UbuntuIRC / 2008 /01 /22 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:48] <ubotu> In ubotu, soundray said: thunar =~ s/alternative/alternative to/
[00:52] <LjL> !thunar
[00:52] <ubotu> thunar is a File Manager for XFCE. It is a lightweight alternative Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease
[00:52] <LjL> !thunar =~ s/alternative/alternative to/
[00:52] <ubotu> I'll remember that LjL
[01:09] <wyclif> i cannot join #ubuntu
[01:10] <ogre> hey can you huys test me for that stupid router bug? I fixed it but I cant join #ubuntu
[01:10] <ogre> wyclif: did you follow instructions for repAIR?
[01:10] <wyclif> repair? why?
[01:10] <ogre> wyclif: its a router bug. you mean you didnt read instructions?
[01:11] <wyclif> ogre: i'm in the wrong channel
[01:11] <wyclif> i just want to change channels
[01:11] <Tm_T> yes
[01:11] <LjL> ogre: he's here for a different reason.
[01:11] <ogre> wyclif: looking for #ubuntu?
[01:11] <ogre> ahhh
[01:11] <LjL> ogre: you weren't able to join because of some glitch in the bots. you can join now
[01:11] <wyclif> ogre: yes
[01:11] <wyclif> ogre: ok. thanks!
[01:11] <ogre> thanks LjL
[01:11] <LjL> wyclif: i'm afraid you've pushed your luck a bit far in order to rejoin #ubuntu without some amount of talk in here first
[01:12] <wyclif> ogre: apparently LjL decided to get heavy handed with a user
[01:12] <wyclif> ogre: i was kicked off the channel for using the bot according to IRC rules
[01:13] <ogre> wyclif: you should alsways listen to ops. its none of my business. dont involve me
[01:13] <wyclif> ogre: for greeting new people using the bot and being friendly in general. wow, #ubuntu is getting to be like #debian that way...
[01:13] <wyclif> ogre: ok, so I chatted a bit.
[01:13] <Tm_T> wyclif: can I hug you?
[01:14] <wyclif> Tm_T: yes
[01:14] <Tm_T> ogre: can we help you in some else?
[01:14] <wyclif> ogre: well, I was told by LjL I had to say some things here
[01:14] <wyclif> i really just want to join #ubuntu
[01:14] <Tm_T> wyclif: yes yes, none of them have to do with ogre
[01:15] <LjL> [02:07:28] <wyclif> soundray you have trouble comprehending english? i'm saying i used it exactly the way it's supposed to be used. capiche?
[01:15] <LjL> that was the last thing you said
[01:15] <wyclif> LjL that's right.
[01:15] <LjL> see, aside from the obviously unacceptable attitude towards soundray,
[01:15] <wyclif> *sigh*
[01:15] <LjL> there is an intrinsic problem. how is the bot "supposed to be used"? who decides how it is?
[01:15] <LjL> well, it's simple - us.
[01:15] <wyclif> LjL gosh, I just wanna join #ubuntu!
[01:15] <LjL> so if i tell you that's not the way to use it, it means it's not the way to use it.
[01:16] <wyclif> LjL, yes sir! how high, sir!
[01:16] <LjL> wyclif, you tried pretty hard to get yourself banned from there. you could have thought about it earlier.
[01:16] <wyclif> *groveling*
[01:16] <Tm_T> whats groveling?
[01:16] <wyclif> HEH
[01:17] <Tm_T> wyclif: anyway, you say, you disagree with us, but we should just let you go?
[01:17] <wyclif> *sigh* whatever dude. can I rejoin #ubuntu now
[01:17] <Tm_T> wyclif: no, we don't let you in if we don't believe you will follow the rules
[01:17] <wyclif> Tm_T no, not you.
[01:17] <Tm_T> wyclif: why not me?
[01:17] <wyclif> Tm_T because i recall you had nothing to do with it.
[01:18] <ogre> ok, thanks. wyclif I can tell you that you are pushing yr luck though
[01:18] <ogre> ok im out
[01:18] <ogre> *poof*
[01:18] <wyclif> ogre: yes you may. thanks. may I rejoin #ubuntu now that I've taken my lashing?
[01:18] <LjL> wyclif, do you see the +'s, or green lights, or whatever it is on your client, that some users in here have? those identify the users who *do* have to do with stuff that happens in #ubuntu.
[01:18] <Tm_T> ogre: thanks and have fun
[01:19] <wyclif> LjL thanks but I've been on IRC since *1987*
[01:19] <LjL> meh
[01:19] <LjL> irc was created in 1988
[01:19] <Tm_T> "created" :-P
[01:19] <LjL> whate'er
[01:20] <Tm_T> in sensible way he couldn't been "around" until ~90 or so, but I even doubt 99
[01:21] <nalioth> 1987, eh?
[01:21] <Tm_T> prolly born that year
[01:33] <matisse> hello
[01:33] <LjL> hi
[01:33] <matisse> i was banned in #ubuntu because of uberscript
[01:33] <matisse> i turned the functions off now
[01:33] <matisse> sorry for that
[01:34] <LjL> matisse: and you had *two* bots like that in the channel?
[01:34] <matisse> no
[01:34] <matisse> i dont have bots
[01:34] <matisse> actually
[01:34] <LjL> then why were two users automatically responding to your !give commands?
[01:35] <matisse> ?
[01:35] <matisse> wrong way
[01:35] <matisse> do you want to test it ? Seems like I was faster or something like that
[01:36] <LjL> !give test test
[01:36] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about give test test - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:36] <matisse> actually, i ask myself why bsod2 typed that command
[01:36] <matisse> 1 sec
[01:36] <LjL> matisse: yes, i see now that you were one of those two "bots".
[01:37] <LjL> matisse: you can rejoin now. please keep in mind that bots and automatic scripts (except ubotu of course) are strictly disallowed in #ubuntu
[01:37] <matisse> yes, no problem
[01:37] <matisse> i apprechiate your work there
[01:38] <Tm_T> matisse: and remember to have fun ;)
[01:38] <matisse> so, it's not my intention to do such stuff
[01:40] <matisse> now is see
[01:40] <matisse> <neeto> I want to be able to play call of duty on ubuntu, but punkbuster won't install in wine... is there a way to get around this?
[01:40] <matisse> <bsod2> !give neeto wine
[01:40] <Tm_T> ...
[01:41] <matisse> senseless... :-)
[01:41] <matisse> LjL: did you post "!give test test" to check if I am a bot ?
[01:42] <LjL> matisse: to test if your script was still in place.
[01:42] <matisse> ah, ok
[01:42] <mneptok> !give ME_COOKIE!
[01:42] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about give me_cookie! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:43] * matisse gives still a cup
[01:43] <matisse> !give still works ;-)
[01:44] <matisse> so, thanks for unbanning
[01:44] <matisse> gn8
[01:56] <mneptok> g'nate?
[02:19] <Tm_T> oh why I don't have op rights on #ubuntu-offtopic
[02:20] <LjL> wasn't unagi banned to begin with?
[02:21] <Tm_T> was, is he still?
[02:22] <LjL> Tm_T: yes
[02:22] <Tm_T> LjL: then time to remind him?
[02:22] <Tm_T> not my job though
[02:22] <LjL> i did
[02:22] <Tm_T> oooh
[02:22] <unagi> what time would i expect it to be lifted or when should i request?
