travolta.net/pics/foo_098.png
[01:12] <Tm_T> cheguevara: 2005 then ;)
[01:13] <cheguevara> hmm weird
[01:13] <cheguevara> amsn is still better :P
[01:13] <dasKreech> again
[01:13] <dasKreech> connects to MSN so it sucks :)
[01:13] <cheguevara> meh i need msn :P
[01:13] <dasKreech> licq now....
[01:14] <cheguevara> mmm icq
[01:14] <dasKreech> I phear you
[01:14] <cheguevara> i remember them days :P
[01:14] <Tm_T> stop cursing
[01:14] <Tm_T> I hate msn, glad I don't need it really
[01:14] <cheguevara> lol
[01:14] <Tm_T> irc & jabber <3
[01:15] <dasKreech> I know Jabber should nearly kill all
[01:16] <dasKreech> Other than nothing remotely interesting in terms of features
[01:17] <Tm_T> dasKreech: oh, jabber does have most features
[01:17] <Tm_T> dasKreech: if you don't stand too strictly in official ones atleast ;)
[01:18] <dasKreech> It has webcam?
[01:18] <Tm_T> yes
[01:19] <dasKreech> officially?
[01:19] <dasKreech> sweet
[01:19] <dasKreech> Oh wait it would
[01:22] <Tm_T> dasKreech: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0180.html
[01:22] <Tm_T> for example
[01:26] <dasKreech> I know it just hit me that it would
[01:26] <dasKreech> Photo/video sharing maybe not so much
[01:27] <dasKreech> Although that does become useful in business meetings as well
[01:47] <blizzzek> gn8
[01:58] <Tm_T> any US person here?
[01:58] <tekteen> yes
[01:59] <Tm_T> nixternal: awake?
[01:59] <Tm_T> tekteen: :)
[01:59] * dasKreech isn't US
[02:00] <Tm_T> dasKreech: where you are from?
[02:00] <dasKreech> The Americas
[02:00] <Tm_T> erm
[02:01] <Tm_T> dasKreech: I need something to get mailed from U.S.A. to me
[02:01] <dasKreech> Not me :)
[02:01] <Tm_T> roger :)
[02:01] <tekteen> are you from the us?
[02:02] <Tm_T> nope, from Finland
[02:02] <tekteen> ok
[02:02] <tekteen> why do you need something mailed to you?
[02:02] <Tm_T> about to get "free Star Wars goodies" if I have US mailing address
[02:02] <tekteen> lol
[02:02] <cheguevara> lol
[02:03] <Tm_T> indeed
[02:03] <tekteen> How much would it cost to have it mailed from the US to you?
[02:03] <Tm_T> prolly 10-20 dollars
[02:04] <Tm_T> my payment ofcourse
[02:04] <Tm_T> well 10-20 dollars tops, could be way less
[02:04] <tekteen> I cant help
[02:04] * dasKreech could possibly be in the US :)
[02:04] <Tm_T> tekteen: thanks anyway
[02:04] <tekteen> brb
[02:05] <cheguevara> dasKreech, but you are not :P
[02:05] <dasKreech> For 20 dollars I can be
[02:08] <tekteen> lol
[02:41] <Hobbsee> nixternal: ping-a-ling!
[02:41] * dasKreech hides behind his smile
[02:41] <Jucato> ding dong
[02:42] <dasKreech> Jucato: !!
[02:43] <Jucato> !! :hceerKsaD
[02:43] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hceerksad - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[02:43] <Jucato> (:
[02:43] <dasKreech> Ha ha :)
[02:43] <dasKreech> I keep forgetting you are on the other side of the world
[02:44] <Jucato> (: puy
[02:44] <Tm_T> Jucato <3
[02:44] <Tm_T> Hobbsee <3
[02:44] <Hobbsee> :)
[02:45] <Jucato> ♥ T_mT
[02:46] <dasKreech> Jucato: ha ha no reverse 3
[02:46] <Jucato> ε>
[02:47] * dasKreech glares
[02:47] <Tm_T> Jucato: how are you son?
[02:47] <Jucato> just fine. thank you
[02:48] <Tm_T> :)
[02:48] <Tm_T> good good
[02:49] <tekteen> I need some advice. I have started a computer refurbishing group to use Kubuntu along with there Win2k systems. These are being sent to people who have not used windows much let alone Kubuntu. I am finding that there are too many configuration options (which I like but others don't) in kde programs. Anyone know of ways to fix that?
[02:54] <Tm_T> tekteen: what you mean, doesn't sane defaults be enough?
[02:55] <Tm_T> tekteen: or do you want configurations being hidden?
[02:58] <Tm_T> tektee1: yes?
[02:58] <tektee1> Tm_T: sorry. my laptop over heated
[02:58] <tektee1> oh and I am tekteen
[02:58] <Tm_T> its ok
[02:58] <Tm_T> I know who you are ;)
[02:58] * Hobbsee suggests gnome
[02:59] <Hobbsee> ahem.
[02:59] <tektee1> lol
[02:59] <Tm_T> tektee1: though I'd recommend to set proper realname, "purple" is really generic
[02:59] <tektee1> ok
[02:59] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: heh, I would have said that id I could stand it myself
[02:59] <Hobbsee> Tm_T: these people are nwe at computers, remember?
[02:59] <tektee1> I want to not show my ip
[03:00] * Tm_T get real panic attacks when sitting in GNOME
[03:00] <tektee1> that is my first problem
[03:00] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: I know :))
[03:00] <Tm_T> tektee1: cloak
[03:00] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: that doesn't mean GNOME is straight away better
[03:00] <tektee1> you meant the command /cloak?
[03:00] <Tm_T> tektee1: no
[03:00] <Tm_T> !cloak | tektee1
[03:00] <tektee1> thank you
[03:01] <Tm_T> ubotu: test
[03:01] <Tm_T> oh
[03:01] <tektee1> he left us
[03:01] <Hobbsee> Tm_T: for lack of options
[03:01] <ubotu> tektee1: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks
[03:01] <ubotu> Failed.
[03:01] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: hehe, true, that it does well
[03:01] <tektee1> thanks
[03:01] <tektee1> ubotu is smart
[03:01] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about is smart - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[03:01] <tektee1> nm :-D
[03:02] <Tm_T> tektee1: you can even get ugly cloaks like mine
[03:02] <tektee1> lol
[03:02] <tektee1> I need to login/out (so I am tekteen)
[03:03] <tekteen> ok
[03:05] <Tm_T> tekteen: Pidgin :(
[03:06] <Tm_T> anyone know some good and bearable quality IT news site in english?
[03:06] <cheguevara> neowin.net
[03:06] <tekteen> slashdot.org?
[03:06] <Tm_T> slashdot.org is far from quality, remind you ;)
[03:06] <tekteen> digg.com is more generic (used to be strict tech)
[03:06] <tekteen> lol
[03:09] <Tm_T> ok, talking about this "news": http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,141763-c,vistalonghorn/article.html
[03:09] <tekteen> wired?
[03:09] <Tm_T> heh, they count total numbers of "security holes" but how about unfixed? and severity? stupid...
[03:09] <Tm_T> tekteen: perhaps, I'll check it
[03:10] <tekteen> lol
[03:10] <tekteen> I think they might also take every package
[03:10] <tekteen> not only the base system
[03:10] <tekteen> need to go
[03:10] <Tm_T> anyway, FUD
[03:11] * tekteen needs to go to be because mom told him to
[03:11] <tekteen> bye
[03:12] <Tm_T> I'm not his mom, just so you know
[03:13] <dasKreech> Tm_T: I only have panic attacks in GNOME when I hit alt+space
[03:13] <dasKreech> too bad I do that right after login
[03:14] <dasKreech> hunger_t: ping
[03:15] <Tm_T> dasKreech: I don't do that
[03:15] <dasKreech> You just straight up panic?
[03:15] <Tm_T> yup
[03:15] <Tm_T> everything is misplaced and can't be configured to be not
[03:16] <Tm_T> it's just plain horror
[03:25] <ultracap> digitimes.com?
[03:29] <dasKreech> !find mtp
[03:29] <ubotu> Found: libmtp-dev, libmtp-doc, libmtp6, clamsmtp, esmtp (and 24 others)
[03:30] <dasKreech> bah
[03:30] <dasKreech> Ubtou sucks
[03:30] * dasKreech speeels correctly
[03:30] <Tm_T> ultracap: ok, now I officially hate that site
[03:31] <ultracap> how so?
