UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /26 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <LjL> jdong: yeah, indeed. even without knowing anything about PAM, it's pretty clear that you're using *two* commands that do essentially the *same* thing, and that cannot be a good thing
[00:01] <jdong> :)
[00:01] <ompaul> LjL, this is not maths with two operators negating the function of each other, it might be better to consider this, command argument, pipe next command, this is usual, therefore it is just ugly ;-)
[00:01] <mneptok> "sudo su" add the "oh! i GET it!" factor for people accustomed to su.
[00:01] <mneptok> one of whom i just had the phone, and she had that exact epiphany :)
[00:01] <mneptok> +on
[00:02] <ompaul> mneptok, interestingz
[00:02] <PriceChild> LjL, I think the bots messaging users in caps saying "READ WHAT I *ahem*ing SAID ALREADY!!!" if they say anything other than "test me" would be good.
[00:02] <LjL> cat #ubuntu-ops.log | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat | grep ugly | grep ugly | grep ugly | cat
[00:02] <ompaul> mneptok, but what was she using sudo su with epiphany for ;-) seems strange unless she was rooting the splinternet
[00:03] <Pici> LjL: tac | tac
[00:03] * ompaul hands LjL <
[00:03] <mneptok> ompaul: she was trying to add copyrighted artwork
[00:03] <druke> auto test failed, needing a dcc test please.
[00:03] <LjL> PriceChild: i thought about that before.
[00:03] <mneptok> *bah dum tish*
[00:03] <PriceChild> druke, go back to the channel, and read what they said.
[00:03] <LjL> druke, it didn't fail.
[00:03] <Pici> druke: the tests take a minute.
[00:04] <druke> druke: Sorry, you'll have to wait a little longer, we are experiencing problems
[00:04] <ompaul> druke, you are still waiting on yours
[00:04] <LjL> although bot2 shouldn't speak
[00:04] <druke> ah ok it was misleading
[00:04] <LjL> druke: yeah, that just mean you have to wait a little longer.
[00:04] <druke> thanks :)
[00:04] <PriceChild> druke, how was it misleading? All feedback is welcome.
[00:04] <druke> well it seemed like a "try again later" msg
[00:04] <PriceChild> "seemed"?
[00:05] <ompaul> LjL, append, you are in a queue to be tested
[00:05] <PriceChild> hmm ok
[00:05] <LjL> ompaul: well, actually, they've already been tested when that message shows up
[00:05] <ompaul> you will be told this every 120 seconds until you are tested
[00:05] <druke> it wasn't specific to what you'd have to wait longer on, the actual program, or a chance to try again
[00:05] <ompaul> LjL, so say we are awaiting results please wait
[00:05] <druke> anyways thanks :D
[00:06] <ompaul> mneptok, so she really wanted sudo sue
[00:06] * ompaul shudders
[00:06] <LjL> i do wonder why on earth bot2 said that
[00:07] <Pici> FloodBot2 has become self-aware?
[00:07] <LjL> dunno mebbe
[00:07] <nalioth> oh SH***!!
[00:07] <LjL> the code does say that only bot1 should ever say that
[00:07] <Pici> nalioth: oh SHOES?
[00:07] * nalioth looks or a phased plasma rifle in the 40w range...
[00:08] * nalioth also looks for a new keyboard
[00:08] <PriceChild> Did someone give the emp locker keys to mc44 again?
[00:10] * LjL negates
[00:11] * PriceChild negates LjL's negate
[00:11] <PriceChild> imagine a knee gate
[00:11] <Pici> tac tac
[00:12] <ompaul> with tic tacs
[00:12] * LjL denies
[00:12] <ompaul> LjL, de n eyes is a number of eyes greater than one, in spiders it is 8 afik
[00:13] <LjL> PriceChild: i'd add an /invite to make it more foolproof... but that would mean inviting also people whose quarantine has expired
[00:13] <PriceChild> LjL, you underestimate fools
[00:13] <LjL> ompaul: i've got many i's
[00:13] <LjL> i can confirm that
[00:13] <LjL> me too
[00:13] <ompaul> LjL, :)
[00:18] <PriceChild> LjL, fb2 still doesn't like giving quit messages :)
[00:19] <LjL> PriceChild it's not bot2, it can be bot1 as well... or any of my clients... it's freenode being annoying, really
[00:19] <PriceChild> :P
[00:21] <Pici> LjL: are the bots whispering the paste info to the users now? or did it just fail to do !paste in #ubuntu just now?
[00:22] <LjL> Pici, they don't send any message (either public or private) during emergencies, since a little simulation showed that, in the case of an attack, the floodbot could easily be exploited to flood the channel a *lot*
[00:22] <Pici> Ah.
[00:22] <LjL> and this was an emergency, since they had just joined
[00:23] <Pici> Okay
[00:24] <PriceChild> ompaul, lenswipe got my msn off the forums
[00:25] <PriceChild> ompaul, been constantly asking for help
[00:25] <PriceChild> i've been doing my best but eventually just pointed him to irc
[00:25] <ompaul> PriceChild, so I am going to point him to a web page
[00:25] <PriceChild> I have a line in my sig saying "Don't pm mods for support"
[00:25] <PriceChild> i pointed him to it
[00:25] <PriceChild> it had no effect
[00:25] <ompaul> cos he reads like either (A) troll
[00:25] <PriceChild> he's just new to it all
[00:26] <ompaul> or (B) learned helplessness
[00:26] <ompaul> PriceChild, that is not a new users question
[00:26] <ompaul> afics
[00:26] <PriceChild> he chowned his /var/www -R 777
[00:26] <Pici> ch0wnd?
[00:26] <PriceChild> which "fixed" his permission problems whilst installing smf
[00:26] * Pici sits in the corner
[00:27] <PriceChild> I suggested it might be a bad idea, and should be fixed
[00:40] <ompaul> lets fix the problems /clear ;-)
[00:53] <Gary> hehe
[00:53] <Gary> Gary> Taza, trolling in one of the biggest freenode channels is a quick way to encounter the attention of staff
[00:53] <Gary> <Taza> I said one line!
[00:54] <LjL> /privmsg #freenode gary smells
[00:55] <ompaul> Gary, even if it was only a puny op who removed you ;-)
[00:56] <ompaul> Gary, should I join that channel for a flame fest?
