UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /23 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:51] <scizzo-> rzr: why do you need a developer?
[00:52] <rzr> to do my job while i am sleeping
[00:52] <rzr> no I just planed to rebuild xubuntu livecd
[00:53] <rzr> and i've found what i am looking for
[00:53] <rzr> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization?action=show&redirect=LiveCDCustomization%2F6.06
[03:32] <TangentCollision> hey, I need a little bit of assistance
[03:32] <TangentCollision> not much, but a small amount
[03:33] <TangentCollision> I recently removed as much as I could of the xorg server
[03:34] <TangentCollision> but now it gives me a blue screen saying "xserver could not start" then the blue stays up and I'm able to continue from console and gradually the blue goes away
[03:34] <TangentCollision> but it would be nice to not even have the blue, would that be possible?
[03:38] <zoredache> what did you do to remove the xorg server?
[03:39] <TangentCollision> it's a server box
[03:39] <TangentCollision> the xorg was taking up some resources and I always ssh into it anyways
[03:39] <zoredache> not, why, but how
[03:40] <TangentCollision> oh
[03:40] <TangentCollision> *^^*
[03:40] <TangentCollision> sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg
[03:41] <zoredache> when you say 'it gives me a blue screen' what do you mean? you get a blue screen when it boots, or?
[03:42] <TangentCollision> it pops up the usual command line blue screen with a yes and no option in the middle
[03:42] <TangentCollision> saying "xserver could not start properly, please contact a system administrator"
[03:43] <TangentCollision> "would you like to send a report?"
[03:43] <TangentCollision> or something like that
[03:43] <TangentCollision> I don't think it matters all that much, really
[03:44] <zoredache> hrm... I can think of a couple possibilities, when you did the remove some config files got leftover that is still trying to start x
[03:44] <zoredache> try this... 'sudo dpkg -P gdm'
[03:46] <TangentCollision> dpkg -P gdm
[03:46] <TangentCollision> (Reading database ... 60524 files and directories currently installed.)
[03:46] <TangentCollision> Removing gdm ...
[03:46] <TangentCollision> * Stopping GNOME Display Manager... [ ok ]
[03:46] <TangentCollision> I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/lib/scrollkeeper/(null)/scrollkeeper_cl.xml"
[03:46] <TangentCollision> Purging configuration files for gdm ...
[03:46] <TangentCollision> Removing user `gdm'...
[03:46] <TangentCollision> done.
[03:46] <TangentCollision> dpkg - warning: while removing gdm, directory `/etc/gdm' not empty so not removed.
[03:46] <TangentCollision> oh crap, I'm so sorry
[03:47] <zoredache> you might try doing a 'sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep dein'
[03:47] <TangentCollision> that was supposed to go in notepad :x
[03:47] <TangentCollision> xserver-xorg deinstall
[03:47] <zoredache> that directory thing isn't really a critical error
[03:48] <zoredache> do a dpkg -P on xserver-xorg as well
[03:48] <zoredache> or anything that shows up in the that --get-selections | grep deinst command
[03:48] <TangentCollision> okay
[03:48] <TangentCollision> that's all that showed up
[03:49] <TangentCollision> I don't want to restart invizions right now
[03:49] <TangentCollision> there's like 5 people renting shells that are connected :X
[03:49] <TangentCollision> thanks though
[03:49] <TangentCollision> I'm sure it worked
[03:49] <zoredache> I am pretty sure that removing gdm should keep X from loading at boot time
[03:50] <TangentCollision> cool
[03:50] <TangentCollision> okay, now for my other question :D
[03:50] <TangentCollision> does anyone here know anything about running a tf2 dedicated server?
[03:50] <soldats> removing gdm keeps X but at boot you need to type "startx" to get to a gui
[03:51] <TangentCollision> I've just completely removed it, I don't need it, it's a tiny hd :P
[03:51] <TangentCollision> in a surprisingly large computer o.o
[03:52] <soldats> i dont have it either
[03:52] <zoredache> soldats, except he also removed the xserver-xorg so startx probably wont' do anything
[03:53] <TangentCollision> man, there needs to be a live support for hlds tool
[03:53] <soldats> why would he remove xserver. X has a lot of col features
[03:53] <soldats> s/col/cool
[03:53] <zoredache> TangentCollision: it is likely there are several other xorg related packages that you still want to get rid of
[03:53] <zoredache> soldats: its a server
[03:54] <TangentCollision> I don't really need a gui at all
[03:54] <TangentCollision> I never see the gui
[03:54] <TangentCollision> there's no monitor connected to my linux box
[03:54] <soldats> ahh sorry.