[03:31] <Tm_T> stylesheet in site: failure
[03:31] <Tm_T> defined text colour but not background
[03:32] <ultracap> I will look for a pretty news site :)
[03:34] <Tm_T> well its not about prettyness, it about readability
[03:34] * Tm_T doesn't like black text in very dark background
[03:35] <dasKreech> Oh nixternal should love this :)
[03:35] <dasKreech> Need a gold horse for Hobbsee as well
[03:35] <nixternal> what should I like? or love rather?
[03:35] <dasKreech> You saw the new plasma theme?
[03:36] <nixternal> I am using it :)
[03:36] <dasKreech> serious?
[03:36] <nixternal> the glow one?
[03:36] <dasKreech> http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Widget+Background:+Fluffy+Bunny+?content=74480
[03:36] <nixternal> oh, not that one
[03:36] <nixternal> hahaha
[03:36] <Tm_T> nixternal: hey, like to get mail and mail it to me forward?
[03:37] <ultracap> I am seeing this with black text on white background
[03:37] <nixternal> that is to damn funny
[03:37] <nixternal> Tm_T: come again?
[03:37] <dasKreech> nixternal: real mail not the one you are used to
[03:38] <dasKreech> nixternal: http://bddf.ca/~aseigo/fluffybunny.png
[03:38] <Tm_T> nixternal: I could get free goodies if I provide US mail address
[03:38] <Tm_T> nixternal: so if you could receive them and then mail them to me...
[03:38] <Tm_T> nixternal: I pay mailing ofcourse
[03:38] <nixternal> oh
[03:39] <nixternal> I am sure we could work something out
[03:39] <Tm_T> lovely
[03:39] * dasKreech kisses his US dollars good bye :(
[03:39] <Tm_T> dasKreech: haha
[03:39] <nixternal> hehe
[03:40] <Tm_T> dasKreech: I bet nixternal could give you one if you be nice ;)
[03:40] <dasKreech> i was nice
[03:40] <Tm_T> stay that way, son
[03:40] <dasKreech> i flew to chicago to see him
[03:41] <nixternal> you didn't fly here to see me, you had no choice but to fly here for a layover, nice try though :p
[03:41] <dasKreech> no i chose the flight with the chicago layover overnight
[03:41] <dasKreech> i didn't have to take that flight
[03:41] <nixternal> that was the only flight that cheap, so it chose you :p
[03:41] <dasKreech> no i had 23
[03:42] <dasKreech> i CHOSE that one
[03:43] <Tm_T> haha
[03:43] <nixternal> hehe
[03:43] <dasKreech> well not really 23
[03:43] <dasKreech> 23 if I put up the price by 18 dollars
[03:43] <nixternal> the other trips were $100 more, and he chose the cheapest one just to see me :p
[03:43] <Tm_T> nixternal: anyway, msg me about this matter when you have amoment for it
[03:43] <dasKreech> but they quoted me 23 flights
[03:44] <nixternal> who did you end up going through?
[03:44] <dasKreech> so technically not >that< price
[03:44] <dasKreech> AA
[03:44] <dasKreech> They suck
[03:44] <dasKreech> 8 hour flight
[03:44] <dasKreech> they gave me a cheese stick
[03:44] <dasKreech> on the return flight I had to pay for it
[03:45] <dasKreech> last time I flew on air jamaica I had a full cooked breakfast
[03:46] <ultracap> Can we talk about flash/konqueror?
[03:47] <dasKreech> I suspect so
[03:53] <ultracap> I'm getting a gtk-Critical error in my xsession error log. Should I post it?
[03:55] <ScottK2> ultracap: Are you on Gutsy or Hardy?
[03:55] <ultracap> Hardy
[03:55] <ScottK2> OK.
[03:56] <ultracap> Ok to post?
[03:56] <ScottK2> Sure. Not sure how much help there is this time of day. You might be better off just to file bugs.
[03:57] <ScottK2> The two people I know that've been working on that are both in Europe and probably sleeping right now.
[03:59] <ultracap> Okay Thanks, I will file a bug.
[04:00] <nixternal> 8 hour flight - they gave me a cheese stick!!!! dasKreech you are absolutely f'n hillarious!
[04:19] <dasKreech> nixternal: I know you should have been at the event :)
[04:19] <dasKreech> how was class btw?
[04:26] <nixternal> sucky sucky sucky
[04:26] <Tm_T> meh
[04:26] * Tm_T is sooo stuck
[04:26] <nixternal> and I am sooo sick :/
[04:27] <Tm_T> nixternal: oh I'm way past being sick
[04:28] <dasKreech> nixternal: so are you coming next year?
[04:28] <ttl> hiyas
[04:28] <ttl> i was told people here might be able to help w/ a crash?
[04:30] <nixternal> dasKreech: if I can and you are paying :p
[04:31] <ttl> lol
[04:32] * ttl pays in binary
[04:32] <ttl> adept_manager crashed, giving a "Signal 6 (SIGABRT)"
[04:33] <nixternal> ahh, Signal 6
[04:33] <ttl> I had asked Adept to upgrade my Kubuntu 7.10, since it said there were 129 upgrades available. After downloading some packages, it started processing... then it stops/dies. So I close adept. Afterwards, it never works again
[04:33] <nixternal> that just means that adept_manager crashed :p
[04:33] <ttl> complaining that another process is using stuff, possibly apt-get, or aptitude
[04:33] <ttl> oh phooey
[04:33] <nixternal> hehe
[04:34] <ttl> so... what does this mean? i have no backtrace either!
[04:34] <nixternal> there is probably one update that is hanging that could possibly cause it to hiccup
[04:34] <nixternal> in those cases, I typically just go to the command line to update
[04:34] <ttl> it said it was "using host libthread_db" etc. and that backtrace was not possible
[04:34] <ttl> command line to update?
[04:34] <nixternal> our adept mastahs are sleeping right now
[04:34] * Tm_T just don't use adept
[04:34] <nixternal> sudo apt-get update
[04:34] <ttl> i don't remember which update it was...
[04:34] <nixternal> sudo apt-get upgrade
[04:34] <nixternal> or there is a possibility that you will need to do a:
[04:34] <nixternal> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[04:35] <ttl> dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg -- configure -a' to correct the problem
[04:35] <nixternal> ttl: once you remember and learn apt-get at the command line, you will never go back to a gui :)
[04:35] <nixternal> sudo dpkg --configure -a
[04:35] <Tm_T> nah
[04:35] <Tm_T> wajig daily-upgrade <3
[04:35] <nixternal> that will typically fix it, and that was causing adept to crash more than likely
[04:36] <nixternal> there was a hung package (those 2 words do not belong together)
[04:36] <ttl> hmm
[04:36] <ttl> it's doing something.. lol
[04:36] <ttl> errors processing j2rel.4-mozilla-plugin
[04:37] <Tm_T> what is that?!
[04:37] <nixternal> wow, haven't seen that one before
[04:37] <nixternal> someone has extra repos don't they?
[04:37] <Tm_T> nixternal: apparently some whacky ones even =)
[04:37] <ttl> it's a java package for FX
[04:37] <ttl> maybe I should just not download FX?
[04:37] <ttl> reinstall K7.10 ?
[04:37] <nixternal> ya, them 3rd party repos are dangerous, people like Tm_T put rootkits in their packages :)
[04:38] <ttl> and wait until they've really figured out adept? :-P
[04:38] <Tm_T> ttl: nah
[04:38] <Tm_T> nixternal: shusshhhhh
[04:38] <nixternal> well that isn't adepts problem really
[04:38] <nixternal> hehe
[04:38] <ttl> hm..
[04:38] <ttl> adept loaded now...
[04:38] <ttl> yay!
[04:38] <ttl> let's see if it can do stuff... i'll stay away from java updates...
[04:38] <nixternal> actually, I am a firm believer that if it is a 3rd party repo involved, it is there fault, not ours :)
[04:38] <nixternal> ahh, java updates
[04:38] <ttl> i would agree w/ that
[04:39] <nixternal> I do seem to remember an issue, and you might have gotten a bit caught up with the amount of updates there
[04:39] <ttl> so do a few at a time?