[00:56] * ompaul thinks not
[00:57] <LjL> i hoped you all would but you have no courage
[00:57] <ompaul> Gary, that person said two lines, first time they were told they were offtopic, second time
[00:57] <ompaul> well I saw the situation was useless
[00:58] <ompaul> LjL, on my way
[00:58] <Gary> ompaul, I noticed as I'd cloaked that user earlier this evening
[00:58] <ompaul> Gary, ohh a nice set up to be a troll
[00:59] <ompaul> the ones I hate the most
[00:59] <ompaul> loverly
[00:59] <LjL> unaffiliated cloaks, the easy way to have a backup hostname
[00:59] <Gary> yeah
[00:59] <Gary> I hate em
[01:00] <LjL> you know what i hate? i hate "grep -i" taking ten times it takes to do a plain grep
[01:00] <Gary> Registered: 1 year 8 weeks 2 days though
[01:00] <ompaul> Gary, I figure they collect them
[01:00] <ompaul> but that is just me
[01:01] <LjL> uhmmm second time (that i see) that the bots don't notice spammers
[01:03] <ompaul> LjL, read the screen there was another message in between
[01:04] <ompaul> LjL, you need to terminate the session after a number of seconds not number of lines
[01:04] <LjL> ompaul, that shouldn't matter
[01:04] <LjL> i do
[01:04] <LjL> i store the last time everybody sent a message
[01:04] <ompaul> check the count
[01:05] <LjL> then when they send another message, i check how long it was between one and the other
[01:05] <LjL> if less than <short amount of time> passed, i count++
[01:05] <LjL> when count==5, i warn, when count==6, i mute
[01:05] <LjL> this time not only floodbot3 but the others too simply ignored the whole thing
[01:05] <LjL> although it was well within the time limits
[01:05] <Jack_Sparrow> Gary: Can you tell me how long I have had this nic registered?
[01:06] <LjL> Jack_Sparrow: /ns info jack_sparrow
[01:06] <Jack_Sparrow> Cool almost 2 years
[01:07] <PriceChild> looks like i stalked you onto irc
[01:08] <Jack_Sparrow> I cant even remember my old nick
[01:13] <Jack_Sparrow> PriceChild: I had a good chat with jrib... That is an interesting project they have going... Lots of potential... I rewrote the script to append everything I was looking at into a single file and now seeing if I can rework canoe source code to see if I can get it to upload my file to a pastebin
[01:17] <LjL> Jack_Sparrow: for it to be useful you need it in universe (ideally in main and installed by default, but). which would, aside from probably involving packaging it, mean it's not a hack ;P which in turn means that you probably should rework the *upstreamdev* source code, and make it work with kayak as well as canoe (and the plain console version too)
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[01:19] <Jack_Sparrow> LjL: I see your point, but atm I am just playing with it to get a feel for what all can be done... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53487/
[01:20] <Jack_Sparrow> I certInly do not want to upset anyone who is or was already working on the project
[01:21] <LjL> Jack_Sparrow: i'm sure they wouldn't mind an addition to their team though, especially considering the project hasn't seemed very active lately
[01:22] <Jack_Sparrow> Just wanting to tread lightly...
[01:23] <Jack_Sparrow> LjL: I see where they were going, I simply would have gone for something more basic and built on that.
[01:26] <Jack_Sparrow> LjL: Have a great weekend, my wife will be back home from the desert soon and we have a housewarming to attend. I will play with the code over the weekend.
[01:26] <Jack_Sparrow> Goodnight all...
[01:26] <LjL> Jack_Sparrow: night
[01:43] <LjL> [02:43:26] <__mikem> What is going on with the flood bots
[01:44] <LjL> i'll now paste every time he ask about stuff he shouldn't care about
[01:44] <LjL> you'll have to share my pain
[01:49] <LjL> gnnnnnnn
[01:49] <LjL> "so are you"
[01:49] <LjL> can i say that to him
[01:49] <LjL> can i
[01:59] <danbhfive> I'm failing to add a factoid to ubotu, but I'm following the directions on the wiki, any ideas?
[01:59] <LjL> danbhfive: hm, there's some bug in the bot somewhere that fails at adding factoids containing some characters
[01:59] <LjL> just paste it here please
[02:00] <danbhfive> here is the command I tried to run:
[02:00] <danbhfive> !enablesources is <reply> Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System > Administration > Software Sources
[02:01] <LjL> it's the ">"s i think
[02:01] <danbhfive> ah, yeah, that makes sense
[02:01] <LjL> anyway, isn't it better to give people the full information and use
[02:01] <LjL> !repos
[02:01] <ubotu> The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource
[02:02] <emgent> hello there
[02:02] <danbhfive> well, you know how the installer disables all the repositories if your internet isn't working?, I usually tell people to go to that program
[02:02] <emgent> someone here?
[02:03] <danbhfive> I think its simpler, but I can try that if you think its better
[02:03] <emgent> i need to open a new room (#ubuntu-hackers) for this project https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-hackers
[02:03] <emgent> i can open it, or i should wait irc opers team ?
[02:05] <emgent> !op
[02:05] <ubotu> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!
[02:05] <ubotu> emgent called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()
[02:05] <nalioth> emgent: yes?
[02:05] <emgent> nalioth, read :)
[02:05] <ubotu> In ubotu, danbhfive said: enablesources is <reply> Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System / Administration / Software Sources
[02:06] <LjL> !enablesouces is blah
[02:06] <ubotu> I'll remember that, LjL
[02:07] <LjL> !no enablesources is <reply> Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System > Administration > Software Sources - See !repositories for detailed information
[02:07] <ubotu> I know nothing about enablesources yet, LjL
[02:07] <LjL> ew
[02:07] <LjL> !enablesources is blah
[02:07] <ubotu> I'll remember that, LjL
[02:07] <LjL> !no enablesources is <reply> Enable the standard Ubuntu repositories by going to System > Administration > Software Sources - See !repositories for detailed information
[02:07] <LjL> !forget enablesouces
[02:07] <ubotu> I'll remember that LjL
[02:07] <ubotu> I'll forget that, LjL
[02:07] <danbhfive> lol, ok
[02:08] <jrib> enablesauce
[02:09] <LjL> !automatix | jrib
[02:09] <ubotu> jrib: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »
[02:09] <jrib> heh
[02:10] <danbhfive> cool, LjL, thanks
[02:16] <emgent> re-heya :)
[02:16] <nalioth> emgent: do you dial your local cities emergency services to ask when the next city council meeting is going to be held?
[02:17] <emgent> uhm? i dont understand
[02:17] <PriceChild> simple question
[02:18] <PriceChild> yes or no answer
[02:18] <nalioth> emgent: in the US we dial 911 when folks are needing the police or fire services. in the UK they dial 999 to get the same
[02:19] <nalioth> emgent: do you dial your local cities emergency services to ask when the next city council meeting is going to be held?
[02:19] <emgent> no
[02:19] <nalioth> then why did you dial Ubuntu Emergency Services about your purely administrative questions?
[02:19] <emgent> sorry, i understand :)
[02:20] <emgent> no0tic, say to me ask here. but sorry for request.
[02:20] <nalioth> did you not stop to think that maybe we don't spend every second glued to this channel?
