UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /26 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <lime4x4> what is the best way to install drivers for a nvidia 630i main board? Ubuntu doesn't recognize over half of my hardware
[00:07] <telee> lime4x4 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4188422 and https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/22924 i dont know if this is of much hjelp though
[00:10] <lime4x4> i got the graphic card working. Had to install the 169 nvidia drivers
[00:11] <lime4x4> but i have no sound and over half the hardware isn't detected. I should've checked more into it before buying this htpc board. just saw nvidia and i thought it was an older model guess not..lol
[00:11] <telee> are those the restricted drivers
[00:11] <telee> hehe
[00:11] <telee> did you dl alsa?
[00:11] <lime4x4> the restricted drivers from ubuntu don't work. had to install the latest drivers from nvdia.com
[00:11] <dannyboy79> I am trying to update-modules && rmmod ivtv && modprobe ivtv and it says ivtv is in use. how can I solve this?
[00:12] <lime4x4> i wil try that
[00:12] <frank23> recordings sometimes start appearing as a static screen of crap until I restart X. any ideas on how to 'reset' this without restarting X?
[00:13] <lime4x4> alsa-base is installed
[00:13] <frank23> the menu still works fine
[00:13] <dannyboy79> i added options ivtv yuv_buffers=32 mpg_buffers=16 vbi_buffers=16 pcm_buffers=16 dec_osd_buffers=2 to the /etc/modprobe.conf so that I could get rid of buffer full errors.
[00:13] <lime4x4> when i ntype alsamixer i get no device found
[00:14] <telee> are you in synaptic?
[00:14] <telee> lime4x4
[00:14] <lime4x4> no command line
[00:14] <telee> oh try synaptic... search alsa.... and it will show up other apps that you may need. you could need to get alsamixer too or something
[00:14] <telee> search alsa in synaptic
[00:15] <dannyboy79> can onyone help with adding options to the ivtv module for a PVR-350?
[00:15] <lime4x4> ok i will try that
[00:23] <dannyboy79> trying to add options for ivtv module in /etc/modprobe.conf, is that correct? Also how do I rrmod ivtv module. it complains it's in use?
[00:25] <lime4x4> telee: i got the sound working. had to install the linux-backports-module. Still have a alot of devices that aren't detected yet but atleast i have the base system up and running
[00:27] <lime4x4> also by the way i tried hardy and that had the same problem with hardware detection
[00:32] <dannyboy79> can anyone help please?
[00:35] <dannyboy79> I am trying to add options for ivtv module. can anyone help please.
[01:45] <npurciful> hows it going
[02:22] <lime4x4> how do i adjust my video settings for a wide screen tv 51" mythbuntu detects it as a hitachi ptv resolution set to 1920x1080. connected by a dvi cable.I have mythtv setup to use widescreen 16:9 i have 3 inches of black bars at the top and bottom when whatching tv and when mythtv menus i can't c all the options cause it over streches the image
[02:26] <superm1> welcome to dvi overscan
[02:26] <superm1> three options
[02:26] <superm1> 1) switch to vga
[02:26] <superm1> 2) adjust the size mythfrontend is allowed to take up (other apps will still suffer this fate)
[02:26] <superm1> 3) try to build a custom mode line to work around it
[02:27] <lime4x4> well tv has no vga connection.the motherboard uses vga,dvi and hdmi
[02:28] <superm1> then your best bet is probably 2
[02:28] <superm1> unless you can find a modeline to satisfy 3
[02:28] <lime4x4> i do have an adapter that goes from vga to component thou
[02:29] <superm1> that picture likely will suffer overscan problems too
[02:29] <lime4x4> geez just when i thought i was geting some where...lol
[02:30] <javatexan> hey guys
[02:30] <lime4x4> spent 4 days getting this htpc motherboard working since it's not supported by gutsy
[02:30] <superm1> lime4x4, yeah its unfortunate the way dvi is handled on tvs
[02:30] <lime4x4> u think hdmi would be better?
[02:30] <superm1> that's why i'm greatful that my tv has a vga port :)
[02:31] <superm1> likely would perform the same since hdmi == dvi +audio
[02:31] <javatexan> I am running lirc, I used irw to find out which buttons I needed to change, and I changed the .lircrc to have repeat 1 and delay 2, ive restarted lirc and FE........But repeat doesnt seem to be working, am I missing something
[02:32] <lime4x4> ok i guess it's back to the drawing board yet again...lol
[02:32] <superm1> lime4x4, well for now change the settings in myth
[02:32] <superm1> and things should be more usable
[02:32] <lime4x4> well do
[02:33] <superm1> javatexan, modify the proper lircrc
[02:33] <superm1> probably in ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[02:33] <superm1> or in hardy in ~/.lirc/
[02:33] <javatexan> 7.10?
[02:34] <javatexan> okay...I'll try the ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[02:36] <lime4x4> okay next task anyone knows how to play a mp3 thru xmms when the mps is stored remotely? I have all my audio on the mythtv box
[02:37] <superm1> you still use xmms?
[02:37] <superm1> didn't realize anyone still used that
[02:38] <lime4x4> yeah i like the interface
[02:38] <superm1> well it shouldn't be any different than mounting it locally
[02:38] <superm1> via nfs
[02:38] <superm1> or cifs
[02:39] <lime4x4> the only one that works is amarok
[02:39] <lime4x4> all my folders on the mythtv box are using samba
[02:40] <lime4x4> i like xmms cause i use gdesklets with the xmms plugin
[02:44] <superm1> than mount it using smbfs or cifs
[02:44] <superm1> and you'll be fine
[02:45] <lime4x4> ok thanks
[02:59] <MythbuntuGuest24> Hi anyone do much with Motorla Cable Boxes?