[02:23] <LjL> unagi, i think you should come back tomorrow and ask seveas
[02:23] <unagi> ok i wasnt aware it wasnt lifted
[02:23] <unagi> i dont really know why it joined to tell you the truth i never reconnected
[02:23] <Tm_T> it wont be lifted until you ask so, I afraid ;)
[02:24] <unagi> oh wait, yea i did because i switched my xorg......i apologize
[02:27] <Pici> wyclif: Can we help you?
[02:28] <wyclif> yes, actually
[02:29] <wyclif> i cannot join #ubuntu
[02:29] <Tm_T> still
[02:29] <wyclif> yeah.
[02:30] * Pici scrolls up
[02:30] <Pici> Tm_T: looks like you know whats going on here. /me poofs
[02:30] <wyclif> i was actually going to ask a question about openssh, but for some reason i cannot join, it appears my ISP has been banned.
[02:31] <Tm_T> wyclif: you remember why you were banned?
[02:31] <nalioth> wyclif: ##linux or #openssh can help you
[02:31] <LjL> short term memory loss
[02:31] <Tm_T> :)
[02:31] <LjL> an interesting condition
[02:31] <Tm_T> LjL: :))
[02:31] <wyclif> ah, thanks. No, actually I have no idea.
[02:31] <Tm_T> wyclif: interesting, somehow I do these days
[02:31] <wyclif> ???
[02:31] <LjL> wyclif: was IRC good in 1987?
[02:32] <wyclif> what's that?
[02:32] <LjL> wyclif you know what
[02:32] <wyclif> hmmm. i thought this was the ops channel
[02:32] <Tm_T> noooooo
[02:32] <Tm_T> wyclif: this is
[02:32] <Tm_T> LjL: don't do it yet
[02:32] <LjL> Tm_T: :(
[02:32] <Pici> I thought I was confused before, perhaps my scrollback is in some sort of bizarro -ops channel.
[02:34] <wyclif> hm. well, I was on that channel this morning. I come back from work, I'm banned. not sure I understand.
[02:34] <wyclif> it does appear my IP has been banned, which is odd.
[02:34] <Tm_T> how you found out your IP is banned?
[02:34] <LjL> troooooooooooooooooooooooooooll
[02:34] <wyclif> i checked.
[02:34] <Tm_T> how?
[02:35] <Pici> LjL: gezundheit
[02:35] <Tm_T> LjL: shush
[02:35] <wyclif> you're welcome.
[02:35] <LjL> Pici: geSundheit
[02:35] <wyclif> wow, is this really an #ubuntu channel?
[02:35] <Tm_T> wyclif: no, #ubuntu-ops
[02:35] <wyclif> hmm.
[02:35] <Tm_T> wyclif: how did you check you're banned?
[02:36] <wyclif> I thought I could get some answers here. Other times I've asked, that channel has been helpful.
[02:36] <Tm_T> wyclif: yes yes, how you checked you are banned
[02:36] <Pici> wyclif: this isn't #ubuntu, this is #ubuntu-ops, note that theres 43 people here, not 1043
[02:36] <wyclif> Tm_T I tried to join, I was informed I was banned.
[02:36] <Tm_T> wyclif: that doesn't say your IP is banned
[02:36] <wyclif> yes, I realise that. I'm trying to join #ubuntu. that's why I'm on the ops channel, asking.
[02:36] <Tm_T> :)
[02:37] <Tm_T> wyclif: you are banned because your hostile attitude
[02:37] <wyclif> that's weird, because I didn't think my username was banned
[02:37] <Tm_T> how so?
[02:37] <wyclif> Tm_T what?
[02:37] <mneptok> <wyclif> LjL I think I'll use it the way it's supposed to be used, kthxbai
[02:37] <mneptok> like so ^^^^
[02:37] <wyclif> I didn't write that!
[02:37] <Tm_T> you did
[02:37] <Tm_T> wyclif: if it wasn't you, who then?
[02:37] <wyclif> nope, I didn't. I just got home from work, actually.
[02:37] <mneptok> wyclif: you were asked to stop certain behaviors by ops. you responded with a flat-out "no."
[02:38] <wyclif> what???!!!
[02:38] <wyclif> when was this?
[02:38] <LjL> wyclif: p'haps it was your brother
[02:38] <mneptok> this afternoon
[02:38] <Tm_T> mneptok: what timezone? ;)
[02:38] <wyclif> I wasn't even here this afternoon. Hmmmm
[02:38] <wyclif> ugh...
[02:38] <Tm_T> wyclif: one and a half an hour ago
[02:39] <mneptok> wyclif: it's your IP address
[02:39] <wyclif> Hmmm. I wonder if it was my roommate
[02:39] <Tm_T> ip, ident, nick...
[02:39] <wyclif> on my computer.
[02:39] <Tm_T> wyclif: then make sure that can't happen again
[02:39] <mneptok> wyclif: which means that either you're lying, or your computer is not secure and is being used without your knowledge. either way, it means no going back to #ubuntu until the problem is fixed.
[02:39] <wyclif> I'm going to have to have a chat with these people
[02:39] <Tm_T> your pc, your responsibility
[02:40] <wyclif> I think I did not log out this morning
[02:40] <Tm_T> lock it
[02:40] <wyclif> :-(
[02:40] <Tm_T> make it to lock automatically
[02:40] <nalioth> wyclif: please read up on computer security and come back tomorrow
[02:40] <wyclif> I understand the security aspect. I just did not lock or log out, I apologise.
[02:40] <mneptok> wyclif: when your roommates are animals, you often have to wade through a lot of crap in your life.
[02:41] <wyclif> or you just need new roommates...
[02:41] <Tm_T> 0319.04 < wyclif> LjL thanks but I've been on IRC since *1987*
[02:41] <mneptok> or that
[02:41] <Tm_T> wyclif: nah, just fix your screensaver settings
[02:41] * mneptok blinks
[02:41] <wyclif> you pasted that before.
[02:41] <mneptok> 1987?
[02:41] <Tm_T> mneptok: aye
[02:41] <mneptok> that's a neat trick.
[02:41] <Tm_T> timetravel
[02:41] <wyclif> I wasn't even ALIVE in 1987
[02:42] <Tm_T> I knew that
[02:42] <mneptok> neither was IRC
[02:42] <wyclif> this is really getting unfriendly.
[02:42] <Tm_T> wyclif: by people who uses your pc :)
[02:43] <nalioth> wyclif: please join us here tomorrow
[02:43] <wyclif> Tm_T that's true.
[02:43] <Tm_T> wyclif: anyway, I'm happy to see it secure and you happily in #ubuntu
[02:43] <LjL> wyclif, you can't blame us for your roommate being a [very] professional liar, therefore now making us highly doubt the veridicity of your statements.
[02:43] <wyclif> I'm not in #ubuntu, though. I'm in #ubuntu-ops
[02:43] <LjL> so, drop this now, and come back tomorrow.
[02:43] <LjL> jurer gbzbeebj vf n zbagu sebz abj
[02:43] <Tm_T> LjL: sdflojgnbkm sdrgklnj agrklnjsretg
[02:44] <Tm_T> wyclif: hi how can we help you?
[02:44] <nalioth> wyclif: was there something else we could help you with?
