UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /27 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:36] <ubotu> New bug: #186249 in launchpad "[internet explorer 7- windows xp] when i click on the arrow next to my package name in PPA it does not expand it." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186249
[00:59] <seabeast> timeouts D:
[04:10] <Aloha> how do you make a project a "super project" so you can odd other projects to it?
[04:10] <Aloha> s/odd/add/
[04:16] <Odd_Bloke> Aloha: I believe you have to request the admins do it, via Answers.
[04:16] <Aloha> wow, thats really counter productive
[06:09] <Aloha> how do you add people as admins in your group on #launchpad?
[06:09] <Aloha> er
[06:09] <Aloha> i mean launchpad.net
[06:13] <Hobbsee> Aloha: they're selected.
[06:13] <Hobbsee> Aloha: and known to be credible people
[06:14] <Aloha> i mean functionally on my own team on launchpad.net
[06:14] <Hobbsee> oh
[06:14] <Hobbsee> add the user, and hit the administrator: yes button at the same time?
[06:14] <Hobbsee> otherwise edit the user from +members
[06:14] <Aloha> thnx
[06:15] <Aloha> Hobbsee, you're a very helpful person in general
[06:21] <Aloha> Hobbsee, http://baratijas.awardspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/hobbseenewer.jpg is that you?
[06:22] <Hobbsee> Aloha: er, how is that there?
[06:22] <Aloha> Hobbsee, http://baratijas.awardspace.com/archivos/primera-desarrolladora-del-core-de-ubuntu/
[06:23] * Hobbsee blinks
[06:24] * Hobbsee wonders what that says
[06:24] <Hobbsee> oh, interesting
[06:24] <Hobbsee> Aloha: yes it is
[06:33] <Aloha> Hobbsee, congratz
[06:33] <Hobbsee> Aloha: thanks
[06:33] <Aloha> little belated heh
[06:38] <Aloha> how do you add a team to a team?
[06:38] <Aloha> change the owner to that team or is there another way?
[06:39] <Hobbsee> add a team like you add a member
[06:41] <Aloha> Hobbsee, thnx again
[06:47] <Aloha> what do you do if the team owner quits?
[06:48] <Hobbsee> ask a LP admin if you can become the member of the team
[06:48] <Aloha> Hobbsee, thnx
[06:49] <Aloha> are questions better asked on the launchpad-mailing list or the launchpad site itself, or both? any preferred method?
[06:50] <Hobbsee> both
[06:50] <Aloha> cool
[06:50] <Hobbsee> lp site is better, as it has a searchable question list
[06:50] <Aloha> i seem to get more rapid response on the mailing list
[06:51] <Aloha> but the site is helpful if im looking to see if a question has already been asked
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[08:05] <ubotu> New bug: #186287 in launchpad-bazaar "can't push/branch/pull over bzr+ssh://" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186287
[10:13] <charlessss> develope this shit mang
[10:13] <charlessss> http://en.naughtyholiday.com/?id=ccd96c2a9da025e729843fc43b9bfec8
[10:31] <Iulian> Weird guy...
[10:31] <Hobbsee> strange, yes...
[11:37] <Hobbsee> !ping
[11:37] <ubotu> ping: unknown host
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
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[13:08] <andrea-bs> hi, can you confirm this bug? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/186334
[13:08] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 186334 in launchpad "Cannot view who voted in a pool" [Undecided,New]
[13:16] <ubotu> New bug: #186334 in launchpad "Cannot view who voted in a pool" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186334
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[17:29] <ScislaC> hey all, how do I link to another bug tracker from launchpad... I've seen that this is a feature, but haven't found where to do it.
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=== bigon is now known as bigon`
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[19:33] <mpt> Hobbsee, w.r.t. "no, you can't see the queue - a UI to see it does not exist" - is that reported as a bug? I can't tell whether any of the existing bug reports are relevant.
[19:37] <kiko-afk> mpt, I don't think it's reported though there may be a blueprint registered.
[19:37] <mpt> Yay for having two separate trackers for things
[19:39] <mpt> This one looks related <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/soyuz/+spec/build-ui-improvements>
[20:03] <don_> Hi is anybody in here (reading). I have a question about launchpad-translations
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
[20:20] <abentley> Someone has filed a bug against bzrtools that I think actually applies to gutsy-backports. The problem is that bzr is updated in gutsy-backports, but bzrtools isn't, and this means that bzrtools cannot be installed.
[20:20] <abentley> Where should the bug actually be filed?
[20:21] <kiko-afk> you should say: also affects distribution
[20:21] <kiko-afk> and leave it to the ubuntu guys
[20:26] <abentley> kiko-afk: thx
[20:34] <Fujitsu> abentley: Actually, in that case the correct thing to do is to add a task against the gutsy-backports project.
[20:34] <don_> why are some translation with the flag "need review" not reviewable? hm..
[20:34] <Fujitsu> Because Launchpad doesn't handle our three cases of possible fix-backportings well.
[20:35] <abentley> Fujitsu: A task? Where are those manipulated?
[20:35] <Fujitsu> abentley: Sorry, `Also affects... Project'
[20:36] <Fujitsu> Each line you see in the table at the top of the page is a bug task.
[20:36] <abentley> Ah. Haven't grokked the data model yet.
[20:38] <abentley> Thanx
[20:40] <Fujitsu> Hmm, are bug RSS feeds meant to show distro tasks with a milestone icon rather than the normal one?
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
[21:02] <Syntux> does this error "OOPS-757F2644" sound like a normal bad hair day? or should I contact someone to save people of Hurricane?
[21:02] <ubotu> https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/757F2644
[21:06] * thumper looks
[21:07] <thumper> Syntux: the timeout will have been logged, and will be looked at by the appropriate developer
[21:07] <thumper> Syntux: it doesn't look especially special
[21:07] <thumper> Syntux: try again?
[21:08] <Syntux> Just the same, not able to resume translating.
[21:08] <mpt> Fujitsu, you've just polluted abentley's mind :-P
[21:09] <Syntux> Okie, it's back now
[21:13] <Fujitsu> mpt: Er?
[21:14] <mpt> tasks are an implementation detail
[21:14] <Fujitsu> One needs to know of their existence to make sense of the UI.
[21:15] <mpt> why?
[21:16] <Fujitsu> Um, well... good question.
[21:17] <mpt> I know the "Also affects..." links are a bit awkward, ye olde bug 1334
[21:17] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 1334 in malone ""Also affects:" "Project…" and "Distribution/Package…" links should be merged" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1334 - Assigned to Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
[21:17] <Fujitsu> Yep.
[21:17] <mpt> but not so bad as to need to expose the DB schema IMO
[21:19] <Fujitsu> What is the correct phrasing, if not `add a task'? `mark the bug as also affecting'?
[21:20] <mpt> anything like that, sure
[21:20] <mpt> Say the bug also affects X
[21:20] <Fujitsu> OK, will do in future. Sorry.
[21:20] <mpt> np
[23:17] <superted> does anyone know if there will be any regularity to language packs in hardy and if so how often they will be realeased?
[23:39] <mpt> superted, that's a question about Ubuntu, not about Launchpad
[23:40] <mpt> Try in #ubuntu-devel
[23:40] <Fujitsu> Well, it does rely on LP people...
[23:48] <superted> mpt: ok thanks