UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /22 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <cookiemonster078> i just installed fusesmb to gain access to xp folders which I now have in command line only. Anyway to get thunar to see them?
[00:06] <jared> so why install xubuntu?
[00:07] <soldats> because it comes stock with xfce and xfce is awesome IMO
[00:07] <soldats> its all personal preference
[00:08] <jared> what makes xfce better than KDE in ur opinion?
[00:08] <jared> or GNOME
[00:08] <mindframe> can someone help me please? as soon as my system logs in it exits back to gdm
[00:09] <soldats> KDE is ugly IMO and way too big xfceis just minimalistic and runs better on my system than gnome does
[00:09] <soldats> mindframe, is there any errors
[00:10] <mindframe> not that i can see in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[00:11] <soldats> hmm its not saying anything about ~/HOME not having the correct permissions
[00:12] <mindframe> i just changed the ownership for all the files :(
[02:12] <cookiemonster078> is anyone here
[02:31] <cookiemonster078> helllo i am desperate need of help
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[08:40] <an0nym[eee]> yup o/
=== Lurianic is now known as Luria
[09:19] <helix_> hey what is the minimum system requirments to run xubuntu? Or rather what is the minimum any of you have pushed it on?
[09:25] <helix_> kernel
[09:25] <helix_> hey can I ask you some questions?
[09:31] <fiyawerx> helix_: dunno about what people have done, but http://www.xubuntu.org/get
[09:32] <TheSheep> helix_: P90, 96MB ram, slow as a slug :)
[09:34] <fiyawerx> honestly, there might be sleeker systems than *buntu for very low end machines, it's always run a bit heavy for me
[09:36] <helix_> I heard archlinux is good
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[11:33] <zatlite> Hi, I'm looking for help in configuring my display settings.
[13:51] <Ven]n> how do i check version of the items in repositories?
[13:52] <totalwormface> i'm not able to check right now, but maybe 'apt-cache --help' could give you some information
[13:53] <Ven]n> ty
[13:54] <Ven]n> showpkg :)
[13:55] <totalwormface> good hehe
[14:38] <PsynoKhi0> Hey, anyone around to give a shot at my USB quirks?
[17:25] <neozen-work> ?
[17:25] <neozen-work> anyone monitoring the room?
[17:25] <neozen-work> having a SERIOUS problem with my display... goes black about every 30secs
[17:25] <neozen-work> no keyboard response
[17:26] <neozen-work> switching to a virtual console and back fixes it..... but it even does this in a virtual console!... and in recovery mode!
[17:26] <neozen-work> I see entries like this:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53051/ in syslog every time it happens
[17:37] <neozen-work> my xorg.conf is also in there
[17:38] <neozen-work> card is an ATI Mobility FireGL 9000
[17:48] <scizzo-> evening
[19:16] <cookiemonster077> I recently install FUSEsmb to gain access to xp network shares which I now have in command line. can someone tell me why thunar won't open them
[19:18] <grahamperrin> cookiemonster077: is your FUSE stuff running as the same user as you, or as a different user?
[19:24] <cookiemonster077> I am not sure. how would i check
[19:24] <cookiemonster077> sorry totally new to this
[19:25] <totalwormface> cookiemonster077: you can go to the main menu -> administration
[19:25] <totalwormface> oh sorry System -> Administration -> users and groups
[19:25] <totalwormface> and add yourself to the 'fuse' group
[19:26] <totalwormface> gods
[19:26] * totalwormface kicks himself
[19:26] <cookiemonster077> it says both myself and root are in that group
[19:27] <totalwormface> good :]
[19:28] <totalwormface> did you add the word 'fuse' to your /etc/modules file?
