UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /23 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <blkorpheus> nautilus breaks on flash drive access
[00:11] <crimsun> how so?
[00:14] <crimsun> COLUMNS=150 dpkg -l nautilus|awk '/^ii/ {print $3}'
[00:14] <crimsun> 1:2.21.6-0ubuntu1
[00:14] <crimsun> that version works fine here
[00:14] <blkorpheus> crimsun! you pop up everywhere
[00:14] <blkorpheus> anyway
[00:15] <blkorpheus> I just accessed my flash drive, and the desktop is black since I closed the flash folder window
[00:15] <crimsun> compiz enabled?
[00:15] <crimsun> dri enabled?
[00:15] <crimsun> (for the latter, /or binary-only restricted driver)
[00:16] <blkorpheus> compiz
[00:16] <blkorpheus> nvidia, never use dri
[00:16] <crimsun> can you reproduce it on a fresh boot using the 'nv' X.Org driver?
[00:18] <blkorpheus> I shudder to even think of trying
[00:18] <crimsun> well, you need to.
[00:18] <crimsun> rule out the graphics driver
[00:20] <blkorpheus> there have been recent updates to nautilus, even as I type this
[00:21] <blkorpheus> recent updates, have broken thinggs that have worked fine
[00:21] <blkorpheus> nautilus, mythtvfrontend
[00:21] <blkorpheus> xorg
[00:21] <blkorpheus> I've been filing bugs all week
[00:22] <crimsun> that's why I provided the version of nautilus I'm using
[00:24] <blkorpheus> bug #185108
[00:24] <cdm10> Hardy still can't be properly updated from a fresh install of Alpha 3.
[00:24] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185108 in mythtv "/usr/bin/mythfrontend.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libmyth-0.20.2.so.0: undefined symbol: stat64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185108
[00:24] <Spenser309> Hi
[00:25] <blkorpheus> this was a gutsy install upgraded to alpha2 then updated from there
[00:25] <Spenser309> I'm currently trying to install xen in Hardy. But dependencies seem to be foobared. Specifically ubuntu-xen-desktop relies on a package called linux-xen which is unsatisfiable
[00:25] <cdm10> oh, it works now.
[00:25] * cdm10 shuts up
[00:26] <blkorpheus> 1:2.21.6-0ubuntu1
[00:26] <blkorpheus> my nautilus version
[00:27] <crimsun> blkorpheus: and it's reproducible on a fresh boot using "nv" instead of "nvidia"?
[00:27] <blkorpheus> its this machine, so I have not rebooted
[00:28] <blkorpheus> or killed x
[00:30] <Spenser309> Anyone tried to install xen in Hardy?
[00:30] <blkorpheus> crimsun, after this latest update the issue is not there
[00:31] <crimsun> blkorpheus: right, much as I thought.
[00:31] <blkorpheus> The size of the flash drive on the desktop now reports 4g instead of the true 3.7G before
[00:34] <Spenser309> So, Xen anyone?
[00:35] <RAOF> blkorpheus: Sure the units haven't changed?
[00:35] <blkorpheus> I've learned silence is an acknowledgment in the negative
[00:35] <Spenser309> lol, yeap
[00:35] <RAOF> blkorpheus: 4GiB ~= 3.7GB, from memory.
[00:35] <blkorpheus> RAOF, the units increased?
[00:35] <Spenser309> ohh well I'll have to just figure it out.
[00:36] <blkorpheus> I think not
[00:36] <blkorpheus> its always been a 4g stick
[00:36] <blkorpheus> the true size was reported before and by other distros
[00:36] <RAOF> blkorpheus: Yeah, but what does the "G" mean. We've been transitioning from G = Gigabyte = 2^20 bytes to Gi = Gibibyte = 10^9(?) bytes.
[00:37] <blkorpheus> I think it is just a genric name forthe volume
[00:37] <blkorpheus> GB
[00:37] <blkorpheus> the total capasity is 3,7GB
[00:38] <blkorpheus> nautilus would crash after viewing the properties of the drive then closing
[00:39] <RAOF> Wheee! Crashhappy nautilus.
[00:39] <blkorpheus> its stable now
[00:40] <blkorpheus> just wish I could get my mythfrontend working again
[00:40] <blkorpheus> its still recording
[00:40] <blkorpheus> soI can just use any viewer to watch the recordings
[00:40] <blkorpheus> but for live tv, I can forget it
[00:40] <Spenser309> i had a permissions problem in nautilus one time that would cause my entire system to have its permissions changed root:root
[00:42] <blkorpheus> lookslike the detailed view bug in nautiulsis gone
[00:42] <blkorpheus> where the length of text determined the width of the column
[00:43] <blkorpheus> one had to resize the column each time a visit to the folder was required
[00:44] <RyanPrior> My update manager says that I have "broken packages". How do I fix them?