[04:39] <nixternal> did you just install Kubuntu 7.10 to have 129 updates?
[04:39] <ttl> there are 129
[04:39] <ttl> yes
[04:39] <nixternal> do them all at once
[04:39] <nixternal> I know the problem you are having
[04:39] <ttl> i downloaded 7.10 a week ago.. and have installed it 7x now b/c of this adept thing >.<
[04:39] <nixternal> it doesn't happen all of the time either
[04:40] <ttl> oddness
[04:40] * Tm_T is happy without adept
[04:40] <ttl> so i should wipe and reinstall ?
[04:40] <nixternal> I had the issue on one desktop just a few weeks ago, but not the other desktop
[04:40] <nixternal> no need to do a wipe and reinstall
[04:40] <ttl> are you sure I should do all the upgrades together?
[04:40] <nixternal> I did
[04:40] <Tm_T> anyway, this old fart is going for some walk outside, there's snow!! ->
[04:41] <ttl> i was thinking to do the adept ones last...
[04:41] <nixternal> we have snow coming tomorrow night
[04:41] <ttl> in case adept changes in the middle of the upgrade.. wouldn't that be a probleM?
[04:41] <Tm_T> nixternal: ~30 cm snow in places now
[04:41] <nixternal> I didn't even think about the adept updates possibly breaking it
[04:41] <Tm_T> anyway, was going ->
[04:41] <ttl> so.. do adept ones first? last?
[04:42] <nixternal> go for last, as it will be easier to cancel out the adept ones
[04:42] <ttl> kk
[04:42] <ttl> downloading
[04:42] <nixternal> if you cancel out the main adept, it should cancel out the rest of the adepts in one click
[04:42] <ttl> thanks nixternal
[04:42] <nixternal> groovy
[04:42] <nixternal> no problem
[04:42] <ttl> where do you guys live that you're so excited about snow?
[04:42] <nixternal> if it doesn't work, then I say scratch adept and just do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to get everything
[04:42] <dasKreech> ttl: you are good?
[04:42] <nixternal> Chicago here!
[04:43] <ttl> ooo
[04:43] <ttl> i think so... it's downloading
[04:43] <nixternal> listen to kingdaskreech
[04:43] <ttl> at least I got past the signal 6 bit :-D
[04:43] <ttl> thanks dasKreech
[04:43] <dasKreech> nixternal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNK2L8-V5dQ
[04:43] <nixternal> oh no, ScottK2 just showed me to great edits of Mary Poppins and Topgun
[04:46] <nixternal> dasKreech: tell me why when I first seen the dude in that video, I thought of Jucato :p
[04:46] <nixternal> god I love the true transparency in KDE 4
[04:46] <nixternal> I can watch the video behind my IRC
[04:47] <ttl> ooo
[04:47] <ttl> that's sweet :-D
[04:47] <dasKreech> You use irssi :-P
[04:47] <ttl> i can't wait to play w/ that :-)
[04:47] <nixternal> of course
[04:48] <ttl> its funny, i decided to install linux again after ntfs-3g was "official" and now there are all these other great things
[04:48] <ttl> thanks Devs :-D
[04:48] <nixternal> dasKreech: hahaha, have you watched his other videos? this dude is cool...Beautiful Girls is great
[04:48] <dasKreech> Yeah I know but the Jucato starting one was great
[04:50] <nixternal> gahahah, omg watch the Akon "Lonely" one
[04:53] <dasKreech> Stop making me laugh!
[04:55] <nixternal> the Avril one is great too
[04:56] <dasKreech> nixternal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0LkE7V2xTk
[04:56] <dasKreech> O
[04:56] <dasKreech> m
[04:56] <dasKreech> G
[04:56] <dasKreech> 1
[04:56] <dasKreech> !
[04:56] <dasKreech> 1
[04:56] <dasKreech> eleventy
[04:56] <Tm_T> erm
[04:57] <nixternal> dasKreech: which one is that you linked me to? I think I have seen all of his now
[04:57] <dasKreech> mix alot
[04:57] <nixternal> omg, watch the T-Pain one
[04:57] <nixternal> hahahahahaha
[04:58] <nixternal> gahahaha, the mix a lot one is nuts
[04:58] <dasKreech> he should make a DVD seriously
[04:59] <nixternal> la base with an oakland booty...gahahah that guy is funny
[04:59] <dasKreech> I love the recurring hater char
[04:59] <nixternal> hahaha, turn around stick it out china boy gotta shout
[05:00] <dasKreech> Notice the women in the video :)
[05:02] <ttl> "there was an error committing changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages" on "preparing to configure new version of libqt3-mt..."
[05:02] <ttl> what does that mean?!
[05:10] <ttl> adept seems to work again.. i suppose.. not sure what happened w/ those "broken" packages...
[05:10] <ttl> or w/ adepts own upgrade
[05:11] <ttl> the full upgrade / upgrade version buttons both no longer appear
[05:11] <ttl> though I don't recall them actually installing
[05:13] <ultracap> Should I have adept-notifier running?
[05:24] <Jucato> nixternal: hmm..... :)
[05:25] <nixternal> hehe
[05:25] <nixternal> I just finished watching all of his videos
[05:25] <nixternal> that guy is hillarious
[05:25] * nixternal pets his Neuros OSD
[05:25] <Jucato> hehehe :)
[05:26] <Tm_T> wow, I just did run out there
[05:26] <Jucato> you'll never catch me doing something like that :)
[05:26] <ttl> hey - what happens if when processing an update, it "breaks"
[05:27] <Tm_T> Jucato: there's ~15 cm snow
[05:27] <nixternal> depends on what it breaks on
[05:27] <Tm_T> and raining
[05:27] <Tm_T> I just have jeans and a shirt on
[05:27] <Jucato> aw...
[05:27] <Tm_T> and it feels great
[05:27] <nixternal> usually a sudo apt-get -f install will work its way around the break for the time being
[05:27] <ttl> o?
[05:27] <nixternal> Tm_T: I told you that you thought this weather was like summer :p
[05:28] <ttl> so the rest of the packages (say 1/2 of 129) are sitting around somewhere?
[05:28] <nixternal> yes, they are waiting to be installed
[05:28] <nixternal> but they can't until the broken package is moved out of the way
[05:28] <ttl> interesting
[05:28] <Tm_T> nixternal: easy winter, we don't have this much snow during summer, normally
[05:28] <ttl> in that case.. one of the adept packages is broken...
[05:29] <nixternal> howdy toma! done tagging yet :p
[05:29] <toma> nixternal: yes, good to see you, i've a question
[05:30] <toma> for the plasma tarball we can not ship lancelot and fiftheenpuzzle
[05:30] <nixternal> oh man, I knew I should have went to sleep :p
[05:30] <toma> as those are using 4.1 api
[05:30] <toma> do you want a tarball without them or a tarball with those two replaced with the ones from 4.0.0 ?
[05:31] <nixternal> hrmm, were they shipped with 4.0.0?
[05:31] <toma> yep. and its 6.30am here, so i prefer to sleep as well ;-)
[05:31] <nixternal> actually, I think the puzzle was
[05:31] <Jucato> nixternal: in the extragear-plasma tarball
[05:31] <Jucato> lancelot part something
[05:31] <toma> yes, i think both were
[05:31] <nixternal> I would think the easiest would be to ship the 4.0.0 ones
[05:32] <nixternal> then again, it wouldn't be difficult to comment out the current ones for the time being either
[05:32] <toma> yes, /me too, or you could treat it as a branch pull
[05:33] <nixternal> that way there if we comment them out, the old ones will still be there and won't be updated until 4.1
[05:33] <ttl> nixternal.. last question: earlier, it "broke" ~1/2 way through processing updates... I've run "apt-get -f install" and it says there are no updates left?
[05:33] <nixternal> as long as it doesn't cause major problems I guess
[05:33] <toma> nixternal: ok, when the package is replaced they won't get deinstalled?