[19:28] <cookiemonster077> no i did not
[19:29] <cookiemonster077> however it is already there
[19:29] <totalwormface> also good
[19:30] <totalwormface> now, make a directory you wish your network will be mounted on
[19:30] <totalwormface> for example /media/network
[19:30] <totalwormface> or whatever you like
[19:30] <cookiemonster077> does location matter
[19:30] <totalwormface> 'sudo mkdir /media/network' for example
[19:30] <totalwormface> no, not very much
[19:30] <cookiemonster077> done
[19:31] <totalwormface> then do a 'sudo chmod 777 /media/network'
[19:31] <cookiemonster077> permission denied
[19:32] <totalwormface> ehh
[19:33] <totalwormface> did you use use?
[19:33] <totalwormface> argh
[19:33] <totalwormface> did you use sudo?
[19:33] <cookiemonster077> 'sudo -i'
[19:34] <cookiemonster077> root@Brian:~# chmod 777 /home/brian/share
[19:35] <cookiemonster077> chmod: cannot access `/home/brian/share': Permission denied
[19:35] <totalwormface> oh then try 'chmod -R' :]
[19:36] <cookiemonster077> root@Brian:~# chmod -R /home/brian/share
[19:36] <cookiemonster077> chmod: missing operand after `/home/brian/share'
[19:36] <cookiemonster077> Try `chmod --help' for more information.
[19:36] <totalwormface> hehehe sorry
[19:36] <cookiemonster077> what did i do
[19:37] <totalwormface> 'sudo chmod -R 777 /home/brian/share' :[
[19:37] <totalwormface> :]
[19:37] <totalwormface> that should give no output, if it doesn't it worked :P
[19:38] <cookiemonster077> permission denied???
[19:39] <totalwormface> hell that makes no sense
[19:39] <totalwormface> what happens if you go to that folder in thunar
[19:40] <totalwormface> and rightclick it
[19:40] <totalwormface> then properties
[19:40] <totalwormface> who is the owner of that file?
[19:40] <totalwormface> eh, directory
[19:40] <TheSheep> totalwormface: root has no longer full control on remotely mounted directories
[19:41] <cookiemonster077> root is listed as owner
[19:41] <cookiemonster077> hello sheep i am still fighting with this
[19:41] <totalwormface> TheSheep: yes, but fuse doesn't know yet that that folder is going to be used as a dir things get mounted on...
[19:42] <totalwormface> cookiemonster077: the folder is empty right?
[19:43] <totalwormface> if so, try 'sudo rm -r /home/brian/share'
[19:43] <cookiemonster077> you said fuse doesn't know. would that be the command 'fuse /home/brian/share'
[19:43] <TheSheep> no
[19:43] <totalwormface> hehehhe
[19:43] <totalwormface> sorry i just awoke, these things are hard at the moment *^_^*
[19:44] <cookiemonster077> rm: cannot lstat `/home/brian/share': Permission denied
[19:44] * TheSheep installs smbfs to try it himself
[19:44] <totalwormface> cookiemonster077: good :]
[19:45] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: say, what does 'ls -ald /home/brian' say?
[19:45] <totalwormface> TheSheep: fuse is already running, so you're right :]
[19:45] <cookiemonster077> drwxr-xr-x 20 brian brian 4096 2008-01-22 14:12 /home/brian
[19:46] <TheSheep> and /home/brian/share ?
[19:47] <cookiemonster077> ls: /home/brian/share: Permission denied
[19:47] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: ls -ald
[19:47] <cookiemonster077> root@Brian:~# ls -ald /home/brian/share
[19:47] <cookiemonster077> ls: /home/brian/share: Permission denied
[19:48] <totalwormface> cookiemonster077: i guess you first need to kill fuse
[19:48] <totalwormface> so you can get full control of the folder again :]
[19:48] <cookiemonster077> is that a command
[19:49] <TheSheep> totalwormface: no need to kill
[19:49] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: do 'sudo umount /home/brian/share'
[19:50] <totalwormface> hehe thank you for your better judgement *^_^*
[19:50] <cookiemonster077> done
[19:50] <totalwormface> good!
[19:50] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: then remove it as root, make a directory as normal user and run 'fusesmb directory' for it as normal user
[19:50] <Breakage> i cant disable screensaver, the screen goes blank after some time. under screensaver preferences i have disabled it on idle and put the bar to 2 hours. anyone know how i can fix this?