[03:54] <soldats> i apologize
[03:54] <TangentCollision> it's okay
[03:55] <TangentCollision> miswordings and misconceptions are common
[03:55] <TangentCollision> anyways, about my second question >.>
[03:56] <zoredache> TangentCollision: try a 'sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep xserver' that will list some other left over packages you might not want related to the xserver
[03:56] <zoredache> I know nothing about hosting game servers
[03:56] <TangentCollision> that's too bad
[03:56] <TangentCollision> thanks anyways
[03:57] <soldats> you might wat to contact tf2 or valve for server help
[03:57] <TangentCollision> they'll never respond
[03:57] <TangentCollision> I've found a lot of communities that do linux hlds managing
[03:57] <TangentCollision> just wanted to see if I could get some live feedback
[04:01] <soldats> search freenode for valve support
=== ziimp is now known as ziimp^
[06:42] <LairSpirit> Hello
[06:44] <LairSpirit> I've a question regarding the installation of xubuntu onto my Toshiba 2800 satellite. Mandrake 10 installed fine previously but I'd much rather an Ubuntu install (having previously used it on my desktop)
[06:45] <LairSpirit> When installing from the live cd I downloaded, I get an error telling me the ext3 partition failed to create. I'm using the whole disk space. I've tried twice. What might I do to remedy this?
[06:46] <soldats> hmm try using a seperate partition cd to create the partitions
[06:47] <soldats> i forget what the name of the seperate cd is called though
[06:47] <soldats> !partition
[06:47] <ubotu> Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter
[06:47] <soldats> !gparted
[06:47] <ubotu> GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/
[06:48] <LairSpirit> Great, I'll check it out, thanks :)
[06:49] <soldats> LairSpirit, not sure man. i seriously forgot the name. i think it would work though. its very strange that it did not work through the live cd. did you try the textbased install from the livecd. i have to go to sleep but if you dont figure it out try in #ubuntu
[06:49] <soldats> as the install should be the same
[06:50] <LairSpirit> I haven't tried textbased yet. I've got to go to work soon was hoping to getting it installing before then.
[06:50] <LairSpirit> I'll try again afterwards using textbased. If I have no luck then, I'll seek some more help.
[06:51] <soldats> try text based and see if its any better. i only do text based installs
[06:52] <soldats> well id say try in #ubuntu if you dont fidure it out. ill be back in about 16 hours
[06:52] <soldats> good luck
[06:52] <LairSpirit> Thanks for helping :)
[07:42] <blippe> what was the name of the default mediaplayer in xubuntu?
[07:44] <blippe> xfmedia, right!
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[09:26] <scizzo-> moin
[10:27] <syere> can anyone point me to a website that truly shows the performance differences between the ubuntu lines?
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[14:19] <Hobbsee> what's the least amount of ram xubuntu will run on?
[14:19] <totalwormface> someone should make a botentry on that question
[14:20] <Hobbsee> sorry :)
[14:20] <Hobbsee> i just haven't found the answer yet
[14:20] <totalwormface> hehe no problem
[14:20] <totalwormface> as far as i know there are no real minimum system requirements
[14:20] <Hobbsee> and it's not in the topic or anything
[14:20] <totalwormface> ^^
[14:21] <Ven]n> i want to use flash in my opera browser.. and thinking of redirecting where it reads the plugins from
[14:21] <Ven]n> where is firefox having its plugins?
[14:21] <totalwormface> exactly my point, there are many persons who ask the same question
[14:21] * Hobbsee is pondering the feasibility of a low-ram machine, and running xfce over vnc or soemthing
[14:22] <Ven]n> i have for instance /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree, /var/lib/flashplugin-nonfree,
[14:22] <Hobbsee> Xubuntu (and XFCE on the whole) is noted for lighter system requirements. A Xubuntu system will generally boot on less than 64Mb of memory, and will run comfortably on a machine with 128Mb or less installed.
[14:22] <Hobbsee> ah ha!
[14:23] <totalwormface> Ven]n: try ~/.mozilla/plugins
[14:23] <totalwormface> Hobbsee: good!
[14:23] <totalwormface> less than i expected too
[14:23] <Ven]n> no such folder
[14:23] <totalwormface> then /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ?