[02:21] <PriceChild> gah, request fine to ask about... way he did it wasn't
[02:21] <emgent> ops, wrong part..
[02:21] <PriceChild> request fine to ask about... way you did it wasn't
[02:22] <emgent> PriceChild, i understand sorry :|
[02:25] <emgent> only one question nalioth
[02:25] <emgent> why you redirect and close this room ?
[02:26] <nalioth> emgent: we do that with all unofficial channels (or channels of questionable origin)
[02:27] <emgent> ok, i will request ufficializzation, sorry for disturbe :)
[02:27] <Pici> emgent: The IRC Council owns the #ubuntu* namespace
[02:27] <emgent> Pici, yes i know
[02:27] <emgent> but ubuntu-hackers is a project with ubuntu
[02:28] <emgent> Daniel T Chen (crimsun) is in too.
[02:28] <PriceChild> emgent, who's he?
[02:28] <emgent> motu
[02:28] <emgent> https://edge.launchpad.net/~crimsun
[02:28] <PriceChild> why's that have relevance?
[02:29] <mneptok> emgent: how do you plan to do security audits of Launchpad code?
[02:29] <emgent> mneptok, i was found some security bug in launchpad with external pt.
[02:29] <emgent> this bug now patched. (ask keescook)
[02:29] <mneptok> emgent: so report it to the security team. i'm sure Kees wants to know about it.
[02:30] <emgent> mneptok, it's patched now..
[02:30] <mneptok> emgent: there's really no need for Yet Another Security Team
[02:30] <Pici> emgent: This is an official Ubuntu team? sanctioned by one of the councils?
[02:30] <emgent> mneptok, see wiki page.
[02:30] <mneptok> emgent: join kees' group. that's the official teram.
[02:30] <mneptok> *team
[02:30] <emgent> Pici, not now i will ask to councils
[02:30] <emgent> ok i understand :)
[02:31] <emgent> i will ask to council. sorry for disturbe and thanks for help.
[02:31] <emgent> :)
[02:31] <emgent> see you later people
[02:31] <mneptok> emgent: it's always preferable to join the work of existing groups rather than fragment and duplicate effort
[02:31] <emgent> mneptok, it'snt duplicate.
[02:31] <emgent> see wiki and launchpad project page.
[02:31] <emgent> ubuntu-security it's only for canonical people.
[02:32] <PriceChild> probably for a reason
[02:32] <emgent> there is motu-swat (and i'm in) but this team debug pkgs only.
[02:32] <emgent> siretart give me and ideas to create it.
[02:32] <emgent> but np, i will ask to kees and council. sorry :P
[02:33] <Pici> From a strictly technical perspective I'm not sure how you are going to fix bugs on the forums, website or on LP..
[02:33] <emgent> we can audit an pt.
[02:33] <emgent> later interested team will patch.
[02:34] <PriceChild> no chance of doing it on the forums through us... would have to start developing at the vB end... ie be hired
[02:34] <emgent> we found bug and build patch, later interested team go to patch.
[02:34] <emgent> s/found/find/
[02:34] <PriceChild> launchpad's source isn't released, you'd need to be hired by canonical.
[02:34] <Pici> So... basicially: ubuntu-we-try-to-break-everything-then-you-fix-it-group?
[02:34] <emgent> PriceChild, external pt.
[02:34] <Pici> pt?
[02:34] <PriceChild> external pt?
[02:35] <emgent> yes.
[02:35] <PriceChild> pt?
[02:35] <emgent> i found bug in launchpad and ubuntu.com with external penetrations tests
[02:35] <Pici> hrm.
[02:35] <mneptok> emgent: please don't
[02:35] <emgent> mneptok, see
[02:35] <Pici> emgent: Now you definitly need to clear that with the councils.
[02:36] <PriceChild> I assume you sought permission before trying any kind of what seems like an attack?
[02:36] <emgent> Pici, i will ask np :)
[02:36] <mneptok> emgent: that behavior is against the Code Of Conduct unless your tests have been asked for and approved by the security team
[02:36] <emgent> see malone 180468
[02:36] <ubotu> Bug 180468 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/180468 is private
[02:37] <emgent> i worked with kees about it.
[02:37] <emgent> and later Matthew Nuzum apply my patch.
[02:38] <emgent> but no problem i will ask to council
[02:38] <PriceChild> emgent, so you were given access to the source code of what site? and you patched it yourself?
[02:38] <emgent> nope.
[02:38] <emgent> in revu yes.
[02:39] <emgent> if you see bug, i paste a patch for control input.
[02:39] <emgent> $input = str_replace(’”‘, “”, $input); #delete ” to var
[02:39] <emgent> $input = str_replace(”‘”, “”, $_GET[’query’]); #delete ‘ to var
[02:39] <emgent> $input = htmlentities($input);
[02:40] <emgent> it's an example to patch this security bug.
[02:40] <emgent> Matthew Nuzum was edit it to patch.
[02:40] <emgent> (about launchpad bug)
[02:40] <emgent> PriceChild, understand now?
[02:41] <PriceChild> emgent, we are not comfortable about the legitimacy of this team. You have given scary details of "attacks" without permission. We are not comfortable in that channel remaining open.
[02:41] <emgent> kees allow me.
[02:41] <emgent> and sirtart too for revu.
[02:42] <emgent> yesterday i found another security bug in members add functions (launchpad), i will work in this.
[02:43] <emgent> PriceChild, but no problem, i will talk with kees and i will send mail to council.
[02:43] <PriceChild> emgent, irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com, gpg signed
[02:44] <emgent> PriceChild, if you can unblock this channel i will put +s on it, and when council and kees accept i will reopen it.
[02:44] <PriceChild> emgent, I don't have the access to do that.
[02:44] <emgent> if not accept, i will drop.
[02:44] <emgent> nalioth, can?
[02:45] <Pici> EmmerP: Can we help you?
[02:46] <emgent> PriceChild, ok done, i go to mail kees and council :)
[02:47] <emgent> tomorrow ubuntu italia meeting to Siena, i think that is time to sleep too
[02:47] <EmmerP> Pici: actually, I was browsing through channels on the wiki page, and saw this one, and thought ' this must be a +i channel, but it isn't :)
[02:47] <EmmerP> So no, no help needed :)
[02:47] <emgent> nalioth, Pici PriceChild Thanks for all, see you later
[02:48] <PriceChild> Good luck.
[02:48] <emgent> heehhe :)
[02:48] <emgent> bye
[02:48] <Pici> !idle | fyi EmmerP :)
[02:48] <ubotu> fyi EmmerP :): Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.
[02:50] <EmmerP> aaight :)
[02:50] <Pici> Odd.