[02:45] <wyclif> making sure I had the right channel
[02:45] <wyclif> thanks
[02:45] <Tm_T> heh
[02:45] <Tm_T> you did
[02:45] <wyclif> for a second there I didn't think I was on an #ubuntu channel
[02:45] * Tm_T stuffs her fist back into mouth, deep
[02:45] <Tm_T> mums!
[02:45] * Pici gets out his can of troll-b-gone
[02:46] <Pici> wyclif: Tomorrow is 24 hours away.
[02:46] <ardchoille> wyclif: The more you pursue this after being told to "come back tomorrow" the longer this problem is going to persist
[02:46] <wyclif> what?
[02:47] <wyclif> pursue what?
[02:47] <wyclif> the only thing I did was rejoin the channel
[02:47] <nalioth> gentlemen, we can fix this, easily
[02:47] <Tm_T> nooo :(
[02:47] <Pici> Tm_T: its okay... we'll get you another one.
[02:47] <ardchoille> hahahaha
[02:48] <Tm_T> but I was having fun at times :((
[02:48] <LjL> i never get to make them count from 1 to 3.
[02:48] <ardchoille> Pici: And we won't even have to try very hard
[02:50] <LjL> !caps | mneptok
[02:50] <ubotu> mneptok: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.
[02:50] <Tm_T> !coc | mneptok
[02:51] <ubotu> mneptok: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
[02:51] <mneptok> !hi > LjL
[02:52] <LjL> !bye is <reply> Bye! Hope you've enjoyed your time on $chan
[02:52] <ubotu> But bye already means something else!
[02:52] <LjL> shuddup
[02:52] <Tm_T> !bye
[02:52] <ubotu> Bye! Hope you've enjoyed your time on #ubuntu-ops
[03:06] <jdong> LjL: I think bye should also make sure the victim leaves ;-)
[03:06] <nalioth> jdong: my "bye-bye" does
[03:07] <LjL> !bye is =~ s/$/ - The door is that way, I can't be arsed banning you, really/
[03:07] <ubotu> I know nothing about bye is yet, LjL
[03:07] <LjL> !bye =~ s/$/ - The door is that way, I can't be arsed banning you, really/
[03:07] <ubotu> I'll remember that LjL
[03:07] <LjL> !bye | jdong
[03:07] <ubotu> jdong: Bye! Hope you've enjoyed your time on #ubuntu-ops - The door is that way, I can't be arsed banning you, really
[03:08] <Tm_T> hmmmm
[03:10] <Pici> hmm
[03:11] <ardchoille> hehe
[05:01] <Madpilot> hmm - should all three Floodbots be on & op'd at once in #u?
[05:04] <Tm_T> Madpilot: hmm, opped no IIRC
[05:10] <nalioth> Madpilot: that's common behaviour
[05:11] <nalioth> if they lose track of chanserv, they go into "split" mode and op up in the event that chanserv goes away totally and ops are needed by them
[05:12] <Madpilot> ah, OK
[07:31] <jussi01> ardchoille: whats your thoughts on richard balls in #k?
[07:32] <jussi01> hello Hobbsee
[07:32] <Hobbsee> hiya
[07:32] <jussi01> He isnt talking, just Im a bit wary when someones got: [09:26] *** Richard_Balls [n=Mantits@ew01.misawa.attmil.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu
[07:32] <elkbuntu> jussi01, please try get him to change his nick... it's usually amusing to watch the discussion on the linuxchix server when he goes to troll and show pics of women on toilets
[07:33] <jussi01> elkbuntu: the nick isnt so bad, its the n=Mantits@ew01.misawa.attmil.ne.jp
[07:33] <elkbuntu> he will maintain it's his real name, and start being an idiot
[07:33] <ardchoille> jussi01: He changed to that nick after I mentioned that his previous nick "mantits" was questionable.
[07:34] <ardchoille> he still has mantits in his ident??
[07:34] <ardchoille> I personally don
[07:34] <jussi01> ardchoille: sigh, ok Ill ask him to change
[07:34] <ardchoille> 't like the "mantits being publicly viewable, but
[07:34] <elkbuntu> ardchoille, he's a cross-server troll. he uses stupid nicks like that to get attention... feed him and he will show his true self
[07:35] <ardchoille> Well, I don't wanna feed him, but I don't wanna get into trouble for removing him either, since he hasn't caused the channel any trouble
[07:35] <ardchoille> jussi01: Good idea
[07:35] <jussi01> here we go... as elkbuntu predicted.
[07:36] <ardchoille> jussi01: How about asking him to change his ident?
[07:36] <elkbuntu> as i said, he visits the linuxchix server and posts random dirty links
[07:37] <ardchoille> That's not nice
[07:37] <elkbuntu> when you bring up the fact that his hostmask is military and remind him that the military has strict rules... he usually flees
[07:39] <ardchoille> Well, that's somewhat better
[07:39] <jussi01> yeah, did you pm?
[07:39] <ardchoille> yes
[07:39] <jussi01> sorry, I had to run for 1 sec
[07:39] <ardchoille> /msg Richard_Balls Could you please change your ident?
[07:40] <ardchoille> he complied without a word.
[07:40] <elkbuntu> ... now it's 'bill'
[07:40] <ardchoille> better than "mantits"
[07:40] <elkbuntu> i'm pretty sure bill is not short for 'richard'
[07:40] <jussi01> yeah, hmm. Im going to persist with the ick change
[07:40] <ardchoille> jussi01: Good idea
[07:40] <elkbuntu> jussi01, i'll take him on in #ubuntu in parallel
[07:43] <elkbuntu> he's ignoring me, it seems
[07:44] <jussi01> Im tempted to forward him here, if no action is taken.
[07:44] * elkbuntu wtf's at the quit message
[07:44] <jussi01> heh
[07:44] <ardchoille> what is CRIA?
[07:45] <elkbuntu> a baby alpaca
[07:45] <ardchoille> according to wp: Canadian Recording Industry Association
[07:46] <elkbuntu> ok, now add into that the fact that he's in a japanese military base... we have enough information to scare him good if we wanted to
[07:47] <ardchoille> aha
[07:47] <jussi01> hehe
[07:47] <ardchoille> elkbuntu: Im so glad you're here :)
[07:47] <jussi01> !opsnack | elkbuntu
[07:47] <ubotu> elkbuntu: Chocolate! And Peanuts!
[07:49] <jussi01> ardchoille: are you on the kubuntu list?
[07:49] <Tm_T> hi jussi01 and elkbuntu
[07:50] <jussi01> hi Tm_T
[07:51] <elkbuntu> ardchoille, oh, and misawa is an air base... so he's not just some wannabe
[07:51] <ardchoille> jussi01: Kubuntu mailing list?
[07:51] <Hobbsee> jussi01: what's wrong with it?
[07:51] <jussi01> Hobbsee: just getting ultra annoyed at the OT bible discussion...sigh...
[07:51] <ardchoille> jussi01: I'm not on any Kubuntu mailing lists, if that's what you meant. Should I be?
[07:52] <elkbuntu> tell them to take it to ichythux (or however the hell it's spelled) mailing lists, if it hasnt already been said
[07:52] <jussi01> ardchoille: depends, to me its like the forums on email...
[07:53] <ardchoille> jussi01: Hmm.. not a bad ide
[07:53] <ardchoille> a
[07:55] <jussi01> I just realised !night is kinda badly worded...