[05:33] <nixternal> ttl: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[05:33] <nixternal> that should go after the rest of the updates left
[05:34] <ttl> i did that too
[05:34] <ttl> it looks like everything's done.. but I never saw it process the other 1/2 of the packages
[05:34] <nixternal> well if it says there are no more updates, then it got them all
[05:34] <nixternal> if it did it by command line, it goes quite fast so you could have missed them happening
[05:35] <toma> Ok, will upload the tarballs with those twop applets commented out
[05:35] * toma needs coffee and a bed
[05:36] <nixternal> hehe
[05:36] <ttl> wow
[05:37] <ttl> that's cool; thanks nixternal, again
[05:37] <ttl> very much so
[05:37] <nixternal> no prob ttl
[05:40] <Jucato> "coffee" and "bed" don't usually go together...
[05:40] <Jucato> unless you mean "my water bed is filled with coffee"
[05:40] <nixternal> no they don't
[05:40] <nixternal> hahahah
[05:43] <toma> Jucato: yes, but it is how i feel. my body tells me to go to bed and my brain wants coffee
[05:43] <Jucato> ah... I can relate :)
[05:43] <dasKreech> Coffee puts my girl friend to sleep
[05:43] <Jucato> the probably is that coffee makes me sleepy :D
[05:43] <Jucato> the problem*
[05:44] <toma> i want that
[05:46] <dasKreech> A coffee water bed?
[05:46] <Jucato> yeah.. in case you get thirst, just drink :D
[05:46] <dasKreech> or a girl that gets knocked out by coffee?
[05:47] <ttl> its certainly odd for her to fall asleep...
[05:47] <ttl> maybe her caffeine receptors function "backwards"
[05:48] <Jucato> people have different levels of "caffeine limit"... and I heard/learned that when you go beyond that limit, the effects of caffeine reverses
[05:48] <ttl> this is also true
[05:48] <ttl> her tolerance must be very low then..
[05:48] <Jucato> me... I'm just weird... coffee makes me sleepy, but chocolate drinks don't... but coke makes me suuuuper alive :D
[05:49] <Jucato> speaking of which... I think I deserve 1.5 liters of that right now D:
[05:49] <Jucato> :D
[05:49] <nixternal> kind of like drinking until you are sober
[05:49] <ttl> lol
[05:49] <Jucato> heheheh. is that the wisdom of an expert? :D
[05:49] <nixternal> unfortunately so
[05:50] <Jucato> :D
[05:50] <nixternal> I have done it once or twice in my day
[05:50] <nixternal> at Barcamp last year
[05:50] <nixternal> I drank until my eyes were crossed
[05:50] <nixternal> then I drank some more until they were uncrossed
[05:50] <nixternal> spun um 360 degrees
[05:51] <ttl> drinking caffeine? or EtOH?
[05:51] <nixternal> EtOH just sounds dangerous
[05:51] <nixternal> plus I failed chemistry
[05:51] <nixternal> twice!
[05:51] <nixternal> kept drinking all of the lab materials
[05:51] <ttl> lol
[05:52] <ttl> if you drink too much EtOH, you die you know..
[05:52] <ttl> .4 BAC = Death
[05:52] <ttl> though normally, @ .25, you pass out...
[05:52] <ttl> so, if you pass out ... don't drink anymore
[05:52] <Tm_T> how do you drink when you're passed out?
[05:52] <nixternal> I have a breathalyzer I bought off of ebay
[05:53] <nixternal> and I have yet to see anyone hit higher than .33
[05:53] <nixternal> one girl hit the .33 with 10 shots of mezcal
[05:53] <nixternal> she was fubar'd
[05:54] <Tm_T> strongest drug I use is sugar (well, not counting my medication)
[05:54] <ttl> well, sometimes, people wake others up after they've passed out from EtOH.. and then they keep drinking
[05:54] <ttl> I'm just saying that doing that is likely to kill 'em
[05:55] <ttl> .4 BAC depresses your breathing center in your brain.. and then you die
[05:55] <nixternal> hey, as long as I die happy, who cares right? :)
[05:55] <ttl> *depresses it to the point of stopping it
[05:55] <ttl> ... getting to .4 BAC involves puking your intestines out first :-)
[05:55] <nixternal> oh, that happened to me when I was 8, so I am immune to it probably :p
[05:55] <ttl> aiya
[05:56] <nixternal> OK, it is way past my 9pm curfew :p
[05:56] <Jucato> back... ran out to buy coke...
[05:56] <Jucato> waaaay past :)
[05:57] <Jucato> ood night ixternal!
[05:57] <Jucato> er... good* nixternal*
[05:57] <nixternal> nixternal->bed(sleep);
[05:57] <Tm_T> nixternal: WAKE UP!
[05:57] <nixternal> wow
[05:57] * Tm_T hides
[05:57] <nixternal> k'nite!
[05:57] <ttl> 'nite
[05:57] <ttl> and thanks again
[05:57] <nixternal> no probs
[05:57] <nixternal> see y'all in about 8 hours :)
[05:57] <dasKreech> It's lilke 1am here
[05:58] <Tm_T> 0758
[05:58] <Jucato> 2pm
[05:58] <Tm_T> pm?
[05:58] <Jucato> of course
[05:59] <Tm_T> post mortem?
[05:59] <Jucato> post meridian
[05:59] * Tm_T still don't understand why not use proper 24 hour clock
[06:00] <Jucato> different countries mate... different "standard" formats
[06:01] <Tm_T> yup, still
[06:01] <toma> nite nixternal
[06:02] <Jucato> fine 14:00. there
[06:04] <dasKreech> anyone know why changing a host name would stop KDE from loading?
[06:05] <ttl> nite
[08:15] <blizzzek> moin
[09:46] <davmor2> Riddell: on the whole everything seems okay.
[09:46] <Tm_T> one of these weird days
[09:46] <Tm_T> I am at Uni now
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[10:23] <Riddell> davmor2: really?
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[11:13] <Riddell> davmor2: you're right, it is (done alternate i386)
[11:48] <iRon> Riddell: hi! how should i do with failsafe* scripts now? 1) leave them in x11-common package 2) place them in kdebase package in debian/ 3) create new package ?
[11:49] <iRon> 4) ?
[11:49] <Riddell> iRon: are they currently in x11-common?
[11:50] <iRon> yes, they are.. but they are installed in /etc/gdm/
[11:50] <iRon> so I could just add our modified scripts (not replace gdm's original) and install them in /etc/X11
[11:51] <Riddell> iRon: what's modified about our scripts?
[11:52] <davmor2> Riddell: one thing I noticed with the backdrop being so busy some windows might look like they lose their nice clean edge. If that makes sense
[11:53] <iRon> i've added detection of default display manager.. change direct call of `zenity' and `displayconfig-gtk' to `kdialog' and `displayconfig'...
[11:53] <Riddell> davmor2: yes, it is a bit more distracting than it should be
[11:54] <davmor2> Nice though
[11:54] <davmor2> :)
[11:54] <iRon> Riddell: just adapt them to kde environment.. little changes.
[11:54] <Riddell> iRon: I think the scripts should either be merged so one script does the right thing depending on what's using it, or just put them in kdebase's kdm package
[11:55] <davmor2> On the whole though nice and stable :)
[11:56] <Riddell> davmor2: oh just wait until we start making KDE 4 CDs
[11:59] <Riddell> davmor2: we may need to rebuild the live CDs to add wubi I'm afraid
[12:01] <davmor2> Can't test I'm afraid stuck in bed with a screwed back. I'm using pidgin on my n800 to chat :)
[12:02] <Riddell> davmor2: so I heard, good luck on a recovery
[12:02] <Riddell> davmor2: we mapped the whole of wolverhampton last night, worked well
[12:02] <davmor2> Did you go then?
[12:03] <Riddell> yes, thought I should get out somewhere at least once a month :)
[12:04] <iRon> Riddell: it would be nice if we have only one failsafe scripts set (e.g. in x11-commons).. but in this case we need to change 35_gdm.conf.patch in gdm package so that it looks at another location for scripts (as i said now it looks in /etc/gdm/)
[12:04] <Riddell> iRon: that doesn't sound hard to change
[12:05] <iRon> Riddell: ok.. then i'm preparing patches for x11-common, kdebase and gdm..
[12:06] <Riddell> iRon: great. is there an easy way for the scripts to know if they should be running zenity or kdialog?
[12:06] <iRon> Riddell: i think this sould be added in config files by kdm and gdm packages..