[00:45] <RAOF> By not using Hardy, generally.
[00:45] <RAOF> This is entirely expected as package versions change, new packages are added, etc.
[00:45] <RyanPrior> RAOF: so, I can reboot my computer and not risk especial stability due to "broken" packages?
[00:45] <RAOF> Indeed.
[00:46] <RAOF> As long as you haven't *removed* anything critical.
[00:46] <RyanPrior> It says that I can find which packages are broken using the "broken filter", but I've never used a broken filter before and don't know how.
[00:47] <RAOF> It's in Synaptic somewhere.
[00:47] <Spenser309> in the bottom right corner of synaptic select custom filters
[00:47] <RAOF> Basically it's likely to be fixed by updates.
[00:47] <Spenser309> broken is the first one
[00:47] <Spenser309> im sorry bottom left
[00:47] <RyanPrior> Hmm, now it says 0 broken in Synaptic.
[00:47] <Spenser309> What are you trying to do/
[00:47] <Spenser309> ?
[00:48] <RyanPrior> Just investigating a dialog I got while upgrading, telling me that I have broken packages and that I can find them if I look.
[00:48] <RyanPrior> Hardy certainly is error-prone, but I like filing bug reports, so it's all good. :-)
[00:49] <Spenser309> hmm. Doesn't it tell you to run a command? maybe sudo apt-get install -f
[00:49] <Spenser309> that should automagically fix it
[00:51] <RyanPrior> Nope, didn't tell me to run a command.
[01:17] <wastrel> hrm
[01:18] <wastrel> my laptop sound stuff isn't set up properly
[01:19] <SeveredCross> Does anyone else have an issue with X ignoring xorg.conf?
[01:19] <SeveredCross> I want SHMConfig for Synaptics, and I have it in xorg.conf, but X totally ignores it.
[01:20] <SeveredCross> I like the self-configuring 1.4 server, but that's a terrible regression.
[01:20] <SeveredCross> Launchpad has some related bugs but no workarounds.
[01:22] <RAOF> SeveredCross: X isn't ignoring *my* xorg.conf.
[01:22] <SeveredCross> Weird.
[01:22] <RAOF> SeveredCross: Want to compare? :)
[01:22] <SeveredCross> Sure. Pastebin?
[01:23] <SeveredCross> http://pastebin.ca/869279
[01:23] <wastrel> what's SHMConfig?
[01:23] <RAOF> http://cooperteam.net/xorg.conf :P
[01:23] <scizzo-> wastrel: google it...
[01:23] <SeveredCross> SHMConfig enables a shared memory area for the Synaptics driver, so that userland applications can change touchpad preferences.
[01:23] <scizzo-> wastrel: its a synaptics config for X
[01:23] <scizzo-> wastrel: to use touchpad....
[01:24] <SeveredCross> I think I'm missing ServerLayout.
[01:24] <RAOF> SeveredCross: Aaah. It's probably ignoring your synaptics section because you don't reference it anywhere.
[01:24] <wastrel> i have synaptics
[01:24] <SeveredCross> Heh. Great minds think alike.
[01:24] <RAOF> And it might be using your mouse section for its input needs.
[01:24] <wastrel> but i don't really need to configure it, the defaults are fine
[01:25] <RAOF> You can either try adding a ServerLayout, or remove your mouse section.
[01:25] <SeveredCross> I just despise Tap to Click.
[01:25] <RAOF> And I like it :).
[01:26] * RAOF adds syndaemon control interface for gsynaptics to his TODO.
[01:26] <scizzo-> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168581&page=3
[01:28] <SeveredCross> Okay, the changes have been made, now it's time for an X restart.
[01:30] <SeveredCross> Much better. :)
[01:30] <wastrel> ah tap to click
[01:30] <wastrel> i added an option to turn that off once
[01:30] <wastrel> now i have a thinkpad with the touchpoint thing so i don't use the touchpad normally except for scrolling
[01:31] <SeveredCross> GSynaptics works fine for me. :) QSynaptics also works, but is not as nicely integrated.
[01:31] <SeveredCross> With syndaemon, it's perfect.
[01:31] <RAOF> It shouldn't be too hard to add a little checkbox to gsynaptics with "disable touchpad while typing" and a delay thingy.
[01:32] <SeveredCross> Also, <3 radeonhd.
[01:32] <SeveredCross> Maybe there's no 3D acceleration yet, but damn it's nice to be free from the clutches of fglrx.
[01:32] <wastrel> ah that's the new radeon driver?