[03:48] <MythbuntuGuest27> someone please tell me where to access the dvd regionset util?
[04:20] <superm1> command line
[04:20] <superm1> type regionset
[04:22] <MythbuntuGuest27> thaks
[04:54] <tgm4883_laptop> MythbuntuGuest24, ping
[04:54] <tgm4883_laptop> MythbuntuGuest24, what are you trying to do?
[05:15] <superm1> tgm4883_laptop, i dont think you should take it personally; but he doesn't like you apparently
[05:25] <toorima> is there a setting in the control center for mythweb over https or is it do-it-yourself?
[05:26] <superm1> yourself
[05:26] <toorima> k
[05:26] <toorima> thx
[05:26] <toorima> dont want anyone sniffing my password
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[14:50] <Seeker`> I'm getting xmltv error 512 when myth tries to run mythfilldatabase automatically, but I can run it fine manually
[14:50] <Seeker`> any idea how to fix it?
[15:50] <Aquahallic_> Mornin' folks
[15:52] <Aquahallic_> I installed mythtv-frontend on my ubuntu... when I fire it up it comes up then it goes to scaling images.. and then just closes... in my log file I see 'Ran out of GART memory (for 1048576)'
[15:52] <Aquahallic_> anyone seen this before?
[15:52] <laga> which log file?
[15:52] <Aquahallic_> mythfrontend log
[15:53] <Aquahallic_> when it started crashing I set it to output a logfile
[15:54] <directhex> what video card & driver?
[15:54] <Aquahallic_> ATI Radeon 9700 and I'm not using restricted drivers
[15:54] <Aquahallic_> here's the WEIRD thing.....
[15:54] <Aquahallic_> it WAS working
[15:58] <Aquahallic_> I'm using compiz fusion... and it was working fine
[15:58] <Aquahallic_> I've set some visuals on my windows minimizing and things..
[15:58] <laga> disable compiz fusion?
[15:59] <Aquahallic_> well.. it was working with compiz fusion fine
[15:59] <Aquahallic_> let me turn off these window visuals and see if maybe they have ahold of something it wants???
[15:59] <laga> like, memory? :)
[16:01] <Aquahallic_> hmmm
[16:01] <Aquahallic_> that didn't fix it...
[16:01] <Aquahallic_> this is also in the log at the bottom
[16:01] <Aquahallic_> Ran out of GART memory (for 1048576)
[16:02] <Aquahallic_> *********************************WARN_ONCE*********************************
[16:02] <Aquahallic_> File r300_mem.c function r300_mem_alloc line 225
[16:02] <Aquahallic_> Ran out of GART memory (for 1048576)!
[16:02] <Aquahallic_> Please consider adjusting GARTSize option.
[16:02] <Aquahallic_> ***************************************************************************
[16:02] <Aquahallic_> Error: Could not get dma buffer... exiting
[16:02] <Aquahallic_> I have a gig of memory on this thing.. and really nuttin' open
[16:03] <laga> Please consider adjusting GARTSize option.
[16:03] <laga> :)
[16:03] <Aquahallic_> TOP says I have 220 meg left open
[16:03] <Aquahallic_> where on earth do I adjust that?
[16:03] <Aquahallic_> LOL
[16:04] <laga> in xorg.conf maybe
[16:04] <laga> google can help here, too
[16:04] <laga> i don't use compiz fusion and i don't like the free radeon driver either so i can't tell you much abouit that stuff :)
[16:04] <laga> s/abouit/about/
[16:05] <Aquahallic_> :P
[16:05] * Aquahallic_ starts diggin
[16:06] <directhex> GART memory would elate to the mapping between the AGP bus and the video memory on your card
[16:06] <Aquahallic_> gotcha'
[16:06] <Aquahallic_> I think I might have found it... looks like it is a xorg.conf entry
[16:07] <Aquahallic_> so would that be the same as the "AGP Aperature"
[16:11] <Aquahallic_> what are you folks thoughts on using the restricted drivers???
[16:11] <Aquahallic_> for my ATI
[16:11] <Aquahallic_> should... shouldn't.. good move... DON'T DO IT....LOL
[16:15] <directhex> not using ati is the easiest option, of course ;)
[16:16] <Aquahallic_> that's what I figured... and ubuntu installed found my card and my graphics look BEAUTIFUL
[16:17] <Aquahallic_> well... I made some adjustments to xorg.conf
[16:17] <Aquahallic_> lemme restart X and give it a whirl...:)
[16:17] <Aquahallic_> thx... bbiab
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=== dr_fate is now known as blkorpheus
[16:26] <Aquahallic> WHOO HOO!
[16:27] <laga> worky?
