UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /30 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <ln-> Package: linux-image-2.6.15-51-686
[00:01] <ln-> Version: 2.6.15-51.64
[00:01] <BenC> that's not the one with the fix
[00:01] <BenC> it was fixed in 51.65
[00:01] <BenC> make sure you have all the latest updates from dapper-security
[00:01] <BenC> reboot, and retest
[00:02] <ln-> i do have all the updates from dapper-security...
[00:05] <BenC> either you're mistaken, or that upload has not been released yet...either way, you aren't testing the version that has the fix
[00:05] <BenC> I'm checking the upload status, give me a minute
[00:05] <ln-> thanks
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[00:09] <BenC> ln-: looks like that upload is pending
[00:09] <BenC> ln-: kees would know more
[00:13] <ln-> do you think there's something wrong in ubuntu's "process," if a thing broken in Oct 2006 doesn't get fixed by Feb 2008, even if the fix is known and is trivial?
[00:15] <BenC> ln-: considering there's a work around and there is no data-loss involved, it's a rather trivial issue to begin with
[00:15] <BenC> ln-: kees handles security, so you really should talk to him
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[00:16] <ln-> i'll try to ping him again tomorrow.
[00:25] <ln-> ... or why bother.
[00:27] <BenC> ln-: well, if there's is an issue with the process, kees would be willing to explain or possibly improve
[00:27] <BenC> ln-: I'm sure he would appreciate input, or being put on the spot :)
[00:28] <ln-> ok, i'll ping him then..
[00:49] <Kano> laga: somehow this kernel has problems to be used with live-helper
[01:04] <Kano> so something else is wrong..
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[08:34] <kraut> moin
[09:13] <Kano> hi, current aufs in lum works for me
[09:13] <Kano> but
[09:15] <Kano> with standard ubuntu config (too many old legacy drivers) i get this
[09:15] <Kano> http://paste.debian.net/48033
[09:15] <Kano> which results in no dma for hdc
[09:16] <Kano> a pure libata kernel has no problem at all with it...
[09:18] <Kano> also, i see no reason to try blacklists on those 2 modules, debian has even bcm43xx completely disabled, you could do that too
[09:18] <Kano> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/185719
[09:18] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185719 in linux "remove duplicate pci ids bcm43xx/ssb prism54/p54pci" [Medium,Triaged]
[09:18] <Kano> as soon as tools like discover are installed blacklisting does not work
[09:19] <Kano> hostap_pci is completely unstable btw. dont know why
[09:19] <Kano> p54pci works fine
[09:26] <Kano> did anybody try ath5k?
[10:16] <laga> hey juliank
[10:17] <laga> juliank: aufs doesn't work with nfs branches. it was complaining that i need to apply the lhash patch (and add the config option)
[10:18] <juliank> laga: Are you running the latest git kernel?
[10:18] <Kano> hi laga , well it worked for live mode, but you can add those ;)
[10:19] <laga> juliank: "latest" as in "pulled right after rtg committed your patches", yes.
[10:19] <laga> Kano: great :)
[10:19] <Kano> did you get the link in pm?
[10:19] <laga> yes
[10:20] <Kano> it has some problems shutting down, but before i got kde boot errors
[10:20] <laga> haven't tried it yet, i don't need live disks at the moment :)
[10:20] <laga> oh
[10:20] <Kano> you can use vbox or vmware to boot it too
[10:20] <juliank> laga: the latest ubuntu-hardy.git + ubuntu-hardy-lum.git should work
[10:20] <Kano> you will see a huge difference when you boot with union=unionfs
[10:20] <laga> Kano: speed-wise?
[10:20] <Kano> then network-manager does not work
[10:21] <Kano> i dont get why the same kernel works on hardy with networkmanager
[10:21] <Kano> with unionfs
[10:23] <Kano> maybe somebody changed networkmanager
[10:23] <laga> my nick comes up #2 in google when you search for "unionfs sucks", so don't expect an answer from me
[10:24] <Kano> good point ;)
[10:25] <laga> note: i've changed my opinion since then. current unionfs is probably just fine with a vanilla kernel, but i guess i'll never find out :)
[10:25] <Kano> well not for me, with the test i did...
[10:27] <laga> juliank: the changes which have been committed since then are not relevant - except for the missing entries in debian/config/i386 which i added myself
[10:28] <Kano> i even had the strange issue with unionfs that in a vm a simple du -h /dir returned an error - a real pc did not have that error however
[10:28] <laga> odd.
[10:28] <juliank> laga: do cat /sys/fs/aufs/config
[10:28] <laga> unionfs doesn't work well with bonnie either. not sure what's causing that.
[10:28] <Kano> could never trace it why this happend, aufs worked
[10:31] <juliank> laga: what does not work? build or mount?
[10:31] <laga> juliank: mounting.
[10:31] <laga> juliank: i'm booting the VM now..
[10:31] <Kano> it builds, thats not the problem
[10:31] <Kano> do you want a sample iso?
[10:32] <juliank> Kano: You have an ISO?
[10:32] <Kano> of course
[10:32] <juliank> Kano: size?
[10:32] <Kano> with that kernel, but based on etch
[10:32] <Kano> live-helper created
[10:32] <Kano> until some other things are patched in u i will not use it
[10:33] <laga> juliank: that's /sys/fs/aufs/config
[10:35] <laga> if fails with the error message: aufs test_add:357:exe[2033]: NFS branch is not supported, try some configurations and patches included in aufs source CVS
[10:35] <juliank> laga: I'm fixing it.
[10:36] <laga> juliank: great.
[10:36] <Kano> well you would need to patch+compile the kernel first to try
[10:37] <laga> patch what?
[10:37] <juliank> Kano: The Ubuntu kernel has the patches.