[01:32] <SeveredCross> Yup.
[01:33] <SeveredCross> Works great, except for a few minor things that aren't really visible.
[01:33] <wastrel> yeah i'm looking forward to that, my work computer has a radeon card
[01:33] <SeveredCross> For some insane reason it adds a lot of noise across the VT's, but they know that happens and are working on a fix, and there's no 3D acceleration which kinda sucks (I was looking forward to Compiz with a free driver) but that'll get worked out in time.
[01:50] <cdm10> Where'd the option to enable NTP go in the clock settings?
[01:52] <cdm10> Oh, it's in System>Admin>Time and Date. Why does the context menu of the clock applet no longer go to that?
[01:53] <HellMind> How can I do to include a new jack version in Hardy release?
[01:57] <AaronMT> !ubotu slub
[01:57] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about slub - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:59] <HellMind> !ubotu jack
[01:59] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about jack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:59] <HellMind> !ubotu jackd
[01:59] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about jackd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[02:00] <RAOF> HellMind: In increasing order of effort and likelyhood of action: (1) file a "needs upgrade" bug against jack on launchpad. (2) Find out whether Debian has a newer jack, and add that info to the needs-upgrade bug. (3a) if there is a newer debian version, work out whether the new debian version builds on Hardy, and ask for a sync (read the wiki!). (3b) Update the Debian package with the new jack version.
[02:01] <RAOF> HellMind: In any case, it's getting progressively more unlikely that jack will be updated - we're approaching feature freeze, so new upstream versions are soon going to require a very good reason to be accepted.
[02:01] <cdm10> Where should I report a problem with the time-admin program?
[02:01] <cdm10> I'm not sure what package it's in.
[02:07] <HellMind> RAOF Where is the wiki, and does it explain how to add a "needs upgrade" bug?
[02:08] <RAOF> !contribute
[02:08] <ubotu> To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate
[02:09] <RAOF> HellMind: But you really want to be looking at wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU
[02:09] <RAOF> Since jack is in Universe.
[02:10] <wastrel> hrm
[02:10] <wastrel> well my little package bug is probably not going to get fixed then eh :]
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
[02:21] <BlackDiamonds> isn't jack being replaced by pulseaudio ?
[02:21] <BlackDiamonds> also I posted an email on the devel mailing list, how long should I wait before bugging for a reply ?
[02:21] <BlackDiamonds> it's a simple thing and I would like it to be done before the feature freeze
[02:22] <DanaG> Jack and Pulseaudio actually have different purposes.
[02:22] <DanaG> Oh yeah, I hate the new CFS scheduler.
[02:22] <DanaG> It makes my Nice +19 and SCHED_IDLEPRIO folding@home processes take up half of my CPU time.
[02:22] <DanaG> It's essentially IGNORING nice levels and IDLEPRIO.
[02:22] <DanaG> Apparently, it's "by design".
[02:23] <RyanPrior> I'm having trouble with my ATI graphics card. I have fglrx installed, but the module is not being loaded and there is no entry for it in my xorg.conf
[02:23] <BlackDiamonds> can anyone answer my question about the mailing list ?
[02:25] <DanaG> It almost seems like nice levels have been inverted....
[02:25] <RAOF> BlackDiamonds: That depends. You posted to devel-discuss, yes? THere'll be a bit of a ait for moderation (I think), then just wait, basically.
[02:25] <DanaG> my nice -19 "cat /dev/null process is getting fr
[02:25] <RAOF> BlackDiamonds: What was the email?
[02:26] <RyanPrior> I think xorg is configuring my graphics card settings wrong. How do I fix a problem like that?
[02:26] <RyanPrior> My xorg.conf is here: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/53108/
[02:28] <BlackDiamonds> RAOF I posted to devel
[02:28] <BlackDiamonds> not devel-discuss
[02:29] <RAOF> Any particular reason? devel-discuss is probably the more appropriate list.
[02:29] <DanaG> Argh, how is it that a +19 idle process is getting more priority than compiz, which is zero nice?
[02:29] <BlackDiamonds> oh shoot
[02:29] <DanaG> That seems broken to me.
[02:29] <BlackDiamonds> some one told me the other day to post on devel
[02:29] <RAOF> Oh?
[02:29] <RAOF> They may have been right.
[02:29] <RAOF> Has your email cleared moderation?
[02:30] <BlackDiamonds> I think so
[02:30] <BlackDiamonds> it's in the archive
[02:30] <RAOF> Right. So which one is it?
[02:31] <BlackDiamonds> Subject: Package linux-wlan-ng should be installed by default
[02:31] <RAOF> Ah, that one.