[12:07] <davmor2> Riddell: so there isn't super glue on your work station chair after all ;)
[12:07] <iRon> Riddell: right now i just search for zenity and if it was not found use kdialog
[12:07] <Riddell> iRon: that's fair enough for now
[12:07] <iRon> Riddell: ok
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[12:46] <blizzzek> will kde 4.0.1 be implemented in alpha 4? (i suppose it won't)
[12:47] <Riddell> blizzzek: no
[12:48] <blizzzek> Riddell: ty
[12:51] <seaLne> lo
[12:52] <Riddell> seaLne!
[12:52] <seaLne> has anyone ever seen dbus needing to be manually restarted each boot before networkmanager will work?
[12:52] <seaLne> having fun with my eee
[12:53] <Riddell> seaLne: can't say I have, in gutsy?
[12:53] <seaLne> yeah gutsy
[12:54] <seaLne> seems weird, until i restart dbus nm-tool gives a "didn't get a reply from networkmanager" error and networkmanager thinks there are no network devices
[12:55] <Riddell> seaLne: presumably networkmanager starts after dbus during boot?
[12:55] <Riddell> maybe dbus is too slow in starting
[12:56] <seaLne> yeah timing is what i'm currently thinking
[12:56] <seaLne> it still won't see the wireless interface tho
[12:57] <seaLne> the eeeXubuntu live "cd" image works including wireless
[13:01] <Riddell> seaLne: using network manager?
[13:01] <seaLne> yeah
[13:01] <Riddell> meh, it should all be the same
[13:03] <seaLne> wireless is working in that iwlist ath0 scanning shows my ap
[13:04] <Nightrose> Riddell: I can test the 32 bit live cd without installing - is that needed at all?
[13:04] <Riddell> Nightrose: yes please
[13:04] <Nightrose> Riddell: ok downloading
[13:04] <Riddell> Nightrose: report on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
[13:04] <Nightrose> ok
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | KDE 4.0! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | test alpha 4 candidates
[13:14] <Riddell> Tonio_: flash working again in hardy :)
[13:15] <Tonio_> Riddell: yep ;)
[13:29] <Tonio_> Riddell: kblueplugd is broken, so kbluetooth doesn't start on bluetooth key insertion, I'm attempting to fix...
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[13:53] <jjesse> wow the torrent of the daily is stalled out
[13:54] <Riddell> jjesse: I wouldn't use torrents for the dailies
[13:54] <Riddell> just wget or rsync
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[14:04] <seaLne> hmm live daily is broken for me
[14:05] <Riddell> seaLne: in what way?
[14:07] <seaLne> no polkit user gives a chown error some acpi files couldn't be cat but more importantly "No write access to '/home/ubuntu/.ICEauthority'" let me try again unless this is something wrong with me doing it from pendrive
[14:08] <Riddell> meh, polkit
[14:08] <seaLne> hmm no user listed in kdm either after kdm failed with the above error
[14:09] <Riddell> Nightrose: did you try trhe live CD?
[14:09] <Nightrose> Riddell: download just finished - going to burn it now
[14:09] <Nightrose> which is giving me a little trouble
[14:10] <seaLne> Riddell: ok it seems fine in virtualbox, didn't see the chown or cat errors as faster than on the eee
[14:11] <seaLne> very "busy" background :)
[14:11] <Riddell> seaLne: so maybe kdm is starting up too soon compared to something else on the eee?
[14:13] <seaLne> it looked like no ubuntu user created, i forgot to blank my casper-rw partition so doing that and will try again incase that caused a problem
[14:23] <seaLne> ok must have been something to do with casper-rw from gutsy as it was fine this time, sorry
[14:25] <seaLne> unfortunatly the dbus/networkmanager problem i have in gutsy is still present iw wonders what is different in the eeeXubuntu cd
[14:25] <Riddell> seaLne: what's the casper-rw partition?
[14:26] <seaLne> persistant stuff for on usb pendrive, it sort of makes sense i suppose that it would cause a problem
[14:40] <Nightrose> ok finally got my cd drive to behave - going to test now
[14:44] <jjesse> wow this is a slow download for me
[14:44] <jjesse> only 24 hours remain
[14:44] <jjesse> and its not my connection at work, connected via a ds-3
[14:45] <seaLne> only took me an hour from home on cable earlier
[14:46] <jjesse> wow, must be on a slow mirror then
[14:46] <Riddell> jjesse: are you getting it from cdimage.u.c?
[14:49] <_buz> hmm cdimage gave me 1,5mb/s
[14:50] <seaLne> is ubiquity no longer supposed to sugest a hostname?
[14:50] <Riddell> seaLne: I've not heard of any change
[14:50] <seaLne> used to be user-desktop didn't offer me that
[14:53] <jjesse> Riddell: yes i am
[14:53] <jjesse> 6.8 KB/sec
[14:54] <Riddell> jjesse: if you have a recent image you can rsync
[14:54] <mhb> am I right that the news of the virtual manager thingie is again GNOME-only?
[14:55] <mhb> and that Kubuntu will yet again be marked as "lacking"
[14:55] <Riddell> virtual manager thingie?
[14:55] <mhb> libvirt and virtual-manager
[14:55] <seaLne> xen thingy?
[14:55] <mhb> let me dig up the link
[14:55] <jjesse> Riddell: don't have a recent image
[14:55] <seaLne> or kvm was it, i remember a blog about that
[14:55] <mhb> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=983&num=1
[14:57] <Riddell> well it's a Red Hat job, they always use gtk
[14:58] <mhb> the strange thing is, I thought we'd at least try to have a list of what we need catching up with, so that in the end we won't be again one release behind feature-wise
[14:59] <Riddell> we're not going to port every gtk app to qt
[14:59] <seaLne> thats more a gtk program than a missing thing in kubuntu?
[14:59] <Riddell> ubuntu specific bits are quite enough
[14:59] <mhb> Riddell: right. I just thought every main bullet point on the "new Ubuntu" feature list, but okay.
[15:04] <jjesse> wow download just picked up to 100k/sec
[15:11] <Nightrose> Riddell: ok tested and found a few things - going to report them in a sec - anything specific you want me to test/have a look at?
[15:12] <Riddell> Nightrose: mostly just that it's good enough for an alpha
[15:12] <Nightrose> okfine
[15:12] <seaLne> daily install in virtualbox went fine
[15:13] <seaLne> Nightrose: did you notice about a hostname?
[15:13] <Nightrose> seaLne: no probs so far - but I am only testing the live cd
[15:14] <Nightrose> no install
[15:14] <seaLne> ah sorry remembered you said that
[15:14] <Nightrose> ;-) no prob
[15:14] <jjesse> if if i get the download done, i'll be doing a full install
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[15:54] <Nightrose> Riddell: you might want to look into http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=156979
[15:54] <ubotu> KDE bug 156979 in general "Amarok does not install mp3 support on hardy upon using "install mp3 dialog"" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]
[15:56] <Nightrose> in launchpad at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/187406
[15:56] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187406 in amarok "[hardy] Amarok install-mp3 fails silently" [Undecided,New]
[16:18] <Riddell> Nightrose: meh, such details can be fixed after feature freeze
[16:32] <Tonio_> Riddell: I noticed a very strange bug....
[16:33] <Tonio_> Riddell: konqueror doesn't open correctly when within kopete of kontact i click on a url
[16:33] <Tonio_> confirmed in konversation too
[16:33] <nixternal> mornin'!
[16:33] <Tonio_> Riddell: can you conirm or is that local issue ?
[16:33] <Tonio_> Riddell: kde3 of course....
[16:33] <Tonio_> hey nixternal
[16:39] <nixternal> howdy Tonio_
[16:47] <Riddell> Tonio_: konversation works for me
[16:49] <Tonio_> Riddell: okay so that probably a local issue
[16:49] <Tonio_> Riddell: I can't figure out what goes wrong with kblueplugd...... I'll investigate a bit more
[17:00] <nixternal> jjesse: 12" of snow today baby!