[16:27] <Aquahallic> YUP YUP
[16:27] <laga> cool
[16:28] <laga> maybe you want to document that in the forums
[16:28] <laga> or
[16:28] <laga> even better
[16:28] <laga> file a bug against mythbuntu and xserver-xorg
[16:28] <laga> and let them deal with it :)
[16:28] <Aquahallic> well.. I don't think it's so much of a bug.. as misconfiguration
[16:28] <Aquahallic> I JUST did this ubuntu install
[16:28] <laga> yeah, but maybe the xorg guys want to workaround it by default :)
[16:28] <Aquahallic> and took all the "defaults" in xorg
[16:29] <Aquahallic> in actuality there were NO options that came up for my card
[16:29] <Aquahallic> found that compiz will drop all your title bars without a couple options there
[16:30] <Aquahallic> that baffled me BIG TIME
[16:30] <Aquahallic> lol
[16:30] <Aquahallic> what I actually did though was... I found another guy's xorg.conf that has same card as me
[16:30] <Aquahallic> I took most all his "options" and popped 'em in
[16:31] <laga> yeah
[16:31] <Aquahallic> made a HELL of a difference with my desktop graphix too...:)
[16:31] <laga> need to report a bug against xorg-server then
[16:31] <Aquahallic> speed wise
[16:31] <Aquahallic> ahh
[16:31] <Aquahallic> k
[16:31] <laga> care to show me, btw?
[16:31] <laga> got a ati vga card myself
[16:31] <Aquahallic> so it'll populate by default you mean?
[16:31] <Aquahallic> sure
[16:31] <Aquahallic> lemme find that link
[16:32] <Aquahallic> it was ACTUALLY a guy talking about a blank boot screen with his ATI
[16:32] <laga> ah
[16:32] <Aquahallic> I have that too.. just hadn't gotten around to addressing it yet...:)
[16:32] <Aquahallic> maybe I killed 2 birds with one stone....:P
[16:32] <Aquahallic> lemme find ya the link I used
[16:33] <Aquahallic> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=317545
[16:33] <Aquahallic> I plopped all his options in... tried mythfrontend and it was DOG SLOW on the xml menus
[16:33] <Aquahallic> I had to comment out that PCI line
[16:34] <Aquahallic> and it's SMOKIN' fast now
[16:34] <Aquahallic> :P
[16:34] <laga> which PCI line
[16:34] <laga> because my frontend is slow, too.
[16:34] <Aquahallic> k
[16:34] <Aquahallic> hold
[16:34] <laga> would be awesome to get this resolved
[16:34] <Aquahallic> Option "BusType" "PCI" #!!! for direct rendering to work
[16:34] <laga> i mean, i already got some speed improvements, but it's still noticable slower
[16:35] <laga> ah
[16:35] <Aquahallic> I took that out.. and it was like a new 'puter
[16:35] <Aquahallic> :P
[16:35] <laga> well, too bad my card is actually PCI :)
[16:35] <Aquahallic> might TRY it though
[16:35] <Aquahallic> worth a shot
[16:35] <Aquahallic> lol
[16:35] <laga> yeah, i'll try those options (those which apply to my setup at least)
[16:35] <laga> Aquahallic: Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"
[16:35] <laga> you might try EXA here.
[16:35] <Aquahallic> mine's integrated with my laptop
[16:35] <laga> no promises, but it might be faster.
[16:36] <Aquahallic> what exactly is that??
[16:36] <laga> different acceleration methods provided by the X server
[16:36] <Aquahallic> ahh
[16:36] <laga> i think EXA is the default in newer setups so that's maybe that was breaking it. not sure
[16:36] <laga> worth a try :)
[16:36] <Aquahallic> well.. it wasn't in there when mythtv was bombing
[16:36] <Aquahallic> I had like NO options with the default
[16:37] <Aquahallic> heh... this is SWEET... got mythtv on one side of my cube in compiz...:)
[16:37] <jduggan> my box when it had gentoo on could play 720p content just fine with a pci nvidia 5200, running mythbuntu it chokes and is also slow - any of you guys got any suggestions?
[16:37] <blkorpheus> gotta love that
[16:38] <jduggan> its a p4 3.06ghz, with 2gb memory and PCI nvidia 5200
[16:38] <Aquahallic> oh yeah.. it's BEAUTIFUL!
[16:39] <blkorpheus> :)
[16:39] <laga> jduggan: no, sorry :/ maybe some xorg.conf option?
[16:39] <blkorpheus> jduggan, you should have no problem
[16:39] <laga> check http://wiki.mythtv.org
[16:39] <jduggan> it *should* be able to handle 720p content, especially *cough* blueray rips, but it doesnt
[16:39] <blkorpheus> specifically check the nvidia page on the mythtv wiki
[16:39] * blkorpheus looking for link
[16:40] <Aquahallic> well.. the woman has a "TO-DO" list for me.. and the longer I sit here.. the more $HIT she's adding to it...LOL
[16:40] <Aquahallic> lemme get that done... I'll post a bug on the ATI also for xorg
[16:40] <Aquahallic> thanx again for ALL your help as usual folks
[16:41] <laga> glad it helped
[16:41] <laga> i'll try those xorg options too :)
[16:41] <blkorpheus> jduggan, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Nvidia
[16:43] <jduggan> AGP is a minimum as the PCI bus does not have the bandwidth for HDTV
[16:43] <jduggan> uhm
[16:43] <jduggan> im assuming thats raw HDTV?