[07:56] <jussi01> elkbuntu: He is probably just ultra bored... :P
[07:56] <elkbuntu> jussi01, who?
[07:57] <jussi01> elkbuntu: Mr Balls
[07:58] <elkbuntu> doesnt matter
[08:02] <Hobbsee> jussi01: next time, whinge at me earlier please
[08:03] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ok. sure. why so?
[08:03] * Hobbsee has superpowers to that list
[08:03] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ahh, about that. ok.
[08:03] * jussi01 didnt know :) but does now :D
[08:04] <jussi01> Hobbsee: I was gonna whinge at the list, but didnt want to feed the troll.
[08:07] * Hobbsee sends the "this is the end" mail to the list
[08:08] <jussi01> :)
[08:08] <ardchoille> :)
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[08:09] * jussi01 waits for it to hit
[08:11] <no0tic> grr! It disconnects every single morning
[08:11] <Daviey> ^ What list was that?
[08:12] <Hobbsee> jussi01: i think it's moderated
[08:12] <Daviey> awww, kubuntu one :(
[08:14] <jussi01> Hobbsee: ah, ok.
[08:14] <Hobbsee> jussi01: hm, seems it isn't. just hasnt' hit the list yet
[08:14] <jussi01> no0tic: go look at the topic in the testing channel
[08:14] <jussi01> :)
[08:16] <Hobbsee> ugh. there's more!
[08:19] <Tm_T> mmmmmgh
[08:19] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: murr
[08:20] * Hobbsee blocks that too
[08:21] <Hobbsee> ugh
[08:21] * Hobbsee wonders about moderating this entire mailing list.
[08:21] <Hobbsee> it's so offtopic
[08:21] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: k-users?
[08:21] <Hobbsee> yea
[08:25] <Tm_T> hrrrr
[08:25] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: latest OT filtered out? can't see new ones
[08:26] <Hobbsee> Tm_T: i'll check again
[08:26] * Hobbsee only put the rule in recently
[08:26] <Tm_T> one reason more I don't spend time with mailinglists though
[08:26] <Hobbsee> nothing in the queue
[08:27] <Tm_T> hooray
[08:27] <Hobbsee> jussi01: can you write up something on mailing list ettiquite, send it to me, and i'll post it as a list admin, and we can just moderate anyone who decides to discuss it afterwards?
[08:27] <Hobbsee> this stuff is getting ridiculous :-\
[08:27] <jussi01> Hobbsee: sure.
[08:29] <Hobbsee> jussi01: thanks a lot
[08:31] <Hobbsee> Tm_T: interested in helping otu?
[08:31] <Hobbsee> i need people who actually read the ML
[08:38] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: hmm, I'm not used to ML stuff, nr prolly have much time in several weeks, but I would love to help
[08:40] <Hobbsee> Tm_T: list admin is very sweet.
[08:40] <Hobbsee> you dont have to go thru the web UI
[08:40] <Hobbsee> Tm_T: all you do is go thru, hit b (or f), then d or a.
[08:41] <Tm_T> roger, I will try to have some hour(s) weekly, but can't promise much currently
[08:41] <Tm_T> have to put my own life back to "normal track"
[08:41] <jussi01> Hobbsee: wha? (/me still uses web ui)
[08:42] <Hobbsee> jussi01: listadmin. it's your friend.
[10:50] <popey> 10:49:13 < ActionParsnip> i'm banned from #kubuntu so I thought I'd hover in here and help my fellow englishman
[10:50] <popey> why?
[10:50] <popey> just so I know
[10:52] <ardchoille> He used a public away message. I removed him from the channel. He re-entered the channel and used another public away message. This all hapened just after I mentioned !away to another user.
[10:52] <ardchoille> I banned him because it appeared he wasn't going to read or abide by the !guidelines
[10:54] <Daviey> @btlogin
[10:57] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[10:57] <ActionParsnip> I'd like to get my ban lifted from #kubuntu please
[10:58] <ardchoille> ActionParsnip: Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[10:59] <ActionParsnip> ardchoille, I now know how to go about being away ardchoille
[10:59] <PriceChild> ActionParsnip, you read that page very quickly!
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[10:59] <ActionParsnip> reading
[11:01] <ActionParsnip> done
[11:01] <ardchoille> ActionParsnip: Please explain why "/me is away" and "/me is back" are frowned upon.
[11:02] <ActionParsnip> ardchoille, loads of people doing it will scroll the page loads
[11:02] <ActionParsnip> confusing peeps
[11:02] <ardchoille> ActionParsnip: That is not an acceptable answer.
[11:03] <ActionParsnip> and its kinda pointless text as there are other peeps who can help
[11:04] <ardchoille> ActionParsnip: Would you like to resolve this issue and get the ban lifted?
[11:04] <ActionParsnip> and to quote the page. "no one gives a rats ass where you are at any given point in the day"
[11:04] <ActionParsnip> I'd love to
[11:04] <ardchoille> ActionParsnip: Please explain why "/me is away" and "/me is back" are frowned upon.
[11:05] <ActionParsnip> the chat is asynchronous and replies are not expected so everyone can be "in" the room but not chatting as they are afk
[11:06] <ActionParsnip> sending the text gets sent to all users in the room taking up bandwidth
=== no0tic__ is now known as no0tic
[11:07] <ActionParsnip> all in all its not cool
[11:07] <ardchoille> Right.. so now you know that those types of actions are frowned upon.
[11:07] <ActionParsnip> yes I understand
[11:08] <ardchoille> ActionParsnip: Your ban is lifted in #kubuntu, please adhere to the guidelines in the future.
[11:08] <Tm_T> ActionParsnip: oh, you!
[11:09] <ActionParsnip> can I just add that I didnt see the warning you gave or I wouldnt have typed "back". I'm just an old chatter used to using afk/back but if you guys dont like it i can abide
[11:09] <ActionParsnip> :D
[11:09] <ardchoille> ActionParsnip: Ok
[11:09] <ActionParsnip> Tm_T, huh?
[11:10] <Tm_T> ActionParsnip: happy to see you :) though didn't expect it to be this channel
[11:10] <ActionParsnip> Tm_T, yeah i used the afk/back and its not cool
[11:12] <Tm_T> Hobbsee <3
[11:13] <popey> right then, that was painful to watch
[11:13] <Daviey> very
[11:13] <popey> I'm not convinced you need to do the "dance monkey boy dance" on him ardchoille, treating him like a 3 year old
[11:13] <Daviey> https://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/bans.cgi?query=ActionParsnip&kicks=on&oldbans=on&bans=on&oldmutes=on&mutes=on
[11:15] <Hobbsee> heya
[11:15] <ardchoille> popey: I merely wanted to make sure he understand the reason for the ban so he doesn't get banned for it again.
[11:15] <Daviey> Hobbsee: goo' day
[11:15] <popey> you could possibly have achived that in a _slightly_ less patronising way though I suspect
[11:15] <Tm_T> hmm, agreed
[11:15] <Daviey> ardchoille: well you'll be banning me on day then.. if i'm in mid conversation with someone and i need to go.. i will /me afk
[11:16] <Tm_T> ardchoille: anyway, wellcome in to the fire ;)
[11:16] <ardchoille> Daviey: Interesting
[11:16] <ardchoille> Tm_T: :)
[11:17] <ardchoille> Daviey: Are you aware that, as an op, we are to set a positive role model and that intentinally violating the guidelines is not good for the image of an oper?