[02:31] <BlackDiamonds> it would be really nice to see this fixed before the next alpha
[02:32] <BlackDiamonds> it's not very hard to do anyways, a simple change in the livecd builing and such
[02:32] <DanaG> https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/boinc/+bug/177713
[02:32] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 177713 in boinc "CFS in 2.6.24 kernel needs cpu_share adjustment for "niced" processes" [Medium,Confirmed]
[02:32] <DanaG> Used to be titled better.
[02:32] <BlackDiamonds> DanaG, isn't this an upstream bug ?
[02:32] <DanaG> It's also in Ubuntu.
[02:33] <RAOF> BlackDiamonds: Ah, right. That seems to make sense. Maybe you can ask in #ubuntu-devel after another day or so.
[02:33] <DanaG> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/177713
[02:33] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 177713 in boinc "CFS in 2.6.24 kernel needs cpu_share adjustment for "niced" processes" [Medium,Confirmed]
[02:33] <DanaG> Oddly, it says "is not in ubuntu".
[02:33] <DanaG> What's up with that?
[02:33] <BlackDiamonds> thank you RAOF
[02:33] <BlackDiamonds> I will pipe up in there in a day or so
[02:35] <DanaG> Running folding@home even niced to +19 and idle priority is somehow still chopping my framerate in compiz-fusion in half.
[02:35] <DanaG> It's also inducing a moderately irritating key lag.
[02:37] <RyanPrior> DanaG: Obviously that means you should't run folding@home. :-)
[02:38] <DanaG> No, it means the 2.6.24 kernel's new scheduler is a regression.
[02:38] <DanaG> (yeah, I know you were joking.)
[02:41] <blkorpheus> -4-server is broken
[02:42] <blkorpheus> fails during usb hardware detection
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[03:18] <Spenser309> I'm about to report a bug on ubuntu-xen-desktop meta package. This is due to an error I recieved while trying to install it using synaptic. The error reads ubuntu-xen-desktop: Depends: linux-xen but it is uninstallable. Linux-xen is not in the repos... any suggestions?
[03:19] <Spenser309> ok its posted
[03:20] <Hobbsee> Spenser309: that's usually tracked in other ways
[03:35] <RyanPrior> I am having trouble with xorg's configuration of my 3D card. It doesn't have any entry for it in xorg.conf and glxinfo reports that direct rendering is not enabled, which shouldn't be true. lsmod doesn't show any driver for my card loaded, which also doesn't make sense.
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[03:57] <RAOF> RyanPrior: Have you tried checking out System->Screens & Graphics?
[03:57] <RAOF> Oh, there should be an ->Administration-> in there.
[03:57] <RyanPrior> RAOF: it's completely blank.
[03:58] <RyanPrior> RAOF: In fact, it just crashed and Apport came up.
[03:59] <RAOF> Right. Well, there's at least one bug for you to file, then :)
[04:00] <RyanPrior> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/displayconfig-gtk/+bug/146929
[04:00] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 146929 in displayconfig-gtk "displayconfig-gtk crashed with UnboundLocalError in __init__()" [Undecided,Fix released]
[04:00] <RyanPrior> The bug by the same name has already been fixed in 2007. Suppose it's a regression?
[04:00] <crdlb> ooh it's written in python?
[04:01] <RyanPrior> I suppose so.
[04:01] <RAOF> crdlb: Yup.
[04:02] <crdlb> I didn't mean to put a '?' :)
[04:02] <RAOF> Official language of Ubuntu(tm) :)
[04:03] <RyanPrior> Okay, I filed a new bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/displayconfig-gtk/+bug/185253
[04:03] <RyanPrior> Can one of you guys confirm it?
[04:03] <RyanPrior> Or does the program open up fine for oyu?
[04:04] <RAOF> Works just fine here. But I've got a pretty complete xorg.conf.
[04:05] <RyanPrior> Mine is really bare-bones.
[04:06] <RyanPrior> And it's exactly what dkpg-reconfigure recreates for xorg when I reconfigure.
[04:06] <RAOF> Yeah; X now should autodetect very nearly everything, so...
[04:07] <RyanPrior> RAOF: Would you mind letting dpkg reconfigure your xorg.conf and then running the program?
[04:13] <RAOF> Ok.
[04:13] <RAOF> Someone should make git cloning the kernel faster.
[04:14] <RyanPrior> I think it's already pretty fast as cvs goes.
[04:14] <crdlb> put it on bzr!
[04:14] <RAOF> I think bzr might be slower.
[04:14] <RAOF> On the other hand, it *might* be faster now, at least for whatc I'm doing.
[04:14] <RyanPrior> I gotta go. Check you guys later.