[14:23] <totalwormface> (i'm not on a ubuntu machine right now) hehe
[14:24] <Ven]n> yeah
[14:24] <Ven]n> i have libjavaplugin.so and xineplugin.so
[14:24] <Ven]n> i thought there would be a flash plugin there
[14:24] <Ven]n> as flash works in firefox
[14:32] <Ven]n> ok, managed to put in flash
[14:32] <Ven]n> but cant find shockwafve player
[14:32] <totalwormface> Ven]n: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3998980&postcount=5
[14:32] <totalwormface> oh hehe
[14:33] <totalwormface> no, there is no shockwave for linux :]
[14:33] <Ven]n> wut?
[14:33] <totalwormface> does someone in this room know how to add factoids to ubotu?
[14:34] <totalwormface> Ven]n: well you could try this but i wouldn't recomment it: http://www.ubuntux.org/shockwave-player-ubuntu-linux
[14:35] <Hobbsee> totalwormface: !foo is <reply> bar
[14:36] <totalwormface> Hobbsee: great
[14:36] <Ven]n> totalwormface, funny
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[14:38] <totalwormface> it is *^_^*
[14:39] <totalwormface> a while ago there was a shockwave petition, to get native shockwave support on linux, i wonder if it made any difference
[14:42] <totalwormface> !xfcemem is <reply> A Xubuntu system will boot on less than 64Mb of memory, and will run comfortably on a machine with 128Mb or less installed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu
[14:42] <totalwormface> weeee
[14:44] <Hobbsee> !xfcemem is <reply> A Xubuntu system will boot on less than 64Mb of memory, and will run comfortably on a machine with 128Mb or less installed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu
[14:44] <ubotu> I'll remember that, Hobbsee
[14:44] <Hobbsee> good bot.
[14:44] <totalwormface> gahh, you have privileges :D
[14:45] <totalwormface> i got a 'thingy is forwarded to #ubuntu-ops'
[14:45] <Hobbsee> yeah, i do.
[14:45] <Hobbsee> :)
[14:45] <totalwormface> well then i guess i'll add this one too
[14:45] <totalwormface> !xfcespace is <reply> A Xubuntu system needs less than 1.5Gb of hard drive space to function normally. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu
[14:46] <totalwormface> still no privileges! :P
[14:47] <totalwormface> Hobbsee: oh btw, do you also have the ability to remove someone from the ignorelist? my nick 'totalwormage' is for some reason ignored, i don't know why
[14:48] <Hobbsee> !xfcespace is <reply> A Xubuntu system needs less than 1.5Gb of hard drive space to function normally. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu
[14:48] <ubotu> I'll remember that, Hobbsee
[14:48] <Hobbsee> totalwormface: the ignore list? ubotu clearly isn't ignoring you, if it's taking your stuff to -ops
[14:49] <totalwormface> Hobbsee: he's ignoring the nick 'totalwormage'
[14:49] <Hobbsee> oh
[14:49] <Hobbsee> no, i don't, sorry
[14:49] <totalwormface> what do you think i keep this silly nick for? hehehhe
[14:49] <totalwormface> ah ok :]
[16:11] <Breakage> anyone know how to remove the toolbar text in mirage img browser?
[16:20] <Ven]n> are there widgets for linux in the same way like dashboard for os x?
[16:21] <TheSheep> Ven]n: yes, look for desklets
[16:21] <TheSheep> Breakage: what do you mean?
[16:22] <Ven]n> TheSheep, you know if its possible to use os x widgets as well?
[16:22] <TheSheep> Ven]n: I'm pretty sure it's not
[16:23] <Breakage> Thunar: Sorry may not be built in to xubuntu but Mirage is a lightweight minimal image browser like GQview, can't find a irc channel for it just wanted to know how to remove the text on the toolbar buttons.
[16:24] <TheSheep> Breakage: I guess they have forced it
[16:24] <Breakage> loool sorry TheSheep, I was typing sudo Thunar :D
[16:24] <TheSheep> Breakage: normally, applications will inherit the system settings for this, unless you tell your app to ignore them
[16:24] <TheSheep> Breakage: just report a bug on their page
[16:25] <Breakage> TheSheep: ah ok where could I check the xfce settings?
[16:26] <TheSheep> Breakage: settings->user interface settings
[16:26] <Breakage> from all the Mirage screenys i've seen looks like it should be disabled. ok thanks.