[03:05] <mneptok> FYI, i pointed Kees at emgent
[03:05] <mneptok> he'll get it under control
[03:07] <LjL> when someone knows many people, it might be that either nobody knows him, or everybody has only heard somebody else talking about him
[03:15] <mneptok> i dont; know anybody. i just have a list of nicks to stupid to use /ignore :)
[03:15] <mneptok> *too
[03:32] <no0tic> mneptok, emgent told me few seconds ago he spoke with kees and he agreed, I assume you already did before. I would like to underline the fact that emgent has not been approved when he asked the italian membership one month ago. Tomorrow he will attend our italian meeting only because we can't ban anybody to partecipate...
[03:32] <Crasy> "Your router is affected by a bug. Please follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit to fix it, and then type « test me ». If the automatic test fails, join #ubuntu-ops and ask to be tested by operators"
[03:33] <Crasy> So...I broke something? :O
[03:33] <no0tic> Crasy, go to #ubuntu-read-topic and type "test me"
[03:33] <Crasy> rasy: Sorry, but I am unable to test you (are you using your usual nickname?). Please contact the operators (type « /topic » to find out how).
[03:34] <Crasy> Do I really have to change my settings for a single simple question?
[03:35] <mneptok> Crasy: yes, because your IRC client is vulnerable to an exploit
[03:35] <Crasy> Allright
[03:39] <Crasy> Now I'm on port 8001
[03:39] <Crasy> And still failed test.
[03:40] <Crasy> "but freenode also offers the ability to connect to port 8001. This will prevent this particular exploit from effecting you." So, I'm good now right?
[03:40] <nalioth> Crasy: let's see
[03:40] <mneptok> !test Crasy
[03:40] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about test crasy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[03:40] <mneptok> poer goiaehiaoeg oeh08eryhg0983 gh094erj
[03:40] <Crasy> <_<
[03:41] <nalioth> Crasy: you can rejoin #ubuntu now, and thanks for your patience :)
[03:41] <Crasy> Appreciate it
[04:00] <Hobbsee> Seveas: ping
[04:02] <pvl1> uhm hi, for some reason i cant get into #ubuntu, it tells me that theres something wrong with my router, but with a different screenname i get in just fine
[04:10] <pvl1> apperently i was blacklisted, i dont know why.
[04:11] <nalioth> pvl1: you may be subseptible to an exploit
[04:11] <nalioth> have you performed the steps requested, pvl1 ?
[04:11] <pvl1> nalioth, i have changed it to .com/8001
[04:12] <nalioth> ok, pvl1
[04:13] <nalioth> pvl1: you can join #ubuntu now and thanks for your patience :)
[04:13] <pvl1> nalioth, ooo thank you very much!
[04:57] <ubotu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)
[05:16] <Hobbsee> !root
[05:16] <ubotu> Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[05:18] <Hobbsee> right.
[05:18] <Hobbsee> root removed again
[05:28] <jdong> s/realise/realize
[05:28] <jdong> *ducks*
[06:22] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-us-oh, rivalarrival said: ubotu is kinda dumb. Bucket is smart
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as LongPointyStick
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as LongPointyStick
[06:55] <ubotu> Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu (sammylegit)
[06:57] <Amaranth> nixternal: ban forward it to ##fix-your-connection
[06:57] <Amaranth> i think that's the channel anyway
[06:57] <nixternal> doesn't look like the channel
[06:57] <nalioth> that was the botmaster
[06:58] <nixternal> it keeps coming back and saying "hello"
[06:59] <nalioth> it's banned now, right?
[06:59] <nixternal> yes
[06:59] <nalioth> both are.
[07:00] <nixternal> ahh, good catch
[08:13] <ubotu> RAOF called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()
[08:22] <davies> hello Anubis, nice hostname
[08:31] <Gary> Anubis, are you forwarded here from another channel?
[08:41] <SNuxoll> uhmm...crap, I typed a stray command in irssi and just pinged everyone in #u-o, banning myself in the process >_>
[08:52] <SNuxoll> /q
[08:52] <SNuxoll> bah
[09:23] <jussi01> morning all
[09:24] * Gary wonders if Seveas is about at all
[09:25] * jussi01 is *quite* hung over
[09:25] <Gary> jussi01, good night last night then?
[09:28] <jussi01> Gary: yeps... company party
[09:29] <Gary> woo hooo
[09:29] <Gary> any photocopier incidents?
[09:29] <jussi01> Seveas: when you come back, in answer to your question yesterday, editing rights to ubotu
[09:29] <jussi01> Gary: no... :P
[09:30] <jussi01> Gary: hence I have been afk from about 3pm yesterday till now...
[09:30] <Gary> sore head?
[09:31] <jussi01> very
[09:31] <jussi01> I love it when te company pays... :D
[09:44] <jussi01> !-variant
[09:44] <ubotu> variant is <alias> flavors - added by Pici on 2007-12-17 15:58:47
[09:44] <jussi01> !-mint
[09:44] <ubotu> mint is <alias> derivatives - added by LjL on 2008-01-24 22:57:27
[09:45] <jussi01> hey someone with editing rights, !variant should alias !derivatives
[09:45] <davies> jussi01: no, I think LjL did that, Kubuntu is not a derivative for example :)
[09:48] <jussi01> davies: it should be that variants are mint, mce etc, and derivatives are kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntustudio etc. If you disagree, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/derivatives
[09:49] <davies> http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php
[09:49] <davies> hmmm
[09:50] <jussi01> sigh...
[09:50] <jussi01> hate that when they do that
[09:51] * davies hugs jussi01
[09:51] * jussi01 hugs davies back
[09:55] <jussi01> davies: I would be inclined to go with my link after thinking about it, and filing a bug against the kubuntu page. It feels to me like someone forgot to think that day.
[09:56] <davies> jussi01: I wrote that!
[09:57] <jussi01> davies: really? well I disagree. :)
[09:57] <davies> jussi01: Kubuntu is not a derivative because it uses the same base as ubuntu
[09:57] <davies> and so do all the others on that ubuntu.com - it's wrong
[09:59] <davies> jussi01: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/
[10:00] <davies> jussi01: and you might want to ask Riddell ;)
[10:03] <jussi01> davies: I still disagree.
[10:20] <jussi01> davies: I dont like your new name, come back jpatrick!!!! :P
[10:20] <Seveas> jussi01, get a few IRC council members to agree with you that you should have editing rights :)
[10:20] <jussi01> Seveas: ok. :)
[10:21] <jussi01> thanks forthe info.
[10:21] <davies> jussi01: I'm just avoid some -es trolls
[10:21] <jussi01> davies: ahh, got you.
[10:23] <davies> + this one's shorter :)
[10:24] <jussi01> davies: who cares, I have tab completion :D
[10:43] <jussi01> morning Hobbsee
[10:44] <Hobbsee> heya jussi01!