[04:15] <RAOF> Git still hasn't finished thrashing the Ubuntu server.
[04:15] <RyanPrior> From everything I've heard, git is much faster for large projects like the Linux kernel.
[04:15] <crdlb> RAOF: that was a joke :P
[04:15] <RAOF> I guessed.
[04:15] * DanaG wants the old scheduler back.
[04:15] <DanaG> CFS sucks with 'nice' loads.
[04:16] <wastrel> i started using git after watching linus's famous git talk @ google
[04:16] <wastrel> well, i didn't watch at google, i watched the video, the talk was at google
[04:20] <RAOF> You know, bzr *may* be faster than git for cloning the kernel.
[05:29] <shirish> hi all, does anybody know of the command as to how to find which package is responsible for some command/some bin file ?
[05:29] <DanaG> /usr/lib/command-not-found
[05:30] <DanaG> pass the command name as the first argument.
[05:32] <shirish> DanaG: I think I was not right, ok, lemme take the example which will clearly illustrate what i wanna do
[05:33] <shirish> DanaG: for example, I know xrandr is a virtual package but the command works
[05:34] <shirish> so the command /usr/bin/xrandr is packaged somewhere else, I wanna know in which package it came.
[05:34] <crdlb> dpkg -S /usr/bin/xrandr
[05:34] <crdlb> or use apt-file
[05:35] <shirish> crdlb: thanx, would try both of them.
[05:37] <DanaG> Apt-file doesn't work in Hardy.
[05:39] <shirish> bye guys, see u sometime soon
[05:57] <xnix> does anyone have a problem in hardy where compiz window borders do not appear? I cant figure it out, i always revert to metacity
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[06:02] <xnix> oops
[06:09] <DPic> will hardy be released for the PS3?
[06:10] <bazhang> a better question would be: who will get hardy on the ps3 first? :}
[06:12] <DPic> ah, i see
[06:12] <DPic> how long did it take to get gutsy on the PS3 after the final release?
[06:24] <bazhang> think it was on there during beta :}
[06:25] <DPic> cool. thanks :)
[06:37] <JSharp> hmm, I recently did a clean install of Hardy and now I'm having some trouble getting my wacom tablet to work, I've updated the installation and am current with the repository. When I add the InputDevice sections back to xorg.conf and readd the serverlayout section, the x server crashes and restarts GDM when I log in, but the tablet seems to work okay before that
[06:37] <JSharp> has anyone experienced anything similar? I can't seem to find any bug reports after doing a thorough search
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=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
[09:06] <slytherin> Can anyone using hardy confirm bug 185291
[09:06] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185291 in nautilus "No icon for cd image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185291
[09:22] <scizzo-> slytherin: what happens when you add the mime-type that should be used then?
[09:23] <slytherin> scizzo-: I didn't try. :-(
[09:23] <scizzo-> slytherin: do it...
[09:23] <scizzo-> slytherin: and see if that affects anything
[09:23] <scizzo-> you have a backup thingy about the mime-type so no worries to destroy it
[09:23] <scizzo-> mostly to see the actual affect
[09:24] <slytherin> scizzo-: Will do it tonight. I am in office currently and using gutsy.
[09:24] <scizzo-> slytherin: okie dokie...
[09:25] <slytherin> scizzo-: Weird thing is that gutsy shows icon even though everthing else is same.
[09:26] <scizzo-> slytherin: might be the mime-types but not sure where....
[09:26] <scizzo-> slytherin: or even the theme itself
[09:27] <slytherin> scizzo-: right, i didn't think that before. theme might be the problem.
[09:34] <scizzo-> slytherin: well its a long shoot...but still
[09:34] <scizzo-> slytherin: nothing like trying out what exactly is wrong is it? ;)
[10:14] <alteregolio> i can't get updates
[10:15] <alteregolio> can't get http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/source/sources.gz 403 forbidden
[10:17] <ccooke> Try http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/source/Sources.bz2
[10:21] <alteregolio> hardon works great
[10:22] <blkorpheus> /usr/bin/mythfrontend.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libmyth-0.20.2.so.0: undefined symbol: stat64
[10:22] <blkorpheus> mostly
[10:22] <JSharp> unless you're trying to get a wacom tablet working, got some issues there :/
[10:22] <JSharp> but otherwise pretty awesome <G>
[10:22] <blkorpheus> me too
[10:23] <blkorpheus> the gnome weather applet broken
[10:23] <blkorpheus> and mythfrontend broken
[10:23] <blkorpheus> also the new kernel, -4-server, broken
[10:23] <blkorpheus> etc..
[10:28] <alteregolio> supertux2 doesn't work with it
[11:01] <alteregolio> is atl1 a userspace driver?