[11:17] <Daviey> ardchoille: and your behaviour ^ is?
[11:18] <ardchoille> Daviey: I was doing the best I know how to do with the tools I have while following the guidelines.
[11:18] <ardchoille> I'm sorry if that upset you
[11:18] <Daviey> but you failed to spot the offence of multiple lines as puncation just 10 lines above his /me is afk ?
[11:18] <Tm_T> ardchoille: heh, you did mostly fine, just less "rolling over" and you'll be perfect :)
[11:19] <ardchoille> Tm_T: Ah, ok
[11:19] <ardchoille> Daviey: When you go fishing, do you catch every fish in the lake/ocean?
[11:20] <Daviey> i normally catch none :)
[11:20] <Daviey> but i wouldn't beat the fish into submisson, i'd catch him and throw him back
[11:21] <ardchoille> Very well, "less rolling over", I'll try and remember that.
[11:22] <Tm_T> :)
[11:22] <Tm_T> ardchoille: nobody is perfect, though I could be close ;)
[11:22] <ardchoille> Thank you all for helping me become a better op, I do appreciate it :)
[11:22] <ardchoille> Tm_T: hehe
[11:23] * Hobbsee sends another email, and hopes it gest there
[11:24] <ardchoille> Hobbsee: The same ml issue?
[11:24] <Hobbsee> yeah
[11:24] <Hobbsee> the first one didn't
[11:25] <Hobbsee> i'm not sure why
[11:26] <Tm_T> mmmgh
[11:26] <Tm_T> should have been in town some hours ago already
[11:26] <Tm_T> baaaaaah
[11:26] * Tm_T is sooo stuck
[11:31] <Tm_T> metabot doesn't have cloak?!
[11:35] <Hobbsee> come on mailman. decide that i'm subscribed, and accept my maili please.
[11:35] <Tm_T> heh
[11:36] <Tm_T> Hobbsee: btw msg me if I'm need related to it
[11:36] <Tm_T> anyway, I'm now mostly off for today, see you children ->
[11:36] <Hobbsee> cya
[11:43] <Hobbsee> Daviey: please keep in mind that some people are still quite new at all this. however, ardchoille was too harsh, and recognises that.
[11:43] <Daviey> Hobbsee: Yeah, i see that
[11:44] * Hobbsee checks. Daviey is not staff?
[11:44] <Daviey> no
[11:45] <Hobbsee> hm, i thought you were. or a freenode helper. either way.
[11:45] <Hobbsee> Daviey: which channels do you have ops in?
[11:45] <Daviey> dunno :)
[11:45] <Daviey> suck it and see with /opme :)
[11:45] <Hobbsee> Daviey: ?
[11:46] <Daviey> a couple of times i've tried and failed
[11:46] <Hobbsee> Daviey: your nick is private. i can't tell.
[11:46] <Daviey> aww
[11:46] <Daviey> No i mean, i'm not sure exactly - if i see something i try and op
[11:46] <Hobbsee> look, you can be helpful, or i can pull your teeth out.
[11:47] <Daviey> #ubuntu-uk, #ubuntu-mythtv* i know for sure
[11:47] <Hobbsee> which channels do you have operator status on?
[11:47] <Hobbsee> you can tell yourself with /ns info Daviey
[11:47] <Daviey> awww
[11:49] <Daviey> Those two and associated sub channels only
[11:49] <Daviey> I thought it was more ;(
[12:22] <Hobbsee> Daviey: btw, /me --> afk is not the same as /nick Foo|afk && <pause> && /nick Foo
[12:23] <Hobbsee> or autoreplies
[12:23] <Hobbsee> ie /me is away: away. && <pause> && /me is back: Gone: 30 seconds
[12:23] <Pici> /me is away: Doing something that no one else cares about
[12:25] * Gary farts
[12:25] <Gary> sorry, could not resist
[12:26] <Hobbsee> Pici: yeah, that.
[12:28] <Daviey> Hobbsee: yeah, i realise that.. the chap did "/me is afk" (during mid discussion with someone) not nick change
[12:28] <Hobbsee> right, so it was a wrong call
[12:31] * ikonia hates pointless use of the "/me" command in#ubuntu
=== EpBFGggG is now known as LjL
[14:22] <LjL> Ubotwo`: nick Ubotwo`
[14:22] <LjL> Ubotwo`: nick Ubotwo
[14:22] <LjL> Ubotwo`: nick Ubotwo
=== Ubotwo` is now known as Ubotwo
[14:51] <LjL> i love it when i see my channel list shrinking and can't precisely understand why
[14:56] <Hobbsee> Gary: because you're a gazzak. simple.
[14:57] <Gary> I love you too Hobbsee
[14:57] <Hobbsee> Gary: i know you do. too bad for you though - you can't have me.
[14:58] <LjL> i'm sure he's desperate.
[14:58] <Gary> not in that way, eeew girls, cooties :-D
[15:20] <LjL> when i join channels like ##php i wonder how they can have more users than most distributions' support channels
[15:21] <ikonia> gazzak, isn't that the cardcian taylor off deep space 9 ?
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[15:50] <ikonia> why is .ch addresses one of the most common trouble maker addresses ?
[15:50] <ikonia> spoofing or just rebelion against censorship ?
[15:50] <LjL> actually i never noticed that
[15:51] <ikonia> a good percentage seems to be .ch
[15:51] <ikonia> maybe just my perception
[16:07] <unagi> i was wondering what time today my ban would be lifted
[16:08] <LjL> unagi, "come back tomorrow" doesn't mean your ban gets lifted, it means we talk about it. i wasn't there, so i think i'll leave this one to the ops who were
[16:09] <unagi> i was informed by seveas to chill out for a day
[16:11] <unagi> my impression was that it was a 24 hour ban
[16:12] <LjL> unagi: well talk to seveas
[16:14] <jpatrick> vorian: pardon?
[16:15] <vorian> jpatrick: oh nothing :)
[16:15] <jpatrick> ah ok
[16:18] <Seveas> and those 24 hours haven't passed yet :)
[16:18] <Seveas> I know for sure since I banned you from home and I'm currently at work
[16:18] <Seveas> going home now, talk to you in a few hours
[16:56] <ubotu> In ubotu, nicoleamychung said: which is the right one for linux http://www.amule.org/files/download.php?file=161
[17:04] <profanephobia> can i get help for a sec?
=== profanephobia is now known as flukierdonut
[17:06] <jpatrick> flukierdonut: what's up?
[17:07] <flukierdonut> jpatrick: for some reason i cant send to #ubuntu-offtopic... just noticed it but i dont know how long its been this way... just thought i was being ignored :)
[17:08] <jpatrick> flukierdonut: maybe you've been muted by someone..
[17:10] <jpatrick> and I can't view the bantracker right now.
[17:10] <flukierdonut> oh ok
[17:12] <jpatrick> flukierdonut: I do not have the ops in #u-ot nor know why you were banned, so I suggest staying here till someone who does comes
[17:12] <flukierdonut> alrighty thanks
[17:13] <nalioth> flukierdonut: you are not gonna be unbanned
[17:13] <nalioth> evading bans is not nice at all
[17:13] <flukierdonut> what?