[10:38] <Kano> juliank: fine, then it should be easy to update just lum
[10:38] <Kano> a few seconds ;)
[10:39] <juliank> Kano: One variable name is wrong, that's all.
[10:40] <Kano> good, can update lum with ease
[10:40] <Kano> scripted ;)
[10:40] <juliank> laga: Do you have a build log of l-u-m?
[10:41] <laga> juliank: no, but i can make one real quick :)
[10:41] <juliank> laga: I'm building
[10:43] <juliank> laga: try to add KSRC=$(PWD) to the top of ubuntu/fs/aufs/Makefile and build it.
[10:43] <Kano> also could you enable aufs for powerpc too?
[10:43] <juliank> laga: I will send a patch soon
[10:44] <juliank> Kano: Soon.
[10:46] <Kano> did somebody have got no framebuffer support on amd64 live cd or is it just me?
[10:47] <Kano> i386 live cd has a splash
[10:47] <Kano> amd64 not
[10:48] <Kano> juliank: what do you think about a blacklist option for casper, i have that for kanotix
[10:48] <Kano> it writes to /etc/modprobe.d/custom-blacklist
[10:48] <Kano> before udev starts
[10:52] <laga> juliank: i don't think it's working
[10:52] <laga> same message
[10:52] <juliank> laga: I need a build log.
[10:54] <laga> juliank: http://www.pastebin.ca/884456
[10:55] <laga> juliank: here's the KSRC patch i added: http://www.pastebin.ca/884457
[10:57] <juliank> laga: rebuild with KSRC=$(srctree)
[10:58] <laga> am i supposed to use that string literally or should i expand srctree?
[10:59] <juliank> laga: as written. it's a variable
[11:05] <laga> oops. that's gonna take a few minutes, just deleted the squashfs image for my diskless client.
[11:12] <laga> juliank: ok. CONFIG_AUFS_LHASH_PATCH and friends were picked up properly, but i'm still getting that error message.
[11:12] <laga> juliank: ok. CONFIG_AUFS_LHASH_PATCH and friends were picked up properly, but i'm still getting that error message.
[11:13] <laga> juliank: i don't see a config option for the put_filp patch in sysfs
[11:13] <juliank> laga: /sys/fs/aufs/config
[11:14] <juliank> laga: output of grep '^.*[[:space:]]put_filp[[:space:]]vmlinux[[:space:]]EXPORT_SYMBOL' Module.symvers
[11:14] <juliank> ?
[11:14] <juliank> laga: sorry, typo
[11:15] <laga> i left out the CONFIG_ part.
[11:17] <laga> juliank: what do you need grepped?
[11:17] <juliank> laga: not needed. I know the problem now.
[11:17] <laga> juliank: great
[11:19] <juliank> laga: the patch is at http://www.pastebin.ca/884477 -
[11:24] <laga> thanks, building now
[11:29] <laga> juliank: awesome, it's working.
[11:29] <juliank> laga: I'll send the patches to kernel-team
[11:29] <laga> juliank: great
[11:33] <juliank> laga: patches sent
[11:33] <laga> :)
[11:34] <laga> it takes 27s from power-on to having X loaded with aufs in my diskless environment
[11:34] <laga> that's very nice IMHO :)
[11:34] <juliank> laga: Could you try to use the rr flag for the nfs root? I need to know if this works.
[11:35] <juliank> laga: in the aufs mount options
[11:35] <laga> juliank: i'm not using nfs root, i'm using a squashfs root with a nfs share on top. still want it?
[11:36] <juliank> laga: your nfs root is specified in dirs= or br=, then yes
[11:37] <juliank> laga: s/root/share/
[11:37] <laga> ok
[11:39] <juliank> I always kill my ssh proxy because I close the window ssh is running in.
[11:40] <laga> juliank: well.. aufs does not fail, but of coruse the system won't boot because / is read-only :)
[11:41] <juliank> laga: that's good.
[11:41] <juliank> thanks
[11:41] <juliank> exit
[12:20] <Kano> laga: how about exporting it again via nfs and boot via network?
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[19:14] <Kano> rtg: hi, didnt you say you remove the pci ids when i report the bug?
[19:32] <laga> Kano: i think if you increase the frequency of your questions it'll get fixed faster
[19:36] <Kano> rtg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/185719
[19:36] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185719 in linux "remove duplicate pci ids bcm43xx/ssb prism54/p54pci" [Medium,Triaged]
[19:37] <Kano> i dislike that idea with blacklisting
[19:55] <Kano> laga: best tell him that this change is needed, also you could forget the bcm43xx patch when you disable that module (same for prism54), debian disabled bcm43xx
[19:56] <Kano> bye
[19:59] <rtg> laga: so what does Kano think is wrong with blacklisting?
[20:03] <laga> i have no clue
[20:03] <laga> in that ticket, he says that it'd break if "discover" was installed
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[22:25] <amitk_> rtg: what version of ALSA is in the stock kernel?
[22:26] <rtg> amitk_: dunno, some mix of 1.0.15 plus. I've removed it from the kernel for -6.10 and put it in lum (1.0.16rc2)
[22:28] <amitk_> rtg: aaah...
[22:28] <amitk_> rtg: are we updating to a newer version of alsa in lum?
[22:28] <rtg> amitk_: is that the sound of something stuck in your throat ? :)
[22:29] <amitk_> hehe
[22:29] <rtg> amitk_: I pulled ALSA this AM, so the version in lum is very current.
[22:29] <rtg> Its actually -rc2 plus 8 or 9 more patches.
[22:30] <rtg> amitk_: by the way, I'm still build testing... You mileage may vary.
[22:33] <crimsun> Jaroslav (employed by Red Hat now) anticipates releasing 1.0.16 final next Tuesday.