[11:05] <slytherin> blkorpheus: I guess weather applet is combined with clock applet. Have you tried latest clock applet?
[11:07] <blkorpheus> I noticed the clock date and time options has changed
[11:08] <blkorpheus> it has the same locations, and now it pulls weather!
[11:08] <blkorpheus> maybe the weather applet is being depreciated?
[11:08] <blkorpheus> bac to sleep I go:)
[11:39] <calc> blkorpheus: clock applet in hardy doesn't pull weather for me yet?
[11:41] <blkorpheus> HOVER YOUR MOUSE OVER THE CITIES sorry you added
[11:46] <AAU_Johan> Hi, i have experienced several random screen blackouts with my thinkpad X41 lately.
[11:46] <AAU_Johan> The system lives on, i can CTRL+ALT+DEL and the system reboots and works again.
[11:46] <AAU_Johan> However i'm not able to shift to console with CTRL+ALT+F1
[11:46] <AAU_Johan> So i have no idea what goes wrong? Any recent reports of this=
[11:46] <AAU_Johan> .
[11:57] <slytherin> AAU_Johan: If that is a hardy problem then I would suggest file a bug.
[12:23] <calc> blkorpheus: oh ok
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[14:13] <tinin> Hi, I want to use kde4. Is it beeing more updated and polished in hardy than in gutsy?
[14:13] <tinin> !kde4
[14:13] <ubotu> KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[14:34] <bardyr> does anybody know when the nvidia 169.09 driver will hit hardy?
[14:34] <bardyr> !nvidia-glx-new
[14:34] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-glx-new - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[14:34] <bardyr> !info nvidia-glx-new
[14:34] <ubotu> nvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.07+ (hardy), package size 5661 kB, installed size 16192 kB
[14:58] <Zambezi> Is there inbuilt encryption during installation in HH like Etch?
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[15:01] <bardyr> Zambezi, there should be in the alternative cd
[15:08] <wastrel> there was in the gusty alternate cd
[15:13] <alteregolio> heh
[15:13] <alteregolio> is hardy prepared for ext4?
[15:15] <ccooke> alteregolio: ... in what sense?
[15:15] <alteregolio> because i don't support murderfx
[15:15] <alteregolio> because i don't support murderfs
[15:15] <Pici> ...
[15:16] <kripken> that should be innocent-until-proven-guilts-fs
[15:16] <bardyr> lol
[15:17] <ccooke> alteregolio: okay... what does resiserfs have to do with anything? reiser has (thankfully) never been the default on Ubuntu
[15:17] <bardyr> isnt raiserfs the murderfs? it was found guilty
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[15:18] <ccooke> I've not heard of any verdict on the Reiser case. Besides, that is hardly a good reason for not using a filesystem
[15:18] <alteregolio> yeah
[15:18] <Zambezi> Is there inbuilt encryption during installation in HH like Etch? (Asked it once, but got disconnected).
[15:18] <alteregolio> my computer should be politically correct
[15:18] <ccooke> (Especially when there are actual *good* *technical* reasons not to use it already)
[15:19] <ccooke> Zambezi: I don't believe it's an option on the installer, currently
[15:19] <bardyr> Zambezi, there should be in the alternative cd
[15:19] <ccooke> ah, nice
[15:19] <bardyr> didnt it get added in gutsy?
[15:19] <Zambezi> bardyr ccooke: Is it on GG too or just HH?
[15:20] <kripken> Hmm, wikipedia says the trial was on break until last week. So it should be running right now unless it was delayed.
[15:20] <Zambezi> I have FF right now.
[15:20] <ccooke> Zambezi: Check the alternate install CD - I haven't used it myself.
[15:20] <bardyr> Zambezi, i believe it was added into the gutsy alternative cd
[15:20] <alteregolio> gutsy gibbon successfully satisfied the Zoologic test
[15:21] <Zambezi> bardyr: Lovely. Im going to have a look.
[15:21] <Zambezi> I'm so sorry I didn't suggested Horny Hippo instead of Hardy Heron. :-P
[15:21] <Zambezi> -ed
[15:21] <ccooke> Zambezi: should be "Hungry Hippo", if it's going to be a hippo...
[15:22] <Zambezi> ccooke: A hippo is both. :-P
[15:22] <alteregolio> or a squirting quagga
[15:23] <Zambezi> The release after HH got to be something with Ivory.
[15:23] <ccooke> Ibex is nice... :-)
[15:24] <alteregolio> yeah they living in perfect harmony
[15:28] <ccooke> of course, they could go off the rails a bit for "Insane Iguana"...