[17:13] <nalioth> flukierdonut: changing your nick to evade a ban is not acceptable
[17:13] <flukierdonut> i havent done anything though
[17:14] <flukierdonut> i didnt even know i was muted till a second ago
[17:15] <flukierdonut> nalioth: well can you explain why i was banned then? because it seems im the only one that doesnt know
[17:17] <nalioth> flukierdonut: i was about to remove it, but i saw you evaded :(
[17:17] <nalioth> it'll be removed in accordance with the policies
[17:21] <flukierdonut> nalioth: but i dont know why i was banned in the first place
[17:22] <flukierdonut> nalioth: i would like an explanation please
[17:23] <nalioth> flukierdonut: the bantracker has no reason given.
[17:25] <flukierdonut> see i dont either
[17:26] <flukierdonut> but now that i see how this community treats its users, im ashamed to be a part of it
[17:28] <nalioth> flukierdonut: it was something you said, since it was a "mute"
[17:29] <flukierdonut> nalioth: thing is, i dont recall saying anything offensive. but thats cool i believe in guilty until proven innocent too
[17:29] <nalioth> let's look at this: if you are given a court order to stay away from some place, and you go to the place anyway, and tell the police there a different name, are you obeying the rules?
[17:29] <ikonia> nalioth: pm please for a moment ?
[17:29] <nalioth> ikonia: of course
[17:30] <flukierdonut> nalioth: and lets look at it this way.. if you didnt even know there was a restraining order in place has the system done its job correctly? i think not
[17:32] <nalioth> flukierdonut: do you think the cops at the place you were barred from would let you stay, upon finding out who you really were?
[17:33] <flukierdonut> nalioth: ok heres the thing.. 1) i didnt know i was muted 2) i changed my nick not because i thought i was being clever but because i didnt know what the problem was 30 your blowing this out of proportion because ive done nothing wrong
[17:34] <nalioth> flukierdonut: you were banned for some reason. we don't just randomly ban folks
[17:35] <flukierdonut> nalioth: ok i call bull on that... look back at the ubuntu-offtopic logs.. sometimes ops kick/ban for fun or a joke
[17:35] <flukierdonut> nalioth: usually lifted right after but it happens
[17:36] <flukierdonut> but yeah theres no evidence towards my guilt so i must be guilty... cause thats how things work
[17:37] <nalioth> flukierdonut: you appear in the ban tracker
[17:37] <nalioth> flukierdonut: until the banning op shows up, this is how it is.
[17:37] <flukierdonut> nalioth: ok so who does it show banned me?
[17:39] <flukierdonut> Seveas: remember that little kick-fest that was going on the other day.. any chance you muted me and forgot to lift it?
[18:04] <Seveas> flukierdonut, where?
[18:05] <Seveas> heh, you're profanephobia :)
[18:05] <Seveas> yeah, might have forgotten
[18:05] <Seveas> fixed
[18:09] <ikonia> would it be appropriate to ask a user called "init6" to change his nick, glancing at the channel it can look like "init6 or init 6" is a command to be excuted to fix things ?
[18:10] <Seveas> ikonia, neh
[18:10] <Seveas> ikonia, if a user calls himself reboot, that's fine :)
[18:10] <Pici> /nick sudorrmrf
[18:10] <ikonia> fine, just checking
[18:10] <nalioth> also let's not forget "sudosu"
[18:10] <Seveas> sudosu was a troll
[18:11] <nalioth> yes, he is.
[18:11] <Pici> s/was/is/
[18:11] <Seveas> nickname has not much to do with that, but it's a fitting trollish nick
[18:11] <ikonia> I'm just being cuatious
[18:11] <ikonia> cautious
[18:11] <Pici> No harm in that :)
[18:15] <Seveas> I'm going to unban unagi and riotkittie. If the end up fighting again, the ban will be for longer
[18:15] <Seveas> (that's in -offtopic)
[18:15] <Pici> Roger that.
[18:15] <Seveas> and I'm keeping an eye on it tonight if possible
[18:17] <flukierdonut> Seveas: ok thank you i appreciate it
[18:18] <ikonia> riotkitte is normally nice
[18:18] <Seveas> he is, but he's getting on unagis tits
[18:18] <Seveas> though that's mostly unagi unable to restrain himself
[18:21] <mc44> Seveas: also, he's a she :P
[18:21] <Pici> And we believe her.
[18:21] <Seveas> this is teh internets, gender is always unknown :)
[18:21] * ikonia is a sexual
[18:21] <Pici> a sexual. or asexual?
[18:22] <ompaul> ohh dear
[18:22] <ompaul> Seveas, you should say the ... how many thymes do I have to tell ya ;-)
[18:22] <Seveas> ompaul, dill boy :p
[18:23] * ompaul sees Seveas's dill boy, and raises him two scott adams and a dilbert
[18:23] <TheSheep> somebody mentioned sex?
[18:23] <nalioth> not with you, TheSheep
[18:23] <Seveas> no bestiality
[18:23] <jussi01> did your red flasher go off TheSheep ??
[18:23] <ompaul> $red
[18:23] <ikonia> ompaul: I need to catch up with you later
[18:23] <ompaul> need to
[18:23] <ompaul> ikonia, you better nab me now
[18:24] <ikonia> ompaul: can't I'm about to go home
[18:24] <ikonia> well, would like to
[18:24] <ompaul> ahhh
[18:24] * TheSheep goes to stand in the corner
[18:24] <jussi01> Is anyone here on the Kubuntu users list?
[18:24] <ompaul> I am going out for dinner
[18:24] <ompaul> or so I believe at this stage
[18:24] <ikonia> ahhh I'll grab you tommorow
[18:24] <ikonia> :(
[18:24] <ompaul> ikonia, ping me and see what happens
[18:24] <ikonia> ok
[18:25] <ompaul> I may be back before midnight (more than likely given the people involved)
[18:25] <jussi01> ompaul: mother in law? :P
[18:26] <ikonia> ha ha
[18:26] <ompaul> jussi01, no, brother in law and sister in law with spouses
[18:26] <ompaul> and missus
[18:26] <Pici> mooses?
[18:27] * ompaul werks the kraft while waiting on the peoples decisions if kiddies are cared for and stuff
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
[18:28] <jussi01> hello PriceChild
[18:28] <ompaul> Pici, no mooses please the sheep is watching btw see icanhascheezburger and the big food one http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/funny-pictures-cat-deer-glass-door.jpg if you can laughs
[18:29] <Pici> http://icanhascheezburger.com/2007/11/21/the-we-started-kissing-like-this/
[18:30] <ompaul> ratz
[18:30] <PriceChild> Hey jussi01
[18:33] <PriceChild> LjL, <lod____> just pasting in ubuntu.... with *four* second intervals. :P
[18:34] <Pici> LjL: the floodbots did the !paste, but I kicked him before they did anything else.
[18:35] <PriceChild> ah i didn't see them doing anything
[18:35] <PriceChild> I *don't* expect them to do anything either on someone pasting that slowly.
[18:35] <nalioth> http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/funny-pictures-brave-chicken-kfc.jpg
[18:38] <ompaul> ikonia, I will be going out for about 8:15 pm
[18:38] <ompaul> :)
[18:38] <ikonia> I'm leaving now, so I'll try to catch you before you go
[18:54] <LjL> well PriceChild, what can i do... if i change the bot to 4 seconds interval, we'll eventually meet someone whose client throttles with 5 seconds intervals.