[16:43] <jduggan> not ripped stuff
[16:43] <jduggan> perhaps my PCI card is the problem
[16:44] <blkorpheus> I would guess
[16:44] <blkorpheus> you would want agp or pci-E
[16:46] <jduggan> my box has onboard VGA(d-sub) with no AGP/PCI-E slot, i was getting issues with dull colour on my HDTV via the d-sub card and found my PCI-DVI card sorted this (as well as allowing me to run native resolution via HDMI)
[16:46] <jduggan> it could well be the PCI bus in that case
[16:46] <jduggan> since i introduced that AFTER playing HD content via the onboard vga
[16:47] <laga> i wish i'd gotten a mainboard with two PEG slots, too :/
[16:47] <jduggan> so im stuck, either get crappy colour and no native resolution with ability to play HD, or run native resolution and good colour and not play HD content :P
[16:48] <jduggan> there's also a third option
[16:48] <jduggan> i guess
[16:48] <jduggan> and that's to buy new hardware
[16:48] <jduggan> but i hate spendin ;P
[16:48] <laga> :)
[16:48] <laga> i hate throwing perfectly good hardware away
[16:48] <jduggan> yea
[16:49] <jduggan> this is a 3ghz box with 2gb matched pair
[16:49] <jduggan> its ddr1 so cost a small fortune hehe
[16:49] <protonchris> Perhaps a silly question: Can I run a mythbuntu frontend on my tv-out and a ubuntu desktop on the vga out at the same time?
[16:49] <jduggan> protonchris: yes
[16:49] <laga> i could get a new mainboard for 40€ with digital audio out and two PEG slots, same chipset as my current motherboard. but i don't want to :)
[16:49] <laga> protonchris: depends.
[16:50] <laga> protonchris: in most cases, you can't run two separate X servers. that way, you'll run into focus issues if someone is working on the ubuntu desktop
[16:50] <jduggan> problem i have is that i've just spent money on 2gb of ddr1 - a new motherboard will make that redundant
[16:50] <jduggan> you can run the tv as a second extended screen
[16:51] <jduggan> i havent used tv-out in years, but IIRC the nvidia driver/setup util supports that
[16:51] <laga> it's also possible that there'll be odd video scaling problems with mythtv if the VGA monitor has a different aspect ratio than the TV set. at least that's what i was experiencing with my nvidia card. YMMV
[16:52] * laga never got the problem fixed that the tv-out kept coming up as primary screen in X
[16:52] <jduggan> :/
[16:52] <protonchris> jduggan: what do you use instead of tv-out (dvi -> hdmi)?
[16:53] <jduggan> yes, and also in my office i have a dual output card (1x vga, 1xDVI), i link the vga to an old 21" CRT and use that as a TV
[16:54] <jduggan> connected to my workstation
[16:54] <jduggan> or one of my workstations :)
[16:54] <protonchris> Thanks for the info. The machine I run my frontend and backend on seems under utilized so I was thinking of using it as a desktop as well.
[16:54] <laga> jduggan: while it can work and while it might be good enough for some people, i just don't like it. that wasn't meant to keep you, protonchris, from trying it :)
[16:55] <protonchris> laga: I understand :)
[16:55] * laga "solved" the problem by adding a second VGA card which opened another box of different issues
[16:55] <jduggan> heh
[16:55] <jduggan> i had issues with a second card
[16:55] <jduggan> never got it working right
[16:55] <jduggan> but managed to find a dual card in my loft
[16:56] <jduggan> geforce 4 something or other
[16:56] <jduggan> :)
[16:56] <protonchris> I guess I could solve my "problem" by getting a tiny dedicated frontend (it would be nice not to have my noisy machine in the living room).
[16:56] <protonchris> Have either of you two looked into dedicated frontends?
[16:56] <jduggan> i have a dedicated frontend
[16:57] <AlsMe> I'm looking for a fully supported digital that can go with Ubuntu
[16:58] <protonchris> jduggan: what do you use (appliance, quiet computer, etc)?
[16:58] <AlsMe> can someone please tell me a good card to go with
[16:59] <jduggan> AlsMe: well, its an intel board, it actually is a backend, but i boot from a usb flash drive and nfs mount my recordings DIR, so its quiet
[17:00] <jduggan> protonchris: then my other frontend is connected to a workstation my office as i mentioned above
[17:00] <jduggan> AlsMe: it's pretty silent :)
[17:00] <jduggan> in my office*
[17:00] <jduggan> er, protonchris rather
[17:00] <protonchris> HeHe
[17:00] <AlsMe> and the name of this card that your speaking of jduggan?
[17:00] <jduggan> AlsMe: nvidia anything 5200<
[17:01] <jduggan> AlsMe: sorry, i was talkin to protonchris, but auto completed your nick
[17:01] <AlsMe> ohhh.
[17:01] <jduggan> AlsMe: youre looking for graphics card or tv card?
[17:11] <AlsMe> tv card
[17:12] <AlsMe> its going on my mythtv backend for recording tv :)
[17:12] <AlsMe> what should I go with?
[17:53] <tgm4883_laptop> wtf, i'm getting some funky errors in mythbackend.log
[17:55] <tgm4883_laptop> anyone ever see anything like MainServer: HandleRemoteEncoder(cmd GET_STATE) Unknown encoder: 1
[18:02] <superm1> yes
[18:02] <superm1> i've seen similar
[18:04] <tgm4883_laptop> superm1, is it bad?
[18:04] <tgm4883_laptop> or easily fixable?