[15:35] <wastrel> i used the gusty alternate cd the other day & there was an option for encrypted fs during install
[15:36] <wastrel> (i didn't try it)
[15:38] <kripken> Insane Iguana might be a good name if its a really unstable release
[15:38] <kripken> I'd vote for it
[15:42] <wastrel> something Ibis
[15:44] <bardyr> kripken, next release after a LTS should be insane
[15:44] <kripken> yeah
[16:42] <JoeLinux> Does anyone know where I can find the Hardy Server SPARC Alpha release?
[16:47] <bardyr> JoeLinux, http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-3/
[16:47] <wastrel> hardy
[16:47] <bardyr> wastrel, ?
[16:47] <geser> JoeLinux: I know there is a daily ISO for sparc, but I don't know if there is an extra ISO for each alpha release
[16:48] <bardyr> geser, there is
[16:49] <JoeLinux> @bardyr: Thanks, it's downloading right now.
[16:49] <JoeLinux> The Tracker site doesn't seem to have any working links for ISO download.
[16:49] <bardyr> tracker site?
[16:50] <JoeLinux> The ISO Trackers site, through Ubuntu.com.
[16:51] <JoeLinux> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/
[16:52] <JoeLinux> From the looks of the Tracker site, no one has tested the SPARC server edition yet.
[16:52] <JoeLinux> Unless there's another tracking area I'm not aware of?
[16:52] <JoeLinux> Has anyone been testing SPARC?
[16:56] <Technoviking> what package do I install for testing firefox3
[16:56] <bardyr> Technoviking, firefox-3.0
[17:12] <Oli``> Does pulseaudio lag for anybody? If I change the volume in an application, or pause it, etc, it takes half a second or so to respond
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[17:39] <kripken> Oli``: in what apps does this occur?
[17:40] <Oli``> kripken: It seems to effect all streams.
[17:40] <kripken> Oli``: Then no, it works fine over here. Pause/restart in totem is instantaneous (VLC lags on some media... but it always did, no idea why)
[17:42] <Oli``> My bad. Totem works fine. I think it's perhaps effecting ALSA applications that are running into an ALSA sink in PA
[17:43] <Oli``> Amarok (for example) is one such app. Xine, another.
[17:44] <kripken> That might be. I don't have Amarok here to test. But Totem and xmms are fine
[18:36] <mrtimdog> I've a very hot laptop! Does one of powernowd, powersaved adjust the fan speed as well as the cpu freq scaling, or is there another deamon/kernel mod involved?
[19:09] <mrtimdog> What's the best way of stopping apt installing recommended pkgs when installing a package? I've set the aptitude option to not do it, but it still does.
[19:14] <silent> mrtimdog, fan speed is an acpi function, and installing recommended packages is a good idea, as dependencies come into play
[19:15] <silent> mrtimdog, it's not as if the recommended packages really take up all that much space
[19:17] <mrtimdog> Thanks, silent. So the temp control (via ACPI) is not controlled by software?
[19:17] <silent> mrtimdog, it can be, by editing config files, but I have to go for nwo
[19:19] <mrtimdog> I know recommended pkgs are a good idea, but I've 4G for my OS (exluding /home) and it's nearly full. Anyone else any ideas on how to configure apt not to install recommended packages?
[19:25] <bardyr> mrtimdog, software sources and uncheck recommended
[19:26] <mrtimdog> Hi bardyr: No, that's for enabling/disabling the repo for recommended updates.
[19:27] <bardyr> oh, yea :/
[19:27] <mrtimdog> Just found the solution. Had to remove the config file /etc/apt/apt.cond.d/01ubuntu installed by apt which contains the config for these specific options :)
[19:28] <mrtimdog> Thanks for looking though :)
[19:30] <Technoviking> is Screen and Graphics control panel empty for everyone else also?
[19:32] <bardyr> yes
[19:36] <nubbe> Will Hardy be a good choice to switch to amd64 from 32-bit for a regular desktop user, web (flash and such stuff)?
[19:38] <bardyr> yea
[19:39] <bardyr> nubbe, all the flash thingies and other needed 32bit apps are installed so its almost no hassle
[19:41] <nubbe> There has been problems with oo.org, some printers-drivers also, in the past
[19:41] <nubbe> but I will probably give it a go this time, (again) :)
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[19:55] <filthpig> which stage is hardy at right now?
[19:55] <rsk> filthpig: alpha
[19:56] <filthpig> ok, when do you plan on making it beta?
[19:56] <filthpig> final is april, right?
[19:56] <crdlb> a month before release
[19:56] <crdlb> so late march
[19:56] <filthpig> okay
[19:57] <rsk> crdlb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule
[19:57] <rsk> ops filthpig *
[19:57] <filthpig> hey crdlb, can you answer a question for me over at the "normal" chan or compiz-fusion?