[16:26] <nikolam> Hi I found some interesting note about making .deb packages in file:///usr/share/doc/Debian/reference/ch-package.en.html#s-port : "Porting a package to the stable system" I want to build and install iceape 1.0.7 on xubuntu 7.10, avoiding the need to install hardy packages and hardy itself
[16:26] <Breakage> hmm yeah, it's set to icons. oh well.
[16:27] <nikolam> 1.1.7 :)
[16:31] <nikolam> Should I do that - it sounds much safer to build packages for current distribution version, instead of installing packages for newer version and needing to satisfy all dependencies
[16:44] <Bigman> hello there
[16:45] <Bigman> i installed xubuntu recently on my acer travelmate c100 (800MHz P3-M, 256MB RAM) and I ended up with X taking up pretty much 100% of the cpu all the time
[16:45] <Bigman> any ideas what might be causing this?
[16:45] <Bigman> it seems to run very well with xfld (based on xubuntu 6.10) but unfortunately lacks some of the more recent features i require
[17:00] <nikolam> Bigman, I used ti use xubuntu 7.04 on p3-733 with no problem at all
[17:00] <nikolam> see it maybe thunar or gam_server is using more cpu then usual
[17:01] <nikolam> see it with command "top"
[17:24] <Bigman> nikolam: thanks - it was xorg that was taking up all the cpu in top - so i'm not entirely sure what was going on there
[17:24] <Bigman> i would understand it if i was running something like amarok, but it is when i was doing nothing
[17:24] <Bigman> perhaps i should try the 7.04 version instead...
[17:25] <nikolam> hmm. what driver do you use?
[17:26] <nikolam> you can try to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select apropriate driver. Or try to use VESA driver, until you figure out wgat Graphics chip ypu have in machine
[17:26] <Bigman> thats certainly something to look into - i dont know which driver i was using - whatever came with it
[17:28] <nikolam> You can try to use lshw-gtk as frontend for lshw to figure out what is your graphics
[17:28] <Bigman> unfortunately there is no way to tell atm - its currently running xfld, but it is becoming increasingly clear that it is not quite up to the job
[17:28] <Bigman> ok, thanks - will remember that
[17:29] <nikolam> i dont know what is xfld
[17:29] <Bigman> is there a way of cutting down xubuntu preinstall, or do i just have to use the package manager to remove stuff once its installed?
[17:29] <Bigman> xfld is a distribution based on xubuntu 6.10 - very slimline, very cutdown and very quick
[17:29] <TheSheep> Breakage: yu can install a commandline system and add what you need
[17:30] <nikolam> you can use ubuntu minimal cd
[17:30] <Bigman> TheSheep: ah excellent
[17:30] <Bigman> tho i guess that assumes i know exactly what i need :)
=== Breakage is now known as Breakage_
[17:30] <nikolam> I need 1. xfce 2. everything else .. :)
[17:31] <TheSheep> Breakage_: you can always install it *when* you need it
[17:31] <TheSheep> sorry
=== Breakage_ is now known as Breakage
[17:34] <Bigman> indeed
[17:34] <Breakage> TheSheep: ^^
[17:35] <nikolam> Bigman, Maybe you should turn off compiz-fusion and/or composing :)
[17:43] <Bigman> yeah - ill check that out too - thanks very much for the suggestions
[18:46] <Breakage> !powernowd
[18:46] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about powernowd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[18:52] <march> Some informations about powernowd - http://www.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntuusers.de%2Fpowernowd&langpair=de%7Cen&hl=en&ie=ASCII
[18:53] <Breakage> march: thanks :)
[18:53] <march> Breakage: You're welcome! :)
[18:54] <march> Hope it will help you.
[18:54] <Breakage> march: yeah, thanks this is the kind of thing I looking for.
[18:54] <Breakage> was*
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[20:23] <zoredache> why would shortcuts in the thunar side-panel disappear?
[20:24] <zoredache> where is the configuration stored?
[20:37] <ablomen> Hey, does anybody know what tool to use to set the screen resolution list in hardy? Only resolution in the display settings list is 640x480. And the new xorg config file is... well a bit empty
[20:38] <TheSheep> ablomen: it's autodetected on X startup
[20:38] <TheSheep> ablomen: check the logs to see why th other modes are rejected
[20:39] <TheSheep> ablomen: it's in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[20:41] <ablomen> hmm ok it gives "hsync out of range" for the 1024x768 default mode
[20:42] <ablomen> back to #xorg :)
[20:42] <ablomen> oh one last weird thing
[20:42] <ablomen> it only gives 640x480 as an option, but it uses 800x600 anyway, by default
[20:43] <ablomen> maybe just a virtualbox thing..