[19:51] <Breakage> also for some reason i dont have /root/.Trash even after deleting stuff as root
[19:51] <TheSheep> Breakage: it goes to disk's global trash if you have writing permissions to it (and root has writing permissions msotly everywhere)
[19:52] <Breakage> TheSheep: ah thats cool, thanks :) thought that might be the case.
[19:52] <cookiemonster077> done now what
[19:52] <TheSheep> Breakage: also, files deleted form the command line don't go to trash
[19:52] <TheSheep> Breakage: they are lost permanently
[19:53] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: it hsould work now
[19:53] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: as user
[19:53] <Breakage> TheSheep: oh thanks, think i'll use commands to delete from filesystem :)
[19:54] <cookiemonster077> does the fusesmb.conf need editting
[19:54] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: yes, if you want to use a user name and/or password
[19:55] <cookiemonster077> the dir change does not matter?
[19:56] <TheSheep> no, it's not configured in there
[19:58] <cookiemonster077> i need to reboot to check something I had an error when I booted this morning that might be important
[20:02] <cookiemonster077> i am back
[20:03] <cookiemonster077> the error did not show this time
[20:05] <cookiemonster077> but the new dir is still empty
[20:07] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: run 'fusesmb new_dir'
[20:07] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: as user
[20:07] <Breakage> i've uninstalled gnome-screensaver that should solve my screensaver problem right :)?
[20:07] <TheSheep> Breakage: no
[20:07] <TheSheep> Breakage: it's power saving, not a screen saver
[20:08] <TheSheep> Breakage: the monitor is being puti nto low energy mode
[20:08] <Breakage> TheSheep: damn ok thanks
[20:08] <TheSheep> Breakage: but I don't know where to change these settings
[20:08] <Breakage> TheSheep: no probs ill google
[20:09] <TheSheep> Breakage: you might need to install the gnome power manager
[20:09] <Breakage> ok
[20:10] <TheSheep> Breakage: and run gnome-power-preferences then
[20:10] <Breakage> TheSheep: ok thanks :)
[20:12] <cookiemonster077> it ran fuse with 'sudo' but then it won't let me into the dir
[20:12] <cookiemonster077> permission denied
[20:12] <TheSheep> cookiemonster077: do 'sudo umount' and run the fusesmb as normal user, without sudo
[20:13] <cookiemonster077> sudo umount
[20:13] <TheSheep> sudo mumount directory
[20:13] <TheSheep> umount
[20:15] <cookiemonster077> that has done it. so all these problems are because i did all this as root
[20:15] <cookiemonster077> ??
[20:16] <TheSheep> yes
[20:16] <TheSheep> funne, eh?
[20:16] <TheSheep> funny
[20:17] <cookiemonster077> thanks for all your help. mind if i come back with the next problem
[20:18] <TheSheep> not at all
[20:18] <cookiemonster077> thanks again
[20:23] <mindframe-> what should i use to sync my palm device in xfce?
[20:27] <TheSheep> !palm | mindframe-
[20:27] <ubotu> mindframe-: A good guide for setting up Palm devices is at http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/PalmOS-HOWTO.html#PC-CONNECT-USB
[20:27] <mindframe-> thanks
[21:14] <sinkorswim> is it possible to rearrange items on the task list?
[21:55] <march> goodnight :D
[21:56] <nikolam> HI. Does anyone use CDRW or DVD+-RW disks as rewritable disks in UDF format under Linux?
[21:57] <nikolam> I can`t manage to format CDRW`s or DVD+RW`s in UDF file system and use them
[23:32] <Breakage> anyone know how i can remove the toolbar text in Mirage? :)
[23:37] <LetsGo67> !moonlight
[23:37] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about moonlight - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[23:38] <Breakage> !mirage
[23:38] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about mirage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[23:38] <Breakage> !dpms
[23:38] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about dpms - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[23:53] <rzr> hi
[23:54] <rzr> any developpers around ?