[19:57] <filthpig> rsk, ah, thanks
[19:57] <filthpig> er, if not answer, at least look at it, lol
[20:36] <Gnine> rhythmbox still keeps crashing, no crash report generated. 8.04 hardy x86
[20:57] <bardyr> is it enough to install the kd4 package to run it properly?
[20:57] <rsk> !kde4
[20:57] <ubotu> KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[21:07] <mrtimdog> I'm getting, from nautilus, the msg: "Nautilus cannot handle network: locations.". Is this a current problem, or my config?
[21:19] <Assid> err
[21:19] <Assid> there seens to be one more bug
[21:19] <Assid> brightness goes up and down on its own
[21:22] <RAOF> mrtimdog: That's a known issue with the shiny new nautilus-gio that we've got. It's not complete yet :)
[21:32] <wastrel> kde4
[21:34] <PC-Ente> kde4
[21:34] <PC-Ente> doesent work for me
[21:51] <bardyr> !info php5-ffmepg
[21:51] <ubotu> Package php5-ffmepg does not exist in hardy
[22:26] <mrtimdog> RAOF: Thanks, no probs - eagerly waiting... :)
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[23:19] <bardyr> is there a way i can get amarok to use pulseaudio?
[23:19] <bardyr> and/or gstreamer?
[23:33] <RAOF> Uuuuum.
[23:34] <RAOF> bardyr: So, pulseaudio. I *believe* there's a pulseaudio xine plugin. Using amarok's xine engine should allow you to choose that. Maybe.
[23:34] <RAOF> bardyr: And I think Amarok has a gstreamer backend, you'd just need to select it in amarok's preferences.
[23:43] <BlackDiamonds> RAOF I'm a little confused about audio in ubuntu
[23:43] <BlackDiamonds> what does gstreamer, xine, pulseaudio and jack do ?
[23:43] <RAOF> Well.
[23:44] <BlackDiamonds> wait, I mixed that up
[23:44] <BlackDiamonds> gstreamer, xine and pulseaudio and jack are two different things
[23:44] <RAOF> GStreamer & Xine are audio/video pipeline systems. You feed in some a/v stuff (in whatever format) and they spit out a/v stuff in a different form.
[23:44] <RAOF> Yeah.
[23:45] <BlackDiamonds> pulseaudio and jack are audio daemons right ?
[23:46] <BlackDiamonds> they sit on top of alsa ?
[23:46] <RAOF> Yes.
[23:46] <RAOF> And, in the case of Pulse, below alsa as well :)
[23:46] <BlackDiamonds> woha wut
[23:47] <RAOF> So, pulseaudio and jack are (partially) about the problem "how do I make this raw audio stream come out my speakers?"
[23:47] <RAOF> ...in such a way that I can mix various streams together, have accurate timings (for lip-synching, for example), etc.
[23:48] <BlackDiamonds> ah
[23:48] <RAOF> Pulseaudio is more than that; it also solves "I want to be able to associate this sound sample with $ERROR_CONDITION, and be able to say "play $ERROR_CONDITION""
[23:49] <BlackDiamonds> when I was experimenting with gentoo and slackware, I had to use some crazy alsa stuff with voodo magic to get aMSN to give me a chime while I was playing music in Amarok
[23:50] <RAOF> The "perfect pulse setup" includes using a pulseaudio alsa plugin. So programs that use alsa go Program -> ALSA (default hw) -> pulse -> ALSA (actual sound hw)
[23:54] <articpenguin3800> do i report kubuntu bugs to kde.net or launchpad
[23:54] <RAOF> Launchpad.
[23:55] <articpenguin3800> does upstream mean kde.org
[23:55] <RAOF> You may also want to file them at kde.org as well, once it has been determined that it's not a bug specific to kubuntu.
[23:55] <RAOF> Yes, "upstream" means "kde.org". At least for the KDE packages :)
[23:58] <BlackDiamonds> articpenguin3800 I think you can file at both and then link the bugs using launchpad ?
[23:58] <BlackDiamonds> also RAOF, is it possible with pulseaudio to do what vista does with audio ?
[23:58] <BlackDiamonds> which is control each apps audio ?
[23:58] <RAOF> BlackDiamonds: For me to respond to that I'd need to know what vista does with audio :)
[23:58] <BlackDiamonds> like you can mute MSN, and IE but keep your music player up
[23:59] <BlackDiamonds> app specific audio control
[23:59] <RAOF> Yes.
[23:59] <RAOF> You want the padevchooser (and associated) package(s).