[10:45] <jussi01> Hobbsee: I got to tell you thanks again for the listadmin info, dunno what id do with out it now. :D
[10:45] <Hobbsee> jussi01: :D you're welcome
[10:46] <davies> morning Hobbsee
[10:48] <Hobbsee> morning davies
[10:49] <davies> Hobbsee: you seen sabdfl's message on m-c?
[10:49] <Hobbsee> davies: yep :D
[10:50] <jussi01> davies: I havent, got a link?
[10:51] <davies> one sec
[10:51] <davies> jussi01: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-January/000812.html
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as LongPointyStick
=== LongPointyStick is now known as Hobbsee
[11:19] <Hobbsee> irssi has some *nice* scripts
[11:20] <jussi01> Hobbsee: which ones in particular?
[11:22] <Hobbsee> the split line
[11:22] <Hobbsee> as in, the one that puts a line after you last saw
[11:23] <jussi01> trackber.pl :)
[11:23] <jussi01> trackbar.pl :)
[11:24] <Hobbsee> yeah :)
[11:26] <jussi01> no0.tics auto_bleh.pl is very nice also
[11:28] <Hobbsee> don't think i've seen that
[11:28] <jussi01> Hobbsee: http://no0tic.homelinux.org/~no0tic/auto_bleh.pl
[11:28] <Hobbsee> idlesince.pl doesn't seem to work for me, though
[11:30] <jussi01> Hobbsee: I alos like adv_windowlist.pl makes things easier
[11:33] * Hobbsee wants idlesince.pl!
[11:34] <jussi01> Hobbsee: what does it do?
[11:35] <jussi01> oh
[11:36] <Hobbsee> jussi01: hrm, now how do i ignore ubotu only in -bugs?
[11:37] <jussi01> Hobbsee: hmmm... not sure on that one.
[11:38] <jussi01> Hobbsee: irssi has good documentation on their site. I havent had to do that yet ;)
[11:38] <Hobbsee> i used to be able to
[11:39] <jussi01> Hobbsee: /help ignore :)
[12:01] <ubotu> In #xubuntu, totalwormface said: !fusesmb is fusesmb allows easy access to networkshares https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb
[12:17] <Hobbsee> jussi01: i fail.
[12:38] <Hobbsee> right. works well enough now.
[14:05] <larson9999> i got the ubuntu-read-topic and upgraded the firmware for my router. the self test failed so i'm here asking to be tested by the ops.
[14:07] <jdong> there's a self-test now?
[14:07] * jdong has been living in a cave
[14:19] <LjL> re "derivatives"
[14:19] <LjL> the Kubuntu website, in the FAQ, calls Kubuntu an "official part of Ubuntu"... can a part of something be a derivative of it?
[14:20] <LjL> also i was always under the impression that Ubuntu[GNOME] and Kubuntu were on the same level from things people (and when i say people i mean Shuttleworth) said
[14:30] <davies> LjL: that's what I say
[14:35] <ubotu> astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (Whyvas)
[15:17] <Hobbsee> jussi01: ping
[15:18] <jussi01> Hobbsee: pong
[15:18] <Hobbsee> jussi01: what do i need to set to keep per-channel backscroll?
[15:18] <Hobbsee> ie, pressing up key only giving stuff in the channel?
[15:19] <Hobbsee> jussi01: i thought it was window_history ON, but it doesn't appear to make any difference to the OFF version
[15:20] <jussi01> Hobbsee: did you /reload?
[15:20] <Hobbsee> jussi01: yes
[15:20] <jussi01> Hobbsee: I dont know then. :(
[15:21] <Seeker`> the problem with IP over Avian carrier is the high ping.
[15:22] <jussi01> wb Hobbsee
[15:22] <Hobbsee> jussi01: looks like it requires an actual restart - it didn't appera in the config file
[15:23] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ahh, yeah, a /save may have been in order
[15:24] <Hobbsee> jussi01: thought i ddi that too. oh well
[15:25] <jussi01> Hobbsee: Im sadly not the irssi expert... nali.oth on the other hand...
[15:25] <Hobbsee> heh
[16:16] <jussi01> Hobbsee: you use screen with irssi?
[16:17] <tritium> jussi01: I do
[16:17] <pleia2> all the cool kids do!
[16:18] <jussi01> yeah, I know all of you do... I was going to recomend a script to her... (since we were talking about such earlier :) )
[16:18] <tritium> Which script?
[16:19] <jussi01> screen_away ;)
[16:19] <Pici> <3 screen away
[16:20] <tritium> sounds intriguing
[16:20] <jussi01> Pici: me also :D
[16:24] <Seeker`> what does screen_away do?
[16:25] <Pici> Seeker`: automatically sets /away when screen is disconnected
[16:28] <tritium> Is it not in irssi-scripts?
[16:28] <jussi01> tritium: should be
[16:29] <tritium> Yes, I just loaded it.
[16:56] <ubotu> In #kubuntu-devel, mhb said: !family is it?
[16:56] <Seveas> chanserv is not responding :/
[16:56] <Seveas> ah, laggg
[16:57] <jussi01> afternoon Seveas
[16:57] <Seveas> hi
[16:59] <Seveas> emma, your chances of getting unbanned are getting very slim now you start to annoy several people in PM
[16:59] * jussi01 is sick of his hilights being triggered by the guy in #kubuntu-devel
[16:59] <Seveas> heh
[16:59] <Seveas> what's the highlight?
[16:59] <emma> I just want to speak with someone who will be reasonable. That's all I'm asking.
[17:00] <emma> I will be happy to wait patiently and I will not complain about that.
[17:00] <Seveas> this is not a channel for idling
[17:00] <jussi01> Seveas: piss (guys nick is toma_pissed)
[17:00] <emma> Okay would you like me to come back later?
[17:00] <Seveas> jussi01, lol :)
[17:01] <Seveas> emma, unless there are other ops active right now who can speak to you
[17:01] <jussi01> @btlogin
[17:01] <emma> Seveas - Okay, are there any ops here or might I be able to speak to you in good will?
[17:02] <Seveas> well, you've lost all credibility already here and you're not going to beleive that I'm reasonable
[17:02] <Seveas> so other ops are what you need
[17:02] <Seveas> none seem to be active now though
[17:03] <emma> I've obviously offended you and I take responsibility for that and I am sorry for venting my frustration in an inappropriate forum. I think it's true that a support forum is not a good place for me to say I wish Ubuntu was easier to use just for my particular frustrating experience which was just in the last four hours. I acknowledge that.
[17:04] <emma> But since I have been using #ubuntu for many many many months and have helped people when I can, I think it is fair to say that this is a very isolated and relatively minor thing and I'm not a troll.
[17:05] <emma> I do believe you are a reasonable person or you would not have become an op in #ubuntu. I do trust that you are and that's why I'm speaking to you here.