[18:54] <LjL> or some troll who does it on purpose.
[18:54] <PriceChild> LjL, see the next line :)
[18:54] <LjL> and the longer the interval, the higher the chances to catch innocents
[18:54] <PriceChild> wait no, the line after that
[18:54] <PriceChild> indeed
[18:55] <LjL> PriceChild: the bots are actually subtler than "3 seconds intervals". it's three seconds for the first two lines, then it increases
[18:55] <LjL> still, they must be "triggered" by two lines at 3 sec distance
[18:56] <Pici> LjL: It was triggered, but I kicked also, so theres a chance that it might have muted had I not done anything.
[18:57] <LjL> Pici: yes, it would have. the first two lines were at *two* seconds distance
[18:57] <Pici> I'm too impatient.
[19:24] <jpatrick> *crap*
[19:27] * nalioth points to the bathroom
[19:27] * jpatrick was refering to danroj
[19:29] <Pici> unagi: Can we help you?
[19:29] <unagi> just waiting on seveas
[19:30] <Pici> unagi: you're ban in #ubuntu-offtopic was lifted
[19:30] <Pici> s/you're/your/
[19:30] <unagi> oh well thank you i wasnt sure, my internet will inadvertently jump around ips =/
[19:31] <Pici> unagi: well, let us know if you can't join.
[19:31] <unagi> have a great day
[19:59] <jussi01> hrmph, cant get listadmin to work for me...
[20:19] * jpatrick points at #ubuntu-devel
[20:19] <jpatrick> since I don't have the ops there
[20:20] <jpatrick> or, it could just be some other random guy
[20:22] <jpatrick> http://dnausers.d-n-a.net/dnetGOjg/020885.htm <- wth?
[20:22] <jpatrick> nm
[20:22] <Pici> A mis-paste I believe.
[20:55] <Mez> !ping
[20:55] <ubotu> ping: unknown host
[20:55] <Mez> aha...
[20:55] <Mez> laggy
[20:56] <PriceChild> you're laggy?
[20:56] <Mez> am not now it seems
[20:56] <Mez> most annoying thing EVER just happened to me
[20:56] <PriceChild> Mez, wrong channel?
[20:56] <PriceChild> s3v, hey there. How can I help?
[20:56] <Mez> nope... not really... just rambling
[20:56] <s3v> +PriceChild : i would like to request a cloak? :)
[20:57] <PriceChild> s3v, could I have your launchpad url please.
[20:57] <PriceChild> Also have you linked a secondary nickname to this, and set an email?
[20:58] <s3v> see private msg
[20:58] <PriceChild> s3v, an ubuntu/member cloak?
[20:58] <s3v> that would be nice
[20:59] <s3v> secondary nick & email set too
[20:59] <PriceChild> s3v, I'm afraid ubuntu/member cloaks are only for recognised Ubuntu Members, approved by the Community Council or a Council they have approved.
[20:59] <Seeker`> @btlogin
[20:59] <PriceChild> !member | s3v
[20:59] <ubotu> s3v: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember
[20:59] <s3v> ok thanks i will look further into it :)
[20:59] <PriceChild> s3v, if you want, you could have an "unaffiliated/s3v" cloak?
[21:00] <s3v> ok
[21:00] <PriceChild> is that a yes? :)
[21:00] <s3v> yes :)
[21:01] <PriceChild> nalioth, s3v would like an unaffiliated cloak please.
[21:16] <Gary> PriceChild, nalioth is marked as away, want me to do it?
[21:16] <PriceChild> please :)
[21:16] <PriceChild> wasn't away when i asked
[21:17] <Gary> they you go s3v
[21:17] <s3v> ah thank you!
[21:18] <s3v> thanks for beeing here & goodnight ;)
[21:36] * PriceChild headdesks
[21:36] <Seeker`> PriceChild: whats wrong?
[21:38] <LjL> poor desk
[21:38] <PriceChild> nano__ and azexian
[22:20] <jussi01> @btlogin
[22:22] <PriceChild> Jack_Sparrow, spammer on pm?
[22:23] <Jack_Sparrow> Yes
[22:23] <Jack_Sparrow> [14:18] [Notice] -Noelia_- Hello, Do you want to play with me?1º-let’s go to http://lordserer.blogspot.com/ 2º- click in the right square3º- returns to the page and in the bar from google that sideswrite singles in australia4º- Goes to singles5º- Search my photos}
[22:23] <PriceChild> Gary, ^
[22:23] <Gary> what channel?
[22:23] <Jack_Sparrow> Ubuntu
[22:24] <Gary> automated on join?
[22:24] <Gary> ie would a /cycle do it?
[22:24] <Jack_Sparrow> PriceChild: Was that incorrect for me to do?
[22:25] <PriceChild> Jack_Sparrow, not really. talk to gary :)
[22:25] <Jack_Sparrow> Gary: What should be done with those?
[22:26] <Gary> tell me or nalioth what is happening and when, and we can investigate
[22:26] <jussi01> JimmyDee joined #ubuntu about 5 mins ago...
[22:26] <Jack_Sparrow> np.. what all are you looking for?
[22:27] <Pici> Gary: What are we telling you that I may have missed while I was disconnected?
[22:27] <Pici> jussi01: is he supposed to be banned?
[22:27] <Gary> Pici, a pm spammer in #ubuntu, I think
[22:27] <Pici> Ah.
[22:27] <jussi01> Pici: no, just he has about 10 bans in -offtopic, so worth watching...
[22:27] <LjL> yes, ban, spammed #ubuntu-fr as well
[22:28] <LjL> noelia_ that is
[22:35] <nalioth> LjL: confirmed?
[22:39] <nalioth> Jack_Sparrow: usually an onjoin spammer gets klined (as it is usually one of the regular bots)
[22:51] <Jack_Sparrow> Thanks for letting me know.. Still new to all of this and how hard to push etc.
[22:53] <LjL> nalioth, confirmed in -fr, i didn't actually see what he/she/it did in #ubuntu, i guess it was PM. in -fr he/she/it pasted:
[22:54] <LjL> [Tue Jan 22 2008] [22:02:19] Join Noelia_ has joined this channel (n=Noelia@254.pool85-50-99.dynamic.orange.es). <Noelia_> Hello, <Noelia_> Want to play with me? <Noelia_> 1 - http // lordserer.blogspot.com <Noelia_> 2 - click on the right square <Noelia_> 3 - returns to the page and the bar that really google <Noelia_> Pon casadasbcn <Noelia_> 4 - Go to Women seeking men <Noelia_> 5 - Find my photos there [Tue Jan 22 2008] [22:02:44] Part
[22:54] <LjL> Noelia_ has left this channel.
[22:57] <JensNDS> hi
[22:58] <Pici> JensNDS: Hello, how can we help you today?
[22:58] <JensNDS> my girlfriend mag_mor was banned in ubuntu. but why?
[22:58] <JensNDS> yes
[22:58] <Pici> One moment, let me check our logs.
[22:58] <JensNDS> Pici: mag_mor on freenode
[23:00] <Pici> JensNDS: I see a mute, but it was removed a few minutes later.
[23:00] <Pici> She was pasting (probably accidentally) her log of the channel to the channel.
[23:01] <Pici> JensNDS: Can she still not get into the channel?