[17:00] <nixternal> 30.5cm for you metric folks
[17:01] <nixternal> gotta love Chicago, just the other day we had some nice warm temps and thunderstorms, then a blizzard with 50mph winds, and now a major snow storm
[17:01] <nixternal> lovely
[17:02] <Riddell> time to dig out the sledge
[17:03] <nixternal> that is true, but I have been really sick this whole week unfortunately :(
[17:03] <nixternal> we have a really nice hill in the backyard too
[17:04] <nixternal> plus I am less than a few hundred meters from one of the largest toboggan runs in the US
[17:05] <nixternal> been a long time since I attempted skiing, which I doubt I will ever try again, and it has been a long time since I last snowboarded too, but for some reason, it is something I want to get back into
[17:08] <Riddell> nixternal, stdin, anyone who wants: there's new extragear tars available if anyone is looking for things to be packaged
[17:08] <nixternal> I will hack on them!
[17:08] <nixternal> gotta beat stdin to the punch, otherwise he makes me look like a newb who doesn't work around here :)
[17:09] <Riddell> there's not so many this time
[17:09] <nixternal> ya, should be a couple less this go round
[17:09] * jpatrick is trying to figure out what all this "relibtoolizing" is all about for Debian
[17:09] <nixternal> jpatrick: dude, you will drive yourself nuts trying to figure it out
[17:09] <nixternal> one night, I figured out how to do it, but...it didn't work for me
[17:10] <nixternal> I think Google was my friend that night, and for the life of me, I can't remember
[17:10] <jpatrick> nixternal: I know, without it it packages and works, add new libtool it just breaks
[17:10] <nixternal> but to get an idea, take a look at the Yakuake package in Debian
[17:10] <nixternal> I use the relibtoolization out of its rules file on my packages and thus far it has worked
[17:11] <nixternal> forgot who told me to use it in #debian-qt-kde on oftc
[17:11] <nixternal> ana or pusling did I think
[17:11] <jpatrick> pusling told me to suffer, I mean, relibtoolize
[17:12] <nixternal> haha, I was told the same
[17:13] <nixternal> but there is a utility that will create the relibtoolization patches iirc
[17:13] <Riddell> just a diff after running buildprep surely?
[17:13] <jpatrick> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54236/
[17:13] <jpatrick> that's it?
[17:14] <nixternal> I can't remember for the life of me...KRename is my only Debian package that requires it iirc
[17:14] * jpatrick tries out that rules file
[17:15] <jpatrick> Anything's better than: "Cannot find /usr/share/qt3/lib/libqt-mt.la - prehaps it has moved?"
[17:16] <nixternal> hrmm, possible the qt3 package doesn't install the .la files?
[17:16] <nixternal> I know we were removing them from lib packages in Ubuntu at one point
[17:17] <jpatrick> no, if I build without libtool patch I get a .deb
[17:20] <nixternal> interesting
[17:20] <jpatrick> but I'm reading from http://wiki.debian.org/LibtoolUpdate
[17:24] <nixternal> Riddell: what should I do with the next packages? hold off until uploading?
[17:25] <Riddell> nixternal: new extragear ones? wait until next week with them
[17:25] <nixternal> s/until/on/ ie. don't upload until release day
[17:25] <nixternal> groovy
[17:25] <Riddell> nixternal: probably upload tuesday evening so they can be backported in time
[17:26] <nixternal> ok, I will add that to kontact so I remember
[17:36] <Riddell> New CDs are up
[17:36] <Riddell> jjesse: you can rsync it if you get the old one downloaded :)
[17:36] <jjesse> grin at 85%
[17:36] <Riddell> jjesse: just finish that download then rsync, there's minimal changes
[17:36] <jjesse> cool
[18:00] <jpatrick> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54239/
[18:00] <jpatrick> grrr
[18:21] <jjesse> rsync'in
[18:35] <Lure> nixternal: congrats on MC election and wish you get well soon!
[18:36] <jjesse> MC election?
[18:37] <jjesse> intersting installing alpha of hardy today and upon formating my drive i'm prompted that a new disk is found at /media/hda and if i want to ope nit
[18:39] <Lure> jjesse: MOTO Council
[18:40] <Lure> MOTU even
[18:40] <Riddell> jjesse: virtual machine or bare hardware?
[18:40] <jjesse> ah congrats nixternal
[18:41] <jjesse> virtual machine
[18:41] <jjesse> and then if i say open in a new window, i get an error message about an ioslave
[18:41] <Riddell> jjesse: mm, I get reports of that happening on virtual machines, no idea why (the kded mediamounter should be turned off)
[18:41] <Riddell> don't open it
[18:41] <jjesse> :)
[18:43] <Riddell> jjesse: what does `dcop kded | grep mediamanager` show?
[18:44] <jjesse> nothing for media manager, just mediamanager
[18:50] <dasKreech> MC nix!
[18:51] * dasKreech makes scratching sounds
[18:52] <jpatrick> explains the nickname
[18:54] <Lure> jpatrick: hi! I have updated package with your feedback - do you have any more concerns (bug 103324)?
[18:54] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 103324 in ubuntu "[need-packaging] QLandkarte" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103324
[18:57] <jpatrick> Lure: I'm on it
[18:58] <Lure> jpatrick: thanks
[19:00] <dasKreech> jpatrick: :)
[19:01] <jpatrick> Lure: you might want to include a copyright to the manpage
[19:02] <jpatrick> Lure: other than that +1
[19:02] <ryanakca> jpatrick: weee, a new version of e2fsprogs/e2fslibs is available... hopefully that'll fix libqt4-dev :)
[19:02] <Lure> jpatrick: yep, have seen this in other man pages...
[19:03] <jpatrick> ryanakca: yes, I know (suffering autohell now) :)
[19:06] <Riddell> nixternal: make sure to use the new kde.mk when packaging extragear http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde.mk
[19:06] <Riddell> uses -DXDG_APPS_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/applications/kde4/ and includes kde4-wrapper-creation: (make sure that actually runs too)
[19:09] <jjesse> hrm wasn't prompted to reboot after install on my vm
[19:10] <Riddell> jjesse: no dialog with too much text and an OK button?
[19:18] <dasKreech> When was the last time someone installed the kde package
[19:19] <dasKreech> I know Jucato ran it
[19:19] <smarter> I've packaged the Bespin qt4 style, could someone please review it? ;) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=kde4-style-bespin
[19:23] <jpatrick> freeflying: ##fix_your_connection mate
[19:32] <smarter> Bespin screenshots: http://cloudcity.sourceforge.net/screenies.php
[19:40] <jpatrick> smarter: I'm on it
[19:40] <smarter> jpatrick: thanks ;)
[19:47] <jpatrick> smarter: why have ${misc:Depends}?
[19:48] <jpatrick> smarter: the man page may need a copyright
[19:49] <smarter> jpatrick: the misc:Depends is probably not needed, I'll remove it
[19:50] <smarter> jpatrick: I should add the author of bespin to the manpage "AUTHOR" part?
[19:51] <jpatrick> smarter: preferable (so users know how to bash)
[19:51] <smarter> ok ^^
[19:51] <jpatrick> who*
[19:53] <jpatrick> that inclues you btw
[19:53] * jpatrick ducks
[19:53] <smarter> (:
[19:53] <smarter> anything else?
[19:53] <Lure> jpatrick: copyright added - can you ack on revu and/or bug?
[19:58] <jpatrick> Lure: done
[19:59] <Lure> jpatrick: thanks a lot
[19:59] * Lure uploads to ubuntu
=== dasKreech_ is now known as dasKreech
[20:00] <jpatrick> Lure: and thank you too :)
[20:02] <smarter> jpatrick: anything else?
[20:05] * jpatrick builds
[20:11] <mhb> hmm, any frequent KDE4 builders around?
[20:22] <jpatrick> smarter: looks good to me
[20:23] <dasKreech> Is there some set of people who monitor #kubuntu-kde4 ?
[20:23] <jpatrick> dasKreech: me, jussi01 and some others
[20:24] <dasKreech> ok just checking
[20:24] <dasKreech> Just found out about it and it seems there are decent number of highend users who could provide a lot of feedback if channeled
[20:24] <jpatrick> dasKreech: /msg ChanServ access #kubuntu-kde4 list
[20:25] <dasKreech> Is there a !puregnome script anywhere?
[20:25] <Lure> mhb: I build kde4 trunk daily and use it as my primary desktop, if that is wht you ask
[20:25] <jpatrick> dasKreech: WHY would you want that?