[17:05] <Seveas> I'm just going to repeat what I said in PM:
[17:05] <Seveas> <Seveas> I don't see you helping, I only see unfounded 'criticism', not following instructions, trolling and calling people names
[17:05] <Seveas> and leave it at that, other ops will take it from here
[17:05] <emma> Very well.
[17:30] <Seveas> !ops
[17:30] <ubotu> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!
[17:30] <ubotu> Seveas called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()
[17:30] <Seveas> sudobash in #ubuntu
[17:30] <Pici> uhuwuh?
[17:30] <Seveas> I thought he was banned :)
[17:31] <Pici> I thought you were an op.
[17:33] <Pici> Seveas: Perhaps you are thinking of sudoking?
[17:33] <Seveas> could be
[17:33] <Seveas> that's why I yelled :)
[17:45] <Pici> !guidelines | emma
[17:45] <ubotu> emma: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[17:45] <Pici> emma: can you please read that and make sure that you understand it.
[17:46] <emma> Absolutely.
[17:47] <Pici> Let me know when you are done.
[17:47] <emma> I will.
[17:50] <Pici> Seveas: you may want to de-op in #ubuntu
[17:50] <emma> Thank you I have read it and I understand it completely.
[17:50] <Gary> and offtopic :p
[17:51] <Seveas> yeah, I stayed opped because chanserve lagged over a minute
[17:52] <Pici> emma: I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and remove your ban. Everyone gets frustrated sometimes, often it is best to just take a few minutes away from the channel to clear your thoughts before venting aloud.
[17:52] <emma> Absolutely.
[17:55] <emma> Thank you so much. I think #ubuntu is a really valuable channel and it would be impossible without reasonable ops like you. :)
[17:55] <nalioth> Seveas: sudoking has incurred the wrath of another staffer, and has a temporary kline lasting 1 year
[17:56] * davies dislikes the Spanish people supporting envy
[17:56] <Pici> emma: if you have nothing further here, we ask that you part so that we all know who still has pending issues.
[17:56] <emma> Okies. Thank you again. :)
[17:56] <Seveas> nalioth, I'm not unhappy about that result :)
[17:59] <PriceChild> Who's this michalski then
[18:00] <nalioth> PriceChild: a collector, of course
[18:01] <PriceChild> He's got a decent amount of launchpad karma... *looks what in*
[18:01] <PriceChild> ah all on answers
[18:12] <PriceChild> Hockey tomorrow woo
[18:34] <Pici> !modes
[18:34] <ubotu> There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml
[18:55] <Pici> Hmm... Should I make provisions in my fork/rewrite of the bantracker to track *-lines?
[18:55] <nalioth> Pici: *-lines?
[18:55] <Pici> nalioth: klines etc..
[18:56] <PriceChild> uuuu this still going well? you're moving it to mysql right?
[18:56] <PriceChild> Pici, ubotu would probably track it from multiple channels and duplicate it?
[18:57] <Pici> PriceChild: Good thinking.
[18:57] <Pici> I'll leave it out for now then.
[18:58] <Pici> I've made the initial changes to move it to mysql fine, but there have been some feature requests so I'm experimenting right now with re-building portions of it using django, since the web-based portion of it is so heavily used.
[18:59] <Switch1> requesting an unban from ubuntu-offtopic
[18:59] * nalioth wants an x:line tracker
[18:59] <PriceChild> Switch1, done
[18:59] <PriceChild> Pici, ^
[18:59] <nalioth> and also a tracker to watch for Shroedinger-lines
[19:00] <davies> guys: #kubuntu
[19:00] <PriceChild> What's a shroedinger-line?
[19:00] <Switch1> thanks PriceChild
[19:00] <Pici> nalioth: sorry, heisenberg won't let me do that one.
[19:00] <davies> heads up on "Exotic-s4"
[19:01] <PriceChild> davies, !ops, in the channel normally works a lot better.
[19:02] <PriceChild> in #kubuntu, not here obviously
[19:02] <PriceChild> and your new name is confusing :)
[19:02] <davies> PriceChild: I am an op, and it's the second time I've banned him/her/it
[19:02] <ompaul> davies, we knew you in your other life there are too many daves
[19:02] <ompaul> davies, even 2001 the film had one
[19:03] <davies> hehe
[19:03] <PriceChild> davies, so you are... and "meh" I guess.
[19:03] <Pici> Yes, stop confusing us.
[19:03] <nalioth> davies: when you see stuff like exotic-s4, please poke a staff member.
[19:03] <davies> nalioth: I will
[19:03] <nalioth> davies: your bans are obsolete, cuz klines were issued
[19:03] <nalioth> davies: those SOBs just don't hit #kubuntu
[19:04] * Dave2 switches nalioth's "just" and "don't"
[19:05] * nalioth unplugs Dave2 from the matrix
[19:05] <Dave2> :o
[19:07] <Pici> Is that the emoticon for 'Whoa'?
[19:08] <nalioth> no, it's the emoticon for "holy COW, i've been unplugged!!!"
=== davies is now known as jpatrick
[19:12] <jpatrick> are you all happy now?
[19:12] <Seveas> \o/
[19:13] <ompaul> jpatrick, about 89% happy
[19:13] <jpatrick> ompaul: have a cup of tea :)
[19:14] <ompaul> whoot happiness is a 14.2% rating for a cup of tea
[19:14] <ompaul> I will be totally happy :)
[19:14] <ompaul> thanks
[19:14] <ompaul> with some spare happiness floating around
[19:38] <ubotu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[19:38] <ubotu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[19:38] <ubotu> FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[19:38] <ubotu> Cpudan80 called the ops in #ubuntu (Program7)
[19:39] <Cpudan80> Hey umm
[19:40] <Cpudan80> You guys know your flood bots just banned the users that got hit by that D-C-C attack?
[19:40] <Gary> they ban forward
[19:40] <Gary> to #ubuntu-read-topic
[19:41] <Cpudan80> OK --- but I mean.... surely you dont want to send them there forever
[19:42] <Gary> no, they get information on how to prevent the exploit, tested and if they pass the ban is lifted
[19:42] <Gary> go join and read the topic in #ubuntu-read-topic ?
[19:43] <Pici> Cpudan80: It forwards them there so that they can fix their routers/change their connecting ports so that this will not happen again.
[19:43] <Pici> Perhaps eventually these trolls trying to do the exploits will give up.
[19:43] <Cpudan80> Ehhh I see I see
[19:43] <Cpudan80> Very nice, very nice
[19:43] <Gary> perhaps, also maybe i'll see flying bacon soon
[19:44] <Cpudan80> Hehe
[19:55] <ubotu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, syntaxerror55 said: !o4o is now trendy
[19:55] <Pici> ..