[20:43] <TheSheep> ablomen: try setting the sync ranges for your monitor screen
[20:43] <TheSheep> ablomen: they may be autodetected wrong
[20:43] <TheSheep> ablomen: you can set them with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'
[20:44] <ablomen> The-Kernel, no i cant, it only asks for keyboard settings :)
[20:44] <ablomen> and it rejected my own changes to the config file
[20:45] <ablomen> but ill try again setting it manually :)
[20:48] <ablomen> s/rejected/didnt start with
[20:51] <ablomen> hmm didnt work, ah well, 800x600 it is then :)
[20:51] <ablomen> thanks anyway The-Kernel
[20:51] <ablomen> ehm TheSheep even
[22:06] <sekaab> hello
[22:10] <march> hi
[22:10] <Smirnov> is there a color scheme to make the terminal look white and normal
[22:11] <Smirnov> like gnome-terminal in regular Ubuntu ?
[22:12] <zoredache> Smirnov: oyou can change the colors under the edit->preferences menu
[22:12] <Smirnov> i did but the text still feels a little off.. like its too big and bold
[22:13] <zoredache> you could install gnome-terminal and then compare them side to side and adjust until you get it right
[22:15] <Smirnov> much better, i found the desktop background color made it seem a lot worse and i found another setting to make font size smaller:)
[22:24] <Smirnov> argh my vmware tools does not build with xubuntu 7.10
[22:25] <zoredache> really? I don't believe I had any problems... are you sure you got the linux-headers-nnnn package?
[22:26] <Smirnov> yeah im running 2.6.22-14-generic and i have linux-headers-2.6.22
[22:27] <zoredache> and linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic ?
[22:27] <Smirnov> yea
[22:27] <zoredache> you installed build-essentials?
[22:28] <Smirnov> yea
[22:29] <zoredache> well google the error message you get from the compile, or pastebin the errors
[22:29] <Smirnov> heres the error thati get
[22:29] <Smirnov> http://rafb.net/p/IwVVRH54.html
[22:35] <zoredache> Smirnov: did you see http://aggregator.foolab.org/node/12516
[22:36] <Smirnov> no, let me try hat
[22:37] <Smirnov> hmm my vmhgfs also does not build, perhaps i need to upgrade to the latest vmware insteado f using 6.0.0
[22:41] <zoredache> Smirnov: if there is an update avilable then I suspect I would upgrade to it. vmware tends to be pretty good about not making things worse with updates
[22:43] <Proto> hello all
[22:43] <Proto> i'm having trouble installing my kernel source
[22:44] <zoredache> Proto: what do you mean?
[22:44] <Proto> i installed linux-headers-2.6.22-14-server but the folder under /usr/src seems to be wrong or something
[22:44] <Proto> in Terminal, a lot of the files are red
[22:44] <zoredache> what are you getting the source for?
[22:44] <Proto> i'm trying to get Truecrypt to work
[22:45] <Proto> i installed linux-sources too
[22:45] <Proto> it just made a tar.bz2 under /usr/src
[22:46] <zoredache> Proto: if you installed linux-headers-2.6.22-14-server, then you should have a folder /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-server
[22:46] <Proto> yes, i do
[22:48] <Proto> it seems incomplete or corrupt
[22:48] <Proto> maybe?
[22:48] <Proto> the files appear red in terminal
[22:48] <zoredache> I don't have ls set to show colors... please tell me what 'red' is supposed to mean?
[22:49] <Proto> haha no idea, but i found a better guide
[22:49] <Proto> i'll brb if i can't figure it out
[23:25] <Smirnov> ok got my vmware tools to build :)
[23:28] <march> goodnight :)
[23:40] <omena> hello eveyone
[23:40] <omena> I am having problems installing flash
[23:41] <omena> I do a sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
[23:41] <omena> it says at the end flash is NOT installed
[23:51] <soldats> go to the adobe site and do a manual install via tar.gz
[23:56] <AzMoo> Hey, is there a way to stop xfce4-panel from loading when a user logs in?