[20:25] * jpatrick ducks
[20:26] <dasKreech> jpatrick: I know which is why it doesn't exist
[20:26] <dasKreech> someone has no space for KDE3 and KDE4 and they want 4
[20:26] <dasKreech> libkde4c2a I think is the library all of KDe relies on
[20:27] <dasKreech> remove that in adept and everything goes
[20:28] <\sh> dasKreech, someone wants kde4 and doesn't have space for both versions? hell, he's a poweruser without a 500g sata drive ,->
[20:28] <\sh> but with a 512G nvidia hellraiser D-Force card, right? ;)
[20:29] <dasKreech> Ha ha :-)
[20:29] <\sh> .oO(just joking)
[20:31] <apachelogger__> hum
[20:31] <apachelogger__> wtf
[20:31] <apachelogger__> bug 187693
[20:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187693 in kdebase-runtime "kdebase-runtime source package failed build on i386" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187693
[20:31] <apachelogger__> how did runtime build on non-i386
[20:33] <\sh> apachelogger__, dh_install -pkdebase-runtime-data --sourcedir=debian/tmp
[20:33] <\sh> cp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/lib/kde4/share/applications/kde4/knetattach.desktop': No such file or directory
[20:33] <\sh> runtime-data
[20:33] <\sh> hence the name, I guess it's Arch: all
[20:34] <apachelogger__> woohoooo
[20:34] <apachelogger__> true thing actual :D
[20:34] <\sh> apachelogger__, and Arch: all is still build only on i386, because only i386 has the magic -A sbuild flag ,-)
[20:34] <apachelogger__> yep
[20:34] <\sh> apachelogger__, now go and fix it honey ;)
[20:34] <apachelogger__> oh
[20:34] * apachelogger__ thinks Nightrose should do that :P
[20:35] <\sh> ah Nightrose
[20:35] * Nightrose thinks she should do other important stuff
[20:35] <Nightrose> :P
[20:35] <\sh> Nightrose, did dirk took my coffein potatoe present? :)
[20:35] <apachelogger__> not-any-thing is more important than kde4!
[20:35] <Nightrose> \sh: jep he did ;-)
[20:35] <\sh> did dirk took...wow that's english...
[20:36] <apachelogger__> sounds perfectly fine to me
[20:36] <apachelogger__> then again
[20:36] <apachelogger__> I'm not that sober right now
[20:36] <\sh> did dirk take is corrector ;)
[20:36] <smarter> apachelogger__: the oxygen cursor set is still not released?
[20:37] <apachelogger__> \sh: might be, you should have used pseudo-code anyway :P
[20:37] <\sh> double the past tense and you have a german
[20:37] <apachelogger__> smarter: no, I think ruphy got lost in CA
[20:37] * apachelogger__ notes: kde release events without apachelogger are apparently dangerous
[20:37] <Nightrose> apachelogger__: they are even more dangerous with you ;-)
[20:38] <apachelogger__> true
[20:38] <apachelogger__> but one can't get lost
[20:38] <Nightrose> right
[20:38] <Nightrose> might be better
[20:39] <apachelogger__> I need a private investigator :S
[20:39] * Nightrose is the perfect investigator
[20:39] <Nightrose> ;-)
[20:39] <Riddell> apachelogger__: I've fixing that
[20:39] <apachelogger__> Nightrose: go find ruphy then
[20:40] <Nightrose> aiai sir
[20:40] <apachelogger__> Riddell: oh, ok :)
=== aRyn is now known as |Aryn|
=== |Aryn| is now known as aRyn
[20:41] <dasKreech> hi hunger
[20:41] <smarter> jpatrick: uploaded, can you ack it please?
[20:41] <hunger> dasKreech: ho.
[20:42] <hunger> dasKreech: You pinged me yesterday?
[20:42] <jpatrick> smarter: haha, I knew I open Konqueror for something
[20:42] <dasKreech> hunger: Yeah just started getting back decibel digests again :-)
[20:42] <dasKreech> hunger: wanted to ask again about a timeline for having a short range presence framework in decibel
[20:43] <hunger> dasKreech: yeap, it was a bit quiet for a while.
[20:43] <hunger> dasKreech: Presence info is there... I just need to get it out somewhere where it is useful to others.
[20:43] <jpatrick> smarter: done, sorry mate
[20:44] <dasKreech> so I can run a presence server to broadcast myself ?
[20:44] <dasKreech> I may have no idea what I'm talking about so please stop me if I walk off a logic cliff
[20:44] <hunger> dasKreech: presence server?
[20:45] <dasKreech> Yes recall i was talking to you about a Kollaboration framework I was working on?
[20:46] <hunger> dasKreech: You can register your accounts with decibel and it will keep them in the presence state you have set up. It will respond to incoming communication requests for you (mostly by ignoring them since there are no apps to handle them).
[20:46] <dasKreech> the accounts can be arbritrary ?
[20:47] <hunger> dasKreech: And it already knows presence states for your contacts... but a) you have to register contacts with decibel at this time by entering them into a file and b) the presence info is not exported out of decibel.
[20:47] <dasKreech> doesn't have to be jabber or Jingle etc
[20:47] <hunger> dasKreech: Everything supported by telepathy. Which is quite a bit by now.
[20:47] <dasKreech> hunger: ok well what I want is for Kate to talk fairly directly with Kword
[20:48] <hunger> dasKreech: Actually the presence data is exported, but the only "exporter" in existence at this time just dumps it to stdout;-(
[20:48] <hunger> dasKreech: Go for D-Bus:-)
[20:48] <dasKreech> as in I open up Kate and someone on the same network gets notified that someone (with the framework) is now available
[20:48] * dasKreech grins
[20:49] <hunger> dasKreech: I have not looked into that too much yet. But telepathy has "tubes" for that.
[20:49] <hunger> dasKreech: That allows for D-Bus communication through a IM protocol. Dunno how well that works and whether it is already supported by decibel.
[20:50] <dasKreech> hunger: So closer to bet on 4.2 ?
[20:50] <hunger> dasKreech: Dunno:-)
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
[20:50] <dasKreech> hunger: ok we are currently working on locking, versioning and undo :)
[20:51] <dasKreech> would like to link up with decibel for presence and communication when we look at that though
[20:51] <hunger> dasKreech: Sounds like a good idea:-)
[20:51] <dasKreech> the hope is to have all the editors optioanlly have a presence bar (What I call long and short range)
[20:52] <dasKreech> So cherry picked contacts from Kopete or konversation or wherever
[20:52] <dasKreech> as well as letting you know someone on the local network has an app open that's compatible with yours so you can shout at them for help
[20:53] <hunger> dasKreech: decibel will integrate with akonadi: It will get its contact info from there and export its presence info into that.
[20:54] <hunger> dasKreech: so everybody can get the info from there.
[20:54] <dasKreech> Yes I know that's not a problem
[20:54] <dasKreech> It's the short range I was interested in
[20:55] <hunger> dasKreech: The next issue is integration into kwallet and akonadi.
[20:55] <dasKreech> for me?
[20:55] <hunger> dasKreech: No, for me:-)
[20:56] <dasKreech> ok ;-) Yeah Kwallet would make it a sweet deal :) one place for all your contacts and login info
[20:56] <dasKreech> then nepomuk sometime in the future I guess
[20:59] <smarter> jpatrick: thanks ;)
=== nev is now known as neversfelde|mobi
[21:06] <mhb> Lure: did you do that today?
[21:06] <Lure> mhb: yep, cca 2 hours ago
[21:06] <mhb> cannot parse /home/martin/sestavení/kde/4/src/kdelibs/kdoctools/docbook/xsl/manpages/docbook.xsl
[21:07] <mhb> I've got this weird error that I can't shake off.
[21:07] <mhb> any ideas?
[21:07] <mhb> (build error)
[21:07] <Lure> mhb: did you switch from 4.0.x branch (I had to cleanup completely when I did that)?
[21:08] <mhb> perhaps, not sure.
[21:08] <mhb> you think a fresh checkout helps?
[21:08] <mhb> I can do that
[21:08] <mhb> (svn cleanup didn't)
[21:08] <Lure> mhb: I had to cleanup build directories and run cmakekde again for all
[21:09] <Lure> mhb: there was some stuff left in build dirs that messed trunk build
[21:09] * Lure builds kdelibs again to be sure it is not something new
[21:09] <mhb> I've got build dirs clean.