[20:01] <ubotu> In #kubuntu, mragrid said: ubotu: the problem is that the fglrx does not contain a driver with 3d acceleration support for my card and i noticed that in kanotix its working verry well so please if you know a way throught it i can copy all the informations needed from kanotix and put it in kubuntu to get the card working please tell it to me
[20:01] <jpatrick> ..
[20:04] <nalioth> ubotu: tell mragrid about bot
[20:04] <jpatrick> done by Pici
[20:04] * nalioth isn't following Pici around :(
[20:04] <Pici> :(
[20:25] <tomaw> those floodbots seem to do odd things on netsplits ...
[20:25] <LjL> tomaw: why odd?
[20:26] <Cpudan80> So I was just wondering why 3 flood bots?
[20:26] <Cpudan80> Is it just in case several die at once?
[20:26] <LjL> Cpudan80: it's mostly in case of netsplits
[20:26] <tomaw> LjL: they -J'd the channel (was it +J?), opped two of themselves and the deopped themselves.
[20:26] <tomaw> LjL: in fact, floodbot1 -J'd twice.
[20:27] <Cpudan80> Oh
[20:27] <LjL> tomaw, Cpudan80: +J behaves badly on server deaths (and a server death is just a netsplit where you later discover that the server, well, die)
[20:27] <Cpudan80> Yeah i know that
[20:27] <LjL> so when the bots detect a netsplit, they try to obtain +o as hard as they can
[20:27] <LjL> and they -J
[20:27] <Cpudan80> ##windows got into +J hell a while back when freenode was under attack
[20:27] <tomaw> It should only cause a problem if a server actually dies
[20:27] <Cpudan80> We kept having to -J the room but every time the servers came back online - they would +J it again
[20:27] <LjL> 3 are not "needed", but the more we have, the higher the chances -J will be set on every server
[20:28] <tomaw> Splitting from the net and coming back again should join any number of users through +J
[20:28] <LjL> tomaw: and how would i tell the difference between a server dying and a server simply splitting
[20:28] <tomaw> LjL: you can't
[20:28] <LjL> exactly
[20:28] <LjL> so i -J
[20:28] <tomaw> you could detect that it's not +J though
[20:28] <LjL> tomaw: i do
[20:28] <Cpudan80> Is the normal state for #ubuntu +J ?
[20:28] <LjL> tomaw: the fact that bot1 set it twice well, that one is a bug
[20:28] <LjL> Cpudan80: yes
[20:28] <tomaw> :)
[20:29] <Cpudan80> Oh ok
[20:29] <nalioth> Cpudan80: the 3 bots are a failover plan
[20:29] <Cpudan80> So what is running the bots?
[20:29] <LjL> sort of...
[20:29] <Cpudan80> Python, Java ?
[20:29] <nalioth> Cpudan80: they run on different folks' computers
[20:29] <Cpudan80> nalioth: right but I mean, what language
[20:29] <tomaw> LjL: what's the theory behind reacting on a split that involves so few users?
[20:30] <jpatrick> Cpudan80: PHP I think
[20:30] <Cpudan80> oh PHP - nice
[20:30] <LjL> tomaw, formerly i reacted on only big (>50 users or so) netsplits, but i changed that later... i'm not sure which way is best to be honest
[20:31] <Cpudan80> How many users were hit by that?
[20:31] <tomaw> reacting on two users splitting off is quite spammy :)
[20:31] <tomaw> two in #ubuntu
[20:31] <Cpudan80> But are you sure 2 users is a netsplit though? Maybe they just quit at the same time?
[20:32] <LjL> Cpudan80: look at the quit messages
[20:32] <PriceChild> Cpudan80, quit messages
[20:32] <Cpudan80> oh no the quit message
[20:32] <Cpudan80> I see
[20:32] <tomaw> :)
[20:32] <Cpudan80> And why the hell am I on brown.freenode.net
[20:32] <Cpudan80> I thought I removed that one
[20:32] <tomaw> apparently not
[20:32] <LjL> Cpudan80: if you connect to irc.freenode.net...
[20:33] <Cpudan80> brown is my failover server --- but I guess I could have been stuck onto it by irc. ...
[20:33] <LjL> tomaw: well, see, the problem here is: either i react when i see a netsplit quit message (so, any netsplit), or i react when the amount of users is very different from the amount of users one unit-of-time (one minute, currently) ago
[20:33] <LjL> tomaw: doing the latter thing has drawbacks, too
[20:33] <tomaw> LjL: react after x netsplit quits?
[20:33] <LjL> tomaw: for instance, it results in -J being set during attacks, if the attackers can manage to make more than $threshold users quit
[20:33] <LjL> tomaw: that's one more counter to keep but i suppose it could be done
[20:34] <LjL> tomaw: anyway the bots also -J when chanserv lags. that also causes some spam
[20:34] <LjL> (yes, it lags often enough)
[20:34] <LjL> (its lag pretty often being a pre-symptom of a netsplit to come)
[20:34] <tomaw> Indeed, services will lag if a channel is being flooded, mass joins etc
[20:35] <tomaw> Peronsonally I would keep floodbots opped
[20:35] <LjL> tomaw: all of them? no, can't do that unless i change them completely
[20:35] <LjL> tomaw: they have no idea which one of them is opped
[20:35] <tomaw> Well, anti-floodbots anyway ;)
[20:35] <PriceChild> but then they need to communicate and decide on who does some of the other actions
[20:35] <PriceChild> i guess it could be done so that only floodbot1 does things... whichever that one is?
[20:36] <PriceChild> by "things" i mean, anything other than in attacks
[20:36] <LjL> [21:35:55] <FloodBot2> WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit
[20:36] <LjL> [21:35:57] <FloodBot3> WARNING: ChanServ is not replying, removing limit
[20:36] <tomaw> that was just now?
[20:36] <LjL> PriceChild: but that would vanify completely their ability to react on netsplits correctly
[20:36] <LjL> tomaw: yes
[20:36] <PriceChild> LjL, vanify?
[20:37] <LjL> tomaw: as you can see this time only one bot set the -J, the other managed to see that it had already being set
[20:37] <LjL> it happens a bit randomly (well, there *are* some random bits in there)
[20:37] <tomaw> how many times have you had +J cause problems on a netsplit?
[20:37] <LjL> PriceChild: if only bot1 does things, then the other two bots are effectively useless to remove +J on likely server deaths
[20:38] <LjL> tomaw: enough that keeping +J set was ruled out (and not by me)
[20:38] <tomaw> it really should only cause a problem where a server loses connection for long enough for its clients to reconnect elsewhere
[20:38] <jpatrick> LjL: could the floodbot bot be put at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots ?
[20:38] <LjL> jpatrick: currently we (as in the irc council) think we'd rather not release the source... that might change
[20:39] <PriceChild> LjL, no. I mean if they are all always opped. In attacks it goes the same as it goes now. However for all other things, like floods, and unbanning, only number1 does it?