[18:04] <superm1> you just asked if i have seen it
[18:04] <superm1> not if i knew anything about it:)
[18:04] <tgm4883_laptop> right, but then there was a part 2
[18:04] <tgm4883_laptop> it was hidden
[18:04] <superm1> i saw it once a long long time ago
[18:05] <tgm4883_laptop> I have a hunch
[18:05] <superm1> yes it was in a world far far away
[18:05] <superm1> nice job!
[18:05] <tgm4883_laptop> I'm wondering if it has anything to do which the fact that I have a tuner or two that I haven't setup yet
[18:05] <tgm4883_laptop> ie, i put them under capture cards, but i didn't put any video sources associated with them
[18:05] <superm1> why would you do that?
[18:06] <tgm4883_laptop> well, i'm still working on getting my ir blasting working on my pvr500
[18:06] <tgm4883_laptop> I was hoping that I could associate my pvr150, and it would record so I would have time with my pvr500 to work on it
[18:06] <tgm4883_laptop> but alas, that is not the case
[18:07] <tgm4883_laptop> and also so i could have time to hookup my external antenna
[18:07] <tgm4883_laptop> for my HD-5500
[18:07] <superm1> sounds like an overall lack of drive for success
[18:08] <tgm4883_laptop> heh
[18:08] <tgm4883_laptop> could be
[18:08] <superm1> but really still no luck with the blasting?
[18:08] <tgm4883_laptop> no
[18:08] <tgm4883_laptop> in fact
[18:08] <tgm4883_laptop> i've actually regressed
[18:08] <tgm4883_laptop> now my pvr150 doesn't want to blast either
[18:09] <tgm4883_laptop> so to sum it up
[18:09] <tgm4883_laptop> I have absolutly no working mythbuntu machine right now :(
[18:09] <tgm4883_laptop> Its a sad day
[18:09] <superm1> maybe hardy will help?
[18:10] <tgm4883_laptop> Are you telling me to run unstable?
[18:10] <superm1> well all the cool kids do it
[18:10] <superm1> are you not cool?
[18:10] <tgm4883_laptop> im cool
[18:10] * tgm4883_laptop starts burning a hardy disk
[18:11] <superm1> yeah i mean if $things dont work in gutsy, its worth a shot, and it gets us someone else to file hardy bugs :)
[18:11] <tgm4883_laptop> true
[18:11] <tgm4883_laptop> I should run .21 too
[18:12] <tgm4883_laptop> whats the status on that? Are we still planning on it being in for hardy?
[18:12] <superm1> i'm really thinking about switching to 0.21 in 8 days
[18:12] <superm1> eg switching hardy to it
[18:12] <tgm4883_laptop> ah
[18:12] <tgm4883_laptop> sweet
[18:12] <jduggan> im getting lines running across my screen, i'm not sure how to describe it - its like tearing of the video horizontally, normally when there's fast moving pictures etc - its not strictly a myth issue as i get this when watching mplayer in fullscreen
[18:12] <tgm4883_laptop> err, dev channel
[18:12] <jduggan> but does anyone have experience of this?
[18:12] <jduggan> or indeed know how to fix it
[18:13] <tgm4883_laptop> jduggan, sounds like a vsync issue
[18:13] <superm1> +1 ^
[18:13] <jduggan> its just a horizontal line which somtimes moves up and down the screen
[18:13] <jduggan> tgm4883_laptop: what does one do to rectify that?
[18:13] <tgm4883_laptop> which vid card?
[18:13] <jduggan> 5200
[18:13] <jduggan> nvidia
[18:14] <jduggan> oh wait
[18:14] <jduggan> no thats a lie
[18:14] <jduggan> its an intel
[18:14] <jduggan> heh
[18:14] <jduggan> onboard
[18:14] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[18:14] <tgm4883_laptop> not sure on an intel
[18:14] <jduggan> Q965
[18:14] <tgm4883_laptop> nvidia settings (probably ati too) have a vsync setting
[18:14] <jduggan> yea - ive seen that
[18:15] <jduggan> this is onboard intel
[19:10] <javatexan> afternoon guys!!1
[19:16] <javatexan> wow...I had to nice mencoder to 20 just so it will play nice with mplayer. Its odd, before I nice 20 on mencoder, its PRI was 35; but with nice 20, its PRI is 39.....It keeps cheating....LOL
[20:13] <v0lksman> anyone here able to help with spdif in the latest release?
[20:15] <laga> not unless you ask a question
[20:16] <v0lksman> hahaha...aight...well I get spdif passthrough working with mplayer in a shell..but in myth it never passes 5.1 no matter what settings I try....
[20:17] <v0lksman> currently I have Alsa:Default as my Audio and Default as the passthrough device...I have checked AC3 passthrough option...but my stereo still only says its getting 2 channel feed...
[20:17] <v0lksman> I also have problems in mythmusic where the audio sounds like its missing parts (IE a guitar or soemtimes the drums are very muted)....
[20:17] <v0lksman> no clue where to look for solutions...I've read the Myth wiki....
[20:18] <lime4x4> trying to mount a share on a gutsy box. the folder is on my mythtv box. Here is what i put in my fstab but when i try to mount it i get an error about invalid share name // /media smbfs credentials=/etc/samba/user,rw,uid=john 0 0
[20:18] <laga> v0lksman: you probably need to modify the passthrough device. not sure. maybe you've missed something when you were reading the mythtv wiki
[20:18] <v0lksman> lime4x4 what does smbtree output?