[23:01] <JensNDS> well...i don't know
[23:01] <JensNDS> one moment please
[23:02] <JensNDS> * Kann #ubuntu nicht betreten (Du bist gebannt) translated: can't join #ubuntu you 're banned
[23:03] <Pici> JensNDS: Let me check something else, hold on
[23:03] <JensNDS> ok
[23:03] <PriceChild> Pici, there is a ban active
[23:03] <PriceChild> noticing it to you now
[23:04] * Pici checks
[23:04] <PriceChild> Its not on the bantracker
[23:04] <Pici> arg.
[23:04] * PriceChild looks at age the old fashioned way
[23:05] <PriceChild> gah server i'm on has had a split and can't see it
[23:05] <JensNDS> very thank for your help :)
[23:05] <JensNDS> thanks
[23:07] <PriceChild> wonder if irclogs. filters out bans
[23:07] <JensNDS> :)
[23:08] <Pici> PriceChild: I see it in my logs, but I'm not sure what it was about..
[23:08] <PriceChild> Nothing in my logs.
[23:08] <PriceChild> pastebin?
[23:08] <JensNDS> she told me he was very quitly in the channel :)
[23:08] <JensNDS> she
[23:10] <Pici> PriceChild: see notice
[23:11] <JensNDS> ok, ok mag_mor now here in the channel...
[23:12] <JensNDS> bye
[23:12] <PriceChild> Pici, can't remember what channel i was in, again please?
[23:13] <PriceChild> Pici, quit message
[23:13] <Pici> PriceChild: I dont speak german and google translate wasnt much help
[23:13] <PriceChild> two people same message
[23:14] <PriceChild> "pisspott" gives it away
[23:14] <Pici> "If a Piss Pot to a bread basket, it starts to stink."
[23:14] * Pici ??
[23:14] <PriceChild> I assume that was the reason for it.
[23:15] <Pici> ompaul: around?
[23:19] <mag_mor> it is a german saying and means, if someone tries to play something better, than he is, it starts to smell
[23:33] <LetsGo67> I have been unrightfully banned.
[23:34] <LetsGo67> For discussing an open source technology for Ubuntu.
[23:34] <LetsGo67> PriceChild claims it is offtopic, it is not.
[23:34] <PriceChild> LetsGo67, what is "ontopic" for #ubuntu?
[23:34] <ompaul> Pici, I am
[23:34] <ompaul> now
[23:34] <ompaul> was missing for hours
[23:35] <PriceChild> LetsGo67, How did you know about this channel so quickly?
[23:35] <LetsGo67> PriceChild: Adobe Flash install is currently broken, see « /msg ubotu flash
[23:35] <LetsGo67> Does that answer your question?
[23:35] <PriceChild> LetsGo67, answer my questino please
[23:35] <PriceChild> no
[23:35] <nalioth> LetsGo67: #ubuntu is a support channel. Last I looked, Ubuntu did not ship with microsoft products
[23:35] <LetsGo67> PriceChild, it's called I use Ubuntu.
[23:36] <PriceChild> LetsGo67, if you don't know what "ontopic" is, you don't know what "offtopic" is.
[23:36] <nalioth> LetsGo67: you are more than welcome to discuss SilverLight in #ubuntu-offtopic (that's what it's there for), but #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support.
[23:36] <LetsGo67> Nalioth: last I checked, Moonlight was not developed or sponsored by Microsoft.
[23:36] <nalioth> LetsGo67: the point is: does it ship with Ubuntu ?
[23:37] <LetsGo67> Y-E-S.
[23:37] <ompaul> LetsGo67, you endeavored to have a discussion in #ubuntu - guess what -- That is not what it is there for
[23:37] <LetsGo67> !moonlight
[23:37] <ompaul> It is there for a specific purpose and discussion is not it
[23:37] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about moonlight - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[23:38] <LetsGo67> I wanted to know if Moonlight was any better than Adobe Flash 9.
[23:38] <ompaul> !info moonlight
[23:38] <ubotu> Package moonlight does not exist in gutsy
[23:38] <ompaul> so therefore it is not in a supported package
[23:38] <nalioth> LetsGo67: that is a question for #ubuntu-offtopic
[23:38] <ompaul> so therefore it is offtopic at this time
[23:39] <LetsGo67> Moonlight is a relatively new technology, Ubuntu takes forever to upgrade its packages.
[23:39] <LetsGo67> Glad to see an LTS coming. Hopefully, they'll include Novell Moonlight.
[23:39] <stdin> that's not the point however
[23:39] <PriceChild> LetsGo67, you do not understand how ubuntu works "takes forever to upgrade packages"
[23:39] <PriceChild> you don't understand how #ubuntu works
[23:39] <PriceChild> !guidelines > LetsGo67
[23:39] <PriceChild> Read the message from ubotu and come back in a few days please.
[23:41] <ompaul> super kirby artist?
[23:41] <ompaul> got all the hall marks
[23:41] <ompaul> Pici, you called?
[23:41] <ompaul> Pici, I am going to head to the land of the sleepy
[23:41] * Gary joins ompaul
[23:41] <Gary> erm
[23:42] <ubotu> Paladine called the ops in #ubuntuforums ()
[23:45] <ompaul> ohh
[23:47] <Gary> umm, dunno if I like that op on ops call of jdong's
[23:49] <ompaul> Gary, who knows
[23:49] <Gary> I deopped him
[23:50] <Gary> Pricey is there, and he'd only get hassle being opped
[23:51] <PriceChild> mhmm
[23:51] <stdin> nalioth, Gary: just has some "adult" spam in #kubuntu
[23:52] <Gary> damn, I missed it :'(
[23:52] <stdin> [23:49] <Exotics2> Hi all... Here is a free adult forum for you ::: http://exotics.heavenforum.com --- EXOTICS ADULT FORUM FOR YOU ! FREE MEMBERSHIP ! SHARE AND BE A MEMBER ! Thank you !.......
[23:52] <nalioth> klined
[23:52] <nalioth> stdin: no need
[23:52] <Gary> stdin, if it starts being mutli channel, nalioth is the... ahh :p
[23:52] <stdin> nalioth: wasn't sure if you were around, thanks
[23:53] <PriceChild> So spam like that needs to be multi-channel before action?
[23:53] <nalioth> PriceChild: at a certain level yes.
[23:53] <nalioth> PriceChild: but if we recognize it, no
[23:53] <PriceChild> ah ok
[23:53] <ompaul> Pici, you called
[23:53] <nalioth> we try to talk to the spammers with a new MO, PriceChild
[23:53] <nalioth> "try" being the key word
[23:54] <PriceChild> I can understand the whole "spamming against the group/channel, rather than network"
[23:54] <PriceChild> MO?
[23:54] <nalioth> modus operandi
[23:54] <PriceChild> thanks
[23:56] <ompaul> method of operation :-)
[23:56] <ompaul> modality ....
[23:58] <LjL> mo-mo-mo' spam!
[23:59] <ompaul> some lateral thinking, modal, vi is a modal editor, ed the first two letters of a guys name who may also share a name with an editor called ed, e being the first of those two letters, we get to emacs, from where we get to lisp machine, we get man machine, we get robots, we get spam thanks for breaking my train of thought LjL ;-)
[23:59] * ompaul forces LjL to drink a glass of water