[20:39] <PriceChild> s/floods/pastes/
[20:39] <LjL> PriceChild: yeah that's what you said - but if only bot1 does things, then only bot1 sets -J on netsplit... so what are the other two bots there for? (since the primary function of having 3 bots was *redundancy on netsplits* in order to make very sure that -J would be set during a netsplit)
[20:40] <jpatrick> LjL: ok, right
[20:40] <LjL> tomaw, tbh i wouldn't have minded just keeping +J always set.
[20:40] <nalioth> since these bots are non-harmful, most users (and folks who have no need to see them) can safely /ignore
[20:40] <tomaw> LjL: aye
[20:42] <LjL> tomaw: anyway it complicates things a little bit, but i can definitely react on big netsplits only
[20:43] <LjL> and i suppose i could make chanserv ping-reply timeout more relaxed as well
[20:43] <LjL> (although, it's *twenty seconds* already...)
[20:44] <Cpudan80> What is emet's problem now
[20:44] <Cpudan80> He does that BS in ##windows too
[20:44] <PriceChild> Cpudan80, pardon?
[20:44] <PriceChild> Hello port7_, how can I help?
[20:44] <Cpudan80> PriceChild: Well he just posted a video of Rick Astley
[20:45] <Cpudan80> He seems to like doing wildly off-topic things
[20:45] <PriceChild> hmmm I don't see anything for some reason
[20:45] <Pici> Thats because I removed him.
[20:45] <tomaw> LjL: there have been some reports over laggy services over the last couple of days. I suspect we'll need to investigate.
[20:49] <LjL> tomaw: no but they always detected chanserv lagging >20 seconds (well, it's 18 seconds but anyway) twice a day or so at least
[20:49] <LjL> although yeah, in the past days it has increased somewhat
[20:52] <ubot3> In #ubuntu-us-sc, xq said: !ubotu is a bot
[20:53] <Pici> ubot3 is in #ubuntu-us-sc?
[20:53] <ubot3> Pici: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[20:53] <Pici> quiet you.
[20:54] <nalioth> Pici: if you see it there, obviously it is.
[20:56] <LjL> tomaw: will now -J only on netsplits of "some" size. don't ask me what size exactly, since i reused old variables :) probably >15 users or so
[20:56] <tomaw> hehe
[20:57] <LjL> hope it actually works
[20:57] <LjL> also increased chanserv timeout by one second... doesn't seem like much but who knows
[20:59] <LjL> t you can't netsplit clarke or something for me can you :P
[21:00] <LjL> that is tomaw
[21:00] <tomaw> :P
[21:00] <tomaw> I think I had better not
[21:01] <Gary> aww
[21:01] <LjL> Gary: sorry :(
[21:10] <jpatrick> !ping
[21:10] <ubotu> ping: unknown host
[21:10] <jpatrick> ah
=== Pici is now known as Nyx
=== Nyx is now known as Nyx`
=== Nyx` is now known as Nyx-
=== Nyx- is now known as Nyx
[21:56] <jpatrick> errrr
[21:56] <Nyx> err?
[21:57] <Nyx> Which channel was that for? #kubuntu?
[21:57] <jpatrick> I just !nickspam-ed you :)
[21:57] <Nyx> Er, guess yes.
[21:57] <Gary> nickspammer :p
[21:57] <Nyx> I at least parted #ubuntu!
[21:58] <Seveas> /cs lart Nyx
[21:59] <PriceChild> Seveas, don't forget the reason 8-)
[21:59] <Seveas> PriceChild, that's fixed already of course :)
[21:59] <PriceChild> :P
[21:59] * PriceChild just updated
=== Nyx is now known as Pici
[22:23] <Pici> ompaul: I should avoid changing my nick in busy channels like *ubotu*
[22:23] <ompaul> Pici, I am glad to share that with you ;-)
[22:46] <Cpudan80> Is it possible to change the channel mode without notifying the channel?
[22:46] <Pici> no.
[22:46] <Cpudan80> In terms of your bots --- maybe they could do mode changes silently?
[22:46] <Cpudan80> oh
[22:46] <PriceChild> Cpudan80, no, but users can ignore changes?
[22:47] <Cpudan80> PriceChild: Well yeah -- but I mean, it would be good to make the bots do the changes silently (in my opinion) if that was possible
[22:47] <PriceChild> nope
[22:47] <PriceChild> and good it isn't possible... otherwise i could mute you without anyone knowing for example
[22:48] <ompaul> woops
[22:48] <ompaul> I could do it unbeknown to myself
[22:49] <ompaul> Anubis, you are here do you know why?
[22:50] * Pici is here
[22:50] <ompaul> Pici, kewl
[22:50] <Pici> KDE again?
[22:50] <ompaul> ewl for KDE
[22:51] <ompaul> knowledge is nowledge for KDE
[22:52] <ompaul> Emanual Kant is just a small guy in the none kde world ....
[22:53] <ompaul> in fact
[22:53] <Gary> ompaul, asked Anubis to look at his host this morning, no response
[22:53] <ompaul> what you think about /cs b *!*@*fuck*
[22:54] <Gary> damn good idea
[22:54] <ompaul> Gary, no response is not good enough
[22:54] <ompaul> PriceChild, LjL would either of you +1 that last idea?
[22:54] <ompaul> Gary, I would like to do that do the network :)
[22:54] <Gary> ompaul, me too, but...
[22:55] <PriceChild> isn't it already there?
[22:55] <PriceChild> i would have assumed that's how he got here.
[22:55] <ompaul> no
[22:55] <Pici> Is thats why hes here.
[22:55] <ompaul> for here
[22:55] <Pici> oh?
[22:55] <ompaul> they can guess that one
[22:55] <PriceChild> ah it wasn't
[22:55] <ompaul> ack
[22:55] <ompaul> but it should be in the other place
[22:55] <ompaul> and it should be for here
[22:56] * ompaul gets really evil
[22:56] <ompaul> autoban it?
[22:56] <ompaul> anyone with it leave straight away at the behest of chanserv
[22:56] <Gary> can you set a reason on autobans?
[22:56] <Pici> banforward to #ubuntu-you-kiss-your-mother-with-that-mouth?
[22:56] <ompaul> Gary, should I have to -- think about it
[22:57] <ompaul> Pici, you are giving me an idea for the channel lane
[22:57] <ompaul> nam
[22:57] <ompaul> name
[23:56] <emet> Pici, I am sorry :(
[23:58] <PriceChild> emet, what for?
[23:58] <PriceChild> (before anyone asks, I've read logs)
[23:58] <emet> I posted Rick Roll video in #ubuntu
[23:58] <PriceChild> Why?
[23:58] <emet> I was trying to be funny :o
[23:59] <PriceChild> why?