[20:19] <v0lksman> yeah I've been over it a few times...I think I'll take a break and try again later...was hoping for something stupid I overlooked or a known issue...
[20:19] <laga> v0lksman: i don't have an AV receiver yet, unfortunately. :/
[20:19] <v0lksman> no worries...I'll try it again later when I'm not so frustrated... :)
[20:21] <lime4x4> give me a sec i have to install that app on the mythbox
[20:22] <laga> he's gone :/
[20:25] <lime4x4> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3922/ here is copy of smbtree and smb.conf
[20:26] <dwf_starband> im having trouble retriving lineups, according to scheduals direct everything is good on their side, so its something wrong on my side, here is what i posted on the forum, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=678915
[20:29] <laga> dwf_starband: have you tried posting on the SD forum?
[20:30] <dwf_starband> yes i have searched their forums, and tried different things (but nothing worked) i emailed their tech support, and they gave me a link to a how-to to manually retreive their lineups and it worked fine that way, so its something wrong on my side, not thiers
[20:31] <tgm4883_laptop> lime4x4, I believe it should be //
[20:33] <dwf_starband> http://forums.schedulesdirect.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=295 is what I did to confirm data download from schedules direct
[20:34] <laga> dwf_starband: sorry, can't be of much help here since i'm not located in america
[20:35] <dwf_starband> ok, is their a time when an american who might know frequents this place?
[20:38] <tgm4883_laptop> dwf_starband, any errors in the backend log?
[20:41] <lime4x4> i will try that
[20:42] <dwf_starband> how do i check that?
[20:43] <lime4x4> odd that worked
[20:44] <tgm4883_laptop> lime4x4, not really that odd
[20:44] <tgm4883_laptop> as that is the correct usage
[20:44] <lime4x4> odd to me cause i'm not using the default folder for music
[20:44] <tgm4883_laptop> dwf_starband, check in /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
[20:45] <tgm4883_laptop> lime4x4,
[20:45] <dwf_starband> thanks i just found it, im looking
[20:45] <tgm4883_laptop> [music]
[20:45] <tgm4883_laptop> comment = Music
[20:45] <tgm4883_laptop> path = /media/sdb1/music
[20:46] <lime4x4> i c now
[20:46] <tgm4883_laptop> lime4x4, ^^ says that your music share is /media/sdb1/music
[20:46] <lime4x4> Even thou mounting it now on my gutsy box still doesn't allow xmms to play and music files
[20:49] <dwf_starband> here is my mythbackend.log http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3923/
[20:53] <tgm4883_laptop> heh, basically tells us what we already know
[20:53] <dwf_starband> what does this line mean?
[20:53] <dwf_starband> 2008-01-26 09:14:19.448 DataDirect, Error: UpdateProgramViewTable no dd_state!
[20:53] <tgm4883_laptop> is that it doesn't like the u/p
[20:55] * tgm4883_laptop shrugs
[20:56] <tgm4883_laptop> dwf_starband, i dont think it matters, as it doesn't appear to like the u/p. So everything after that is suspect to be incorrect
[20:56] <tgm4883_laptop> lime4x4, do you have the proper permissions?
[20:56] <dwf_starband> what is u/p ?
[20:56] <tgm4883_laptop> and codecs
[20:56] <tgm4883_laptop> user / password
[20:58] <dwf_starband> oh, ok
[20:58] <laga> you sure you don't have any typos in there?
[20:59] <dwf_starband> i have removed the video source in the backend setup and retried a couple of times
[21:00] <laga> do you have any special characters in there which could cause problems?
[21:00] <dwf_starband> i have changed the user name and password for SD and then again on the video setup
[21:00] <dwf_starband> i used dwf_starband before, but then i changed it to one with just letters but that made no difference
[21:01] <dwf_starband> i switched back after, I could try again I guess
[21:01] <laga> dwf_starband: does it work with xmltv?
[21:01] <dwf_starband> yes it worked fine
[21:02] <tgm4883_laptop> dwf_starband, how do you change the username? I thought SD required an email address as the username?
[21:05] <dwf_starband> when you logon to thier website it shows your account overview and if you click on edit account you can change your login name and password among other things
[21:06] <tgm4883_laptop> ah
[21:06] <tgm4883_laptop> have you tried using your email address?
[21:06] <tgm4883_laptop> just in case
[21:07] <dwf_starband> no, i read that the @ symbol had caused problems before, but its worth a try
[21:07] <dwf_starband> weird thing is it had been working for a few months
[21:08] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[21:08] <tgm4883_laptop> strange
[21:08] <tgm4883_laptop> maybe your account has expired?
[21:09] <dwf_starband> Expires: Saturday, October 04, 2008
[21:10] <dwf_starband> i just tried setting up a new video source after changing my login name to email address and am getting the same 401 unauthorized when trying to fetch lineups
[21:11] <tgm4883_laptop> very odd
[21:14] <dwf_starband> wife is calling for lunch, ill still be around though if you think of a solution
[21:15] <tgm4883_laptop> k
[21:32] <jduggan> will i get mythbuntu installs on a 2gig flash drive?
[21:32] <jduggan> installed*
[21:33] <laga> yes, if you trim it down
[21:33] <jduggan> its going to be a backend/frontend, back end in that it holds the tv cards - but im going to put mysql on another box and record to an nfs share
[21:34] <jduggan> might be worth getting a bigger flash drive, but 2gb is one i have already
[21:34] <laga> just try it. i think i still have some space left on my 2G flash install
[21:57] <dwf_starband> done with lunch, any ideas on my u/p problems with schedules direct?