[21:09] <Lure> mhb: ok, then this should not be it
[21:09] <TesTaMenT> hola alguien que hable en latino???????
[21:10] <Lure> mhb: do you build kdesupport or use kubuntu packages for that?
[21:10] <mhb> Lure: I use kubuntu packages.
[21:10] <TesTaMenT> kubuntu is one
[21:10] <Lure> same here
[21:10] <TesTaMenT> chiken jajajajajajjajaa
[21:10] <TesTaMenT> jajajajajajajajajajajaja
[21:10] <TesTaMenT> jajajajajajajajajajajaa
[21:10] <TesTaMenT> jajajajajaajajajajajajajajajajajajjaa
[21:10] <TesTaMenT> jajajajaajajajajajajajajajajajaa
[21:11] <Lure> TesTaMenT: this is -devel channel, please respect this
[21:11] <mhb> Hobbsee, Riddell, anyone?
[21:11] <TesTaMenT> Viva chile monton de concha su mares!!!!!!
[21:12] <mhb> Lure: thanks for the hints, I'll do a clean checkout and clean build and see what happens.
[21:13] <Lure> mhb: will report back if current svn builds for me
[21:17] <Lure> mhb: kdelibs builds fine here
[21:19] <smarter> kde4 apps don't work anymore with ppa here :/
[21:19] <smarter> I get messages like "No ksycoca4 database available!"
[21:19] <smarter> I removed my ~/.kde4 but it still doesn't work
[21:20] <Lure> smarter: kbuildsycoca4 might be your friend
[21:20] * Lure had similar issues with polain 4.0.0
[21:20] <Lure> plain
[21:20] <Lure> not seen anymore with 4.1 trunk
[21:20] <smarter> Lure: still doesn't work :/
[21:21] <Lure> smarter: than it is something different than what I have seen :-(
[21:21] <smarter> and I still get the no ksycoca4 message
[21:21] <smarter> weird
[21:29] <mhb> Lure: that's evil
[21:30] <mhb> Lure: a fresh checkout, a fresh build, the same error.
[21:30] <mhb> I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/martin/sestavení/kde/4/src/cleanlib/kdelibs/kdoctools/docbook/xsl/manpages/docbook.xsl"
[21:30] <mhb> it starts with this.
[21:30] <Lure> mhb: is it possible that some command is not utf-8 compliant (sestavení)?
[21:30] <smarter> mhb: maybe your harddisk is full?
[21:33] <nixternal> thanks Lure and jjesse
[21:34] <Lure> *alert* motu council member in town *alert*
[21:34] <Lure> ;--)
[21:34] <mhb> smarter: 290MBs free after the error
[21:34] <mhb> smarter: so I think not
[21:35] <mhb> Lure: hrm, that'd be weird (it's just a folder name)
[21:35] <Lure> mhb: agreed
[21:36] <Lure> mhb: I am just trying to generate some innovative ideas what may be wrong ;-)
[21:36] <mhb> OK, trying that.
[21:37] <mhb> too bad #kde channel is not a support one for me.
[21:37] <mhb> building for the 3rd time.
[21:39] <mhb> Lure: so your build went fine?
[21:40] <Lure> mhb: yep
[21:40] <mhb> you're lucky.
[21:41] <mhb> I guess I should abandon all hopes of ever doing KDE development.
[21:41] <mhb> cause the system hates me.
[21:41] <ScottK2> Any thoughts on this bug: Bug #187177 - It seems to me that it does, in fact, describe a bug and shouldn't have been converted to a question.
[21:41] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187177 in totem "Installing totem on kubuntu switches users to gnome desktop" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187177
[21:43] <Lure> ScottK2: it sounds like bug to me
[21:43] <Lure> installing totem does not mean I expect desktop will be switched
[21:46] <Lure> ScottK2: there is difference between apt-get and aptitude - Probably fishy Recommends
[21:46] <Lure> ScottK2: apt-get wants to in install 18, while aptitude 143 packages!
[21:48] <Lure> ScottK2: and funny, there are no recommends listed for totem...
[21:48] <Lure> might be totem-gstreamer
[21:50] <ScottK2> Lure: Any chance you know how to change something back into a bug?
[21:50] <Lure> ScottK2: no
[21:50] * ScottK2 neither.
[21:50] <ScottK2> I'll look into it. Thanks.
[21:53] <ScottK2> It turns out it's easy. You click on the link that says turn it back into a bug.
[21:54] <Lure> ScottK2: ;-) - some things are easier when you search for them ;-)
[21:54] <ScottK2> Yeah. Well it was LP. I just assumed it would be completely counterintuitive.
[21:54] <Lure> ScottK2: I can past my apt-get and aptitude logs in
[21:55] <ScottK2> Probably wouldn't hurt.
[21:57] <mhb> Lure: strange
[21:57] <mhb> Lure: you were actually right, which really puzzles me.
[21:58] <Lure> mhb: really!?
[21:58] <Lure> mhb: you should report bug, but not sure which command is causing it...
[22:02] <mhb> Lure: yeah.
[22:06] <tekteen> Hi guys. Is there an easy way to find out which device file goes to which modem (I know the default is ttyS#)? I need to test many computers. These computers go to people who do not know anything about computers and will probably need to use the modem for Internet.
[22:08] <tekteen> I have been symlinking the device to /dev/modem to make it easy to setup. But I need a script so other people at my organization can configure modems.
[22:10] <tekteen> Anyone here know of a way?
[22:12] <mhb> tekteen: no, it's too far away from KDE
[22:12] <mhb> tekteen: but I'm pretty sure googling about "udev" and device management might help
[22:13] <tekteen> thanks
[22:16] <nixternal> Riddell: got your message loud and clear, I am laying back down right now as the invisible horse has returned to step on my head again :(
[22:16] <tekteen> mhb: is there a way to have kppp check every modem for which one is plugged in?
[22:17] <mhb> tekteen: I don't think so. it's better to check using some udev script (which I know nothing about)
[22:17] <mhb> tekteen: but I've stopped using kppp a few years ago.
[22:18] <tekteen> mhb: I am looking for a way to figure out which one is plugged in
[22:39] <dasKreech> nixternal: White horse?
[23:01] <Lure> yes, I have small panel finally!
[23:02] <mhb> Lure: how I envy you
[23:02] <mhb> :o)
[23:03] <Lure> mhb: ;-)
[23:03] <Lure> anyway, time for bed - good night all
[23:03] <mhb> Lure: I got rid of it a week ago and just shuffle the widgets according to my mood
[23:03] <mhb> Lure: goodnight
[23:06] <Riddell> grump, KDE 4 has stopped being able to find its libraries, even with an rpath
[23:08] <mhb> Riddell: while debuilding?
[23:09] <mhb> the old style compilation of trunk seems to work.
[23:12] <Riddell> old style compilation?
[23:12] <Riddell> I'm building 4.0.1
[23:13] <mhb> that cmakekde script way
[23:14] <Riddell> this is just with the same packaging as currently
[23:14] <Riddell> I don't understand what's changed
[23:15] <mhb> I'm afraid I can't help much.
[23:16] <mhb> packaging is not my area of expertise - but you rock at it
[23:21] <Tonio_> Riddell: I noticed the strange bug with kblueplugd is related to qt, apparently a qt issue
[23:21] <Tonio_> Riddell: QMutex::lock: Deadlock detected in thread
[23:21] <Tonio_> Riddell: already heard about that ?
[23:22] <Tonio_> Riddell: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
[23:22] <Tonio_> Riddell: this line is causing the issue, I don't see anything wrong with it......
[23:26] <Tonio_> Riddell: another bug related to the same issue :
[23:26] <Tonio_> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/185584
[23:27] <Tonio_> Riddell: probably qt4 related
[23:51] <Riddell> Tonio_: do you ahve dbus-x11 installed?
[23:51] <Tonio_> I think so but lemme check
[23:52] <Tonio_> Riddell: yep I do
[23:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: commenting the 3 lines related to app makes it to work again, but it'll caue a problem at computer start, since we don't want it restored....
[23:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: can you confirm the issue running kblueplugd ?
[23:54] <Tonio_> Riddell: if so I'd say that looks like a qt bug
[23:55] <mi> http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3482/snapshot1wz8.png ....lol,plasma and nvidia