[22:09] <dwf_starband> do i need to have a mythtv user?
[22:14] <laga> you'll have one on your system if the backend is installed
[22:15] <dwf_starband> thats what I thought, but when I go to users and groups there isnt one listed
[22:16] <dwf_starband> there is a mythtv group but not a user
[22:16] <laga> it's hidden because it's a system user
[22:16] <laga> open a terminal and use "id mythtv" to check
[22:17] <dwf_starband> uid=109(mythtv) gid=120(mythtv) groups=120(mythtv),20(dialout),24(cdrom),29(audio),44(video)
[22:19] <laga> so you've got a mythtv user.
[22:19] <dwf_starband> ok, thanks
[22:26] <dwf_starband> how hard is it to reinstall mythbuntu? how hard to start over but keep my recordings?
[22:50] <Aquahallic> evenin' folks
[22:50] <Aquahallic> anyone use mythtv with compiz fusion???
[22:50] <Aquahallic> I'm seeing some strange behavior...:/
[22:51] <laga> Aquahallic: no. ;) but i tried that xorg.conf entry using the XAA acceleration method and it's much faster than EXA. that's weird but it works for me ;)
[22:51] <Aquahallic> heh... KEWL!
[22:52] <Aquahallic> always glad to help...:)
[22:52] <laga> thanks :)
[22:53] <Aquahallic> yeah I'm seeing some STRANGE stuff with mythtv
[22:53] <Aquahallic> some menus want to run as a window.. and some as full screen
[22:53] <Aquahallic> there must be somekind of "tweak" I can do in compiz
[22:54] <Aquahallic> I'm just not real familiar with compiz
[22:54] <laga> you mean, some mythtv menus?
[22:55] <Aquahallic> yeah... the xml pages
[22:55] <Aquahallic> frontend windows
[22:56] <laga> you can't just run arbitrary menus as full screen and some in windowed mode
[22:56] <Aquahallic> well.. what happens is this.....
[22:57] <Aquahallic> I fire up mythtv... and my top and bottom panels show in ubuntu then if I click in the window anywhere they disappear.. like I put the "focus" on the mythtv fullscreen window
[22:57] <Aquahallic> then say I arrow down to videos.. I see the panels again
[22:58] <laga> ah.
[22:58] <laga> i think there's a workaround for that in compiz
[22:58] <Aquahallic> I'm doing a little googlin' on it...:)
[22:58] <Aquahallic> I was just curious if someone in here had already run into this
[22:58] <laga> yeah :) don't remember any specifics
[22:58] <laga> i think superm1 knows
[22:59] <Aquahallic> but MAN it SURE IS SWEET with my cube and mythtv runnin' on one side...hehe
[23:00] <Aquahallic> heh.. I think I just found it
[23:00] <Aquahallic> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-420544.html
[23:01] <Aquahallic> hmmm... I need to set a mount point for my NFS share with all my videos on it too
[23:02] <Aquahallic> guess I could just add something like.. mount xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/var/lib/mythtv /mnt/mythtv in there too huh?
[23:03] <laga> man fstab ;)
[23:03] <Aquahallic> cause I don't want to add a line in fstab cause when I'm not at home I don't want nfs trying to mount something that's not there
[23:03] <laga> would be cool if there was a nice GUI tab
[23:03] <Aquahallic> ^^^
[23:03] <Aquahallic> heh
[23:03] <Aquahallic> I have it in fstab on my frontend that's on a desktop upstairs.. but this is my laptop
[23:04] <laga> you can add the "noauto" option to fstab
[23:04] <laga> and mount it when you need it
[23:04] <Aquahallic> yeah but I'd only want it to mount when I open mythtv
[23:05] <MythbuntuGuest93> hi installed mythbuntu today now im stuck have two problems no sound and not able to configure tv card
[23:05] <Aquahallic> if mythtv goes to look for that dir and it's not there and it's in the fstab with a 'noauto' tag then would it try to mount it when only when something tries to use it?
[23:06] <laga> Aquahallic: i think you have to mount it manually.
[23:06] <Aquahallic> ahh
[23:07] <Aquahallic> that link shows how to make a new executable with some compiz parameters on it
[23:07] <Aquahallic> I wonder if I could add the mount command there??
[23:07] <Aquahallic> just above the actually calling of mythtv
[23:09] <laga> you probably need to be root
[23:09] <laga> so throw in gksudo or something
[23:09] <laga> you'll be prompted for your password, though
[23:09] <laga> i think you can also specify that a regular user can mount it in fstab
[23:09] <Aquahallic> yup... i know you can do that
[23:10] <Aquahallic> there's a "user" flag if I remember correctly
[23:10] <adaptr> user/users
[23:10] <MythbuntuGuest93> need help to configure a intel HDA sound onboard
[23:10] <adaptr> I didn't need to confrigure anything - it was picked up automatically
[23:11] <Aquahallic> MythbuntuGuest93: try alsamixer and see if your master volume is muted...:)
[23:11] <adaptr> unless... is it a true Intel chipset, or is it one that *supports* the Intel HDA standard?
[23:12] <Aquahallic> that one bit me in the arse first time I installed mythtv
[23:12] <Aquahallic> never put my hands on linux before but I was BOUND and determined to get a mythtv up... so I went for gentoo
[23:12] <Aquahallic> OMG....LOL... THAT was BRUTAL
[23:12] <Aquahallic> initiation by FIRE
[23:13] <MythbuntuGuest93> intel corp 8280h ich8 hd audio controller
[23:13] <Aquahallic> MythbuntuGuest93: fire up alsamixer and see if any of them are muted
[23:13] <adaptr> MythbuntuGuest93: you need the ich8 module (and piix4, probably) ; see if they're loaded
[23:18] <MythbuntuGuest93> now im lost how do i fireup the alsamixer , complete nooooob
[23:18] <Aquahallic> open a console window and type alsamixer
[23:19] <Aquahallic> I think you have to have alsa-utils installed
[23:19] <laga> should be installed
[23:20] <Aquahallic> man.... superm1 says to see attached screenshot for compiz config and there's no link.....:(
[23:20] <MythbuntuGuest93> have 5 bars all in the red
[23:21] <laga> Aquahallic: maybe you need to go to the original thread.
[23:21] <laga> MythbuntuGuest93: unmuted as well? no MM there?
[23:22] <MythbuntuGuest93> front has 00 all the others have mm
[23:23] <laga> MythbuntuGuest93: maybe you want to unmute (hit M) those, especially if they're called master or pcm..
[23:23] <Aquahallic> yup... you're muted...:)
[23:23] <Aquahallic> use your arrows to go to any of them that say master or PCM and hit m
[23:23] <Aquahallic> BUT
[23:24] <Aquahallic> use your down arrow if they're all red.. .you unmute it on wide open.....:)
[23:24] <Aquahallic> I did that and near pi$$ed myself it was so lout
[23:24] <MythbuntuGuest93> have no master or pcm listed
[23:24] <Aquahallic> loud...:)
[23:24] <Aquahallic> ahh.. you have to emulate a master then
[23:24] <MythbuntuGuest93> ok
[23:24] <Aquahallic> there's a howto out there I saw on how to do it
[23:25] <Aquahallic> let me see if I can find that again....
[23:25] <MythbuntuGuest93> ok thanks
[23:28] <adaptr> MythbuntuGuest93: the channels for an HDA audio chip are PCM and Front; there is no master as such
[23:28] <adaptr> that took me some tries, too
[23:29] <Aquahallic> there's a way to emulate a master
[23:29] <MythbuntuGuest93> have got front,surrond,center,lfe,side
[23:30] <laga> ah
[23:30] <laga> well front is everything you need
[23:30] <laga> i hope
[23:30] <laga> can't check here because i replaced my hda intel the other day
[23:30] <Aquahallic> like on my SB Audigy there's a way to emulate a master control so mythtv will use that to control your levels
[23:33] <Aquahallic> ughh... I can't remember where it's at.. but it's a gentoo wiki about alsa and dmix
[23:34] <MythbuntuGuest93> will look for it
[23:35] <adaptr> how about you just run the sound applet ?
[23:36] <MythbuntuGuest93> how is this done ?
[23:36] <Aquahallic> man... I did what that post says about the panels and mythtv with compiz.. mine are already set the way it says to... yet I still get the panels....:'(
[23:37] <adaptr> you need to start mythtv on a blank screen, and fullscreen
[23:39] <Aquahallic> ahh hah!
[23:39] <Aquahallic> BEAUTIFUL.. ty
[23:39] <Aquahallic> ;)
[23:39] <Aquahallic> although it doesn't let you see the video you're playing while spinning the cube.. but I can live with that...:)
[23:40] <adaptr> what are you using for playback, and what play mode is it set to ?>
[23:40] <Aquahallic> actually viewing livetv
[23:41] <Aquahallic> I guess if I used mplayer for my videos atleast videos would work
[23:41] <adaptr> well, unless the application has opengl support (to render to a virtual opengl window), it will indeed not work while using the aiglx extensions
[23:41] <Aquahallic> that native viewer you have to use for livetv is funky I've noticed
[23:41] <adaptr> yes, you can start mplayer on opengl
[23:41] <adaptr> that should work as advertised
[23:42] <Aquahallic> yeah but you can't do it while viewing livetv though can you?
[23:42] <Aquahallic> you have to use that native player for livetv right?
[23:42] <adaptr> I don't know, I don't have a TV card installed
[23:43] <adaptr> AM thinking about buying the PVR350 though
[23:43] <Aquahallic> ahh
[23:43] <Aquahallic> :)
[23:43] <Aquahallic> I just have a pvr 150
[23:43] <adaptr> yeah, the price diff isn't small, but the feature set is just so much better
[23:44] <Aquahallic> well I'm not doing anything real fancy or nuttin'... so the 150 is really all I need... I only have it so I can justify all the work I put into mythtv so my g'friend can record her shows.....LOL
[23:45] <Aquahallic> and I spun up samba so she can get to the mythtv share on the master backend and just drop her movies on there and watch.... makes it a turnkey media center... she LOVES how it just mounts up an iso
[23:50] <MythbuntuGuest93> tv fomat for the uk
[23:50] <MythbuntuGuest93> format soz
[23:50] <MythbuntuGuest93> is it pal m
[23:59] <Aquahallic> hmmm
[23:59] <Aquahallic> Video timing method: DRM
[23:59] <Aquahallic> shouldn't that be opengl and not DRM???
[23:59] <laga> why?